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Report: #109069

Complaint Review: Bill Quimby - TollFreeNumbers - Salt Point New York

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  • Reported By: Midlothian Virginia
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  • Bill Quimby - TollFreeNumbers 2517 Rt. 44 - 11-222 Washington Hollow Plaza - Salt Point, New York 12578 Salt Point, New York U.S.A.

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Bill Quimby hired me to create a matching web graphics set for his site When he first contacted me, right away he tried to haggle me down on price. I informed him my prices were already very fair and lower than many other designers who's work was of less quality.

My design process is pretty straightforward. I create the designs and then place them on a locked proof page for client approval. I clearly indicate to the client I will be happy to make any changes needed and as many as they require until they are completely satisfied and approve the designs. At which time the page is unlocked and they can save their designs to complete the transaction.

Bill Quimby raved about my designs and said they were exactly what he wanted. He approved them and downloaded his images. Sometime later I got a call from Bill saying he wanted a design and at first I thought he was just another satisfied customer (I've got over 100 client designs in my portfolio) calling me up to order another design.

But what I quickly discovered was that Bill had another plan in mind. He wanted me to create a new image and he didn't want to pay for it! I tried to reason with him by telling him I did not work for free and that I had already given him a discount on the previous designs, he threatened to post negitive stuff about me on the web unless I caved in.

So because Bill clearly has problems, here we are.

I've designed tons of covers for clients and every single one has been very pleased. Bill Quimby is the only one to ever have a complaint. I design covers for some of the webs top gurus and have been refered to many and I don't even offer an affiliate program!

The bottom line is anyone can clearly see by going to my site that I offer high design value at low affordable prices hence the name.

God Bless,

Midlothian, Virginia

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 09/18/2004 09:12 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content

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#9 Author of original report

Bill Quimby please get the emotional help you seriously need.

AUTHOR: Britt - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Let's look at the facts...

In the spirit of the season I attempted to reach out to Bill Quimby in early December 2006 in a good faith effort to perhaps resolve his animosity towards me and reach a mutual resolution. He agreed to remove the slandering page about me and for us to post a joint update to the RipOffReport site saying we have resolved this. After a short time passed Bill changed his mind and decided he wanted me to send him $49.95 for his toll free 800 vanity number service. He insisted I write in the joint statement that I love his service and now use it. When I told him I appreciated the offer but that I already had a vanity number locally plus two additional 800 numbers each already printed on my letterhead and on promotional materials etc., he sent me an email saying he has blocked my email address and phone number. Not a very Christian thing to do is it?

Just go to:

for even more evidence that this man is sick.

It's also important to note that as I write this rebuttal that it is now November 28, 2007, almost a year and here it is Bill Quimby posting to keep this alive and yet trying to blame me for doing it. I vowed to let this issue go since everyone that calls me about it agrees that Bill Quimby has emotional problems. I only responded to this today to rebut the lies told by Bill Quimby. Bill if you would not have posted today neither would I. Everytime you post you can rest assured so will I.

Bill you are a troubled man who needs help. I reached out to you to resolve this a year ago and once again you proved you need help. You can not change what you refuse to acknowledge. And apparently despite many who have crossed paths with you that all say the same thing, you ignore them all and claim they are all crazy and not you. Bill you need help.

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#8 REBUTTAL Owner of company

Britt Phillips wasn't my customer, I was his. And just look at half dozen or more ripoff reports he has against him.

AUTHOR: Bill - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Britt Phillips wrote this report like he was my customer and I somehow ripped him off, but the fact is that I was HIS customer and certainly I paid for. He blew up because he didn't want to fix something on the ebook cover that I paid for (before he even started). He thought when I said I liked it, that meant I verbally signed off on it. He never got a phone number from me or even saw my website. He simply wrote this convoluted complaint about me that doesn't even explain anything because I was upset with him and the service that I paid him for.

All you have to do to know the truth about Britt Phillips is check the number of serious ripoff reports he has on here. He had six the last time I checked. Then go to my website and look at the nearly two thousand testimonials I have received. I've been very open and run my business for over 12 years and if Britt Phillips isn't the biggest jerk I've ever met, he's one of the top 5.

