Complaint Review: - Internet
- Internet U.S.A.
- Phone:
- Web:
- Category: Adult Web Site Lies, Deceit, Fraud and unfair business practices abound at eRot... Internet
*Consumer Comment: Where have All The REAL Women Gone?
*Consumer Suggestion: No problem
*Consumer Comment: WOW Mason, why the sudden complete 180?
*Consumer Comment: Our three year war with Eroticy (webcapades)
*Consumer Comment: Funny, a former employee sent me some VERY interesting e-mail exchanges that talk about "affiliates" :)
*Consumer Suggestion: UPDATE: The site goes against its own Moderators
*Consumer Suggestion: Eroticy makes major error
*Consumer Comment: Enough Already....
*UPDATE Employee: me again
*UPDATE Employee: me again
*UPDATE Employee: me again
*UPDATE Employee: me again
*Consumer Suggestion: I have seen the light
*Consumer Comment: Why has Lisa not responded to the fraudulent claims
*Consumer Comment: the site is a mess right now. The inner drama of it's members is so childish!
*Consumer Suggestion: I thought I was pretty clear. not one of you so-called "real" people on Eroticy can not answer the allegations..
*Consumer Comment: Bison...This is a professional forum
*Consumer Comment: Face the Facts People
*Consumer Comment: I am a current member and I love the site. Really?
*Consumer Comment: Don't waste these peoples' time with all of the BS
*Consumer Suggestion: Seems to me that you are all so bent on arguing, that your all missing the point.
*Consumer Comment: I am not "Elizabeth" - fits the needs
*Consumer Suggestion: Who cares. you people haven't even bothered to answer the allegations against Eroticy in the original report, you just ramble on about moderator status
*Consumer Comment: Validation... like so many members both male and female.
*Consumer Comment: Pay Attention... "Jethro" was me ya moron
*Consumer Suggestion: Please... Relax, take a breath and enjoy your life. Eroticy
*Consumer Suggestion: Please... Relax, take a breath and enjoy your life. Eroticy
*Consumer Suggestion: Please... Relax, take a breath and enjoy your life. Eroticy
*Consumer Suggestion: Please... Relax, take a breath and enjoy your life. Eroticy
*Consumer Suggestion: You guys are awfully concerned about my Eroticy name.
*Consumer Suggestion: I see you didn't even bother to deny that you are an employee of Eroticy or that you have recieved a free membership to write to people.
*Consumer Comment: Unlraveled threads
*Consumer Comment: Unlraveled threads
*Consumer Comment: Unlraveled threads
*Consumer Comment: Unlraveled threads
*Consumer Comment: SOrry to butt in
*Consumer Comment: you have got to be kidding me
*Consumer Comment: Blissy from Teleford?? Good cover up though seeing it was blowing up in your face and you weren't getting the type of support your hoped for.
*Consumer Comment: Sounds like and advertisement by Eroticy. Most people are onto the scams these sites run and they are finding better things to do to meet people
*Consumer Suggestion: Eroticy, from a member's perspective.....
*Consumer Suggestion: The individual who did write this, is one of the reasons eroticy is having such problems
*Consumer Comment: softandsteffy is now an eroticy moderator
*Consumer Comment: softandsteffy is now an eroticy moderator
*Consumer Comment: softandsteffy is now an eroticy moderator
*Consumer Comment: softandsteffy is now an eroticy moderator
*Consumer Suggestion: Refrain ..from answering your response.
*Consumer Comment: AGREED
*Consumer Suggestion: Wow - That Doesn't Help
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: Very Good attempt
*UPDATE Employee: Please Understand My Intentions Are Sincere
*Consumer Comment: APPLAUSE
*UPDATE Employee: Would Like to Resolve Disputers
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: Yeah, Okay
*Consumer Comment: $500 challenge Steffy
*Consumer Comment: LaTrek Get A life
*Consumer Suggestion: I'd like to sum things up
*Consumer Suggestion: People Relax
*Consumer Suggestion: Explaining the Illuision
*Consumer Suggestion: Changing Their Agreement, urge to clear up facts
*Consumer Comment: All the REAL women are being banned
*Consumer Comment: Agreement
*Consumer Comment: Gregg my boy you miss the point.
*Consumer Comment: Eroticy changed their User Agreement
*Consumer Suggestion: Creating Your Own Problem
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Educate Yourself First!
*Consumer Comment: Free at last, free at last, thank god almighty im free at last!!!
*Consumer Comment: all are not real
*Consumer Comment: all are not real
*Consumer Comment: all are not real
*Consumer Comment: all are not real
*Consumer Comment: The Scam
*Consumer Comment: A simple solution...
*Consumer Comment: eroticy myths are true!!
*Consumer Comment: eroticy myths are true!!
*Consumer Comment: eroticy myths are true!!
*Consumer Comment: eroticy myths are true!!
*Consumer Comment: Went One Past...
*Consumer Comment: you are right ...said they would have a lawyer contact me,,, think they were trying to scare me?
*Consumer Comment: Serious Consumer Fraud and Manipulation From Eroticy
*Consumer Comment: Is there really one born every minute?
*Consumer Comment: A little more insight into
*Consumer Comment: A little more insight into
*Consumer Comment: A little more insight into
*Consumer Comment: A little more insight into
*Consumer Comment: does appear to be BOGUS
*UPDATE Employee: That is very untrue
*Author of original report: Setting the record straight... not saying all of their affiliates are in question
*Consumer Suggestion: Do you know what an affiliate program is?
*Author of original report: No Refunds will not stop the courts from finding the company in question
*UPDATE Employee: Please allow me to explain....
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Where to begin??
Eroticy uses "affiliates" to convince trial members to join, under the pretense that there are actually real poeple interested in meeting them.
The statements from the other posts here are exact and I can assure you once more people hear about these reports, they will also come out and post about their experiences.
There are accounts from past users who have not been on the site or have not even been members for weeks, that still show up in the "Who's Online" section. This is a fact.
There are "women" who claim to want to get to know you and chat with you in the chat room in their emails and once you finally meet them, they have no idea who you are. This is a fact.
There are members who have found that other members claim to have received emails from them, but have never sent 1 email to anyone. This is a fact.
The chat rooms censor such words as PAID, and REAL, and FAKE, and the mere mention of someone being fake will often get you removed from the site. YES banned permenantly. This is a fact.
The "Chat Monitors" can and will bann you for any reason; although, they tend to make it a habit of waiting till after you have paid the next month's membership fee, then conviently hide behind the claim of their no refund policy and their even more disturbing hollow threat of action against anyone who would have their credit card company defend them against such abuse. This is a fact.
They practice fraud on a daily basis and preform "bait and switch" tactics constanly. The situation of their "affilate" program proves this and ongoing investigations will also prove this as well. When the time comes for thier records to be seized, it will only be a short while until those accounts, whom Eroticy claims are not "employee's" will surface and the truth will be available for all to see. That Eroticy in fact "Hires" people to portray adults seeking others, in order to swindle unsuspecting consumers out of their hard earned money. This is a fact.
I will continually post more information as to the ongoing investigation and I suggest if you are a user of this site and have any further information to please post it here as well.
Bensalem, Pennsylvania
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 05/20/2004 05:59 AM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#90 Consumer Comment
Where have All The REAL Women Gone?
AUTHOR: Dave - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, January 22, 2008
In response to Sandra, from Clover, SC, I guess I can count myself extremely lucky.
I TOO had similar experiences, with only one or two "responses" from the ladies I attempted to contact during my trial period. However, once the trial period expired, my mailbox is now quickly filling up! But, unlike other members that tried to contact members & received bogus replies, I now have a load of alleged replies from the very ladies that I attempted to contact (before the trial membership expired) ie: the very ones that I e*mailed are the ones that responded, with the odd exception or two.
And, like others (not knowing anything about's fraudulent business practices), I was sorely tempted to go ahaead and pay the required amount to see what sort of "come-back" was awaiting me . . .
But, I am relieved that my curiosity did not get the best of me!!
My question to Sandra is: IF all the REAL women were banned from the site (or chased away), where'd they go . . . that I might search for them? And, PLEASE don't say the "club scene," or laundry-mat! I'm so done with those. You mean to tell me there are NO casual-sites where friends can meet without censorship sucking the life out of the meeting?!
I had a dozen of "my favorite" green-eyed brunettes (or those CLAIMING they were!!) who finally got around to responding to my overtures ~ but only after time expired.
Lucky me, I guess . . .

#89 Consumer Suggestion
No problem
AUTHOR: Mason - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, October 18, 2004
Okay Ninja, no problem. Enjoy Eroticy as they lead you around on a string. It wasn't you that we are after to join us, its Softandsteffy. We only assumed she wouldn't if you did not. Sorry about the misconception.
After seeing Steffy's site, I don't think she's going to need much help tho. We would however like her to lead us as we plan this mass exodus from Eroticy.
Thank you, and take care

#88 Consumer Comment
WOW Mason, why the sudden complete 180?
AUTHOR: Tony - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, October 17, 2004
I dont want to get into a whole lot here, as bubba said before this thread has gotten completely off topic by some.
I would however like to ask Mason, why the sudden complete 180? He seems to have made two posts in one day, the first basically saying that im the worse person to be a moderator, then the second one by my interpretation admitting that was a complete lie, as he stated that me and steff were banned for "once again trying to protect the room".
Is that not my job to protect the room, and if i did it once again, that is proof from his own mouth ive been doing it all along. Then he asks me to join his crusade, which completely baffles me. In his posts here, he has alluded to the fact that im a bully, a troublemaker, and even at one point said he doesnt think i can walk and chew gum at the same time. So why would he want me in his "crusade", unless he knows that all of those things he said about me were just nonsense.
I will not attack him here or anywhere else, im simply confused by this line of reasoning. I understand that some people are going to disagree no matter who it is named as moderator, but facts are facts, my original ban was for doing the chat masters job because the chat master wouldnt do it. No different than my latest ban, funny thing how when someone does your job for free, and better than you, ppl tend to get concerned about their job security. After all if i do it better and for free, why pay the chat master.
Truth is, I have booted a total of 3 ppl, and have booted all together a total of 3 times. The first one was a volunteer, so i could test the software and make sure it was functioning properly. The second, was some twit who came into the chat room offending everyone in there for over an hour as i tried to explain to him he was offending ppl, i was begged by many to boot him, and finally did.
However he reentered the chat room, and suddenly seemed to want to actually listen to why what he was saying was offensive and then he quit doing it. The third was darkside, again i was very tolerant in the beginning but he wouldnt let up, so i booted him to let him no i wasnt joking around. He, instead of being reasonable, started getting worse and saying i was hiding behind my moderator status, which is laughable.
Anyone whos spent anytime in the chat room knows that i have no problem with dismantling troublemakers who come in there and try to have a battle of wits with me, while they themselves are unarmed. I have not and will not boot someone for attacking me, only for attacking the room or individuals in it other than myself. In fact, ive had several people say they are quite surprised that i have actually become much more restrained in my reaction to such outbreaks since i was made a moderator.
I would like to offer up an alternate for mason. If you would like to question me about anything, or need details on anything about any situations that have occurred, simply email me. My personal email addy is [DELETED].
I understand your fear that you may be banned, though i cannot do that personally i can suggest it, though i would not. But simply make a new yahoo email acct simply for the purpose of corresponding to me.
I dont know how to track url's and stuff like that, as if you know me, you already know. Again though, if that is a concern, download a proxy program to block it out. I am more than willing to discuss anything with anyone, and i dont take things personal, nor do i hold grudges.
I do not however appreciate personal attacks, that have no basis in reality. All i ask is before you make accusations that i will do something, ive not yet done, nor have ever displayed i would do, that you talk to me first and ask me about how i would react. Despite what some people may want to believe, i am a very reasonable person, and far from dumb.
Again i aplogize for murking up this forum a bit more, but needed a way to interact with mason, as i have no clue who he is, and wanted to let him know he can feel free to contact me at anytime, as anyones else can too.

#87 Consumer Comment
Funny, a former employee sent me some VERY interesting e-mail exchanges that talk about "affiliates" :)
AUTHOR: Scott Duncan - (Canada)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, October 16, 2004
Does THIS quotation (copied verbatim) from one of your mails look familliar?
I called "Quinn" from SinglesNet and got their voicemail system. I left a message confirming "Steve" was out of the office. I asked the Quinn email "Steve" all the information Steve and Quinn had discussed earlier to to help track down the "problem affiliate".
****Name withheld***, Inc."
Ya I thought it might....

#86 Consumer Comment
Our three year war with Eroticy (webcapades)
AUTHOR: Scott - (Canada)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, October 16, 2004
What you are about to read is testimony of my experience with WebCapades (the owners of and their war with us (
NX2000 (Network X) provides networking, database and infrastructure support for open-source communities and services. We have databases for anti-SPAM utilities, hosting spaces for open source projects and FTP/bittorent space for open source distribution. We do not have any association with the adult industry or sites like
In 2002, we were one-third owners of a company called Koolkam Industries. Koolkam Industries provided webcam software for a small Canadian dating site called Now back then, I did not know the owners of Casual Kiss or anything about it. This war with WebCapades actually introduced me to the owner of This introduction came in a rather unorthodox method in as much as the owner of Casualkiss was named as a co-defendant along with myself in a law suit filed with the United States District Court, Middle District of Florida, Case # 8:02-CV-1958-T-23GW, alleging that myself and the owner of Casualkiss conspired to damage They did not expect a response to this case and they were quite surprised when I filed a defence. A common tactic with American litigation is to initiate litigation and drop the case before discoveries, thus sticking the defendants with a huge legal bill. and its principal Scott Mitchell, made this tenuous connection through the loose affiliation I had with Koolkam Industries. As predicted, Eroticy dropped their case. In April of that year, Spammer Eddie Marin launched a massive legal campaign against every anti-SPAM organization on the Internet under the guise of You can Google to get further information on this scam company.
On the exact same day that (Eddie Marin) launched their legal campaign, Scott Mitchell and WebCapades launched an action in Canada (WebCapades V. Duncan, Court File 03-CV-246024 CM2) at the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. Attached to this claim was a motion seeking an Interlocutory Injunction preventing me from publishing the information I had uncovered whilst investigating their previous claim against me, most of which is repeated in this forum.
I pause here to clear up a few facts and to provide some other juicy tidbits of information. During the American action a former employee of WebCapades contacted me, and the information they provided was quite revealing. First and foremost there is not, and never has been, a Lisa Martin at WebCapades. This former employee gave me internal e-mails where they repeatedly joked about how Lisa responded by saying, or I received this complaint from the Lisa account. Meanwhile, Eroticy's attack on Casualkiss was in full swing. Fully half the profiles on this legitimate dating site were SPAMMING for Eroticy. It was then that I offered my assistance to the owner of Casualkiss. I even acquired a 1% ownership so I was in a position to act on their behalf. After deploying some anti-SPAM measures I drew up an undertaking and submitted it to WebCapades' Canadian counsel binding to a $1,000 enforcement/removal fee per SPAM profile. Suddenly the SPAM profiles disappeared. To this day, notice of that enforcement policy exists in the CasualKiss terms of use.
Continuing on, lost their Interlocutory Injunction motion against me. Interlocutory Injunctions are one of the most expensive legal procedures to defend. You'd be hard-pressed to find a lawyer in Toronto that would not require a $30,000 retainer. What they didn't expect was that I could defend it myself. I defended it very well. And that's when WebCapades got burned. You see, in Canada you need the defendant's PERMISSION to drop a lawsuit. I won't give it to them. I'm forcing them to trial. As a method of intimidation they decided to enjoin my wife in the suit. Unfortunately they had dug themselves into such a hole with contradictions that they did not dare expose themselves to cross-examination. They subsequently withdrew that motion and went after my wife separately in Case # 04CV-266489 CM3, also at the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. In this claim they make absolutely ridiculous allegations such as attempting to lure Eroticy customers to our site. I'm no marketing expert but I'm pretty sure that members of are not interested in our personal site, which contains programming tips and social commentary. In the Interlocutory Motion in my case, they alleged that along with defaming them I, hacked their site and destroyed their user database, and deleted a profile we created to lure customers away. They also stated that the damage was irreparable and the data could not be recovered. Then In a supplementary motion they introduced as evidence this profile that had allegedly be destroyed and could not be recovered. This glaring contradiction was one of the many reasons they didn't wish to be cross-examined. One of the rules on our personal site was that all connected users have their IP address listed in the right column of the site. This is normally done for the user's protection and for ours because we receive numerous death threats yearly for our social commentary. The site in question no longer exists and has been consolidated into, and essentially carries the same mandate as its predecessor. Mr. Mitchell used this information to write a poorly fabricated log written in notepad (snicker) associating my wife with this fictitious hacking. With each legal action in their campaign, their claims become more and more grandiose. All this time we asked ourselves, Why? Why are they throwing some much money towards shutting us up? Over several years we've had many theories but the revealing occurrence happened when I submitted a verbatim Google search for WebCapades, in an Affidavit. At the time both on the UseNet and on the Web, most of the returns were regarding their spamming activities. Recently Mr. Mitchell has discovered blog-spamming. This is a method by which he signs up to a Web Log and posts nonsensical articles mentioning the word, WebCapades fifty or sixty times. Again, another effort to cover up their reputation. Their motivation recently became obvious as Google search results will now return huge numbers of reports indicating that an over-the-counter bulletin board company, called CGI HOLDING CORPORATION, has purchased WebCapades. It is clear that Mr. Mitchell has investigated who I am and my anti-fraud activities in the past. I have exposed and prosecuted and shut-down several fraudulent over-the-counter fraud companies, including but not limited to Alet Inc. and Micropoly. These two are notable in as much as they also had public announcements implying that huge amounts of cash were paid for these purchases of private companies. WebCapades is no different and they are bound by law to disclose the exact nature of the transaction. Further information on how to obtain information pertaining to the nature of this transaction is available at I think you will find it amusing when you see just how much real cash was transferred. I attempted to contact the owner of CGI Holdings by telephone and of course, the call simply goes to a cellular phone. Their motivations on silencing me are clear and is going to have details of all upcoming trials including transcripts. All information is verifiable, and at the conclusion of the trial the entire record will be available for download and of course, on-linewe can't deprive the search engines. Searching for WebCapades V. Duncan will also produce some very interesting information. You may contact me via the information provided by the whois record for
So far, Scott Mitchell has evaded attending ANY court action. He is now being forced to attend mediation on October 28, 2004. We'll keep you posted as to whether he actually shows.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I welcome questions or comments.
Scott Duncan

