Complaint Review: Kevin Trudeau, The Weight Loss Cure - Elk Grove Village Internet
- Kevin Trudeau, The Weight Loss Cure Internet U.S.A.
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- Category: Weight Control
Kevin Trudeau, The Weight Loss Cure Promises about a diet that is virtually impossible unless you have lots of money Elk Grove Village, Illinois
*General Comment: Kevin Trudeaus Weight Loss Protocol cure
*Consumer Comment: Disagree
*General Comment: weight loss cure
*Consumer Comment: The Simeons HCG Protocol WORKS -- I'm living proof!
*Consumer Comment: Kevin Tredeau is SO well known
*General Comment: Online weight loss
*Consumer Comment: HCG Works!
*Consumer Comment: THIS DIET WORK
*General Comment: It's a scam
*Consumer Comment: The HCG Weight Loss Cure Really Works!
*General Comment: Did McDonalds post this bad trash abiut K.T.?
* : Avoid This Report Government payoff to discredit
*Consumer Comment: tried with much success all 3 books
*UPDATE Employee: some disturbing ideas I see
*Consumer Comment: hCG from what I see works
*Consumer Comment: big time rebound!
*Consumer Comment: big time rebound!
*Consumer Comment: big time rebound!
*Consumer Comment: big time rebound!
*Consumer Comment: HCG is cheap, and effective in my experience
*Consumer Comment: Better Health Is What Is Important!
*Consumer Comment: Regarding cost, I forgot to mention:
*Consumer Comment: How can one denigrate a product that he/she has never used?
*Consumer Comment: rebuttal to the "weight loss cure they don't want you to know about" being a scam
*Consumer Comment: Unfortunately there is no warning or information suggesting it is an organic diet or how pricey items necessary to complete it.
*Consumer Comment: Unfortunately there is no warning or information suggesting it is an organic diet or how pricey items necessary to complete it.
*Consumer Comment: Unfortunately there is no warning or information suggesting it is an organic diet or how pricey items necessary to complete it.
*Consumer Comment: Unfortunately there is no warning or information suggesting it is an organic diet or how pricey items necessary to complete it.
*Consumer Comment: Just because someone made mistakes in the past doesn't mean that everthing they say is untrue...
*Consumer Comment: Just because someone made mistakes in the past doesn't mean that everthing they say is untrue...
*Consumer Comment: Just because someone made mistakes in the past doesn't mean that everthing they say is untrue...
*Consumer Comment: Just because someone made mistakes in the past doesn't mean that everthing they say is untrue...
*Consumer Comment: Dr. Simeons plan titled, "Pounds and Inches", widely available for free
*Consumer Comment: Kevin has a tainted past, he's NOT your buddy... BEWARE!
*Consumer Suggestion: THE BEST WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT
*Consumer Comment: Get off Kevin
*Consumer Comment: I've lost 45 pounds since May 19th. It's cheap, easy, Dr. prescribed and works
*Consumer Comment: Kevin Turdeau ANGERS me......BUT
*Consumer Comment: Who cares about Kevin Trudeau's history? The diet works!
*Consumer Comment: If you haven't tried the plan how can you call it a ripoff???!!!
*Consumer Comment: Thank You Pam!
*Consumer Comment: You Don't Need A lot of Money to do the Plan
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As I was watching TV an infomercial came on and here was this guy Kevin Trudeau, #1 New York Times Best-selling Author describing his new book, the Weight Loss Cure, a revolutionary plan discovered by a prominent physician Dr. A.T.W. Simones for only $29.95 so I turned up the volume and this is what he said. All a person has to do on this diet is take the herbs, follow the directions and the weight will fall off. No exercise, No hunger, no surgery and you will burn fat even while you sleep.
The book describes in great detail for 72 pages how a person can lose 30lbs in thirty days or more and never re-gain the weight again. This statement is backed up by medical studies, culprits of obesity and how the government and large corporations have a self-interest in keeping people of America fat. Mr Trudeau stated that the secret of this diet was revealed covertly through royal households, Hollywood celebrities, and the rich and famous for years.
I discovered that this obesity cure has three phases. Phase 1 takes 30 days to complete. Phase 1 consists of a series of Do's and Don'ts, 60 to be exact. All the food you can eat has to be bought at a health food store (100% organic), you have to also buy at least 9 different pills to take everyday, he has included websites where you can purchase all of these things, and go to a doctor every other day for a colon cleansing along with a liver cleansing and a heavy metal cleansing.
If you make it through Phase I Phase II lasts for 45 days and you are required to get an injection of Hcg everyday along with doing the things on Phase I. Now Hcg is not approved by the FDA so good luck finding a doctor who will give it to you or you can order it online for some outrageous price and inject it yourself.
Phase III is perty much the same thing except without the Hcg injections. After all this the author tells you that if you ever eat at a fast food place or restaurant or anything that is not 100% organic you will gain the weight back. The arthur says that if you would like to go to one of the clinics who administer this diet you can go to his web site for a list. When you get to his site you find out that you have to subscribe to his newsletter for another $9.95 a month.
No wonder the rich and famous are on this diet, they are the only ones who can afford it. This is a rip-off, consumers pay $29.95, $39.90 after S & H to find out that this diet is virtually impossible for the average person and more than likely these are the people who will buy this book. Beware!
Belle Plaine, Kansas
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 03/21/2007 07:33 AM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#42 General Comment
Kevin Trudeaus Weight Loss Protocol cure
AUTHOR: Sue - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, October 22, 2010
My name is Sue. I've been reading the comments about Kevin Trudeau's Weight Loss bk and I believe there are misinterpratations.
His book is very informative and there is a lot of truth in it
You need to do research before starting this program. He,never said that you would definitely lose 30lbs in 30 days. He said people have lost that much and some lost less or more. He said it depended on how well you folliwed directions and how close you are to your prroper weight.
As far as the food you eat is something many drs and your own common sense will tell you. The organic foods are absolutely the best for you. Orifinally he gave the names of a few stores that were the best to ship at, but now your regular grocery stores are selling these foods.
My daughter had health problems and she started her quest to be healthy. All of what is in the book she was already doing. She didnt need to lose weight just needed ro eat healthier.
Kevin tells you that a complete colon cleanse, he says its necessary because our bodies need to be rid of the toxins, this is very true. He doesnt say you have to, he says it will be best for results you may be otherwise.
you dont have to go, anywhere for the cleanse, I ordered one that worked very well. I kept using my own vitamins and the cleanse had all other vitamins with it. I kept track of my weight.
As far as the shots, I googled hcg shots, found a place ib my area. Called spoke with them at length and only had to see them once a week. A dr would weigh me in and ck my blood then give me enough shots for the week. Yes it cost money for all of this but eating right and healthy is very important.

