Complaint Review: Carol Adler - - Tempe Arizona
- Carol Adler - 5250 South Hardy Drive, #3067 Tempe, Arizona U.S.A.
- Phone: 800-861-7899
- Web:
- Category: Book Publishers
Carol Adler - President Dandelion Books ripoff, conartist, scam, unpaid royalties, violations of contracts, attempts to exhort thousands of dollars, sells on Tempe Arizona
*Consumer Comment: In Response To Gary Vey's assertions re: Dandelion Books and or Carol Adler
*Consumer Comment: In Response To Gary Vey's assertions re: Dandelion Books and or Carol Adler
*Consumer Comment: In Response To Gary Vey's assertions re: Dandelion Books and or Carol Adler
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Dandelion Books & Carol Adler - Company in Good Standing & President/CEO... Testimonials & Endorsements
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Dandelion Books & Carol Adler - Company in Good Standing & President/CEO... Testimonials & Endorsements
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Dandelion Books & Carol Adler - Company in Good Standing & President/CEO... Testimonials & Endorsements
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Dandelion Books & Carol Adler - Company in Good Standing & President/CEO... Testimonials & Endorsements
*Author of original report: Dandelionbooks, unpaid royalties to author,
*Author of original report: Dandelionbooks, unpaid royalties to author,
*Author of original report: Dandelionbooks, unpaid royalties to author,
*Author of original report: Dandelionbooks, unpaid royalties to author,
*Consumer Comment: Clarification of Erroneous Assertion
*Consumer Comment: In regard to Dandelion Publishing
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Carol Adler, Dandelion Books, promotes herself as "the authors' publisher".
In reality she is a Con Artist.
On March 10, 2003, I signed a Publishing Agreement with Carol Adler and her (then) partner Rico Sogocio. This agreement clearly states that royalties be paid twice annually with an accounting of books sold, and AUTHOR will receive One Dollar and 25/100 ($1.25) per book. .
Many of my books were sold, both in the USA and Europe.
She sells on and other websites, in addition to her own. I purchased over three hundred dollars worth of my own books from Carol.
To date, Carol Adler has NEVER paid royalties NOR did she ever send an accounting.
When I tried to end our agreement amicably because she refused to pay royalties and for other violations, she sent me a contract whereby she attempted to exhort thousands of dollars from me (June 1, 2004). I refused to sign it and she continued to advertise my book for sale.
Many authors have been duped by her, are presently being duped or will be. Carol Adler is clearly making money and it is NOT going to her authors.
Adler is nothing but a con artist. The only one who makes money is herself.
She has a warehouse of books, in violation of her print on demand agreement, so she can continue to sell books without the author's knowledge, even if she promises to stop. She advertises on other websites and she sells books in other countries.
DO NOT buy or support Dandelion Books. If you are an author, DO NOT go to Dandelion Books. You WILL be abused, used, conned and paid NO royalties.
Los Angeles, California
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 07/13/2005 10:30 AM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#13 Consumer Comment
In Response To Gary Vey's assertions re: Dandelion Books and or Carol Adler
AUTHOR: Rj O'connor - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, June 01, 2009
I was just browsing er googlin Gary Vey just to see what he was up to. As I am an old Archaeology nut I have been a fan for quite some time. Where I fit in is I just passed on to Ms. Adler Gary's website to review and say that it might be worth publishing. So I am the one who electronically connected the two.
I travel extensively and kept abreast on how much work and money went into the project.
I Know many think that the whole world will beat a path to your door and are tremendously disappointed when the annointing is not forthcoming.
Gary's work as admirable as it is, reaches out to a few of us older cusses and younger curiosity seekers who appreciate how politics have hidden the truth of our heritage.
One of the things that surprises and disappoints me most is that Gary has abandoned his profound appreciation of free will and it's inherent total responsibility and power of creating your own reality.
Instead he holds onto the lame victims stance, what a shame I was totally surprised as to his totally untrue accusations. There was no greater fan of Gary's
What a shame -- No Good Dead goes Unpunished

#12 Consumer Comment
In Response To Gary Vey's assertions re: Dandelion Books and or Carol Adler
AUTHOR: Rj O'connor - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, June 01, 2009
I was just browsing er googlin Gary Vey just to see what he was up to. As I am an old Archaeology nut I have been a fan for quite some time. Where I fit in is I just passed on to Ms. Adler Gary's website to review and say that it might be worth publishing. So I am the one who electronically connected the two.
I travel extensively and kept abreast on how much work and money went into the project.
I Know many think that the whole world will beat a path to your door and are tremendously disappointed when the annointing is not forthcoming.
Gary's work as admirable as it is, reaches out to a few of us older cusses and younger curiosity seekers who appreciate how politics have hidden the truth of our heritage.
One of the things that surprises and disappoints me most is that Gary has abandoned his profound appreciation of free will and it's inherent total responsibility and power of creating your own reality.
Instead he holds onto the lame victims stance, what a shame I was totally surprised as to his totally untrue accusations. There was no greater fan of Gary's
What a shame -- No Good Dead goes Unpunished

#11 Consumer Comment
In Response To Gary Vey's assertions re: Dandelion Books and or Carol Adler
AUTHOR: Rj O'connor - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, June 01, 2009
I was just browsing er googlin Gary Vey just to see what he was up to. As I am an old Archaeology nut I have been a fan for quite some time. Where I fit in is I just passed on to Ms. Adler Gary's website to review and say that it might be worth publishing. So I am the one who electronically connected the two.
I travel extensively and kept abreast on how much work and money went into the project.
I Know many think that the whole world will beat a path to your door and are tremendously disappointed when the annointing is not forthcoming.
Gary's work as admirable as it is, reaches out to a few of us older cusses and younger curiosity seekers who appreciate how politics have hidden the truth of our heritage.
One of the things that surprises and disappoints me most is that Gary has abandoned his profound appreciation of free will and it's inherent total responsibility and power of creating your own reality.
Instead he holds onto the lame victims stance, what a shame I was totally surprised as to his totally untrue accusations. There was no greater fan of Gary's
What a shame -- No Good Dead goes Unpunished

#10 REBUTTAL Owner of company
Dandelion Books & Carol Adler - Company in Good Standing & President/CEO... Testimonials & Endorsements
AUTHOR: Dandelion Books - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, April 17, 2009
Dear Judith Parsons,
Several years have passed since you filed a complaint with about unfair treatment concerning the publishing of your book with Dandelion Books. I think that's long enough for you to have your day in the sun at the expense of a company that over the years has built a sterling reputation for excellent customer care, producing quality products that its authors can be proud to present to the public.
Your book that Dandelion published (and that, in spite of your erroneous statements) has not been for sale ever since Dandelion terminated its agreement with you, is titled The Clear and Simple Way. It is about angels, and light workers and the beauty of bringing love and understanding and forgiveness and peace to a world that is wrought with confusion, collusion and corruption.
The purpose of your book is to bring light and love to the world. According to the words of the angels in the book you authored, you certainly would never want to be considered a troublemaker or a person who takes pleasure in defaming and slandering others.
Judith, at the time you published your book with Dandelion, Dandelion made the full pre-press and post-press investment in its authors. In more recent years, based on industry changes, Dandelion changed its business model to one of co-publishing. The author now pays editing, proofreading and other pre-press costs, including cover and interior design and layout of the book. (We are hoping to revert to our former model once again, very soon.)
You were very fortunate; you never paid Dandelion any money for having your book published. All the line editing and proofreading was done at no cost to you. Dandelion paid all design and layout costs, cover costs and all other publishing costs. You did pay Dandelion for copies of your books that you wanted to sell at the back of the room yourself, and place on consignment in bookstores. That is a standard operating procedure that most publishers offer. Authors can buy copies of their books at a discount and they receive no royalty for those purchased copies, since they keep the full profits and do not deliver any of that money to Dandelion.
Your complaint:
Judith Parsons: Carol Adler, Dandelion Books, promotes herself as 'the authors' publisher.' In reality she is a Con Artist. On March 10, 2003, I signed a Publishing Agreement with Carol Adler and her (then) partner Rico Sogocio.
C.A.: Rico Sogocio was not a partner with Dandelion at the time. He co-signed Dandelion Books contracts because his company, of which he was the fourth partner, was under contract to market and distribute Dandelion books. Mr. Sogocio was the legal member of the company and signed contracts for his other partners. He explains this confused statement by you, Judith, in a statement that is also available online.
J. P.: This agreement clearly states that royalties be paid twice annually" with an accounting of books sold, and AUTHOR will receive One Dollar and 25/100 ($1.25) per book."
C.A.: Yes, that is correct, and that is the way Dandelion Books has continued to conduct business, although in many instances, Dandelion's royalty amounts have been adjusted to reflect its new co-publishing business model.
J.P.: Many of my books were sold, both in the USA and Europe.
She sells on and other websites, in addition to her own. I purchased over three hundred dollars worth of my own books from Carol.
To date, Carol Adler has NEVER paid royalties NOR did she ever send an accounting.
C.A.: Since Dandelion Books has been in business (incorporated in 2003 as an LLC and before that, a part of Dandelion Enterprises, Inc. a Sub-S corporation incorporated in 2000), it has paid royalties twice annually. This can be verified by any Dandelion author and the entire list of authors is available on the Dandelion Books website at . Dandelion authors are told as of 2008 that if their royalties are under $50.00 that amount is carried over to the next royalty period or until their royalties equal $50.00. Many Dandelion authors have chosen not to participate in the marketing and promotion of their books. Consequently, because of the fierce competition in the marketplace, sales reports are extremely low.
As stated previously, you did purchase copies of your book to sell yourself.
It is a well-known fact that no publisher can guarantee book sales for any author. That is either written into the contract or is clarified at the outset at the time an author signs a contract. I think you had high expectations that as soon as your book was published, it would immediately become a best seller. It did not sell well because, in truth, it was not given a fair chance to be exposed to the marketplace and properly promoted before you decided to terminate your contract.
Many authors who are eager to become rich and famous from book sales, believe they will get on Oprah, for example, as soon as the first person reads their book. In reality, it just doesn't happen that way or let's say that would be a rare situation.
J.P.: When I tried to end our agreement amicably because she refused to pay royalties and for other violations, she sent me a contract whereby she attempted to exhort thousands of dollars from me (June 1, 2004). I refused to sign it and she continued to advertise my book for sale.
C.A.: Judith, you signed a contract with Dandelion Books whereby you would be liable to pay the company a stated amount should you decide to terminate your agreement before the company had a chance to properly market and promote it. The second reason for asking you to pay a sum of money upon early termination was to protect Dandelion against lost investment, which was considerable, and to compensate Dandelion in some small way for this loss. In recent years, that termination clause is no longer in the contract because Dandelion does not make the initial investment in publishing costs; the author makes that investment. An author can terminate a contract at any time at no cost, with only 30 days' written notice to Dandelion. As your anger mounted and Dandelion continued to receive irrational emails from you, we decided it would be in our best interest to simply terminate your contract and remove the book from all distribution and sales venues.
The matter was finished without your paying Dandelion any money for terminating your contract.
J.P.: Many authors have been duped by her, are presently being duped or will be. Carol Adler is clearly making money and it is NOT going to her authors.
C.A.: I invite you to investigate this false claim about Dandelion not reporting book sales to its authors and consequently not paying them royalties for those sales.
J.P.: Adler is nothing but a con artist. The only one who makes money is herself.
C.A.: Again, I invite you to investigate this false claim about Dandelion not reporting book sales to its authors and consequently not paying them royalties for those sales.
J.P.: She has a warehouse of books, in violation of her print on demand" agreement, so she can continue to sell books without the author's knowledge, even if she promises to stop. She advertises on other websites and she sells books in other countries.
C.A.: If I have a warehouse of books, please, Judith, tell me where it is. And if we are clandestinely selling our books as you claim, please tell me where I can find statements confirming this fact.
J.P.: DO NOT buy or support Dandelion Books. If you are an author, DO NOT go to Dandelion Books. You WILL be abused, used, conned and paid NO royalties.
Los Angeles, California
C.A.: I sincerely hope all those who have had the patience to read through this rebuttal to your false claims will understand how unfortunate it is to have this posting remain on and consequently available to read on the internet.
Sincerely yours,
Carol Adler, President/CEO
Dandelion Enterprises, Inc.
Dandelion Books, LLC
From: TjpublishXXXXXXXX
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 2:42 PM
To: bigshotgreggXXXXX
Subject: Re: Dandelion Books
I have published three books with Dandelion Books (Living with Soul, volumes 1 & 2, and It's All About Control) and am delighted with their professionalism, attention to detail and willingness to work with authors. Carol Adler, the publisher, is a very easy person to work with and is dedicated to showcasing her authors' work on the Dandelion and other web sites, through book wholesalers and via a program of press releases.
Dandelion also uses cutting edge technology to present authors' works as e-books and is currently ramping up to a whole new set of e-book formats and outlets.
As with any publisher, a book's success depends partly on the author's efforts, too, and you will find Dandelion very supportive of your promotional activities. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to contact me by email.