#85 Consumer Suggestion
UPDATE: The site goes against its own Moderators
AUTHOR: Mason - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, October 16, 2004
I guess now the clock ticks more rapidly?? Softandsteffy and Baldninja have been banned by eroticy yet again for trying to protect the room from an attacker, darkside.
Eroticy has banned its own MOD's in a futile attempt to keep its fake profiles, BS Chatroom, and rididculous accounts from biting them on the rear end.
From what I hear, Steffy went balistic on the CM for not defending the room from this member, and a difference of opinion was met. What difference of opinion could there have been? The site goes against its own Moderators??? Hahahaahahaaaa. Sorry softandsteffy, but you can't say I didn't tell you so.
Its been stated she was defending baldninja as he was attacked, all happening around the 1AM mark on Friday October 16, 2004.
Now we sit back and enjoy the show even more as Eroticy bites its own hand off. Now will you join us on our crusade steffy and ninja? You two were duped by this fraudulent site, and were dealt a big fat kiss off.
Soft, if you read this post, simply respond and I will then know you will assist us. We will do everything exactly as you ask, and whatever you ask as you lead us into the Eroticy destruction process. Wake up girlie! Its time to smell the coffee and do what you do best girl.
Hahahahah Eroticy is a joke

#84 Consumer Suggestion
Eroticy makes major error
AUTHOR: Mason - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, October 15, 2004
Blissy from Teleford, put in my place? First, I am not letting you know who I am because we are planning a mass exodus from Eroticy, and telling you that would sort of defeat that purpose. You might post it on the boards along with your 500 other posts.
As far as the moderators are concerned, no I dont have a problem if there were 40 mods, but not baldninja. He has in the past, proven that he flares up too easily. What gives him the right now to be able to boot someone if he doesnt have a good day? Isn't that dumb? I pay my money, and why should I be booted for this freak having a bad day.
As far as the other mod, Softandsteffy, we didn't like it at first, but it was a new idea to us and eroticy. She has proven her mod status isnt going to her head though. The jury is out on whether she works for eroticy or not. I am aware of the whole banning thing Eroticy did and what happened. If you think baldninja didnt ride a coat tail through that whole mess, think again. He would still be sitting in his dojo room talking to the walls if softandsteffy wasn't involved. If you honestly think Baldninja would have even been unbanned by himself, think again. He rode her coat tail and continues to do so. If she had a brain, she would shoo him off. There are certain people that we wouldn't mind being mod, but baldninja is not one of them.
As far as Eroticy having a great CS representation, where have you been. Emailing Lisa takes 2 weeks to a month for a response. Where is that good customer service??
As far as you dating someone there, I know you are with PB and Im happy for you. Im not here to bash you, or Baldninja, but I think Eroticy should have given the members a right to vote. I bet Baldninja wouldnt have been made a mod then.
Day in and day out I go into eroticy forums only to see 150 messages from wickedbliss. Eroticy allows that??? There should be a limit on the post one person can make. God forbid if we made a post about ninja being made mod.
As far as a mass exodus is concerned, we now stand at 27. Times that by $24 a month, and I bet Eroticy rethinks their naming of Baldninja as moderator. We're not done tho. We feel we can get another 40-50 people away from that sham of a site.
As far as you being an employee of eroticy, I think you are. Why else would eroticy lose 40-50 members over 1 member that constantly posts dumb letters and says badlninja is doing a good job? I wont even go into chat with ninja there, nor will many others. Why should we stay?
If you respond that you cant see a difference in the 2 moderators they have, you're lying. Softandsteffy is a take no s**t kinda mod, but will pm or warn a member first. Baldninja is a boot the person kinda guy, then ask questions.
I know, you may say he hasn't booted many yet or something to that affect. Truth of the matter is, he will and you know it. You only like ninja because he won't boot you, where softandsteffy will.
Not only this, but all the fake accounts and BS profiles they have. The other day I ran into Tanya Roberts in there. What's that all about? Eroticy believed that it was really her?? I doubt it.
In final this post isnt about you. It may sound that way, but the world doesnt revolve around bliss. Although you attempt to make it that way, it just doesnt. This post is about Eroticy making dumb choices on an already shakey ground. Fake accounts, baldninja as mod.
I wish you luck with your bf, and hope you keep the love forever. It only comes once or twice in a lifetime.
Once departed, I will gladly email you and say who I am. Until then, I must remain a mystery until this plan is accomplished.

#83 Consumer Comment
Enough Already....
AUTHOR: Bubba - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, October 15, 2004
Well, Well what have we here?
It has been 5 short months since I started this thread, and thru my own neglect it has turned into exactly what it never should have been.
This is neither a site nor a forum to post your differences about each other...if you got a beef with someone in particular from eRot then take that junk somewhere else.
If you feel the need to bash someone from that site personally...then take that junk somewhere else.
If you feel the need to cheerlead for a site that so obviously screws its paying members...take your cheerleading somewhere else.
The practices of this site's owners have not changed one bit.
They STILL have people on fake accounts. That are STILL trying to lure unsuspecting people (guys) to join under false pretenses.
They STILL practice, not only censorship, but a censorship that is completely geared toward the protection of their fraudulent practices, with no regard for any censorship that would normally make sense in such a place. (I.E advertiser's, spammer's... and the like, NO they spend more time blocking words like Fake, Paid, Etc and kicking members who say such words with the use of fillers. f...a..k...e, etc).
This site has worked for Bliss obviously?? Good for her.
The way I see it eRot is much like a concentration camp from WWII Germany. Sure I am willing to bet many people met, fell in love, and maybe went on to live great lives. BUT I would never call Hitler a match maker, because of it.
The site has worked for you?
State the facts, as you see them, then get off my forum.
Many of the people I have talked to that seem to be real, only have one thing in common, they were all duped by the fake and fraudulent practices of eRot
Bliss, stop your eRot loving ,cheerleading, grandstanding on my report. We all know your opinion about this site. One post about it was enough. You want to cheerlead for eRot I am telling you, go start your own, Yay for eRot post here, get off mine.Thank you hun.
No insult to you Bliss, you know better and I for one will not tolerate anymore cheerleading about this waste of internet space called eRot.
As far as Mod's or who has more friends inside the shallow, hallowed walls of eRot.
Once again keep the pitter patter of this childish behavior off of my report.
You like this site, say so.
You don't? Say so.
Then get out.
This painstaking event of a forum; that has probably done nothing to aide possible victims in making an informed decision about eRot has went in circles and is most likely confusing people about the site.
That is one of eRots goals (which have become all too obvious). It is how they get so many people to join (according to their unsupported claims of 2 million members).
To keep members uninformed, misinformed and confused as to what they actually offer and how they run their site.
Their customer service is akin to hotdog vendors on the corner; you never know if they will be there the next day to hear your complaints. This cannot be rebutted here. It is so bad that it has often become the topic of conversation in the chat room. Once again more Facts.
The lack of customer service after someone has a problem is only the tip of the iceberg. Personally I feel, customer service starts with the services a customer is provided without the need of talking to employees and since eRot lures people into their site, by the use of Fake accounts, it goes without not expect much from their customer service reps, after you are a member.
Paying members are treated like free members if not worse. It is quite evident once they have your membership fee, they neither care to help you or want to.
Steffy is a good Mod, but what is a good Mod?
I still see women everyday yelling in chat asking the men from the site to please stop Pm'ing them constantly. I still see women on the site who have profiles filled with pictures from the latest porno mags, who will always say No, thats my picture!! when questioned about it.
The verdict on the Mod position is still out for me. Their lack of abilities when it comes to control and helpfulness is always over shadowed by the lurking Cm's. Which basically only makes the Mods' chatters, who can kick people. They have no real say in the workings or judgments of abusive or Fake people.. I am sure this was a placating move and hopefully those who have become Mods realize this soon.
Free trial members STILL receive those enticing emails from interested strangers that they cannot view unless they join, which is an obvious trick from the sites affiliates program.
Verification is a joke, it is all to obvious that too many Model types are verified members and although I have no proof as of yet, I am certain that eRot does NOT have I.D.'s on all whom they have supposedly verified.
So stop the clouding of facts on MY report, Stop the finger pointing of certain members. and STOP all the BS waa waa with the He said, She said junk. Start your own d**n report for that and get off of mine.
This is your only warning. I will rebut anyone who comes here to do that, and trust me, you may not know me, but I know most of you well enough; you WILL regret it.
You have been warned.
Thanks for your time and to all the readers of this forum...I apologize for not maintaining this forum and letting it get so muddled into the BS it has got into. This was most likely eRots ploy, to have someone who is not named to come in and start a soap opera to cover the actual facts in junk.
Also as far as a name goes? I do not nor will I ever have the need to name myself to please anyone. I am writing an anonymous report based on facts.
The reasons for anonymity are my own.
Personal attacks will get you flamed and put in your place, or most likely reported to the owners of this site to have you removed for trying to covertly over shadow the facts within.

#82 UPDATE Employee
me again
AUTHOR: D. Bliss - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, October 14, 2004
hello mason
I am surpised that my name was brought once again.
Once again...I must remind you that this is a professional forum, not a forum for you to attack people openly! Email me and let's discuss this in an email, instead of you hiding here like everyone else who has a complaint!
I would have to say that I am sorry that I annoy you, however everyone has their reasons for being on eroticy. I am sorry that the site worked for me and not for you!
As for the so called mass exodus...I hope that you all find what you are looking for since I have had no problem meeting people from eroticy and as you should know, being a member, I am dating someone I met there.
Let me also remind you that the message boards on eroticy are a perfect example of the right to free speech that living in this country allows us to have.
As far as the moderators, apparently you are having a problem with them. I would email the company if I were you instead of whining like a child here on a professional business forum! Eroticy has amazing customer service and I have found that I have never had a problem when there are interpersonal issues!
I think that the presence of mods no matter who they are greatly affects the amount of peace that the chat room needs right now. A visible moderator helps tone down the obnoxious behavior that is so common on the internet and allows the women to feel safe amongst the chat community! Baldninja has made a perfect moderator. He has made me personally feel safe amongst strangers.
Once again....good luck with living out your less than blissful existence...I wish you the best of for me...I am going back to posting on the message boards of eroticy...which aide in validating who is real and who is not! The boards are merely a forum for peers to interact with each other and build friendships. I am sorry that my presence so greatly upsets you, but seeing as how you have never come to me to say word one, I am simply going to assume that bitter is the color that you are sporting now! Either that or you are one of the people that I have so politely put in their place.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but have the maturity to come directly to me instead of attacking me here! I would have no problem discussing your issues with me at length in order to facilitate a peaceful resolution!
And for anyone else reading this strand.... I am not an employee of Eroticy, I am simply a member that enjoys being part of a communtity of peers whose company I cherish and have come to respect! Plus....I am living proof that the site works!
Take care....stay blissful!

#81 UPDATE Employee
me again
AUTHOR: D. Bliss - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, October 14, 2004
hello mason
I am surpised that my name was brought once again.
Once again...I must remind you that this is a professional forum, not a forum for you to attack people openly! Email me and let's discuss this in an email, instead of you hiding here like everyone else who has a complaint!
I would have to say that I am sorry that I annoy you, however everyone has their reasons for being on eroticy. I am sorry that the site worked for me and not for you!
As for the so called mass exodus...I hope that you all find what you are looking for since I have had no problem meeting people from eroticy and as you should know, being a member, I am dating someone I met there.
Let me also remind you that the message boards on eroticy are a perfect example of the right to free speech that living in this country allows us to have.
As far as the moderators, apparently you are having a problem with them. I would email the company if I were you instead of whining like a child here on a professional business forum! Eroticy has amazing customer service and I have found that I have never had a problem when there are interpersonal issues!
I think that the presence of mods no matter who they are greatly affects the amount of peace that the chat room needs right now. A visible moderator helps tone down the obnoxious behavior that is so common on the internet and allows the women to feel safe amongst the chat community! Baldninja has made a perfect moderator. He has made me personally feel safe amongst strangers.
Once again....good luck with living out your less than blissful existence...I wish you the best of for me...I am going back to posting on the message boards of eroticy...which aide in validating who is real and who is not! The boards are merely a forum for peers to interact with each other and build friendships. I am sorry that my presence so greatly upsets you, but seeing as how you have never come to me to say word one, I am simply going to assume that bitter is the color that you are sporting now! Either that or you are one of the people that I have so politely put in their place.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but have the maturity to come directly to me instead of attacking me here! I would have no problem discussing your issues with me at length in order to facilitate a peaceful resolution!
And for anyone else reading this strand.... I am not an employee of Eroticy, I am simply a member that enjoys being part of a communtity of peers whose company I cherish and have come to respect! Plus....I am living proof that the site works!
Take care....stay blissful!

#80 UPDATE Employee
me again
AUTHOR: D. Bliss - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, October 14, 2004
hello mason
I am surpised that my name was brought once again.
Once again...I must remind you that this is a professional forum, not a forum for you to attack people openly! Email me and let's discuss this in an email, instead of you hiding here like everyone else who has a complaint!
I would have to say that I am sorry that I annoy you, however everyone has their reasons for being on eroticy. I am sorry that the site worked for me and not for you!
As for the so called mass exodus...I hope that you all find what you are looking for since I have had no problem meeting people from eroticy and as you should know, being a member, I am dating someone I met there.
Let me also remind you that the message boards on eroticy are a perfect example of the right to free speech that living in this country allows us to have.
As far as the moderators, apparently you are having a problem with them. I would email the company if I were you instead of whining like a child here on a professional business forum! Eroticy has amazing customer service and I have found that I have never had a problem when there are interpersonal issues!
I think that the presence of mods no matter who they are greatly affects the amount of peace that the chat room needs right now. A visible moderator helps tone down the obnoxious behavior that is so common on the internet and allows the women to feel safe amongst the chat community! Baldninja has made a perfect moderator. He has made me personally feel safe amongst strangers.
Once again....good luck with living out your less than blissful existence...I wish you the best of for me...I am going back to posting on the message boards of eroticy...which aide in validating who is real and who is not! The boards are merely a forum for peers to interact with each other and build friendships. I am sorry that my presence so greatly upsets you, but seeing as how you have never come to me to say word one, I am simply going to assume that bitter is the color that you are sporting now! Either that or you are one of the people that I have so politely put in their place.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but have the maturity to come directly to me instead of attacking me here! I would have no problem discussing your issues with me at length in order to facilitate a peaceful resolution!
And for anyone else reading this strand.... I am not an employee of Eroticy, I am simply a member that enjoys being part of a communtity of peers whose company I cherish and have come to respect! Plus....I am living proof that the site works!
Take care....stay blissful!

#79 UPDATE Employee
me again
AUTHOR: D. Bliss - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, October 14, 2004
hello mason
I am surpised that my name was brought once again.
Once again...I must remind you that this is a professional forum, not a forum for you to attack people openly! Email me and let's discuss this in an email, instead of you hiding here like everyone else who has a complaint!
I would have to say that I am sorry that I annoy you, however everyone has their reasons for being on eroticy. I am sorry that the site worked for me and not for you!
As for the so called mass exodus...I hope that you all find what you are looking for since I have had no problem meeting people from eroticy and as you should know, being a member, I am dating someone I met there.
Let me also remind you that the message boards on eroticy are a perfect example of the right to free speech that living in this country allows us to have.
As far as the moderators, apparently you are having a problem with them. I would email the company if I were you instead of whining like a child here on a professional business forum! Eroticy has amazing customer service and I have found that I have never had a problem when there are interpersonal issues!
I think that the presence of mods no matter who they are greatly affects the amount of peace that the chat room needs right now. A visible moderator helps tone down the obnoxious behavior that is so common on the internet and allows the women to feel safe amongst the chat community! Baldninja has made a perfect moderator. He has made me personally feel safe amongst strangers.
Once again....good luck with living out your less than blissful existence...I wish you the best of for me...I am going back to posting on the message boards of eroticy...which aide in validating who is real and who is not! The boards are merely a forum for peers to interact with each other and build friendships. I am sorry that my presence so greatly upsets you, but seeing as how you have never come to me to say word one, I am simply going to assume that bitter is the color that you are sporting now! Either that or you are one of the people that I have so politely put in their place.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but have the maturity to come directly to me instead of attacking me here! I would have no problem discussing your issues with me at length in order to facilitate a peaceful resolution!
And for anyone else reading this strand.... I am not an employee of Eroticy, I am simply a member that enjoys being part of a communtity of peers whose company I cherish and have come to respect! Plus....I am living proof that the site works!
Take care....stay blissful!

