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Report: #359175

Complaint Review: Whispering Wind Productions - Matthew McClintock - Read, Care, And Share - Belgrade Montana

  • Submitted:
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  • Reported By: Belgrade Montana
  • Author Confirmed What's this?
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  • Whispering Wind Productions - Matthew McClintock - Read, Care, And Share 8707 N Jackrabbit Suite B Belgrade, Montana U.S.A.
  • Phone: 406-600-5936
  • Web:
  • Category: Tutoring

Whispering Wind Productions - Matthew McClintock - Read Care And Share Fraudlent Convict Sells His "Reading Program" Belgrade Montana

*Author of original report: Michael Willis - Matthew McClintock in jail

*Author of original report: Just a little update on the anniversary of my discovery

*Author of original report: Just a little update on the anniversary of my discovery

*Author of original report: Just a little update on the anniversary of my discovery

*Author of original report: New information about Michael Willis

*Consumer Suggestion: Stay away from this guy!

*Consumer Suggestion: Stay away from this guy!

*Consumer Suggestion: Stay away from this guy!

*Consumer Suggestion: Stay away from this guy!

*Author of original report: Whispering Wind Productions/Matthew/Michael McClintock/Jacob Rowes (Rose)/liar and criminal extraordinaire

*Author of original report: Michael McClintock/Matthew McClintock/Jacob Rose (Rowes)/Cody Willis/Cody Justin finally got himself on television--not so flattering:-)

*UPDATE EX-employee responds: The plot thickens--Stage Gulch in Havre, Callie Creek in Dillon, Virginia City--Montanans BEWARE!!! Matthew McClintock/Jason Rowes is a criminal


*Author of original report: Matthew Cody McClintock/Cody Willis/Cody Justin/Mark McCombs/Mike O'Dell/ Whispering Wind Productions--where have you gone???

*Author of original report: Get your behind to the bank and get my money--Matthew MClintock/Cody Willis/ the lying scum bag


*Consumer Comment: This seemed really crazy at first . . .

*Author of original report: Matthew Cody McClintock/Cody Willis/Matthew Justin/Mark McCombs will you ever answer for your crimes???


*Author of original report: Matthew McClintock Matthew Justin Mark McCombs Cody Willis Elizabeth Jason and Karen Judy--wow, who are you really??

*Author of original report: Matthew McClintock Matthew Justin Mark McCombs Cody Willis Elizabeth Jason and Karen Judy--wow, who are you really??

*Author of original report: Matthew McClintock Matthew Justin Mark McCombs Cody Willis Elizabeth Jason and Karen Judy--wow, who are you really??


*Author of original report: Will the lies ever end, Mattie? Madison County/Gallatin County/Matthew Justin McClintock/Cody Willis/Mark O'Dell


*Author of original report: Matthew Cody McClintock lies again!

*Author of original report: Will the lies ever end, Mattie? Madison County/Gallatin County/Matthew Justin McClintock/Cody Willis/Mark O'Dell







*Author of original report: Matthew--creepy freak taking pictures of women's behinds!! McClintock/Justin/Cody Willis/Mark McCombs

*Author of original report: Matthew--creepy freak taking pictures of women's behinds!! McClintock/Justin/Cody Willis/Mark McCombs

*Author of original report: Matthew--creepy freak taking pictures of women's behinds!! McClintock/Justin/Cody Willis/Mark McCombs

*Author of original report: Matthew--creepy freak taking pictures of women's behinds!! McClintock/Justin/Cody Willis/Mark McCombs






















*Consumer Suggestion: You're right Kristin, in a civil case a trial date is set within one month.






*Consumer Suggestion: What is Whispering Winds attorneys name and number? I'd like to call



*Consumer Suggestion: If Mathew was legit he'd just pay Kristen





*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Your recent responses are amazingly lame--Matthew McClintock/Cody Willis/Matthew Justin/Mark McCombs





*Author of original report: Matthew McClintock/Matthew Justin/Cody Willis/Whispering Wind Production/Mark McCombs and the lies continue....

*Author of original report: Matthew McClintock/Matthew Justin/Cody Willis/Whispering Wind Production/Mark McCombs and the lies continue....

*Author of original report: Matthew McClintock/Matthew Justin/Cody Willis/Whispering Wind Production/Mark McCombs and the lies continue....

*Author of original report: Matthew McClintock/Matthew Justin/Cody Willis/Whispering Wind Production/Mark McCombs and the lies continue....


*Author of original report: Come on Matthew McClintock/Justin/Cody Willis/Mark McCombs--could you just answer a single question (and learn to read)





*Author of original report: Is that all you've got? You are such a coward Matthew McClintock/Matthew Justin/Mark McCombs/Cody Willis/ criminal/conman/McAllister Montana Madison

*UPDATE Employee: READERS / Kristin Cox "She has demonstrated and confirmes our position for us."

*Author of original report: This didn't post yesterday and I didn't want Matthew McClintock/Cody Willis/Mark McCombs/Elizabeth/Jason and Karen to think I forgot about them

*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Got answers?? Ever?? Matthew/Elizabeth/Jason/Karen/McClintock/Cody Willis/Matthew Justin/Mark McCombs/Madison County/McAllister Montana

*UPDATE Employee: Kristin Cox FRAUD LIER / Your continuing actions are nothing short of kicking a child in the face.

*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Mattie, Mattie, Mattie, How do you come up with this drivel?


*Author of original report: LMAO--the lies and threats of criminal Matthew McClintock/Matthew Justin/Mark McCombs


*Author of original report: Matthew proves his idiocy yet again--Matthew Justin/McClintock/Cody Willis/ Mark McCombs/whomever you are today.


*Author of original report: you got bad legal advice Matthew McClintock/Willis/Justin/McCombs/whomever...

*Author of original report: Just pay me already Whispering Wind Production/Matthew Justin/ McClintock/Cody Willis/ Mark McCombs/Judy Johnson


*Author of original report: Wow! when will you tell the truth?

*UPDATE Employee: READERS / CAUTION Per KRISTEN K. COX / Pending litigation Gallatin County, Montana

*Author of original report: Matthew, Matthew, Matthew oh the tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive

*Author of original report: What are you talking about Matthew McClintock

*Author of original report: What are you talking about Matthew McClintock

*Author of original report: What are you talking about Matthew McClintock

*Author of original report: What are you talking about Matthew McClintock


*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Look who is back--its Matthew Justin/MarkMcCombs/McClintock


*Author of original report: New Alias Alert--> Matthew Justin and Mark McCombs is in Madison County

*Author of original report: Matthew McClintock/Whispering Wind Productions OWES ME $1035

*Author of original report: Broken Creek Ranch, Cody Willis/McClintock, Matthew McClintock, Whispering Wind Production

*Author of original report: Matthew McClintock/Michael O'Dell/Whispering Wind Productions has left the building

*Author of original report: Matthew McClintock/Michael O'Dell/Whispering Wind Productions has left the building

*Author of original report: Matthew McClintock--Michael O'Dell--Michael Willis--Beware Manhattan, Three Forks, Four Corners, Gallatin Gateway--he is branching out!!

*Author of original report: Matthew McClintock--Michael O'Dell--Michael Willis--Beware Manhattan, Three Forks, Four Corners, Gallatin Gateway--he is branching out!!

*Author of original report: Matthew McClintock--Michael O'Dell--Michael Willis--Beware Manhattan, Three Forks, Four Corners, Gallatin Gateway--he is branching out!!

*Author of original report: Matthew McClintock--Michael O'Dell--Michael Willis--Beware Manhattan, Three Forks, Four Corners, Gallatin Gateway--he is branching out!!

*Author of original report: Matthew McClintock--wanted in how many states

*Consumer Comment: Tried to sign up for free tutoring

*Consumer Comment: Matthew McClintock--a convicted criminal running a tutoring service??

*Consumer Comment: Check the Public Records

*Author of original report: The many personalities of Matthew Cody McClintock--a man with arrest records in TN, OK, MT, and ...

*Consumer Suggestion: RipOff

*Author of original report: Matthew Cody McClintock--how many states have you been arrested in? Lets count--#1 Oklahoma, #2 Tennessee, #3 Montana--anymore'

*Consumer Comment: Check McClintocks records in Oklahoma

*Author of original report: Matthew and his many personalities

*Consumer Comment: MOTIVE

*Consumer Suggestion: Ms. Cox & Friend: Two peas in a ........

*Author of original report: To the new friend

*Author of original report: To the new friend

*Author of original report: To the new friend

*Author of original report: To the new friend

*Consumer Comment: Took my kids pics and won't give them back

*Consumer Comment: Beware who we point the finger at!

*Consumer Comment: Hopefully a Lesson Learned

*Author of original report: MATTHEW LIES AGAIN

*Author of original report: Matthew, the lies keep coming

*Author of original report: WHERE IS THE PROOF--WHERE IS MY TIMESHEET

*Author of original report: WHERE IS THE PROOF--WHERE IS MY TIMESHEET

*UPDATE EX-employee responds: KRISTEN COX LIER / FRAUD

*Consumer Comment: Concerned mother:

*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Kristen Cox / Fraudulant Report

*Author of original report: Hateful lies and accusations from Matthew McClintock Micheal O'Dell Michael Willis Watch out Oklahoma in case he heads back

*Author of original report: SEND ME MY TIMESHEET

*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Kristen Cox / Stating wrong facts

*UPDATE EX-employee responds: KRISTEN COX / FRAUD & LIER

*UPDATE EX-employee responds: KRISTEN COX / FRAUD & LIER

*UPDATE EX-employee responds: KRISTEN COX / FRAUD & LIER

*UPDATE EX-employee responds: KRISTEN COX / FRAUD & LIER

*Author of original report: Judy Johnson--"EX--EMPLOYEE???" whispering wind productions, read, care, and share, Belgrade Montana Bozeman Montana Gallatin Valley

*Author of original report: Today's update

*Author of original report: Today's update

*Author of original report: Today's update

*Author of original report: Today's update

*Author of original report: Response to rebuttal

*UPDATE EX-employee responds: KRISTEN COX FRAUD & LIER

*UPDATE EX-employee responds: KRISTEN COX FRAUD & LIER

*UPDATE EX-employee responds: KRISTEN COX FRAUD & LIER

*UPDATE EX-employee responds: KRISTEN COX FRAUD & LIER

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This man claims to be a documentary filmmaker who accidentally started a free tutoring program. I worked for him for a short time, during which I found out he is a convicted felon (check out his lovely mug shot on the Oklahoma Deparment of Corrections website).

Here's the story he sells people--he meet a girl on an airplane on his way back from Disneyland (read, on his trip to Montana from the OK pen) and she couldn't go to college because she reads on a 7th (or 8th grade depending on the day he tells the story) grade level. This led him to produce commercials about reading to your kids--just guess who the main star is??? Anyway, the commercials led to parents calling him to find tutors for their kids because they got his website ( off the commercials. Then he referred them to Sylvan and they called back because they could not afford it. Or, he also tells it that this mom walked ten miles in the rain to tell him that she couldn't afford tutoring for her 7 or 8 year old (sometimes the mom is pregnant, 3 or 8 months). So, he started a free tutoring program for Belgrade and outlying areas.

Okay, so I go to work for him and here is what happens. First, he hires me at $50,000 per year plus benies. I give two weeks at my job. He calls me almost everyday while I am at work. We meet three times during my last week at my old job and he says he is going to start me at $2,500/month plus insurance and commission. Tells me about how this lady name Gwyn stole $79,000 from the company and he needs to make up the funds--isn't going to turn her in because her brother begged him not to. (Later on I learn that Gwyn worked for him, things went bad, she got an injunction against him using her name, he still is using her name to this day as a partner and reference with a disconnected phone number. Also, later the next week he tells me that some lady named Jeanette stole the money. Never did find Jeanette but he lists her as a partner, too)

Back to the story, first day of work--no office, no desk, no phone (well, a cell phone but no office phones), no computer, no internet... then, he expects me to spend 8-5 with him including lunch (he hired me to work 8-3 with 1 hour lunch). During that week, we go to Staples twice to pick out a desk. He complains that the phone company won't hook him up, claims Dell screwed up the computer order, and never again mentions the business cards until I ask and he tells me we just need to pick them up but never tells me where. He has me cold calling businesses on the phone to ask for donations in exchange for advertising. On a number of occasions, owners tell me they already donated and never heard back. Some bought airtime (120 showings) on a commercial--some even say they called ABC/Fox to get airtimes and were told there were none.

Changes what he wants to sell over and over--first, he wants to sell $25 spots on a newspaper ad, then wants $50 for them, then wants $100, then wants to sell corporate sponsors 120 airtimes for $585, I don't even remember all the other ones. Changes his contracts almost everyday. almost forgot, one day a business owner hung up on me--mentioned it to him and he called the lady and yelled at her, when she hung up he called her again, and again, and then she blocks the call so he uses me phone!! I was so embarrassed and pretty freaked out. I call in sick on Friday because I am totally uncomfortable about all of this.

Monday, I come to work and his car is gone--tells me he wrecked it, gives a big story and it almost rolling and the airbag going off and how the lady driving ran the stop sign and her husband drove them to the hospital. So, Mon/Tues/Wed I drive him around. SAys the insurance company is giving him the run around--here is where I have a blonde moment, he told me he did not have a valid license so why did I not realize he couldn't have insurance!!

Tuesday I take him to the bank--he picks up a stop payment form, we drive back to the office, I watch him sign some lady's name, we go back to the bank (can you say fraud?) Tuesday night I do a search on his name on dogpile and guess what--there is a documentary about him! He is a con man and a convict. Now, since there is no picture, I email the company that is doing the documentary and I send a link to his website asking if the man in the picture is the convict--sure enough. Wednesday night-- on a whim I call the police officer in the town he claims to have had an accident--no accident that fits that description in that COUNTY! The police officer asks what state the guy came from--when I tell him he searches him on the Oklahoma Department of Corrections website and finds the mug shots. Yeah, here I am--I have worked my butt off to establish myself as a professional and a teacher and I am now officially working for a felon!!!
Oh, forgot--my third day of work the landlord called me and told me he had not paid the rent and was blocking her calls and this was not the first time! She also told me she had attempted to evict him and she told the sheriff that if she wound up dead--he would be the one who did it.
But, I digress. Thursday I call in sick and try to figure out how to get myself out of this mess. I call the accountant he dropped my I9 and W4 off with--did not have her name because he wouldnt give it to me but I had driven him to a building that I was sure she was in. She is not his accountant but he has been bringing stuff to her off and on for the past year and a half without ever paying her!! The day I took him there, she told him she had not been paid. He acted confused, then mad, then wrote her a check, then called her back and told her he stopped payment on the check because he already paid her.
Well, there is so much more--including the fact that he did finally get a couple of commercials to make himself look legit. and the fact that the whole time I was working for him I asked numerous times for names of tutors, children, and parents so I could put together a brochure and he always evaded my questions. No one I spoke to could confirm any tutoring and one day he told some business owners that he had gotten a tutor for kids in a town he had only heard of two days before when I mentioned it.
Now, he wouldn't pay me and he is threatening to send derogatory information about me to a variety of entities--including schools--all because I want my check after finding out he is a thief!!!
He is continuing to run his scam as we speak--but he has done just enough so that people can only prove him a thief if they take the time to do so. Please, please do not become involved with him!!

Belgrade, Montana

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 08/04/2008 06:04 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content

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#162 Author of original report

Michael Willis - Matthew McClintock in jail

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, March 03, 2010

He is being held on $50,000 bail in Madison County Montana.  If you have been a victim or have any information to share--please contact UnderSheriff Roger Thompson of Madison County.  When this man finally gets his date in court, the judge needs to hear from everyone he has wronged--whether it be in person or in writing.  If you have any questions, as always, feel free to email me (((ROR redacted))).


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#161 Author of original report

New information about Michael Willis

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, November 02, 2009

I have received a variety of calls over the past months but with moving and changing my name--I haven't been here for awhile.  Today I got new info I wanted to put on here.  Mattie is going by the name Michael Willis these days and has a company he is calling Lonesome Trail Productions. He is in Pagosa Springs, Colorado but has been visiting with folks in Chama, New Mexico--he is running scams similar to those everywhere else (since I last wrote he made a foray into Tucson and a few towns in Arizona.)  Please beware of this individual and report any contact you have with him directly to the police and local chamber of commerce. 

BTW, he is still traveling with Judith Johnson and it appears that she is involved with his criminal activities.  Also, he has no drivers license so he should not be driving.  Funny thing, I called him tonite--first time I have heard his voice in about a year--and he first claimed not to know who I was.  When I asked for my money he said, "we will be sending stuff you way:-)"  Had to laugh at that--oh and he has been contacting me by email claiming to be his own son and the grammar is so bad I couldn't stop laughing when I read it. 

So, again--Pagosa Springs and Chama--BEWARE of MICHAEL WILLIS!!  If you need to contact me, my email is kristinkaec at yahoo dot com.  Best of luck folks--oh and if you have facebook you can probably find me there.

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#160 Author of original report

Just a little update on the anniversary of my discovery

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, June 09, 2009

I have turned my claim over to the state to collect on it. They have turned it over to a collections agency. I don't have any delusions about ever collecting the money but I do hope that you eventually come to justice wherever you have run off to. I heard it through the grapevine that you deserted Sam--the dog--just like you deserted the last dog. No food, no water, but somebody saved him--no thanks to your sorry butt!

Also heard that you have gone off radar in our lovely state--did check the warrant in Grady county for you today and it seems they don't have you yet. Some day, Mattie, some day, the law will catch up and you will pay! My only wish is that I get to see you face a judge in court one day...I will bring you that bar of soap I promised when that day comes.

For others reading this, if you didn't guess--I never got my day in court--no lawsuit or lawyer ever came my way--no surprise there.

Mattie, if you are reading this I hope you are watching your back and staying awake nights wondering when the law will come to cart your loser butt back to jail where it belongs!!!

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#159 Author of original report

Just a little update on the anniversary of my discovery

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, June 09, 2009

I have turned my claim over to the state to collect on it. They have turned it over to a collections agency. I don't have any delusions about ever collecting the money but I do hope that you eventually come to justice wherever you have run off to. I heard it through the grapevine that you deserted Sam--the dog--just like you deserted the last dog. No food, no water, but somebody saved him--no thanks to your sorry butt!

Also heard that you have gone off radar in our lovely state--did check the warrant in Grady county for you today and it seems they don't have you yet. Some day, Mattie, some day, the law will catch up and you will pay! My only wish is that I get to see you face a judge in court one day...I will bring you that bar of soap I promised when that day comes.

For others reading this, if you didn't guess--I never got my day in court--no lawsuit or lawyer ever came my way--no surprise there.

Mattie, if you are reading this I hope you are watching your back and staying awake nights wondering when the law will come to cart your loser butt back to jail where it belongs!!!

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#158 Author of original report

Just a little update on the anniversary of my discovery

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, June 09, 2009

I have turned my claim over to the state to collect on it. They have turned it over to a collections agency. I don't have any delusions about ever collecting the money but I do hope that you eventually come to justice wherever you have run off to. I heard it through the grapevine that you deserted Sam--the dog--just like you deserted the last dog. No food, no water, but somebody saved him--no thanks to your sorry butt!

Also heard that you have gone off radar in our lovely state--did check the warrant in Grady county for you today and it seems they don't have you yet. Some day, Mattie, some day, the law will catch up and you will pay! My only wish is that I get to see you face a judge in court one day...I will bring you that bar of soap I promised when that day comes.

For others reading this, if you didn't guess--I never got my day in court--no lawsuit or lawyer ever came my way--no surprise there.

Mattie, if you are reading this I hope you are watching your back and staying awake nights wondering when the law will come to cart your loser butt back to jail where it belongs!!!

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#157 Consumer Suggestion

Stay away from this guy!

AUTHOR: Bigsky06 - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, May 02, 2009

I am a manager of a business in Havre, MT that Matthew, Jacob Rose (or whatever his name is now) was trying to bilk for money. If you see him coming run the opposite direction and call the authorities ASAP! Check out his mug shot his face look the same. He was wearing western clothes and a cowboy hat. He was with a woman named Judy and a yellow dog named Sam!


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#156 Consumer Suggestion

Stay away from this guy!

AUTHOR: Bigsky06 - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, May 02, 2009

I am a manager of a business in Havre, MT that Matthew, Jacob Rose (or whatever his name is now) was trying to bilk for money. If you see him coming run the opposite direction and call the authorities ASAP! Check out his mug shot his face look the same. He was wearing western clothes and a cowboy hat. He was with a woman named Judy and a yellow dog named Sam!


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#155 Consumer Suggestion

Stay away from this guy!

AUTHOR: Bigsky06 - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, May 02, 2009

I am a manager of a business in Havre, MT that Matthew, Jacob Rose (or whatever his name is now) was trying to bilk for money. If you see him coming run the opposite direction and call the authorities ASAP! Check out his mug shot his face look the same. He was wearing western clothes and a cowboy hat. He was with a woman named Judy and a yellow dog named Sam!


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#154 Consumer Suggestion

Stay away from this guy!

AUTHOR: Bigsky06 - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, May 02, 2009

I am a manager of a business in Havre, MT that Matthew, Jacob Rose (or whatever his name is now) was trying to bilk for money. If you see him coming run the opposite direction and call the authorities ASAP! Check out his mug shot his face look the same. He was wearing western clothes and a cowboy hat. He was with a woman named Judy and a yellow dog named Sam!


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#153 Author of original report

Whispering Wind Productions/Matthew/Michael McClintock/Jacob Rowes (Rose)/liar and criminal extraordinaire

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Got the official court judgment. Send the money to the Dept of Labor--total has gone up. $1395 for unpaid wages and $125 for court costs and fees. This is a Final Order of Judgment stamped by a District Judge for the State of Montana. I know you got it, so pay up!!

How is that other wage claim going? Sure it will wind up in the same place as mine--you will never act like a man and pay your debts. You are too much of a cowardly loser!! Oh well, Mattie, when your day in court comes--and it will--I will make sure I am there so I can see you in an orange jumpsuit! The pictures are great but I want to in person experience.

Just curious, why aren't "Judy/Elizabeth/Jason/Karen" coming here anymore? Rumor has it you don't have a computer anymore so maybe they lost theirs too?? Kinda funny isn't it? LMAO!!

Get that check in the mail, Mattie!!

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#152 Author of original report

Michael McClintock/Matthew McClintock/Jacob Rose (Rowes)/Cody Willis/Cody Justin finally got himself on television--not so flattering:-)

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, March 23, 2009

If you want to see Matthew on a documentary and in an orange jumpsuit, follow these steps. Google Invest Ed Television, click on link, clink on The Fake Investment Adviser, and there he is in all his glory:-)

Mattie, if you have access to a computer--you might wanna check this out. That mug shot is horrific, dude! Judy, are you really with this creep? EEWWWW!!! BTW, where is my paycheck? It went to collections quite a while back.

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#151 UPDATE EX-employee responds

The plot thickens--Stage Gulch in Havre, Callie Creek in Dillon, Virginia City--Montanans BEWARE!!! Matthew McClintock/Jason Rowes is a criminal

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, March 21, 2009

Received this email today and wanted to pass it on to any readers here! Matthew McClintock, Jason Rowes, Cody Willis, Cody Justin is branching out and all Montana cities need to be warned. Please read the following fraud alert and contact authorities if you encounter this man. His picture is at:

Madison County Sheriff's Department is a good place to start if you encounter him--he is currently residing in McAllister, Montana!

Fraud Alert!

It was just brought to our attention that a gentlemen, calling himself Michael McClintock (over 6' tall, 60+, Colorado License plates with a women in the car) is going to businesses in Dillon stating that he is buying a ranch in Dell. He is going to call it the Callie Creek Ranch and it will be for kids from all states with phyisical disabilities. He wants your business to purchase T.V. spots. You write the check to Judith E. Johnson. Please do not do this. One of the businesses went on and he is listed on there as Mathew McClintock or Jacob Rowes and has pulled this in Havre and Virginia City. This is a fraud.

P.O. Box 425
Dillon, MT 59725

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#150 Author of original report


AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, March 04, 2009

For all readers--the creep has gone to the high-line!! He has already had one vehicle repossessed up there. He is claiming to have a ranch for disabled kids called Stage Gulch Ranch! He is with a lady named Judy Johnson and a yellow lab named Sam. Please report him to the authorities if you see him--the local and the one's in Madison County, Montana. Do not give him anything--money, vehicles, anything--that you want to get back. He does not do advertising. Everything about him is a lie!! He is about 6'4" and you can find his mug shot at the following link:

The rest is a note to Mattie/Jacob Rose!!

Hello Mattie or should I say Jacob Rose--what the heck kinda name is that???

Stage Gulch Ranch for disabled children?? In Havre, Montana! That is so amazingly vile that it goes beyond anything I could have imagined. You do realize that folks in Northern Montana see a stranger coming from a mile away--don't you?? Guess not! I do--being from Scobey I know what it is like to live up on the high-line--not a place for "creepy cowboy looking" dudes like yourself.

Glad to hear the owner of the purple Trailblazer caught on fast and got their vehicle back before you could skip town. If you are planning on catching the "next flight out" you might want to find a bigger airport! LMAO!! Guess you shoulda done a little more research, huh?? Why don't you hop on down to Great Falls and catch a flight to Grady County--answer for that warrant and talk to the DA.

BTW, my order for wages went to court--got the letter right here. I will let them know that you know all about it since you must be checking your email. Do you feel like all eyes are on you? Well, they are! Montana is a little state and I am relentless when it comes to a to tracking a vile, disgusting, conman, criminal, liar, coward, and freak such as yourself.

Isn't it funny that all your defenders disappeared with you? Better get thee to a computer and make up some posts for them!

Later, Mattie/Jacob Rose/Cody Justin/Cody Willis/lying piece of garbage!!

Most Sincerely,


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#149 Author of original report

Matthew Cody McClintock/Cody Willis/Cody Justin/Mark McCombs/Mike O'Dell/ Whispering Wind Productions--where have you gone???

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, March 02, 2009

For all the faithful readers--you know who you are--I received a number of emails from the same email box on February 18th. I love that Mattie isn't even smart enough to get different addresses for his "friends!" Seriously, I am to buy that a woman in Arizona, an employee, and Mattie share the same address. Anyway, the following are direct copies of these emails. They reference a post I made on BozemanTalks in regard to his accusing me of a felony I did not commit. I wrote into to the site and they deleted the thread. I love how he refers to "the Law Firm!" Anyway, please read on.

Mrs. xxx
When I came into work this morning, I was advised you gave us a present. I have spoken to the Law Firm just a few moments ago and you can now have Ripp OFF to yourself. Your post on Bozeman Talks was copied and sent.
As I was told a few moments ago, we couldn't have worded what we were wanting you to confirm any better.
Have a great day

Thank you! Your response was exactly what we were anticipating. I couldn't have written it any better. Thank you so much for your narrative.
You have made all our days.....................

Sorry was already copied and sent to the attorney this morning. Your remarks you posted were the nail in your coffin.
Enjoy the ride!

So, then he tells me I will be served on Thursday (2/19/09) for the "750,000 lawsuit" Then he he cut and pastes 2 more bologna posts--please note I also confirmed that "Elizabeth" uses the same email:-)) And now he is gone for quite a few days.

I have not been served--there is not nor was there ever a lawsuit against me. I have not been paid--my Order of Default went unanswered and now heads to collections. There was no request for a review. I do not know where he is--I hope he is in jail. And I hold out no belief that I will see my $1395--just like all his other victims, I must resign myself to this.

But to those of you out there who have been victimized--please call the Madison County Sheriffs Department. Please pursue this man. Please do it for others like yourself. For those of you googling this man because he is new to your life--run do not walk in the opposite direction. He is a despicable coward, a convicted criminal, a liar, a conman, and he has NO PROBLEM STEALING YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY!!!

To you, Mattie/"Judy/Elizabeth/Karen/Jason" or whomever you are today--I hope they do arrest you and I hope they lock you up and throw away the key! The day they do, many will celebrate and I will be amongst them! We will toast to your getting your just desserts. At 62 (almost 63) years of age, one would think you would finally be able to act like a man and not a cowardly loser--but, if they did, one would think wrong.

Good luck getting foundation and baby oil in prison--and, again, don't drop the soap...well, unless you are into that never knows.

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#148 Author of original report

Get your behind to the bank and get my money--Matthew MClintock/Cody Willis/ the lying scum bag

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, February 22, 2009

Can you spell LIAR?? Oh, yeah, right--YOU CAN'T!! What can you spell? Not much--you cannot even remember your own name! Your name is not KAREN OR JASON OR ELIZABETH, not that I actually know what it is.

Please, please just state one "vile, disgusting act" I have ever commited--make my day! I will come here until the day you are returned to prison, where your lying behind belongs. I spoke to a wonderful lady today and your actions have hurt her. We talked about other people your horrible, despicable actions have hurt.

So, you keep up your threats and lies and attacks on my character--I STAND BY EVERYTHING I HAVE SAID HERE AND I STAND BY MY PROMISE THAT I HAVE BEEN AND WILL CONTINUE TO BE TRUTHFUL AND HONEST!! Did you even read what Wheels said? Did it strike a chord in that lying heart of yours? Does anything? When you think of all the people you have cheated, deceived, and lied to--do you ever regret being the type of person that does those things? Do you ever wish you could be a man and not a coward? I have answered to all the comments in the previous post over and over so I will not bother to repond to them again. When will you respond to any othe mine?

In closing, MATTIE--I WANT MY MONEY--YOU OWE ME--PAY IT!!! So, get your cowardly behind to the bank and send me my check--be a man! Instead of the scum you are--and get a flippin job!! So, you can pay back all the people you owe money to! WE ARE ALL WAITING FOR OUR MONEY!! ALL OF US!! WHEN YOU GO BACK TO PRISON, WE WILL CELEBRATE!!

Wheels, thanks for your kind words. You are quite right---although there is a little more to why I keep coming here. I will say one thing, since the day I made my first post--I have talked to so many people who where hurt by this person and it makes me both sad and sick to my stomach. Some have told me that they will never feel the ability to trust again--for that, I come here so this man can be exposed for what he is. If I can spare one person from this man's evilness--coming here is well worth it--even coming here to his lies about me!

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#147 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Elizabeth - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, February 22, 2009



You daily try and bate Matthew and the staff in wallowing in your fabricated stories. They have more class then give you the time of day. You're the worst excuse for a person I think I have ever seen.

The couple of times they have challenged you, you have some excuse!!! Taking pictures outside a school house. I was with Matthew the day we were traveling looking for locations when we drove up in front of the school house.

Matthew got out and went up to one of the teachers who was standing outside. He handed her his business card and ask her to call him which she did. There was no camera in our car your ignorant person.

She did in fact call Matthew a few days later, During that conversation she told Matthew about someone they thought were taking photo's. Kristin, you're the foulest person I have ever remotely come in contact with.

Utah..WHAT? What is this woman's name. HUD, where do you come up with this crap!! Ohlet me guess you have to protect her identity. How convenient an excuse for your fable of distorted and vile stories.

You know Matthew is an easy target for you because he was incarcerated while he and his attorneys successfully defended an SEC violation that ended up being deferred. How convenient you leave out the facts. Just another example of how vile mouth and a liar you are.

I've set back and said little till now. But you're on my list now lady. After you stalked him relentlessly and threatened him and others of course he took some defensive measures to protect himself from you. He was advised by the Sheriff's office to do that.

But now you're going down and down hard. I will personally cheer. You have hurt numerous individuals, businesses and most of all the children. How can you live with yourself?

And this mocking language you use? Mattie, what is that all about. Oh, I remember, you're a sick, vile individual.

Matthew McClintock received his name from his biological father you vile lying cheater. I'll dare you imply otherwise. Do you have any idea how that statement affected Matthew's mother? You know that and try and smear him. He's a wonderful filmmaker and has many many credits of excellence to his name. He surely doesn't need me to defend him.

You Kristin are the one and only you that through your vile and distorted actions caused 85% of the breakup of Whispering Wind Productions, LLC. You have used bits of information to distort the truth.

You are so going to hang in court. The jury will award WWP and Matthew a settlement that will cost you the rest of your life.

Who in Utah are you talking about? Surely even a woman with a brain fart like you have can remember who you're talking about. What do you come up with these things? Come on now little Kristie, tell us who you're talking about?

Now tell me Kristie, can you spell REVERSED ON APPEAL? Can you spell DEFERRED? How we leave out little details don't we. But then that wouldn't fit into your warped perverted dialog. You're the scum of this earth. The charges were over turned on appeal you lying trash talking perverted person.

And hurt? You have hurt children across this state when you went to businesses, individuals and persons that had nothing to do what so ever with WWP and did your smooth trash talk. You are the responsible person in preventing WWP to complete its obligations. YOU KRISTIN (LIAR) are hurting children every day by your insane actions.

Why did you go to Bozeman Fords if there was no application in your name as we all know there wasn't? You went there to cause trouble. You went to businesses everywhere to spread your filthy lies.

Businesses are supporting the programs and broadcast are not only in production, but final editing for broadcast with several people involved, are expanding daily. There are airings daily and expanding. You Kristie are but a fly getting swatted.

Your days are drawing close. Can you spell DEFERMATION OF CHARACTER? Can you spell SLANDER? Can you spell suit filed for $750,000.00?

You want a fight lady, I'll give you all and more then you can handle. I worked for Matthew at WWP and know how hard he worked and the time and planning that went into WWP. You are nothing but a looser.

You K.....have hurt so very many children by your vile, disgraceful actions. Your a disgrace.

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#146 Consumer Comment

This seemed really crazy at first . . .

AUTHOR: Wheels - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, February 22, 2009

I ran across this in the process of checking on another organization. Somehow it grasped my attention. After reading some of the postings, it became rather apparent that the male individual has some serious issues. He cannot spell, uses bad grammer, gives no evidence that he is a respectful person and may very well have "sicological" issues because, it seems, he appears to mix reality and his own idea of reality. If, in fact, the young lady who unfortunately became envolved in this mess with him is right about him, I feel for her. I, like many others, have been swindled by people who are less than honorable and those individuals all seem to think the same way - they don't see reality the same way honest people do. There is one thing that troubled me as I continued to read on and on and on... and on and on and on. I thought this woman is somewhat disturbed too. I could understand that she would be upset, but could not understand why she continued in what I originally thought was nonsense - continuing in this sort of dialogue with this individual. I thought "you're not gonna get your money from this dude, let it go and move on with your life." It seemed apparent that getting the money wasn't her primary focus. She wanted that and something more, or, at least, something more. It is, of course, she wanted to expose this guy and how he lives and behaves. I don't know that I would have "carried this torch" as far and with as much determination as she has. (imagine the kind of employee she would have made for him if he was what he said he was) It is good that there are people like her to balance out the drag of people like him. Without her intervention, this guy would roam the streets of her town, suckering her neighbors and friends. (not that they are "suckers"; they are, as she put it, honest, trusting folk that would admire someone who is doing what McCleach said he was doing. If you've seen the animated children's movie "Rescuers Down Under", then you understand the parady on his name) No disrespect to Mr. McCleach, though. When someone behaves the way this individual has, it is hard to insult them, because their lifestyle insults them to a degree which diminishes verbal or literal insults. Which is worse? To be called a thief or to be a thief? Admirable glances to you, young unfortunate one, because you have used this website well for it's exact intention. "Pay her the money McWhatever Your Name Is These Days . . . and get a job!"

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#145 Author of original report

Matthew Cody McClintock/Cody Willis/Matthew Justin/Mark McCombs will you ever answer for your crimes???

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, February 21, 2009

Lame, Lame, Lame, Mattie. Drop the cut and paste because it is seriously getting old. Especially when my posts answer each of your questions or accusations specifically.

I did want to let you know that another person who is in possession of your bounced checks contacted me today--a report has been made to the authorities by this person! I am wondering, exactly how many checks have you bounced in the past two years? You know, since you arrived in Bozeman at the airport with nothing--after being released from prison and serving six months! Remember the lies you told that day? I am betting that your god will burn you in hell for that one! Have you been praying for forgiveness?

Heh, if you want to send me your phone number--I will share it with Abbie, since you seem to have forgotten her. That way she can call you and help refresh your memory! Just shoot me an email. I did get a restricted call yesterday and thought "wow, maybe he is finally going to stop being a coward and answer my questions" but, alas, it was not you--might have been about you but it was not you! Of course, it wasn't Judy, Karen, Elizabeth, Jason, Jerry, a faithful wife.... Everytime I read through all your posts on this thread--I have to laugh a little. Do you not see how apparent it is that you are the only one defending you here?

So, again, I will ask the obvious questions--just on the off chance that you might decide to drop the cowardice of a common thief and answer them. When will I get my wages? There is no review--I called and confirmed that--so, you will need to get that check out--NOW!!! When will I be served for this $750,000.00 lawsuit? I want to make sure I am easy to locate so I don't miss out! I will likely be going out of town the end of this month so let's do it before then, okay? When will you stop lying and deceiving people and get a job? I saw an opening for a janitor at the school in Ennis--since you want to help kids, that might be a great place to start! Wait, might want to consider the fact that school employees have to be background checked--I should know since I am a teacher!

Finally, how many kids did you help this week? I helped quite a few--including my own--with school work and other issues. I even read to two! And yourself? It just makes me wonder, everytime you profess to be this great helper of children and you throw these accusations out at me--you know, how I hurt kids and all--what the heck do you think you are talking about? Since meeting you, I have been unable to find a single kid that you have helped but I have found many that you have hurt--and I am now aware that that includes your own kids. I mean, since they are reading this they now know that you lied to people about them. You know, telling me that you only had one son and he died after a premature birth. I know of a number of other people to whom you have lied about your children--how pathetic are you! How that must make your children feel! You truly disgust me! You pathetic, vile, coward.....

Well, I am off to the library with my boys--we will be stopping by Walmart. Do you want me to pick up some soap on a rope and some foundation--I know you love the Cover Girl kind but I forgot the number? Let me know--you have my number!

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#144 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Elizabeth - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, February 21, 2009



You daily try and bate Matthew and the staff in wallowing in your fabricated stories. They have more class then give you the time of day. You're the worst excuse for a person I think I have ever seen.

The couple of times they have challenged you, you have some excuse!!! Taking pictures outside a school house. I was with Matthew the day we were traveling looking for locations when we drove up in front of the school house.

Matthew got out and went up to one of the teachers who was standing outside. He handed her his business card and ask her to call him which she did. There was no camera in our car your ignorant person.

She did in fact call Matthew a few days later, During that conversation she told Matthew about someone they thought were taking photo's. Kristin, you're the foulest person I have ever remotely come in contact with.

Utah..WHAT? What is this woman's name. HUD, where do you come up with this crap!! Ohlet me guess you have to protect her identity. How convenient an excuse for your fable of distorted and vile stories.

You know Matthew is an easy target for you because he was incarcerated while he and his attorneys successfully defended an SEC violation that ended up being deferred. How convenient you leave out the facts. Just another example of how vile mouth and a liar you are.

I've set back and said little till now. But you're on my list now lady. After you stalked him relentlessly and threatened him and others of course he took some defensive measures to protect himself from you. He was advised by the Sheriff's office to do that.

But now you're going down and down hard. I will personally cheer. You have hurt numerous individuals, businesses and most of all the children. How can you live with yourself?

And this mocking language you use? Mattie, what is that all about. Oh, I remember, you're a sick, vile individual.

Matthew McClintock received his name from his biological father you vile lying cheater. I'll dare you imply otherwise. Do you have any idea how that statement affected Matthew's mother? You know that and try and smear him. He's a wonderful filmmaker and has many many credits of excellence to his name. He surely doesn't need me to defend him.

You Kristin are the one and only you that through your vile and distorted actions caused 85% of the breakup of Whispering Wind Productions, LLC. You have used bits of information to distort the truth.

You are so going to hang in court. The jury will award WWP and Matthew a settlement that will cost you the rest of your life.

Who in Utah are you talking about? Surely even a woman with a brain fart like you have can remember who you're talking about. What do you come up with these things? Come on now little Kristie, tell us who you're talking about?

Now tell me Kristie, can you spell REVERSED ON APPEAL? Can you spell DEFERRED? How we leave out little details don't we. But then that wouldn't fit into your warped perverted dialog. You're the scum of this earth. The charges were over turned on appeal you lying trash talking perverted person.

And hurt? You have hurt children across this state when you went to businesses, individuals and persons that had nothing to do what so ever with WWP and did your smooth trash talk. You are the responsible person in preventing WWP to complete its obligations. YOU KRISTIN (LIAR) are hurting children every day by your insane actions.

Why did you go to Bozeman Fords if there was no application in your name as we all know there wasn't? You went there to cause trouble. You went to businesses everywhere to spread your filthy lies.

Businesses are supporting the programs and broadcast are not only in production, but final editing for broadcast with several people involved, are expanding daily. There are airings daily and expanding. You Kristie are but a fly getting swatted.

Your days are drawing close. Can you spell DEFERMATION OF CHARACTER? Can you spell SLANDER? Can you spell suit filed for $750,000.00?

You want a fight lady, I'll give you all and more then you can handle. I worked for Matthew at WWP and know how hard he worked and the time and planning that went into WWP. You are nothing but a looser.

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#143 Author of original report

Matthew McClintock Matthew Justin Mark McCombs Cody Willis Elizabeth Jason and Karen Judy--wow, who are you really??

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, February 19, 2009

For you to even think you put yourself out there as some kid of expert on encouraging reading and providing tutoring when you cannot even read a single response from me! I have answered that cut and paste a number of times--do you need glasses now, Mattie?? Posting your lies over and over do not make them true--yesterday you said "Jason" was filing against me! Lies, lies and more lies. You cannot even name a law firm that would be willing to represent your lies. So, this incessant gibberish just gets more and more absurd! You make next to no sense--the quote from "you" and sent through "Karen and Jason" last night was yet another example of how ridiculous you are. Again, I ask--Karen emailed me yesterday from your "office" through your email account as did you and Judy--is she in Arizona like "she" says here or is she in Arizona?? Keep your story straight. I will attempt one more answer to "Elizabeth's" post--and I will once again offer for any of these "women" to just give me a call (block it with *67) and say, "my name is ____ and I do exist" and hang up. Just prove they exist--I know you cannot but I again offer you the opportunity to at least prove one of your claims to be truthful. You see, so much of what you have written here and what you told me during those two endless weeks is lies and I just want the truth--is that too much to ask? Do you even know the truth anymore?

Here are the answers to this cut and paste:

Okay--let's just work our way through the latest attack you have made on me, MATTIE--also let us just drop the pretense as we both know that you are the only one posting here!! There is not Elizabeth, no Jason, no Karen--Just Mattie or whatever name you have decided to use today!


First off, Mattie--it is LIAR, not lier and second off--I have lied about nothing, distorted nothing, manipulated no one (exactly who have I manipulated), smooth talker--LMAO!! I have never been called that--as to being! Do not see how I qualify for that title!

Mattie said, 'God help your children being raised (If in fact you are raising them yourself?) by a woman that is so vile, dishonest and has hatred pouring from her vile and disgusting mouth.'

Okay, Mattie. To start with I don't know exactly what you are insinuating about who is raising my kids--please enlighten me! Did they move away without me knowing? Interesting since they are right outside playing in the backyard. Heck,I worked for you for two weeks and you don't even know how many kids I have! As to my vile mouth--please expound on that one! and my dishonesty--my kids can attest to just how honest I am. BTW, we love reading through your lies on here and laughing at your inability to spell and poor use of the English language. Maybe I will use your posts as an editing project for my homeschooled teen:-) He loved the part where you lied about what happened at your place of work--he was on the phone for that one and at your claim about the day I drove out to get your address--he was with my and helped me videotape the whole thing!!

Mattie said, 'You daily try and bate Matthew and the staff in wallowing in your fabricated stories. They have more class then give you the time of day. You're the worst excuse for a person I think I have ever seen.'

Who the heck are they? Who is this staff you talk about? If you read a little further down your own post--you accuse me of 'breaking up WWP' but here you say there is a staff!!! Which one is it? And I am the worst excuse--sorry, I have stolen from no one, I have never been to prison, I am not on this site attacking a person who has worked everyday of her life since the age of fifteen doing things to help others!!! Get out your mirror if you want to see the worst excuse for a person!

Mattie said, 'The couple of times they have challenged you, you have some excuse!!! Taking pictures outside a school house. I was with Matthew the day we were traveling looking for locations when we drove up in front of the school house.

Matthew got out and went up to one of the teachers who was standing outside. He handed her his business card and ask her to call him which she did. There was no camera in our car your ignorant person.

She did in fact call Matthew a few days later, During that conversation she told Matthew about someone they thought were taking photo's. Kristin Cox, you're the foulest person I have ever remotely come in contact with.'

THIS IS AN OUTRIGHT LIE!!! I WAS TOLD THE TRUTH BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS--THEY KNEW ABOUT YOU BEFORE I EVEN CAME INTO THIS. INFACT, THE SUPER ASKED YOU THE NAMES OF YOUR CURRENT TUTORS IN AUGUST OF 08 (AS YOUTOLD HER YOU HAD SOME) AND YOU HUNG UP ON HER!!!! Okay, which is it--he never was there as he previously stated or he was there and he talked to the teacher? According to the Supt of Schools and the teacher, he sat in a white jeep outside of the school and took pictures until the teacher began to approach him--at which point he drove away. He was in the driver seat and ALONE--interesting he drives so much when he does not have a drivers license. This report was filed with the Gallatin County Sheriff's Dept.

Mattie said, 'Utah..WHAT? What is this woman's name. HUD, where do you come up with this crap!! Ohlet me guess you have to protect her identity. How convenient an excuse for your fable of distorted and vile stories.'

Seriously, you have forgotten Abbie and all the promises you made to get that $1850 check!!! Wow! Well, I have a direct quote for you from that other site you have posted on--want to find it? Google yourself.

'Well, well, well! Mr. Cody McClintock - fancy FINALLY catching up to you, you piece of trash! You ripped ME off in 1999 - remember me? The nurse in Utah? I had an Assisted Living Facility and you so kindly offered to help me with advertising my facility on PBS 'The Art of Living'...$1850 later, you were gone. I've searched high and low for you and NOW I've found you. If you are in San Jose, which you several times mentioned to me that your family was from the Bay Area, you probably ripped off some gal there who finally found you. Sooooo, you can add Utah to the ever-growing list, along with Montana, Oklahoma and Tennessee!
I saw your mug shot this evening - my, you look OLD! Karma is a b!###, buddy - you ripped me off, my elderly patients off AND to top it off, the check that I gave you for advertising was FEDERAL money from a HUD loan that I received on the facility. Sounds like you've got some BIG problems! You'd best get a move on making those California License've got a lot of restitution to pay - YOU JERK!!!'

Oh, almost forgot--the part about CA was in response to a post in which someone stated they thought you were in prison AGAIN--they also told about how they have a family member who received a collections notice from when you used her name to 'purchase' $4,000 in computers and such. Wow--isn't that IDENTITY THEFT???

Mattie said, 'You know Matthew is an easy target for you because he was incarcerated while he and his attorneys successfully defended an SEC violation that ended up being deferred. How convenient you leave out the facts. Just another example of how vile mouth and a liar you are.'

Oh, I bet all the facts are laid out in that documentary that the SEC did about you! Would love to see it--heard they have courtroom footage of you in your orange jumpsuit! Need I remind you--you did TWO stints in prison--this is directly from the Ok Dept of Corrections website (I would add those lovely mugshots but I cannot seem to get them to cut and paste to this site):

91-17 LOVE Obtaining Money By False Pretense 09/23/1991 4Y 0M 0D Incarceration 04/03/1992 04/27/1994
91-23 LOVE Obtaining Money By False Pretense 09/23/1991 4Y 0M 0D Incarceration 04/03/1992 04/27/1994
2001-178 GRAD Obtaining Services By Fraud 12/03/2001 2Y 0M 0D Incarceration 08/04/2006 01/25/2007
2001-178 GRAD Obtaining Services By Fraud 12/03/2001 2Y 0M 0D Probation 12/03/2001 12/02/2005

Mattie said, 'I've set back and said little till now. But you're on my list now lady. After you stalked him relentlessly and threatened him and others of course he took some defensive measures to protect himself from you. He was advised by the Sheriff's office to do that.'

Stalked him (thanks for learning how to spell that word) relentlessly and threatened him!!! What in the heck are you talking about? I went to his office/residence (took me a while to figure out that he lived in his office) ONE TIME--to get my money and tell him to leave me alone!!! He was such a coward, he didn't even open the door--I called the sheriff on my way home and explained what had happened--the sheriff told me Matthew's story sounded 'a little crazy and this guy is a little off. I recommend you stay away from him for your own protection.' Mattie kept up with the harrassing letters--all of my attempts to obtain my wages were met by threatening letters. He claimed he would sue me every time. Finally, I had a sheriff call him (Deputy Madsen of the Gallatin County Sheriff Department) and tell him that if he sent one more letter or attempted to contact me--he would be arrested. That was the day he started coming on this site as other people! The only other time I have gone near him knowingly was the day I obtained his new address for the Dept of Labor--his mover (whom he never paid) gave me directions but was not sure about the exact address so my son and I drove out and videotaped the mailbox--this way he couldn't claim that anything happened. So, if that is relentless stalking.....Maybe if the idiot would just pay me what he owes me...

Mattie said, 'But now you're going down and down hard. I will personally cheer. You have hurt numerous individuals, businesses and most of all the children. How can you live with yourself? '

Just exactly whom have I hurt? I have asked this over and over again to no avail. I have saved many people a lot of money--I am saddened when new victims call that I was unable to spare. I live quite well with myself--content in the fact that I am doing the right thing by exposing this piece of scum for the whole world to see. Honestly, if I didn't expose him--I wouldn't be able to live with myself! How do you sleep at night knowing how many you have hurt? How do you sleep when you think about that woman--who once loved you--that you stole 1/2 million dollars from? or Annie having to deal with collections for checks you bounced? or poor Sam, in that apartment all alone before those caring neighbors came and found him a new home?

Mattie said, 'And this mocking language you use? Mattie, what is that all about. Oh, I remember, you're a sick, vile individual.

Matthew McClintock received his name from his biological father you vile lying cheater. I'll dare you imply otherwise. Do you have any idea how that statement affected Matthew's mother? You know that and try and smear him. He's a wonderful filmmaker and has many many credits of excellence to his name. He surely doesn't need me to defend him.'

I really couldn't care less where he got his name--or any of his names for that matter. He is a criminal and he has taken on at least five different names since I had the misfortune of meeting him. If his mother is reading this, well that shocks the heck out of me since he told me she was dead! I think that would hurt her more. Heck, this man told me his mom and dad and only son were dead and now accuses me of harrassing and attacking his family!!! As to his filmmaking--the guy has done next to nothing! He has used a bunch of people in his attempts--one business he used to the tune of $10,000 to 'do his editing' and never ever paid them! I have been able to find next to no record of his PBS show but I have spoken to more than one person who told me there was a trial regarding his lying to 'sponsors' about said program. Other than that one thing--please list his many credits--heck, list one credit! He didn't even film those commercials or that footage the ex-first lady loved so much that she called him two times--during an election year! That one still cracks me up--I mean seriously, that anyone bought that! LMAO!!!

Mattie said, 'You Kristin are the one and only you that through your vile and distorted actions caused 85% of the breakup of Whispering Wind Productions, LLC. You have used bits of information to distort the truth.

