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Complaint Review: Noodles Development, Nothing But Noodles,Oodles-The Art Of Fresh - Scottsdale Arizona

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  • Noodles Development, Nothing But Noodles,Oodles-The Art Of Fresh 14500 N. Northsight Blvd. Suite 216 Scottsdale, Arizona U.S.A.

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Noodles Development, Franchisor of Nothing but Noodles is Nothing but Rip Off. The Art of Fraud. Oodles of Lies and Deception.

Noodles Development, Nothing but Noodles, Oodles-The Art of Fresh
14500 N. Northsight Blvd. Suite 216
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Partners: Chad and Erica Everts, 602.881.0388
Todd and Amanda Welker, 480.226.0697

Nothing but Noodles and its principal owners Chad Everts and Todd Welker have created the franchise industries latest Ponzi scheme. It is the same song but different birds and good honest hard working people are being defrauded and harmed daily by loosing their life savings.

I should know because as a current franchisee of the concept I am stuck with not a very bright future facing bankruptcy. Chad Everts and Todd Welker are master manipulators telling you what you want to hear only to collect the upfront franchise fees only to never hear or see them again. They have somehow managed to lie and deceive and maintain thirty something franchisees to buy into their scheme. All the while they keep signing up new franchisees and collecting Area Development fees and royalties as their franchisees are closing units at a rate of 25% of the total existing units per year.

The average unit needs to produce around $75,000.00 per month just to break even and latest reports show that only the top ten are barely exceeding that mark. The average life of a unit to survive looks like it is going to be two to three years unless the owner has deep pockets to fund the unit until their lease expires just to avoid bankruptcy. Meanwhile Chad Everts and Todd Welker collect royalties.

Their game is as long as they keep bringing in new Area and Unit Developers to replace the stores that close they fund their exorbitant lifestyles. They could care less because at the current level of thirty something franchisees they are generating $1,500,000.00 in royalties. So if they close eight units and open eight more their level of income stays the same. Never mind that the franchisees are loosing thousands each month just to stay open until closing their units loosing on the average $700,000.00 plus each. Most face bankruptcy and their credit ruined for life with out so much as a peep from the Dynamic Noodle Duo of Chad Everts and Todd Welker. Because they continue to collect 6.5% royalties off the gross and will resort to threats and lawsuits to ensure that they continue to receive those royalties. They promote 250 plus units sold for the last three years when in fact no where near that number will ever be developed.

I wish I would have asked if the concept is so great why they only have one corporate store. I find out a year later that the Nothing but Noodles one and only corporate store sales are one of the lowest in the system.
They told me it is because their moto is, By Franchisees for Franchisees. They set it up that way because they want to help us the little guy and they were experienced franchisors. Again, after the fact I found out that both Chad Everts and Todd Welker have franchise experience alright, they have a string of failed partnerships, lawsuits and closed franchised units behind them in New Mexico and Texas. Must be where they learned their current scam.

In fact, I have since found out that not only do they have a string of failed business relationships but a string of failed personal relationships as well. The fact is that the Dynamic Noodle Duo destroys every relationship they encounter. Probably due to chemical dependency. Chad Everts has tried to manage his problems by self-medication, cocaine is the drug of choice - it is also a great diet aid for his wife Erica. Helps them run the streets of as TeamScottsdale.
Todd Welker has tried to manage his problems by self medication, alcohol is the drug of choice it is also a good mix with the prozac his wife Amanda needs as she screws the local Scottsdale, AZ yoga guru on a daily basis.

The reason the Dynamic Noodle Duo can't keep a business or personal relationship, their only lover is the almighty dollar. There is nothing sacred, they will say or do anything for a greenback... they pimp and promote their lies to their, family, employees, vendors, friends and franchisees to make sure it does not interfere with their false sense of who they are or what they want.

Everything is great when you are looking into the concept. They wine and dine you, insinuate and provide false sales data, give you franchisees to talk with whom are the only five in the system of thirty something that are making money. I wish I had taken the time to investigate more and talk to each and every current and past franchisees but the Dynamic Noodles Duo are so well versed in promoting that I was regrettably duped. Hindsight tells me that if I would have talked to all the current and past franchisees in the system I would have never became a franchisee and fell victim to this Nothing but s**t scheme. This concept has no brand identity, loyalty or staying power. I heard that when they were putting this concept together they went dumpster diving and stole the concept, ideas, menus and plans of the successful Denver based Noodles and Company. Nothing but Noodles a Rip Off from the start.

Let's face it, what attracts people to a franchise is not to have the high cost of getting started in a business, which includes the time it takes to learn the business, and franchising is supposed to reduce the risk of failure. Look at the motto you constantly see from Noodles Development: "You are in business for yourself but you are not by yourself." I have never seen Chad Everts or Todd Welker step foot in my store. They only send the latest Director of the Month to tell me to wear clean uniforms and my sales will increase. How about using some of those royalties to promote the brand? Not seen it happen in two years, do not expect it to see now.