#78 Consumer Suggestion
I have seen the light
AUTHOR: Mason - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, October 13, 2004
As a paying member of Eroticy, I have viewed all of these reports, and find many things disturbing. I am cancelling my membership within a month, and joining the rebel members who are banning together to cause a mass exodus from this site.
I have several problems with this site, number one we shall begin with Baldninja being named a moderator.
Naming a banned member as a mod is simply Eroticy's way of keeping him quiet about something or another. I didnt think it was right when they named steffy as a mod, but she wasn't a troublemaker before being mod like the other airhead they have recently named. Personally, I dont think Ninja can chew gum and walk at the same time, but thats just the way several of us feel.
How can Eroticy name the number one trouble maker in the room as a mod? He initiates as much trouble as anyone, but now can toss them from the room? Where does this makes sense eroticy?
Second, I have found more than 200 fake accounts on the site. I didn't llok hard and found them, so Im sure if I really looked, Id find 10,000.
Third, what is it with wicked bliss and the mesaage boards? I know the boards are there for messages, but she is simply abusing them. Everyday ya find 10 letters from her, stupid idiotic letters. Am I the only one that gets pissed at this? It seems she has a handful of followers,(Why I dont know), and they are the only ones filling the boards. Are we forgetting about the other 2 million members?
In final, I enjoyed eroticy until and didn't mind paying my monthly fees, but now have found another site that is real and doesnt have the drama Eroticy has.
I can only hope the internet finds out about how fake this site is and shuts em down. Eroticy went from bad to worse and I would recommend no one to join their fraudulent activities.

#77 Consumer Comment
Why has Lisa not responded to the fraudulent claims
AUTHOR: Aaron - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, September 27, 2004
I stumbled across this site today and was not suprised at all by what I read. I have been a member of eroticy for over a year now and have experienced most of what has been said here.What did suprise me was the fact that Lisa actually responded on this forum. What she did not respond to was the "claims" that after a membership was concluded, mass e-mails would then be sent to that person as an enticement to come back.
This also happened to me. I was a member as grer69 and when I ended my membership, I received several e-mails from women I had never spoken to during my first eight months of membership.I was an active member of chat and had several friends through chat but I hadn't received an e-mail in months prior to cancelling. The list of ppl contacting was suprising as I received notes from ppl supposedly pre-determined as "real".Plaid Princess was just one of the suprises and there were others who were regulars in chat who suddenly felt compelled to write to my cancelled profile.
I came back as bere99 not because of the lure of the 35 odd e-mails I recieved but because I missed some of my chat "buddies". I also attempted to find out why I would suddenly receive these e-mails from women who had shown no interest in me prior to my departure. I attempted to create a message post comparing my old profile "grer69" to my new one and asked why my old profile was receiving so much attention. I even joked "was grer69 a sexier biyatch?" This post and every other attempt I made was instantly deleted.
It is obvious to me why words like bot and fake are censored on Eroticy. I just want to hear from the horse's mouth, so to speak, why they feel the need to practice this sort of deception.After all,you can watch a porno a day on eroticy with no charge which is certainly worth the membership to some.
In closing, I will say that if you take the time you can find "real" women on Eroticy. It just takes an extreme amount of patience and a few $$$.Too bad the fake women just make it that much more difficult....

#76 Consumer Comment
the site is a mess right now. The inner drama of it's members is so childish!
AUTHOR: Elizabeth - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, September 19, 2004
look at all of the trouble my thoughts have started. imagine that! i just said what i thought and everyone took it and ran with it.
i would like to say, as a now former member of Eroticy, that the site is a mess right now. The inner drama of it's members is so childish! i have been booted from chat in the past for speaking my thoughts and i am sure that someone found out who i was and pitched a fit because i called it like i saw it so i am sure i will be botted again.
if you search the internet, you will find that eroticy in the past has employed people to start chats on their site. it has a distrubing amount of profiles still up for people that no longer are members if they were real or not to begin with.
should i not use her name? why not? cause she asked me not too. ok then the current moderator tried to take down the site, making a good amount of publicity for Eroticy. bad publicity is beetter than no publicity i guess. i would have to say that everytime she is in chat, it is uncomfortbale. i spoke my mind and was jumped here by bison, even though he thought i was someone else.
i am not going to apologize to wickedbliss for speaking my mind, or that people thought she was me, but i am going to say to her, watch your back, the new moderator has some issues with you too and your internet friends. her jealousy reaches even here little bliss. she had your post ripped off the boards last week even though you said it was not about her and her friends have just made the situation worse.
eroticy is not all that it seems. bubba you were so right!
i would hope that they get their act together before another upset member tries to take them down. wait, if i could do that, maybe i can get reinstated for a lifetime free membership like tony, or the mod, and then get to boot people from chat at will.
and yes i am hiding tony, even more than you will ever realize. i am sure that my membership privledges will be revoked, but i am leaving the site anway. i can't even go into chat and not speak my mind in a free country, why would i stay. there are other sites with other chats without mod's with grudges against people who speak what they want to speak.
to people reading this, eroticy is a site that employees it's members and when people put up a fight, they cave so as to not be found out. the chat room is filled with people who are more concerned about keeping you quiet than about people who want to meet. i am saving myself some money and greif by leaving.
hey brian let's go get some mcnuggets buddy and laugh about erot and it's poor employee practices.

#75 Consumer Suggestion
I thought I was pretty clear. not one of you so-called "real" people on Eroticy can not answer the allegations..
AUTHOR: Brian - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, September 18, 2004
I don't need to restate the problems with Eroticy as they have been posted by several people quite clearly.
I find it funny that not one of you so-called "real" people on Eroticy can not answer the allegations other then to say that you are real and so are other people.
You skim around the issues without ever directly answering.
I also found it amusing that you want people to voice their concerns about the authenticity and alleged fraud on Eroticy itself only? Why? So that Eroticy can track them back via their IP address? To make sure others aren't aware of any fraud that might be taking place?
If Eroticy is censoring chat and emails as alleged by several people what good would voicing your complaints on their site?
As I said before I know someone who used to run a site very similiar to Eroticy and he got out while the getting was good.
I suggest that the owners of Eroticy, Adultfriendfinder, matchmaker and the like clean up their act before they piss off one to many people and their "entertainment" crashed down upon their heads.
Since apparently I was not understood earlier.....I will not be telling you Eroticy moderators and wanna be moderators any of the names I have used on Eroticy or my real name here.
I also will not be confining my complaints about Eroticy, McDonalds or any other business to the site or business itself.
I think you people are missing the point of and maybe you should stop using it if you can't understand.
If Eroticy doesn't like being listed here or anywhere else the shouldn't be engaging in the type of activity they seem to be doing.
Nough said!

#74 Consumer Comment
Bison...This is a professional forum
AUTHOR: Blissy - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, September 16, 2004
Well at least you know who I am, step one accomplished, now maybe you should familiarize yourself with the situation.
If you speak to all parties involved, you might find that there is no vendetta and that there is not fued and that I am not some, what were your words..jealous chic with a vendetta. ROTFL!!!
I would like to state that this is a professional forum and you, Bison, are a member that should be looked into, simply on the basis that you continue to attack me directly, though we can't look into you now can we? No name.....hmmmmm......who is hiding here?
You claim to want a peace filled chat yet you continuously attack me in the open. I don't even know who you are so I can guess that I have never said a bad word about you on the site. Maybe you are the jealous one.
I want you to bring your post directly to the boards of Erot and let's find out just how truly pathetic my "dust" is. Let's find out just how unpopular I am. Something "is there anyone here who honestly hates blissy's dust?"
I want everyone there to see exactly what some members are doing. I want Eroticy to see that other members of their site openly attack it's other members for posting something positive about the site!
Which is exactly what you have done. I have already stated that I not "Elizabeth", and yet you continue to come after me. My first post was a positive post about an adult site that I belong to and yet you continue to attack.
I am sorry Eroticy worked for me in that I found someone and we are dating, and you are still sitting in front of your keyboard starting trouble, while the rest of us go about our business.
I am done with playing this game of he said, she said with you Bison. I would hope that you too can find happiness and help end this bitter fued that I am sure you started! If not, at least have the courage come out from hiding.....and stop being so hypocritical.
Furthermore, I am loyal to Eroticy and it's members (including the moderators) based on the fact that it is a user friendly site, with awesome customer service and a long standing adult oriented community. I have met some fantastic people from there and will continue meeting people. Isn't that what this is all about? Plus it advertises being a dating website and I am living proof that you can find someone online through Eroticy.
See at least I don't attack and harrass people behind a smoke screen on a professional forum!
This is not a forum to attack people based on warped opinions derived from your deranged perceptions of a post on a porn web site. This is forum to express your views about a business or it's clientele in a professional manner.
Welcome to the real world of professionalism and class. Bison, take my friendly suggestion and leave well enough alone as both of the parties involved have reached a point where they (we) are speaking and realize that this is all based on what other people are instigating. Could that be you, my very negative fellow chatter?
Onto the web site. I am finding that more and more people are authentic. The regular members of the chat room and the posters on the message boards frequently get together. Maybe anyone who has left the site because they were not satisfied or who has a gripe should re-join for free on your free three day trial and seek us out and find that reality is able to exist on the internet.
Maybe then being a member won't be so bad. Maybe you surprisingly will find that online dating does have the potential to work if you are sincere in your efforts and have a small amount of patience. Eroticy is a good place to is one of the biggest and most recognized sites online, new people join everyday. Rome was not built in a day!
Thank you Eroticy for bringing me and my lover together and I hope we have a long and fun relationship together on the site and off.

#73 Consumer Comment
Face the Facts People
AUTHOR: Melanie - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, September 16, 2004
This post has been great. I am laughing my butt off as you idiots go head to head with each other.
Brian: I didn't understand some of your responses, but you made some valid points.
Tony: Face is buddy, you aren't a moderator because your a sick individual. Your modership would probably mean an abandonment from eroticy from those of us that wouldn't want to see that.
Julie: You go babe. You dont hold anything back do you?
Soft: Im still trying to determine where you fit into this, but great profile on erot. I think your silence is making these people worried.
Bliss: I have to say, you may not have meant anything, but your post here and in erot sure did sound like an attack. The people that are saying great things about you, I would be aware of. There the same ones saying behind your back that your attack was just your way of getting attention.
Elizabeth: You started all this BS, and you haven't responded once. Step to the plate and give your reasons.
Bison: Your post are funny as hell, but like Bliss said, make sure its her before you accuse.
In final, Eroticy may have been given a jolt of coffee juice by softandsteffy, but who are we not to give them an opportunity not to prove to her or us that they aren't trying?
Everyone, stop whining and lets see where it goes

#72 Consumer Comment
I am a current member and I love the site. Really?
SUBMITTED: Thursday, September 16, 2004
Honestly people. I am a current member and I love the site. Really? All of the 6'0" blondes with huge breasts and perfect behinds aren't real? d**n I thought that they were for a whole .9 seconds. Listen, this is America. Worry about yourselves instead of whats going on with this site. I don't know where everyone on here that knocks the site and calls it fake gets off. I have met ALOT of women here. No they arent ALL Cindy Crawfords, but there are real people here. I came on this site to have fun and make new friends which is exactly what I did. I have now suggested the site to many friends. And will continue to do so. You ask why? Simple reasoning....I like it. I know what its about. Don't care. And I don't understand what all the lowly sniveling is about. You are banned from the site. So what? There are 400,000 site to go and cause trouble with. GO!!! don't waste time just go. Stop complaining and wasting your day "investigating" this one. There are current members on Eroticy that ARE happy with it. Leave the site alone, don't rejoin, don't knock it, you are all just pissed becasue you can't afford the site anymore. Either that or you arent getting any from it....either way you are not hurting anyone. Form a club, hire a lawyer, do whatever, but honestly don't ruin the fun for current members that just don't care if the site is real. WOW I thought Pam Andersons b***s were real too!

#71 Consumer Comment
Don't waste these peoples' time with all of the BS
AUTHOR: Sandra - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, September 16, 2004
Wasting Time With Personal Attacks...
As most of you who know me from Eroticy, as onetyger, know....I have no reason to get in the middle of anything or take any sides. I try to remain as neutral as possible (although "no", that doesn't always happen. I am human.) However, I think that everyone who posts an opinion against an individual member from Eroticy, or who posts a reply about one of those comments about an individual is wasting the time of the people who work for this site, I am sure the intention of THIS site is for comments to be posted directly about a business and not about its members. The employees at this company have to screen through all of these posts. I, for one, would be annoyed by posts that are "off the mark". If you have a problem with a member from Eroticy, take it up with them via email, phone, or Instant Messenger. Don't waste these peoples' time with all of the BS. Oh, and by the way, yes...I used my real first name, my real city, and my real screen name. And, I am a validated member of Eroticy. Thank you.

#70 Consumer Suggestion
Seems to me that you are all so bent on arguing, that your all missing the point.
AUTHOR: Bison - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Steffy, I agree with your post 100%. Why everyone is involving you in these threads is beyond my knowledge. I for one will give you your request and keep you out of this. You have shown a professionalism unmatched by not responding to any of these remarks other than asking your name be left out. I applaud you for that! I thought you were going to go off on these people, especially Blissy from wherever she says, but you didn't and I respect that as should she.
Now Blissy from Teleford, Im not saying you are right or wrong. I've seen you several times in the chat room. You whine a lot, and spread that idiotic fairy dust around, but to walk into a lions den without protective clothing is stupid. If you read some of the other posts on this site, you should realize that a person that can single handidly take down a web site, isn't going to back down from a chic with a jealousy complex. Why dont you just fofget about your vendetta and let the people that bother you chat to other people. Im a man that also seeks a peace filled chat site, and you dont seem to want that. You seem to like the attention you get from starting trouble and then acting as though you want to resolve it.
Softandtsteffy, I know you said in your post you wouldn't respond to any future letters, but you need to take care of this type of person.

#69 Consumer Suggestion
Who cares. you people haven't even bothered to answer the allegations against Eroticy in the original report, you just ramble on about moderator status
AUTHOR: Brian - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Wow, I didn't see one sentence where you stated your name, big deal. If you think that makes me a moron so be it, I could actually care less about your opinion. As for reading each and every post, well I tried to but I was laughing much of the time and might have gotten lost in some of the long winded posts. Glad to see one little thing got you so much pleasure as you obviously need it.
And besides that you people haven't even bothered to answer the allegations against Eroticy in the original report, you just ramble on about moderator status and a few side comments about corrections which from the continueing post seem to not have been made.
As for softandsteffy there is no reason for Eroticy to know anyone's name to rid itself of fake profiles and people who are paid to send emails. They just have to stop doing it. I challange you to go to the original report and tell me how knowing the person's real name would make any difference in solving his complaints.

#68 Consumer Comment
I am not "Elizabeth" - fits the needs
AUTHOR: D. Blissy - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, September 13, 2004
Well it took me few to catch up but now I have the whole picture. You really actually do think I am "Elizabeth". I thought the person who sent me this to begin with was kidding! LOL!
Julie I just read your response. If in fact we do talk everyday, you would realize that I am not a person to hide from anything involving my opinions.
I went over my posts on the boards and have not found one that was a direct attack on anyone. Aside from past posts when I have simply tried to calm everyone down. If I had a problem with Steffy, believe me, she would know about it. Post that disgusting post you mentioned here, with the replies. I want to see a post where I was actually less than blissful.
I tend to handle things in such a manner as to avoid confrontation and in fact, if you really have read my posts on Eroticy, you would see that time and again I have done that! Though I do admit to putting my foot in my mouth from time to time, and apologizing if I have offended anyone.
I am all for a BS free site Julie. It is members like you, who accuse others of doing things that shouldn't even concern you, that makes for more drama than necessary. If "Elizabeth", who is probably some disgruntled guy, has a problem, "she" too is entitled to that. If that were truly me, it would have been well written and much more in depth as I like to prove why I feel the way I do with evidence.
I simply thought that my two cents was needed, hence my first post! Everyone else was jumping in, so since I spend a good amount of time on Eroticy, I thought it was necessary. I at least don't hide here, behind false pretenses nor do I drag it back into to Eroticy like so many others. I don't like being accused of anything that I did not do. I get myself into enough trouble.
Think what you will. It is a pointless discussion. But I would hope that you eventually see that this situation is based on a perception of certain people who like to cause drama simply because they have nothing better to do. If it wasn't Julie, you would not have found this post to begin with. I know I wouldn't have, if someone who wanted to start trouble didn't link it to me to begin with!
I think Eroticy is great site that fits the needs of it's members. End of story!
Take Care

#67 Consumer Comment
Validation... like so many members both male and female.
AUTHOR: D. Bliss - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, September 13, 2004
I am not an employee of Eroticy nor did I receive a free membership to email boys to lure them into the site! I joined the site to find some free pornagraphic materials and wound up in the chat room instead, like so many members both male and female.
There is my denial! Do people need to work for a company to have a positive opinion about them? I don't work for the local pizza place, but I rave about their stuffed crust pizza all the time. I only reponded specifically to your post because you singled me out.
Feel free to pop back on the site, look up my name, email me and we can talk. I will provide you with my off site email, messenger name and authentic pictures.
I am glad that you have an opinion about adult dating sites in general, that is neither here nor there. Don't attack me directly and not expect a response.
My time at Eroticy has been a very positive thing. There are many people there who have made it an overall fun experience. Sorry it worked for me and not for you. Have fun eating your Mcnuggets.
Take Care

#66 Consumer Comment
Pay Attention... "Jethro" was me ya moron
AUTHOR: Tony - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, September 13, 2004
First off brian, that was not a response to only you it was in general.
As for me responding to the other threads, well i suggest you at least pretend to read the whole report here. "Jethro" was me ya moron, and i have posted twice under my real name, and have not changed my opinions as to the profiles and emails trial members get.
Nor am i an employee of any kind, as i have not even been made a moderator yet. But if your gonna post something here at least be aware of what is on here, i find it amusing to say i should respond to jethro, when it was me, and in my first post as myself i admitted to that.

