Complaint Review: Don Lapre's Making Money - Phoenix Arizona
- Don Lapre's Making Money 2922 North 35th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona United States of America
- Phone: 800-DON LAPRE
- Web:
- Category: Corrupt Companies
Don Lapre's Making money ripoff paid for the making money package almost four months ago & never received the package consumer rip-off fraud Phoenix Arizona *EDitor's Suggestions on how to get your money back into your bank account!
*Consumer Comment: MY ADMIRATION
*Consumer Comment: Maryland has BANNED Don Lapre from ever doing business there again...
*Consumer Comment: Maryland has BANNED Don Lapre from ever doing business there again...
*Consumer Comment: Then why is Don Lapre's home in forclosure, Keith?
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: You all make me laugh
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: You all make me laugh
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: You all make me laugh
*Consumer Comment: Don Lapre-Come On People
*Consumer Comment: Don't Blame The Messenger
*Consumer Comment: God Bless Don Lu Pre-What A Genius!
*Consumer Comment: God Bless Don Lu Pre-What A Genius!
*Consumer Comment: God Bless Don Lu Pre-What A Genius!
*Consumer Comment: the "Don" is done..... again
*Consumer Comment: the "Don" is done... again ..raided by IRS and fed
*Consumer Comment: rebuttal to rebuttal on insensitive rebuttal
*Consumer Comment: My three cents on the Greatest Vitamin program
*Consumer Comment: My three cents on the Greatest Vitamin program
*Consumer Comment: My three cents on the Greatest Vitamin program
*Consumer Comment: My three cents on the Greatest Vitamin program
*Consumer Comment: Don Lapre? Same movie,different leading man!
*Consumer Comment: DEAN AND DON... same scam different companys
*Consumer Comment: Rip Off Report Information.
*Consumer Comment: Don Lapre (Little Jerk) package of junk
*Consumer Comment: FYI
*Consumer Comment: Learn from your mistakes
*Consumer Comment: response to the above...
*Consumer Comment: "You can fool all of the people, some of the time."
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: don lapre insider
*Consumer Suggestion: How to get your money back
*Consumer Comment: That is So Much Bulls$$$ ..Every complaint aids a person in tuning out the sales pitch!
*Consumer Comment: That is So Much Bulls$$$ ..Every complaint aids a person in tuning out the sales pitch!
*Consumer Suggestion: Wake Up and Get Some Common Sense
*Consumer Suggestion: Public Record of Bankruptcy
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: the companies who take the phone calls are not call centers
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: the companies who take the phone calls are not call centers
*UPDATE Employee: call Don's top employee names and home numbers
*Consumer Comment: Did you know that Don's 900 # is appearing next to these reports? ...see EDitor's Comment below
*Consumer Suggestion: The problem and solution are rather simple
*Consumer Comment: Greatest Vitamin! and Guaranteed traffic are all wrong
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: Easy on Don
*Consumer Suggestion: To get back
*Consumer Comment: Hmmm... Who's the Scammer?
*Consumer Suggestion: The basics in Life
*Consumer Comment: Not sure which to respond to first...
*Consumer Comment: don has to be one of the greatest rip-off artise in the wourld
*Consumer Comment: You are sheep who were duped
*Consumer Suggestion: Fraud Prevention tips
*Consumer Suggestion: Rebuttal to "Jerilyn - South Bend, Indiana" ..What I think he is doing is distorting the truth
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: "F" Don LaPre
*Consumer Comment: They got me too
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: I knew that I was working for a crooked (respectable) Nebraska Corporation
*Consumer Comment: Don Lapre 900-number ripoff
*Consumer Comment: Wasn't always a ripp off
*Consumer Comment: Don Lapre, A Great American.
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: DON LAPRE'S IS ALL BULL s**t
*Consumer Comment: Don Lapre - Warning To This Site's Moderator
*Consumer Comment: Don Lapre - Warning To This Site's Moderator
*Consumer Comment: Don Lapre - Warning To This Site's Moderator
*Consumer Comment: Don Lapre - Warning To This Site's Moderator
*Consumer Suggestion: Glad I found this site
*Consumer Suggestion: Glad I found this site
*Consumer Suggestion: Glad I found this site
*Consumer Suggestion: Glad I found this site
*Consumer Suggestion: Response to the insensitive rebuttal!
*Consumer Suggestion: Response to the insensitive rebuttal!
*Consumer Suggestion: Response to the insensitive rebuttal!
*Consumer Suggestion: Response to the insensitive rebuttal!
*Consumer Comment: If you have money to blow, don't blow it on him.
*Consumer Comment: If you have money to blow, don't blow it on him.
*Consumer Comment: If you have money to blow, don't blow it on him.
*Consumer Comment: I like Don Lapre, I think he's highly entertaining
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: Mark....Houston Texas If we are the sheep then you must be the wolf
*Consumer Comment: I feel the Greatest Vitamin/Guarranteed trafffic article of 4/22 makes sense
*Consumer Comment: Puuhhhleeaaase.
*Consumer Suggestion: EVERYONE WANTS TO BE RICH
*Consumer Comment: Why Infomercials are Shown
listed on other sites?
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I ordered the money making package almost four months ago, and not only did i not receive the package, i had called the company as advertised on late night television four times and get no response. I have had only calls from overly eager sales people, who refuse to answer my question where is my package? and all i get back, is another attempt to sell me a bigger package deal ten times more money, and when i respond saying i will not even think about trusting you for anymore money when i had not received the original package, i get hung up on. now all is silent and still, i never received my package or my money back since they refuse to send me the package.

Tucson, Arizona
Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on DON LAPRES MARKETING STRATEGIES
EDitor's Suggestions on how to get your money back!
Go to your bank within 60 days of the charge, or as soon as you know about the charge, don't delay, and tell them that there has been fraudulent activity within your account. Explain that you wish to file a dispute, and demand that they assist you in accordance with Federal Regulation E.
According to the majority of victims interviewed by Rip-off Report, those who immediately called their banks to dispute the charges did not get very far. Many victims got the following responses from their banks: we could not do anything for you or you waited too long; it has been more than 60 days.
If the bank is says that you have waited too long, explain to them how you called their 800 number as soon as the charges were found, and were told by the bank that nothing could be done. Remind the bank that they failed to assist you properly at the 800 #, and instead, provided you with an inadequate explanation of your right to dispute. Tell the bank that it's their fault time has expired, and since they gave you the wrong info to begin with, they will just have to deal with it, take the loss and reverse the charges.
Tell them the truth; this was unauthorized and your account was NOT to be charged! Keep emphasizing how you never authorized anything! Direct them to the hundreds of victims reports that were filed on Rip-off And if you're at the bank, walk them over to their computer and make them go to this site! If you are on the phone with them, tell them you will wait while they access this site! Either way, be persistent!
Let them know nicely, that you were advised to Report them (the Bank) and this situation to the Banking Commission in your state. Since each state has a different name for the agency/controller over banks, find that name before you call or get to the bank so you can throw it in their face. The more knowledgeable you appear to be, the further you will get.
And just continue to demand the Federal Regulation E form! The bank CAN, MUST and WILL reverse the charge! But, you must be persistent; ask to speak to the supervisor or the area manager for all the branches in the state.
Let the bank personnel know you are meeting with the media later in the day, that you would much rather they do the right thing (as most other banks have) by looking at the complaints and immediately reversing the charge(s) to your account; no matter how long ago it was. Be sure to call the Media if necessary so you are telling the truth.
If you have to, be loud (but nice) in front of other customers. If you are just calling by phone, the above tactics should still work. The bank can easily fax or mail to you the Federal Regulation E dispute form.
If the charge was to your credit card (not debit card, check card, or checking account), contact the credit card company as soon as possible to request a dispute form. Consumers usually have a little longer to dispute fraudulent credit card charges (up to 6 months), but it is better to act right away. In this type of situation, credit card disputes are usually successful since fraudulent companies often won't contest the disputed charge. In rare cases, credit card companies will review disputes, but refuse to reverse the charges. If this occurs, complain to a manager and let them know you will be filing a report here.
Remember Don't let them get away with it! Make sure they make the Rip-off Report .. The more Reports filed on a Company or individual, the more likely it is that the authorities, media and attorneys will want to take action.
And good luck Let us know how you do!
ED Magedson Founder, Rip-off & Author of
Don't let them get away with it.
Make sure they make the Rip-off Report!
We are not lawyers.
We are not a collection agency.
We are Consumer Advocates.
...the victims' advocate
WE are Civil and Human Rights Activists
We are a Worldwide Consumer Reporting News Agency consumers, for consumers
CLICK HERE to read about Credit Card Scams... find out how to get your money back. *Rip-off Report Investigation provides valuable information.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 10/10/2002 10:42 AM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
If you would like to see more Rip-off Reports on this company/individual, search here:

#80 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: stef44112 - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Monday, December 07, 2009
As a consumer who has also been scammed for the 4th time in my entire life, I'd like to say this. I used to admire those who became rich on a "shoestring". Now I see that most of these type of people get their wealth from the backs of others. I mean these people operate on the outer fringes of the law. It's sad. My admiration has converted to pure cynicism.

#79 Consumer Comment
Maryland has BANNED Don Lapre from ever doing business there again...
AUTHOR: Ben - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, October 23, 2009
Actually, I CAN say more about Don Lapre...

#78 Consumer Comment
Maryland has BANNED Don Lapre from ever doing business there again...
AUTHOR: Ben - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, October 23, 2009
Actually, I CAN say more about Don Lapre...

#77 Consumer Comment
Then why is Don Lapre's home in forclosure, Keith?
AUTHOR: Ben - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 29, 2008
He has defaulted on two loans against the property that total in excess of $800,000! His house was scheduled to be auctioned on July 23, 2008 at 2:00 PM!
I think it's interesting how you learned a lot from a man, who seems to be in some pretty dire financial situations from unwise decisions!
If you would like to see the public notice yourself, go to and search under 'Recorded Documents'...put in his name and it will bring up the notices of Trustee Sale.
Need I say more about Don?

#76 UPDATE EX-employee responds
You all make me laugh
AUTHOR: Keith - (Canada)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 18, 2008
I worked for Don back in the mid 90's.
Let me set a couple of things straight.
1) We outsourced the MMP to a call center. If you never got it we never knew.
2) Don lost money on the MMP. Yes, LOST MONEY. However, any of you in business know what a "verified lead" can be worth. The day after you called, we had... Your name,all info, AND!!! how you bought the MMP. Card# and the type of card you used.
3) All of Don's plans worked. Buying/selling...900#...National Reminder Service(my department) had to do work, A LOT of it. Sure placing tiny classified ads of your 900# SHOULD generate calls, although not guarantee them, but you ever price an ad in a major newspaper....hope you got a high limit on your CC.
4) The time I worked for Don we had a blast and I made a ton of money getting people on the road to freedom. Most however decided that it was too much work(which it was) and set it aside next to the exercise videos they bought the month before. I can honestly say that out of every 100 people I signed up. 75% jumped on it the first 2 weeks they got it, BROKE EVEN, then discarded it. About 2% made good money with it.
We could see it on the bonus section of our checks.
5) I still use a lot of what I learned from this man and it has helped me make quite a large sum of money over the years.
So don't blame Don Lepre(yes it's his real name...and voice for that fact) for your laziness. Or go ahead, he's stinking rich, I don't think he actually cares.
(((ROR redacted)))
CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

#75 UPDATE EX-employee responds
You all make me laugh
AUTHOR: Keith - (Canada)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 18, 2008
I worked for Don back in the mid 90's.
Let me set a couple of things straight.
1) We outsourced the MMP to a call center. If you never got it we never knew.
2) Don lost money on the MMP. Yes, LOST MONEY. However, any of you in business know what a "verified lead" can be worth. The day after you called, we had... Your name,all info, AND!!! how you bought the MMP. Card# and the type of card you used.
3) All of Don's plans worked. Buying/selling...900#...National Reminder Service(my department) had to do work, A LOT of it. Sure placing tiny classified ads of your 900# SHOULD generate calls, although not guarantee them, but you ever price an ad in a major newspaper....hope you got a high limit on your CC.
4) The time I worked for Don we had a blast and I made a ton of money getting people on the road to freedom. Most however decided that it was too much work(which it was) and set it aside next to the exercise videos they bought the month before. I can honestly say that out of every 100 people I signed up. 75% jumped on it the first 2 weeks they got it, BROKE EVEN, then discarded it. About 2% made good money with it.
We could see it on the bonus section of our checks.
5) I still use a lot of what I learned from this man and it has helped me make quite a large sum of money over the years.
So don't blame Don Lepre(yes it's his real name...and voice for that fact) for your laziness. Or go ahead, he's stinking rich, I don't think he actually cares.
(((ROR redacted)))
CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