It is bad enough that franchisors in general sell this lie by building up misleading statistics and cleverly hiding the awful truth of failure. But the really bad franchisors such as Noodles Development actually want you to fail. They sell you an area knowing you will not be able to build out as per the agreement. They then demand you send additional franchise fees or they are going to sell your territory to someone else, sue you when you fail and then resale the territory over again when you default. NICE GUYS!!

Noodles Development and Nothing but Noodles bullies average people that simply cannot afford the legal help needed to fight the fraud and will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to crush opposition. There is one way, and that is for several franchisees to band together to spread the cost among the members of the group. Another way is to be sure to write a Rip-Off Report and file it with so others do not fall victim.

In the book the Franchise Fraud, which I wish had read before buying a Noodles franchise, the author said that franchisees should unite to find justice in the courts. Simply put, the scams were too slick for courts and law enforcement to understand. The author, Robert Purvin, should know what he is talking about because he is a lawyer who represents franchisees. The only way is to band together in a class action lawsuit and put a stop to the fraud before others are harmed.

The FTC requires franchisors to disclose the names of former owners. But only for the preceding 12 months. Even then, it is very difficult to locate these former franchisees. It is virtually impossible for a potential franchisee to make an accurate assessment of the viability of the franchise business through this examination.

In addition, and listen to this, Noodles Development, Nothing but Noodles does not consider a store to have failed unless it actually closes its doors. So, if the store remains open for three years and during that time has had three owners, two of whom went broke and the third is close to it, that store is not counted as a failure. To most people, that was really at least an 80% failure rate. The FTC permits this type of misrepresentation, and that is why the public sees franchisors give such outrageous numbers as 97% success rate. Keep this in mind with Nothing but Noodles because they have in four years an incredible number of closed, sold and resold franchises.

The Dynamic Noodles Duo has designed and runs this concept so poorly that the operation of a unit makes it impossible to succeed. We are told to change paint colors, signs, cups, menu boards and equipment every three months. Noodles Development has some of the highest turnover rate of employees I have ever seen. When the franchisee goes broke, the Dynamic Noodles Duo are masters at convincing the poor franchisee it was his own fault, and then offer to save the day by re-selling the franchise. In this process many of my fellow franchisees lost their entire life savings, their retirement money, and even their homes that they mortgaged to try to keep their Nothing but Noodles afloat. The tragic stories of bankruptcy and broken homes because the marital partners could not stand the strain created by the Noodles Development franchise. What offer of help do Chad Everts and Todd Welker send when you loose everything, a lawsuit when you close attempting to collect royalties on the eight years left on your ten year agreement One past salesman at Nothing but Noodles who later became my friend was so distraught with the lies Noodles Development presented that he took his own life. Rest in Peace Steve.

If you do or say anything they do not like or approve of they blackball you with out even an explanation, and although you are paying them thousands a month in royalties for support, branding and marketing and all you receive is complaints about your loyalty to the company and a lawsuit if you fail to conform.

Not only does Noodles Development drive their franchisees to the brink of financial disaster, and beyond, they convince (or try to convince) them it was their own fault; they protected themselves with their franchise document. This document is so one sided and the Dynamic Noodles Duo has no problem dragging you into court to protect their way of life. Just read the UFOC and see for yourself the debt they are in all the while collecting millions in royalties. But really look at what is not in the document as they fail to properly report, hiding of failed business and personal relationships, string of lawsuits, franchised units closed, units on the brink of failure, lack of ethics, morals and character and you will quickly look elsewhere to invest your hard earned dollars.

Please be very aware of Noodles Development, Nothing but Noodles, Oodles-The Art of Fresh, Chad Everts and Todd Welker as they play ruthless games. Be sure to contact the Securities & Exchange Commission, the Federal Trade Commission and your State Attorney Generals Office if you have been defrauded, are owed money or before you give them any money. I believe they are months behind on financial obligations and even some states where they are not allowed to sell and/or resell a franchise in. Many states they do not bother to even register with authorities.

They are even making plans as of this writing to change the name of the concept because of unit closings and failures to, Oodles, The Art of Fresh.

If you are an existing Nothing but Noodles Franchisee I am sure this all sounds too familiar and if you feel as duped as I please take the time to send in a report. I truly regret being part of Noodles, Nothing but s**t or Oodles, The Art of Fraud. Hopefully by speaking out others will not fall victim to this Ponzi scheme.

Just do more research and you will find you can do it yourself or select a reputable concept and save yourself a lot of money. Good Luck and God Bless!