#65 Consumer Suggestion
Please... Relax, take a breath and enjoy your life. Eroticy
AUTHOR: Softandsteffy - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, September 13, 2004
After watching this board and some of its immature responses, I would like to add a few comments.
This will be my only response to all this BS, so please read if you are capable.
First, Elizabeth, Im sorry you feel the way you do, but without knowing who you are, there isn't much I can do to solve whatever it is bothering you.
Bison, thank you for your comments, but again, there isn't much I can do since I don't know who you are.
Brian, Im not sure if you are a member or not, and not really sure what happened so I really cannot comment.
Bliss, you have a right to your opinions and I will respect that, but for future references, please keep my name out of your arguments or comments. All I see in your responses is Steffy, Steffy, Steffy, and I have chatted with you one time for a period of 5 minutes. I don't think after 5 minutes you know me, as I do not know you, and would appreciate your leaving my name out of your arguments with these boards. I don't want to be involved in these silly, childish games, and am a very upfront woman. If there is a problem with me, I am very approachable.
If you do not like me, thats your prerogative. I promise, my life will continue.
Bald, thx for your support, but again, please keep my name out of any responses or comments you have. I simply do not wish to be involved.
I have yet to respond to any of these comments, and probably won't. I simply don't care if your not going to approach me. Where the facts from Elizabeth came from is still a mystery, for I have banned or booted one person, and that was at the rooms request. Thats simply childish.
To clear many myths and wonders up, I will state that I do not work for Eroticy. I am attempting to work with Eroticy to rid its environment of exactly what you see above. This was a needless thread, one made by a spineless jelly-fish that does exactly what was stated above, and hides behind a fake name.
If you have a problem with a car you bought, you lodge a complaint which is fine, but you also give your name so that the car company can either correct or explain things to you that you may not be aware of. I cannot do this if I don't know who you are.
In final, I would like to add that Eroticy has received many, many compliments on my being MOD. Maybe people dont realize that new people usually PM the Mod for help. Just because you do not see these conversations in the room, please don't assume they do not occur.
Yes, it is true I was out to take Eroticy down. Not because I didn't like them or wanted to go against an internet porn site, but because of the above BS that was happening on a daily basis. There are many fake accounts like stated above, but they are also being worked on. I converse with Eroticy almost daily.
I am not stating that things have changed drastically yet, but they are improving slowly. If the time comes when Eroticy decides not to take action against such BS, I will be right back here on the boards to continue my quest. But you cannot fault a person if they are trying.
For people that state they want to keep the peace, you sure don't look it right now. Relax, take a breath and enjoy your life.

#64 Consumer Suggestion
Please... Relax, take a breath and enjoy your life. Eroticy
AUTHOR: Softandsteffy - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, September 13, 2004
After watching this board and some of its immature responses, I would like to add a few comments.
This will be my only response to all this BS, so please read if you are capable.
First, Elizabeth, Im sorry you feel the way you do, but without knowing who you are, there isn't much I can do to solve whatever it is bothering you.
Bison, thank you for your comments, but again, there isn't much I can do since I don't know who you are.
Brian, Im not sure if you are a member or not, and not really sure what happened so I really cannot comment.
Bliss, you have a right to your opinions and I will respect that, but for future references, please keep my name out of your arguments or comments. All I see in your responses is Steffy, Steffy, Steffy, and I have chatted with you one time for a period of 5 minutes. I don't think after 5 minutes you know me, as I do not know you, and would appreciate your leaving my name out of your arguments with these boards. I don't want to be involved in these silly, childish games, and am a very upfront woman. If there is a problem with me, I am very approachable.
If you do not like me, thats your prerogative. I promise, my life will continue.
Bald, thx for your support, but again, please keep my name out of any responses or comments you have. I simply do not wish to be involved.
I have yet to respond to any of these comments, and probably won't. I simply don't care if your not going to approach me. Where the facts from Elizabeth came from is still a mystery, for I have banned or booted one person, and that was at the rooms request. Thats simply childish.
To clear many myths and wonders up, I will state that I do not work for Eroticy. I am attempting to work with Eroticy to rid its environment of exactly what you see above. This was a needless thread, one made by a spineless jelly-fish that does exactly what was stated above, and hides behind a fake name.
If you have a problem with a car you bought, you lodge a complaint which is fine, but you also give your name so that the car company can either correct or explain things to you that you may not be aware of. I cannot do this if I don't know who you are.
In final, I would like to add that Eroticy has received many, many compliments on my being MOD. Maybe people dont realize that new people usually PM the Mod for help. Just because you do not see these conversations in the room, please don't assume they do not occur.
Yes, it is true I was out to take Eroticy down. Not because I didn't like them or wanted to go against an internet porn site, but because of the above BS that was happening on a daily basis. There are many fake accounts like stated above, but they are also being worked on. I converse with Eroticy almost daily.
I am not stating that things have changed drastically yet, but they are improving slowly. If the time comes when Eroticy decides not to take action against such BS, I will be right back here on the boards to continue my quest. But you cannot fault a person if they are trying.
For people that state they want to keep the peace, you sure don't look it right now. Relax, take a breath and enjoy your life.

#63 Consumer Suggestion
Please... Relax, take a breath and enjoy your life. Eroticy
AUTHOR: Softandsteffy - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, September 13, 2004
After watching this board and some of its immature responses, I would like to add a few comments.
This will be my only response to all this BS, so please read if you are capable.
First, Elizabeth, Im sorry you feel the way you do, but without knowing who you are, there isn't much I can do to solve whatever it is bothering you.
Bison, thank you for your comments, but again, there isn't much I can do since I don't know who you are.
Brian, Im not sure if you are a member or not, and not really sure what happened so I really cannot comment.
Bliss, you have a right to your opinions and I will respect that, but for future references, please keep my name out of your arguments or comments. All I see in your responses is Steffy, Steffy, Steffy, and I have chatted with you one time for a period of 5 minutes. I don't think after 5 minutes you know me, as I do not know you, and would appreciate your leaving my name out of your arguments with these boards. I don't want to be involved in these silly, childish games, and am a very upfront woman. If there is a problem with me, I am very approachable.
If you do not like me, thats your prerogative. I promise, my life will continue.
Bald, thx for your support, but again, please keep my name out of any responses or comments you have. I simply do not wish to be involved.
I have yet to respond to any of these comments, and probably won't. I simply don't care if your not going to approach me. Where the facts from Elizabeth came from is still a mystery, for I have banned or booted one person, and that was at the rooms request. Thats simply childish.
To clear many myths and wonders up, I will state that I do not work for Eroticy. I am attempting to work with Eroticy to rid its environment of exactly what you see above. This was a needless thread, one made by a spineless jelly-fish that does exactly what was stated above, and hides behind a fake name.
If you have a problem with a car you bought, you lodge a complaint which is fine, but you also give your name so that the car company can either correct or explain things to you that you may not be aware of. I cannot do this if I don't know who you are.
In final, I would like to add that Eroticy has received many, many compliments on my being MOD. Maybe people dont realize that new people usually PM the Mod for help. Just because you do not see these conversations in the room, please don't assume they do not occur.
Yes, it is true I was out to take Eroticy down. Not because I didn't like them or wanted to go against an internet porn site, but because of the above BS that was happening on a daily basis. There are many fake accounts like stated above, but they are also being worked on. I converse with Eroticy almost daily.
I am not stating that things have changed drastically yet, but they are improving slowly. If the time comes when Eroticy decides not to take action against such BS, I will be right back here on the boards to continue my quest. But you cannot fault a person if they are trying.
For people that state they want to keep the peace, you sure don't look it right now. Relax, take a breath and enjoy your life.

#62 Consumer Suggestion
Please... Relax, take a breath and enjoy your life. Eroticy
AUTHOR: Softandsteffy - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, September 13, 2004
After watching this board and some of its immature responses, I would like to add a few comments.
This will be my only response to all this BS, so please read if you are capable.
First, Elizabeth, Im sorry you feel the way you do, but without knowing who you are, there isn't much I can do to solve whatever it is bothering you.
Bison, thank you for your comments, but again, there isn't much I can do since I don't know who you are.
Brian, Im not sure if you are a member or not, and not really sure what happened so I really cannot comment.
Bliss, you have a right to your opinions and I will respect that, but for future references, please keep my name out of your arguments or comments. All I see in your responses is Steffy, Steffy, Steffy, and I have chatted with you one time for a period of 5 minutes. I don't think after 5 minutes you know me, as I do not know you, and would appreciate your leaving my name out of your arguments with these boards. I don't want to be involved in these silly, childish games, and am a very upfront woman. If there is a problem with me, I am very approachable.
If you do not like me, thats your prerogative. I promise, my life will continue.
Bald, thx for your support, but again, please keep my name out of any responses or comments you have. I simply do not wish to be involved.
I have yet to respond to any of these comments, and probably won't. I simply don't care if your not going to approach me. Where the facts from Elizabeth came from is still a mystery, for I have banned or booted one person, and that was at the rooms request. Thats simply childish.
To clear many myths and wonders up, I will state that I do not work for Eroticy. I am attempting to work with Eroticy to rid its environment of exactly what you see above. This was a needless thread, one made by a spineless jelly-fish that does exactly what was stated above, and hides behind a fake name.
If you have a problem with a car you bought, you lodge a complaint which is fine, but you also give your name so that the car company can either correct or explain things to you that you may not be aware of. I cannot do this if I don't know who you are.
In final, I would like to add that Eroticy has received many, many compliments on my being MOD. Maybe people dont realize that new people usually PM the Mod for help. Just because you do not see these conversations in the room, please don't assume they do not occur.
Yes, it is true I was out to take Eroticy down. Not because I didn't like them or wanted to go against an internet porn site, but because of the above BS that was happening on a daily basis. There are many fake accounts like stated above, but they are also being worked on. I converse with Eroticy almost daily.
I am not stating that things have changed drastically yet, but they are improving slowly. If the time comes when Eroticy decides not to take action against such BS, I will be right back here on the boards to continue my quest. But you cannot fault a person if they are trying.
For people that state they want to keep the peace, you sure don't look it right now. Relax, take a breath and enjoy your life.

#61 Consumer Suggestion
You guys are awfully concerned about my Eroticy name.
AUTHOR: Brian - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, September 13, 2004
Get over it. Why don't you spend a little effort and respond to Bubba's original report instead of worrying about my Eroticy name.
If you read my rebuttal you will see that I spoke about adult dating sites in general. I spoke from my experience and personal observations from visiting several of these sites as well as inside info provided by someone, who btw was not assosiated with Eroticy.
Tony I would like to see you reply to to Bubba's comments about Eroticy. Or how about Chris or Jethro? Or there are Stephen, John, James and Phillip. Pick one and answer them instead of trying to accuse me of hiding behind a fake name and city. They each made more serious direct accusations about Eroticy, my comments were about the overal adult ad sites, then I did and you didn't bother to rebutt any of them.
I guess you would like my last name and phone number so you can call me? Not gonna happen buddy. Maybe they have cleaned up their act and are being one of the good ones. I rather doubt it but miracles do happen.

#60 Consumer Suggestion
I see you didn't even bother to deny that you are an employee of Eroticy or that you have recieved a free membership to write to people.
AUTHOR: Brian - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, September 12, 2004
I have no reason to tell you my screen name on Eroticy unless it would be to provide you with the means to ban me from the site as happens to so many other people. Not that I would really care because I haven't wasted any time on the sham of a site in quite sometime. Most likely this has given Eroticy the ability to send out mail on my behalf as from reading the reports here it seems that they are doing. Besides I do not have to be an active member of Eroticy to make comments about your posting here.
Besides, the majority of my posting was in reference to Eroticy and not to you so get over yourself. That's right go back to Eroicy and lure some unsuspecting guys to pay to reply to your email, it seems that you are very good at your job. I'll just go back to my McNuggets

#59 Consumer Comment
you have got to be kidding me
AUTHOR: D. Bliss - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, September 12, 2004
I would like to add that my endorsement of Eroticy was not an advertisement! Nor was it back stepping! For real, I would hope that I am much more verbose and direct than previous posts. People, who know me, know that I can be long winded.
I would hope that an ADULT dating community would not have members such as Bison above, as he is starting trouble based on an assumption. And if he really knew me at all based on my posts, emails and chat convos, he would note that I never hide from anything. I simply felt that it was time that I said my peace since there were some accusations being thrown my way.
I am not afraid of the repercussions of having an opinion. At least I had the nerve to post my real name and real town that I live in, instead of hiding behind a screen name.
Apparently this is no longer a free country where people are not allowed to have or voice an opinion.
I have nothing to hide. I dare you to find one post on Eroticy that is different than what I said above. One post that simply was not an effort to keep peace.
I am content trying to squelch the flames of drama within this community that I have come to appreciate. I have even organized a HUGE party and invited every single member within the chat room and the message boards for the sole purpose of just meeting the people we spend so much time with!
If you are going to accuse me of something, come directly to me and talk to me in a mature manner instead of wasting the valuable time of the public with this issue. You are obviously a member or Eroticy too, they have email there. I am easy to get a hold of! Half the people on Eroticy have my phone number. All you have to do is ask me for it, or email me so we can discuss this outside of a professional forum. This is not a forum for complaints against a person, but a forum against a business.
I would hope that Steffy is reading this, in fact I would put money on the fact that she is. She is an intelligent woman and I would hope that she understands that I am also an intelligent woman, with little regards to consequence for speaking my mind.
She has spent enough time talking to the people that know me offsite. (That was not meant to be offensive....only a mention that we talk to the same people as so generally happens in an internet community)
I have said my peace to Steffy weeks ago, and I would hope that people not involved would stop fueling the fire that countless other people have tried to put out. If there is problem between Steffy and me, I would hope that she comes to me to resolve it, as we did the last time there was a difference of opinion. I have nothing against her. I am just opinionated, have become accustomed to speaking my mind when something upsets me.
I will not take this issue to the Eroticy message boards as others have, for there are a great many people who have no idea what is going on and it should remain that way. They are there to enjoy the site with all of it's amenities, they are not there to be dragged into the drama that this has become. Hence my refusal to comment on such existing posts. It just once again adds fuel to that fire.
At this point I want a blissful chat community where people are welcomed despite having a difference of opinion with anyone!
As for Brian, are you even a member, if so why did you not post your screen name? If not, how can you even comment on who I am, let alone why I have a positive opinion about the site. I am living proof that this site works. I spent the day with two members today, who also met my family and I am dating a third. Yes I am in a serious relationship with someone that I met on Eroticy! Enough said! Feel free to check my Eroticy profile for verification of this fact! Any other questions?
To those of you reading this post, I apologize for the wasted time and effort that you have put forth reading my rebuttal, but I have a strong need to not be accused of something I did not do by people who hide. Plus I am very upset that someone thinks that my opinion of a website, from which I met someone, is an open advertisement. I have said my peace, now I am going back to Eroticy to enjoy my evening of chat with the people there that I have come to call my friends!
Take Care, once again
Blissy (or Blissy poo as many call in chat and offsite)

#58 Consumer Comment
Unlraveled threads
AUTHOR: Tony - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, September 12, 2004
First of all, I'd like to say that this whole thing being argued and bantered about is starting to turn quite childish.
Second of all, it is no secret that when steffy was informed she would be a moderator, I was as well, and for whatever reason(software is being blamed) this has yet to occur. Steffy has been very objective, and I have personally seen her be bad mouthed in chat a few times, and she does not resond at all.
As for being able to ban ppl at will....I only wish ppl would try to get a clue as to which they speak before opening their mouths. There is a pannel in place, consisting so far of 3 active members, steff, myself, and gr8, along with our eroticy contact(who is not lisa). Noone can be banned by us as individuals, it must go to the pannel where we will pull up chat logs and look at them and then each make an assessment as to who was to blame as well as the punishment to fit the action. This is not an arbitrary thing, it is a cooerdinated effort among a group. So before making such claims, get your facts at least partially based in reality.
As for Bliss, she as well as many ppl have been rallying for my moderator status to be deployed, not because steff is not doing a good job, but for one it was part of my agreement to return, as well as the fact that i am in the chat room as much as anyone else could dream of being. I spend too much time in there, thus my being moderator is simply a no brainer.
As for Lisa, well i really dont want to start trouble by saying this. But, lisa while able to talk alot of good customer service actions, they are just that, talk. She is very unresponsive when contacted, which is part of what contributed to the troubles with ppl being banned to begin with. Bad customer service? Not sure i could really call it bad, but unresponsive, which in some ways is the worse customer service. The eroticy officer contact we have is the one who has gotten things straightened out, and has been quite responsive so far, and truely seems to be doing her best to make changes for the improvement of the site, and the enjoyment of the members.
On a personal note, if you are gonna post here, regardless of if its something good or bad being said, I think it only prudent that you have the courage to stand behind your opinions and state who you are instead of hiding behind false cities and names. Yes I know I did this as well, but I later admitted who it was, and explained why. I was on the verge of being banned at the time, and knew if i had divulged my name at that point it would have gotten me banned then and there. But I am no longer banned, and honestly dont care if they ban me for what I put here this time.
As for being a moderator making you an employee, or having free membership making you an employee. That is pure unadulterated BS, based on that assessment, most women in your city work for every bar in town, as almost all bars have a ladies night, by which they get free drinks to lure paying men into the bar. Countless other examples of this in business, this does not make you an employee. Moderator is the same thing, what would be the purpose of asking a member of the site to pay to be there, but take half their time helping new members, and helping to defuse situations between long time members, or simply trying to find solutions to minor problems that may take weeks if they go through customer service. I am doing all of these things now, even though i am not technically a moderator yet. Yes i am getting the site for free, but I spend more than 40 hours a week looking over the chat room too, and not just chatting. In fact most ppl who read this, will probly have been helped by me in some way shape of form in the past.

