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Report: #73776

Complaint Review: Child Protective Services - Every City Nationwide

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  • Reported By: mcminnville Tennessee
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  • Child Protective Services Everywhere Nationwide U.S.A.

Child Protective Services Ripoff! How do they get away with this? Nationwide

*Consumer Comment: CPS is not ALL great.

*Consumer Comment: Been There....still there

*Consumer Comment: CPS is a JOKE and is EXTREMELY FLAWED!!!!!

*General Comment: CPS is not all bad

*Consumer Comment: THE LAW!!!???

*UPDATE Employee: CPS bonuses

*Consumer Comment: "cps is not ALL BAD" Maybe not all, but Most I've met are.

*Consumer Comment: UPDATE!! Troopers say children's grotesque discipline included being hit with a shovel and other tools

*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Poor Cheryl! She needs help BAD!!!! Find a Psychiatrist FAST!

*Consumer Comment: Unaware both sides of the fence

*Consumer Comment: System Is Flawed

*Consumer Comment: System Is Flawed

*Consumer Comment: System Is Flawed

*Consumer Comment: System Is Flawed

*UPDATE EX-employee responds: SOME Children Need Help -- SOME Parents Need Help -- Laws need to be changed to protect the children.

*Consumer Comment: CPS Isn't Perfect, but it isn't Evil Either

*Consumer Comment: CPS Isn't Perfect, but it isn't Evil Either

*Consumer Comment: CPS Isn't Perfect, but it isn't Evil Either

*Consumer Comment: Troopers say children's grotesque discipline included being hit with a shovel and other tools

*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Trade places with some of the people whose parenting rights you have endeavored to have removed

*UPDATE Employee: "l" from oklahoma is a nut case

*UPDATE Employee: "l" from oklahoma is a nut case

*Consumer Suggestion: Update on Liana Sandoval Case... jury awards father $7.5M ..

*Consumer Suggestion: Update on above Liana Sandoval case...

*Consumer Suggestion: Liana Sandoval in Arizona, dead, thanks to CPS and abusive boyfriend.

*Consumer Suggestion: when will you wake up and listen to parents who tell the TRUTH about your abusive, money hungry employer?

*Consumer Comment: another bogus claim my rear end

*Consumer Comment: another bogus claim my rear end

*Consumer Comment: another bogus claim my rear end

*Consumer Comment: cps is unfair

*Consumer Comment: I agree with tom

*Consumer Suggestion: Ok enough! This is just not right!

*Consumer Comment: CPS Workers are like n**i's

*Consumer Comment: another bogus claim by brenda

*Consumer Comment: cheryl you are without a clue ..routinely used as a weapon to terrorize humiliate and control the victims

*UPDATE Employee: misinformation about cps

*Consumer Comment: cps helps criminals

*Consumer Suggestion: The federal bonus money

*UPDATE Employee: cps is not ALL BAD

*Consumer Suggestion: We have seen so much of this that we started a group

*Consumer Comment: TN CPS BUNCH OF MORONS

*REBUTTAL Individual responds: TN - CPS is CRAZY

*Consumer Comment: I never said your friend didnt feed her child.....

*Consumer Comment: CPS IS A BUNCH OF BS

*Consumer Comment: CPS is BS

*Consumer Comment: she didnt not feed her kid read further


*Consumer Suggestion: Its the law

*Consumer Suggestion: Its the law

*Consumer Suggestion: CPS is not strict enough...

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my friend had a beautiful little girl. my friend was married her husband had a good job made good money. their daughter would not put on any weight. she had been to specialist after specialist finally her pediatrician dr. regina rueter mcminnville tn turned her in to cps for "failure to thrive" a legal term meaning you don't feed your kids. this is the same day dr rueter sent her to a specialist at vanderbilt childrens hospital.

a week later after getting the test results which were her daughter was alergic to milk eggs flour wheat and about anything else you can think of and everything babys milk is made out of cps took her child. how is this legal or fair. she got her daughter back but they call and check up on her and follow her and dammit it isn't right.

i am scared to death my son who is 9 months old and learning to walk is going to get a bruise or bump and i'll lose him. do these people have kids of their own? do they even really care or is it just a good paying job that they keep? yall have read the stuff about tennessee and their foster child program or at least seen it on the news. what is a parent to do?

worried parent
mcminnville, Tennessee

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 12/02/2003 12:53 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content

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#50 Consumer Comment

CPS is not ALL great.

AUTHOR: 4theboys - (United States of America)

POSTED: Tuesday, June 05, 2012

I am glad that you are doing your job and feel that you do it well. Here's my experience. My brother is an alcoholic and addicted to marijuana. He has 6 children. His addiction has been spiraling out of control for more than 20 years. He used to be a great father. However, as much as I have tried to intervene and get him help, interventions and support for treatment, he is unwilling to get help. So unfortunately we have had no other recourse but to involve children's services. When he is drinking he is violent. He puts his hands on his wife regularly, as well as using belts and fists to "punish" his kids.  He sells Marijuana out of his home, besides doing it from the moment he wakes up, several times a day until he passes out at night. My nephews reported their abuse to their teachers, their guidance counselor, the school police officer. It took one of them running away for CPS to actually show up at the house. They didn't interview the kids individually to hear their story, and didn't even once speak to the 6 yr old.  The case worker involved told my nephews they were exaggerating the problems and trying to use them to get out of the house. She did not drug test the parents. All she said to them was the substance abuse has to stop. But then told the boys that if he wants to smoke marijuana in his house, thats his right. Even in front of his kids, or even if he wants to offer it to his kids. That's OUTRAGEOUS! what is that message being sent to those kids? How do you think they will cope with their problems and stresses? The same way their father does? Most likely. And then when they are 18,and thats the only coping skill they know,  they will be punished by the law for it. But No one is there to help stop this cycle of abuse now. There were no services put into place in the home. No counseling given. The case was just closed. This is an abomination of justice and definitely a waste of tax payer money to be paying this agency while they stand by and do nothing. Meanwhile, my brother has further isolated his kids from our family, and he has put thinly veiled death threats about me on his facebook. CPS getting involved made the situation worse. 

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#49 Consumer Comment

Been There....still there

AUTHOR: Jhtr63 - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, November 08, 2010

I totally sympathize with all inocent parties involved. It is a horror story, that is all too common and true. I never knew about these people who call themselves as, "Child Protective...SERVICES" until it happenned to us. I have 3 fine sons who are all in great health, tall and lean. My 3rd surprise, was the daughter I had always longed for and wanted to have. God blessed me with my own little princess. She takes after me, my grandmother and mother. She is small in stature (petite), and thin. She has never had health issues in all her 4 years of life. Yet, after I took her to a simple dental appt with Dentist A, for a sore tooth. They scared the living daylights out of me by telling me if I don't bring her back the following month for treatment in the hospital, she can develop brain tumors and possibly go into a coma and die. (Here in my town, alot of dentists do thier treatments in the hospital surgical center) After being told all this, I did my own research while waiting for the following month's appt. I found out that thier lies were all unfounded, that brain tumors are not linked to bad teeth in children. I also found out, that a 2 1/2 yr old child died after having treatment done, at the same surgical center I was to take my child to and that  Dentist A was friends with the dentist who did the dental treatment on this baby that died.I found me another dentist right away, who could do treatment within the clinic where I can watch my child. So, I cancelled with Dentist A. Well, Dentist A called CPS on the day of the cancelled appt. They told CPS I was starving my child to death! Soon, I had police at my home and a caseworker come over the following day. This has been going on since June. It is Nov now. CPS closed case, stating there was no physical abuse (that was not even part of the complaint), but they are sticking with the..."REASON TO BELIEVE" on Medical abuse/Neglect. They have closed thier investigation and want to put me and my husband on a database. The fight has just started. We have a fine atty now, and we hope to fight this to the finish to clear our names. I found out alot about this CPS entity. They are paid and funded by the govt. They get paid more if they remove children from households and put them in foster care. Caseworkers get raises & bonuses for each family they go after and convict. This entity needs to stop now and get disbanded. They are going after all the wrong people, and removing inocent shildren from thier loving parents. When my case is over and we are cleared, I have a mission to help as many as I can. But only the truly inocent ones. If you are truly guilty, then its on you. My mission is for those who are honestly and truthfuly inocent of all accusations. I pray that your friend in TN will get the justice she deserves. No family should ever have to be afraid of having thier child taken or go thru this hell as many of us inocent ones have gone thru.

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#48 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: Happy1withshatteredreamz - (USA)

POSTED: Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Like my title says it all and here is how I know: I WAS AN ABUSED CHILD! I also witnessed abuse of friends whom were neighbors of mine, neither me or those children were removed from our homes. I was subjected to physical and sexual abuse at the hands of several people (one was my dad, whom was only abusive when drunk) between the ages of 7 and 16. When my parents split when I was 13 I thought the physical abuse was over.......oh boy was I EVER wrong. My mom throws me out at 16 and tells me "get the hell off of my property!" my dad calls the police telling them what is going on........the cops want to take me to jail and say I'm a liar! This is after I almost DIED due to a drug allergy and my mom was too drunk to notice.

Then there was the case of my best friend that has had her rights terminated on her 7 year old supposedly because the child was sexually abused (even though the report came back unfounded) and her ex-best friend LIED to cps and told them all sorts of stuff. This same person had their children removed for child abuse and later got their children back.......WTF?!?!??!!

There are clear cut cases of people that MUST have their kids taken NOW and it's not happening. There are also unfounded cases all too often they jump the gun and pull the child out of the home. I don't trust cps as far as I can throw them. They threatened to take my daughter once because I went to the welfare office and asked for diapers (I didn't have money for any because of just moving and was waiting on a AFDC check, which arrived 2 days later) and the supervisor told me IN FRONT OF MY CASE WORKER if I came in her office again for any type of help, even though I was basically homeless at the time, she would take my daughter. Nothing ever came from the threat though, especially because I told my worker the threat was unfounded you can see this (my daughter was in the office with me in good health, well fed, not dirty etc.) and I added "who does she think she is........she ain't god.......if she even tries to take my baby girl, I'll sue the heck out of this county!" My case worker knew 1: I was dead serious, and 2: the entire threat even tough I was homeless was completely unfounded. I have also had friends deal with this same case worker that threatened me that have lost their kids and do not know where they are. This person (the dss supervisor) gave visitation to a CONVICTED SEX OFFENDER after he was convicted of molesting his step daughter, this worker let him see his daughter and son. I smell a huge rat! My best friend has lost 3 of her 5 kids to the state of I know why this state was awarded over a MILLION dollars for CPS! These are just a few examples of why I don't trust CPS as far as I can throw them.

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#47 General Comment

CPS is not all bad

AUTHOR: Ernest - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, June 08, 2010

I find it interesting that you would make such comments... but I'd really like to see what you have to say. My family has recently become the object of an investigation as I did for the first time spank my child who is 12. He went to his guidance counselor to tell her that he was feeling bad about lying to us and that he was spanked for it after 12yrs of living.

She informed him that "they didn't have to do that" and promptly called ACS. My family not thinking we should have to hide because we are a FAMILY and do not advocate the use of violence allowed these "people" into our home. I was promptly arrested and we have been placed into this system.

Mind you we have NO past ACS cases, we have NO criminal history, we have NO drug or drinking history or problems, we have a STABLE clean home, my kids are NOT starving or unkempt, do fairly well in school, show no signs of living in fear, the principal and everyone that they questioned that day told them we're GREAT LOVING INVOLVED fast forward, they do not remove our children after all of this. We go to their "meeting" and were berraded and disrespected for me raising MY DAUGHTER who is not biologically mine BUT was legally abandoned by her father @ 3yrs old AND even quit his job of 10yrs just so he wouldn't have to pay child support. We all have the same story as to the events that took place on the day in question on the assesment of my son. BUT that didn't stop the over zealous supervisor from yelling at me saying I lost control and at my wife saying she failed to protect him..???? Cause I spanked his a*s??? HELLO do you even know the meaning of the word control?? If I lost control, how could I regulate my assesment of my son to his rear end ONLY??? We were not praised for having a solid LOVING 13yr marriage something NO ONE our age in THIS TIME we live in can say...

So you see if you go into a home where you see all of the above HOW COULD anyone look at these variables and want to disrupt a family??? Why would these workers tell my wife and I.."Well we don't need a court, we can take your kids any time"... REALLY, but you convienantly put the word temporary in ( ) like that some how keeps this trauma that my kids WOULD HAVE endured had they been removed....

You are BLIND and giving the system a PASS at obviously shoddy work that they perform. No you aren't given any raises or bonuses BUT you must justify your hours and any family that falls into question will make workers push them into the system right or wrong to keep their quota in check.

NOW due to these "workers" wanting to keep us under scrutiny, saying "this time it was a belt the next time its a brick" we have to go to court and we have to deal with their nasty disrespectful dispositions..mind you the pamphlet clearly states "family meetings should be conducted with respect from all parties involved" but these broads are allowed to yell and ASSUME and ASSERT that my wife is living in fear or that I'm some how a child abuser????

Maybe YOU were the one who walked the line, but you know what I don't hear ANY examples or any of your testimonials as to families that you kept out of the system. I keep reading about all the horror stories, POWER driven workers who have a d**n authority complex who threaten me with taking my kids.... WOW that is REALLY helping us out CPS...Me and My wife WORK, but they don't care come to court TOMORROW so what you have a mortgage and bills.... ESPECIALLY in this economy, then what, you'll want to take my kids cause I got fired??


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#46 Consumer Comment

THE LAW!!!???

AUTHOR: Michealm - (United States of America)

POSTED: Thursday, June 03, 2010

Show me in the constitution where it says there shall be a authority that can wrongfully take a child from a loving home, or keep a child hostage while causing the parent(s) to lose their jobs because of unscrupulous demands. Or having a case worker intrude on you at work. I know from experience.

So to all of you saying it's the law, or they are not that bad either work for CPS, or have friends or family working for them, and have been blinded by their brainwashing that happens to them to make them spineless, careless zealots that are trained to do anything it takes to take a child in the spirit of making more money.

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#45 UPDATE Employee

CPS bonuses

AUTHOR: Gretchen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, January 28, 2010

I would like to remind L and all of the other chronic posters that CPS does not get a  bonus, promotion or pay raise for removing children from their parents.  That claim is absolute BS.  If you live in the state where I am employed, it is illegal for a child to be removed unless there is a court order.  The court will not authorize a removal unless there is evidence of severe neglect or abuse.  The solution to this whole problem would be for unfit parents to just stop having children.  I would be out of a job but the world would be a much nicer place without abusive parents and children in foster care.

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#44 Consumer Comment

"cps is not ALL BAD" Maybe not all, but Most I've met are.

AUTHOR: Angelofmisrule - (United States of America)

POSTED: Tuesday, December 01, 2009

To Cheryl - Warren (U.S.A.): You state that "all of the comments accusing CPS of being incompetent, money grubbing losers are full off grammatical and spelling errors" but yet, your own comment is full of grammatical errors. I did not see a single capitalization in the whole thing. CPS is supposed to be capitalized along with the first word in a sentence IF I remember my elementary English. You also state that those who are "Good" parents won't get hotlined. I can tell you from experience that  ANYONE can be hotlined. Make one person mad or upset with you and you have a potential hotliner. My husband and I NEVER left our daughter alone, or with bad people, however I did have an enemy from back in High school who found out where I lived and we did get hotlined. Our daughter was well-fed, schooled even at 3, and very lively. CPS took her after filing false charges (Proven by the cops own pictures to be false charges.) and we fought for four months to get her back home. We finally won. In the past four years we have had to fight to keep CPS's hands off of her and they have took her because I believe in our right to homeschool. (I checked it out before I ever started teaching her, it is legal in my state and by the Constitution.) They brought her home the DAY before we were to go back to court. Now, after a year of no problems at all, they stepped in again and took her without a warrant or exigent circumstances. A warrant was gotten hours after they handed and took back a blank petition for a warrant. Our daughter wasn't even home when all this went down. She had went to her Grandpa's earlier that morning for her "Vacation". CPS knew that she was on vacation at her Grandpa's, and had even told me that it was a good thing. She was NOT in their "care", CPS had NO claim on her, I was being nice to let our worker know that she was going to her Grandpa's for a week so that she could see her cousins. She had her schoolwork with her so that she stayed up to date while she was there. They forced my Father to come back and tried to arrest him. When we were finally given a copy of the "Warrant" it was time stamped in the afternoon. We were harrassed a couple of days before when our daughter was strip searched and interrogated at a friend's home without our knowledge or permission. AFTER she had strip searched our daughter then the "investigator" came to our home and asked permission to "talk" to her. She never said a word about strip searching her AGAIN or anything else, it was to be simply talking to her. I am 8 months pregnant and they have had her for 7 months. They refuse to let her come home because of various different reasons. every time we finish one requisite, they pile on ten more. (Yes, actually ten more.) The latest ten we are not able to do. They require her to be home to do. Yet they refuse to let her come home. How are we to do those requirements if she is not at home to do them? They have kept her from us trying to cry Educational Neglect, yet she was tested and she passed everything with flying colors except the two areas that she was with a tutor with because we knew that she has problems in those areas. Now she does have problems with listening, as many children do when they have been told that they don't have to listen for several years by the CPS workers. We were working with her with a counselor and were slowly making progress. Now we have to have family counseling and some times our daughter doesn't even get to come to that.  Hmm, you also stated that CPS workers don't get "bonuses or pay raises for taking children away from parents!" I hate to let you in on the "secret", BOTH workers who managed to take our daughter were rewarded. They received a promotion and a pay raise. The first lady who managed to falsely get our daughter was immediately promoted and went on to have a mental break-down when she realized that she was in the wrong in a lot of cases where she was "following directions" of her boss. This is a 20 something young lady who ended up trying to kill herself because she was tearing apart families that didn't deserve to be torn apart. The second lay was also promoted, but no raise. Now how is it that two parents who love their child and are having another child are "unfit"? I know where our "faults" are, and I know that our daughter doesn't deserve to have her childhood taken from her like it is being done to her now. I am a college educated adult who happens to be disabled. My husband is disabled, that is actually what they used to take her in the first place. I do believe that it is against the law to use a person's disability to take a child. Matter of fact, there has been lawsuits against CPS for using a person's disability to take a child.
Thank you.