#41 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: steelson6 - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 17, 2010
I think that the hcg is very inexpensive and as a consumer i have lost a lot of weight and not have had any bad affects like people say. The hcg diet isn't one of the cheapest out there but it works unlike the others

#40 General Comment
weight loss cure
AUTHOR: cindi - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, May 12, 2010
If one bypasses the normal channels, you can find hcg for sale and get enough for appromately 6 months of the hcg from drug delivery out of london for $135. then you need some vials and needles from gpz for that amount of shots...aprroximately $69 which also includes an ampoule cutter. Then you need the bacteriostatic water which is on sale right now at body of influence for $4.95 each so that would be about $30. All would need shipping charges. But for almost $250, you can get everything you need to give yourself the shots for almost 6 months of the shots. This is a very affordable way to loose weight.

#39 Consumer Comment
The Simeons HCG Protocol WORKS -- I'm living proof!
AUTHOR: New York Writer - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Regardless of Mr. Trudeau's questionable past, he DID hit on a gold mine here. I read the book, did my own research (I'm a reporter and writer myself), and sought out my own doctors who supported the Simeons HCG Protocol (with which Trudeau himself has absolutely no connection, other than to discover it and write about it). Thank God for these progressive doctors who "flout" the FDA rules; they discovered what my "regular" doctor didn't, and not only through HCG, but through a comprehensive therapy of male hormone replacement were able to restore my health and reverse my deterioration into diabetes and -- perhaps even worse -- cancer. I myself have lost a total of 60 pounds -- I did two rounds of the HCG, as you can only do a maximum of 40 days at a time (for a maximum weight loss of 40 pounds), and the weight loss is indeed the healthiest TYPE of weight loss I'd ever experienced, and certainly the most permanent. I'd been battling weight issues all my life, and each "regular" (starvation or other type of food denial) diet ate away at both fat AND muscle, leaving me looking like a concentration camp victim. And of course, once the diet ended, the weight slowly crept back, despite my best efforts -- but of course now with even LESS muscle mass, what came back was an even HIGHER percentage of fat!

#38 Consumer Comment
Kevin Tredeau is SO well known
AUTHOR: sandieinspringfield - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, April 09, 2010
He's one of the biggest scam artists out there and has been well known for that for years. He's also an ex con. Know wait....he couldnt be an "ex" con....cause he's still conning people I see!

#37 General Comment
Online weight loss
AUTHOR: tomwhite55 - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, April 09, 2010
Thanks for the tips! I was skeptical when searching for an online
weight loss website because I didn't think I could lose weight with the
help of the internet. However, I was proven wrong by a website called
This site offer weight loss programs, community forums, tips, calorie
counters, etc. I couldn't be more happier with the results and I
continue to use this site every day. Good luck dieters.

#36 Consumer Comment
HCG Works!
AUTHOR: Rondi - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Monday, March 22, 2010
In December 2008 I weighed 256 lbs! I was working out 3 times a week and eating healthy but couldn't lose the weight. On 1-1-09 on I started the "Kevin Trudeau diet". I found HCG online for $15.00 a bottle, I purchase two bottles and the receipt book. In 42 days I LOST 45 lbs! I KEPT the weight off, the program works and you don't have to be rich, bypass fast food for a few days and you will have enough to buy the HCG.

#35 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: ples123 - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 10, 2010
To me, this Diet worked because I lost 26 pounds in 21 days, I'm not a rich person, I can tell you that I don't make more than $35K a year, my wife also did the diet and she lost 52 Pounds in 45 days, the first phase and all the phases are suggestions of what you can do to achieve better results, but you don't have to take all the pills just eat what the diet says, and the medicine for the shots is not expensive, you can get a kit (Supplies and medicine) for 21 days which is half of the tratement for $75 to $100 so for the total treatment is about $200 for almost two moths, also there are clinics that can monitor you treatment for a fee between $700 to $1000 but if you do it yourself is a lot cheaper and we didn't went to a clinic we did it ourself. We didn't do the Phase One, we started at phase Two because phase one is just a suggestion but you don't to do it but is recommended, We did the phase two taken only B12 and Coral Calcium besides the daily shot. Also regarding the food we expend for two persons between $100 to $150, per week. In my Opinion I don't consider this expensive and I don't consider that this Diet can only be achieved by rich people, maybe the problem is that you want to continue eating at a Fast Food restaurant specially with those $1 deals or menus, or you want to eat the same food that you are eating right now, but at the ende the "Cheap" food that you eat outside cost more when you add all the health problems caused by this food (Diabetes, Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Cancer, etc) There is nothing wrong to eat better and you don't gain the weight back for eating at a fast food restaurant once in a while but if you want to eat there every day, trust me, nothing is going to work either a "cheap" or "expensive" diet.
Finally I will recomend to you that you watch the movie "FOOD INC" and you will have a better understanding of what you are doing to your body. Also I recommend that you do this diet for 23 days without cheating and you will be amazing of your results.
You not even have to buy the book, you can get the Diet's protocol free online just google "HCG Diet Protocol" Kevin's book to me is just an explanations of why you are fat and can't lose weight or if you lost pounds why you gain it back.
I don't work for Kevin Trudeau and I don't have any financial interest in his book or program, I not even know kevin I am an inmigrant from Guatemala that did the diet together with my wife and this Diet worked for us and we are not even close to be rich people.

