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Report: #751418

Complaint Review: OWEN KOZLOVICH - DANBURY Connecticut

  • Submitted:
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  • Reported By: ZoeyUSA — Los Angelos California United States of America
  • Author Not Confirmed What's this?
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  • OWEN KOZLOVICH 4 FARVIEW AVE, UNIT 18 DANBURY, Connecticut United States of America


*Consumer Comment: Calling All Victims of Owen Kozlovich

*UPDATE EX-employee responds: 2015 another banner year of arrests for Owen


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***Beware before you hire or do business with this man***

(Farview Terrace Assoc Inc)
(203) 482-3528

is an extortionist & twisted sociopath/psychopath, who has spent a life in prison, local jails, courtrooms, local bars and crack houses. If you just Google OWEN KOZLOVICH your will get page after page of horror stories about him. He is a child molester and a career criminal. Hes been in and out of prison for decades, but wherever he goes he steps into the spotlight, and pretends to be a community organizer:

The article reads, Owen Kozlovich said he saw conditions behind bars firsthand. He was released from the prison Monday after being jailed for failing to pay child support. Kozlovich said that the system is broken and a parole ban isn't a proper solution What he FAILS to tell the writer is that he was really in jail for Domestic Assault (Docket No:U04W-CR03-0326225-S).
He beat his wife so badly she was hospitalized.



in response to the Defendant's allegation that the Plaintiff (*KOZLOVICH) is a PEDOPHILE

Plaintiff was having inappropriate SEXUAL CONTACT with the minor child, Eileigh (3 YEARS OLD)

 Plaintiff is an alcoholic, physically abusive and sexually inappropriate with the minor children.


KOZLOVICHS wife was also a child when he began a sexual relationship with her:
The Plaintiff was 36 years old and the Defendant was 16 years old. The Defendant was a troubled youth
The Defendant was 16 years old when she first engaged in sexual relations with the Plaintiff At the time of the Defendant's graduation from high school in 2003, she was pregnant with the parties' first child.

investigations focused on the Plaintiff, and in both instances, the Plaintiff was under the influence

Plaintiff (*KOZLOVICH) was somewhat candid with the Court relative to his sordid past, which included several DWIs, incidents of domestic violence and motor vehicle violations, the Court does not believe that the Plaintiff currently abstains from alcohol consumption. Plaintiff's lack of continued alcohol counseling, his abnormally diluted urinalysis results (Plaintiff's Exhibit 12) and his purchase of alcohol in December brings the Court to this conclusion.

The court ordered Mediator charactarised KOZLOVICHS relationship with his wife as:
riddled with alcohol, drugs, fighting and immature behavior

No doubt, the Plaintiffs (*KOZLOVICH) history is concerning. He is currently on probation resulting from a series of events and criminal charges.
  Dr. Connolly recommends that, "Mr. Kozlovich have no unsupervised contact with his two
childrenon the basis of his extensive history of criminal behavior and his chronic alcoholism and repeated episodes of aggressive and abusive behavior."
it is Dr. Connolly's opinion that it is not in the best interest of the children to have unsupervised visitation with the Plaintiff. He states Mr. Kozlovich is likely to relapse into alcoholic drinking and his persistent involvement in dysfunctional romantic relationships will predictably create situations in which the health and well being of the Kozlovich children
will be endangered if they are subjected to unsupervised visitation with their father.

  Dr. Connolly opines that the Plaintiffs (*KOZLOVICH) "alcoholism" is a "chronic condition" reasonably predicted to persist in the. future. The likelihood of sobriety would only be achieved with Plaintiff's active participation in regular, intensive counseling. Given the persistence of alcohol and the prediction that the Plaintiff's past behavior would likely
recur in the future

There are also postings on Rip Off Report about this as well, as told by his former co-workers:

Somewhere along the line he met and started a relationship with a 15 year old girl. He married her when she turned 18 and him 41 and she divorced him at 20. He abused her and was arrested Not long after she reported to the police he was assaulting there 3 year old daughter. She did this on at least two occasions.