#57 Consumer Comment
Unlraveled threads
AUTHOR: Tony - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, September 12, 2004
First of all, I'd like to say that this whole thing being argued and bantered about is starting to turn quite childish.
Second of all, it is no secret that when steffy was informed she would be a moderator, I was as well, and for whatever reason(software is being blamed) this has yet to occur. Steffy has been very objective, and I have personally seen her be bad mouthed in chat a few times, and she does not resond at all.
As for being able to ban ppl at will....I only wish ppl would try to get a clue as to which they speak before opening their mouths. There is a pannel in place, consisting so far of 3 active members, steff, myself, and gr8, along with our eroticy contact(who is not lisa). Noone can be banned by us as individuals, it must go to the pannel where we will pull up chat logs and look at them and then each make an assessment as to who was to blame as well as the punishment to fit the action. This is not an arbitrary thing, it is a cooerdinated effort among a group. So before making such claims, get your facts at least partially based in reality.
As for Bliss, she as well as many ppl have been rallying for my moderator status to be deployed, not because steff is not doing a good job, but for one it was part of my agreement to return, as well as the fact that i am in the chat room as much as anyone else could dream of being. I spend too much time in there, thus my being moderator is simply a no brainer.
As for Lisa, well i really dont want to start trouble by saying this. But, lisa while able to talk alot of good customer service actions, they are just that, talk. She is very unresponsive when contacted, which is part of what contributed to the troubles with ppl being banned to begin with. Bad customer service? Not sure i could really call it bad, but unresponsive, which in some ways is the worse customer service. The eroticy officer contact we have is the one who has gotten things straightened out, and has been quite responsive so far, and truely seems to be doing her best to make changes for the improvement of the site, and the enjoyment of the members.
On a personal note, if you are gonna post here, regardless of if its something good or bad being said, I think it only prudent that you have the courage to stand behind your opinions and state who you are instead of hiding behind false cities and names. Yes I know I did this as well, but I later admitted who it was, and explained why. I was on the verge of being banned at the time, and knew if i had divulged my name at that point it would have gotten me banned then and there. But I am no longer banned, and honestly dont care if they ban me for what I put here this time.
As for being a moderator making you an employee, or having free membership making you an employee. That is pure unadulterated BS, based on that assessment, most women in your city work for every bar in town, as almost all bars have a ladies night, by which they get free drinks to lure paying men into the bar. Countless other examples of this in business, this does not make you an employee. Moderator is the same thing, what would be the purpose of asking a member of the site to pay to be there, but take half their time helping new members, and helping to defuse situations between long time members, or simply trying to find solutions to minor problems that may take weeks if they go through customer service. I am doing all of these things now, even though i am not technically a moderator yet. Yes i am getting the site for free, but I spend more than 40 hours a week looking over the chat room too, and not just chatting. In fact most ppl who read this, will probly have been helped by me in some way shape of form in the past.

#56 Consumer Comment
Unlraveled threads
AUTHOR: Tony - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, September 12, 2004
First of all, I'd like to say that this whole thing being argued and bantered about is starting to turn quite childish.
Second of all, it is no secret that when steffy was informed she would be a moderator, I was as well, and for whatever reason(software is being blamed) this has yet to occur. Steffy has been very objective, and I have personally seen her be bad mouthed in chat a few times, and she does not resond at all.
As for being able to ban ppl at will....I only wish ppl would try to get a clue as to which they speak before opening their mouths. There is a pannel in place, consisting so far of 3 active members, steff, myself, and gr8, along with our eroticy contact(who is not lisa). Noone can be banned by us as individuals, it must go to the pannel where we will pull up chat logs and look at them and then each make an assessment as to who was to blame as well as the punishment to fit the action. This is not an arbitrary thing, it is a cooerdinated effort among a group. So before making such claims, get your facts at least partially based in reality.
As for Bliss, she as well as many ppl have been rallying for my moderator status to be deployed, not because steff is not doing a good job, but for one it was part of my agreement to return, as well as the fact that i am in the chat room as much as anyone else could dream of being. I spend too much time in there, thus my being moderator is simply a no brainer.
As for Lisa, well i really dont want to start trouble by saying this. But, lisa while able to talk alot of good customer service actions, they are just that, talk. She is very unresponsive when contacted, which is part of what contributed to the troubles with ppl being banned to begin with. Bad customer service? Not sure i could really call it bad, but unresponsive, which in some ways is the worse customer service. The eroticy officer contact we have is the one who has gotten things straightened out, and has been quite responsive so far, and truely seems to be doing her best to make changes for the improvement of the site, and the enjoyment of the members.
On a personal note, if you are gonna post here, regardless of if its something good or bad being said, I think it only prudent that you have the courage to stand behind your opinions and state who you are instead of hiding behind false cities and names. Yes I know I did this as well, but I later admitted who it was, and explained why. I was on the verge of being banned at the time, and knew if i had divulged my name at that point it would have gotten me banned then and there. But I am no longer banned, and honestly dont care if they ban me for what I put here this time.
As for being a moderator making you an employee, or having free membership making you an employee. That is pure unadulterated BS, based on that assessment, most women in your city work for every bar in town, as almost all bars have a ladies night, by which they get free drinks to lure paying men into the bar. Countless other examples of this in business, this does not make you an employee. Moderator is the same thing, what would be the purpose of asking a member of the site to pay to be there, but take half their time helping new members, and helping to defuse situations between long time members, or simply trying to find solutions to minor problems that may take weeks if they go through customer service. I am doing all of these things now, even though i am not technically a moderator yet. Yes i am getting the site for free, but I spend more than 40 hours a week looking over the chat room too, and not just chatting. In fact most ppl who read this, will probly have been helped by me in some way shape of form in the past.

#55 Consumer Comment
Unlraveled threads
AUTHOR: Tony - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, September 12, 2004
First of all, I'd like to say that this whole thing being argued and bantered about is starting to turn quite childish.
Second of all, it is no secret that when steffy was informed she would be a moderator, I was as well, and for whatever reason(software is being blamed) this has yet to occur. Steffy has been very objective, and I have personally seen her be bad mouthed in chat a few times, and she does not resond at all.
As for being able to ban ppl at will....I only wish ppl would try to get a clue as to which they speak before opening their mouths. There is a pannel in place, consisting so far of 3 active members, steff, myself, and gr8, along with our eroticy contact(who is not lisa). Noone can be banned by us as individuals, it must go to the pannel where we will pull up chat logs and look at them and then each make an assessment as to who was to blame as well as the punishment to fit the action. This is not an arbitrary thing, it is a cooerdinated effort among a group. So before making such claims, get your facts at least partially based in reality.
As for Bliss, she as well as many ppl have been rallying for my moderator status to be deployed, not because steff is not doing a good job, but for one it was part of my agreement to return, as well as the fact that i am in the chat room as much as anyone else could dream of being. I spend too much time in there, thus my being moderator is simply a no brainer.
As for Lisa, well i really dont want to start trouble by saying this. But, lisa while able to talk alot of good customer service actions, they are just that, talk. She is very unresponsive when contacted, which is part of what contributed to the troubles with ppl being banned to begin with. Bad customer service? Not sure i could really call it bad, but unresponsive, which in some ways is the worse customer service. The eroticy officer contact we have is the one who has gotten things straightened out, and has been quite responsive so far, and truely seems to be doing her best to make changes for the improvement of the site, and the enjoyment of the members.
On a personal note, if you are gonna post here, regardless of if its something good or bad being said, I think it only prudent that you have the courage to stand behind your opinions and state who you are instead of hiding behind false cities and names. Yes I know I did this as well, but I later admitted who it was, and explained why. I was on the verge of being banned at the time, and knew if i had divulged my name at that point it would have gotten me banned then and there. But I am no longer banned, and honestly dont care if they ban me for what I put here this time.
As for being a moderator making you an employee, or having free membership making you an employee. That is pure unadulterated BS, based on that assessment, most women in your city work for every bar in town, as almost all bars have a ladies night, by which they get free drinks to lure paying men into the bar. Countless other examples of this in business, this does not make you an employee. Moderator is the same thing, what would be the purpose of asking a member of the site to pay to be there, but take half their time helping new members, and helping to defuse situations between long time members, or simply trying to find solutions to minor problems that may take weeks if they go through customer service. I am doing all of these things now, even though i am not technically a moderator yet. Yes i am getting the site for free, but I spend more than 40 hours a week looking over the chat room too, and not just chatting. In fact most ppl who read this, will probly have been helped by me in some way shape of form in the past.

#54 Consumer Comment
SOrry to butt in
AUTHOR: Julie - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, September 12, 2004
I am sorry to butt into these postings, but I had to say my two cents as a member of Eroticy.
First, I would like to express my concern over the intial post by Elizabeth. As a member of Eroticy (and no, I wont say who), I talk to you Bliss every day and really think your attempt to derail any moderators, and Softandsteffy is a terrible and appalling act on your behalf.
I know you, as well as soft, and yes, I think your letter was an act of disgust. Although I talk to you a great deal, I have never spoken with softandsteffy, but have seen her class in the room.
Your second letter was exactly what Brison stated, a deliberate coverup because you didn't get the expected support you thought you were going to get. You are obviously trying to initiate trouble.
As far as softandsteffy is concerned, I think you have shown nothing but class, not only now by not responding, but also in the last couple months.
With all the complainers and bitchers in Eroticy, you were the only person to go out and do something about it, and then turn around and give Eroticy another chance to prove to you, and everyone else that they were trying to work with you and the public.
I respect you and Eroticy for working with each other.
Bliss, all I can say is that if Soft was as predjudice and unfair as you first stated, she would have already tossed your rear out by now. She didn't, and that showed class.
I know a lot of members and chat with them off eroticy a great deal. I can tell you this much...every one of them is glad to see softandsteffy as the MOD.
Like you said Bliss, she went from detroying this site, to being a MOD. I think that shows that she likes the site, and wants the BS like this out of Eroticy. At least give her a thumbs up for what she has done, and stop trying to defeat her purpose for being there.
If you ever read her profile, which is extensive, I really think she would tear you down Bliss if she really wanted to.
Softandsteffy, I give you and eroticy at this point an A+. I don't know if these members are real or not, but if you are working closely with eroticy on it, I think you can make it one of the premier sites of the internet.
Sorry to have interfered, but this along with your disgusting post on the eroticy boards Bliss have made me sick.

#53 Consumer Comment
Sounds like and advertisement by Eroticy. Most people are onto the scams these sites run and they are finding better things to do to meet people
AUTHOR: Brian - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, September 11, 2004
I thought report/rebuttals that are such blanant ads aren't allowed. Oh well, I guess if you sneak it in you're allowed. Blissy obviously is a part of the Eroticy company or she sure should be with a promotion like that. Not surprizing that the people who boast about the real people are always the female.
I tried Eroticy and several other "adult" personal sites. They are all the same, fake profiles, ads by people who haven't been logged on to the site in sometimes years, phoney emails sent to you to get you to pay to respond, and chat "moderators" who are often paid(I consider a free membership from the site as payment) to sit in the chat rooms and interact with people to make the site seem more active by "real people" then it is. I know a friend who used to run one of these sites and he told me all about the things these sites do to get people to pay and once I knew the things to watch for it was easy to figure out that it's about 90% fake. If you guys only knew.........
It's not surprizing that these sites are going out of style. Most people are onto the scams these sites run and they are finding better things to do to meet people.
I recommend that anyone considering paying for one of these sites to instead go spend your money down at the local bar buying the women there drinks. Your success rate will most likey be higher.

#52 Consumer Comment
Blissy from Teleford?? Good cover up though seeing it was blowing up in your face and you weren't getting the type of support your hoped for.
AUTHOR: Bison - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, September 11, 2004
Pretty clear to me who wrote this thread Eh Blissy from Teleford?? Good cover up though seeing it was blowing up in your face and you weren't getting the type of support your hoped for.
Lets go from Ripoff reports to Eroticy opinions and see what we get. When the people express that you're totally wrong, you act like you were trying to say something else.
Good try dear, but the thousands of people that see this and eroticy boards know the deal.
I for one don't know if softandsteffy is reading this thread or these boards, but I support you all the way girl.

#51 Consumer Suggestion
Eroticy, from a member's perspective.....
AUTHOR: Blissy - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, September 11, 2004
Hello. I am a member of Eroticy. I have been a member since April 12, 2004. I wandered onto the site looking for porn. I found it.
I also discovered this amazing community of people whom I have found to be both real and sincere. I have spent countless hours in the chat room and on their message boards. I have gone out of my way to meet many of the members.
I take great offense to anyone who claims that this site and it's members are not real. There is a verifying system in place on the site for this very reason.
As for "Elizabeth's" thread about SoftandSteffy....if you hang out in the chat room, you will find that I am there a great deal. I have had my reservations about any of the "regulars" becoming a moderator based on the issues of objectivity, but that does not seem to be a problem with Steffy. I would also like to state that from a professional standpoint, this does make for a more secure chatting environment only in that the new members have a someone to guide them through the process, though Steffy is unavailable 24 hours a day, so the site does need another moderator for when she is unavailable.
Well "Bison".....I don't think there has been a change for better or worse. The chat room very rarely experienced many problems and has overall been very inviting and calm. The people who chat in there on a regular basis had already become accustom to a moderator being around at all times. I just think that Steffy (or anyone else for that matter) is just more visible. But I do agree with you that if someone is not happy, they should just leave.
To anyone else finding this post....Eroticy is an online community that does strive to make it's members feel welcomed and safe. I have found their customer service to be top notch. The site is user friendly and easy to navigate. The members are friendly and inviting.
In closing, I would like to add the being a member of this site is not effortless, but entertaining none-the-less.
Thank You

#50 Consumer Suggestion
The individual who did write this, is one of the reasons eroticy is having such problems
AUTHOR: Bison - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, September 09, 2004
Well, seeing the above letter, I can almost guess at who wrote this, but will refrain from stating such. Steffy is also aware of who wrote it. The individual who did write this, is one of the reasons eroticy is having such problems. This individual should truly attempt getting a job instead of spending hours on the computer intiating trouble.
First, Steffy does not work for the site. She was made a moderator solely for the purpose of ridding troublemakers such as the above so Eroticy can return to the chat site it once was. What Steffy wrote in this review was accurate, but Eroticy has stated and is attempting to rid the problems. Steffy is speaking to an officer of Eroticy on a regular basis, and I as a 2 year member have seen a better surrounding.
Also as stated, Steffy will report what progress has happened to this site in the coming weeks, if any.
As far as Steffy booting people, in the 3 weeks since she has been moderator, she has booted one person for causing several arguments in the room. How this demented writer states that she is not objective is beyond my knowledge. She has allowed members to state their gripes, and then peacefully calm them down.
Third, Eroticy has stated that they have received many letters stating how members are happy to have Steffy as a moderator, and the above being their only complaint. Many have written how the room has calmed down with a visible moderator.
As far as members leaving the site because of this, this is truly a false statement since the
Eroticy has been informed that their is a group of 5-6 individuals who have a purpose of only initiating trouble, and they will be dealt with. As far as this reporting individual, all I can say is that if you do not like the chat room or the site any longer, you should truly leave it and let the peace begin.
I am sure there will be several responses to this rebuttal, mainly by this group attempting to keep Eroticy from gaining peace in its room.
Like I said, if you don't like what's happening, leave!

#49 Consumer Comment
softandsteffy is now an eroticy moderator
AUTHOR: Elizabeth - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Just thought I would like add to the thread.....I have been a member of Eroticy for about six months! I have been active on both the message boards and within the chat room! I have met many people offsite so yes there are members that are real!
I thought that those people reading this report should know that softandsteffy is now a chat room moderator for Eroticy.
I feel that Eroticy's decision to do this was a poor one, steffy now has the right to ban members at will and she is not an objective moderator lending to the theory of a valued adult chat community.
It makes the room uncomfortable for a good amount of the members but we are afraid to voice our opinions for fear of getting banned from a site we have come to appreciate for it's candor and security within the online dating community.
I don't know how much longer the long standing members (yes we are real) will be able to feel comfortable with this situation as our new chat moderator is not objective.
Kind of just makes you go hmmmmmmm.......softandsteffy hated the site enough to threaten taking it down.....but now she is "working" for the site itself.
go figure.....

#48 Consumer Comment
softandsteffy is now an eroticy moderator
AUTHOR: Elizabeth - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Just thought I would like add to the thread.....I have been a member of Eroticy for about six months! I have been active on both the message boards and within the chat room! I have met many people offsite so yes there are members that are real!
I thought that those people reading this report should know that softandsteffy is now a chat room moderator for Eroticy.
I feel that Eroticy's decision to do this was a poor one, steffy now has the right to ban members at will and she is not an objective moderator lending to the theory of a valued adult chat community.
It makes the room uncomfortable for a good amount of the members but we are afraid to voice our opinions for fear of getting banned from a site we have come to appreciate for it's candor and security within the online dating community.
I don't know how much longer the long standing members (yes we are real) will be able to feel comfortable with this situation as our new chat moderator is not objective.
Kind of just makes you go hmmmmmmm.......softandsteffy hated the site enough to threaten taking it down.....but now she is "working" for the site itself.
go figure.....