#34 General Comment
It's a scam
AUTHOR: Beatnikjd - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, December 08, 2009
There are two other ways to spell Trudeau--F-R-A-U-D and S-C-A-M! Whatever you do don't give this guy your credit card info or you will start to see unwanted charges. Trad the numerous RipOffReport complaints about Trudeau's billing practices. He also sells your information to other fraudsters and scammers. Giving him you email address is not a good idea either unless you like an inbox full of spam and advertisements. Once a criminal--always a criminal-at least that is the case with Trudeau.

#33 General Comment
Did McDonalds post this bad trash abiut K.T.?
AUTHOR: R Young - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I am now on the diet and I get HCG for 17 bucks a 5000iu vial. The government or a fast food giant posted the trash about Kevin. I turned allot of people onto it and they all were successful. Who cares about his past? Are we all not forgiven. Don't listen to this diatribe. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, use the only diet cure that works.

Avoid This Report Government payoff to discredit
AUTHOR: Steven - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, August 18, 2009
His Plan Does work i use everyday i got rid off alot of illnesses

#31 Consumer Comment
The HCG Weight Loss Cure Really Works!
AUTHOR: Christina - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Dear Friends & Fellow Americans, This diet cure works!!! I'm 58 years old & i haven't seen 115 lbs since i was 15 years old! When i finished the diet cure i had lost 25 pounds and fit into size 3 & 4! Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. (Kevin where in the WORLD are your feet so i can kiss them!) Kevin has done more for waking up America to the real problem of gaining weight, losing weight & keeping it off. Thank you for giving us the secrets. And when you do gain you know you have a safe way to lose it & you don't really have to worry about gaining because now you know what to do for the fat problem that works.
For years i tried to lose the weight & could not ever, ever, ever get to the weight that works for my tiny bone structure. See me at and look at my pic's where you will see past & present pic's through the years.
Make sure you follow it to a T, drink a lot of water, take the Coral Calcium & make sure you eat enough salt & enjoy losing all the fat you've been trying to lose the last 20 or 30 years! And it really does reshape you & your skin shrinks with you. It takes a little while for the skin thing to kick it but be sure it does.
Friends don't listen to the naysayers - believe & be blessed. If you can't afford it take a trip to Mexico & get it there as some of the previous posts suggested.

#30 Consumer Comment
tried with much success all 3 books
AUTHOR: Joanne - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, January 19, 2009
i have had much success with all three books. cutting many chemicals out of my life has done wonders for my health. i encourage anyone to try it and it is not the easiest thing in the world but probably one of the easiest ways to lose weight, which is never easy under any circumstance. i have lost over ten pounds in 12 days and i am very pleased with the reshaping of my body. i would not recommend this program to someone used to eating fast foods, drinking soft drinks, etc. it took me many years to modify my lifestyle towards eating healthier, eating organic, eliminating soft drinks, quitting smoking, drinking water and teas as my normal fluids and reducing environmental toxins. i have done colon cleansings before, but it is not that necessary if you can begin to eliminate toxins by avoidance. i have had years of supermarket clerks asking me why i am paying more for organic products and the answer is simple. i have a family that needs me and i saw both my parents die due to going the cheaper route with foods, medical care, etc. don't be fooled by the fda and the media. look into it, do your own research, make your own decisions. never beleive anyone blindly, including trudeau. i for one have found his advice to be more than excellent, and i have followed him for years. much luck to all of you.

#29 UPDATE Employee
some disturbing ideas I see
AUTHOR: Cat - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I am not obese by any means, but I am not because I had a mother who followed many of the so called "ideas" of this guy. Many of his ideas are not healthy. The truth remains though if you want to lose weight it is pretty easy and you do NOT need to spend alot of money on "weight loss products" books, plans, pills, certain "clinics" etc... Eat less, stay out of fast food resturants, do not eat your food fried, eat alot of fruits and vegies. The reason many of people are over weight is they enjoy that desert at EVERY meal. Good heavens, desserts used to be looked at as a "treat". For many people this is an everyday occurance. People used to be riding bikes on a regular basis. Now if people even own a bike, let alone ride one it is a oddity.Instead of being outside and playing ball with our kids we now have a life stuck inside on our computers or playing video games.
I go back to my original statement and say, so that you know MY personal expierence. My mother put me thru the colon cleansings as a child at least 3 times a week. There is no description I can write to the HORROR of this expierence as a young child. The reason people lose weight on this is because is is sucking out the water and the body's fluids. It screws up the electrolyte balance. It cause dehydration and it can cause things as anemia and malnutrition. It did all of those things to me and worse. At the age of six I weighed 30 pounds. At the age of 15 I weighed 52 pounds.
Having colon cleansings can cause a person to look anorexic and it makes you feel that way. Why eat when it is being sucked out of you. I used to have people ask me since I ate so well why was I so skinny and looked so abnormal. I did not know because this was just the way I lived. I did not know most people did not do this. It was not til I was an adult and have had 45 major surgeries to correct all the damage this life did to me that I am not speaking out.
So, people can say all they want that this is normal, but I can tell you it is NOT necessary to live a healthy life. Eat less, move more, stay out of fast food, do not eat alot of junk food and fast food. Eat fruits and veggies and you can live a healthy life and not be obese. Is it really necessary to do possible long term damage to your body and risk anemia, heart failure, arthritis, bone damage? I know the first hand damage that having this life style leads.
I am an adult that is 5'5" and I weigh a normal 122 pounds. I struggle to weigh anything more mostly because of the damage my mother put me through. I will have to have more surgeries as I live because of this type of "lifestyle". I now eat healthy and i do not eat alot of fast food. I know the damage that having colon cleansings several times a week can do.People live in silence and shame over what we are having to deal with because it has brought us many physical issues that people just do not talk about. I am breaking that silence and shame by talking about My expierence. Everyone has power over their own life. They can choose whether to eat that piece of fried chicken or the extra large helping at a resturant. They could do what my husband and I do when we eat out since the helpings are way too large for what a person should actually be intaking at one meal. We split one meal. It is cheaper and is a nice meal for both of us. There is no reason to drop to such drastic measures that can and will eventually do physical damage to the body. I know because of the damage that this so called "diet" or "lifestyle" did to my body. No matter what you choose, I am breaking the silence for myself. It feels good to finally speak out...........

