Complaint Review: BioPerformance / BioPerformance Fuel - Irving Texas
- BioPerformance / BioPerformance Fuel 1300 W. Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 100 Irving, Texas U.S.A.
- Phone:
- Web:
- Category: Multi-Level Marketing
BioPerformance / BioPerformance Fuel MLM Recruiting Scam, Ripoff, DON'T JOIN!!! Irving Texas
*Consumer Suggestion: Gas-Rip-Off Scam Products
*Consumer Comment: FRAUD
*Consumer Comment: Texas Attorney General Shuts Down Dallas-based Bioperformance
*Consumer Comment: WESH responds to naphthalene vrs. naphthenates
*Consumer Suggestion: If it were only So
*Consumer Suggestion: If it were only So
*Consumer Suggestion: If it were only So
*Consumer Suggestion: If it were only So
*UPDATE Employee: BioPerformance Letter from Manufacturer... Fuel Catalyst is NOT Napthalene (Moth Balls)!
*Consumer Comment: Bio-Performance Moth Balls
*Consumer Suggestion: Bio Performance Gas Pill, ETC!
*Consumer Comment: Bio Performance powder does work...
*Consumer Comment: Bio Performance powder does work...
*Consumer Comment: Basically mothballs in pill form
*Consumer Comment: Are there thousands of deluded people then?
*UPDATE Employee: I've been using BP,Inc Fuel Catalyst since Dec 2005
*UPDATE Employee: BioPerformance IS FANTASTIC. it is a LIFE SAVER....GAS SAFER pill.
*Consumer Comment: Ignorance is not bliss. It's a pain in the rear.
*Consumer Comment: How does the engine computer know the fuel is more powerful?
*Consumer Comment: Gas Pill - Bio Performance - is a real farce
*Consumer Comment: Response To The ABC Report
*Consumer Comment: ABC News Story
*Consumer Comment: GAS-SCAM and Gas-Rip-Off
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Bio Performance is Not Good
*Consumer Comment: DO YOUR Home-Work..BioPerformance Plus
*Consumer Comment: More on the BioPerformance MLM Scam
*Author of original report: Your comments were just as cold!
*UPDATE Employee: Wishful thinking
*Author of original report: I did try the product and IT DOESN'T WORK!
*UPDATE Employee: Bio Performance works
*Author of original report: It's clear that this is a front-end loaded MLM ripoff. The big $$ is all in recruiting
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I have been a network marketer for several years and have been very successful in such. I was introduced to BioPerformance Inc. a month ago when a good friend of mine called to tell me about the "secret gas pill". I attended a very hype filled conference call and was VERY turned off.
My husband and I talked it over and decided we could do our own conference calls WITHOUT THE HYPE, and as long as we tried the product and it worked - we would have a great opportunity to build a huge organization because of a product with REAL VALUE. Well, we took the plunge and signed up as Managers.
The first big red flag I saw was when the company did not accept online payments, or credit / debit cards at all - only personal checks or money orders. I've been told that BioPerformance is in the process of accepting these forms of payment - but as a former ACH Specialist, I KNOW from my own banking experience that obtaining a merchant account is not a big deal, and most home-based business owners can get one overnight. This is a major concern.
After signing up online we get to a screen that says to OVERNIGHT our payment to BioPerformance. That's a little fishy....why isn't regular postal mail acceptable? We mailed ours regular postal mail, and definately did NOT sign up for auto-ship. NOTE: If they can process credit card transactions for auto-ship, then they CAN process credit card transactions for enrollment into the business - they CHOOSE not to, and my guess is that they don't want to deal with charge-backs!!!
I was told by the upline that the Freedom Team (a group of distributors within BioPerformance) had the best training. I attended their conference call...and unfortunately it was just as hyped up and all about money and recruiting as the last conference call I listened to.
The only benefit was the lead capture page with audio presentation on it. I bought it for $49.95 to promote the business online.
After buying it, (I think two or three days later) I attend a "training call" where they're promoting an "excellent and high quality printer" who they have contracted with to print business 1000 business cards for our team for just $39.99 (including shipping). Well, that's cheaper than - so we ordered some.
They had an order page where you enter the name, website, email & phone # you want printed on the cards. We entered the info. we wanted on our cards and paid via PayPal.
In the process of waiting for my product (BioPerformance Fuel pills) and my business cards, I started researching fuel catalysts online. I found there were several other network marketing companies popping up promoting fuel catalysts. One actually has a money back gurantee - Extreme Research's Enviro-Max plus.
I emailed a distributor who was selling the Enviro-Max Plus on eBay and she emailed me back and eventually we talked on the phone. She said Extreme Research suspects that BioPerformance Fuel is a pill form of their patented product Enviro-Max plus.
BioPerformance Fuel is NOT PATENTED. When I asked the upline WHY it is not patented, I was told "Because we don't want to reveal the formula because others could copy it and sell knock-off versions and cut us out completely."
My guess is that BioPerformance Inc. had done exactly that to Extreme Research. My personal opinion is that they copied Enviro-Max Plus's formula (which is viewable through the patent it holds), altered it enough (turned it into a pill and powder) and wala - BioPerformance Fuel is born.
I emailed my concerns to BioPerformance and never received a response. I finally got my product a few days ago and tried it. It will take four full tank fulls of gas to tell if it works or not. I decided not to build a business with BioPerformance because I can't even get a response to a MAJOR concern. The distributor for Extreme Research said a cease and desist order will be issued shortly because of the patent infringement. BioPerformance never answered my email and they do not have a customer service line. There is no phone number at all to contact BioPerformance.
I decided to sell the four bottles I have on eBay. I listed the auction today, and several hours later I receive NASTY emails from an eBay user. I am assuming it is someone who either distributes BioPerformance or works for the corporate office. I doubt it is Lowell Mimms (the founder) himself, but who knows - this person won't reveal who they are.
I'm told we are not going to be allowed to sell BioPerformance on eBay after March 10th. Well, today is March why the nasty emails. This person said they copied my eBay user information and my BioPerformance account would be deactivated for violating their policy and eBay's policy.
First of all, if I were violating eBay policy -ebay would pull the listing. Second of all - they can't identify who I am just by an eBay user ID. I just told them to go ahead and deactivate my account. At least that'd save me some time (if you want to cancel your BioPerformance account you have to mail a letter.)
Either way it goes - I've had enough and I'm warning all who look at this as a viable way to build a business....BEWARE!!! This has been my experience with BioPerformance. Maybe you'll have better luck with it...but I doubt it.
Mount Vernon, Indiana
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 03/02/2006 09:29 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#32 Consumer Suggestion
Gas-Rip-Off Scam Products
AUTHOR: Mike - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, June 27, 2006
As has been reported here, BioPerformance has been shut down, and others will follow simply because of misrepresentations that continue to be made about different products.
There are a half dozen new companies who have burst onto the scene this year, and seeing how that so many supported BioPerformance on this Rip-Off-Report, you have to wonder how these people saw positive results when experts who tested it saw no results?
The answer to this is simple, it is called income driven hype which becomes true if you let it. Most people do not use professional test equipment like scan guage, or set up a controlled test cycle, so at best, most are coming up with wishful thinking results. Are the simply misrepresenting their results, or did they make a mistake in calculating mpg results?
When anyone first uses any of these products, you may see positive results, no doubt, some products do work as promoted, but you really have to be accurate with your calculations before you start to hype it to others. I would think many were doing just that with BioPerformance as it clearly did not enhance mpg as promoted, in fact, I saw no results at all when I tested it under a controlled side by side I have used for years combined with dual tanks and cruise control set at four different speeds under same load. Most will simply approximate results, and if there is money to be made, sadly, this is often the driving force.
As a suggestion to all who are looking to save fuel, you really must record accurate figures no matter which product you evaluate. Liguid, powder calsules or pills, you must be accurate in your calculations. Always use same fuel as there are dozens of brands with different blends. Ethanol at 10% will have lessor results than gas with no enthanol, so merely switching fuels can skew your results.
Most vehicles come equipped with ECU units which control your vehicles fuel flow based on several factors, temperature, not only of ambient air intake, but also engine temperature which can vary. Combined with the data from your ozygen sensors, of which there are two, all this data is fed to your ECU to adjust fuel flow. Some will make the adjustments immediately, while others will average out feedback, so may adjust more slowly which can also skew your results.
You must follow instructions closely and add the correct amounts as per manufacturers instructions. What I have found is that adding more than the recommended application can reduce your mpg, not increase it. Yes, as strange as this sounds, you have to be aware that less is more with some fule catalysts on the market. Also, try using less than recommended if you see no results after several tanks of fuel to see better results. Cut recommended application in half and see the results, and if it improved, great, if not, try reducing by 25% over normal application level.
Most important of all depending on the tune of your engine, age, maintenance and miles, is to make sure your air filter is clean or new before you begin your comparisons. I recommend a complete tune up prior to starting your comparisons for the most accurate readings possible. Start from a point where all is equal for poorly tuned engines or poorly maintained vehicles will usually see greater results than when a vehicle is new or in tune. I have recorded less results on properly tuned vehicles, so keep this in mind.
The last point worth noting is this. Most will see results initially depending on several factors. If your engine is carbon fouled, as many are if not kept in tune, then this carbon build up can rob performance and economy. Since most engines are not carbon free, many will see intitial improvements and then stop calculating. You may find that even when stopping use of a fuel catalyst that your results will remain the same as the carbon was cleaned from your engine. You may only need to use product every few tanks to get same results, so keep this in mind no matter what product you use.
With a half dozen products coming onto the market over the last year, all taking advantage of the rage consumers feel over being ripped off by BIG OIL, this is a hot market, so approach your testing with a little knowledge and less emotions is my best advice. Also look for only companies that offer a 100% refund if not satisfied. If company does not take credit cards, run, don't walk away, run, it is in your best interest to have this added protection since we are seeing many bogus products on market along with the few that do work at enhancing performance and efficiency.
Good luck to all, Mike

#31 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: David - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Sorry to all the BioPerformance flag wavers here, but there is NO gain to be had from the pill... what there is available from the pill is engine damage!
The pills are Napthalene... same thing Mothballs are made of. it will add a few points of octane to a tank of gas, but it also increases combustion temps a LOT. that leads to increased possibility of Pinging and detonation, burnt valves, Holes melted in pistons etc...
Looks like the Texas Attorney General has shut them down for this as well, and 4 other states are preparing legal action against these jerk off's.
Hopefully they get what's coming to them... Jail time and having ALL their assets seized!