MR Ripped Off Noodle

Tempe, Arizona

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#20 REBUTTAL Individual responds

I am Todd Welker

AUTHOR: t welker - ()

POSTED: Monday, May 06, 2013

This is Todd Welker and I am going to address each and every post listed here with my name attached. I have ignored this site and these anonymous defamatory posts for years under the advice of council, but I am tired of the cowardly and untrue remarks about my character, my integrity and my business practices. I take full responsibility for my station in life and it is time for others to do the same. For those that claim to be an ex-employee, ex-franchisee or vendor that I have somehow cheated, I have created an email account, I hope you contact me so we can discuss your concerns like civilized human beings and try to reach an amicable solution to your grievance. If you choose not to email me and continue posting on this website, then you obviously do not care to resolve the issue or engage in a meaningful, intelligent conversation. I will do everything in my power to discover who you are and bring you to justice for your deceitful, defamatory, lies. To suggest my businesses are Ponzi schemes, or otherwise unethical, is ignorant and libel. I look forward to putting this bad blood to bed and wish everyone here the greatest happiness and success.




Todd Welker

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#19 General Comment

This is all completely sad

AUTHOR: honest - ()

POSTED: Monday, May 06, 2013

So so sad to read all these inventions from this bitter guy and a few others, it feels like every unhappy ex employee and failed business venturer has decided to add some crap to this pile. I am acquainted with Todd Welker through business and personally because of our kids being good friends. I can say that i know how business can go, it can go bad fast and lots of money is lost and people always looks to someone else to blame for their troubles...this seems to be the case with too many of this folk, especially as a bunch of lies are written here? The man is painted like some debauched party boy? I have known Todd for years and he is a totally normal sweet guy, married, devoted, i know his wife, my kids stay over at his house, totally normal nurturing household, these reports are crazy. It's so sad. These people can't find success cus it doesn't seem they self examine at all, maybe it's something they did that is the problem. My family is in for 3 Joint Chiropractics and they are doing amazing, we are greatful every day this apportunity was offered to us, after years of financial instability especially relating to the economy we are finally feeling stable and secure, and our kids college funds are looking realistic! I couldn't be more greatful, and everything has been extremely professional and upfront in every way, we knew the risk, we understood that not all franchises are a guarajteed success, unlike these posters who seem to not understand that at all...we knew what we signed up for and we work hard...i am writing this because i know that there is nothing worse than not knowing what next month will look like for income, and i have Todd to thank for putting me into this peace of mind i have now. I wish more people who know the man and have benfited from his hard work and inovation would post on here, but guess what, they are too busy working hard and enjoying life to even realize this kind of a site's all the failures, the jilted ex employees and and bitter folk that have to drop their notes here..definitely as far as Todd goes...maybe there is a little truth here and there to some of this stuff, but no person is perfect, no person conducts business PERFECTLY, everyone can't be 100% successful, some people just don't it really necessary to destroy a good man because things didn't work out for you? 

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#18 UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Completely untrue and so malicious

AUTHOR: honest - ()

POSTED: Monday, May 06, 2013

I am well acquainted with The Joint and Todd and Chad can say to anyone interested that the guy who posted this report is ignorant and full of nonsense,  it seems that you have been lobotomized by bitterness, or maybe he has been this way all along, that would explain your evident business failures and griping. it's funny to read that nonsense but kind of sad too because it maligns some super nice people, and why because he failed at something and was somehow connected to todd and chad i guess? and couldn't take it like a man, had to blame the franchisor, i am assuming Todd Welker was the franchisor to this guy. Here is the thing, a lot fo businesses failed, there are many factors for their failing, the economy did not help, and it is tragic, and people suffer for it, it is the risk of doing business, you dont need to go and spread your misery around with lies and nonsense. The JOINT for example is doing amazingly well, information is publically available, it is a tremendously successful franchise concept, poised to go public at the end of the year, i know as my family has 3 locations, and it's the best thing that ever happened to us, we hope ot have more. Todd has been upfront, kind and completely amazing in every respect, and all this below the belt behavior he is accused of is nonsense? my kids are friends with his kids and his family, and it is a totally normal wholesome household, i KNOW for a fact that he is an amazing devoted get a grip....and i am sad to see his name or the name of the JOINt on this website, written up in this ignorant and clearly malicious manner. Very sad for you also. maybe if you didn't waste your life trying to indelibly malign reputations of hard working people you would be more successful? just a thought

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#17 Consumer Comment

The Joint Chiropractic

AUTHOR: Fred - (USA)

POSTED: Tuesday, November 20, 2012

If any of you people out there are wondering why the Nothing But Noodles concept raped and pillaged all the people if could before they lost their life savings, you should know that the "Dynamic Noodle Duo" are at it again.  This time they are going for your wallet in a different way!  The two scumbags known as Todd Welker and Chad Everts have seemingly concocted a "new" scam.  This one comes in the form of a company known as "The Joint Chiropractic"  I have absolutely NO IDEA where these guys come up with some of their Ponzi Scheme ideas, but this one is pretty slick.  They must be going to these "green" chiropractic kids coming out of their respected schools and trying to sell them on this idea of a franchise! WHAT THE HELL DO THEY KNOW ABOUT CHIROPRACTIC????  This must have been a good night of drinking that brought on this idea.  Be VERY careful if you ever come into contact with either of these snakes!

