Complaint Review: McDonalds Restaurants - Texas
- McDonalds Restaurants Texas U.S.A.
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- Category: Fast Food Restaurants
McDonalds No Breakfast
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Absurd
*UPDATE Employee: Hold on there...
*General Comment: Stop Breakfast at 10:45 am :)
*UPDATE Employee: waiting for breakfast
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Imagine
*Consumer Comment: At McDonald's, I remember when....
*Consumer Comment: At McDonald's, I remember when....
*Consumer Comment: At McDonald's, I remember when....
*Consumer Comment: Re Vicky post: Could not resist this one.
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: actually, the eggs are premade
*Consumer Comment: We have a winner
*UPDATE Employee: it is difficult
*Consumer Comment: Its a corp. thing!
*Consumer Comment: Its a corp. thing!
*Consumer Comment: Its a corp. thing!
*Consumer Comment: Its a corp. thing!
*Consumer Comment: WHAT?
*Consumer Comment: 10 minutes may noit be enough time but.......
*Consumer Comment: 10 minutes may noit be enough time but.......
*Consumer Comment: 10 minutes may noit be enough time but.......
*Consumer Comment: Michael is correct!
*Consumer Comment: Michael is correct!
*Consumer Comment: Michael is correct!
*Consumer Comment: Michael is correct!
*Consumer Comment: make your own
*Consumer Suggestion: This is not a ripoff. This is a simple matter of bad timing, that's all.
*Consumer Comment: CUT THE $HIT ALREADY!
*Consumer Comment: CUT THE $HIT ALREADY!
*Consumer Comment: CUT THE $HIT ALREADY!
*Consumer Comment: CUT THE $HIT ALREADY!
*Consumer Suggestion: Customer service is a priority.
*Consumer Comment: Pure laziness!!!
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Do you know what it's like working for McDonald's?
*Consumer Comment: customer service clearly this world seems to get caught up in moving to fast
*UPDATE Employee: Both parties were in the wrong?
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: You're whinin cuz you got no breakfast?
*Consumer Comment: Unless you work in customer service you haven't a clue of what one goes thru.
*Consumer Comment: This is not really a Rip-Off - It's the Business Rule
*Consumer Comment: Changeover time
*Consumer Suggestion: Use your brain
*Consumer Suggestion: Use your brain
*Consumer Suggestion: Use your brain
*Consumer Suggestion: Use your brain
*UPDATE Employee: Inexperienced. ..Most importantly, the customer should always be acknowledged
*Consumer Comment: Maybe you should try gas station management
*Consumer Comment: If breakfast ends at 10:30
*Consumer Comment: do you have any IDEA how much work is involved???
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On Sunday, March 26, 2000, I went to McDonalds at 10:20am (I got there before 10:30am, which is when they stop serving breakfast) When I got to the drive-thru, there was a lady in front of me waiting to order. They finally took her order at 10:27am. I then pulled up to place an order. No one ever acknowledged I was there waiting.
Finally, at 10:37am, someone came on and said "Breakfast is no longer available, lunch orders only." I said "I have been here for fifteen minutes, (well before the time ends for breakfast) and no one has taken my order, and I want breakfast. He said, "Thats because we were switching over from breakfast to lunch."
Now I feel like this is very inconsiderate as far as their customers are concerned. I went there for breakfast and made sure I was there in time to get breakfast. They cant even send out an employee to tell us, the people in line, that breakfast is no longer being served. Or, could the drive-thru person not have spoken up before I had been sitting there for 10 minutes waiting to order breakfast.
I think since I was ther in plenty of time before breakfast is suppose to end, I should have gotten breakfast, or at least acknowledgment that I was even there. They should not stop cooking breakfast until 10:30am as they advertise breakfast is available until 10:30am.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 04/15/2000 12:00 AM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#48 REBUTTAL Owner of company
AUTHOR: Dr.RobDO - ()
SUBMITTED: Thursday, May 23, 2013
This is an absolute absurd statement. Its like saying I went to the Doctors office and waited in the waiting room for 36 days. I think after an unreasonable amount of time I would have left. Have you been diagnosed with anything???

#47 UPDATE Employee
Hold on there...
AUTHOR: ThatGuy - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, August 19, 2012
Actually, I work for McDonald's and, t least at my franchise, we care about every single person that walks through that door; whether they're getting lunch for the family or just a coke in the drive thru. It is not brainless work; it is based on teamwork and doing your part in the grand scheme of things to get the product to the customer in the least possible amount of time AND making it seem flawless and effortless. Yes, the pay sucks, but that's what happens when you have a high turnover rate. You don't wanna pay so much because 90% of the people that work there use it as a springboard into something else. I love what I do, and I have a bright future ahead of my with the company.
Now to address some other quick things.
Our parent company, whose name I will protect, is so anal about cleanliness, procedure and cost and it's almost comical to see men in suits running around asking how that Big Mac is prepared in such a fury. But it's all for YOUR benefit. You obviously like something about it, or you wouldn't come back. At least if you were in my store, you would feel like a valued person. Things happen and mistakes get made, but we will make it right.
McDonald's is huge for a reason. We obviously do something right in order to be on of the biggest companies in the world. It sucks that folks have bad experiences at other locations, but there are great ones out there. Some of us work here because we choose to, or it fits our hectic lifestyle (I'm a working musician). So don't know it. I may think it doesn't take a genius to nail a roofing tile down, or smooth out concrete with a trowel (done them both!)