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#43 Consumer Comment

UPDATE!! Troopers say children's grotesque discipline included being hit with a shovel and other tools

AUTHOR: April - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, March 16, 2006

Well the kellys got off the charges..Most blame the news media tainting it?
Sickening isnt it? criminals got away with it

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#42 UPDATE EX-employee responds

Poor Cheryl! She needs help BAD!!!! Find a Psychiatrist FAST!

AUTHOR: L. - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, July 29, 2005

Cheryl, your pride in destroying families and disabling children FOR BONUS MONEY from our EARNED Social Security Benefit Funds has affected YOUR mental state. So sorry for your mental affliction!

READ the Adoptions and Safe Families Act of 1997! Oh, I forgot! It's evident in your responses that you don't know how to read or write. It's been so long since you've been through the second grade that you can't even punctuate ONE sentence correctly. Poor Cheryl!

Is destroying families and emotionally disabling God's little children ALL you know how to do? Have you received YOUR part of the BONUS MONEY for adopting more children?

The Adoptions and Safe Families Act of 1997 SHOULD be rescinded IMMEDIATELY to SAVE the children FROM DHS agents such as you.

I've noticed that about one time each month, some DHS agency broadcasts ONE case in the newspapers where a child really needed help. ONE case out of several thousand cases taken in EVERY day of the year! ONE case justified!

It IS all about BONUS MONEY, Miss Cheryl! You just don't know how to read or you'd agree. Of course YOUR agency managers, supervisors and the director is pushing SWIFT ADOPTIONS and it IS solely for bonus money. It is NOT to protect any child!

Poor Cheryl! It is evident that you need mental help! You've been a part of DHS entirely too long! It's affected every part of the little mind you may have originally been given.

Poor Cheryl! I'll pray that some way GOD will teach you the things you should have learned when you were age 1-6. Somewhere your mind left you! Maybe if you go on a search for it, you'll find some little part remaining.

SAVE CHILDREN FROM DHS AGENCIES AND ESPECIALLY FROM PEOPLE LIKE POOR MENTALLY ILL, CHERYL! I'm so sorry, Cheryl, that your mind is gone. You don't need to be working for an agency assigned the task of protecting our children. Children need to be protected FROM DHS agents such as you and others so BENT on destroying families and EMOTIONALLY DISABLING little children FOR BONUS MONEY!

Get a life, Cheryl! You should go back to school and learn how to spell simple words and punctuate sentences! YOU HAVE A DEGREE? How did you every make it through the Freshman year of college? Did you even attend college to learn to be a Social Worker? It sure didn't take long for YOU to learn to lie for DHS, did it? It's evident from your postings.


Cheryl, do you believe in God? Have you ever read His word? Proverbs 10:13 says, "People with common sense are admired!" Proverbs 10:25b says, "The good man has a strong anchor."

If you know how to read, Cheryl, try reading Proverbs. There's one chapter for each day of the month. Open your mind to the TRUTH!

Luke 17:2 says, "It would be better to be thrown into the deepest sea with a huge rock tied to your neck, than to face the punishment in store for those who HARM these little children's souls. I am warning YOU!"

Cheryl, need to think about what you're doing to His little ones! It's NOT protection! It's emotionally disabling little children for BONUS MONEY to your agency!

Sorry for the length of this reply! The sentences DO begin with capital letters, punctuation is correct and I believe the words are all spelled correctly.

Here's MY sincere prayer for the Department of Human Services: "Lord God, thank you for those DHS/CPS caseworkers who serve YOU in their chosen vocation or the vocation YOU chose for them. Lord, help DHS/CPS caseworkers realize the damage they're doing to YOUR little children and YOUR families! Protect our little children from those caseworkers who serve the evil desires of DHS/CPS. Lord, help parents learn how to control their frustrations so they can teach their children about Your love. Help parents find the origin of their anger or resentment and help them learn ways to correct that anger and resentment in the manner You would choose. Help parents learn to love You with all their heart, soul and mind. Help us love our neighbor as ourself as you commanded. Help us remember the teachings in Mark 11:20-25. Lord, find a way to move evil-minded caseworkers out of DHS/CPS so our little children can be protected ... who NEED to be protected. And, Lord, save our little innocent children from the horrors of DHS/CPS as it has changed since the ASFA was enacted! Cause those who promote the BONUS MONEY from ASFA to be convicted of their acts. Lord, help the God-fearing DHS/CPS employees. Give them the knowledge and power to know what to do when their superiors promote the ASFA. Thank you, God, for loving children. Protect our children from the evil-minded DHS/CPS caseworkers and Lord, help our Congessional leaders rescind the ASFA so our little children (Your little ones) will be safe from the ills the Act promotes. Convict every member of the Clinton Administration who supported the enactment of the ASFA. Convict President Bush for extending the ASFA through 2008 and further promoted giving MORE Bonus Money to DHS agencies. Lord, DHS/CPS NEEDS your help! Thank you, Lord! In Jesus' name and for His sake and the sake of Your children! AMEN!"

In His Service and under His command!

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#41 Consumer Comment

Unaware both sides of the fence

AUTHOR: Melanie - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, May 27, 2005

I believe that people are unaware that they have rights and of course they are not told what rights that they do have, I could never figure out why children that are abused are left in the home and kids that are not are taken out of the home at times, maybe some of these places run a black market for kids and maybe thats why they can't account for some of these kids that are "Lost" or "misplaced" I may have spelled that wrong.

I have had experience with people that have been on both sides of the fence and there is something, at times that is not right. if you think that your rights are being trampled on go to your state reps office, go to your county commisioners office, file grievences all the way to the top and ALWAYS start at the top do not start at the bottom of the employment rank because then it takes forever and somebody is liable to play favorites with a co-worker and not do anything about it. good luck to all. and always God Bless the children.

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#40 Consumer Comment

System Is Flawed

AUTHOR: J - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, January 04, 2005

I, myslef, have had contact with CPS over the last few years. Non of it being that I or my husband had abused kids. Together we have 5 kids. 3 ours. For the most part we have had "Good" experience with CPS. I WILL NOT go so far as to say that I "like them". The 1st being a bruise that was found a visiting nurse at a Dacy Care Provider. My Son was learning to crawl. This "visiting nurse" looked at my son and walked out and called CPS. Being in the military those type of calls are handled imedaitly. With in a few hours I was called in my my CO and told I needed to take my son to the ER or a closer look. The good part about this is my command stood behind me and I had both CPS, Doctors, and my Co in with me. The doc said it was just simmply and ordinary bruise caused by childern being children and he would not say and type of abuse. The CPS worker went back to the hospital from the "visting nurse" and the nurse recieved a repremand for "checking" a child out that she had no athority to preform any type of exam on. This nurse was looking after the Day Cares owners mother. SO that one was handled very easly. The seond, however wasn't.

This one was caused by my husband and his ex battling back and forth over their childern together. Since my husband was depolyed at this time I was the one taling to the case worker. she was a very nice and understanding lady. What she told me was that when CPS gets so many coplaints they have to investigate. And since she had been working for CPS for many many years. She was able to see a pattern to the complaints. She was able to reach the conclusin of what was actually going on. My husband calling onhis ex and she to him, or us. She ASKED me if it would be okay for her to talk to my step childern (as it was summer I had them). I told her not a problem as long as I was there. Not a problem there. I told the kids to tell her the truth and not to lie to her. Not matter what they would not be punished. Both of them told her that there was no abuse. THe oldest (so scared that CPS was ACTUALLY there talking to her) broke down and told her she had a few times told one parent or the other things to get her way. Basically playing one parent off the other. Since my husband and his ex hate each other with valital passion this was easliy accompished. upon return home our case worker sat down wiht my husband and explianed the problem. And basically that they had both created this problem them selves. OUr case worker even went so far to help us she enrolled my husband in some parenting class dealing with divorced parents and the emotin impact of them not getting along at any cost. She also helped us out with buying of clothes and such when finaces were rough.

I have als been on the down side of CPS. My step son was removed from his mothers care. The 1st case worker was a b***h to say the least. The 2nd and current is very nice. However it has been over a year since my step son was removed from his mother and is not placed with us. A few reasons for that too. the 1st and most inportant is the constant battling between my husband and his ex over the course of 3 years. Family thinking they know best and getting involved, and the one that actually really pisses me off. My husband being in the military and constantly deing deployed. As far as I am conserned that is prejuiced against the armed services. They deploy so they can't bound with their childern. That is total bullshit.

But at the same time I am old enough to realize that WE as a people helped with this problem of CPS. Yes there are some good case workers out there and some bad ones. Every "company" has one. But when I say we craeted this problem I mean that we are taught that if we think someone is being abused we need to reprot it. The whole better safe then sorry policy. This is good and bad. Some people think spanking is child abuse and other think its fine. Some think taking away the cell phone or something else is wrong. This makes a huge problem. How are we to judge child abuse if we aren't educated in abuse? The flip side is what if that child is being abused? It's a grey line. I am also not stupid enough to believe that states dont' get money for adopting out childern. but at the same time I realize that we as a government have given that to CPS departments all over the country. This is a government ruled by the people for the people. We as a group gave over the power to control this issue and many others over to elected officalls. By doing so these elected officalls don't see the 1/4 of the group who are being takend advantage of and who are the victoms. They see a whole that have no homes or places to go. They also see foster families who are abusive who are just in this fo rhte money. Yes there are some. You hear that on the news. So to slove this proble the government gives more money to find perment homes. There by giving "bounses" to the CPS department.

I whole hartedly believe that the case workers are over worked. I also believe that people use CPS to get back at ex's, mothers, father's, and such. But again this is the system we created. We as people created. We made it okay for that one person who's has given themsleves the power to call CPS and report and and all child abuse the "think" they see though out the day. And then we leave it to these workers to sort through it all.

In parting I will leave you with this. Yes things slip through the cracks, yes there is wrong doing in the department of CPS. But at the same time they do a lot of good. Think of the children who are born on crack, babies who are shaken so bably they have brain damage. This department was made for a reason. If we want change the we need to chang it. We elect the people to change it. It's time we started tomake our voices heard. Godd and bad. The system needs change so instead of complaining about it why not help make that change and start contacting you elected officalls.

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#39 Consumer Comment

System Is Flawed

AUTHOR: J - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, January 04, 2005

I, myslef, have had contact with CPS over the last few years. Non of it being that I or my husband had abused kids. Together we have 5 kids. 3 ours. For the most part we have had "Good" experience with CPS. I WILL NOT go so far as to say that I "like them". The 1st being a bruise that was found a visiting nurse at a Dacy Care Provider. My Son was learning to crawl. This "visiting nurse" looked at my son and walked out and called CPS. Being in the military those type of calls are handled imedaitly. With in a few hours I was called in my my CO and told I needed to take my son to the ER or a closer look. The good part about this is my command stood behind me and I had both CPS, Doctors, and my Co in with me. The doc said it was just simmply and ordinary bruise caused by childern being children and he would not say and type of abuse. The CPS worker went back to the hospital from the "visting nurse" and the nurse recieved a repremand for "checking" a child out that she had no athority to preform any type of exam on. This nurse was looking after the Day Cares owners mother. SO that one was handled very easly. The seond, however wasn't.

This one was caused by my husband and his ex battling back and forth over their childern together. Since my husband was depolyed at this time I was the one taling to the case worker. she was a very nice and understanding lady. What she told me was that when CPS gets so many coplaints they have to investigate. And since she had been working for CPS for many many years. She was able to see a pattern to the complaints. She was able to reach the conclusin of what was actually going on. My husband calling onhis ex and she to him, or us. She ASKED me if it would be okay for her to talk to my step childern (as it was summer I had them). I told her not a problem as long as I was there. Not a problem there. I told the kids to tell her the truth and not to lie to her. Not matter what they would not be punished. Both of them told her that there was no abuse. THe oldest (so scared that CPS was ACTUALLY there talking to her) broke down and told her she had a few times told one parent or the other things to get her way. Basically playing one parent off the other. Since my husband and his ex hate each other with valital passion this was easliy accompished. upon return home our case worker sat down wiht my husband and explianed the problem. And basically that they had both created this problem them selves. OUr case worker even went so far to help us she enrolled my husband in some parenting class dealing with divorced parents and the emotin impact of them not getting along at any cost. She also helped us out with buying of clothes and such when finaces were rough.

I have als been on the down side of CPS. My step son was removed from his mothers care. The 1st case worker was a b***h to say the least. The 2nd and current is very nice. However it has been over a year since my step son was removed from his mother and is not placed with us. A few reasons for that too. the 1st and most inportant is the constant battling between my husband and his ex over the course of 3 years. Family thinking they know best and getting involved, and the one that actually really pisses me off. My husband being in the military and constantly deing deployed. As far as I am conserned that is prejuiced against the armed services. They deploy so they can't bound with their childern. That is total bullshit.

But at the same time I am old enough to realize that WE as a people helped with this problem of CPS. Yes there are some good case workers out there and some bad ones. Every "company" has one. But when I say we craeted this problem I mean that we are taught that if we think someone is being abused we need to reprot it. The whole better safe then sorry policy. This is good and bad. Some people think spanking is child abuse and other think its fine. Some think taking away the cell phone or something else is wrong. This makes a huge problem. How are we to judge child abuse if we aren't educated in abuse? The flip side is what if that child is being abused? It's a grey line. I am also not stupid enough to believe that states dont' get money for adopting out childern. but at the same time I realize that we as a government have given that to CPS departments all over the country. This is a government ruled by the people for the people. We as a group gave over the power to control this issue and many others over to elected officalls. By doing so these elected officalls don't see the 1/4 of the group who are being takend advantage of and who are the victoms. They see a whole that have no homes or places to go. They also see foster families who are abusive who are just in this fo rhte money. Yes there are some. You hear that on the news. So to slove this proble the government gives more money to find perment homes. There by giving "bounses" to the CPS department.

I whole hartedly believe that the case workers are over worked. I also believe that people use CPS to get back at ex's, mothers, father's, and such. But again this is the system we created. We as people created. We made it okay for that one person who's has given themsleves the power to call CPS and report and and all child abuse the "think" they see though out the day. And then we leave it to these workers to sort through it all.

In parting I will leave you with this. Yes things slip through the cracks, yes there is wrong doing in the department of CPS. But at the same time they do a lot of good. Think of the children who are born on crack, babies who are shaken so bably they have brain damage. This department was made for a reason. If we want change the we need to chang it. We elect the people to change it. It's time we started tomake our voices heard. Godd and bad. The system needs change so instead of complaining about it why not help make that change and start contacting you elected officalls.