For those of you still in the Nothing but Noodles concept, I only have one question to you??  What the hell are you doing still paying your royalties to these pieces of sh*ts??  They haven't even updated the website since 2009??????  Save your money and finally become profitable, get rid of them and move on to a new name and save your 6.5% royalties you pay to these snakes.

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#16 General Comment

D'lish??? Is this what they have been focusing on??

AUTHOR: Fred - (USA)

POSTED: Monday, April 05, 2010

I recently read "another" report that D'lish was the "new" scheme for the Noodle duo to rape and pillage people of their lifesavings.  I really hope people do their research and find out about these two before they put their hard earned money into another concept that is meant to put money into Chad and Todd's pocket. 

I can attest that these two will give you a sales pitch like none other and that other people have been looking into the same area that you want to buy, don't fall for it!! They have taken their previous concept (Nothing but Noodles) errrr,, (Oodles) or whatever they wanted to call it, and basically thrown it into the trash can.  Others fell for their pitch and some put their lifesavings into it only to see it go in the pockets of Chad Everts and Todd Welker!  I don't care about other people telling us about their personal demons, (drugs, swinging, excessive drinking) that is something for their own family to worry about, but when it comes to swindiling people out of their hard earned savings, something has to be said to the general public before they swindle anymore out of anyone else!!

D'lish?? I don't know about that, their website states that they have stores in six states but I can't find any phone numbers anywhere???

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#15 Consumer Suggestion

Is the website correct???

AUTHOR: Husker26 - (United States of America)

POSTED: Monday, April 05, 2010

It shows that there are still around 14 stores currently open?????  However when you try to contact a majority of them, it seems that the phones are shut off???  HMMM, what could be going on.  Do they not have enough money to update the website or is it that they just don't care anymore and will live off of the idiotic people that keep giving them 6.5% of the sales that they bust their hump for!!  I'm sure that the Noodle Duo are still spending plenty of time on the golf course, but it might be polishing the other members clubs!  Not swinging them.  I've always said Karma is a b***h and will come back and bite you.  Hope everything is still sunny and fun in the valley.

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#14 UPDATE EX-employee responds

Where is ERIKA NOW???!!!

AUTHOR: Heywood Jayblowmii - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, May 16, 2009

I noticed that there are now only 12-15 stores left.

Where are you now Erika from surprise AZ? Are you now surprised that you have no money left and your stores are failing?

Where are Todd and Chad now? Selling more Franchises no doubt!! Where are the Ny and Penn stores. There were 3 in Ny now only 1. I can see by the dwindeling number of Franchisees that this ripoff report is accurate. The personal attacks of substance abuse and lifestyle are unwarrented, however... These guys really are the Madoff"s of the Franchise Industry. They pulled all the same crap with the franchisees that I worked with...Selling territory.... if you don't open more stores>>>that equaled a $20k check to ND to "protect" the Area developement agreement. $1500 in new menu boards 6 months after we opened store #1. Change this...change that. When was the last SERIOUS MENU REVISION? Are the currently open stores still selling the LTO's from 2006?

Nothing but Noodles is Nothing but trouble. Save your hard earned money and look elsewhere.

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#13 UPDATE EX-employee responds

These guys are real scam artists...

AUTHOR: Ex-employee - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, November 20, 2008

I worked with this company also and I am glad to see that this report has made the public aware of the unethical business practices of the owners of this company.

I would like to ask the person of the last rebuttal who designed a new logo for the owners next scam to reveal what company they are now knocking off and what the name of the logo is that you designed. Hopefully you will reveal that information and when future franchisees research the new concept they will see this report and run from these guys. Also it will make the company being knocked off aware of what is going on and there will be litigation against this company.

Keep the reports coming guys because we need the truth to get out to protect other people from getting scammed out of their life savings.

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#12 UPDATE EX-employee responds

Bounced Payroll Checks, Shady Owners, It's a SCAM!!