You are so going to hang in court. The jury will award WWP and Matthew a settlement that will cost you the rest of your life.

You want a fight lady, I'll give you all and more then you can handle. I worked for Matthew at WWP and know how hard he worked and the time and planning that went into WWP. You are nothing but a looser. You have hurt so many children because of your efforts.'

Wow! How to respond! So, is WWP finished or what? Cause earlier and in previous posts you refer to the staff so that is a little confusing. And how did you come up with 85%, you haven't even correctly identified who I contacted! Most of the businesses you mentioned, I have never even spoken to! Maybe the fact that you took money and didn't do what you were supposed to--IE. provide tutors, put up billboards, name sponsors on Belgrade News Ad, air hundreds and hundreds of commecials--maybe that is what caused the breakup? Don't you think? And I am a 'looser'--what is that? Does that fall into committing 'deformation'? Again, I have never hurt a child--I have dedicated my life to helping people and will continue to--heck, that is why I am typing this. To expose a criminal for his true self and warn others.

Hang in court--don't think that is legal though I do think there still might be laws on the books in MT that allow for hanging
when someone steals who would do that?

I am awaiting this trial--you promised me I would be served back in July and I am still waiting... what the heck is the holdup?? Also, I hope you read my legal advice regarding the statutes in the state of MT in terms of slander--don't have any for 'deformation' cause I don't know what that is. As for a fight--again, BRING IT ON, MATTIE!!! LET'S ROCK AND ROLL!!!!

Most Honestly and Sincerely,


Respond to this report!
What's this?

#142 Author of original report

Matthew McClintock Matthew Justin Mark McCombs Cody Willis Elizabeth Jason and Karen Judy--wow, who are you really??

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, February 19, 2009

For you to even think you put yourself out there as some kid of expert on encouraging reading and providing tutoring when you cannot even read a single response from me! I have answered that cut and paste a number of times--do you need glasses now, Mattie?? Posting your lies over and over do not make them true--yesterday you said "Jason" was filing against me! Lies, lies and more lies. You cannot even name a law firm that would be willing to represent your lies. So, this incessant gibberish just gets more and more absurd! You make next to no sense--the quote from "you" and sent through "Karen and Jason" last night was yet another example of how ridiculous you are. Again, I ask--Karen emailed me yesterday from your "office" through your email account as did you and Judy--is she in Arizona like "she" says here or is she in Arizona?? Keep your story straight. I will attempt one more answer to "Elizabeth's" post--and I will once again offer for any of these "women" to just give me a call (block it with *67) and say, "my name is ____ and I do exist" and hang up. Just prove they exist--I know you cannot but I again offer you the opportunity to at least prove one of your claims to be truthful. You see, so much of what you have written here and what you told me during those two endless weeks is lies and I just want the truth--is that too much to ask? Do you even know the truth anymore?

Here are the answers to this cut and paste:

Okay--let's just work our way through the latest attack you have made on me, MATTIE--also let us just drop the pretense as we both know that you are the only one posting here!! There is not Elizabeth, no Jason, no Karen--Just Mattie or whatever name you have decided to use today!


First off, Mattie--it is LIAR, not lier and second off--I have lied about nothing, distorted nothing, manipulated no one (exactly who have I manipulated), smooth talker--LMAO!! I have never been called that--as to being! Do not see how I qualify for that title!

Mattie said, 'God help your children being raised (If in fact you are raising them yourself?) by a woman that is so vile, dishonest and has hatred pouring from her vile and disgusting mouth.'

Okay, Mattie. To start with I don't know exactly what you are insinuating about who is raising my kids--please enlighten me! Did they move away without me knowing? Interesting since they are right outside playing in the backyard. Heck,I worked for you for two weeks and you don't even know how many kids I have! As to my vile mouth--please expound on that one! and my dishonesty--my kids can attest to just how honest I am. BTW, we love reading through your lies on here and laughing at your inability to spell and poor use of the English language. Maybe I will use your posts as an editing project for my homeschooled teen:-) He loved the part where you lied about what happened at your place of work--he was on the phone for that one and at your claim about the day I drove out to get your address--he was with my and helped me videotape the whole thing!!

Mattie said, 'You daily try and bate Matthew and the staff in wallowing in your fabricated stories. They have more class then give you the time of day. You're the worst excuse for a person I think I have ever seen.'

Who the heck are they? Who is this staff you talk about? If you read a little further down your own post--you accuse me of 'breaking up WWP' but here you say there is a staff!!! Which one is it? And I am the worst excuse--sorry, I have stolen from no one, I have never been to prison, I am not on this site attacking a person who has worked everyday of her life since the age of fifteen doing things to help others!!! Get out your mirror if you want to see the worst excuse for a person!

Mattie said, 'The couple of times they have challenged you, you have some excuse!!! Taking pictures outside a school house. I was with Matthew the day we were traveling looking for locations when we drove up in front of the school house.

Matthew got out and went up to one of the teachers who was standing outside. He handed her his business card and ask her to call him which she did. There was no camera in our car your ignorant person.

She did in fact call Matthew a few days later, During that conversation she told Matthew about someone they thought were taking photo's. Kristin Cox, you're the foulest person I have ever remotely come in contact with.'

THIS IS AN OUTRIGHT LIE!!! I WAS TOLD THE TRUTH BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS--THEY KNEW ABOUT YOU BEFORE I EVEN CAME INTO THIS. INFACT, THE SUPER ASKED YOU THE NAMES OF YOUR CURRENT TUTORS IN AUGUST OF 08 (AS YOUTOLD HER YOU HAD SOME) AND YOU HUNG UP ON HER!!!! Okay, which is it--he never was there as he previously stated or he was there and he talked to the teacher? According to the Supt of Schools and the teacher, he sat in a white jeep outside of the school and took pictures until the teacher began to approach him--at which point he drove away. He was in the driver seat and ALONE--interesting he drives so much when he does not have a drivers license. This report was filed with the Gallatin County Sheriff's Dept.

Mattie said, 'Utah..WHAT? What is this woman's name. HUD, where do you come up with this crap!! Ohlet me guess you have to protect her identity. How convenient an excuse for your fable of distorted and vile stories.'

Seriously, you have forgotten Abbie and all the promises you made to get that $1850 check!!! Wow! Well, I have a direct quote for you from that other site you have posted on--want to find it? Google yourself.

'Well, well, well! Mr. Cody McClintock - fancy FINALLY catching up to you, you piece of trash! You ripped ME off in 1999 - remember me? The nurse in Utah? I had an Assisted Living Facility and you so kindly offered to help me with advertising my facility on PBS 'The Art of Living'...$1850 later, you were gone. I've searched high and low for you and NOW I've found you. If you are in San Jose, which you several times mentioned to me that your family was from the Bay Area, you probably ripped off some gal there who finally found you. Sooooo, you can add Utah to the ever-growing list, along with Montana, Oklahoma and Tennessee!
I saw your mug shot this evening - my, you look OLD! Karma is a b!###, buddy - you ripped me off, my elderly patients off AND to top it off, the check that I gave you for advertising was FEDERAL money from a HUD loan that I received on the facility. Sounds like you've got some BIG problems! You'd best get a move on making those California License've got a lot of restitution to pay - YOU JERK!!!'

Oh, almost forgot--the part about CA was in response to a post in which someone stated they thought you were in prison AGAIN--they also told about how they have a family member who received a collections notice from when you used her name to 'purchase' $4,000 in computers and such. Wow--isn't that IDENTITY THEFT???

Mattie said, 'You know Matthew is an easy target for you because he was incarcerated while he and his attorneys successfully defended an SEC violation that ended up being deferred. How convenient you leave out the facts. Just another example of how vile mouth and a liar you are.'

Oh, I bet all the facts are laid out in that documentary that the SEC did about you! Would love to see it--heard they have courtroom footage of you in your orange jumpsuit! Need I remind you--you did TWO stints in prison--this is directly from the Ok Dept of Corrections website (I would add those lovely mugshots but I cannot seem to get them to cut and paste to this site):

91-17 LOVE Obtaining Money By False Pretense 09/23/1991 4Y 0M 0D Incarceration 04/03/1992 04/27/1994
91-23 LOVE Obtaining Money By False Pretense 09/23/1991 4Y 0M 0D Incarceration 04/03/1992 04/27/1994
2001-178 GRAD Obtaining Services By Fraud 12/03/2001 2Y 0M 0D Incarceration 08/04/2006 01/25/2007
2001-178 GRAD Obtaining Services By Fraud 12/03/2001 2Y 0M 0D Probation 12/03/2001 12/02/2005

Mattie said, 'I've set back and said little till now. But you're on my list now lady. After you stalked him relentlessly and threatened him and others of course he took some defensive measures to protect himself from you. He was advised by the Sheriff's office to do that.'

Stalked him (thanks for learning how to spell that word) relentlessly and threatened him!!! What in the heck are you talking about? I went to his office/residence (took me a while to figure out that he lived in his office) ONE TIME--to get my money and tell him to leave me alone!!! He was such a coward, he didn't even open the door--I called the sheriff on my way home and explained what had happened--the sheriff told me Matthew's story sounded 'a little crazy and this guy is a little off. I recommend you stay away from him for your own protection.' Mattie kept up with the harrassing letters--all of my attempts to obtain my wages were met by threatening letters. He claimed he would sue me every time. Finally, I had a sheriff call him (Deputy Madsen of the Gallatin County Sheriff Department) and tell him that if he sent one more letter or attempted to contact me--he would be arrested. That was the day he started coming on this site as other people! The only other time I have gone near him knowingly was the day I obtained his new address for the Dept of Labor--his mover (whom he never paid) gave me directions but was not sure about the exact address so my son and I drove out and videotaped the mailbox--this way he couldn't claim that anything happened. So, if that is relentless stalking.....Maybe if the idiot would just pay me what he owes me...

Mattie said, 'But now you're going down and down hard. I will personally cheer. You have hurt numerous individuals, businesses and most of all the children. How can you live with yourself? '

Just exactly whom have I hurt? I have asked this over and over again to no avail. I have saved many people a lot of money--I am saddened when new victims call that I was unable to spare. I live quite well with myself--content in the fact that I am doing the right thing by exposing this piece of scum for the whole world to see. Honestly, if I didn't expose him--I wouldn't be able to live with myself! How do you sleep at night knowing how many you have hurt? How do you sleep when you think about that woman--who once loved you--that you stole 1/2 million dollars from? or Annie having to deal with collections for checks you bounced? or poor Sam, in that apartment all alone before those caring neighbors came and found him a new home?

Mattie said, 'And this mocking language you use? Mattie, what is that all about. Oh, I remember, you're a sick, vile individual.

Matthew McClintock received his name from his biological father you vile lying cheater. I'll dare you imply otherwise. Do you have any idea how that statement affected Matthew's mother? You know that and try and smear him. He's a wonderful filmmaker and has many many credits of excellence to his name. He surely doesn't need me to defend him.'

I really couldn't care less where he got his name--or any of his names for that matter. He is a criminal and he has taken on at least five different names since I had the misfortune of meeting him. If his mother is reading this, well that shocks the heck out of me since he told me she was dead! I think that would hurt her more. Heck, this man told me his mom and dad and only son were dead and now accuses me of harrassing and attacking his family!!! As to his filmmaking--the guy has done next to nothing! He has used a bunch of people in his attempts--one business he used to the tune of $10,000 to 'do his editing' and never ever paid them! I have been able to find next to no record of his PBS show but I have spoken to more than one person who told me there was a trial regarding his lying to 'sponsors' about said program. Other than that one thing--please list his many credits--heck, list one credit! He didn't even film those commercials or that footage the ex-first lady loved so much that she called him two times--during an election year! That one still cracks me up--I mean seriously, that anyone bought that! LMAO!!!

Mattie said, 'You Kristin are the one and only you that through your vile and distorted actions caused 85% of the breakup of Whispering Wind Productions, LLC. You have used bits of information to distort the truth.

You are so going to hang in court. The jury will award WWP and Matthew a settlement that will cost you the rest of your life.

You want a fight lady, I'll give you all and more then you can handle. I worked for Matthew at WWP and know how hard he worked and the time and planning that went into WWP. You are nothing but a looser. You have hurt so many children because of your efforts.'

Wow! How to respond! So, is WWP finished or what? Cause earlier and in previous posts you refer to the staff so that is a little confusing. And how did you come up with 85%, you haven't even correctly identified who I contacted! Most of the businesses you mentioned, I have never even spoken to! Maybe the fact that you took money and didn't do what you were supposed to--IE. provide tutors, put up billboards, name sponsors on Belgrade News Ad, air hundreds and hundreds of commecials--maybe that is what caused the breakup? Don't you think? And I am a 'looser'--what is that? Does that fall into committing 'deformation'? Again, I have never hurt a child--I have dedicated my life to helping people and will continue to--heck, that is why I am typing this. To expose a criminal for his true self and warn others.

Hang in court--don't think that is legal though I do think there still might be laws on the books in MT that allow for hanging
when someone steals who would do that?

I am awaiting this trial--you promised me I would be served back in July and I am still waiting... what the heck is the holdup?? Also, I hope you read my legal advice regarding the statutes in the state of MT in terms of slander--don't have any for 'deformation' cause I don't know what that is. As for a fight--again, BRING IT ON, MATTIE!!! LET'S ROCK AND ROLL!!!!

Most Honestly and Sincerely,


Respond to this report!
What's this?

#141 Author of original report

Matthew McClintock Matthew Justin Mark McCombs Cody Willis Elizabeth Jason and Karen Judy--wow, who are you really??

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, February 19, 2009

For you to even think you put yourself out there as some kid of expert on encouraging reading and providing tutoring when you cannot even read a single response from me! I have answered that cut and paste a number of times--do you need glasses now, Mattie?? Posting your lies over and over do not make them true--yesterday you said "Jason" was filing against me! Lies, lies and more lies. You cannot even name a law firm that would be willing to represent your lies. So, this incessant gibberish just gets more and more absurd! You make next to no sense--the quote from "you" and sent through "Karen and Jason" last night was yet another example of how ridiculous you are. Again, I ask--Karen emailed me yesterday from your "office" through your email account as did you and Judy--is she in Arizona like "she" says here or is she in Arizona?? Keep your story straight. I will attempt one more answer to "Elizabeth's" post--and I will once again offer for any of these "women" to just give me a call (block it with *67) and say, "my name is ____ and I do exist" and hang up. Just prove they exist--I know you cannot but I again offer you the opportunity to at least prove one of your claims to be truthful. You see, so much of what you have written here and what you told me during those two endless weeks is lies and I just want the truth--is that too much to ask? Do you even know the truth anymore?

Here are the answers to this cut and paste:

Okay--let's just work our way through the latest attack you have made on me, MATTIE--also let us just drop the pretense as we both know that you are the only one posting here!! There is not Elizabeth, no Jason, no Karen--Just Mattie or whatever name you have decided to use today!


First off, Mattie--it is LIAR, not lier and second off--I have lied about nothing, distorted nothing, manipulated no one (exactly who have I manipulated), smooth talker--LMAO!! I have never been called that--as to being! Do not see how I qualify for that title!

Mattie said, 'God help your children being raised (If in fact you are raising them yourself?) by a woman that is so vile, dishonest and has hatred pouring from her vile and disgusting mouth.'

Okay, Mattie. To start with I don't know exactly what you are insinuating about who is raising my kids--please enlighten me! Did they move away without me knowing? Interesting since they are right outside playing in the backyard. Heck,I worked for you for two weeks and you don't even know how many kids I have! As to my vile mouth--please expound on that one! and my dishonesty--my kids can attest to just how honest I am. BTW, we love reading through your lies on here and laughing at your inability to spell and poor use of the English language. Maybe I will use your posts as an editing project for my homeschooled teen:-) He loved the part where you lied about what happened at your place of work--he was on the phone for that one and at your claim about the day I drove out to get your address--he was with my and helped me videotape the whole thing!!

Mattie said, 'You daily try and bate Matthew and the staff in wallowing in your fabricated stories. They have more class then give you the time of day. You're the worst excuse for a person I think I have ever seen.'

Who the heck are they? Who is this staff you talk about? If you read a little further down your own post--you accuse me of 'breaking up WWP' but here you say there is a staff!!! Which one is it? And I am the worst excuse--sorry, I have stolen from no one, I have never been to prison, I am not on this site attacking a person who has worked everyday of her life since the age of fifteen doing things to help others!!! Get out your mirror if you want to see the worst excuse for a person!

Mattie said, 'The couple of times they have challenged you, you have some excuse!!! Taking pictures outside a school house. I was with Matthew the day we were traveling looking for locations when we drove up in front of the school house.

Matthew got out and went up to one of the teachers who was standing outside. He handed her his business card and ask her to call him which she did. There was no camera in our car your ignorant person.

She did in fact call Matthew a few days later, During that conversation she told Matthew about someone they thought were taking photo's. Kristin Cox, you're the foulest person I have ever remotely come in contact with.'

THIS IS AN OUTRIGHT LIE!!! I WAS TOLD THE TRUTH BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS--THEY KNEW ABOUT YOU BEFORE I EVEN CAME INTO THIS. INFACT, THE SUPER ASKED YOU THE NAMES OF YOUR CURRENT TUTORS IN AUGUST OF 08 (AS YOUTOLD HER YOU HAD SOME) AND YOU HUNG UP ON HER!!!! Okay, which is it--he never was there as he previously stated or he was there and he talked to the teacher? According to the Supt of Schools and the teacher, he sat in a white jeep outside of the school and took pictures until the teacher began to approach him--at which point he drove away. He was in the driver seat and ALONE--interesting he drives so much when he does not have a drivers license. This report was filed with the Gallatin County Sheriff's Dept.

Mattie said, 'Utah..WHAT? What is this woman's name. HUD, where do you come up with this crap!! Ohlet me guess you have to protect her identity. How convenient an excuse for your fable of distorted and vile stories.'

Seriously, you have forgotten Abbie and all the promises you made to get that $1850 check!!! Wow! Well, I have a direct quote for you from that other site you have posted on--want to find it? Google yourself.

'Well, well, well! Mr. Cody McClintock - fancy FINALLY catching up to you, you piece of trash! You ripped ME off in 1999 - remember me? The nurse in Utah? I had an Assisted Living Facility and you so kindly offered to help me with advertising my facility on PBS 'The Art of Living'...$1850 later, you were gone. I've searched high and low for you and NOW I've found you. If you are in San Jose, which you several times mentioned to me that your family was from the Bay Area, you probably ripped off some gal there who finally found you. Sooooo, you can add Utah to the ever-growing list, along with Montana, Oklahoma and Tennessee!
I saw your mug shot this evening - my, you look OLD! Karma is a b!###, buddy - you ripped me off, my elderly patients off AND to top it off, the check that I gave you for advertising was FEDERAL money from a HUD loan that I received on the facility. Sounds like you've got some BIG problems! You'd best get a move on making those California License've got a lot of restitution to pay - YOU JERK!!!'

Oh, almost forgot--the part about CA was in response to a post in which someone stated they thought you were in prison AGAIN--they also told about how they have a family member who received a collections notice from when you used her name to 'purchase' $4,000 in computers and such. Wow--isn't that IDENTITY THEFT???

Mattie said, 'You know Matthew is an easy target for you because he was incarcerated while he and his attorneys successfully defended an SEC violation that ended up being deferred. How convenient you leave out the facts. Just another example of how vile mouth and a liar you are.'

Oh, I bet all the facts are laid out in that documentary that the SEC did about you! Would love to see it--heard they have courtroom footage of you in your orange jumpsuit! Need I remind you--you did TWO stints in prison--this is directly from the Ok Dept of Corrections website (I would add those lovely mugshots but I cannot seem to get them to cut and paste to this site):

91-17 LOVE Obtaining Money By False Pretense 09/23/1991 4Y 0M 0D Incarceration 04/03/1992 04/27/1994
91-23 LOVE Obtaining Money By False Pretense 09/23/1991 4Y 0M 0D Incarceration 04/03/1992 04/27/1994
2001-178 GRAD Obtaining Services By Fraud 12/03/2001 2Y 0M 0D Incarceration 08/04/2006 01/25/2007
2001-178 GRAD Obtaining Services By Fraud 12/03/2001 2Y 0M 0D Probation 12/03/2001 12/02/2005

Mattie said, 'I've set back and said little till now. But you're on my list now lady. After you stalked him relentlessly and threatened him and others of course he took some defensive measures to protect himself from you. He was advised by the Sheriff's office to do that.'

Stalked him (thanks for learning how to spell that word) relentlessly and threatened him!!! What in the heck are you talking about? I went to his office/residence (took me a while to figure out that he lived in his office) ONE TIME--to get my money and tell him to leave me alone!!! He was such a coward, he didn't even open the door--I called the sheriff on my way home and explained what had happened--the sheriff told me Matthew's story sounded 'a little crazy and this guy is a little off. I recommend you stay away from him for your own protection.' Mattie kept up with the harrassing letters--all of my attempts to obtain my wages were met by threatening letters. He claimed he would sue me every time. Finally, I had a sheriff call him (Deputy Madsen of the Gallatin County Sheriff Department) and tell him that if he sent one more letter or attempted to contact me--he would be arrested. That was the day he started coming on this site as other people! The only other time I have gone near him knowingly was the day I obtained his new address for the Dept of Labor--his mover (whom he never paid) gave me directions but was not sure about the exact address so my son and I drove out and videotaped the mailbox--this way he couldn't claim that anything happened. So, if that is relentless stalking.....Maybe if the idiot would just pay me what he owes me...

Mattie said, 'But now you're going down and down hard. I will personally cheer. You have hurt numerous individuals, businesses and most of all the children. How can you live with yourself? '

Just exactly whom have I hurt? I have asked this over and over again to no avail. I have saved many people a lot of money--I am saddened when new victims call that I was unable to spare. I live quite well with myself--content in the fact that I am doing the right thing by exposing this piece of scum for the whole world to see. Honestly, if I didn't expose him--I wouldn't be able to live with myself! How do you sleep at night knowing how many you have hurt? How do you sleep when you think about that woman--who once loved you--that you stole 1/2 million dollars from? or Annie having to deal with collections for checks you bounced? or poor Sam, in that apartment all alone before those caring neighbors came and found him a new home?

Mattie said, 'And this mocking language you use? Mattie, what is that all about. Oh, I remember, you're a sick, vile individual.

Matthew McClintock received his name from his biological father you vile lying cheater. I'll dare you imply otherwise. Do you have any idea how that statement affected Matthew's mother? You know that and try and smear him. He's a wonderful filmmaker and has many many credits of excellence to his name. He surely doesn't need me to defend him.'

I really couldn't care less where he got his name--or any of his names for that matter. He is a criminal and he has taken on at least five different names since I had the misfortune of meeting him. If his mother is reading this, well that shocks the heck out of me since he told me she was dead! I think that would hurt her more. Heck, this man told me his mom and dad and only son were dead and now accuses me of harrassing and attacking his family!!! As to his filmmaking--the guy has done next to nothing! He has used a bunch of people in his attempts--one business he used to the tune of $10,000 to 'do his editing' and never ever paid them! I have been able to find next to no record of his PBS show but I have spoken to more than one person who told me there was a trial regarding his lying to 'sponsors' about said program. Other than that one thing--please list his many credits--heck, list one credit! He didn't even film those commercials or that footage the ex-first lady loved so much that she called him two times--during an election year! That one still cracks me up--I mean seriously, that anyone bought that! LMAO!!!

Mattie said, 'You Kristin are the one and only you that through your vile and distorted actions caused 85% of the breakup of Whispering Wind Productions, LLC. You have used bits of information to distort the truth.

You are so going to hang in court. The jury will award WWP and Matthew a settlement that will cost you the rest of your life.

You want a fight lady, I'll give you all and more then you can handle. I worked for Matthew at WWP and know how hard he worked and the time and planning that went into WWP. You are nothing but a looser. You have hurt so many children because of your efforts.'

Wow! How to respond! So, is WWP finished or what? Cause earlier and in previous posts you refer to the staff so that is a little confusing. And how did you come up with 85%, you haven't even correctly identified who I contacted! Most of the businesses you mentioned, I have never even spoken to! Maybe the fact that you took money and didn't do what you were supposed to--IE. provide tutors, put up billboards, name sponsors on Belgrade News Ad, air hundreds and hundreds of commecials--maybe that is what caused the breakup? Don't you think? And I am a 'looser'--what is that? Does that fall into committing 'deformation'? Again, I have never hurt a child--I have dedicated my life to helping people and will continue to--heck, that is why I am typing this. To expose a criminal for his true self and warn others.

Hang in court--don't think that is legal though I do think there still might be laws on the books in MT that allow for hanging
when someone steals who would do that?

I am awaiting this trial--you promised me I would be served back in July and I am still waiting... what the heck is the holdup?? Also, I hope you read my legal advice regarding the statutes in the state of MT in terms of slander--don't have any for 'deformation' cause I don't know what that is. As for a fight--again, BRING IT ON, MATTIE!!! LET'S ROCK AND ROLL!!!!

Most Honestly and Sincerely,


Respond to this report!
What's this?

#140 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Elizabeth - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, February 19, 2009



You daily try and bate Matthew and the staff in wallowing in your fabricated stories. They have more class then give you the time of day. You're the worst excuse for a person I think I have ever seen.

The couple of times they have challenged you, you have some excuse!!! Taking pictures outside a school house. I was with Matthew the day we were traveling looking for locations when we drove up in front of the school house.

Matthew got out and went up to one of the teachers who was standing outside. He handed her his business card and ask her to call him which she did. There was no camera in our car your ignorant person.

She did in fact call Matthew a few days later, During that conversation she told Matthew about someone they thought were taking photo's. Kristin, you're the foulest person I have ever remotely come in contact with.

Utah..WHAT? What is this woman's name. HUD, where do you come up with this crap!! Ohlet me guess you have to protect her identity. How convenient an excuse for your fable of distorted and vile stories.

You know Matthew is an easy target for you because he was incarcerated while he and his attorneys successfully defended an SEC violation that ended up being deferred. How convenient you leave out the facts. Just another example of how vile mouth and a liar you are.

I've set back and said little till now. But you're on my list now lady. After you stalked him relentlessly and threatened him and others of course he took some defensive measures to protect himself from you. He was advised by the Sheriff's office to do that.

But now you're going down and down hard. I will personally cheer. You have hurt numerous individuals, businesses and most of all the children. How can you live with yourself?

And this mocking language you use? Mattie, what is that all about. Oh, I remember, you're a sick, vile individual.

Matthew McClintock received his name from his biological father you vile lying cheater. I'll dare you imply otherwise. Do you have any idea how that statement affected Matthew's mother? You know that and try and smear him. He's a wonderful filmmaker and has many many credits of excellence to his name. He surely doesn't need me to defend him.

You Kristin are the one and only you that through your vile and distorted actions caused 85% of the breakup of Whispering Wind Productions, LLC. You have used bits of information to distort the truth.

You are so going to hang in court. The jury will award WWP and Matthew a settlement that will cost you the rest of your life.

Who in Utah are you talking about? Surely even a woman with a brain fart like you have can remember who you're talking about. What do you come up with these things? Come on now little Kristie, tell us who you're talking about?

Now tell me Kristie, can you spell REVERSED ON APPEAL? Can you spell DEFERRED? How we leave out little details don't we. But then that wouldn't fit into your warped perverted dialog. You're the scum of this earth. The charges were over turned on appeal you lying trash talking perverted person.

And hurt? You have hurt children across this state when you went to businesses, individuals and persons that had nothing to do what so ever with WWP and did your smooth trash talk. You are the responsible person in preventing WWP to complete its obligations. YOU KRISTIN (LIAR) are hurting children every day by your insane actions.

Why did you go to Bozeman Fords if there was no application in your name as we all know there wasn't? You went there to cause trouble. You went to businesses everywhere to spread your filthy lies.

Businesses are supporting the programs and broadcast are not only in production, but final editing for broadcast with several people involved, are expanding daily. There are airings daily and expanding. You Kristie are but a fly getting swatted.

Your days are drawing close. Can you spell DEFERMATION OF CHARACTER? Can you spell SLANDER? Can you spell suit filed for $750,000.00?

You want a fight lady, I'll give you all and more then you can handle. I worked for Matthew at WWP and know how hard he worked and the time and planning that went into WWP. You are nothing but a looser. You have hurt so many children because of your efforts.

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#139 Author of original report

Will the lies ever end, Mattie? Madison County/Gallatin County/Matthew Justin McClintock/Cody Willis/Mark O'Dell

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Listen to my words--all three of you posted from the same email address today (Karen, Judy, and Matthew). You all claimed to be in the same "office" this morning. Using the same email address! I am glad to hear that the moderator contacted Liz--and BTW that post was down before 7:54am (this is a reference to your emails, Karen and Judy) The sheriff told Matthew not to write to me or call me--it was Deputy Madsen and it was back in August. I have his badge number, do you want it so you can call and verify my story. Or are you saying the deputy lied to me about calling you?

Matthew, I have NEVER THREATENED YOU WITH A GUN! I have not broken any laws! And now Jason is representing you? Jason who? The husband of Karen--from Arizona who is now working in your "office" in Montana? I know it is not the Jason that I talked to, so which Jason is it.

Your story is so such a mixed up mess, you don't know if you are coming or going. Did you call about your probation? Is trading a violation? I hope so--that would be great!

So, tell your lawyer to serve me tomorrow--I am waiting for my chance to come after you in court. Your lies here have gave my attorney a very solid case--I only wish the criminal case against you would fall together as well as the civil.

So, I ask again--WHERE IS MY MONEY?? You lied about filing for a review so just pay me!

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#138 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, February 18, 2009

kRISTIN COX lets start over with the facts. They removed your post from Bozeman Talks. They removed the entire post. The moderator sent Liz an E-mail sayoing he removed the entire post as he could not decern where where the truth was.

You stated in a post that the Sheriff contacted Matthew and told him he would arrest him if he posted concerning you.
Read on!

Mrs. Cox,
This is Mtthew McClintock I ask Jason to call me over if he filed this afternoon. I'm telling you again, your a liar, fraud and have hurt many children with your actions not to mention the many businesses and individuals that have suffered as a result of your actions.

You said a Sheriff called me. I don't think so. Your a fraud and a liar. I don't need other people to write for me, but you would like them to think so.

Matthew McClintock

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#137 Author of original report

Matthew Cody McClintock lies again!

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, February 18, 2009

This is an email I sent to both Rip Off Report and Matthew Cody McClintock at 1pm on 2/18/2009:

I am the original poster of this report. I worked for Whispering Wind Productions for two weeks. The owner's name is Matthew McClintock--according to authorities in a number of states he has also gone by other names. He never paid me and he committed illegal and immoral acts in my presence. I reported him to the sheriff and quit my job after confirming that he was not a truthful and honest businessman. I also filed a wage claim with the Montana Department of Labor--I currently have an Order of Default judgment for $1395, which will go to collections on February 26, 2009. I felt horrible knowing what a cheat he was and I came to this site to warn others.

As such, I have been subject to his continuous lies and threats--he started posting here after a sheriff called him at my request and told him he would be arrested if he called or wrote to me again. He has posted as numerous people on this site--in other words, he has consistently lied about his identity. I do believe this violates your rules. Some of the names he has used are Judy, Matthew, Friend, Judy (posting as Jerry and Karen), Jason and Karen, and Elizabeth. One only has to read these posts to tell it is him.

Today, he posted as Elizabeth and accused me of a felony! He stated that I threatened him with a gun--I do not now nor have I ever owned a gun. I have not held one since 1989 when I tried to shoot a friend's 9mm. In fact, I am an advocate for strong gun laws and am very upset by this lie. I even contacted the local sheriff's department to verify that Matthew has never filed a report against me for threatening him with a gun. He made this slanderous lie up just to harm me.

Since this man has both lied about his identity--and probably given you false information on a number of occasions--and has accused an innocent person of a felony offense, I respectfully request that you at the least sanction his last post under the false identity of Elizabeth. I have been more than willing to take his other lies in exchange for him being exposed for his thievery but this is just too much.

Finally, I would like to thank you for your site. This report has been read by this man's victims throughout a number of states and by the authorities in said state. In an effort to maintain confidentiality, I will not expound on this statement since it has been cc-ed to Matthew but, suffice it to say, he will be brought to justice and your site has helped in this effort. Thank you for your attention to this matter and I would truly appreciate a timely response to my concern. I will e posting this email to the website also--as a disclaimer to what he has said about me. He made this same post on another website and he was sanction and the post was taken down.

Most Sincerely,

Kristin Kae Cox

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#136 Author of original report

Will the lies ever end, Mattie? Madison County/Gallatin County/Matthew Justin McClintock/Cody Willis/Mark O'Dell

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, February 18, 2009


You finally respond by email and with your own name! How amazing! Did you lose you cowardice? And why is "Karen" in MT? Did she relocate to live with you and Judy? Did her husband come to? And why don't "Judy" and "Karen" have the same email as you? Who shares email?

So, you have spoken to "the Law Firm" and who might that be? Jason? Chuck? The guy you threatened Ross with? Holly? The guy you threatened Becky with? Give me a name so I can get a date for this trip to court. Your other victims are ready to go! At this point, I am pretty sure we can fill a courtroom!

Now, your attorney did tell you that is will not look good for you to have not paid or responded to my Order of Default, right? And you did tell him that you lied about requesting a review? I spoke to Windy last night at about 4:50pm and no such review has been requested. Also, how is the other wage claim going for you? Did you pay it or are you going to ignore it, too? I love all the new lies, the others who contacted me last night also loved how your story has changed so much.

When I spoke to the sheriff this morning, they again confirmed that there are no reports on file against me--especially none that involve a gun! How little you know about me! Do you seriously think people are going to believe that I had a gun? I haven't even touched one since 1989! I am actually a huge advocate of strict gun laws and would never have one in my hand. Though a number of people told me you had one--at your place of work! Do you have a permit for that? It really bothered me when I found that out because it goes against my values--yes, I have values, something you do not have. When do you claim this happened, give me a date? It is around the time you told a lady that I was "following" you in a van with Tami? Cause I was working that day and haven't been in a vehicle with Tami in months. Well, I take that back, we did go to the Mexican restaurant two Saturdays ago--they really miss you there! LOL!

BTW, talking of values makes me think of my family and I just wanted to say I was shocked to hear that your mom was still alive--you told me she died! Well, at least "Elizabeth" said she was alive on the 17th. But then, "Elizabeth" said she was dead today! How sudden! And I was glad to hear your children are alive--I thought it so sad when you told me your only son died in the NICU in Salt Lake City. Do you remember that? How you told me you donate money every year to commemorate the death of your only son? How they tried so hard? If your children are reading the posts--how sad that must make them feel to know you said such a thing. Mattie, you are a sick, sick man who even lies about whether or not his own family is living or dead.

I love how you are now saying I know all the details of your childhood--what names you had, who your parents where, etc. How the heck would I know any of those things? The only thing I know is that the authorities in a number of states have given me the aliases that you have used, which is something I have stated.

Are you helping Annie out with those bounced checks? You know, the ones on which you forged her name? How about Abbie? Did you send her a refund for the $1850? Do you remember her now? She sure remembers you and how you stole HUD money--did you check with the sheriff to see how her talk with them went? Did you ever pay Nancy for that bounced check? Or the movers? Or did you pay that court judgment from Dec? Pretty sure that didn't go your way--but that is just a guess. Mattie, seriously, why don't you just get a job. Doesn't it feel bad to run around everyday knowing that your ex-girlfriend is suffering because you stole 1/2 million and won't pay her back? Have you spoken to Grady Co about the warrant? How about your parole? Can't they revoke that if you commit crimes in Montana? Hmmm.. so many questions, so few answers....

Thanks for that post yesterday, you have now covered all four requirements of a slander suit for me! Now, let's go! I have to head out of state at the end of the month and might be moving soon so I would really like to get this show on the road. You are aware that the burden of proof is yours and you have nothing--but I, on the other hand, have enough to take you for anything you will ever make. Of course, since you will most likely end up behind bars in the near future--that ain't gonna be much. Almost forgot, they had some soap on a rope at Walmart the other day and I thought of you. Maybe you can make me your first phone call when you eventually get picked up and I can bring you a pretty blue bar:-))

BTW, I am going to let the rip off report know that you made a blatantly false statement that constitutes outright slander. Guess maybe you will be off that site, too! I am having a great day--I just might go to the sheriff's department and file a cyber harassment claim against you!

Most Sincerely,

Heh, since you are have a moment of limited cowardice--why don't you give me a call and talk to me like a man?? I am sitting right here and very much ready to hear from you. Come on--JUST DO IT!!!

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#135 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Elizabeth - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I worked part time for Whispering Wind Productions for several months. When I became aware of the accusations being made about WWP and Matthew, I was beside myself with frustration, anger and the desire to speak out. I called Matthew and told him what this Kristin Cox's was saying about him. Matthew ask me to not enter into the discussions, to let Mrs. Cox air herself online. A few weeks later when the contents of Mrs. Cox comments and statements on Ripp OFF and Bozeman Talks became absolutely a collogue of lies, I again ask Matthew to respond. Again he advised me not to engage in dialog. Shortly thereafter Matthew retained an attorney in Bozeman. I do know from information I have been able to read and sent to me, that a suit is pending against Mrs. Cox. I also know that as of the 11th of February the attorney has been steadily retaining more information from postings of Mrs. Cox's. She recently stated the following online.
Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??
This is how low this Mrs. Cox has gone with her attack on Matthew. Sam was Matthew's beloved Golden Retriever. I won't go into the details at this time per Sam, other than to tell you that Matthew never ever abandoned this friend. He cherished that dog with his life. His son lives in California and his daughter lives in Arizona.
Kristin Cox's was hired by Matthew (after my husband and I moved) to handle the marketing for WWP so Matthew could concentrate on filming, editing and distribution. He was working on two projects. One project was a documentary the other was series of thirty second spots encouraging reading. This is something that he felt and continues to feel very adamant about.
Before I continue, let me say this. This man never once took a pay check from any funds that came to WWP for the Read Care & Share program. Not one cent was ever taken by him for this project. The local stations could not give the Read Care and Share spots two for one airings as it was not under a 501 3 C.
He decided since this
was not a 501 3 C, that he could help support the on air ads if it was supplemented by some local businesses. Matthew and I and another employee talked about this approach. When funding was low, he gave up his condo and moved into a back room in the offices to help support this project. Matthew paid out of his pocket to film the spots for this project. We filmed for a total of eleven-days in Montana.
The spots first aired the end of 2007, then again in 2008. Some were shown with sponsors and others were filmed and edited without sponsors when funding allowed. These aired per NBC and ABC Family and Fox News. I could be mistaken on NBC. It could have been CBS, but I think it was NBC.
In 1991 Matthew gave a man in Oklahoma funds transport a large number of cattle from Nevada to Oklahoma. Some of these funds were from another individual. The man never produced the cattle and was never heard from again.

A local Sheriff in Love County Oklahoma took it upon himself to charge Matthew. Even though Matthew repaid the funds given him. The first jury ended in a hung jury, the second trial ended in his conviction. He was sentenced to four years. An appeal was filed. After Matthew served out his sentence, the Oklahoma Court of Appeals reversed the verdict. Mrs. Cox knew of this, yet continues to state otherwise. My source was Mr. Johnson who defended Matthew.

Matthew trades on NASDAQ, that is how he makes a living even to this day. He was found to be in violation of a SEC rule. He received a deferred sentence. He moved to Tennessee. Shortly after he moved there Oklahoma pushed Tennessee to go after him on anything they could. Nowthat is information that was given to me by an individual in the media that I know well. Sothat is second hand information, but other events suggest to me that this is correct. Tennessee came after him with three Mickey Mouse charges within two weeks. Two of those were dismissed immediately. The 3rd was a charge that Matthew was given a deferred sentence for. However, that was enough for Oklahoma to transport him back to Oklahoma City. This revolved again around a SEC violation.
His bond was set at an unusually high $500,000.00. I'll cut this shorter. I know for a fact that Matthew told his attorney. I'll take a two-year sentence. His attorney had told Matthew he could win in court, but that it would take 18-months to get him through the process. Matthew's friend told me that Matthew said, I can serve a few weeks in a minimum security and get on with business. After discussing this with his family he made that decision.

Matthew told me in late May of 2008, I made a mistake with the SEC interpretation. I was at fault and the SEC was within their right to push it. When he told me that in the office I admired him for his straight forwardness.

Mrs. Cox was hired to do marketing. I cannot attest as to her wage claims, only to say I know as does Mrs. Cox that this is still in review till the 26th of this month. WWP has sent it back into court. I do know that Mrs. Cox was aware that Mr. McClintock had been before the court and the results of that. It is the opinion of many she stole documents from WWP and tried to pressure Matthew into a area, that I will not comment on per the attorneys advice.

When Matthew and WWP would not conform to a demand from her should took it upon herself to use the Court documents to destroy WWP and the programs associated with it. Part of the program for reading was a tutoring program that was to begin in August, 2008. Matthew took out two full page color ads in Belgrade per the free program in development. Mrs. Cox went so far as to even call the tutor(s) and also went to the local school superintendents. Matthew was opening up his office to kids who needed additional tutoring and didn't fit into existing school programs etc. He was paying the tutors out of his pocket; this was free to the families. WWP had the offices made to allow for these children.

Mrs. Cox went as far as to call people not even associated with WWP who she found on documents she scanned and took from the offices.
When Mrs. Cox started her campaign she was very effective. Many many of the businesses withdrew their support as to not be involved in any controversy. As Mrs. Cox knew, it immediately impacted the income into WWP. As a result many of the airings could not be paid for.
Billboard: WWP contracted with Lamar to have two billboards showing a young lady holding her child. The caption read as follows: Share A Reading MomentShare your Love. People who had contracted to be on the billboard were denied this as WWP was now being pushed into the headlines locally.

I could go into much detail as to Mrs. Cox, but will refrain at this point. I will say this in closing. Mrs. Cox has made much of Matthew and his name(s). Matthew was born O'Dell. His father's name was McClintock. Matthew was raised by a family named Willis. In 1985 Matthew's natural father ask Matthew if he would take his name as he had no other children. After Matthew's natural mother passed away, he took his father's name. Mrs. Cox knows this.

Mrs. Cox started stalking Matthew. He moved after the offices were closed and she came on property and made threats using a gun. Matthew went to the Sheriff's office along with another witness and filed a report as well as taking other legal steps to bring Mrs. Cox before the court.
If you read the accusations per Mrs. Cox I know one will see the content of a woman obsessed in a manner that is not to be taken lightly when she makes personal threats. Tapes have been turned over to the Sheriff's office.

Matthew's children have read the comments Mrs. Cox made per them. She crossed way over the line. Matthew voluntarily made all documentation per WWP available to the Sheriff's office, the State Attorney General's office and Bozeman police department.

I do know that Matthew has not filed for Whispering Wind Productions, LLC to go into bankruptcy. He stated to me that as soon as the attorney files against Mrs. Cox, he hope to resume airing any business that's contract was not honored in full as well as any personal obligations.

I trust this information will provide an additional point of view.
The above post bybozonative9 hours ago
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#134 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Elizabeth - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I worked part time for Whispering Wind Productions for several months. When I became aware of the accusations being made about WWP and Matthew, I was beside myself with frustration, anger and the desire to speak out. I called Matthew and told him what this Kristin Cox's was saying about him. Matthew ask me to not enter into the discussions, to let Mrs. Cox air herself online. A few weeks later when the contents of Mrs. Cox comments and statements on Ripp OFF and Bozeman Talks became absolutely a collogue of lies, I again ask Matthew to respond. Again he advised me not to engage in dialog. Shortly thereafter Matthew retained an attorney in Bozeman. I do know from information I have been able to read and sent to me, that a suit is pending against Mrs. Cox. I also know that as of the 11th of February the attorney has been steadily retaining more information from postings of Mrs. Cox's. She recently stated the following online.
Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??
This is how low this Mrs. Cox has gone with her attack on Matthew. Sam was Matthew's beloved Golden Retriever. I won't go into the details at this time per Sam, other than to tell you that Matthew never ever abandoned this friend. He cherished that dog with his life. His son lives in California and his daughter lives in Arizona.
Kristin Cox's was hired by Matthew (after my husband and I moved) to handle the marketing for WWP so Matthew could concentrate on filming, editing and distribution. He was working on two projects. One project was a documentary the other was series of thirty second spots encouraging reading. This is something that he felt and continues to feel very adamant about.
Before I continue, let me say this. This man never once took a pay check from any funds that came to WWP for the Read Care & Share program. Not one cent was ever taken by him for this project. The local stations could not give the Read Care and Share spots two for one airings as it was not under a 501 3 C.
He decided since this
was not a 501 3 C, that he could help support the on air ads if it was supplemented by some local businesses. Matthew and I and another employee talked about this approach. When funding was low, he gave up his condo and moved into a back room in the offices to help support this project. Matthew paid out of his pocket to film the spots for this project. We filmed for a total of eleven-days in Montana.
The spots first aired the end of 2007, then again in 2008. Some were shown with sponsors and others were filmed and edited without sponsors when funding allowed. These aired per NBC and ABC Family and Fox News. I could be mistaken on NBC. It could have been CBS, but I think it was NBC.
In 1991 Matthew gave a man in Oklahoma funds transport a large number of cattle from Nevada to Oklahoma. Some of these funds were from another individual. The man never produced the cattle and was never heard from again.

A local Sheriff in Love County Oklahoma took it upon himself to charge Matthew. Even though Matthew repaid the funds given him. The first jury ended in a hung jury, the second trial ended in his conviction. He was sentenced to four years. An appeal was filed. After Matthew served out his sentence, the Oklahoma Court of Appeals reversed the verdict. Mrs. Cox knew of this, yet continues to state otherwise. My source was Mr. Johnson who defended Matthew.

Matthew trades on NASDAQ, that is how he makes a living even to this day. He was found to be in violation of a SEC rule. He received a deferred sentence. He moved to Tennessee. Shortly after he moved there Oklahoma pushed Tennessee to go after him on anything they could. Nowthat is information that was given to me by an individual in the media that I know well. Sothat is second hand information, but other events suggest to me that this is correct. Tennessee came after him with three Mickey Mouse charges within two weeks. Two of those were dismissed immediately. The 3rd was a charge that Matthew was given a deferred sentence for. However, that was enough for Oklahoma to transport him back to Oklahoma City. This revolved again around a SEC violation.
His bond was set at an unusually high $500,000.00. I'll cut this shorter. I know for a fact that Matthew told his attorney. I'll take a two-year sentence. His attorney had told Matthew he could win in court, but that it would take 18-months to get him through the process. Matthew's friend told me that Matthew said, I can serve a few weeks in a minimum security and get on with business. After discussing this with his family he made that decision.

Matthew told me in late May of 2008, I made a mistake with the SEC interpretation. I was at fault and the SEC was within their right to push it. When he told me that in the office I admired him for his straight forwardness.

Mrs. Cox was hired to do marketing. I cannot attest as to her wage claims, only to say I know as does Mrs. Cox that this is still in review till the 26th of this month. WWP has sent it back into court. I do know that Mrs. Cox was aware that Mr. McClintock had been before the court and the results of that. It is the opinion of many she stole documents from WWP and tried to pressure Matthew into a area, that I will not comment on per the attorneys advice.

When Matthew and WWP would not conform to a demand from her should took it upon herself to use the Court documents to destroy WWP and the programs associated with it. Part of the program for reading was a tutoring program that was to begin in August, 2008. Matthew took out two full page color ads in Belgrade per the free program in development. Mrs. Cox went so far as to even call the tutor(s) and also went to the local school superintendents. Matthew was opening up his office to kids who needed additional tutoring and didn't fit into existing school programs etc. He was paying the tutors out of his pocket; this was free to the families. WWP had the offices made to allow for these children.

Mrs. Cox went as far as to call people not even associated with WWP who she found on documents she scanned and took from the offices.
When Mrs. Cox started her campaign she was very effective. Many many of the businesses withdrew their support as to not be involved in any controversy. As Mrs. Cox knew, it immediately impacted the income into WWP. As a result many of the airings could not be paid for.
Billboard: WWP contracted with Lamar to have two billboards showing a young lady holding her child. The caption read as follows: Share A Reading MomentShare your Love. People who had contracted to be on the billboard were denied this as WWP was now being pushed into the headlines locally.

I could go into much detail as to Mrs. Cox, but will refrain at this point. I will say this in closing. Mrs. Cox has made much of Matthew and his name(s). Matthew was born O'Dell. His father's name was McClintock. Matthew was raised by a family named Willis. In 1985 Matthew's natural father ask Matthew if he would take his name as he had no other children. After Matthew's natural mother passed away, he took his father's name. Mrs. Cox knows this.

Mrs. Cox started stalking Matthew. He moved after the offices were closed and she came on property and made threats using a gun. Matthew went to the Sheriff's office along with another witness and filed a report as well as taking other legal steps to bring Mrs. Cox before the court.
If you read the accusations per Mrs. Cox I know one will see the content of a woman obsessed in a manner that is not to be taken lightly when she makes personal threats. Tapes have been turned over to the Sheriff's office.

Matthew's children have read the comments Mrs. Cox made per them. She crossed way over the line. Matthew voluntarily made all documentation per WWP available to the Sheriff's office, the State Attorney General's office and Bozeman police department.

I do know that Matthew has not filed for Whispering Wind Productions, LLC to go into bankruptcy. He stated to me that as soon as the attorney files against Mrs. Cox, he hope to resume airing any business that's contract was not honored in full as well as any personal obligations.

I trust this information will provide an additional point of view.
The above post bybozonative9 hours ago
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#133 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Elizabeth - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I worked part time for Whispering Wind Productions for several months. When I became aware of the accusations being made about WWP and Matthew, I was beside myself with frustration, anger and the desire to speak out. I called Matthew and told him what this Kristin Cox's was saying about him. Matthew ask me to not enter into the discussions, to let Mrs. Cox air herself online. A few weeks later when the contents of Mrs. Cox comments and statements on Ripp OFF and Bozeman Talks became absolutely a collogue of lies, I again ask Matthew to respond. Again he advised me not to engage in dialog. Shortly thereafter Matthew retained an attorney in Bozeman. I do know from information I have been able to read and sent to me, that a suit is pending against Mrs. Cox. I also know that as of the 11th of February the attorney has been steadily retaining more information from postings of Mrs. Cox's. She recently stated the following online.
Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??
This is how low this Mrs. Cox has gone with her attack on Matthew. Sam was Matthew's beloved Golden Retriever. I won't go into the details at this time per Sam, other than to tell you that Matthew never ever abandoned this friend. He cherished that dog with his life. His son lives in California and his daughter lives in Arizona.
Kristin Cox's was hired by Matthew (after my husband and I moved) to handle the marketing for WWP so Matthew could concentrate on filming, editing and distribution. He was working on two projects. One project was a documentary the other was series of thirty second spots encouraging reading. This is something that he felt and continues to feel very adamant about.
Before I continue, let me say this. This man never once took a pay check from any funds that came to WWP for the Read Care & Share program. Not one cent was ever taken by him for this project. The local stations could not give the Read Care and Share spots two for one airings as it was not under a 501 3 C.
He decided since this
was not a 501 3 C, that he could help support the on air ads if it was supplemented by some local businesses. Matthew and I and another employee talked about this approach. When funding was low, he gave up his condo and moved into a back room in the offices to help support this project. Matthew paid out of his pocket to film the spots for this project. We filmed for a total of eleven-days in Montana.
The spots first aired the end of 2007, then again in 2008. Some were shown with sponsors and others were filmed and edited without sponsors when funding allowed. These aired per NBC and ABC Family and Fox News. I could be mistaken on NBC. It could have been CBS, but I think it was NBC.
In 1991 Matthew gave a man in Oklahoma funds transport a large number of cattle from Nevada to Oklahoma. Some of these funds were from another individual. The man never produced the cattle and was never heard from again.