#30 Consumer Comment
Texas Attorney General Shuts Down Dallas-based Bioperformance
AUTHOR: Terrie - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, May 20, 2006
Abbott Shuts Down Dallas-based Bioperformance For Peddling Fake Fuel Pills In Pyramid Scheme
Claims of increased gas mileage to save consumers money called bogus
AUSTIN - Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott today filed a lawsuit and obtained a temporary restraining order and asset freeze against Texas-based BioPerformance Inc. The company, organized as an illegal pyramid scheme, markets a fuel pill it falsely claims will boost gas mileage and save consumers money.
BioPerformance Inc., president and owner Lowell Mims and co-owner Gustavo Romero of Irving advertise nationally via the Internet and through seminars around Texas and other states, exploiting the climate of today's high fuel prices. The company's ads claim the gasoline pills and powders they offer have a non-toxic top secret gas pill that can increase fuel efficiency by 30 percent or more and cut harmful emissions by up to 50 percent. In fact, the additive is basically the chemical equivalent of mothballs, which are toxic.
BioPerformance claims its top-secret gas pills can save consumers big bucks at the gas pump, said Attorney General Abbott. These claims are bogus; the pill does absolutely nothing to improve gas mileage. The company is merely a smokescreen to trigger the recruitment of more and more paying members into what appears to be an illegal pyramid scheme.
Scientists who tested the product at the University of Texas at Austin and at a Florida university concluded that the pills are mainly naphthalene, the chemical found in mothballs. The Attorney General's laboratory expert actually concluded BioPerformance's product could decrease engine performance.
Legitimate multi-level marketing businesses pay commissions based on the sale of goods and services, while illegal pyramids, which the Attorney General alleges BioPerformance is, pay commissions based mainly on the recruitment of people to the organization.
Consumers are encouraged to become dealers at the various dazzling seminars BioPerformance sponsors around the country, at start-up costs of between $300 to over $500. Members can participate at various levels of business volume sales, but ultimately the plan functions on the basis of how many others a member can recruit to become dealers, which is by definition a pyramid scheme. On its Web site the company boasts almost 4,500 Texas members with $25 million in sales since December.
The Attorney General's lawsuit alleges violations of the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act and the promotion of an illegal pyramid scheme, which can result in penalties of $20,000 per violation. The suit requests restitution to consumers who have been financially harmed by the false promises of this operation. These false income promotions include slick Web site come-ons for new sports cars, mansions and exclusive vacations just for helping Americans save money on gas.
The Attorney General's scientific expert also found that the chemical compound used in these pills can be harmful to humans. Short-term exposure to naphthalene by humans via inhalation, ingestion or skin contact can result in anemia and neurological or liver damage.
Consumers who encounter a business that is making false claims or appears to be operating as a pyramid scheme may file a complaint with the Attorney General's Consumer Protection Division at (800) 252-8011 or file a complaint online at

#29 Consumer Comment
WESH responds to naphthalene vrs. naphthenates
AUTHOR: Scott - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Just as a preface, I am not affiliated with BioPerformance in any way, shape or form, but I have been following this story here in Florida. I am just putting this out here for those that may not have access to the reports coming out of Orlando, FL. WESH-2 in Orlando had this follow-up story...
After seeing the WESH 2 I-Team report about the little green pill, which claims to improve gas mileage, the Florida Attorney General has launched an investigation of their own.
When the I-Team put the little green pill to the treadmill test, the test vehicle's mileage didn't improve.
And when the I-Team took it to the lab, the head of the chemistry department at the University of Central Florida discovered the little green pill is toxic. It's made mostly of naphthalene, which used to be the main ingredient in moth balls. The bottle says the pills are "non-toxic."
Now, because of the I-Team investigation, the Florida Attorney General has launched an investigation into BioPerformance, the company that markets the little green pill.
The attorney general for the state of Kentucky is also investigating.
"The claims that are made for fuel efficiency are just so dramatic," said Todd Leatherman of Kentucky's attorney general's office, "that it really raises a suspicion about whether or not they are legitimate."
But the people who sell the pill have been whipped into a frenzy by Lowell Mims, a charismatic pastor from Dallas and the leader of the multi-level marketing company. And those people are ready to defend the pill's claims.
Suzanne e-mailed us: "I personally have 50 to 60 customers using this product, and are all seeing tremendous gas mileage and their vehicles are running better than ever, so stick that in your *ss and smoke it."
Mike wrote: "Michelle Meredith is the beat reporter that has a reputation in her area for stirring up trouble? Her 'facts' are nothing but opinions and sensationalized to keep her on the payroll. Hey, she's gotta eat."
The I-Team was also sent a document that claims the chemistry test was wrong, and that the little green pill is not made from toxic naphthalene, but a similar-sounding substance called naphthenates.
So, this week Dr. Kevin Belfield and his chemistry students went back to the UCF lab and tested the little green pill again. The result?
"The little green pill is composed primarily of naphthalene," Belfield said.
That's right, the moth ball stuff.
The e-mail also claims the little green pill is not toxic, and, for proof, refers to the company's Security Officer's Material Data Sheet.
The I-Team called the phone number listed, and got some guy's cell phone in Baltimore with this message: "If this is about BioPerformance or BioPlus, I am not affiliated with either one."
So far, BioPerformance has not returned the I-Team's calls or e-mails, but they did send a package with general information about the company and signed affidavits, testimonials from people who say they've tried the little green pill and that it works for them.

#28 Consumer Suggestion
If it were only So
AUTHOR: Doug - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 16, 2006
I was told about this "Wonderful" Product by a customer of mine (I am a Salesman by trade) I had to keep my self from busting out in laughter (so I would not loose my sale) I worked in the automotive industry for years. Over time so Much of this stuff has come and gone it is unreal. Let us stop and look at all of this for just a second. First off the "Top Secret" cant be a SECRET because if it were injested by a human (hope not, but could happen) Dr would have to know what Poison the person injested. Next it was pitched to me to STOP ALL Emissions that means this car is burning water holy smokes they turned gas into water and can make your car run on it. When ever we burn fuel we get all kinds of stuff that comes off, Carbon monoxide,Nitrogen oxides and Hydrocarbons (rember basic science from High School).
Dont you think if this were true the GOVERMENT would REQUIRE this to be added to all fuel? The test done that were in the cheep flyer that i was given the test was done at 25 miles an hour on one and 15 on the other holy smokes let me go out on the freeway and drive in trafic at the tested speeds see how long I last. A moped will go quicker than that. Next the Cheep (did I mention the flyer i was given was cheep) said the Oil company dont want you to know this LOL the Oil companys dont care if you know this if it realy worked as stated the Oil companys would just go up a few Pennies per gallon of fuel and make up any differance in loss. If you are going to market somthing in this manner dont make it the old snake Oil if you will.
Even Amway or what ever it is known by today the soap was relay soap and you could clean with it. One of the clames that were made on it was "I Put it in my Porche Carrera, my Mercedes-Benz M430 and a Honda Odyssey and saved 20% in the city" with an average value (new) of all of the cars being at $200K why would someone be trying to save pennies on somthing that will void any warranty an engine in a Carrera is a lot of money to replace. There are just a few of my thought on a new twist to the old snake oil salesman of the turn of the centry.

#27 Consumer Suggestion
If it were only So
AUTHOR: Doug - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 16, 2006
I was told about this "Wonderful" Product by a customer of mine (I am a Salesman by trade) I had to keep my self from busting out in laughter (so I would not loose my sale) I worked in the automotive industry for years. Over time so Much of this stuff has come and gone it is unreal. Let us stop and look at all of this for just a second. First off the "Top Secret" cant be a SECRET because if it were injested by a human (hope not, but could happen) Dr would have to know what Poison the person injested. Next it was pitched to me to STOP ALL Emissions that means this car is burning water holy smokes they turned gas into water and can make your car run on it. When ever we burn fuel we get all kinds of stuff that comes off, Carbon monoxide,Nitrogen oxides and Hydrocarbons (rember basic science from High School).
Dont you think if this were true the GOVERMENT would REQUIRE this to be added to all fuel? The test done that were in the cheep flyer that i was given the test was done at 25 miles an hour on one and 15 on the other holy smokes let me go out on the freeway and drive in trafic at the tested speeds see how long I last. A moped will go quicker than that. Next the Cheep (did I mention the flyer i was given was cheep) said the Oil company dont want you to know this LOL the Oil companys dont care if you know this if it realy worked as stated the Oil companys would just go up a few Pennies per gallon of fuel and make up any differance in loss. If you are going to market somthing in this manner dont make it the old snake Oil if you will.
Even Amway or what ever it is known by today the soap was relay soap and you could clean with it. One of the clames that were made on it was "I Put it in my Porche Carrera, my Mercedes-Benz M430 and a Honda Odyssey and saved 20% in the city" with an average value (new) of all of the cars being at $200K why would someone be trying to save pennies on somthing that will void any warranty an engine in a Carrera is a lot of money to replace. There are just a few of my thought on a new twist to the old snake oil salesman of the turn of the centry.

#26 Consumer Suggestion
If it were only So
AUTHOR: Doug - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 16, 2006
I was told about this "Wonderful" Product by a customer of mine (I am a Salesman by trade) I had to keep my self from busting out in laughter (so I would not loose my sale) I worked in the automotive industry for years. Over time so Much of this stuff has come and gone it is unreal. Let us stop and look at all of this for just a second. First off the "Top Secret" cant be a SECRET because if it were injested by a human (hope not, but could happen) Dr would have to know what Poison the person injested. Next it was pitched to me to STOP ALL Emissions that means this car is burning water holy smokes they turned gas into water and can make your car run on it. When ever we burn fuel we get all kinds of stuff that comes off, Carbon monoxide,Nitrogen oxides and Hydrocarbons (rember basic science from High School).
Dont you think if this were true the GOVERMENT would REQUIRE this to be added to all fuel? The test done that were in the cheep flyer that i was given the test was done at 25 miles an hour on one and 15 on the other holy smokes let me go out on the freeway and drive in trafic at the tested speeds see how long I last. A moped will go quicker than that. Next the Cheep (did I mention the flyer i was given was cheep) said the Oil company dont want you to know this LOL the Oil companys dont care if you know this if it realy worked as stated the Oil companys would just go up a few Pennies per gallon of fuel and make up any differance in loss. If you are going to market somthing in this manner dont make it the old snake Oil if you will.
Even Amway or what ever it is known by today the soap was relay soap and you could clean with it. One of the clames that were made on it was "I Put it in my Porche Carrera, my Mercedes-Benz M430 and a Honda Odyssey and saved 20% in the city" with an average value (new) of all of the cars being at $200K why would someone be trying to save pennies on somthing that will void any warranty an engine in a Carrera is a lot of money to replace. There are just a few of my thought on a new twist to the old snake oil salesman of the turn of the centry.