Anyone that would write all this about someone for a few dollars worth of graphic artwork is not someone you'd ever want to mess with or even be involved with. Part of the problem is also that you can't ever take this stuff down. Now years later he added more to this again just to keep it current. He wrote it to sound like I'm the one that won't back down, but he goes and writes more intentionally just to keep this alive. What a loser.

If he's going to keep this post alive, I'll turn it into a positive. Go to my website at Bill Quimby, President of Toll Free and see the nearly two thousand actual end user testimonials from satisfied customers that love my service.

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#7 Author of original report

Bill Quimby will your pride allow you to do the right thing?

AUTHOR: Britt - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, December 15, 2006

In the spirit of the holidays I reached out to Bill Quimby a few weeks ago. We had a telephone conversation in which he agreed to take down a page he has about me on his server and also that we would both come here and post a statement that we have resolved our differnces. I saw it as a positive step to put to rest a two year old difference of opinion.

During the call Bill agreed to take down the offensive page from his server and to join me here in a joint statement fo resolution. I thanked him and told him how glad I was that we could resolve this issue for our mutual benefit.

Then I received an email from Bill saying he wanted me to give me an 800 number from his service and that I needed to say I am using his services etc. in my statement here. My first reaction was that Bill was just trying to join me in reaching out and that his intention was only to help turn the situation in to something positive.

Bill then told me I needed to pay him $50. for the number. Still trying to resolve the issue I kindly thanked Bill for the opportunity and told him that while I appreciate his offer for the number, I already have two toll free numbers and a third vanity number all of which are already printed on my letterhead and promotional materials etc. In short, I really didn't need the number he wanted me to buy.

I quickly realized that Bill wanted to control and manipulate me in to buying his service and then posting a statement here saying he's a great guy and I like him so much that I was wrong, he was right, and now I am using his service!

It sadens me to report that despite my genuine and sincere efforts to reach out to Bill to resolve a simple disagreement of two years ago, he would rather continue it. All I can do is reach out in good faith and make the gesture. It takes two to resolve it. For now I will continue to pray for Bill in this situation in as much as I have tried to reason with him to no avail.

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#6 Consumer Comment

Bill Quimby Has Been Very Aboveboard to this Customer

AUTHOR: Steven - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Before going to Bill Quimby for advice, I did a little due diligence and found this note on I read the note and decided that 1) Bill Quimby might try to drive bargains with vendors, but that only makes him a smart businessman, and 2)the accusations that the person made (e.g. he has emotional issues) do not at all fit the supposed problems the vendor had. My conclusion, my business partner and I would give Bill a call - we had no reason to believe that he would attempt to rip us off. Now let me tell you what happened.

Bill has been extremely good about helping us and very straight about costs. In fact, it is (unfortunately) rare to find someone who does business in this honest manner.

As a business owner, I don't care if a customer tries to get a good deal, that's business and I have the option of saying no. In fact sometime I do.

Conclusion, as we are looking for a good toll-free number, Bill Quimby is our first stop. This "rip-off" letter is likely nonsense and should be ignored or deleted. By the way, before 5 days ago I did not even know who Bill Quimby was - so I believe I am as objective as they come.

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#5 REBUTTAL Owner of company

Britt , get a life...

AUTHOR: Bill - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Attention anyone reading this:

If this whole thing is simply because as he said, I asked for a single revision that he didn't think I deserved, stay away from this guy and his service. I would hate to see what he would do and say about anything serious if he goes to all this trouble just because I asked for a revision to the service.

You even went to the trouble of posting links to the complaint in FFA pages? lol...

Don't you get it?! Attacking one of your customers doesn't prove you're legit or make them look bad. It makes YOU look bad.

Your website claims that you're such a huge success and you claim to be a good Christian giving all this money to charity. Don't you realize how your attitude makes that all look like pure BS?

And by the way, isn't it easier make one revision that to write 1500 words complaining about them? Don't you have anything better to do?! Get a life Britt and if you stopped attacking your customers, and then maybe you would have more customers.

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#4 REBUTTAL Owner of company

Bill Quimby LIES

AUTHOR: Britt - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, October 08, 2004

Billl Quimby Wrote:
Have you ever heard of a company posting complaints about one of their customers?

