Complaint Review: Jack Ferm - U.S. Justice Foundation - Las Vegas Nevada
- Jack Ferm - U.S. Justice Foundation 1408 South Jones Boulevard Las Vegas, Nevada U.S.A.
- Phone: 702-233-5500
- Web:
- Category: Liars
Jack Ferm - U.S. Justice Foundation - Foreclosure defense con man targets desperate homeowners Las Vegas Nevada
*UPDATE Employee: This consumer is lying Mr Ferm refunded her money
*Consumer Comment: Jack Ferm not associated with Nevada Orthotics & Prosthetics
*Consumer Suggestion: Lawsuits are being initiated
*Consumer Suggestion: Jack Ferm US Justice Foundation Las Vegas, NV
*Consumer Suggestion: Jack Ferm US Justice Foundation Las Vegas, NV
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Jack Ferm, aka U.S. Justice Foundation does a good job of presenting himself as a crusader for the people. He is a paralegal; he had a talk show relating to financial matters on local Vegas radio and he even has the audacity to prominently feature on his website, a clip of himself being interviewed on the local Fox News Affiliate.
He charges $2,500 per property to homeowners who are in danger of defaulting on, or actually losing their homes. He requires that the money be paid upfront to him personally and will not sign a retainer agreement. He does, however, promise, in writing, to provide all paperwork, pleadings, lis pendens' TRO's etc. to keep homeowners in their home. The deal is that he provides the paperwork and the homeowner either files it in pro se or hires an attorney locallly to represent them. Sounds like a good deal, right?
In actuality, once he has cashed the check you've probably heard the last of Mr. Ferm.
I live in California and would never have entered into such an arm's length transaction, except that he was reccommended by a friend who was using him. I talked to Ferm in early October, 2008 and sent him money overnight that same day. Apart from a 2 minute conversation with him a month later that is the last time I have had any response from Mr. Ferm, nor any conversation with him.
He did, indeed, send me a poorly -written complaint, inaccurate as to the causes of action, misspelled and shoddy, on the last possible day I could have filed it. He gave me no instructions as to how to file it. Fortunately, I read the complaint before embarrassing myself with the Courts and kicked it back to him. He took out the faulty causes of action but I had to fix other parts of it. Next, he sent me a lis pendens, which was also wrong. I had to hire an attorney to re-write it.
Once Mr. Ferm had my money I was never able to get him on the phone. I often called 30-40 times in a row and only got his ansewring service, who claimed that they didn't have a phone number for him (if you can believe that).
I sent three certified letters which he never acknowledged as well as numerous e-mails. No response. I have called them probably close to 200 times and have the phone bills to prove it.One of my defendants responded with an enormous demurrer. According to Ferm, this was exactly the kind of thingh was going to handle for me.
In fact, although I e-mailed the demurrer to him two months ago he has never commented on it, let alone provided me with an opposition. I have had three auction dates come and go without any kind of service from him. No paperwork, no phone calls, nothing.
In November, Ferm's office stopped answering phones entirely and appeared to have permanently shifted all incoming calls to their answering service. (They are very apologetic, by the way, and are clearly embarrassed to be in the position of having to deal with so many irate clients). I was told by my friend who referred me to Ferm (and who, by the way, had herself lost one of her homes due to Fern's inactivity) that the phones were transferred because they had lines out the door and Ferm was busy taking in new business. He couldn't (or wouldn't) even handle the business he already had but was taking in money hand over fist from new suckers.
My hearing date came and went and I was unable to provide the Judge with any reponse as Ferm wouldn't give me any.
The only advice I got from anyone in his office was when someone identifying himself as Luis called me and told me to go file bankruptcy! Thanks, but I didn't need to pay $2,500 for that advice.
I have made formal requests by certified mail for refunds - not once by twice. Initially, I requested a partial refund so that they could keep some money for their shoddy, useless complaint. I later amended that to requesting a full refund due to the extreme stress and aggravation caused me. Also, as they refused to follow up on the complaint by opposing the demurrer, their initial complaint was worthless.
A few weeks ago word somehow got to them that I was planning to personally drive to Las Vegas. It was my attention to go to the Attorney General's Office, the Nevada Bar Association and the Police Department and file reports. I was also going to file in small claims court.
On January 4th I got a call from "Brenda" who told me that she had put a check into the mail for the full amount of $2,500 on New Year's Eve. She said to wait a day or two for the check because of the Holiday. I took this to mean that she had actually put the check in the mail that day. Curiously, she never called me BEFORE she put the check in the mail to verify my address or AS she put the check in the mail to tell me it was coming.
Long story short, it is now Janury 20th - and no check. "Brenda" calls every week or so and tells me that she is putting the check in UPS or the Mail to me overnight. Then she calls me Honey and cheerfully hangs up. Needless to say, I can never get her back on the phone.
A week ago, I called and said that I was not going to call them anymore and would instead begin talking to regulatory agencies. Brenda called a day or two later and told me that she "really had" sent a check to me. I asked her to which address she had sent it. She said she'd get back to me on that. Of course, she never did. Last week I left a message for her asking for the alleged UPS tracking number. No call back.
I am hearing through the grapevine that they have so many disgruntled clients and people asking for their money back that they probably won't ever refund my money.
I am in the process of filing a complaint with the Attorney General's Office and I am looking for other complainants to join me. I believe I will find enough ripped-off cliients to be able to persuade the Attorney General's Office of Nevada to bring a RICOH (Organized crime) proceeding. I am also filing a complaint with the Nevada Bar Association as they appear to be practicing law without the requisite licenses.
These people are reprehensible as they are preying on people desperate to keep their homes. Be warned.
Los Angeles, California
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 01/20/2009 06:28 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#5 UPDATE Employee
This consumer is lying Mr Ferm refunded her money
AUTHOR: Buzz lightfoot - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, June 18, 2011
I worked at the Foundation and am aware of this particular consumer, the US Justice accountant gave me the check for mailing to this individual and i mailed it personally, and she received it and called to thank us.
Contrary to her comments Mr. Ferm or another representative of the Foundation always provided a written retainer agreement. which set forth the work that was to be done and advised that they could also retain one of our staff attorneys. This retainer agreement was a part of the consumer clients file. We also had attorneys in California who worked with the Foundation for the Foundation Clients.
Mr Ferm was inundated with phone calls and email contacts because of his weekly appearances on FOX Las Vegas where he talked about the various bank frauds and what really had happened. He hired staff just to stay in touch with the client and reply to their questions or concerns, in fact I know that Mr. Ferm received more than 400 emails each day and we were so overwhelmed that we had an answering service help take the calls.
The foundation employed some 23 people and had actually filed more that 400 lawsuits for these people.
I would say that at least one third of our clients are still in their homes today because of Mr. Ferm.
He was ordered to cease and desist by the Federal Court the reason everyone wanted an orderly foreclosure and eviction of these Las Vegas "borrowers"
When Mr. Ferm began the foundation, which he personally funded- the banks would not offer any help to these people, however after the lawsuits were filed the attitude of the banks began to change, they began looking to settle by giving homeowners modifications and some were with a real principal reduction. one homeowner I recall received a $50,000 principal reduction, and another was offered her home back by the bank after they foreclosed, all because of the work the Foundation did.
it saddens me to see people like this making false claims against a man who really tried to help them.