#25 Consumer Suggestion
If it were only So
AUTHOR: Doug - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 16, 2006
I was told about this "Wonderful" Product by a customer of mine (I am a Salesman by trade) I had to keep my self from busting out in laughter (so I would not loose my sale) I worked in the automotive industry for years. Over time so Much of this stuff has come and gone it is unreal. Let us stop and look at all of this for just a second. First off the "Top Secret" cant be a SECRET because if it were injested by a human (hope not, but could happen) Dr would have to know what Poison the person injested. Next it was pitched to me to STOP ALL Emissions that means this car is burning water holy smokes they turned gas into water and can make your car run on it. When ever we burn fuel we get all kinds of stuff that comes off, Carbon monoxide,Nitrogen oxides and Hydrocarbons (rember basic science from High School).
Dont you think if this were true the GOVERMENT would REQUIRE this to be added to all fuel? The test done that were in the cheep flyer that i was given the test was done at 25 miles an hour on one and 15 on the other holy smokes let me go out on the freeway and drive in trafic at the tested speeds see how long I last. A moped will go quicker than that. Next the Cheep (did I mention the flyer i was given was cheep) said the Oil company dont want you to know this LOL the Oil companys dont care if you know this if it realy worked as stated the Oil companys would just go up a few Pennies per gallon of fuel and make up any differance in loss. If you are going to market somthing in this manner dont make it the old snake Oil if you will.
Even Amway or what ever it is known by today the soap was relay soap and you could clean with it. One of the clames that were made on it was "I Put it in my Porche Carrera, my Mercedes-Benz M430 and a Honda Odyssey and saved 20% in the city" with an average value (new) of all of the cars being at $200K why would someone be trying to save pennies on somthing that will void any warranty an engine in a Carrera is a lot of money to replace. There are just a few of my thought on a new twist to the old snake oil salesman of the turn of the centry.

#24 UPDATE Employee
BioPerformance Letter from Manufacturer... Fuel Catalyst is NOT Napthalene (Moth Balls)!
AUTHOR: Randall - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, May 12, 2006
Again, I want to make it clear that I am just an Independent Business Owner in BioPerformance.
We are not employees, but Rip Off Report doesn't have a category for that in their relationship to the company.
I thought it might be good for all those who read the transcript of the WESH-TV Orlando,FL report, to also know that parts of it were edited out:
When Lowell Mims and Gus Ramero were leaving the conference, they were trying to catch their flight back to Dallas. From what I know, the reporter Ms. Meredith was given a disclosure document by BP,Inc. but WESH-TV refused to sign it, so she was refused an interview. BP,Inc. will not grant an interveiw with any Media outlet unless BP is given the right to review any report before it airs. Also they request that any interview be shown in its entirity so that broadcaster can't edit what is said to put BP,Inc in a bad light.
Ms. Meredith said..."Lowell Mims is a man on the run." Funny isn't that what is generally said about criminals when they break out of prison?
Since when has any media cared about the TRUTH over Sensational Stories and Bigger Audience Demographics so they can charge more money from their advertisers? Networking companies basically use just word of mouth advertising... they don't generally pay out too much money to Media outlets! Guess who does? BIG OIL Companies spend billions on advertising and PR work to convince us they really care! RIGHT?
Networking companies pay out money to their word of mouth advertisers, some more than others, some very low pay. BP,Inc pays out 65% of its total income to the field. This week's commission run was over $1M that was mailed on Friday. BP,Inc. has earned over $26.6M and paid out over $17M in just 5 months, May 8th was their 5 month in business.
Does the product work? I've personally seen my old Van '92 Dodge Caravan C/V 3.0L V-6cyl..187K miles gain 16.4% increase in mileage from 19.5 to 22.7mpg since I've been using BP Fuel Catalyst POWDER! (I would recommend using only the POWDER, not the PILLS...mainly because it quicly disperses in both gas or diesel, and you get 25 dose per bottle compared to 20 doses for a bottle of pills. 20% increase usage for the same retail price of $40. Check out ( ) to learn more about the product or the business.
Here is the letter from the Manufacturer of the BP Fuel Catalyst. I think you should all have a chance to read it. I can also tell you that BP's legal department is going to prosecute anyone that is actively slandering the company or product.
I hope this clears the air for some of you who are sincerely looking for some truth...and not just trying to pick off some new recruits in your business. I firmly believe in the addage, You will reap what you quit sowing lies, unless you don't want to know the truth when it is directly in front of you.
AR Asociados
May 8, 2006
Mr. Lowell Mims
President of BioPerformance, Inc.
Mr. Gus Romero
Vice President of BioPerformance, Inc.
Dear Mr. Mims and Mr. Romero,
Because of the recent slanderous remarks by the news media concerning our product, we would like to clear the air once and for all. We protect our product from any false accusations. We will now correct the false accusations concerning our product being made from moth balls, being toxic, hurting vehicles and not giving people any savings.
As you well know, naphthenates, naphthalenes, and other compounds from the same family are derived from hydrocarbons ? aromatic substances like camphor, gasoline, petroleum, soft coal, or from the camphor tree. Naphthalenes were obtained from the tree, and then, in more recent times, from soft coal. They are combined with metals, organic components, etc., to obtain a naphthenate. We use organic naphthenates. When a naphthalene is converted into a naphthenate, we change the frequency and together with a dispersant we get a very large surface for the catalyzer to work. Catalyzers work by surface and not by mass. This is why our product is made of naphthenates, not naphthalenes. Naphthalenes are much larger crystals and are not useful for our purpose. Therefore, our product is not mothballs.
Maybe if you use naphthalene, it may work a while, but you need to have a larger surface for it to work as a catalyst. The frequency of the matter allows us to work much better in catalyzing. This transformation makes the crystals we use, when they contact the gasoline, because of the dispersants, disappear and only the molecules stay.
Also, as you can see in our Security Officer's Material Safety Data Sheet, our product is not toxic. I know if you put a piece of carbon and a diamond under the chromatographer, they both are the same product: carbon. However, we all know, they are not the same. During the 50 years of testing to get our product working by many people, we have never had any trouble with vehicles, as the product completely dissolves in the combustible, and thus becomes part of it. However, if the gas or diesel tanks have too many impurities, the gas lines and filters may clog. The product takes about 8 hours to act at 100% dissolving skims, incrustation of HC existing in tanks, tubes, pumps and injection systems, cleaning them as time goes by, depending upon the thickness of such incrustations. It does not harm the combustion system in any way according to our ISO 9000 Lab Tests.
By now, from the many testimonies you have (these are the real field tests) and we also have many testimonies, you know that you can get a hefty savings at the pump. This will depend on driving conditions, car maintenance, etc? and in the long run you will find your motor runs cooler, makes less noise, and will generally perform better. The product comes in different colors because we are dealing with enzymes. The reaction of the enzymes may vary and therefore the color. It works just the same no matter what color it is! Because of the increase of the feeling of extra power using our product, it can cause some people to accelerate more, which causes a negative effect on fuel economy. Simply stated from our certified ISO 9000 tests, you can save up to 25% or more on fuel with optimal driving conditions.
Finally, I want to let you know that although we have had some supply problems for the last 6 weeks because of moving our manufacturing plant and enlarging our capacity, this has been resolved as you began receiving tons of product last week and 15 tons each week hereafter. We can now provide you with all the product you need, which is now up to 300 tons per month as the need arises. We can provide more than 300 tons per month as we increase the size of the manufacturing plant again in the future as the demand for the product increases. We have invested heavily in the plant, tripled our capacity, and the raw materials (in which we have also invested several millions of dollars).
Everyone is intrigued with our product and they sincerely want it now, because no one enjoys paying the high prices at the fuel pumps, but you can rest assured, under no condition will we ever release the ingredients to the general public because it has been our secret recipe for 50 years. We feel everything is finally in place to keep up with your demand, and we know the product will allow a hefty savings to a lot of people. You can see first-hand from your sales in America that you have the product everyone is wanting because it truly works.
Sincerely, A. R.