It isn't often that a company has to do it but in your case Bill it certainly is warranted. You tried to get something for nothing from the start and even though I gave you a discount off the already low design prices, you still came back at me long after you approved your designs and demanded I design another cover for you. Anyone can clearly see what it is perfectly reasonable that a business should be able to make money and not have someone such as yourself try and blackmail them. You have emotional issues Bill plain and simple. Get the help you need.

Billl Quimby Wrote:
Doesn't that strike you as a little odd. I think it's pretty clear where the problem is here. I was the customer and I paid him to make an ebook cover. He got paid. But he's posting things complaining about me.

Bill you are LYING about me. Do you expect me to sit idle and allow you to get away with it? WRONG. You tried to blackmail me into designing a cover for you after you had approved your designs and you know it.

Billl Quimby Wrote:
The short description of the situation was that I contracted Britt Phillips and his site to make an ebook cover and he gave me his design on a Friday. I didn't say it was perfect or that we were done. I guess he was in a hurry and assumed that. I asked him to make a TINY adjustment because of a mistake I hadn't noticed at first on Monday, the NEXT BUSINESS DAY and he refused and wanted to charge me extra money.

Billl Quimby Wrote:
Bill I guess we need to ad amnesia to your list of problems. You are absolutely incredible. The FACTS are you approved the designs and accepted them. You even said they were exactly what you wanted and the best work you had seen online. And I might ad that to this day you still use them on your sites and in your ebook. So dont try and paint a picture otherwise to suit your own selfish ego here.

Billl Quimby Wrote:
Have you ever heard of someone that does graphic layout that refuses to make any revisions. I guess Britt just thinks that he is perfect or more likely that he can treat his customers any way he likes.

Bill I make revisions for clients every day and have abolustely no problems doing it. I will bend over backwards to make sure an honest client is happy and satisfied. That's how I get many repeat customers. I've designed over 15 covers for the same client so repeat business is obvious. The thing I will not do is allow anyone to bully, try and blackmail me, or force me to do work for free which is exactly what you tried to do. You came back to me long after you approved the images and then decided you wanted something completely different and you know it. Even then I offered to create a new cover for you at a greatly reduced price but then you said if I didn't do it for free you would start a smear campaign against me. Bill people can see through your lies here. They's called me about you and everytime they tell me you have issues. My quality of work and low affordable prices speak for themselves. I do great work and offer it at better prices than anyone can get anywhere else. For example... a virtual software box cover is almost $200. elsewhere yet my cost is less than $50.

Billl Quimby Wrote:
It shouldn't have been a big deal. What made it a big deal was Britts attitude. Maybe I caught him on a bad day and he just decided to take it out on me. But I've never seen anyone with the level of hostility and anger as Britt Phillips had. He started verbally attacking me right away, demanded that I send him a CERTIFIED check to make changes. I don't usually do this type of thing, and would never do it over $20 or even the $50 that he wanted to charge me when I complained. But every once in a while you see someone with such a vicious attitude that I really felt I had to warn people.

Bill you need serious help. You also have a selective memory. The FACTS are that you emailed me saying you would send me money to create a new cover for you via PayPal and then after you got it would dispute the charge because you wanted to et it for free. What business would want to accept payment from anyone who says that? The only thing people need to be warned about is YOU. I am not angry and do not have a vicious attitude. I'm a God fearing man who tries to help and be fair to everyone. You made it very hard when you tried to blackmail me and communicated threats the way you did. You were wrong and now you can't admit it. It's pretty sad.

Billl Quimby Wrote:
He can complain about me being a bad customer. But he couldn't answer any of the facts that I point out about him and his con man attack attitude in the rip-off report page or the page that I made about him, that prompted him to write this. When someone can't discuss the facts, they just launch more complaints.

The only thing that prompted me to write about you is your LIES. I've gotten several calls from people who tell me to let people like you learn lifes lessons the hard way. To start a smear campaign against me over $20 bucks when you know you lied and are totally at fault and caused the whole situation is really insane on your end.

