Complaint Review: Vicki Polin Awareness Center - Baltimore Maryland
- Vicki Polin Awareness Center Po Box 65273 Baltimore, Maryland U.S.A.
- Phone:
- Web:
- Category: Sex Offenders
Vicki Polin Awareness Center Failure to disclose past of director and creator of the center Baltimore Maryland
*General Comment: a different experience
*Consumer Comment: What does a SHIKSA know about Judaism anyway? Her husband is a mailorder Rabbi!
*Consumer Comment: Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg Gail Ginsburg What they dont tell you about his sex abuse case and her credentials 4500 Dempster In Skokie Illinois
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see this video of her on oprah where vivki polin of the awareness center she admits to satanism, cannabalism, etc.
things on the web about her
Internet rabbi-s**t peddler Vicki Polin is nothing if not ambitious. Last Shabbes afternoon she generated this note via her email list:
Dear Friends,
We can't continue this way much longer. We need your financial support.
We are a new organization that is in the process of incorporating and applying for our federal tax exempt status. Once this process is finished we will start planning our first International Conference, develop a healing center so that we can offer educational seminars, retreats and treatment to rabbis, teachers, parents, and those who have been victimized. We are also look forward to developing a research team, so that we can better serve Jewish communities around the world.
We are look forward indeed.
It should be quite a jump for Vicki, from running a service which copies and pastes news articles about sex abuse (including ministers, priests, and just your average neighbors in the poorer towns in Israelpresumably so you could protect yourself from them). Most of these are bootleg copies, sent out without permission from the source. While Internet etiquette directs bloggers to mention title and a few lines from copyrighted material, Vicki just appropriates.
Indeed, before you start sending Vicki the checks, perhaps you should check some recent testimony regarding the way the big gal handles other people's money.
Here's what Author Naomi Ragen had to say (to Luke Ford) about Vicki Polin's ways with gelt:
I am doing some research and came across your website. To my shock and surprise, I read the material about Vicki Polin. Considering the serious allegations that she's made, I think it's important for me to add the following information.
I met Vicki Polin on the internet when she and I were both actively fighting CNN's biased reporting. Vicky started CNNwatch. I found her work very useful to my own. When she wrote me that she was planning on making Aliyah, but she had no place to stay until she could rent an apartment, I offered her my home. She stayed with me for several weeks.
I got to talk with Vicki and I was shocked at both her behavior and her appearance. I am very sympathetic to women claiming sexual abuse in the Jewish world, and have met many bonafide victims. Vicki did not seem to me to be mentally stable and I did not believe a word she said. Moreover, after introducing her to many other activists against CNN, she took serious loans from them and never paid them back. She ran up a large phone bill in my home and never paid me. I believe she also took the aliyah package from the Jewish Agency, even though she skipped town soon afterwards. This kind of dishonesty shows character, and I do not think Ms. Polin, for all her intelligence and for [all] the good work that she does do, can be believed and trusted.
Yes, boys and girls, in addition to being an admitted Satanist / blood-libel artist, Vicki Polin is also a thief. So, when she asks you for money think twice, and give to your favorite reliable charity. That's the one without thieves.
Yori Yanover,
New York
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Big girl may be running out of personalities and into some major lawsuits
If you were Vicki Polin and you felt you had to start preparing a case for yourself as "Rachel," not evading the role but accepting and confirming everything; wouldn't you want to start infusing the discussion with headlines like:
Sabbateans, Doenmeh and Frankists, Jewish sex-cults now experiencing a re-emergence due to new age mysticism and the internet,did they ever disappear?
In the past there were allegations that VP and JWB were one and the same, but those were abandoned soon after, as the debate somehow structured the two as separate individuals.
But in the past few days, since JWB removed the access from his site, there's no telling who is actually doing the posting there.
Speculative Scenario:
Having read Luke Ford's endorsement of the veracity of my charge that she's "Rachel," and probably after a phone conversation with Luke, Vicki realizes she'll be forced to own up to her TV appearance. In two signed affidavits I possess, two people have testified that Vicki not only admitted to the appearance, but is also holding on to the Satanic ideation, complete with memories of being raped on top of an open sefer Torah.
So, before she comes out, she wants to force some pro and con debate of Jewish cults. Because she doesn't have the option of denying being Rachel; her only choices are to claim she was lying on Oprah, or to stick with the Satanic thing.