#46 General Comment
Stop Breakfast at 10:45 am :)
AUTHOR: hahahehihohu - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, May 14, 2011
everyday there are people late.. stop making eggs at 10:45 am... If there is any complaint after 10: 35, you can literally go to the drive through your self and show them your watch... looks like it is 10:35

#45 UPDATE Employee
waiting for breakfast
AUTHOR: Tavon - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 01, 2008
I'm a manager at a mcdonalds and I work at a older store which is much, much larger than some built in the last 5 to 10 years...we have more room for equipment and at change over we have room in our holding cabinets for a little breakfast...i think the OP was in 2000 so by now all resturants should have wireless headsets. our store makes good money and our owner is not cheap...we have enough equipment to handle change over. like I said the OP was in 2000 and a lot has changed in mcd since then

#44 UPDATE EX-employee responds
AUTHOR: =] - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, September 07, 2007
What if you were a customer that came in at 10:40 and wanted lunch? Then we couldn't do THAT because we were set up for breakfast. We can only do one or the other. Our kitchen's aren't equipped for both. Empathy is key here. We try. At our store, we serve breakfast til 10:40 as much as we can but then we end "parking" lunch customers, which is not fair.

#43 Consumer Comment
At McDonald's, I remember when....
AUTHOR: Patrick - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, April 20, 2006
Biscuits were made from scratch every morning.
Eggs were cracked fresh and mixed daily.
Pancake batter was mixed daily, and pancakes were cooked fresh.
Salads were made fresh daily.
Hamburger buns were toasted (some stores still do this).
Buns for Filet-o-Fish were steamed.
Apple and Cherry (yum!) pies were fried, not baked.
Banana was a milkshake flavor (my favorite).
Drinks were made by the employee, not the customer.
And last but not least....
Good customer service was always expected and received.
Ah, the good ol' days! Ray Kroc's motto was, "If you're green, you're growing. When you're ripe, you start to rot." I guess they're not green and growing anymore.

#42 Consumer Comment
At McDonald's, I remember when....
AUTHOR: Patrick - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, April 20, 2006
Biscuits were made from scratch every morning.
Eggs were cracked fresh and mixed daily.
Pancake batter was mixed daily, and pancakes were cooked fresh.
Salads were made fresh daily.
Hamburger buns were toasted (some stores still do this).
Buns for Filet-o-Fish were steamed.
Apple and Cherry (yum!) pies were fried, not baked.
Banana was a milkshake flavor (my favorite).
Drinks were made by the employee, not the customer.
And last but not least....
Good customer service was always expected and received.
Ah, the good ol' days! Ray Kroc's motto was, "If you're green, you're growing. When you're ripe, you start to rot." I guess they're not green and growing anymore.

#41 Consumer Comment
At McDonald's, I remember when....
AUTHOR: Patrick - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, April 20, 2006
Biscuits were made from scratch every morning.
Eggs were cracked fresh and mixed daily.
Pancake batter was mixed daily, and pancakes were cooked fresh.
Salads were made fresh daily.
Hamburger buns were toasted (some stores still do this).
Buns for Filet-o-Fish were steamed.
Apple and Cherry (yum!) pies were fried, not baked.
Banana was a milkshake flavor (my favorite).
Drinks were made by the employee, not the customer.
And last but not least....
Good customer service was always expected and received.
Ah, the good ol' days! Ray Kroc's motto was, "If you're green, you're growing. When you're ripe, you start to rot." I guess they're not green and growing anymore.

#40 Consumer Comment
Re Vicky post: Could not resist this one.
AUTHOR: Kim - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Got to love the reserection of old posts.
For the city of Potosi,Missouri as of 2000, there were 2,662 people, 1,103 households, and 677 families residing in the city.
Every one of them must have been in the line.

#39 UPDATE EX-employee responds
actually, the eggs are premade
AUTHOR: Jennifer - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, April 19, 2006
At the beginning of the year, the folded actually came already made, it was just frozen. the hotcakes are already made the cinamon roll already with icing on it. the thing that takes the longest is biscuits. it doesn't take 10 minutes to cook eggs, it take about 3 to 4 minutes, it take 4 mintues to cook bisuits. now, if you were waiting on an apple pie.......that takes 10 min. to cook, but those are served all day long.

#38 Consumer Comment
We have a winner
AUTHOR: Renee - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, March 18, 2006
I agree with the original complaint. Not a rip off but if she had showed up at 10:29, she should have been able to get her breakfast. The store states they serve breakfast until 10:30, not 10:30ish give or take 10-15 minutes. Also having worked at the corporate world headquarters of a fast food chain, Speed of service in drive thrus are targeted to be under 1.5 minutes. Having customers wait that long in line is unacceptable. You risk losing customers who aren't complacent about poor service. I know if I were in line and the car in front of me took 10 minutes to be served, I'd be long gone. Numbers show many people do exactly that. Poor service does not affect only one customer, it affects the bottom line.
To the guy bit*hing at how hard working at McDonald's is - get a grip. You get paid minimum wage for a reason. Unless you're a professional athlete or some movie star - all of our jobs are hard and thankless. Even those of us that worked hard to achieve our careers. Yours is easy. You're not splitting the atom, not saving lives, not educating or protecting our youth, not responsible for the financial success of a fortune 500 company. You flip burgers. Even if the job really was hard (and it isn't) that's no excuse to do it poorly
The winner of this discussion is Vicky - You waited an hour and a half, 90 minutes for FAST food? Forget poor customer service - that just makes you pathetic. You could have caught a pig, slaughtered it and made your own sausage in that time. Who waits an hour and a half for fast food?