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#38 Consumer Comment

System Is Flawed

AUTHOR: J - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, January 04, 2005

I, myslef, have had contact with CPS over the last few years. Non of it being that I or my husband had abused kids. Together we have 5 kids. 3 ours. For the most part we have had "Good" experience with CPS. I WILL NOT go so far as to say that I "like them". The 1st being a bruise that was found a visiting nurse at a Dacy Care Provider. My Son was learning to crawl. This "visiting nurse" looked at my son and walked out and called CPS. Being in the military those type of calls are handled imedaitly. With in a few hours I was called in my my CO and told I needed to take my son to the ER or a closer look. The good part about this is my command stood behind me and I had both CPS, Doctors, and my Co in with me. The doc said it was just simmply and ordinary bruise caused by childern being children and he would not say and type of abuse. The CPS worker went back to the hospital from the "visting nurse" and the nurse recieved a repremand for "checking" a child out that she had no athority to preform any type of exam on. This nurse was looking after the Day Cares owners mother. SO that one was handled very easly. The seond, however wasn't.

This one was caused by my husband and his ex battling back and forth over their childern together. Since my husband was depolyed at this time I was the one taling to the case worker. she was a very nice and understanding lady. What she told me was that when CPS gets so many coplaints they have to investigate. And since she had been working for CPS for many many years. She was able to see a pattern to the complaints. She was able to reach the conclusin of what was actually going on. My husband calling onhis ex and she to him, or us. She ASKED me if it would be okay for her to talk to my step childern (as it was summer I had them). I told her not a problem as long as I was there. Not a problem there. I told the kids to tell her the truth and not to lie to her. Not matter what they would not be punished. Both of them told her that there was no abuse. THe oldest (so scared that CPS was ACTUALLY there talking to her) broke down and told her she had a few times told one parent or the other things to get her way. Basically playing one parent off the other. Since my husband and his ex hate each other with valital passion this was easliy accompished. upon return home our case worker sat down wiht my husband and explianed the problem. And basically that they had both created this problem them selves. OUr case worker even went so far to help us she enrolled my husband in some parenting class dealing with divorced parents and the emotin impact of them not getting along at any cost. She also helped us out with buying of clothes and such when finaces were rough.

I have als been on the down side of CPS. My step son was removed from his mothers care. The 1st case worker was a b***h to say the least. The 2nd and current is very nice. However it has been over a year since my step son was removed from his mother and is not placed with us. A few reasons for that too. the 1st and most inportant is the constant battling between my husband and his ex over the course of 3 years. Family thinking they know best and getting involved, and the one that actually really pisses me off. My husband being in the military and constantly deing deployed. As far as I am conserned that is prejuiced against the armed services. They deploy so they can't bound with their childern. That is total bullshit.

But at the same time I am old enough to realize that WE as a people helped with this problem of CPS. Yes there are some good case workers out there and some bad ones. Every "company" has one. But when I say we craeted this problem I mean that we are taught that if we think someone is being abused we need to reprot it. The whole better safe then sorry policy. This is good and bad. Some people think spanking is child abuse and other think its fine. Some think taking away the cell phone or something else is wrong. This makes a huge problem. How are we to judge child abuse if we aren't educated in abuse? The flip side is what if that child is being abused? It's a grey line. I am also not stupid enough to believe that states dont' get money for adopting out childern. but at the same time I realize that we as a government have given that to CPS departments all over the country. This is a government ruled by the people for the people. We as a group gave over the power to control this issue and many others over to elected officalls. By doing so these elected officalls don't see the 1/4 of the group who are being takend advantage of and who are the victoms. They see a whole that have no homes or places to go. They also see foster families who are abusive who are just in this fo rhte money. Yes there are some. You hear that on the news. So to slove this proble the government gives more money to find perment homes. There by giving "bounses" to the CPS department.

I whole hartedly believe that the case workers are over worked. I also believe that people use CPS to get back at ex's, mothers, father's, and such. But again this is the system we created. We as people created. We made it okay for that one person who's has given themsleves the power to call CPS and report and and all child abuse the "think" they see though out the day. And then we leave it to these workers to sort through it all.

In parting I will leave you with this. Yes things slip through the cracks, yes there is wrong doing in the department of CPS. But at the same time they do a lot of good. Think of the children who are born on crack, babies who are shaken so bably they have brain damage. This department was made for a reason. If we want change the we need to chang it. We elect the people to change it. It's time we started tomake our voices heard. Godd and bad. The system needs change so instead of complaining about it why not help make that change and start contacting you elected officalls.

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#37 Consumer Comment

System Is Flawed

AUTHOR: J - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, January 04, 2005

I, myslef, have had contact with CPS over the last few years. Non of it being that I or my husband had abused kids. Together we have 5 kids. 3 ours. For the most part we have had "Good" experience with CPS. I WILL NOT go so far as to say that I "like them". The 1st being a bruise that was found a visiting nurse at a Dacy Care Provider. My Son was learning to crawl. This "visiting nurse" looked at my son and walked out and called CPS. Being in the military those type of calls are handled imedaitly. With in a few hours I was called in my my CO and told I needed to take my son to the ER or a closer look. The good part about this is my command stood behind me and I had both CPS, Doctors, and my Co in with me. The doc said it was just simmply and ordinary bruise caused by childern being children and he would not say and type of abuse. The CPS worker went back to the hospital from the "visting nurse" and the nurse recieved a repremand for "checking" a child out that she had no athority to preform any type of exam on. This nurse was looking after the Day Cares owners mother. SO that one was handled very easly. The seond, however wasn't.

This one was caused by my husband and his ex battling back and forth over their childern together. Since my husband was depolyed at this time I was the one taling to the case worker. she was a very nice and understanding lady. What she told me was that when CPS gets so many coplaints they have to investigate. And since she had been working for CPS for many many years. She was able to see a pattern to the complaints. She was able to reach the conclusin of what was actually going on. My husband calling onhis ex and she to him, or us. She ASKED me if it would be okay for her to talk to my step childern (as it was summer I had them). I told her not a problem as long as I was there. Not a problem there. I told the kids to tell her the truth and not to lie to her. Not matter what they would not be punished. Both of them told her that there was no abuse. THe oldest (so scared that CPS was ACTUALLY there talking to her) broke down and told her she had a few times told one parent or the other things to get her way. Basically playing one parent off the other. Since my husband and his ex hate each other with valital passion this was easliy accompished. upon return home our case worker sat down wiht my husband and explianed the problem. And basically that they had both created this problem them selves. OUr case worker even went so far to help us she enrolled my husband in some parenting class dealing with divorced parents and the emotin impact of them not getting along at any cost. She also helped us out with buying of clothes and such when finaces were rough.

I have als been on the down side of CPS. My step son was removed from his mothers care. The 1st case worker was a b***h to say the least. The 2nd and current is very nice. However it has been over a year since my step son was removed from his mother and is not placed with us. A few reasons for that too. the 1st and most inportant is the constant battling between my husband and his ex over the course of 3 years. Family thinking they know best and getting involved, and the one that actually really pisses me off. My husband being in the military and constantly deing deployed. As far as I am conserned that is prejuiced against the armed services. They deploy so they can't bound with their childern. That is total bullshit.

But at the same time I am old enough to realize that WE as a people helped with this problem of CPS. Yes there are some good case workers out there and some bad ones. Every "company" has one. But when I say we craeted this problem I mean that we are taught that if we think someone is being abused we need to reprot it. The whole better safe then sorry policy. This is good and bad. Some people think spanking is child abuse and other think its fine. Some think taking away the cell phone or something else is wrong. This makes a huge problem. How are we to judge child abuse if we aren't educated in abuse? The flip side is what if that child is being abused? It's a grey line. I am also not stupid enough to believe that states dont' get money for adopting out childern. but at the same time I realize that we as a government have given that to CPS departments all over the country. This is a government ruled by the people for the people. We as a group gave over the power to control this issue and many others over to elected officalls. By doing so these elected officalls don't see the 1/4 of the group who are being takend advantage of and who are the victoms. They see a whole that have no homes or places to go. They also see foster families who are abusive who are just in this fo rhte money. Yes there are some. You hear that on the news. So to slove this proble the government gives more money to find perment homes. There by giving "bounses" to the CPS department.

I whole hartedly believe that the case workers are over worked. I also believe that people use CPS to get back at ex's, mothers, father's, and such. But again this is the system we created. We as people created. We made it okay for that one person who's has given themsleves the power to call CPS and report and and all child abuse the "think" they see though out the day. And then we leave it to these workers to sort through it all.

In parting I will leave you with this. Yes things slip through the cracks, yes there is wrong doing in the department of CPS. But at the same time they do a lot of good. Think of the children who are born on crack, babies who are shaken so bably they have brain damage. This department was made for a reason. If we want change the we need to chang it. We elect the people to change it. It's time we started tomake our voices heard. Godd and bad. The system needs change so instead of complaining about it why not help make that change and start contacting you elected officalls.

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#36 UPDATE EX-employee responds

SOME Children Need Help -- SOME Parents Need Help -- Laws need to be changed to protect the children.

AUTHOR: L. - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, October 21, 2004

It's true! SOME children do need help! SOME parents need help! The problem is that DHS/CPS refuses to offer needed help when the PARENT requests help. All they see is $$$ in their eyes from the Adoptions and Safe Families Act of 1997. They begin fabricating lies and stories to convince the court that the parents CAN'T be helped.

A year later, a note is found in the caseworker's records that says, "Letter mailed to parents telling about Parenting and Anger Management Classes." What happened to the letter that she reportedly mailed? Why didn't the parent ever see it? Why couldn't the worker tell the parent there WERE classes available? The caseworker had the parent's phone number but for some unknown reason except $$$, she couldn't dial the number to let him know there WERE classes that he asked about. It just doesn't make sense and I wouldn't believe it but I, myself, questioned the caseworker's statement saying, "There are no parening classes."

We begged an OKDHS caseworker for information about parenting classes. Having worked for DHS previously, I KNEW she was lying but had no way to find out where the parenting classes could be found or how to go about getting accepted into one of the classes.

The big problem is that DHS Caseworkers dream up imaginable stories and their particular state supports and promotes their lies. The truth is NOT believed OR recorded.

It's MONEY! The ASFA should be rescinded OR DHS caseworkers need to be FORCED to tell the truth and help the family when the family asks for help.

The reason DHS refuses to help parents is that if the parents get help, the children will be returned to their home and DHS will NOT get the rewards and bonuses from THAT case. It's money!

The laws promoting DOUBLING and TRIPLING adoptions is NOTHING FOR AMERICA TO BE PROUD OF. Look at the number of children whose lives have been completely destroyed so DHS/CPS can be rewarded and given bonuses!

Thirty-three (33) states and the District of Columbia have doubled the number of adoptions rather than help the parent(s). I'm so ashamed that my country supports such liars, child abusers and child neglectors.

It would be nice to learn that a few of the adoption promoters suffered just 1/10th as much as the children or the parents have suffered because of this law and follow-up laws promoting it.

Legislators are NOT aware that the ASFA is be misapplied the way it is. They are led to think that the law promotes adoption of handicapped children who have been in the system for years. They're led to think that it helps prevent abortions. If they only KNEW how the law is being misused to rake in money, they'd change the wording to force truth instead of encourage or protect liars.

I found a young man recently who REALLY needed help. He doesn't have a car and must find someone who has the time to help him go the DHS for help. Once his name came up, after two hours of waiting, the worker told him, "Sorry, your request for food is NOT an emergency." She went on to say, "I have over 400 cases to cover! I take one case every thirty minutes. I just can't get to your needs today! I'll look over my appointment calendar and mail you a letter stating when your apointment is scheduled. Then, once he gets the letter, he must try to find transportion AGAIN to the DHS office and NOT be late for the appointment. It's been a week and no letter has been seen yet! She'll write in her report, letter mailed on xxxx, but client failed to show up for the appointment.

If the turnover rate is too high, and it takes too long to train new employees, then why build more buildings with the money flowing into DHS from the Adoptions. The new buildings will provide NEW and LARGER SPACES so they can take in more children, remove parenting rights and adopt so they can replace the billions they've spent on the new buildings.

Check out the salary of DHS employees. They're top heavy with supervisors whose salaries average $80,000-$120,000+ per year. I've observed, through the past three years, that each supervisor has from 1-3 employees under his/her supervision. Why don't they hire a bigger staff with the bonuses and provide help to the parents and children? Why? Why doesn't DHS hire employees or contractors to help the family rather than remove their parenting rights.

Giving a three-five year old child a bath or shower shouldn't be considered child molestation but it is. The Intake Workers said, "A father should NEVER touch his child! A father should NEVER give his child a bath." It's inappropriate and NOT acceptable!

COPY from the internet AND READ the following:

"Organized Crime Operating in CPS"

"CPS - The New Age MOB"

"Protecting Your Family from False Child Abuse Allegations."

"The Mondale Act" (HR 3588) This document should be copied and distributed widely across America. As the Mondale Act states, "DHS/CPS consists of many "overzealous, inexperienced, and even incompetent individuals whose sole purpose is to destroy families."

Please take the time to write or call your congressional representatives and state legislators. Let them KNOW what is happening to the Social Security funds. Let them know how the Medicare Funds are being abused. It's FRAUD!

Ask your legislators to study these laws, read the cases, talk to the parents. Then, they'll be able to see how the laws are being applied.

They'll be shocked but one by one as our legislators learn the TRUTH, they'll revise or rescind the law in the interest of "What IS best for the children." The future of our country is at stake.

Protect the children from DHS abuse and neglect!

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#35 Consumer Comment

CPS Isn't Perfect, but it isn't Evil Either

AUTHOR: Sandra - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, October 21, 2004

I worked for a children's shelter that was contracted through CPS. I saw hundreds of kids pass through our doors in the time that I worked there. Most of them were taken from their homes because their parents were drug abusers. We had one kid whose father murdered his mother, another was beaten regularly with a wire hanger and had nightmares every night about it. We had one kid whose father pushed his mother out of a moving vehicle and caused permanent debilitating brain damage.

We had a child whose mother prostituted her from the time she was three. Before that, the mother would freebase cocaine and have sex in the bed, while the child was in the bed with her. We had several kids who were abandoned. We had children who were nearly in their teens, yet did not know how to use a toilet. We had kids whose nutrition was so lacking that eating a balanced diet made them ill.

I saw kids that were orphaned, and illegal entrants that had been seperated from their parents and needed a place to stay until they were deported back to their families. I saw kids that had families- but their families did not want them.

For years I woke these kids up, fed them their meals, drove them to school, and to the doctor, and to the dentist. For years I was the one attending their school plays and helping with their homework and tucking them into bed. I taught these kids the basics of life that their parents had not been able or willing to. I held these kids when they cried. I was hit. I was kicked and bitten. I was spit upon by these children. I was nearly stabbed. And I did it all gladly, with very little in the way of financial rewards and with no thanks.

Did I ever see a child that should not have been taken from the home? Yes. Twice. And both of those times the error was quickly remedied and the child returned.

Did I ever see a Worker that was less than adept? Yes. But what I mostly saw was a legion of overworked, underpaid men and women who did the best they could to help these kids. Who arranged services and programs, not only for the child, but for the whole family. Most of the Workers I met were very young. They don't last long, you see, before they burn themselves out emotionally. It is hard to see people do such horrible things to children. You get jaded fast. And being on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week is exhausting. They do this for no money, no thanks, and a lot of self-doubt.

Are there corrupt and dangerous CPS Workers? Yes. There are also corrupt and dangerous teachers, and preiests, and dentists, and bankers, and cops, and firemen. There isn't a profession in the world that has only perfect people.

I am a parent. I left my job, which I loved, because I saw firsthand how beneficial having an involved parent in the home from the beginning was. I realized how many kids would never walk through our doors if more had parents that had put them first. As a parent, I am glad that there is an agency that has the potential to protect my daughter were it necessary. Do I worry about getting reported for her little falls and scrapes? Honestly, yes. I do. But I also realize, from experience, that there are recognizable patterns of abuse that are usually accurate in determining the difference between abuse and the normal wear and tear of growing up.

I have noticed a running theme during this commentary. CPS investigates too thoroughly- and look what happed to this child because of they didn't investigate thoroughly enough. Either you can complain about them being too rigid or you can complain about them being too lax, but it seems a bit hypocritical to complain about both. For the most part, they do the best they can. That is all anyone can do.

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#34 Consumer Comment

CPS Isn't Perfect, but it isn't Evil Either

AUTHOR: Sandra - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, October 21, 2004

I worked for a children's shelter that was contracted through CPS. I saw hundreds of kids pass through our doors in the time that I worked there. Most of them were taken from their homes because their parents were drug abusers. We had one kid whose father murdered his mother, another was beaten regularly with a wire hanger and had nightmares every night about it. We had one kid whose father pushed his mother out of a moving vehicle and caused permanent debilitating brain damage.

We had a child whose mother prostituted her from the time she was three. Before that, the mother would freebase cocaine and have sex in the bed, while the child was in the bed with her. We had several kids who were abandoned. We had children who were nearly in their teens, yet did not know how to use a toilet. We had kids whose nutrition was so lacking that eating a balanced diet made them ill.