[In the interests of full disclosure, I am a freelance editor and book designer, and on occasion do contract work for Dandelion.]
Tony Stubbs
For full-service publishing consulting, editing and book design, see
The multi-talented Carol Adler, President of Dandelion Books, is so highly respected, gifted and knowledgeable that when I put a manuscript in her hands I know it will come back in ready to go condition. As a Professional Author of twelve books and counting with a busy speaking, training and writing career, I confess I don't have time for the painstaking wordsmithing or the patience to go over every little edit. With my work in Carol's capable hands I don't have to! I can confidently trust that my work (to the word!) will be perfectly turned out and polished to a very high standard. And that leaves me free to create the content I am purposeful and passionate about.
--Patricia Chamberlin
SuccessKey Publications,
When it comes to book doctoring and editing, Carol Adler is that rare breed of technician and artist. She has the uncanny ability to get inside the author's own thoughts and feelings, pull out what is essential, and convert what is (often!) grammatical gibberish into powerful prose that reflects the author's unique individuality. I heartily recommend her for projects large and small, and tomes of all subject matter. Carol's awesome!
--Stephen Banick, MBA
Founder, The Gulliver Project, Inc. (;
Author Speaker Catalyst
From: sheila [sheila XXXXXX]
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 11:25 AM
To: Carol Adler
Subject: Thank you
For the birthday dinner, your willingness to listen and all of your support.
You have guided me to where I am today. One of theses days I will discipline myself to really watch my punctuation.
Don't give up on me. I WILL get around to it eventually!
Keep in touch. Carol I have never met anyone quite like you. You are truly unique.
I meant to say this last night.
It is true that the nurse / patient relationship is close but it never crosses the line. It is important for the wives to understand this.
The nurse provides comfort, empathy, teaching and care hopefully for the whole family. Although this doesn't sound glamorous, the nurse fulfilling is her responsibility.
Sheila LeSeuer
From: beckyruffXXXXX
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 6:56 AM
To: bigshotgreggXXXXX
Subject: experiences with Dandelion Press
I'd like to share my wonderful experience with Dandelion Press. I was referred to Carol Adler by Peter Shepherd of www.trans4mind . He is a European psychiatrist/therapist who runs several publications as well as a private practice and creating wellness and self help programs. Because I had come to respect him so immensely, I chose to contact Carol when I was ready to self-publish.
Carol is not only exceptionally well educated but reads people very well. Her writing expertise and business sense provided a marvelous backdrop for my first experience in this realm. An avid reader and publisher of a few short articles, I was a "babe in the woods" regarding the publishing arena. It's obvious that Carol has tremendous experiences in this arena.
Her marketing sense helped to hone my writings. hahah! Even though it's at times difficult to release the "baby" for suggestions by others, her ideas and rewrites - always with my permission - made my book most enjoyable and readable. My original drafts were a bit "haughty" and that wasn't my intention in communicating. Carol was able to "see" me and my personality...and when I felt a need to change things to be a bit more myself, she was super. I don't know how she manages to keep her own ego at bay - because of her tremendous skill and love of her field - but she does it with class!
Carol is a writer and I've read two of her novels. There is an ease in her style of writing...and that carries over to her dealings with people. She has depth of spirit, an uncanny awareness of humanity, and the ability to be generous. Carol is a true professional and today that is such a joy!
I have to admit that Carol's suggestions were the parts most enjoyed by friends, neighbors, and family with whom I shared (hahahah! "pushed") my work.
It has been such a grand feeling to have something of myself in written form in hardcopy. My daughters have enjoyed my humor, small takes on wisdom, and "hopeful" stance in my book. I would tell you quite candidly and with much enthusiasm that Carol Adler with her publishing house will be a wonderful step for you in fulfilling your own personal goals.
It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I wish you joy, challenge, and success in being you.
-Becky Reed (just married)
-----Original Message-----
From: Carol Adler
To: normaxxxxxxxx
Sent: Sun, 24 Jun 2007 1:31 pm
Subject: RE: MOU
As you must know the word Cromaat was and is the word that the mystery schools use to seal a wish or any thing that was done...I always use it.. I use it like I use so mot it be!! or is done!!!
At the moment I signed the agreement, I used it to seal my wish. I asked God and to the greatest intelligence with whom we work to make a better world, to guide you and me and help us to make the best of my little story. I asked God To bestow you with the greatest creativity, to increase your grace, intelligence and wisdom to inspire you, To make you see very clear my intentions and the purity of my heart to make this story shine...
I know you were chosen to help me. I don't think, there are to many people in the publishing business who have the spiritual awareness that I can feel you have..That fact makes me feel good because I know you will enhance my story and not butcher it just because you don't have the understanding... I want the language describing the story to be simple and easy to read. A simple way that all the children and even the adults can read with out difficulties..
The greatest disappointment for me when I read a book is to see that it is written in such a way that makes it hard for the reader to read. With books like that I put them down and don't touch them again... The other day I so a book with a gorgeous cover, to tell you the truth, I felt compelled to read it just because the cover was so inviting. However when I started to read the book, the way these ladies wrote that book only had a purpose. First to show how well they were able to expressed using the must intricate words and using a great deal of quotes in foreign languages. The little that I read of that book was so boring that I lost total interest. I understood then, that no body should judge a book just by the look of its cover...
That experience inspired me to understand once more, that simplicity is the language of God!!.
I have placed my trust in you and I know that you will do a great job. Not only because you are an experience professional in these matters but also because I think you feel the same way I do. I am not perfect but I am a perfectionist. My teachers always tell me DO IT WELL AND BE POSITIVE!!! When we meet we will talk about some of these experiences, I know that will help us to work with this story with a very especial understanding.
I thank God for letting me to meet you, I would not feel comfortable If I had to be working with my story with some one else...
Norma Pastor
Second Testimonial from Norma Pastor:
From: normaXXXXXXX
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 6:44 AM
Subject: Forgot.
Dear Carol. I forgot to mention that I have been reading the books you gave me... I want to tell you that I love the way you write.
the easy way of expression in your narrations.. I trust that you will use that beautiful fluent language that describes every thing so clearly and fun to read in my fictional story. I love it... I know my little story is in the best hands. With your wonderful artistic writing you will make it shine... I thank God for choosing you to do this job.
Love you.
From: Dolores Proiette [doloreXXXXX]
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 4:24 PM
Subject: Dandelion Publishing
I understand you are considering having your book published by Dandelion.
I checked with several self-publishing companies prior to signing with Dandelion Books. Since signing, I have been very pleased with Dandelion and Carol Adler in particular. She is honest, has been very helpful whenever I have questions, is always available, and has helped advertise my book. Since my book has been published, Feb. 2007, I have placed three orders which arrive within 7-10 days. A nice convenience is that I can order as many or as few books as I need. I would highly recommend Dandelion Books.
From Brenda Frantz:
Carol..this is it. I know that God is in charge of Marrisingle, and you too....there isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for the opportunity to meet you. Even if we only sell one copy, the journey has been so worth it.
Wishing you the warmest blessing over Easter, love you, Brenda
Stretching the Wings of Change
I saw myself as a bird; my wings were ready to test the strongest wind now! One afternoon while reading the newspaper, my (third eye) picked out an announcement about a writing and publishing seminar that as to be given in the Phoenix area. What do you think? I turned to Randy, who was seated next to me, reading another section of the paper, You know it always means something when a newspaper article pops right out at me! Should I take that Marrisingle Journal to this seminar and see if it's worth pursuing? Get a professional opinion?
Embracing my excitement, Randy encouraged me, Yes, yes. Go, Brenda!
Pulling into the parking lot, there it was again, that magical feeling of excitement that I was connecting with someone or something very special.
Three women introduced themselves and one in particular caught my eye. Shivers ran down my spine, with goose bumps quickly forming; I knew it was the connection to her. After a break in the presentation, I went outside and grabbed my typed manuscript. Before going inside again, I spoke to God: Well, here it is God, you've been pushing me, nagging me for awhile to get on with this, here I am, right where I am suppose to be, and I am giving to the right One. So I know from here, you'll take it where it's suppose to be, no hard feelings God, if it was just to reach me, I am ok with that too!
Eagerly I gave it over to the One. Smiling, I approached her, petite and very pretty, and she stood ready with a warm smile and outreached hand. Hello, I'm Carol Adler, Dandelion Books.
It was if she was waiting for me. I introduced myself, explained the contents of my manuscript and where I was at, and asked if she would mind giving me her professional opinion.
Within several days, Carol called me back and we met. She told me how important Marrisingle could be, how helpful this book could be others. She urged me to tell my story because it would be valuable for others to know about my journey.
--Brenda Frantz
Carol... this is it. I know that God is in charge of Marrisingle, and you too....there isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for the opportunity to meet you. Even if we only sell one copy, the journey has been so worth it.
Wishing you the warmest blessing over Easter, love you, Brenda (Frantz)
From: ronnaXXXXX
Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2007 12:14 PM
To: Carol Adler
Subject: Re: FW: #1 Detroit Tiger Fan
You are so special, everything that I have read so far is spot on. Wow! I love the intro. The ice cream truck and fruit cart were reversed that's all.
I doubt that there will be that much to change. You have captured my words, my heart and it has brought tears to my eyes. You are an artist and I am in awe of your gifts!
Ronna McEldowney
More from Ronna:
Date: Sat, September 8, 2007 9:40 am
From: ronna@XXXX
You always make it fun for me and help me to relax and I am in awe of your gift.
...Your energy is really wonderful to work with and colorful, I appreciate your honesty and creativity. You are a blessing in my life.
Ronna McEldowney
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Dear Mr. F.,
Carol will be publishing my first hard copy book on XXXXX as well as helping me publish an e-book called XXXXX . . . . Carol has been working fiercely for her whole life for a free press and freedom of speech . . .
Thank you for all your hard work and your bravery,
[After reading Naked in Daylight, Jesus & The Tooth Fairy, Arioso:]
Carol, your poems are magnificent. They are most thought-provoking and require time to read. Your life experiences provide insights and wisdom that is the property of very few people.
--John H. Brand, D.Min., J.D., Author
[More from Becky Reed, a Dandelion author who generously offered to review each of the Dandelion titles, and post them in the online stores where these books are posted. After reviewing many of the books in each of the Dandelion categories (Uncensored Books, America Speaks Out, Conscious Solutions, Unfettered Fiction) she wrote the following]:
I really need you to know how much of a positive input your energy has been. You may have felt that many of us - your clients - have a screw or two loose, but you treated each one of us as if we were special. What a huge heart and soul... more than that... it has been generous beyond words. By your choice of profession now, you have found the avenue to reach others to "push" us toward not so much fulfillment, as personal victory of "acceptance of our choices."
You are a true pioneer for the "best in mankind." Thank you, Lady!!!!
In case you don't always see it yourself...there is a STRONG thread working to connect ALL the books you have published...the human spirit is indeed indomitable!!!!
I don't know what this publishing house will ultimately open in doors (referring to the impact our books and authors will ultimately have on global, national and personal issues), but you, Carol, are dynamic. AND you have helped others to rid themselves of fear and pain as with any great therapist. You have earnestly and with utmost compassion believed in each one of us, your clients - your fledglings. (: Wherever we all have connected, you once again, have brought us together...Thank you!!! Your love and generosity of soul span the ages.
--Becky Reed, Author (Romance Stew: The Way to a Woman's Heart)
It's hard to make good publishing decisions nowadays. I get so many compliments on the cover art and interior of both Dandelion-published books.
I told the group in clay Center that anyone wanting a book doctor, ghost writer, or quality publishing should contact Dandelion. Not everyone can afford to pay for such services, but those who can should make good use of your expertise.
You are a gem of a woman, Carol Adler.
Much love,
--Laurel Johnson, Author (The Alley of Wishes, My Name is Esther Clara); Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review
[From Dan Callahan, director of The Last Resort Panama, for whom Carol has been doing some ghostwriting and editing Dan prefaced his newsletter article with a statement about Carol and then copied one of Carol's recent articles posted in on about anorexia/bulimia into the newsletter.]
Yesterday I mentioned that I would be sharing info from two people that I respect and admire. I used the term credibility. When I think of Carol that is the term that comes to mind. She has a long list of successes to her career. When it comes to professionalism Carol stands above the rest of the field. Her insights are right on target.
--Dan Callahan, Director, The Last Resort Panama
From: Michelle M. Prince
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2008 9:49 AM
To: Carol Adler
Subject: RE: Edited Draft
"...I'm just a few chapters in to reading your edits and I just have to stop and tell you what an outstanding job you have done. You totally get what I'm trying to convey and your use of works to better tell the story is fantastic. You actually brought tears to my eyes after reading the 1st chapter because I'm so excited that my thoughts are coming alive and I can see the future for this book. Thank you!"
I feel very blessed that I have found you.