Very briefly in the Marines, he was dishonorably discharged after serving a mere year and a half due to debilitating alcoholism in 1986. However, this has not stopped him from using his failures in the military as a way to take money from real Veterans. Most recently through the Freedom Angel Foundation:
It reads, Kozlovich and Kelsey have contacted 155 media outlets in order to gain national recognition of the effort.
  Ms. Kelsey is a 70 year old woman who I am sure has no idea of KOZLOVICHs past. However, KOZLOVICH is using her, and pretending to be a real Veteran.

  As veterans, we like to keep things positive, but we know the reality of things, Owen Kozlovich, a United States Marine, said.   . He masquerades at the shopping malls in Connecticut with his sign up sheets and your children in the line of fire. In this article he the reporter says: May 16, 2011, Kozlovich will be at the mall with sign-up
sheets for those wanting to volunteer their time guarding the sculpture on May 30 as Kelsey sculpts.

He is also very active on social networking websites. He uses his Facebook, FanBox, & Hi-5 account to promote his causes:

Owen Kozlovich. PRESS RELEASE! Penn Gardner PR. AN ANGEL FOR OUR SOLDIERS ... The Freedom Angel Foundation in Roxbury introduces The...
  As well as using it to voyeur: RATE MY BODY Application
Facebook Results 21 - 40 of 41

Owen Kozlovich:
"You're really beautiful! February 12, 2008 at 9:11am "Smokin! Hold old are you? February 12, 2008 at 9:17am
"nice rack   February 12, 2008 at 9:19am

"Perfect A**!  
February 12, 2008 at 9:23am 
His Hi-5 profile says:
What is Owen doing now? being a killer Age: 46, Location: Danbury, CT, Birthday: September 28


  He has 36 friends on Hi-5, my favorite is:

SHE JESICA s*****e: (((ROR REDACTED))) (I love this because one of KOZLOVICHS favorite extortion tactics is to out the people he cyber-stalks as homosexuals and bisexuals.)

  According to his co-workers, he also uses social networking sites to have contact with teenage girls and boys. With several accounts, he poses as a teenager to trick kids and teens into sending him sexual pictures of themselves. KOZLOVICH has been arrested, indicted, and incarcerated in several states across the northeast over the past three decades. Someone needs to do a FULL criminal background check on him, and post it online.
Here is a list of his known addresses available on the internet:
OWEN S KOZLOVICH (born 9/28/1964)
Danbury, CT
Waterbury, CT
Stamford, CT
Fairfield, CT
Norwalk, CT
Philadelphia, PA
Hamilton, NJ
Trenton, NJ
Saco, ME
Millinocket, ME

This is just the free stuff anyone can find on Google. Hes been INDICTED multiple times in different states over the past 25 years. A full background check would reveal everything about him.  Just wait until you see it, you will not
believe your eyes. Post it online to end his reign of terror now. I have been watching his life slowly unravel on the internet the past few years for the world to see. Now I can finally speak out.

  I knew him years ago, when he stalked me across three states. He even got an apartment in my parents town when I escaped from him, and moved back home. I had met his girlfriend in a hospital when I was a minor, and that is when he targeted me. He used his older girlfriend to gain my trust, and get me to move in with them. That is when the terror started
It took years to finally break loose of him. He and his crazy girlfriend (who claimed to be the daughter of a religious cult leader in California) used my naivet and weaknesses against me, methodically and deliberately. He likes to stalk young troubled girls, exploit them sexually, and has a long history of doing it. I have read online things that he has posted
about other people, when I know he is talking about things he did in his own life, and applying it to the people he is trying to extort cash from them. 
KOZLOVICH would find women he could drain money from. He showed me how to get a welfare check, and took my disability checks. He would tie me up or to a bed and use me for as payment to his dealers, or would bring home
druggies and illegal immigrants he worked as a construction laborer with. They would pay him for it. Alcohol is his drug of choice, but he will get into anything if he can find a way to pay for it. He targeted me as a minor, and introduced
me to the worlds of sex slavery and drugs.