This is why JWB has done all this copy and paste work, reviving articles from the '80s and '90s (I'm told her apartment is packed with volumes on Satanic worship). Which leads me to believe that Vicki may well be some incarnation of JWB, who may have been a shared persona in the first place. Even the scantiest search will show complete mirroring of the JWB posts and the AC listserv messages.
While we're at it, it is now clear that the name Vicki Polin is made up. I suspect that here is no one by that name who has earned an MA in any US university.
As one source said to me this morning, "It's time someone challenged Vicki to name the college and years she got her alleged degrees. No one in Chicago remembers anyone by that name doing the social work courses she claims to have degrees in."
This may be a simple and verifiable question to ask Vicki Polin.
Name to be provided to the appropriate legal authority.
November 19th, 2004
About two years ago Ms. Vicki Polin called me on the telephone from Baltimore asking me to perform a ritual of exorcism on her. When I asked why she felt she needed an exorcism, she told me that she was a survivor of a Jewish devil-worshipping cult and felt herself invaded by its baleful influence.
She had heard from a friend that I am a student of kabbalah, so, after her request was refused by rabbis in Baltimore she was turning to me for help with an exorcism.
She told me that her parents were members of the EZRA-HABONIM synagogue on Dempster St. in Skokie, Illinois. The essence of her story was that there are currently many rabbis involved in this cult who brought their satanic rituals with them to the USA from Europe. That she was born into one of the Jewish families owing allegiance to the cult. She claimed to have been used as part of an organized child sexual abuse ring organized by the rabbi of her synagogue, and that the sexual abuse took place on Sifrei Torah Scrolls laid out on the floor of the synagogue. That the abuse began in early childhood and continued over a period of many years, through her teen years and into adulthood, and that she was only one of the many young children, boys and girls used in this manner. I did not ask for specifics of the rituals but she mentioned cannibalism, defecation and the sacrilege of sacred objects.
I told her that if she feels herself Tameh, unclean she ought to go to the mikveh - ritual baths.
All the above is what she told me during our single phone conversation. I have not spoken or corresponded with her since then.
Name to be provided to the appropriate legal authority.
November 17, 2004
Vicki Polin told me that she appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show using the name Rachel.
In that appearance and in private conversations to me she made the following claims:
That her family belonged to a satanic ritual cult in which she was regularly sexually abused from the time she was a baby.
That she was forced to murder babies and eat their flesh as part of this cult.
She was raped on Torah scrolls in a synagogue in Chicago.
That she had five abortions as a result of incest with her father.
That she suffers from multiple personality disorder.
Vicki made it very clear that she believes that there is a large satanic cult with many professional people as members who are regularly involved in sex abuse and murdering babies.
She told me that she believes that this satanic cult dates back to Jacob Frank:
she told me she was afraid to eat chicken bones because they reminded her of the murdered babies' bones.
All of this information Vicki claimed to me to have recovered in memories instigated through therapy.
Rabbi Jonathan & Our online programs847-331-3584
--- On Thu, 12/11/08, wrote:
Subject: vivki polion as rachel
To: ehntrab
Date: Thursday, December 11, 2008, 3:32 PM
The news as it's viewed from the East River, south of Houston Street.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Vicki and the Devil
I don't do Vicki Polin material any more, but I was sent this clip and had to share it with you. You decide whether or not to share it with the world. It's an obvious edit, which I'm not crazy about. The anonymous editor collected most of the snippets with Vicki in them, from a 1989 show that featured a long row of memory recovery types.
Missing from the clip is the psychologist, who appears in the transcript. I would have liked to see that. Also missing is the part where Oprah tells the folks at home that not all Jews eat their children, only the bad ones.
Here's the link. Enjoy. Below I've reprinted the transcript. The file is 7.5mb, and it's not being served up. It's slow, but not terribly so.
Vicki as Rachel on Oprah, May 1, 1989
OPRAH: As a child, my next guest was used also in worshipping the devil, participated in human sacrifice rituals and cannibalism. She says her family has been involved in rituals for generations. She is currently in extensive therapy, suffers from multiple personality disorder, meaning she's blocked out many of the terrifying and painful memories of her childhood. Meet "Rachel," who is also in disguise to protect her identity. You come from generations of ritualistic abuse?