I can't tell you how many times over the past 20 years or so I have said, Oh forget it! Who cares if I ever get this book written! Yet every time something would happen that pulled me right back. Just last week I told my daughter that I was going to give it up. I told her I was tired of struggling alone to get it finished. I longed for someone who would see the value of what I had to offer. I needed someone else's faith because as Donne stated and I am paraphrasing No man is an island unto himself. Yes, we all need someone to believe in us. That is why your desire to help me brought tears to my eyes and hope in my heart and a strong determination that this time I will get it done.
Your professional help is exactly what I needed.
Ann Jovicin, MA
Psychotherapist - Seminar Leader
LifeSuccess Consultant
Mastermind Group Coach
From: [mailto: XXXXX
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2008 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: Writing Samples Three
Hi Carol:
You are just too good to pass up, lol I am going over my e-book and making some additions and corrections.
I also got a glimpse of all your other many talents and expertise. Wow!!!! an author, a poet, a hypnotherapist, a publisher. Is there anything you can't do??? ; )
I am looking forward to doing business with you Carol.
take care,
Rhonda R .
November 19, 2008
Dear Carol,
Today I'm working on getting Heaven News together, and in the process I started reading your free ebook, Writers, Authors, and Dreamweavers.
Carol, I am so often turned off by what I read, but what you wrote turned me on. I am so impressed I could just hug you. You have validated many things I needed to hear validated:
Analyze for Technique Only
Aim for the Heart
Emotional Energy
I love your writing altogether, and the words you choose: Dish Pan Gold, Elbow Grease Club The true stories you tell, your quotes perfect. I wish I had the ads you use when I was teaching school! I haven't read it to the end yet, Carol, but, believe me, I got the gold.
Loving you,
Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter The Godwriting International Society of Heaven
703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556
Visit and
Carol Adler has been nothing short of spectacular as a friend and advisor. I think Carol lives on her computer. I send an email within minutes I have an answer. Carol is the CEO of the publishing company Dandelion Books. You can look her up at Thank You Carol!
--Dan Callahan, Director, The Last Resort Panama, Drug and Rehab,
As one who encounters THE ONE, and as a young writer seeking ideas, I found your websites EXTREMELY compelling.
Meg Hamill, MFA, Writer

#9 REBUTTAL Owner of company
Dandelion Books & Carol Adler - Company in Good Standing & President/CEO... Testimonials & Endorsements
AUTHOR: Dandelion Books - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, April 17, 2009
Dear Judith Parsons,
Several years have passed since you filed a complaint with about unfair treatment concerning the publishing of your book with Dandelion Books. I think that's long enough for you to have your day in the sun at the expense of a company that over the years has built a sterling reputation for excellent customer care, producing quality products that its authors can be proud to present to the public.
Your book that Dandelion published (and that, in spite of your erroneous statements) has not been for sale ever since Dandelion terminated its agreement with you, is titled The Clear and Simple Way. It is about angels, and light workers and the beauty of bringing love and understanding and forgiveness and peace to a world that is wrought with confusion, collusion and corruption.
The purpose of your book is to bring light and love to the world. According to the words of the angels in the book you authored, you certainly would never want to be considered a troublemaker or a person who takes pleasure in defaming and slandering others.
Judith, at the time you published your book with Dandelion, Dandelion made the full pre-press and post-press investment in its authors. In more recent years, based on industry changes, Dandelion changed its business model to one of co-publishing. The author now pays editing, proofreading and other pre-press costs, including cover and interior design and layout of the book. (We are hoping to revert to our former model once again, very soon.)
You were very fortunate; you never paid Dandelion any money for having your book published. All the line editing and proofreading was done at no cost to you. Dandelion paid all design and layout costs, cover costs and all other publishing costs. You did pay Dandelion for copies of your books that you wanted to sell at the back of the room yourself, and place on consignment in bookstores. That is a standard operating procedure that most publishers offer. Authors can buy copies of their books at a discount and they receive no royalty for those purchased copies, since they keep the full profits and do not deliver any of that money to Dandelion.
Your complaint:
Judith Parsons: Carol Adler, Dandelion Books, promotes herself as 'the authors' publisher.' In reality she is a Con Artist. On March 10, 2003, I signed a Publishing Agreement with Carol Adler and her (then) partner Rico Sogocio.
C.A.: Rico Sogocio was not a partner with Dandelion at the time. He co-signed Dandelion Books contracts because his company, of which he was the fourth partner, was under contract to market and distribute Dandelion books. Mr. Sogocio was the legal member of the company and signed contracts for his other partners. He explains this confused statement by you, Judith, in a statement that is also available online.
J. P.: This agreement clearly states that royalties be paid twice annually" with an accounting of books sold, and AUTHOR will receive One Dollar and 25/100 ($1.25) per book."
C.A.: Yes, that is correct, and that is the way Dandelion Books has continued to conduct business, although in many instances, Dandelion's royalty amounts have been adjusted to reflect its new co-publishing business model.
J.P.: Many of my books were sold, both in the USA and Europe.
She sells on and other websites, in addition to her own. I purchased over three hundred dollars worth of my own books from Carol.
To date, Carol Adler has NEVER paid royalties NOR did she ever send an accounting.
C.A.: Since Dandelion Books has been in business (incorporated in 2003 as an LLC and before that, a part of Dandelion Enterprises, Inc. a Sub-S corporation incorporated in 2000), it has paid royalties twice annually. This can be verified by any Dandelion author and the entire list of authors is available on the Dandelion Books website at . Dandelion authors are told as of 2008 that if their royalties are under $50.00 that amount is carried over to the next royalty period or until their royalties equal $50.00. Many Dandelion authors have chosen not to participate in the marketing and promotion of their books. Consequently, because of the fierce competition in the marketplace, sales reports are extremely low.
As stated previously, you did purchase copies of your book to sell yourself.
It is a well-known fact that no publisher can guarantee book sales for any author. That is either written into the contract or is clarified at the outset at the time an author signs a contract. I think you had high expectations that as soon as your book was published, it would immediately become a best seller. It did not sell well because, in truth, it was not given a fair chance to be exposed to the marketplace and properly promoted before you decided to terminate your contract.
Many authors who are eager to become rich and famous from book sales, believe they will get on Oprah, for example, as soon as the first person reads their book. In reality, it just doesn't happen that way or let's say that would be a rare situation.
J.P.: When I tried to end our agreement amicably because she refused to pay royalties and for other violations, she sent me a contract whereby she attempted to exhort thousands of dollars from me (June 1, 2004). I refused to sign it and she continued to advertise my book for sale.
C.A.: Judith, you signed a contract with Dandelion Books whereby you would be liable to pay the company a stated amount should you decide to terminate your agreement before the company had a chance to properly market and promote it. The second reason for asking you to pay a sum of money upon early termination was to protect Dandelion against lost investment, which was considerable, and to compensate Dandelion in some small way for this loss. In recent years, that termination clause is no longer in the contract because Dandelion does not make the initial investment in publishing costs; the author makes that investment. An author can terminate a contract at any time at no cost, with only 30 days' written notice to Dandelion. As your anger mounted and Dandelion continued to receive irrational emails from you, we decided it would be in our best interest to simply terminate your contract and remove the book from all distribution and sales venues.
The matter was finished without your paying Dandelion any money for terminating your contract.
J.P.: Many authors have been duped by her, are presently being duped or will be. Carol Adler is clearly making money and it is NOT going to her authors.
C.A.: I invite you to investigate this false claim about Dandelion not reporting book sales to its authors and consequently not paying them royalties for those sales.
J.P.: Adler is nothing but a con artist. The only one who makes money is herself.
C.A.: Again, I invite you to investigate this false claim about Dandelion not reporting book sales to its authors and consequently not paying them royalties for those sales.
J.P.: She has a warehouse of books, in violation of her print on demand" agreement, so she can continue to sell books without the author's knowledge, even if she promises to stop. She advertises on other websites and she sells books in other countries.
C.A.: If I have a warehouse of books, please, Judith, tell me where it is. And if we are clandestinely selling our books as you claim, please tell me where I can find statements confirming this fact.
J.P.: DO NOT buy or support Dandelion Books. If you are an author, DO NOT go to Dandelion Books. You WILL be abused, used, conned and paid NO royalties.
Los Angeles, California
C.A.: I sincerely hope all those who have had the patience to read through this rebuttal to your false claims will understand how unfortunate it is to have this posting remain on and consequently available to read on the internet.
Sincerely yours,
Carol Adler, President/CEO
Dandelion Enterprises, Inc.
Dandelion Books, LLC
From: TjpublishXXXXXXXX
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 2:42 PM
To: bigshotgreggXXXXX
Subject: Re: Dandelion Books
I have published three books with Dandelion Books (Living with Soul, volumes 1 & 2, and It's All About Control) and am delighted with their professionalism, attention to detail and willingness to work with authors. Carol Adler, the publisher, is a very easy person to work with and is dedicated to showcasing her authors' work on the Dandelion and other web sites, through book wholesalers and via a program of press releases.
Dandelion also uses cutting edge technology to present authors' works as e-books and is currently ramping up to a whole new set of e-book formats and outlets.
As with any publisher, a book's success depends partly on the author's efforts, too, and you will find Dandelion very supportive of your promotional activities. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to contact me by email.
[In the interests of full disclosure, I am a freelance editor and book designer, and on occasion do contract work for Dandelion.]
Tony Stubbs
For full-service publishing consulting, editing and book design, see
The multi-talented Carol Adler, President of Dandelion Books, is so highly respected, gifted and knowledgeable that when I put a manuscript in her hands I know it will come back in ready to go condition. As a Professional Author of twelve books and counting with a busy speaking, training and writing career, I confess I don't have time for the painstaking wordsmithing or the patience to go over every little edit. With my work in Carol's capable hands I don't have to! I can confidently trust that my work (to the word!) will be perfectly turned out and polished to a very high standard. And that leaves me free to create the content I am purposeful and passionate about.
--Patricia Chamberlin
SuccessKey Publications,
When it comes to book doctoring and editing, Carol Adler is that rare breed of technician and artist. She has the uncanny ability to get inside the author's own thoughts and feelings, pull out what is essential, and convert what is (often!) grammatical gibberish into powerful prose that reflects the author's unique individuality. I heartily recommend her for projects large and small, and tomes of all subject matter. Carol's awesome!
--Stephen Banick, MBA
Founder, The Gulliver Project, Inc. (;
Author Speaker Catalyst
From: sheila [sheila XXXXXX]
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 11:25 AM
To: Carol Adler
Subject: Thank you
For the birthday dinner, your willingness to listen and all of your support.
You have guided me to where I am today. One of theses days I will discipline myself to really watch my punctuation.
Don't give up on me. I WILL get around to it eventually!
Keep in touch. Carol I have never met anyone quite like you. You are truly unique.
I meant to say this last night.
It is true that the nurse / patient relationship is close but it never crosses the line. It is important for the wives to understand this.
The nurse provides comfort, empathy, teaching and care hopefully for the whole family. Although this doesn't sound glamorous, the nurse fulfilling is her responsibility.
Sheila LeSeuer
From: beckyruffXXXXX
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 6:56 AM
To: bigshotgreggXXXXX
Subject: experiences with Dandelion Press
I'd like to share my wonderful experience with Dandelion Press. I was referred to Carol Adler by Peter Shepherd of www.trans4mind . He is a European psychiatrist/therapist who runs several publications as well as a private practice and creating wellness and self help programs. Because I had come to respect him so immensely, I chose to contact Carol when I was ready to self-publish.
Carol is not only exceptionally well educated but reads people very well. Her writing expertise and business sense provided a marvelous backdrop for my first experience in this realm. An avid reader and publisher of a few short articles, I was a "babe in the woods" regarding the publishing arena. It's obvious that Carol has tremendous experiences in this arena.
Her marketing sense helped to hone my writings. hahah! Even though it's at times difficult to release the "baby" for suggestions by others, her ideas and rewrites - always with my permission - made my book most enjoyable and readable. My original drafts were a bit "haughty" and that wasn't my intention in communicating. Carol was able to "see" me and my personality...and when I felt a need to change things to be a bit more myself, she was super. I don't know how she manages to keep her own ego at bay - because of her tremendous skill and love of her field - but she does it with class!
Carol is a writer and I've read two of her novels. There is an ease in her style of writing...and that carries over to her dealings with people. She has depth of spirit, an uncanny awareness of humanity, and the ability to be generous. Carol is a true professional and today that is such a joy!
I have to admit that Carol's suggestions were the parts most enjoyed by friends, neighbors, and family with whom I shared (hahahah! "pushed") my work.
It has been such a grand feeling to have something of myself in written form in hardcopy. My daughters have enjoyed my humor, small takes on wisdom, and "hopeful" stance in my book. I would tell you quite candidly and with much enthusiasm that Carol Adler with her publishing house will be a wonderful step for you in fulfilling your own personal goals.
It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I wish you joy, challenge, and success in being you.
-Becky Reed (just married)
-----Original Message-----
From: Carol Adler
To: normaxxxxxxxx
Sent: Sun, 24 Jun 2007 1:31 pm
Subject: RE: MOU
As you must know the word Cromaat was and is the word that the mystery schools use to seal a wish or any thing that was done...I always use it.. I use it like I use so mot it be!! or is done!!!