#74 UPDATE EX-employee responds
You all make me laugh
AUTHOR: Keith - (Canada)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 18, 2008
I worked for Don back in the mid 90's.
Let me set a couple of things straight.
1) We outsourced the MMP to a call center. If you never got it we never knew.
2) Don lost money on the MMP. Yes, LOST MONEY. However, any of you in business know what a "verified lead" can be worth. The day after you called, we had... Your name,all info, AND!!! how you bought the MMP. Card# and the type of card you used.
3) All of Don's plans worked. Buying/selling...900#...National Reminder Service(my department) had to do work, A LOT of it. Sure placing tiny classified ads of your 900# SHOULD generate calls, although not guarantee them, but you ever price an ad in a major newspaper....hope you got a high limit on your CC.
4) The time I worked for Don we had a blast and I made a ton of money getting people on the road to freedom. Most however decided that it was too much work(which it was) and set it aside next to the exercise videos they bought the month before. I can honestly say that out of every 100 people I signed up. 75% jumped on it the first 2 weeks they got it, BROKE EVEN, then discarded it. About 2% made good money with it.
We could see it on the bonus section of our checks.
5) I still use a lot of what I learned from this man and it has helped me make quite a large sum of money over the years.
So don't blame Don Lepre(yes it's his real name...and voice for that fact) for your laziness. Or go ahead, he's stinking rich, I don't think he actually cares.
(((ROR redacted)))
CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

#73 Consumer Comment
Don Lapre-Come On People
AUTHOR: Hollie - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, January 01, 2008
I have been reading through all of these reports and I must say that the American People are quite STUPID. Really people come on. I'm sure growing up you heard the phrase, "If it sounds too good to be true, then it most likely is!!!" Or possibly the phrase " If it Sounds like a Duck, Walks like a Duck, & Quaks like a Duck, then come on people it is probably DON LAPRE!!!! or one of the MANY, MANY Other latenight infomercials that want nothing more then to take the money you so willingly give them.
I don't mean to sound as if I don't have a heart or as if I can't/don't understand everyone's complaints. However I am a very true believer of People treat us how we let them treat us as well as take responsiblity for your actions and don't blame others for what you allowed to happen to yourself. I really do feel for every single person who has been a victim of Don Lapre or any other scammer advertising on late night T.V. But at the same time I have to say to myself, had you even listened to half of the common sense that I know you have, you probably wouldn't have ended up as a "Victim"
People like Lapre count of those of us who want a slice of the All American Pie without doing the hard leg work to get there. Alot of times people end up Victims of People like Lapre due to their own GREED!!! You can't blame anyone but yourself for that. We all need to stand up and take responsibility for our own actions and greed. Stop blaming everyone other then yourself. If you at anytime during the process of ordering what ever it was that Lapre was selling said to yourself, this is just too good to be true, then I hate to say it but you deserve what you got, plain and simple.
If you think I sound insensitive to peoples situations you are wrong, I do fell badly for all the people who were taken in by Lapre, however at some point as adults we have to stop blaming those who sold us their stories and start blaming ourselves for believing them. Learn from the mistake and don't make it again. This day and age with all the technology that is out there you could have easily done research on this guy and his "Programs" before giving out your financial information for them to take your money, and had you taken the 15 mintues to sit down at your computer and simply put his name in any search engine you likly wouldn't have purchased anything from him right? So why didn't you do that? The answer is because you were in such a rush to "GET RICH QUICK" you lost all your sense's and for a breif moment became the stupidest person in the world at that moment, hey but don't feel bad because in that moment right before you became stupid, someone else did too also and in that very moment after you became stupid again someone else did as well.
The fact that there are sites like this one truly makes me feel as if the American People are really as dumb as some other countries like to believe. Sadly those of you who have fallen victim to these type of scams were not their first "investor's" and sadly won't even be their last. You would think this day and age we would all do our research before investing any amount of money into anything, but we don't and for that we have noone but ourselves to blame.
Please smarten up everyone and be your own critic, research people, businesses before you decide to go into "Business" with them, chances are you will save yourself alot of Greif and Money!!!!

#72 Consumer Comment
Don't Blame The Messenger
AUTHOR: Stanley - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, October 17, 2007
If Don Lu Pre has graduated from selling small ads in infommericals at midnight on our TV channels to nationwide newspapers and periodicals where he's reached a much wider audience, then he's living proof there's a sucker born every minute.
If Mr. Lu Pre (I really doubt that's his real name) doesn't have to get up early and struggle with a monotonous nine-to-five routine, where he has to live from paycheck to paycheck like the majority of Americans, then I don't blame him one bit for the continuous success and profits he endures with his marketable trade. I blame you for being so stupid and falling for his crap.
Get-rich-quick scams have been tried over and over. Some work, some don't. Those who are successful, make quite literally millions by telling people what they want to hear. Whethere it be getting rich overnight, or losing many unwanted pounds by the weekend makes for good entertainment. God knows, it's truly scary how the majority of listeners who will buy into these scams.
Remember-Don Lu Pre and Kevin Trudeau (The diet cure genius on infommmercials) are only doing what they know they can do best-which is to scam an unsuspecting, naieve audience with little or no education and most definitely no self-guidance and confidence.
Like I said, I don't blame him. I blame you for falling for this bs.

#71 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Margaret - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, October 15, 2007
I have bought 1 thing in my life from an informercial, a very nice large bread machine. I would only buy something like an appliance, and certainly would not spend over 100.00.
All these money making, grant programs, etc are a complete lie. The whole world should not spend their hard earned money on such trash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#70 Consumer Comment
God Bless Don Lu Pre-What A Genius!
AUTHOR: Stanley - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, October 13, 2007
I guess I could make this a lenghty rebuttal and preach to those who buy into this BS what a load of obvious hogwash Mr. Lu Pre (if in fact that's his real name, which I doubt) and his products really is. But I'll save the lenghty response and just say, I don't blame Don Lu Pre for the mastermind scam artist that he is, I blame you for falling for his convincing sales pitch and buying into this scam.
Who dresses you in the morning?
Weslaco, Texas.

#69 Consumer Comment
God Bless Don Lu Pre-What A Genius!
AUTHOR: Stanley - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, October 13, 2007
I guess I could make this a lenghty rebuttal and preach to those who buy into this BS what a load of obvious hogwash Mr. Lu Pre (if in fact that's his real name, which I doubt) and his products really is. But I'll save the lenghty response and just say, I don't blame Don Lu Pre for the mastermind scam artist that he is, I blame you for falling for his convincing sales pitch and buying into this scam.
Who dresses you in the morning?
Weslaco, Texas.

#68 Consumer Comment
God Bless Don Lu Pre-What A Genius!
AUTHOR: Stanley - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, October 13, 2007
I guess I could make this a lenghty rebuttal and preach to those who buy into this BS what a load of obvious hogwash Mr. Lu Pre (if in fact that's his real name, which I doubt) and his products really is. But I'll save the lenghty response and just say, I don't blame Don Lu Pre for the mastermind scam artist that he is, I blame you for falling for his convincing sales pitch and buying into this scam.
Who dresses you in the morning?
Weslaco, Texas.

#67 Consumer Comment
the "Don" is done... again ..raided by IRS and fed
AUTHOR: Chutneylove - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, August 18, 2007
I watched across the street on thursday August 16th, as don lapre's greatest vitamin call room and office in phoenix was raided by IRS and fed. marshalls. they hauled stuff out, no one was aloud in or out.

#66 Consumer Comment
the "Don" is done..... again
AUTHOR: Chutneylove - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, August 18, 2007
I watched across the street on thursday August 8th, as don lapre's greatest vitamin call room and office in phoenix was raided by IRS and fed. marshalls. they hauled stuff out, no one was aloud in or out.

#65 Consumer Comment
rebuttal to rebuttal on insensitive rebuttal
AUTHOR: Pat - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Dear Whomever you are that wrote of an insensitive rebuttal. It was a great rebuttal to me. This is a page for the whiners of the world (why am I reading this???). Get real!! You did not get "ripped off" by John Bek, you bought it and didn't follow it and blame him and others, just likeeverything else in your is someone else's fault. Get hold of your life and be accountable!!! You are responsible for your life, not the government or anyone else. You cannot get ripped off without your permission!

#64 Consumer Comment
My three cents on the Greatest Vitamin program
AUTHOR: Edward - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, December 27, 2006
I purchased the Independent Advertiser program in July of 2006 at a cost of $35. The next day, Don Beck called and convinced me to spend an additional $1,200 for the Platinum package which included extras said to be worth over $5000. Almost right away I discovered major flaws with this program. It took me about 2 months to put together a website using my own domain name with links that I could personally track for unique visitors, page views and conversions. While I was building my own site, I attracted more than 150,000 visitors to the e-commerce enabled website THEY provided me with and received ZERO sales. Some of the reasons for this were: Potential customer calls the toll free number (I paid to have) and doesn't know their customer number - the CSR at GVW puts in their own number or someone else's number and effectively 'steals' the sale from me.
The website they provide you with uses cookies in such a way that if YOU are clicking on your own links to see if YOUR affiliate ID is embedded in the links, you see YOUR ID in all the links. But, if you travel the same links from someone else's computer at another IP address, all the links on YOUR page have OTHER AFFILIATE IDs embedded in the links. Needless to say, in the first couple of months, I got nothing from this for my efforts. NOW, since I developed my own site with my own domain name running on my own server at , I have had over 125 sales of various items (as of 11-1-2006) such as Curing Illness books (16 copies sold), Regular Vitamin customers (43 so far), Perfect Pill customers (26 weight loss) and Independent Advertiser packages (40).
Even with my own site, domain and links I still have problems with people calling the toll free number and the CSR on the other end trying to steal the customer. When I called and complained the first time, I was told that CSR had been fired. Only a week later, the same CSR was back at it again. And all the bad reports coming in make me believe time is running out for them. I have received checks so far in the amounts of $100, $1,170, $2,610 and $3,300. I am expecting a much larger check from them soon. The thing is though, if I had not of gone through the time and expense of creating my own site, I would have gotten precisely nothing from this program. I don't expect to ever have any repeat customers because every customer that I have had so far is repeatedly harassed with phone calls and emails trying to get them to buy the Platinum membership. Because of this, I now tell my direct referrals to just say no to any sales calls. This is a good money maker, but only if you are able to jump through all the hoops on your own by creating your own landing page. They can't argue or deceive you if you can obtain factual numbers from legitimate sources. If I wasn't MCSE, I would be screaming rip-off just like most people.

#63 Consumer Comment
My three cents on the Greatest Vitamin program
AUTHOR: Edward - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, December 27, 2006
I purchased the Independent Advertiser program in July of 2006 at a cost of $35. The next day, Don Beck called and convinced me to spend an additional $1,200 for the Platinum package which included extras said to be worth over $5000. Almost right away I discovered major flaws with this program. It took me about 2 months to put together a website using my own domain name with links that I could personally track for unique visitors, page views and conversions. While I was building my own site, I attracted more than 150,000 visitors to the e-commerce enabled website THEY provided me with and received ZERO sales. Some of the reasons for this were: Potential customer calls the toll free number (I paid to have) and doesn't know their customer number - the CSR at GVW puts in their own number or someone else's number and effectively 'steals' the sale from me.
The website they provide you with uses cookies in such a way that if YOU are clicking on your own links to see if YOUR affiliate ID is embedded in the links, you see YOUR ID in all the links. But, if you travel the same links from someone else's computer at another IP address, all the links on YOUR page have OTHER AFFILIATE IDs embedded in the links. Needless to say, in the first couple of months, I got nothing from this for my efforts. NOW, since I developed my own site with my own domain name running on my own server at , I have had over 125 sales of various items (as of 11-1-2006) such as Curing Illness books (16 copies sold), Regular Vitamin customers (43 so far), Perfect Pill customers (26 weight loss) and Independent Advertiser packages (40).
Even with my own site, domain and links I still have problems with people calling the toll free number and the CSR on the other end trying to steal the customer. When I called and complained the first time, I was told that CSR had been fired. Only a week later, the same CSR was back at it again. And all the bad reports coming in make me believe time is running out for them. I have received checks so far in the amounts of $100, $1,170, $2,610 and $3,300. I am expecting a much larger check from them soon. The thing is though, if I had not of gone through the time and expense of creating my own site, I would have gotten precisely nothing from this program. I don't expect to ever have any repeat customers because every customer that I have had so far is repeatedly harassed with phone calls and emails trying to get them to buy the Platinum membership. Because of this, I now tell my direct referrals to just say no to any sales calls. This is a good money maker, but only if you are able to jump through all the hoops on your own by creating your own landing page. They can't argue or deceive you if you can obtain factual numbers from legitimate sources. If I wasn't MCSE, I would be screaming rip-off just like most people.