#47 Consumer Comment
softandsteffy is now an eroticy moderator
AUTHOR: Elizabeth - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Just thought I would like add to the thread.....I have been a member of Eroticy for about six months! I have been active on both the message boards and within the chat room! I have met many people offsite so yes there are members that are real!
I thought that those people reading this report should know that softandsteffy is now a chat room moderator for Eroticy.
I feel that Eroticy's decision to do this was a poor one, steffy now has the right to ban members at will and she is not an objective moderator lending to the theory of a valued adult chat community.
It makes the room uncomfortable for a good amount of the members but we are afraid to voice our opinions for fear of getting banned from a site we have come to appreciate for it's candor and security within the online dating community.
I don't know how much longer the long standing members (yes we are real) will be able to feel comfortable with this situation as our new chat moderator is not objective.
Kind of just makes you go hmmmmmmm.......softandsteffy hated the site enough to threaten taking it down.....but now she is "working" for the site itself.
go figure.....

#46 Consumer Comment
softandsteffy is now an eroticy moderator
AUTHOR: Elizabeth - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Just thought I would like add to the thread.....I have been a member of Eroticy for about six months! I have been active on both the message boards and within the chat room! I have met many people offsite so yes there are members that are real!
I thought that those people reading this report should know that softandsteffy is now a chat room moderator for Eroticy.
I feel that Eroticy's decision to do this was a poor one, steffy now has the right to ban members at will and she is not an objective moderator lending to the theory of a valued adult chat community.
It makes the room uncomfortable for a good amount of the members but we are afraid to voice our opinions for fear of getting banned from a site we have come to appreciate for it's candor and security within the online dating community.
I don't know how much longer the long standing members (yes we are real) will be able to feel comfortable with this situation as our new chat moderator is not objective.
Kind of just makes you go hmmmmmmm.......softandsteffy hated the site enough to threaten taking it down.....but now she is "working" for the site itself.
go figure.....

#45 Consumer Suggestion
Refrain ..from answering your response.
AUTHOR: Soft - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, August 01, 2004
David, since you really don't have a clue about what is going on, I will refrain from answering your response.
For your records, I have spoken with an officer of Eroticy, and agreed to hold back any negative comments until we speak next week. The letter above was written prior to that arrangement. I am a woman of my word, and am doing what is asked.

#44 REBUTTAL Individual responds
Very Good attempt
AUTHOR: Soft - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 31, 2004
Lisa it was an extremely good attempt at marketing you tried. Unfortunately, when you look an IP address, you really should make sure of who you are communicating with before accusing someone of being someone else! Hence, the eroticy site you refer to being a major example.
As far as using your logos or anything on my site..I am not. The picture of the fake you reported was taken down.
Pretending to be a woman? First, Im more woman that you'll ever be. Second, it seems that I was the one willing to meet this wyoming cowgirl but got banned right after that. Now, why would I be so willing to meet someone from your site, if I weren't a woman??? Hmmm, but I guess we will never know since I was banned, as were countless others right before they were going to meet with this very SAME girl.
And finally, if you want Redheat (Clifton Heights) to answer your response, Ill be glad to foward it to her. Maybe her husband could answer any of your questions as well.
As far as working out different things for Eroticy, you do what you think is best. I never went in the chat room expecting to meet anyone, nor did I care about web cam or any of your video movies that you speak about.
In fact, I believe its states it right in my profile under SoftandSteffy, does it not???
Maybe that was what Eroticy did not like, my candidness. I didn't come in looking for anyone, and the people there that acted like idiots didn't impress me. I was actually a model individual that never said much to any of the idiots that came into your room.
No, nor am I interested in getting into any catfights with you. By the way...that comment wasn't posted by me, but I guess you again assumed it was.
The fact of the matter is, I have been very pleasant with you in my letters. Have I not???
You on the other hand, have not responded to any of them.

#43 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Mark - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 31, 2004
I agree with the above reports. Eroticy is a fake porn site and needs to have something done to stop them.
I was a member there also, and would never, ever ever, refer this site to anyone.
They use fake women in their chat rooms, and have star profiles as though they belong to this site.
I agree with your comments softandsteffy about the previous letters being Eroticy written. Lisa from Eroticy acts as though she wants to make up, but like her site, I think its a sham.
Why cant this site simply have REAl women instead of porn fakes? I know some of the women are real, but why does the American public need to sort through this, only to find out the person they've been chatting with is FAKE.
Did it..been there. I think anyone that realizes this site is fake needs to report them. I have.

#42 Consumer Suggestion
Wow - That Doesn't Help
AUTHOR: David - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 31, 2004
Steffy or Robert: I think your remarks to Lisa's email were downright deplorable. tries to report bad business practices in hopes of facilitating a remedy or fix for them. When a business makes such Herculean efforts, as it seems Lisa is, to mediate differences, we should not demean and ridicule them for it.

#41 UPDATE Employee
Please Understand My Intentions Are Sincere
AUTHOR: Lisa - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 31, 2004
Mr. Robert Hearn,
With your new site, please save us the time and fees, and refrain from illegally using our trademarks. Aside from that, I wish you the best of luck with your new venture. I am confident that, with your vigor, it will become a success.
I'm not aware or any chances you gave us to resolve any dispute. But, if given another chance, we can try to work out some resolutions. At this point, I think a conference call may be the best course of action. Please email me if you would like me to establish a date and time. I would be happy to establish a toll-free call in number so it will be at no cost to you.
I am not engaging in a good PORN catfight with a married man from Clifton Heights who pretends to be a woman. I never asked you to post your ID and respect whatever persona's or identities you choose to use online. I truly have no contempt for you whatsoever. In fact, I would like to see what ever issues you have get resolved quickly. In short, my purpose in here is to try and help. I have no inclination to fight anyone.
We are continually evaluating ways to improve the features and functionality on our site. One project we have begun to work on is looking at the authority a moderator has on the site and what opportunities for improvement may exist to have a net-positive impact on user experience. Another initiative we are testing is using web cams for live web cam chat in our chat rooms. We feel that this will allow for an extra litmus test to help users better determine if another user's photo is accurately represented.
We have made a good faith effort to contact users that we were able to identify from these complaints and unban their account if they agreed not to violate our terms of service (and yes, as Steffy/Robert indicate, we have made refunds as well). We remain committed to ongoing customer satisfaction and would welcome any opportunity to work with any dissatisfied customer to resolve their dispute. Please contact me directly through our customer service chat button located on our site or via email..
I trust that these actions represent me appropriately as a professional trying to resolve consumer issues. If I do come off as a sniveling little child, I apologize. I am not a child nor am I sniveling. What I am is a competent professional that remains dedicated to helping those with service issues.

#40 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Soft - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 30, 2004
Very good try Lisa.... I suppose you think America is stupid from your last 2 letters. Wow, if they are, I guess I wouldn't be receiving 200 emails a night????
You made a valiant effort sweetie, but you didn't quite make the point. In fact, to me, you sounded like a sniveling little child that is trying to ease the pain.
Again, good attempt at satisfying America and the world, but its useless, the word is out and my site remains. Thats why your refunding money I believe!!!! POINT TAKEN
Your attempt at contacting AOL yielded very limited results. In fact, it doubled my email. I have begun my own site, and there isnt a thing you can do about it sweetie.
I gave you your chance. You screwed with the wrong dog baby.
Your site is going down!!! End quote!
Your fake and your last couple emails are fake. People won't look at the words, they'll look at the proof. Ive named 35 chat frauds! How many more ya want sweetpea????
Posting my id?? NAh, you post yours, and then Ill post mine...biatch!
Your done in the fake porn industry. You met your match and round one is steffys. Wanna go round 2?????

#39 UPDATE Employee
Would Like to Resolve Disputers
AUTHOR: Lisa - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 30, 2004 employs an abuse staff that works extremely hard to facilitate an online community free of hateful, racial, abusive, or otherwise offensive behaviors. Our customer service staff provides a number of ways to contact them for help including live customer service chat, a toll free phone number, and an email address where every effort is made to respond to customer inquires quickly and accurately. We are very proud that our community has been able to grow.
Because we are unable to verify each and every member that joins our site, we do employ an activation feature whereby members can opt to send in a copy of there photo ID to become validated. While our moderators are constantly engaging in our community, they are not doing so for the specific intent to deceive or censor. Their job is merely to foster a non-hostile and active community aimed at personal sexual discovery. Although many people have been banned from our site, it has not been our practice to ban customers unless we think there is substantial cause. When a user is banned, there membership is cancelled and they are never billed again. Even so, there are certainly possible instances where our moderators have mistakenly banned users.
We have made a good faith effort to contact users that we were able to identify from these complaints and unban their account if they agreed not to violate our terms of service. We are committed to ongoing customer satisfaction and would welcome any opportunity to work with any dissatisfied customer to resolve their dispute. Please contact me directly through our customer service chat button located on our site or via email.

#38 REBUTTAL Individual responds
Yeah, Okay
AUTHOR: Soft - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 30, 2004
Okay LaTrek, Im an idiot. Suddenly, the site is down and you cant find my pics anymore....roflmao!!!
No, sweetie, I dont fall into silly games played by worker bees of Erot.
And... It's kind dumb to answer a challenge with a challenge ....isn't it????
If you show me the site, or pics, I will go on a date with ya. That was the challenge.
Yeah, I'll post my ID on the web...Yeah, okay!!!
Defend them all ya want sweetie, we all know the truth. Don't get in an
Sounds like someone's buttons got tapped.. Hmmmmm

#37 Consumer Comment
$500 challenge Steffy
AUTHOR: LaTrek - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 29, 2004
I saw those pics on the hun, a well respected and established site offering free galleries. I no longer have the link. Tell you what, I'll give you, Steffy, (John, Louis, whatever your real name is)- $500 if you post a scan of your drivers license on your site and one pic of you in high school. I'll pay pal you, you can block out all the information on the card- you can black out other peoples faces, I don't care, just prove that those pics are you. EVERYONE has an ID card, even if you don't drive, and if you don't have a pic of you in HS, your mom will.
I am a firm believer thatr people who live in glass houses shouldn't waste all their free time throwing stones. I think there's a strong reason neither Soft or wyoming were validated, and it's because they are the same person.
Prove me wrong and I'll pay you.

#36 Consumer Comment
LaTrek Get A life
AUTHOR: Soft & Steffy - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, July 28, 2004
LaTrek, get a life you silly rabbit....If thats what your summation is on Eroticy, you really need to take a smoke break and get off dope.
Yes, Softand Steffy is fake...rofl. Thats why she started her own website to down Eroticy.
If you can point me to exactly where MY pictures are posted, Ill go on a date with ya.
If not, you may want to at least try reading a book before writing. A comes before D, and Z is the last letter of the alphabet.
If ya can point me to Wyoming Cowgirl's pictures, I'd go on 4 dates with ya. Thats what my site is all about you dingbat.
To all I have met...It wasn't really me. It was your dreams. Go back to sleep. LOL
Yours truly,

#35 Consumer Suggestion
I'd like to sum things up
AUTHOR: Edward - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 27, 2004
I am a permanently banned member of Eroticy. My Profile, however, still exists, exactly the way I left it. I was an active member for about 6 months. After the first few months I became increasingly aware of how screwy things were.
Just about every thing said in the previous statements about their experiences match mine. I like to be an informed consumer,and to my knowledge, the user agreement was in fact changed after things started heating up. I noticed this one day when I was checking my mail. There was a little disclaimer at the top of the page that said "All onsite interaction is for entertainment values only", or something to that effect. Once I noticed this, I re-read the user agreement and terms of service,and it seemed that some things were re-worded or changed completely. I began researching the site's practices, trying to dig up clues. One night, I was pissed about a thread I posted on their message boards, which was deleted. It was pertaining to the fact that some people on the site (newbies) just didn't get how things worked on here(Eroticy)and they should get a grip. It was deleted before the first response. Then, I noticed someone had just posted their own thread titled" Eroticy is a Scam".
In thread it stated "Eroticy is a scam,pass it on". I laughingly replied to it: "You're about to get deleted". And within a few minutes, it was. I quickly sent him an email telling him what my email outside of eroticy was, so we could talk privately. We talked about similar experiences and began to form our own "Conspiracy Theory". I was still a member,while he was banned after attempting another "pass it on " thread. I began emailing other male members, asking them if they had similar experiences and if they wanted in on our investigation. One seemed interested,two others were'nt. I traded info with the one guy, and he told me he hung out with one female member over the weekend. She told him that she was in chat one night and someone PM'ed her , offering her compensation to entertain the male members. She refused. I have other information, but I will keep it to myself. So, in closing, here are the facts as I know them:
1)Not all female members are fake,just most of them
2)Eroticy uses your profile without your knowledge to communicate with members,even if you're no longer a member.
3)They edit your posts to their best interests,not the members
4)They ban members who stir the pot and try to cover up any facts that are detramental to their business' success.
5)They (Eroticy)obviously have SOMETHING to hide
6)Eroticy has been in business since 1998, they know what they are doing,and seem to have all angles covered.
7)They (Eroticy) markets the site to newcomers to make it seem that you will find sex with a member on their site. Once you become disgruntled with your failure, they put you down with the attitude:"we can't help it that you're a loser and can't get any!"
8) EROTICY IS A SCAM! Whether they can justify how they do things or not. Whether or not you were under a false impression ,due to your misinformation prior to joining, does not apply. That's what a scam is. That's how they work.
9) It's a free country, people can screw you out of your money legally and get a way with it.
10)That doesn't mean that you have to bend over and take it. It's a hard process to beat, but you have to be willing to fight for it. You can overtake them with the right resources. Corporations do it everyday.
whoever coined the phrase "let the buyer beware",was probably bleeding from the a$$!"

#34 Consumer Suggestion
People Relax
AUTHOR: Steffy - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Bald baby, how are ya? Hey I have a comment about Eroticy. Of course its not a good one, but its still a comment.
Go to:
www.[DELETED].com and see what Eroticy has to offer.

#33 Consumer Suggestion
Explaining the Illuision
AUTHOR: LaTrek - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 27, 2004
In response to Sanda:
I'm assuming the 2 profiles you're speaking of are Wyoming Cowgirl and SoftandSteffy? Those 2 profiles ahould be apparent to most of you as "NOT" employees of Eroticy and they always struck me as being the same person. Also the pics are of amateur models I've seen on the hun. If you want to see if someone is real they have the VALIDATION feature, like I do. I mailed in my ID to prove the pics on your profile are yours. Do you have any idea how many people IM me on AOL and direct me to their AOL homepage and they also have fake pics? It is naive to think this ONLY goes on inside, it's the nature of the internet. At least this site has a Validation feature.

#32 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Brian - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, July 25, 2004
I am still a member of Eroticy. I have been a member of several sites in the past and they all have falsehoods associated with one or more aspects. Eroticy, to me, is just a place to have some fun. I have met and am getting ready to meet more members. Not every good looking woman on the site is fake.
In regards to the terms of service and user agreement, I was banned in the past for a chat room discussion over how fake some emails seemed. I would get responses that had nothing to do with anything I said or asked and was chatting about it with 2 other guys. I got kicked out of chat and when I tried to log in again, was informed I was banned.
I consider myself the chatroom smartass so I cut and pasted the agreement, specifically where it says it's for entertainment, and apologized if they didn't find my smartass comments entertaining. I truly enjoy chatting with all the people there, and love to make 'em laugh. Some people take things too serious for me, but hey, we can't all want the same things out of life....

#31 Consumer Suggestion
Changing Their Agreement, urge to clear up facts
AUTHOR: Gregg - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, July 25, 2004
Again, I am in no way defending this site. However, I do have a general urge to clear up facts. In response to Sandra's comment about them changing their agreement; I went on the Way Back Machine and looked up a version of their site from November of 2001 and the agreement had not changed since then. But, I do agree that if a site changes their agreement they should email or at least make a good-faith effort to alert their members to the change. It just does not seem to be the case in this example.
Insofar as Tony's arguements are concerned...I think he makes some very good points. If a vallet service asks you to sign an agreement that says they are not liable for damages to your car and then they carelessly crashes it, does that indemnify them? I agree that you cannot sign away your rights, especially constitutional ones like freedom of speach. However, I don't think (and I am NOT a lwayer) that people have a freedom of speach right on a chat room. It seems that this company would have the right to censor comments made in their chat room or on their forums. I think their might be an arguement for posts being "off topic" or something of that nature. But again, I am no lawyer and I think everything is arguable to a greater or lessor extent.
LaTrek also makes some very good points. Some people might be making this problem worse rather than making it better.
My only point was that the best consumer is a well educated comsumer. I am very sorry if I offended anyone posting to this in any way. My advice is by no means intended to be offensive.