#28 Consumer Comment
hCG from what I see works
AUTHOR: Mac - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Let me preface by saying that my wife's best friend tried it and she said it didn't work for her but she did say that 4 or 5 people on her floor (she's a nurse) tried it and it worked for them. I also asked her if this seems to be medically sound and from what she says (and she delivers babies), the concept is not that it's a 500 calorie diet that makes you lose weight, it's the harmones that tricks your body to burn the fat instead of storing it but you can't cheat by eating carbos.
Personally, I know it works because I see it working on my mother-in-law, my brother-in-law and his wife and also their daughter. Now my other brother-in-law and his wife is doing it and I'm amazed.
It's funny cause I'm not considered obese but I do want to get a little fat on my stomach gone and I've been trying for years to get rid of it.
This is not a promotion but if you want to see some real pictures of my brother-in-law and his wife and the scans (amazing) you can find them here:
CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

#27 Consumer Comment
big time rebound!
AUTHOR: Rick - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, November 15, 2008
I did this diet, followed it to a tee, and it works! I dropped 23 pounds and my bodyfat % went to nearly 10%. Three months later, however, almost all of the weight has gone back on! In the last 5 weeks alone, I have put on 10 pounds!
This diet works, but the claims that you can eat whatever you want (and I eat pretty healthy) and keep the weight off is ridiculous. I bought new underwear two weeks ago, that no longer fit!
Too good to be true!

#26 Consumer Comment
big time rebound!
AUTHOR: Rick - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, November 15, 2008
I did this diet, followed it to a tee, and it works! I dropped 23 pounds and my bodyfat % went to nearly 10%. Three months later, however, almost all of the weight has gone back on! In the last 5 weeks alone, I have put on 10 pounds!
This diet works, but the claims that you can eat whatever you want (and I eat pretty healthy) and keep the weight off is ridiculous. I bought new underwear two weeks ago, that no longer fit!
Too good to be true!

#25 Consumer Comment
big time rebound!
AUTHOR: Rick - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, November 15, 2008
I did this diet, followed it to a tee, and it works! I dropped 23 pounds and my bodyfat % went to nearly 10%. Three months later, however, almost all of the weight has gone back on! In the last 5 weeks alone, I have put on 10 pounds!
This diet works, but the claims that you can eat whatever you want (and I eat pretty healthy) and keep the weight off is ridiculous. I bought new underwear two weeks ago, that no longer fit!
Too good to be true!

#24 Consumer Comment
big time rebound!
AUTHOR: Rick - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, November 15, 2008
I did this diet, followed it to a tee, and it works! I dropped 23 pounds and my bodyfat % went to nearly 10%. Three months later, however, almost all of the weight has gone back on! In the last 5 weeks alone, I have put on 10 pounds!
This diet works, but the claims that you can eat whatever you want (and I eat pretty healthy) and keep the weight off is ridiculous. I bought new underwear two weeks ago, that no longer fit!
Too good to be true!

#23 Consumer Comment
HCG is cheap, and effective in my experience
AUTHOR: A Man With Experience - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Guys, It's the funniest thing when I get a vial of HCG and read the instructions/warnings about the product. The warnings say: HCG is not effective as a weight loss aid. It has not been shown to be effective in weight loss or in the burning of body fat.
I just have to chuckle after reading that disclaimer. I've lost nearly 100 pounds on the HCG diet and I've kept it off.
No I don't do colon cleanses or any of that new-age hippie junk. I just switched the majority of my diet to Organic (every now and then I like to get a really good greasy burger, which probably isn't organic.)
Each round of HCG that I do costs about $150. I'm just finishing up my second round of treatment this week.
During the first round, I lost 38 pounds in 30 days. After the first round was done, I noticed that my cravings for tons of bad food had left me. After I finished the first round at the end of March, my job picked up and I went on vacation and didn't touch the stuff again until the last week of June. During that time (about 11 weeks) I lost another 25 pounds.
This latest round of HCG has been even more amazing than the first. I have lost about 32 more pounds, not really felt hungry and my energy level has been good.
$150 is not expensive if you have a lot of weight to lose. Try $20,000 for a gastric bypass or a lap band surgery. That's expensive. $150 plus a $20 book is a bargain.
No one said you had to take everything that Trudeau said as gospel. I sure don't. I'll never get a colonic. No one is sticking a tube where the sun don't shine with me.
But, there are helpful things in that book you can use. But it sure isn't the bible. Read the book, but please, don't suspend all thought while you do it. You have a brain, use it.
Also, I think I know why some people and the medical establishment rips on the HCG diet and Trudeau. Half of the people want an easy pill they can take to lose weight that will be their will power and make them exercise. The medical establishment rips on the HCG diet and Trudeau because they want to get their cut in the weight loss industry.
Let's say you have a car that you're selling for $20,000 and someone else figures out how to make that car for $170 bucks. What are you going to do? Abandon your expensive car that you've put a lot of research and time into? Or are you going to attack the credibility of the other guy and try to degrade his cheaper product that threatens to cut into your profits?
I think we know the logical answer to that one.
HCG, and Organic foods. It's the answer people. Cut the High Fructose Corn Syrup out of your diet and see what happens. No one said you had to deprive yourself. Just cut out the garbage you put into your system.