#23 Consumer Comment
Bio-Performance Moth Balls
AUTHOR: Kim - (Canada)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 09, 2006
WESH 2 News Report
ORLANDO, Fla. -- With the price of gas going sky high, a new product has hit the market. It's called BioPerformance Fuel, but most people just called it "the little green pill." It claims to save you big bucks on gas.
The gas pill almost seems to have a cult following, WESH 2 News reported.
"Is this too good to be true? Are you running interference?" WESH 2 I-Team reporter Michelle Meredith asked the company's president, as he brushed by her.
The pill inspires hundreds of wannabe millionaires to sing.
"And I'm proud to be an American," the group sang out.
According to BioPerformance, the company that sells the little green pill, drivers can just throw a couple in their gas tank and they'll see up to a 25 percent increase in their gas mileage.
With the price of fuel climbing higher and higher, who wouldn't want to squeeze another five miles out of every gallon? The appeal of the little green pill is mind-boggling. But what's really mind-boggling is the way the pill is sold. You won't find it on store shelves.
"We were going to develop the biggest and best network marketing company this industry has ever seen," BioPerformance president Lowell Mims said.
They're available only through multilevel marketing. Meet the unlikely company president. Mims is a pastor out of Dallas, and a multilevel marketing veteran.
"We knew it was going to be huge. Everybody say, 'Huge! Huge!'" he said.
Recently, when BioPerformance held a big pep rally in Orlando, the WESH 2 I-Team went undercover.
And Meredith said she can honestly say that she's never seen a happier, more excited bunch of people.
"Everybody say, 'I'm ready. I'm ready,'" Mims told the crowd.
They're excited because they believe in their product. From Orlando, Liz and Rocky Rothwell are on board.
"(What) the pill is doing to the gasoline is allowing more energy to get out so that you get better gas mileage," Liz Rothwell said.
"They're not schemers. They're very, very truthful people," Rocky Rothwell said.
Testimonials flowed like manna from heaven. In fact, the whole weekend had a religious feel. To hear them talk, the little green pill is the perfect package. They said it can save you money, save the planet, keeps money out of the Saudi's hands and it's "All American."
More importantly, they said they believe the product can make them millionaires. In fact, Mims' goal is to help 1,000 people become millionaires this year.
BioPerformance said the company is completely legit and talk openly about it in a presentation they call the "American Dream or Pyramid Scheme?"
But when Meredith approached Mims for an interview, he wasn't so open.
"Can I ask you some questions?" Meredith asked.
"You have to get a disclosure form, a disclosure form you have to fill out with Doc Fog, but thank you," he said.
In fact, Mims couldn't get away from her fast enough.
"For hours, we've been hearing you have nothing to hide. So, why can't you talk to me right now?" she said.
"We have to legally make sure everything is covered so you all won't hurt our company," Mims said.
One of his followers even acted as his bodyguard and stopped Meredith from getting on the escalator.
"You're going to block me?" she said.
Meredith tried talking to other BioPerformance heavyweights.
"This is an interview?" one person asked.
"Yes," Meredith said.
"No thanks. I got to go. I got a dinner thing going on right now," he said.
She felt as about welcome as a wet dog at a wedding.
"I have to say, for a company that says they have nothing to hide, everyone walks away from us," Meredith said.
Why are they running? Maybe the answer is printed on the bottle. In tiny print is a bizarre disclaimer. "BioPerformance, Inc., doesn't guarantee anyone any results," it says.
Little Green Pill Put To Test
So to get to the bottom of the little green pill, we enlisted the help of two experts at the University of Central Florida. Dr. Kevin Belfield, the head of chemistry department, was brought on board to find out what's in the pill.
And to find out if the little green pill works, we recruited Dr. Bob Hoekstra. His lab at UCF tests race car engines.
Hoekstra's plan was very straightforward. We took our car to a shop called KDK Performance and strapped our minivan to what's essentially a treadmill for cars.
Hoekstra put in a very measured amount of plain old regular unleaded gas, and then ran the engine at approximately 70 mph. We did this over and over again until we got a baseline. The minivan runs out of gas after about 10 minutes.
To prove BioPerformance's claim, the little green pill needs to run that motor 25 percent longer.
"We should go about 12 minutes," Hoekstra said.
But there's a catch. Before we can test the little green pill, first, we have to feed our minivan a bunch of pills, according to the directions you get online. You are supposed to give your car a "boostershot" -- feed your gas tank double the number of pills normally needed.
So before we see any results, we need to burn four tanks of gas.
While we're burning those miles, Dr. Belfield and his UCF students made an interesting discovery.
''It smells like mothballs," Meredith said.
Decades ago, mothballs were made of a chemical called naphthalene. So they tested the pill, and bingo.
''Naphthalene?" Meredith asked.
"Naphthalene. That's right," Belfield said.
It's almost 100 percent; the rest is coloring.
"You have a little graph and everything?" Meredith asked Belfield.
On his graph, a red line represented the chemical naphthalene, and a black line represented the little green pill. They matched.
"The two spectra are identical," Belfield said.
What's more, on the bottle, BioPerformance claims the little green pill is "non toxic" but naphthalene is toxic. In fact, decades ago, children died after eating mothballs made of naphthalene. It even has links to cancer.
"One can inhale it, one can ingest it and one can have it absorbed through the skin, and those all very detrimental effects," Belfield said.
One thousand miles later, we were back on the treadmill. Hoekstra crushed a little green pill, dissolved it in the gas and then poured the same measured amount in the minivan time and time again.
We came out with basically the same results as before.
"There is no difference in mileage whatsoever," Hoekstra said.
The little green pill was a bust.
"Bottom line?" Meredith asked Hoekstra.
"You're throwing your money away," he said. "It simply does not work."
Maybe that's why the president of BioPerformance is a man on the run. He's a man who runs from reporters who question the little green pill.
"Is this too good to be true? Are you running interference?" Meredith asked him.
"We have to protect ourselves. Like Barbara Bush says, we have to watch you all like the plague," Mims said.
During the gas crisis of the 1970s, some people put mothballs in their tanks to try and save money, and it did not work then and it does not work now.
Something else that does not work are the phones at BioPerformance. Every number Meredith called was either disconnected or went right to voicemail.

#22 Consumer Suggestion
Bio Performance Gas Pill, ETC!
AUTHOR: Michael - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, May 05, 2006
I realize that there are many opinions on fuel reformulating products that are out there in the market today.
One can have an very exhaustive end to the debates but the bottom line of "Do the work or don't they" is relitively very simple.
You take you vehicle in and have an emissions test done to it before your treat, and have another emissions test done after you treat. It's that simple. High Hc's (hydrocarbons) indicate raw fuel coming out the pipe. Low Hc's indicate fuel combusiton being more efficient i.e. better mpgs. Period!
And, if you want to know what your MPG's are, simply fill up your tank (Besure to top it off) and write down your mileage. Drive you vehicle at least until half the fuel is gone and fill up your tank again (top it off). Subtract the two mileage figures = distance vehicle has been driven. Take the figure of the distance and divide it by the gallons you filled up and you have your MPG. (Example: 398Miles /by 20 gallons = 19.9 MPG)
As far as MLM company's are concerned, I will only comment as follows: "The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence. So don't always believe what the farmer tells you until you've seen it for yourself."
My opinion on selling products for less than retail is I believe the obvious. If you believe in your deal you should believe in your retail pricing. Anyone who sells their products for less than retail (Unless damaged and then usually you can get an RMA for damaged goods)should take a good hard look at your MLM situation. It would appear to me that you don't believe in what your selling or you wouldn't slash the price. It isn't fair to your product or other members in your organization. Even if you are disgruntal for whatever reason it should not be done. As far as where you sell your items, I believe you should sell them where the market is, even if it is on ebay.
I believe I may have answered to a couple of posts here, but I feel these things needed to be of mention. I am in no way pointing any fingers at anyone for one knows that when one points a finger, there are three pointing back.
Good Luck and Blessings to all.

#21 Consumer Comment
Bio Performance powder does work...
AUTHOR: Sharon - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, May 05, 2006
I am a single grandmother whose brother invited me to look into Bio Performance as a possible income venue from home. He ultimately paid my cost to join. ( My brother runs an air-cargo company ). I would like to comment on the statements made against Bio Performance:
1. I have tried other MLMs without success.
2. I have heard many pro and cons on MLM internet ventures.
3. Upon receiving my 'product' from BP (powder)
I gave some to my son to try since he drives ALOT getting to and from work here in the mountains.
That includes both city and open road miles and he has a lead-foot when using his Mustang Cobra to comute.(Since beginning to use the product, my son has improved his mpg from 17 mpg to 23mpg over a 2 month period. He insists on continuing to have access to this product and (while he does not wish to be a distributor, has contributed strongly to my customer base).
4. I put the product in my Mustang after hearing from my son. ( I had not done a tune-up on my Mustang for over four years...didn't need one. Having moved to the Colorado mountains, living at 9,000 ft.altitude as opposed to sea-level in Florida, I was keenly aware of the need to get a tune-up. I priced the required parts for it and elected to try the product before spending on parts. At that time, I was having to drop as low as 2nd gear to drive up Ute Pass from Colorado Springs. The car was definitely short on power!
In the first two tanks of gas, I found a huge difference in both mileage and power(performance) and quickly decided I was benefiting vastly from using the product in my 10yr old Mustang!
5. I have worked for companies in "start-up" issues over my 25+ years as a long-line driver.
I would like to suggest that all of them have had to work through and overcome issues such as "customer service", "payment options" and
"disgruntled patrons" name a few. In my experience, these issues take time to investigate, communicate and resolve. In five months, Bio Performance leaders have come a long way in adjusting their company to the retail demands they have experirnced. I am impressed.
It usually takes at least a year to accommodate new business issues and there are always setbacks along the way.
In conclusion, I would like to suggest that in spite of some unhappy members, overall, Bio Performance has accomplished an incredible start-up curve. Reference to whether or not a person's behavior is "Christian" or not in a public forum isn't too Christian per Biblical references, as we are not to judge others, to the best of my knowledge. I'm not happy about everything and everyone all the time, so feel free to agree or's America!

#20 Consumer Comment
Bio Performance powder does work...
AUTHOR: Sharon - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, May 05, 2006
I am a single grandmother whose brother invited me to look into Bio Performance as a possible income venue from home. He ultimately paid my cost to join. ( My brother runs an air-cargo company ). I would like to comment on the statements made against Bio Performance:
1. I have tried other MLMs without success.
2. I have heard many pro and cons on MLM internet ventures.
3. Upon receiving my 'product' from BP (powder)
I gave some to my son to try since he drives ALOT getting to and from work here in the mountains.
That includes both city and open road miles and he has a lead-foot when using his Mustang Cobra to comute.(Since beginning to use the product, my son has improved his mpg from 17 mpg to 23mpg over a 2 month period. He insists on continuing to have access to this product and (while he does not wish to be a distributor, has contributed strongly to my customer base).
4. I put the product in my Mustang after hearing from my son. ( I had not done a tune-up on my Mustang for over four years...didn't need one. Having moved to the Colorado mountains, living at 9,000 ft.altitude as opposed to sea-level in Florida, I was keenly aware of the need to get a tune-up. I priced the required parts for it and elected to try the product before spending on parts. At that time, I was having to drop as low as 2nd gear to drive up Ute Pass from Colorado Springs. The car was definitely short on power!
In the first two tanks of gas, I found a huge difference in both mileage and power(performance) and quickly decided I was benefiting vastly from using the product in my 10yr old Mustang!
5. I have worked for companies in "start-up" issues over my 25+ years as a long-line driver.
I would like to suggest that all of them have had to work through and overcome issues such as "customer service", "payment options" and
"disgruntled patrons" name a few. In my experience, these issues take time to investigate, communicate and resolve. In five months, Bio Performance leaders have come a long way in adjusting their company to the retail demands they have experirnced. I am impressed.
It usually takes at least a year to accommodate new business issues and there are always setbacks along the way.
In conclusion, I would like to suggest that in spite of some unhappy members, overall, Bio Performance has accomplished an incredible start-up curve. Reference to whether or not a person's behavior is "Christian" or not in a public forum isn't too Christian per Biblical references, as we are not to judge others, to the best of my knowledge. I'm not happy about everything and everyone all the time, so feel free to agree or's America!