#62 Consumer Comment
My three cents on the Greatest Vitamin program
AUTHOR: Edward - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, December 27, 2006
I purchased the Independent Advertiser program in July of 2006 at a cost of $35. The next day, Don Beck called and convinced me to spend an additional $1,200 for the Platinum package which included extras said to be worth over $5000. Almost right away I discovered major flaws with this program. It took me about 2 months to put together a website using my own domain name with links that I could personally track for unique visitors, page views and conversions. While I was building my own site, I attracted more than 150,000 visitors to the e-commerce enabled website THEY provided me with and received ZERO sales. Some of the reasons for this were: Potential customer calls the toll free number (I paid to have) and doesn't know their customer number - the CSR at GVW puts in their own number or someone else's number and effectively 'steals' the sale from me.
The website they provide you with uses cookies in such a way that if YOU are clicking on your own links to see if YOUR affiliate ID is embedded in the links, you see YOUR ID in all the links. But, if you travel the same links from someone else's computer at another IP address, all the links on YOUR page have OTHER AFFILIATE IDs embedded in the links. Needless to say, in the first couple of months, I got nothing from this for my efforts. NOW, since I developed my own site with my own domain name running on my own server at , I have had over 125 sales of various items (as of 11-1-2006) such as Curing Illness books (16 copies sold), Regular Vitamin customers (43 so far), Perfect Pill customers (26 weight loss) and Independent Advertiser packages (40).
Even with my own site, domain and links I still have problems with people calling the toll free number and the CSR on the other end trying to steal the customer. When I called and complained the first time, I was told that CSR had been fired. Only a week later, the same CSR was back at it again. And all the bad reports coming in make me believe time is running out for them. I have received checks so far in the amounts of $100, $1,170, $2,610 and $3,300. I am expecting a much larger check from them soon. The thing is though, if I had not of gone through the time and expense of creating my own site, I would have gotten precisely nothing from this program. I don't expect to ever have any repeat customers because every customer that I have had so far is repeatedly harassed with phone calls and emails trying to get them to buy the Platinum membership. Because of this, I now tell my direct referrals to just say no to any sales calls. This is a good money maker, but only if you are able to jump through all the hoops on your own by creating your own landing page. They can't argue or deceive you if you can obtain factual numbers from legitimate sources. If I wasn't MCSE, I would be screaming rip-off just like most people.

#61 Consumer Comment
My three cents on the Greatest Vitamin program
AUTHOR: Edward - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, December 27, 2006
I purchased the Independent Advertiser program in July of 2006 at a cost of $35. The next day, Don Beck called and convinced me to spend an additional $1,200 for the Platinum package which included extras said to be worth over $5000. Almost right away I discovered major flaws with this program. It took me about 2 months to put together a website using my own domain name with links that I could personally track for unique visitors, page views and conversions. While I was building my own site, I attracted more than 150,000 visitors to the e-commerce enabled website THEY provided me with and received ZERO sales. Some of the reasons for this were: Potential customer calls the toll free number (I paid to have) and doesn't know their customer number - the CSR at GVW puts in their own number or someone else's number and effectively 'steals' the sale from me.
The website they provide you with uses cookies in such a way that if YOU are clicking on your own links to see if YOUR affiliate ID is embedded in the links, you see YOUR ID in all the links. But, if you travel the same links from someone else's computer at another IP address, all the links on YOUR page have OTHER AFFILIATE IDs embedded in the links. Needless to say, in the first couple of months, I got nothing from this for my efforts. NOW, since I developed my own site with my own domain name running on my own server at , I have had over 125 sales of various items (as of 11-1-2006) such as Curing Illness books (16 copies sold), Regular Vitamin customers (43 so far), Perfect Pill customers (26 weight loss) and Independent Advertiser packages (40).
Even with my own site, domain and links I still have problems with people calling the toll free number and the CSR on the other end trying to steal the customer. When I called and complained the first time, I was told that CSR had been fired. Only a week later, the same CSR was back at it again. And all the bad reports coming in make me believe time is running out for them. I have received checks so far in the amounts of $100, $1,170, $2,610 and $3,300. I am expecting a much larger check from them soon. The thing is though, if I had not of gone through the time and expense of creating my own site, I would have gotten precisely nothing from this program. I don't expect to ever have any repeat customers because every customer that I have had so far is repeatedly harassed with phone calls and emails trying to get them to buy the Platinum membership. Because of this, I now tell my direct referrals to just say no to any sales calls. This is a good money maker, but only if you are able to jump through all the hoops on your own by creating your own landing page. They can't argue or deceive you if you can obtain factual numbers from legitimate sources. If I wasn't MCSE, I would be screaming rip-off just like most people.

#60 Consumer Comment
Don Lapre? Same movie,different leading man!
AUTHOR: Hugh - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, September 28, 2006
Loved reading the posts and I can only add that if you think the tooth fairy appears once in awhile on late night TV and helps people get rich then perhaps you should get robbed of $35 as it might be a small price to pay for WAKING UP. Phoenix is a HOTBED for these types of scams and promises. As for trying to make sense or talk with people about these scams one might be better off trying to speak to religious loonies as ALL scammers do a very good job of surrounding themselves with YES PEOPLE(fancy name for "no self pride prostitutes".
All MLM scambags are experts at this very thing. When victims complain about getting ripped off right away some HERO representing the scammer call the person lazy or "didn't put enough effort into it". I have printed a paper on almost ALL SCAMS and in many cases the one common ingredient is the URGE TO GET RICH WITH NO EFFORT! As long as this desire is out there then there will be scambags to prey on that urge. Be smart! Wanna improve your life and financial situation? Then perhaps a small trip to your local college and check into some night classes or LEARN AT WORK programs. Your peace of mind will make you wealthier than any IMAGE OF THE VIRGIN MARY that appears on a piece of panelling or window streak. Good luck and keep reporting on this type of activity as those of us who were scammed once and learned are more than willing to help others!

#59 Consumer Comment
DEAN AND DON... same scam different companys
AUTHOR: Nicole - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, August 21, 2006
I been trying to get a refund to since May 06. I had to contact BBB on them before I was able to get in contact with them because they change companys on me. Now I been talking to Carvel the Quality 1 800 544 8482 ext 111 for so long...First I thought they gave me a good deal by giving me another year free with this wedsite.but that was supposed to be up in the 90 days and that has been a good 2 weeks ago. So now Im asking for a refund and they told BBB that I dont meet the requirments which is BULL. Now I have to fight them in court If they dont want to give my money back..PLEASE YALL DO NOT do business with them!!!

#58 Consumer Comment
Rip Off Report Information.
AUTHOR: Miguel - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 01, 2006
As i stated once before, i am an independent person who recently agreed to invest a large amount of money to Mr. Lapre and his company The Greatest Vitamin. I like the product but i am growing concern over these reports. I said i would keep you posted so here it is. I have received two checks since signing and have reached the goal of 20 sales. Those sales i now understand have to be audited. What this means i am not sure. Initially, they said 20 sales equals a choice of $200 a month or one thousand dollars. Because i am a platinum member i will receive both the 1k bonus and $200 for life. They have their money from me and the sales they asked for. I am a person who believes in human nature (Good) so i expect they will be sending my checks after a brief audit. Again, i will keep you posted.
Sincerely, Miguel

#57 Consumer Comment
Don Lapre (Little Jerk) package of junk
AUTHOR: J - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, May 28, 2006
I'm ashamed to admit it, but in my younger, more naieve years I fell for Don's phony story and bought his "package" of junk. I think I paid around $70 for it (a lot of money for me at the time), but it turned out to be nothing but a bunch of useless names and addresses of businesses and newpapers. Nothing like what he claimed was in the package.
The refund attempt was the biggest joke. It was blatantly obvious they were giving me the runaround, yet I was also getting phone calls trying to sell me more of that sissy's garbage.
I guess it was tuition to the school of hard knocks.
I'd like to see Don doing dirty laundry in a nursing home.

#56 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Miguel - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 23, 2006
I recently became a distributor and just read the rip of reports. Years ago I made a lot of money through this type of network marketing with a company named Metabolife here in San Diego. We (my wife and I) made over 200k over 3 years, but we also worked very hard. Receiving checks is the easy part when it comes to having a downline.
A lot of people do not realize how this works. Although I had never heard of Don until the infomercial on the 14th of May, 2006, i remain optimistic. I have already invested a substantial amount of money into The Greatest Vitamin in the World and I will keep you posted.

#55 Consumer Comment
Learn from your mistakes
AUTHOR: Ashley - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, May 20, 2006
I agree with some of the comments that were made. You do have to ask yourself if this person is so rich why in the hell is he sharing his secrets. I know if I found a way to make legitimate money I wasnt telling anybody! Also, why is this informercial being showed at 4a.m..simply because that is when the desperate and dillusional are I fell into a trap before out of desperation and ended up being scammed by a con artist but once I found out it was too late but not too late to get out of it and learn my lesson. I surely look into things very carefully now. I mean thorough background checks on this website and bbb. I ask millions of questions that will verify legitimatcy. I never believed that you can make millions of dollars overnight so thats not an issue with me.
If you all really want to make some money than invest your money into something better such as education. If you want to do some online selling than find a reputable business and purchase from them and resell it. Do some serious investigating before throwing your money to people. Dont think there is a overnite way to make money COMMON SENSE!!!! There is only hard work as a way to make money. In a way you get what you pay for and learn from your mistakes. I have and so should all of you.

#54 Consumer Comment
response to the above...
AUTHOR: Meg - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, May 11, 2006
How much money did you guys spend?? I have the program, I only spent $30. Not a big deal if it didn't work. I got my package like 5 days later. Included were my tax forms. Sales people did call to sell me upgrades but I just said no. I mailed in my tax forms, did my stuff, and 2 mos. later got a check. I did have to put some work into it, but not much.