"RACHEL", Was Used In Satan Worship Rituals: Yes, my family has an extensive family tree, and they keep track of who's been involved and who hasn't been involved, and it's gone back to like 1700.
OPRAH: And so you were ritually abused.
"RACHEL": Right. I was born into a family that believes in this.
OPRAH: Does everyone else think it's a nice Jewish family? From the outside, you appear to be a nice Jewish girl?
"RACHEL": Definitely.
OPRAH: And you all are worshipping the devil inside the home?
"RACHEL": Right. There's other Jewish families across the country. It's not just my own family.
OPRAH: Really? And so who knows about it? Lots of people now.
"RACHEL": Well, I talked to a police detective in the Chicago area, and several of my friends know, and I've spoke publicly before, and
OPRAH: So when you were brought up in this kind of evilness, did you just think it was normal?
"RACHEL': I blocked out a lot of the memories I had because of my multiple personality disorder, but, yes. I mean, it's like if you grow up with something, you think it's normal. I always thought something
OPRAH: So what kinds of things? You don't have to give us the gory details, but what kinds of things went on in the family?
"RACHEL": Well, there would be rituals in which babies would be sacrificed, and you would have to, you know
OPRAH: Whose babies?
"RACHEL": There were people who bred babies in our family. No one would know about it. A lot of people were overweight, so you couldn't tell if they were pregnant or not, or they would supposedly go away for awhile and then come back
"RACHEL": The other thing I want to point out not all Jewish people sacrifice babies. I mean, it's not a very typical thing.
OPRAH: I think we kind of know that.
"RACHEL": I just want to point that out.
OPRAH: This is the first time I heard of any Jewish people sacrificing babies, but anyway--so you witnessed the sacrifice.
"RACHEL": Right. When I was very young, I was forced to participate in that-- in which I had to sacrifice an infant.
OPRAH: And the purpose of sacrifice is to what? Is to bring you what? What are you sacrificing for?
"RACHEL": For power...
OPRAH: Power. And so were you ever used? Were you ever used yourself?
"RACHEL": I was molested. I was raped several times.
OPRAH: What's your mother doing in all of this? What's her role in all of this?
"RACHEL": What is-- I'm not exactly- -what her role is-- I haven't, you know, recovered all of my memories, but her family was extremely involved. You know, she brought me to it. Both of my parents brought me to it.
OPRAH: And where is she now?
"RACHEL": She lives in the Chicago metropolitan area. She's on the human relations commission of the town that she lives in, and she's an upstanding citizen. Nobody would suspect her. Nobody would suspect anybody involved in it. There's police officers involved in it. There's, you know, doctors, lawyers, Indiana chiefs involved in it.
OPRAH: Are you kidding?
"RACHEL": I mean, it's not the person, you know, who looks scummy that's involved in it. It's someone who looks normal.
OPRAH: Were you raised with a sense of right and wrong, Rachel?
RACHEL: Yes. I mean, it's like we, I had both. I mean, to the outside world, everything we did was proper and right, and then there were the nights that things changed, that things just got turned around. What was wrong was right, and what was right was wrong. That's what helps to create some of theto develop MPD.
OPRAH: Multiple personality disorder.
RACHEL: Right, right.
OPRAH: I know a lot of people are shaking their heads here, and I'm sure that when you go back home, I mean, everyone's going to try to make you look like you're crazy.
"RACHEL": Oh, definitely.
OPRAH: Absolutely.
"RACHEL": They do that all the time.
OPRAH: It's very difficult to believe, so how is it that you come to believe these people, Tina?
Ms. GROSSMAN: Well, I've treated over 40 survivors of ritual abuse. Adult patients with multiple personality disorder, and from many states in this country as well as Canada. What we've seen and heard and gone through in the abreactions which is the remembered experiences of that- we are hearing the identical same things from these adults. Okay. These are not children that are three years old, and you can, as an adult, perhaps rationalize that this is fantasy material. These adults are saying things. They have never met each other before. They are describing identical rituals, just the same as, since I'm Jewish, you could go to New York or California and describe a seder in one state or another and, as a Jew, you would recognize it. This is the belief system in evil and the power that evil gives you, and so it has these certain rituals, so they are very similar with all of the survivors.