#19 Consumer Comment
Basically mothballs in pill form
AUTHOR: Scott - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, May 05, 2006
A researcher at the University of Florida analyzed the little green pill and found that it was composed of Naphthalene and a little coloring. Naphthalene was the chemical used in mothballs and it is very toxic. Below is the news article out of Orlando Florida concerning this "product."
With the price of gas going sky high, a new product has hit the market. It's called BioPerformance Fuel, but most people just called it "the little green pill." It claims to save you big bucks on gas.
The gas pill almost seems to have a cult following, WESH 2 News reported.
"Is this too good to be true? Are you running interference?" WESH 2 I-Team reporter Michelle Meredith asked the company's president, as he brushed by her.
The pill inspires hundreds of wannabe millionaires to sing.
"And I'm proud to be an American," the group sang out.
According to BioPerformance, the company that sells the little green pill, drivers can just throw a couple in their gas tank and they'll see up to a 25 percent increase in their gas mileage.
With the price of fuel climbing higher and higher, who wouldn't want to squeeze another five miles out of every gallon? The appeal of the little green pill is mind-boggling. But what's really mind-boggling is the way the pill is sold. You won't find it on store shelves.
"We were going to develop the biggest and best network marketing company this industry has ever seen," BioPerformance president Lowell Mims said.
They're available only through multilevel marketing. Meet the unlikely company president. Mims is a pastor out of Dallas, and a multilevel marketing veteran.
"We knew it was going to be huge. Everybody say, 'Huge! Huge!'" he said.
Recently, when BioPerformance held a big pep rally in Orlando, the WESH 2 I-Team went undercover.
And Meredith said she can honestly say that she's never seen a happier, more excited bunch of people.
"Everybody say, 'I'm ready. I'm ready,'" Mims told the crowd.
They're excited because they believe in their product. From Orlando, Liz and Rocky Rothwell are on board.
"(What) the pill is doing to the gasoline is allowing more energy to get out so that you get better gas mileage," Liz Rothwell said.
"They're not schemers. They're very, very truthful people," Rocky Rothwell said.
Testimonials flowed like manna from heaven. In fact, the whole weekend had a religious feel. To hear them talk, the little green pill is the perfect package. They said it can save you money, save the planet, keeps money out of the Saudi's hands and it's "All American."
More importantly, they said they believe the product can make them millionaires. In fact, Mims' goal is to help 1,000 people become millionaires this year.
BioPerformance said the company is completely legit and talk openly about it in a presentation they call the "American Dream or Pyramid Scheme?"
But when Meredith approached Mims for an interview, he wasn't so open.
"Can I ask you some questions?" Meredith asked.
"You have to get a disclosure form, a disclosure form you have to fill out with Doc Fog, but thank you," he said.
In fact, Mims couldn't get away from her fast enough.
"For hours, we've been hearing you have nothing to hide. So, why can't you talk to me right now?" she said.
"We have to legally make sure everything is covered so you all won't hurt our company," Mims said.
One of his followers even acted as his bodyguard and stopped Meredith from getting on the escalator.
"You're going to block me?" she said.
Meredith tried talking to other BioPerformance heavyweights.
"This is an interview?" one person asked.
"Yes," Meredith said.
"No thanks. I got to go. I got a dinner thing going on right now," he said.
She felt as about welcome as a wet dog at a wedding.
"I have to say, for a company that says they have nothing to hide, everyone walks away from us," Meredith said.
Why are they running? Maybe the answer is printed on the bottle. In tiny print is a bizarre disclaimer. "BioPerformance, Inc., doesn't guarantee anyone any results," it says.
Little Green Pill Put To Test
So to get to the bottom of the little green pill, we enlisted the help of two experts at the University of Central Florida. Dr. Kevin Belfield, the head of chemistry department, was brought on board to find out what's in the pill.
And to find out if the little green pill works, we recruited Dr. Bob Hoekstra. His lab at UCF tests race car engines.
Hoekstra's plan was very straightforward. We took our car to a shop called KDK Performance and strapped our minivan to what's essentially a treadmill for cars.
Hoekstra put in a very measured amount of plain old regular unleaded gas, and then ran the engine at approximately 70 mph. We did this over and over again until we got a baseline. The minivan runs out of gas after about 10 minutes.
To prove BioPerformance's claim, the little green pill needs to run that motor 25 percent longer.
"We should go about 12 minutes," Hoekstra said.
But there's a catch. Before we can test the little green pill, first, we have to feed our minivan a bunch of pills, according to the directions you get online. You are supposed to give your car a "boostershot" -- feed your gas tank double the number of pills normally needed.
So before we see any results, we need to burn four tanks of gas.
While we're burning those miles, Dr. Belfield and his UCF students made an interesting discovery.
''It smells like mothballs," Meredith said.
Decades ago, mothballs were made of a chemical called naphthalene. So they tested the pill, and bingo.
''Naphthalene?" Meredith asked.
"Naphthalene. That's right," Belfield said.
It's almost 100 percent; the rest is coloring.
"You have a little graph and everything?" Meredith asked Belfield.
On his graph, a red line represented the chemical naphthalene, and a black line represented the little green pill. They matched.
"The two spectra are identical," Belfield said.
What's more, on the bottle, BioPerformance claims the little green pill is "non toxic" but naphthalene is toxic. In fact, decades ago, children died after eating mothballs made of naphthalene. It even has links to cancer.
"One can inhale it, one can ingest it and one can have it absorbed through the skin, and those all very detrimental effects," Belfield said.
One thousand miles later, we were back on the treadmill. Hoekstra crushed a little green pill, dissolved it in the gas and then poured the same measured amount in the minivan time and time again.
We came out with basically the same results as before.
"There is no difference in mileage whatsoever," Hoekstra said.
The little green pill was a bust.
"Bottom line?" Meredith asked Hoekstra.
"You're throwing your money away," he said. "It simply does not work."
Maybe that's why the president of BioPerformance is a man on the run. He's a man who runs from reporters who question the little green pill.
"Is this too good to be true? Are you running interference?" Meredith asked him.
"We have to protect ourselves. Like Barbara Bush says, we have to watch you all like the plague," Mims said.
During the gas crisis of the 1970s, some people put mothballs in their tanks to try and save money, and it did not work then and it does not work now.
Something else that does not work are the phones at BioPerformance. Every number Meredith called was either disconnected or went right to voicemail.
To comment on this story, send an e-mail to Michelle Meredith.
courtesy of WESH New channel 2 in Orlando Fl.

#18 Consumer Comment
Are there thousands of deluded people then?
AUTHOR: Bill - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, May 01, 2006
I can appreciate this chain of comments. Anyone who is concerned for other people should certainly want to warn people of something that is a ripoff. I see that mud slinging going on here and yes you may think it is not mud slinging but there are thousands of honest people who are receiving benefits from the BioPerformance Product.
Are they deluded, insane, hallucinating or what? If this does not work as some say then why does it work? How can well meaning people read your comments and not get confused? How can they know you are who you say you are and not a rep for FFI, Enviromax, Ethos or some other company that wants to just rip down BioPerformance?
Please be ethical. So many things have been said that I know have no grounds. I know people now who are getting confused from reading the trash that is on this site. BioPerformance has reached 23 million in sales in 5 months and returned 15 million to their ditributors. This has never been done in Network Marketing history.
OF course some people out there are going to be upset as their wallets are upset. Well for what it is worht I hope people can be more civil and less emotional about this whole thing. Stop confusing people with lies please.
Bill W