#53 Consumer Suggestion
The problem and solution are rather simple
AUTHOR: Greg - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, September 09, 2005
I have fortunately not fallen victim to the many scams that are reported here. However, to specifically comment on Don Lapre, and his Making Money offer, I feel it necessary to contribute my thoughts, to perhaps offer some life-long assistance to your readers. This is a great service you offer, however, making people aware of the problem isn't enough.
I am well aware of who Don Lapre is, and for the past 15 years, have seen every single commercial he has ever made. I too do not approve of Don Lapre's methods, his business practices, or any of the other allegations I have read about him.
However, although I sympathize with anyone who has been ripped off, by him, or anyone else, I must place blame ultimately on the consumer, as it relates to Don Lapre anyway.
I have watched television programs that show people who handle snakes, (snake handlers) and have seen them interviewed afterwards, stating that it isn't scary, and that even if the snake DOES bite you, it does not hurt. I'm sorry, but no matter how believable and sincere these people seem, and despite the fact that I am watching it happen right before my very eyes, I am not going to run out and handle a snake. Snakes are dangerous, and must be handled with extreme care, much in the same way a business should be handled.
Tiger Woods makes Golf look really easy, but I can tell you from personal experience, that it is NOT as easy as he makes it seem. Tiger Woods could develop a home study course on how to play better golf, and after reading it, I would still suck at playing golf, and I can't blame Tiger Woods for that, even if he told me in his course that I "should" play better.
However, if I CHOOSE to dedicate myself and my time to playing better golf, and really work hard, and train hard, and practice and practice and practice, and never ever give up, and golf is something that I really want to do with my life, then I can GUARANTEE you that I will be a better golfer, with or without his home study course.
Tiger's "course" isn't going to magically transform me into a Top Notch golfer, without a whole lot of effort (not to mention ability) on my part, much in the same way Don Lapre's course isn't going to magically transform you into a muli-millionaire over-night. It takes far more than mere "desire" to accomplish anything, whether it be successful in business, happily married, or a good father to your children. It takes tons of effort, lot's of hard work, a little luck, and is ultimately all up to you.
I can't blame the tobacco companies for giving me cancer. I can't blame Smith and Wesson for getting shot by one of their guns, I can't blame my children if I am a rotten father, and I can't blame God, if I go to hell.
As I read through all of the posts, it seems abundantly clear that people are looking for their "success" in every place other than where they should be looking, which is in the mirror.
I have been an entrepreneur since I was 18 years old, and today I am 38. I started with nothing but a dim hope, and a pocket full of ambition. No money, and not a new idea mind you. Not a breakthrough, just something I could see myself doing every day, and something I could be passionate about. That passion goes deeper than money. I do not have a degree in business, or a degree in anything for that matter.
Throughout the years I have had times where business was booming. Money was rolling in, business was good, and life was great. I have also been through times where I had both legs hanging over the fence of complete and bitter failure, scared out of my mind, fearful I was going to lose everything I had worked so hard for. I have thought about giving up and throwing in the towel a thousand times but... I never did. Even when times were tough, I hung in there... changed and enhanced things that were not working, cut costs, cut out fringe benefits, all in order to keep the business alive. Throughout the years I have been given some very good advice. I have also been given some very bad advice. I owe no profit to those who gave me good advice throughout the years, no more than I should sue the people who gave me bad advice. I am the one who ultimately acted.
Somewhere, we have lost our basic common sense about things. We've given in to the Hope Preacher. Did you really think Don was going to tell everyone how to do what he did, so he could create millions and millions of competitors? Do you think Bill Gates is going to start publishing the Code to Microsoft, so everyone can have a Software business just like him?
Within each one of us is the ability to live out our wildest dreams, and to live a happy, prosperous, and full-filling life... but.... YOU are going to have to work at it. YOU are going to MAKE that life for YOURSELF, and YOU have to decide what it is you WANT to do. You don't need a magical idea to be successful. You need motivation, ambition, and a never-ending drive to constantly move forward. No course can give you that, even if the idea is revolutionary.
We hear stories about overnight successes but fail to realize that it wasn't overnight. Yes, there have been musical groups (or whatever) that appear to have come out of nowhere, but little do you know that for 15 years prior to them becoming famous, they were playing gigs in Barnyards, county fairs, garages, and every other crappy hole in the ground they could get into. No money, no bus, no fame, no glory.
Think about life 120 years ago. There were no cars, and everyone owned a horse. When Henry Ford started talking to people about building an automobile, everyone thought he had completely lost his mind, but with diligence, he succeeded, and automobiles KILL people.
Look at Donald Trump. Was a millionaire, and lost it all, then, came back to become more successful than he was previously.
Before you crucify people, think about your part in this. Does Don's course NOT say, As with some business programs, you could make more or less?. I'm sure I read that somewhere.
Are there no classified ads in newspapers any longer? Is there one newspaper on Earth that doesn't have a classified section? Obviously, classifieds work, or you would never see them. That is not Don Lapre's opinion, it's fact. Grab your newspaper if you don't believe me.
Maybe the product you chose was no good. Maybe your ad copy was no good. Maybe your product, and ad copy, weren't fitting for the market you were advertising in. Maybe you didn't give it enough time. I'll bet if you ran a classified ad in tomorrow's newspaper advertising your garage sale, and stated you had baby clothes; your garage would be filled with people by 9:00 a.m.
Think about going into the Staple business, manufacturing and selling staples. Sounds ridiculous, but I can go into any big Kmart or Wal-Mart store, and buy cases of them. Somebody manufactures and sells staples, and makes a darn good living at it. On the outside, it doesn't sound very appealing, but sure enough, there they are on the shelf.
So what's the answer? To truly take a stand on these people who sell hope to all mankind, mankind itself needs to not be so naive. You can slam all the bad people in jail, but as long as there are naive people, the problem you have here will never end. Yes, Don Lapre should not be selling his course to anyone, but on the flip side, you should have ever bought it either. And remember, at one point, you were about to do the exact same thing you are avidly protesting now. It's simple, no sales, no Don.
Just realize that your life-long success is something that each one of you already has inside of you. Search deeper, make educated decisions, listen to your gut feeling, and when you've done all of these things, remember to never ever give up, even when it feels like failure is right around the corner. Do this, along with treating your customers right, and you'll find success beyond your wildest dreams.

#52 Consumer Comment
"You can fool all of the people, some of the time."
AUTHOR: Bill - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, May 07, 2005
A successful con job always contains elements of truth. The problem is "truth" is in the mind of the believer.
There are several reasons why Don Lapre has been successful at duping some people.
The main one is, they WANT to believe he is being honest with them. Probably second to that is; people in this country are inundated with propaganda from virtually every major institution of education, news and government that some other person or organization will protect them from the "bad guys."
Sometimes the victim of a con is sucked in by his/her own greed but that doesn't make the con artist any less a criminal.
I'd bet everything I own that everybody reading these words has been conned at one time or another by someone. Whether that con was big or small doesn't matter. We all have our weak spots.
In fact I'll go further and say that probably every person reading this is currently being conned and doesn't even know it.
Even Don Lapre is a victim of this one.
If you'd like to know if you're one of the victims (and I'm betting you are) of the biggest rip-off of the Twentieth Century, go to, read and re-read everything there and judge for yourself.
When you're through, ask yourself who you should trust to protect you from the bad guys.
In fact, ask yourself who really are the bad guys.
But, dont let the Don Lapres of this world steal your dreams along with your money. As has been said by others here, every mistake can be a learning experience. "Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again."
The only failure is giving up. Thomas Edison tried over 3000 (!) filaments before he found the one that made his light bulb work. Persistence is the key, just try not to make the same mistake twice.

#51 Consumer Suggestion
AUTHOR: Tanica - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, February 19, 2005
I have seen this commercial for this Greatest Vitamin in the World Scam, but I did not think it was a scam at first, like many others I honestly thought you can make money, luckily I am the type to research before I spend any money, but all these post from others criticizing people for doing this is wrong. You cannot sincerely sit there and say to yourself you did not once think that maybe you can make money on this, and even if you didn't good for you, but don't judge others if you haven't put yourself in their shoes. It is ridiculous for people to give hundreds of dollars to a get rich quick scheme without seeing results first!
To prevent yourself from getting caught up in this type of situationALWAYS RESEARCH! Go on the webmore than likely you will see reviews such as this one that will help you make a decision. REMEMBER!!! Nothing in this life is FREE!! NOTHING! Even if it is 35 dollars, because it is so cheap more than likely there are hidden fees somewhere.
NEVER FORGETNo one who makes millions is going to do commercials showing you how to get rich like them. Ask yourself is Mariah Carey giving you hints and a low one month payment of $35.00 on how to become the Greatest Singer in the World?
LISTEN PEOPLE..IF IT WAS THAT EASY TO MAKE MONEY, Wouldn't everyone be doing it?

#50 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Kevin - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 18, 2005
For the sake of argument, lets say that everyone who fell for this scheme is mentally retarded ( I DON'T believe that). It doesn't change the fact that the perpetrators of these schemes are trying to rip people off. It doesn't change the fact that whatever information or service they claim to provide is worthless. It doesn't change the fact that on the informercial, they A: NEVER GIVE YOU EVEN THE SLIGHTEST CLUE AS TO WHAT THE PROGRAM ACTUALLY IS (so it isn't hard to accept that the victims weren't looking to con anyone), and B: explicitly tell you that it WON'T take you 60hrs/wk to be successfull with their program. It's still fraudulent no matter how you cut it.
The point of my convuluted point? Just because someone didn't know better, it doesn't strip the perpetrators of responsibility for defrauding people.
Shame, shame on you.

#49 UPDATE Employee
AUTHOR: Kevin - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, December 03, 2004
Dude, For some reason even though i got ripped off like everyone else, I give Don Lapre credit, Tell you the truth I like to be in Don Lapre position. If Don Lapre is hearing this we should be partners ripping people off and making MILLIONS!!!!!!!! Don Lapre is a happy person, give him props. Dont hate on him.

#48 Consumer Suggestion
The basics in Life
AUTHOR: Joe - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, November 28, 2004
I've noticed while reading all the complaints that there is a hideous show of spelling and grammar contained within them. Nothing will make you more money or help you attain more in life than getting a basic education. Being poor might make one desperate but it, in and of itself, shouldn't make one stupid. Bottom line, if it looks to good to be true... it probably is.
This is NOT to be taken as a defense for the cretins who would exploit others for their own gain... they should be completely slammed. But if you're on of the special breeds that are complaining that you got conned before you could con others... you deserve it more.

#47 Consumer Comment
don has to be one of the greatest rip-off artise in the wourld
AUTHOR: Steven - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, November 15, 2004
Hi I know i should know better than to trust thease smooth talking TV con men, Who truly sound sinser. I got took by don the greatest vitamin in the would and this other rip off company called the guaranteed traffic. I bought in to it thinking hay if this is a truly good product. And I can make money by truly helping other people be healthy. I think people like don and all his partners in crime should be prosacuted by the FCC. and consumer fraud division. I mean if some goes to someones house and misrepresent thme self as contractor. or something thay go to jail and I think people like don should to. I would like to get with others who have scamed on this greatest vitamin program. And see If the so called customer they post on our sites at first. have the same names of the customers That thay say i have. And see if we canbuild a case to put thease crooks where they belong. or make them Pay alest.

#46 UPDATE EX-employee responds
the companies who take the phone calls are not call centers
AUTHOR: Nora - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, October 31, 2004
I used to work for West Telemarketing, here in florida and here's a little information. The employees of West all work from their homes, so it would be pointless to ask an rep who who works at home for a supervisor. I worked for them for about 3 months and the company is a joke too. but that's another story. Most of these so called telemarketing companies do not do things from a central call center.. only ligitimate companies do! I work for another company that is contracted by MAJOR companies to handle sale and service for their sporting goods websites, apparel, licenced sports, entertainment or electronics websites, like the Sports Chalet, or The Sports Authority, some NFL teams, etc...
Now when you call the 800#, ask for their customer support phone number, there is ALWAYS a customer support numer. Tell them that you would love to order the product, but you would like to get the number first in case you had any more questions or needed help, once you get the number...hang up.
anytime you have a mishap happen with any company report them to the better business bureau!! otherwise you'll see more and more people getting screwed other than your ownself.
do not be ignorant and listen to what these stupid infomercials tell you, the only quick way to get rich is to either, a. win the lottery, or b, get an education.

#45 UPDATE EX-employee responds
the companies who take the phone calls are not call centers
AUTHOR: Nora - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, October 31, 2004
I used to work for West Telemarketing, here in florida and here's a little information. The employees of West all work from their homes, so it would be pointless to ask an rep who who works at home for a supervisor. I worked for them for about 3 months and the company is a joke too. but that's another story. Most of these so called telemarketing companies do not do things from a central call center.. only ligitimate companies do! I work for another company that is contracted by MAJOR companies to handle sale and service for their sporting goods websites, apparel, licenced sports, entertainment or electronics websites, like the Sports Chalet, or The Sports Authority, some NFL teams, etc...
Now when you call the 800#, ask for their customer support phone number, there is ALWAYS a customer support numer. Tell them that you would love to order the product, but you would like to get the number first in case you had any more questions or needed help, once you get the number...hang up.
anytime you have a mishap happen with any company report them to the better business bureau!! otherwise you'll see more and more people getting screwed other than your ownself.
do not be ignorant and listen to what these stupid infomercials tell you, the only quick way to get rich is to either, a. win the lottery, or b, get an education.

#44 Consumer Comment
Why Infomercials are Shown
AUTHOR: Jesse - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, October 28, 2004
It occurs to me that if the people behind infomercials were not making money they would not be able to show the ads. The best thing to do is to totally ignore the people and the products that are shown during these infomercials. If they're ignored, no money comes in and they don't have the money to run these infomercials anymore. I don't know how the TV stations would plug those gaps in their programming, but these infomercials would at least be gone.