A local Sheriff in Love County Oklahoma took it upon himself to charge Matthew. Even though Matthew repaid the funds given him. The first jury ended in a hung jury, the second trial ended in his conviction. He was sentenced to four years. An appeal was filed. After Matthew served out his sentence, the Oklahoma Court of Appeals reversed the verdict. Mrs. Cox knew of this, yet continues to state otherwise. My source was Mr. Johnson who defended Matthew.

Matthew trades on NASDAQ, that is how he makes a living even to this day. He was found to be in violation of a SEC rule. He received a deferred sentence. He moved to Tennessee. Shortly after he moved there Oklahoma pushed Tennessee to go after him on anything they could. Nowthat is information that was given to me by an individual in the media that I know well. Sothat is second hand information, but other events suggest to me that this is correct. Tennessee came after him with three Mickey Mouse charges within two weeks. Two of those were dismissed immediately. The 3rd was a charge that Matthew was given a deferred sentence for. However, that was enough for Oklahoma to transport him back to Oklahoma City. This revolved again around a SEC violation.
His bond was set at an unusually high $500,000.00. I'll cut this shorter. I know for a fact that Matthew told his attorney. I'll take a two-year sentence. His attorney had told Matthew he could win in court, but that it would take 18-months to get him through the process. Matthew's friend told me that Matthew said, I can serve a few weeks in a minimum security and get on with business. After discussing this with his family he made that decision.

Matthew told me in late May of 2008, I made a mistake with the SEC interpretation. I was at fault and the SEC was within their right to push it. When he told me that in the office I admired him for his straight forwardness.

Mrs. Cox was hired to do marketing. I cannot attest as to her wage claims, only to say I know as does Mrs. Cox that this is still in review till the 26th of this month. WWP has sent it back into court. I do know that Mrs. Cox was aware that Mr. McClintock had been before the court and the results of that. It is the opinion of many she stole documents from WWP and tried to pressure Matthew into a area, that I will not comment on per the attorneys advice.

When Matthew and WWP would not conform to a demand from her should took it upon herself to use the Court documents to destroy WWP and the programs associated with it. Part of the program for reading was a tutoring program that was to begin in August, 2008. Matthew took out two full page color ads in Belgrade per the free program in development. Mrs. Cox went so far as to even call the tutor(s) and also went to the local school superintendents. Matthew was opening up his office to kids who needed additional tutoring and didn't fit into existing school programs etc. He was paying the tutors out of his pocket; this was free to the families. WWP had the offices made to allow for these children.

Mrs. Cox went as far as to call people not even associated with WWP who she found on documents she scanned and took from the offices.
When Mrs. Cox started her campaign she was very effective. Many many of the businesses withdrew their support as to not be involved in any controversy. As Mrs. Cox knew, it immediately impacted the income into WWP. As a result many of the airings could not be paid for.
Billboard: WWP contracted with Lamar to have two billboards showing a young lady holding her child. The caption read as follows: Share A Reading MomentShare your Love. People who had contracted to be on the billboard were denied this as WWP was now being pushed into the headlines locally.

I could go into much detail as to Mrs. Cox, but will refrain at this point. I will say this in closing. Mrs. Cox has made much of Matthew and his name(s). Matthew was born O'Dell. His father's name was McClintock. Matthew was raised by a family named Willis. In 1985 Matthew's natural father ask Matthew if he would take his name as he had no other children. After Matthew's natural mother passed away, he took his father's name. Mrs. Cox knows this.

Mrs. Cox started stalking Matthew. He moved after the offices were closed and she came on property and made threats using a gun. Matthew went to the Sheriff's office along with another witness and filed a report as well as taking other legal steps to bring Mrs. Cox before the court.
If you read the accusations per Mrs. Cox I know one will see the content of a woman obsessed in a manner that is not to be taken lightly when she makes personal threats. Tapes have been turned over to the Sheriff's office.

Matthew's children have read the comments Mrs. Cox made per them. She crossed way over the line. Matthew voluntarily made all documentation per WWP available to the Sheriff's office, the State Attorney General's office and Bozeman police department.

I do know that Matthew has not filed for Whispering Wind Productions, LLC to go into bankruptcy. He stated to me that as soon as the attorney files against Mrs. Cox, he hope to resume airing any business that's contract was not honored in full as well as any personal obligations.

I trust this information will provide an additional point of view.
The above post bybozonative9 hours ago
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#132 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Elizabeth - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I worked part time for Whispering Wind Productions for several months. When I became aware of the accusations being made about WWP and Matthew, I was beside myself with frustration, anger and the desire to speak out. I called Matthew and told him what this Kristin Cox's was saying about him. Matthew ask me to not enter into the discussions, to let Mrs. Cox air herself online. A few weeks later when the contents of Mrs. Cox comments and statements on Ripp OFF and Bozeman Talks became absolutely a collogue of lies, I again ask Matthew to respond. Again he advised me not to engage in dialog. Shortly thereafter Matthew retained an attorney in Bozeman. I do know from information I have been able to read and sent to me, that a suit is pending against Mrs. Cox. I also know that as of the 11th of February the attorney has been steadily retaining more information from postings of Mrs. Cox's. She recently stated the following online.
Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??
This is how low this Mrs. Cox has gone with her attack on Matthew. Sam was Matthew's beloved Golden Retriever. I won't go into the details at this time per Sam, other than to tell you that Matthew never ever abandoned this friend. He cherished that dog with his life. His son lives in California and his daughter lives in Arizona.
Kristin Cox's was hired by Matthew (after my husband and I moved) to handle the marketing for WWP so Matthew could concentrate on filming, editing and distribution. He was working on two projects. One project was a documentary the other was series of thirty second spots encouraging reading. This is something that he felt and continues to feel very adamant about.
Before I continue, let me say this. This man never once took a pay check from any funds that came to WWP for the Read Care & Share program. Not one cent was ever taken by him for this project. The local stations could not give the Read Care and Share spots two for one airings as it was not under a 501 3 C.
He decided since this
was not a 501 3 C, that he could help support the on air ads if it was supplemented by some local businesses. Matthew and I and another employee talked about this approach. When funding was low, he gave up his condo and moved into a back room in the offices to help support this project. Matthew paid out of his pocket to film the spots for this project. We filmed for a total of eleven-days in Montana.
The spots first aired the end of 2007, then again in 2008. Some were shown with sponsors and others were filmed and edited without sponsors when funding allowed. These aired per NBC and ABC Family and Fox News. I could be mistaken on NBC. It could have been CBS, but I think it was NBC.
In 1991 Matthew gave a man in Oklahoma funds transport a large number of cattle from Nevada to Oklahoma. Some of these funds were from another individual. The man never produced the cattle and was never heard from again.

A local Sheriff in Love County Oklahoma took it upon himself to charge Matthew. Even though Matthew repaid the funds given him. The first jury ended in a hung jury, the second trial ended in his conviction. He was sentenced to four years. An appeal was filed. After Matthew served out his sentence, the Oklahoma Court of Appeals reversed the verdict. Mrs. Cox knew of this, yet continues to state otherwise. My source was Mr. Johnson who defended Matthew.

Matthew trades on NASDAQ, that is how he makes a living even to this day. He was found to be in violation of a SEC rule. He received a deferred sentence. He moved to Tennessee. Shortly after he moved there Oklahoma pushed Tennessee to go after him on anything they could. Nowthat is information that was given to me by an individual in the media that I know well. Sothat is second hand information, but other events suggest to me that this is correct. Tennessee came after him with three Mickey Mouse charges within two weeks. Two of those were dismissed immediately. The 3rd was a charge that Matthew was given a deferred sentence for. However, that was enough for Oklahoma to transport him back to Oklahoma City. This revolved again around a SEC violation.
His bond was set at an unusually high $500,000.00. I'll cut this shorter. I know for a fact that Matthew told his attorney. I'll take a two-year sentence. His attorney had told Matthew he could win in court, but that it would take 18-months to get him through the process. Matthew's friend told me that Matthew said, I can serve a few weeks in a minimum security and get on with business. After discussing this with his family he made that decision.

Matthew told me in late May of 2008, I made a mistake with the SEC interpretation. I was at fault and the SEC was within their right to push it. When he told me that in the office I admired him for his straight forwardness.

Mrs. Cox was hired to do marketing. I cannot attest as to her wage claims, only to say I know as does Mrs. Cox that this is still in review till the 26th of this month. WWP has sent it back into court. I do know that Mrs. Cox was aware that Mr. McClintock had been before the court and the results of that. It is the opinion of many she stole documents from WWP and tried to pressure Matthew into a area, that I will not comment on per the attorneys advice.

When Matthew and WWP would not conform to a demand from her should took it upon herself to use the Court documents to destroy WWP and the programs associated with it. Part of the program for reading was a tutoring program that was to begin in August, 2008. Matthew took out two full page color ads in Belgrade per the free program in development. Mrs. Cox went so far as to even call the tutor(s) and also went to the local school superintendents. Matthew was opening up his office to kids who needed additional tutoring and didn't fit into existing school programs etc. He was paying the tutors out of his pocket; this was free to the families. WWP had the offices made to allow for these children.

Mrs. Cox went as far as to call people not even associated with WWP who she found on documents she scanned and took from the offices.
When Mrs. Cox started her campaign she was very effective. Many many of the businesses withdrew their support as to not be involved in any controversy. As Mrs. Cox knew, it immediately impacted the income into WWP. As a result many of the airings could not be paid for.
Billboard: WWP contracted with Lamar to have two billboards showing a young lady holding her child. The caption read as follows: Share A Reading MomentShare your Love. People who had contracted to be on the billboard were denied this as WWP was now being pushed into the headlines locally.

I could go into much detail as to Mrs. Cox, but will refrain at this point. I will say this in closing. Mrs. Cox has made much of Matthew and his name(s). Matthew was born O'Dell. His father's name was McClintock. Matthew was raised by a family named Willis. In 1985 Matthew's natural father ask Matthew if he would take his name as he had no other children. After Matthew's natural mother passed away, he took his father's name. Mrs. Cox knows this.

Mrs. Cox started stalking Matthew. He moved after the offices were closed and she came on property and made threats using a gun. Matthew went to the Sheriff's office along with another witness and filed a report as well as taking other legal steps to bring Mrs. Cox before the court.
If you read the accusations per Mrs. Cox I know one will see the content of a woman obsessed in a manner that is not to be taken lightly when she makes personal threats. Tapes have been turned over to the Sheriff's office.

Matthew's children have read the comments Mrs. Cox made per them. She crossed way over the line. Matthew voluntarily made all documentation per WWP available to the Sheriff's office, the State Attorney General's office and Bozeman police department.

I do know that Matthew has not filed for Whispering Wind Productions, LLC to go into bankruptcy. He stated to me that as soon as the attorney files against Mrs. Cox, he hope to resume airing any business that's contract was not honored in full as well as any personal obligations.

I trust this information will provide an additional point of view.
The above post bybozonative9 hours ago
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#131 Author of original report

Matthew--creepy freak taking pictures of women's behinds!! McClintock/Justin/Cody Willis/Mark McCombs

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Are you serious? You cut and paste and cut and paste and don't even take time to read a single thing! You are as much a lazy @## as a vile coward:-)

Can you say "Mattie stole from many women"? Can you say "Mattie forged Annie's signature on checks that he then bounced and now she has to deal with collections?" Can you say "Mattie ripped off an assisted living facility and lied to Abbie--the lady running it--and took HUD MONEY?" Can you answer to these issues?

Also, I spoke directly to Windy at the Dept of Labor at 4:50pm. Mattie, you lied RIGHT here AGAIN!! For you to file for a review--you must submit paperwork to Windy and you HAVEN'T SUBMITTED ANYTHING!!! There is no review--you lie and lie and lie and lie.... So, my Order of Default will be heading to collections--so glad that WWP isn't broken up and has money to pay it's current staff because now I can get my money! Did you get that other wage claim from one of the other employees you never bothered to pay? How are you going to fight that one? That reminds me--I haven't gotten my W2 and those were due out by the 30th of January. Since you claim to have paid me money with the assistance of an accountant, I can only assume that the accountant is doing those so I will need mine or I will have to contact the IRS! Maybe "Elizabeth" can call the accountant and get mine sent out--you know, since "Elizabeth" worked for you this year and must have hers. Elizabeth, did you get your W2 yet???

So, Mattie, can you post something new or are you too lazy? I know you are too much of a coward to answer truthfully! I WILL ASK THIS ONE MORE TIME--WHERE IS MY MONEY!!!! As Just Looking pointed out, if you really planned to sue me you would pay my judgment--leaving it unpaid looks BBAADDDD!! (almost as bad as your mugshot:-)) LMAO!! You are giving me a great workout--I will be back down to a size 7 any day now:-)) Oh, yeah, please let me know about how and why you have pics of my behind--I am still pretty darn freaked out about that one. Reminds me of that poor woman who posted on Bozeman Talks about how you sexually harrassed her--wow! You are the ultimate creepy crawly freak, aren't you? And you call me vile??!! That is priceless!

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#130 Author of original report

Matthew--creepy freak taking pictures of women's behinds!! McClintock/Justin/Cody Willis/Mark McCombs

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Are you serious? You cut and paste and cut and paste and don't even take time to read a single thing! You are as much a lazy @## as a vile coward:-)

Can you say "Mattie stole from many women"? Can you say "Mattie forged Annie's signature on checks that he then bounced and now she has to deal with collections?" Can you say "Mattie ripped off an assisted living facility and lied to Abbie--the lady running it--and took HUD MONEY?" Can you answer to these issues?

Also, I spoke directly to Windy at the Dept of Labor at 4:50pm. Mattie, you lied RIGHT here AGAIN!! For you to file for a review--you must submit paperwork to Windy and you HAVEN'T SUBMITTED ANYTHING!!! There is no review--you lie and lie and lie and lie.... So, my Order of Default will be heading to collections--so glad that WWP isn't broken up and has money to pay it's current staff because now I can get my money! Did you get that other wage claim from one of the other employees you never bothered to pay? How are you going to fight that one? That reminds me--I haven't gotten my W2 and those were due out by the 30th of January. Since you claim to have paid me money with the assistance of an accountant, I can only assume that the accountant is doing those so I will need mine or I will have to contact the IRS! Maybe "Elizabeth" can call the accountant and get mine sent out--you know, since "Elizabeth" worked for you this year and must have hers. Elizabeth, did you get your W2 yet???

So, Mattie, can you post something new or are you too lazy? I know you are too much of a coward to answer truthfully! I WILL ASK THIS ONE MORE TIME--WHERE IS MY MONEY!!!! As Just Looking pointed out, if you really planned to sue me you would pay my judgment--leaving it unpaid looks BBAADDDD!! (almost as bad as your mugshot:-)) LMAO!! You are giving me a great workout--I will be back down to a size 7 any day now:-)) Oh, yeah, please let me know about how and why you have pics of my behind--I am still pretty darn freaked out about that one. Reminds me of that poor woman who posted on Bozeman Talks about how you sexually harrassed her--wow! You are the ultimate creepy crawly freak, aren't you? And you call me vile??!! That is priceless!

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#129 Author of original report

Matthew--creepy freak taking pictures of women's behinds!! McClintock/Justin/Cody Willis/Mark McCombs

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Are you serious? You cut and paste and cut and paste and don't even take time to read a single thing! You are as much a lazy @## as a vile coward:-)

Can you say "Mattie stole from many women"? Can you say "Mattie forged Annie's signature on checks that he then bounced and now she has to deal with collections?" Can you say "Mattie ripped off an assisted living facility and lied to Abbie--the lady running it--and took HUD MONEY?" Can you answer to these issues?

Also, I spoke directly to Windy at the Dept of Labor at 4:50pm. Mattie, you lied RIGHT here AGAIN!! For you to file for a review--you must submit paperwork to Windy and you HAVEN'T SUBMITTED ANYTHING!!! There is no review--you lie and lie and lie and lie.... So, my Order of Default will be heading to collections--so glad that WWP isn't broken up and has money to pay it's current staff because now I can get my money! Did you get that other wage claim from one of the other employees you never bothered to pay? How are you going to fight that one? That reminds me--I haven't gotten my W2 and those were due out by the 30th of January. Since you claim to have paid me money with the assistance of an accountant, I can only assume that the accountant is doing those so I will need mine or I will have to contact the IRS! Maybe "Elizabeth" can call the accountant and get mine sent out--you know, since "Elizabeth" worked for you this year and must have hers. Elizabeth, did you get your W2 yet???

So, Mattie, can you post something new or are you too lazy? I know you are too much of a coward to answer truthfully! I WILL ASK THIS ONE MORE TIME--WHERE IS MY MONEY!!!! As Just Looking pointed out, if you really planned to sue me you would pay my judgment--leaving it unpaid looks BBAADDDD!! (almost as bad as your mugshot:-)) LMAO!! You are giving me a great workout--I will be back down to a size 7 any day now:-)) Oh, yeah, please let me know about how and why you have pics of my behind--I am still pretty darn freaked out about that one. Reminds me of that poor woman who posted on Bozeman Talks about how you sexually harrassed her--wow! You are the ultimate creepy crawly freak, aren't you? And you call me vile??!! That is priceless!

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#128 Author of original report

Matthew--creepy freak taking pictures of women's behinds!! McClintock/Justin/Cody Willis/Mark McCombs

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Are you serious? You cut and paste and cut and paste and don't even take time to read a single thing! You are as much a lazy @## as a vile coward:-)

Can you say "Mattie stole from many women"? Can you say "Mattie forged Annie's signature on checks that he then bounced and now she has to deal with collections?" Can you say "Mattie ripped off an assisted living facility and lied to Abbie--the lady running it--and took HUD MONEY?" Can you answer to these issues?

Also, I spoke directly to Windy at the Dept of Labor at 4:50pm. Mattie, you lied RIGHT here AGAIN!! For you to file for a review--you must submit paperwork to Windy and you HAVEN'T SUBMITTED ANYTHING!!! There is no review--you lie and lie and lie and lie.... So, my Order of Default will be heading to collections--so glad that WWP isn't broken up and has money to pay it's current staff because now I can get my money! Did you get that other wage claim from one of the other employees you never bothered to pay? How are you going to fight that one? That reminds me--I haven't gotten my W2 and those were due out by the 30th of January. Since you claim to have paid me money with the assistance of an accountant, I can only assume that the accountant is doing those so I will need mine or I will have to contact the IRS! Maybe "Elizabeth" can call the accountant and get mine sent out--you know, since "Elizabeth" worked for you this year and must have hers. Elizabeth, did you get your W2 yet???

So, Mattie, can you post something new or are you too lazy? I know you are too much of a coward to answer truthfully! I WILL ASK THIS ONE MORE TIME--WHERE IS MY MONEY!!!! As Just Looking pointed out, if you really planned to sue me you would pay my judgment--leaving it unpaid looks BBAADDDD!! (almost as bad as your mugshot:-)) LMAO!! You are giving me a great workout--I will be back down to a size 7 any day now:-)) Oh, yeah, please let me know about how and why you have pics of my behind--I am still pretty darn freaked out about that one. Reminds me of that poor woman who posted on Bozeman Talks about how you sexually harrassed her--wow! You are the ultimate creepy crawly freak, aren't you? And you call me vile??!! That is priceless!

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#127 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Elizabeth - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 17, 2009


God help your children being raised (If in fact you are raising them yourself?) by a woman that is so vile, dishonest and has hatred pouring from her vile and disgusting mouth.

You daily try and bate Matthew and the staff in wallowing in your fabricated stories. They have more class then give you the time of day. You're the worst excuse for a person I think I have ever seen.

The couple of times they have challenged you, you have some excuse!!! Taking pictures outside a school house. I was with Matthew the day we were traveling looking for locations when we drove up in front of the school house.

Matthew got out and went up to one of the teachers who was standing outside. He handed her his business card and ask her to call him which she did. There was no camera in our car your ignorant person.

She did in fact call Matthew a few days later, During that conversation she told Matthew about someone they thought were taking photo's. Kristin, you're the foulest person I have ever remotely come in contact with.

Utah..WHAT? What is this woman's name. HUD, where do you come up with this crap!! Ohlet me guess you have to protect her identity. How convenient an excuse for your fable of distorted and vile stories.

You know Matthew is an easy target for you because he was incarcerated while he and his attorneys successfully defended an SEC violation that ended up being deferred. How convenient you leave out the facts. Just another example of how vile mouth and a liar you are.

I've set back and said little till now. But you're on my list now lady. After you stalked him relentlessly and threatened him and others of course he took some defensive measures to protect himself from you. He was advised by the Sheriff's office to do that.

But now you're going down and down hard. I will personally cheer. You have hurt numerous individuals, businesses and most of all the children. How can you live with yourself?

And this mocking language you use? Mattie, what is that all about. Oh, I remember, you're a sick, vile individual.

Matthew McClintock received his name from his biological father you vile lying cheater. I'll dare you imply otherwise. Do you have any idea how that statement affected Matthew's mother? You know that and try and smear him. He's a wonderful filmmaker and has many many credits of excellence to his name. He surely doesn't need me to defend him.

You Kristin are the one and only you that through your vile and distorted actions caused 85% of the breakup of Whispering Wind Productions, LLC. You have used bits of information to distort the truth.

You are so going to hang in court. The jury will award WWP and Matthew a settlement that will cost you the rest of your life.

Who in Utah are you talking about? Surely even a woman with a brain fart like you have can remember who you're talking about. What do you come up with these things? Come on now little Kristie, tell us who you're talking about?

Now tell me Kristie, can you spell REVERSED ON APPEAL? Can you spell DEFERRED? How we leave out little details don't we. But then that wouldn't fit into your warped perverted dialog. You're the scum of this earth. The charges were over turned on appeal you lying trash talking perverted person.

And hurt? You have hurt children across this state when you went to businesses, individuals and persons that had nothing to do what so ever with WWP and did your smooth trash talk. You are the responsible person in preventing WWP to complete its obligations. YOU KRISTIN (LIAR) are hurting children every day by your insane actions.

Why did you go to Bozeman Fords if there was no application in your name as we all know there wasn't? You went there to cause trouble. You went to businesses everywhere to spread your filthy lies.

Businesses are supporting the programs and broadcast are not only in production, but final editing for broadcast with several people involved, are expanding daily. There are airings daily and expanding. You Kristie are but a fly getting swatted.

Your days are drawing close. Can you spell DEFERMATION OF CHARACTER? Can you spell SLANDER? Can you spell suit filed for $750,000.00?

You want a fight lady, I'll give you all and more then you can handle. I worked for Matthew at WWP and know how hard he worked and the time and planning that went into WWP. You are nothing but a looser. You have hurt so many children because of your efforts.

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#126 Author of original report


AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 17, 2009

LMAO!!! But Mattie said I had a little one! In that yelling threatening phone message he left me back in June--where he said he was going to "see your little @## is court" And where, pray tell have you seen pictures of me? Is Mattie stalking (stocking for you) me? and taking my pictures? and even more scary, pictures of my behind? He definitely does not have a release for that so maybe I best get on the phone and file a report. He never did return any of the copies of Tami's girls pics--and I know he made a lot cause I watched him. Kinda funny you would even attempt to insult my looks, Mattie--have you seen your prison photos? Sorry, what I see in the mirror will never come close to that nightmare!

I doubt Abbie wants to talk to you, Mattie. She is pretty mad! Do you remember her now? I do believe that the sheriff's dept is addressing her concerns--at least that is what I was told! Why would I give you her contact info--so you can harass her like you harass me? Na...I don't think so. Maybe you can get it from the authorities. Or, in this GIGANTIC LAWSUIT--you could ask for it as discovery!

I love your ludicrous attempts to hurt me with untruthful insults--attacking my marriage, my parenting, my behind!!! You are killing me! And calling me Kristie--is that your attempt at an insult top? Guess me calling you Mattie really struck a cord! Who called you Mattie? One of those poor women you lied to and stole from? Your mommie? Your prison boyfriend? Now I really am LMAO!!!

So, you wanted my response to Bozeman Ford--I gave it. They broken off their relationship with you because you DID NOT PUT UP THE BILLBOARD and they reported you to the BBB and the Chamber. Sorry, nothing to do with me.

Now, you wanna explain why Annie is getting collections notices for your bounced checks? She does not deserve that and you are such a creep for what you have put her through. Bounced checks on top of owing her thousands of dollars--you are such a wonderful man for doing that to such a kind and caring lady!!! Your mommie must be sooo proud, little Mattie!

Please, please put your money where your mouth is and gt this show on the road!! I want to go to court, now. What are you waiting for? And why can't you just come on here as yourself? There is no Jason or Karen or Elizabeth or Erica Mason (where did you get that name?) there is just little, ole Mattie the coward!

Reversed on appeal--then why is there a warrant and why is the DA looking into "revoking" your parole? Can you understand the words WARRANT AND REVOKED! I would think you would be an expert as that has happened more than once to you. Here's a thought--let's make sure the DA who prosecuted you in OK can make it to the trial. They seem pretty interested in your activities up here--at least that is what they told me!! Can you understand YOU HAVE NO CASE? Can you understand I HAVE NOT LIED? Can you understand YOU ARE GOING TO WIND UP IN PRISON? Can you understand YOU ARE A LYING, COWARDLY THIEF? Have you ever heard of Karma? Well, eventually it will catch up with you! Finally, can you understand GET A FLIPPING JOB AND PAY YOUR DEBTS???? and don't try to say you don't owe any--they don't put out a Failure to Pay Warrant for fun and games, Mattie!!!!!!!!

Most sincerely,


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#125 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Elizabeth - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 17, 2009


God help your children being raised (If in fact you are raising them yourself?) by a woman that is so vile, dishonest and has hatred pouring from her vile and disgusting mouth.

You daily try and bate Matthew and the staff in wallowing in your fabricated stories. They have more class then give you the time of day. You're the worst excuse for a person I think I have ever seen.

The couple of times they have challenged you, you have some excuse!!! Taking pictures outside a school house. I was with Matthew the day we were traveling looking for locations when we drove up in front of the school house.

Matthew got out and went up to one of the teachers who was standing outside. He handed her his business card and ask her to call him which she did. There was no camera in our car your ignorant person.

She did in fact call Matthew a few days later, During that conversation she told Matthew about someone they thought were taking photo's. Kristin, you're the foulest person I have ever remotely come in contact with.

Utah..WHAT? What is this woman's name. HUD, where do you come up with this crap!! Ohlet me guess you have to protect her identity. How convenient an excuse for your fable of distorted and vile stories.

You know Matthew is an easy target for you because he was incarcerated while he and his attorneys successfully defended an SEC violation that ended up being deferred. How convenient you leave out the facts. Just another example of how vile mouth and a liar you are.

I've set back and said little till now. But you're on my list now lady. After you stalked him relentlessly and threatened him and others of course he took some defensive measures to protect himself from you. He was advised by the Sheriff's office to do that.

But now you're going down and down hard. I will personally cheer. You have hurt numerous individuals, businesses and most of all the children. How can you live with yourself?

And this mocking language you use? Mattie, what is that all about. Oh, I remember, you're a sick, vile individual.

Matthew McClintock received his name from his biological father you vile lying cheater. I'll dare you imply otherwise. Do you have any idea how that statement affected Matthew's mother? You know that and try and smear him. He's a wonderful filmmaker and has many many credits of excellence to his name. He surely doesn't need me to defend him.

You Kristin are the one and only you that through your vile and distorted actions caused 85% of the breakup of Whispering Wind Productions, LLC. You have used bits of information to distort the truth.

You are so going to hang in court. The jury will award WWP and Matthew a settlement that will cost you the rest of your life.

Who in Utah are you talking about? Surely even a woman with a brain fart like you have can remember who you're talking about. What do you come up with these things? Come on now little Kristie, tell us who you're talking about?

Now tell me Kristie, can you spell REVERSED ON APPEAL? Can you spell DEFERRED? How we leave out little details don't we. But then that wouldn't fit into your warped perverted dialog. You're the scum of this earth. The charges were over turned on appeal you lying trash talking perverted person.

And hurt? You have hurt children across this state when you went to businesses, individuals and persons that had nothing to do what so ever with WWP and did your smooth trash talk. You are the responsible person in preventing WWP to complete its obligations. YOU KRISTIN (LIAR) are hurting children every day by your insane actions.

Why did you go to Bozeman Fords if there was no application in your name as we all know there wasn't? You went there to cause trouble. You went to businesses everywhere to spread your filthy lies.

Businesses are supporting the programs and broadcast are not only in production, but final editing for broadcast with several people involved, are expanding daily. There are airings daily and expanding. You Kristie are but a fly getting swatted.

Your days are drawing close. Can you spell DEFERMATION OF CHARACTER? Can you spell SLANDER? Can you spell suit filed for $750,000.00?

You want a fight lady, I'll give you all and more then you can handle. I worked for Matthew at WWP and know how hard he worked and the time and planning that went into WWP. You are nothing but a looser. You have hurt so many children because of your efforts.

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#124 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 17, 2009


When we read the following quote by Kristin, it confirmed to all of us the caliber of person we are dealing with as it has with others who have contacted us.

Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??

The attorney representing Whispering Wind Productions, LLC and Mr. McClintock has shared with the staff the consequences of Mrs. Cox's statement, in addition to other statements.

Deformation / Criminal Charges / Wages

Kristin, you make claims stating you can't wait to get on the stand and tell the world your story. When you're on the stand, we can assure you the subject of your testimony will be anything but what you are expecting. You Kristin Cox, through your vicious attacks have hurt numerous children. You Kristin are the criminal here. Trust us when we assure you, your day(s) on the witness stand are fast approaching. For your information Kristin, if it was not for your continued actions which are immediately sent to the law firm, you would have already been served.

We will see just how fast you can document some very serious statements as fact. The fact is, you can't. You Kristin made three statements that will forever change your life.

If for one moment you think your going to get on the stand and start making your normal sermon, you better check with your attorney.

You're in for a very rude awakening Kristin. Unfortunately, the results of the civil action will vastly change your life and those around you.

As for all your questions? We will do our Q & A in a court of law.


Give the lady in Utah our E-mail address. We would be more then pleased to address her concerns.

Also: Can you not understand what Reversed on appeal means. Dismissed is what that means. You might check with your attorney as to your other questions.

Your headed for a hard landing.

LMAO: From what I have seen from your photo's, you have plenty to laugh off:::

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#123 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Elizabeth - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 17, 2009


God help your children being raised (If in fact you are raising them yourself?) by a woman that is so vile, dishonest and has hatred pouring from her vile and disgusting mouth.

You daily try and bate Matthew and the staff in wallowing in your fabricated stories. They have more class then give you the time of day. You're the worst excuse for a person I think I have ever seen.

The couple of times they have challenged you, you have some excuse!!! Taking pictures outside a school house. I was with Matthew the day we were traveling looking for locations when we drove up in front of the school house.

Matthew got out and went up to one of the teachers who was standing outside. He handed her his business card and ask her to call him which she did. There was no camera in our car your ignorant person.

She did in fact call Matthew a few days later, During that conversation she told Matthew about someone they thought were taking photo's. Kristin Cox, you're the foulest person I have ever remotely come in contact with.

Utah..WHAT? What is this woman's name. HUD, where do you come up with this crap!! Ohlet me guess you have to protect her identity. How convenient an excuse for your fable of distorted and vile stories.

You know Matthew is an easy target for you because he was incarcerated while he and his attorneys successfully defended an SEC violation that ended up being deferred. How convenient you leave out the facts. Just another example of how vile mouth and a liar you are.

I've set back and said little till now. But you're on my list now lady. After you stalked him relentlessly and threatened him and others of course he took some defensive measures to protect himself from you. He was advised by the Sheriff's office to do that.

But now you're going down and down hard. I will personally cheer. You have hurt numerous individuals, businesses and most of all the children. How can you live with yourself?

And this mocking language you use? Mattie, what is that all about. Oh, I remember, you're a sick, vile individual.

Matthew McClintock received his name from his biological father you vile lying cheater. I'll dare you imply otherwise. Do you have any idea how that statement affected Matthew's mother? You know that and try and smear him. He's a wonderful filmmaker and has many many credits of excellence to his name. He surely doesn't need me to defend him.

You Kristin are the one and only you that through your vile and distorted actions caused 85% of the breakup of Whispering Wind Productions, LLC. You have used bits of information to distort the truth.

You are so going to hang in court. The jury will award WWP and Matthew a settlement that will cost you the rest of your life.

Who in Utah are you talking about? Surely even a woman with a brain fart like you have can remember who you're talking about. What do you come up with these things? Come on now little Kristie, tell us who you're talking about?

Now tell me Kristie, can you spell REVERSED ON APPEAL? Can you spell DEFERRED? How we leave out little details don't we. But then that wouldn't fit into your warped perverted dialog. You're the scum of this earth. The charges were over turned on appeal you lying trash talking perverted person.

And hurt? You have hurt children across this state when you went to businesses, individuals and persons that had nothing to do what so ever with WWP and did your smooth trash talk. You are the responsible person in preventing WWP to complete its obligations. YOU KRISTIN (LIAR) COX are hurting children every day by your insane actions.

Why did you go to Bozeman Fords if there was no application in your name as we all know there wasn't? You went there to cause trouble. You went to businesses everywhere to spread your filthy lies.

Businesses are supporting the programs and broadcast are not only in production, but final editing for broadcast with several people involved, are expanding daily. There are airings daily and expanding. You Kristie are but a fly getting swatted.

Your days are drawing close. Can you spell DEFERMATION OF CHARACTER? Can you spell SLANDER? Can you spell suit filed for $750,000.00?

You want a fight lady, I'll give you all and more then you can handle. I worked for Matthew at WWP and know how hard he worked and the time and planning that went into WWP. You are nothing but a looser. You have hurt so many children because of your efforts.

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#122 Author of original report


AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Who in Utah are you talking about? Surely even a woman with a brain fart like you have can remember who you're talking about. What do you come up with these things? Come on now little Kristie, tell us who you're talking about?

Did you really forget about Abbie? Seriously? After all you promised her? Well, she hasn't forgotten about you--just ask the sheriff! Did you miss her post on the other site? That $1850 she gave you was from a HUD loan--that is federal!

Now tell me Kristie, can you spell REVERSED ON APPEAL? Can you spell DEFERRED? How we leave out little details don't we. But then that wouldn't fit into your warped perverted dialog. You're the scum of this earth. The charges were over turned on appeal you lying trash talking perverted person.

Can you say--spent more than 2 years in prison!! If it was reversed on appeal, why is there a documentary about Mattie? In his orange jumpsuit? and that is not even the half of it--why is there a warrant for his arrest in Grady Co? Is that related to the reversal!!

And hurt? You have hurt children across this state when you went to businesses, individuals and persons that had nothing to do what so ever with WWP and did your smooth trash talk. You are the responsible person in preventing WWP to complete its obligations. YOU KRISTIN (LIAR) COX are hurting children every day by your insane actions.

I have not hurt a single child--are you saying that I have personally stopped Matties ridiculous commercials and that is keeping parents from reading to their children? Seriously? Heck, Laura Bush loved them so much why doesn't he give her a call and ask for her help! So, it had nothing to do with Mattie not following through on his obligations. Check out the BBB report--he has an F!!! With four complaints! Where are the business names in the paper? the billboard? all the commericals? (one station was paid $150, how far does that go?) did you pay for the phonebook ad?

Why did you go to Bozeman Fords if there was no application in your name as we all know there wasn't? You went there to cause trouble. You went to businesses everywhere to spread your filthy lies.

I did not spread a single lie to this business. I called them to protect my credit on the advice of an attorney and a sheriff. I did not set foot on their property. Mattie, you have a history of using other people's info to get things. Like using Annie's name to write a bunch of bad checks--defend that! Or using an employee's name to get computers! Both those individuals are deal ing with very real collections issues for your lies--DEFEND THAT! BTW, you never did tell me where Yellowstone Ford is? Remember, I talked them out of giving you a truck--even though I don't know where they are or how to contact them?

Businesses are supporting the programs and broadcast are not only in production, but final editing for broadcast with several people involved, are expanding daily. There are airings daily and expanding. You Kristie are but a fly getting swatted.

What? Final editing of what--you told all those people that their commercials aired like a year ago. One lady I spoke to said she purchased 120 runs that you told her were aired in the fall of 2007--funny but the TV station HAD NO RECORD OF IT!!! Wait, I thought WWP had broken up--wasn't I "85% responsible" for that?? Now you are still in production? Daily airings--on what station? I would love to see that--give us a date and time!

Your days are drawing close. Can you spell DEFERMATION OF CHARACTER? Can you spell SLANDER? Can you spell suit filed for $750,000.00?

Seriously? Can I spell defermation:-)?? What in the heck is that? First it is deformation (I deformed you??) Now defermation (I defermed, what???) Numbers do not constitute spelling but any attorney would tell you that you have no case and MT is not big on awarding criminals money. You have been promising me a day in court for months and months, Mattie. In a phone message in June you said you would see my a## in court the next day! You haven't seen me in court because you have NOTHING! But, when you go to court--I will watch and laugh. Heck, some of your vics and I are going out for steak dinner to celebrate when you finally do go down--again! Question, do they let you wear foundation in prison? (I know they don't let you take bathes in baby oil) Did you get any soap on a rope yet?

Oh Mattie, you poor sad lonely pathetic soul--keep up the slander on my character--your lies are so entertaining and fun to read. I think I just might use your posts as editing assignments for my homeschooled teen. Maybe he can figure out what defermation is? LMAO!!!!

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#121 Author of original report


AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Who in Utah are you talking about? Surely even a woman with a brain fart like you have can remember who you're talking about. What do you come up with these things? Come on now little Kristie, tell us who you're talking about?

Did you really forget about Abbie? Seriously? After all you promised her? Well, she hasn't forgotten about you--just ask the sheriff! Did you miss her post on the other site? That $1850 she gave you was from a HUD loan--that is federal!

Now tell me Kristie, can you spell REVERSED ON APPEAL? Can you spell DEFERRED? How we leave out little details don't we. But then that wouldn't fit into your warped perverted dialog. You're the scum of this earth. The charges were over turned on appeal you lying trash talking perverted person.

Can you say--spent more than 2 years in prison!! If it was reversed on appeal, why is there a documentary about Mattie? In his orange jumpsuit? and that is not even the half of it--why is there a warrant for his arrest in Grady Co? Is that related to the reversal!!

And hurt? You have hurt children across this state when you went to businesses, individuals and persons that had nothing to do what so ever with WWP and did your smooth trash talk. You are the responsible person in preventing WWP to complete its obligations. YOU KRISTIN (LIAR) COX are hurting children every day by your insane actions.

I have not hurt a single child--are you saying that I have personally stopped Matties ridiculous commercials and that is keeping parents from reading to their children? Seriously? Heck, Laura Bush loved them so much why doesn't he give her a call and ask for her help! So, it had nothing to do with Mattie not following through on his obligations. Check out the BBB report--he has an F!!! With four complaints! Where are the business names in the paper? the billboard? all the commericals? (one station was paid $150, how far does that go?) did you pay for the phonebook ad?

Why did you go to Bozeman Fords if there was no application in your name as we all know there wasn't? You went there to cause trouble. You went to businesses everywhere to spread your filthy lies.

I did not spread a single lie to this business. I called them to protect my credit on the advice of an attorney and a sheriff. I did not set foot on their property. Mattie, you have a history of using other people's info to get things. Like using Annie's name to write a bunch of bad checks--defend that! Or using an employee's name to get computers! Both those individuals are deal ing with very real collections issues for your lies--DEFEND THAT! BTW, you never did tell me where Yellowstone Ford is? Remember, I talked them out of giving you a truck--even though I don't know where they are or how to contact them?

Businesses are supporting the programs and broadcast are not only in production, but final editing for broadcast with several people involved, are expanding daily. There are airings daily and expanding. You Kristie are but a fly getting swatted.

What? Final editing of what--you told all those people that their commercials aired like a year ago. One lady I spoke to said she purchased 120 runs that you told her were aired in the fall of 2007--funny but the TV station HAD NO RECORD OF IT!!! Wait, I thought WWP had broken up--wasn't I "85% responsible" for that?? Now you are still in production? Daily airings--on what station? I would love to see that--give us a date and time!

Your days are drawing close. Can you spell DEFERMATION OF CHARACTER? Can you spell SLANDER? Can you spell suit filed for $750,000.00?

Seriously? Can I spell defermation:-)?? What in the heck is that? First it is deformation (I deformed you??) Now defermation (I defermed, what???) Numbers do not constitute spelling but any attorney would tell you that you have no case and MT is not big on awarding criminals money. You have been promising me a day in court for months and months, Mattie. In a phone message in June you said you would see my a## in court the next day! You haven't seen me in court because you have NOTHING! But, when you go to court--I will watch and laugh. Heck, some of your vics and I are going out for steak dinner to celebrate when you finally do go down--again! Question, do they let you wear foundation in prison? (I know they don't let you take bathes in baby oil) Did you get any soap on a rope yet?

Oh Mattie, you poor sad lonely pathetic soul--keep up the slander on my character--your lies are so entertaining and fun to read. I think I just might use your posts as editing assignments for my homeschooled teen. Maybe he can figure out what defermation is? LMAO!!!!

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#120 Author of original report


AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Who in Utah are you talking about? Surely even a woman with a brain fart like you have can remember who you're talking about. What do you come up with these things? Come on now little Kristie, tell us who you're talking about?

Did you really forget about Abbie? Seriously? After all you promised her? Well, she hasn't forgotten about you--just ask the sheriff! Did you miss her post on the other site? That $1850 she gave you was from a HUD loan--that is federal!

Now tell me Kristie, can you spell REVERSED ON APPEAL? Can you spell DEFERRED? How we leave out little details don't we. But then that wouldn't fit into your warped perverted dialog. You're the scum of this earth. The charges were over turned on appeal you lying trash talking perverted person.

Can you say--spent more than 2 years in prison!! If it was reversed on appeal, why is there a documentary about Mattie? In his orange jumpsuit? and that is not even the half of it--why is there a warrant for his arrest in Grady Co? Is that related to the reversal!!

And hurt? You have hurt children across this state when you went to businesses, individuals and persons that had nothing to do what so ever with WWP and did your smooth trash talk. You are the responsible person in preventing WWP to complete its obligations. YOU KRISTIN (LIAR) COX are hurting children every day by your insane actions.

I have not hurt a single child--are you saying that I have personally stopped Matties ridiculous commercials and that is keeping parents from reading to their children? Seriously? Heck, Laura Bush loved them so much why doesn't he give her a call and ask for her help! So, it had nothing to do with Mattie not following through on his obligations. Check out the BBB report--he has an F!!! With four complaints! Where are the business names in the paper? the billboard? all the commericals? (one station was paid $150, how far does that go?) did you pay for the phonebook ad?

Why did you go to Bozeman Fords if there was no application in your name as we all know there wasn't? You went there to cause trouble. You went to businesses everywhere to spread your filthy lies.

I did not spread a single lie to this business. I called them to protect my credit on the advice of an attorney and a sheriff. I did not set foot on their property. Mattie, you have a history of using other people's info to get things. Like using Annie's name to write a bunch of bad checks--defend that! Or using an employee's name to get computers! Both those individuals are deal ing with very real collections issues for your lies--DEFEND THAT! BTW, you never did tell me where Yellowstone Ford is? Remember, I talked them out of giving you a truck--even though I don't know where they are or how to contact them?

Businesses are supporting the programs and broadcast are not only in production, but final editing for broadcast with several people involved, are expanding daily. There are airings daily and expanding. You Kristie are but a fly getting swatted.

What? Final editing of what--you told all those people that their commercials aired like a year ago. One lady I spoke to said she purchased 120 runs that you told her were aired in the fall of 2007--funny but the TV station HAD NO RECORD OF IT!!! Wait, I thought WWP had broken up--wasn't I "85% responsible" for that?? Now you are still in production? Daily airings--on what station? I would love to see that--give us a date and time!

Your days are drawing close. Can you spell DEFERMATION OF CHARACTER? Can you spell SLANDER? Can you spell suit filed for $750,000.00?

Seriously? Can I spell defermation:-)?? What in the heck is that? First it is deformation (I deformed you??) Now defermation (I defermed, what???) Numbers do not constitute spelling but any attorney would tell you that you have no case and MT is not big on awarding criminals money. You have been promising me a day in court for months and months, Mattie. In a phone message in June you said you would see my a## in court the next day! You haven't seen me in court because you have NOTHING! But, when you go to court--I will watch and laugh. Heck, some of your vics and I are going out for steak dinner to celebrate when you finally do go down--again! Question, do they let you wear foundation in prison? (I know they don't let you take bathes in baby oil) Did you get any soap on a rope yet?

Oh Mattie, you poor sad lonely pathetic soul--keep up the slander on my character--your lies are so entertaining and fun to read. I think I just might use your posts as editing assignments for my homeschooled teen. Maybe he can figure out what defermation is? LMAO!!!!

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#119 Author of original report


AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 17, 2009

First, I apologize if this comes through too many times--this is my third attempt to post this response.

Okay--let's just work our way through the latest attack you have made on me, MATTIE--also let us just drop the pretense as we both know that you are the only one posting here!! There is not Elizabeth, no Jason, no Karen--Just Mattie or whatever name you have decided to use today!


First off, Mattie--it is LIAR, not lier and second off--I have lied about nothing, distorted nothing, manipulated no one (exactly who have I manipulated), smooth talker--LMAO!! I have never been called that--as to being! Do not see how I qualify for that title!

Mattie said, "God help your children being raised (If in fact you are raising them yourself?) by a woman that is so vile, dishonest and has hatred pouring from her vile and disgusting mouth."

Okay, Mattie. To start with I don't know exactly what you are insinuating about who is raising my kids--please enlighten me! Did they move away without me knowing? Interesting since they are right outside playing in the backyard. Heck,I worked for you for two weeks and you don't even know how many kids I have! As to my vile mouth--please expound on that one! and my dishonesty--my kids can attest to just how honest I am. BTW, we love reading through your lies on here and laughing at your inability to spell and poor use of the English language. Maybe I will use your posts as an editing project for my homeschooled teen:-) He loved the part where you lied about what happened at your place of work--he was on the phone for that one and at your claim about the day I drove out to get your address--he was with my and helped me videotape the whole thing!!

Mattie said, "You daily try and bate Matthew and the staff in wallowing in your fabricated stories. They have more class then give you the time of day. You're the worst excuse for a person I think I have ever seen."

Who the heck are they? Who is this staff you talk about? If you read a little further down your own post--you accuse me of "breaking up WWP" but here you say there is a staff!!! Which one is it? And I am the worst excuse--sorry, I have stolen from no one, I have never been to prison, I am not on this site attacking a person who has worked everyday of her life since the age of fifteen doing things to help others!!! Get out your mirror if you want to see the worst excuse for a person!

Mattie said, "The couple of times they have challenged you, you have some excuse!!! Taking pictures outside a school house. I was with Matthew the day we were traveling looking for locations when we drove up in front of the school house.

Matthew got out and went up to one of the teachers who was standing outside. He handed her his business card and ask her to call him which she did. There was no camera in our car your ignorant person.

She did in fact call Matthew a few days later, During that conversation she told Matthew about someone they thought were taking photo's. Kristin Cox, you're the foulest person I have ever remotely come in contact with."

Okay, which is it--he never was there as he previously stated or he was there and he talked to the teacher? According to the Supt of Schools and the teacher, he sat in a white jeep outside of the school and took pictures until the teacher began to approach him--at which point he drove away. He was in the driver seat and ALONE--interesting he drives so much when he does not have a drivers license. This report was filed with the Gallatin County Sheriff's Dept.

Mattie said, "Utah..WHAT? What is this woman's name. HUD, where do you come up with this crap!! Ohlet me guess you have to protect her identity. How convenient an excuse for your fable of distorted and vile stories."

Seriously, you have forgotten Abbie and all the promises you made to get that $1850 check!!! Wow! Well, I have a direct quote for you from that other site you have posted on--want to find it? Google yourself.

"Well, well, well! Mr. Cody McClintock - fancy FINALLY catching up to you, you piece of trash! You ripped ME off in 1999 - remember me? The nurse in Utah? I had an Assisted Living Facility and you so kindly offered to help me with advertising my facility on PBS "The Art of Living"...$1850 later, you were gone. I've searched high and low for you and NOW I've found you. If you are in San Jose, which you several times mentioned to me that your family was from the Bay Area, you probably ripped off some gal there who finally found you. Sooooo, you can add Utah to the ever-growing list, along with Montana, Oklahoma and Tennessee!
I saw your mug shot this evening - my, you look OLD! Karma is a b!###, buddy - you ripped me off, my elderly patients off AND to top it off, the check that I gave you for advertising was FEDERAL money from a HUD loan that I received on the facility. Sounds like you've got some BIG problems! You'd best get a move on making those California License've got a lot of restitution to pay - YOU JERK!!!"

Oh, almost forgot--the part about CA was in response to a post in which someone stated they thought you were in prison AGAIN--they also told about how they have a family member who received a collections notice from when you used her name to "purchase" $4,000 in computers and such. Wow--isn't that IDENTITY THEFT???

Mattie said, "You know Matthew is an easy target for you because he was incarcerated while he and his attorneys successfully defended an SEC violation that ended up being deferred. How convenient you leave out the facts. Just another example of how vile mouth and a liar you are."

Oh, I bet all the facts are laid out in that documentary that the SEC did about you! Would love to see it--heard they have courtroom footage of you in your orange jumpsuit! Need I remind you--you did TWO stints in prison--this is directly from the Ok Dept of Corrections website (I would add those lovely mugshots but I cannot seem to get them to cut and paste to this site):

91-17 LOVE Obtaining Money By False Pretense 09/23/1991 4Y 0M 0D Incarceration 04/03/1992 04/27/1994
91-23 LOVE Obtaining Money By False Pretense 09/23/1991 4Y 0M 0D Incarceration 04/03/1992 04/27/1994
2001-178 GRAD Obtaining Services By Fraud 12/03/2001 2Y 0M 0D Incarceration 08/04/2006 01/25/2007
2001-178 GRAD Obtaining Services By Fraud 12/03/2001 2Y 0M 0D Probation 12/03/2001 12/02/2005

Mattie said, "I've set back and said little till now. But you're on my list now lady. After you stalked him relentlessly and threatened him and others of course he took some defensive measures to protect himself from you. He was advised by the Sheriff's office to do that."

Stalked him (thanks for learning how to spell that word) relentlessly and threatened him!!! What in the heck are you talking about? I went to his office/residence (took me a while to figure out that he lived in his office) ONE TIME--to get my money and tell him to leave me alone!!! He was such a coward, he didn't even open the door--I called the sheriff on my way home and explained what had happened--the sheriff told me Matthew's story sounded "a little crazy and this guy is a little off. I recommend you stay away from him for your own protection." Mattie kept up with the harrassing letters--all of my attempts to obtain my wages were met by threatening letters. He claimed he would sue me every time. Finally, I had a sheriff call him and tell him that if he sent one more letter or attempted to contact me--he would be arrested. That was the day he started coming on this site as other people! The only other time I have gone near him knowingly was the day I obtained his new address for the Dept of Labor--his mover (whom he never paid) gave me directions but was not sure about the exact address so my son and I drove out and videotaped the mailbox--this way he couldn't claim that anything happened. So, if that is relentless stalking.....Maybe if the idiot would just pay me what he owes me...