At the moment I signed the agreement, I used it to seal my wish. I asked God and to the greatest intelligence with whom we work to make a better world, to guide you and me and help us to make the best of my little story. I asked God To bestow you with the greatest creativity, to increase your grace, intelligence and wisdom to inspire you, To make you see very clear my intentions and the purity of my heart to make this story shine...
I know you were chosen to help me. I don't think, there are to many people in the publishing business who have the spiritual awareness that I can feel you have..That fact makes me feel good because I know you will enhance my story and not butcher it just because you don't have the understanding... I want the language describing the story to be simple and easy to read. A simple way that all the children and even the adults can read with out difficulties..
The greatest disappointment for me when I read a book is to see that it is written in such a way that makes it hard for the reader to read. With books like that I put them down and don't touch them again... The other day I so a book with a gorgeous cover, to tell you the truth, I felt compelled to read it just because the cover was so inviting. However when I started to read the book, the way these ladies wrote that book only had a purpose. First to show how well they were able to expressed using the must intricate words and using a great deal of quotes in foreign languages. The little that I read of that book was so boring that I lost total interest. I understood then, that no body should judge a book just by the look of its cover...
That experience inspired me to understand once more, that simplicity is the language of God!!.
I have placed my trust in you and I know that you will do a great job. Not only because you are an experience professional in these matters but also because I think you feel the same way I do. I am not perfect but I am a perfectionist. My teachers always tell me DO IT WELL AND BE POSITIVE!!! When we meet we will talk about some of these experiences, I know that will help us to work with this story with a very especial understanding.
I thank God for letting me to meet you, I would not feel comfortable If I had to be working with my story with some one else...
Norma Pastor
Second Testimonial from Norma Pastor:
From: normaXXXXXXX
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 6:44 AM
Subject: Forgot.
Dear Carol. I forgot to mention that I have been reading the books you gave me... I want to tell you that I love the way you write.
the easy way of expression in your narrations.. I trust that you will use that beautiful fluent language that describes every thing so clearly and fun to read in my fictional story. I love it... I know my little story is in the best hands. With your wonderful artistic writing you will make it shine... I thank God for choosing you to do this job.
Love you.
From: Dolores Proiette [doloreXXXXX]
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 4:24 PM
Subject: Dandelion Publishing
I understand you are considering having your book published by Dandelion.
I checked with several self-publishing companies prior to signing with Dandelion Books. Since signing, I have been very pleased with Dandelion and Carol Adler in particular. She is honest, has been very helpful whenever I have questions, is always available, and has helped advertise my book. Since my book has been published, Feb. 2007, I have placed three orders which arrive within 7-10 days. A nice convenience is that I can order as many or as few books as I need. I would highly recommend Dandelion Books.
From Brenda Frantz:
Carol..this is it. I know that God is in charge of Marrisingle, and you too....there isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for the opportunity to meet you. Even if we only sell one copy, the journey has been so worth it.
Wishing you the warmest blessing over Easter, love you, Brenda
Stretching the Wings of Change
I saw myself as a bird; my wings were ready to test the strongest wind now! One afternoon while reading the newspaper, my (third eye) picked out an announcement about a writing and publishing seminar that as to be given in the Phoenix area. What do you think? I turned to Randy, who was seated next to me, reading another section of the paper, You know it always means something when a newspaper article pops right out at me! Should I take that Marrisingle Journal to this seminar and see if it's worth pursuing? Get a professional opinion?
Embracing my excitement, Randy encouraged me, Yes, yes. Go, Brenda!
Pulling into the parking lot, there it was again, that magical feeling of excitement that I was connecting with someone or something very special.
Three women introduced themselves and one in particular caught my eye. Shivers ran down my spine, with goose bumps quickly forming; I knew it was the connection to her. After a break in the presentation, I went outside and grabbed my typed manuscript. Before going inside again, I spoke to God: Well, here it is God, you've been pushing me, nagging me for awhile to get on with this, here I am, right where I am suppose to be, and I am giving to the right One. So I know from here, you'll take it where it's suppose to be, no hard feelings God, if it was just to reach me, I am ok with that too!
Eagerly I gave it over to the One. Smiling, I approached her, petite and very pretty, and she stood ready with a warm smile and outreached hand. Hello, I'm Carol Adler, Dandelion Books.
It was if she was waiting for me. I introduced myself, explained the contents of my manuscript and where I was at, and asked if she would mind giving me her professional opinion.
Within several days, Carol called me back and we met. She told me how important Marrisingle could be, how helpful this book could be others. She urged me to tell my story because it would be valuable for others to know about my journey.
--Brenda Frantz
Carol... this is it. I know that God is in charge of Marrisingle, and you too....there isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for the opportunity to meet you. Even if we only sell one copy, the journey has been so worth it.
Wishing you the warmest blessing over Easter, love you, Brenda (Frantz)
From: ronnaXXXXX
Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2007 12:14 PM
To: Carol Adler
Subject: Re: FW: #1 Detroit Tiger Fan
You are so special, everything that I have read so far is spot on. Wow! I love the intro. The ice cream truck and fruit cart were reversed that's all.
I doubt that there will be that much to change. You have captured my words, my heart and it has brought tears to my eyes. You are an artist and I am in awe of your gifts!
Ronna McEldowney
More from Ronna:
Date: Sat, September 8, 2007 9:40 am
From: ronna@XXXX
You always make it fun for me and help me to relax and I am in awe of your gift.
...Your energy is really wonderful to work with and colorful, I appreciate your honesty and creativity. You are a blessing in my life.
Ronna McEldowney
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Dear Mr. F.,
Carol will be publishing my first hard copy book on XXXXX as well as helping me publish an e-book called XXXXX . . . . Carol has been working fiercely for her whole life for a free press and freedom of speech . . .
Thank you for all your hard work and your bravery,
[After reading Naked in Daylight, Jesus & The Tooth Fairy, Arioso:]
Carol, your poems are magnificent. They are most thought-provoking and require time to read. Your life experiences provide insights and wisdom that is the property of very few people.
--John H. Brand, D.Min., J.D., Author
[More from Becky Reed, a Dandelion author who generously offered to review each of the Dandelion titles, and post them in the online stores where these books are posted. After reviewing many of the books in each of the Dandelion categories (Uncensored Books, America Speaks Out, Conscious Solutions, Unfettered Fiction) she wrote the following]:
I really need you to know how much of a positive input your energy has been. You may have felt that many of us - your clients - have a screw or two loose, but you treated each one of us as if we were special. What a huge heart and soul... more than that... it has been generous beyond words. By your choice of profession now, you have found the avenue to reach others to "push" us toward not so much fulfillment, as personal victory of "acceptance of our choices."
You are a true pioneer for the "best in mankind." Thank you, Lady!!!!
In case you don't always see it yourself...there is a STRONG thread working to connect ALL the books you have published...the human spirit is indeed indomitable!!!!
I don't know what this publishing house will ultimately open in doors (referring to the impact our books and authors will ultimately have on global, national and personal issues), but you, Carol, are dynamic. AND you have helped others to rid themselves of fear and pain as with any great therapist. You have earnestly and with utmost compassion believed in each one of us, your clients - your fledglings. (: Wherever we all have connected, you once again, have brought us together...Thank you!!! Your love and generosity of soul span the ages.
--Becky Reed, Author (Romance Stew: The Way to a Woman's Heart)
It's hard to make good publishing decisions nowadays. I get so many compliments on the cover art and interior of both Dandelion-published books.
I told the group in clay Center that anyone wanting a book doctor, ghost writer, or quality publishing should contact Dandelion. Not everyone can afford to pay for such services, but those who can should make good use of your expertise.
You are a gem of a woman, Carol Adler.
Much love,
--Laurel Johnson, Author (The Alley of Wishes, My Name is Esther Clara); Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review
[From Dan Callahan, director of The Last Resort Panama, for whom Carol has been doing some ghostwriting and editing Dan prefaced his newsletter article with a statement about Carol and then copied one of Carol's recent articles posted in on about anorexia/bulimia into the newsletter.]
Yesterday I mentioned that I would be sharing info from two people that I respect and admire. I used the term credibility. When I think of Carol that is the term that comes to mind. She has a long list of successes to her career. When it comes to professionalism Carol stands above the rest of the field. Her insights are right on target.
--Dan Callahan, Director, The Last Resort Panama
From: Michelle M. Prince
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2008 9:49 AM
To: Carol Adler
Subject: RE: Edited Draft
"...I'm just a few chapters in to reading your edits and I just have to stop and tell you what an outstanding job you have done. You totally get what I'm trying to convey and your use of works to better tell the story is fantastic. You actually brought tears to my eyes after reading the 1st chapter because I'm so excited that my thoughts are coming alive and I can see the future for this book. Thank you!"
I feel very blessed that I have found you.
I can't tell you how many times over the past 20 years or so I have said, Oh forget it! Who cares if I ever get this book written! Yet every time something would happen that pulled me right back. Just last week I told my daughter that I was going to give it up. I told her I was tired of struggling alone to get it finished. I longed for someone who would see the value of what I had to offer. I needed someone else's faith because as Donne stated and I am paraphrasing No man is an island unto himself. Yes, we all need someone to believe in us. That is why your desire to help me brought tears to my eyes and hope in my heart and a strong determination that this time I will get it done.
Your professional help is exactly what I needed.
Ann Jovicin, MA
Psychotherapist - Seminar Leader
LifeSuccess Consultant
Mastermind Group Coach
From: [mailto: XXXXX
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2008 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: Writing Samples Three
Hi Carol:
You are just too good to pass up, lol I am going over my e-book and making some additions and corrections.
I also got a glimpse of all your other many talents and expertise. Wow!!!! an author, a poet, a hypnotherapist, a publisher. Is there anything you can't do??? ; )
I am looking forward to doing business with you Carol.
take care,
Rhonda R .
November 19, 2008
Dear Carol,
Today I'm working on getting Heaven News together, and in the process I started reading your free ebook, Writers, Authors, and Dreamweavers.
Carol, I am so often turned off by what I read, but what you wrote turned me on. I am so impressed I could just hug you. You have validated many things I needed to hear validated:
Analyze for Technique Only
Aim for the Heart
Emotional Energy
I love your writing altogether, and the words you choose: Dish Pan Gold, Elbow Grease Club The true stories you tell, your quotes perfect. I wish I had the ads you use when I was teaching school! I haven't read it to the end yet, Carol, but, believe me, I got the gold.
Loving you,
Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter The Godwriting International Society of Heaven
703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556
Visit and
Carol Adler has been nothing short of spectacular as a friend and advisor. I think Carol lives on her computer. I send an email within minutes I have an answer. Carol is the CEO of the publishing company Dandelion Books. You can look her up at Thank You Carol!
--Dan Callahan, Director, The Last Resort Panama, Drug and Rehab,
As one who encounters THE ONE, and as a young writer seeking ideas, I found your websites EXTREMELY compelling.
Meg Hamill, MFA, Writer

#8 REBUTTAL Owner of company
Dandelion Books & Carol Adler - Company in Good Standing & President/CEO... Testimonials & Endorsements
AUTHOR: Dandelion Books - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, April 17, 2009
Dear Judith Parsons,
Several years have passed since you filed a complaint with about unfair treatment concerning the publishing of your book with Dandelion Books. I think that's long enough for you to have your day in the sun at the expense of a company that over the years has built a sterling reputation for excellent customer care, producing quality products that its authors can be proud to present to the public.
Your book that Dandelion published (and that, in spite of your erroneous statements) has not been for sale ever since Dandelion terminated its agreement with you, is titled The Clear and Simple Way. It is about angels, and light workers and the beauty of bringing love and understanding and forgiveness and peace to a world that is wrought with confusion, collusion and corruption.
The purpose of your book is to bring light and love to the world. According to the words of the angels in the book you authored, you certainly would never want to be considered a troublemaker or a person who takes pleasure in defaming and slandering others.
Judith, at the time you published your book with Dandelion, Dandelion made the full pre-press and post-press investment in its authors. In more recent years, based on industry changes, Dandelion changed its business model to one of co-publishing. The author now pays editing, proofreading and other pre-press costs, including cover and interior design and layout of the book. (We are hoping to revert to our former model once again, very soon.)
You were very fortunate; you never paid Dandelion any money for having your book published. All the line editing and proofreading was done at no cost to you. Dandelion paid all design and layout costs, cover costs and all other publishing costs. You did pay Dandelion for copies of your books that you wanted to sell at the back of the room yourself, and place on consignment in bookstores. That is a standard operating procedure that most publishers offer. Authors can buy copies of their books at a discount and they receive no royalty for those purchased copies, since they keep the full profits and do not deliver any of that money to Dandelion.
Your complaint:
Judith Parsons: Carol Adler, Dandelion Books, promotes herself as 'the authors' publisher.' In reality she is a Con Artist. On March 10, 2003, I signed a Publishing Agreement with Carol Adler and her (then) partner Rico Sogocio.