#43 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Joe - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, October 18, 2004
I don't like him ripping off innocent victims, but can you blame him?? I mean for years he's been able to get away with scamming you poor folks and he NOW has a new Nutrition Book to promote, come on!! Let's get real, if you were him rippin off poor folks for millions of bucks and were gettin away with it, would you quit the scamming biz? Unfortunately i doubt it...this is just my opinion!

#42 REBUTTAL Individual responds
Mark....Houston Texas If we are the sheep then you must be the wolf
AUTHOR: John - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 15, 2004
If we are the sheep then you must be the wolf.No claim was ever made saying we would be rich and successful.What ever type of bussines you claim to have how many others have tried the same kind of bussines and failed.So where these people duped in believing they could make money and become successful.Are just the wolves who dupe people make the big money.Maybe like yourself.If you want to work like a dog then maybe you are a dog.After your claim of eleven years in business i would think you would be one of the last to give out a comment so negative.Success doesn't come over night nor does hard work.Donald Trump said it best work smart not hard.Oh one more thing about giving money up front did you ever hear the word INVENTORY you need it especially in the retail business.

#41 Consumer Comment
You are sheep who were duped
AUTHOR: Mark - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, September 14, 2004
All of you were taken for a ride and still have the gall to defend yourselves. You are sheep who were duped. i'd like all your phone numbers so i can teach you how to run a business. THERE IS NO SECRET WAY TO START A BUSINESS AND BE SUCESSFUL. I have been an entreprenuer for 11 years, its hard, you have to work like a dog, but you DONT PAY MONEY UPFRONT TO ANYONE!!! (unless you are paying office and advertising overhead)... I mean, this guy did so well that he's gona show you? Idiots, all of you.

#40 Consumer Suggestion
Public Record of Bankruptcy
AUTHOR: James - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, September 10, 2004
To the gentleman who said that Don Lapre's address & SSN shouldn't be on here, well that is completely incorrect. That information is actually a matter a PUBLIC RECORD with the Maricopa County tax office. Since he filed bankruptcy, his info is public record for anyone to access. Check it out here:

#39 REBUTTAL Individual responds
don lapre insider
AUTHOR: Tony - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 01, 2004

#38 Consumer Suggestion
Rebuttal to "Jerilyn - South Bend, Indiana" ..What I think he is doing is distorting the truth
AUTHOR: Anthony - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, August 31, 2004
First, should it not be established that Don Lapre is even a con-artist? You have assumed he is one and from there argued your point saying its not right for him to sell to people.
If it was proved he was a con-artist, yes, you would be correct in saying that he should not be able to sell. But, I have purchased from him and do not think he is a con-artist.
What I think he is doing is distorting the truth. From what I have seen, almost MOST businesses that advertise seem to distort the truth. Does that mean they ALL are con-artists? No. For instance, all those bear commercials that infer that all football stars drink bear. Or how Marlboro infers that all tough cowboys smoke cigarettes. Or more recent, McDonald's putting Olympic contestants all over their McDonald's wrappers as if it was healthy food.
The point is, we still buy it. It is our fault for not seeing the half truths in almost everything advertised. BUT, if you can see through the half-truths and see some value in the product, by all means, buy it!
I bought it, knowing that I would not make millions spending 15 hours a week selling online. As a result, I was not disappointed. I know, only lazy people do not see this and its THEIR OWN FAULT for not seeing it. I bought it knowing that there was some truth in it and I would have to dissect the lies from the truth. Just like with everything that is advertised.
Today, I sell on the internet full time. Last year, I did almost a quarter million in sales. This year, I think I will do more than that. I started with taking a couple principles here and there from various things, including Don Lapre's Kit.
Some of what he says is common knowledge, but there are somethings he says that people simply don't get. One example would be the tiny classified ad idea. I found a way to apply this on eBay. $0.30 auctions that make me a decent amount of money. Its not easy to figure out, but once you sell for a while, it just comes to you.
JUST REMEMBER - Whenever someone says on an ad it is easy, it only takes 15 minutes a day or 15 hours a week, you know the truth is:
1) Its complex.
2) It takes 40+ hours a week.
Kind of like those BoFlex Commericals with the ripped guys telling you they only use BoFlex and do it only 15 minutes a day. YEAH RIGHT!

#37 Consumer Comment
That is So Much Bulls$$$ ..Every complaint aids a person in tuning out the sales pitch!
AUTHOR: Jerilyn - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, August 30, 2004
" No one forced you to buy his products" that is the lamest excuse for letting a crook off the hook!
Just because a person wasn't forced into being ripped does not make him any less ripped off! It just means that a person was conned! He/She has every right to make a fuss about it!
Complaining will not get your money back! Now that's a load of Bullshit if there ever was one! It may not help you get your money back immediately, It will serve as a warning to other folks! Every time I come here, I get information that allows me to put crooks like Don Lapre in the Spam box!
This site costs Mr. Lapre lots of money! So Keep complaining! Every complaint aids a person in tuning out the sales pitch!

#36 Consumer Comment
That is So Much Bulls$$$ ..Every complaint aids a person in tuning out the sales pitch!
AUTHOR: Jerilyn - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, August 30, 2004
" No one forced you to buy his products" that is the lamest excuse for letting a crook off the hook!
Just because a person wasn't forced into being ripped does not make him any less ripped off! It just means that a person was conned! He/She has every right to make a fuss about it!
Complaining will not get your money back! Now that's a load of Bullshit if there ever was one! It may not help you get your money back immediately, It will serve as a warning to other folks! Every time I come here, I get information that allows me to put crooks like Don Lapre in the Spam box!
This site costs Mr. Lapre lots of money! So Keep complaining! Every complaint aids a person in tuning out the sales pitch!

#35 REBUTTAL Individual responds
Easy on Don
AUTHOR: John - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, August 23, 2004
No one forced you to purchase his products.You decided that and if you would of made lots of money you would'nt complain.I bought,and i like many others really didn't do much with it.Effort equals rewards.Little effort your going to receive little to no results.One thing we all got was a little education.Isn't that worth something?So some of us paid out more than others.Maybe we got educated quicker.
Complaing is not going to get your money back.So you don't care for Don LaPre.He's not on my christmas list or my s**t list.What we THINK and BELIEVE is what we get.So start thinking something good became of our decisions.It did make us a little wiser.One last thing did you go into bankruptcy from buying Don's stuff? Rumor has it Don did from selling it.

#34 Consumer Comment
Don Lapre - Warning To This Site's Moderator
AUTHOR: Bob - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 06, 2004
I agree with the comments about Mr. Lapre, but I would caution the moderator to remove Lapre's SSN from the site. Posting this type of information is not legal.
Leave the contact numbers and messages as they are, but the SSN must come down.
Just my view

#33 Consumer Comment
Don Lapre - Warning To This Site's Moderator
AUTHOR: Bob - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 06, 2004
I agree with the comments about Mr. Lapre, but I would caution the moderator to remove Lapre's SSN from the site. Posting this type of information is not legal.
Leave the contact numbers and messages as they are, but the SSN must come down.
Just my view

#32 Consumer Comment
Don Lapre - Warning To This Site's Moderator
AUTHOR: Bob - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 06, 2004
I agree with the comments about Mr. Lapre, but I would caution the moderator to remove Lapre's SSN from the site. Posting this type of information is not legal.
Leave the contact numbers and messages as they are, but the SSN must come down.
Just my view

#31 Consumer Comment
Don Lapre - Warning To This Site's Moderator
AUTHOR: Bob - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 06, 2004
I agree with the comments about Mr. Lapre, but I would caution the moderator to remove Lapre's SSN from the site. Posting this type of information is not legal.
Leave the contact numbers and messages as they are, but the SSN must come down.
Just my view

#30 Consumer Comment
Don Lapre, A Great American.
AUTHOR: Joe - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, July 28, 2004
So, let me see if I have this Right:
You send Money to a guy you see on T.V. because he has a plan that you can invest in to make money placing "Tiny Ads" in Newspapers selling Booklets that you print up for pennies and resell for Big Bucks? Then, He Rips you off, and You're MAD??
I dont see any Problem Here. Seems to me you're PO'd because Don Lapre Scammed you before you could Scam Someone Else.
Oh, and as the saying goes: A fool and his Money are Lucky to get together in the First Place!
God Bless Don Lapre for Filtering out the Losers of the World!!
P.S. Anyone Interested in Buying a Bridge in New York?

#29 Consumer Suggestion
AUTHOR: Anthony - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, July 18, 2004
Hi all. I bought this program and DID receive it in the mail. This report here is due to them selling too many and not being able to keep track of who paid and who did not get their package. OF COURSE, that doesn't make it right, but that doesn't mean logically that no one got their package. I did, so obvious others did also.
Off that. OK, regarding if it works or not. OF COURSE, it is trumped up some or much, JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE ON TV. BUT, that doesn't mean it doesn't work.
What I am saying is this. It does work, but its not as easy as the make it sound. Actually, it is quite difficult and there is an element of luck.
I took some of his principles and applied it to online selling. I was able to decipher what was truth and what was bullsh*t. So, if you are able to read up on the "making money" topic and are able to decipher when they are telling you the facts and when they are distorting, you can figure out how to get money fast or get rich quick.
I know have about $400 a day coming in from selling online. I have new complex plans for making my company into a multi-million dollar a year corporation. These ideas are complex and I am SURE not going to say them here, as few know about these opportunities.
So, yes, if you can take the right principles from it, it can help you to get lots of money. Its not easy and its not 5 hours a week of work either. Its rather complex, its more like 60 hours a week when you start out for about the first 5 years to get your multi-million dollar a year company.
For you complaining it did not work, what they heck did you expect? Did you think that if you followed his EXACT directions, you would have tons of money flowing into your lap? You deserve to loose your money if you can not see this and you deserve to not understand some of the truth his program has, if you can't decipher fact from fiction. Do your homework, if you want a successful company. Its not for the lazy or incompetant.
Take for example, Donald Trump's new book about getting rich. I can tell you RIGHT NOW, without even looking past the cover, that you will not be able to singlehandedly get rich following just his principles in the book. Why? BECAUSE HE OBVIOUSLY ISN'T GOING TO TELL YOU!
If he did, he would then have competition. I did look at his book briefly and got a few good laughs. Some of his chapters are leading people in the TOTALLY wrong direction. Some are leading the right direction. He knows this. He did it on purpose.
The only one I have actually seen lay it all out was Robert Kiyosaki. He did it because he loves to teach and loves people more than the money he has. Of course, he doesn't give you the exact blueprint, but he does give you all the principles you need and right ways to think.