Billl Quimby Wrote:
I guess this type of thing is the price I pay for warning people about someone who really has a bad attitude. I don't think it's really going to keep other people from letting me pay them for design work. But it certainly does say a lot about hiring Britt Phillips and his site to make any ebook covers. They may look good and maybe you'll catch him on a better day. But heaven forbid anything not go nice. If you don't want this guy posting complaints all over the internet about you, I would just think twice about using his ebook service.

Bill it looks as if you don't like it that I replied to your LIES about me. Well here's a tip. If you don't want me to reply and to set the record straight with the FACTS, then don't post any more of your LIES and I won't have to.

Bill you clearly can not take anyone standing up to you. And I think this is the real reason why you are the one with such a hateful vicious attitude toward me. Not the other way around. I get the very clear impression that you are not used to anyone refusing to allow you to bully or run over them. Well you had better get used to it when you start slining lies in my direction because I will not stand for it.

Billl Quimby Wrote:
He also participates in a lot of get rich quick, internet marketing scams and there are a lot of complaints about him in that too. But fortunately I didn't deal with him for any of that. If you have any additional stories about that, please feel free to add them here though...

Bill it's just like you to try and confuse the issue and grasp at anything you can to take the spotlight off yourself and your own responsibility. This is not about the successful bizop that I've been blessed to be one of the top income earners in the history of the company and have been in for the past SIX years full time. This is about YOU and your antics.

If you want to know the real cause of this whole thing it's easy... go look in your mirror.

If anyone wants to know the real FACTS just visit and look at the testimonials. Audio testimonials are coming soon as well of very happy customers who use my services and wouldn't dream of going anywhere else.

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#3 REBUTTAL Individual responds

This report is just more evidence of the Bad Character of Britt Phillips

AUTHOR: Bill - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, October 07, 2004

Have you ever heard of a company posting complaints about one of their customers? Doesn't that strike you as a little odd. I think it's pretty clear where the problem is here. I was the customer and I paid him to make an ebook cover. He got paid. But he's posting things complaining about me. This complaint just proves the huge attitude problem that I pointed out both on the page I wrote about him and which several people posted several people posted at

The short description of the situation was that I contracted Britt Phillips and his site to make an ebook cover and he gave me his design on a Friday. I didn't say it was perfect or that we were done. I guess he was in a hurry and assumed that. I asked him to make a TINY adjustment because of a mistake I hadn't noticed at first on Monday, the NEXT BUSINESS DAY and he refused and wanted to charge me extra money.

Have you ever heard of someone that does graphic layout that refuses to make any revisions. I guess Britt just thinks that he is perfect or more likely that he can treat his customers any way he likes.

It shouldn't have been a big deal. What made it a big deal was Britts attitude. Maybe I caught him on a bad day and he just decided to take it out on me. But I've never seen anyone with the level of hostility and anger as Britt Phillips had. He started verbally attacking me right away, demanded that I send him a CERTIFIED check to make changes. I don't usually do this type of thing, and would never do it over $20 or even the $50 that he wanted to charge me when I complained. But every once in a while you see someone with such a vicious attitude that I really felt I had to warn people.

He can complain about me being a bad customer. But he couldn't answer any of the facts that I point out about him and his con man attack attitude in the rip-off report page or the page that I made about him, that prompted him to write this. When someone can't discuss the facts, they just launch more complaints.

I guess this type of thing is the price I pay for warning people about someone who really has a bad attitude. I don't think it's really going to keep other people from letting me pay them for design work. But it certainly does say a lot about hiring Britt Phillips and his site to make any ebook covers. They may look good and maybe you'll catch him on a better day. But heaven forbid anything not go nice. If you don't want this guy posting complaints all over the internet about you, I would just think twice about using his ebook service.

He also participates in a lot of get rich quick, internet marketing scams and there are a lot of complaints about him in that too. But fortunately I didn't deal with him for any of that. If you have any additional stories about that, please feel free to add them here though...