#37 UPDATE Employee
it is difficult
AUTHOR: Gail - (United Kingdom)
SUBMITTED: Monday, December 05, 2005
i am 19 and started working for mcdonalds whilst finishing my studies 2 yrs ago. When i first started i enjoyed going to work, all the employees got on and the training was of a high standard, now i am an experienced crew member and i hate it. I now found my job very difficult because i work with a bunch of lazy incompetent people. These people are always no showing or ringing in sick, when they do actually turn up for a shift they are always late, they dont know the meaning of team work, are rude to customers and work at the pace of a snail. it is this that makes working at mcdonalds difficult.
The restaurant that i work in is one of the cleanest around, but too many mistakes are made when it comes customer orders, i fink customers need to understand that mistakes do happen so there is no point shouting at us because when you do this it makes us angry and we dont want to help rectify the problem for you, im not making exscuses because the mistakes are generally from the lazy inompetent employees not listening to what the customer is saying but some of us do try really hard and still make mistakes no one is perfect. it is extremely difficult changing over from breakfast to main menu, you have to cook two different types of food on the same grill but you are not allowed to cook the two things at the same time, its about judging the amount of food you feel is going to be needed. You have to have the correct amount prepared so that you dont have too much waste but so you have enough to serve all of your customers some times this judgement is wrong , if you sack someone from their job because they have made an errotr in judgement then no one will ever be working. in my restaurant if the que in the drive thru is longer than 4 cars someone has to go outside and take orders with a hand held machine, this is not always possible but when it is this will happen, this will help reduce your queing time.
customers expect too much, if they want there food within 30 seconds of placing their order they cant expect it to be cooked fresh, it is not possible to cook a portion of fries or a peice of meet in that short amount of time.

#36 Consumer Comment
Its a corp. thing!
AUTHOR: Schaun - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Any one who agrees with Paul is Wrong! and here is why.... I know from friends who have and are currently working for Mcdonalds as low level employees and management that Mceedee's drive through time is to be no longer than 1.5-2 min per person. I also think that the corp. would disagree with Paul because they love $$$$$$$$$$

#35 Consumer Comment
Its a corp. thing!
AUTHOR: Schaun - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Any one who agrees with Paul is Wrong! and here is why.... I know from friends who have and are currently working for Mcdonalds as low level employees and management that Mceedee's drive through time is to be no longer than 1.5-2 min per person. I also think that the corp. would disagree with Paul because they love $$$$$$$$$$

#34 Consumer Comment
Its a corp. thing!
AUTHOR: Schaun - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Any one who agrees with Paul is Wrong! and here is why.... I know from friends who have and are currently working for Mcdonalds as low level employees and management that Mceedee's drive through time is to be no longer than 1.5-2 min per person. I also think that the corp. would disagree with Paul because they love $$$$$$$$$$

#33 Consumer Comment
Its a corp. thing!
AUTHOR: Schaun - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Any one who agrees with Paul is Wrong! and here is why.... I know from friends who have and are currently working for Mcdonalds as low level employees and management that Mceedee's drive through time is to be no longer than 1.5-2 min per person. I also think that the corp. would disagree with Paul because they love $$$$$$$$$$

#32 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Sherri - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Either that or you have no concept of time. The only way you would stand in line 90 minutes at McDonald's is if the line extended down the street and onto the next block..or you were visiting Russia. Just not buying your story at face value...I know NO ONE who would stand in line for that long for "fast food"..hell, I won't wait that long for a table in a five-star restaurant, especially if I'm not feeling well.
Sorry, but your story just does not ring true.

#31 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Robert - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 21, 2005
You stood in line at McRonald's for 90 minutes? Are you for real? I wouldn't stand in line there for 5 minutes, nothing they have is worth the wait.

#30 Consumer Comment
10 minutes may noit be enough time but.......
AUTHOR: Vicky - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Ten minutes may not be enough time but how about a hour and a half one morning I arrived at McDonalds in Sullivan Missouri and stood in line from 9:00am till 10:30am there were tons of people in line I mind you was 6 months pregnant and feeling sick cause I didn't eat yet and as soon as I got to the front of the line they said they were only searving lunch now well everyone was yelling and mad and so they told the guy next to me he could order breakfest but wouldnt let me so when I called the corp. headquarters they said they would take care of it and sent me coupons for the same McDonalds yeah like I would ever go there again even when I told the manager that I didnt eat anything else at McDonalds but the sausage biskits and I was pregnant and needed to eat something she said too bad and gave me corp. number yeah that customer service at its best

