Complaint Review: Child Protective Services - Lockhart Texas
- Child Protective Services 1400 FM 20 Lockhart, Texas U.S.A.
- Phone: 512-398-4070 x 215
- Web:
- Category: Child Protective Services
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Child "Protective" Services destroyed my family. I home schooled 7 children and raised them in the Christian faith. My middle daughter (then 19 years old) walked across the street in January 2006 and told the neighbors that she was sexually molested with power tools, beaten with crow bars and burned alive. Never mind that there is no physical evidence of any of this (because it never happened). With CPS, where there's smoke, there's mirrors. My 2 youngest were taken away from me with no court order.
The case dragged on with my daughter feeding CPS all kinds of lies...and they believed her. One child "aged out" and returned home. At one minute after midnight on her 18th birthday, we gratefully received her back into our arms. After 6 days of "trial" in June 2007, I was adjudicated as unfit and my youngest child (age 15) will remain in foster care against her will and despite her telling the judge, guardian ad litum and all the rest of these people--on multiple occasions since her wrongful abduction by state actors known as CPS on January 11, 2006, --that she was never abused and just wants to return home.
It doesn't matter how many times you tell CPS there was no abuse, they just tell you that you are in "denial" and "not cooperating". The financial incentives for shredding families, warehousing children until the barriers to adoption (parents) can be eliminated and children adopted out, are lucrative.
CPS is part of a $14. billion dollar a year, tax payer fueled, child abuse industrial complex which provides jobs for caseworkers, judges, lawyers, bailiffs, various court personnel, psychotherapists, foster homes, pharmaceutical vendors and a host of others. CPS routinely employs unconstitutional actions, fraud, extortion, deceit, kidnapping, and conspiracy in an ongoing criminal enterprise designed to cheat the public and destroy the families of the United States of America for profit, for agrandizement and to delude the public into thinking their actions are for the general welfare of this nation. Unconstitutional summary judicial proceedings designed to perpetrate for-profit crimes against humanity, family dismemberment and human trafficking, and to defraud the Federal Government for Social Services Agency operational funds have been perpetrated upon many families in America.
Child Protective Services, in taking children who do not meet the statutory definition of abuse or neglect from loving homes is creating more throwaway children than they are legitimately saving. CPS actors merely decide that children are at risk and that abuse or neglect may occur in the FUTURE. These are POLICE STATE TACTICS that are routinely deployed against citizens of totalitarian regimes. What happened to due process? What happened to the Constitution of the United States of America? Where is the Bill of Rights? Dismembering families and creating artificial orphans by means of fraud and/or deceptive trade practices is NOT legitimate government business.
CPS engages in for-profit crimes against humanity consequent to the unlawful dismemberment of families to create human trafficking victims from which the County earns Federal funds with which to fund it's operations. The exploitation of men, women and children for financial gain is the definition of human trafficking, which the U.S. Secretary of State Condolleza Rice states is a modern day form of slavery.
Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, in Fiscal 2003, 30 foster children died in our state's care; in Fiscal 2004, 38 foster children died; and in Fiscal 2005, 48 foster children died. Data shows that while the number of foster children in our state's care increased 24 percent from 26,133 in Fiscal 2003 to 32,474 in Fiscal 2005, the number of deaths increased 60 percent Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn Statement On Foster Care Abuse given Friday, June 23, 2006 in Austin, Texas Texas
DFPS statistics themselves underscore the fact that my 15 year old daughter is in far greater danger in the custody of CPS than she is in the care of her falsely accused biological parents. The State of California published the following statement: called the perverse incentive factor, states and counties earn more revenue by having more children in the system whether it is opening a case to investigate a report of child abuse and neglect or placing a child in foster care.Facts-at-a-Glance, Child Welfare in California, 09..09..2003,
At the end of FY 2003, Texas DFPS had legal responsibility for 22,346 children. Of that total, 15,414 children resided in foster care. In the same time period, there were 6,932 children in the Department's legal custody who were not residing in foster care. Texas, as does California, PROFITS FROM HUMAN TRAFFICKING, which is a deplorable manner by which to fund County operations.
Some statistics from the State and County where I live: In FY 2003, CPS conducted 131,130 investigations of abuse and/or neglect in Texas and confirmed abuse and/or neglect in 32,792 cases. In FY 2004, the number of child abuse and/or neglect investigations is expected to increase by 10 percent over FY 2003. In FY 2005, the percentage is expected to increase by four percent over FY 2004. In 2005, the child population in Caldwell County was 10, 258.
There were 510 intakes alleging abuse/neglect, 448 cases were assigned to CPS caseworkers, 329 completed cases alleging abuse/neglect, 539 alleged victims in completed cases, 101 confirmed cases, 153 confirmed victims, and 131 cases opened for in home services. (Source: The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services) CALDWELL COUNTY FY 2007 - 2008 COMMUNITY PLAN FOR COORDINATION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND RELATED ACTIVITIES
In 2006, the number of child sexual abuse clients served at Roxanne's House (a program of the Hays-Caldwell Womens Center) was 73. 30 were from Lockhart, 17 from Luling, 4 from Maxwell, 5 from Martindale and 17 from other Caldwell County areas. 26% of the child abuse clients served at Roxanne's House were from Caldwell County in that year. (Source: Hays-Caldwell Womens Center 2006 Annual Report). CALDWELL COUNTY FY 2007 - 2008 COMMUNITY PLAN FOR COORDINATION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND RELATED ACTIVITIES
Harwood, Texas
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