Mattie said, "But now you're going down and down hard. I will personally cheer. You have hurt numerous individuals, businesses and most of all the children. How can you live with yourself? "

Just exactly whom have I hurt? I have asked this over and over again to no avail. I have saved many people a lot of money--I am saddened when new victims call that I was unable to spare. I live quite well with myself--content in the fact that I am doing the right thing by exposing this piece of scum for the whole world to see. Honestly, if I didn't expose him--I wouldn't be able to live with myself! How do you sleep at night knowing how many you have hurt? How do you sleep when you think about that woman--who once loved you--that you stole 1/2 million dollars from? or Annie having to deal with collections for checks you bounced? or poor Sam, in that apartment all alone before those caring neighbors came and found him a new home?

Mattie said, "And this mocking language you use? Mattie, what is that all about. Oh, I remember, you're a sick, vile individual.

Matthew McClintock received his name from his biological father you vile lying cheater. I'll dare you imply otherwise. Do you have any idea how that statement affected Matthew's mother? You know that and try and smear him. He's a wonderful filmmaker and has many many credits of excellence to his name. He surely doesn't need me to defend him."

I really couldn't care less where he got his name--or any of his names for that matter. He is a criminal and he has taken on at least five different names since I had the misfortune of meeting him. If his mother is reading this, well that shocks the heck out of me since he told me she was dead! I think that would hurt her more. Heck, this man told me his mom and dad and only son were dead and now accuses me of harrassing and attacking his family!!! As to his filmmaking--the guy has done next to nothing! He has used a bunch of people in his attempts--one business he used to the tune of $10,000 to "do his editing" and never ever paid them! I have been able to find next to no record of his PBS show but I have spoken to more than one person who told me there was a trial regarding his lying to "sponsors" about said program. Other than that one thing--please list his many credits--heck, list one credit! He didn't even film those commercials or that footage the ex-first lady loved so much that she called him two times--during an election year! That one still cracks me up--I mean seriously, that anyone bought that! LMAO!!!

Mattie said, "You Kristin are the one and only you that through your vile and distorted actions caused 85% of the breakup of Whispering Wind Productions, LLC. You have used bits of information to distort the truth.

You are so going to hang in court. The jury will award WWP and Matthew a settlement that will cost you the rest of your life.

You want a fight lady, I'll give you all and more then you can handle. I worked for Matthew at WWP and know how hard he worked and the time and planning that went into WWP. You are nothing but a looser. You have hurt so many children because of your efforts."

Wow! How to respond! So, is WWP finished or what? Cause earlier and in previous posts you refer to the staff so that is a little confusing. And how did you come up with 85%, you haven't even correctly identified who I contacted! Most of the businesses you mentioned, I have never even spoken to! Maybe the fact that you took money and didn't do what you were supposed to--IE. provide tutors, put up billboards, name sponsors on Belgrade News Ad, air hundreds and hundreds of commecials--maybe that is what caused the breakup? Don't you think? And I am a "looser"--what is that? Does that fall into committing "deformation"? Again, I have never hurt a child--I have dedicated my life to helping people and will continue to--heck, that is why I am typing this. To expose a criminal for his true self and warn others. Hang in court--don't think that is legal though I do think there still might be laws on the books in MT that allow for hanging
when someone steals who would do that? I am awaiting this trial--you promised me I would be served back in July and I am still waiting... what the heck is the holdup?? Also, I hope you read my legal advice regarding the statutes in the state of MT in terms of slander--don't have any for "deformation" cause I don't know what that is. As for a fight--again, BRING IT ON, MATTIE!!! LET'S ROCK AND ROLL!!!!

Most Honestly and Sincerely,


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#118 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Elizabeth - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 17, 2009


God help your children being raised (If in fact you are raising them yourself?) by a woman that is so vile, dishonest and has hatred pouring from her vile and disgusting mouth.

You daily try and bate Matthew and the staff in wallowing in your fabricated stories. They have more class then give you the time of day. You're the worst excuse for a person I think I have ever seen.

The couple of times they have challenged you, you have some excuse!!! Taking pictures outside a school house. I was with Matthew the day we were traveling looking for locations when we drove up in front of the school house.

Matthew got out and went up to one of the teachers who was standing outside. He handed her his business card and ask her to call him which she did. There was no camera in our car your ignorant person.

She did in fact call Matthew a few days later, During that conversation she told Matthew about someone they thought were taking photo's. Kristin Cox, you're the foulest person I have ever remotely come in contact with.

Utah..WHAT? What is this woman's name. HUD, where do you come up with this crap!! Ohlet me guess you have to protect her identity. How convenient an excuse for your fable of distorted and vile stories.

You know Matthew is an easy target for you because he was incarcerated while he and his attorneys successfully defended an SEC violation that ended up being deferred. How convenient you leave out the facts. Just another example of how vile mouth and a liar you are.

I've set back and said little till now. But you're on my list now lady. After you stalked him relentlessly and threatened him and others of course he took some defensive measures to protect himself from you. He was advised by the Sheriff's office to do that.

But now you're going down and down hard. I will personally cheer. You have hurt numerous individuals, businesses and most of all the children. How can you live with yourself?

And this mocking language you use? Mattie, what is that all about. Oh, I remember, you're a sick, vile individual.

Matthew McClintock received his name from his biological father you vile lying cheater. I'll dare you imply otherwise. Do you have any idea how that statement affected Matthew's mother? You know that and try and smear him. He's a wonderful filmmaker and has many many credits of excellence to his name. He surely doesn't need me to defend him.

You Kristin are the one and only you that through your vile and distorted actions caused 85% of the breakup of Whispering Wind Productions, LLC. You have used bits of information to distort the truth.

You are so going to hang in court. The jury will award WWP and Matthew a settlement that will cost you the rest of your life.

Who in Utah are you talking about? Surely even a woman with a brain fart like you have can remember who you're talking about. What do you come up with these things? Come on now little Kristie, tell us who you're talking about?
Now tell me Kristie, can you spell REVERSED ON APPEAL? Can you spell DEFERRED? How we leave out little details don't we. But then that wouldn't fit into your warped perverted dialog. You're the scum of this earth. The charges were over turned on appeal you lying trash talking perverted person.
And hurt? You have hurt children across this state when you went to businesses, individuals and persons that had nothing to do what so ever with WWP and did your smooth trash talk. You are the responsible person in preventing WWP to complete its obligations. YOU KRISTIN (LIAR) COX are hurting children every day by your insane actions.

Why did you go to Bozeman Fords if there was no application in your name as we all know there wasn't? You went there to cause trouble. You went to businesses everywhere to spread your filthy lies.

Businesses are supporting the programs and broadcast are not only in production, but final editing for broadcast with several people involved, are expanding daily. There are airings daily and expanding. You Kristie are but a fly getting swatted.

Your days are drawing close. Can you spell DEFERMATION OF CHARACTER? Can you spell SLANDER? Can you spell suit filed for $750,000.00?

You want a fight lady, I'll give you all and more then you can handle. I worked for Matthew at WWP and know how hard he worked and the time and planning that went into WWP. You are nothing but a looser. You have hurt so many children because of your efforts.

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#117 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Elizabeth - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, February 16, 2009


God help your children being raised (If in fact you are raising them yourself?) by a woman that is so vile, dishonest and has hatred pouring from her vile and disgusting mouth.

You daily try and bate Matthew and the staff in wallowing in your fabricated stories. They have more class then give you the time of day. You're the worst excuse for a person I think I have ever seen.

The couple of times they have challenged you, you have some excuse!!! Taking pictures outside a school house. I was with Matthew the day we were traveling looking for locations when we drove up in front of the school house.

Matthew got out and went up to one of the teachers who was standing outside. He handed her his business card and ask her to call him which she did. There was no camera in our car your ignorant person.

She did in fact call Matthew a few days later, During that conversation she told Matthew about someone they thought were taking photo's. Kristin Cox, you're the foulest person I have ever remotely come in contact with.

Utah..WHAT? What is this woman's name. HUD, where do you come up with this crap!! Ohlet me guess you have to protect her identity. How convenient an excuse for your fable of distorted and vile stories.

You know Matthew is an easy target for you because he was incarcerated while he and his attorneys successfully defended an SEC violation that ended up being deferred. How convenient you leave out the facts. Just another example of how vile mouth and a liar you are.

I've set back and said little till now. But you're on my list now lady. After you stalked him relentlessly and threatened him and others of course he took some defensive measures to protect himself from you. He was advised by the Sheriff's office to do that.

But now you're going down and down hard. I will personally cheer. You have hurt numerous individuals, businesses and most of all the children. How can you live with yourself?

And this mocking language you use? Mattie, what is that all about. Oh, I remember, you're a sick, vile individual.

Matthew McClintock received his name from his biological father you vile lying cheater. I'll dare you imply otherwise. Do you have any idea how that statement affected Matthew's mother? You know that and try and smear him. He's a wonderful filmmaker and has many many credits of excellence to his name. He surely doesn't need me to defend him.

You Kristin are the one and only you that through your vile and distorted actions caused 85% of the breakup of Whispering Wind Productions, LLC. You have used bits of information to distort the truth.

You are so going to hang in court. The jury will award WWP and Matthew a settlement that will cost you the rest of your life.

You want a fight lady, I'll give you all and more then you can handle. I worked for Matthew at WWP and know how hard he worked and the time and planning that went into WWP. You are nothing but a looser. You have hurt so many children because of your efforts.

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#116 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Elizabeth - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, February 16, 2009


God help your children being raised (If in fact you are raising them yourself?) by a woman that is so vile, dishonest and has hatred pouring from her vile and disgusting mouth.

You daily try and bate Matthew and the staff in wallowing in your fabricated stories. They have more class then give you the time of day. You're the worst excuse for a person I think I have ever seen.

The couple of times they have challenged you, you have some excuse!!! Taking pictures outside a school house. I was with Matthew the day we were traveling looking for locations when we drove up in front of the school house.

Matthew got out and went up to one of the teachers who was standing outside. He handed her his business card and ask her to call him which she did. There was no camera in our car your ignorant person.

She did in fact call Matthew a few days later, During that conversation she told Matthew about someone they thought were taking photo's. Kristin Cox, you're the foulest person I have ever remotely come in contact with.

Utah..WHAT? What is this woman's name. HUD, where do you come up with this crap!! Ohlet me guess you have to protect her identity. How convenient an excuse for your fable of distorted and vile stories.

You know Matthew is an easy target for you because he was incarcerated while he and his attorneys successfully defended an SEC violation that ended up being deferred. How convenient you leave out the facts. Just another example of how vile mouth and a liar you are.

I've set back and said little till now. But you're on my list now lady. After you stalked him relentlessly and threatened him and others of course he took some defensive measures to protect himself from you. He was advised by the Sheriff's office to do that.

But now you're going down and down hard. I will personally cheer. You have hurt numerous individuals, businesses and most of all the children. How can you live with yourself?

And this mocking language you use? Mattie, what is that all about. Oh, I remember, you're a sick, vile individual.

Matthew McClintock received his name from his biological father you vile lying cheater. I'll dare you imply otherwise. Do you have any idea how that statement affected Matthew's mother? You know that and try and smear him. He's a wonderful filmmaker and has many many credits of excellence to his name. He surely doesn't need me to defend him.

You Kristin are the one and only you that through your vile and distorted actions caused 85% of the breakup of Whispering Wind Productions, LLC. You have used bits of information to distort the truth.

You are so going to hang in court. The jury will award WWP and Matthew a settlement that will cost you the rest of your life.

You want a fight lady, I'll give you all and more then you can handle. I worked for Matthew at WWP and know how hard he worked and the time and planning that went into WWP. You are nothing but a looser. You have hurt so many children because of your efforts.

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#115 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, February 16, 2009

Mattie--all talk and no action? It has been eight months going on nine. You must have some pretty slow attorneys--maybe you cannot find anyone who will represent you on promises? It's hard to come up with a decent retainer with no job, isn't it? Or maybe no one with represent you with no real case? AsI pointed out before-there are guidelines involved in suing for slander and "deformation"--again, what the heck is that?--anyway let us refresh your memory:

1. That the individual knowingly told lies about him--did I do this? NO!!
2. That s/he did so maliciously--didn't tell lies, so this is a moot point
3. That the lies were broadcast to an audience--again--NO LIES!!!
4. That he suffered damages as a result--NOPE!! the only person who has damaged Mattie, is Mattie!

Funny, my counterclaim would go a little like this:

1. yes, told people I stole money, that I lied, that I only work 7.75 hours, that I was fired, that I lied to a whole slew of businesses
2. yes, you did this to cover your butt and to hurt me and my family and you continue it dialy right here
3. Again--blatantly YES!!
4. Yes, first there are my wages I was due eight and a half months ago, I gave up a good job for your lies, I have had to explain this situation to many, many people, also--there are those letters where you threatened to send slanderous information to a variety of entities--including schools and businesses, or your postings that "warn" employers about my "activities."

So--LET'S GO AND LET'S GO NOW!!! IT DOES NOT TAKE EIGHT MONTHS TO GET A COURT DATE!! Let's get one tomorrow--common you coward put your money (or the money you have taken from others) where you big, huge, lying mouth is!!! Have me served--I relish the opportunity to take you down in court and I have many others who will be there, watching you try to lie your way out of this. Don't forget--THE PLAINTIFF, NOT THE DEFENDANT, HAS THE BURDER OF PROOF!! I am not worried about proving my side--I have a slew of emails and witnesses! What do you have??? You alter egos who you post as here? How will you bring Jason and Karen and Elizabeth to court? Not that they would matter, they have no true knowledge of facts anyway!

Here's a little cut and paste approach, too! Now, why don't you cut and paste my post and answer the questions. There never will be a day in court and I really would like some answers.

Aren't you going to answer Just Looking's questions?

Again, what the heck is 'deformation' and how does one commit it?

Name one single child I have hurt! Do you really want to go there again? Do you really want to discuss the children harmed here?? Mine, Tami's, the kid's you took pictures of from your white jeep--a stranger taking pictures of someone's children from a parked vehicle--(report on file with authorities), possibly the kids on the website, the children of the business owner's you have taken money from, the kids whose parents attempted to get tutoring assistance from a non-existent tutoring program. Again, name one child I have hurt....waiting...

Sorry, nice try--I help children everyday! You hurt children, the elderly, business owners, caring women, the disabled..... Would you like for me to share my resume? Than we can compare it to yours!! A little highlight:

Incarceration 04/03/1992 TO 04/27/1994
Probation 12/03/2001 TO 12/02/2005
Incarceration 08/04/2006 TO 01/25/2007
'Owner and sole proprietor and only employee of Whispering Wind Productions' a company that produces nothing and takes money and time from others 2007 to present

Business manager 1991 to 1993
Photographer 1993-1994
College Student and babysitter 1999-2003
Special Education Teacher 2003 to 2005
Direct Support Provider/Substitute Teacher/Program Manager for Independent Living Center 2006 to present (held all three at for a number of months and still work at one. Two of those jobs involved working directly with people with disabilities helping them and all three involve working with children:-)

Also, the only one making vicious attacks here is you, Mattie!!! and only you. Myself, I just speak the truth.

I know you won't answer this but I am wondering if the lady from Utah was right--you remember her, right? You took HUD money from her for advertising that you never did? Quite possibly a federal offense. Anyway, she thinks you got the name Matthew McClintock from this documentary film maker in CA who has become a REAL SUCCESS! She even contacted him and he posted a disclaimer on his website that he wasn't you! LMAO!! It is kinda funny--a poser like yourself claiming to be a documentary film maker and a real documentary film maker having the same name--coincidence? Here is a link to his disclaimer and his website:


That totally cracks me up:-) (did you check out the website? Did you steal this young man's name and career info for your own benefit or is it just a crazy coincidence? Kinda sad that your criminal activities have come back to haunt him--he is quite a talented film maker. How jealous are you? Heck, do you even have a camera? I never saw one--I never even saw you film anything! I have heard who actually did most of your filming--including that reel you "sent to Laura Bush" that resulted in her calling you not once but TWICE and in an election year!!! Why don't you give her a call now, I am sure she has time on her hands and can come testify one your behalf to both those phone calls. I sure you have her contact info in Texas--right? Since she is such a GOOD friend!!)

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

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#114 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, February 16, 2009

Mattie--all talk and no action? It has been eight months going on nine. You must have some pretty slow attorneys--maybe you cannot find anyone who will represent you on promises? It's hard to come up with a decent retainer with no job, isn't it? Or maybe no one with represent you with no real case? AsI pointed out before-there are guidelines involved in suing for slander and "deformation"--again, what the heck is that?--anyway let us refresh your memory:

1. That the individual knowingly told lies about him--did I do this? NO!!
2. That s/he did so maliciously--didn't tell lies, so this is a moot point
3. That the lies were broadcast to an audience--again--NO LIES!!!
4. That he suffered damages as a result--NOPE!! the only person who has damaged Mattie, is Mattie!

Funny, my counterclaim would go a little like this:

1. yes, told people I stole money, that I lied, that I only work 7.75 hours, that I was fired, that I lied to a whole slew of businesses
2. yes, you did this to cover your butt and to hurt me and my family and you continue it dialy right here
3. Again--blatantly YES!!
4. Yes, first there are my wages I was due eight and a half months ago, I gave up a good job for your lies, I have had to explain this situation to many, many people, also--there are those letters where you threatened to send slanderous information to a variety of entities--including schools and businesses, or your postings that "warn" employers about my "activities."

So--LET'S GO AND LET'S GO NOW!!! IT DOES NOT TAKE EIGHT MONTHS TO GET A COURT DATE!! Let's get one tomorrow--common you coward put your money (or the money you have taken from others) where you big, huge, lying mouth is!!! Have me served--I relish the opportunity to take you down in court and I have many others who will be there, watching you try to lie your way out of this. Don't forget--THE PLAINTIFF, NOT THE DEFENDANT, HAS THE BURDER OF PROOF!! I am not worried about proving my side--I have a slew of emails and witnesses! What do you have??? You alter egos who you post as here? How will you bring Jason and Karen and Elizabeth to court? Not that they would matter, they have no true knowledge of facts anyway!

Here's a little cut and paste approach, too! Now, why don't you cut and paste my post and answer the questions. There never will be a day in court and I really would like some answers.

Aren't you going to answer Just Looking's questions?

Again, what the heck is 'deformation' and how does one commit it?

Name one single child I have hurt! Do you really want to go there again? Do you really want to discuss the children harmed here?? Mine, Tami's, the kid's you took pictures of from your white jeep--a stranger taking pictures of someone's children from a parked vehicle--(report on file with authorities), possibly the kids on the website, the children of the business owner's you have taken money from, the kids whose parents attempted to get tutoring assistance from a non-existent tutoring program. Again, name one child I have hurt....waiting...

Sorry, nice try--I help children everyday! You hurt children, the elderly, business owners, caring women, the disabled..... Would you like for me to share my resume? Than we can compare it to yours!! A little highlight:

Incarceration 04/03/1992 TO 04/27/1994
Probation 12/03/2001 TO 12/02/2005
Incarceration 08/04/2006 TO 01/25/2007
'Owner and sole proprietor and only employee of Whispering Wind Productions' a company that produces nothing and takes money and time from others 2007 to present

Business manager 1991 to 1993
Photographer 1993-1994
College Student and babysitter 1999-2003
Special Education Teacher 2003 to 2005
Direct Support Provider/Substitute Teacher/Program Manager for Independent Living Center 2006 to present (held all three at for a number of months and still work at one. Two of those jobs involved working directly with people with disabilities helping them and all three involve working with children:-)

Also, the only one making vicious attacks here is you, Mattie!!! and only you. Myself, I just speak the truth.

I know you won't answer this but I am wondering if the lady from Utah was right--you remember her, right? You took HUD money from her for advertising that you never did? Quite possibly a federal offense. Anyway, she thinks you got the name Matthew McClintock from this documentary film maker in CA who has become a REAL SUCCESS! She even contacted him and he posted a disclaimer on his website that he wasn't you! LMAO!! It is kinda funny--a poser like yourself claiming to be a documentary film maker and a real documentary film maker having the same name--coincidence? Here is a link to his disclaimer and his website:


That totally cracks me up:-) (did you check out the website? Did you steal this young man's name and career info for your own benefit or is it just a crazy coincidence? Kinda sad that your criminal activities have come back to haunt him--he is quite a talented film maker. How jealous are you? Heck, do you even have a camera? I never saw one--I never even saw you film anything! I have heard who actually did most of your filming--including that reel you "sent to Laura Bush" that resulted in her calling you not once but TWICE and in an election year!!! Why don't you give her a call now, I am sure she has time on her hands and can come testify one your behalf to both those phone calls. I sure you have her contact info in Texas--right? Since she is such a GOOD friend!!)

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

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#113 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, February 16, 2009

Mattie--all talk and no action? It has been eight months going on nine. You must have some pretty slow attorneys--maybe you cannot find anyone who will represent you on promises? It's hard to come up with a decent retainer with no job, isn't it? Or maybe no one with represent you with no real case? AsI pointed out before-there are guidelines involved in suing for slander and "deformation"--again, what the heck is that?--anyway let us refresh your memory:

1. That the individual knowingly told lies about him--did I do this? NO!!
2. That s/he did so maliciously--didn't tell lies, so this is a moot point
3. That the lies were broadcast to an audience--again--NO LIES!!!
4. That he suffered damages as a result--NOPE!! the only person who has damaged Mattie, is Mattie!

Funny, my counterclaim would go a little like this:

1. yes, told people I stole money, that I lied, that I only work 7.75 hours, that I was fired, that I lied to a whole slew of businesses
2. yes, you did this to cover your butt and to hurt me and my family and you continue it dialy right here
3. Again--blatantly YES!!
4. Yes, first there are my wages I was due eight and a half months ago, I gave up a good job for your lies, I have had to explain this situation to many, many people, also--there are those letters where you threatened to send slanderous information to a variety of entities--including schools and businesses, or your postings that "warn" employers about my "activities."

So--LET'S GO AND LET'S GO NOW!!! IT DOES NOT TAKE EIGHT MONTHS TO GET A COURT DATE!! Let's get one tomorrow--common you coward put your money (or the money you have taken from others) where you big, huge, lying mouth is!!! Have me served--I relish the opportunity to take you down in court and I have many others who will be there, watching you try to lie your way out of this. Don't forget--THE PLAINTIFF, NOT THE DEFENDANT, HAS THE BURDER OF PROOF!! I am not worried about proving my side--I have a slew of emails and witnesses! What do you have??? You alter egos who you post as here? How will you bring Jason and Karen and Elizabeth to court? Not that they would matter, they have no true knowledge of facts anyway!

Here's a little cut and paste approach, too! Now, why don't you cut and paste my post and answer the questions. There never will be a day in court and I really would like some answers.

Aren't you going to answer Just Looking's questions?

Again, what the heck is 'deformation' and how does one commit it?

Name one single child I have hurt! Do you really want to go there again? Do you really want to discuss the children harmed here?? Mine, Tami's, the kid's you took pictures of from your white jeep--a stranger taking pictures of someone's children from a parked vehicle--(report on file with authorities), possibly the kids on the website, the children of the business owner's you have taken money from, the kids whose parents attempted to get tutoring assistance from a non-existent tutoring program. Again, name one child I have hurt....waiting...

Sorry, nice try--I help children everyday! You hurt children, the elderly, business owners, caring women, the disabled..... Would you like for me to share my resume? Than we can compare it to yours!! A little highlight:

Incarceration 04/03/1992 TO 04/27/1994
Probation 12/03/2001 TO 12/02/2005
Incarceration 08/04/2006 TO 01/25/2007
'Owner and sole proprietor and only employee of Whispering Wind Productions' a company that produces nothing and takes money and time from others 2007 to present

Business manager 1991 to 1993
Photographer 1993-1994
College Student and babysitter 1999-2003
Special Education Teacher 2003 to 2005
Direct Support Provider/Substitute Teacher/Program Manager for Independent Living Center 2006 to present (held all three at for a number of months and still work at one. Two of those jobs involved working directly with people with disabilities helping them and all three involve working with children:-)

Also, the only one making vicious attacks here is you, Mattie!!! and only you. Myself, I just speak the truth.

I know you won't answer this but I am wondering if the lady from Utah was right--you remember her, right? You took HUD money from her for advertising that you never did? Quite possibly a federal offense. Anyway, she thinks you got the name Matthew McClintock from this documentary film maker in CA who has become a REAL SUCCESS! She even contacted him and he posted a disclaimer on his website that he wasn't you! LMAO!! It is kinda funny--a poser like yourself claiming to be a documentary film maker and a real documentary film maker having the same name--coincidence? Here is a link to his disclaimer and his website:


That totally cracks me up:-) (did you check out the website? Did you steal this young man's name and career info for your own benefit or is it just a crazy coincidence? Kinda sad that your criminal activities have come back to haunt him--he is quite a talented film maker. How jealous are you? Heck, do you even have a camera? I never saw one--I never even saw you film anything! I have heard who actually did most of your filming--including that reel you "sent to Laura Bush" that resulted in her calling you not once but TWICE and in an election year!!! Why don't you give her a call now, I am sure she has time on her hands and can come testify one your behalf to both those phone calls. I sure you have her contact info in Texas--right? Since she is such a GOOD friend!!)

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

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#112 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Elizabeth - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, February 16, 2009


God help your children being raised (If in fact you are raising them yourself?) by a woman that is so vile, dishonest and has hatred pouring from her vile and disgusting mouth.

You daily try and bate Matthew and the staff in wallowing in your fabricated stories. They have more class then give you the time of day. You're the worst excuse for a person I think I have ever seen.

The couple of times they have challenged you, you have some excuse!!! Taking pictures outside a school house. I was with Matthew the day we were traveling looking for locations when we drove up in front of the school house.

Matthew got out and went up to one of the teachers who was standing outside. He handed her his business card and ask her to call him which she did. There was no camera in our car your ignorant person.

She did in fact call Matthew a few days later, During that conversation she told Matthew about someone they thought were taking photo's. Kristin Cox, you're the foulest person I have ever remotely come in contact with.

Utah..WHAT? What is this woman's name. HUD, where do you come up with this crap!! Ohlet me guess you have to protect her identity. How convenient an excuse for your fable of distorted and vile stories.

You know Matthew is an easy target for you because he was incarcerated while he and his attorneys successfully defended an SEC violation that ended up being deferred. How convenient you leave out the facts. Just another example of how vile mouth and a liar you are.

I've set back and said little till now. But you're on my list now lady. After you stalked him relentlessly and threatened him and others of course he took some defensive measures to protect himself from you. He was advised by the Sheriff's office to do that.

But now you're going down and down hard. I will personally cheer. You have hurt numerous individuals, businesses and most of all the children. How can you live with yourself?

And this mocking language you use? Mattie, what is that all about. Oh, I remember, you're a sick, vile individual.

Matthew McClintock received his name from his biological father you vile lying cheater. I'll dare you imply otherwise. Do you have any idea how that statement affected Matthew's mother? You know that and try and smear him. He's a wonderful filmmaker and has many many credits of excellence to his name. He surely doesn't need me to defend him.

You Kristin are the one and only you that through your vile and distorted actions caused 85% of the breakup of Whispering Wind Productions, LLC. You have used bits of information to distort the truth.

You are so going to hang in court. The jury will award WWP and Matthew a settlement that will cost you the rest of your life.

You want a fight lady, I'll give you all and more then you can handle. I worked for Matthew at WWP and know how hard he worked and the time and planning that went into WWP. You are nothing but a looser. You have hurt so many children because of your efforts.

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#111 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, February 16, 2009


When we read the following quote by Kristin, it confirmed to all of us the caliber of person we are dealing with as it has with others who have contacted us.

Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??

The attorney representing Whispering Wind Productions, LLC and Mr. McClintock has shared with the staff the consequences of Mrs. Cox's statement, in addition to other statements.

Deformation / Criminal Charges / Wages

Kristin, you make claims stating you can't wait to get on the stand and tell the world your story. When you're on the stand, we can assure you the subject of your testimony will be anything but what you are expecting. You Kristin Cox, through your vicious attacks have hurt numerous children. You Kristin are the criminal here. Trust us when we assure you, your day(s) on the witness stand are fast approaching. For your information Kristin, if it was not for your continued actions which are immediately sent to the law firm, you would have already been served.

We will see just how fast you can document some very serious statements as fact. The fact is, you can't. You Kristin made three statements that will forever change your life.

If for one moment you think your going to get on the stand and start making your normal sermon, you better check with your attorney.

You're in for a very rude awakening Kristin. Unfortunately, the results of the civil action will vastly change your life and those around you.

As for all your questions? We will do our Q & A in a court of law.

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#110 Author of original report


AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, February 15, 2009

Please note--this is a cut and paste of my post that I wrote at 1:18 and emailed to Matthew, which didn't post until 5:23. Matthew, under the false name of Jason and Karen posted his cut and paste response at 5:00 (let me clarify that one for you Mattie, since the post you were responding to did not go up until 23 minutes after your response--you prove that you are responding to my emails! Which, in turn, proves that either you are Mattie or Jason and Karen of Arizona are sitting with you at the computer! LMAO!! You are such a BAD LIAR!!)

Okay, I will try a cut and paste approach, to! Now, why don't you cut and paste my post and answer the questions. There never will be a day in court and I really would like some answers.

Aren't you going to answer Just Looking's questions?

Again, what the heck is 'deformation' and how does one commit it?

Name one single child I have hurt! Do you really want to go there again? Do you really want to discuss the children harmed here?? Mine, Tami's, the kid's you took pictures of from your white jeep--a stranger taking pictures of someone's children from a parked vehicle--(report on file with authorities), possibly the kids on the website, the children of the business owner's you have taken money from, the kids whose parents attempted to get tutoring assistance from a non-existent tutoring program. Again, name one child I have hurt....waiting...

Sorry, nice try--I help children everyday! You hurt children, the elderly, business owners, caring women, the disabled..... Would you like for me to share my resume? Than we can compare it to yours!! A little highlight:

Incarceration 04/03/1992 TO 04/27/1994
Probation 12/03/2001 TO 12/02/2005
Incarceration 08/04/2006 TO 01/25/2007
'Owner and sole proprietor and only employee of Whispering Wind Productions' a company that produces nothing and takes money and time from others 2007 to present

Business manager 1991 to 1993
Photographer 1993-1994
College Student and babysitter 1999-2003
Special Education Teacher 2003 to 2005
Direct Support Provider/Substitute Teacher/Program Manager for Independent Living Center 2006 to present (held all three at for a number of months and still work at one. Two of those jobs involved working directly with people with disabilities helping them and all three involve working with children:-)

Also, the only one making vicious attacks here is you, Mattie!!! and only you. Myself, I just speak the truth.

Wow! How long does it take to file a civil claim? A friend of mine did it and it only took like a month to get a court date--you have been threatening me since July when I first asked for my paycheck. Believe me, I wish I had sent my husband over to get my 'timesheet' back then--a timesheet for a salaried Director position..... Heck, didn't you recently have a civil court date--Dec 15 wasn't it? And you lost, didn't you? And did you pay? I doubt it!

I know you won't answer this but I am wondering if the lady from Utah was right--you remember her, right? You took HUD money from her for advertising that you never did? Quite possibly a federal offense. Anyway, she thinks you got the name Matthew McClintock from this documentary film maker in CA who has become a REAL SUCCESS! She even contacted him and he posted a disclaimer on his website that he wasn't you! LMAO!! It is kinda funny--a poser like yourself claiming to be a documentary film maker and a real documentary film maker having the same name--coincidence? Here is a link to his disclaimer and his website:

That totally cracks me up:-)

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#109 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, February 15, 2009

When we read the following quote by Kristin, it confirmed to all of us the caliber of person we are dealing with as it has with others who have contacted us.

Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??

The attorney representing Whispering Wind Productions, LLC and Mr. McClintock has shared with the staff the consequences of Mrs. C's statement, in addition to other statements.

Deformation / Criminal Charges / Wages

Kristin, you make claims stating you can't wait to get on the stand and tell the world your story. When you're on the stand, we can assure you the subject of your testimony will be anything but what you are expecting. You Kristin Cox, through your vicious attacks have hurt numerous children. You Kristin are the criminal here. Trust us when we assure you, your day(s) on the witness stand are fast approaching. For your information Kristin, if it was not for your continued actions which are immediately sent to the law firm, you would have already been served.

We will see just how fast you can document some very serious statements as fact. The fact is, you can't. You Kristin made three statements that will forever change your life.

If for one moment you think your going to get on the stand and start making your normal sermon, you better check with your attorney.

You're in for a very rude awakening Kristin. Unfortunately, the results of the civil action will vastly change your life and those around you.

As for all your questions? We will do our Q & A in a court of law.

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#108 Author of original report


AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, February 15, 2009

Okay, I will try a cut and paste approach, tto! Now, why don't you cut and paste my post and answer the questions. There never will be a day in court and I really would like some answers.

Aren't you going to answer Just Looking's questions?

Again, what the heck is 'deformation' and how does one commit it?

Name one single child I have hurt! Do you really want to go there again? Do you really want to discuss the children harmed here?? Mine, Tami's, the kid's you took pictures of from your white jeep--a stranger taking pictures of someone's children from a parked vehicle--(report on file with authorities), possibly the kids on the website, the children of the business owner's you have taken money from, the kids whose parents attempted to get tutoring assistance from a non-existent tutoring program. Again, name one child I have hurt....waiting...

Sorry, nice try--I help children everyday! You hurt children, the elderly, business owners, caring women, the disabled..... Would you like for me to share my resume? Than we can compare it to yours!! A little highlight:

Incarceration 04/03/1992 TO 04/27/1994
Probation 12/03/2001 TO 12/02/2005
Incarceration 08/04/2006 TO 01/25/2007
"Owner and sole proprietor and only employee of Whispering Wind Productions" a company that produces nothing and takes money and time from others 2007 to present

Business manager 1991 to 1993
Photographer 1993-1994
College Student and babysitter 1999-2003
Special Education Teacher 2003 to 2005
Direct Support Provider/Substitute Teacher/Program Manager for Independent Living Center 2006 to present (held all three at for a number of months and still work at one. Two of those jobs involved working directly with people with disabilities helping them and all three involve working with children:-)

Also, the only one making vicious attacks here is you, Mattie!!! and only you. Myself, I just speak the truth.

Wow! How long does it take to file a civil claim? A friend of mine did it and it only took like a month to get a court date--you have been threatening me since July when I first asked for my paycheck. Believe me, I wish I had sent my husband over to get my 'timesheet' back then--a timesheet for a salaried Director position..... Heck, didn't you recently have a civil court date--Dec 15 wasn't it? And you lost, didn't you? And did you pay? I doubt it!

I know you won't answer this but I am wondering if the lady from Utah was right--you remember her, right? You took HUD money from her for advertising that you never did? Quite possibly a federal offense. Anyway, she thinks you got the name Matthew McClintock from this documentary film maker in CA who has become a REAL SUCCESS! She even contacted him and he posted a disclaimer on his website that he wasn't you! LMAO!! It is kinda funny--a poser like yourself claiming to be a documentary film maker and a real documentary film maker having the same name--coincidence? Here is a link to his disclaimer and his website:

That totally cracks me up:-)

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#107 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, February 15, 2009

When we read the following quote by Kristin Cox, it confirmed to all of us the caliber of person we are dealing with as it has with others who have contacted us.

Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??
The attorney representing Whispering Wind Productions, LLC and Mr. McClintock has shared with the staff the consequences of Mrs. Cox's statement, in addition to other statements.
Deformation / Criminal Charges / Wages
Kristin Cox, you make claims stating you can't wait to get on the stand and tell the world your story. When you're on the stand, we can assure you the subject of your testimony will be anything but what you are expecting. You Kristin Cox, through your vicious attacks have hurt numerous children. You Kristin Cox are the criminal here. Trust us when we assure you, your day(s) on the witness stand are fast approaching. For your information Kristin Cox, if it was not for your continued actions which are immediately sent to the law firm, you would have already been served.
We will see just how fast you can document some very serious statements as fact. The fact is, you can't. You Kristin Cox made three statements that will forever change your life. If for one moment you think your going to get on the stand and start making your normal sermon, you better check with your attorney.
You're in for a very rude awakening Kristin Cox. Unfortunately, the results of the civil action will vastly change your life and those around you.
As for all your questions? We will do our Q & A in a court of law.

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#106 Author of original report


AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, February 15, 2009

Wow, Mattie, you are becoming an expert at cut and paste! But, you do not seem to understand that since there is no substance in your response--repeating it does not help your case--wasn't it you who said Tell them something long enoughand they will start to believe it". LOL--wait, that was "Elizabeth" the employee before me--wait was she the one who stole $79,000??!!

Just Looking--thanx for your insight and nice wishes! This is quite exhausting but I feel in my heart that I am doing the right thing by exposing this criminal for who he is--hopefully this will stop others from falling into his trap and serve as evidence when they do finally catch up with him and throw him back in prison where he belongs. I have a feeling that will happen--I just hope it is sooner than later:-) I have spoken to the authorities and will continue to help them in anyway that I can.

The humourous thing about your asking for his attorney's name--he gave me numerous names of attorneys who were "investigating me" and I called two of them. Both of them said they had nothing to do with him and both offered me assistance. One even requested copies of documents that Mattie had sent to me--I mentioned this previous but don't know if you caught it in all the reading:-) Anyway, one of the letters Mattie sent to me (before the sheriff told him to leave me alone or face charges) was a "transcript" of the questions this one lawyer was supposed to ask me in court--he said the lawyer gave it to him. The lawyer was quite suprised and very interested to read that letter! Best wishes to you and your's, Just Looking!

Mattie--SHOW ME MY MONEY!!!! I will put a call into Windy on Tuesday to look into this new claim of yours.

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#105 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, February 15, 2009

When we read the following quote by Kristin Cox, it confirmed to all of us the caliber of person we are dealing with as it has with others who have contacted us.

Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??
The attorney representing Whispering Wind Productions, LLC and Mr. McClintock has shared with the staff the consequences of Mrs. Cox's statement, in addition to other statements.
Deformation / Criminal Charges / Wages
Kristin Cox, you make claims stating you can't wait to get on the stand and tell the world your story. When you're on the stand, we can assure you the subject of your testimony will be anything but what you are expecting. You Kristin Cox, through your vicious attacks have hurt numerous children. You Kristin Cox are the criminal here. Trust us when we assure you, your day(s) on the witness stand are fast approaching. For your information Kristin Cox, if it was not for your continued actions which are immediately sent to the law firm, you would have already been served.
We will see just how fast you can document some very serious statements as fact. The fact is, you can't. You Kristin Cox made three statements that will for ever change your life. If for one moment you think your going to get on the stand and start making your normal sermon, you better check with your attorney.
You're in for a very rude awakening Kristin Cox. Unfortunately, the results of the civil action will vastly change your life and those around you.
As for all your questions? We will do our Q & A in a court of law.

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#104 Consumer Suggestion

You're right Kristin, in a civil case a trial date is set within one month.

AUTHOR: Just Looking - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, February 14, 2009

You'd think Mathew or whatever his name is would just pay you so you would go away. I'm astonished that he has the time to continue with this. If he's a real businessman he'd be too busy for all of this.

You worked for him in June. Its now February. A normal thinking person would pay up and get a life.

Anyway, hope you and your family are enjoying your Valentines day Kristin. Keep on fighting, you're doing a great service to us all.

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#103 Author of original report


AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, February 14, 2009

Aren't you going to answer Just Looking's questions?

Again, what the heck is "deformation" and how does one commit it?

Name one single child I have hurt! Do you really want to go there again? Do you really want to discuss the children harmed here?? Mine, Tami's, the kid's you took pictures of from your white jeep--a stranger taking pictures of someone's children from a parked vehicle--(report on file with authorities), possibly the kids on the website, the children of the business owner's you have taken money from, the kids whose parents attempted to get tutoring assistance from a non-existent tutoring program. Again, name one child I have hurt....waiting...

Also, the only one making vicious attacks here is you, Mattie!!! and only you. Myself, I just speak the truth.

Wow! How long does it take to file a civil claim? A friend of mine did it and it only took like a month to get a court date--you have been threatening me since July when I first asked for my paycheck. Believe me, I wish I had sent my husband over to get my "timesheet" back then--a timesheet for a salaried Director position..... Heck, didn't you recently have a civil court date--Dec 15 wasn't it? And you lost, didn't you? And did you pay? I doubt it!

Again, love that you are too lazy to answer anyone's questions and you resort to cut and paste!! Lame, Lame, Lame!! and oh so cowardly! I am wondering how does such a coward make it in the pen....

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#102 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, February 14, 2009


When we read the following quote by Kristin, it confirmed to all of us the caliber of person we are dealing with as it has with others who have contacted us.

Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??

The attorney representing Whispering Wind Productions, LLC and Mr. McClintock has shared with the staff the consequences of Mrs. C's statement, in addition to other statements.

Deformation / Criminal Charges / Wages

Kristin has again chosen to leave out that her wage dispute is under review till the 26th. Kristin is facing possible criminal charges as well as a slander and deformation of character suit that is pending and will be filed in Gallatin County. New information was recently provided the attorney for Whispering Wind Production and Mr. McClintock.

Kristin, you make claims stating you can't wait to get on the stand and tell the world your story. When you're on the stand, we can assure you the subject of your testimony will be anything but what you are expecting. You Kristin, through your vicious attacks have hurt numerous children. You Kristin are the criminal here. Trust us when we assure you, your day(s) on the witness stand are fast approaching. For your information Kristin, if it was not for your continued actions which are immediately sent to the law firm, you would have already been served.

We will see just how fast you can document some very serious statements as fact. The fact is, you can't. You Kristin made three statements that will for ever change your life. If for one moment you think your going to get on the stand and start making your normal sermon, you better check with your attorney.

You're in for a very rude awakening Kristin. Unfortunately, the results of the civil action will vastly change your life and those around you.

As for all your questions? We will do our Q & A in a court of law.

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#101 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, February 14, 2009


When we read the following quote by Kristin, it confirmed to all of us the caliber of person we are dealing with as it has with others who have contacted us.

Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??

The attorney representing Whispering Wind Productions, LLC and Mr. McClintock has shared with the staff the consequences of Mrs. Cox's statement, in addition to other statements.

Deformation / Criminal Charges / Wages

Kristin has again chosen to leave out that her wage dispute is under review till the 26th. Kristin is facing possible criminal charges as well as a slander and deformation of character suit that is pending and will be filed in Gallatin County. New information was recently provided the attorney for Whispering Wind Production and Mr. McClintock.

Kristin, you make claims stating you can't wait to get on the stand and tell the world your story. When you're on the stand, we can assure you the subject of your testimony will be anything but what you are expecting. You Kristin, through your vicious attacks have hurt numerous children. You Kristin are the criminal here. Trust us when we assure you, your day(s) on the witness stand are fast approaching. For your information Kristin, if it was not for your continued actions which are immediately sent to the law firm, you would have already been served.

We will see just how fast you can document some very serious statements as fact. The fact is, you can't. You Kristin made three statements that will for ever change your life. If for one moment you think your going to get on the stand and start making your normal sermon, you better check with your attorney.

You're in for a very rude awakening Kristin. Unfortunately, the results of the civil action will vastly change your life and those around you.

As for all your questions? We will do our Q & A in a court of law.

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#100 Author of original report


AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, February 14, 2009

Three statements now? Boy, that changes everyday. Forever (it is one word) chenge my life--you have done that already with showing me what someone people can do--without regret! I am sorry but it seems you have me confused with yourwelf--I have TOLD NO LIES!! Please, let me get up on a witness stand--i relish the thought. I also relish the thought of Mattie defending all his lies--seriously, just read through this and you can see how hard it is for you to keep your story straight. Read through the documents you provided for the Dept of Labor--you had a little trouble with your story there to! As to talking to my attorney, I have referred the local authorities and a couple of attorneys to this site and they would love to hear what you think I have said that incriminates me in any manner!

Pretty much, what you have typed here is digging a hole for you that you will have a hard time getting out of! And all the victims and their statements--yes, I have emails and documented phone calls from many--will bury you! I recommend that your "attorney" or "law students" or whomever is "representing you" and "investigating me" give me a call and find out what you are up against--they might be very surprised and would run screaming in the other direction!

Hello Mattie's attorney--he says he is sending this directly to you so I thought you might want to know that I have a pile of evidence against this criminal and witnesses that can back up everything I have said here. I am more than willing to talk to you--as I have spoken to Mattie's "other attorneys" before. You see, he has threatened me over and over with this as a way to steer this conversation away from his activities and blame me for something--actually with everything that goes wrong. I provided one of these attorneys with the threatening letters Mattie continuously sent to me (that is until the sheriff called him and told him to leave me alone!) So, I am in the phone book under Cox--feel free to reach out.

(the following was part of a post that I submitted at noon but that hasn't come up yet so I will include it here)

So, you did you finally contact the Dept? Interesting, since you chose to ignore them previously--guess since I provided them with your new address you decided you couldn't hide anymore. As of December 13, you had failed to provide a forwarding address (you moved on October 31) and you had failed to respond--thus the issuance of the Order of Default! The following is a direct quote from the Dept of Labor:

"On December 1, 2008 this compliance specialist attempted to contact Mr. McClintock regarding the non-receipt of his response and was told by Holly March, registered agent and attorney, they did not know how to reach him, however will send a letter to their last known address advising him we are attempting to contact him. Ms. March stated she was unable to share the address with our office or discuss the claim as it was attorney/client privileged information. As of today's date, this office has not received a response of the above requested documentation from the respondent" (this is in reference to documentation requested on Oct. 7 and required by Oct 17--Matthew failed to respond to that request, excepting a phone call placed on Nov 17 in which he "left a message stating he mailed his response to the wrong city (lol) and would forward another response on Nov 18"--which, of course did not happen!!!! That shows the caliber of Mattie--someone who
runs from and lies to a govt agency. BTW, Mattie, you are aware that I have witnesses who have provided proof that you LIED on your statements and who can verify I worked for TWO WEEKS--right?

I was not aware of the review--I was aware you have that option and would love to hear what your argument is! Are you planning on providing new documents? Like a copy of the check from the Whispering Wind account on which you forged a woman's name? The check you gave me to pay for my gas to the shoot? That didn't even cover my expenses? How did you get that, since you did not have access to the account you opened in a woman's name? Upon which you subsequently bounced a number of checks that have since gone to collections in her name!!

I tell you what, Mattie--you keep dragging this out and you take me to court because I will relish the opportunity to witness in person your true colors! Seriously, your lying posts here show you for who you are but I want to see your face when you go down! I still must ask--how do you face yourself? How do you live with yourself? Do you feel remorse or regret for the pain you cause others? Why don't the area authorities have a record of all the "complaints" you have filed against me? And, finally, when are we going to court? BRING IT ON!! Nothing would make me happier and I want to bring in as many of your victims as I can to witness--a little forewarning would be nice so they can make it here since their are soooo many across the country! You see, ONE OF US IS A CRIMINAL WHO ENGAGES IN CRIMINAL ACTS AND ONE OF US HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG--CIVILLY, CRIMINALLY, OR MORALLY! (I would love to hear the "criminal charges" I will be
tried for--please, do share)

FYI, everyone here knows you are the poster and not some fictional person named Jason and Karen so drop that lie, okay!

Just Looking--good questions and points--not that he will ever answer a single question. Heck he hasn't directly answered any of my questions since the day we met and others have said exactly the same thing! And don't you just love how a law student would mention suing someone for "deformation"--what is that, anyway??

Most Sincerely,


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#99 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, February 14, 2009


When we read the following quote by Kristin, it confirmed to all of us the caliber of person we are dealing with as it has with others who have contacted us.

Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??

The attorney representing Whispering Wind Productions, LLC and Mr. McClintock has shared with the staff the consequences of Mrs. Cox's statement, in addition to other statements.

Deformation / Criminal Charges / Wages

Kristin Cox has again chosen to leave out that her wage dispute is under review till the 26th. Kristin Cox is facing possible criminal charges as well as a slander and deformation of character suit that is pending and will be filed in Gallatin County. New information was recently provided the attorney for Whispering Wind Production and Mr. McClintock.

Kristin Cox, you make claims stating you can't wait to get on the stand and tell the world your story. When you're on the stand, we can assure you the subject of your testimony will be anything but what you are expecting. You Kristin Cox, through your vicious attacks have hurt numerous children. You Kristin Cox are the criminal here. Trust us when we assure you, your day(s) on the witness stand are fast approaching. For your information Kristin Cox, if it was not for your continued actions which are immediately sent to the law firm, you would have already been served.

We will see just how fast you can document some very serious statements as fact. The fact is, you can't. You Kristin Cox made three statements that will for ever change your life. If for one moment you think your going to get on the stand and start making your normal sermon, you better check with your attorney.

You're in for a very rude awakening Kristin. Unfortunately, the results of the civil action will vastly change your life and those around you.

As for all your questions? We will do our Q & A in a court of law.

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#98 Consumer Suggestion

What is Whispering Winds attorneys name and number? I'd like to call

AUTHOR: Just Looking - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, February 14, 2009

Please provide your attorneys information so we the consumer can verify your claims Mathew. I note that you claim to do business in Chicago. I would like to know the facts about your business so I can alert my fellow Chicagoans.

Again, why did you leave Kristins area so abruptly if things were going so well there?

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#97 Author of original report


AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, February 14, 2009

So, you did you finally contact the Dept? Interesting, since you chose to ignore them previously--guess since I provided them with your new address you decided you couldn't hide anymore. As of December 13, you had failed to provide a forwarding address (you moved on October 31) and you had failed to respond--thus the issuance of the Order of Default! The following is a direct quote from the Dept of Labor:

"On December 1, 2008 this compliance specialist attempted to contact Mr. McClintock regarding the non-receipt of his response and was told by Holly March, registered agent and attorney, they did not know how to reach him, however will send a letter to their last known address advising him we are attempting to contact him. Ms. March stated she was unable to share the address with our office or discuss the claim as it was attorney/client privileged information. As of today's date, this office has not received a response of the above requested documentation from the respondent" (this is in reference to documentation requested on Oct. 7 and required by Oct 17--Matthew failed to respond to that request, excepting a phone call placed on Nov 17 in which he "left a message stating he mailed his response to the wrong city (lol) and would forward another response on Nov 18"--which, of course did not happen!!!! That shows the caliber of Mattie--someone who runs from and lies to a govt agency. BTW, Mattie, you are aware that I have witnesses who have provided proof that you LIED on your statements and who can verify I worked for TWO WEEKS--right?

I was not aware of the review--I was aware you have that option and would love to hear what your argument is! Are you planning on providing new documents? Like a copy of the check from the Whispering Wind account on which you forged a woman's name? The check you gave me to pay for my gas to the shoot? That didn't even cover my expenses? How did you get that, since you did not have access to the account you opened in a woman's name? Upon which you subsequently bounced a number of checks that have since gone to collections in her name!!