AUTHOR: Ripped_off - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, October 08, 2008

I used to work for this poor excuse for a company. In the short time I was employed my payroll check bounced, I had several adjustments/deductions to my pay while there. They deposited cash in my account for their lack of intelligence or money. They put in a little extra for fees and finance charges. The next paycheck, they deducted that extra amount, making me pay for the fees they incurred. They dodged massive collection calls from collection agencies or law firms with suits filed against them. That was what happened while I was there anyways. Law firms were the biggest dodge, but yet when it comes to a franchisee that wasn't following the strict guidelines, they would throw lawsuit in their face faster than you could say it. These guys are the most unprofessional people I have ever worked for and I am embarrassed to say I worked there. In the beginning they gave me an offer I couldn't refuse. They said I would have a great benefits package, sick time and vacation time. Then, after I was hired, I asked a question about this "great benefits package", and the one who told me it was great couldn't even answer a simple question about it. I was sick one day and got to use my sick time. It happened a couple times. Who doesn't get sick? Then come to find out, they took away my sick time. And come to find out after I was hired that the vacation time was not until after a year and it was only a week. First of all, a "Professional" company would state whether or not you get the time, how much and when before you are hired. A "Professional" company certainly wouldn't treat their employees that way. After I became fed up with the pay adjustments/deductions, I decided to resign from my position. In AZ neither the employer nor the employee have to give any notice for termination. It's a right to work state. Now the pathetic company has threatened to not pay me for the remaining payroll period I was there. He tells me I'm not man enough to give a notice. For 1.) It's a right to work state, I don't need to give a notice, 2.) A poor excuse for a company like that does not deserve a notice, 3.) He says that but yet he isn't even man enough to take calls from people hunting him down. He isn't man enough to even call his employees and reprimand them when they do something wrong. He sends a text message. WOW! That's "Professional"! I used to eat at a place in Denver called Noodles & Co. After working at Nothing but Unprofessional for awhile, I found freakishly similar traits between the companies. I think NBN might be a rip off of Noodles & Co. Seriously, come up with something on your own, but then again that is my opinion. I was also offered a WEAK bonus for creating a new logo for another RIP-OFF of another successful company. Not only was the offer extremely WEAK, but I didn't want to be a part of another pathetic rip-off. I can't believe these people are still in business. I just hope people read this and not subject themselves to such ignorance. If you ask me, I think the way they run their business is extremely unprofessional and cowardly. That is only my opinion and the story I have shared is the experience I had while employed. This is seriously a poor, POOR excuse for a company. I think the people above me can agree with all of what I said.

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#11 UPDATE EX-employee responds

I used to work under Todd

AUTHOR: Knoxer - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, March 31, 2008

That is until he decided to fire me for telling him how to run a business. I don't know much about the whole scam but one thing I do know is that he is a HORRIBLE business owner.

Being a good employee there for half a year and doing nothing but my job I get canned by Todd for consistently telling him he isn't doing things right. He would flat out ignore customers and other employees, never answer the phones or letting others do it saying things like "If they want food they can come get it here" or "I've got it under control". This obliviously is not the way a good business owner does business. I'm taking courses right now on starting my own in the future and he was a prime example of what not to be.

Now coming on here to find this information? It's all very shocking and depressing. I will spread the word to my friends that still work there.

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#10 UPDATE EX-employee responds

The Scams go deeper than you could imagine....

AUTHOR: Lost My Life's Savings - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, December 08, 2007

Having seen the inside of it, I can tell you that the fraud, illegalities, and outright theft that occur inside this pyramid are truly astounding.

Mr. Everts, for example, parades around in a brand new Mercedes 600 Coupe, loaded, which cost him to the tune of 120k. Ms. Everts, she of the 50k fake breasts, drives a BMW 850 loaded, which comes in under the wire at about 100k. These are just the two that are driven most often. There are more....

The house. Wow, where to start. This is a mansion of rarely seen dimensions, at least in terms of even the upper-upper class of North Scottsdale and further North.

of course, none of this is in their names, everything is under the business (ahem, pyramid). Go search and good luck finding their names as owners of any assets. It's the classic game of the successful scammer: OPM. Other People's Money.

They take YOUR franchising fees, and make boatloads off of them. Training? Yeah, right. Just like the other writer said, the owners Erica and Chad Everts, never set foot in a franchised store. They just want your money. And the skim they get off of your store? That had certainly not even be one day late.

It's easy folks: if you don't believe me or anyone else, then fine. Just go ask other owners, and not the ones they send you to. Ask the 90% who lose everything. Real boomers who throw sometimes 75, 80 % of their retirements away all because Chad can talk. And BOY, can he talk.

Just stop Everts, please stop. Go take your millions and retire and stop screwing more people over. Chad go enjoy those ridiculously mis-proportioned grand tetons your wife has before her lower back craps out. It's inevitable given the laws of gravity....almost as inevitable as a new Noodles franchiser losing it all....

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#9 UPDATE EX-employee responds

This is getting old.

AUTHOR: Jess - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, January 29, 2007

This is the REAL Jess who did work at Noodles Development. Whoever posted that response from me is a liar and an instigator. Inquiring guests were told that any restaurants in question were either opened or closed. No information as personal as their franchise agreement and predicted closings was EVER disclosed.

BJ from Cincinnati is probably the creator of this page trying to stir the pot once again since his last few (pathetic) attempts yielded no results.