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#2 REBUTTAL Individual responds

This report is just more evidence of the Bad Character of Britt Phillips

AUTHOR: Bill - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, October 07, 2004

Have you ever heard of a company posting complaints about one of their customers? Doesn't that strike you as a little odd. I think it's pretty clear where the problem is here. I was the customer and I paid him to make an ebook cover. He got paid. But he's posting things complaining about me. This complaint just proves the huge attitude problem that I pointed out both on the page I wrote about him and which several people posted several people posted at

The short description of the situation was that I contracted Britt Phillips and his site to make an ebook cover and he gave me his design on a Friday. I didn't say it was perfect or that we were done. I guess he was in a hurry and assumed that. I asked him to make a TINY adjustment because of a mistake I hadn't noticed at first on Monday, the NEXT BUSINESS DAY and he refused and wanted to charge me extra money.

Have you ever heard of someone that does graphic layout that refuses to make any revisions. I guess Britt just thinks that he is perfect or more likely that he can treat his customers any way he likes.

It shouldn't have been a big deal. What made it a big deal was Britts attitude. Maybe I caught him on a bad day and he just decided to take it out on me. But I've never seen anyone with the level of hostility and anger as Britt Phillips had. He started verbally attacking me right away, demanded that I send him a CERTIFIED check to make changes. I don't usually do this type of thing, and would never do it over $20 or even the $50 that he wanted to charge me when I complained. But every once in a while you see someone with such a vicious attitude that I really felt I had to warn people.

He can complain about me being a bad customer. But he couldn't answer any of the facts that I point out about him and his con man attack attitude in the rip-off report page or the page that I made about him, that prompted him to write this. When someone can't discuss the facts, they just launch more complaints.

I guess this type of thing is the price I pay for warning people about someone who really has a bad attitude. I don't think it's really going to keep other people from letting me pay them for design work. But it certainly does say a lot about hiring Britt Phillips and his site to make any ebook covers. They may look good and maybe you'll catch him on a better day. But heaven forbid anything not go nice. If you don't want this guy posting complaints all over the internet about you, I would just think twice about using his ebook service.

He also participates in a lot of get rich quick, internet marketing scams and there are a lot of complaints about him in that too. But fortunately I didn't deal with him for any of that. If you have any additional stories about that, please feel free to add them here though...

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#1 REBUTTAL Individual responds

This report is just more evidence of the Bad Character of Britt Phillips

AUTHOR: Bill - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, October 07, 2004

Have you ever heard of a company posting complaints about one of their customers? Doesn't that strike you as a little odd. I think it's pretty clear where the problem is here. I was the customer and I paid him to make an ebook cover. He got paid. But he's posting things complaining about me. This complaint just proves the huge attitude problem that I pointed out both on the page I wrote about him and which several people posted several people posted at

The short description of the situation was that I contracted Britt Phillips and his site to make an ebook cover and he gave me his design on a Friday. I didn't say it was perfect or that we were done. I guess he was in a hurry and assumed that. I asked him to make a TINY adjustment because of a mistake I hadn't noticed at first on Monday, the NEXT BUSINESS DAY and he refused and wanted to charge me extra money.

Have you ever heard of someone that does graphic layout that refuses to make any revisions. I guess Britt just thinks that he is perfect or more likely that he can treat his customers any way he likes.

It shouldn't have been a big deal. What made it a big deal was Britts attitude. Maybe I caught him on a bad day and he just decided to take it out on me. But I've never seen anyone with the level of hostility and anger as Britt Phillips had. He started verbally attacking me right away, demanded that I send him a CERTIFIED check to make changes. I don't usually do this type of thing, and would never do it over $20 or even the $50 that he wanted to charge me when I complained. But every once in a while you see someone with such a vicious attitude that I really felt I had to warn people.

He can complain about me being a bad customer. But he couldn't answer any of the facts that I point out about him and his con man attack attitude in the rip-off report page or the page that I made about him, that prompted him to write this. When someone can't discuss the facts, they just launch more complaints.

I guess this type of thing is the price I pay for warning people about someone who really has a bad attitude. I don't think it's really going to keep other people from letting me pay them for design work. But it certainly does say a lot about hiring Britt Phillips and his site to make any ebook covers. They may look good and maybe you'll catch him on a better day. But heaven forbid anything not go nice. If you don't want this guy posting complaints all over the internet about you, I would just think twice about using his ebook service.

He also participates in a lot of get rich quick, internet marketing scams and there are a lot of complaints about him in that too. But fortunately I didn't deal with him for any of that. If you have any additional stories about that, please feel free to add them here though...

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