#17 UPDATE Employee
I've been using BP,Inc Fuel Catalyst since Dec 2005
AUTHOR: Randall - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, May 01, 2006
First of all as an Independent Business Owner I AM NOT EMPLOYEED by BioPerformance or any Network Marketing Company. We are self-employed business people, and recieve a 1099 at the end of the calendar year. But this RIP-OFF Report Blog doesn't differentiate between that in their choices.
Well, I've been following this conversation thread about BioPerformance and other Fuel Catalysts for awhile and so I put on my hip waders and I'm going to wade in the midst of all this muck. I'm from Missouri, so I have to be convinced 100% before I will share a product with anyone.
I've personally tried 4 different fuel catalyst products since July of 2005. I started using a liquid Fuel Saver (liquid) from Conklin...I saw no increase in gas mileage. I started using EXTREME Research's EnvironMaxPlus EMP (liquid) in August and ran it in my van for 4 months NO INCREASE! either...
I figured it might really be cleaning out my engine, and lowering my emissions, (since I like Organic food and stuff), I thought that would be worth it! I really want my grandkids to be able to go outside and play in the dirt without donning a gas mask. Don't you? People it can not always be about MONEY...Clean breathable air is priceless! PEOPLE we all have to become more responsible for each other...quit waiting for the Government to fix things. Heck they've had 33 years from the very first 1973 Oil Embargo by OPEC, and what has really changed? NOTHING. There's not a dime's difference between the whole lot of Republicrats and Demoncats in Washington
District of Criminals. (AH I digress!)
Talk to someone with Asthma or other lung ailments when they can't go out during OZONE Alerts in the Summer HEAT WAVES, and see if they would appreciate all of lowering our exhaust emmissions!
I've also tested the FFi MPG Caps (I was given 3 caps and I ran them for 2 weeks with 2 tanks of mileage decreased to 18.5 mpg. Why? I don't know. IF I would have had more to test, it might have gone back up?
I've been using the BP,Inc POWDER since Decemember 2005. I run my own upholstery repair business in KC, MO for the last 20 years. I drive a 1992 Dodge Caravan C/V cargo van with a 3.0L V-6 cyl w/ 186K miles + . I have usually gotten 19.5 mpg in metro driving about a 50/50 split between freeway and stop and go driving. I had not had a tune up in the last 25K miles. I would recommend anyone to use the POWDER over the PILLS! It seems to disperse more quickly and treat the fuel, both gas or diesel.
I did see about a 5% increase which was more than with all the others I mentioned right away when I first started using it in the cold midwestern winter. I usually run Ethanol all winter so I don't have to buy HEAT gasline antifreeze. Where I saw the biggest increase was when I quit using E-10 gas/ethanol blend in March 2006,and just went to a straight regular unleaded gas and 1 tsp. 4grams of BP Powder for 16 gallons of gas. (Which incidently retails for $1.60 a get 25 doses in 100 gram bottle of BP POWDER. You get 20 doses of pills for the retail price so it costs you $2.00 per dose using pills. You will get 20% more active ingredient in POWDER FORM. A bottle of powder for $40 retail treats close to 400 gallons of gas.)
On my last fill up, my van is now up to 13% increaase from 19.5mpg to 22.1 mpg or (+ 2.6 mpg).
That's amazing to me...since I haven't done a tune up in 2 years and 25K miles.
I really don't now why other people's cars are not responding to this BP Fuel Catalyst. I don't know why my van didn't respond positively to the other 3 products, either. (I'm not a scientist...of course a meteorologist is a fancy name for a weather scientist and they can be wrong 50% of the time and still keep their job.)
I don't accuse the other 3 Companies of being a SCAM (nor do I accuse our local weather guys of being SCAMMERS when my last fishing trip was rained out.) Those products just didn't work in my van, or my driving style. BP DID! Go figure.
As I tell people. "I'm sorry that we don't guarantee your results...but in reality, how could we? Every car is different, and how you drive your also up to you...Agressive driving will lower your fuel mileage.
People have told me that I must be driving more conservatively and that is why I'm getting more mileage. In reality, since I started getting so much better performance out of my old van...with BP Fuel Catalyst Powder...I drive more agreesively...I can actualy go up a hill with no PINGING, I can pass people on the Freeway with less lee way, cause my van has more power! I love it!
And this last Thursday 4-27-06 I just tuned up my van...with new Platinum Bosch plugs, New wires, and New Dist.Cap and Rotor. My Mechanic and I did the work together, and I cetainly got my use out of those old Champion plugs, the electrodes were burned down...good clean color though. I can't wait to see what my mileage increase will be after this tune up. What do you have to look forward to at your next trip to the gas pump?
And I also want to agree with some of the people that have said that BP NO CUSTOMER SERVICE needs to improve. IT really does.
ONE thing to keep in mind. This company is only
4.5 months old...the doors opened on 12-08-05.
They have had over 45K people join them...they have a growing pains. Just think of where you work, if you had over 45K new customers in 4.5 months do you think you might have some logisitical problems to accomadate the growth?
If you will take the time to read the history of Michael Dell of DELL COMPUTER in Dallas, TX.
You will find out that their growth rate got him in trouble with the TX AG in his 1st or 2nd year of business, as they were getting so many complaints from customers who couldn't get help from their CSR Dept. They made the necessary mid-course corrections and DELL computers sold something like $25Billion worth of computers in 2005...just 21 years from when he started selling computers from the back of his station wagon at age 18 while a college student in Austin, TX.
I bought a DELL computer direct from DELL in October 2001 and right when XP was first unleashed. The drivers for the PRINTER, & the CAMERA wouldn't work for 90 days, so their 30 day warranty didn't protect us. I would never buy another one from them, as DELL CSR told us it was a Microsoft Issue, and Micorsoft told us that DELL SOLD it you...they will take care of it! The Corporate RUN Around! I would not buy another DELL COMPUTER again, but that doesn't make them a SCAM.
I'll keep y'all posted.

#16 UPDATE Employee
BioPerformance IS FANTASTIC. it is a LIFE SAVER....GAS SAFER pill.
AUTHOR: Patricia - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, April 30, 2006
My hustand and I have tested the pills on 2 different vehicles ...AND WE USE THEM REGULARLY. Why? Because our gas mileage HAS INCREASED SIGNIFICANTLY. No hype....just 100% truth. I know people all over the country who are getting GOOD results too.
**2001 Nissan truck (v-6 engine), we drive around town & husband drives it to work everyday. This truck INCREASED MILEAGE FROM 15 to 18.5 mpg. This last week our mileage has increased to 19 mpg.
**1988 FordF350, 1 TON Flatbed work truck. Gross vehicle weight is 12,000 pounds. The truck INCREASED MILEAGE FROM 4.5 to 8 mpg and that is a 77% INCREASE.
WE DID A 2nd TEST IN NEXT FILL UP. Increased from the original 4.5 to 9 MPG. That is a 100% increase in our mileage!
WE COMPLETED A 3rd TEST IN THE NEXT FILL UP, increased another HALF GALLON to 9.5 miles per gallon. We are now at 9.5 mpg on this older truck. OUR OVER ALL MPG HAS INCREASED FROM 4.5 to 9.5 mpg.....That is OVER 100% increase!
The Ford truck is used in the recycling business to haul pallets and scrap metal. Some of the loads weigh 2 to 3 tons so you can see this old truck is really getting a work out.
I'm proud to be a BioPerformance customer and distributor. It even works in hubby's generator!!

#15 Consumer Comment
Ignorance is not bliss. It's a pain in the rear.
AUTHOR: S. - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, April 30, 2006
I am a seasoned networker of 12 years having made 7 figures in this wonderful industry. I find the accusations and ?rip-off? comments regarding BioPerformance misleading and at best, ill-informed.
All I can say about the BioPerformance fuel pill is that my diesel truck does not smoke anymore and I've gone from 17 MPG to over 20.5 MPG in just 4 tanks. And my mom has gone from 17.8 to over 22 MPG with her Lexis. Those are facts, not wishful thinking.
Having been a car mechanic in my past life, I can say with certainty that our vehicles are running better than ever. If one's fuel filter got plugged up, it could very well have been the result of a buildup of deposits within the fuel tank and fuel lines that were being loosed as a direct result of the BioPerformance fuel pills. That actually would be a good thing to have happen. Thank heavens for fuel filters.
With regard to the "front-end loading" comments, we need to understand where and why this term was created. In years past, MLM companies were requiring its distributors to purchase $5000 to $10,000's worth of their product in order to qualify for the higher levels in their pay plans. In addition, their monthly minimum quotas were $1000 plus each month. That my friend is front-end loading at its best, where people were basically becoming garage qualified in order to capitalize on the company's higher percentage payouts in commissions.
In today's laws and regulatory environment, every MLM company is required to have its distributors retail a certain percentage of products to clients and non-distributors. This was one of several legal requirements that were put into effect in order to solve the problems created by front-end loading requirments of unsuspecting and well intended distributors.
BioPerformance's highest level of entrance at $499 does not make anyone garage qualified, nor is does it's $59 minimum monthly quota make it front loaded. With their $499 retail pack, that's almost nothing in terms of a business investment when one considers the potential financial return. Also, you can sign up at $178 and even at $29 (with no product) and achieve the same results within their compensation structure. Granted, one track is the fast track to making significant income, and the other entry levels are the slow track, but the financial end results can be the same with each entry level.
Therefore, their com plan can does not qualify as a front-end loaded program, nor is it overpriced considering the income potential for anyone that is willing to take the opportunity seriously and treat it like a real professional should in this amazing industry we call network marketing. The BioPerformance compensation plan is a very good and fair pay plan when compared to all other MLM comp plans.
As to the other issues about BP that have been brought up on this rip-off site, I choose not to get into a spitting contest. "So what" if BioPerformance wants to take only e-checks. It's their business and does not constitute a red flag. Plus these unsubstantiated accusations and claims hurt the network marketing industry in general. What purpose is being served?
Bottom line, it seems obvious to me that there are too many ill-informed people with nothing better to do than to talk negatively about this or that. There is no product that works perfectly for 100% of the people all the time. I remember buying bad gas and having to pay someone to drain my entire fuel system. I for one choose to take the high road, to look at what is good about BP and life in general, and everything else will always take care of itself.
If the BioPerformance gas pill really does not work as some have claimed, trust me, this company will not be in business two months from now. As for me, I for one hope they stick around for a long time because I'm excited about the fact that I'm spending nearly $15 less each time I fill up my truck at the gas station, and my diesel is not spewing out smoke anymore. I'm really making a difference in our environment!!!

#14 Consumer Comment
How does the engine computer know the fuel is more powerful?
AUTHOR: R - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, April 27, 2006
How does the engine computer know the fuel is more powerful?
What is the exact mechanism for ANY fuel saving additive to alter the fuel injection flow rate?
Currently, the engine computer would be programmed with a fuel injection curve based on current fuel usage. A more powerful fuel would REQUIRE a re-programming of the computer so the injectors don't keep using the same amount of fuel it was programmed to from the factory.
How can an engine possibly use less fuel if it is physically pumping the exact same amount as the day before on a per mile basis?
I have not seen anything in any fuel saving additive that even broaches the subject.
Without re-programming the fuel curve to take advantage of the allegedly more powerful fuel, there can be no fuel savings.
Anyone care to address this issue?

#13 Consumer Comment
Gas Pill - Bio Performance - is a real farce
AUTHOR: Jeffrey - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, April 23, 2006
This Bio Performance stuff is a real farce. Just to be the guinea pig, I bought a sample and used it as prescribed in my TDi Golf (diesel). These are the results and other relevant points I can pass along from my experience, just so no one else gets burned. Mine was purchased in powder form from purchased on one of the dealer sites.
1) Over the course of the four tankfuls they require, my total mileage actually DROPPPED significantly.
2) The dealer admitted he had no REAL idea how or why the product works, and neither does BPI. There is no tech support from BioPerformance (the company) which is merely a marketing firm.
3) They came up with convenient excuses as to why it did not work in my particular car at this time of year. They sent me an analysis of
diesel fuel properties by a "noted chemist" that purported to show why I would get a negative result in winter. The author of said analysis was anonymous, and conveniently requested to remain so. I question the analysis because in it he says that biodiesel is alcohol and that B20 is a mixture of 80% petro-diesel and 20% alcohol. If this guy doesn't even know what biodiesel is or how it is made, I seriously doubt he knows anything about any fuels whatsoever, let alone how or why the product does or does not work.
4) One of the main components of the product is Naptha. They call it Camphor on the MSDS sheet, but the physical property numbers match
Napthalene, not camphor. This probably means the MSDS sheet is at best in error, or at worst falsified. It reeks of mothballs. My guess
is that this is simply an elaborate scam to get people to pay gobs of money for crushed mothballs. Adding napthaline mothballs to fuel is an old trick used for decades to boost performance.
5) According to the MSDS sheet, the manufacturer is a company in Mexico City. I checked, and the company they gave is a Mexican marketing company whose US affiliate is, you guessed it, BPI (Bio
Performance Inc.) Hence, the manufacturer is unknown (this is also probably a violation of the MSDS sheet, but I'm not sure)
6) Finally, and notably, they do not stand behind their product. If it doesn't work for you, oh well, you don't get your money back.
So sorry, you're hosed.
Feel free to pass this along and post them on any other additive and mileage sites you are aware of. Sterling has already posted this for
me elsewhere.