C.A.: Rico Sogocio was not a partner with Dandelion at the time. He co-signed Dandelion Books contracts because his company, of which he was the fourth partner, was under contract to market and distribute Dandelion books. Mr. Sogocio was the legal member of the company and signed contracts for his other partners. He explains this confused statement by you, Judith, in a statement that is also available online.
J. P.: This agreement clearly states that royalties be paid twice annually" with an accounting of books sold, and AUTHOR will receive One Dollar and 25/100 ($1.25) per book."
C.A.: Yes, that is correct, and that is the way Dandelion Books has continued to conduct business, although in many instances, Dandelion's royalty amounts have been adjusted to reflect its new co-publishing business model.
J.P.: Many of my books were sold, both in the USA and Europe.
She sells on and other websites, in addition to her own. I purchased over three hundred dollars worth of my own books from Carol.
To date, Carol Adler has NEVER paid royalties NOR did she ever send an accounting.
C.A.: Since Dandelion Books has been in business (incorporated in 2003 as an LLC and before that, a part of Dandelion Enterprises, Inc. a Sub-S corporation incorporated in 2000), it has paid royalties twice annually. This can be verified by any Dandelion author and the entire list of authors is available on the Dandelion Books website at . Dandelion authors are told as of 2008 that if their royalties are under $50.00 that amount is carried over to the next royalty period or until their royalties equal $50.00. Many Dandelion authors have chosen not to participate in the marketing and promotion of their books. Consequently, because of the fierce competition in the marketplace, sales reports are extremely low.
As stated previously, you did purchase copies of your book to sell yourself.
It is a well-known fact that no publisher can guarantee book sales for any author. That is either written into the contract or is clarified at the outset at the time an author signs a contract. I think you had high expectations that as soon as your book was published, it would immediately become a best seller. It did not sell well because, in truth, it was not given a fair chance to be exposed to the marketplace and properly promoted before you decided to terminate your contract.
Many authors who are eager to become rich and famous from book sales, believe they will get on Oprah, for example, as soon as the first person reads their book. In reality, it just doesn't happen that way or let's say that would be a rare situation.
J.P.: When I tried to end our agreement amicably because she refused to pay royalties and for other violations, she sent me a contract whereby she attempted to exhort thousands of dollars from me (June 1, 2004). I refused to sign it and she continued to advertise my book for sale.
C.A.: Judith, you signed a contract with Dandelion Books whereby you would be liable to pay the company a stated amount should you decide to terminate your agreement before the company had a chance to properly market and promote it. The second reason for asking you to pay a sum of money upon early termination was to protect Dandelion against lost investment, which was considerable, and to compensate Dandelion in some small way for this loss. In recent years, that termination clause is no longer in the contract because Dandelion does not make the initial investment in publishing costs; the author makes that investment. An author can terminate a contract at any time at no cost, with only 30 days' written notice to Dandelion. As your anger mounted and Dandelion continued to receive irrational emails from you, we decided it would be in our best interest to simply terminate your contract and remove the book from all distribution and sales venues.
The matter was finished without your paying Dandelion any money for terminating your contract.
J.P.: Many authors have been duped by her, are presently being duped or will be. Carol Adler is clearly making money and it is NOT going to her authors.
C.A.: I invite you to investigate this false claim about Dandelion not reporting book sales to its authors and consequently not paying them royalties for those sales.
J.P.: Adler is nothing but a con artist. The only one who makes money is herself.
C.A.: Again, I invite you to investigate this false claim about Dandelion not reporting book sales to its authors and consequently not paying them royalties for those sales.
J.P.: She has a warehouse of books, in violation of her print on demand" agreement, so she can continue to sell books without the author's knowledge, even if she promises to stop. She advertises on other websites and she sells books in other countries.
C.A.: If I have a warehouse of books, please, Judith, tell me where it is. And if we are clandestinely selling our books as you claim, please tell me where I can find statements confirming this fact.
J.P.: DO NOT buy or support Dandelion Books. If you are an author, DO NOT go to Dandelion Books. You WILL be abused, used, conned and paid NO royalties.
Los Angeles, California
C.A.: I sincerely hope all those who have had the patience to read through this rebuttal to your false claims will understand how unfortunate it is to have this posting remain on and consequently available to read on the internet.
Sincerely yours,
Carol Adler, President/CEO
Dandelion Enterprises, Inc.
Dandelion Books, LLC
From: TjpublishXXXXXXXX
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 2:42 PM
To: bigshotgreggXXXXX
Subject: Re: Dandelion Books
I have published three books with Dandelion Books (Living with Soul, volumes 1 & 2, and It's All About Control) and am delighted with their professionalism, attention to detail and willingness to work with authors. Carol Adler, the publisher, is a very easy person to work with and is dedicated to showcasing her authors' work on the Dandelion and other web sites, through book wholesalers and via a program of press releases.
Dandelion also uses cutting edge technology to present authors' works as e-books and is currently ramping up to a whole new set of e-book formats and outlets.
As with any publisher, a book's success depends partly on the author's efforts, too, and you will find Dandelion very supportive of your promotional activities. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to contact me by email.
[In the interests of full disclosure, I am a freelance editor and book designer, and on occasion do contract work for Dandelion.]
Tony Stubbs
For full-service publishing consulting, editing and book design, see
The multi-talented Carol Adler, President of Dandelion Books, is so highly respected, gifted and knowledgeable that when I put a manuscript in her hands I know it will come back in ready to go condition. As a Professional Author of twelve books and counting with a busy speaking, training and writing career, I confess I don't have time for the painstaking wordsmithing or the patience to go over every little edit. With my work in Carol's capable hands I don't have to! I can confidently trust that my work (to the word!) will be perfectly turned out and polished to a very high standard. And that leaves me free to create the content I am purposeful and passionate about.
--Patricia Chamberlin
SuccessKey Publications,
When it comes to book doctoring and editing, Carol Adler is that rare breed of technician and artist. She has the uncanny ability to get inside the author's own thoughts and feelings, pull out what is essential, and convert what is (often!) grammatical gibberish into powerful prose that reflects the author's unique individuality. I heartily recommend her for projects large and small, and tomes of all subject matter. Carol's awesome!
--Stephen Banick, MBA
Founder, The Gulliver Project, Inc. (;
Author Speaker Catalyst
From: sheila [sheila XXXXXX]
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 11:25 AM
To: Carol Adler
Subject: Thank you
For the birthday dinner, your willingness to listen and all of your support.
You have guided me to where I am today. One of theses days I will discipline myself to really watch my punctuation.
Don't give up on me. I WILL get around to it eventually!
Keep in touch. Carol I have never met anyone quite like you. You are truly unique.
I meant to say this last night.
It is true that the nurse / patient relationship is close but it never crosses the line. It is important for the wives to understand this.
The nurse provides comfort, empathy, teaching and care hopefully for the whole family. Although this doesn't sound glamorous, the nurse fulfilling is her responsibility.
Sheila LeSeuer
From: beckyruffXXXXX
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 6:56 AM
To: bigshotgreggXXXXX
Subject: experiences with Dandelion Press
I'd like to share my wonderful experience with Dandelion Press. I was referred to Carol Adler by Peter Shepherd of www.trans4mind . He is a European psychiatrist/therapist who runs several publications as well as a private practice and creating wellness and self help programs. Because I had come to respect him so immensely, I chose to contact Carol when I was ready to self-publish.
Carol is not only exceptionally well educated but reads people very well. Her writing expertise and business sense provided a marvelous backdrop for my first experience in this realm. An avid reader and publisher of a few short articles, I was a "babe in the woods" regarding the publishing arena. It's obvious that Carol has tremendous experiences in this arena.
Her marketing sense helped to hone my writings. hahah! Even though it's at times difficult to release the "baby" for suggestions by others, her ideas and rewrites - always with my permission - made my book most enjoyable and readable. My original drafts were a bit "haughty" and that wasn't my intention in communicating. Carol was able to "see" me and my personality...and when I felt a need to change things to be a bit more myself, she was super. I don't know how she manages to keep her own ego at bay - because of her tremendous skill and love of her field - but she does it with class!
Carol is a writer and I've read two of her novels. There is an ease in her style of writing...and that carries over to her dealings with people. She has depth of spirit, an uncanny awareness of humanity, and the ability to be generous. Carol is a true professional and today that is such a joy!
I have to admit that Carol's suggestions were the parts most enjoyed by friends, neighbors, and family with whom I shared (hahahah! "pushed") my work.
It has been such a grand feeling to have something of myself in written form in hardcopy. My daughters have enjoyed my humor, small takes on wisdom, and "hopeful" stance in my book. I would tell you quite candidly and with much enthusiasm that Carol Adler with her publishing house will be a wonderful step for you in fulfilling your own personal goals.
It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I wish you joy, challenge, and success in being you.
-Becky Reed (just married)
-----Original Message-----
From: Carol Adler
To: normaxxxxxxxx
Sent: Sun, 24 Jun 2007 1:31 pm
Subject: RE: MOU
As you must know the word Cromaat was and is the word that the mystery schools use to seal a wish or any thing that was done...I always use it.. I use it like I use so mot it be!! or is done!!!
At the moment I signed the agreement, I used it to seal my wish. I asked God and to the greatest intelligence with whom we work to make a better world, to guide you and me and help us to make the best of my little story. I asked God To bestow you with the greatest creativity, to increase your grace, intelligence and wisdom to inspire you, To make you see very clear my intentions and the purity of my heart to make this story shine...
I know you were chosen to help me. I don't think, there are to many people in the publishing business who have the spiritual awareness that I can feel you have..That fact makes me feel good because I know you will enhance my story and not butcher it just because you don't have the understanding... I want the language describing the story to be simple and easy to read. A simple way that all the children and even the adults can read with out difficulties..
The greatest disappointment for me when I read a book is to see that it is written in such a way that makes it hard for the reader to read. With books like that I put them down and don't touch them again... The other day I so a book with a gorgeous cover, to tell you the truth, I felt compelled to read it just because the cover was so inviting. However when I started to read the book, the way these ladies wrote that book only had a purpose. First to show how well they were able to expressed using the must intricate words and using a great deal of quotes in foreign languages. The little that I read of that book was so boring that I lost total interest. I understood then, that no body should judge a book just by the look of its cover...
That experience inspired me to understand once more, that simplicity is the language of God!!.
I have placed my trust in you and I know that you will do a great job. Not only because you are an experience professional in these matters but also because I think you feel the same way I do. I am not perfect but I am a perfectionist. My teachers always tell me DO IT WELL AND BE POSITIVE!!! When we meet we will talk about some of these experiences, I know that will help us to work with this story with a very especial understanding.
I thank God for letting me to meet you, I would not feel comfortable If I had to be working with my story with some one else...
Norma Pastor
Second Testimonial from Norma Pastor:
From: normaXXXXXXX
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 6:44 AM
Subject: Forgot.
Dear Carol. I forgot to mention that I have been reading the books you gave me... I want to tell you that I love the way you write.
the easy way of expression in your narrations.. I trust that you will use that beautiful fluent language that describes every thing so clearly and fun to read in my fictional story. I love it... I know my little story is in the best hands. With your wonderful artistic writing you will make it shine... I thank God for choosing you to do this job.
Love you.
From: Dolores Proiette [doloreXXXXX]
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 4:24 PM
Subject: Dandelion Publishing
I understand you are considering having your book published by Dandelion.
I checked with several self-publishing companies prior to signing with Dandelion Books. Since signing, I have been very pleased with Dandelion and Carol Adler in particular. She is honest, has been very helpful whenever I have questions, is always available, and has helped advertise my book. Since my book has been published, Feb. 2007, I have placed three orders which arrive within 7-10 days. A nice convenience is that I can order as many or as few books as I need. I would highly recommend Dandelion Books.
From Brenda Frantz:
Carol..this is it. I know that God is in charge of Marrisingle, and you too....there isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for the opportunity to meet you. Even if we only sell one copy, the journey has been so worth it.
Wishing you the warmest blessing over Easter, love you, Brenda
Stretching the Wings of Change
I saw myself as a bird; my wings were ready to test the strongest wind now! One afternoon while reading the newspaper, my (third eye) picked out an announcement about a writing and publishing seminar that as to be given in the Phoenix area. What do you think? I turned to Randy, who was seated next to me, reading another section of the paper, You know it always means something when a newspaper article pops right out at me! Should I take that Marrisingle Journal to this seminar and see if it's worth pursuing? Get a professional opinion?
Embracing my excitement, Randy encouraged me, Yes, yes. Go, Brenda!
Pulling into the parking lot, there it was again, that magical feeling of excitement that I was connecting with someone or something very special.
Three women introduced themselves and one in particular caught my eye. Shivers ran down my spine, with goose bumps quickly forming; I knew it was the connection to her. After a break in the presentation, I went outside and grabbed my typed manuscript. Before going inside again, I spoke to God: Well, here it is God, you've been pushing me, nagging me for awhile to get on with this, here I am, right where I am suppose to be, and I am giving to the right One. So I know from here, you'll take it where it's suppose to be, no hard feelings God, if it was just to reach me, I am ok with that too!