#4 Consumer Comment
Jack Ferm not associated with Nevada Orthotics & Prosthetics
AUTHOR: NVOANDP - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 29, 2010
Please take note: The following link is NOT related to or connected in any way to Nevada Orthotics & Prosthetics!
Google has incorrectly listed this link in the "More about this place" section of the listing for Nevada Orthotics & Prosthetics.
Apparently, our business inherited the "U.S. Justice Foundation" telephone number in October 2009. We have absolutely NO association with this business whatsoever.
Jack Ferm - U.S. Justice Foundation
1408 South Jones BoulevardLas Vegas Nevada 89146-1231
Phone: 702-233-5500
Web Address:
Category: Liars
Submitted: Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Last posting: Thursday, March 12, 2009
#3 Consumer Suggestion
Lawsuits are being initiated
AUTHOR: Anonymous - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, March 12, 2009
There is a Federal Court Injunction against Mr. Ferm. The consumer lawsuits have already commenced.

#2 Consumer Suggestion
Jack Ferm US Justice Foundation Las Vegas, NV
AUTHOR: Informed - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 19, 2009
If you have utilized the services of Jack Ferm, The US Justice Foundation or its affiliate Lets Save Our Home and wish to make a report you may contact the Chief Investigator Mr. A. Ruggiero, at the Department of Business and Industry Consumer Affairs Division, 702-486-9777 or outside of Nevada 1-800-326-5202.

#1 Consumer Suggestion
Jack Ferm US Justice Foundation Las Vegas, NV
AUTHOR: Informed - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 19, 2009
If you have utilized the services of Jack Ferm, The US Justice Foundation or its affiliate Lets Save Our Home and wish to make a report you may contact the Chief Investigator Mr. A. Ruggiero, at the Department of Business and Industry Consumer Affairs Division, 702-486-9777 or outside of Nevada 1-800-326-5202.

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