#28 Consumer Comment
Not sure which to respond to first...
AUTHOR: Barb - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Well there has been a lot of info here...please read my repsonse all the way through with an open mind before you decide to hate me. :)
My first comment is never buy anything expecting to return it. Research the product BEFORE you buy it. I made a 1600$ mistake not doing that with a company called PaydayEveryday, and won't repeat it.
As far as the Direct Response company comments...They are not the fullfillers or guarantors of the products. The comments about pestering is good IF you can find that info. I have worked for several of the companies mentioned and whether or not the rule to not give out info of who the company is makes the connection that the company is not legit is a slippery slope. This is a requirement of the companies that CONTRACT the call centers, not the call centers choice per se. The companies wish customers to feel that they are calling their company, not a middle man, so to speak. So it is generally THEIR request in the contract.
about Don. Better people than Don have had bankruptcies and no one likes to air their dirty laundry, especially when they are trying to succeed. I am like the other entrepreneur here,I have purchased loads of things...some I have pursued, others not. I make a decent living at what I do and they are not scams, just good products and services. I am not getting rich quick, but I work hard and will one day be financially secure as a result. Marketing methods don't determine that...any more than a college degree does..(there are a lot of broke grads out there)hard work, perserverance and honesty in sales does. I understand that to the inexperienced the wording in these commercials can be misleading. and I do not defend that, I think it is very wrong. However there are risks and costs to any business venture. A franchise costs more than I have ever put out and if I stay the course, I expect to retire with more than what a franchise pension would have provided. With less overall and the word overall is most important...investment than if i had done a franchise...even with the scams and dissapointments. One moves on...holds on to the dream and tries the next thing, BUT learns from their mistakes...too many people want the 'motherlode' overnight. Not happening. I have Don's courses...both...never much used the first...just started with the vitamins because I use and already sell some excellent nutritional products and was impressed with the contents and quality of this product, not with Don necessarily. And I have not chosen to go with guaranteed traffic, (much to their dismay and they have contacted me a lot, i just politely get off the line, and tell them i understand what they offer and will call THEM if i become interested) and by the CAN get good answers to your questions but must call the customer service number, not the traffic and other tools numbers...they have been great with me at cs, and i registered a complaint about one of the pushy sales jerks that hung up on me practically when he realized I wasn't buying...again they were wonderful in cs.
I know of some more solidly proven (at least to me at this time) ways to advertise the vitamins, so I choose those methods. By the way...Don never claimed to be selling the vitamin... He claims to be giving you the authority to do so and paying you advertising dollars to produce a customer. If you are a marketing pro you don't need his system..if not, you need to use that system or another proven one, and ALSO TO DO OTHER MARKETING STRATEGIES...i don't recall anywhere his system promised to generate ALL your sales. And NO marketing system is a guarantee. I worked for major amusement parks in Florida in large event promotions, have promoted films, concert artists, etc...and sales are NEVER guaranteed, even with the best of systems in place. It is all up to you.
I know this is going to anger some people who feel taken and I am not arguing that your money should have been should have. It is not for you. And I have no loyalty to Don...he means nothing to me. His product and the money he is willing to pay me to bring him a customer who may repurchase his product, his paid advertising dollar is what interests me. You see...he has less to offer me than I have to offer him. The aquisition of a repeat customer for a product or service is something corporations spend huge amounts of money to attain, for various reasons, and not all are directly related to the product itself but to the future possibilities of what that customer may be interested in as well. When people watch a shopping channel..that channel hopes they will buy more than one thing..and the ad dollars for each customer is astronomical, but...more astronomical is the profit margin, so it is worth it. The GVITW advertising system just passes that burden of attaining the customer to individual advertisers and pays them for that.And have developed marketing tools they want to sell also. IF THEY ARE NOT PROVEN TOOLS YOU ARE SURE YOU CAN RELY ON...DON'T BUY THEM!!!(if you were a mechanic would you buy a tool form a company you are not sure of, or one that has supplied you tools you knew you could depend on, or even better keeping the classic one you have that is a little old but works great?) Now if anyone isn't getting paid for the customers they bring in...that is something I would like to hear about.
Look all I know is my college degree didn't get me much of anywhere i wanted to be, and i can't get my money back on that information. When you buy do just that...sometimes the biggest education i have gotten is in the information that was bad...taught me things to watch for, to avoid, etc. I am not saying they are right to not refund if they say they will, again...but to save myself aggravation I A. don't buy it if i can't afford to lose the money doing it (just like giving money to a friend rather than lending) and B. consider it information and something I have paid for and am stuck with even if i never use it. That keeps me moving forward into success and out of the blame game...
the one unfortunate note to sites like this is that those of us involved in some of these legitimately , like me with the have to overcome people thinking there is something wrong with the product too...because they see the reports out on the sites...and i am more than a little frustrated with Don for that. For goodness sakes, refund people's money Don if you say you will, and let the rest of us go about our BUSINESS...(thats what all this is folks, not charity...everyone involved is in it to make money not help people ( though I personally gravitate towards things that can do both...i use my profits and income to fund my ministry to street youth, have for years...)and there always has and always will be corruption in we can do is strive to not participate in that, just like Serpico in a corrupt PD...) I also am sure some people HAVE had their money returned...I would like to see the stats on that...after all there are millions of people that purchase this..surely some have gotten their money back that were unsatisfied. Sometimes people DO get lost in the corporate generally only takes one employee falling down on the job for that to happen and then you get juggled around because at that point noone want responsibility for cleaning up the mess the other person made...
think about it...happens all the time everywhere...
well don't hate me for playing the Devils Advocate...I guess I am just a realist and when things don't go as they should or when someone isn't true to their word to me, I try to get into the solutions rather than the problem and fool me once, your bad, fool me twice, mine. I have learned some valuable lessons and expect to continue as this life unfolds..I think it is VERY important to make a stand when you feel you have been scammed so my hat is off to you all in that. My own personal battle picking mechanism tells me if i spend too much time fighting a battle i may or may not win...that time couldve been better spent winning at something i know i can.
Have a wonderful life, ask for some help from above and work at doing the best you all I have left to say. God bless you all and be alert, research well, learn from your mistakes and you can break out of the J.O.B world...really...If I don't get paid I will be back to file my own complaint on that particular issue, but I will not give up on those ventures that work...and neither should you. If you haven't found one yet...keep looking- just be careful...they ARE out there...

#27 Consumer Comment
Did you know that Don's 900 # is appearing next to these reports? ...see EDitor's Comment below
AUTHOR: Get - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, June 04, 2004
I thought it was incredibly ironic that Don's 900 # business is being advertised on Google ads, which are running next to these consumer comments. Hey Ripoff Report? Are you going to promote Don's 900 # business by allowing his Google ads here?

#26 Consumer Comment
If you have money to blow, don't blow it on him.
AUTHOR: Tammy - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Back in '96, I came into a large sum of money, and one evening while watching tv, came upon his current ploy of placing tiny ads in newspapers, or starting a 900 line~ on a whim, I bought into it, just for fun......
I mean, if he became wealthy from his tiny one bedroom apartment, surely I could scrounge up a couple of bucks from my 4 bedroom home~ *smirk, smirk*.
So, I let one of his reps deduct $476.00 from my credit card, and send me my start up kit. I didn't care about the tiny ads in newspapers across the country, but I figured I would just play with the 900 number and see what transpired from it.....I then put my 900 number in place~ unlike other numbers, and since I was from the south, my number consisted of southern recipes, updated weekly~ like I said, this was just for fun.
Since I had the 900 number purchased through them, they said they'd do all the work for me. They'd set up the account, route the calls, bla bla bla~
It said in the kit that I could personally call my 900 number, just to make sure it worked properly, but if I called it constantly of course, there would be a record of my calls and I'd not get credit for them, which would be somewhat odd since I'd be making the call, and I'd be the one paying for them..........of course, defeating my own purpose, but that's not the point.
Sooooooooooooo~ I called, listened, and hey, it sounded great, so I had a few friends call it, to get their opinion, and they racked up a few dollars on it for me, just to help me out and see how it went.
Well, guess what? I never once received payment for those calls. Nothing ever came to me in the mail stating that any calls were ever made to that 900 line~ not even my own. And when I tried to call the company and explain that I wasn't getting credit for the calls, my appointed 'rep' wasn't in, but would get back to me.
Here's the cool part:
Within a week, he got back with me all right........and tried to sell me another new and improved 'package', refused a refund to me, and when I expressed my displeasure with what I had already purchased, he got snippy with me, and promptly hung up on my a*s in mid sentence..........within 2 more weeks, when I tried to call my 900 line to see if it was still in working order? It was dead in the water~
Like I said~ I was just playing around with some spare coin I had, but I'm sure glad I wasn't in dire need of money at that time, or else I would have been screwed. And seeing Mr. One Bedroom Apartment Guy now selling vitamins? hahaha~ THAT to me says, the tiny ads and 900 number bit ran its course, so he's onto new things to keep from going back to that tiny one bedroom apartment.
Ahhhhhhhhh~ the joys of dishonesty~

#25 Consumer Comment
If you have money to blow, don't blow it on him.
AUTHOR: Tammy - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Back in '96, I came into a large sum of money, and one evening while watching tv, came upon his current ploy of placing tiny ads in newspapers, or starting a 900 line~ on a whim, I bought into it, just for fun......
I mean, if he became wealthy from his tiny one bedroom apartment, surely I could scrounge up a couple of bucks from my 4 bedroom home~ *smirk, smirk*.
So, I let one of his reps deduct $476.00 from my credit card, and send me my start up kit. I didn't care about the tiny ads in newspapers across the country, but I figured I would just play with the 900 number and see what transpired from it.....I then put my 900 number in place~ unlike other numbers, and since I was from the south, my number consisted of southern recipes, updated weekly~ like I said, this was just for fun.
Since I had the 900 number purchased through them, they said they'd do all the work for me. They'd set up the account, route the calls, bla bla bla~
It said in the kit that I could personally call my 900 number, just to make sure it worked properly, but if I called it constantly of course, there would be a record of my calls and I'd not get credit for them, which would be somewhat odd since I'd be making the call, and I'd be the one paying for them..........of course, defeating my own purpose, but that's not the point.
Sooooooooooooo~ I called, listened, and hey, it sounded great, so I had a few friends call it, to get their opinion, and they racked up a few dollars on it for me, just to help me out and see how it went.
Well, guess what? I never once received payment for those calls. Nothing ever came to me in the mail stating that any calls were ever made to that 900 line~ not even my own. And when I tried to call the company and explain that I wasn't getting credit for the calls, my appointed 'rep' wasn't in, but would get back to me.
Here's the cool part:
Within a week, he got back with me all right........and tried to sell me another new and improved 'package', refused a refund to me, and when I expressed my displeasure with what I had already purchased, he got snippy with me, and promptly hung up on my a*s in mid sentence..........within 2 more weeks, when I tried to call my 900 line to see if it was still in working order? It was dead in the water~
Like I said~ I was just playing around with some spare coin I had, but I'm sure glad I wasn't in dire need of money at that time, or else I would have been screwed. And seeing Mr. One Bedroom Apartment Guy now selling vitamins? hahaha~ THAT to me says, the tiny ads and 900 number bit ran its course, so he's onto new things to keep from going back to that tiny one bedroom apartment.
Ahhhhhhhhh~ the joys of dishonesty~

#24 Consumer Comment
If you have money to blow, don't blow it on him.
AUTHOR: Tammy - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Back in '96, I came into a large sum of money, and one evening while watching tv, came upon his current ploy of placing tiny ads in newspapers, or starting a 900 line~ on a whim, I bought into it, just for fun......
I mean, if he became wealthy from his tiny one bedroom apartment, surely I could scrounge up a couple of bucks from my 4 bedroom home~ *smirk, smirk*.
So, I let one of his reps deduct $476.00 from my credit card, and send me my start up kit. I didn't care about the tiny ads in newspapers across the country, but I figured I would just play with the 900 number and see what transpired from it.....I then put my 900 number in place~ unlike other numbers, and since I was from the south, my number consisted of southern recipes, updated weekly~ like I said, this was just for fun.
Since I had the 900 number purchased through them, they said they'd do all the work for me. They'd set up the account, route the calls, bla bla bla~
It said in the kit that I could personally call my 900 number, just to make sure it worked properly, but if I called it constantly of course, there would be a record of my calls and I'd not get credit for them, which would be somewhat odd since I'd be making the call, and I'd be the one paying for them..........of course, defeating my own purpose, but that's not the point.
Sooooooooooooo~ I called, listened, and hey, it sounded great, so I had a few friends call it, to get their opinion, and they racked up a few dollars on it for me, just to help me out and see how it went.
Well, guess what? I never once received payment for those calls. Nothing ever came to me in the mail stating that any calls were ever made to that 900 line~ not even my own. And when I tried to call the company and explain that I wasn't getting credit for the calls, my appointed 'rep' wasn't in, but would get back to me.
Here's the cool part:
Within a week, he got back with me all right........and tried to sell me another new and improved 'package', refused a refund to me, and when I expressed my displeasure with what I had already purchased, he got snippy with me, and promptly hung up on my a*s in mid sentence..........within 2 more weeks, when I tried to call my 900 line to see if it was still in working order? It was dead in the water~
Like I said~ I was just playing around with some spare coin I had, but I'm sure glad I wasn't in dire need of money at that time, or else I would have been screwed. And seeing Mr. One Bedroom Apartment Guy now selling vitamins? hahaha~ THAT to me says, the tiny ads and 900 number bit ran its course, so he's onto new things to keep from going back to that tiny one bedroom apartment.
Ahhhhhhhhh~ the joys of dishonesty~

#23 REBUTTAL Individual responds
"F" Don LaPre
AUTHOR: Anthony - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, May 13, 2004
Hi everyone, I have been watching many of Mr. LaPre's infomercial's since the late 80's, when he came out with his first scamm, Assististing people get back some there money uncle sam forgot to mail to them. And of course then he started with his being down on his luck living in a sinlge bedroom palce, and so on, I knew then he was fake.
Everyone should do thier homework, please theres the internet now a days. Remember if it sounds to good to be true, It's because it is. It's a shame people get scammed everyday, because they want to have the american dream. But remember in karma. I'm sure Don Lapre has nice things. But can he say he can sleep well at night. I THINK NOT....