#29 Consumer Comment
10 minutes may noit be enough time but.......
AUTHOR: Vicky - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Ten minutes may not be enough time but how about a hour and a half one morning I arrived at McDonalds in Sullivan Missouri and stood in line from 9:00am till 10:30am there were tons of people in line I mind you was 6 months pregnant and feeling sick cause I didn't eat yet and as soon as I got to the front of the line they said they were only searving lunch now well everyone was yelling and mad and so they told the guy next to me he could order breakfest but wouldnt let me so when I called the corp. headquarters they said they would take care of it and sent me coupons for the same McDonalds yeah like I would ever go there again even when I told the manager that I didnt eat anything else at McDonalds but the sausage biskits and I was pregnant and needed to eat something she said too bad and gave me corp. number yeah that customer service at its best

#28 Consumer Comment
10 minutes may noit be enough time but.......
AUTHOR: Vicky - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Ten minutes may not be enough time but how about a hour and a half one morning I arrived at McDonalds in Sullivan Missouri and stood in line from 9:00am till 10:30am there were tons of people in line I mind you was 6 months pregnant and feeling sick cause I didn't eat yet and as soon as I got to the front of the line they said they were only searving lunch now well everyone was yelling and mad and so they told the guy next to me he could order breakfest but wouldnt let me so when I called the corp. headquarters they said they would take care of it and sent me coupons for the same McDonalds yeah like I would ever go there again even when I told the manager that I didnt eat anything else at McDonalds but the sausage biskits and I was pregnant and needed to eat something she said too bad and gave me corp. number yeah that customer service at its best

#27 Consumer Comment
Michael is correct!
AUTHOR: Peter - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 21, 2005
To the original poster ... Next time instead of throwing a tantrum because you were not able to get your daily greasy artery-clogging breakfast fare at McDonalds, why don't you just rub a tub of lard over your thighs. The end result will be about the same as eating that grease-fried meal.

#26 Consumer Comment
Michael is correct!
AUTHOR: Peter - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 21, 2005
To the original poster ... Next time instead of throwing a tantrum because you were not able to get your daily greasy artery-clogging breakfast fare at McDonalds, why don't you just rub a tub of lard over your thighs. The end result will be about the same as eating that grease-fried meal.

#25 Consumer Comment
Michael is correct!
AUTHOR: Peter - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 21, 2005
To the original poster ... Next time instead of throwing a tantrum because you were not able to get your daily greasy artery-clogging breakfast fare at McDonalds, why don't you just rub a tub of lard over your thighs. The end result will be about the same as eating that grease-fried meal.

#24 Consumer Comment
Michael is correct!
AUTHOR: Peter - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 21, 2005
To the original poster ... Next time instead of throwing a tantrum because you were not able to get your daily greasy artery-clogging breakfast fare at McDonalds, why don't you just rub a tub of lard over your thighs. The end result will be about the same as eating that grease-fried meal.

#23 Consumer Comment
make your own
AUTHOR: Michael - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 21, 2005
I agree with Paul. Get over it. Quit abusing your computer. The time is took you to write and submit your useless rip-off report you could have
made your own breakfast at home.

#22 Consumer Suggestion
This is not a ripoff. This is a simple matter of bad timing, that's all.
AUTHOR: Paul - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, September 20, 2005
There are restaurants that serve breakfast 24 hours a day. Find one and leave the McDonalds in peace.
They work both hard and cheap there. So, don't make their lives any harder.
And, save this site for the genuine ripoffs, not bad attitudes and bad timing.

#21 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Salvatore - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, September 20, 2005
#1- I can't stand useless, lazy f_cks who rather sit their fat a$$es in their car at the drive through for 10-15mins and complain things are taking to long, rather then walk their useless a$$ inside and get it over with already!
#2- I just can't f_cking believe how hard you people are making working at McDonalds seem. It is the most brainless job ever. Talk to someone who is a king-crab fisher man in the Atlantic ocean in the dead of winter or someone who is a roofer working in the blazing hot sun putting in 10hr+ days, as far as physically hard jobs go. Or I can name a dozen jobs that take real brains to do.
Oh, and for the first guy who responded that works at McDonalds; stop using the fact that your mommy and daddy didn't send you to college as an excuse for why you are failure in life working at McDonalds! My mommy and daddy didn't send me to college and I never worked at McDonalds or any fast food place. I learned a trade and got a real job. But at $20+ an hr that wasn't enough for me, so I stopped thinking like an employee and started thinking like an entrepreneur.
Start taking responsibility for what you do and stop trying to blame everyone and everything else for you being a loser.

#20 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Salvatore - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, September 20, 2005
#1- I can't stand useless, lazy f_cks who rather sit their fat a$$es in their car at the drive through for 10-15mins and complain things are taking to long, rather then walk their useless a$$ inside and get it over with already!
#2- I just can't f_cking believe how hard you people are making working at McDonalds seem. It is the most brainless job ever. Talk to someone who is a king-crab fisher man in the Atlantic ocean in the dead of winter or someone who is a roofer working in the blazing hot sun putting in 10hr+ days, as far as physically hard jobs go. Or I can name a dozen jobs that take real brains to do.
Oh, and for the first guy who responded that works at McDonalds; stop using the fact that your mommy and daddy didn't send you to college as an excuse for why you are failure in life working at McDonalds! My mommy and daddy didn't send me to college and I never worked at McDonalds or any fast food place. I learned a trade and got a real job. But at $20+ an hr that wasn't enough for me, so I stopped thinking like an employee and started thinking like an entrepreneur.
Start taking responsibility for what you do and stop trying to blame everyone and everything else for you being a loser.