#12 Consumer Comment
Response To The ABC Report
AUTHOR: Jan - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, April 20, 2006
Fuel Additives
The other side of the story from Good Morning America!
ABC's Good Morning America recently ran a story on Fuel Additives. Unfortunately, Fuel Freedom International, LLC was the only company mentioned by name. Many people assume that the entire story was about FFI, and it was not. Only the beginning was actually about FFI.
The story may have raised questions that require help to correctly answer.
First of all let us reassure you that the product works and performs as described on our website.
The ABC Report:
The reporter biased the MPG-CAP study by poor research.
The MPG-CAP was described as a fuel additive.
The report was based on driving a vehicle on less than a full tank of gas using the MPG-Cap.
Then, to further confound the data, they added 4 more caps to the same tank of gas and then reported getting a 4% increase in fuel economy at 65 miles per hour.
ABC-GMA modified a report that was done by WPZI Channel 6 in Philadelphia.
Finally, ABC stated that no one would return their call.
The deficiencies of the study are as follows:
The MPG-CAP is technically not a fuel additive but actually improves combustion while not modifying or altering the fuel. This was not clarified.
The reporter failed to follow basic directions. The reporter was told by Randy Ray that it can take as much as 120 gallons before the engine is properly conditioned.
When properly conditioned, the car will get a 10-14% increase in fuel economy while reducing exhaust emissions.
The fact they got a 4% increase despite failing to follow directions is HUGE. It is far from measly.
A clear analogy to this is failing to take medication as directed. If a doctor prescribes an antibiotic that you should take, why do you think the doctor says to take the antibiotic for 10 days? You are not immediately cured! It takes time for the drug to take effect.
Equally, it takes time for the MPG-CAPS to gain their maximum effectiveness.
Finally, Randy Ray was in discussion with the reporter Thursday and left his contact number for his weekend trip to California. The comment that the company would not call back is just simply not true!
New Study to be Conducted:
Television station WPZI Channel 6 (Philadelphia) has agreed to re-run the test and then report on the results. Assuming this time they will use proper testing methods, we are confident that the results will prove the efficacy of the MPG-CAP.
Remember: We have the best product on the market; and the technology is unique to FFI; and it can not harm an engine.
We can all be proud to have such a wonderful product, and we cannot be lumped in the same category as other pills and additives. We are unique and we can all be proud to represent a product like MPG-CAPS.
Finally, we our PR firm and attorneys are working on your behalf to fully absolve FFI from this bush league report. We will keep you posted on the developments.
Thank you for your support.
Best Regards,
William J.H. Grand
April 18 2006
Please enjoy the following article that will help you understand the product:
Understanding the Operation of the Fuel Freedom International Mpg-Cap Products and Technology
Unlike other commercially marketed so called fuel additives, the FFI MPG-CAP does not attempt to modify or alter the fuel, but actually improves combustion.
More specifically MPG-CAPS create a catalytic micro-coating on the combustion chamber surfaces; resulting in improved combustion efficiency and lower harmful exhaust emissions.
The FFI MPG-CAPS are in reality a combustion chamber treatment as opposed to a fuel additive or fuel treatment.
The technology utilized in the MPG-CAPS was developed to provide and maintain the catalytic active surface on combustion-exposed parts of an internal combustion engine (such as the fire deck, valve faces and piston faces) so that combustion efficiency is improved and harmful exhaust emissions are reduced. The technology is particularly applicable to improving combustion in "green" engines, such as engines that are new, recently rebuilt, or that have low operating hours.
The improved combustion is achieved in a conventional gasoline and diesel fueled internal combustion engines from the following two (2) steps:
Step A: The initial step of applying to the combustion chamber of an internal combustion engine a substrate layer of high thermal inertia. This initial step is performed by adding a substrate precursor (the MPG-CAP) to the combustion chamber during engine operation; that is, using the MPG-CAP at a 4X dose for the first 120 gallons, to create the micro-thin coating on the combustion chamber surfaces, and ;
Step B: The ongoing step of continuing to provide the material to create the sacrificial catalytic coating on the combustion chamber. This catalytic surface is of the type active in carbon particulate and hydrocarbon oxidation at a surface temperature of at least 450 degree C.
Step B is actually a way to maintain a dosage of the catalyst precursor on a continuous basis during engine operation. Thus, catalytic activity is substantially continuously maintained, and the vehicle will continue to garner the benefits of the technology by increased mileage and lower emissions.
If you stop using the MPG-CAPS, the coating will slowly disappear and the benefits will cease.

#11 Consumer Comment
ABC News Story
AUTHOR: Teamplayer - (Canada)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, April 20, 2006
I just wanted to comment about the ABC news Story. I thought it was interesting to see that the AAA expert admitted that he got a 4% improvement in his mileage. Even though it wasn't what he was hoping for it WAS an improvement even though it appeared he didn't follow the proper directions on its use initially and was unwilling to do any longer-term testing after receiving the 4% improvement. It may not have been the "whopping" 10% but it still worked.
My personal experience on the FFI MPG cap is a little over 15% improvement in mileage so far at a little over half a tank of use which though is not conclusive evidence by far but I do repetitive driving every day so the numbers wont be skewed too much. Also, the fact that others I've given samples to are reporting similar results with substantial lowering of one friends emissions that he had tested tells me that it's more than just a scam product. It may never give me over 10-15% improvement but that is still enough for me to use it. I'll take my own results over any "expert" that says otherwise, especially when he clearly hasn't done a proper investigation into it.
Also, I think it's been well proven by some of the other similar companies that using a liquid product that these types of things do in fact work, the fact that it's been reformulated into a solid form doesn't stretch my imagination that far that these could work also.
Good luck with arguing over whether it works or comes down to testing it for yourself like I did before you can be 100% sure otherwise it's just opinion based on others opinions. I was sceptical too by the way but now I'm not.
Have a great day!

#10 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Pete - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Folks, GAS PILL Simply Do Not Work!
BioPerformance is NOT the Only in this.
FFi(Fuel Freedom International) is also Scamming consumers!
They've been featured on ABC News TV in Good Morning America as a SCAM!
And You can see the whole report on:
This Recent ABC NEWS Consumer Report tell all!
See if for yourself. Read the ABC News consumer report at:

#9 Consumer Comment
GAS-SCAM and Gas-Rip-Off
AUTHOR: Mike - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, April 18, 2006
As one who has been involved in researching energy conservation technologies, the one thing that stands out is that very few ever work, and I have tested them all, including the most recent hydrogen conversions.
As to the subject on BP, yes, I tried these as well, and I saw no results, but keep in mind, my vehicle is kept in perfect tune which is the most important thing you can do to maximize your MPG and performance.
I have also tried the latest Freedom Fuel International pill, and saw the same results, nothing. Again, keep in mind, my fuel system was already conditioned from my use of Enviro-Max-Plus product, which is a liquid fuel catalyst.
As to my personal results with Enviro-Max-Plus, this was interesting as I use a device called Scan Gauge which allows one to plug into your diagnostic port on all later model vehicles and plug into your ECU to properly evaluate your comparisons, which is what I did with each product. Yes, I will agree, a pill was more convenient, and I was hoping it worked as well or better than my experience with Enviro-Max-Plus product, and both the BioPerformance and Freedom Fuel pills did not.
As to why, I can only assume they rely more on cleaning up your fuel system, and injectors, which will and does improve your engines performance and efficiency, and this is good, but a suspect that once these issues are addressed, the product stops performing, this is why they all suggest using product for a few tank fulls first for maximum results.
That said, I also suspected this was true with Enviro-Max-Plus, so I wanted to further research this to see if in fact there was no benefit after the first few tank fulls. To my surprise, the moment I stopped using Enviro-Max-Plus, the fuel economy dropped, and before you ask how I know, again, I was using the Scan Gauge, an analysts tool used in industry to be used as diagnostic engine performance tool. This was surprising as I was not expecting it.
To try and debunk results, I then alternated the next couple tanks with and without fuel catalyst, and the results were the same, Enviro-Max-Plus did improve fuel economy with continued use, so it was not just the cleaning of the fuel system which I expected was reason for improvements in MPG and power and smoothness of my engines operation. I was impressed, but I wanted to test it on my Ford F250 diesel as well.
With this next phase of my research, I used Enviro-Max-Plus in one tank, as I have dual tanks which I can switch back and forth on to absolutely evaluate performance while driving at the exact same speed, temperature, and road conditions, all factors which often vary skewing results. Using the save Scan Gauge, I treated one tank with other tank left with same diesel, Gulf, in this case, as different fuels will have different results, as I learned in earlier research. This is another factor why some see no results, and some see good results, another factor to be aware of.
The results confirmed the fact that Enviro-Max-Plus does work as promoted, and guaranteed, and if you are not satisfied, you can get a full refund. If such a guarantee is offered, it certainly relieves the fear of loss factor, so if I was to market any product, it has to be the best product, period. I rarely will believe the usual hype found in the MLM industry, but rely on absolute proof, not written proof, but personal proof. My results were absolute, everytime I switched tanks, after a mile, the Scan Gauge would show distinct improvements with Enviro-Max-Plus product, and when switched back, my MPG dropped back to 17.1 MPG at 55 MPH. With fuel catalyst, it would jump up to 23.3 MPG, so this was significant in my experience.
What amazed me even more was the acceleration test, under full trottle, as with most diesels, you will see residual smoke from exhaust, some more than others, but it is always there. With Enviro-Max-Plus, you will not see smoke, which appears to prove that the increase in economy is real, and you can see it, never mind feel it, and the MPG read out on Scan Gauge indicates this clearly. A reason some products may not record positive results would depend on several factors, and no matter which product you try, you need to give it ample time to not only clean out fuel systems, injectors and carbon build up on valves, but also to allow your ECU to readjust fuel mixtures, and some are instant adjusting, as in high end vehicles, and some work on average over a few hundred miles, so be patient.
I have just ordered the new Ethos liquid to test in the same manner I have all the others to date. Since Ethos is the same as FuelZone, which I had tested last year, I suspect it is just a new label, with same results, minor, not major, so I will report back when I have had time to compare this product to Enviro-Max-Plus liguid fuel catalyst. Which ever product works best will define which I will use and promote, but like everyone, seeing is believing, don't fall for the typical hype which promotes mostly the opportunity.