#22 Consumer Comment
Better Health Is What Is Important!
AUTHOR: Cautious - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 10, 2008
For those of you are so concerned about KT's criminal past. I'm pretty sure your not squeaky clean. What I mean is we all have a past and if now in his present KT is sharing solid advice and health solutions we should be grateful. I don't care if a man shot someone and he turns around and tells you that doing crack could kill you. Should we say 'don't listen to him he has a bad past" or though he needs to be locked up he is telling the truth which we know is supported by facts.
KT is giving advice, facts and evidence on bettering our health. Some advice may be out of reach for some of us but at least you have the facts and evidence when you are really ready to take control of your health. Most of the information he says is common sense and we(America) have all wondered and asked for solutions but are too lazy to do anything about iT! For others who don't like KT, don't trust him and don't really care what he says.....DON'T LISTEN! He's not shoveling it down your throat and he sure isn't making you buy it. You want to see your health in better condition than take the advice and see what changes you can make. Don't complain about something you haven't done. If your fine with the way your life and health is, TURN the channel, trust me he is helping others while your STILL wondering is there another solution.
God Bless and Good Health

#21 Consumer Comment
Regarding cost, I forgot to mention:
AUTHOR: A Harper - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, March 14, 2008
Though my weekly fee for this diet does run $48 at my clinic, the diets cuts the cost of food. I could dine out several times a week and easily spend more than $48. The groceries I need for the diet are minimal, and I don't need more because I don't have much of an appetite beyond what the protocal entails. Thank you.

#20 Consumer Comment
How can one denigrate a product that he/she has never used?
AUTHOR: A Harper - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, March 13, 2008
Yes, Kevin Trudeau has a shady past. Yes, he is trying to make a profit. That's capitalism and it's not going away any time soon - nothing illegal or shady about that; just fact. A smart consumer will do his or her research before investing in something. That's why sites like this and Amazon are so helpful. The internet allows us to find out what's really going on before we decide to purchase something.
The book itself is very helpful and informative for many. So many people have NO idea what a colonic is or how beneficial it can be. People don't realize what chemicals and compounds are being put in their food - also good info to know. They don't know about toxins in our bodies or about doing cleanses. Some people think these things are a bunch of hooey - but millions of others know that doing these things get positive results, and make them feel better.
Kevin's suggestions are nothing new, and they're not his ideas - he only compiled them. But the catchy title is responsible for making lots of people aware of the rapid results of using HcG for weight loss, according to a protocol created by Dr. A.T.W. Simeon in 1954. It's not that I'm a fan of Kevin Trudeau, but that I had never heard of this method before.
Dr. Simeon's protocol DOES work, especially for people like myself who have insulin resistance due to years of trying to lose weight the "right" way with excercise, weight training, and tenacious accounting of my consumed calories. The same has been shown for those who suffer from PCOS.
The fact is, it is wrong to tell someone that they just aren't trying hard enough, when they know they are doing everything that they can, for months or years, and nothing is happening. Furthermore, finally having some rapid RESULTS will, I believe, inspire many to work even harder to maintain their weight loss/success. I know it has for me. My eating habits have not changed much (I've gone the organic, healthy route for years), but finally, the weight is LEAVING and I've never felt better. My thighs and belly are whittling down and it's amazing. And by the way, HcG is not that expensive and not that hard to get. I chose to use the help of a clinic and it is $48 per week. For each ten pounds I lose, they drop the price by $10. There are people at my clinic who've lost 100+ pounds that now participate in marathons, etc.
I'd like to encourage everyone to judge for themselves, and not to rely on the (very bitter) reviews given by individuals who have never even read the book and/or have not ever tried Dr. Simeon's protocol.
P.S: "Pounds and Inches" can be downloaded for free. You don't need the book to do this. The supplies can all be bought online. I just think the cleansing and organic diet and other tips Kevin included could be very beneficial, and a refreshing and healthy way to get started, although that is not really how I started. And if you want to read the book, hey, now you can get it for around $7 at Amazon, etc. If that amount of money is gonig to make you post a complaint, despite most websites offering refunds for purchases, then maybe you shouldn't be on the internet right now...
Thank you.

#19 Consumer Comment
rebuttal to the "weight loss cure they don't want you to know about" being a scam
AUTHOR: Sam - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, March 06, 2008
The diet works!!! I tried the diet and lost 47 lbs. in 10 weeks. I started the diet weighing 252 lbs. at 40 inches in the waste.
I lost 15 lbs. during the 1st phase and spent about $350 for cleanses. I didn't go to any doctors, I only did cleanses purchased at a nutrition store.
I lost 32 lbs. during the 2nd phase. There is an alternative to the hcg injections, which is to take supplements. The supplements cost about $316 for 42 days. I also had to buy organic foods during phase 2 and 3 that cost about $400. There are no supplements to take during phase 3. You are only required to not gain the weight back and to continue eating the organic foods.
By the end of phase 2 I weighed 205 lbs. and was 31 inches in the waist. I had a healthy look to my face, I felt great, and had less of an appetite than I have had in years.
I realize that $1100 sounds like a lot of money, but not a lot considering that it included my food for 10 weeks. The organic foods are a lot healthier for your body than convenional foods. They don't contain food additives. The meats don't contain steriods. We penalize athletes for growth hormones, but feed it to animals and consume the meat and think it's alright. Isn't there something wrong with this picture? How many diets and medical procedures cost more than this diet? Especially when you count in the food you consume during the diet. Many don't even show these results and leave you hungry. I would recommend this diet to anyone who really wants to lose weight and feel great doing it!!!

#18 Consumer Comment
Unfortunately there is no warning or information suggesting it is an organic diet or how pricey items necessary to complete it.
AUTHOR: Apx/honeywell - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, December 20, 2007
I believed it would be practical or reasonable, I had no idea that the cure would be so pricey and involve a complete life change to organic only. I was surprised along with others. I am glad to hear some have been able to follow it and have successful results. Merry Christmas all.

#17 Consumer Comment
Unfortunately there is no warning or information suggesting it is an organic diet or how pricey items necessary to complete it.
AUTHOR: Apx/honeywell - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, December 20, 2007
I believed it would be practical or reasonable, I had no idea that the cure would be so pricey and involve a complete life change to organic only. I was surprised along with others. I am glad to hear some have been able to follow it and have successful results. Merry Christmas all.