I tell you what, Mattie--you keep dragging this out and you take me to court because I will relish the opportunity to witness in person your true colors! Seriously, your lying posts here show you for who you are but I want to see your face when you go down! I still must ask--how do you face yourself? How do you live with yourself? Do you feel remorse or regret for the pain you cause others? Why don't the area authorities have a record of all the "complaints" you have filed against me? And, finally, when are we going to court? BRING IT ON!! Nothing would make me happier and I want to bring in as many of your victims as I can to witness--a little forewarning would be nice so they can make it here since their are soooo many across the country! You see, ONE OF US IS A CRIMINAL WHO ENGAGES IN CRIMINAL ACTS AND ONE OF US HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG--CIVILLY, CRIMINALLY, OR MORALLY! (I would love to hear the "criminal charges" I will be tried for--please, do share)

FYI, everyone here knows you are the poster and not some fictional person named Jason and Karen so drop that lie, okay!

Just Looking--good questions and points--not that he will ever answer a single question. Heck he hasn't directly answered any of my questions since the day we met and others have said exactly the same thing! And don't you just love how a law student would mention suing someone for "deformation"--what is that, anyway??

Most Sincerely,

Call me if you have the guts to face me!!

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#96 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, February 14, 2009

When we read the following quote by Kristin, it confirmed to all of us the caliber of person we are dealing with as it has with others who have contacted us.

Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??

The attorney representing Whispering Wind Productions, LLC and Mr. McClintock has shared with the staff the consequences of Mrs. C's statement, in addition to other statements.

Per wages owed: The court will rule on or before the 26th. Mrs. C's is aware of the review process but appears to leave it out of her postings.

Mrs. C's will face possible criminal as well as civil actions that is now pending final review.

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#95 Consumer Suggestion

If Mathew was legit he'd just pay Kristen

AUTHOR: Just Looking - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, February 13, 2009

Mathew or whatever his name is would not be posting comments here if he really had an attorney. Any legit attorney would advise him to pay Kristin and make her go away.

If he really intended to sue Kristin he'd show up in court with proof that he paid Kristin to make himself look like a legit businessman. Proof that he paid her would lend some credibility to his claim of slander and DEFORMATION.

Since the Dept of Labor ruled in Kristins favor it is obvious to me she is able to provide proof of her claim.

I don't know any of these people but I will have to agree with Kristin concerning Judy. She should run away from Mathew before she ends up in jail with him.

BTW Mathew, why did you leave the town Kristin is in so suddenly? Innocent people don't run.

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#94 Author of original report


AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, February 13, 2009

Same post--six times??!! Don't you have anything else to say? Works for me--continue to show your true colors Mattie! Use someone else's name and lies in an attempt to avoid answering any questions--Matt act like a man and address the issue. As to my "caliber," if you mean I am a truthful person who expects the same of others--wow, you got me pegged! And to use my quote to prove it--the quote where I asked you to tell the truth about your family instead of a bunch of different stories. Mattie, Mattie, Mattie--how pathetic are you? Please, please reread my post and tell me how those questions constitute an attack on your family?? I am not even sure you have one--with all your lies, do you even know the truth?

Let's try this--I will ask one simple question in each one of my posts and then you can answer each simple question in your response--maybe that will make it simple enough for you to get it! Okay, here it goes:


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#93 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, February 13, 2009

When we read the following quote by Kristin Cox, it confirmed to all of us the caliber of person we are dealing with as it has with others who have contacted us.

Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??

The attorney representing Whispering Wind Productions, LLC and Mr. McClintock has shared with the staff the consequences of Mrs. Cox's statement, in addition to other statements.

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#92 Author of original report


AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, February 13, 2009

Are you serious? You cannot even come up with a new post? And now you have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt who you are so you can drop the pretense! Matthew, Matthew, Matthew-master of lies and manipulator of the truth! Thief, criminal, conman, fake, phoney, and convict! You are such a coward! Cannot even try to answer my questions! How sad you cannot even tell the truth about your own family!

I love that you are using my words in an attempt to attack me when--everyone reading them--can see that those words hurt your credibility and not mine! LMAO!! You are such an imbecile! You lie and lie about everything, including your own flippin family and when I ask you for the truth--you try to blame me for your lies!! Priceless! You might want to read it over again--it makes you look pretty bad! Really is more like you attacking yourself than anything! And to distort my comments with a claim the I am attacking your family--to be honest, the title of your post makes NO SENSE. Let's start with Kristin Cox's (possessive, so my what??) in desperation (my in desperation? what the heck does that mean?) resorts to implications and accusations (what did I imply or accuse who of doing??? Let me clarify for you (I am aware that reading comprehension is not your forte!!)--I merely asked what the true story is! No implication, no accusation--maybe you need a dictionary so you can look up the definition of both those words. Now, I did pass on truthful information--ie the fact that you abandoned your dog Sam! Thank goodness for those neighbors who found him a GOOD home, right? As to info about your family, I merely listed what you have stated as fact--what amounts to a very wide array of stories--and asked what the truth is--anyone reading this understands that so your continuted repetitive posts do nothing to further your agenda! You know, to defame and slander my character--yes, that agenda! and to steer the conversation away from the fact that you OWE ME MONEY AND YOU OWE OTHERS MONEY AND YOU ARE A THIEF AND A CRIMINAL!!

so, if cut and paste is the way you want to go--two can play at that game:

Again, you are the one who lied about your family--I just asked for the truth. The truth is something I have been asking for since this whole thing started and the truth is something you seen to be completely oblivious to! How sad! Recently learned that your forgery of a woman's name on checks--something I personally witnessed and reported to both the bank and to the sheriff--has come back to haunt HER! How could you do that to someone who at one time cared about you?? And is such an amazing, caring woman?? And who you already owe thousands of dollars to??? I again have to say--I just don't understand how someone can be so evil and vile! You are just a piece of ....well, I will let you finish that on your own! Does Judy know the things you do to other woman?

I have still not gotten my check--am aware I will probably continue to wait! You haven't even bothered with an excuse for not paying me--I did the work, put in my time WITH YOU, and have never been paid! Heck you never even reimbursed me for my gas money for the two days I drove you around for hours so you could spread your lies. Thanks for the soda stain on my carpet--it ran down the door from where you left your half full Pepsi can. Good to know you have 'respect' for other people's property! Oh yeah, I didn't steal any files but I didn't return that yellow note pad you left in my door! But you probably didn't need it, did you? If you do, just call me and I will bring it right over.

Little note to Mattie, come one, give me a call or even have 'Elizabeth' or 'Jason and Karen' or you 'attorneys' or 'your law students' (who think someone can be sued for 'deformation' and that the burden of proof rest on the defendant in a slander case:-)) or Judy--I sure feel sorry for her! What do you do or say to keep her following along? I am sure you are too much of a coward!!

You know, Mattie (or whatever your name is today) I seriously do not ever remember meeting anyone who disgusted me as much as you! You are worse than the common street corner thug who holds up stranger at gun point! You steal from trusting, caring people using lies and other manipulations--you court sweet, loving, unsuspecting women and then take their money and stab them in the back, you hire employees and make huge promises about salaries and travel and then never pay them--heck I have heard you even ask them for MONEY...LMAO who asks their employees for money (rhetorical question there if you missed it), you lie to hard working business owners to get their money, you lie to children, you lie to the elderly, you lie to non-profit groups who do great things for the community--like the United Way (remember lying to them with me sitting beside you, oh that makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it), you lie to.... well, who else, Mattie? I am guessing you lie to your own family--if you even have one! Do you? If so, do they know who you really are??

Wow, I am still not able to digest the extent of your criminal and unethical conduct. How can you live with yourself? I have to wonder--when you went to court all those times or when you were in prison for those years--did they do a psych eval on you? Because your behavior is that of a sociopath and you should probably seek some help--of course, at 62 I doubt you can change. So, keep up the baby oil baths and the use of cover girl foundation to keep you 'pretty' but you just might want to buy some soap on a rope cause eventually your lies will lead you right back to prison where you belong!!

For other readers--please contact the Madison County Sheriff's Department in Montana if you have been victimized by this criminal. He currently resides in McAllister so they are the best people to contact!! If you are filing a wage or civil claim--contact myself or their department to get his address. IF YOU CONTACT THEM, THERE WILL BE A PAPER TRAIL ON THIS JERK AND MAYBE, EVENTUALLY, THEY WILL BE ABLE TO DO SOMETHING!!! Please, please help stop him!

Finally, all my posts are forwarded to Matthew's email box with a plea for him to pay me and a plea for him to email or call me directly to answer my questions--they all go unanswered!! Not that I am surprised but I just wanted to let people know. If anyone has his new phone number--I would love to have it so I can try to get my money and some answers! I have grown weary of this whole thing but still feel obligated to keep him exposed. I guess I figure--if people read this, they will go to the authorities and eventually there will be enough evidence of his criminal activities that he will go back to prison....I sure hope so!

PS Since you are sitting right there at your little computer--why don't you just give me a call and we can discuss this like adults--I welcome it but you on the other hand seem to be a coward. Why is that? Why are you soooo afraid of little me? Well, I know the answer--you are afraid of me because I SPEAK THE TRUTH--SOMETHING YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO DO!!!!!!

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#91 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, February 13, 2009


When we read the following quote by Kristin Cox, it confirmed to all of us the caliber of person we are dealing with as it has with others who have contacted us.

Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??

The attorney representing Whispering Wind Productions, LLC and Mr. McClintock has shared with the staff the consequences of Mrs. Cox's statement, in addition to other statements.

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#90 UPDATE EX-employee responds

Your recent responses are amazingly lame--Matthew McClintock/Cody Willis/Matthew Justin/Mark McCombs

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, February 13, 2009

Again, you are the one who lied about your family--I just asked for the truth. The truth is something I have been asking for since this whole thing started and the truth is something you seen to be completely oblivious to! How sad! Recently learned that your forgery of a woman's name on checks--something I personally witnessed and reported to both the bank and to the sheriff--has come back to haunt HER! How could you do that to someone who at one time cared about you?? And is such an amazing, caring woman?? And who you already owe thousands of dollars to??? I again have to say--I just don't understand how someone can be so evil and vile! You are just a piece of ....well, I will let you finish that on your own! Does Judy know the things you do to other woman?

I have still not gotten my check--am aware I will probably continue to wait! You haven't even bothered with an excuse for not paying me--I did the work, put in my time WITH YOU, and have never been paid! Heck you never even reimbursed me for my gas money for the two days I drove you around for hours so you could spread your lies. Thanks for the soda stain on my carpet--it ran down the door from where you left your half full Pepsi can. Good to know you have "respect" for other people's property! Oh yeah, I didn't steal any files but I didn't return that yellow note pad you left in my door! But you probably didn't need it, did you? If you do, just call me and I will bring it right over.

Little note to Mattie, come one, give me a call or even have "Elizabeth" or "Jason and Karen" or you "attorneys" or "your law students" (who think someone can be sued for "deformation" and that the burden of proof rest on the defendant in a slander case:-)) or Judy--I sure feel sorry for her! What do you do or say to keep her following along? I am sure you are too much of a coward!!

You know, Mattie (or whatever your name is today) I seriously do not ever remember meeting anyone who disgusted me as much as you! You are worse than the common street corner thug who holds up stranger at gun point! You steal from trusting, caring people using lies and other manipulations--you court sweet, loving, unsuspecting women and then take their money and stab them in the back, you hire employees and make huge promises about salaries and travel and then never pay them--heck I have heard you even ask them for MONEY...LMAO who asks their employees for money (rhetorical question there if you missed it), you lie to hard working business owners to get their money, you lie to children, you lie to the elderly, you lie to non-profit groups who do great things for the community--like the United Way (remember lying to them with me sitting beside you, oh that makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it), you lie to.... well, who else, Mattie? I am guessing you lie to your own family--if you even have one! Do you? If so, do they know who you really are??

Wow, I am still not able to digest the extent of your criminal and unethical conduct. How can you live with yourself? I have to wonder--when you went to court all those times or when you were in prison for those years--did they do a psych eval on you? Because your behavior is that of a sociopath and you should probably seek some help--of course, at 62 I doubt you can change. So, keep up the baby oil baths and the use of cover girl foundation to keep you "pretty" but you just might want to buy some soap on a rope cause eventually your lies will lead you right back to prison where you belong!!

For other readers--please contact the Madison County Sheriff's Department in Montana if you have been victimized by this criminal. He currently resides in McAllister so they are the best people to contact!! If you are filing a wage or civil claim--contact myself or their department to get his address. IF YOU CONTACT THEM, THERE WILL BE A PAPER TRAIL ON THIS JERK AND MAYBE, EVENTUALLY, THEY WILL BE ABLE TO DO SOMETHING!!! Please, please help stop him!

Finally, all my posts are forwarded to Matthew's email box with a plea for him to pay me and a plea for him to email or call me directly to answer my questions--they all go unanswered!! Not that I am surprised but I just wanted to let people know. If anyone has his new phone number--I would love to have it so I can try to get my money and some answers! I have grown weary of this whole thing but still feel obligated to keep him exposed. I guess I figure--if people read this, they will go to the authorities and eventually there will be enough evidence of his criminal activities that he will go back to prison....I sure hope so!

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#89 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, February 12, 2009

When we read the following quote by Kristin Cox, it confirmed to all of us the caliber of person we are dealing with as it has with others who have contacted us.

Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??

The attorney representing Whispering Wind Productions, LLC and Mr. McClintock has shared with the staff the consequences of Mrs. Cox's statement, in addition to other statements.

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#88 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, February 12, 2009

When we read the following quote by Kristin Cox, it confirmed to all of us the caliber of person we are dealing with as it has with others who have contacted us.

Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??

The attorney representing Whispering Wind Productions, LLC and Mr. McClintock has shared with the staff the consequences of Mrs. Cox's statement, in addition to other statements.

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#87 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, February 12, 2009

When we read the following quote by Kristin Cox, it confirmed to all of us the caliber of person we are dealing with as it has with others who have contacted us.

Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??

The attorney representing Whispering Wind Productions, LLC and Mr. McClintock has shared with the staff the consequences of Mrs. Cox's statement, in addition to other statements.

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#86 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, February 12, 2009

When we read the following quote by Kristin Cox, it confirmed to all of us the caliber of person we are dealing with as it has with others who have contacted us.

Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??

The attorney representing Whispering Wind Productions, LLC and Mr. McClintock has shared with the staff the consequences of Mrs. Cox's statement, in addition to other statements.

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#85 Author of original report

Matthew McClintock/Matthew Justin/Cody Willis/Whispering Wind Production/Mark McCombs and the lies continue....

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, February 09, 2009

Mattie, Mattie, Mattie-cut and paste--is that the best you can do? And to take what I said out of context--you seriously need some assistance with your reading comprehension. One more time--you hve lied to many, many people about your family. So much so, that I have no idea what the truth is, which is why I asked! You told me your only son was born preemie and died, you told some people that you have a son and a daugther but they don't have anything to do with you, you told others your only son died in a car accident---and I am the one attacking his family!! LMAO!!! I am not the one who cannot even tell the truth about whether or not I have one!!!

I have not resorted to anything here--I have merely pointed out the obvious while you resort to things like relating my telling the truth to "kicking a child" and accusing me of having an affair (and being a witness--that one was truly rich especially after that wholly inappropriate story you told to a room full of people about you videotaping a couple in the parking lot:-) Everyone who has read, is reading, or will read (as it will be here for a long time) this post knows who has resorted to throwing out accusations in an attempt to change the subject--heck they can tell who here is telling the truth and who is lying! Your lies are sooo transparent and your past and present activities will catch up to you in time--only one of us has been in prison (at least twice and not once liked the lies you have told here) and only one of us is going back to prison.

So, I ask again Matthew--please drop the pretense of using fake names--when will I get my money? and When are we going to court? Please make it soon as I want to be able to get this over with and get on with my life! Just an FYI, has your attorney told you that your past bad acts show a pattern? Oh--and who exactly are the "staff"??? And I will try to get some other answers once more:

1. When can I expect to get my paycheck for hours worked in June of 2007?

2. When will we be going to court--need to know since I might be going out of town for work?

3. What are these specifics you mentioned--the nine seperate actions (or the two possibly three or what is it today)?

4. How have I physically harrassed and threatened you? *This is one I find extremely confusing because I have done no such thing and you have reported no such thing so it would be great for you to explain this a little better.

Now I would like to add a few more questions that you have failed to answer during all our exchanges:

1. Did you have a car accident on June 13, 2008?

2. Who drove you around on June 16 and 17--attending a meeting with Carol at United Way, eating lunch with you, picking up checks from 'sponsors, ' etc?
And did you attempt to get the United Way to pay to go on a billboard?
And did you tell them I was coming on to do the non-profit paperwork and grow the tutoring program?

3. Did you pay the janitorial service for cleaning the Mount Ellis Academy--like you promised?

4. Did you put the names of the sponsors that I collected money from on the Belgrade News Ad?

5. Did you approach businesses and procure 'sponsorship' money for same billboard to go up in July?
In August?
Did the billboards go up as promised to many?

6. Is there an outstanding warrant for your arrest in Grady County Ok?
Are there judgments against you in OK and TN?

7. Did you pay for your truck repairs in Sept?

8. Did you pay your mover in Oct?

9. Did you pay my wages owed to me since June?

10. Did you have tutors in Belgrade and outlying areas?
Did you tell others you had tutors in Belgrade and outlying areas?

11. Did you speak to Laura Bush in June and again September?

12. Did you claim to have an attorney named Jason investigating me?
Did you claim to have an attorney named Chuck investigating me?
do you know that these were lies?

13. Why is there no record of a TRO?

14. Why have I not been served?

15. When did I stalk (again, that is the correct spelling, stock would mean I put him on a shelf) Matthew McClintock?

16. Where in the world did you come up with these ridiculous claims?

17. I did what to what mailbox?

18. Why are there no sheriff reports on all your claims?

19. How much money do you owe the lady whose name you forged at the checks?

20. How much money do you owe to Right Angle Technologies?

21. How much money do you owe to Bozeman Ford?

22. Name one business that supports you in this.

23. How much money do you owe in TN? OK?

24. How do you sleep at night?

25. Since when do you have a sister in this area? (you told many people that you did not have an relatives here)

26. Why are you unwilling to answer my direct questions?

27. When will I get this opportunity you keep promising me--you know, to show you for who you are in a court of law? You have been promising this to me since I started asking for my paycheck--please.

28. Who are Jason and Karen--are they your other personalities?

29. Is Judy an accomplice or are you coercing her into this with threats and abuse?

30. Please tell me one single lie I have told??

Sorry if these are repetitive--I decided to resort to cut and paste since you like it so much. Here's a thought, Mattie, why don't you just cut and paste my questions into a response?? That would be so easy even you could handle it. You could even do it in an email--or are you still too much of a coward to respond to my emails?? BTW, before you change your story--re: Elizabeth Planning for the tutoring--you might want to refer back to your very own post--re: (and I quote) "Whispering Wind Productions currently pays the tutor per hour. No cost are incurred by the parents. When Ms. Stevenson advised Whispering Wind Productions in April that she and her husband would be returning to their home out the state a month ahead of schedule and she would no longer would be availabe to tutor, Whispering Wind Production Managing Partner, Matthew McClintock contacted the offices of the school superintendent in Bozeman, requesting their assistance in locating a new tutor. The superintendents office did locate and provide the name of a new tutor who is now available for children from K -12th." Can you keep a single story straight?

Please try some honesty Mattie--you know, someone once said it is the best policy and I know I adher to it! Maybe you could just get a job? Then you could pay people back--like the judgment you owe in Gallatin County that you never answered to?

Most Sincerely and HONESTLY,


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#84 Author of original report

Matthew McClintock/Matthew Justin/Cody Willis/Whispering Wind Production/Mark McCombs and the lies continue....

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, February 09, 2009

Mattie, Mattie, Mattie-cut and paste--is that the best you can do? And to take what I said out of context--you seriously need some assistance with your reading comprehension. One more time--you hve lied to many, many people about your family. So much so, that I have no idea what the truth is, which is why I asked! You told me your only son was born preemie and died, you told some people that you have a son and a daugther but they don't have anything to do with you, you told others your only son died in a car accident---and I am the one attacking his family!! LMAO!!! I am not the one who cannot even tell the truth about whether or not I have one!!!

I have not resorted to anything here--I have merely pointed out the obvious while you resort to things like relating my telling the truth to "kicking a child" and accusing me of having an affair (and being a witness--that one was truly rich especially after that wholly inappropriate story you told to a room full of people about you videotaping a couple in the parking lot:-) Everyone who has read, is reading, or will read (as it will be here for a long time) this post knows who has resorted to throwing out accusations in an attempt to change the subject--heck they can tell who here is telling the truth and who is lying! Your lies are sooo transparent and your past and present activities will catch up to you in time--only one of us has been in prison (at least twice and not once liked the lies you have told here) and only one of us is going back to prison.

So, I ask again Matthew--please drop the pretense of using fake names--when will I get my money? and When are we going to court? Please make it soon as I want to be able to get this over with and get on with my life! Just an FYI, has your attorney told you that your past bad acts show a pattern? Oh--and who exactly are the "staff"??? And I will try to get some other answers once more:

1. When can I expect to get my paycheck for hours worked in June of 2007?

2. When will we be going to court--need to know since I might be going out of town for work?

3. What are these specifics you mentioned--the nine seperate actions (or the two possibly three or what is it today)?

4. How have I physically harrassed and threatened you? *This is one I find extremely confusing because I have done no such thing and you have reported no such thing so it would be great for you to explain this a little better.

Now I would like to add a few more questions that you have failed to answer during all our exchanges:

1. Did you have a car accident on June 13, 2008?

2. Who drove you around on June 16 and 17--attending a meeting with Carol at United Way, eating lunch with you, picking up checks from 'sponsors, ' etc?
And did you attempt to get the United Way to pay to go on a billboard?
And did you tell them I was coming on to do the non-profit paperwork and grow the tutoring program?

3. Did you pay the janitorial service for cleaning the Mount Ellis Academy--like you promised?

4. Did you put the names of the sponsors that I collected money from on the Belgrade News Ad?

5. Did you approach businesses and procure 'sponsorship' money for same billboard to go up in July?
In August?
Did the billboards go up as promised to many?

6. Is there an outstanding warrant for your arrest in Grady County Ok?
Are there judgments against you in OK and TN?

7. Did you pay for your truck repairs in Sept?

8. Did you pay your mover in Oct?

9. Did you pay my wages owed to me since June?

10. Did you have tutors in Belgrade and outlying areas?
Did you tell others you had tutors in Belgrade and outlying areas?

11. Did you speak to Laura Bush in June and again September?

12. Did you claim to have an attorney named Jason investigating me?
Did you claim to have an attorney named Chuck investigating me?
do you know that these were lies?

13. Why is there no record of a TRO?

14. Why have I not been served?

15. When did I stalk (again, that is the correct spelling, stock would mean I put him on a shelf) Matthew McClintock?

16. Where in the world did you come up with these ridiculous claims?

17. I did what to what mailbox?

18. Why are there no sheriff reports on all your claims?

19. How much money do you owe the lady whose name you forged at the checks?

20. How much money do you owe to Right Angle Technologies?

21. How much money do you owe to Bozeman Ford?

22. Name one business that supports you in this.

23. How much money do you owe in TN? OK?

24. How do you sleep at night?

25. Since when do you have a sister in this area? (you told many people that you did not have an relatives here)

26. Why are you unwilling to answer my direct questions?

27. When will I get this opportunity you keep promising me--you know, to show you for who you are in a court of law? You have been promising this to me since I started asking for my paycheck--please.

28. Who are Jason and Karen--are they your other personalities?

29. Is Judy an accomplice or are you coercing her into this with threats and abuse?

30. Please tell me one single lie I have told??

Sorry if these are repetitive--I decided to resort to cut and paste since you like it so much. Here's a thought, Mattie, why don't you just cut and paste my questions into a response?? That would be so easy even you could handle it. You could even do it in an email--or are you still too much of a coward to respond to my emails?? BTW, before you change your story--re: Elizabeth Planning for the tutoring--you might want to refer back to your very own post--re: (and I quote) "Whispering Wind Productions currently pays the tutor per hour. No cost are incurred by the parents. When Ms. Stevenson advised Whispering Wind Productions in April that she and her husband would be returning to their home out the state a month ahead of schedule and she would no longer would be availabe to tutor, Whispering Wind Production Managing Partner, Matthew McClintock contacted the offices of the school superintendent in Bozeman, requesting their assistance in locating a new tutor. The superintendents office did locate and provide the name of a new tutor who is now available for children from K -12th." Can you keep a single story straight?

Please try some honesty Mattie--you know, someone once said it is the best policy and I know I adher to it! Maybe you could just get a job? Then you could pay people back--like the judgment you owe in Gallatin County that you never answered to?

Most Sincerely and HONESTLY,


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#83 Author of original report

Matthew McClintock/Matthew Justin/Cody Willis/Whispering Wind Production/Mark McCombs and the lies continue....

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, February 09, 2009

Mattie, Mattie, Mattie-cut and paste--is that the best you can do? And to take what I said out of context--you seriously need some assistance with your reading comprehension. One more time--you hve lied to many, many people about your family. So much so, that I have no idea what the truth is, which is why I asked! You told me your only son was born preemie and died, you told some people that you have a son and a daugther but they don't have anything to do with you, you told others your only son died in a car accident---and I am the one attacking his family!! LMAO!!! I am not the one who cannot even tell the truth about whether or not I have one!!!

I have not resorted to anything here--I have merely pointed out the obvious while you resort to things like relating my telling the truth to "kicking a child" and accusing me of having an affair (and being a witness--that one was truly rich especially after that wholly inappropriate story you told to a room full of people about you videotaping a couple in the parking lot:-) Everyone who has read, is reading, or will read (as it will be here for a long time) this post knows who has resorted to throwing out accusations in an attempt to change the subject--heck they can tell who here is telling the truth and who is lying! Your lies are sooo transparent and your past and present activities will catch up to you in time--only one of us has been in prison (at least twice and not once liked the lies you have told here) and only one of us is going back to prison.

So, I ask again Matthew--please drop the pretense of using fake names--when will I get my money? and When are we going to court? Please make it soon as I want to be able to get this over with and get on with my life! Just an FYI, has your attorney told you that your past bad acts show a pattern? Oh--and who exactly are the "staff"??? And I will try to get some other answers once more:

1. When can I expect to get my paycheck for hours worked in June of 2007?

2. When will we be going to court--need to know since I might be going out of town for work?

3. What are these specifics you mentioned--the nine seperate actions (or the two possibly three or what is it today)?

4. How have I physically harrassed and threatened you? *This is one I find extremely confusing because I have done no such thing and you have reported no such thing so it would be great for you to explain this a little better.

Now I would like to add a few more questions that you have failed to answer during all our exchanges:

1. Did you have a car accident on June 13, 2008?

2. Who drove you around on June 16 and 17--attending a meeting with Carol at United Way, eating lunch with you, picking up checks from 'sponsors, ' etc?
And did you attempt to get the United Way to pay to go on a billboard?
And did you tell them I was coming on to do the non-profit paperwork and grow the tutoring program?

3. Did you pay the janitorial service for cleaning the Mount Ellis Academy--like you promised?

4. Did you put the names of the sponsors that I collected money from on the Belgrade News Ad?

5. Did you approach businesses and procure 'sponsorship' money for same billboard to go up in July?
In August?
Did the billboards go up as promised to many?

6. Is there an outstanding warrant for your arrest in Grady County Ok?
Are there judgments against you in OK and TN?

7. Did you pay for your truck repairs in Sept?

8. Did you pay your mover in Oct?

9. Did you pay my wages owed to me since June?

10. Did you have tutors in Belgrade and outlying areas?
Did you tell others you had tutors in Belgrade and outlying areas?

11. Did you speak to Laura Bush in June and again September?

12. Did you claim to have an attorney named Jason investigating me?
Did you claim to have an attorney named Chuck investigating me?
do you know that these were lies?

13. Why is there no record of a TRO?

14. Why have I not been served?

15. When did I stalk (again, that is the correct spelling, stock would mean I put him on a shelf) Matthew McClintock?

16. Where in the world did you come up with these ridiculous claims?

17. I did what to what mailbox?

18. Why are there no sheriff reports on all your claims?

19. How much money do you owe the lady whose name you forged at the checks?

20. How much money do you owe to Right Angle Technologies?

21. How much money do you owe to Bozeman Ford?

22. Name one business that supports you in this.

23. How much money do you owe in TN? OK?

24. How do you sleep at night?

25. Since when do you have a sister in this area? (you told many people that you did not have an relatives here)

26. Why are you unwilling to answer my direct questions?

27. When will I get this opportunity you keep promising me--you know, to show you for who you are in a court of law? You have been promising this to me since I started asking for my paycheck--please.

28. Who are Jason and Karen--are they your other personalities?

29. Is Judy an accomplice or are you coercing her into this with threats and abuse?

30. Please tell me one single lie I have told??

Sorry if these are repetitive--I decided to resort to cut and paste since you like it so much. Here's a thought, Mattie, why don't you just cut and paste my questions into a response?? That would be so easy even you could handle it. You could even do it in an email--or are you still too much of a coward to respond to my emails?? BTW, before you change your story--re: Elizabeth Planning for the tutoring--you might want to refer back to your very own post--re: (and I quote) "Whispering Wind Productions currently pays the tutor per hour. No cost are incurred by the parents. When Ms. Stevenson advised Whispering Wind Productions in April that she and her husband would be returning to their home out the state a month ahead of schedule and she would no longer would be availabe to tutor, Whispering Wind Production Managing Partner, Matthew McClintock contacted the offices of the school superintendent in Bozeman, requesting their assistance in locating a new tutor. The superintendents office did locate and provide the name of a new tutor who is now available for children from K -12th." Can you keep a single story straight?

Please try some honesty Mattie--you know, someone once said it is the best policy and I know I adher to it! Maybe you could just get a job? Then you could pay people back--like the judgment you owe in Gallatin County that you never answered to?

Most Sincerely and HONESTLY,


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#82 Author of original report

Matthew McClintock/Matthew Justin/Cody Willis/Whispering Wind Production/Mark McCombs and the lies continue....

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, February 09, 2009

Mattie, Mattie, Mattie-cut and paste--is that the best you can do? And to take what I said out of context--you seriously need some assistance with your reading comprehension. One more time--you hve lied to many, many people about your family. So much so, that I have no idea what the truth is, which is why I asked! You told me your only son was born preemie and died, you told some people that you have a son and a daugther but they don't have anything to do with you, you told others your only son died in a car accident---and I am the one attacking his family!! LMAO!!! I am not the one who cannot even tell the truth about whether or not I have one!!!

I have not resorted to anything here--I have merely pointed out the obvious while you resort to things like relating my telling the truth to "kicking a child" and accusing me of having an affair (and being a witness--that one was truly rich especially after that wholly inappropriate story you told to a room full of people about you videotaping a couple in the parking lot:-) Everyone who has read, is reading, or will read (as it will be here for a long time) this post knows who has resorted to throwing out accusations in an attempt to change the subject--heck they can tell who here is telling the truth and who is lying! Your lies are sooo transparent and your past and present activities will catch up to you in time--only one of us has been in prison (at least twice and not once liked the lies you have told here) and only one of us is going back to prison.

So, I ask again Matthew--please drop the pretense of using fake names--when will I get my money? and When are we going to court? Please make it soon as I want to be able to get this over with and get on with my life! Just an FYI, has your attorney told you that your past bad acts show a pattern? Oh--and who exactly are the "staff"??? And I will try to get some other answers once more:

1. When can I expect to get my paycheck for hours worked in June of 2007?

2. When will we be going to court--need to know since I might be going out of town for work?

3. What are these specifics you mentioned--the nine seperate actions (or the two possibly three or what is it today)?

4. How have I physically harrassed and threatened you? *This is one I find extremely confusing because I have done no such thing and you have reported no such thing so it would be great for you to explain this a little better.

Now I would like to add a few more questions that you have failed to answer during all our exchanges:

1. Did you have a car accident on June 13, 2008?

2. Who drove you around on June 16 and 17--attending a meeting with Carol at United Way, eating lunch with you, picking up checks from 'sponsors, ' etc?
And did you attempt to get the United Way to pay to go on a billboard?
And did you tell them I was coming on to do the non-profit paperwork and grow the tutoring program?

3. Did you pay the janitorial service for cleaning the Mount Ellis Academy--like you promised?

4. Did you put the names of the sponsors that I collected money from on the Belgrade News Ad?

5. Did you approach businesses and procure 'sponsorship' money for same billboard to go up in July?
In August?
Did the billboards go up as promised to many?

6. Is there an outstanding warrant for your arrest in Grady County Ok?
Are there judgments against you in OK and TN?

7. Did you pay for your truck repairs in Sept?

8. Did you pay your mover in Oct?

9. Did you pay my wages owed to me since June?

10. Did you have tutors in Belgrade and outlying areas?
Did you tell others you had tutors in Belgrade and outlying areas?

11. Did you speak to Laura Bush in June and again September?

12. Did you claim to have an attorney named Jason investigating me?
Did you claim to have an attorney named Chuck investigating me?
do you know that these were lies?

13. Why is there no record of a TRO?

14. Why have I not been served?

15. When did I stalk (again, that is the correct spelling, stock would mean I put him on a shelf) Matthew McClintock?

16. Where in the world did you come up with these ridiculous claims?

17. I did what to what mailbox?

18. Why are there no sheriff reports on all your claims?

19. How much money do you owe the lady whose name you forged at the checks?

20. How much money do you owe to Right Angle Technologies?

21. How much money do you owe to Bozeman Ford?

22. Name one business that supports you in this.

23. How much money do you owe in TN? OK?

24. How do you sleep at night?

25. Since when do you have a sister in this area? (you told many people that you did not have an relatives here)

26. Why are you unwilling to answer my direct questions?

27. When will I get this opportunity you keep promising me--you know, to show you for who you are in a court of law? You have been promising this to me since I started asking for my paycheck--please.

28. Who are Jason and Karen--are they your other personalities?

29. Is Judy an accomplice or are you coercing her into this with threats and abuse?

30. Please tell me one single lie I have told??

Sorry if these are repetitive--I decided to resort to cut and paste since you like it so much. Here's a thought, Mattie, why don't you just cut and paste my questions into a response?? That would be so easy even you could handle it. You could even do it in an email--or are you still too much of a coward to respond to my emails?? BTW, before you change your story--re: Elizabeth Planning for the tutoring--you might want to refer back to your very own post--re: (and I quote) "Whispering Wind Productions currently pays the tutor per hour. No cost are incurred by the parents. When Ms. Stevenson advised Whispering Wind Productions in April that she and her husband would be returning to their home out the state a month ahead of schedule and she would no longer would be availabe to tutor, Whispering Wind Production Managing Partner, Matthew McClintock contacted the offices of the school superintendent in Bozeman, requesting their assistance in locating a new tutor. The superintendents office did locate and provide the name of a new tutor who is now available for children from K -12th." Can you keep a single story straight?

Please try some honesty Mattie--you know, someone once said it is the best policy and I know I adher to it! Maybe you could just get a job? Then you could pay people back--like the judgment you owe in Gallatin County that you never answered to?

Most Sincerely and HONESTLY,


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#81 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, February 09, 2009

When we read the following quote by Kristin Cox, it confirmed to all of us the caliber of person we are dealing with as it has with others who have contacted us.

Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??

The attorney representing Whispering Wind Productions, LLC and Mr. McClintock has shared with the staff the consequences of Mrs. Cox's statement, in addition to other statements.

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#80 Author of original report

Come on Matthew McClintock/Justin/Cody Willis/Mark McCombs--could you just answer a single question (and learn to read)

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, February 09, 2009

Reading comprehension is definitely not your forte. I do not know how that one paragraph could even be construed as an attack on Matthew's family. That paragraph shows the depth of Matthew's willingness to lie!

Truth, Matthew did abandon his dog named Sam and then told myself and others that Sam died--he did not die! Some caring people found him a new family.

Truth, Matthew told me his only son died as a preemie in Salt Lake City--I was so sad for him.

Truth, Matthew told two people that his only son died in a car accident.

Truth, Matthew's son showed up one day at his work and surprised a person who had been told he was dead.

Truth, Matthew told a few others that he had a son and daughter who had disowned him.

I merely asked for the real story--I would say the only one attacking family here is Matthew himself as it means so little to him that he makes up his family's story to suite his needs. How narcissist is that? The "caliber of Person you are dealing with" is someone who tells the truth and expects that same from others--that is why I have such a problem with Matthew McClintock because he wouldn't know that truth if it bit him.. His lies about "his family" and "his business partners"--none I could ever find--"his tutoring service" and "his documentaries"--please name one documentary he has filmed as he claims to be a documentary film maker and his.... You get the picture.

You see, his stories continue and the match his needs! Believe me, I am amazed at his ability to lie and lie and lie to all he meets and am also disgusted by it. So, again, I could not attack his family because I do not even have knowledge of it's existence--I merely have pointed out the extents to which he has lied about it--so, if anyone here is attacking family it is Mr. Matthew McClintock/Justin/Cody Willis/Mark McCombs/whomever he is today--but good luck with using that in court!! Cannot wait--when are we going again?

And will I be paid before that date?? Let me know--! Or better yet, get that call into Windy first thing this morning--you have her number as it is on the Order of Default. The one you got in the mail and that I emailed to you a couple of days ago. Oh, yeah and could you respond to like one or two of my questions next time? It gets a little frustrating when I not only cannot get a straight answer but I cannot get any answer at all!!

By the way, you can drop the pretense of Jason and Karen--myself and others know it is you, Matthew! I mean who else would it be--does someone else get your emails at this address?

Bye Bye Mattie

Most sincerely and honestly,


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#79 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, February 08, 2009

When we read the following quote by Kristin, it confirmed to all of us the caliber of person we are dealing with as it has with others who have contacted us.

Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??

The attorney representing Whispering Wind Productions, LLC and Mr. McClintock has shared with the staff the consequences of Mrs. C's statement, in addition to other statements.

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#78 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, February 08, 2009

When we read the following quote by Kristin, it confirmed to all of us the caliber of person we are dealing with as it has with others who have contacted us.

Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??

The attorney representing Whispering Wind Productions, LLC and Mr. McClintock has shared with the staff the consequences of Mrs. C's statement, in addition to other statements.

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#77 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, February 08, 2009

When we read the following quote by Kristin, it confirmed to all of us the caliber of person we are dealing with as it has with others who have contacted us.

Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??

The attorney representing Whispering Wind Productions, LLC and Mr. McClintock has shared with the staff the consequences of Mrs. C's statement, in addition to other statements.

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#76 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, February 08, 2009

When we read the following quote by Kristin, it confirmed to all of us the caliber of person we are dealing with as it has with others who have contacted us.

Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??

The attorney representing Whispering Wind Productions, LLC and Mr. McClintock has shared with the staff the consequences of Mrs. C's statement, in addition to other statements.

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#75 Author of original report

Is that all you've got? You are such a coward Matthew McClintock/Matthew Justin/Mark McCombs/Cody Willis/ criminal/conman/McAllister Montana Madison

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, February 08, 2009

Wow! Did you even read my post at all? Attacked your family? All I did was ask what the real story is as it seems you are a little confused and have told many different stories to many different people. If that is attacking your family--well, I guess it is about the same as you accusing me of "physical threats" that I have never made and I should not be surprised. Guess I just expected more and, if you want to continue to bring your god into this--maybe you should pray to him to help you do the right thing and quite lying, cheating, and stealing. As for me, I do not need your prays to your god--I am good--you see, I do not lie, cheat, and steal like you.

So, I guess I will not be hearing from you again--it would be great if you would just at least tell me when I can expect my check--seriously, I have been waiting since June to get paid! What kind of man makes an employee with a family wait this long for a paycheck--I worry, that kind of implies that you are a man and not a cowardly creep. I would love to have my money before you end up in prison or jail again--that would be nice. I would also like to know when I can expect my summons--I have been waiting and waiting and cannot wait to face you in court and see you try to met the burden of proof for "deformation" when I haven't even lied--that will be fun and I want to make sure everyone what wants to come can be there to see you go down.

BTW, if anyone reading this really bought your side--don't you think at least one of them might have contacted me by now?? and--if anyone reading this cannot see through your tactics (IE. threats and intimidation without answering a single question) well, they need a lesson in reading comprehension. The thing is, everyone reading this can see the truth without even trying to read between the lines(lies) and that is why they call or email me and thank me. Your path of destruction runs wide--you have done some real harm to some amazingly caring people--I am here to put a stop to that! And I will continue until you are back in prison where you belong!! Even if it means having to read your lies about me--because, again, all the readers can see through you (especially those who you have victimized).

One final thing, I know you received the emailed copy of the Order of Default. So, will you please contact Windy first thing Monday and let her know when the check will be mailed because I am going to give her a call and foward the email to her so we will all be on the same page.

Bye Bye Mattie

Most sincerely and honestly,


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#74 UPDATE Employee

READERS / Kristin Cox "She has demonstrated and confirmes our position for us."

AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, February 08, 2009


If you read the above post authored by Kristin Cox where she attacks Mr. McClintock's family, then you see the full evidence of what we have been outlining for our readers.

We don't believe any more needs to be said!

May God help her!

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#73 Author of original report

This didn't post yesterday and I didn't want Matthew McClintock/Cody Willis/Mark McCombs/Elizabeth/Jason and Karen to think I forgot about them

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, February 07, 2009

Let's delve into this latest accusation--about me hurting kids--but let us start with what Matthew has done for kids. Hmmmm...

well, on the negative side: there are a number of young girls out there who are scared to death of Matthew. Starting with my friends little girls, the ones who yelled "bad man, bad man" when they say you outside a Belgrade restaurant, then my daughter who worried almost every day that you would show up at her school, her friends--especially the one I brought to your office and thanks for that awkward situation (having to explain to her parents that I took her to an interview with a felon--that was nice), then there are those kids at the one room schoolhouse whose pictures you were taking from a parked car--their teacher was upset as I am sure their parents were and you were reported to the sheriff and the county superintendent (BTW, can't blame that one on me as it happened before I met you, though I am sure you will try).

Now let's go to children hurt by your actions--there are my three kids, since I left my job to "work" for you and since they never got that Disney Vacation you PROMISED them; there are my friend's kids--no commercial, no billboard, but their picture did get in the newspaper without a release and now you have their pictures that you refused to return; the children of parents whose money you took--no number on this; don't know about the children in the "TV commercials" or the website--wanna answer that.

Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth?? Who knows--not me because all your lies are hard to weed through. Now the positives of what you have done for kids.......the tutoring...well, that never happened so......I am at a loss. Can't come up with one single thing.

So, go ahead and attack me--I know who I am as a person, a parent, and an educator. I know I have helped more children than you have met and I will continue to help children so keep right up with the slander--the truth hurts but your lies don't even sting! I am still waiting to hear what I am being charged with. I love all the accusations--you don't have any idea who I have spoken to as your accusations prove.

Funny, seems to me you have a lot of enemies because I have done only about a third of what you claim. Heck I haven't even spoken to the Belgrade or Bozeman police yet alone the Attorney General--I wonder who did and would love to talk to them. I have contacted a dealership today about your claims and am looking forward to speaking to them. As to the Bozeman Ford thing, again--I called only to confirm you had not used my name, thankfully this was confirmed (although I was told you did use some other woman's name) and I left it at that. The fact that you never put up the billboard you promised and they paid for is the real reason they cut ties with you--that had nothing to do with me. Sorry, wish I could take credit for it but I cannot just like I cannot take credit for the situation you created with Murdoch's--what did happen there? Would love to know.

BTW, other readers love your slaughter of the English language and recommend you maybe take some lessons. And if you talked to a law student who used the word deformation--I recommend you look for someone who has a better grasp of the English language. LMAO--deformation, remolding, lier, stocking--what do these words mean!!!

Oh yeah, did you get my email with the copies of the Order of Default?? My email program confirmed receipt, so when will you be sending the check? Did you call Windy and let her know?

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#72 UPDATE EX-employee responds

Got answers?? Ever?? Matthew/Elizabeth/Jason/Karen/McClintock/Cody Willis/Matthew Justin/Mark McCombs/Madison County/McAllister Montana

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, February 06, 2009

Let's delve into this latest accusation--about me hurting kids--but let us start with what Matthew has done for kids. Hmmmm...

well, on the negative side: there are a number of young girls out there who are scared to death of Matthew. Starting with my friends little girls, the ones who yelled "bad man, bad man" when they say you outside a Belgrade restaurant, then my daughter who worried almost every day that you would show up at her school, her friends--especially the one I brought to your office and thanks for that awkward situation (having to explain to her parents that I took her to an interview with a felon--that was nice), then there are those kids at the one room schoolhouse whose pictures you were taking from a parked car--their teacher was upset as I am sure their parents were and you were reported to the sheriff and the county superintendent (BTW, can't blame that one on me as it happened before I met you, though I am sure you will try).

Now let's go to children hurt by your actions--there are my three kids, since I left my job to "work" for you and since they never got that Disney Vacation you PROMISED them; there are my friend's kids--no commercial, no billboard, but their picture did get in the newspaper without a release and now you have their pictures that you refused to return; the children of parents whose money you took--no number on this; don't know about the children in the "TV commercials" or the website--wanna answer that.

Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth?? Who knows--not me because all your lies are hard to weed through. Now the positives of what you have done for kids.......the tutoring...well, that never happened so......I am at a loss. Can't come up with one single thing.

So, go ahead and attack me--I know who I am as a person, a parent, and an educator. I know I have helped more children than you have met and I will continue to help children so keep right up with the slander--the truth hurts but your lies don't even sting! I am still waiting to hear what I am being charged with. I love all the accusations--you don't have any idea who I have spoken to as your accusations prove.

Funny, seems to me you have a lot of enemies because I have done only about a third of what you claim. Heck I haven't even spoken to the Belgrade or Bozeman police yet alone the Attorney General--I wonder who did and would love to talk to them. I have contacted a dealership today about your claims and am looking forward to speaking to them. As to the Bozeman Ford thing, again--I called only to confirm you had not used my name, thankfully this was confirmed (although I was told you did use some other woman's name) and I left it at that. The fact that you never put up the billboard you promised and they paid for is the real reason they cut ties with you--that had nothing to do with me. Sorry, wish I could take credit for it but I cannot just like I cannot take credit for the situation you created with Murdoch's--what did happen there? Would love to know.

BTW, other readers love your slaughter of the English language and recommend you maybe take some lessons. And if you talked to a law student who used the word deformation--I recommend you look for someone who has a better grasp of the English language. LMAO--deformation, remolding, lier, stocking--what do these words mean!!!

Oh yeah, did you get my email with the copies of the Order of Default?? My email program confirmed receipt, so when will you be sending the check? Did you call Windy and let her know?

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#71 UPDATE Employee

Kristin Cox FRAUD LIER / Your continuing actions are nothing short of kicking a child in the face.

AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, February 05, 2009

Kristin Cox you're a liar and a fraud. You accuse others of being a fraud, but the real fraud is the fraud you're committing on the children of this state. Your continuing actions are nothing short of kicking a child in the face.

Where is the proof of all these claims? The proof is you committed a crime against Mr. McClintock and Whispering Wind Productions. As a result (as we all know), it caused many businesses to withdraw their support as they didn't want to expose their business to this type of disgraceful antics your engaged in.

As we previously pointed out, you were and continue to be aware of the results of your actions. Was it not you that said? Tell them something long enoughand they will start to believe it.

If, as you stated, Mr. McClintock tried to purchase a car using your personal information, and as you claim you went to Bozeman Ford for that reason, then why didn't you take the documentation from Bozeman Ford and file charges against Mr. McClintock? The reason is, you saw that Bozeman Ford had lent Whispering Wind Productions a truck to use in Productions. You went to Bozeman Ford and did your little routine that you have perfected.

You made claims to the State Attorney General who after investigating your claims dismissed your allegations, as did the Sherriff's Office, the Belgrade Police Department and the Bozeman Police Department.

Not only did you go to Bozeman Ford, you contacted a lady and her son whose father owns Yellowstone Country Motors when they lent Whispering Wind Productions, a truck. You Mrs. Cox are the fraud here. They spoke to us about you calling them.

I was allowed to sit in on the meetings with the attorney. You are going to court and I will sit in the gallery and cheer.

Your running your mouth because you're so far into this mess you dare not continue. Your mouth is what is bringing you down.

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#70 UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mattie, Mattie, Mattie, How do you come up with this drivel?

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, February 05, 2009

Hello Elizabeth/Matthew(FYI all readers--this is a copy of an email I sent to Matthew--he has yet to repond to the Dept of Labor. If he owes you or has victimized you--I am working on a list to give to authorities if anything ever comes of this so please contact me. My email and phone are easy to find in this post or on other posts and my name is Kristin Kae Cox);

Boy, how interesting is it that you like to pretend you are a woman? Using woman's names on checks, in emails, on websites, wearing foundation, bathing in baby oil...Huh, maybe you should talk to a counselor about that! Also, I am sure that everyone reading your posts can read between the lines and--if they even doubt what I have to say, your inability to answer a single solitary questions shows them who is telling the truth and who has a reason to lie.

So, let's address the latest. First, Matthew, you told me that you had either two or three ladies working for you. (of course, I don't remember all the stories perfectly but here is what I do remember). One story went that you had two part time but one had to move because her dentist husband opened a practice in Helena and the other was having a baby. Another story added an additional full-time employee who stole $79,000 from you--funny, when I asked you if you had turned her over to the police for prosecution you came up with this story about how her brother called you and cried and you decided to just let her pay it back.... Are you getting those payments?

Second, when you hired me, you had been running a tutoring program for almost a year. And even on this page you stated you had had tutors PRIOR TO HIRING ME! Now you pose as someone who worked for you right before me and was helping START THE PROGRAM! Heck, when I met you you had already taken a number of donations from businesses and people--like those at the church--to cover the cost of paying the tutors! Now, you admit there weren't any tutors? Heck, you even told the Dept of Labor and the Gallatin County Superintendent that you HAD TUTORS!

What programs and filming did you work on Matthew? I am well aware that you hired people to help you with the limited film items and pictures that you did have--and failed to pay almost all of them. That includes the website stuff. And, the "remolding" of the offices (what the heck does that mean)--Matthew said he did that all by himself! So, Elizabeth must be Matthew (or Matthew is a liar) or both....

I don't think Matthew is a criminal in the present sense--I know it. His criminal past tipped me off but his criminal acts committed here in MT are what really upset me. Again, I collected money for Matthew from businesses who were supposed to go on the ad in the paper--there were no names at all--defend that. I pursued a variety of business to go up on a billboard--there is not nor was there ever a billboard but Matthew took the money. I watched Matthew forge a WOMAN'S NAME ON A CHECK AND A STOP PAYMENT FORM. I questioned him as to the names of the tutors and students and he never answered me. I learned he promised to pay for a janitorial service at a school only to never pay it. I learned that he lied about a car accident on June 13th. I learned he lied about hundreds of airings of a commercial--talked to the television stations. Well, there is more but most of it is already on this site and Matthew refuses to respond to any of it.

FYI, I find Matthew's behavior to be as despicable as any other criminal--stealing from the elderly and the disabled? Sick and vile and cowardly!!

Interesting, Matthew why would you post as a woman, state you spoke to yourself on the phone, and then claim to have read complaint(s) against me within one days time--at least that is how I read it? I am curious, are you claiming that your lawyer sent the complaints to this lady in OK to review? Kinda like when you lawyer gave you a "transcript" of the questions I was going to be asked in court--funny, your lawyer had no idea what you were talking about. Mostly because he was not your lawyer!