#19 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Salvatore - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, September 20, 2005
#1- I can't stand useless, lazy f_cks who rather sit their fat a$$es in their car at the drive through for 10-15mins and complain things are taking to long, rather then walk their useless a$$ inside and get it over with already!
#2- I just can't f_cking believe how hard you people are making working at McDonalds seem. It is the most brainless job ever. Talk to someone who is a king-crab fisher man in the Atlantic ocean in the dead of winter or someone who is a roofer working in the blazing hot sun putting in 10hr+ days, as far as physically hard jobs go. Or I can name a dozen jobs that take real brains to do.
Oh, and for the first guy who responded that works at McDonalds; stop using the fact that your mommy and daddy didn't send you to college as an excuse for why you are failure in life working at McDonalds! My mommy and daddy didn't send me to college and I never worked at McDonalds or any fast food place. I learned a trade and got a real job. But at $20+ an hr that wasn't enough for me, so I stopped thinking like an employee and started thinking like an entrepreneur.
Start taking responsibility for what you do and stop trying to blame everyone and everything else for you being a loser.

#18 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Salvatore - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, September 20, 2005
#1- I can't stand useless, lazy f_cks who rather sit their fat a$$es in their car at the drive through for 10-15mins and complain things are taking to long, rather then walk their useless a$$ inside and get it over with already!
#2- I just can't f_cking believe how hard you people are making working at McDonalds seem. It is the most brainless job ever. Talk to someone who is a king-crab fisher man in the Atlantic ocean in the dead of winter or someone who is a roofer working in the blazing hot sun putting in 10hr+ days, as far as physically hard jobs go. Or I can name a dozen jobs that take real brains to do.
Oh, and for the first guy who responded that works at McDonalds; stop using the fact that your mommy and daddy didn't send you to college as an excuse for why you are failure in life working at McDonalds! My mommy and daddy didn't send me to college and I never worked at McDonalds or any fast food place. I learned a trade and got a real job. But at $20+ an hr that wasn't enough for me, so I stopped thinking like an employee and started thinking like an entrepreneur.
Start taking responsibility for what you do and stop trying to blame everyone and everything else for you being a loser.

#17 Consumer Suggestion
Customer service is a priority.
AUTHOR: Shelby - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, September 06, 2005
I can not believe the rebuttals to this report. If you say that you serve an item or items till a certain time then you should by all rights serve those things till that time. That would be like going into a restaurant and refusing to serve you because it's close to their closing time. A time is stated for a reason. I understand that its inconvient for a customer to come in close to change over, closing or even early but however your times are posted and you should adhere to them. Not everyone thrives on the existence of being convient for the restaurant.
Also, the lady in front of him should not have had to wait that long for her order to be placed. If I am correct all fast food restaurants have times they have to meet from when the car pulls up to when the car pulls away from the window from receiving their order. The original poster should not have waited ten minutes for his order to be placed. He should have been greeted when he pulled up to the speaker and if the person was taking the orders was busy he should have been asked to please wait.
McDonalds should have a system in place to have the changeover transition go smoothly without having the operation of the restaurant come to a complete stop. This in this case is what happened.
For the person who seems so bitter about his college education, are there not grants and loans you can apply to the government to get to help you in the completion of your post secondary education?
I agree with some of the other people who questioned if you have to walk inside of a restaurant then why have a drive thru.
This person did get there before breakfast was over and was made to wait. He is not asking for special privileges just what is due to him as a consumer and the posted guidelines for McDonalds. He did not get caught up in traffic. He did get behind 1 person at the window and still should have had adequate time to order had the previous order not taken so long. Every time we decide to drive through McDonalds I am sure that we all do not sit down and factor time, traffic, and how busy the local McDonalds is.
Nothing changes the fact that when you work in a restaurant that it's a customer service based business. You should not have an attitude or a bunch of excuses because when it comes down to it the person ordering the food and making a contribution to your paycheck does not care. Politeness will get you a long way. I have worked in the food service area for a number of years and excelled at it. Like Jeff from Florida you have to care about your job and the treat the people you serve with respect and you will get the same.

#16 Consumer Comment
Pure laziness!!!
AUTHOR: Peter - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, September 06, 2005
If you really wanted breakfast so badly, why didn't you get your lazy self out of your car and order from inside the restaurant? Obviously the drive thru was taking too long and you were not able to place your order before the cut-off time. Had you simply gone inside, you would have been in and out in a matter of minutes with breakfast in hand!