#30 Consumer Comment
All the REAL women are being banned
AUTHOR: Sandra - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, July 25, 2004
LaTrek, I can understand what you say. But, please be cautious there. I haven't been on the site in quite a while. But, I am still in touch with many people that I met online there. As of late, you won't find many REAL women there anymore. The real women are all being banned. There have been quite a few just in the last week. I did use a trial account once, just to say my goodbyes to my friends after my membership was cancelled a few days earlier than it was supposed to have and I was banned. Yes, I admit that was my fault, but they could have handled that differently. The point is, when they ban someone, or when that person is no longer a member, they should remove their profile. If they would simply do that, it would relieve so much of the frustration with their site. I have asked them to remove mine, and my pictures as well. Since my membership expired early, I was planning to remove my pictures before it expired...which I didn't have the chance to do since it was cut short by a few days.
Any woman (or man, even) can take a picture off of another porn site and can stick that into their profile, so it is true that many of those "fake" women, could be customers that are misrepresenting themselves rather than all of them being accounts created by Eroticy. However, that still does not justify Eroticy's lousy business practices. I am fed up with reading and hearing about Eroticy everywhere I go online lately, but the people who are complaining against them do have some valid complaints and they should be allowed to speak their minds.
There are several people this week who were banned, with no explanation, who had done nothing against their user agreement. But, their user agreement does state that they can ban anyone they choose to, for whatever reason they choose to...including violation of user agreement. These people (who caused no trouble there) were banned simply for knowing other people who had previously been banned.
Considering that fact, you are taking a risk by chatting with anyone on the site. You can now be banned just because of the people you know, whether or not you yourself are causing any problems. Those real women....they won't be there for long. We get easily bored with it, or if we do make friends there, we get banned. And, you'll find very few women that are there long enough that give in to the "come baby, wanna f**k" kind of message. However, if they don't give in, the site considers them boring and not worth their time.
I'm not saying this because I have anything to lose with them. I no longer have an interest in them, but I do still care about the many men that are being ripped off by the Eroticy site. And, if you joined more than a couple of months ago, be careful because you may still be banned yet. They are weeding out any members who've been there for awhile so that they can get a fresh start and try to keep the new people from finding out how their site operates.

#29 Consumer Comment
Gregg my boy you miss the point.
AUTHOR: Tony - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 24, 2004
Yes it was in the agreement, but start an account on there and go into the chat room or the message boards and try saying that which they have said in their own agreement. They will threaten to ban you for defaming the site, though you are qouting directly from their own agreement. I know, it happened to me, and the chat master had no logical explanation.
They can say what they want to in that agreement, but it is not very prudent to get upset and threatening towards someone for simply restating what they have already stated. Unless of course they are counting of the fact that people are not reading said agreement.
I don't think any sane person would think it right to say something about your own business and then get mad when someone quotes that same statement to other customers. Oh and by the way, in any other business not online it wouldnt matter any way, you cannot sign away your constitutional rights, and freedom of speech is one of them.
Going by your logic, i could start a company and have you sign an agreement upon entering said business, and you missed the part where it says i can shoot you, but i guess since you agreed i can do it. See thats now how the law works, you can agree to anything, but that does not make it either legal or moral.

#28 Consumer Comment
Eroticy changed their User Agreement
AUTHOR: Sandra - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 24, 2004
Just a note in response to the above comment from Gregg:
Eroticy recently changed their user agreement to state what you just mentioned. This was either not previously in their agreement when most of these people joined the site, or was worded so mysteriously that you would have to be an attorney to understand what it meant. As a former member myself, I never saw that in there. Furthermore, even after reading a user agreement, it is possible that people can forget what it says after they have belonged to a site for awhile. And, honestly, how many people are going to re-read the agreement ever single day to see when it changes?
When changes are made, they should either have you sign a new agreement, or refund the remainder of your membership fees if you don't agree.

#27 Consumer Suggestion
Creating Your Own Problem
AUTHOR: LaTrek - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 24, 2004
I just want to make sure I got this straight, so the over all thinking here is your upset because you feel there are fake profiles on a website, so you went and made a bunch of fake profiles?
You're upset because you think there are guys on the site posing as girls, so you as men made female profiles on the site to talk to other members? So pretty much a few of you did what you think the company is doing. Do you think it *might* be possible that you're all emailing each other's multiple aliases?
I as a paying member of this site don't enjoy it when I PM an attractive girl and she responds "I'm really BaldNinja".
Please stay out of the chatroom and let the REAL men who are members talk to the REAL women. Not only are you wasting your own time, but your wasting mine as well. I didn't do anything to you?

#26 UPDATE EX-employee responds
Educate Yourself First!
AUTHOR: Gregg - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 23, 2004
I don't mean to defend this service as I do not have enough experience with it to do so. But, I can tell you that I am continually shocked and frustrated by people's inability to read disclaimers, terms of service, and/or acceptable use policies before registering for a site's service.
Eroticy, despite any complaints that people have for their service, clearly states that profiles on their site may be used by employees and that interaction on their site is for entertainment purposes only. Although I have seen many online services bury disclaimers like this in the fine print, Eroticy is blatant in their disclosure by having this information on the disclaimer which you have to agree to in order to enter their site and in their terms of service and acceptable use policy of which a link is available on seemingly every page of their site!
In short, I would exercise some minimum caution before making any online purchases which would include 1) Reading the site's terms of service, acceptable use policy, and any disclaimers or disclosures 2) Post a request for or search for references from others who may have used the service in the past and 3) make sure they have adequate contact information available before making a purchase.
There is a Latin saying known as caveat emptor which means let the buyer beware. The best defense against not being happy with a purchase is to educate yourself on what you're purchasing and who you're purchasing it from.

#25 Consumer Comment
Free at last, free at last, thank god almighty im free at last!!!
AUTHOR: Tony - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 23, 2004
First off I hope lady Lisa reads this, as I was Jethro from greenfield in a previous response, but as I was still a member could not divulge my information. I stayed around to do the job the CM apparently either believed need not be done, or was told not to do, as well as warn others of the deceitful practices of eroticy.
They claim it is slandering their site to say that alot of the women on their site sending emails and chatting are paid employees of eroticy. But answer me this, cause the cm never could, how is it slander to quote their own user agreement??? It plainly states that any information or photos submitted to them is their property to use as they see fit in any manner which they deem necessary to make the experience by users more enjoyable.
Translation: We will use accounts that are no longer active to dupe our paying customers so they continue to send us their hard earned money, cause we know it would not otherwise be a good investment. Also since my previous post I have been banned for life, for what, well the exact things i mentioned before. I harassed harassers, sounds odd I know, but hey they have the business sense of billy goats.
Since my ban i have made approximately 40 accounts and been banned each time they figure out who i am, funny part about it is all of the fake women accounts i made up, alot still show as online when a search is pulled up. I would not be surprised if they are in the chat room as well. What's more is if you email them they do not respond at all, i tried that originally, and when i got no response i figured out there was no way to rationally deal with their company, so went in on my own in stealth mode, as i will continue to do.
I will continue to warn those who do not know they are being ripped off of what is going on, and I will also build a site that is based on honesty and integrity to compete with eroticy, and bury them in the ground where garbage and compost should be put. If you read this remember that if you sign up for the site, no woman there is real untill you have spoken of the phone with her, cammed with her, or seen her in person. And with the business practices they have shown, I wouldnt put it past them to pay women to to talk on the phone with you, cam with you, and meet you...possibly even have sex with you, just to cover their fraudulent practices. If you would like more info click on one of the following links to sites that have been dedicated to the spreading of the word of eroticy's horrid n**i like business practices. [DELETED]
With best regards to those who would be duped by eroticy, and worse regards to anyone affiliated with the scum of the net.
baldninja aka

#24 Consumer Comment
all are not real
AUTHOR: Mike - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 09, 2004
I was a trial member a few times. They dont tell u that u can only view a few times durning the trial. I also got replies from my emails to people and that they were people from over see wanting me to help them with getting money from their dead family member estate

#23 Consumer Comment
all are not real
AUTHOR: Mike - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 09, 2004
I was a trial member a few times. They dont tell u that u can only view a few times durning the trial. I also got replies from my emails to people and that they were people from over see wanting me to help them with getting money from their dead family member estate

#22 Consumer Comment
all are not real
AUTHOR: Mike - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 09, 2004
I was a trial member a few times. They dont tell u that u can only view a few times durning the trial. I also got replies from my emails to people and that they were people from over see wanting me to help them with getting money from their dead family member estate

#21 Consumer Comment
all are not real
AUTHOR: Mike - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 09, 2004
I was a trial member a few times. They dont tell u that u can only view a few times durning the trial. I also got replies from my emails to people and that they were people from over see wanting me to help them with getting money from their dead family member estate

#20 Consumer Comment
The Scam
AUTHOR: Philip - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Not to sound like a broken record but I to fell in their trap. Started with a free membership and emailed some people. I didn't receive a response from anyone. When the free trial was over I started to receive an email or two every other day. So, I fell into the trap because, I wanted to know what these ladies had written, I joined the sight.
The email from these individuals had nothing to do with what I emailed them about. I am canceling my account today because I just happened to find this web sight and the great information on it.
What if they try to make me keep paying? Any advice?

#19 Consumer Comment
A simple solution...
AUTHOR: James .Earl. - (United Kingdom)
SUBMITTED: Friday, June 25, 2004
In order to curtail these wretchid practices from untrustworthy vermin such as these, is to NOT
Silly Dolts! Open your bleedin' door, walk outside And socialise with the rest of humanity!...Thank You..

#18 Consumer Comment
eroticy myths are true!!
AUTHOR: Gary - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, June 21, 2004
I was lured into the hands of eroticy with their 3 day free trial; I posted many e-mails to hot and somewhat hot looking ladies and like the rest, all came in my box after the trial was up. At first I was gonna spend some loot to upgrade; A gut feeling said no, dont do it; these things are never gauranteed anyway. Suddenly my bulk mailbox was brimming with all these e-mails from ladies wanting to"check me out" "has a crush on you" etc etc. I havent been to that site in at least a year, yet my box still gets filled with all these mysterious women; One funny thing did happen once; I posted my email address in a profile and got two responses; when i sent each one a reply, I got rejection notices from the postmaster, sayin that the addresses didn't exist.

#17 Consumer Comment
eroticy myths are true!!
AUTHOR: Gary - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, June 21, 2004
I was lured into the hands of eroticy with their 3 day free trial; I posted many e-mails to hot and somewhat hot looking ladies and like the rest, all came in my box after the trial was up. At first I was gonna spend some loot to upgrade; A gut feeling said no, dont do it; these things are never gauranteed anyway. Suddenly my bulk mailbox was brimming with all these e-mails from ladies wanting to"check me out" "has a crush on you" etc etc. I havent been to that site in at least a year, yet my box still gets filled with all these mysterious women; One funny thing did happen once; I posted my email address in a profile and got two responses; when i sent each one a reply, I got rejection notices from the postmaster, sayin that the addresses didn't exist.

#16 Consumer Comment
eroticy myths are true!!
AUTHOR: Gary - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, June 21, 2004
I was lured into the hands of eroticy with their 3 day free trial; I posted many e-mails to hot and somewhat hot looking ladies and like the rest, all came in my box after the trial was up. At first I was gonna spend some loot to upgrade; A gut feeling said no, dont do it; these things are never gauranteed anyway. Suddenly my bulk mailbox was brimming with all these e-mails from ladies wanting to"check me out" "has a crush on you" etc etc. I havent been to that site in at least a year, yet my box still gets filled with all these mysterious women; One funny thing did happen once; I posted my email address in a profile and got two responses; when i sent each one a reply, I got rejection notices from the postmaster, sayin that the addresses didn't exist.

#15 Consumer Comment
eroticy myths are true!!
AUTHOR: Gary - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, June 21, 2004
I was lured into the hands of eroticy with their 3 day free trial; I posted many e-mails to hot and somewhat hot looking ladies and like the rest, all came in my box after the trial was up. At first I was gonna spend some loot to upgrade; A gut feeling said no, dont do it; these things are never gauranteed anyway. Suddenly my bulk mailbox was brimming with all these e-mails from ladies wanting to"check me out" "has a crush on you" etc etc. I havent been to that site in at least a year, yet my box still gets filled with all these mysterious women; One funny thing did happen once; I posted my email address in a profile and got two responses; when i sent each one a reply, I got rejection notices from the postmaster, sayin that the addresses didn't exist.

#14 Consumer Comment
Went One Past...
AUTHOR: John - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, June 19, 2004
I actually signed up for a free account to test this. I put absolutely no description of myself, and my title was simply a repeated random letter (as was the text section of my profile).
After this, I just sat back and let the trial run out.
Yes, like clockwork, the emails started coming in directly after the membership ran out. Sometimes as many as 10 a day with Subject Messages like: "so-and-so thinks you are hot" and other things which would mean they read a description...

#13 Consumer Comment
Serious Consumer Fraud and Manipulation From Eroticy
AUTHOR: Marie - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, June 18, 2004
I joined eroticy a few months ago, and was a paying member of the site for about 3 months. During this time, I came to learn many of the trade secrets to their scam. Everything that the above complaints list is 100% accurate. And, it isn't just the men who have major problems with their website. Many of the complaints listed above are related to the chatroom, however when you consider that the email is linked to the entire site, and not only to the chatroom you can see that anyone can fall prey to the trick of leaving your profile up for public view even after your trial period or paid subscription has expired, allowing you to either receive legitimate emails after you're no longer on the site...or paving the way for phony emails that are sent to reel you back in.
I have grown close to many of the people in the chatroom, and have even started my own chatroom outside of eroticy where those of us who have either chosen to leave the site or who have been banned can now keep in touch. Needless to say, the fraud and manipulation of the Eroticy website is most often the main topic of conversation. I can personally name at least 100 people just from my time in the Eroticy chatroom who have serious complaints with them. That's only the people I know, just imagine how many others there are. You might ask, "Why don't the ones that are still there just leave?" One reason is that many of those people feel responsible for looking out for the new gullible subscribers to the site. The point is, it should not be their job to protect newbies on the site....this is a job that should belong to Eroticy. It is, after all, their site to maintain.
I personally reported a man for an abusive, direct threat that I received from him via email on Eroticy. This man had completely lied to quite a few women about who he was, said he was single when really married, reeled women in by telling them anything they wanted to hear. After my threat, I filed an abuse report with Eroticy...and they never even dignified it with a response to me at all. They will ban members who are there looking out for the women and trying to protect them from harrassment, but they fail to ban men who make direct threats and misrepresent themselves to the extreme where they affect women emotionally and mentally. Their subscriber agreement also states that you are not to misrepresent yourself, make threats, etc...but yet, when they have proof of that and receive legitimate complaints, they fail to act on it. It seems that Eroticy protects those who do cause problems, and they ban those who are the most honest and best-liked.
Furthermore, offering free memberships to women who have been on a 3-day trial without even chatting really isn't fair at all to those women who do have to pay to belong to the site. If the site isn't good enough that it can keep women subscribers without having to keep them around by giving them free accounts, then perhaps they are in the wrong business!

#12 Consumer Comment
you are right ...said they would have a lawyer contact me,,, think they were trying to scare me?
AUTHOR: Douglas - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, June 18, 2004
well folks,,the stuff i read is 100% correct,,i just sent a note to customer support,,and they droped me like a bad habit...they are a rip off,,i was getting e-mails from people i never sent any to!!!(alot) but as you know,,they won't let you save them,,if i could have,,
i would have evedence of there i will leave this coment for your readers,,,and tell them not to send them money...they told me ,,that they would have a lawyer contact me,,,it think they were trying to scare me,,,because i told them my lawyers name and number,,and they stopped all the fuss,,,(and i mean NOW!!!!!!)
i have not heard a thing out of them ever since,,so if you comfront them,,have your lawyers name and number ready,,,because they will shut up real quick when you give them the info.. everybody out there be careful and watch out for these people!!!!!!!!!by by for now..........

#11 Consumer Comment
Is there really one born every minute?
AUTHOR: Stephen - (United Kingdom)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, June 17, 2004
I found this thread through google, typing in '' out of suspicion that I would find exactly what I did find.
After I first signed up, I spent 3 days looking at it, not really too impressed.
I didnt pay much attention to the site - until, of course, I received, as I now realize was like clockwork, a message. But I couldnt read it. My free membership had just expired. Just my luck, huh?
And as another day passes - another message appears in my inbox! I have 4 messages from some sexy admirers in my eroticy inbox right now! Why I must be some hot stuff - they're total babes! Either that or I am exactly like every single
other member of the webiste.
I am curious to know just how it is that the message boards have any other discussions other than the one that goes 'these girls didnt respond to my mail after I stumped up the cash - how very strange'.
Lucky for me - I am not a total sucker! I thought that the chances are that someone
would probably rate you before sending you a message and not one of these voluptuous
sexy computer savvy babes had done so. I smelt a rat. So I set up a new trial account,
this time stating my email address - just incase my account expired and I couldnt read the mail from all of the insatiable sexy fans I had out there.
But this account could never come into being as I was never mailed an activation account.
Instead I could log in and see what the profile moderators had done to my profile.
They would remove any mention of another contact method or any 'faceparty' type site. Its nice to know that every word you write in your profile is read by someone who decides what you are and are not allowed to say. I guess freedom of speech is small potatoes compared to the revenue
that must be generated by the completely outrages membership fees.
Whoever was refusing to admit my profile obviously knew I was trying for my second trial account contrary to the sites terms and conditions - as I mentioned my expired account in the profile.
So I then decided to make a 3rd account, this time completely inoffensive to the sensibilities
of whoever admits profiles. So I, as mentioned in another rebuttal here, messaged all girls who
supposedly messaged me - asking what they were saying in those messages. You already know there
was no reply to any of my messages.
And that is that.
Im sure the big idea in the minds behind these deceitful tactics on is that
once a large enough user base has been snared by these tactics - then they can be stopped
and the site will be an honest place (Well, if that isnt the idea then it is to get every last
penny out of these people before the game is up) but this will not work. This website is
a joke, it is a product that does not deliver. It is completely worthless to anyone signing up expecting to get what they are told they will get. Why? Because nobody uses it except for people who are just about to see that they have been duped. There is no community here. Eroticy webmasters, have some decency - tell the people that this site offers only streaming porn and nothing more.
Websites like this should be reviewed constantly for integrity.
Is there really one born every minute? Eroticy must be hoping so!