#8 UPDATE EX-employee responds
Bio Performance is Not Good
AUTHOR: Ron - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, April 05, 2006
I have been with the company for about 6 weeks i have tried the product in my car. After 2 tanks it left me on the side of the road with a pluged fule filter. Clogged up emissions system and no help from Bio I reported it to them and they told me to sent the product back for a refund but they gave me no address were to send it. It has been 2 weeks now with no address.
I have quit the company by letter but they probley wont do anything. Everyone I know that has got into it has had problems with shipping and getting there product, which is good because I know 3 car that are starting to have trouble. Also now they made everyone independent business owners which means you need a license to sell it in my town I called and ask.
This is supposed to be a christian company is what I was told when I joined and I'm really offened that they act this way it gives us christian a bad rap for sure.

#7 Consumer Comment
DO YOUR Home-Work..BioPerformance Plus
AUTHOR: Forrest - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, April 01, 2006
I was very skeptical when I first received the call about the "GasPill" so before I took the plunge I spent $30 and received a bottle. I added to my tank as instructed. My truck normally gets 372 miles to the tank. My first tank after adding the pills went to 413. WOW! My current tank is at 398 miles and still have 1/4 left. I am not even a distributor YET?
Most MLMs are front loaded. In other words you have to buy product at certain levels to qualify for bonuses. If you retail bio-plus and that's all you did you average $7.00 per bottle. WOW!
If you "front load yourself with product, you'll have samples to give out, some to sell and an immediate supply to get your business off to a fast start.
I am also looking at the other fuel additives and will most likely use and sell the one that WORKS.
As for lawsuits I suggest you never take someone's word for it. I've personally seen nothing about Bio-Performance being suited. Have you?
Why would a distributor from one company make a claim about another one without solid written proof? Most importantly why would you fall for that? Sounds like one car salesman telling you one thing about a competitor and you falling for it.
DO Your Home work. So far I've seen nothing anywhere about a law suit.
Next is the debt card/credit card processing issue? It is NOT easy for a company to just set this up. It cost money. Most new startups have two options they can wait months to get the processing set up or launce the product and get started right away.
So far I've spent $30, may spend $29 to get my website set up and focus on the retail side. When I have a good handful of customers using the Pill and getting results, I'll then consider building a team.
Ebay. Yes, it is against almost ever MLM or direct sales companies policies to sell on ebay. I believe the only one really allowed to do retail now is AVON and they did it because they did not want to fold. Do Your Homework. Philly you should have used the product for at least 90 days then made a decision to build a business.
The Hype: It's always there. We as MLM'ers need to be smart enough to read through it.
DO Your Home Work.
Lastly, never make claims about something until you have ALL the facts. Usually the facts from NON-interested 3rd parties.
P.S. If you are gullible enough to take the word of a distributor in any MLM about a product claim with out using it for yourself for at least 90 days you deserve to be ripped-off.
Do your Home-work

#6 Consumer Comment
More on the BioPerformance MLM Scam
AUTHOR: Mark - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, March 17, 2006 ( has been monitoring BioPerformance since Dec 2005. Read more on this subject here:
The Great Gas Pill Controversy
and here:
Gas Mileage Booster Pills
I strongly believe that the MLM Organization is the product (the product is probably worthless).

#5 Author of original report
Your comments were just as cold!
AUTHOR: Philly - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Well Jan, if you think that was cold - maybe you shouldn't have accused me of not taking a "big enough plunge". I spent over $500 joining this company. That's is a BIG plunge.
Then - I send emails to "customer support" (they obviously don't know what support is if they don't respond to emails) and no one responds - but the moment I list my product on eBay, I get bombarded with NASTY emails.
There are lots of fuel catalysts that DO WORK, including Fuel Freedom International's MPG-Tabs, and Extreme Research's Enviro-Max Plus, that offer a way to build a business WITH A MONEY BACK GURANTEE.
The whole point of this post is to share my experience with the company with others who may be considering joining. There are other options for building a business with a fuel catalyst.
My Reasons For NOT Continuing In Business With BioPerformance Are
1) BioPerformance is in a legal battle because they obviously ripped off a patented fuel catalyst and put it in a pill and poweder for (the patented version is liquid).
2) Customer service never responded to my MANY emails but immediately bombarded me with NASTY emails right after I listed my product on eBay.
3) Lowell Mimms, who claims to be an Christian, was accepting payment to join during pre-launch with money orders and checks made out to HIM PERSONALLY, not BioPerformance, Inc.
4) The conference calls are FULL OF HYPE. All that is discussed is recruiting, recruiting, recruiting. (Big red flag)
5) Won't accept credit card payments for enrollment fee because they KNOW distributors will want a refund once they realize this product doesn't work, and they can get a fuel catalyst that DOES work and build a business - and get a $$ back gurantee if they decide it's not for them!
This has been my experience and my opinion of BioPerformance, Inc. and BioPerformance Fuel. Distributors are NOT going to tell you the whole story, because their income is at steak. The purpose of this post is to inform others so they can have the WHOLE STORY before making a decision to join this company.
Yes, you can make some $$ promoting BioPerformance, but remember - you will always reap what you sow. I would much rather build a business with a solid company that offers a live customer service # and actually responds to customers inquiries, leadership with integrity, and a pay plan that doesn't exploit new distributors and promote recruiting rather than product sales - and grow my income with a product that works and isn't afraid to back their claim up with a money back gurantee.

#4 UPDATE Employee
Wishful thinking
AUTHOR: Jan - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, March 15, 2006
That's a little cold to accuse me of "wishful thinking".
My husband works in the oil refinery business.
We already have a 6 figure income coming in.
We were very careful to not jump off and make claims about the mileage until we did a through check.
I don't drive a lot because I have several other businesses that I run from my home. Including a booking agency for singers and bands, a health products business and weightloss patch business.
So I made a trip out of town with my booking agency business to check mileage. Then I added the double dose to the first tank after that trip to shock it like the instructions read. I made several trips to Wichita at 70 MPH just like I had driven on my trip to Topeka and back. So I was comparing apples to apples mileage wise and not comparing city driving to highway driving.
So my mileage claims are accurate. Not "wishful thinking".
My husband drives his personal vehicle very little so we are waiting for the next tank in his SUV to check the mileage.
He also has it in his motorcycle. If we see good results from all of our personal vehicles, we will suggest that his company puts them in the fleet of trucks nationwide.
So I maintain that I am getting almost 8 miles per gallon more in gas mileage in my SUV.
That's about a 40% increase.
If a big rig truck got only one mile to the gallon more, they would save $5,000 to $6,000 a year in gas.

#3 Author of original report
I did try the product and IT DOESN'T WORK!
AUTHOR: Philly - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Yes Jan - I did try the product and IT DOESN'T WORK! Maybe your just full of wishful thinking since the comp plan is "the best". And I DID join at Manager - then upgraded to AREA MANAGER two days later. That's plenty of a plunge.
I just had a conversation with a very respectful man who WAS going to join BioPerformance, Inc. when the company was in pre-launch, but after Lowell Mimms directed him to his evangalist website and asked him to page down to the bottom for the address to send a cashiers check or money order to - he got a SICK FEELING. What kind of a Christian takes cashiers checks or money orders IN THEIR OWN NAME (not the name of the company they own)??? That speaks volumes about the integrity of your company Jan.
Keep praising BioPerformance all you want - but it's clear it'll be shut down soon enough. You're just excited that you're making those $200 fast start bonuses off of the recruiting you're doing.
Fuel Freedom International AND Extreme Research has a MONEY BACK GURANTEE on their product. Wonder why BioPerformance doesn't.... hmmm - could it be because it doesn't work??? They also let their reps sell on eBay.
If a rep buys product from BioPerformance they should be able to sell it at whatever price they want. Kinda funny BioPerformance will let you GIVE away product and claim it toward your customer quota so you can cycle and get paid - but won't let you sell below retail on eBay. That just doesn't make sense, does it Jan!

#2 UPDATE Employee
Bio Performance works
AUTHOR: Jan - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, March 14, 2006
The gas pill is no secret any more and it now comes in powder form and works quite well.
So you are complaining that the product doesn't work when you didn't even try the product???
I put the recommended dose in my first tank of my SUV and received almost a 8 MPG increase in the first tank full.
The company started in December and it only expected 200 people to sign up the first month and 200 the next month. It has broke all records for distributors joining with over 20,000 people in three months time.
If you have been in network marketing before, you should know that there is usually a recommended retail price for selling the products. I saw someone selling the BioPerformance pills on eBay for $5.99 when retail is $37.50. That is usually against company policy in any network marketing company.
I have also been contacted by two other people in other gas additive companies trying to knock BioPerformance. As far as the patent goes, lots of companies have similiar products. There's tons of vitamin and pain reliever products with the same ingredients but they don't go around hiring attorneys to write "cease and decease" orders.
I was sent a copy of the lawyer's letter to BioPerformance with big blacked out areas like a secret government document.
The BioPerformance commission structure is the best I have seen in MLM.
So how exactly did you get ripped off? You ordered product and you received it but you didn't use it.
Now I know why the don't take credit cards for buying a distributorship. It's to protect themselves from people like you who change their mind after listening to distributors in companies selling similiar products.
You also stated that you took the PLUNGE and joined. You joined at the minimum level to become a distributor. Not much of a plunge.
Area Manager - Bio Performance

#1 Author of original report
It's clear that this is a front-end loaded MLM ripoff. The big $$ is all in recruiting
AUTHOR: Philly - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, March 12, 2006
Okay - so I heard the other day that BioPerformance is now offering online payment processing for new enrollments. I went and checked it out for myself. They are offering e-check processing. STILL A BIG RED FLAG!!!
They do not allow creditcard processing, because they KNOW if you receive your product, and realize it isn't working - you can dispute the charge with your credit card company and get your $$ back. You can't do that with a can only sue in a civil suite. DON'T JOIN!!
It's clear that this is a front-end loaded MLM ripoff. The big $$ is all in recruiting - and as you can clearly see by doing a GOOGLE search, there are LOTS of people reporting that they aren't even seeing a savings by using this product.
There is now another report here on RipOff by someone else - who also enrolled as an Area Manager and did NOT see any savings after using 4 tanks of BP. Save yourself some $$ and headaches & don't join!!

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