The following passage is another Rip Off Report posting. It sounds ridiculous, but text below is textbook OWEN KOZLOVICH: (
From there he moved on to moving a girl into his house that was homeless. He beat her up so bad that she had two black eyes. he actually bragged about the fact that he beat up this young girl. And was only worried when she went to
court and the court wanted her to press charges. When she moved out he harassed her for many months. he gave her booze and drugs one night and made her pregnant while she was passed out. He gleefully bragged about the fact that he did this both before and after the incident. She terminated the pregnancy rather then conceive a child with this predator. He tried to get me to threaten her so she would not be truthful in a deposition
He liked to frequent junky prostitutes, and associates with homeless women he could trade drugs for sex with, beat up, or just rape because he knew he could get away with it. He has an EXTENSIVE pornography collection that is dark and disturbing. A lot of it is homemade. Some of the videos he made are just him masturbating. He is bi-sexual and prefers minors. Hes not ashamed of what he is into because he is a complete narcissist and totally dissociative. He thinks he is a master manipulator, but hes just a crazy person who targets the young, and people with serious issues he can exploit.


Now that hes getting older, his new game is extorting former co-workers and employers by posting lies about them on the internet. Using his various aliases, he makes his intentions clear on what he wants in posts he uploads against his cyber-stalking victims, he wants money from them:

pay me what he owes me and he refuses so I have no other option but to file this report (OWEN KOZLOVICH)

It was Pat who had the conversation with you where I offered you to pay me only half of what you owe me (OWEN KOZLOVICH)
Pay me what you owe me!.. (OWEN KOZLOVICH)

  KOZLOVICH threatens his victims with outrageous lies and accusations if they dont pay:

Or maybe is was your homosexual tendencies. Even Jennifer was digusted by your need to see my package (OWEN KOZLOVICH) Do the right thing Don and pay me what is owed to me. Stop pretending to be a lawyer, and please stop the sexual harrassment I had to suffer through. Nobody wants that behavior from you, especially a 15 year old
brazillian girl... (OWEN KOZLOVICH) 
Now he rants and raves about teenage hookers, sexual depravity, and tries to claim he was sexually harassed by a boss. In other posts, he just demands money from them, claiming the company is corrupt and out to scam their customers.


I against my better judgment gave this man so many chances believing that he would stop drinking. He is very convincing. But he is also desperate. He refuses to work because his drinking is near debilitating. So instead he will try any means he can think of to get money. He has gone on the internet to spread false information about me in a twisted attempt to get me to give him money he never earned. I on the other hand can verify all that I have given you. Most of this information is available on the state of Connecticut judicial branch web site. Or is a matter of public record through the Waterbury Connecticut court system. Once I was stupid enough to make this guy a non equity partner he felt he was set for life. And that he could extort me to pay him for the rest of my life. Well Owen this stops here. You decided to defame me and tell too may lies to list. So my kids could see them. Turn around is fair play my friend. The difference is I have aired only truthful information on here, But in your case that is more then enough


More victim rebuttal postings read:

Owen Kozlovich Stalker AUTHOR: Detective - Danbury (U.S.A.)

SUBMITTED: Monday, April 18, 2011

POSTED: Monday, April 18, 2011

All the negative reports you have ever read about me or my company are by one stalker. His name is Owen Kozlovich. Owen Kozlovich drinks himself into oblivion then finds people to blame for the fact that he is a failure. and a stalker. Then he goes onto the computer in his drunken state and posts as former clients and what ever else he can think of. What is worse is he drives his car or will beat up little girls in his drunken state and that had already landed him in jail and on probation see: what a sad existence Owen  kozlovich stalker. And shame on the ripoff report for allowing stalkers a permanent form to post all sorts of nonsense like this clown posts


Complaint Review: Owen Kozlovich - Owen Sumner Kozlovich Reported By: Danbury Connecticut Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Owen is completely Lying to extort cash. He even went as far as to try to get employees to lie so he could scam me out of more money. Yes Owen she told me all about your little plan. He has spent all the money he
stole from his suposed girlfriend.