#15 UPDATE EX-employee responds
Do you know what it's like working for McDonald's?
AUTHOR: Mary - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, September 06, 2005
To all of you that have not worked at a fast food chain, let me tell you. I have worked at McDonald's for 7 years. $ of those were in management. As for breakfast ending at 10:30, well yes they do end it at that time. And waiting for 10 minutes in the drive thru is also true at times. Thats if you don't have enough employees or you are waiting for the food to cook. Other then that they do acknowledge the fact the there is a customer at the drive thru. As far as the eggs go, they can make them and put them in the warmer for up to 10 minutes. At times they do have breakfast left (but only certain things that they can make.) after 10:30 am. Mainly for the fact that they don't want to waste the food and to make more money. At Most stores they have cameras that they monitor for the drive thru so they can see how many cars are there. Along with that, at times they do walk through the drive thru and hand a coupon or a certain paper to the last car in the drive thru for breakfast. After that car comes to the speaker they let the employee know that they have the paper/coupon as they order their breakfast and to inform the employees that they are the last car in the drive thru to recieve breakfast. At times this is also done inside the store as well. Of course there is more papsers/coupons handed out inside the store for this. Other then that, It does not take 10 minutes to cook the eggs. Unless you are ordering the breakfast burrito. Which is pre-made and then it takes the full 10 minutes. Besides, if you havent worked for McDonald's or anty other fast food place, let me tell you something else. Customers can be very mean and rude at times. I have had sandwhiches, drinks, shakes, ice cream, and alot of other stuff thrown at me from the customers them selves. That was because I was following store policies. And talk about fowl language. Not only that I can't tell you how many times I had the Police out for any occasion. All that in just 7 years.

#14 Consumer Comment
customer service clearly this world seems to get caught up in moving to fast
AUTHOR: Jeff - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, April 06, 2005
clearly this world seems to get caught up in moveing to fast, everyones in a hurry not always our fault but its a fact. now as for mcdonalds i worked there for awhile in highschool and the customers treated me with great respect then again i started knowing my customers and made sure the order was done and correct before i sent them on their way (you dont get that much anymore)and i had some people i could get their order started before they got to the counter.
now in this case by no means should she have to walk in to order (whats the point of drive thru?) and we were always instructed to get our drive thru orders done in a certain time frame,they do keep track off these things in fact it has been on the screen for a long time.
i suggest everyone try to find a tape of a guy named larry winget he will tell you how customer service should work, if this is a true story mcdonalds is wrong no if ands or buts thats all!

#13 UPDATE Employee
Both parties were in the wrong?
AUTHOR: Michael - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, April 02, 2005
First of all, let me state that i've had the displeasure of working for McDonald's during the changeover from breakfast to lunch, and its quite often that we have some folks come in a very short time before we change over, in the drivethru, and then expect us to hold everything over just for one breakfast sandwich. This happens almost *daily* - your number was just up that day, i suppose. But i highly doubt this qualifies as a rip off.
Besides.. you sat there for 10 minutes? Why not, if you were on hold that long with nobody to serve you, either go around again (sometimes the buzzer fails to go off.. it happens.) - or come inside, instead of being horribly ticked and filing a report because you couldnt get the exact sandwich you wanted?
The store, on the other hand, if they indeed made you wait there for upwards of 10 minutes, should have tried to make things right by giving you a free meal card, a free lunch, some such thing like that, instead of just telling you that breakfast was now over.
ADVICE: Arrive at least 30 minutes before the change over.. your food will be fresher that way anyhow, because so close to changeover, they're trying to get rid of whats left from breakfast. And you'll have less of a chance of such an issue happening again.

#12 UPDATE EX-employee responds
You're whinin cuz you got no breakfast?
AUTHOR: Al - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Gimme a break. If that's the worst of your troubles then I envy you.
My friends, this is another case of morons dealing with morons.
For the manager who responded earlier: it doesn't take ten minutes to cook an egg! If you were a real manager instead of some doodied up key-carrier you'd get off your a*s in the office and hustle instead of sitting on your throne barking out orders.
I worked at a McDonalds when I was going through college, and yes, it ain't no picnic. I was never promoted to management, and the reason why is because McDonalds managers, especially the franchise owners, have a mentality of "I want my paycheck" before they even lift a finger to do their job. It permeates the company.
As for the jabroni whining about breakfast, you could've gone into the store! Everyone knows the drive-thrus are slower than inside. If the restaurant isn't hustling enough, get lunch, go elsewhere, or starve. I can't believe you're that stupid not to figure it out. Quit posting this s**t and get off this web site!

#11 Consumer Comment
Unless you work in customer service you haven't a clue of what one goes thru.
AUTHOR: Melissa - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, February 20, 2005
I've worked in customer service for a decade now and trust me it can make you HATE people. I've never worked in fastfood, but I empathize with everyone who does. It's a thankless job that often pays minimum wage.
Picture this:
You're on a register ringing out a customer with three other people behind them. You have another guy yelling in your ear asking if something is in stock that you haven't had a chance to check yet. The phone line won't stop ringing with people asking you about your hours which they could really use any internet service to look up and check. You've been on shift for five hours and haven't eaten all day yet can't take lunch because someone called in sick. You have kids running around like crazy as their parents allow them to wreck the place (but god forbid their child falls down and suddenly it's the store's fault). Then of course, you have to watch out for the short change artists who had you a ten but insist they gave you a twenty or a fifty. Or people you suspect are theives but don't have enough people on shift to catch them. The bottom line of making money for your store and scoring 100 on secret shoppers breathing down your neck and a scanner that only works half the time. Combine that with customer complaints and ask yourself how you would do in a similar situation.
When someone has a hundred things going on it's easy to forget about one person. If I was working in fastfood trying to prep it for lunch, I dont' think my mind would be on the people in line wanting breakfast. There's just too much going on!
Often, I hear critisisms about cashiers. I hear people attacking them because of their smarts or their attitudes, and it pisses me off. Especially, when it comes from people who NEVER had to work in customer service. I wish there was a way that regardless of how successful one is in life that one month out of the year everyone is forced to work in retail/fast food. I think it would make people a hell of a lot more patient and easier to deal with.