Eagerly I gave it over to the One. Smiling, I approached her, petite and very pretty, and she stood ready with a warm smile and outreached hand. Hello, I'm Carol Adler, Dandelion Books.
It was if she was waiting for me. I introduced myself, explained the contents of my manuscript and where I was at, and asked if she would mind giving me her professional opinion.
Within several days, Carol called me back and we met. She told me how important Marrisingle could be, how helpful this book could be others. She urged me to tell my story because it would be valuable for others to know about my journey.
--Brenda Frantz
Carol... this is it. I know that God is in charge of Marrisingle, and you too....there isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for the opportunity to meet you. Even if we only sell one copy, the journey has been so worth it.
Wishing you the warmest blessing over Easter, love you, Brenda (Frantz)
From: ronnaXXXXX
Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2007 12:14 PM
To: Carol Adler
Subject: Re: FW: #1 Detroit Tiger Fan
You are so special, everything that I have read so far is spot on. Wow! I love the intro. The ice cream truck and fruit cart were reversed that's all.
I doubt that there will be that much to change. You have captured my words, my heart and it has brought tears to my eyes. You are an artist and I am in awe of your gifts!
Ronna McEldowney
More from Ronna:
Date: Sat, September 8, 2007 9:40 am
From: ronna@XXXX
You always make it fun for me and help me to relax and I am in awe of your gift.
...Your energy is really wonderful to work with and colorful, I appreciate your honesty and creativity. You are a blessing in my life.
Ronna McEldowney
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Dear Mr. F.,
Carol will be publishing my first hard copy book on XXXXX as well as helping me publish an e-book called XXXXX . . . . Carol has been working fiercely for her whole life for a free press and freedom of speech . . .
Thank you for all your hard work and your bravery,
[After reading Naked in Daylight, Jesus & The Tooth Fairy, Arioso:]
Carol, your poems are magnificent. They are most thought-provoking and require time to read. Your life experiences provide insights and wisdom that is the property of very few people.
--John H. Brand, D.Min., J.D., Author
[More from Becky Reed, a Dandelion author who generously offered to review each of the Dandelion titles, and post them in the online stores where these books are posted. After reviewing many of the books in each of the Dandelion categories (Uncensored Books, America Speaks Out, Conscious Solutions, Unfettered Fiction) she wrote the following]:
I really need you to know how much of a positive input your energy has been. You may have felt that many of us - your clients - have a screw or two loose, but you treated each one of us as if we were special. What a huge heart and soul... more than that... it has been generous beyond words. By your choice of profession now, you have found the avenue to reach others to "push" us toward not so much fulfillment, as personal victory of "acceptance of our choices."
You are a true pioneer for the "best in mankind." Thank you, Lady!!!!
In case you don't always see it yourself...there is a STRONG thread working to connect ALL the books you have published...the human spirit is indeed indomitable!!!!
I don't know what this publishing house will ultimately open in doors (referring to the impact our books and authors will ultimately have on global, national and personal issues), but you, Carol, are dynamic. AND you have helped others to rid themselves of fear and pain as with any great therapist. You have earnestly and with utmost compassion believed in each one of us, your clients - your fledglings. (: Wherever we all have connected, you once again, have brought us together...Thank you!!! Your love and generosity of soul span the ages.
--Becky Reed, Author (Romance Stew: The Way to a Woman's Heart)
It's hard to make good publishing decisions nowadays. I get so many compliments on the cover art and interior of both Dandelion-published books.
I told the group in clay Center that anyone wanting a book doctor, ghost writer, or quality publishing should contact Dandelion. Not everyone can afford to pay for such services, but those who can should make good use of your expertise.
You are a gem of a woman, Carol Adler.
Much love,
--Laurel Johnson, Author (The Alley of Wishes, My Name is Esther Clara); Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review
[From Dan Callahan, director of The Last Resort Panama, for whom Carol has been doing some ghostwriting and editing Dan prefaced his newsletter article with a statement about Carol and then copied one of Carol's recent articles posted in on about anorexia/bulimia into the newsletter.]
Yesterday I mentioned that I would be sharing info from two people that I respect and admire. I used the term credibility. When I think of Carol that is the term that comes to mind. She has a long list of successes to her career. When it comes to professionalism Carol stands above the rest of the field. Her insights are right on target.
--Dan Callahan, Director, The Last Resort Panama
From: Michelle M. Prince
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2008 9:49 AM
To: Carol Adler
Subject: RE: Edited Draft
"...I'm just a few chapters in to reading your edits and I just have to stop and tell you what an outstanding job you have done. You totally get what I'm trying to convey and your use of works to better tell the story is fantastic. You actually brought tears to my eyes after reading the 1st chapter because I'm so excited that my thoughts are coming alive and I can see the future for this book. Thank you!"
I feel very blessed that I have found you.
I can't tell you how many times over the past 20 years or so I have said, Oh forget it! Who cares if I ever get this book written! Yet every time something would happen that pulled me right back. Just last week I told my daughter that I was going to give it up. I told her I was tired of struggling alone to get it finished. I longed for someone who would see the value of what I had to offer. I needed someone else's faith because as Donne stated and I am paraphrasing No man is an island unto himself. Yes, we all need someone to believe in us. That is why your desire to help me brought tears to my eyes and hope in my heart and a strong determination that this time I will get it done.
Your professional help is exactly what I needed.
Ann Jovicin, MA
Psychotherapist - Seminar Leader
LifeSuccess Consultant
Mastermind Group Coach
From: [mailto: XXXXX
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2008 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: Writing Samples Three
Hi Carol:
You are just too good to pass up, lol I am going over my e-book and making some additions and corrections.
I also got a glimpse of all your other many talents and expertise. Wow!!!! an author, a poet, a hypnotherapist, a publisher. Is there anything you can't do??? ; )
I am looking forward to doing business with you Carol.
take care,
Rhonda R .
November 19, 2008
Dear Carol,
Today I'm working on getting Heaven News together, and in the process I started reading your free ebook, Writers, Authors, and Dreamweavers.
Carol, I am so often turned off by what I read, but what you wrote turned me on. I am so impressed I could just hug you. You have validated many things I needed to hear validated:
Analyze for Technique Only
Aim for the Heart
Emotional Energy
I love your writing altogether, and the words you choose: Dish Pan Gold, Elbow Grease Club The true stories you tell, your quotes perfect. I wish I had the ads you use when I was teaching school! I haven't read it to the end yet, Carol, but, believe me, I got the gold.
Loving you,
Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter The Godwriting International Society of Heaven
703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556
Visit and
Carol Adler has been nothing short of spectacular as a friend and advisor. I think Carol lives on her computer. I send an email within minutes I have an answer. Carol is the CEO of the publishing company Dandelion Books. You can look her up at Thank You Carol!
--Dan Callahan, Director, The Last Resort Panama, Drug and Rehab,
As one who encounters THE ONE, and as a young writer seeking ideas, I found your websites EXTREMELY compelling.
Meg Hamill, MFA, Writer

#7 REBUTTAL Owner of company
Dandelion Books & Carol Adler - Company in Good Standing & President/CEO... Testimonials & Endorsements
AUTHOR: Dandelion Books - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, April 17, 2009
Dear Judith Parsons,
Several years have passed since you filed a complaint with about unfair treatment concerning the publishing of your book with Dandelion Books. I think that's long enough for you to have your day in the sun at the expense of a company that over the years has built a sterling reputation for excellent customer care, producing quality products that its authors can be proud to present to the public.
Your book that Dandelion published (and that, in spite of your erroneous statements) has not been for sale ever since Dandelion terminated its agreement with you, is titled The Clear and Simple Way. It is about angels, and light workers and the beauty of bringing love and understanding and forgiveness and peace to a world that is wrought with confusion, collusion and corruption.
The purpose of your book is to bring light and love to the world. According to the words of the angels in the book you authored, you certainly would never want to be considered a troublemaker or a person who takes pleasure in defaming and slandering others.
Judith, at the time you published your book with Dandelion, Dandelion made the full pre-press and post-press investment in its authors. In more recent years, based on industry changes, Dandelion changed its business model to one of co-publishing. The author now pays editing, proofreading and other pre-press costs, including cover and interior design and layout of the book. (We are hoping to revert to our former model once again, very soon.)
You were very fortunate; you never paid Dandelion any money for having your book published. All the line editing and proofreading was done at no cost to you. Dandelion paid all design and layout costs, cover costs and all other publishing costs. You did pay Dandelion for copies of your books that you wanted to sell at the back of the room yourself, and place on consignment in bookstores. That is a standard operating procedure that most publishers offer. Authors can buy copies of their books at a discount and they receive no royalty for those purchased copies, since they keep the full profits and do not deliver any of that money to Dandelion.
Your complaint:
Judith Parsons: Carol Adler, Dandelion Books, promotes herself as 'the authors' publisher.' In reality she is a Con Artist. On March 10, 2003, I signed a Publishing Agreement with Carol Adler and her (then) partner Rico Sogocio.
C.A.: Rico Sogocio was not a partner with Dandelion at the time. He co-signed Dandelion Books contracts because his company, of which he was the fourth partner, was under contract to market and distribute Dandelion books. Mr. Sogocio was the legal member of the company and signed contracts for his other partners. He explains this confused statement by you, Judith, in a statement that is also available online.
J. P.: This agreement clearly states that royalties be paid twice annually" with an accounting of books sold, and AUTHOR will receive One Dollar and 25/100 ($1.25) per book."
C.A.: Yes, that is correct, and that is the way Dandelion Books has continued to conduct business, although in many instances, Dandelion's royalty amounts have been adjusted to reflect its new co-publishing business model.
J.P.: Many of my books were sold, both in the USA and Europe.
She sells on and other websites, in addition to her own. I purchased over three hundred dollars worth of my own books from Carol.
To date, Carol Adler has NEVER paid royalties NOR did she ever send an accounting.
C.A.: Since Dandelion Books has been in business (incorporated in 2003 as an LLC and before that, a part of Dandelion Enterprises, Inc. a Sub-S corporation incorporated in 2000), it has paid royalties twice annually. This can be verified by any Dandelion author and the entire list of authors is available on the Dandelion Books website at . Dandelion authors are told as of 2008 that if their royalties are under $50.00 that amount is carried over to the next royalty period or until their royalties equal $50.00. Many Dandelion authors have chosen not to participate in the marketing and promotion of their books. Consequently, because of the fierce competition in the marketplace, sales reports are extremely low.
As stated previously, you did purchase copies of your book to sell yourself.
It is a well-known fact that no publisher can guarantee book sales for any author. That is either written into the contract or is clarified at the outset at the time an author signs a contract. I think you had high expectations that as soon as your book was published, it would immediately become a best seller. It did not sell well because, in truth, it was not given a fair chance to be exposed to the marketplace and properly promoted before you decided to terminate your contract.
Many authors who are eager to become rich and famous from book sales, believe they will get on Oprah, for example, as soon as the first person reads their book. In reality, it just doesn't happen that way or let's say that would be a rare situation.
J.P.: When I tried to end our agreement amicably because she refused to pay royalties and for other violations, she sent me a contract whereby she attempted to exhort thousands of dollars from me (June 1, 2004). I refused to sign it and she continued to advertise my book for sale.
C.A.: Judith, you signed a contract with Dandelion Books whereby you would be liable to pay the company a stated amount should you decide to terminate your agreement before the company had a chance to properly market and promote it. The second reason for asking you to pay a sum of money upon early termination was to protect Dandelion against lost investment, which was considerable, and to compensate Dandelion in some small way for this loss. In recent years, that termination clause is no longer in the contract because Dandelion does not make the initial investment in publishing costs; the author makes that investment. An author can terminate a contract at any time at no cost, with only 30 days' written notice to Dandelion. As your anger mounted and Dandelion continued to receive irrational emails from you, we decided it would be in our best interest to simply terminate your contract and remove the book from all distribution and sales venues.
The matter was finished without your paying Dandelion any money for terminating your contract.
J.P.: Many authors have been duped by her, are presently being duped or will be. Carol Adler is clearly making money and it is NOT going to her authors.
C.A.: I invite you to investigate this false claim about Dandelion not reporting book sales to its authors and consequently not paying them royalties for those sales.
J.P.: Adler is nothing but a con artist. The only one who makes money is herself.
C.A.: Again, I invite you to investigate this false claim about Dandelion not reporting book sales to its authors and consequently not paying them royalties for those sales.
J.P.: She has a warehouse of books, in violation of her print on demand" agreement, so she can continue to sell books without the author's knowledge, even if she promises to stop. She advertises on other websites and she sells books in other countries.
C.A.: If I have a warehouse of books, please, Judith, tell me where it is. And if we are clandestinely selling our books as you claim, please tell me where I can find statements confirming this fact.
J.P.: DO NOT buy or support Dandelion Books. If you are an author, DO NOT go to Dandelion Books. You WILL be abused, used, conned and paid NO royalties.
Los Angeles, California
C.A.: I sincerely hope all those who have had the patience to read through this rebuttal to your false claims will understand how unfortunate it is to have this posting remain on and consequently available to read on the internet.