I saw kids that were orphaned, and illegal entrants that had been seperated from their parents and needed a place to stay until they were deported back to their families. I saw kids that had families- but their families did not want them.

For years I woke these kids up, fed them their meals, drove them to school, and to the doctor, and to the dentist. For years I was the one attending their school plays and helping with their homework and tucking them into bed. I taught these kids the basics of life that their parents had not been able or willing to. I held these kids when they cried. I was hit. I was kicked and bitten. I was spit upon by these children. I was nearly stabbed. And I did it all gladly, with very little in the way of financial rewards and with no thanks.

Did I ever see a child that should not have been taken from the home? Yes. Twice. And both of those times the error was quickly remedied and the child returned.

Did I ever see a Worker that was less than adept? Yes. But what I mostly saw was a legion of overworked, underpaid men and women who did the best they could to help these kids. Who arranged services and programs, not only for the child, but for the whole family. Most of the Workers I met were very young. They don't last long, you see, before they burn themselves out emotionally. It is hard to see people do such horrible things to children. You get jaded fast. And being on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week is exhausting. They do this for no money, no thanks, and a lot of self-doubt.

Are there corrupt and dangerous CPS Workers? Yes. There are also corrupt and dangerous teachers, and preiests, and dentists, and bankers, and cops, and firemen. There isn't a profession in the world that has only perfect people.

I am a parent. I left my job, which I loved, because I saw firsthand how beneficial having an involved parent in the home from the beginning was. I realized how many kids would never walk through our doors if more had parents that had put them first. As a parent, I am glad that there is an agency that has the potential to protect my daughter were it necessary. Do I worry about getting reported for her little falls and scrapes? Honestly, yes. I do. But I also realize, from experience, that there are recognizable patterns of abuse that are usually accurate in determining the difference between abuse and the normal wear and tear of growing up.

I have noticed a running theme during this commentary. CPS investigates too thoroughly- and look what happed to this child because of they didn't investigate thoroughly enough. Either you can complain about them being too rigid or you can complain about them being too lax, but it seems a bit hypocritical to complain about both. For the most part, they do the best they can. That is all anyone can do.

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#33 Consumer Comment

CPS Isn't Perfect, but it isn't Evil Either

AUTHOR: Sandra - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, October 21, 2004

I worked for a children's shelter that was contracted through CPS. I saw hundreds of kids pass through our doors in the time that I worked there. Most of them were taken from their homes because their parents were drug abusers. We had one kid whose father murdered his mother, another was beaten regularly with a wire hanger and had nightmares every night about it. We had one kid whose father pushed his mother out of a moving vehicle and caused permanent debilitating brain damage.

We had a child whose mother prostituted her from the time she was three. Before that, the mother would freebase cocaine and have sex in the bed, while the child was in the bed with her. We had several kids who were abandoned. We had children who were nearly in their teens, yet did not know how to use a toilet. We had kids whose nutrition was so lacking that eating a balanced diet made them ill.

I saw kids that were orphaned, and illegal entrants that had been seperated from their parents and needed a place to stay until they were deported back to their families. I saw kids that had families- but their families did not want them.

For years I woke these kids up, fed them their meals, drove them to school, and to the doctor, and to the dentist. For years I was the one attending their school plays and helping with their homework and tucking them into bed. I taught these kids the basics of life that their parents had not been able or willing to. I held these kids when they cried. I was hit. I was kicked and bitten. I was spit upon by these children. I was nearly stabbed. And I did it all gladly, with very little in the way of financial rewards and with no thanks.

Did I ever see a child that should not have been taken from the home? Yes. Twice. And both of those times the error was quickly remedied and the child returned.

Did I ever see a Worker that was less than adept? Yes. But what I mostly saw was a legion of overworked, underpaid men and women who did the best they could to help these kids. Who arranged services and programs, not only for the child, but for the whole family. Most of the Workers I met were very young. They don't last long, you see, before they burn themselves out emotionally. It is hard to see people do such horrible things to children. You get jaded fast. And being on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week is exhausting. They do this for no money, no thanks, and a lot of self-doubt.

Are there corrupt and dangerous CPS Workers? Yes. There are also corrupt and dangerous teachers, and preiests, and dentists, and bankers, and cops, and firemen. There isn't a profession in the world that has only perfect people.

I am a parent. I left my job, which I loved, because I saw firsthand how beneficial having an involved parent in the home from the beginning was. I realized how many kids would never walk through our doors if more had parents that had put them first. As a parent, I am glad that there is an agency that has the potential to protect my daughter were it necessary. Do I worry about getting reported for her little falls and scrapes? Honestly, yes. I do. But I also realize, from experience, that there are recognizable patterns of abuse that are usually accurate in determining the difference between abuse and the normal wear and tear of growing up.

I have noticed a running theme during this commentary. CPS investigates too thoroughly- and look what happed to this child because of they didn't investigate thoroughly enough. Either you can complain about them being too rigid or you can complain about them being too lax, but it seems a bit hypocritical to complain about both. For the most part, they do the best they can. That is all anyone can do.

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#32 Consumer Comment

Troopers say children's grotesque discipline included being hit with a shovel and other tools

AUTHOR: April - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Parents accused of brutal abuse
JAILED: Troopers say children's grotesque discipline included being hit with a shovel and other tools.

Anchorage Daily News

(Published: September 16, 2004)

Five Mat-Su children suffered abuse, neglect and violent, often bizarre punishments at the hands of their adoptive parents, according to a trooper affidavit filed this week in Palmer District Court.

Sherry Kelley, 35, and her husband, Patrick Kelley, 43, are in jail facing multiple charges of assault and kidnapping, the latter based on confining one of the boys against his will. Each parent is being held on $100,000 bail.

The Kelleys aimed the abuse and discipline techniques at their two sons in particular, according to the charging documents.

At times one boy was sealed naked in a coffinlike box, according to the affidavit. The other boy suffered burns in February that became infected; maggots hatched from the wounds this summer.

Both told troopers of being struck with a shovel and other tools. The boys' sisters backed up their stories.

The Kelleys were state-licensed foster parents when the children were placed with them starting in 1998 by what's now called the Office of Children's Services, Alaska State Troopers determined.

The lead trooper investigator said he's never seen a case like this in his 13 years of law enforcement.

"It just kept s****.> The couple subsequently adopted the children through the state, according to Wallner's affidavit. There are three girls, now 6, 14 and 15, and two boys, 10 and 13. The oldest three are biological siblings.

At the time troopers intervened in July, the couple was receiving $3,400 a month in adoption subsidies from the state to care for the children, troopers deduced from check stubs found in the family's trailer home during a search.

None of the children had been to school in years, the affidavit said. The kids said Sherry Kelley didn't cook and they mainly fended for themselves, making rice and beans. Patrick Kelley worked in Anchorage as a landscaper.

The youngsters told troopers they did extensive manual labor at the family compound off Misty Lake Road between Big Lake and Wasilla, Wallner said. They worked in the vegetable gardens and greenhouses and cleared land for a home. The family lived in a trailer home, with a generator for electricity and an outhouse but no refrigerator and no place to bathe other than a pond, which was essentially a collection of water at the bottom of a hole.

George Long -- Sherry Kelley's father and the children's adoptive grandfather -- asked troopers for help on July 8, the affidavit said. Sherry Kelley and her 15-year-old daughter were arguing over whether the teen could get a part-time job when what seemed to be a minor family disturbance soon exploded into a tale of torment.

Troopers were told children slept in "junk vans" that the grandfather had brought in for them. Long and his wife, Shirley, live next to the Kelleys.

The parents had excluded the kids from the trailer and they had been "sleeping outside hither and yonder," Wallner said.

Troopers were told the kids were confined to the property and hadn't been to school since 2001. They soon found out about the severe, untreated burns suffered by one of the boys.

It took time to draw the children out.

"The fear exists that they will end up back in the same environment," Wallner said. "The safer they feel, the more information comes out."

The older boy eventually told troopers he had been hit on the back and head with a shovel and willow switch by both parents, though Sherry Kelley was the primary aggressor, the affidavit said. He had scars on the tops of his toes from being struck with a shovel last summer. He and his brother were periodically confined in a bedroom with a gate and alarm. He was often hungry and said his mother "did not prepare meals or like to waste money on food," according to the affidavit.

The boy said "he got caught stealing food from grandma and grandpa's house" and was thrown into the family's pond as punishment. He tried to run away, was caught and "was chained to a tree and not given any food for five days," according to what he told troopers. After that, he had a brick chained to his leg, apparently in spring 2003, according to the affidavit and charging document.

He was the one who was put into a long, rectangular wooden box, according to what the younger boy told troopers. An aunt said that her son, a cousin, also saw it, the affidavit said.

Both boys were forced at times to wear onion-sack "thongs" as punishment.

The younger boy told troopers his adoptive mother hit him in the face with a shovel, breaking a tooth, the affidavit said.

He was burned this year on Valentine's Day as he helped with torches the family used to light outdoor paths, he told troopers. Sherry Kelley didn't want him to go to the doctor because she feared losing custody of all the children, the grandfather told troopers, according to the affidavit. She used a stick to remove his scabs, the boy said.

When maggots hatched in the child's open sores, Patrick Kelley told him to wash them off, according to the affidavit. He also suffered frostbite in a finger while carrying firewood. When he asked Sherry Kelley to take him to the doctor, she told him to go away. His sisters scrubbed the dead flesh to the bone.

Just as troopers headed to the home for the first time, on July 8, Sherry Kelley herded the 10-year-old into her van because, as a relative later told troopers, she didn't want them to see the injured boy. She struck him with a steel pipe to get him into the van, the affidavit said. It was later determined that the blow broke his arm.

The situation was worsening and if the troopers hadn't come, the boy might have died, the grandfather later told troopers, according to the affidavit.

Before troopers got there, Patrick Kelley hit the 13-year-old across the back of the knees with a metal pole, bruising him badly, the boy eventually told troopers. The three children at home were turned over to an aunt.

Troopers returned the next day with an order sought by Kelley's family to have her evaluated at Alaska Psychiatric Institute. They found the 10-year-old hiding behind a building and called an ambulance. He underwent skin grafts and partial amputation of his finger during weeks of hospitalization.

Sherry Kelley now is charged with two counts of kidnapping, five counts of second-degree assault and two counts of third-degree assault; Patrick Kelley faces one less assault charge.

The investigation is continuing, Wallner said. The older girls told of being slapped so hard by Sherry Kelley that they thought their noses were broken.

The head of the Office of Children's Services said she could not discuss any specific case. Once an adoption is finalized, the state doesn't check on families unless they ask for help, said Marci Kennai, state deputy commissioner.

"Unless someone brings something to our attention, we don't know about these things, and that's why we need community to be involved," she said.

The children now are safe and in school, living together with a relative, Wallner said.

During the investigation, one of the boys told him, "I just want to be a normal, regular kid."

Daily News reporter Lisa Demer can be reached at and 257-4390. Reporter Megan Holland contributed to this story.

Are you disguisted with CPS as i have been? They love to allow abuse towards your children when it comes to the higher power. And cheryl that kind of hostile behavior is what we say CPS does to us parents. Thank you for showing america your true colors. Thank you for showing america that 99% of the time your the terroist towards us law abiding citizens. After you read this story. I hope you all pull that broomstick out of your butt and realize you may not be the ones corrupted. But many in CPS is!
Second of all cheryl you should know if someone has a "mental illness" (as you state due to a few words typed on the internet) dont make this person a bad parent. Its like saying Cheryl due to your disrespectful comments and anger in your words OH and the bad language means your a bad worker.
By the way this abuse i gave you all by adn to read. This hasnt been the first. just a few months before a mother shot her 3 children. Cps was at this home many of times. neighbors new she abuse children and they even reported her! But yet they take away children here that isnt abused. MARY JO at CPS abused by writing p***s and vagina pictures to a 5 year old and threatened to shoot the parents to 4 girls if they dont tell the truth!
If she couldnt get any Lies out of these children that she wanted to hear to make a case. Then you know it isnt true that they are abused. But yet it stays with you forever on file. As a possible abuser due to a dvd falling on your childs hand. What a world we live in. Cps said it was ok for mary jo to abuse my children. Cps says it is ok for school officials to abuse my children. American civil liberties union says they have no money to help parents like us.
So when you hear of a parent beating up a school official. Not saying i am that type cause i am not.
(I did however felt like it when i found out the gym techer did the baby shaking syndrome on my little girl. The gym teacher admitted most of it happened. CPS (Bob Knowle) said they will do nothing. Even though i had a certified letter stating what he had done.)
But please remember its 90% of the time they had no help from nobody. I am saying this because we are currently having that problem in our schools. Due to nobody doing there job right in protecting our children. Not even the police department. Any wonder why we have such angry people these days. We pay taxes and yet get NO service that we get taxed for. Anyway i am done rambling. I hope you enjoy what CPS and the foster system has done to these children. I hope you love to hear maggots in childrens skin, how they was chained to a tree and was not given food for 5 days, and one boy was sealed "naked" in a coffin like box.

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#31 UPDATE EX-employee responds

Trade places with some of the people whose parenting rights you have endeavored to have removed

AUTHOR: L. - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, September 20, 2004

Well, Cheryl, I see you have finally discovered that you need to capitalize the beginning of a sentence IF you are going to criticize others for misspelling words! h*o! Hum! Lesson learned! Huh!

Incidentally, Cheryl, many people who have been ripped off by your agency have FAR greater intelligence, education, common sense, experience and mental efficiency than you can EVER even think about gaining! YOUR mentality is one thing that we should probably avoid talking about. I need not go further in my statement as you and the readers can easily understand.

Cheryl, if you can recall, it wasn't until you belly-ached so much about words being misspelled in this site that I suggested that you look yourself in the face before you criticize another person. Besides, many of us are skilled in more than 'protective services' of your precious HHS/DHS/CPS.


Cheryl, have you had time to read the newest revision to the Adoptions and Safe Families Act?

Have you reviewed the charts giving the numbers of children HHS/DHS/CPS across the country currently have WAITING for adoption? You, by all means, should be proud that you and your agency have destroyed so many children's hopes for normal childhood! After all, THAT'S YOUR JOB!


Cheryl, as you well know, your employer will be rewarded $20,000 to $100,000+ for each of the hundreds of thousands of children they are trying their best to adopt out as a result of the application of the ASFA and it's subsequent updates.

Are you aware, Cheryl, how many children your own state currently has WAITING for adoption? How many of those poor, little emotionally disabled children are YOU going to adopt? How much mind-altering drugs or mind-altering counseling will you have to provide for those little children that you will be adopting? Where are you going to find enough adoptive homes for all of the remainder of the emotionally disabled little children that your agency has endeavored to take in FOR REWARDS AND BONUSES provided by application of the ASFA?

Cheryl, removing parental rights should NOT be the FIRST priority for children taken into HHS/DHS/CPS custody! However, it IS fact that in order for your agency to have as many children WAITING FOR ADOPTIVE HOMES, removal of parental rights had to be near the top in YOUR priority.

The primary reason for removing parental rights is that ... if the children are returned to their biological family when the parents get the help they MAY need, the rewards and bonuses will not be poured into HHS/DHS/CPS from application of the ASFA! Parental rights must be removed FIRST!

Cheryl, I do hope that you're satisfied and very happy with your chosen vocation! One thing I'd ask is that you remember to refresh yourself OFTEN on Luke 17:2 and Matthew 18:6. Try to brace yourself and accept the fact that Jesus loves little children and He wants "what is BEST for His children." Your statement, "in the interest of what is BEST for the child is NOT in His best interest in many of these cases.

You should know, Cheryl, that many parents just need help in learning better parenting skills! Of course, if parents learn and apply better parenting skills, HHS/DHS/CPS will not be flooded by the ASFA rewards and bonuses!

By the way, Cheryl, you could better reflect the intelligence of your employer if you would or could write more intelligent rebuttals. Your previous grammar problem, your fowl language and your denial of the existence and priority of the ASFA and subsequent laws are illustrative of your mentality!

All a person needs to do is READ the ASFA and its subsequent responses, updates and reports of the numbers of children who are being ABUSED and NEGLECTED by your CPS Agency so they can be ADOPTED!

The Clinton Administration originated the ASFA and wanted, as a first priority, to DOUBLE the adoptions each year from 1997 through 2002. The ASFA has been updated to continue promotion of the Adoptions ... for rewards and bonuses.