I had nothing to do with you or your failures as a franchisee. Please never use my name again.

And grow up already

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#8 Consumer Comment

Wild Bowls?

AUTHOR: Bj - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My wife and I had a Nothing but Noodles just down the street from our house. We would go at least once per week. It was always pretty crowded, but service was good. The store was always clean and you could see the kitchen area and watch the cooks prepare the food. I noticed that they did have a lot of employee turnover, but everyone seemed to be well trained and they were always polite.

In short there was no reason not to like the restaurant. This is why we were completely dumbfounded when they suddenly closed with no explanation. First, we noticed that the sign on both the Cincinnati stores had changed to Wild Bowls. I assumed it was some kind of re-branding and that the stores were closed for renovation. My wife goes over on a Sunday and there is no note on the door and no one in the store. She sent an email to Nothing but Noodles and got the following response.

Dear Jennifer,
The franchise agreements for the Cincinnati locations & Kentucky have been terminated. The Cincinnati stores have closed and the Kentucky store will be closing soon. We do have two locations in the Dayton, OH area that you can visit. Please refer to our website at for location information.


Jess McCollum
Noodles Development, LP

I just couldn't understand how all three of the stores could have closed all at once. I did some research on the web and found this Rip Off Report. It seems to be the only explanation as to why three apparently well run stores would all close at the same time. I hope the franchisee didn't lose everything.

If you are reading this and are considering buying a Nothing but Noodles or Wild Bowls or whatever other names they call this franchise, I would highly recommend you put the following in a search engine: nothing but noodles closing. I was amazed at how many cities came up. There is a serious problem with this company. There's nothing wrong with the noodles though, those were great and will be missed.

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#7 Author of original report

Nothing but Noodles has no Future

AUTHOR: Mark - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, September 30, 2006

Nothing but Heartache -Oodles of a Fools Game, is the song over a dozen fellow franchisees have sang this year as they closed the doors of their Noodles Disaster. More franchisees and store managers like Mike have seen the writing in the Wok Bowl. Nothing but Noodles, Noodles Development, Oodles the Art of Fresh does not have a future and many more will in fact be broke in the coming year.

With store sales declining and multiple franchisees closing entirely, converting to more profitable concepts, or reselling their units for twenty five cents on the dollar the end is nothing but near. What we have not seen is the Dynamic Noodles Duo of Chad Everts and Todd Welker riding on their high horse to make any meaningful changes to help the concept prosper. In fact they were last seen slithering through the Arizona desert downsizing everything at the corporate office from space, staff, and support to cover the debt on their limp noodles and pad their self serving pockets and lifestyle while everyone they deceived over the last five years continues to suffer.

In reviewing the latest UFOC it has more omissions and misdirection from the founders than the Watergate cover up, not to even mention the insinuation and false numbers provided prospective franchisees and the lack of morals, ethics and character of Chad Everts and Todd Welker. If you have given Noodles Development, Chad and Erica Everts, Todd and Amanda Welker any money over the last five years consult with your attorney today. You have legal recourse!

In fact if Noodles Development, Chad and Erica Everts, Todd and Amanda Welker owe you money - collect it today! With numerous lawsuits already filed, more on the way and civil and criminal investigations underway the remaining corporate staff, banks and franchisees propping up the charade will wake up one morning to see they are left holding a bag of pot stickers, empty promises and empty bank accounts as the Dynamic Noodles Duo has taken every dollar out of everyone they can, stashed it away, filed bankruptcy and are off to their next scam.

Good Luck and God Bless.

MR Ripped Off Noodle

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#6 UPDATE Employee

I must agree with you

AUTHOR: Mike - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, July 31, 2006


I must agree what your saying.

The franchise is setup in a way that you will not make any profit at all.

The organization makes statment that adversiting will be done, but it never has happen yet.

Save your money.

Do your research before doing anything.

I dont know much about the background of the owners, but I too am the manager of the franchise and have never ever seen the owners in my store yet.

Marketing - What a joke, the company is willing to charge you for it, but still wants you to do your own marketing.

Improve your employess, customer service, clothes, signs, cups, etc.. blah blha blha...

Everything mention is bs, nothing works..Concept lacks the brand, and the owners are not spending a dime to do anything about it.

Your right the owner of my store has no feature and I must say the way the store is going right now, he'll be broke in a year or so.

Keep us updated Mike.

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#5 REBUTTAL Individual responds

Nothing but Noodles is Nothing but Sad!!

AUTHOR: Mark - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, July 18, 2006

What is sad is that Noodles Development, Nothing but Noodles, Oodles-The Art of Fresh, Chad and Erica Everts, Todd and Amanda Welker and those around them whom knowingly continue to deceive, cover up, and promote a sinking ship while so many of their past and current franchisees have lost or are in the process of loosing their dream of business ownership and life savings for their own personal selfish gain.
That my friend is sad!