I am not scared of Matthew or the unknown--whatever you mean by that--because I know that I am in the right. I know that Matthew often relies on threats and intimidation to scare off those who question him but I am not scared of Matthew. I know that some women have restraining orders against him--I dare him to come after me--the coward. I dare him to show up on my doorstep, to call me, to email me, to take me to court!! The only one of us who has anything to be scared of is Matthew--that is unless he enjoyed prison...Heck, maybe he already bought that new bar of soap! I don't think they will let him bring his baby oil or foundation! Matthew, all I have to say is when you finally get arrested again--and you will--don't call me to bail you out, but feel free to call me and let me know when you will be going to court so I can offer to testify against you!

I have a trash mouth--for telling the truth. People are tired of me??? Why don't you have those people give me a call? Please, prove you have one single defender. Name one person and I will call up and confirm your story--just one--please. The truth is, people in Belgrade and Bozeman are glad that Matthew is gone--many don't even know where he has run off to. People are sooo glad that I have exposed this career criminal--I have plenty of proof right here.

Finally, my salary claims--got the Order of Default right here in front of me--want a copy? I will attach it to an email for you. I also have the Order of Determination if you need that too--Holly Marsh has a copy of it also. The case number is 398-2009. and there is no fine print! Only an order for Matthew to pay me $1,395! The nice thing is the late penalties add up to well over the gas money he owes me for driving him around that second week I worked for him!

So, Matthew/Elizabeth--what do you have to say now? Let me guess--more of the same drivel and lies and slander of my character! Bring it one, you freak!! Every post further proves my point and your inability to address a single thing shows the world who you are. Please, Please, Please--call me or email me or just tell me when I get to face you in court!!! I cannot wait! But , after all these months of threats and intimidation we all know you are all talk and no action!

Most Sincerely,

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#69 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Elizabeth - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, February 05, 2009

Readers: I worked for Whispering Wind Productions in Belgrade for almost four months. The picture Mrs. Cox paints is neither the company nor the man I know. I also know that it was my departure that led to the hiring of this Mrs. Cox.

My salary was $1,650.00 per month when I started and I was coming up on a raise at the end of six months. My husband and I moved to Oklahoma City where he took a job with OG&E. Actually, it was Matthew that told Aaron about OG&E and a friend of his that worked for OG&E sent us the application. He also helped us find a nice home to lease.

I'm very familiar with the programs at Whispering Wind Production as I made calls to businesses and worked on the development of the proposed tutoring program.
I don't know this Mrs. Cox; however, I can read between the lines.

I was sorry to hear that Whispering Wind Productions had closed their doors. I know how hard Matthew worked on the programs, filming and planning for the tutoring program in our offices. I was the person that advised him on the remolding of the offices to make them more accessible to a class room setting and to make them more children friendly.

I knew that Matthew had a prior offense from an SEC charge. OK.! What's the big deal? He paid his debt and moved on with his career. He wasn't a drug dealer, murder, or high jacking cars. This Cox lady seems to think that makes him a criminal in the present sense. GET A LIFE LADY!!

As for civil action being brought filed against you. I Emailed Matthew and we spoke on the phone last night. Mrs. Cox, you're in for the surprise of your life. When Matthew told me where to read and after I reread the sections you stated Mrs. Cox, I realized you're headed into bankruptcy. There is no doubt about that!

As for you not being scared of Matthew? No, you have nothing to fear from Matthew, but you better buckle-up, because I have read the complaint(s), your headed on a long journey. You have a lot more to concern your despicable self with then misspelled words or phrases.'re scared alright Mrs. Cox, you're scared plenty of the unknown. I know Matthew as does my girlfriend and her husband. You have plenty to be scared about as you head to court.

As Matthew stated to me; It's her family that will feel the blunt from this for years and years to come. I'm sorry for that and for what this will bring to them.

You're trying to blame Matthew for the deeds you have perpetrated on WWP and Matthew. You're the trash of this society that needs taken to the human dump.
I think and know there are several in the area of Belgrade and Bozeman, that are now getting enough of your trash mouth. I suspect your little ride is about to take a new direction.

Oh yesMrs. Cox, per your salary claims? You might want to reread the small print and where this is headed.

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#68 Author of original report

LMAO--the lies and threats of criminal Matthew McClintock/Matthew Justin/Mark McCombs

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, February 04, 2009

You are killing me, I am laughing so hard at all your lies and your inability to fess up to them. The latest is that I have "two separate law suits are in the final stages of preparation against you Kristin Cox, and possibly three suits." So, is this in addition to the "a minimum nine separate actions against Mrs. Cox." or the "Civil action(s) against Kristen Cox will be filed in Gallatin County, Montana per these four statements and review continues in this case for additional filings."--Seriously, what is it? 3, 4, 2, 9 .....and when will this happen? I have been waiting for months. You might wanna get it together because I might be going out of town for work and I do not want to miss this opportunity.

Another thing I love about your lies is that you have no idea what I have done, who I have talked to, or who is talking about you. Got people to run your plates? What plates and, sorry, but I do not know anyone who can run plates? Got Bozeman Ford to bail--you did that all by yourself. I only asked them if you procured a vehicle in my name--as we both know you have used other people's info is such a manner. Heck, I watched you FORGE a woman's name on a check and a stop payment form! They did nothing until you failed to do what you promised--but they did figure you out and turn you into the Bozeman Chamber and the BBB--you should check out your report now. It's an F!! and that is all on you, buddy!

Something else I would like to address--the tutor thing. I was hired to take an existing program non-profit and to raise money for it. You told me you had a number of tutors that you had been paying and tons of students--you even showed me pictures you said they had drawn. Funny thing, I never found any students or tutors--not here or "in outlying areas like Three Forks and Lewistown" and, having lived in Lewistown for a large number of years, I would have been able to find those tutors and kids if they existed. That you claim I called "tutors" and got them to quit is so absurd because there were none. I love that you mentioned "kids that would have benefited" what about the ones you claimed already were benefitting for the year prior to my coming to work for you? as to my access to a client list, if you are referring to the spreadsheet you had on your computer--I never had that because you couldn't even print it for me. Funny, I wonder who you sucker into setting that up for you... I only contacted people I had spoken to--the businesses I sold ads to and billboards--the ads and billboard that never happened.

Yes, as soon as I found out you were a criminal--I limited my days! I went to the sheriff, made a report, and asked them to return my phone! If I knew then what I know now, I would have run away not just walked. The stuff I have found out about you is enough to make me want to vomit--seriously, what kind of person steals from the elderly and disabled and lies continuously about helping children? And your debt has not been paid--if it had, there would not be a warrant for your arrest in Grady County Oklahoma for failure to pay!!

Exactly what is my motivation for turning you in? I was so excited about the "program" and was broken hearted when I found out it was all a lie. Then I was angry--angry that you could lie like you do and take advantage of people's giving nature. I have told no lies and nothing that I have said is prosecutable--get some better legal advice. But, what you have said here and to others and what you have done--that will get you a quick trip to the pokey. I sure hope you made contact with your PO by now. Wouldn't it just suck for you if they extradited you back to serve the remainder on that sentence. And I doubt you have a single supporter yet alone people willing to pay your legal fees--again, I welcome all phone calls and emails from supporters. Heck, just call me and say, "I support Matthew McClintock!!" Prove me wrong, But you would not believe the records I have--emails, phone calls, names, dates, numbers.... I have to say, the amount of information I have is extremely bad news for you!

In closing this one, I am glad you finally figured out how to spell my names but holy cow--get spell check! and Re-read your posts. Here's some of my recent favs:

"where is this woman thinking"
"slander and deformation"

Again, Matthew--when can I expect my check??? You still refuse to even address that question--along with all my other questions. I would like it soon because I think that over 7 months is way too long to wait to get paid--I am sure most other people would agree. And, I dare you to call me and talk this out like a man! Funny, you accuse me of physical harrassment....LMAO I am all of 5'7" and I am a threat to you? Again, if I did this--why is there no record with the authorities? So, call or email--I know you won't but I will continue to offer. A coward like you prefers to hide behind threats and lies in the hopes that someone like me will be afraid--haven't you figured out that I do not fear you and I know you are full of it?

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#67 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Records and documentation from in house and from outside documentations clearly shows Kristin Cox in June of 2008, took it upon herself to destroy a program (one she was hired to help move forward towards the goals clearly outlined) that was designed to help children. Programs included (but not limited to) on-air reading ads and developing free tutoring programs for children, as well as other proposed programs in neighboring communities. She knew her days at Whispering Wind were limited.
She accompli
shed this knowing the founder of the business had a felony conviction that revolved around an SEC violation and he would make for an easy target. The fact that he paid his debt to society was of no concern to her, as were the facts that brought this SEC violation to bear.

Nancy Burson states, "Mr. McClintock is about as much a criminal as is Martha Stewart, only without the deep pockets."

Kristin Cox systematically took it upon herself to disrupt this business. She went to corporate sponsors (who she knew would pull back if there was any controversy associated around a program/business they were lending their support or name to). This included contacting tutors and others associated with education and businesses who were financially engaged with Whispering Wind Productions, LLC. You Kristin Cox went to the wonderful folks at Bozeman Ford, who were financially assisting Whispering Wind Productions, LLC. and when you got done with your story, of course they pulled back as you knew any business would. No business wants to take the chance on being involved in controversy. You know this Kristin Cox and this has and continues to be your ace card you're playing so successfully!! You have visited dozens of businesses in your (as has been described your sweet little innocent demeanor) and played your hand to businesses and individuals. You take license numbers off a vehicles loaned to the program, have your buddies run the plates, and then contact the dealership.
Kristin Cox has been very very successful in her actions. In doing so she made it impossible for Whispering Wind Productions to meet ongoing financial obligations, for Matthew McClintock to pay obligations. Kristin Cox's had access to a client list of Whispering Wind Productions, LLC. and used that access and knowledge to destroy this business.

The results of her actions affected businesses, families, and most of all, children who would have profited educationally from these proposed programs. Then Kristin Cox's sits back and questions, Why haven't you met your obligations?
Many individuals and many businesses have suffered as a result of her actions. A program of this nature, that was a new business less than two-years old, could not survive the onslaught of negative lies perpetrated on it and its founder.
Kristin Cox's has openly applauded herself in her actions. Kristin Cox will in fact have her day(s) in court! Not one, but two separate law suits are in the final stages of preparation against you Kristin Cox, and possibly three suits.
God help you when He judges you Kristin Cox!

Personal observation: Both of us ask, Are you the most nave person on this planet? Do you not recognize exactly what's coming your direction? One of the law suits coming your way has nothing what so ever to do with Whispering Wind Productions, LLC. You will not be allowed to even bring up the name other then in introduction as to your very short employment.
Do you not know the number of people that have contacted Matthew and us and ask where is this woman thinking?

A legal assistant told us a few days ago, This woman has to be from another time zone. Five individuals have even offered to assist in attorney fees for Matthew. It's truly unbelievable!!! Do you not see why all of a sudden there our narratives posted now every day? Gee's.truly unbelievable!!!! The attorney said to us two days ago. You have accomplished what we wanted from her"

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#66 Author of original report

Matthew proves his idiocy yet again--Matthew Justin/McClintock/Cody Willis/ Mark McCombs/whomever you are today.

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Now we know you are not consulting with an attorney because you just went straight for #4! Nice! So, my future employers should be aware that if they commit illegal and immoral acts--I will quit and I will report them!! That is priceless! Oh yeah, and that if they do not pay me I will pursue my wages through the Dept of Labor. Gosh, I am glad you let any con artists and criminals out there know not to hire me. Just so you know, I do have a job and they are fully aware of your activities--some of them even knew before I did! But, nice try and good job opening the door for my countersuit. Now, please answer my questions (I will list them just to make it easier for you)

1. When can I expect to get my paycheck for hours worked in June of 2007?

2. When will we be going to court--need to know since I might be going out of town for work?

3. What are these specifics you mentioned--the nine seperate actions?

4. How have I physically harrassed and threatened you? *This is one I find extremely confusing because I have done no such thing and you have reported no such thing so it would be great for you to explain this a little better.

Now I would like to add a few more questions that you have failed to answer during all our exchanges:

1. Did you have a car accident on June 13, 2008?

2. Who drove you around on June 16 and 17--attending a meeting with Carol at United Way, eating lunch with you, picking up checks from "sponsors, " etc?
And did you attempt to get the United Way to pay to go on a billboard?
And did you tell them I was coming on to do the non-profit paperwork and grow the tutoring program?

3. Did you pay the janitorial service for cleaning the Mount Ellis Academy--like you promised?

4. Did you put the names of the sponsors that I collected money from on the Belgrade News Ad?

5. Did you approach businesses and procure "sponsorship" money for same billboard to go up in July?
In August?
Did the billboards go up as promised to many?

6. Is there an outstanding warrant for your arrest in Grady County Ok?
Are there judgments against you in OK and TN?

7. Did you pay for your truck repairs in Sept?

8. Did you pay your mover in Oct?

9. Did you pay my wages owed to me since June?

10. Did you have tutors in Belgrade and outlying areas?
Did you tell others you had tutors in Belgrade and outlying areas?

11. Did you speak to Laura Bush in June and again September?

12. Did you claim to have an attorney named Jason investigating me?
Did you claim to have an attorney named Chuck investigating me?
do you know that these were lies?

13. Why is there no record of a TRO?

14. Why have I not been served?

15. When did I stalk (again, that is the correct spelling, stock would mean I put him on a shelf) Matthew McClintock?

16. Where in the world did you come up with these ridiculous claims?

17. I did what to what mailbox?

18. Why are there no sheriff reports on all your claims?

19. How much money do you owe the lady whose name you forged at the checks?

20. How much money do you owe to Right Angle Technologies?

21. How much money do you owe to Bozeman Ford?

22. Name one business that supports you in this.

23. How much money do you owe in TN? OK?

24. How do you sleep at night?

25. Since when do you have a sister in this area? (you told many people that you did not have an relatives here)

26. Why are you unwilling to answer my direct questions?

27. When will I get this opportunity you keep promising me--you know, to show you for who you are in a court of law? You have been promising this to me since I started asking for my paycheck--please.

28. Who are Jason and Karen--ar they your other personalities?

29. Is Judy an accomplice or are you coercing her into this with threats and abuse?

So, let's see if you can answer any of these questions--I know you won't because you are too cowardly to do it. You are not a man--you are some lower level of life form that has yet to be given a name.

Again, I welcome all phone calls or emails from anyone--victim or in support of--again, I will note that over 50 have called to tell their stories of how Matthew has victimized them and not one single person has called with anything good to say--why do you think that is, Matthew?


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#65 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 03, 2009

We caution potential employers of Kristin Cox to use extreme caution in their individual evaluation when considering Kristin Cox for future employment.

The Gallatin County Sheriff's Office has been called on two occasions per the above tactics of Kristin Cox towards a former employer.

Kristin Cox has utilized methods of intimidation and harassment, both through correspondence and physical on site harassment. The above publications of Kristin Cox represent only one example of her tactics for self promotion and gain.

Again, we caution potential employers in evaluating Kristin Cox for future employment.

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#64 Author of original report

you got bad legal advice Matthew McClintock/Willis/Justin/McCombs/whomever...

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, February 02, 2009

BTW, you might want to look into legal precedence in terms of charging slander and defamation. You see, the plaintiff holds the burden of proof--entirely. and they must prove the following:

1. That the individual knowingly told lies about him;
2. That s/he did so maliciously;
3. That the lies were broadcast to an audience; and
4. That he suffered damages as a result.

So, let's go through that list:

1. Did I knowingly tell lies about Matthew? NO, have not told a single lie.
2. Did I tell lies maliciously? NO, I told the TRUTH to warn others--no other agenda here
3. Where the lies broadcast? NOPE, only the TRUTH was broadcast
4. Did my lies cause Matthew damages? Well, no lies from me--though we could probably prove to the court that Matthew's lies caused damages.

Let's try my case against Matthew:

1. Yes, he did. Told people I was lying about working for him, told people (numerous) that I stole from him, stated on this site that he had a lawsuit against me and other actions, accused me of threatening his life and other physical threats, claimed he has a restraining order against me in two counties......
2. Yes, he did. He knows all these things are untrue and he has said them only to hurt--what else could motivate him? Heck, he even accused me of having an affair! What is more malicious?
3. Well, that answers itself.
4. This might be a little harder--his lies to me cost me my job when I quit working to go to work for him. Gosh, well this might be slightly harder to prove.

Anyway, again--let's go to court and try this out for a judge. I will let you file since I prefer not to waste my time or money--you probably wouldn't even show up and you will never pay (you have proven this repeatedly.

Thought I would share this actual legal information--might want to check your facts before you claim to know the law.

BTW--it is not harrassment to ask for my money! So, pay me and then maybe this will be over! (well, for me it will be but for the others you continue to victimize and for yourself I am guessing the end will only come when you are in prison!)

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#63 Author of original report

Just pay me already Whispering Wind Production/Matthew Justin/ McClintock/Cody Willis/ Mark McCombs/Judy Johnson

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, February 02, 2009

Matthew, I see you got my email and responded quickly with more lies and no substance. When are you going to actually tell the truth and not just continue to create fiction??

Sorry, Matthew--you have tried this tactic already. Remember the letter with the "transcript" of the trial questions your "lawyer" provided you with??? Remember how I called that lawyer and he told me he did not represent you? He told me how you showed up at his office, dropped some papers on his desk, said I want to sue this woman, and left--never to return--he also requested I send copies of all the letters you sent me that made reference to his acting as your attorney. Why, you ask? Because he knew nothing about it. That goes for the other two lawyers you said were investigating me--I called both of them and neither of them were working with you. In fact, further up this post you stated that one had been investigating me for months--he told me he had NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU and offered to help me if needed. Now you are working with a law student--in Kansas? but you also have a pending case and investigation going on here? Make up your mind--get your lies straight.

Your smoke screen of lies is so paper thin so as to be transparent. What did I do exactly in November that you refer to? Please, as I asked before, be specific. And today it is "a minimum of nine separate actions" when yesterday it was four, please do elaborate. Oh yeah, and please do explain how I "deformed" you--I have no recollection of doing anything to disfigure you. Or do you mean defamation? Wow, and your "legal counsel" doesn't even know the difference--I think I would be concerned.

Now, I will reiterate--do you need me to hand deliver the judgment to you so you can make good on your debt to me? Could you please respond to this one single question, even if you cannot answer anything else like what have I done to you that is chargeable in a court of law? Funny, you claiming you can get a judgment against me--would that $350,000.00 go directly to THE PEOPLE YOU OWE MONEY TO?

I was talking to one of your many victims on the phone last night--I hate to refer to any of them as victims as they really just are nice, trusting, caring people that you have taken advantage of--and we were discussing how anyone can do what you do? Seriously, do you even have a conscious at all? Do you ever regret being a criminal? Has it ever crossed your mind to just get a job and pay your bills instead of stealing money from others? I wonder--how many people do you owe at this point? The amount must be astronomical--considering one judgment alone is for 1/2 million! Do you feel any guilt?

Judy, please get out of this horrific situation while you can. I just cannot believe that you could be as evil and despicable as Matthew. Is he abusing you? You do know he has a history, right? But maybe you are just like him--did your family disown you, too? Oh yeah, since Matthew is posting as Jason and Karen--heh, you fictional folks down there in Arizona--give me a call or send an email. I have offered this to all Matthew's "other personalities" just to see if he does have any defenders--NOT A SINGLE PERSON HAS CALLED TO SAY THEY STAND BY THIS MAN IN THE OVER 7 MONTHS SINCE I STARTED POSTING!! But over 50 people have called and/or emailed to say they have been victimized in some way by this creep--interesting and disgusting all at the same time.

I again dare you to be a man and give me a call or email me directly. I again dare Judy or any others to email or call to defend this criminal--I can guarantee that will never happen! I even offer that opportunity to the law student--I will speak openly and willingly as I have with the other "lawyers" and with the authorities and with anyone who has called. And, unlike Matthew--I will tell the truth. But, I know you will not call because you are a figment of Matthew's imagination like all the other characters in the story of his life! How sad that after 62 years Matthew has alienated so many--even leaving a dog behind to suffer when he went to prison--and has no one left to stand by his side....but that leaves him plenty of time to create all these fictional characters!! And, not to forget, let me know when we are going to court--I may be moving for a while and I would not want to chance missing that!!

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#62 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, February 02, 2009

We have been reviewing the written documentation of Kristen Cox on this site and the numerous E-mails Kristen Cox has forwarded. We requested the participation of a law student friend of ours attending the University of Kansas. We asked her to please evaluate the contents forwarded to her. This information included all the above documents as well as other unpublished documentation. Her response was as follows:

After reading the information and documentation you shared with me, as well as accessing the other site you made mention to, it is my opinion as well as that of two of my classmates, that Whispering Wind Productions and Matthew McClintock have at a minimum nine separate actions against Mrs. Cox.
It should be noted that she has violated Mr. McClintock's rights in ways other than slander and deformation of character. I make reference to your notation of the November 2008 accusation highlighted for my review. Upon examining the law per Montana and reviewing case law applicable, Mrs. Cox has the burden of proof. Montana as well as the U.S. Supreme Court have a well documented case precedence per this type of allegation. Again, the burden of proof per her defense will be well beyond She said! This is of course a very serious accusation, one that the court as well as a jury will take notice of.
Unless Mrs. Cox's can substantiate this statement as fact, as she has not made reference to it as other then fact, she holds herself liable. The jury's within the state of Montana as of 1952, have shown little latitude for appeasement in these statements. A quick review of case history per the filings Mr. McClintock is bringing, should he prevail, reflect jury awards of an average of $350,000.00. I would anticipate that award as a minimum in light of her continued prevailing conduct. Certainly the public broadcast of these accusations by Mrs. Cox, will prevail heavily on the jury.
It should also be noted that witnesses for the defendant will be subject to and made available to plaintiff's counsel. This will make the defendants cause very difficult in this particular charge.

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#61 Author of original report

Wow! when will you tell the truth?

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, February 01, 2009

Okay, Matthew, you can quit with the phony names--everyone reading this knows it is you. BTW, could you answer my questions and quit with the repetition. It is funny, when I reread your posts--you really have nothing to say and you never ever respond to the questions posed to you. For others, I emailed this post to Matthew and he got right on it. For Judy, if you are reading this--please get away from this man. Many think you are an accomplice but I think you are more likely under his influence due to abuse--some have agreed with this and stated that there are definite signs of abuse. If you call of email--if you are able to get away from him for a moment--I WILL HELP YOU!

So, that's go through this.

The lawsuit against me--exactly what does that entail? 96% of what I have said is lies--could you please cite these specifically? I authored four statements that are 100% false--what exactly do you mean by that? On this site? With the sheriff? I am lost so please enlighten me. And how did you come to these numbers?

Physical encounters and threats...what are you talking about? Are you talking about when I knocked on the door to your office--which you lived in--and asked for you to quit harrassing me? Then I called the sheriff to ask for them to talk to you and they did? Funny, you told many people that I banged on all the windows and such nonsense--then you added to that a couple months later by telling people I threatened to kill you--with what? My bare hands--get serious you crazy person.

Or maybe you are referring to the day myself and a witness drove passed your rental out in Gallatin Gateway to get your address after you refused to give it to the Dept of Labor. I have a video of exactly what transpired that day and a witness. We drove passed the house turned around and noted the address on the mailbox with the camera. No one was threatened and we never left the county road. So, again I ask--what threats? Oh yeah, and what family?

Now onto the restraining orders you claim to have--there aren't any. No one would grant you one because all I have done is expose a criminal and his activities and asked for my money. I have called both Gallatin and Madison THIS MORNING and there is nothing! No reports no restraining order no investigation--against me that is. But, your story is quite different isn't it. So, where did you get the new cattle? What poor person is out livestock and will never receive payment? Why don't you tell the truth--which one of us was incarcerated from 1992-1994 and 2006 to 2007? Which one of us is on probation? Which one of us stole 1/2 million from a disabled woman? Which one of us stole from a nursing home? Which one of us has been in court over and over again for stealing other people's money? Which one of us doesn't have a job? Which one of us doesn't pay our bills? Which one of us has lied and lied on this site about everything including who we are?

Matthew, be a man--face up to your debts and your lies and make it right. At 62 years of age, don't you think it is about time. If you do have family, my heart hurts for them because I have seen what you do to anyone you encounter and what you have done to women who trusted you--I can only imagine what you would do to those you love. I did hear you have estranged children from couple sources and even some sisters--maybe you are up here because they want nothing to do with you and that is why you are alone. How sad and pathetic you are!

So, I again ask--WHERE IS MY CHECK?? I have my Order On Default/Cas No. 398-2009 right here in front of me. Do you need me to bring it to you? The amount due is $1,395.00 within 15 days of the order. If not paid, it goes to the collections department. Please address this in your next post as I need to know when to expect my check. The contact person is Windy Knutson at PO Box 6518 Helena, MT 59604. Oh yeah, and Holly March has a copy too. Next, when will you be taking me to court? Can we go on Monday? Please? There is no record of an initial filing so I just would like to know when--I mean, you have been promising me a chance to face you in court since those phone messages back in June--remember "I am going to bury your little @##" --BTW, those are on record at the sheriff's department--unlike all your claims, I really have reported you because you have broken the law.

Finally, are you seriously too cowardly to call me or email me directly? I mean, seriously, what kind of chicken hides behind so many different names and cannot face someone like me!?? Is it like when you hide behind that woman when the mover tried to get his money? What a man you are Mr. Matthew McClintock/Justin/Willis/Mark McCombs/Michael O'Dell.......(do you need a little help answering that? Here are some names I have heard: criminal, conman, thief, sociopath, liar, creep, coward, there are others but I do not feel the need to use cuss words)

Looking forward to your answer--FYI: to readers I have emailed Matthew directly asking for a response to my request for my check and answers to my questions but the coward does not reply--heck, I even sent him my phone number in case he forgot it:}

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#60 UPDATE Employee

READERS / CAUTION Per KRISTEN K. COX / Pending litigation Gallatin County, Montana

AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, February 01, 2009

Kristin K. Cox (Belgrade, MT) as previously stated is currently under investigation for statements and physical actions she has perpetrated against Whispering Wind Productions, LLC and Matthew McClintock.
Upon examination by the legal community of statements made by Kristen Cox in the reports she has authored, it was determined that ninety-six percent of these statements were either totally false and/or taken out of context. It was further determined that Kristen Cox totally authored four statements of a very serious nature and stated them as fact. These statements are totally and 100% fabrication. Civil action(s) against Kristen Cox will be filed in Gallatin County, Montana per these four statements and review continues in this case for additional filings.
It has further been determined that Mr. McClintock assumed the last name Justin (Upon advise from the legal community and law enforcement) in an effort to avoid possible physical encounter(s) with Kristen Cox, who has made physical threats against Mr. McClintock on two occasions, coming to his home and to his place of employment (Documentation on file, Gallatin County Sheriff's Office/ Belgrade Police Department). Mr. McClintock is filing for a restraining order against Kristen Cox in Madison County.
Mr. McClintock has cooperated with officials who are investigating Kristen Cox and her actions. It should be further noted that statements made per Matthew McClintock's proposed criminal record are inaccurate and stated by Kristen Cox for self promotion.
Matthew McClintock received a two-year deferred sentence in Oklahoma, after a SEC investigation, for a securities violation. An extension of the SEC investigation in Tennessee was ultimately dismissed and/or deferred. As a result of those actions, Oklahoma elected to amend the deferred sentence. Mr. McClintock and family, elected (after careful evaluation of the cost of continued litigation and posting of bond) to accept a two-year sentence. He served that sentence in a minimum security facility outside of Oklahoma City. That sentence was discharged in full after a period of approximately fourteen-weeks. During this time, Mr. McClintock was recruited by an onsite corporation (Skill Tech), for his filmmaker talents. Upon his departure he was praised by state officials and on site Directors for his contribution to the program.
Mr. McClintock fully accepted responsibility for his actions and stated publicly that he used poor judgment in his interpretation of SEC rules and regulations as provided him by the NASDAQ regional office.
Kristin K. Cox was hired in June of 2008 by Whispering Wind Productions. As previously examined and stated she made claims immediately upon her termination. In addition, it is clear through her actions, that she removed documentation and client list from Whispering Wind Productions.
Her actions (that will be entered into evidence) will clearly show that she impeded the continuance of program(s) at Whispering Wind Productions. This has not only disrupted the ability to satisfy existing contracts, it has further impeded Mr. McClintock's ability to make a living.

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#59 Author of original report

Matthew, Matthew, Matthew oh the tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, January 31, 2009

Funny thing came into my mind just now--why would I need to get your email address from strangers I have never met when you yourself gave it to me? Don't you remember emailing me--many, many times? As yourself and others??? Guess you just cannot keep anything straight can you??

Btw, have a note into the sheriff in Madison about how he offered to cite me--what is he going to say?? Well, we both know that answer! Still waiting for that email. I tried to call you again to see if you would just finish this--tell me when I will get my check so this can be over for me--but you disconnected your phone number. Or did they shut you off for non-payment like everywhere else? Either way, you are a criminal and a coward! Please do take me to court--right away--Monday would be great--I would love the opportunity to file a counter suit and kick your butt and show you for the loser you are. So, let's go!

BTW, everything I have posted is truth and most of it is regarding my wages--and non-payment--what lawyer would take someone to court over a legal judgment? Well, again, we both know the answer to that.

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#58 Author of original report

What are you talking about Matthew McClintock

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, January 31, 2009

I have no idea what you are talking about. I have not spoken to either of the people you mention in your post, I don't even know who they are--note you again call yourself Jason and Karen! I am sure these people you have mentioned will be upset by your statements which--having fully experienced your inability to tell the truth--I am sure are lies just like the ones you have told about me and many others. I only know what has been told to me by the authorities--both in Madison and Gallatin County. The ones you have supposedly turned me in to--although there continues to this very moment to be NO REPORT OR CHARGES AGAINST ME!!! EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE CLAIMED THERE HAVE BEEN CHARGES AND REPORTS SINCE JULY!! I have called the authorities--I have spoken to them--there is nothing. and I have never physically harrassed you!

Yes, I called you twice yesterday--asking you to call me back so I can find out when you will send my paycheck you have owed me since June. I also wanted to confirm that you had received the judgment from the Dept of Labor--this is something you have yet to address in with all you lies. Where is my money? And, yes, I did email you--I have every right to pursue the money owed me. Why don't you just pay me and quit with the lies? I guess you got the phone messages--why didn't you call back?

One thing I find very interesting about this new post--you have a family? What? You told me you haven't been married "since the beginning of time" and that your son died right after birth--in Salt Lake City. So, now you have and are living with a family? Wow--that is news to me. And I have been harrassing them? Wow--again--that is also news to me. How could I harrass someone that I did not even know exists? Also, who exactly have I been harrassing who worked for Whispering Wind? The only other employees I have ever heard of or from quit and never got paid--so who the heck are you talking about.

Next, I am pretty sure your landlord kicked you out in Gallatin Gateway because you owed her rent and bounced a check you wrote to her--that is what I was told by the authorities.

Please note--you coward--I have asked repeatedly for you to respond to my questions here, by email, or by phone--but you are too much of a coward to do so. Maybe you can respond to this--what is up with your probation? I thought that was thrown out? Interesting--sure you will never respond!

So, again, all of Matthew's victims--TURN HIM IN, MAKE STATEMENTS TO THE AUTHORITIES, GET THIS CREEP THROWN BACK IN PRISON WHERE HE BELONGS!! Almost forgot--what happened in court back in December? I heard you where told to pay the man--that is what the court records state--did you? I doubt it--that could be enough to get a warrant. Maybe that business owner will have you arrested. Where's the billboard--people gave you money for that? Did you pay for the add in the phone book? Also, some business owners have asked me why their names weren't on that ad in the paper they paid for--answers???

To Matthew--you have been threatening me with a lawsuit since July when I first outed your lies and thievery. The only one here commiting slander is you--you have accused me of everything from stealing to lying to threatening your life and I have done none of this! But, I would love to meet you in court at your expense--there will be a countersuit and my lawyer will eat you alive. So, bring it on! Let's go! I dare you!

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#57 Author of original report

What are you talking about Matthew McClintock

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, January 31, 2009

I have no idea what you are talking about. I have not spoken to either of the people you mention in your post, I don't even know who they are--note you again call yourself Jason and Karen! I am sure these people you have mentioned will be upset by your statements which--having fully experienced your inability to tell the truth--I am sure are lies just like the ones you have told about me and many others. I only know what has been told to me by the authorities--both in Madison and Gallatin County. The ones you have supposedly turned me in to--although there continues to this very moment to be NO REPORT OR CHARGES AGAINST ME!!! EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE CLAIMED THERE HAVE BEEN CHARGES AND REPORTS SINCE JULY!! I have called the authorities--I have spoken to them--there is nothing. and I have never physically harrassed you!

Yes, I called you twice yesterday--asking you to call me back so I can find out when you will send my paycheck you have owed me since June. I also wanted to confirm that you had received the judgment from the Dept of Labor--this is something you have yet to address in with all you lies. Where is my money? And, yes, I did email you--I have every right to pursue the money owed me. Why don't you just pay me and quit with the lies? I guess you got the phone messages--why didn't you call back?

One thing I find very interesting about this new post--you have a family? What? You told me you haven't been married "since the beginning of time" and that your son died right after birth--in Salt Lake City. So, now you have and are living with a family? Wow--that is news to me. And I have been harrassing them? Wow--again--that is also news to me. How could I harrass someone that I did not even know exists? Also, who exactly have I been harrassing who worked for Whispering Wind? The only other employees I have ever heard of or from quit and never got paid--so who the heck are you talking about.

Next, I am pretty sure your landlord kicked you out in Gallatin Gateway because you owed her rent and bounced a check you wrote to her--that is what I was told by the authorities.

Please note--you coward--I have asked repeatedly for you to respond to my questions here, by email, or by phone--but you are too much of a coward to do so. Maybe you can respond to this--what is up with your probation? I thought that was thrown out? Interesting--sure you will never respond!

So, again, all of Matthew's victims--TURN HIM IN, MAKE STATEMENTS TO THE AUTHORITIES, GET THIS CREEP THROWN BACK IN PRISON WHERE HE BELONGS!! Almost forgot--what happened in court back in December? I heard you where told to pay the man--that is what the court records state--did you? I doubt it--that could be enough to get a warrant. Maybe that business owner will have you arrested. Where's the billboard--people gave you money for that? Did you pay for the add in the phone book? Also, some business owners have asked me why their names weren't on that ad in the paper they paid for--answers???

To Matthew--you have been threatening me with a lawsuit since July when I first outed your lies and thievery. The only one here commiting slander is you--you have accused me of everything from stealing to lying to threatening your life and I have done none of this! But, I would love to meet you in court at your expense--there will be a countersuit and my lawyer will eat you alive. So, bring it on! Let's go! I dare you!

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#56 Author of original report

What are you talking about Matthew McClintock

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, January 31, 2009

I have no idea what you are talking about. I have not spoken to either of the people you mention in your post, I don't even know who they are--note you again call yourself Jason and Karen! I am sure these people you have mentioned will be upset by your statements which--having fully experienced your inability to tell the truth--I am sure are lies just like the ones you have told about me and many others. I only know what has been told to me by the authorities--both in Madison and Gallatin County. The ones you have supposedly turned me in to--although there continues to this very moment to be NO REPORT OR CHARGES AGAINST ME!!! EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE CLAIMED THERE HAVE BEEN CHARGES AND REPORTS SINCE JULY!! I have called the authorities--I have spoken to them--there is nothing. and I have never physically harrassed you!

Yes, I called you twice yesterday--asking you to call me back so I can find out when you will send my paycheck you have owed me since June. I also wanted to confirm that you had received the judgment from the Dept of Labor--this is something you have yet to address in with all you lies. Where is my money? And, yes, I did email you--I have every right to pursue the money owed me. Why don't you just pay me and quit with the lies? I guess you got the phone messages--why didn't you call back?

One thing I find very interesting about this new post--you have a family? What? You told me you haven't been married "since the beginning of time" and that your son died right after birth--in Salt Lake City. So, now you have and are living with a family? Wow--that is news to me. And I have been harrassing them? Wow--again--that is also news to me. How could I harrass someone that I did not even know exists? Also, who exactly have I been harrassing who worked for Whispering Wind? The only other employees I have ever heard of or from quit and never got paid--so who the heck are you talking about.

Next, I am pretty sure your landlord kicked you out in Gallatin Gateway because you owed her rent and bounced a check you wrote to her--that is what I was told by the authorities.

Please note--you coward--I have asked repeatedly for you to respond to my questions here, by email, or by phone--but you are too much of a coward to do so. Maybe you can respond to this--what is up with your probation? I thought that was thrown out? Interesting--sure you will never respond!

So, again, all of Matthew's victims--TURN HIM IN, MAKE STATEMENTS TO THE AUTHORITIES, GET THIS CREEP THROWN BACK IN PRISON WHERE HE BELONGS!! Almost forgot--what happened in court back in December? I heard you where told to pay the man--that is what the court records state--did you? I doubt it--that could be enough to get a warrant. Maybe that business owner will have you arrested. Where's the billboard--people gave you money for that? Did you pay for the add in the phone book? Also, some business owners have asked me why their names weren't on that ad in the paper they paid for--answers???

To Matthew--you have been threatening me with a lawsuit since July when I first outed your lies and thievery. The only one here commiting slander is you--you have accused me of everything from stealing to lying to threatening your life and I have done none of this! But, I would love to meet you in court at your expense--there will be a countersuit and my lawyer will eat you alive. So, bring it on! Let's go! I dare you!

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#55 Author of original report

What are you talking about Matthew McClintock

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, January 31, 2009

I have no idea what you are talking about. I have not spoken to either of the people you mention in your post, I don't even know who they are--note you again call yourself Jason and Karen! I am sure these people you have mentioned will be upset by your statements which--having fully experienced your inability to tell the truth--I am sure are lies just like the ones you have told about me and many others. I only know what has been told to me by the authorities--both in Madison and Gallatin County. The ones you have supposedly turned me in to--although there continues to this very moment to be NO REPORT OR CHARGES AGAINST ME!!! EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE CLAIMED THERE HAVE BEEN CHARGES AND REPORTS SINCE JULY!! I have called the authorities--I have spoken to them--there is nothing. and I have never physically harrassed you!

Yes, I called you twice yesterday--asking you to call me back so I can find out when you will send my paycheck you have owed me since June. I also wanted to confirm that you had received the judgment from the Dept of Labor--this is something you have yet to address in with all you lies. Where is my money? And, yes, I did email you--I have every right to pursue the money owed me. Why don't you just pay me and quit with the lies? I guess you got the phone messages--why didn't you call back?

One thing I find very interesting about this new post--you have a family? What? You told me you haven't been married "since the beginning of time" and that your son died right after birth--in Salt Lake City. So, now you have and are living with a family? Wow--that is news to me. And I have been harrassing them? Wow--again--that is also news to me. How could I harrass someone that I did not even know exists? Also, who exactly have I been harrassing who worked for Whispering Wind? The only other employees I have ever heard of or from quit and never got paid--so who the heck are you talking about.

Next, I am pretty sure your landlord kicked you out in Gallatin Gateway because you owed her rent and bounced a check you wrote to her--that is what I was told by the authorities.

Please note--you coward--I have asked repeatedly for you to respond to my questions here, by email, or by phone--but you are too much of a coward to do so. Maybe you can respond to this--what is up with your probation? I thought that was thrown out? Interesting--sure you will never respond!

So, again, all of Matthew's victims--TURN HIM IN, MAKE STATEMENTS TO THE AUTHORITIES, GET THIS CREEP THROWN BACK IN PRISON WHERE HE BELONGS!! Almost forgot--what happened in court back in December? I heard you where told to pay the man--that is what the court records state--did you? I doubt it--that could be enough to get a warrant. Maybe that business owner will have you arrested. Where's the billboard--people gave you money for that? Did you pay for the add in the phone book? Also, some business owners have asked me why their names weren't on that ad in the paper they paid for--answers???

To Matthew--you have been threatening me with a lawsuit since July when I first outed your lies and thievery. The only one here commiting slander is you--you have accused me of everything from stealing to lying to threatening your life and I have done none of this! But, I would love to meet you in court at your expense--there will be a countersuit and my lawyer will eat you alive. So, bring it on! Let's go! I dare you!

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#54 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, January 31, 2009

As previously reported to readers and consumers who continue to support Mr. McClintock and family. Mrs. C is under investigation. She has through her false and self serving claims positioned herself for impending civil action and possible criminal actions. She is under investigation by the Gallatin County Sheriff's office.

Pending slander and defamation of character suit(s) are imminent in the next few weeks. She has through her actions disrupted and/or impeded programming for children in the state of Montana as filed with the Sherriff's office.
She has harassed not only Mr. McClintock, but an employee of Whispering Wind Production, who is now meeting with attorneys in Bozeman for possible civil action against Mrs. C.
Documentation on file with the Gallatin County Sheriff's office shows that Mrs. C has contacted the landlord of a home previously rented by Mr. McClintock and physically harassed Mr. McClintock and family at that address (Documentation on file in Gallatin County). Her harassment dictated Mr. McClintock and family once again move, as the owner of the property was concerned for her well being as she lived on the same acreage. As stated, Mr. McClintock dropped McClintock and used Justin (His father's middle nameon the advice of counsel) until filings are complete against Mrs. C, in a continued attempt to avoid the physical harassment of Mrs. C. Mrs. C has made oral physical threats against Mr. McClintock which were taken very serious not only by Mr. McClintock, but others clearly versed on Mrs. Cox's actions. Mr. McClintock was advised to take these actions as a precaution. The Madison County Sheriff advised Mr. McClintock that he would cite Mrs. C if she physically harassed him and his family at their current address in Madison County.

Mrs. C previously posed on the internet as an individual (Other than her true identity) wanting to give large amounts of money to children's programs. Pages of E-mails came to Whispering Wind Productions from Mrs. C as she paraded as someone else (Documentation on file with attorneys and Gallatin County Sheriff's office).
The claims Mrs. C makes reference to in the above Ex-Employee filing are (after investigation) again slanted to meet the needs of Mrs. C. Written journal readings as well as other well documented conversations reveal the following.

Mr. McClintock offered to purchase two calves from Jay and Dannette Fredrickson (Ennis, MT) while helping them sort and vet check their cattle, which they graze directly above the ranch lived on by Mr. McClintock and family.
Mr. McClintock advised Dannette Fredrickson it would be a few days before he would send them a check on the two calves. This according to a journal was agreeable by both parties. Mrs. Fredrickson contacted Mr. McClintock after some time passed concerning payment. Mr. McClintock advised the Frederickson's, he had not received a transfer of payment he was anticipated and shared with them that if they wanted to pick-up the two calves (If that was in their best interest) he was in favor of whatever was in their best interest. The Frederickson's then picked up their two calves. A few days later, Dannette and Jay Fredrickson picked up their calves and Kimberly Faeth (Ennis, MT) picked up a mare and foal currently being cared for by Mr. McClintock and his family pending possible purchase upon clairification and documentation of ownership. Mrs. Kimberly Faeth was wanting to sell the mare and foal to Mr. McClintock. She was currently boarding the horses at the ranch occupied by Mr. McClintock and family. However, it became apparent that Mrs. Faeth did not own the two horses, but rather was acting on behalf of her grown daughter who did not want to sell the horses as did not the husband. Mr. McClintock questioned the ownership of the two horses at which point the horses were picked up and removed from the ranch with the blessing of the McClintock family. A few days later, journal records show the husband (Mr. Faeth) then asked Mr. McClintock if he could board the horses with them, as he wanted to keep the horses for his daughter. His wife is currently divorcing him!

It is interesting to point out the following. Upon being told of Mr. McClintocks last name, the Frederickson's and Mrs. Faeth (Upon goggling McClintock), then contacted Mrs. C per this Website. They then gave Mrs. C, Mr. McClintocks address, phone number and E-mail address, at which point Mrs. C had her girlfriend call Mr. McClintock, then Mrs. C called and sent E-mails, the contents of both sent to the Sheriff's Office and attorneys.

We find these actions particularly interesting in light of the following: Mr. McClintock who lives on a ranch which adjoins property used by the Frederickson's to graze cattle on repeatedly assisted the Frederickson's whose cattle were getting out of their fences. Mr. McClintock volunteered his time and would repeatedly saddle-up and gather their cows back up to their pasture. This was accomplished often during harsh weather conditions. In addition, Mr. McClintock invited Dannette Fredrickson to bring an old mare to the barn on the ranch leased by Mr. McClintock, to get her out of the severe weather. Mr. McClintock and family cared for this mare feeding her and caring for her daily for approximately six-weeks. The Fredrickson's had to be reminded to drop off hay for their mare. They were asked to assist in cleaning the mares stall, but never offered to help during or after she was removed. In addition, journal writings show that Mr. McClintock and family volunteered and did feed cattle and horses for the Frederickson's for a week over Christmas, so the Frederickson's could spend that time with their family. These are the same people that gave out personal information.

Copies of civil filings against Mrs. C for slander and deformation of character will be posted upon filings in Gallatin County, Montana.

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#53 UPDATE EX-employee responds

Look who is back--its Matthew Justin/MarkMcCombs/McClintock

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, January 30, 2009

Who the heck are Jason and Karen in Arizona and why would they be privy to inside information regarding a lawsuit? Here is the deal--Matthew has moved to McAllister, Montana with Judy. Since he has gotten there--they have failed to pay rent, gotten cows and horses that had to be repossessed, and aroused the suspicion of local law enforcement! I have emails and phone messages regarding their activities and have spoken to many people--this just never goes away.

Speaking of emails--have you spoken to your probation officer lately? or the DA in OK who prosecuted you? Seems some of your activities just might fall under probation violation--do you know what happens when they revoke your probation? (hint--you might wanna get some soap on a rope:})

This weekend, Whispering Wind Productions recieved its final notice to pay my wages--with a rather large late charge tacked on. I had to call the Dept of Labor with the new address. Next it will go to collections--although I am not sure how you collect from someone with judgments against them in numerous states and no income.

So, let's get back to the claims made by "Jason and Karen" (but quite apparently written by Matthew--I mean seriously, 'deformation'--did I deform you in some manner!) There have never been nor will there ever be any charges against me for slander and "deformation" that will be based in truth. To slander, one must tell lies! The only one telling lies here is Matthew McClintock/Matthew Justin/Mark McCombs.... As to charges related to Judy Johnson--WHAT! I do not even know that woman. Your threats to sue me are so patently absurd--please name the lawyer for this "suit" so I can call and confirm yet another one of your lies. As to reports against me, I have called and called to ask about these reports--surprise, surprise, they do not exist. Just like that restraining order you claimed to have! How is it there are no records of all these reports--could it be you are lying??? again??? Wow!

The saddest thing is that people a really getting hurt and ripped off by you--there are a stack of bounced checks to prove that--and you just cannot stop! You need some serious help, sir--I just hope that Judy is not an accomplice. (though most who mention her seem to think she is--if she is she better be ready to do the time, maybe you should tell her what that is like) That you just run around lying and stealing and cheating people makes me ill and I cannot wait for the law to catch up to you--and it will. I have struggled to undertand how anyone can do what you do--I have asked others--I just don't get it. What I do know is you NEED TO STOP OR BE STOPPED AND YOU BELONG IN PRISON!!

BTW, when can I expect my check--I have been asking since June. Why am I still waiting?

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#52 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Jason / Karen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, January 30, 2009

After a four-month investigation, a pending civil suit against Mrs. Cox and two other individuals by a Bozeman law firm representing Mr. McClintock, Whispering Wind Productions and Mrs. Johnson, is in the final stages of preparation prior to filing.

Mrs. Cox has repeatedly made false and/or misleading accusations per Mr. McClintock and Whispering Wind Productions, according to those close to the investigation.

Actions against Mr. McClintock in Oklahoma have been dismissed and/or reversed on appeal or are being appealed at this time.

Mr. McClintock and Whispering Wind Productions invited a full investigation by members of law enforcement and cooperated fully in the investigation(s).

Law enforcement has been called and reports have been filed against Mrs. Cox in Bozeman and Belgrade.

Mr. McClintock did use the name Justin (On the advise of council) to help defer Mrs. Cox in harassing Mr. McClintock and his family, prior to civil action being filed.

Mrs. Cox is fully aware and has been advised by authorities, that O'Dell, Willis and McClintock were and are legal names given Mr. McClintock either from birth, or through adoption as a child.

A suit will be filed against Mrs. Cox for slander and deformation of character. These filings will be posted per this site for review by the public.

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#51 Author of original report

New Alias Alert--> Matthew Justin and Mark McCombs is in Madison County

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, January 14, 2009

If you have any complaint against this man--please come forward. I spoke to a member of the Sheriff's Department in Madison county and Matthew is using two new names down there to rip off new people. Matthew Justin and Mark McCombs are his new aliases.

The Madison and Gallatin County Sheriff Departments would like to see him put away but they need people to come forward--bad checks above a certain amount are a FELONY!! If you are afraid of him, please know he is not worth fearing. Step up and do the right thing.

If you have questions, call either department or call or email me @ (((ROR redacted)))

PS he is living at 5675 US Highway 287 in McAllister

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

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#50 Author of original report

Matthew McClintock/Whispering Wind Productions OWES ME $1035

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, January 04, 2009

The Montana Department of Labor has found that I am owed for the two weeks I worked for Whispering Wind Productions--to the tune of $900 in wages plus $135 in penalties. The penalties will increase to over $400 if I am not paid by 1/19/09--this date was changed from 1/12/09 due to the dept not allowing for mail delivery or some such thing.

Although I know this man will not pay my wages, I am happy to receive this judgment because it holds him accountable. Don't get me wrong, it would be nice to actually get paid for work I did back in June but I will not hold my breathe!

To anyone else owed money, please take the time to file a report with the Gallatin County Sheriff Department and with the small claims court--if enough people do, maybe they will put him away again!

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#49 Author of original report

Broken Creek Ranch, Cody Willis/McClintock, Matthew McClintock, Whispering Wind Production

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Have gotten a few calls this past week so I thought I would post a comment for those who come here. On a different site, I emailed the people Matthew posed as and am now certain they do not exist. Matthew has failed to respond to any of my questions and I have heard nothing from him--not sure if he is still at 1108 McReynolds or not. I do know that the 763-4141 phone number is disconnected. I do know that he has used the business name Broken Creek Ranch with a couple of businesses so I thought I would add that here.

For anyone dealing with him, I wish you luck. He has failed to respond to the Dept of Labor and I am quite certain he will never pay me the money he owes me--even if there is a judgement.

Again, I thank all of you who have called and emailed--I am sorry you have had the mispleasure of dealing with this vile excuse for a human but, hopefully, his karma will catch up with him and he will soon find himself in a cell.

Matthew, if you are reading this (though I think you may have not been able to pay the internet bill and that is why you have blown off all my questions)--be a man, answer my questions, and pay my wages! What kind of a man promises a mother a great job, takes her away from a good paying position with health insurance for her children--knowing it is all a lie? and never pays that woman? I have learned over the past few months that you have no conscience but--at your age--don't you think it is time you do something right??? Maybe if you quit picking women up on the internet, promising them the moon, and then picking their pockets of their life savings--you would have time to find a job...or not.