How can you and your agency claim that they CARE for children, OR want what is BEST for any child, when their primary interest is in instantly emotionally disabling each child taken into custody? Even 'supervised' visits are a way to continue emotionally disabling the child as you direct your reports to require removal of those 'supervised' visits. YOU ARE SO INNOCENT! (A bit of sarcasm!)

Cheryl, why can't your agency TRY to help parents who seemingly MAY and sometimes DO have problems, IN YOUR OPINION, with parenting? Who in the world convinced YOU that YOUR parenting methods are so superior to any other being!

Of course, the answer is to that question is ... if you help the parents, you don't get the rewards and bonuses! The only way you can get the awards and bonuses provided by the ASFA is if you can ADOPT them to someone of YOUR choice.

It's like HHS/DHS/CPS thinks that their organization consists of GOD's chosen people. Well, sorry to inform you, Cheryl, evidence reveals that you're NOT God's chosen people! His people are called by His name, Christians. The name of your chosen people is HHS/DHS/CPS.


Adopting little innocent children IS the PRIMARY interest of HHS/DHS/CPS! If that statement is not true, then, provide proof that the statement is false!

Cheryl, I dare you to report TRUE facts of how many children your agency returns to parents! (Sorry, you're under the GAG ORDER so you can't give out that information!) If you aren't under the HHS/DHS/CPS GAG ORDER, I'd like for you to provide proof that those children you DON'T take into custody AND adopt out are injured even further by their parents or caregivers, AFTER THE PARENTS OR CAREGIVERS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED WITH PARENTAL COUNSELING OR ASSISTANCE, if even recommended or needed.

Cheryl, compare that number with the number of children that your agency places in abusive and neglectful foster and adoptive homes in order to "PROTECT" them from biological parents, whom you refuse to make even one little bitty, tiny effort to help. HHS/DHS/CPS instantly goes for removal of parental rights and adopting the children to someone of YOUR choice.

You know, Cheryl, that foster homes are not as familiar with the child as kinship or biological parents. But, your agency ALWAYS expects the foster home to treat the child better than the biological parents. After all, it's in the interest of "what is BEST for the children" to take them into custody, remove ALL parental rights and adopt them to someone of YOUR choice!

Children who are placed in foster homes are so emotionally disabled that they can't possibly function as normal children again without mind-altering, experimental drugs or mind-altering counseling!

HHS/DHS/CPS has but ONE purpose for emotionally disabling little children. It shouldn't be necessary for me to again remind you of that purpose.

Now, Cheryl, I agree that SOME children MAY need to be removed from their home TEMPORARILY but using lies to get that accomplished is really not in the interest of WHAT IS BEST FOR ANY CHILD!

By the way, Cheryl, I completed the DHS required Foster Parenting AND Adoptive Parenting Courses. I have a doctor's statement stating the level of my health. The reason I have not adopted a "WAITING" child is because I have not agreed to sign the HHS/DHS/CPS "GAG ORDER" that is forced on foster and/or adoptive parents and that I, alone, cannot protect children on school property.

I'm sure that you have signed the "GAG ORDER" or you would not be an employee or contractor of HHS/DHS/CPS.

Get real, Cheryl! Trade places with some of the people whose parenting rights you have endeavored to have removed. Choose you this day, WHO you will serve, HHS/DHS/CPS or the Master of the Universe!

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#30 UPDATE Employee

"l" from oklahoma is a nut case

AUTHOR: Cheryl - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, September 17, 2004

L, you are a very disturbed individual. You go on ad nauseam about me not using capital letters at the beginning of sentences. Big deal! You repeat your same crap over and over about how CPS and the government are intentionally torturing children and taking them from their parents to get money. That is absolute bullshit! Maybe you should look at your own behavior and figure out why your children were removed from your care. Based on the content of your Rip-Off Reports, it was probably due to your mental illness. By the way, the people you constantly complain about are not my "co-workers" or "friends". I live and work in a more civilized state and do not hang out with unethical liars. L- go back to school or go get a job so you can do something other than spew your BS on the Rip-Off Report.

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#29 UPDATE Employee

"l" from oklahoma is a nut case

AUTHOR: Cheryl - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, September 17, 2004

L, you are a very disturbed individual. You go on ad nauseam about me not using capital letters at the beginning of sentences. Big deal! You repeat your same crap over and over about how CPS and the government are intentionally torturing children and taking them from their parents to get money. That is absolute bullshit! Maybe you should look at your own behavior and figure out why your children were removed from your care. Based on the content of your Rip-Off Reports, it was probably due to your mental illness. By the way, the people you constantly complain about are not my "co-workers" or "friends". I live and work in a more civilized state and do not hang out with unethical liars. L- go back to school or go get a job so you can do something other than spew your BS on the Rip-Off Report.

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#28 Consumer Suggestion

Update on Liana Sandoval Case... jury awards father $7.5M ..

AUTHOR: Kim - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, September 16, 2004

Arizona CPS just lost this case, a jury has awarded CPS to cough up $7.5M to the father of Liana Sandoval. Jury agreed the 2 CPS caseworkers were grossly negligent. Also, the 2 actual caseworkers involved, are being held personally accountable for $2M of the verdict.

The jury is still in meetings to determine the fate of Liana's killer, Juan Velazquez who was Liana's mother's scumbag boyfriend. So far they have been deliberating for 2 weeks.

Liana's trashy w***e mother, Virginia Venegas, is due to stand trial next for allowing Juan to abuse her daughters, killing one of them. Due to media coverage out here, the trial may have to be moved to another county.

Let's hope they give him the dealth penalty so he cannot hurt or kill anymore children!!!

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#27 Consumer Suggestion

Update on above Liana Sandoval case...

AUTHOR: Kim - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, September 08, 2004

The jury is deciding on whether to sentence the death penatly or not. CPS being sued by girls father. Read the below article:

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#26 Consumer Suggestion

Liana Sandoval in Arizona, dead, thanks to CPS and abusive boyfriend.

AUTHOR: Kim - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, September 07, 2004

This case just went to trial out here in Arizona and the boyfriend found guilty of second degree murder and child abuse. Read here for more info:

This case is sickening because there was obvious proof of abuse from the boyfriend, yet CPS declared the allegations as unfounded, and 20 month old Liana was killed shortly after the last CPS investigation. Liana was killed in front of her 3 year old sister, and the scumbag mother did the unthinkable and helped her scummy boyfriend dispose of the body. Her trial is next.

CPS ignored all the signs, including police reports over the past few years of other women accusing him of abuse, all pregnant. Also their were bruises on both girls that Liana's family noticed, even the older girl told people he did it, yet they all still went ignored.

I hope all the caseworkers on the above case get fired for ingnorance and stupidity, and that the father of these girls sues the pants off of CPS.

The good news is, Liana did not die in vain. He is eligible for the death penalty when the jury decides on a sentence. Let's hope he gets it.

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#25 Consumer Suggestion

when will you wake up and listen to parents who tell the TRUTH about your abusive, money hungry employer?

AUTHOR: L. - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, September 06, 2004

Cheryl, how does YOUR dictionary spell STUPID?

Cheryl, when will you wake up and listen to parents who tell the TRUTH about your abusive, money hungry employer? DHS/CPS IS all about MONEY into DHS coffers. The money is in the form of awards and bonuses for emotionally disabling little children. It doesn't matter to you what lies are told about the child or his/her family just so the children can be adopted and YOU get the awards and bonuses for exceeding your adoption goals!

Tell me, Cheryl, why your Oklahoma County co-workers lie so much if it's not to get more money to flood their coffers?

Tell me, Cheryl, how the children's bones were broken and if they are permanently crippled from those broken bones?

Tell me, Cheryl, why the medicine that was personally delivered to the PEMS Shelter withheld from the child until AFTER he was placed in the foster home thirty days later?

Tell me, Cheryl, why the children are doing 'wonderful' in the foster, now adoptive, home when they are not emotionally able to attend school a full day in the public school system?

Tell me, Cheryl, why DHS will not allow contractors to really help little children? Why are DHS contractors afraid for the child to know the truth?

Tell me, Cheryl, do you know any other sentences besides, "It is WRONG!" "It is NOT acceptable!"

Tell me, Cheryl, why would a DHS contractor tell a little child to write a letter to his father saying, "Daddy, just tell the truth! Daddy, just tell the truth!" Then, when the father's parental rights were removed by a jury after the DA told them the father lied, why were the children told that their father lied under oath?

Tell me, Cheryl, why you so hastily defend DHS liars? You, Cheryl, would rather a child be given mind-altering or experimental drugs or extended grief therapy than for them to recover from the horrors of DHS/CPS.

Matthew 17:2 states, "It were better for him (DHS/CPS) that a millstone be hanged about his (DHS/CPS) neck, and he (DHS/CPS) cast in the the deepest sea, than that he (DHS/CPS) should offend one of these little ones."

Why in the world are you, Cheryl, supporting DHS liars? Oh, well, I know the answer to that question! It's so that money will flood your DHS coffers.

You, Cheryl, are supporting an organization that makes fraudulent reports to Medicare and SSI so they can receive rewards and bonuses. You know, Cheryl, that every little child taken into DHS custody is INTENTIONALLY emotionally damaged so the child can be placed on Medicare and SSI!

You, Cheryl, would rather have those rewards than for a child to know the truth about what YOU are doing to destroy their hope. Why don't you tell the truth, Cheryl? Are you afraid? There are other jobs out there for people who love children and want to protect them from DHS/CPS.

Cheryl, why don't you have Oklahoma County DHS tell you why they didn't give the boy his prescriptive medicine? DHS/CPS reported that "Once the child was given the medication, the child was doing wonderful." Why, if the child was doing so wonderful, did the teacher call the foster parent and tell her the child's life was in danger in the emotionally disturbed classroom he was placed in by DHS/CPS!

Tell me, Cheryl, why did Oklahoma DHS Field Representative tell the grandmother that she should take ALL of the children's learning tools, books, musical instruments, clothes and even the life insurance policies to the Oklahoma County Department of Human Services so they could "dispose" of them as they see fit. That's YOUR 'loving' Oklahoma County co-workers that YOU defend so prolifically!

Oh, Cheryl, that's just a part of my questions for you! Why, Cheryl, can't your Oklahoma co-workers tell us the names of my three step sons? Nobody in the extended family know those three children but Oklahoma County DHS knows their names or at least reported it as FACT to the DHS contracting psychologist? Who are they? Why don't we know their names? Why aren't we allowed to invite them to family gatherings?

Why can't your Oklahoma County co-workers prove that the grandmother went to the school and visited with her grandson while he was living in the foster home? Why are you, Cheryl, defending these OKDHS LIARS?

Cheryl, why can't your Oklahoma County co-workers tell us the name of our Kiowa Indian tribal relatives? Where are the "cigarettes in a hose in a pipe" that Oklahoma County DHS/CPS reported in their KIDS files?

Cheryl, why did the educational dolls suddenly disappear from your Oklahoma County co-workers' office? Why doesn't Oklahoma County DHS want the educational dolls returned to Hobby Lobby? Hobby Lobby would gladly reimburse the grandmother if the dolls could be returned. But, alas, "they're lost, stolen and cannot be returned." That's because I filed a grievance! It's called retaliation!

Cheryl, why would a DHS contractor try to force a child to look at sketches of naked people? The Care Center employee showed the picture of the naked people to the eight-year-old child two different times and the child distinctly told her, on the video tape, that he did NOT want to look at her pictures of naked people that she was forcing on him. THAT'S SEXUAL ABUSE BY DHS/CPS CONTRACTORS! That contractor tried to force sex on a young eight-year old child in DHS/CPS custody! You, Cheryl, are defending sexual abuse by your DHS co-workers and their contractors! What is wrong with you?

Cheryl, what did your Oklahoma County DHS/CPS co-workers do with the scientific clocks that were personally delivered to the Oklahoma County Adoptions supervisor for the children to use as educational products? Did the clocks end up in the home of that DHS/CPS employee? Where are the two scientific clocks?

Cheryl, why did the Oklahoma County Adoptions Caseworker stop the grandmother outside the courtroom and tell her, "I don't want you to follow the judges orders to visit with the foster parents until AFTER I talk to them." Then, three weeks later, upon inquiry, why did the caseworker tell the grandmother, "The foster parents feel uncomfortable visiting with you." It is evident that the caseworker threatened to move the children to another home if they visited with the grandmother?

Cheryl, why did Oklahoma County DHS hold a secret hearing prior to the scheduled hearing? Why wasn't the grandmother invited? Why wasn't the secret hearing scheduled through the Oklahoma County Clerk's Office so the grandmother would know to be present to defend herself against the liars IN THEIR PRESENCE? Why did the Oklahoma County Adoptions worker, in the secret hearing, tell the judge that the grandmother had called the foster home repeatedly when she knew that was a lie?

Tell me, Cheryl, why your Oklahoma County co-worker didn't want the parents to attend parenting classes that former Oklahoma County caseworker reportedly recommended in the letter that was never mailed?

Tell me, Cheryl, why your Oklahoma County DHS/CPS co-worker stopped the grandmother outside the courtroom and tell her that she could visit with the children any time she wished? Then, a month later tell the grandmother that she sent an e-mail accusing the grandmother of defying the judge's ruling. What is going on? It's indeed very strange that the e-mail cannot be located!

Tell me, Cheryl, why are you defending liars who want nothing more than to adopt every little child they can so they can get the awards and bonuses authorized by the ASFA?

Tell me, Cheryl, who Susan and Andy are? If Susan and Andy went to high school and college with the parents, why don't the parents know them? Tell me, Cheryl, how Susan and Andy knew to call Oklahoma County DHS about the parents?

Tell me, Cheryl, where is the letter that Oklahoma County DHS caseworker says she mailed to the parents? That letter supposedly told the parents to enrol in Parenting Classes. Why was the father ordered to stop attending the class when he learned about the 'letter' that never was mailed?

Tell me, Cheryl, why did the Oklahoma County DHS Intake Worker suddenly find employment with a DHS contractor after she called a man in to help 'restrain' a little six-year-old speech delayed child to "keep her from injuring herself?"

Tell me, Cheryl, why the six-year old was in speech therapy while living in the grandmother's home but the intake worker reported that she spoke as a normal five-year old child when she interviewed her?

Cheryl, how can birth related defects suddenly disappear when a child is placed in DHS/CPS custody? Why, Cheryl, was the six-year-old kindergarten child kicked out of school in the PEMS shelter and even forced to remain in that abusive place for two full months.

When the six-year-old speech delayed child was finally placed in a therapeutic foster home, she was wearing clothes that were 4-6 sizes too large, dragging on the floor. Her hair had not been combed in several days. She had even been TAUGHT curse words promoted in DHS/CPS. Cheryl, neither of these children had been exposed to curse words in their home or in my home!

Your Oklahoma DHS/CPS 'caregivers' taught these children to call teachers exceedingly bad and disrespectful names! That's your co-workers in Oklahoma County DHS/CPS that you are defending! Those children were NEVER exposed to such curse words prior to DHS/CPS custody! Why don't you want children to be protected from DHS/CPS horrors?

Tell me, Cheryl, when the six-year-old kindergarten child was placed in a therapeutic foster home, why was the child placed in speech therapy if she spoke as a normal child?

Tell me, Cheryl, why the child's lawyer would tell his client that the father never wanted to see his son again when his trial date had not even been scheduled ... nor the court jurisdiction determined.

Tell me, Cheryl, why your Oklahoma County adoptions co-worker would take the final adoption back to the courtroom of the judge who was ordered by the Supreme Court of the State of Oklahoma to step down from the case? Why was the case placed in the courtroom of another judge, as ordered by the Supreme Court of Oklahoma, and then the new judge's Adoption Review cancelled so the final adoption could be completed by the previous judge? Was the Final Adoption returned to the previous judge so the child could be adopted BEFORE his eleventh birthday? If the Final Adoption was ordered AFTER his twelvth birthday, the child could have had an opportunity to choose whether he want to be adopted or not. DHS/CPS did not want him to be allowed to choose his destiny. They wanted him to be adopted so they could get their rewards and bonuses!

Tell me, Cheryl, why the Motion for Re-hearing of the Adoption ignored so the final adoption could take place? You know! You're a part of the abusive SYSTEM!

DHS/CPS, in this day and time, IS all about how much money they will be rewarded in bonuses for adopting children. Courts are receiving monetary benefits from the ASFA also. Read the provisions of the ASFA.

You know, Cheryl, that DHS/CPS will not receive a reward or bonus if the child is returned to his/her biological parent.

Cheryl, you should be ashamed to even admit that you are an employee of THAT organization whose sole purpose in life is to EMOTIONALLY DISABLE little innocent children FOR MONETARY BENEFIT!