Its KOZLOVICH who started getting OUTED for his outrageous claims while at OXFORD HOME MORTGAGE. Before he started his cyber-stalking campaign, he would tell clients he has a 100% Success Rate finding Loan Document violations and using that for successful Loan Modifications.: (((ROR REDACTED)))

  Thread: Owen Kozlovich - Forensic Loan 11-05-2009

There's a consultant in Connecticutt (Owen Kozlovich) who claims to have a 100% success rate to date, finding Loan Document violations and using that for successful Loan Modifications. URGENT - please advise if anyone out there has heard of Owen or worked with him.

Evan Bedard a Support Team Rep from writes:

Yeah and a 100% success rate is complete BS and lies. I would run as fast as you can from this guy if I were you.

I looked up his name on google (OWEN KOZLOVICH) and it did not look to good.

The only comic relief in this story is a self serving so-called article he planted online in the face of so many people he stalked or cyber stalked coming out against him. Here are some of the funniest lies KOZLOVICH has ever told. He makes himself out to be a captain of industry:
Profits & passions: Owen Kozlovich

Kozlovich came to Danbury through a company that was making lightweight plastic honeycomb to replace plywood in many applications He helped to introduce the product to JCDecaux, an international advertising firm, who began to use it in mall signage throughout the country

"I'm very hands-on," said Kozlovich. "We did all the case work for Princeton University."

"When that came to the end I became a Mercedes-Benz sales person for a couple years," said Kozlovich. "That was a lot of fun."

Through his many jobs Kozlovich has always been an inventor, obsessively interested in finding ways to solve problems. Kozlovich has fixed tires using two tooth picks

   OWEN KOZLOVICH is a lifetime loser. If he doesnt end up drinking himself to death, or dying in a drunk driving accident, then he will eventually die in jail. He used to threaten me with murder/suicide to control
me. I was young and didnt know he was just manipulating me. He is a true coward who stalks and beats women, but only cyber-stalks men over the internet.
In his divorce settlement KOZLOVICH admits he has had sex with children. He is a FAKE Marine, extortionist, and a sociopath/psychopath. He preys upon people he knows personally, people he gains trust from, because
he is a coward, and its a lot easier than earning a living. I cited ALL of my references only with stuff I found on Google. So when KOZLOVICH goes on a new crusade to clear his name, by typing up fake rebuttals by people who dont
exist, my post is backed up by the TRUTH. Something he knows nothing about.
DID I MISS ANYTHING, OWEN? Well, lets end this page with me posting some of your latest guilty verdicts, available on Google, in the hopes that someone will publish your entire criminal history: 

7/30/2010- Statute (s) 14-227a ILL Operating MV Under Infl Alc/DRUG Docket No:D03D-MV10-0352907-S - LOCAL POLICE DANBURY-(04/16/2010)

Guilty - Sentenced: 6 Months Jail, Execution Suspended 2
Days, Probation 18 Months


8/30/2005 - Statute (s) 53a-32 Violation Of Probation -
Unclassified Guilty


3/22/2005 - Statute (s) 53a-32 Violation Of Probation -
Unclassified Guilty

3/22/2005 - Statute (s) 53a-61 Assault 3rd Deg

Docket No:U04W-CR03-0326225-S - LOCAL POLICE WATERBURY-(11/8/2003)

Guilty - Sentenced: 1 Year Jail, Execution Suspended,
Probation 3 Years

2/19/2003 - Statute (s) 14-224(b)* Evade Resp-Prop

Docket No:D03D-MV01-0332510-S - LOCAL POLICE DANBURY-(11/30/2001)