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#48 Author of original report

Matthew McClintock/Michael O'Dell/Whispering Wind Productions has left the building

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, November 03, 2008

Like a thief in the night, this convicted felon and liar packed his stuff into a white pickup truck with MT plates (49) and a small gold car with Colorado plates and the assistance of an older woman (50-60) and her small dog and left 8707 N Jackrabbit for parts unknown. Since he is a wanted man in OK, I doubt he will head back there but who knows as he does not seem to respect any authority and seems to believe he can lie his way out of anything.

If you know anyone in Three Forks, Big Timber, Livingston or any other towns in this area--warn them and the local law enforcement agencies to be on the look out for him. If you know who he has with him--please warn her that he is a convicted felon with a warrant for his arrest and a history of violence toward women and the disabled. You would not believe the stories I have heard about his behaviors and the fear he has put into some kind, wonderful people!! His behaviors appear to be erratic and I would hate for this woman to be harmed!!

Just for the record, he has lied to myself and many he employed or attempted to employ, he has lied to the police, to the pastor of a church, to his landlord, to the Department of Labor, to the Better Business Bureau, to a wide array of business people... the list goes on. Please get the word out!!

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#47 Author of original report

Matthew McClintock/Michael O'Dell/Whispering Wind Productions has left the building

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, November 03, 2008

Like a thief in the night, this convicted felon and liar packed his stuff into a white pickup truck with MT plates (49) and a small gold car with Colorado plates and the assistance of an older woman (50-60) and her small dog and left 8707 N Jackrabbit for parts unknown. Since he is a wanted man in OK, I doubt he will head back there but who knows as he does not seem to respect any authority and seems to believe he can lie his way out of anything.

If you know anyone in Three Forks, Big Timber, Livingston or any other towns in this area--warn them and the local law enforcement agencies to be on the look out for him. If you know who he has with him--please warn her that he is a convicted felon with a warrant for his arrest and a history of violence toward women and the disabled. You would not believe the stories I have heard about his behaviors and the fear he has put into some kind, wonderful people!! His behaviors appear to be erratic and I would hate for this woman to be harmed!!

Just for the record, he has lied to myself and many he employed or attempted to employ, he has lied to the police, to the pastor of a church, to his landlord, to the Department of Labor, to the Better Business Bureau, to a wide array of business people... the list goes on. Please get the word out!!

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#46 Author of original report

Matthew McClintock--Michael O'Dell--Michael Willis--Beware Manhattan, Three Forks, Four Corners, Gallatin Gateway--he is branching out!!

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, September 28, 2008

Just a quick update--these are the names this man has gone by and I have a warning for people in the small communities surrounding Bozeman and Belgrade. You see, my husband works out in Three Forks--he is helping our friends remodel their house. My husband recently heard that a Michael O'Dell has been hanging out around Three Forks--he heard this from the people he is working for and from our friends who are farmers in Manhattan. The Manhattan farmers heard the Matthew/Michael was hanging out at the sale barn and was shopping around Three Forks for office space.

One more important thing--I heard from someone here in Belgrade that some woman is working with him! I feel for her--this could effect her career and her life. In anyone knows who she is--please warn her before she gets sucked in.

Next, the phone number has changed and all the cells are disconnected. Guess Matthew/Michael couldn't pay the bills. Wonder how all the "parents and students" are getting ahold of Read, Care, and Share for the "free tutoring." And I did speak to "the tutor" as I have known her for a couple years and actually consider her to be a friend of sorts. She is not involved with this man or his program.

Onto the billboard--still no sign of the billboard promised to so many investors--when will it ever happen? Never is my guess.

As to the non-profit plan, I know you tried to hire someone to do the paperwork. I know you told this person that I was blackmailing you--wow, what exactly am I getting? You see the term blackmail suggests that I am getting some sort of payment from you to keep me from releasing information about you. Well, I am getting no payment and I am keeping no secrets for the likes of you. Anyway, you told this person that a lawyer by the name of Chuck Watson was going to sue me so bad I would be wiped out financially. So, I called Chuck Watson--this is like the third lawyer you have threatened me with--and he told me the same thing the others did. He is NOT WORKING FOR OR WITH YOU. Even offered to help me if I needed it!

Finally, to the wages you still owe me. I am gathering documents to discredit your statement to the Dept of Labor--not too hard to do. Funny thing, one of the documents that disproves your claim that you paid me what you owed me is your very own letter. You wrote to me after the 5th of August stating you would pay me the amount you owed me when I signed my timesheet. You told the Dept of Labor that you sent me a check on the 4th of August--interesting discrepency. I also have contacted people who saw us together on the 16th and 17th of June--you know, when we met with United Way and I drove you around Belgrade and Bozeman and the people I met with on the 18th of June on your behalf. Then there are all the emails between the United Way and myself after our June 16 meeting. Now would be a good time to quit the lies--but I am pretty sure you can't stop and never will.

Finally, good to see some honest real people have found this site and are posting the truth about you. To the mother whose son I had when I subbed last year--I am subbing again and enjoying it immensely! If you need some help with tutoring--I am also doing some tutoring this year and could work with you and your son. As to the attorney, thanks again for the info! And the honesty! I hope you were able to get the money this criminal owed your client! What kind of man steals from honest, caring people? From single moms, the elderly, the disabled, ....well we know that Matthew Cody McClintock/Michael O'dell/ Michael Willis does now don't we???

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#45 Author of original report

Matthew McClintock--Michael O'Dell--Michael Willis--Beware Manhattan, Three Forks, Four Corners, Gallatin Gateway--he is branching out!!

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, September 28, 2008

Just a quick update--these are the names this man has gone by and I have a warning for people in the small communities surrounding Bozeman and Belgrade. You see, my husband works out in Three Forks--he is helping our friends remodel their house. My husband recently heard that a Michael O'Dell has been hanging out around Three Forks--he heard this from the people he is working for and from our friends who are farmers in Manhattan. The Manhattan farmers heard the Matthew/Michael was hanging out at the sale barn and was shopping around Three Forks for office space.

One more important thing--I heard from someone here in Belgrade that some woman is working with him! I feel for her--this could effect her career and her life. In anyone knows who she is--please warn her before she gets sucked in.

Next, the phone number has changed and all the cells are disconnected. Guess Matthew/Michael couldn't pay the bills. Wonder how all the "parents and students" are getting ahold of Read, Care, and Share for the "free tutoring." And I did speak to "the tutor" as I have known her for a couple years and actually consider her to be a friend of sorts. She is not involved with this man or his program.

Onto the billboard--still no sign of the billboard promised to so many investors--when will it ever happen? Never is my guess.

As to the non-profit plan, I know you tried to hire someone to do the paperwork. I know you told this person that I was blackmailing you--wow, what exactly am I getting? You see the term blackmail suggests that I am getting some sort of payment from you to keep me from releasing information about you. Well, I am getting no payment and I am keeping no secrets for the likes of you. Anyway, you told this person that a lawyer by the name of Chuck Watson was going to sue me so bad I would be wiped out financially. So, I called Chuck Watson--this is like the third lawyer you have threatened me with--and he told me the same thing the others did. He is NOT WORKING FOR OR WITH YOU. Even offered to help me if I needed it!

Finally, to the wages you still owe me. I am gathering documents to discredit your statement to the Dept of Labor--not too hard to do. Funny thing, one of the documents that disproves your claim that you paid me what you owed me is your very own letter. You wrote to me after the 5th of August stating you would pay me the amount you owed me when I signed my timesheet. You told the Dept of Labor that you sent me a check on the 4th of August--interesting discrepency. I also have contacted people who saw us together on the 16th and 17th of June--you know, when we met with United Way and I drove you around Belgrade and Bozeman and the people I met with on the 18th of June on your behalf. Then there are all the emails between the United Way and myself after our June 16 meeting. Now would be a good time to quit the lies--but I am pretty sure you can't stop and never will.

Finally, good to see some honest real people have found this site and are posting the truth about you. To the mother whose son I had when I subbed last year--I am subbing again and enjoying it immensely! If you need some help with tutoring--I am also doing some tutoring this year and could work with you and your son. As to the attorney, thanks again for the info! And the honesty! I hope you were able to get the money this criminal owed your client! What kind of man steals from honest, caring people? From single moms, the elderly, the disabled, ....well we know that Matthew Cody McClintock/Michael O'dell/ Michael Willis does now don't we???

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#44 Author of original report

Matthew McClintock--Michael O'Dell--Michael Willis--Beware Manhattan, Three Forks, Four Corners, Gallatin Gateway--he is branching out!!

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, September 28, 2008

Just a quick update--these are the names this man has gone by and I have a warning for people in the small communities surrounding Bozeman and Belgrade. You see, my husband works out in Three Forks--he is helping our friends remodel their house. My husband recently heard that a Michael O'Dell has been hanging out around Three Forks--he heard this from the people he is working for and from our friends who are farmers in Manhattan. The Manhattan farmers heard the Matthew/Michael was hanging out at the sale barn and was shopping around Three Forks for office space.

One more important thing--I heard from someone here in Belgrade that some woman is working with him! I feel for her--this could effect her career and her life. In anyone knows who she is--please warn her before she gets sucked in.

Next, the phone number has changed and all the cells are disconnected. Guess Matthew/Michael couldn't pay the bills. Wonder how all the "parents and students" are getting ahold of Read, Care, and Share for the "free tutoring." And I did speak to "the tutor" as I have known her for a couple years and actually consider her to be a friend of sorts. She is not involved with this man or his program.

Onto the billboard--still no sign of the billboard promised to so many investors--when will it ever happen? Never is my guess.

As to the non-profit plan, I know you tried to hire someone to do the paperwork. I know you told this person that I was blackmailing you--wow, what exactly am I getting? You see the term blackmail suggests that I am getting some sort of payment from you to keep me from releasing information about you. Well, I am getting no payment and I am keeping no secrets for the likes of you. Anyway, you told this person that a lawyer by the name of Chuck Watson was going to sue me so bad I would be wiped out financially. So, I called Chuck Watson--this is like the third lawyer you have threatened me with--and he told me the same thing the others did. He is NOT WORKING FOR OR WITH YOU. Even offered to help me if I needed it!

Finally, to the wages you still owe me. I am gathering documents to discredit your statement to the Dept of Labor--not too hard to do. Funny thing, one of the documents that disproves your claim that you paid me what you owed me is your very own letter. You wrote to me after the 5th of August stating you would pay me the amount you owed me when I signed my timesheet. You told the Dept of Labor that you sent me a check on the 4th of August--interesting discrepency. I also have contacted people who saw us together on the 16th and 17th of June--you know, when we met with United Way and I drove you around Belgrade and Bozeman and the people I met with on the 18th of June on your behalf. Then there are all the emails between the United Way and myself after our June 16 meeting. Now would be a good time to quit the lies--but I am pretty sure you can't stop and never will.

Finally, good to see some honest real people have found this site and are posting the truth about you. To the mother whose son I had when I subbed last year--I am subbing again and enjoying it immensely! If you need some help with tutoring--I am also doing some tutoring this year and could work with you and your son. As to the attorney, thanks again for the info! And the honesty! I hope you were able to get the money this criminal owed your client! What kind of man steals from honest, caring people? From single moms, the elderly, the disabled, ....well we know that Matthew Cody McClintock/Michael O'dell/ Michael Willis does now don't we???

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#43 Author of original report

Matthew McClintock--Michael O'Dell--Michael Willis--Beware Manhattan, Three Forks, Four Corners, Gallatin Gateway--he is branching out!!

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, September 28, 2008

Just a quick update--these are the names this man has gone by and I have a warning for people in the small communities surrounding Bozeman and Belgrade. You see, my husband works out in Three Forks--he is helping our friends remodel their house. My husband recently heard that a Michael O'Dell has been hanging out around Three Forks--he heard this from the people he is working for and from our friends who are farmers in Manhattan. The Manhattan farmers heard the Matthew/Michael was hanging out at the sale barn and was shopping around Three Forks for office space.

One more important thing--I heard from someone here in Belgrade that some woman is working with him! I feel for her--this could effect her career and her life. In anyone knows who she is--please warn her before she gets sucked in.

Next, the phone number has changed and all the cells are disconnected. Guess Matthew/Michael couldn't pay the bills. Wonder how all the "parents and students" are getting ahold of Read, Care, and Share for the "free tutoring." And I did speak to "the tutor" as I have known her for a couple years and actually consider her to be a friend of sorts. She is not involved with this man or his program.

Onto the billboard--still no sign of the billboard promised to so many investors--when will it ever happen? Never is my guess.

As to the non-profit plan, I know you tried to hire someone to do the paperwork. I know you told this person that I was blackmailing you--wow, what exactly am I getting? You see the term blackmail suggests that I am getting some sort of payment from you to keep me from releasing information about you. Well, I am getting no payment and I am keeping no secrets for the likes of you. Anyway, you told this person that a lawyer by the name of Chuck Watson was going to sue me so bad I would be wiped out financially. So, I called Chuck Watson--this is like the third lawyer you have threatened me with--and he told me the same thing the others did. He is NOT WORKING FOR OR WITH YOU. Even offered to help me if I needed it!

Finally, to the wages you still owe me. I am gathering documents to discredit your statement to the Dept of Labor--not too hard to do. Funny thing, one of the documents that disproves your claim that you paid me what you owed me is your very own letter. You wrote to me after the 5th of August stating you would pay me the amount you owed me when I signed my timesheet. You told the Dept of Labor that you sent me a check on the 4th of August--interesting discrepency. I also have contacted people who saw us together on the 16th and 17th of June--you know, when we met with United Way and I drove you around Belgrade and Bozeman and the people I met with on the 18th of June on your behalf. Then there are all the emails between the United Way and myself after our June 16 meeting. Now would be a good time to quit the lies--but I am pretty sure you can't stop and never will.

Finally, good to see some honest real people have found this site and are posting the truth about you. To the mother whose son I had when I subbed last year--I am subbing again and enjoying it immensely! If you need some help with tutoring--I am also doing some tutoring this year and could work with you and your son. As to the attorney, thanks again for the info! And the honesty! I hope you were able to get the money this criminal owed your client! What kind of man steals from honest, caring people? From single moms, the elderly, the disabled, ....well we know that Matthew Cody McClintock/Michael O'dell/ Michael Willis does now don't we???

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#42 Consumer Comment

Tried to sign up for free tutoring

AUTHOR: Mom In Belgrade - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, September 11, 2008

I saw the ads in the Belgrade News and was very excited because my son really struggles with school and I cannot afford a tutor. I saved the ad so I could call for registration. In mid-July, I made the call to the number listed in the ad. Imagine my surprise and disappointment when it was disconnected. I decided to call the Belgrade News and see if they had another contact number but the lady who answered said she could not provide me with any information but I could call back and talk to the managing editor the next day. This sounded kind of weird so I told her I would probably not bother.

That evening I decided to google the company name on the ad. One little thought here, I did find it strange that a documentary film company was providing free tutoring. Anyway, my google led me to the site. On the company's website, I found no names of employees or anything. I tried the local number and it was disconnected. I called the cell number and only got voicemail. Since I live very near to the business' listed address--I actually take my daily walks on that street--I decided to keep an eye out for any employees or kids. The only person I have seen on a regular basis is a old man dressed like a cowboy.

On the first day of school, I decided to walk by the office after picking my son up from school. There was no one there. This peaked my curiousity so I tried the numbers again. The tutoring number and the local number were still disconnected and the other went to voicemail with no answer. I was bummed, I guess I still hoped that there was free tutoring for my son. The second day of school, I went for my daily walk at 5pm. Still no one at that office. That night, I decided to do another google and I found this site. Wow! To think I almost sent my son to this man's offices and to think that such a criminal continues to live and walk around in our beautiful valley.

Thanks to all the honest people posting here and on I checked out the comment by the attorney tonight and found that warrant. Hopefully someone will call Grady County and turn that crazy man in. No ones children should be around such a person. Thank goodness the schools have had nothing to do with him. I confirmed this with a phone call the second week of school. Hopefully the law comes after him soon, before he steals from anyone else.

As to the lady posting here, my son had you as a sub a couple of times last year and I am sure you remember him! He admitted to giving you a hard time but said you were nice and gave him a break. He also said that a lot of the kids at BMS and BHS know you and like you. Thanks for being there for the kids and for exposing this criminal. Hope my son has you again this year if you do sub. He promised to be better this time.

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#41 Consumer Comment

Matthew McClintock--a convicted criminal running a tutoring service??

AUTHOR: Mom In Belgrade - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I saw the ads in the Belgrade News and was very excited because my son really struggles with school and I cannot afford a tutor. I saved the ad so I could call for registration. In mid-July, I made the call to 600-8099, which was the number listed in the ad. Imagine my surprise and disappointment when it was disconnected. I decided to call the Belgrade News and see if they had another contact number but the lady who answered said she could not provide me with any information but I could call back and talk to the managing editor the next day. This sounded kind of weird so I told her I would probably not bother.

That evening I decided to google the company name on the ad. One little thought here, I did find it strange that a documentary film company was providing free tutoring. Anyway, my google led me to the site. On the company's website, I found no names of employees or anything. I tried the local number and it was disconnected. I called the 600-5936 number and only got voicemail. Since I live very near to the 8707 N Jackrabbit address, I actually take my daily walks on that street, I decided to keep an eye out for any employees or kids. The only person I have seen on a regular basis is a old man dressed like a cowboy.

On the first day of school, I decided to walk by the office after picking my son up from school. There was no one there. This peaked my curiousity so I tried the numbers again. The tutoring number and the local number were still disconnected and the other went to voicemail with no answer. I was bummed, I guess I still hoped that there was free tutoring for my son. The second day of school, I went for my daily walk at 5pm. Still no one at that office. That night, I decided to do another google and I found this site. Wow! To think I almost sent my son to this man's offices and to think that such a criminal continues to live and walk around in our beautiful valley.

Thanks to all the honest people posting here and on I checked out the comment by the attorney tonight and found that warrant. Hopefully someone will call Grady County and turn that crazy man in. No ones children should be around such a person. Thank goodness the schools have had nothing to do with him. I confirmed this with a phone call the second week of school. Hopefully the law comes after him soon, before he steals from anyone else.

As to the lady posting here, my son had you as a sub a couple of times last year and I am sure you remember him! He admitted to giving you a hard time but said you were nice and gave him a break. He also said that a lot of the kids at BMS and BHS know you and like you. Thanks for being there for the kids and for exposing this criminal. Hope my son has you again this year if you do sub. He promised to be better this time.

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#40 Author of original report

Matthew McClintock--wanted in how many states

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Would like to thank the attorney for that information. Went to and did a warrant search. Sure enough--found the following:


Contacted the Sheriff's Department there--they were interested in his new address! Also contacted some people here in the good old Gallatin Valley.

BTW, wondering why the front sign was down and the little sign on the door had been removed at the office yesterday--a friend of mine thought maybe you skipped town but the gals at one of the businesses out there told her you are still around. Were you hiding from someone yesterday? Told you it is a small town--I know a lot of people around here and everyone is slowly catching on to who you are. Wondering were the kids are? No one has seen any at your office....

Still waiting for your defenders to call or email--will be waiting for a long time on that--huh??!! And, yes, Matthew I am sad and sorry--sorry I went to work for a felon. Sad that a job that should have been a dream job for me--starting a free tutoring service for kids--turned out to be a scam. As a teacher who has fought for students tooth and nail--your con really broke my heart. As an honest, caring person--your con and the things you have done to some of the nicest people I have had a chance to meet has made me ANGRY and DISGUSTED!!! One day--your Karma will catch up with you!!

I have met some sad, pathetic excuses for men in my life--but you, Matthew Cody McClintock (aka Michael Willis aka Michael O'Dell) do take the cake!! I could almost feel sorry for you--sitting in that office all by yourself making up stories--if you weren't such a complete piece of....

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#39 Consumer Comment

Check the Public Records

AUTHOR: G. Payne - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, September 09, 2008

All anyone has to do to get an idea about Mr. McClintock (he has gone by other names also) is to check the public records in Oklahoma County and Grady County, Oklahoma. I am sure the sheriff in Grady County can give details about the case in Tennessee also. There is even a warrant out for Mr. McClintock from Grady county at this time.

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#38 Author of original report

The many personalities of Matthew Cody McClintock--a man with arrest records in TN, OK, MT, and ...

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Hello, Jerry and Karen--or should I say Judy (noted you used her log in)--or should I say Matthew? Listen, Matthew, this whole thread is very transparent. There are five people here now--you and me; a woman whose children's photos you refuse to return--BTW, the photographer did give her copies as did I and SHE PAID HIM, which is something you have not done; an attorney, who represented a disabled woman you conned, and someone from Billings, who pointed out exactly what I thought when I found out you were a con artist--ie. anyone involved with you could face legal problems.

Now that we have covered that--I will be at the schools here as I am and have been working there as a substitute since Sept of last year. In fact, I will be working at least one day this week and two next week. I enjoy subbing, have a good reputation as a sub, and will continue to do it until I find a full time job. Feel free to attempt to slander me with the Belgrade School District--they knew about you before I ever did and are not interested in what you are selling. My other recent jobs have been working with people with disabilities, working with children with disablities, teaching Must Pass at the Middle School, private tutoring and homeschooling--I home school my oldest child, and teaching Special Education in another state. Boy, I must be a BAD person! To work these jobs! and pass so many background checks! Oh, yeah, and volunteer my own time to be a part of the Bozeman Continuum of Care and a planner of the 1st annual Project Homeless Connect! So, to Matt's defenders--want my references?? Matt didn't--didn't even want my resume but now I know why, right? He didn't want a paper trail because he has no intention of paying me what he promised.

Oh well, that one is in the hands of the Dept of Labor. He has until the 15th of Sept to respond. I provided them with my agenda--which listed my hours worked--and all his subsequent letters to me which show how his story changed each time. I have additional documentation like emails, voicemails, and such to back up my claims--am sure that this will be a battle but I will not accept anything less than the $900 he owes me. Sadly, I will never see the wage I was originally promised.

Must say, I just sit and wait for your next attempt to discredit me. The funny thing here is you go online and claim to be someone--anyone--except yourself. You put nothing valid in your arguments--all you do is try to slam me. Things like "what a sad woman" "trash talker" ect.. do not affect me--I have told the truth here and you have not--that is the short and sweet of it. Anyone who reads through this thread can see this. I know this is part of your MO, an MO which has been confirmed by numerous people who have called me to tlak about you and what you did to them.

So, as to "Jerry and Karen," if there was a single parent out there who would defend a convicted felon like Matthew Cody McClintock, I would question their sanity and judgement and fear for their children. Matthew Cody McClintock is a man who has arrest records in at least three states; grand jury indictments on which he is paying restitution (FYI, little info on that, on of the places he stole from was a retirement community); who steals from women, disabled, and the elderly; who lies on a daily basis about who he is and what he does (recently heard that it might be a little hard for him to be shooting a documentary without a camera! and that he told one woman he was a photographer when he had NO camera); who spends his days making up ways to threaten and slander innocent people--you can read that right here because all I have done is expose a crook and there are many others out there whom he has written threatening letters to and slandered (he has even gone so far as to try and get people fired!!); and who has driven more than one woman to get a restraining order against him!!! Oh, let's not forget--who is "offering free tutoring" but cannot form a simple sentence or spell to save his life!! Still laughing about the fact that he posts with a variety of names but all of the posters spell liar L-I-E-R:-) and don't know the difference between NO and KNOW or YOUR and YOU ARE!!!

As to a person who would defend him and slander me--no one on this site besides Matthew and my friend who wants her pictures back has even even spoken to me. Matt knows next to nothing about me--even after have spent almost two straight weeks with me. Only myself, Matthew, my friend, the attorney, and the lady from Billings exist anywhere--all the others from Judy to Jerry and Karen--only exist in Matthew's demented mind. I have called people out--I have offered up my phone number and email address for anyone to call or write. NOT ONE PERSON HAS CALLED OR WRITTEN IN DEFENSE OF THIS MAN BUT MANY HAVE CALLED AND WRITTEN WITH STORIES OF THEIR OWN!! STORIES OF MONEY STOLEN, THREATS OF LAWSUITS AND VIOLENCE, RESTRAINING ORDERS, TRIPS TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL COURTS--PLACES WHERE MATT WAS CONVICTED AND WHERE MATT WAS SENTENCED AND WHERE MATT WAS MADE TO PAY RESTITUTION!!

So, again, I dare you--anyone--call and defend this crazy man!! I am waiting by the phone! Speaking of phones, how can you defend a tutoring service that has had no contact phone since sometime in July? Call the Belgrade News and try to get information about signing your kids up--I have heard the response is very interesting. Call 406-600-8099 and sign your kids up--that is the contact number for this "free tutoring service" and, again, it has been disconnected since sometime in July--making it IMPOSSIBLE for parents to call and sign kids up!! Little word of advice, Matthew, why don't you come on as someone who at least attempts to respond to my questions and claims--someone who ACTUALLY DEFENDS you against my claims! Your lame arguments just continue to prove my point--as pointed out by a number of the people who have contacted me.

Good Luck--I am waiting for something of substance!! With all the stories you come up with--from being a fighter pilot in the Vietnam War to having over a hundred thousand dollars to donate to receiving a personal phone call from Laura Bush (that one really sounded believable!!) to having all these friends at Hanna Barbara and Disney and in advertising agencies in New York and Chicago and having been a cowboy for years.... Okay, that one I have to cover in a little more detail. When you told me that you tested out over 150 cowboys in the valley and none of them tested as good as you or rode as good as you, I just didn't but it--especially after seeing that video when you mount the horse and ride of! Maybe you should take some riding lessons? As a born and raised Montana--I can spot an URBAN COWBOY!! Wait--lost my point--with all the stories you make up everyday--can't you come up with an argument with some substance--a defense with some back up??

BTW, the want ads are in the paper--why don't you get a real job so you can start to pay people back here and continue to pay your restitution in TN!!

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#37 Consumer Suggestion


AUTHOR: Judy - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, September 08, 2008

What a sad and sorry woman. I'm so glad my kids didn't have her for a teacher. To think, this woman was a teacher.

This woman is a real work of art! I hope we never see her in our school system again.

As for Matthew. My wife and I appreciate all you do. Keep it up! Matthew, this woman is a trash talker and we all know it.

Jerry & Karen

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#36 Author of original report

Matthew Cody McClintock--how many states have you been arrested in? Lets count--#1 Oklahoma, #2 Tennessee, #3 Montana--anymore'

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, September 04, 2008

Why don't you defend yourself on all these arrests? We both know it is not just 2 low class felonies. How about the Indictments in TN and the restitution you have to pay there? I was wondering where all the money went to--now I know a little more. Maybe you should google yourself sometime, huh?? Still waiting for those phone call, emails, letters in defense of Matthew Cody McClintock--I see some in OK have caught wind of this site.

I would like to thank the attorney for posting. As to the "Matthew defenders," here on this site--PLEASE learn how to spell Matthew! It makes you sound at least a little more legit. Wanted to let you know I sent the wage claim in on Monday--with all the letters you sent me and copies of my agenda book with hours, dates, and appointments on your behalf and with you. Your letters make my argument--changing your story about when I worked really makes a point! You still haven't explained the discrepancy--ie how you claim I did not work the week of the 16th of June when we met with the United Way on that very day!! and people saw me driving you around and eating lunch with you.... Maybe "one of your little friends" can post in your defense on this one, HUH?

Little update--have had more phone calls from more people who dealt with this crook, in more than one of the above mentioned states!! Have gotten information about the "52 week television contracts" that does not add up--will update as that info comes in.

IF ANYONE OUT THERE IS INTERESTED IN DISCUSSING THIS SITUATION WITH LIKE-MINDED INDIVIDUALS--CONTACT ME!!! There are a couple of us here in Montana that want to see this through to the best possible ending. If you wish to talk to me without experiencing retribution from Matthew--I will keep your info confidential!! Thanks to all of you who have called or emailed--a quick glance at this site might make me look like I am the liar (not lier) here and it helps to get the support! If you have any information about this--again call email write--I will only out you if you want to be outed. I know what this individual is capable of and I would not put anyone at risk.

Heh, Matthew, you feeling nervous? What's you next move? Are you working some poor woman out there so you have a place to run when this all comes down? Well, I guess a leopard doesn't change his stripes and once a crook always a crook.

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#35 Consumer Comment

Check McClintocks records in Oklahoma

AUTHOR: G. Payne - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, September 03, 2008

I am an attorney in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. I personally represented a lady that Mr. McClintock ripped of. She is a paraplegic who he swindled out of her life savings. I obtained a judgment against him in the District Court of Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, which is a public record. The last I head of him he was in the County Jail in El Reno awaiting trial for defrauding another woman. I personally interviewed 3 other women he lied to and tried to take money from. He also had problems back east in another state.

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#34 Author of original report

Matthew and his many personalities

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Four people are posting on this page--myself, a mother whose girls are in pictures Matthew will not return, a person from Billings, and the many personalities of Matthew. Is that what you do all day in that office of yours? Just sit and come up with stories? Why don't you get a job? None of "your personalities" is a real person--I have encouraged all of these "people" to come forward and defend you--by email ( by phone (number in book, I know it is easy to find because I have received a number of phone calls about you and--believe me--none of the people calling me are defending you)--or by letter--if any of these people exist, you have apparently shared my address with them since they have read all my letters! The only place people are coming to your defense is hereif they want to be anonymous they simply have to block the call! Funny, all these people found this website after YOUMatthew Cody McClintockthreatened to post me online in that letter you wrote and forged someone's signature on.

A little grammar and spelling lesson for you--Matthew-- no means do not but know means knowledge of something. Their and there are are too very different things. Liar is not spelled L-I-E-R (would think you would know that). Another hint--read your sentences out loud--maybe that way you could verify that they make sense because many of yours do not. I would also recommend that you not post as a teacher again--a teacher would not have the writing issues you have and would be ashamed of the letters you have posted stating you are an educator.

So, back to the facts, YOU have not paid me the money you owe me--BTW you might want to remember back to what you hired me for and from, I would never have taken a job on commission and you know (not no) that. I have never worked on commission (of course, since you never wanted my resume, you only know that because I told you). I shared the salary you promised me with a lot of peoplemy family, members of the Bozeman Continuum of Care, previous coworkers, and many others. Still laughing at the fact that you pretended to SEARCH for my resume for the person you hired to replace me to look at it? I have a family to support and I HAD a good paying jobyou lured me away with big promises and changed them.

You have not given the photos back to the mother of the children or the photographer or paid the photographer. You have not paid back a number of business owners whose money you took for "advertising"--examples--all the people who wrote checks to be on the Belgrade News Ad; the people you took money from to be on the billboards (one due on July 13 and one on August 15); the money you took from people to be on TV spots--I have Dvred the few that aired, only 10 names and that is no were near the number you had on your computer. YOU told MANY people you had TUTORS (note plural) to pay last year! YOU said YOU had TUTORS in outlying areas--including LEWISTOWN. Rememberyou paid the tutorSSS $18-$20 per hour, except the math tutors who were paid $50!!! You lied to the people on your website. You lied to people at MSU. You lied to gosh, the list is so long I will just stop there.
As to the poster, isn't it funny Matthew has found another felon to post for him! Funny, if it was true. If you are a real personcall me!! Email me!! Here is the dealnot only is Matthew a convicted felonhe is a predator! He was even committing felonies while out on bail! While on probation! He stole from WOMENat least one of whom is DISABLED!! No honest businessman (ex-felon or not) would hook their wagon to this guy!! What else?? Oh, to discredit me he is posting as a teacherwell, as two teachersone who knows me and worked with me when I did not even have a job! You see, two years ago I was a stay at home mom with a nursing infant and two busy older kids! Maybe that teacher could post back and answer my questions? Come on Matthewtry again! Maybe anyone could respond to mein favor of Matthew that is as I have had numerous responses to this website by people who have stories to tell that are quite similar to mine. I love that these two posts are one hour apartis that how long it takes you to write one, Matthew? Also, funny now that two different people who interviewed for a job you never interviewed anyone for but myself have come outyou just cannot keep from lying.

You know somethingit is so much easier to tell the truth because then all you have to remember is the truth! Lies are harder to rememberespecially when you tell everyone something different. I suppose these two people were going to help you with the non-profit paperwork, too?! Also, I love the little slamsyour sick (it's you are)for telling the truth about you not paying the photographer! Oh, also, the Shame on you is getting very old. But, Matthew, there is no shame on me and I am not embarrassed. And, why would I be ashamed that you will not return those photos? Why would I be ashamed about a mother writing a letter to get her pictures back from a lying felon? You should be ashamed that you have not returned those pictures!! Pictures of someone else's children and an elderly woman who wants nothing to do with youmaybe you should PREY on someone your own size. Also, I never sat outside of a schoolhouse and took pictures of other people's childrenand then lied about it.
So, let us recapfour posters and that is it! Anyone else out therethe faithful wife who worked with me, the business owner with two felonies, Judy the ex-employee, and all the otherssigned on as friend or Matthew, only Judy used a different nameCALL ME , WRITE ME, EMAIL ME!! Prove you exist in real life and not just in Matthew's mind! I will continue to field all your posts Matthewsomeone asked me to make sure you are still around so this helps me do thatas you continue to prove my case day after day. Oh, BTW, I ask again, how are these kids getting signed up for tutoring when the phone number is DISCONNECTED!! Will they be there today?
I do have an agenda nowI want you exposed for what and who you really are! Yesterday someone referred to you as vicious and vindictivewow, how fitting. On Bozemantalks.comyou have been referred to as a sociopath (twice), a grifter, a scam artist, a predator, slick and persuasive. The people I have spoken toreal live peoplerange from anger at you to outright fear! It is sad that someone so miserable as you could hold power over anyone! Well, you hold no power over meI know you are posting as other people to avoid getting in more trouble with the sheriff since you are not allowed to contact me. You do not scare meyour threats and slander are just that and, if my lawyer and I thought you had a penny to your name, we might take the time to sue you in civil court but why bother. How lonely for you that you have to make up friendshow sad and pathetic. The only money you have is what you have TAKEN from others. Please do share what happened on MSU campus last springI would love to hear your side.

Again, anyone out there who really believes in Matthew McClintockCALL ME 388-7349 EMAIL ME or WRITE! Tell me what a great guy he isANY TAKERS???? ANYONE??? I AM WAITING WITH BAITED BREATHE!!!!

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#33 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: Friend - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, September 01, 2008

My wife came to me last week and ask me to read claims being made by this Ms. Cox.

I'm one of the businesses this woman contacted. She made many claims and statements as if she had first-hand knowledge. I admit I was taken back by all her statements.

However, I also have two-felonies. Their a lot more serious then the two felonies for SEC violations received by Mr. McClintock. I too have had a Ms. Cox in our business life. So when she went on and on, I started questioning her motives for all this. I brought back some memories for my wife and I.

What she didn't know, was that I was a business that was delayed going on air this last spring and early summer. When I contacted Whispering Wind Productions, I was in fact told by them that they were making every effort to correct a problem with their sound. Since then, my spots have aired.

As I read these claims by Ms. Cox, one thing that stood out was this is all second hand information. Yes, she has made some personal claims, but I question those now as I and my wife recently visited Whispering Wind Productions.

My wife works in eduacation. She was told that Whispering Wind Productions had called and ask for assistance in locating a tutor. She was further told that Whispering Wind invited them to their offices. Nothing more!!

I have read all these claims and have not read any response from Mr. McClintock himself. I called him and spoke with him briefly about this Ms. Cox. He simply stated that his role and that of Whispering Wind Productions, was to provide tutoring for children, (as they can) and to air the PSA spots.

I read the Chamber of Commerce alert. It basically stated use caution and get it in writing, as did the BBB statement. Knowing the Chamber as we do, I know this was initiated by a member. I found it very interesting, this all started after Ms. Cox started her attacks.

My wife and I are glad Whispering Wind Productions is there. I think the facts will show Ms. Cox and her little friend to be up to no good!!!!

Shame on you Ms. Cox!!!

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#32 Consumer Suggestion

Ms. Cox & Friend: Two peas in a ........

AUTHOR: Friend - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, September 01, 2008

I interviewed for the postion you received Ms. Cox. I was told $1,800.00 againts commissions. Any idiot would know the job would not pay $50,000.00 What garbage.

When I read your comments and accusations. I spoke with Mr. McClintock this last week and ask him if the postion was again open. He shared with me he was in fact interviewing.

I ask him if I could have information per these accusations. He was very open and made available to me all information I asked about.

Ms. Cox, I think your a very misguided and sad person. Your using these buzz words like convict, fraud, lier and other words to excite businesses and individuals.

As to the lady who claimed she asked for the photo's back. I read the letter that was sent WWP. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Talking about Domino's and the like. I saw the trade-out with the two businesses. My husband does tradeouts between his business and other businesses. My God!!!

As for not paying the photographer. "Oh my." Ms. Cox...your so sick!" I was embarassed for you when I saw the facts.

Ms. Cox, your the scam here. I know a former Employee of WWP. She is the lady who recommended WWP to me. She also confirmed MR. McClintocks statement to me that from March through most of May, WWP had an Audio problem with their editing system that placed them several weeks off schedule. I also saw the receipts from the TV station where WWP gave those businesses additional air times. Also, in some cases, made refunds.

Ms. Cox, if you feel you had wages coming, there is a forum for that. I know WWP has long term contracts with TV and other media presentations.

Whispering Wind Productions is encouraging reading. Your encouraging WHAT?

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#31 Consumer Comment

Took my kids pics and won't give them back

AUTHOR: Mother - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, August 31, 2008

I became aware of Whispering Wind Production when I met the owner. He took pictures of my children. When I found out he was a convict--I was shocked and disgusted. I tried to get the photos back but he REFUSES to return them. He has even used the photos. He has no releases--from myself or the photographer or the other subjects in the pictures and no one was paid. (the photographer was paid with a BAD check)

At one point, while talking to him, I asked about the tutoring--I was interested in having my kids tutored. He gave me the run around and never answered any of my questions. I found this suspicious but thought little of it until I found out the truth about Matthew McClintock.

This whole situation is disgusting--to think that my children and I were in a vehicle with this man....

As to Kristin, I brought her in to this--I told her about the "dream job making $50,000/year" because Matthew offered it to me. I told him I was not qualified but had a friend who was. I then gave Kristin his phone number and have regreted it ever since. She came on because of her teaching experience, her local connections, and her experience with non-profits--she was going to take this program non-profit. The letters and threats he has made to her are horrific and it has really done a number on her life. I can confirm that the letters he has written and the various posts on this site are VERY similiar in tone and spelling and most likely are from the very same person.

Kristin is a hardworking woman who would do anything for anyone and now this low life is slandering her. Over the last few years that I have gotten to know her she has worked as a teacher and substitute--the kids love her--she has worked with disabled people, she has even home schooled a student other than her own (the father never paid her for what she did, even though he was supposed to, and she kept right on teaching the girl because that is the type of person she is). This whole situation has been hard on her but she is not dropping it because she is disgusted as to what this man is getting away with--and so am I.

I hope that others will come out on this site and tell about their experience with Matthew McClintock. I know from my experiences since I met him--that there are many people out there that he owes money to and that he has lied to. It is time for someone to stop him--if you have info, post it here PLEASE!!!!

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#30 Author of original report

To the new friend

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, August 31, 2008

I do not know who this is who claims they know me--two years ago I did not work with anyone in this area. I had just moved back from out of state. As to your insinuations in terms of personal attacking my character, I have been with my husband since I was nineteen years old. I have never done anything I am ashamed of--no one who knows me can say differently. I have been faithful to both my husband and my family. To have someone come on this site and claim they know I have been unfaithful to my husband is not only absurd but a slanderous lie!! Especially someone claiming to know me--I have only a small handful of friends in this valley who I even knew two years ago and I did not work with anyone two years ago.

Again, this person first claims to have worked with me "two years ago." Two years ago I was a stay at home mom--how could you possibly have been working with me? Are you living in my home? I think not. Of course, two years ago Matthew McClintock was living in a prison cell. So, since no one else has called me and we are going on the assumption that all the posts are from Matthew--this means Matthew is claiming to know what I was doing while he was in prison.

Again, the wording and the tone sound identical to that of one Mr. Matthew McClintock. BTW, my brother and I had a little talk yesterday--wish I had had it a while back. It seems that Mr. Matthew McClintock even ripped off the local Dominoes while my brother was a delivery driver there--give them a call, they can confirm.

An update on what I have been dealing with--I have received a number of phone calls and emails backing up my statements. All from people who have dealt with Matthew McClintock and some from people who are afraid of him--sound like a good man. The Chamber of Commerce of Bozeman Montana has released a fraud report on Whispering Wind Production--I, personally, have absolutely nothing to do with this!! This was done solely by business owners that Matthew McClintock has stolen from!!

As to the tutoring, if the office is so great and the tutoring is happening--what kind of liability insurance did you get to cover the kids? What schools are you working with? Did you run those background checks? I have spoken to both the Bozeman and Belgrade school districts--you are not working with them--and the Gallatin County Super of Schools is well aware of you and was prior to me ever contacting her. This whole thing is a sham--also, where is the July 13 billboard? the August 15 billboard?

So, go ahead--attack my character, my work ethic, my morals, my marriage--go for it Matthew Cody McClintock!! But, here is the deal you scum of the earth--I pity you! I feel sorry for you! I am a good wife and mother--and have been since 1990--I am a hard worker with excellent work ethic and I have a solid moral compass. I have not stolen a thing in my life! You are a sad little man who lives in an office and takes money from hardworking people to support himself--going so far as to steal PIZZA! Again, I know it is you posting all these posts under other names and I know you have nothing better to do. If it isn't you, then just prove it!! I dare you! Have this person who worked with me when I did not have a job and knows all about me just give me a call! Sorry, you can't since there is no one. And, since Matthew is contacing me via the internet--I believe I will be contacting the Deputy Sheriff today! This definitely constitutes harrassement--don't you think.

To the poster from Billings--the reason I got out as quick as I did is because I am a teacher and need to be above reproach. The fact that I was working for a felon made me sick to my stomach! I have spoken to the attorney who tried Matthew and people who know his past--this man is a career criminal with a violent history--and they all recommended I distance myself. I posted here because what he is doing is disgusting and I am willing to put myself on the line to save others. I quit working for this man in June--the last day I worked was the 18th because on the 19th I received a disturbing call from Oklahoma that scared me--and he has been harrassing me ever since. He has blamed me for every single person who has figured him out, he has called me a liar, a fraud, and a thief (told his landlord I stole thousands and left town), and now he has even called me an unfaithful wife. Having these baseless accusations thrown at me is extremely hurtful but--sometimes being honest puts you out there for the dishonest to attack--I am not going to let him get away with this. I spoke to someone last week and they were very thankful for what I am doing--helping just one person avoid this thief makes it worth my while. Go to and check out what some people have posted about him--I do not know these people but they know exactly what I am talking about. And though I am currently fighting back tears--because his lies do hurt and the thought that someone out there might believe I am this horrible person he portrays me to be is even more painful--I will keep going with this. One of the agencies that is investigating Mr. McClintock said they don't want to pick him up until they have enough to put him away for a long time--they only have enough for a couple years right now--so, I guess I will be at this until they have enough.

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#29 Author of original report

To the new friend

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, August 31, 2008

I do not know who this is who claims they know me--two years ago I did not work with anyone in this area. I had just moved back from out of state. As to your insinuations in terms of personal attacking my character, I have been with my husband since I was nineteen years old. I have never done anything I am ashamed of--no one who knows me can say differently. I have been faithful to both my husband and my family. To have someone come on this site and claim they know I have been unfaithful to my husband is not only absurd but a slanderous lie!! Especially someone claiming to know me--I have only a small handful of friends in this valley who I even knew two years ago and I did not work with anyone two years ago.

Again, this person first claims to have worked with me "two years ago." Two years ago I was a stay at home mom--how could you possibly have been working with me? Are you living in my home? I think not. Of course, two years ago Matthew McClintock was living in a prison cell. So, since no one else has called me and we are going on the assumption that all the posts are from Matthew--this means Matthew is claiming to know what I was doing while he was in prison.

Again, the wording and the tone sound identical to that of one Mr. Matthew McClintock. BTW, my brother and I had a little talk yesterday--wish I had had it a while back. It seems that Mr. Matthew McClintock even ripped off the local Dominoes while my brother was a delivery driver there--give them a call, they can confirm.

An update on what I have been dealing with--I have received a number of phone calls and emails backing up my statements. All from people who have dealt with Matthew McClintock and some from people who are afraid of him--sound like a good man. The Chamber of Commerce of Bozeman Montana has released a fraud report on Whispering Wind Production--I, personally, have absolutely nothing to do with this!! This was done solely by business owners that Matthew McClintock has stolen from!!

As to the tutoring, if the office is so great and the tutoring is happening--what kind of liability insurance did you get to cover the kids? What schools are you working with? Did you run those background checks? I have spoken to both the Bozeman and Belgrade school districts--you are not working with them--and the Gallatin County Super of Schools is well aware of you and was prior to me ever contacting her. This whole thing is a sham--also, where is the July 13 billboard? the August 15 billboard?

So, go ahead--attack my character, my work ethic, my morals, my marriage--go for it Matthew Cody McClintock!! But, here is the deal you scum of the earth--I pity you! I feel sorry for you! I am a good wife and mother--and have been since 1990--I am a hard worker with excellent work ethic and I have a solid moral compass. I have not stolen a thing in my life! You are a sad little man who lives in an office and takes money from hardworking people to support himself--going so far as to steal PIZZA! Again, I know it is you posting all these posts under other names and I know you have nothing better to do. If it isn't you, then just prove it!! I dare you! Have this person who worked with me when I did not have a job and knows all about me just give me a call! Sorry, you can't since there is no one. And, since Matthew is contacing me via the internet--I believe I will be contacting the Deputy Sheriff today! This definitely constitutes harrassement--don't you think.

To the poster from Billings--the reason I got out as quick as I did is because I am a teacher and need to be above reproach. The fact that I was working for a felon made me sick to my stomach! I have spoken to the attorney who tried Matthew and people who know his past--this man is a career criminal with a violent history--and they all recommended I distance myself. I posted here because what he is doing is disgusting and I am willing to put myself on the line to save others. I quit working for this man in June--the last day I worked was the 18th because on the 19th I received a disturbing call from Oklahoma that scared me--and he has been harrassing me ever since. He has blamed me for every single person who has figured him out, he has called me a liar, a fraud, and a thief (told his landlord I stole thousands and left town), and now he has even called me an unfaithful wife. Having these baseless accusations thrown at me is extremely hurtful but--sometimes being honest puts you out there for the dishonest to attack--I am not going to let him get away with this. I spoke to someone last week and they were very thankful for what I am doing--helping just one person avoid this thief makes it worth my while. Go to and check out what some people have posted about him--I do not know these people but they know exactly what I am talking about. And though I am currently fighting back tears--because his lies do hurt and the thought that someone out there might believe I am this horrible person he portrays me to be is even more painful--I will keep going with this. One of the agencies that is investigating Mr. McClintock said they don't want to pick him up until they have enough to put him away for a long time--they only have enough for a couple years right now--so, I guess I will be at this until they have enough.

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#28 Author of original report

To the new friend

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, August 31, 2008

I do not know who this is who claims they know me--two years ago I did not work with anyone in this area. I had just moved back from out of state. As to your insinuations in terms of personal attacking my character, I have been with my husband since I was nineteen years old. I have never done anything I am ashamed of--no one who knows me can say differently. I have been faithful to both my husband and my family. To have someone come on this site and claim they know I have been unfaithful to my husband is not only absurd but a slanderous lie!! Especially someone claiming to know me--I have only a small handful of friends in this valley who I even knew two years ago and I did not work with anyone two years ago.

Again, this person first claims to have worked with me "two years ago." Two years ago I was a stay at home mom--how could you possibly have been working with me? Are you living in my home? I think not. Of course, two years ago Matthew McClintock was living in a prison cell. So, since no one else has called me and we are going on the assumption that all the posts are from Matthew--this means Matthew is claiming to know what I was doing while he was in prison.

Again, the wording and the tone sound identical to that of one Mr. Matthew McClintock. BTW, my brother and I had a little talk yesterday--wish I had had it a while back. It seems that Mr. Matthew McClintock even ripped off the local Dominoes while my brother was a delivery driver there--give them a call, they can confirm.

An update on what I have been dealing with--I have received a number of phone calls and emails backing up my statements. All from people who have dealt with Matthew McClintock and some from people who are afraid of him--sound like a good man. The Chamber of Commerce of Bozeman Montana has released a fraud report on Whispering Wind Production--I, personally, have absolutely nothing to do with this!! This was done solely by business owners that Matthew McClintock has stolen from!!

As to the tutoring, if the office is so great and the tutoring is happening--what kind of liability insurance did you get to cover the kids? What schools are you working with? Did you run those background checks? I have spoken to both the Bozeman and Belgrade school districts--you are not working with them--and the Gallatin County Super of Schools is well aware of you and was prior to me ever contacting her. This whole thing is a sham--also, where is the July 13 billboard? the August 15 billboard?

So, go ahead--attack my character, my work ethic, my morals, my marriage--go for it Matthew Cody McClintock!! But, here is the deal you scum of the earth--I pity you! I feel sorry for you! I am a good wife and mother--and have been since 1990--I am a hard worker with excellent work ethic and I have a solid moral compass. I have not stolen a thing in my life! You are a sad little man who lives in an office and takes money from hardworking people to support himself--going so far as to steal PIZZA! Again, I know it is you posting all these posts under other names and I know you have nothing better to do. If it isn't you, then just prove it!! I dare you! Have this person who worked with me when I did not have a job and knows all about me just give me a call! Sorry, you can't since there is no one. And, since Matthew is contacing me via the internet--I believe I will be contacting the Deputy Sheriff today! This definitely constitutes harrassement--don't you think.

To the poster from Billings--the reason I got out as quick as I did is because I am a teacher and need to be above reproach. The fact that I was working for a felon made me sick to my stomach! I have spoken to the attorney who tried Matthew and people who know his past--this man is a career criminal with a violent history--and they all recommended I distance myself. I posted here because what he is doing is disgusting and I am willing to put myself on the line to save others. I quit working for this man in June--the last day I worked was the 18th because on the 19th I received a disturbing call from Oklahoma that scared me--and he has been harrassing me ever since. He has blamed me for every single person who has figured him out, he has called me a liar, a fraud, and a thief (told his landlord I stole thousands and left town), and now he has even called me an unfaithful wife. Having these baseless accusations thrown at me is extremely hurtful but--sometimes being honest puts you out there for the dishonest to attack--I am not going to let him get away with this. I spoke to someone last week and they were very thankful for what I am doing--helping just one person avoid this thief makes it worth my while. Go to and check out what some people have posted about him--I do not know these people but they know exactly what I am talking about. And though I am currently fighting back tears--because his lies do hurt and the thought that someone out there might believe I am this horrible person he portrays me to be is even more painful--I will keep going with this. One of the agencies that is investigating Mr. McClintock said they don't want to pick him up until they have enough to put him away for a long time--they only have enough for a couple years right now--so, I guess I will be at this until they have enough.

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#27 Author of original report

To the new friend

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, August 31, 2008

I do not know who this is who claims they know me--two years ago I did not work with anyone in this area. I had just moved back from out of state. As to your insinuations in terms of personal attacking my character, I have been with my husband since I was nineteen years old. I have never done anything I am ashamed of--no one who knows me can say differently. I have been faithful to both my husband and my family. To have someone come on this site and claim they know I have been unfaithful to my husband is not only absurd but a slanderous lie!! Especially someone claiming to know me--I have only a small handful of friends in this valley who I even knew two years ago and I did not work with anyone two years ago.