Sincerely yours,
Carol Adler, President/CEO
Dandelion Enterprises, Inc.
Dandelion Books, LLC
From: TjpublishXXXXXXXX
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 2:42 PM
To: bigshotgreggXXXXX
Subject: Re: Dandelion Books
I have published three books with Dandelion Books (Living with Soul, volumes 1 & 2, and It's All About Control) and am delighted with their professionalism, attention to detail and willingness to work with authors. Carol Adler, the publisher, is a very easy person to work with and is dedicated to showcasing her authors' work on the Dandelion and other web sites, through book wholesalers and via a program of press releases.
Dandelion also uses cutting edge technology to present authors' works as e-books and is currently ramping up to a whole new set of e-book formats and outlets.
As with any publisher, a book's success depends partly on the author's efforts, too, and you will find Dandelion very supportive of your promotional activities. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to contact me by email.
[In the interests of full disclosure, I am a freelance editor and book designer, and on occasion do contract work for Dandelion.]
Tony Stubbs
For full-service publishing consulting, editing and book design, see
The multi-talented Carol Adler, President of Dandelion Books, is so highly respected, gifted and knowledgeable that when I put a manuscript in her hands I know it will come back in ready to go condition. As a Professional Author of twelve books and counting with a busy speaking, training and writing career, I confess I don't have time for the painstaking wordsmithing or the patience to go over every little edit. With my work in Carol's capable hands I don't have to! I can confidently trust that my work (to the word!) will be perfectly turned out and polished to a very high standard. And that leaves me free to create the content I am purposeful and passionate about.
--Patricia Chamberlin
SuccessKey Publications,
When it comes to book doctoring and editing, Carol Adler is that rare breed of technician and artist. She has the uncanny ability to get inside the author's own thoughts and feelings, pull out what is essential, and convert what is (often!) grammatical gibberish into powerful prose that reflects the author's unique individuality. I heartily recommend her for projects large and small, and tomes of all subject matter. Carol's awesome!
--Stephen Banick, MBA
Founder, The Gulliver Project, Inc. (;
Author Speaker Catalyst
From: sheila [sheila XXXXXX]
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 11:25 AM
To: Carol Adler
Subject: Thank you
For the birthday dinner, your willingness to listen and all of your support.
You have guided me to where I am today. One of theses days I will discipline myself to really watch my punctuation.
Don't give up on me. I WILL get around to it eventually!
Keep in touch. Carol I have never met anyone quite like you. You are truly unique.
I meant to say this last night.
It is true that the nurse / patient relationship is close but it never crosses the line. It is important for the wives to understand this.
The nurse provides comfort, empathy, teaching and care hopefully for the whole family. Although this doesn't sound glamorous, the nurse fulfilling is her responsibility.
Sheila LeSeuer
From: beckyruffXXXXX
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 6:56 AM
To: bigshotgreggXXXXX
Subject: experiences with Dandelion Press
I'd like to share my wonderful experience with Dandelion Press. I was referred to Carol Adler by Peter Shepherd of www.trans4mind . He is a European psychiatrist/therapist who runs several publications as well as a private practice and creating wellness and self help programs. Because I had come to respect him so immensely, I chose to contact Carol when I was ready to self-publish.
Carol is not only exceptionally well educated but reads people very well. Her writing expertise and business sense provided a marvelous backdrop for my first experience in this realm. An avid reader and publisher of a few short articles, I was a "babe in the woods" regarding the publishing arena. It's obvious that Carol has tremendous experiences in this arena.
Her marketing sense helped to hone my writings. hahah! Even though it's at times difficult to release the "baby" for suggestions by others, her ideas and rewrites - always with my permission - made my book most enjoyable and readable. My original drafts were a bit "haughty" and that wasn't my intention in communicating. Carol was able to "see" me and my personality...and when I felt a need to change things to be a bit more myself, she was super. I don't know how she manages to keep her own ego at bay - because of her tremendous skill and love of her field - but she does it with class!
Carol is a writer and I've read two of her novels. There is an ease in her style of writing...and that carries over to her dealings with people. She has depth of spirit, an uncanny awareness of humanity, and the ability to be generous. Carol is a true professional and today that is such a joy!
I have to admit that Carol's suggestions were the parts most enjoyed by friends, neighbors, and family with whom I shared (hahahah! "pushed") my work.
It has been such a grand feeling to have something of myself in written form in hardcopy. My daughters have enjoyed my humor, small takes on wisdom, and "hopeful" stance in my book. I would tell you quite candidly and with much enthusiasm that Carol Adler with her publishing house will be a wonderful step for you in fulfilling your own personal goals.
It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I wish you joy, challenge, and success in being you.
-Becky Reed (just married)
-----Original Message-----
From: Carol Adler
To: normaxxxxxxxx
Sent: Sun, 24 Jun 2007 1:31 pm
Subject: RE: MOU
As you must know the word Cromaat was and is the word that the mystery schools use to seal a wish or any thing that was done...I always use it.. I use it like I use so mot it be!! or is done!!!
At the moment I signed the agreement, I used it to seal my wish. I asked God and to the greatest intelligence with whom we work to make a better world, to guide you and me and help us to make the best of my little story. I asked God To bestow you with the greatest creativity, to increase your grace, intelligence and wisdom to inspire you, To make you see very clear my intentions and the purity of my heart to make this story shine...
I know you were chosen to help me. I don't think, there are to many people in the publishing business who have the spiritual awareness that I can feel you have..That fact makes me feel good because I know you will enhance my story and not butcher it just because you don't have the understanding... I want the language describing the story to be simple and easy to read. A simple way that all the children and even the adults can read with out difficulties..
The greatest disappointment for me when I read a book is to see that it is written in such a way that makes it hard for the reader to read. With books like that I put them down and don't touch them again... The other day I so a book with a gorgeous cover, to tell you the truth, I felt compelled to read it just because the cover was so inviting. However when I started to read the book, the way these ladies wrote that book only had a purpose. First to show how well they were able to expressed using the must intricate words and using a great deal of quotes in foreign languages. The little that I read of that book was so boring that I lost total interest. I understood then, that no body should judge a book just by the look of its cover...
That experience inspired me to understand once more, that simplicity is the language of God!!.
I have placed my trust in you and I know that you will do a great job. Not only because you are an experience professional in these matters but also because I think you feel the same way I do. I am not perfect but I am a perfectionist. My teachers always tell me DO IT WELL AND BE POSITIVE!!! When we meet we will talk about some of these experiences, I know that will help us to work with this story with a very especial understanding.
I thank God for letting me to meet you, I would not feel comfortable If I had to be working with my story with some one else...
Norma Pastor
Second Testimonial from Norma Pastor:
From: normaXXXXXXX
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 6:44 AM
Subject: Forgot.
Dear Carol. I forgot to mention that I have been reading the books you gave me... I want to tell you that I love the way you write.
the easy way of expression in your narrations.. I trust that you will use that beautiful fluent language that describes every thing so clearly and fun to read in my fictional story. I love it... I know my little story is in the best hands. With your wonderful artistic writing you will make it shine... I thank God for choosing you to do this job.
Love you.
From: Dolores Proiette [doloreXXXXX]
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 4:24 PM
Subject: Dandelion Publishing
I understand you are considering having your book published by Dandelion.
I checked with several self-publishing companies prior to signing with Dandelion Books. Since signing, I have been very pleased with Dandelion and Carol Adler in particular. She is honest, has been very helpful whenever I have questions, is always available, and has helped advertise my book. Since my book has been published, Feb. 2007, I have placed three orders which arrive within 7-10 days. A nice convenience is that I can order as many or as few books as I need. I would highly recommend Dandelion Books.
From Brenda Frantz:
Carol..this is it. I know that God is in charge of Marrisingle, and you too....there isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for the opportunity to meet you. Even if we only sell one copy, the journey has been so worth it.
Wishing you the warmest blessing over Easter, love you, Brenda
Stretching the Wings of Change
I saw myself as a bird; my wings were ready to test the strongest wind now! One afternoon while reading the newspaper, my (third eye) picked out an announcement about a writing and publishing seminar that as to be given in the Phoenix area. What do you think? I turned to Randy, who was seated next to me, reading another section of the paper, You know it always means something when a newspaper article pops right out at me! Should I take that Marrisingle Journal to this seminar and see if it's worth pursuing? Get a professional opinion?
Embracing my excitement, Randy encouraged me, Yes, yes. Go, Brenda!
Pulling into the parking lot, there it was again, that magical feeling of excitement that I was connecting with someone or something very special.
Three women introduced themselves and one in particular caught my eye. Shivers ran down my spine, with goose bumps quickly forming; I knew it was the connection to her. After a break in the presentation, I went outside and grabbed my typed manuscript. Before going inside again, I spoke to God: Well, here it is God, you've been pushing me, nagging me for awhile to get on with this, here I am, right where I am suppose to be, and I am giving to the right One. So I know from here, you'll take it where it's suppose to be, no hard feelings God, if it was just to reach me, I am ok with that too!
Eagerly I gave it over to the One. Smiling, I approached her, petite and very pretty, and she stood ready with a warm smile and outreached hand. Hello, I'm Carol Adler, Dandelion Books.
It was if she was waiting for me. I introduced myself, explained the contents of my manuscript and where I was at, and asked if she would mind giving me her professional opinion.
Within several days, Carol called me back and we met. She told me how important Marrisingle could be, how helpful this book could be others. She urged me to tell my story because it would be valuable for others to know about my journey.
--Brenda Frantz
Carol... this is it. I know that God is in charge of Marrisingle, and you too....there isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for the opportunity to meet you. Even if we only sell one copy, the journey has been so worth it.
Wishing you the warmest blessing over Easter, love you, Brenda (Frantz)
From: ronnaXXXXX
Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2007 12:14 PM
To: Carol Adler
Subject: Re: FW: #1 Detroit Tiger Fan
You are so special, everything that I have read so far is spot on. Wow! I love the intro. The ice cream truck and fruit cart were reversed that's all.
I doubt that there will be that much to change. You have captured my words, my heart and it has brought tears to my eyes. You are an artist and I am in awe of your gifts!
Ronna McEldowney
More from Ronna:
Date: Sat, September 8, 2007 9:40 am
From: ronna@XXXX
You always make it fun for me and help me to relax and I am in awe of your gift.
...Your energy is really wonderful to work with and colorful, I appreciate your honesty and creativity. You are a blessing in my life.
Ronna McEldowney
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Dear Mr. F.,
Carol will be publishing my first hard copy book on XXXXX as well as helping me publish an e-book called XXXXX . . . . Carol has been working fiercely for her whole life for a free press and freedom of speech . . .
Thank you for all your hard work and your bravery,
[After reading Naked in Daylight, Jesus & The Tooth Fairy, Arioso:]
Carol, your poems are magnificent. They are most thought-provoking and require time to read. Your life experiences provide insights and wisdom that is the property of very few people.
--John H. Brand, D.Min., J.D., Author
[More from Becky Reed, a Dandelion author who generously offered to review each of the Dandelion titles, and post them in the online stores where these books are posted. After reviewing many of the books in each of the Dandelion categories (Uncensored Books, America Speaks Out, Conscious Solutions, Unfettered Fiction) she wrote the following]:
I really need you to know how much of a positive input your energy has been. You may have felt that many of us - your clients - have a screw or two loose, but you treated each one of us as if we were special. What a huge heart and soul... more than that... it has been generous beyond words. By your choice of profession now, you have found the avenue to reach others to "push" us toward not so much fulfillment, as personal victory of "acceptance of our choices."
You are a true pioneer for the "best in mankind." Thank you, Lady!!!!
In case you don't always see it yourself...there is a STRONG thread working to connect ALL the books you have published...the human spirit is indeed indomitable!!!!
I don't know what this publishing house will ultimately open in doors (referring to the impact our books and authors will ultimately have on global, national and personal issues), but you, Carol, are dynamic. AND you have helped others to rid themselves of fear and pain as with any great therapist. You have earnestly and with utmost compassion believed in each one of us, your clients - your fledglings. (: Wherever we all have connected, you once again, have brought us together...Thank you!!! Your love and generosity of soul span the ages.
--Becky Reed, Author (Romance Stew: The Way to a Woman's Heart)
It's hard to make good publishing decisions nowadays. I get so many compliments on the cover art and interior of both Dandelion-published books.
I told the group in clay Center that anyone wanting a book doctor, ghost writer, or quality publishing should contact Dandelion. Not everyone can afford to pay for such services, but those who can should make good use of your expertise.
You are a gem of a woman, Carol Adler.
Much love,
--Laurel Johnson, Author (The Alley of Wishes, My Name is Esther Clara); Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review
[From Dan Callahan, director of The Last Resort Panama, for whom Carol has been doing some ghostwriting and editing Dan prefaced his newsletter article with a statement about Carol and then copied one of Carol's recent articles posted in on about anorexia/bulimia into the newsletter.]
Yesterday I mentioned that I would be sharing info from two people that I respect and admire. I used the term credibility. When I think of Carol that is the term that comes to mind. She has a long list of successes to her career. When it comes to professionalism Carol stands above the rest of the field. Her insights are right on target.