#16 Consumer Comment
Unfortunately there is no warning or information suggesting it is an organic diet or how pricey items necessary to complete it.
AUTHOR: Apx/honeywell - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, December 20, 2007
I believed it would be practical or reasonable, I had no idea that the cure would be so pricey and involve a complete life change to organic only. I was surprised along with others. I am glad to hear some have been able to follow it and have successful results. Merry Christmas all.

#15 Consumer Comment
Unfortunately there is no warning or information suggesting it is an organic diet or how pricey items necessary to complete it.
AUTHOR: Apx/honeywell - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, December 20, 2007
I believed it would be practical or reasonable, I had no idea that the cure would be so pricey and involve a complete life change to organic only. I was surprised along with others. I am glad to hear some have been able to follow it and have successful results. Merry Christmas all.

#14 Consumer Comment
Just because someone made mistakes in the past doesn't mean that everthing they say is untrue...
AUTHOR: Juan - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, December 16, 2007
Just because someone made mistakes in the past doesn't mean that everything they say is untrue...
Uh... Yea, it does actually. Did you even read what he's done? Everything he's done in his career has been a violation of law. It's NOT a mistake when they do it over and over and over again. He's now beating the system by selling his bullcrap in books.
I guess if you want to protect him, that's your perogative. I've read about women who marry convicts in prison... uh... whatever floats yer boat.

#13 Consumer Comment
Just because someone made mistakes in the past doesn't mean that everthing they say is untrue...
AUTHOR: Juan - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, December 16, 2007
Just because someone made mistakes in the past doesn't mean that everything they say is untrue...
Uh... Yea, it does actually. Did you even read what he's done? Everything he's done in his career has been a violation of law. It's NOT a mistake when they do it over and over and over again. He's now beating the system by selling his bullcrap in books.
I guess if you want to protect him, that's your perogative. I've read about women who marry convicts in prison... uh... whatever floats yer boat.

#12 Consumer Comment
Just because someone made mistakes in the past doesn't mean that everthing they say is untrue...
AUTHOR: Juan - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, December 16, 2007
Just because someone made mistakes in the past doesn't mean that everything they say is untrue...
Uh... Yea, it does actually. Did you even read what he's done? Everything he's done in his career has been a violation of law. It's NOT a mistake when they do it over and over and over again. He's now beating the system by selling his bullcrap in books.
I guess if you want to protect him, that's your perogative. I've read about women who marry convicts in prison... uh... whatever floats yer boat.

#11 Consumer Comment
Just because someone made mistakes in the past doesn't mean that everthing they say is untrue...
AUTHOR: Juan - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, December 16, 2007
Just because someone made mistakes in the past doesn't mean that everything they say is untrue...
Uh... Yea, it does actually. Did you even read what he's done? Everything he's done in his career has been a violation of law. It's NOT a mistake when they do it over and over and over again. He's now beating the system by selling his bullcrap in books.
I guess if you want to protect him, that's your perogative. I've read about women who marry convicts in prison... uh... whatever floats yer boat.

#10 Consumer Comment
Dr. Simeons plan titled, "Pounds and Inches", widely available for free
AUTHOR: Katherine - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, December 09, 2007
No question that Trudeau has a questionable past. Some things he says make others uncomfortable. Sometimes the truth is uncomfortable. Just because someone made mistakes in the past doesn't mean that everthing they say is untrue.
Kevin Trudeaus business dealings, like them or not, do not reflect on the value of Dr. Simeons plan. By the way, many doctors and weight loss clinics do offer the program, at a higher cost than if you do it yourself, but it is widely offered. Also, it is not so expensive over the internet if you do your research. Doctors CAN prescribe things not approved by the FDA for a specific use, whenever they deem it appropriate.
The phase 1 in Trudeaus book consisting of cleanses and building nutritional health is not part of the original Simeons plan and is stated as optional. Phase 3 is quite different from the Phase 2 injection part of the plan. Phase 3 is actually about 2500 calories compared to 500 in Phase 2.
Dr. Simeons plan, titled "Pounds and Inches" has been used for years before Trudeaus book and will be used for years after with great success. 'Pounds and Inches" is widely available to download on the internet for free. Anyone who reads it will see that the changes and additions Trudeau made are designed to enhance the results.