#22 Consumer Comment
I feel the Greatest Vitamin/Guarranteed trafffic article of 4/22 makes sense
AUTHOR: Raymond - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, April 23, 2004
In regards to the article put in by Joseph. I heard of the same type of hype with this guarranteed traffic company. A friend of mine is with the Greatest Vitamin, and cannot get going with it. She is a very good marketing person and does everything asked by the company. I am just saying that this is a very similar situation to that article because what proof do people have as far as how many sales are going through their system.
we the believers can only go by what they say. hopefully I am wrong but it does sound like a "not too good of a system" for the person coming on board looking for an opportunity.

#21 Consumer Suggestion
Glad I found this site
AUTHOR: David - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, April 22, 2004
I am glad I found this site. My wife had talked to someone in a chatroom about business opportunities. (they were swapping stories) My wife went to the site the individual gave her. It was about some vitamins, and at the top of the page it said: Website brought to you by Donald Lapre! I thought I heard of this name before, so I checked it out. Reid, I like your rebuttal! I hav'nt been ripped by this person, but I have on other opportunites I thought were legit. Reid if you are still interested in a legitimate business you can email me.

#20 Consumer Suggestion
Glad I found this site
AUTHOR: David - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, April 22, 2004
I am glad I found this site. My wife had talked to someone in a chatroom about business opportunities. (they were swapping stories) My wife went to the site the individual gave her. It was about some vitamins, and at the top of the page it said: Website brought to you by Donald Lapre! I thought I heard of this name before, so I checked it out. Reid, I like your rebuttal! I hav'nt been ripped by this person, but I have on other opportunites I thought were legit. Reid if you are still interested in a legitimate business you can email me.

#19 Consumer Suggestion
Glad I found this site
AUTHOR: David - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, April 22, 2004
I am glad I found this site. My wife had talked to someone in a chatroom about business opportunities. (they were swapping stories) My wife went to the site the individual gave her. It was about some vitamins, and at the top of the page it said: Website brought to you by Donald Lapre! I thought I heard of this name before, so I checked it out. Reid, I like your rebuttal! I hav'nt been ripped by this person, but I have on other opportunites I thought were legit. Reid if you are still interested in a legitimate business you can email me.

#18 Consumer Suggestion
Glad I found this site
AUTHOR: David - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, April 22, 2004
I am glad I found this site. My wife had talked to someone in a chatroom about business opportunities. (they were swapping stories) My wife went to the site the individual gave her. It was about some vitamins, and at the top of the page it said: Website brought to you by Donald Lapre! I thought I heard of this name before, so I checked it out. Reid, I like your rebuttal! I hav'nt been ripped by this person, but I have on other opportunites I thought were legit. Reid if you are still interested in a legitimate business you can email me.

#17 Consumer Comment
Greatest Vitamin! and Guaranteed traffic are all wrong
AUTHOR: Joseph - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, April 22, 2004
I've been formerly involved with the So called Greatest Vitamin in the World. When I first came on months ago .They told me that all I had to do was get the Website and that's all I needed. They told me that in about four weeks our staff would help me along the way and sales should start rolling in. As I called every few days every one that I spoke to knew no more info than the next person. I had to figure things out myself. they gave you about eight minutes of their time making me believe that I was on the right track. Well it wasn't true. I then after two months of no sales from my website, would call with a frustrated complaint. They would add something to the site to make me feel good. Another added link to their site with my affilliate code. Still days and weeks later there were no sales.Then the icing on the cake came when they offered to me their Guaranteed Traffic package telling me that now I can't lose because Guaranteed traffic targets only people looking to buy your product. Well after two months with Guaranteed Traffic I still was not getting sales. they told me My website was the best they saw and it should happen very shortly. Well I feel I was had. I called their bluff by calling them every so often to ask where the sales were. I would go to the website every day for two or three hours to try to improve on it thinking that my effort would make a difference. They said "Great work" only to depress me even more when not one sales came in since my inception with Greatest Vitamin and Guaranteed traffic. They now convince you to go door to door to sell which I say "why should I have to when on their commercials they have people saying that all you have to do is let the website sell the product".When I called the company to ask some more questions , they tried to tell me to leave the company if I wasn't happy. I really feel that there is no control over who calls and decides to buy because I would never know h*o called. They control all the calls for sales. All calls go to them and I feel that they can control who they want to give to you as customers and who they want to keep for themselves. They try to put names on the computer to say that people bought in the beginning of your tenure with them to make you think that you have a few customers but when I asked if I can talk to my customers they said "No way it's against company policy". To me Don Lapre's Greatest Vitamin and Guaranteed traffic are working together to have to inexperienced consumers go out and work so they can make the sales and make a fool of you and me. Those websites I believe are really for them to make money without anyone knowing how many sales are actually made. Guaranteed traffic and Don Lapre are a disgrace. Be careful They are possibly shifty and should be investigated.

#16 Consumer Suggestion
Response to the insensitive rebuttal!
AUTHOR: Reid - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Hey everyone, I hope this message finds each and every one in good spirit and health.
I just wanted to say to the person who submitted the insensitive rebuttal that she is no better than the fraudulent third party markting companies responsible for ripping people off. To come to a public forum such as this one and rip people who have already been victimized of fraudulent activities is preposterous!! Do you honestly think that the people who purchased Don's program knew that it was a scam? Do you thing the box of Don's program is titled scam? Do you think the fraudulent infomercial flashes any warnings of his program being a scam?
It sounds to me like you have not seen the infomercial. Either that, or you are so caught up in a J.O.B. (just over broke) that the thought of someday starting your own business venture never crossed your mind. You are proably content with just being a higher paid slave than some other people and you don't care that you work hard just to make someone else rich. I bet you HONESTLY think you are better than others.
Well I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you, but there are many people in this world who are interested in someday breaking out of the rat race. People who are looking for a way out, financial freedom that could never be obtained through working the nine to five daily grind. However, it is unfortunate that there are so many fraudulent businesses that are aware of this fact and take advantage of people. I can not even begin to fathom being dumped on by people like you, who have nothing better to do than come to this website and cheer on this deceitful company.
THAT IS SICK!! I'll bet you're probably proud of yourself too, huh? It's hard enough getting businesses to admit any wrongdoings and along comes Wonderwomen doing the world an even greater injustice. If you really want to help, find yourself a hobby and stop posting such ridiculous rebuttals, for someday it might just be you on the other end and I am sure you'll probably want the people's support. Youll look around only to find Don Lapre nowhere in sight and probably giggling his a*s off at you. Until next time, take care cause I care, aloha from this majestic island & God Bless each and every one of you.
P.S. The fraudulent third party marketing company that's responsible for selling me John Beck's Free & Clear, well, that's a scam. Any and all media companies that would be interested in the full story, please contact me.

#15 Consumer Suggestion
Response to the insensitive rebuttal!
AUTHOR: Reid - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Hey everyone, I hope this message finds each and every one in good spirit and health.
I just wanted to say to the person who submitted the insensitive rebuttal that she is no better than the fraudulent third party markting companies responsible for ripping people off. To come to a public forum such as this one and rip people who have already been victimized of fraudulent activities is preposterous!! Do you honestly think that the people who purchased Don's program knew that it was a scam? Do you thing the box of Don's program is titled scam? Do you think the fraudulent infomercial flashes any warnings of his program being a scam?
It sounds to me like you have not seen the infomercial. Either that, or you are so caught up in a J.O.B. (just over broke) that the thought of someday starting your own business venture never crossed your mind. You are proably content with just being a higher paid slave than some other people and you don't care that you work hard just to make someone else rich. I bet you HONESTLY think you are better than others.
Well I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you, but there are many people in this world who are interested in someday breaking out of the rat race. People who are looking for a way out, financial freedom that could never be obtained through working the nine to five daily grind. However, it is unfortunate that there are so many fraudulent businesses that are aware of this fact and take advantage of people. I can not even begin to fathom being dumped on by people like you, who have nothing better to do than come to this website and cheer on this deceitful company.
THAT IS SICK!! I'll bet you're probably proud of yourself too, huh? It's hard enough getting businesses to admit any wrongdoings and along comes Wonderwomen doing the world an even greater injustice. If you really want to help, find yourself a hobby and stop posting such ridiculous rebuttals, for someday it might just be you on the other end and I am sure you'll probably want the people's support. Youll look around only to find Don Lapre nowhere in sight and probably giggling his a*s off at you. Until next time, take care cause I care, aloha from this majestic island & God Bless each and every one of you.
P.S. The fraudulent third party marketing company that's responsible for selling me John Beck's Free & Clear, well, that's a scam. Any and all media companies that would be interested in the full story, please contact me.

#14 Consumer Suggestion
Response to the insensitive rebuttal!
AUTHOR: Reid - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Hey everyone, I hope this message finds each and every one in good spirit and health.
I just wanted to say to the person who submitted the insensitive rebuttal that she is no better than the fraudulent third party markting companies responsible for ripping people off. To come to a public forum such as this one and rip people who have already been victimized of fraudulent activities is preposterous!! Do you honestly think that the people who purchased Don's program knew that it was a scam? Do you thing the box of Don's program is titled scam? Do you think the fraudulent infomercial flashes any warnings of his program being a scam?
It sounds to me like you have not seen the infomercial. Either that, or you are so caught up in a J.O.B. (just over broke) that the thought of someday starting your own business venture never crossed your mind. You are proably content with just being a higher paid slave than some other people and you don't care that you work hard just to make someone else rich. I bet you HONESTLY think you are better than others.
Well I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you, but there are many people in this world who are interested in someday breaking out of the rat race. People who are looking for a way out, financial freedom that could never be obtained through working the nine to five daily grind. However, it is unfortunate that there are so many fraudulent businesses that are aware of this fact and take advantage of people. I can not even begin to fathom being dumped on by people like you, who have nothing better to do than come to this website and cheer on this deceitful company.
THAT IS SICK!! I'll bet you're probably proud of yourself too, huh? It's hard enough getting businesses to admit any wrongdoings and along comes Wonderwomen doing the world an even greater injustice. If you really want to help, find yourself a hobby and stop posting such ridiculous rebuttals, for someday it might just be you on the other end and I am sure you'll probably want the people's support. Youll look around only to find Don Lapre nowhere in sight and probably giggling his a*s off at you. Until next time, take care cause I care, aloha from this majestic island & God Bless each and every one of you.
P.S. The fraudulent third party marketing company that's responsible for selling me John Beck's Free & Clear, well, that's a scam. Any and all media companies that would be interested in the full story, please contact me.

#13 Consumer Suggestion
Response to the insensitive rebuttal!
AUTHOR: Reid - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Hey everyone, I hope this message finds each and every one in good spirit and health.
I just wanted to say to the person who submitted the insensitive rebuttal that she is no better than the fraudulent third party markting companies responsible for ripping people off. To come to a public forum such as this one and rip people who have already been victimized of fraudulent activities is preposterous!! Do you honestly think that the people who purchased Don's program knew that it was a scam? Do you thing the box of Don's program is titled scam? Do you think the fraudulent infomercial flashes any warnings of his program being a scam?
It sounds to me like you have not seen the infomercial. Either that, or you are so caught up in a J.O.B. (just over broke) that the thought of someday starting your own business venture never crossed your mind. You are proably content with just being a higher paid slave than some other people and you don't care that you work hard just to make someone else rich. I bet you HONESTLY think you are better than others.
Well I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you, but there are many people in this world who are interested in someday breaking out of the rat race. People who are looking for a way out, financial freedom that could never be obtained through working the nine to five daily grind. However, it is unfortunate that there are so many fraudulent businesses that are aware of this fact and take advantage of people. I can not even begin to fathom being dumped on by people like you, who have nothing better to do than come to this website and cheer on this deceitful company.
THAT IS SICK!! I'll bet you're probably proud of yourself too, huh? It's hard enough getting businesses to admit any wrongdoings and along comes Wonderwomen doing the world an even greater injustice. If you really want to help, find yourself a hobby and stop posting such ridiculous rebuttals, for someday it might just be you on the other end and I am sure you'll probably want the people's support. Youll look around only to find Don Lapre nowhere in sight and probably giggling his a*s off at you. Until next time, take care cause I care, aloha from this majestic island & God Bless each and every one of you.
P.S. The fraudulent third party marketing company that's responsible for selling me John Beck's Free & Clear, well, that's a scam. Any and all media companies that would be interested in the full story, please contact me.