Guilty - Sentenced: 6 Months Jail, Execution Suspended,
Probation 2 Years


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#3 Consumer Comment

Calling All Victims of Owen Kozlovich

AUTHOR: Victim of Owen - (United States)

POSTED: Sunday, November 05, 2023

 Owen Kozlovich has finally been arrested for sexual assault. As of this post he is in jail awaiting trial. If you have been sexually assaulted by Owen Sumner Kozlovich PLEASE report to the police in the jurisdiction where the assaults happened and also contact the Bridgeport Police Department in Connecticut who is working on the case of his most recent rape. You can also contact and speak with investigators at the Bridgeport courthouse. Please come forward and have your voice heard for the sake of yourself and all women and children and all of his victims.

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#2 UPDATE EX-employee responds

2015 another banner year of arrests for Owen

AUTHOR: coworker d - (USA)

POSTED: Monday, January 18, 2016

 2015 Mugshot!! This lifetime loser is a menace to society. Surprised no one is dead yet!

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#1 General Comment


AUTHOR: Linda - (United States of America)

POSTED: Wednesday, July 27, 2011


7/21/2011 @ 04:41:21 AM - Stalkerowen
- Wow I am so sorry to hear about the fact that this piece of dirt
dragged you into his sick and twisted world, but there is so much more
and I felt I should keep people up to date on Owens continued path of
stalking, stealing, lying and of course drinking. He drives a black
Saab now and surprisingly that car is registered to him and the home
address is 27 Crows Nest Lane, Danbury, CT. You see that address is the
address of "His Wife". You see he doesnt live there and never has. He
married this poor woman so she could get a green card and he could
extort $15,000 out of her. Well we all know how that turned out. No
green card because he failed to do whatever he was supposed to do and
the woman is out $15,000, but Owen had a heck of a good time with the
money I am sure. Then after he was fired for drinking on the job he
conned this poor non English speaking couple to have him modify a
mortgage for them. Well after a year of supposedly working on it and
charging them god knows how much they lost the house see
I felt so bad for these people. When they where in court the banks
lawyer said they received some documents from Kozlovich and they had
nothing to do with modifying a loan so the judge said case closed and
they lost the house.

Well once they lost the house at 1 First Street Danbury he moved
in and squatted there telling the bank he had paid rent and they had to
remove him. It took two years and he lived there for free for the two
Once the bank removed him from there he had gained a job at a
place in Ives Street in Danbury and had somehow hooked up with his boss
there. I think her name is Bonnie but dont hold me to that. Clearly
that poor woman had no idea what she was in for. He moved into her
house at 79 Bennets farm Road, Ridgefield and was living there. I drive
by from time to time to keep tabs on him as since he has been stalking
me its always a good idea to know where ones stalker is. Well on my
last drive by today the car is gone. I am only left to guess she
figured out all the truth about Kozlovich. I only hope he didnt beat
her up like he beats up all the others. Well thats all for now, but I
am sure there will be more in the near future. I actually jumped on
line to see if she had him arrested for assault or he was arrested for
another DUI, but nothing yet. Its fair to say its only a matter of

7/23/2011 @ 04:00:05 PM - Aliasname
- Thank so much for the updates! Please keep us all posted as his next
path of destruction unravels. Know the plate number for the black Saab?

7/26/2011 @ 10:07:55 PM - Stalkerowen
- By chance I do 270 XSW.. also drives a green Audi Wagon plate 572 XRW
I spotted him staggering out of it one night at Widow Browns

@ 10:12:09 PM - Stalkerowen - Dont forget Immigration Fraud. He
married a woman fraudulently for money.  Mortgage fraud. he did a
purchase of his house in Waterbury using a
straw buyer a 21 year old kid whos credit he destroyed by losing the
house to foreclosure and living in the house a year rent free as a
"tenant" Bank Fraud. He moved into a house that he drove into foreclosure
a client of his then lived there squatting again as a "tenant" Document
and Tax Fraud. All his documents say he lives at 27 Crows Nest Lane
Danbury. he has never lived there.

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