#10 Consumer Comment
This is not really a Rip-Off - It's the Business Rule
AUTHOR: Corine - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, February 20, 2005
The initial report was filed way back on April 15, 2000 for a situation that occurred on March 26, 2000. The first rebuttal I see was 2 years later, in March 2002. What a gap. Anyway, this has happened to many people who wake up late in the morning or who are on the road and decide close to 1030 that they are hungry. If you want breakfast at 1030 in the morning, it would be better to go to a sit down restaurant that serves Breakfast ALL DAY - they have special burners that stay set for breakfast meat and egg temperatures (this is a Health Department Regulation) and another set that are for cooking other meats etc. Fast food restaurants do not currently have the kitchen space to operate like that. They have to turn off, clean the area and reset the temperatures for burgers and chicken etc to prepare for lunch and dinner. I totally agree with what Nikki in Ohio said - if it was that close to 1030 and you really wanted the breakfast items, you should have gotten out of your car and went inside - you probably would have gotten to the counter before 1045 and gotten your McMuffin or whatever else you wanted. I've had this happen to me too, I really wanted breakfast, but hit the drive thru at around 1030 knowing that I was at the cutoff for breakfast to the regular menu. I accepted it when the order taker told me that I just missed it. Sad but true. Once I just said never mind and got out of the line and went on to a regular restaurant that has breakfast 24/7 other times, I just ordered the lunch items instead. This situation is not a Rip-Off it's a fact of fast food restaurants. McDonald's and others will give you your money back if you don't like what you get or if they make a mistake with your order, they are more than willing to make amends with a free addition or giving money back. I haven't been in one fast food restaurant yet that really Rips Off consumers. Plain and simple if you want breakfast that close to lunch, go to a full service place that provides all day breakfast.

#9 Consumer Comment
Changeover time
AUTHOR: Daniel - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, February 15, 2005
I have worked in customer service for years, and one thing that really gets my goat is the entitlement people feel they have. "I was there waiting in line for 10 minutes so they should hold the entire store changeover process so they can make my egg mcmuffin!"
The sign at the drive through says "Breakfast served until 10:30am" What makes you think that you are so gifted and special that the world needs to stop for you. Get there before 10:30....more than you did. Plan for all contingencies...perhaps you might have gotten caught in traffic..which you the window.
Anyway. I have had the same problem myself. I get a hankering for a breakfast burrito and I pull up and they say..."sorry, we're not serving breakfast anymore". My response is..."bummer. Got here too late. Well, I guess I'll just have a quarter pounder with cheese meal, with diet coke, please."
Because I live in realityland and this is the way the world works. Don't you have more important things to worry about?

#8 Consumer Suggestion
Use your brain
AUTHOR: Nikki - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Why didnt you just walk in and order?? It would have saved you alot of time, and got you what you wanted, especially if you knew it took them a while to take the first customers order.

#7 Consumer Suggestion
Use your brain
AUTHOR: Nikki - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Why didnt you just walk in and order?? It would have saved you alot of time, and got you what you wanted, especially if you knew it took them a while to take the first customers order.

#6 Consumer Suggestion
Use your brain
AUTHOR: Nikki - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Why didnt you just walk in and order?? It would have saved you alot of time, and got you what you wanted, especially if you knew it took them a while to take the first customers order.

#5 Consumer Suggestion
Use your brain
AUTHOR: Nikki - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Why didnt you just walk in and order?? It would have saved you alot of time, and got you what you wanted, especially if you knew it took them a while to take the first customers order.

#4 UPDATE Employee
Inexperienced. ..Most importantly, the customer should always be acknowledged
AUTHOR: Thomas - (Canada)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, May 07, 2003
In response to the original complaint. I am a manager at McDonald's. I'm working their to pay my way through university in Toronto, Canada. I've worked at McDonald's for 5 years, and I've come to understand alot about the way the business works. Many customers do expect things a little too quickly, almost instantaneously. I agree that the complaint given here regards a situation which should not have happened in the first place. Most importantly, the customer should always be acknowledged. Secondly, health regulations state that eggs, sausage, and bacon can ALL be cooked ahead of time, provided they are stored within a certain temperature range (usually above 140 degrees F) and within a certain time frame (McDonald's usually stores eggs for 20 minutes). Also, since such food can be prepared ahead of time, the manager on duty will usually instruct the kitchen crew to prepare a little extra then what should typically be required. It is McDonald's policy to serve breakfast for 15 minutes past the stated time.
However I would like to point out several conditions which can change at McDonald's often leading to customer complaints.
Firstly it is often VERY VERY hectic, and therefore difficult to keep tract of everything going on at once. Often 7 or 8 orders can be taken simultaneously on a drive thru alone.
Second, computer malfunctions are not out of the ordinary and can create not only a backlog of orders, but additional frustration as service crew attempt (with much screaming and chaos) to communicate with the kitchen.
Finally, in direct response to your complaint, a manager would likely have been more than happy to fix things. Dealing with a child (15 year old weekend employee) or an adult (usually an immature full timer with little true customer service training) is nearly impossible. Customers must try to understand that McDonald's employees are underpaid and overworked, many customers fail to treat them as humans (i know this sounds obscure, but I have experienced such treatment myself.)
Asking a manager for help will almost undoubtedly remedy the situation.
I guess thats my two cents. Thanks