--Dan Callahan, Director, The Last Resort Panama
From: Michelle M. Prince
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2008 9:49 AM
To: Carol Adler
Subject: RE: Edited Draft
"...I'm just a few chapters in to reading your edits and I just have to stop and tell you what an outstanding job you have done. You totally get what I'm trying to convey and your use of works to better tell the story is fantastic. You actually brought tears to my eyes after reading the 1st chapter because I'm so excited that my thoughts are coming alive and I can see the future for this book. Thank you!"
I feel very blessed that I have found you.
I can't tell you how many times over the past 20 years or so I have said, Oh forget it! Who cares if I ever get this book written! Yet every time something would happen that pulled me right back. Just last week I told my daughter that I was going to give it up. I told her I was tired of struggling alone to get it finished. I longed for someone who would see the value of what I had to offer. I needed someone else's faith because as Donne stated and I am paraphrasing No man is an island unto himself. Yes, we all need someone to believe in us. That is why your desire to help me brought tears to my eyes and hope in my heart and a strong determination that this time I will get it done.
Your professional help is exactly what I needed.
Ann Jovicin, MA
Psychotherapist - Seminar Leader
LifeSuccess Consultant
Mastermind Group Coach
From: [mailto: XXXXX
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2008 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: Writing Samples Three
Hi Carol:
You are just too good to pass up, lol I am going over my e-book and making some additions and corrections.
I also got a glimpse of all your other many talents and expertise. Wow!!!! an author, a poet, a hypnotherapist, a publisher. Is there anything you can't do??? ; )
I am looking forward to doing business with you Carol.
take care,
Rhonda R .
November 19, 2008
Dear Carol,
Today I'm working on getting Heaven News together, and in the process I started reading your free ebook, Writers, Authors, and Dreamweavers.
Carol, I am so often turned off by what I read, but what you wrote turned me on. I am so impressed I could just hug you. You have validated many things I needed to hear validated:
Analyze for Technique Only
Aim for the Heart
Emotional Energy
I love your writing altogether, and the words you choose: Dish Pan Gold, Elbow Grease Club The true stories you tell, your quotes perfect. I wish I had the ads you use when I was teaching school! I haven't read it to the end yet, Carol, but, believe me, I got the gold.
Loving you,
Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter The Godwriting International Society of Heaven
703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556
Visit and
Carol Adler has been nothing short of spectacular as a friend and advisor. I think Carol lives on her computer. I send an email within minutes I have an answer. Carol is the CEO of the publishing company Dandelion Books. You can look her up at Thank You Carol!
--Dan Callahan, Director, The Last Resort Panama, Drug and Rehab,
As one who encounters THE ONE, and as a young writer seeking ideas, I found your websites EXTREMELY compelling.
Meg Hamill, MFA, Writer

#6 Author of original report
Dandelionbooks, unpaid royalties to author,
AUTHOR: Judith - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 23, 2005
Please note these facts:
My comments speak for my PERSONAL experience only.
I DID sign a contract with Carol.
She sent me only ONE "accounting" (a couple sentences) whereby she stated 3 books were sold.
I have ABSOLUTE proof that many more were sold. I have signed statements and individual names.
She NEVER paid me one royalty, although the contract claimed she would pay me every 6 months ("the authors' publisher")
I promoted my book in the USA, Europe, and on my own website at my expense. I stopped because Carol Adler failed to pay royalties and for other contract violations too numerous to mention.
She DID send me an addendum to my contract whereby she attempted to extort $27,000 from me (after I tried to end our contract kindly and without malice because of her many violations) (including, but not limited to: changing a perfectly transalated German manuscript WITHOUT permission--when she and her designers do not speak German--and trying to make me pay to correct those errors which she claimed were not errors). (My translator and I have emails to back this up).
I have in my possession a signed TERMINATION agreement from Adler and Dandelionbooks (May 2005).
In spite of this termination agreement, my books remain for sale on various websites. In face, I was assured I could order multiple copies of books. I have emails to verify this from booksellers. I was told these books would be sent from a warehouse in England. How can POD books be warehoused? AND I have a termination agreement. My books should NOT be sold at all.
These are the facts. I did not expect high sales. I did expect to receive accurate accountings and be paid royalties, even if only one book sold. I did expect honesty. I did expect the contract to be adhered to.
If you are an author who has had good results with her, good for you. I wish no-one to have the experience I had. I am happy to have a termination contract. I am unhappy that my books are still being sold. I am in the process of letting these booksellers and websites know that I have a signed termination agreement. I will stop my campaign when my books stop being sold illegally.

#5 Author of original report
Dandelionbooks, unpaid royalties to author,
AUTHOR: Judith - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 23, 2005
Please note these facts:
My comments speak for my PERSONAL experience only.
I DID sign a contract with Carol.
She sent me only ONE "accounting" (a couple sentences) whereby she stated 3 books were sold.
I have ABSOLUTE proof that many more were sold. I have signed statements and individual names.
She NEVER paid me one royalty, although the contract claimed she would pay me every 6 months ("the authors' publisher")
I promoted my book in the USA, Europe, and on my own website at my expense. I stopped because Carol Adler failed to pay royalties and for other contract violations too numerous to mention.
She DID send me an addendum to my contract whereby she attempted to extort $27,000 from me (after I tried to end our contract kindly and without malice because of her many violations) (including, but not limited to: changing a perfectly transalated German manuscript WITHOUT permission--when she and her designers do not speak German--and trying to make me pay to correct those errors which she claimed were not errors). (My translator and I have emails to back this up).
I have in my possession a signed TERMINATION agreement from Adler and Dandelionbooks (May 2005).
In spite of this termination agreement, my books remain for sale on various websites. In face, I was assured I could order multiple copies of books. I have emails to verify this from booksellers. I was told these books would be sent from a warehouse in England. How can POD books be warehoused? AND I have a termination agreement. My books should NOT be sold at all.
These are the facts. I did not expect high sales. I did expect to receive accurate accountings and be paid royalties, even if only one book sold. I did expect honesty. I did expect the contract to be adhered to.
If you are an author who has had good results with her, good for you. I wish no-one to have the experience I had. I am happy to have a termination contract. I am unhappy that my books are still being sold. I am in the process of letting these booksellers and websites know that I have a signed termination agreement. I will stop my campaign when my books stop being sold illegally.

#4 Author of original report
Dandelionbooks, unpaid royalties to author,
AUTHOR: Judith - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 23, 2005
Please note these facts:
My comments speak for my PERSONAL experience only.
I DID sign a contract with Carol.
She sent me only ONE "accounting" (a couple sentences) whereby she stated 3 books were sold.
I have ABSOLUTE proof that many more were sold. I have signed statements and individual names.
She NEVER paid me one royalty, although the contract claimed she would pay me every 6 months ("the authors' publisher")
I promoted my book in the USA, Europe, and on my own website at my expense. I stopped because Carol Adler failed to pay royalties and for other contract violations too numerous to mention.
She DID send me an addendum to my contract whereby she attempted to extort $27,000 from me (after I tried to end our contract kindly and without malice because of her many violations) (including, but not limited to: changing a perfectly transalated German manuscript WITHOUT permission--when she and her designers do not speak German--and trying to make me pay to correct those errors which she claimed were not errors). (My translator and I have emails to back this up).
I have in my possession a signed TERMINATION agreement from Adler and Dandelionbooks (May 2005).
In spite of this termination agreement, my books remain for sale on various websites. In face, I was assured I could order multiple copies of books. I have emails to verify this from booksellers. I was told these books would be sent from a warehouse in England. How can POD books be warehoused? AND I have a termination agreement. My books should NOT be sold at all.
These are the facts. I did not expect high sales. I did expect to receive accurate accountings and be paid royalties, even if only one book sold. I did expect honesty. I did expect the contract to be adhered to.
If you are an author who has had good results with her, good for you. I wish no-one to have the experience I had. I am happy to have a termination contract. I am unhappy that my books are still being sold. I am in the process of letting these booksellers and websites know that I have a signed termination agreement. I will stop my campaign when my books stop being sold illegally.

#3 Author of original report
Dandelionbooks, unpaid royalties to author,
AUTHOR: Judith - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 23, 2005
Please note these facts:
My comments speak for my PERSONAL experience only.
I DID sign a contract with Carol.
She sent me only ONE "accounting" (a couple sentences) whereby she stated 3 books were sold.
I have ABSOLUTE proof that many more were sold. I have signed statements and individual names.
She NEVER paid me one royalty, although the contract claimed she would pay me every 6 months ("the authors' publisher")
I promoted my book in the USA, Europe, and on my own website at my expense. I stopped because Carol Adler failed to pay royalties and for other contract violations too numerous to mention.
She DID send me an addendum to my contract whereby she attempted to extort $27,000 from me (after I tried to end our contract kindly and without malice because of her many violations) (including, but not limited to: changing a perfectly transalated German manuscript WITHOUT permission--when she and her designers do not speak German--and trying to make me pay to correct those errors which she claimed were not errors). (My translator and I have emails to back this up).
I have in my possession a signed TERMINATION agreement from Adler and Dandelionbooks (May 2005).
In spite of this termination agreement, my books remain for sale on various websites. In face, I was assured I could order multiple copies of books. I have emails to verify this from booksellers. I was told these books would be sent from a warehouse in England. How can POD books be warehoused? AND I have a termination agreement. My books should NOT be sold at all.
These are the facts. I did not expect high sales. I did expect to receive accurate accountings and be paid royalties, even if only one book sold. I did expect honesty. I did expect the contract to be adhered to.
If you are an author who has had good results with her, good for you. I wish no-one to have the experience I had. I am happy to have a termination contract. I am unhappy that my books are still being sold. I am in the process of letting these booksellers and websites know that I have a signed termination agreement. I will stop my campaign when my books stop being sold illegally.

#2 Consumer Comment
Clarification of Erroneous Assertion
AUTHOR: Rico - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 22, 2005
I stumbled across this report and feel compelled to clarify an erroneous assertion.
The report gives the impression that I, as an individual, was Carol Adler's partner.
This statement is inaccurate.
Dandelion Books and PMC4, LLC were at one time engaged in a collaborative effort to promote and sell "non-mainstream" books through the website
Any contracts bearing my name were signed in my capacity as general counsel and authorized representative of PMC4.
Due to minimal book sales and internal changes within PMC4, Dandelion Books and PMC4 ended the collaborative effort in May 2003 and became defunct.
Although I have no recollection of this specific author or her book(s), relatively few books ended up being sold via
More importantly, given the context of this report and the negative and erroneous implications being made to me personally, I feel it necessary to clarify the record.
If anyone has additional questions, they are free to forward them to me.
Finally, the author of this report should pay more attention to factual validity and accuracy since publishing false and defamatory information to the public may constitute libel that is actionable by law.

#1 Consumer Comment
In regard to Dandelion Publishing
AUTHOR: Tuklo - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 14, 2005
To anyone out there,
The writer of this article lambasted Carol Adler as a ripoff artist and conartist. First of all, I am one of Carol's authors. Have I garnered immense amounts of cash (royalties)? No. Most importantly though, I went into a contract with Carol eyes wide open. In the writing game, you either sell alot of your product or you do not.
Most people that write a book and succeed in getting it published, fantasize about having that best seller. This is a very long shot. Why? Most of the mainline publishing companies will not accept anyone without their agent first making contact.
You then have to submit a sample for the editing division to peruse, and they decide what merits your written product have. Mainline publishing companies are in the business to make a profit.
Unless you are a retired U.S. President, or someone of fame, they will not advance you money on your book. As a matter of fact, most negotiate your putting your own funds into promotion of the book once you have signed on the dotted line.
I am an obscure former cop, forensic tech, and paid tracker living in southern Oklahoma. I did some deep searching and found Carol on the internet, made contact, and she accepted my funny little book and did a superb job on it. Cost to me? Not one farthing. Did I feel I had a best seller on my hands?
No, I did not. I am quickly approaching social security age and am not some wide eyed innocent. Carol fully explained all the options to me before we ever got down to business. An author can always hope to sell alot of books, but, this is a rarety. What does this have to do with the scathing letter which prompted this response? Everything!
The first thing you have to understand about Carol Adler is that she has funded all costs on every book she has published, out of her own pocket. Secondly, I have been to her home/office. It is a long drive to Arizona from Oklahoma, especially in the middle of the summer heat. What prompted me to do such a thing? Carol graciously invited me to come out for a visit. I accepted.
When I got to Carol's office the first thing I noticed was her absolute warmth and humility. She is a real person. She is like that proverbial weed, the Dandelion. She tries to grow and produce against very harsh odds. She is a very sweet person and I consider her one of my best friends.
So to Judith Parsons, Gary Vey, and anyone else that is trying to libel my friend with untruths and distorted verbage, you are prosecuting someone that is innocent of the things you have written. Incidently, yes, she has paid my royalties each and every time they were due. The naysayers need to introspect and understand that their literary works are not selling well.

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