#12 Consumer Comment
Hmmm... Who's the Scammer?
AUTHOR: Jane - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, April 08, 2004
So, let me get this straight. I should feel bad for you all because you paid someone money to teach you how to setup a bogus 900 # to rip off other people...and instead you got ripped off yourselves? Seems like poetic justice to me. And as far as DL, all the power to him for scamming the scammers.

#11 Consumer Comment
I like Don Lapre, I think he's highly entertaining
AUTHOR: Lee - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 25, 2004
I like the guy, I think he's highly entertaining to watch and gives me motivation.
I've read a few of his "mini-books" they're only like 20 pages long each but they are very direct and highlight basic sales and marketing techniques.
I am an entrapenur. I've ordered Carton Sheets's, Rober Kyosaki's, and others and and satisfied with the information I bought.
As far as not recieving a dilivery, I'm truly sorry, I can't relate. If it's to any concern, you can get them off P2P programs LOL.

#10 UPDATE EX-employee responds
I knew that I was working for a crooked (respectable) Nebraska Corporation
AUTHOR: Steve - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, November 22, 2003
At West we were told under NO CIRCUMSTANCES are we to reveal to an irate (MANY) what the name of our company was or even where we were located. When I fould THAT out, I knew that I was working for a crooked (respectable) Nebraska Corporation. If they are too embarrased to acknowledge their own company to callers, then they really Must have somthing to hide.
Good Luck

#9 Consumer Suggestion
To get back
AUTHOR: Jessica - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, October 18, 2003
I know that this may sound like a little strange thing to do but get this, I used to work for sprint and did so until I realized how much they were screwing their customers so here is an idea. With all of that information above for the numbers of him and his employees there is a program in sprint called complete sense for business which is twice as expensive as the residential account. It is about 150/month per line so... Go ahead and take his social for the credit check (the rep you speak to should ask you for it) if you are a man need not worry about changing his name, woman, just say it is your husband (the reps there are so bad they won't confirm anything with you anyway) and go ahead and ask for "business complete sense" along with asking for those numbers to be added to the account, all for $150 a piece each month. With the service sprint gives, even if he finds out soon and does cancel the account he will still be getting bills for months or even years. Just a little payback advice. If you don't want to use the phone go ahead and order it online. Sprint's automated set up messages on the computer have no way of tracing the information. If you do it on the phone however, you will go through third party verification and it will be 10 times as hard for him to prove that it is fraud.

#8 Consumer Suggestion
How to get your money back
AUTHOR: Darren - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, October 15, 2003
People like Don Lapre do not own the call centers that take orders for the products they advertise on TV. They farm out this aspect of their business to major companies like Convergys, West Telemarketing, Live Ops, CCTL and many, many others. You need to make your problem the problem of someone at the call center. Call the same number you used when you ordered the product, and ask politely to speak to a supervisor. Ask for the supervisors name, the location of the call center and their direct number. This is very important, do not neglect to do this. Gently explain what your issue is. If you're an irrational A-hole, you'll get blown off, so be very calm and articulate. Ask the supervisor to relay your problem to the telemarketing company's account manager who handles the Lapre account or better yet, ask for the name and number of the account manager. The supervisor or account manager will try to give you the CS number to the fulfillment house which may or may not be owned by Lapre(most likely not) This is a useless number which you probably already have. You need the supervisor or account manager to feel your pain, and you do this by calling them again and again and again and again, at least once per day. You politely but persistently make them your advocate. You see, the account manager has a relationship with someone at Lapres firm who has the power to make restitution. If you get the supervisor or account managers direct line are golden, because you can pester them to death. They will get so sick of you that they will demand that Lapre's people help you. This solution is under the assumption that you are within the acceptable period to return the product. Keep good records. Write intelligent letters and send them to the president or vp's of the telemarketing company, fulfillment house, then CC the attorney general of your state, and Lapre's state. You may not win, but if you persist and have a plan of attack, your chances are much, much better. I know the direct response business. These techniques are effective. Good luck.

#7 REBUTTAL Individual responds
AUTHOR: Mike` - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, August 10, 2003
About 3yrs ago I got a*****e don's kit. I tryed and tryed and tryed to called them wanting to send it back and get my money back. I had to paid by check and send it before I get the kit I did it and I got the kit. I did everything that the kit said to do. I put out about $750.00 in ad's (there is no free ad's in news papers ) From that time to now 3yrs later I DID NOT GET ANY MONEY NOT A DIME BACK. 2wks after geting the kit I tryed to return it to get back my money I CALLED AND CALLED many times all I got from them is BULL s**t telling me I have to buy more bull s**t stuff from them. This will help you make big money. They will not give my monry back so I put the kit in a box and pack it away. I hate to say it but I GOT TAKEING. But I will never ever forget the a*****e don lapre's. If I ever get him on the phone I WILL REACH OUT AND TOUCH HIM.
It all come down to don is the only one making money that's it.

#6 Consumer Suggestion
Fraud Prevention tips
AUTHOR: Detective Joe - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, May 02, 2003
Remember that no one will offer you something for nothing, so be aware of "con artists".
The simple fact that these products are being offered only on late night TV ads should give rise to suspicion in itself. However, the direct fraud involved in this case would be the non-delivery of the materials that were paid for (despite their bogus content-- there is no crime in advocating "get rich quick" schemes, only in running the various schemes that goes with them)
So, for the specific crime of mail theft (since you were promised delivery by the mails) you should file with your local Postmaster, and also file complaints with the Federal Trade Commission.
Please be aware of the mindset that these con men prey on--
1) If these "magic systems" were so easy, why would they be sharing it? Also, why wouldn't everyone be doing it?
2) You never get something for nothing-- all cons and scams involve the victim's own appeal to greed-- Don't fall for this.
3) Having been taken, the con-men rely on your sense of embarassment to prevent further action. Approach your local Police Department's Fraud unit,and let the Detectives work with you.
4) Don't allow your desperation take the place of your innate good sense-- if something doesn't sound right about a deal, STOP, and investigate thoroughly before proceeding.
Det. Joe Moran NYPD Transit Bureau

#5 Consumer Comment
Wasn't always a ripp off
AUTHOR: Shawn - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, March 25, 2003
I would like to say that I jumped on the hype that this program would work for me. I purchased the books after seeing the infomercial probably back in 1997. I was quite skeptical at first though I thought I'd give it a try. I received my books a few days later. A couple days after receiving my books I was contacted by a representative from this program talking to me about it.
This person had mentioned to me about 1-900 lines that I could purchase for $100. I figured that I would give it a try. Now after receiving my information for my "Psychic Hotline" it was up to me to advertise it. At the time I was a senior in High School and didn't have a lot of money for advertising, so I figured I would try to advertise as much as possible with no cost to myself.
I created a website, along with a free website I got from this program. For about the next year I didn't see any checks flowing in, which upset me. Then one day out of the blue I get a check in the mail. To my surprise it was a check from the psychic hotline. No the riches didn't start rolling in, though to this day I still receive checks from the psychic hotline ranging from $40 up to $200. I've more than made back my $130 ($30 for the books and $100 for the psychic hotline). No I didn't receive the riches I had hoped for, though it's nice to still receive a check here and there.
These days I know that Don Lapre had sold his company. So if in fact they are now scamming's not Don Lapre, it is the people whom purchased it from him. Just thought I would give my feed back on this.

#4 Consumer Comment
Don Lapre 900-number ripoff
AUTHOR: Fred - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, March 18, 2003
I too was ripped off by Don Lapre "New Strategies" back in 1994. I bought one of his 900 number packages, they were indeed a real ripoff! Not only I could not make any money with it, but neither could ABC 20/20, when they tried it when they did a story on Don Lapre.

#3 Consumer Suggestion
Wake Up and Get Some Common Sense
AUTHOR: Dave - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, March 16, 2003
I do not mean to through gas on the fire, but come on people - get real!
Let me give some advice. There is no magic formula for getting rich.
The next you are lying awake at four in the morning watching another "Don Lapre" like infomerical, before you pick up the phone, ask yourself two simple questions:
1. If this person so rich, why is he on TV pushing other people to get rich? Answer: so he can get richer. He does not care if you succeed.
2. Why is this informerical or any other informerical on at four in the morning?
I have been ripped-off to. My point is learn from your mistake. Take that money and go to local community college and take a few courses. The only why to secure a future is an education and not a fly by night scam.

#2 Consumer Comment
They got me too
AUTHOR: Tristan - ()
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, October 15, 2002
First of all they demanded an over the phone check. we were told that we had 30 days to look it over, if we did not like it we could get our money back "No Questions asked".
Before we even got the package we were being harassed for more money to pay for the "absolutely free" web site.
They wanted $5,000 for key words. We told them right then and there we wanted our money back. He gave us a number, we called it, they said check is in the mail.
After a month we called again they said it must of gotten lost they would send another check. after another month, we called again, they said that my husband decided to keep the acount open, ball faced lie.
My husband then called and told them differently. By that time they told him that the busness was under new management that we would have to file a report with them, so we did. the next time we called they said they lost the report, and the next time they had no file on us at all. 3years and still no money returned.

#1 UPDATE Employee
call Don's top employee names and home numbers
AUTHOR: Jim Jack - ()
SUBMITTED: Saturday, October 12, 2002
Ex-employee says this will make Don Lapre victims happy.
Here is some more inside information on Mr. Don Lapre, the man you might call Mr. Deception. I am hopeful that this will make some of his victims feel better.
Here are both of his home addresses in Phoenix, Az
# 1 address is 14809 South 25th way, Phoenix, Az 85048.
# 2 address is 14819 South 25th way, Phoenix Az 85044
His SSN # is (((REDACTED))
His home phone numbers are
602 or 480 759-4100 460-5300
His wife's # 460-5200
his email address is
His main media man is Tim Jasinski and his home phone number is 602 or 480 264-4843 and his cell number is 377-5733
We must not forget about his BK. filled on the date of 10-14-96 and released on 7-15-97. The amount of money that went down the drain was $957,909.49. If you do not believe this satement, Go to the web site listed and see for yourself.
ecorderDocuments&suf=&sar=UnOfficial&bi d=&naf=0&bk=0&rec2=&pgs=&map=&bdt=1/1/1
900&edt=9/13/2001&nm=LAPRE+DONALD+ETAL& set=20&cde=&lnk=1&Pages=2
L.A.P.R.E. could mean:
His key employee names and numbers are as follows:
Brad St Germn 843-3292
Brian Butler 504-1085
Chip Brown 246-1559
Chris Dompier 752-1012
Coleta Hodgsen 780-1566
Dan Fialkosky 931-4563
Daniel Nielson 992-9335
Dave Hanson 572-7001
Dave Jenkins 939-7671
Dave Putney 992-8235
Dawn Abbey 870-0894
Don Beck ( 360 ) 755-0747
Forrest Webb 569-6615
George Petrucz 439-2113
Jeff Pynn 502-3714
John Nelson 561-0447
Larry Levin 486-1084
Lisa Torrez 706-2215
Mark Coppola 863-1327
Mary Fitzpatrk 460-3128
Medi D. 706-0759
Mike Hoffman 990-7907
Rachel Guenther 266-9296
Ray Quiban 848-9228
Ray Valenzuela 706-0223
Renee Vuaghn 948-6423
Sandy Daly 706-6658
Stan Wozniak 234-3694
Steve Dzialo 582-1665
Steve Kessel 939-4094
Steve Smith 943-0074
Tempa Ottosen 246-1559
Tim Jasinski 264-4843
Todd Weitkunat 249-6029
Tony Coppola 447-4571
Wendell Craig 495-1854

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