#3 Consumer Comment
Maybe you should try gas station management
AUTHOR: Tim - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, April 10, 2003
To our fast food restaurant manager: it's probably a good thing you had to leave college, because apparently you are unfit even to manage a McDonald's (or wherever it is you work).
The above customer has a very legitimate complaint. She arrived well before the switchover from breakfast to lunch, and due to the ineptitude of the staff was told that she could not get breakfast even after getting there in time and spending a substantial amount of time waiting for it.
I worked in restaurants for 12 years, and, unfortunately, some of that time was spent in fast food management. Here's a couple things I learned:
1) excuses about how hard your job is don't cut it. Fast food restaurants are designed to accomodate what they offer with the capacity to do it quickly.
If you can't do what your company says you can do then you aren't doing it right. You're right, fast food is very hard, very stressful, thankless work. Here's some news for ya: so are about 90% of everybody elses jobs, but how often do you hear "I can't do my job right because it's just soooo hard."
And 2) it doesn't take ten minutes to cook an egg, unless you're talking about hard boiled eggs, which I don't think we are. On top of that, I think they usually cook more than one egg at a time. If it takes you ten minutes to cook an over hard egg, I think fast food may not be the right business for you.
Also, you might want to bone up on your customer relations skills. We all know that fast food work sucks, but that's no excuse for what happened in the original complaint. lastly, there are other ways to success than having your parents foot the bill for a college education. I funded seven years of quality education with no help from anybody but myself and my work ethic, and I find it small minded, vitriolic and defeatist for you to claim that everyone who has achieved success in life did so because they had rich parents to foot the bill.

#2 Consumer Comment
If breakfast ends at 10:30
AUTHOR: Jill - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, April 06, 2003
Then showing up at 10:20 should entitle the man to order breakfast. If you have people waiting in your drive through before the 10:30 cutoff time, then you need to have some sort of system to notify these people that, if they have not ordered by 10:30, they will not get breakfast.
For that matter, if someone is AT the drive through, rather than have them waiting TEN MINUTES to order, while you break down from breakfast, get on the PA and tell the person sitting there that there will be a delay.
After all, people generally go to fast food restaurants because they're supposed to be FAST. And people generally go through the drive through because, you guessed it, it's supposed to be FAST. If I have to wait ten minutes just to get my order taken, I may as well go to a full-service restaurant and get carry-out.
Also, per health department standards, you may not be able to make eggs and let them sit, but there have been many times that I've been in McDonald's at breakfast time and seen pre-made egg McMuffins, Breakfast Burritos, Sausage Egg and Cheese Biscuits, etc. Also, if it took 10 minutes to make eggs, then how do you explain someone ordering a Big Breakfast at the drive through order screen and having it handed to them by the time they get to the pick-up window? If McDonald's has discovered a way to bend time, you'd think they'd solve the lunch rush problem.
To the guy who showed up at McD's ten minutes before breakfast ended. It may be a pain but I would suggest going inside instead of using the drive through. If I see a line at the drive through, I usually walk in. If there's a long line inside or it's too chaotic (ie: you can't tell which lane is open or you can't tell who is waiting to order and who is waiting for delivery) then I just walk out. There are other places I can spend my money. But that soon before breakfast ends, it's likely to be crazy. You could save yourself time and a headache by just walking in and surveying the situation.

#1 Consumer Comment
do you have any IDEA how much work is involved???
AUTHOR: no - ()
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, March 05, 2002
if youve never had to work fast food a day in your life, well then congratulations there, "richey rich", your parents actually paid for your college education and you wont be stuck with a 500 dollar bill for it every month.
I had one, but it got too expensive, so i am now stuck being a manager at a fast food restaraunt. I will tell you from experience that the tear down setup and cleaning of every single little dish is IMMENSE, and can take FOREVER. not to mention how long it takes to cook frozen food.
In my opinion You did NOT get there in enough time, (10 minutes, COME ON! It takes longer than that to cook an egg on the grill because they are NOT ALLOWED TO BE PREMADE DUE TO HEALTH CONTROL BOARD SANCTIONS!) because at 10:30 they get all the idiots who wake up and say yknow, i think i want 500 big macs, and there isnt any ingredients up for it because they have a zillion breakfast dishes from earlier that need to get out of the way to make room for lunch. Have you ever stood there and tried to scrape hardened, dried egg and CHEESE nonetheless out of a metal hot as hell pan and burnt your hand? No? well I have, countless times since I was 16. I didnt have everything handed to me.
Believe it or not, these employees DO have other crucial store work to do, and often times get yelled at for not having it done, however it is their job to state their menu changes, or have the manager state them... they can't tell that you are there unless your car actually DRIVES over the drive through pad that makes this loud buzzing sound to signal that there is someone at drive through, and those are usually placed 10 ft before the menu board. Remember not all mcdonalds have headsets that are wireless and can go everywhere with them.

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