Again, this person first claims to have worked with me "two years ago." Two years ago I was a stay at home mom--how could you possibly have been working with me? Are you living in my home? I think not. Of course, two years ago Matthew McClintock was living in a prison cell. So, since no one else has called me and we are going on the assumption that all the posts are from Matthew--this means Matthew is claiming to know what I was doing while he was in prison.

Again, the wording and the tone sound identical to that of one Mr. Matthew McClintock. BTW, my brother and I had a little talk yesterday--wish I had had it a while back. It seems that Mr. Matthew McClintock even ripped off the local Dominoes while my brother was a delivery driver there--give them a call, they can confirm.

An update on what I have been dealing with--I have received a number of phone calls and emails backing up my statements. All from people who have dealt with Matthew McClintock and some from people who are afraid of him--sound like a good man. The Chamber of Commerce of Bozeman Montana has released a fraud report on Whispering Wind Production--I, personally, have absolutely nothing to do with this!! This was done solely by business owners that Matthew McClintock has stolen from!!

As to the tutoring, if the office is so great and the tutoring is happening--what kind of liability insurance did you get to cover the kids? What schools are you working with? Did you run those background checks? I have spoken to both the Bozeman and Belgrade school districts--you are not working with them--and the Gallatin County Super of Schools is well aware of you and was prior to me ever contacting her. This whole thing is a sham--also, where is the July 13 billboard? the August 15 billboard?

So, go ahead--attack my character, my work ethic, my morals, my marriage--go for it Matthew Cody McClintock!! But, here is the deal you scum of the earth--I pity you! I feel sorry for you! I am a good wife and mother--and have been since 1990--I am a hard worker with excellent work ethic and I have a solid moral compass. I have not stolen a thing in my life! You are a sad little man who lives in an office and takes money from hardworking people to support himself--going so far as to steal PIZZA! Again, I know it is you posting all these posts under other names and I know you have nothing better to do. If it isn't you, then just prove it!! I dare you! Have this person who worked with me when I did not have a job and knows all about me just give me a call! Sorry, you can't since there is no one. And, since Matthew is contacing me via the internet--I believe I will be contacting the Deputy Sheriff today! This definitely constitutes harrassement--don't you think.

To the poster from Billings--the reason I got out as quick as I did is because I am a teacher and need to be above reproach. The fact that I was working for a felon made me sick to my stomach! I have spoken to the attorney who tried Matthew and people who know his past--this man is a career criminal with a violent history--and they all recommended I distance myself. I posted here because what he is doing is disgusting and I am willing to put myself on the line to save others. I quit working for this man in June--the last day I worked was the 18th because on the 19th I received a disturbing call from Oklahoma that scared me--and he has been harrassing me ever since. He has blamed me for every single person who has figured him out, he has called me a liar, a fraud, and a thief (told his landlord I stole thousands and left town), and now he has even called me an unfaithful wife. Having these baseless accusations thrown at me is extremely hurtful but--sometimes being honest puts you out there for the dishonest to attack--I am not going to let him get away with this. I spoke to someone last week and they were very thankful for what I am doing--helping just one person avoid this thief makes it worth my while. Go to and check out what some people have posted about him--I do not know these people but they know exactly what I am talking about. And though I am currently fighting back tears--because his lies do hurt and the thought that someone out there might believe I am this horrible person he portrays me to be is even more painful--I will keep going with this. One of the agencies that is investigating Mr. McClintock said they don't want to pick him up until they have enough to put him away for a long time--they only have enough for a couple years right now--so, I guess I will be at this until they have enough.

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#26 Consumer Comment

Beware who we point the finger at!

AUTHOR: Friend - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, August 31, 2008

The facts do not support Ms. Cox. I know Ms. Cox well. I worked with her and know her for who she really is. She would not get her elected for wife of the year.

As for the above comment per charity: Whispering Wind Productions does not say it's a charity. If you look at their contracts (I have), it clearly states that. In addition, Mr. McClintock received two felonies for a probation violation. This was a violation of a SEC statue that was far from clear when you read it.

How quick we are to cast judgement. I doubt the lady from Billings has been to their offices or seen their wonderful on air PSA messages. As a society, how often we look only for the negative. I know the tutor and have seen the offices and seen the ads in the paper offering free programs for children in need of after school assistance. Now those are facts, not an x-employee with an agenda.

Ms. Cox has her own hidden agenda. She should be reminded of her activities two-years ago. I doubt she would like her husband to no about that situation.

If Whispering Wind Productions was a fraud, why do they continue to be on television, radio and meet openly invite school administrators to visit. Frauds do not hang around when their exposed. Whispering Wind Productions has expanded their program.

I appreciate the efforts and applaud Mr. McClintock for his work and caring enough to offer his offices to our children.

In addition, I personally know the owner of a book store that Whispering Wind Productions put on air at no cost to the owner. Not just one time, but 120-times.
This was to help the owners and promote reading. That is a fact.

Teacher - Mother and faithful wife!

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#25 Consumer Comment

Hopefully a Lesson Learned

AUTHOR: Princessjustice - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, August 29, 2008

In reading the story and all the responses I have to agree with Ms. Cox. It sounds like this con-man and repeat offender is taking advantage of people. It's too bad that no one can trust organizations who use the guise of "charity." It hurts the legitimate charitable organizations. I suppose we will all soon see this on the news, another unscrupulous person hiding in Montana. This used to be the last best place. As for Mr. McClintock, when you take advantage of good people, you get what you deserve. Hopefully, a long stint in prison again might be just the ticket. I hope that fraud has a "three-strikes" rule. It sounds like Mr. McClintock should be in prison again before he hurts more innocent people. My advice to anyone who runs across this guy or others like him, RUN. The worst part about this whole story is that anyone who assisted him might very well go to prison with him. When your gut tells you that something isn't right, you should listen to it.

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#24 Author of original report

Matthew, the lies keep coming

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, August 25, 2008

BTW, I withdrew my BBB complaint way before any investigation--I did not want to have to deal with you again and I had received a call from someone who is afraid for their personal safety and I got spooked. Just ask Kathy at the BBB. She even called the Sheriff's Department and so did I --I was told to try to distance myself for fear for my safety. That is why my claim was withdrawn--in retrospect--I DO NOT fear you! and Never will! You are a sad, old man with a lifetime of criminal activity--I feel sorry for you!

If you did try to come to my home--I would just send my husband out to "talk" to you while I called the sheriff! If you come near my kids or their school--I will call the sheriff! Now, once again, WHERE IS MY MONEY??? for the two weeks of my life you wasted? I guess at least I am not out thousands like some of the others you have conned--how do you sleep at night in that little dark room of yours?? How do you look yourself in the mirror? (before or after the application of the foundation:-) Well, I know you are dying to post something that responds to nothing I have said so--have at it! You only continue to make my case for me. BTW, where are those cameras--I am waiting for the chance to tell my story to the public!! Remember, you promised me a documentary in one of your letters.

If anyone else out there buys Matthew's story or is involved with him in anyway--call me and I will provide letters and phone numbers and a lot else to back up my story. Matthew, get the story straight--I was with you for the entire day on June 16 and 17--two days I wish I could forget but that I can prove happened--BTW, you left your notebook in the pocket of the passenger door of my van and your Pepsi--which splashed all over my door and made a mess I had to clean up. Thanks for that! Now, try to answer my questions--any day now....

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#23 Author of original report


AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, August 25, 2008

Guess you couldn't resist the challenge! And then you blatantly lie right here on this site! and under a name that "other people" with your writing skills are using! You better starting working against the Chamber too--seems they recently put out a FRAUD alert. Received three messages today in support of what I have written--seems you have done this to way more people than even I heard.

As to my hours, Matthew, you and I both know I worked TWO weeks--and the Greater Gallatin United Way and others can confirm that. Don't you remember--I showed up the morning of June 16th and you told me all about how you wrecked your Jeep on Friday the 13th?? I drove you all around in my van for two days?? Including the United Way meeting, during which we asked them to sponsor a billboard and Carol offered to talk to the bank?? Remembering yet?? Then she emailed me about it?? I have the emails, Matthew--how do you argue with that? Oh, yeah, by attacking me and avoiding the issue. The same way you have dealt with this whole situation. I hear that is your MO--threaten, threaten, threaten, and then break down the door! Bet you miss the stuff out of that storage unit now, don't you?

You and I both know who is under investigation--a quick call to the Gallatin County Sheriff's Department will confirm the truth. You need to stop blaming me for outing you and your scheme--you did this to yourself and I am not the one doing all the outing. I have not spoken to half the people you say I have. BTW, the principal of the intermediate school in Belgrade is a WOMAN--the man you spoke to and whose name you used when talking to the real estate lady here in Belgrade was the Middle School principal and now is the BHS principal. You did not contact the Belgrade Superintendent--do you even know his name?--you contacted the Gallatin County Superintendent of Schools and she did not give you tutors--she gave me two names and they did not work out.

I have to wonder--do you even know the truth from fiction? Can you seperate lies and fact? Can you answer a simple question? Apparently not! People reading this can tell the truth--thus the emails and comments I have received--people know who you are. I think I will give Deputy Madsen a call and share the fact that you are continuing to harrass me--what do you think?

Oh, one last thing, the info you either feed or typed stating you were someone else who "knows all about the case in Oklahoma" a good chunk of attorney client privilege there--either you shared the info or you took time to give them a release?! Well, we know about your track record with releases....BTW, when will Bob get his money and when will Ann get her money and when will Tami get the photos of her kids....How did that meeting go at the dude ranch the a couple weekends ago? Did you know that the Gallatin Co. Super works there on her weekends off? She told me about your visit when I went to meet with her the other day--we had a laugh about the coincidence. Guess some days your luck runs out, huh? Keep up the raves, you are educating the public on what you are about.

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#22 Author of original report


AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, August 25, 2008

Here's the deal--I am going to assume that all the posters here are Matthew McClintock because that makes the most sense. The only thing that will change my mind is if someone calls me--so, if anyone else out there is posting here, I eagerly await your phone call. You do not even have to engage me or listen to my side if you don't want. Just call and tell me you exist. If not, I will get all this information to the sheriff who told Matthew not to call me. They can reference the Ip and find out for sure. FYI, why any mother would defend a man who has not only been convicted and served time on two different sentences--for over TWO years--but who takes advantage of woman even going so far as to take money a mom was saving for her son's college fund--I would be concerned about that Mother's parenting ability. Did you know he has also broken into another woman's home--MORE THAN ONCE!!?? And his landlord told the sheriff "if I am murdered, he is the first person you should look at."

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#21 Author of original report


AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, August 25, 2008

Again, more lies and attacks on my character without a single response to my questions. Funny that someone has now logged on as Friend and posted two varying sets of information--coming from two seperate individuals. Much like two different posts by Matthew. This just gets better and better. Interesting that one of you states you interviewed for the job I took--guess you just substantiated my claims as Matthew told myself and my friend that I was the only one he "interviewed."

As to "a concerned mom," heh, just give me a call--we can talk about my side of this. I, personally, would be much more concerned about dealing with a man like Matthew but that is your issue. I have questions as to whether you or any of the other posters exist--why don't one of you just call me and prove it. Truthfully, I am pretty sure it is all Matthew's doing. My friend and I are both concerned moms and that is why we are no longer involved with Matthew and his lies. The Gallatin County Superintendent of Schools and the teachers at the one room school house are concerned moms and educators and that is why they are not involved with Matthew and his lies--why don't you give them a call. I would also be concerned about the fact that Matthew is not familiar with the procedures regarding running such an operation--when the director of United Way started talking about liability insurance and such--HE HAD NO IDEA!!

I love that you accuse me of contacting Murdoch's--I have only even been there a couple times and the last was months ago. I have never contacted Murdochs--call and ask. I contacted Ford because of concerns about my credit--go to and read about other people who have concerns, too.

I also spoke to a number of people in Oklahoma--including Amanda at the Oklahoma Securities Commission. She called me on behalf of Irving Faught. She gave me quite a different story than people here. I know people who have also spoken to the Oklahoma Department of Corrections--they are the people who called me and told me about Matthew's alias--and they tell a different story than the one here.

As to the advisory board, I know two of the four members--I convinced both of them to come on board! One is a friend and one is MY insurance agent. I called another one to see if he could verify if there had been any tutoring--he could not! I was looking to find truth to some of Matthew's lies! Sadly, I couldn't! Honestly, I did not want to admit I had taken a job with a liar (BTW, in reading all the posts, I find it interesting that you all cannot spell--specifically the word liar--that sure makes my argument that you are all one and the same).

If Matthew is such a great honest person--when does he plan on paying back all the people he owes? Bob, Ann, the members of The Seventh Day Adventist Church, my insurance agent, the businesses who sponsored the ad in the paper, etc. Later today, I will call my friend in Big Timber and I will have him look into the claim about a tutor there. Could you back that up some how?

Come on--Call me prove me wrong--BRING IT ON!! Stop with the lame attacks and come up with something substantial--I must admit, I am getting bored with the lies. When I spoke to one of the board members, she told me I should quit dealing with Matthew at all because he is quit apparently a sociopath--how is it so many of us have this belief of him but he is being defended here? Did he point you guys to this site--if you exist?

BTW--please tell me what my agenda is? To get paid? Also, I called no one on the 16th of June--I was still buying his BS at that point--so, whomever told you that is lying. Just check the phone records for the phone I had. Oh, that reminds me, how are people signing up for tutoring with the number disconnected? And, when driving to my cousin's house after school the other day--I couldn't help but notice there was only one truck at the office. Thought the kids started on the 19th? What hours are they coming in while there is no school? Come on give me some proof. The comment from Detective Crawford--"read between the lines"--that is what she said to the Bozeman Ford owner when he asked about Matthew and Whispering Wind Production. That had nothing to do with me. As to me not being able to go to the office--the sheriff told me "for your own safety, do not go near the man." The other deputy called Matthew and told him not to contact me AT ALL--which is why MANY people think he is pretending to be other people and posting here on this site--again, how can so many have such atrocious spelling and how can so many not be able to spell LIAR!!!

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#20 Consumer Comment

Concerned mother:

AUTHOR: Friend - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, August 25, 2008

I was interviewed for the postion that was filled by this Cox woman. The salary that was offered was commission againts a $1,800.00 per month base.

In addition, I was told (and it was very easy to understand), that the tutoring program ended in mid-May as they had lost their tutor. I saw the two full page ads in the Belgrade News (In June & July) from Whispering Wind Productions, in which they had tutoring available starting in late August. It very clearly stated "No Fee."

The offices had been very clearly redesigned to offer the families and the children a very comfortable and friendly enviroment. I wanted the job, but needed about $2,500.00 base, which was not available. My job was to call upon businesses for presentation in the Belgrade News and/or TV co-sponsorship. It was very clearly defined for me. There was no mention of brochures and all this other talk of this Ms. Cox. Certainly no mention of selling billboard space.

I spoke with my brother who resides in Norman Oklahoma. He is an attorney. I had him pull up this spot and asked him to respond on his thoughts. He shared with me the following.

This was a violation of a 5-year, deferred probation. He stated that the DA's office didn't offer this plea Bargain if they had a good case. He stated the charges that led to the two-felonies, were in fact dropped. However, the Oklahoma DA wouldn't let it be.

He then contacted the attorney that handled Mr. McClintocks case and was told the following. Mr. McClintock accepted the two-low degree felonies, rather then spend over a year in county jail fighting the case. He stated the bail had been set very high for such a minor offense.

He further stated the opinions of the legal community in Oklahoma was this was a set-up. He said the three primary participants who invested with Mr. McClintock were: 1) a woman who lives in Edmond , OK. She is an IRS agent and her daughter is a lawyer and her other daughter works for the FBI. (Hardly someone you would try to scam.) 2) A lady who owned Savannah Land Corp'. at the time. Apparently a business woman with some success. 3) A woman who now lives in Texas. She was dating Mr. McClintock at the time and had an affair with another man while dating him. Mr. McClintock stated publicly, he shouldn't have allowed her to invest and public accepted responsibility and blame.

I asked my brother if he could comment on the names this Kristen Cox through out. He was able to confirm that indeed Mr. McClintock was born Michael O'Dell, then raised by a family named Willis. He said public records confirm he took his natural fathers name of McClintock after the Willis family died.

I think Ms. Cox's has taken it upon her self to be self-serving. I question the validity of her statements as I have seen first hand the offices and the classrooms set aside for children.

I also read where this Cox woman called some members of an advisory board, that was in place to over see this program and she also called the tutor. I contacted Whispering Wind Productions. I was in fact able to confirm this with three seperate individuals outside of Whispering Wind Productions. I think Ms. Cox is a woman who has some issues on what is accurate and truthful.!!

I have also confirmed that Ms. Cox's has contacted many businesses associated with Whispering Wind, apparently in an effort to try and discredit this sompany and this man. Shame on you Ms. Cox!!!

A concerned mother, who is thankful for Whispering Wind Productions.

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#19 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Friend - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, August 24, 2008

I worked for Whispering Wind Productions. Mr. McClintock never treated me but with repect. My checks were always on time and I was never promised anything that Whispering Wind didn't deliver on.

I called Matthew and ask him about this Kristen Cox character. He invited me to the offices,(which I must say are wonderful and designed for children and their parents). There is a small library and chairs and tables for kids of all ages. Oh yes, a wonderful Yellow Lab, Andy.

I read this Kristen Cox's long and detailed story. As I started inquiring, it didn't take long to understand why two businesses backed away from their support of the program.

I have confirmed Christen Cox approuched the owner of Bozeman Ford. They, then approuched Murdoch's Ranch & Home Supply. Both these businesses had been a supporter of the program until Kristen Cox started her lies. This Cox's woman in my opinion and THAT OF MANY OTHERS, has made every effort to blackmail WWP.

I read her claim about her wages. Kristen Cox started this BS before she even advised WWP she was no longer coming into work. I confirmed she called a former partner early on the 16th of June. Cox's is a LIER and a FRAUD. She claims Mr. McClintock is a fruad? Mr. McClintock was given two-low class felonies for a probation viloation. This was confirmed by attornies, not some 2nd and 3rd hand gossip. Mr. McClintock paid his dues and got on with his life.

Their were three other individuals directly involved in the SEC case. One is a IRS agent, one is a very successful business woman who also traded on the exchange and one was a woman that had dated Matthew. Matthew told me today, that he should not have let this woman invest. He said it was totally his fault and he accepted full responsibility. He said, "I was wrong."

I have read all the reports from Oklahoma and also spoke with the attorney involved. Kristen Cox's story and that of the attorney have some huge, huge differences.

The stories and lies this woman has brought to this site are 85% BULL! She is sharing second and third hand information. A good friend of mine called a deputy Crawford at the Sheriff's office, and was told to take Cox, "With a grain of sand."

Fact: Kristen Cox was told called and adivsed by a deputy she would be arrested if she came to the offices of WWP again and make trouble. Reort on file.

Fact: Whispering Wind Production airs 30-second spots encouraging reading almost daily. They have a tutor and another tutor in Big Timber available to tutor kids from K-12.

The CPA told me that she has never seen a check for wages made out to any member of the Whispering Wind Productions, LLC. Mr. McClintock I know never has taken a salary.

Cox is nothing but a woman that takes 2nd hand BS and treates it to make her story.

Cox's should be ashamed of herself.

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#18 Author of original report


AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, August 22, 2008

Okay, send me my timesheet. Make sure it includes the hours before June 9, for the week of June 9, for the week of June 16, and for the mileage I am owed for June 16, 17, 18 2008. Send it and tell me who your new accountant is and I will hand deliver it to him/her. Please do it by Monday as I am going to the Job Service to turn in my wage claim--they will get it to the Department of Labor.

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#17 Author of original report

Hateful lies and accusations from Matthew McClintock Micheal O'Dell Michael Willis Watch out Oklahoma in case he heads back

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, August 22, 2008

Now you sign on as Matthew--that is interesting. Also, you write with the same tone and grammaras poor as it isand spelling as Mr. McClintock. That is pretty telling. But, let's just revisit this whole thing and maybe whomever is posting the accusations against me can defend those accusations. And while that person is at it--you can defend Mr Matthew Cody McClintock (aka Michael O'Dell aka Michael Willis) with some actual facts and not with slanderous remarks regarding my character. FYI, lier is not a word. Also, my name is not Coxand I must say, that is a very telling disclosure on your part. Whomever is typing that is definitely very masculine so maybe Matthew is feeding words to you?

First, let me say thisthe only possible person involved in this who has ever met me is Matthew McClintock and since he required I spend the entire day with him during the two weeks I worked with himI assume he had no trouble being around me for a long period of time. I, on the other hand, found this to be strange and uncomfortable. I also was not comfortable chauffeuring him around for two days but I really wanted the jobyou see, I really care about education, students, and always have. I come from a long line of educators some of whom have taught right here in this valley.

Second, whoever is claiming they spoke to me at length could only be Gwyn Hicksif that is Gwyn here is what I have to say. I called you because the accountant and the gentleman at the western store both asked me about you and your name was listed as an employee. I was calling you to see what you knewI was still hoping against hope that this program was for real. I also wanted you to know that Matthew had told me that you stole money from him. When I spoke to you, you told me you had gotten a lawyer to get Matthew to quite using your nameso, I would find it very surprising if you have hooked back up with him but that is your decision. You than hung up on me and, I assume, called Matthew. I also know that if he told you I was supposed to be in to work in thirty minutesthat was an outright lie. I told him I could not come in that day because I was sickmy daughter can confirm this as can my phone records.

Third, I have been teachingI am a substitute teacher. I worked as a substitute teacher on my days off from my job managing an Independent Living CenterI worked with people with disabilities in assisting them in staying as independent as possible. I was also working for Family Outreach on the weekends providing direct care for kids with disabilities. My boss at the job I left to go to work for Matthew even tried to get me to stay by offering me a raise but I was so blinded by the new opportunity that I passed him up. Also, I am still in touch with a number of my consumers as I loved working with them and they respect and trust me as a friendsound like a bad person to you? Feel free to call me up and I will provide you with my personal and professional references. BTW, I am listed in the phonebookif you have the guts to face me and possibly find out the truth.

Next, the wages due me and my agenda. I worked from June 9, 2008 until June 18, 2008. I have witnesses for thisincluding but not limited to the Greater Gallatin United Way, Civic Consulting, a local radio station, the salesmen at JC Billion Dodge, the waitress at the caf in Four Corners, the list goes on. I worked through my lunch each day. I also attended four evening meetingsincluding three prior to my hiring. Matthew McClintock told me I was a salaried employee and I have a voicemail stating that since I was on salarymy illness on June 13 would not count against my pay. I did well over 30 hours worth of work at home on my own time because there was no internet and the program at the office did not work for the stuff I was doing. One thing I worked on was a brochure to present to peopleI could never finish this because I could never get any information about the tutors or all the kids from Matthew McClintock. I also was unable to get any information about the type of program the tutors were usingeven though Matthew claimed it was individualized. I will also point out that the principal who was involved in the photo shoot made the same attempts to no avail. I also am owed gas money for the miles I drove with and for Matthew on June 16 (75 miles), June 17 (85 miles), and June 18 (60 miles). All of these trips were witnessed by numerous people.

So, I am attempting to recoup the minimum owed metwo weeks salary at $1,800. Not the 50,000 per year I was promised before I quit my other job (this salary was disclosed to at least one other person by Mr. McClintock himself). Not the $2,500 he promised me at a subsequent meeting. And not even the raise to $2,000 promised me on the afternoon of June 16 after our meeting with the Greater Gallatin United Way. I am also not asking for the plane and park tickets and hotel accommodations to Disney World he claimed he got for my family and I. As to the timesheetas a salaried employee, I have never had to fill out a timesheet and this only come up after I asked to be paid.

As to the businesses who recently reported Mr. McClintock to the BBBI only contacted one of those businesses. I did this because I know for a fact that Mr. McClintock has used other women's information to obtain vehiclesie Social Security numbers and suchand I know he has my personal information since I completed an I9 and a W4. Therefore, when I was told he was driving around in a truck, I called the business and confirmed that he had not used my name in any way to get that truck. That business owner subsequently chose to continue an involvement with Mr. McClintock after I told him I had worked for him, had not been paid, was told he was a convicted felon, and (when he asked) I told him I had no personal knowledge of a tutoring program. If protecting my credit constitutespromoting an agendaI guess I am guilty. Also, in terms of business, Mr. McClintock himself stated that I solicited donations for a newspaper ad in the Belgrade Newsyes, I did and I gave the checks to Mr. McClintock but there were no names on that addid they get their money back? What about the 8 companies on the billboardwhere is it? What about the huge list of businesses who paid for 120 airtimes? There were only ten on that handful of commercials ( I DVRed them) and none of them were the companies I was made aware of.

Truthfully, I have no agenda and I gain nothing from all of thisI mean, seriously, what in the world would I be getting from this? I am out a good job. I am out a job I thought was a dream job. I am out a paycheck. I have to fear for the safety of my family, myself, my friends, my credit, and my good name because I was involved with a con man who will not pay me and who continues to harass meeven after being asked by the sheriff to leave me alone. It is because I am a teacher and an honest person that I have pursued this. As to the tutoringI was not told that someone had just quit. In fact, I could never get a straight story about the tutors. Now you say there is ONE TUTOR. Well, Matthew McClintock said there were many tutorssome in Belgrade and some in Three Forks, and some in Big Timber, and some in Lewistownhe told this little white lie to Taylor and Associates after hearing about the existence of Lewistown from me. You see, I went there over the weekend of June 14 and told him about it on Monday while we were driving around in my brand new van. He told me he had never heard of Lewistowneven saying oh, in Idaho? To which I responded by telling him it was Lewistown not Lewiston. As to the local principal, two businesses went to the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce to ask about Mr. McClintockthey stated he had told them he was working with the Middle School principal. He even used the man's name.

Just last night I received a phone call from a woman who fears Matthew McClintock and she has known him for a very long time. She is not the only woman who fears himhe has harassed and stolen from many women over the years. He even recently used one woman's personal information in an attempt to get a carshe received the denial letter in the mail. He has broken into houses, stolen thousands from women he made promises to; and he has even been in prison at least two times.
So let's do a quick wrap up herecompare some apples and orangesI, Kristin Kae Cox am a licensed teacher who has taught in two states. I have a college degree, have been FBI checked for a variety of positions (all of which I passed), taught Special Education, worked with people with disabilities, own my own home and cars, have excellent credit and pay all my bills on time, have never been arrested, have spotless references, am trusted by many professionals in this valley and in other areas in which I have lived and worked, and have proof to back up my statementsalmost forgothave contacted my own lawyer and the one Mr. McClintock claims is his and provided them with all the letters between Mr. McClintock and myself. Finally, I am only looking to get the $900 owed meI will submit my claim to the Department of Labor on Monday.

Mr. Matthew Cody McClintock has an arrest record and has spent more than two years in prison, is the subject of a document title Anatomy of a Fraud, has scared a number of women so much they have restraining orders against him, was sighted taking pictures of school children from a car and lied about it, has taken money from many, many people for advertising that never happens here in the valley (and most likely elsewhere), does not pay his billswant me to name names, has no home (lives in an office he rents), has no real job, lies about things like car accidents and giving large sums of money to neonatal units, and has a long history of using harassment and threats and slander to get out of his debts. And never paid my wages and does not want to. Oh, is under investigation by the Gallatin County Sheriff's Department, has complaints against him with the Better Business Bureau, and lies about having a lawyer who is going to sue MEfor doing what? Telling the truth?

Again, anyone wanting the TRUTHGwyn, Judy Johnson, the other Judy (he never mentioned an ex-employee named Judy)CALL ME!! My number is listed, Matthew has it, and he even knows where I live. I will provide you with names, numbers, emails, references, and other proof you so desire to support my HONEST claims. BTW, does he still have the truck? If not, where did he tell you it went? When I showed up for my second week of work he claimed he had had a car accident with the white jeep on June 13I found out that was a BOLD FACED LIE and can prove it.

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#16 UPDATE EX-employee responds

Kristen Cox / Stating wrong facts

AUTHOR: Matthew - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, August 22, 2008

Judy and I are both here at the offices of Whispering Wind Productions using their computer. I'm very famalier with Whispering Wind Production. Ms. Cox called me very early in the morning in June. She started sharing all this information with me. I informed her I was not interested in her accusations and ended the conversation. I then called Mr. McClintock and informed him of some of her accusations. He was surprised as he was expecting her in for work in about 30-minutes.

My point is this. Ms. Cox has stated this is because she has not been paid and this is why Whispering Wind Productions is doing this to her. Well....the truth is, she started making calls before Whispering Wind Production even knew she was not coming into work.

I also saw that she was double paid for her mileage when she drove to the filming. She has a very small anount of money due (under$40.00) and will not sign her time sheet.

I have no axe to grind, but find this to be an example of her making statements that I know to be wrong. I know Mr. McClintock very well...and I know the tutor and watch the spots air on TV. What a shame for someone like this woman to go to such length to discredit a wonderful program.

Shame on you Ms. Cox!

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#15 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Matthew - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, August 22, 2008

Ms. Cox again makes assumptions. I'm not the Judy that works for Whispering Wind Productions now. Again Kristen Cox makes assumptions and statements to suit her agenda.
Kristen Cox knew the program stopped in mid-May when the tutor returned home. Again, (pay attention COX), that is why Mr. McClintock and Whispering Wind Productions contacted the school district requesting assistance in finding another tutor to take her place. I hope Kristen COX can understand that (though I doubt it).

Mr. McClintock nor anyother employee stated Whispering Wind Productions was working with the school. He simply went to the school principal and shared with him the program was available if the teachers needed an alternative for tutoring. Then in June and July, Whispering Wind Productions ran full page ads in the Belgrade News stating when classes would start-up again.

Kristen Cox is a fraud. I understand now why she isn't teaching. I would hate to be around her for any period of time. Ms. Cox contacted the two-businesses she makes reference to. From reading the reports and seeing the chain of events, it's easy to see what her agenda was. She started networking calling as many businesses as she could making FALSE and MISLEADING claims.

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#14 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Matthew - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, August 22, 2008

Ms. Cox again makes assumptions. I'm not the Judy that works for Whispering Wind Productions now. Again Kristen Cox makes assumptions and statements to suit her agenda.
Kristen Cox knew the program stopped in mid-May when the tutor returned home. Again, (pay attention COX), that is why Mr. McClintock and Whispering Wind Productions contacted the school district requesting assistance in finding another tutor to take her place. I hope Kristen COX can understand that (though I doubt it).

Mr. McClintock nor anyother employee stated Whispering Wind Productions was working with the school. He simply went to the school principal and shared with him the program was available if the teachers needed an alternative for tutoring. Then in June and July, Whispering Wind Productions ran full page ads in the Belgrade News stating when classes would start-up again.

Kristen Cox is a fraud. I understand now why she isn't teaching. I would hate to be around her for any period of time. Ms. Cox contacted the two-businesses she makes reference to. From reading the reports and seeing the chain of events, it's easy to see what her agenda was. She started networking calling as many businesses as she could making FALSE and MISLEADING claims.

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#13 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Matthew - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, August 22, 2008

Ms. Cox again makes assumptions. I'm not the Judy that works for Whispering Wind Productions now. Again Kristen Cox makes assumptions and statements to suit her agenda.
Kristen Cox knew the program stopped in mid-May when the tutor returned home. Again, (pay attention COX), that is why Mr. McClintock and Whispering Wind Productions contacted the school district requesting assistance in finding another tutor to take her place. I hope Kristen COX can understand that (though I doubt it).

Mr. McClintock nor anyother employee stated Whispering Wind Productions was working with the school. He simply went to the school principal and shared with him the program was available if the teachers needed an alternative for tutoring. Then in June and July, Whispering Wind Productions ran full page ads in the Belgrade News stating when classes would start-up again.

Kristen Cox is a fraud. I understand now why she isn't teaching. I would hate to be around her for any period of time. Ms. Cox contacted the two-businesses she makes reference to. From reading the reports and seeing the chain of events, it's easy to see what her agenda was. She started networking calling as many businesses as she could making FALSE and MISLEADING claims.

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#12 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Matthew - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, August 22, 2008

Ms. Cox again makes assumptions. I'm not the Judy that works for Whispering Wind Productions now. Again Kristen Cox makes assumptions and statements to suit her agenda.
Kristen Cox knew the program stopped in mid-May when the tutor returned home. Again, (pay attention COX), that is why Mr. McClintock and Whispering Wind Productions contacted the school district requesting assistance in finding another tutor to take her place. I hope Kristen COX can understand that (though I doubt it).

Mr. McClintock nor anyother employee stated Whispering Wind Productions was working with the school. He simply went to the school principal and shared with him the program was available if the teachers needed an alternative for tutoring. Then in June and July, Whispering Wind Productions ran full page ads in the Belgrade News stating when classes would start-up again.

Kristen Cox is a fraud. I understand now why she isn't teaching. I would hate to be around her for any period of time. Ms. Cox contacted the two-businesses she makes reference to. From reading the reports and seeing the chain of events, it's easy to see what her agenda was. She started networking calling as many businesses as she could making FALSE and MISLEADING claims.

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#11 Author of original report

Judy Johnson--"EX--EMPLOYEE???" whispering wind productions, read, care, and share, Belgrade Montana Bozeman Montana Gallatin Valley

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wow! How did I miss that? Just wanted to point something out--Judy Johnson--if she exists--posted a rebuttal to my claims which was dated 8/21/2008. On that date she claims to be an Ex-Employee. In an August 18, 2008 letter she claims to be an Associate Producer for Whispering Wind Productions, LLC. It is my belief that people are not allowed to lie about their identity on this site--interesting, don't you think? So, either Judy is really Matthew McClintock or Judy is his employee and lied about being an ex-employee. This gets better and better all the time.

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#10 Author of original report

Today's update

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, August 21, 2008

Yesterday, I received a new letter from Whispering Wind Production signed by someone other than Matthew McClintock--with a signature that looks forged. I had sent a report to the BBB and a final letter to Matthew McClintock demanding my wages be paid. In response, he has now threatened to "post you online" and other things--including having a documentary written about me. I responded by calling the Sheriff--the deputy got Matthew's number from me and placed a call to Matthew telling him he will be arrested if he keeps harrassing me. In response, I found my name posted on this site by "Judy Johnson" I do not know if she exists but I know that she uses the same writing style as Matthew McClintock--interesting, huh?

I do not appreciate that my anonymity has been compromised by this person but I know I am in the right so I will have to live with that. I also know that today, two local company's who have dealt with Matthew McClintock have now made reports to the Better Business Bureau and the Bozeman Chamber of Commerce. I truly think the jig is finally up on the con man--let's just hope--but, sadly, not before he ripped off so many people. Just yesterday I spoke to two different people he has promised refunds to (over a month ago) who never got them. If you have dealt with this con man, feel free to eamil me at or if you have any questions.

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#9 Author of original report

Today's update

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, August 21, 2008

Yesterday, I received a new letter from Whispering Wind Production signed by someone other than Matthew McClintock--with a signature that looks forged. I had sent a report to the BBB and a final letter to Matthew McClintock demanding my wages be paid. In response, he has now threatened to "post you online" and other things--including having a documentary written about me. I responded by calling the Sheriff--the deputy got Matthew's number from me and placed a call to Matthew telling him he will be arrested if he keeps harrassing me. In response, I found my name posted on this site by "Judy Johnson" I do not know if she exists but I know that she uses the same writing style as Matthew McClintock--interesting, huh?

I do not appreciate that my anonymity has been compromised by this person but I know I am in the right so I will have to live with that. I also know that today, two local company's who have dealt with Matthew McClintock have now made reports to the Better Business Bureau and the Bozeman Chamber of Commerce. I truly think the jig is finally up on the con man--let's just hope--but, sadly, not before he ripped off so many people. Just yesterday I spoke to two different people he has promised refunds to (over a month ago) who never got them. If you have dealt with this con man, feel free to eamil me at or if you have any questions.

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#8 Author of original report

Today's update

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, August 21, 2008

Yesterday, I received a new letter from Whispering Wind Production signed by someone other than Matthew McClintock--with a signature that looks forged. I had sent a report to the BBB and a final letter to Matthew McClintock demanding my wages be paid. In response, he has now threatened to "post you online" and other things--including having a documentary written about me. I responded by calling the Sheriff--the deputy got Matthew's number from me and placed a call to Matthew telling him he will be arrested if he keeps harrassing me. In response, I found my name posted on this site by "Judy Johnson" I do not know if she exists but I know that she uses the same writing style as Matthew McClintock--interesting, huh?

I do not appreciate that my anonymity has been compromised by this person but I know I am in the right so I will have to live with that. I also know that today, two local company's who have dealt with Matthew McClintock have now made reports to the Better Business Bureau and the Bozeman Chamber of Commerce. I truly think the jig is finally up on the con man--let's just hope--but, sadly, not before he ripped off so many people. Just yesterday I spoke to two different people he has promised refunds to (over a month ago) who never got them. If you have dealt with this con man, feel free to eamil me at or if you have any questions.

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#7 Author of original report

Today's update

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, August 21, 2008

Yesterday, I received a new letter from Whispering Wind Production signed by someone other than Matthew McClintock--with a signature that looks forged. I had sent a report to the BBB and a final letter to Matthew McClintock demanding my wages be paid. In response, he has now threatened to "post you online" and other things--including having a documentary written about me. I responded by calling the Sheriff--the deputy got Matthew's number from me and placed a call to Matthew telling him he will be arrested if he keeps harrassing me. In response, I found my name posted on this site by "Judy Johnson" I do not know if she exists but I know that she uses the same writing style as Matthew McClintock--interesting, huh?

I do not appreciate that my anonymity has been compromised by this person but I know I am in the right so I will have to live with that. I also know that today, two local company's who have dealt with Matthew McClintock have now made reports to the Better Business Bureau and the Bozeman Chamber of Commerce. I truly think the jig is finally up on the con man--let's just hope--but, sadly, not before he ripped off so many people. Just yesterday I spoke to two different people he has promised refunds to (over a month ago) who never got them. If you have dealt with this con man, feel free to eamil me at or if you have any questions.

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#6 Author of original report

Response to rebuttal

AUTHOR: Bozonative - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, August 21, 2008

I truly believe the person who wrote the rebuttal is in all likelihood the owner of the company. I have a letter in my hand with a signature that has all the signs of being forged but I still feel obligated to respond. You see, the reason Mr. McClintock is attacking me is because he does not want to pay me. I have no motive to slander him--in fact, it would have served me better to sit back and just get my paycheck and keep my mouth shut. MY reason for reporting him--he is a liar and am couldn't not be associated with him. In fact, he is using this forum to attack me because the Sheriff's Department told him yesterday (8/20/08) that he could no longer continue to harrass me through letters--which he has done since the day I first asked to be paid after quitting. He even lied to the BBB--he stated I was never hired to obtain sponsors for his "billboard" when in fact I went with him to the United Way, I contacted the local hospital, a local Credit Union, and a Drilling Company for his "billboards." I have witnesses and even emails to prove this.
So, Judy if you do exist, I am not who this man says I am and you are apparently very misinformed. Did the tutoring start on the 19th? How did you get kids signed up when the number is disconnected and you haven't run an ad since July1st, 2008. Did you know that Mr. McClintock does not own that phote? That the owner and the elderly lady in the photo did not sign releases for him to use is. If the tutoring started, I would love to know where it is at? Because Mr. McClintock said he had tutors in Three Forks, Big Timber, Whitehall, and Lewistown (might want to ask him where that is?) to myself and many others. And, if it is being done in his office--do the parents know that a convicted felon lives in the back room? And, FYI one of his letters to me said I got "the tutor" to quit so he did not have any tutors--wow, how did he tutor 43 (or 48--depending on his story) students in at least four towns with one tutor?? Have you talked to the Gallatin County Supers office about this? What about the local schools?

Mr. McClintock was using the name of the local middle school principal for a while--saying he was working with him--he then turned around and told me "that man does not want to help any of these kids!!" Do you know the local middle school principal? Well, I do and so does my family and so do many, many people in this community and he is always there for the kids. The fact that Mr. McClintock would have the audacity to slander a man who has done so much for the kids of this town shows you who he truly is. BTW, he is now the principal of the high school and the local schools are well aware of what game Mr. McClintock is playing--as is the Sheriff's Department. Want names, Judy? Give me a call, I am more than willing to share. But, remember Mr. McClintock--the Sheriff has told you to cease all contact and to quit harrassing me so if you are Judy--well, then you know the actual story.

My story can be collaborated by witnesses, emails, phone records, and more. I have provided all this information to the Sheriff's Department and to the attorney that Mr. McClintock keeps threatening me with--did you know about that? Did you know he has threatened to sue me for two months now and even sent a letter with a "transcript" of the questions "his attorney" was going to ask me? Did you know that attorney does not represent Mr. McClintock? Did you know I have spoken to that attorney and provided him with all the poorly worded letters that have been sent to me with all the threats--from suing me, to slander me with "Superintendents of School Districts, Principals of Intermediate Schools (only one of those in the area and she works for a school district who is very aware of what Mr. McClintock is doing), and Other Agencies and Businesses," and even having a documentary done about me--told me the cameras would be here by now, I welcome them!!

FYI, to whomever wrote the rebuttal and the letters to me--no one in their right mind would want their children tutored by someone with your writing skills! Wow! What a mess! Know and No are two very different words and so are your and you are!

In conclusion, everything in my original post is truthful and can be verified. Everything in my Better Business Bureau report is truthful and can be verified. Everything in my report to the Sheriff has been truthful. Finally, Judy--if you exist--you just might want to call the Chamber of Commerce and watch the BBB website, I just recieved a phone call and it seems that two of the recent "donors" to Mr. McClintock's "program" have figured him out! Wondering, does he still have the Ford truck--or did he WRECK that one, too. Judy, if you do exist, please get away from him--he will ruin your reputation here in this area (and it is a small town) and will make a mess of your life--take it from someone who knows! Good Luck! And Mr. McClintock--keep wondering who is knocking on the door, it might be someone looking to put you in a one room cell like back in 09/23/1991 or 12/03/2001 .

Don't drop the soap!!

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#5 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Judy - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, August 21, 2008

I personally know the managing partner and one of the former Partners in Whispering Wind Production. I'm very aware of Ms. Cox and her crusade to defame a wonderful program. Mr. Mcclintock is a very dedicated man. He has volunteered his services towards the Read, Care & Share program, often working 80-hour work weeks.
Ms. Cox's is a phoney from the word go. I have seen her handy works and read all the E-mails and trash talk she has spread. She is a smooth talker and one only has to read between the lines just a little to see the trash talk and pure slanderous remarks she is making towards Mr. McClintock and the program in general.

She has lied about who she is on E-mails posing as other individauals. She has filed reports with the BBB that is so different then the trash she has spread on this site.

Kristen Coxs starts rumors then fosters them to meet her personal agenda. The fact is that Kristen Cox has tried to blackmail Mr. McClintock, using his experience in Oklahoma againts him. I have a detailed knowledge of that event, and can assure the reader, justice did not serve Mr. McClintock.

She lied about Mr. McClintock saying Ms. Hicks stole $79,000.00. Where is all the proof Cox? Your all talk and that's why you knew you couldn't make it at Whispering Wind Production.

I know first hand the tutor is available for children at Whispering Wind I also know that Cox was lieing when she claimed Matthew just put together a couple of spots to air. Those spots have been airing since last year. He has provided a wonderful warm, safe and comfortable enviroment for the families to use as an alternative after school educational program.

I also know as a fact Matthew Mcclintock Produced, and directed over 96-episodes of a half-hour show that aired in over forty-states on PBS.

Kristen Cox....get a life!

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#4 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Judy - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, August 21, 2008

I personally know the managing partner and one of the former Partners in Whispering Wind Production. I'm very aware of Ms. Cox and her crusade to defame a wonderful program. Mr. Mcclintock is a very dedicated man. He has volunteered his services towards the Read, Care & Share program, often working 80-hour work weeks.
Ms. Cox's is a phoney from the word go. I have seen her handy works and read all the E-mails and trash talk she has spread. She is a smooth talker and one only has to read between the lines just a little to see the trash talk and pure slanderous remarks she is making towards Mr. McClintock and the program in general.

She has lied about who she is on E-mails posing as other individauals. She has filed reports with the BBB that is so different then the trash she has spread on this site.

Kristen Coxs starts rumors then fosters them to meet her personal agenda. The fact is that Kristen Cox has tried to blackmail Mr. McClintock, using his experience in Oklahoma againts him. I have a detailed knowledge of that event, and can assure the reader, justice did not serve Mr. McClintock.

She lied about Mr. McClintock saying Ms. Hicks stole $79,000.00. Where is all the proof Cox? Your all talk and that's why you knew you couldn't make it at Whispering Wind Production.

I know first hand the tutor is available for children at Whispering Wind I also know that Cox was lieing when she claimed Matthew just put together a couple of spots to air. Those spots have been airing since last year. He has provided a wonderful warm, safe and comfortable enviroment for the families to use as an alternative after school educational program.

I also know as a fact Matthew Mcclintock Produced, and directed over 96-episodes of a half-hour show that aired in over forty-states on PBS.

Kristen Cox....get a life!

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#3 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Judy - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, August 21, 2008

I personally know the managing partner and one of the former Partners in Whispering Wind Production. I'm very aware of Ms. Cox and her crusade to defame a wonderful program. Mr. Mcclintock is a very dedicated man. He has volunteered his services towards the Read, Care & Share program, often working 80-hour work weeks.
Ms. Cox's is a phoney from the word go. I have seen her handy works and read all the E-mails and trash talk she has spread. She is a smooth talker and one only has to read between the lines just a little to see the trash talk and pure slanderous remarks she is making towards Mr. McClintock and the program in general.

She has lied about who she is on E-mails posing as other individauals. She has filed reports with the BBB that is so different then the trash she has spread on this site.

Kristen Coxs starts rumors then fosters them to meet her personal agenda. The fact is that Kristen Cox has tried to blackmail Mr. McClintock, using his experience in Oklahoma againts him. I have a detailed knowledge of that event, and can assure the reader, justice did not serve Mr. McClintock.

She lied about Mr. McClintock saying Ms. Hicks stole $79,000.00. Where is all the proof Cox? Your all talk and that's why you knew you couldn't make it at Whispering Wind Production.

I know first hand the tutor is available for children at Whispering Wind I also know that Cox was lieing when she claimed Matthew just put together a couple of spots to air. Those spots have been airing since last year. He has provided a wonderful warm, safe and comfortable enviroment for the families to use as an alternative after school educational program.

I also know as a fact Matthew Mcclintock Produced, and directed over 96-episodes of a half-hour show that aired in over forty-states on PBS.

Kristen Cox....get a life!

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#2 UPDATE EX-employee responds


AUTHOR: Judy - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, August 21, 2008

I personally know the managing partner and one of the former Partners in Whispering Wind Production. I'm very aware of Ms. Cox and her crusade to defame a wonderful program. Mr. Mcclintock is a very dedicated man. He has volunteered his services towards the Read, Care & Share program, often working 80-hour work weeks.
Ms. Cox's is a phoney from the word go. I have seen her handy works and read all the E-mails and trash talk she has spread. She is a smooth talker and one only has to read between the lines just a little to see the trash talk and pure slanderous remarks she is making towards Mr. McClintock and the program in general.

She has lied about who she is on E-mails posing as other individauals. She has filed reports with the BBB that is so different then the trash she has spread on this site.

Kristen Coxs starts rumors then fosters them to meet her personal agenda. The fact is that Kristen Cox has tried to blackmail Mr. McClintock, using his experience in Oklahoma againts him. I have a detailed knowledge of that event, and can assure the reader, justice did not serve Mr. McClintock.

She lied about Mr. McClintock saying Ms. Hicks stole $79,000.00. Where is all the proof Cox? Your all talk and that's why you knew you couldn't make it at Whispering Wind Production.

I know first hand the tutor is available for children at Whispering Wind I also know that Cox was lieing when she claimed Matthew just put together a couple of spots to air. Those spots have been airing since last year. He has provided a wonderful warm, safe and comfortable enviroment for the families to use as an alternative after school educational program.

I also know as a fact Matthew Mcclintock Produced, and directed over 96-episodes of a half-hour show that aired in over forty-states on PBS.

Kristen Cox....get a life!

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#1 REBUTTAL Owner of company

Kristen Cox / Fraudulant Report

AUTHOR: Matthew - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Whispering Wind Productions, LLC and its members categorically deny the claims made by Kristen Cox. Whispering Wind Productions further states documentation on file clearly identifies that Ms. Cox knowingly made false and misleading claims per Whispering Wind Productions and Matthew McClintock.

Kristen Cox was employed from June 9th - 11th, 2008. On the 10th Kristen Cox was present on location as stills were taken for a pending billboard encouraging reading to children.

M. Coxs assertions as to changing of contracts, fees, no computer on her desk and her salary are without merit and are absolutely baseless. Ms. Coxs program remains on the computer in her former office.

Kristen Cox has repeatedly been requested to provide documentation in writing and signed affidavits in support of her claims. She has failed to do so.

When challenged in her assertions and claims to the Better Business Bureau, per Whispering Wind Productions and MR. McClintock, Kristen Cox quickly withdrew her claims. Ms. Cox in her letter to the Better Business Bureau, stated her postion, which is contrary to that stated in her accusations on this site.

In addition to contacting the "Read, Care & Share," Advisory Board (consisting of dedicated and highly trained individuals from both the educational and private sector), Kristen Cox contacted Whispering Winds current tutor for the reading and math program.

Whispering Wind Productions managing partner and members, have never accepted a salary for the Read, Care & Share program participation.

Whispering Wind Production commenced airing thirty-second spots for the Read, Care & Share program November, 2007 (Affidavits on file). Presently, the PSA's air on ABC, NBC and are schedule for ABC Family and Fox News, the last week of August, with a 52-week contract in affect.

Currently, Whispering Wind Production has budgeted in excess of $30,000.00 over a three-year period to promote reading. This amount is in addition to television airings.

Whispering Wind Production contacted the Belgrade Intermediate School principal in January of 2008 and the Superintendent of schools in April, advising both parties of the free tutorial program available at the offices of Whispering Wind Production.

In addition, Whispering Wind Production took out two full page color ads in the Belgrade News. These two ads shared with the community the program that is available for their children at no cost. One copy was in June (prior to MS. Coxs employment) and the second copy was in July.

Whispering Wind Production contracted for the inside cover of the back-page of the phone book. The message, Read to our children. This is paid for by Whispering Wind Production.

Whispering Wind requested and received on two occassions added office space from the leasing agant, to accomadate the addition of two-classrooms and a waiting area for parents.

Whispering Wind Productions currently pays the tutor per hour. No cost are incurred by the parents. When Ms. Stevenson advised Whispering Wind Productions in April that she and her husband would be returning to their home out the state a month ahead of schedule and she would no longer would be availabe to tutor, Whispering Wind Production Managing Partner, Matthew McClintock contacted the offices of the school superintendent in Bozeman, requesting their assistance in locating a new tutor. The superintendents office did locate and provide the name of a new tutor who is now available for children from K -12th.

Whispering Wind Production has made its records available to several agencies. Whispering Wind Production stands by its postion and maintains documentation in support of those postions.

Ms. Cox is currently under investigation for making false and misleading statements.

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