The home study contractor told me that my grandchildren's bones were broken while they were living in the foster home where YOUR employer DHS/CPS placed them! DHS/CPS thrive on physically and emotionally injuring little children in their custody! Your employer, that you're so proud of, calls it DHS Child Protection Services!

Aren't you proud to be a part of an industry that emotionally disables little children?

Cheryl, Oklahoma County DHS/CPS contracting agency told me that DHS/CPS had in their report that I knew how my grandchildren's bones were broken WHILE THEY WERE LIVING IN THE FOSTER HOME! How in the world would I know how their bones were broken or even which bones were broken? I have not been allowed to communicate with either child since October 6-7, 2001? Your employer reported, through their contracting agency, that their bones were broken between January and March 2002. That's three months after they were last seen by family members! Your Oklahoma County DHS foster parents KNOW how their bones were broken and even which bones were broken and how those broken bones will reflect in adulthood. I sure don't know how those bones were broken!

Cheryl, your Oklahoma County DHS/CPS contracting agent handed me a "GAG" order from Oklahoma County DHS/CPS and told me that I would have to sign it if I ever expected to see my grandchildren. That's YOUR employer! That's DHS/CPSs method of keeping their abuses secretive! GAG people! Well, needless to say, the "GAG" order was not signed. I still have freedom of speech guaranteed by my constitutional rights. These constitutional rights were written by MY ancestors to protect citizens of the United States of America.

Cheryl, these children were allowed to be sexually molested by another child living in the foster home. Your Oklahoma County DHS co-workers placed the child in that home so they COULD both, individually, be sexually abused! Your foster parents ADMITTED that the children were sexually molested IN their home! Foster Parents are being USED to help you and your Oklahoma County DHS co-workers injure little children so you can get the rewards and bonuses!

Tell me, Cheryl, why a rip in the seat of a child's PJs was considered as evidence of sexual molestation when actually it's evidence that the hole should have been repaired by the foster parents OR a larger size pajama be purchased and given to the child? That's pure and simple negligence and it's being promoted by YOUR co-workers in Oklahoma! Of course, that grieviance, even though mailed by certified mail, was never received by the Oklahoma Client Advocacy Office. Where could that grievance be?

If DHS/CPS is about protecting children, then DHS/CPS would be helping parents learn skills needed to be good parents. When a parent enrolled in the parenting class, your employer, represented by Oklahoma DHS/CPS, ordered him to stop attending the classes. Your employer, Cheryl, knows that if the parent attends parenting classes, they MAY get their children back and YOU do NOT want that to EVER happen or the money won't flood into DHS from Medicare and SSI!

Cheryl, we understand that you LOVE your job of intentionally emotionally damaging little children! We KNOW that you and your employer, DHS/CPS, love to torture little children under the pretext of child protection services! We KNOW you enjoy receiving your rewards and bonuses! Hang in there! You'll get your rewards!

Cheryl, YOU need to read the Bible so you'll enjoy knowing what your reward is going to be for aiding and even defending your employer. (Read Matthew 17:1-2.) I would NEVER want to be in your place as you promote your employer's abuse/neglect of God's precious creations!

Yes, Cheryl, DHS/CPS is over-flowing with LIARS and people who SAY they are educated but prove that they have no more than a kindergarten education! Of course DHS trainers educate their caseworkers in methods employees can use to promote child abuse/neglect and cover the abuse/neglect by adopting the child to people who are told horrendous lies about the family.

Cheryl, I KNOW what I'm talking about! I was employed in a DHS sponsored group home in Oklahoma. I SAW with my own eyes how children were being treated in that group home! I KNOW that children in DHS custody are prescribed mind-altering drugs or experimental drugs. Those physicians are required to follow DHS/CPS orders to prescribe drugs or use experimental medications to help them destroy the child. If they don't follow DHS/CPS orders, they will receive no more clients from DHS/CPS.

YOU, Cheryl, KNOW that your employer promotes child abuse/neglect! You, Cheryl, KNOW that prescribing mind-altering drugs or experimental treatment medications is a convience to help DHS/CPS abuse/neglect children who are in their custody.

Why was the thirteen year old child prescribed mind-altering drugs? She was just ONE of the billions of children in DHS custody "waiting" to be adopted.

Cheryl, why wasn't the child allowed to write a letter or call any of her relatives? Americans need to know what is going on behind the closed doors of your employer!

Cheryl, what harm would it have been for the thirteen year old child to be allowed to write a letter (supervised, if necessary) to relatives to let them know she was still alive? No, healing a child's emotions is not in the interest of what is BEST for a child living under DHS/CPS abuse/neglect system of child protection!

DHS wants those young minds destroyed through mind-altering drugs, experimental treatment plans and contracted counseling! Cheryl, you know that if the DHS contracting physician refuses to prescribe those drugs, DHS/CPS will find a physician who WILL prescribe those mind-altering drugs.

You know, Cheryl, that if a CASA Volunteer disagrees with your treatment plan, the CASA Volunteer is soon removed from the case and another volunteer appointed to the case. It's no wonder that there is such a NEED for CASA Volunteers! CASA Volunteers KNOW that DHS/CPS does NOT want what is really best for any child!

Americans need to KNOW what you and your co-workers are doing behind the closed and secretive doors of DHS/CPS! Oh, yes, Cheryl, I DO know that's what is going on! I worked for Oklahoma Department of Human Services. I experienced child abuse/neglect with my own eyes and was devastated as I observed it going on. It's totally unbelievable and so very sad to see those children tortured and not be able to do anything to protect the child from that abuse/neglect!

Americans need to KNOW about DHS/CPS child abuse/neglect. Legislators need to close the doors of DHS/CPS. Children need to be protected FROM DHS/CPS abuse and neglect. Children will NEVER be protected from DHS/CPS abuse using laws that are in effect at this time. As long as money is being flooded into DHS/CPS for their abuse/neglect, children will have NO protection!

It's not surprising to me that those records are so secret! Americans need to know what is being written in the KIDS files. Americans need to know that a lot of the information written in the KIDS files is doing nothing more than promoting child abuse/neglect by DHS/CPS.

When a judge orders that the KIDS files be released to the court for review by a lawyer, the files are in such mangled condition that it takes hours and hours to get the sheets in an order! If the files were maintained as they were designed, it shouldn't take months for the records to be gathered and presented to the judge. It shouldn't take more than one week to gather all of the information and give it to the juvenile judge! Of course, DHS/CPS has to take the time to mark out some of the information that they don't want to be released to the judge. They don't want the judge or lawyers to know what is really going on behind those closed doors. You know, Cheryl, exactly what I'm talking about!

Now, back to grammar lessons. Cheryl, have you ever enrolled or attended an elementary school of any sort? If you have, how did you miss learning how to punctuate a sentence! Have you never heard of the rule that a sentence ALWAYS begins with a capital letter? Do you know how to press the 'shift' button on your computer to capitalize a letter? If you know where the button is, why can't you use it? Do you have NO fingers on your hands? If you have no fingers, do you know how to pick up a pencil or another instrument and press the keyboard selections. There are even handicap aids that teach you how to put a pencil or instrument between your teeth so you can press those keyboard selections. There are even speech detectable programslike Dragon II, that will type the words for you. Those programs can tell when a new sentence begins by the sound of the voice fluctuations. Those programs know that a sentence begins with an upper case letter of the alphabet.

Cheryl, so you'll know the punctuation rule, every sentence begins with a capital letter! The second grade students that I taught KNEW that rule! They learned the rule in Kindergarten or first grade! Some parents teach children that sentences begin with capital letters before they even enter Kindergarten. Library books contain sentences that begin with a capital letter! I have NEVER read a respectable book that was filled with run together words with periods or other punctuation at the end of the sentence and then, begin the next sentence with a lower case letter!

Where DID you get your education? That 'college' and even your elementary school needs to KNOW you haven't even learned what is taught in kindergarten! How in the world can you say you have a degree when you can't even deal with language skills equivalent to second grade students? When brains were passed out, did you think they said TRAINS and ran to get out of the way of the train?

Cheryl, if you know HOW to read sentences containing three syllable words, please make an attempt to read "The Adoptions and Safe Families Act of 1997." If you're not able to read it, maybe you can find a DHS/CPS co-worker who does know how to read. The word 'adoptions' consists of three syllables. The word 'families' contains three syllables. Of course some people pronounce families with two syllables (fam-lees) instead of families with three syllables (fam-i-lees). If the words in the ASFA are too difficult for you or your co-workers to understand, try to read "Adoption 2002: Safe and Permanent Homes for ALL Children."

That document clearly states that the ASFA "Creates Incentives for States to focus on successful outcomes for children. Your superiors, Health and Human Services (HHS) will work with states to set specific numerical targets leading to doubling by the year 2002, the number of children adopted or permanently placed each year. To assist states in reaching their targets, the President's budget proposal includes $10 million for technical assistance and grants to state agencies, courts and communities to help them develop an outcome-based approach to permanency placement, collaborative efforts to encourage placements across geographical boundaries and models to recruit adoptive families."

It goes on further to state, "To encourage and reward states for their efforts, the Clinton Administration will propose legislation to offer new financial per-child bonuses to states that increase the number of adoptions from the public child welfare system. The bonuses will pay for themselves, as bonus payments are offset by savings in foster care. HHS wil publish annual reports on the progress states are making toward their adoption targets and will work with foundations and intergovernmental organizations to promote public annual recognition awards to states for successful, innovative accomplishments."

It further states, "Under existing law, states are required to make "reasonable efforts" to both prevent the unnecessary removal of children from their families and to reunify children who have been placed in foster care with their natural families. HHS will issue guidance and work with Congress to seek legislation that changes federal law to clarify the "reasonable efforts" provision to explicitly include the health and safety of the child as the first priority in determining whether a child should be removed from his or her home, and to introduce for the first time a new standard that "reasonable efforts" be made by states to secure permanent homes for children in foster care who cannot return safely to their homes and for whom adoption is the goal."

Cheryl, I wish you were able to read the ASFA and other documents encouraging DHS/CPS employees to lie just so they can get the enormous bonuses to support their endeavors.

Cheryl, I'm sure there are a FEW children who need DHS/CPS help but YOU, Cheryl, and your superiors are so bent on emotionally disabling every little child so you can get the awards and bonuses that you can't EVEN recommend help for parents asking for help!

You, Cheryl, and your superiors say, "We can't help you! You should move out of your house, take the children and get a divorce." Yes, Cheryl, your Oklahoma co-workers recommend that parents separate, fight over children and get a divorce. Why can't you recommend parenting classes to HELP the parents. You KNOW that would allow the children to remain as a part of the biological family and you KNOW that would not bring DHS/CPS floods of money to support your abusive system.

Parents have to find their own parental guidance or counseling resources. Now, if those resources happen to be a part of a 'faith community' program, DHS/CPS will do all they can to stop that organization from serving their members. When a 'faith community' minister counsels one of their parishioners, they are required to report the information to DHS/CPS so they can destroy the children's hope.

If a minister fails to report the counseling session to DHS/CPS, they will be charged with failure to protect the child. Virtually every American is required to report anything that they think MIGHT be child abuse or neglect or that person will be charged with failure to protect the child.

Churches are no longer supposed to teach Christian beliefs or principles. They must teach DHS/CPS beliefs and principles. DHS/CPS is in the process of infiltrating into our faith comunities. Yes, it won't be long until churches will be for ADULTS ONLY. Children will ALL be taken into DHS/CPS custody and adopted to people who will support DHS/CPS abuse/neglect system! What other reason is there for DHS/CPS to establish the goal of working WITH the faith community? DHS/CPS wants EVERY child taken into custody and adopted so they can receive their rewards!

If you would DO your job, Cheryl, instead of looking for spelling errors and trying to convince people that you are EDUCATED, you'd receive respect for your endeavors!

Cheryl, Matthew 23:24 describes DHS/CPS, "You strain at a gnat and swallow a camel!"

Cheryl, remember that a sentence is supposed to begin with a capital letter? A sentence is also supposed to have an action verb. A college English 101 professor would (or should) fail you for your sentence structure! It is fully evident that you, Cheryl, did get your education from a box of Cracker Jacks or through a mail order facility!

How much did your education cost you? The cost for your education, Cheryl, evidently totalled $1.48, the cost of four thirty-seven cent postage stamps. Of course it may have cost less than that if you used a copier to put your name on a degree certificate. It may have cost only ten cents and a glue stick or ten cents and a tiny piece of double-sided transparent tape.

Cheryl, you have not even learned simple second grade (2nd grade in elementary school) language skills. It's disgusting! Even second graders KNOW to begin a sentence with a capital letter. As a matter of fact, even preschool students KNOW that a sentence begins with a capital letter. You need to go to a certified school of instruction. Of course, even a certified school of instruction may not have the capacity to be able to teach YOU anything!

If you didn't get your degree from a box of Cracker Jacks or through a mail order facility, Cheryl, what college or university DID you go to that they couldn't even teach you to begin a sentence with a capital letter. You, Cheryl, need to quit your well paid job with CPS and return to elementary school until you can at a minimum learn how to compose a sentence! It is so STUPID for you to make the statements that you make about the spelling of a word!! Yes, YOU, Cheryl!

Now, Cheryl, respond by telling where you DID get your education. That educational facility needs to be reported to higher authorities for selling 'college' degrees.

Open up your little head and listen to what these parents are telling you. Stop defending DHS/CPS liars!

S T U P I D !!! My dictionary defines STUPID as, "(1) mentally slow or dull, (2) senselessly foolish, (3) tediously dull or uninteresting. The synonyms for stupid are (1) asinine, (2)insane, (3) witless." That definition seems to describe you and your little mindset precisely!

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#24 Consumer Comment

another bogus claim my rear end

AUTHOR: Brenda - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, September 02, 2004

Just what I expected. A paternalistic view. Treating as if Im a little child or crazy simply because I speak the truth.

The reason I stated that your degree came from a cracker jack box is simple. You conviently ignored the key word. The key word being former. Many of these victims have long since left a batterer. Many didnt have children with them. This however doesnt disuade these bastards from attempting to destroy their former victims life.The federal government gave them the tools of extortion and terror via a anonymous hotline.

[does the term domestic terrorism ring home yet]I can verify with authenticy one such case.With this victim it started out with a couple of complaints.After the third one and social services wouldnt remove the child[there wasnt any reason to]the perpatraitor stepped up the efforts and methods.

At its creshando they were logging more than sixty calls a day. They also were coming in from around the country. [to avoid criminal stalking charges and false evidence charges.]The child wasnt removed by the police dept or social services. They knew that the mother was being stalked.They were powerless to stop it however.
All they could do was keep an eye on her and the kids.As the creshando reached its peak the mother
became terrified that the kids would be assaulted kidnapped or killed.

She requested that the children be placed outside her house for their protection.Having a family member take custody was truly impossible.She had no family.

Literally.This destroyed her family and her.Irrevocably and permanently.

Even to this day [this happened 14 years ago]she is truly to petrified to even attempt to make
contact with her kids.Shes afraid that any attempt at contact will bring the stalking torturing b*****d back to her kids and her self.

This could have been prevented ,if the government, hadnt given the extortion tool, to the criminal. In the form of an anonymous child abuse hotline.I can certify that the case is 100%
true as I am that former victim.

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#23 Consumer Comment

another bogus claim my rear end

AUTHOR: Brenda - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, September 02, 2004

Just what I expected. A paternalistic view. Treating as if Im a little child or crazy simply because I speak the truth.

The reason I stated that your degree came from a cracker jack box is simple. You conviently ignored the key word. The key word being former. Many of these victims have long since left a batterer. Many didnt have children with them. This however doesnt disuade these bastards from attempting to destroy their former victims life.The federal government gave them the tools of extortion and terror via a anonymous hotline.

[does the term domestic terrorism ring home yet]I can verify with authenticy one such case.With this victim it started out with a couple of complaints.After the third one and social services wouldnt remove the child[there wasnt any reason to]the perpatraitor stepped up the efforts and methods.

At its creshando they were logging more than sixty calls a day. They also were coming in from around the country. [to avoid criminal stalking charges and false evidence charges.]The child wasnt removed by the police dept or social services. They knew that the mother was being stalked.They were powerless to stop it however.
All they could do was keep an eye on her and the kids.As the creshando reached its peak the mother
became terrified that the kids would be assaulted kidnapped or killed.

She requested that the children be placed outside her house for their protection.Having a family member take custody was truly impossible.She had no family.

Literally.This destroyed her family and her.Irrevocably and permanently.

Even to this day [this happened 14 years ago]she is truly to petrified to even attempt to make
contact with her kids.Shes afraid that any attempt at contact will bring the stalking torturing b*****d back to her kids and her self.