#9 Consumer Comment
Kevin has a tainted past, he's NOT your buddy... BEWARE!
AUTHOR: Juan - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, November 03, 2007
I seem to remember this guy selling weight loss bran cookies in the mid 90's, a pyramid marketing scheme... I letter read that he was put in prison for credit card fraud... charging peoples cards that he had taken like a year earlier... because he neede the cash! Sounds like a skumbag! Now I keep seeing him on late night TV pretending to be this great guy who is saving America from the big bad wolf! LOL... So I did some poking around, and look what I found for you readers!
Jul 29, 2005 | Many a late-night channel surfer has been numbed to sleep by endless infomercials hawking ab machines, p***s enlargers, psychic readings and baldness cures. But how about a 30-minute faux talk show featuring a slick "expert author" who promises natural cures for cancer, diabetes and chronic fatigue syndrome and who claims that the FDA, drug companies and food industry have withheld such cures from the public in order to keep making bigger and bigger profits?
Step right up folks, and tune in to the paranoid world of master huckster Kevin Trudeau, whose book "Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You to Know About" climbed to the top spot on the New York Times bestseller list for advice titles last weekend. The Federal Trade Commission virtually banned Trudeau from the airwaves last year in an attempt to "shut down an infomercial empire that has misled American consumers for years." But by shifting his business model from selling supposed cure-all products to peddling books, which are protected by the First Amendment, Trudeau has been able to slip past federal regulators and continue to sell snake oil to the masses -- first through his infomercial and now via mainstream book retailers like and Barnes & Noble.
Reno R. Roll, an executive consultant who handles U.S. retail and international distribution for "Natural Cures," says the book has sold nearly 3 million copies since the infomercial debuted in September 2004, and he sees no end in sight to its success. "No one knows where this thing is going to max out. We're just printing as many books as we can," Roll says. "We're poised to make history here. What we're doing could revolutionize the book publishing industry."
Even before hitting the bestseller list, Trudeau, who is in his early 40s, had built a billion-dollar empire as a prolific infomercialteer, selling various health and self-improvement products under the cover of night. This despite a two-year stint in federal prison in the early '90s after pleading guilty to credit card fraud, and a 1996 tangle with the Illinois attorney general, who accused him of running a pyramid scheme while working for a health-products company called Nutrition for Life. Trudeau and a co-defendant settled that case, paying $185,000 to Illinois and seven other states; during that time, the U.S. Postal Service and Securities and Exchange Commission also investigated his business dealings.
A close look at Trudeau's later run-in with the FTC, in 1998, during which he and seven cohorts were accused of making "false or unsubstantiated" claims in advertisements on radio and television infomercials, sheds much needed light on his character and says a lot about how seriously (or not) we should take "Natural Cures." Ads for the "Sable Hair Farming System," Trudeau's own "Mega Memory System," "Doctor Callahan's Addiction Breaking System," "Action Reading," "Eden's Secret Nature's Purifying Product" and "Howard Berg's Mega Reading" all came under scrutiny they could not withstand.
"We're going to be sharing Dr. Callahan's revolutionary breakthrough that he discovered while studying quantum physics," the addiction infomercial went, before claiming that the system cured compulsive eating, as well as alcohol, cocaine and heroin addiction, and led to weight loss without dieting or exercise. "This technique will take 60 seconds to apply and works virtually 100 percent of the time," the FTC noted as another claim. It said that the "videotape sold in the infomercial showed Dr. Callahan demonstrating his technique -- a series of gestures, including tapping the face, chest and hand; rolling the eyes; and humming, which, if mimicked, were the supposed addiction cure." The claims were false, according to the FTC.
Another Trudeau product, "Howard Berg's Mega Reading," offered a home study program guaranteed to boost reading speed and comprehension 10 times over. "I have a letter here from a girl who has brain damage," Berg confided in another infomercial. "She was in a car accident and half her brain stopped functioning. It was electrically dead." According to the FTC, "he then claimed that after using his system for a brief period -- as long as a coffee break -- her reading speed increased from three to 600 words per minute..." Not surprisingly, the FTC deemed the Berg program bogus as well.
And Trudeau's own "Mega Memory System," which asserted that everyone has an innate photographic memory that could be tapped into with his help, was unmasked too. To show how fraudulent the system was, the FTC cited snippets of the infomercial, such as: "Kevin Trudeau's breakthrough techniques were developed while working with blind and mentally handicapped students. Their recall ability increased from 15% to 90% in just 5 days," as well as the infomercial's claim that the system was "guaranteed to work for you."
In the end, Trudeau settled the case; he was fined $500,000 in consumer redress and warned against making false product claims in the future. But this didn't deter him. In 2003, the FTC charged Trudeau once more, this time citing another product, Coral Calcium Supreme. The FTC argued that claims made in Trudeau's infomercial by Dr. Robert "Bob" Barefoot that calcium derived from coral reefs near Okinawa, Japan, could treat or cure cancer and other ills -- such as multiple sclerosis and heart disease -- went far beyond existing scientific evidence concerning the health benefits of calcium. Trudeau settled that case as well. But this time, in addition to being fined $2 million, he was also banned from "appearing in, producing, or disseminating future infomercials that advertise any type of product, service, or program to the public" forever.

#8 Consumer Suggestion
AUTHOR: David - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, October 25, 2007
To all those who read KT's book; I have a sollution. It's called; EAT LESS, EXORSISE MORE. But it goes a little futher than that. I agree with KT that eating 100% organic is much better than eating conventional. And perhaps a Colon Cleanse and a Liver Cleanse, Kidney Cleanse, Etc., Etc. wouldn't be such a bad idea either.
But let's get back to the basics. Ask yourself why you are overweight. Are you eating the right foods or are you eating at McDonald's all the time? Try eating more fruits and vegtables, healthy stuff,. You know? Are you exersising enough? Why don't you go to the gym and lift weights and walk or run on the treadmill? Maybe you've been drinking to much sugary stuff or even to much beer. If so, cut back a little.
The point is is that you don't have spend money on so called weight lose cures from snake oil salesmen. All it takes is a little determination, disipline, persistance and most importantly, patients.
Get on a healthy diet plan, don't over eat, and work out more. Sooner or later will begin to lose weight. You will not see the ultimate results you want overnight but, if you stay on course, you will eventually be thin again.
P.S. I hope this helps. P.P.S. there is no such thing as a magic bullet cure or a get skinny quick skeme.

#7 Consumer Comment
Get off Kevin
AUTHOR: George - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, October 09, 2007
I think it is funny that everyone wants a free solution and over night at that. I have read some of Kevin's T's works and all he has done is gathered several other peoples suggestions of which no person is crying like a baby about them.
I also find that most of the books ideas do work.....if you don't want to get off the pharmacy's list and processed food list then go ahead and just DIE.
end of story.