If you are one of the lucky ones in the concept and making it, I commend you, because you undoubtedly work hard just as those before you. But as you know far too well from the current and past franchisees is not the whole story. Many of the franchisees that remain in the system are just hanging on to honor their rent and equipment leases so as not to loose everything while Noodles Development files lawsuits to threaten, recoup and continue to receive ill gotten gains. The voices of the territories not developed, closed, sold, resold, changed concepts, stopped paying royalties are never allowed to be heard.

In fact it is Chad Everts and Todd Welker method of operation, corporate structure and bully tactics to make sure you do not hear from these fallen franchisees and past employees about who they are personally and what they represent or have to offer.
That my friend is sad!!

Ask yourself and in respect for your fellow man would you want to be the poor soul that is the last to invest his/her hard earned money in this concept? Not knowing what so many others before them had gone through and lost only to be blindsided with the reality of this ripped off from the beginning concept after they have obligated themselves to loosing their life savings, a substantial loan, long term lease, equipment, etc.. Only to find out that sales numbers were inflated, franchisees that they were given to talk with were the only ones making money and in many cases no longer even a franchisee in the system because they came before, went broke and have closed, sold, resold or changed to a different concept. Ask yourself is this harming or helping current and unsuspecting future franchisees by being part of the lies and cover up for a few to continue to gain personally. It is an outrage for anyone to be part of this cover up when they know the truth.
That my friend is sad!

If you are nave and do not know the truth or considering this concept as a business opportunity then ask to speak with all the former employees that wanted no part of the lies and cover up. Ask to speak with all the former and current Area Developers, Single Unit, and Multiple Unit franchisees and their business partners in the Nothing but Noodles system that have changed concept names, closed, sold, resold, never developed their territory and stopped paying royalties. (If Noodles Development omits one person from the list and you find out it should be a red flag as to what they are hiding.) The problem lies not in what Noodles Development wants you to know, it lies in what they do not want you to know and cover up.
That my friend is sad!!

It is time to call the roll in support of our fallen fellow franchisees, their families, and business partners of single units, multiple units, and area developments that paid the price and lost not only their dream but financial stability when they were duped by Noodles Development and Nothing but Noodles in Arizona, California, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin and more on the way.
That my friend is sad!

Not only have we lost our life savings and lifelong dream of business ownership but our children's futures were taken away by these con men for their own personal and selfish gain. There is no wish to hurt existing franchisees but if one continues to be a part of the cover up for personal gain or to bring the unsuspecting into the franchise only to continue to prop up Nothing but Noodles, Noodles Development, Oodles-The Art of Fresh.
That my friend is sad!

As the old saying goes it is not if but when. Would you want to be the last to find out the truth?

MR Ripped Off Noodle

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#4 REBUTTAL Individual responds


AUTHOR: Erika - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, May 19, 2006

First off I do NOT want to get into a pissing match with you or anyone for that matter. You feel how you feel and that is your prerogative. I am sorry that you feel this way, truly I am.

Secondly I would like to clarify a few things, we have two stores not just the one and we did spend just as much money as you did to open our second location. It was our life savings as well. We have a loan payment just like you do and are still able to profit. Yes, we are in our store lowering our labor and doing what every it takes to protect our investment. This is a business that requires work. We are not there night and day we are just there enough to make the difference.

Unfortunately some people get into a business and only dream of being successful by looking for excuses to not work their business opportunity rather than rolling up their sleeves and working the business so that they can enjoy the benefits afterwards. We choose to be in our stores. We were never told that we could just build it and walk away. We knew we would have to be there if they needed us.

One thing to remember is you have to make it work -you have to take responsibility for your business. It requires hard work, investments and risk, but the system works if you let it.

It's sad that there are people that wishes to hurt the existing franchisees through thier actions.

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#3 Consumer Comment

Looks like a scam to me

AUTHOR: Timothy - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, May 19, 2006

Having read the report and ensuing rebuttals, I can say that, at this point, there's little doubt in my mind that this is a scam.

When you buy a franchise and start up a business utilizing that franchise, you face expenses above and beyond what a non-franchise start-up would pay. Not only does the franchisee have to shell out the regular expenses of starting a business, i.e. property and equipment costs, but he/she has the additional franchise fee.

The economic reasoning behind paying a premium to buy into someone else's business plan only works when the plan has already proven itself successful, or when the promoter is capable of making the plan a success.

Basically, the cost of maintaining the franchise license should bring the benefits of: a pre-warmed market; a business and marketing strategy that has already achieved success in other markets; continued employment of successful marketing strategies; and access to an efficient distribution chain.

So, when buying into a franchise, the purchaser should ensure that either 1) that the plan is already successful and that he/she will be fully entitled to share in the features necessary to achieve that success; or 2) that the corporate operators are highly capable of achieving success for the association as a whole. Of course, there are a number of other things that a purchaser should be aware of. But if either of these elements are missing, the purchase is bound to be a bad idea.