This could have been prevented ,if the government, hadnt given the extortion tool, to the criminal. In the form of an anonymous child abuse hotline.I can certify that the case is 100%
true as I am that former victim.

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#22 Consumer Comment

another bogus claim my rear end

AUTHOR: Brenda - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, September 02, 2004

Just what I expected. A paternalistic view. Treating as if Im a little child or crazy simply because I speak the truth.

The reason I stated that your degree came from a cracker jack box is simple. You conviently ignored the key word. The key word being former. Many of these victims have long since left a batterer. Many didnt have children with them. This however doesnt disuade these bastards from attempting to destroy their former victims life.The federal government gave them the tools of extortion and terror via a anonymous hotline.

[does the term domestic terrorism ring home yet]I can verify with authenticy one such case.With this victim it started out with a couple of complaints.After the third one and social services wouldnt remove the child[there wasnt any reason to]the perpatraitor stepped up the efforts and methods.

At its creshando they were logging more than sixty calls a day. They also were coming in from around the country. [to avoid criminal stalking charges and false evidence charges.]The child wasnt removed by the police dept or social services. They knew that the mother was being stalked.They were powerless to stop it however.
All they could do was keep an eye on her and the kids.As the creshando reached its peak the mother
became terrified that the kids would be assaulted kidnapped or killed.

She requested that the children be placed outside her house for their protection.Having a family member take custody was truly impossible.She had no family.

Literally.This destroyed her family and her.Irrevocably and permanently.

Even to this day [this happened 14 years ago]she is truly to petrified to even attempt to make
contact with her kids.Shes afraid that any attempt at contact will bring the stalking torturing b*****d back to her kids and her self.

This could have been prevented ,if the government, hadnt given the extortion tool, to the criminal. In the form of an anonymous child abuse hotline.I can certify that the case is 100%
true as I am that former victim.

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#21 Consumer Comment

cps is unfair

AUTHOR: Clifford - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, July 18, 2004

How can people defend cps so hard. The way they have a god atitude. That they are always right. Yes they pulled my child from my home. Not for being abused be because I was acused of indecent assult. Not convicted, the charge was dismissed in the courts. But cps kept it in there files and used that to pull my son.

Gave no time to see if thier would be a probleam. They just pulled him. It's been almost a year now and even though they got thier reports saying I'm not a threat yet I'm still fighting. They can't give a good resoon why my son has not been returned home. Can't afford a lawyer so all I can do is fight. Have another hearing 7-29-04 hoping to get a break.

Once thought cps did good. Now think the whole system should be reworked. They started out too help kids but too many kids have been hurt or worse pushed to the side.

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#20 Consumer Comment

I agree with tom

AUTHOR: April - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Yes you should be worried about your son getting a bruise or a bump these days. I have seen many of cases or heard of children getting taken away from homes or parents being investigated for a bruise. For example my neighbor's child had fallen off her bike bruised her leg. ( I had witnessed this) The child had gotten an ear infection so she took her child to the doctors. The doctor saw the bruise and questioned the mother. Low and behold guess who was over investigating a few days later?

Second of all I had actually experienced CPS myself. We have a dvd glass shelf up on the wall. ( screwed on the wall about 7 feet up high so the children cannot reach it) I went to grab a dvd off the shelf and dropped a few in the proccess. One had hit the hand of my child. It didnt bruise her but she had went to the school the next day. I got a call from this school nurse stating I had abused my child with a dvd. I had explained to her what had happened. nicley may i add. She laughed and said ok accidents do happen. She explained how my daughter fell during reccess and blooded her knee up. The nurse asked how she was doing at home and my daughter said the dvd incident.

Anyway CPS came over and investigated this. Let me tell you what they did to this 5 year old child. She (CPS AKA MARY JO)came over questioned all my 4 children in HER car. Not in my house. Looked through all my things said i have way too much food and how nice it was we offered her a soda and said i have to talk with my supervisor you will get a note in the mail.

I questioned my children what was said and done in that car the minute she had left. Of course it was the typical things what does your mom do what does your dad do etc.... but what worried me was my 5 year old child didnt know a question aka what a p***s and vagina was. So mary jo had drawn out a p***s and a vagina.

Then she told my children that she has a gun in her glovebox and if they didnt tell her the truth that she would come in and shoot us ( mom and dad) there was many other disturbing things.

I had contacted attourneys all through alaska and you know what we was told? CPS is too strong for us to fight. Any attourney in alaska would be insane to fight them. So whats a parent to do? Filing a complaint dont work either. Calling attourneys out of state didnt work we are too far away.
This nurse lets say i have been fighting with for almost a year. For example she states my other daughter had strep throat for 4 months. My doctor kept writing her notes saying this child does not have strep throat and you need a red throat etc. in order to have strep throat. So on a lighter note lets just say since i was a fighter and didnt let this school push me around like most people do here in alaska they really had it in for me. Not only has this woman has many complaints on her The anchorage school district allows abuse from the teachers and why she is still to this day working there our neighborhood would like to know. Also since im writing this I had called CPS on Tudor Elementary in anchorage alaska. There was an incident and many more has came out that hasnt involved my children. It has involved other children. I spoke with a bob knowle on the phone at CPS.

I had explained how my daughters gym teacher had placed both hands on the side of her head and picked her up 4 inches off the floor (yes he did pick her up by the head) shook her back and forth and put her back down. He said there is nothing we (CPS) can do since i cannot prove there was any damage done to my child. I said what about baby shaken syndrome? nope. cant prove it. so i contacted school district and tudor elementary in emails to have it documented. They ( tudor elementary) said they are going to ignore my emails from now on and they will send a certified note about this matter. We call on cell phone due to cell phone records for proof of contact. We Never get a call back. Finally we get a certified letter he did admit to picking my daughter up by the head. But of course wont admit to shaking her back and forth he states i picked her up by the head and made a funny face at her. and sat her back down. Then they go on stating that due to alaska state statues this is not considered child abuse. Since when is it ok to pick a little girl up by the head?

Then a few months later my daughter witnesses a boy walking instead of running like he was suppose to. The teacher gets super mad at the boy and yanks him so hard on his arm that he falls to the ground and the teacher drags him out into the hallway( by his arm). I reported this. my daughter gets questionned with the boy sitting there and they both agreed this happened. Teacher still resides there. Then there is more complaints Ie you dont run fast enough he trips you with a mop handle or a hockey stick. One child down the street got tripped and she smacked her head into the side brick wall. Got sent to the nurse. The principal at tudor states there is certain procudures you have to follow for things to get done. So what she is saying is that the children have to be abused in this classroom daily ( yes it happens daily) until he gets fired or repremanded.

Note: this has been going on for 2 years. I have even contacted ACLU (amercian civil liberties in alaska) there is more to this story of what these people have done. ACLU states they would contact me 6-8 weeks after my complaint to see if they would help me due to my husband and I didn't make that million dollars a year for the alaska attourneys. ACLU still to this day haven't contacted me. I have even emailed them (jennifer rudinger) asking. No response back. This is not only a problem for us but i have found there is many many many more parents with the same problem in alaska.

My other daughter is in 6th grade she had a problem during breakfast everyday with a few boys. They would scream out to her i want to fu*k you, have your babies, and marry you. I reported this several times to the principal. NOTHING got done. She even tried telling me this isnt considered sexual harrasssment.

One time a child thought burrito's was fattening and clawed my daughters hand so hard that she was bleeding pretty bad from it.( my daughter was eating the so called fattening burrito) She went a told the lunch duty ( kyle) what happened and gotten the response ok. didnt talk with the child that did it. didnt send my child to the nurse, and also didnt send that child that abused mine to the principals. matter of fact i emailed that principal the next day and she said she had no clue this had happened.

Next day after this incident she demands my daughter goes to the nurse to have her hand looked at. What good that did i have no clue. but it was still red, swollen and her skin was still broken open. ( I took pictures) several other children had witnessed this lunch duty ignore my daughter about the incident.

Till i emailed the school district and ACLU all in one email.IE so school district and Tudor elementary would see i even sent it to american civil liberties.

CPS here in alaska allows abuse. I am sure they have taken away a FEW children that WAS actually abused. But the only time I have seen them doing anything Or my neighbors have seen is for the wrong reason. IE parents,relatives that are innocent. I would also like to know why mary jo at CPS wasnt repremanded for mentally damaging my children. Id also like to know why attourneys wont fight CPS or the school district. I know alot of people that are willing to fight this system. I do however know one reason. Attourneys in alaska state you have to make at least a million dollars to fight the system. I think this is wrong alaska's children has to go through this. Not only that but we have made a police report about this teacher recently ( my daughter had red marks on her chest) but the anchorage police officer told me i cannot do anything all i can do is write a little sentance and thats it. He didnt even go question the teacher. Nor did that officer look at my daughters chest for the red marks. The officer stated to my husband and I that the teacher would make some sort of excuse and that would be it. Also i made another police report about a teacher slapping my 5 year old in the face. This teacher even said she could of done it RIGHT ON OUR PHONE CONVERSATION!They said there is nothing they will do . This happened at chester elementary .Because the officer was worried about the teachers job and how it would affect her job etc.. I said so if i smacked my daughter in her face you will arrest me for child abuse but yet a teacher smacks my daughter in the face and you are worried about there job? they said yes and left due to me getting really upset saying i am going to call the news about this. That is just unfair! How dare the officer in anchorage tell me since i am not a teacher i cannot abuse my children. Get my point? If you dont i am saying this officer said its ok this teacher slapped my kid in the face. My daughter did have a red mark on her cheek when the officer arrived =)

I did also contact CPS yet again. Of course i got the same response as before. I also sent all my emails i have collected since january 2004 about complaints and there responses to rick rydell at 650 keni fm ( radio station) and never got a response back nor heard on the radio about what has been going on.

Once i get the guts maybe i will put my face on the news. I will fight tooth and nail for my childs safety!
I have even contacted OCR @ (OCR is the federal agency that ensures that schools comply with Title IX) there is way more to this school story than i can write today.
Id also like to make a comment on the people complaining about spelling and bad grammer. Who cares? Why would you make such an ignorant comment? We are talking about abused children not how much of a better education you had gotten than the other person.
Why not put that energy you have when you complain about us into actually helping us.
Anyone else with the same problems i recommend you write it down here. Maybe it wont do anything or catch anyones attention to help us and say enough is enough. But you know what it does help parents with the same problem, gives them an uplift they are not the only ones and lets us blow off some steam. So they can keep there sanity intact for the children.

Thank you

PS. Welcome to the year 2000 where people are way too liberal with there jobs and our life. Where the so called guilty is guilty till proven innocent.

Where a higher authority gets away with child abuse.

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#19 Consumer Suggestion

Ok enough! This is just not right!

AUTHOR: Liz - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, June 15, 2004

You people who are bashing the CPS system, really have no clue. I can understand every system makes mistakes. A person who has a complaint filed has to be looked into. What would you have them do? Ignore complaints! Would you rather they look the other way while children are molested, tortured, abducted, and killed. I am sorry if some of you had to prove your innocence, but if you dont like that then come up with a solution to argue, not just say that they are n**i's etc.

I took care of a 5 week old infant. Her father shook her, she now has brain damage. She had 19 broken bones in varying degrees of healing. Basically she was beaten daily. Thank god someone called CPS. I work with for a large childrens hospital, and see CPS cases often. I HAVE NEVER SEEN A CASE THAT DIDNT GIVE THE PARENTS THE BENEFIT OF A DOUBT. SOMETIMES TO MUCH BENEFIT! For instance they have started to let the mom of this child visit her with supervision. REDICULOUS. How can you NOT know your husband is torturing your child. Thank god she has been placed in Foster care, with a loving foster mom. I hope she gets to adopt her. I see abandoned kids all the time. Especially when they are chronically ill. CPS does step in, but always always tries to contact the parent, offer counseling, offer community resources. They do not indiscrimantly disolve families! THIS IS LUDICROUS! Do you think for an instance that the American people would put up with that!

Get a grip on reality! IF your accused, children are rarely taken out of the home unless thier are physical signs of abuse, or the home is dangerous. Period. To many times i see kids returned when really they shouldnt be. This is the only problem i see with the system. Not enough kids are saved from a life of hell.

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#18 Consumer Comment

CPS Workers are like n**i's

AUTHOR: Tom - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, June 14, 2004

I am sure there are GOOD CPS Workers, but there are a lot more that are BAD. We have been involved with a CPS Caseworker JENNIFER BUTLER who is like a n**i GESTAPO worker. She has called our 14 year old daughter a "Little b***h" to her face & has made False Accusations against me of SEXUAL ABUSE. I was investigated for 2 months & was found TOTALLY INNOCENT of anything from it. While I have made mistakes in the past regarding Discipline of my Daughter, I have NEVER ABUSED her Physically or Sexually or anything like that. My Daughter is Bi-POLAR & ADHD. Needless to say she is a handfull. I however LOVE my Daughter very much & am working hard to protect her & get what is best for her. But is Case Workers like Ms. Butler that cause problems for Families & give CPS the bad name & reputation they have. People like jer & others should be PROSECUTED CRIMINALLY & forced to endure punishment appropriate to all the hurt they have inflicted.

Good Luck to everyone that have to deal with these Modern Day n**i's !!!!!

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#17 Consumer Comment

another bogus claim by brenda

AUTHOR: Cheryl - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, June 14, 2004

brenda, you need to settle down and quit making false allegations about something you know nothing about. i am very knowledgable about domestic violence and i did not get my degree from a Cracker Jacks Box! nobody wants to "blame the victim", however, no child needs to be subjected to that s**t or live in a home where their parent is getting their --- kicked all of the time. if you are the victim of domestic violence and you cannot get out of the situation that is a real shame but you do not have the right to get bent out of shape if the rest of society does not condone children living in that mess. maybe you need to get a copy of the "child protection law" in the state that you reside in and get the "government conspiracy" crap out of your head. would you prefer it if all childrens services departments were closed?

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#16 Consumer Comment

cheryl you are without a clue ..routinely used as a weapon to terrorize humiliate and control the victims

AUTHOR: Brenda - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, June 13, 2004

This is a typical respose from an accessory to a crime.At least this type of crime. Your disbelief of the truth, discrediting tactics [calling me paranoid] and superior attitude[complaining about spelling and grammar on everyone]only shows your guilt.Youve shown that you believe the victim is to be blamed and punished.You obviously dont have a clue as to the dynamics of domestic violence rape or for that matter any other violent crime.Where did you get your degree a box of cracker jacks?

Are you really so naive, as to think, that the organization you work for, isnt routinely used as a weapon to terrorize humiliate and control the victims of violent crime?If so someone needs to fire you forthwith.

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#15 UPDATE Employee

misinformation about cps

AUTHOR: Cheryl - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, June 12, 2004

this is in response to the claims by kandy that there are "bonuses" for cps workers who take children away from their parents. the money you are referring to is given to the states by the federal government to help "parentless" children get into stable adoptive homes. the workers (or any state employees) do not get any "extra money" for this, in fact all the childrens services workers in my state have had their wages cut due to budget problems. the federal money is intended to help prevent children from languishing in foster homes for years and maybe never getting a permanent home. i would also like to make a comment about "brendas" rip off report. you do not make any sense! another example of very poor grammar and spelling! your claims about "the government" trying to steal children sounds rather paranoid. the bottom line is that the child welfare system usually deals with children born to parents who were mistreated themselves and dont have a clue about how to care for their kids. the people with the least resources (mentally, emotionally, educationally, financially) usually end up having the most children and the rest of society has to take care of them. if you dont think this is a social problem that affects everyone, you are mistaken. abused children often grow up to be abusive adults and the cycle keeps going! your comments about "the anonymous hotlines working for the perps" is nonsense. if your man or your husband is abusive to you maybe you should think twice about having children with that person!

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#14 Consumer Suggestion

The federal bonus money

AUTHOR: Kandy - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, June 11, 2004

There are most certainly bonuses to be earned. To the tune of one million dollars for some states. The way the bonus works is you get X amount of dollars for each child you adopt out. No bonus for keeping children with their family. The state only gets bonus money if they INCREASE the amount of children adopted out each year. Look at the figures, some states are getting over a million federal dollars for this bonus. You cannot tell me that does not convince them to concentrate on adopting out children. We all know all states are struggling to balance their budgets.

You can visit this web site for the figures for each state. or read below...

News Release
Friday, Sept. 12, 2003
Contact: ACF Press Office
(202) 401-9215

HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson today announced approximately $14.9 million in bonuses paid to 25 states and Puerto Rico for increasing the number of children adopted from state-supervised foster care in fiscal year 2002. In states that qualify for bonuses, 3,703 more children were adopted in fiscal year 2002 than in the previous year.