#10 Consumer Comment
A little more insight into
AUTHOR: Jethro - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, June 11, 2004
For the record, was a member for about 8 or 9 months. I too did the trial membership, and sent many detailed emails to women in my area, based on the person i was sending them to. Not one reply, so i let the trial run out and was done. Sure enough within one week, id recieved over 30 emails from across the gambit worldwide, but mostly in the US. So i did what most trusting cinsumers would do, i paid to upgrade my membership so i could go read them. I replied to every one of them, and never got a response from one. Mind you the ones i recieved after my trial ran up, were not replies to ones i had previously sent. After about a month i got a reply to one of my replies, and it was some blanket email with no detail or reference to anything in her fist email, or my reply to it. Of course once i was a paying member all the emails stopped for the most part, they throw ya a bone every week to keep ya around.
So after a few months i started goin into the chat room, where i would soon learn of many more of eroticys debaccles. To my amazement most the men in there acted like completely rude embicils. But i quickly made friends with a few ppl who were trying to fend the rude guys off to keep the women around(even though he new most werent real). Soon after that he was banned, and they cite a user agreement that is so d**n flimsy, a kangaroo court would even laugh at it. I too by this time had taken to protecting in the chat room, and began to get threats from the chat master about being banned. Apparently the site only has room for rude men who the women cant stand, and despises those who would try to make the chat experience more pleasurable for all concerned including They will not do anything to someone who comes in and calls everyone fake, or calls the women bithches cause they wont talk to em or cam with them. Also they will allow ppl to be harrassed by such individuals for an unlimited amount of time. However, if you try to help these ladies out by getting on said perpetrators, you are told that its not allowed. So in short, believes it is ok to harrass, as long as you don't harrass a harrasser. At least that's what i got from their actions. This is why i left.
Also the fact they censor, is not as simple as they claim. A list of words that cannot be used, paid, fake, not real, robot, bot, aim, yahoo, aol, roadrunner, msn, and many many more. Point is, an ISP is not a competitor of, far from it, not even in the same business. The simple fact is eroticy also uses censorship to keep you from speaking your mind freely, and is it not a better impression made by allowing ppl who disagree with something to talk about it, and not forcibly shut them up. Alas, the 2nd amendment no longer exist once you enter, they are apparently above the law, though the service is paid for.

#9 Consumer Comment
A little more insight into
AUTHOR: Jethro - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, June 11, 2004
For the record, was a member for about 8 or 9 months. I too did the trial membership, and sent many detailed emails to women in my area, based on the person i was sending them to. Not one reply, so i let the trial run out and was done. Sure enough within one week, id recieved over 30 emails from across the gambit worldwide, but mostly in the US. So i did what most trusting cinsumers would do, i paid to upgrade my membership so i could go read them. I replied to every one of them, and never got a response from one. Mind you the ones i recieved after my trial ran up, were not replies to ones i had previously sent. After about a month i got a reply to one of my replies, and it was some blanket email with no detail or reference to anything in her fist email, or my reply to it. Of course once i was a paying member all the emails stopped for the most part, they throw ya a bone every week to keep ya around.
So after a few months i started goin into the chat room, where i would soon learn of many more of eroticys debaccles. To my amazement most the men in there acted like completely rude embicils. But i quickly made friends with a few ppl who were trying to fend the rude guys off to keep the women around(even though he new most werent real). Soon after that he was banned, and they cite a user agreement that is so d**n flimsy, a kangaroo court would even laugh at it. I too by this time had taken to protecting in the chat room, and began to get threats from the chat master about being banned. Apparently the site only has room for rude men who the women cant stand, and despises those who would try to make the chat experience more pleasurable for all concerned including They will not do anything to someone who comes in and calls everyone fake, or calls the women bithches cause they wont talk to em or cam with them. Also they will allow ppl to be harrassed by such individuals for an unlimited amount of time. However, if you try to help these ladies out by getting on said perpetrators, you are told that its not allowed. So in short, believes it is ok to harrass, as long as you don't harrass a harrasser. At least that's what i got from their actions. This is why i left.
Also the fact they censor, is not as simple as they claim. A list of words that cannot be used, paid, fake, not real, robot, bot, aim, yahoo, aol, roadrunner, msn, and many many more. Point is, an ISP is not a competitor of, far from it, not even in the same business. The simple fact is eroticy also uses censorship to keep you from speaking your mind freely, and is it not a better impression made by allowing ppl who disagree with something to talk about it, and not forcibly shut them up. Alas, the 2nd amendment no longer exist once you enter, they are apparently above the law, though the service is paid for.

#8 Consumer Comment
A little more insight into
AUTHOR: Jethro - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, June 11, 2004
For the record, was a member for about 8 or 9 months. I too did the trial membership, and sent many detailed emails to women in my area, based on the person i was sending them to. Not one reply, so i let the trial run out and was done. Sure enough within one week, id recieved over 30 emails from across the gambit worldwide, but mostly in the US. So i did what most trusting cinsumers would do, i paid to upgrade my membership so i could go read them. I replied to every one of them, and never got a response from one. Mind you the ones i recieved after my trial ran up, were not replies to ones i had previously sent. After about a month i got a reply to one of my replies, and it was some blanket email with no detail or reference to anything in her fist email, or my reply to it. Of course once i was a paying member all the emails stopped for the most part, they throw ya a bone every week to keep ya around.
So after a few months i started goin into the chat room, where i would soon learn of many more of eroticys debaccles. To my amazement most the men in there acted like completely rude embicils. But i quickly made friends with a few ppl who were trying to fend the rude guys off to keep the women around(even though he new most werent real). Soon after that he was banned, and they cite a user agreement that is so d**n flimsy, a kangaroo court would even laugh at it. I too by this time had taken to protecting in the chat room, and began to get threats from the chat master about being banned. Apparently the site only has room for rude men who the women cant stand, and despises those who would try to make the chat experience more pleasurable for all concerned including They will not do anything to someone who comes in and calls everyone fake, or calls the women bithches cause they wont talk to em or cam with them. Also they will allow ppl to be harrassed by such individuals for an unlimited amount of time. However, if you try to help these ladies out by getting on said perpetrators, you are told that its not allowed. So in short, believes it is ok to harrass, as long as you don't harrass a harrasser. At least that's what i got from their actions. This is why i left.
Also the fact they censor, is not as simple as they claim. A list of words that cannot be used, paid, fake, not real, robot, bot, aim, yahoo, aol, roadrunner, msn, and many many more. Point is, an ISP is not a competitor of, far from it, not even in the same business. The simple fact is eroticy also uses censorship to keep you from speaking your mind freely, and is it not a better impression made by allowing ppl who disagree with something to talk about it, and not forcibly shut them up. Alas, the 2nd amendment no longer exist once you enter, they are apparently above the law, though the service is paid for.

#7 Consumer Comment
A little more insight into
AUTHOR: Jethro - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, June 11, 2004
For the record, was a member for about 8 or 9 months. I too did the trial membership, and sent many detailed emails to women in my area, based on the person i was sending them to. Not one reply, so i let the trial run out and was done. Sure enough within one week, id recieved over 30 emails from across the gambit worldwide, but mostly in the US. So i did what most trusting cinsumers would do, i paid to upgrade my membership so i could go read them. I replied to every one of them, and never got a response from one. Mind you the ones i recieved after my trial ran up, were not replies to ones i had previously sent. After about a month i got a reply to one of my replies, and it was some blanket email with no detail or reference to anything in her fist email, or my reply to it. Of course once i was a paying member all the emails stopped for the most part, they throw ya a bone every week to keep ya around.
So after a few months i started goin into the chat room, where i would soon learn of many more of eroticys debaccles. To my amazement most the men in there acted like completely rude embicils. But i quickly made friends with a few ppl who were trying to fend the rude guys off to keep the women around(even though he new most werent real). Soon after that he was banned, and they cite a user agreement that is so d**n flimsy, a kangaroo court would even laugh at it. I too by this time had taken to protecting in the chat room, and began to get threats from the chat master about being banned. Apparently the site only has room for rude men who the women cant stand, and despises those who would try to make the chat experience more pleasurable for all concerned including They will not do anything to someone who comes in and calls everyone fake, or calls the women bithches cause they wont talk to em or cam with them. Also they will allow ppl to be harrassed by such individuals for an unlimited amount of time. However, if you try to help these ladies out by getting on said perpetrators, you are told that its not allowed. So in short, believes it is ok to harrass, as long as you don't harrass a harrasser. At least that's what i got from their actions. This is why i left.
Also the fact they censor, is not as simple as they claim. A list of words that cannot be used, paid, fake, not real, robot, bot, aim, yahoo, aol, roadrunner, msn, and many many more. Point is, an ISP is not a competitor of, far from it, not even in the same business. The simple fact is eroticy also uses censorship to keep you from speaking your mind freely, and is it not a better impression made by allowing ppl who disagree with something to talk about it, and not forcibly shut them up. Alas, the 2nd amendment no longer exist once you enter, they are apparently above the law, though the service is paid for.

#6 Consumer Comment does appear to be BOGUS
AUTHOR: Chris - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, June 07, 2004
I'm an experienced on-line dating service user who has tried Match., Nerve., Yahoo., Adultfriendfinder., IWantU., etc. - with results that spanned the expected spectrum (deadends, dates, hookups,relationships)
And here is my experience.... allows you to search and send 10 free emails a day for a 3 day trial period.
As soon as my -3day Trial Period- was over (and I was no longer able to access my mail) I began to receive notes from potentially admiring females.
Every several days, notes from all parts of the country appeared in my box- with the occasional email from someone in my city/state.
None of these emails were in response to any that I sent during my trial period, in fact -none of my trial emails were responded to.
To read any of these notes, I'd have to pay for a membership.
My belief is that spams former trial members with fake emails to rip them off.
To test this theory, I opened another free trial and emailed the women who sent the post-trial period emails that I couldn't open.
My question to these women (who were all young/hot and posting erotic photos) was simple..."Did you write me -Is this site real?"..."Why would anyone as hot as you, write someone in another state?
-Not one person responded.
In summary:
1) No responses to 2 trial period emails (60 emails)
2) Multiple responses to my profile (with no photo) after the trial period ended.
Decide for yourself, but based on my experience...
This site is so blatently BOGUS, it's a total joke. No single man should waste his time and money on this site. It's a rip-off.-

#5 UPDATE Employee
That is very untrue
AUTHOR: Mila - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, May 26, 2004
They only have 2 affiliate programs- you can either be paid by the free trial- or be paid by the paid subscription.
The 2 biggest impossibilities in your conclusion are A- I have no idea which users joined this site- they don't send me a list of user names.
Why would I want to waste my time converting someone elses members and B) That's a great # but do you really think it's possible to chat with 1,000,000 people?
The site actually has over 2 million members now- how many people to chat and email with 2 million people would it take- come on- be serious- it's totally impractical.
I'm sorry you didn't meet anyone- online dating may not be for every body. But if you have so many questions- why not just go to the site and check out how the affiliate program is run? - read the fine print and I'm sure you'll see there is no mysterious 3rd affiliate program.
Your theories are WAY off base, just chalk it up to something that doesn't work for you, but don't knock an intire industry because you're unhappy.
This really does work for people every day. This is one of the few sites I've promoted where I haven't had any members of my site report a bad experience or ask for a refund, or ask me to remove their banner ads. When a site is bad- believe me- I am one of the first people to hear about it- this is one of the good ones, bubba.

#4 Author of original report
Setting the record straight... not saying all of their affiliates are in question
AUTHOR: Bubba - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Hello Mila,
Thank you for joining this thread.
I am not saying all of their affiliates are in question.
What I have reported and I will elaborate on your post as well is this...
One aspect of the affiliate program is a common practice on the internet, wherein people such as you put links up to the site and get paid for the traffic they generate to there. This is not a problem. It's standard internet advertising.
The problem is that to make the "good" money it is in the best interests of those affiliates in question to "convert" free trial members to paying members; therefore, making up to 60% of that membership fee.
So in fact, they have a few different affiliate programs and so it seems you may be on the one that conducts a normal business, you are certainly not in question. After you have done your part by driving traffic to the site, those affiliates who make money on converting free trial members do anything they can to do so, yes, even pose as people they are most certainly not.( This information can be found on the site's affiliate section; although, this is not a quote.)
You claim to make that 60% and ask if I find it reasonable if for $4.39 that there would be paid members to chat and to hook free members into becoming paying members.
Well let's do the math
$4.39 x's 1,000,000 (claimed members) = 4,390,000 (monthly)
Now say they only get 20% of that amount for real, that's $878,000 PER MONTH
That makes for $10,536,000 a year.
So I would have to go with YES paying people to keep the paying members hooked would be completely feasible and downright necessary. Considering, you pay 100 people $6.00 an hour to work part time for 20 hours a week, it would only cost $12,000.
Ask anyone who chats, if they could get paid for it, what a bonus! Now picture all the people who chat anyway, who do sit home and do it for free, seems like a employer gold mine to me. And to sit and work from home has become one of the largest new opportunities (as well as the biggest for fraud) in the past few years.wonder why.
I hope this clarifies what I have written and you now understand my viewpoint on this matter.

#3 Consumer Suggestion
Do you know what an affiliate program is?
AUTHOR: Mila - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Hi, I am a webmaster- I am an affiliate of many different websites, including An affiliate program is when you earn money by advertising a service. I place a banner ad on my site for, "" and when someone clicks on my banner I earn money. I have been an eroticy affiliate for some time now, and they've never once asked me to create a profile on their site or interact with their members in any way. Why would I spend time on their site when that is not where I make money? I make money when someone from my website clicks the link- my only concerns are A- when they go to the site and register I get paid, and B- That I'm sending my traffic to a site that can deliver what it promises. I get a fat check every month and I haven't received once complaint and I send them over 1,000 hits a day. I don't have to convince my surfers to join, the most I get involved with "hands on" advertizing is selecting a banner ad.
Membership to costs around $20 a month- as an affiliate I earn $13.17 -$17.56 of that- so do you really find it reasonable that on $4.39 the site could pay someone to sit and chat and email you all day? If there was really a job where people paid you to sit and chat with people it would be the right up there next to "video game tester" on the jobs most wanted list.
I know in this report you are attacking a website- but you also mention repeatedly their "affiliates", which is how I earn a living. I hope this letter helps you understand what an affiliate is, how affiliate programs work, and what an affiliate does. Sorry to debunk your conspiracty theory. If you do a search on the internet for "affiliate programs" I'm sure you can learn more about it.

#2 Author of original report
No Refunds will not stop the courts from finding the company in question
AUTHOR: Bubba - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 25, 2004
To Rebutt your Rebuttal Fred or "Lisa"....
This person has/had only 1 account. Why would this person try for a "free Female" account when they were already a member?
The comments about ever receiving complaints about the account in question is absurd. The person in question has never "made anyone quit", that statement has no intelligent basis. When it was obvious that the person in question was popular and even emulated by many (Including the Chat moderators).
The "who's Online Section " I have personaly seen "members" who are no longer on the site listed as "Who's online" several times..and yes, even members whom have been "banned". I do agree it is updated constantly, my claim is that it is falsly updated with "members" who are not only, not on the site anymore, but also not able to be on the site do to being banned.
Having a sign in your store that states "No Refunds" will not stop the courts from finding the company in question, guilty of misleading a customer or from deceitful practices. I.E you sell junk falsely posed as good stuff, you WILL be responsible.
Do the "members" of eroticy know that the pictures they have uploaded to that site are also being used by the owners of on other sites as well...?
Such as site is run as if the people pictured, posted their pics in order to be rated by viewers. When in fact they posted their pics onto an "private" adult dating service? But I guess you will say "once a "member" posts their picture it is your company's property", hmm sounds ethical to me, NOT.

#1 UPDATE Employee
Please allow me to explain....
AUTHOR: Lisa - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, May 24, 2004
After researching the allegations in this report, I came to find that the person who wrote this has registered with Eroticy on a number of occasions. This alone is in violation of our Terms of Service as we only allow one free account per person.
After registering the first time as a male, every other time he registered it was with a female account. The only reason I can think of that he would be impersonating a female is that he found out that we do occasionally extend free memberships to women that are actively using Eroticy in order to keep the website dynamic and interesting. This is a common business practice for dating websites as well as clubs, bars, singles clubs, et. For example, Ladies Night...Women drink free, et. By this user creating female accounts, he misled and infuriated many members of Eroticy, which was evident in the complaints we received regarding all of his accounts.
The Who's Online section is updated constantly. I do not know where this user received what he claims to be factual information that the list is never updated.
Eroticy does censor certain words within the chat rooms. About 2 years ago, we had a group of men that were very mean to women in the chat rooms and caused all of them to leave Eroticy. To avoid anything like that from happening again, we do not allow certain words and phrases. This is clearly stated within our terms of service.
We do not wait to ban someone until they have paid for the following month. If one person is causing a problem and making others quit, then why would it be beneficial for us to hold out for a single persons 1 month fee and give up all of the people that 1 person drives away? That statement has no intelligent basis to it.
Thank you for allowing me the space to clear up some of Bubbas misconceptions about Eroticy.

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