It looks to me like the promoters of this outfit are preying on investors who are naive enough to buy into the system on the word of its promoters alone. From what I have read, they have not developed any secondary meaining in their marks, they have not proven themselves or their plan to be successful, and there is a huge failure rate among franchisees. So they must be selling either to the people who don't look into that stuff, or who are easily convinced that those factors are not important.

And, as with Amway and all the other "business ownership" scams, any organization that seeks out the uninformed as business prospects is probably running an unethical operation.

However, the reporter would be well advised to steer clear of public comments regarding unsavory aspects of people's personal lives. Even if you think you're speaking the truth, you're setting yourself up for some serious liability.

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#2 REBUTTAL Individual responds


AUTHOR: They Really Are Slimy - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, May 18, 2006

Rebuttal to your rebuttal Erika,

I find it interesting that you are talking about being successful and the sales necessary to survive, when you took over your store from a failing store and got it dirt cheap. Of Course you don't need as high of sales. You didn't have the huge costs the rest of us had.

The point is, you are NOT the typical franchisee of Nothing But Noodles. And you both work in your store lowering your labor costs. Most of us did not put up these huge amounts of money only to be a slave in our own store. If we had all got in at your costs we might be happy too. AND you didn't get all the fake #'s the rest of us got. You had the stores actual sales to decide if you wanted in and at what price.

In other words, shut up about what you don't know. I've seen your P&L's and you would not be making it either if you didn't work your own store and had the loan overhead that most of the rest of us have.

I guess a new franchisee just needs to wait for one of the other owners to have to sell, get it cheap, and be willing to work day and night and have their partner do the same. Then they can all be happy like you.

The wait shouldn't be to long since we have closed 8 stores in the last few months and I know more are ready to jump ship. That is about 25% of the total stores open.

Yep, sure looks like a good deal to me ;)

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#1 REBUTTAL Individual responds

Not a Scam

AUTHOR: Erika - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I am a current franchisee of Nothing but Noodles and am appalled by this unethical person who is attempting to hurt our companys name. I can say, while feeling certain that this is an obvious childish claim against Nothing but Noodles and is writing out of spite, perhaps someone that did not follow the operating system and attempted to breach their agreement and exit outside of the parameters of their franchise agreement. So in turn may have gotten there franchise pulled from them. There are a lot of scammers in this world today but Chad and Todd are not among them.

First, Noodles Development has many franchisees that are happy, productive and living their lifes dreams. In my experience in the business and just in working with people in general is that people who are not performing are likely to look outside of themselves and to blame others for their own lack of success. It is this very lack of responsibility that is part and parcel of the lack of success. This person said that the average unit needs to produce around $75,000 per month just to break even. When in fact my store average is a lot less then this and is still profitable. I put in the time and effort and follow the system that Nothing but Noodles has provided for us.

Nothing but Noodles may not be the business for everyone, like any other franchise, some people will achieve higher performance than others. It is a shame however that some people will place the blame squarely on the franchisor when there are many successful people in the system achieving the results they want or deserve. In this business, what you put in, in terms of time and effort, you will produce the corresponding results, if you follow the system. If someone is not doing well in any business they rarely will look in the mirror and be honest with themselves as to what the problem really is. It's much easier to blame the franchisor or someone else.

I have never felt coerced or unsupported by Noodles Development; in fact, my experience has been the opposite in that the franchisor has gone out of their way to help me and my team with any issue we've encountered. They have coming running to our rescue. People who are successful in this system have asked for help when they needed it. Not by going to sites like this and whining and complaining. But by going to Noodles Development and there team as a partner and asking for help. Everyone I know within the system who has approached Noodles with respect, genuinely looking for assistance to improve their business has gotten total support. I know that I have.

I think what bothered me the most about this post was the personal attacks against Chad and Todd. The approach this person took was cowardly by demeaning not only the concepts but Chad and Todds character, by dragging there familys name through the dirt. This is uncalled for. The accusations made by this person concerning there chemical dependency are completely false and without foundation and are just untrue. These kind of person attacks are just not necessary and does know one any good. Chad and Todd are good people they have good hearts and mean no one any harm they did not deserve this.

As for all of the changes to the name, paint, cups and menu. We made these decisions as a group to benefit each of our stores. I think that is just a reflection of the forward thinking of the company and continuous effort to improve. I am excited to be a part of a company that is willing to move forward and take the chance to be successful.

Bottom line you should not join Nothing but Noodles or any other Franchise if you are unwilling to follow their proven system or put in the time necessary for success. Nothing but Noodles is an outstanding Franchise and I am proud to be a part of it.

The real truth is that there is only one person responsible for the quality of the life you live. That person is YOU!

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