"Every time a waiting child finds a loving, permanent home, it helps not only the child, but the family and the nation," Secretary Thompson said. "These bonuses reflect the successful efforts in the states to promote adoptions from their foster-care systems. We will continue to encourage states to go the extra mile when it comes to finding the right home for each child in need."

HHS' Administration on Children and Families (ACF) provides a bonus payment to each state that completed more adoptions in 2002 than in each of the five previous years. Each qualifying state receives a bonus of $4,000 per child adopted beyond its next best year's total. States may also receive a bonus of $2,000 for each child with special needs adopted beyond the largest number of special needs children adopted in any of the previous five years.

"It is gratifying to realize that behind the adoption statistics there are real children and real families who have found each other," said Wade F. Horn, Ph.D., assistant secretary for children and families. "States are to be commended for working hard to match waiting foster children with families who will love them forever."

Each year about 51,000 children nationwide are adopted from foster care. The bonuses awarded today are authorized under a provision of the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997. ACF is the agency within HHS that oversees federal foster care and adoption programs, as well as other programs to promote the economic and social well-being of children and families.

Adoption incentives have been highly successful in encouraging states to increase the annual number of adoptions performed. President Bush's fiscal year 2004 budget includes a proposal to extend the program, including a new focus on successful state efforts to find adoptive families for children age nine and older, who continue to wait in foster care despite overall improvements in adoption performance.

Other efforts to promote adoption include a Web site,, that links children in foster care with potential adoptive families across the country. Launched by President Bush in July 2002, the AdoptUSKids site features photographs and biographies of some 3,700 children in foster care and steers interested families to the appropriate state agency for information about specific children. HHS is working with the Ad Council on a national advertising campaign whose planned launch date is spring 2004, to publicize the site and encourage adoption from foster care. In addition, the President has named movie star Bruce Willis to be the nation's spokesperson on the issue of adoption from foster care.

The list of states and the amount of each bonus follows.

Bonus Award














New Hampshire

New Jersey

North Carolina




South Dakota



West Virginia


Puerto Rico


Here is the program all outlined out.

The proof is right there.
We have one group with over 500 members concerned about reforming this system. Many of them had no idea how bad it was until they were facing losing their children because of overzealous social workers and a system that rewards separating families instead of healing and putting them back together. Child protection reform at Yahoo groups

Cheryl you have some grammar and spelling errors. Even after you made it a point to make less of the others who are in reality victims of the system you are defending. You started out with a statement that made it seem the others were lower class or something. So are we all lowclass now or should we just look at the issue?

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#13 Consumer Comment

cps helps criminals

AUTHOR: Brenda - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, June 11, 2004

First off if most of you check thourghly youll discover that you dont truly have custody of your children.The state where you reside does.
Is this illegal from a constitutional stand point?Definitely.Has anyone contested this yet?
I dont know but I doubt it.

CPS furthers a criminal enterprise.The annonymous
hotlines are routinely used by thieves stalkers
rapists and domestic abusers against their current targets[thieves]and former victims.These
victims, have done everything in there power, to close all access doors to their lives. by the perps.The government in some blindingly noble fashion constructed a perpetually open door for the perps via anonymous hotlines.

At best its racketeering fraud and a black market
baby ring under a thin guise of government legitamacy.

At worst its part of a domestic terrorism campaign.Since the most serious breaches of the six amendment occured right after a un summit involving the us and jordan with a main emphasis
being on children,Ive concluded it may very well
be asymetrical warfare via physcological channels.They cant attack us.They can however
implode us.They have done this via the wolf in sheeps clothing approach.By convincing our officials that breaking the constitution is ok.
Its for the children after all.[cps child welfare]This slow festering approach is being seen in other areas education health and welfare
exc.The goal would be to torment cripple and otherwise convince the american people that a type of rigid government is necessary.
A dictatorship or religous governance perhaps.
Note Ive done the legal research to back up both of my claims.

How do you protect yourself?By doing the following
a]contact VOCAL[Victims of child abuse laws
b]record and document everything.No matter how trivial it may seem.

c]contact your states representative.Explain that
the anonymous hotlines are constitionally illegal.Explain the harm it causes.Please do so in an objective manner.If you wish to discuss your actual experiences please use a seperate sheet.Try to keep it as brief as possible and practicle.The reason for this is self explanatory.
D]Keep a eagle eye on your children.
E]Do not have any more children while dealing with these leeches.They will go after them as well.You will in effect double your aggravation and pain.

F]If youve been a violent crime victim in the past, consider having a vascetomy or tubal ligation.It is the only 100% effective method, to assure that the perp ,cant use a child as a weapon,at some later date.

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#12 UPDATE Employee

cps is not ALL BAD

AUTHOR: Cheryl - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, June 09, 2004

i find it interesting that all of the comments accusing CPS of being incompetent, money grubbing losers are full off grammatical and spelling errors. cps workers DO NOT get bonuses or pay raises for taking children away from parents! investigating child abuse and neglect is a very difficult and demanding job. i realize that mistakes have been made with regard to children being removed (temporarily) with the parents being completely innocent of abuse or neglect. what people may not realize is that if a child is seriously injured (or killed) by their parents cps often gets blamed for not preventing this, even if we have never had contact with the family. contrary to what the media portrays, most children are molested, injured or killed by their parents or other household member (usually stepfather or mothers "boyfriend) not some unknown pervert lurking around the corner. if parents take care of their children and dont allow incompetent people to care for them they dont have to worry about cps. if i go out to investigate a case and there is no abuse or neglect, i wish the parents well and go out to investigate another case. if a worker "messes" with a family it is usually a case of personality problems. every profession has a couple assholes- however, cps does not corner the market on this!

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#11 Consumer Suggestion

We have seen so much of this that we started a group

AUTHOR: Kandy - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, June 08, 2004

When it happened to us I knew it wasn't right. So I started searching. I found an excellent group and have been a part of it for some time. There you can get advice and support for keeping your family together and avoiding any further trouble.

To be a part of the group join below.
Subscribe to childprotectionreform

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#10 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: Heather - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, April 04, 2004

My daughter's father and I split when she was 18 months old, and from then on, NOTHING but calls and threats from cps. My ex must have called them 100 times alleging everything from neglet, to malnurishment, to all sorts of abuse. I was in court at least three times a month with those bozos. They never managed to get my daughter from my house, because it was obiouvs to the judges that i was being prucucated by those people. BUT it all magically went away when I finally was able to save up for a lawyer. NOW cps is forbidden to contact me for any reason, due to their malisious prosution of me. CASA, a not for profit, volunteer child protective agency was appointed to my case, and they found that I WAS A GOOD MOTHER, AND MY EX WAS UNFIT. FINALLY JUSTICE AFTER 3 LONG YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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#9 REBUTTAL Individual responds


AUTHOR: Sabrina - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, April 03, 2004

I know first hand how CPS in the stated of Tennessee is. My neice has me, my mother,and my fathers who all have good jobs, nice home, and no criminal history fighting the state of TN over custody. My sister is incarcerated and when that happened, she was left with the "father" who we later found out is not biologically the father. Is is also a convicted felony for many things in addition to murder........twice! When my mom tried to get her away from him, CPS placed her in Foster Care, and we have been fighting a corrupt uphill battle for almost a year.

It is ashame that kids have loving family members and want to take care of her (she is only 7) and instead she is placed in a Foster Home under the care of a woman that is the know girlfriend of the murderer dad!........Go figure!

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#8 Consumer Comment

I never said your friend didnt feed her child.....

AUTHOR: Liz - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, March 12, 2004

I merely tried to state that CPS, though some think it is a bad system, and in some aspects i agree, was merely doing thier job, as was the Doctor who reported it.

It is good that all turned out well, and I am sure that CPS just needs to round out the case by a few follow-ups.

Perhaps a more dilegent effort on the parents of that child to find out the causes of the problem would have help prevent the report.

I understand you state that your friends went to "specialist after specialish" yet it appears that the specialists took quite a bit of time to come up with a reason.

One reason might be that children under the age of 2 years old are very hard to test for allergies. Most children dont suffer many allergies the first year because of antibodies they continue to carry from mother. It does take quite a few "doses" of an allergic matter to even produce the histamines that induce an allergic reaction in a person...usually taking atleast a year. Have you ever wondered why some older people suddenly develope allergies??

All in all the system isnt a great one. When it works no one seems to notice. When it fails it makes front page news. I wish most kids were removed from abusive homes, but alas the system is about trying to keep the family together. Almost everyone here states "so and so got thier child back"....

In closing i would like to say if those that report the abuse also stay on top of it, it does help.

If a case is closed because the parent completes the tasks put forth of them, and the home is up to standard etc, then what is CPS to do? They have 100 cases for every 1 case worker.

Keep the reporting coming if you continue to see abuse. THis shouldnt be just for child care professionals either...this goes for everyone out there.

It takes a village to raise a child.

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#7 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: Lorraine - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, March 10, 2004

CPS is staright out BS. Apparently the majority here know it. I used to live in Texas and knew a female who had A child and mistreated her child. She would go out partying all night and leave her little boy at home alone (mind you he was 3 months old when she started doing this)he is now 5 and she continuously cusses and hits him (not spanking but hitting- as in abuse) CPS was called on her by the time he was 6 months old and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING was done. They came 2-3 times in a 2 month period and dissapeared-never came back. I had another friend who had CPS called on her and they took her little girl away for no reason!(she got her back) She is a great mother never did anything wrong and they check on her every month or 2 , something like that i'm not too sure, Does someone want to tell me how CPS IS GOOD? THEY'RE FULL OF IT ACCORDING TO ME.

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#6 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: Cindy - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, January 16, 2004

My parents had CPS called on them all the time. Did CPS do anything? Not a thing. Bruises, welts, belt marks, verbal and physical abuse was ignored by all.

We we left at the mercy of our parents, (4 girls), until I ran away at age 16. My father was charged with, and convicted of sexual molestation, yet he had continued contact with us, against our wishes.

To this day, I believe CPS is a bunch of bullshit. They are there to collect their paychecks and who cares about the kids really?

Now they run around and try to trump up bogus reports on as many people as they can to make up for their lack of caring, and to show that they are "really" doing what their jobs are paying them for.

CPS doesn't know their a*s from a hole in the ground. Now they think they have to make up for the lack of attention that they were supposed to have right from the get-go?

Give me a break, I have no respect for them or their bogus titles. That being from one of many who was ignored, and brushed under the carpet - for the entire 16 years I lived with my parents.

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#5 Consumer Comment

she didnt not feed her kid read further

AUTHOR: Tamara - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, January 14, 2004

her child was allergic to almost everything. she also had a "telescopic intestine" and another piece of her small intestine was only as thick as a pencil. she fed her child she took care of her child now that she has her child back and she and cps know the problem they should leave her alone. she did nothing wrong still lost her child and got her back when the hospital finally found the problem they need to leave her alone.

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#4 UPDATE Employee


AUTHOR: Chris - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, January 14, 2004

I was a Riverside County CPS worker in Indio for 9 years. My job entailed mainly, to help fullfill the requirements of the grants that we received, which mainly consisted of filling the quotas outlined in the grants, for the department. Therefore, I was strongly encouraged to find as many adoptive children, and drug/alcohol dependant parent situations that I could. Families with the financial means to put up a good court fight were excluded from our pool of potential victims.

The pay was great. However,

More broken families equaled higher paychecks.

It is amazing to look back and realize how easy it was to justify the accusations of jealous or angry anonymous neighbors, ex-lovers, and ex-spouses.
Most children should not have been taken from their families. The families that did need help could usually have benefited with a grant from the very, very large CHILD REUNIFICATION FUND, created to keep families together. However, this would have taken from the beaurcratic coffers, and so this was unpublicly discouraged.

I am paying for my mistakes. My two children are missing - ages 9 and 10. Authorities think that they ran away with an older sibling, I know the older sibling, my son, really did run away. He was 16.
.....But there is no way that he returned, unseen, and convinced his little brother and sister to join him two and a half weeks later. This is what the local authorities believe.

I feel the hurt and pain. My God, please forgive me. We keep hoping, but I know - they will never return. Just like all the others.

An eye for an eye, if I was a spider, I would be blind.

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#3 Consumer Suggestion

Its the law

AUTHOR: Liz - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Your doctor, while she might have been rash in her judgement, acted according to the law. Any licensed person in a health care setting (or a teacher for that matter) who suspects child abuse HAS to report it. If she didnt and your friend wasnt being vigilant in keeping her nutrition up and she died, then she could go to jail. On this note, please understand that being a pediatric nurse, and working in a large childrens hospital, that i have seen this happen over and over again. I also worked for a pediatrician for 3 years, and once we had a lil girl that wouldnt grow...she was very cute, smart, but at 2 yrs old wieghed only 17 lbs. We had her parents put her on pediasure and a high fat diet...but the parents would come in and say they couldnt make her eat. We sent them to nutritionist, specialist etc, but they never really followed thru will all the suggestions. We finally had to report them. You see when a lil one doesnt eat,and doesnt gain weight the body pulls fat from important areas to burn for energy. Things that DONT HAVE TO GROW will stop growing. The brain is one of the first things to stop growing. Kids undernurished often have severe learning difficulties and microcephaly (abnormally small brains and heads), the never fully recover from microcephaly. CPS finally put this child in the hospital, where low and behold she gained weight. They didnt keep the child, but it forced mom and dad to be more vigiliant on thier care and feedings for the child...hence no more crackers that she loved and more meats and cheeses, more pediasure, etc. Of course this child left our practice, which will often happend if someone starts looking into issues, but thankfully we acted early, so that CPS can follow up. If they had left to go to another DR before CPS was called, we would have lost them in the shuffle.

I wouldnt worry about bumps on the head, there are tale tell signs of abuse, and bumps on the forehead, knees etc arent signs. IF however your child fractures a skull, breaks a bone, or has a bruise resemling a hand mark, and extension cord, a burn that cant be easily explained, etc...then most assuredly if your DR is a good one, then he is that childs ADVOCATE...not yours, and should call CPS.

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#2 Consumer Suggestion

Its the law

AUTHOR: Liz - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Your doctor, while she might have been rash in her judgement, acted according to the law. Any licensed person in a health care setting (or a teacher for that matter) who suspects child abuse HAS to report it. If she didnt and your friend wasnt being vigilant in keeping her nutrition up and she died, then she could go to jail. On this note, please understand that being a pediatric nurse, and working in a large childrens hospital, that i have seen this happen over and over again. I also worked for a pediatrician for 3 years, and once we had a lil girl that wouldnt grow...she was very cute, smart, but at 2 yrs old wieghed only 17 lbs. We had her parents put her on pediasure and a high fat diet...but the parents would come in and say they couldnt make her eat. We sent them to nutritionist, specialist etc, but they never really followed thru will all the suggestions. We finally had to report them. You see when a lil one doesnt eat,and doesnt gain weight the body pulls fat from important areas to burn for energy. Things that DONT HAVE TO GROW will stop growing. The brain is one of the first things to stop growing. Kids undernurished often have severe learning difficulties and microcephaly (abnormally small brains and heads), the never fully recover from microcephaly. CPS finally put this child in the hospital, where low and behold she gained weight. They didnt keep the child, but it forced mom and dad to be more vigiliant on thier care and feedings for the child...hence no more crackers that she loved and more meats and cheeses, more pediasure, etc. Of course this child left our practice, which will often happend if someone starts looking into issues, but thankfully we acted early, so that CPS can follow up. If they had left to go to another DR before CPS was called, we would have lost them in the shuffle.

I wouldnt worry about bumps on the head, there are tale tell signs of abuse, and bumps on the forehead, knees etc arent signs. IF however your child fractures a skull, breaks a bone, or has a bruise resemling a hand mark, and extension cord, a burn that cant be easily explained, etc...then most assuredly if your DR is a good one, then he is that childs ADVOCATE...not yours, and should call CPS.

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#1 Consumer Suggestion

CPS is not strict enough...

AUTHOR: Kim - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, December 02, 2003

CPS has been under alot of fire out here in AZ. All to often they do not do any follow up and they continue to leave kids with abusive parents. They need to be more strict and more firm with loser parents. I am not saying your friend did anything wrong, but I would rather have CPS bee too protective of kids then too lax. Out here in AZ several babies have died the past year becaue of case workers not doing follow or falsifying reports. Children that have no business being in the same home with abusive parents, are being ignored because CPS doesn't have the staff or the money needed to follow through. Our governor and Attorney General are now doing a big CPS audit and overhall, firing alot of caseworkers that do not do their job. CPS needs to get their act together and put children first.

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