#6 Consumer Comment
I've lost 45 pounds since May 19th. It's cheap, easy, Dr. prescribed and works
AUTHOR: Tammy - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, September 08, 2007
Respectfully, I have lost almost 45 pounds since May 19th using the Trudeau/Dr. Simeons weight loss cure. I lost 30.4 pounds the first round and an additional 19 pounds since August the 13th. It's not herbs it's HCG and there are countless Dr's and clinics that are offering the protocol. The herbs you speak of are from and are not affiliated with Kevin Trudeau and are not HCG.
I have had no hunger, no cravings, and have felt energetic and fabulous. I've dropped from 191 pounds to 147 so far with a goal weight of 130 pounds. I've also lost 8 inches off my waist, 7 off my backside, and 5 inches off of each thigh. These are the problem areas that I needed to lose the abnormal fat of which Dr. Simeons speaks of.
I have 6 friends who have also done the protocol following my example. The females have lost about 30 pounds in the 43 day HCG phase and the male lost 50 pounds in 4 weeks and had to stop per Dr. Simeons instructions (He weighed 370 pounds when he started).
By the way, the protocol was developed by Dr. ATW Simeons a respected physician who developed the protocol in the 50's. He is honored by the queen of England for developing a vaccine for malaria. So, those of you who do not respect Kevin Trudeau can be assured that the original creator of the protocol is the genius Dr. Simeons (google him).
Using hcg for weight loss absolutely works. Please check out various hcg diet forums and see for yourself. Do your own research and avoid the naysayers who haven't read the book or even tried to do the protocol. It is certainly no more extreme than cutting out a chunk of your intestines as is the medically touted way to combat extreme obesity via gastric bypass surgery.
Also, regarding the transition into eating normally. During my phase 3 I was literally forced to eat at least 1500-2000 calories a day just to keep my weight from dropping which is not desirable during this phase of the diet. I was able to introduce carbohydrates successfully after the required 3 weeks of no starch or sugar without gaining any weight and maintaining my loss. I enjoyed a glass of wine, eggs, cheese, dairy and all manner of fruits and vegetables during the 3 weeks of phase 3. I've had no side effects and feel fabulous.
I pray that people will consider this with an open mind particularly if they have a slow metabolism, PCOS, or are fighting morbid obesity. I recommend doing this protocol under the care of a physician particularly if you have multiple health issues. The hcg is cheap and available in Mexico, online, and a little more expensive through clinics. Use of hcg is growing quickly in the USA. Good luck to you all and I hope I reached somebody out there. I have had tremedous success with this protocol and something has to be done about the obesity problem in America. I believe this is it. It's an absolute miracle and I am grateful every day as I am sliding into my size 6 jeans. Take care,

#5 Consumer Comment
Kevin Turdeau ANGERS me......BUT
AUTHOR: Miamifan13 - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 10, 2007
When I got the book and realized how difficult this process is, I could only think back to the informercial and how easy he said it was. (Prepare to take all of your vacation time all at once to do this. you'll be going to a "licensed practitioner" often) He also stated that you can eat anything you want.
THAT IS A LIE! The list of things you can't eat eliminates 95% of what we eat everyday because nothing we eat is organic.
HOWEVER, the diet does work.
At times I'm angry how he mislead me about its simplicity. Then again, he has to separate himself from the rest of the dietary informercials that everyone knows do not work. But if thats what it takes to get this info into my hands, I am grateful.
For those who paid for the book and feel mislead and do not want to turn your life upside down to lose weight and keep it off, I suggest you exercise your refund option.

#4 Consumer Comment
Who cares about Kevin Trudeau's history? The diet works!
AUTHOR: Sarah - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, August 07, 2007
My and husband and I have followed the hcg diet to the T for 18 days so far. He has lost 28 lbs., and I have lost 17 lbs. (I have less weight to lose). For both of us, the total cost of all the hcg and injection materials for a 45 day program was only $411.03, including shipping. The food is also inexpensive, as organic ground beef is only $8.99/lb average, and one pound is a bit more than four servings of protein, which would last you two days. Organic chicken breast is only $9.99/lb. average. My husband and I are actually SAVING money on this diet, as would most overweight people who eat out at fast food restaurants every day for their meals as we used to. My energy is high, hunger is low, and I am losing my belly and behind fat more than any other areas. For me, these are my problem areas. Advice- instead of having a fatalistic conniption fit about the diet's "unattainably high cost" which is solely based on your own preconceived (and false) notions, either honestly go for it and try it, or be quiet. You cannot say something doesn't work unless you've seen it fail. NO ONE has tried this diet correctly without losing MAJOR weight, so you are operating 100% on your own personally created assumptions. Why not wait to critique something until you have the facts, instead of knocking it just because YOU feel it's too hard.

#3 Consumer Comment
If you haven't tried the plan how can you call it a ripoff???!!!
AUTHOR: Ronda - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 17, 2007
First of all i will admit the plan is expensive, but the plan does work and compared to weight loss surgery and weight loss drugs that a person would need a prescription for over and over the costs are about the same, if you were to have actually tried the plan as i have then your comments would have merit, but to call Kevin Trudeau a scammer and the plan a ripoff and you haven't even tried the plan is ridiculous!!!
Organic foods are on the rise because they are better for the human body, no pesticides were used or hormones which in turn is digested by the body easier, at first i thought eating organic was all a racket too but i gave myself 30 days to just eat organic i felt as if i had more energy and my skin was brighter and clearer then i thought maybe it's all in my mind so i started back eating non-organic foods and the lack of energy i had before returned, the bloating and headaches and weight gain returned so this organic plan actually works i'm living proof, which is probably why more and more consumers are now purchasing organic foods, if you can't buy everything organic then go slow meaning instead of regular ketchup try organic ketchup instead until you can afford to buy more.
now making sure it's organic is where the problems come in because some store false advertise and list foods as organic that aren't organic!
But back to Kevin T's book try the plan first before you write it off as a Ripoff! If you can't afford the plan then just say you can't afford the plan, but don't call it a ripoff and say it doesn't work when you haven't even tried it, you could influence someone's decision that might want to try the plan and it could help that person, think about what you're saying before you say it!

#2 Consumer Comment
Thank You Pam!
AUTHOR: Jay - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, May 18, 2007
Thank you for your report!
If you get a chance, please Google Kevin Trudeau and look for Wikipedia's article about him. If you do this, you will see his long and very extensive criminal history!
I this helps others!
Take care!

#1 Consumer Comment
You Don't Need A lot of Money to do the Plan
AUTHOR: Desiree - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, May 18, 2007
If you had done any research you would have found the original manuscript by Dr. Semions and realized Kevin added his own ideas to the diet and 'cure'. If you notice all those cleanses and orgnaic foods are from his Natural Cures and his beliefs not are not based on the orginal diet reseach.
There are many clinics who have been doing the hcg treaments long before KT wrote his book and it's not expensive, no as expensive as increased health care costs. Frankly, you could do the diet, your own injections for under $300 if you go the self adminstered route or under $700 if you go the clinical route.
I'm not a fan of Kevin Trudea but there a lot of people who are trying the hcg right now and are having amazing results with it and the diet

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