OPRAH: See, but I am very surprised because the Jewish faith is the Jewish faith. and worshipping the devil is not a part of the Jewish faith. I mean, Jewish people do not worship the devil.
Ms. GROSSMAN: But before there was Christ and before there was a system of one God, there was Paganism- and it still exists in the world, and in many cultures, you still find the belief that there is strength and power in the actual consumption of human flesh or animals' flesh.
OPRAH: Now in your family. did you all call it worshipping the devil, "Rachel?
OPRAH: Or did you
"RACHEL": I don't know.
OPRAH: It was just evil. these things you did.
"RACHEL": It was-- right.
OPRAH: Right.
"RACHEL": Well, I said it was evil, and they said it was good. There's a book that I had just come across called [Lilith's Cave: Jewish Tales of the Supernatural by Howard Schwartz, New York, Oxford University Press, 1988] which is a book of Jewish mysticism and supernatural, and there's a lot in that book that relates to what I endured when I was a child.
OPRAH: I want to stop right here, though. because you know how people build prejudices. I want to make it very clear this is one Jewish person, so don't go around now saying to people, you know, "Those Jewish people, they're worshipping--'. This is just one person. Okay.
"RACHEL": Most Jewish people do not do what my family did.
OPRAH: Okay. Thank you very much.
"RACHEL": I mean, I don't know very many other Jewish people who would do what I did.
OPRAH: But you know how people hear one thing, and then go off and they say, "I heard on 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' today that
Vicki Polin's confession is a con job
Here's what's disturbing about Vicki Polin's tediously lengthy and embarrassingly public confession:
1. Nothing, but really nothing of what has taken place in her life was her responsibility. It was all done to her by parents, counselors, therapists, rapists, school officials, TV Show hosts. Vicki Polin herself was a submissive bystander in her own life.
This is typical of the Awareness Center's general approach to its cases, and is not just a-moral, it's anti-moral. That Rabbi Joseph Blau endorses this suggests that he either never learned Maimonides' Hilchot Teshuva, or that he owns the amended version.
2. Save for a quip about her Oprah Winfrey appearance, which was the fault of an unprofessional therapist, it turns out, Vicki conveniently avoids any details regarding the very huge and earth shattering revelation which, in reality, has brought her down. She does not acknowledge at all that in the past 20 years or so she has repeated to countless people, including Luke Ford, that the events she reported on Oprah did take place.
This confession is a con job.
I've written Ford that I was laying off the gal, because I believed she was down for the count and I don't believe in kicking them while they're down. But Vicki is not down, she's on the warpath.
We must get from her an up or down statement: Did the events she described on Oprah take place or did she lie on national television to besmirch an entire Jewish community?
Otherwise her entire piece is nothing but a crocodile's attempt to reboot the old tear ducts.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 12/23/2008 08:36 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#3 General Comment
a different experience
AUTHOR: cheryl - ()
SUBMITTED: Saturday, September 27, 2014
I was a victim of jewish clergy abuse back in the late 1980s and early 1990s. I was given the name of the Awareness Centre by a rabbi and i was in touch with vicky polin many times. Vicky went out of her way to help me and was very supportive. I only have positive things to say about her.

#2 Consumer Comment
What does a SHIKSA know about Judaism anyway? Her husband is a mailorder Rabbi!
AUTHOR: Joe - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, January 12, 2009
This woman sounds a lot like BERNARD MADOFF and she is running an affiliation scam.
That is a scam whereby the con artist tries to get in good with the members of a particular ethnic group and con money from them.
You can read about Madioff's schemes. That's nothing new. He conned $50 billion ouit of Jewish people. Not bad work for a Kazar!
This woman ALLEGES she converted to Judaism. I think you have to have a REAL conversion not reading some stuff from an online yeshiva which is what her husband who claims to be a Jewish rabbi attended for $3,000. What kind of yeshiva is THAT?
She sounds like one of those Xtians who works with the Prosperity Gospel people --that is where they claim friendship and affinity with Jewish people because in their narrow Xtain reptilian minds, they have stereotypes of rich Jews who own everything and have endless money because they are supposed to be the chosen people of G*d in their Bible. Wow! I bet my grandfather's cousin, the chazzan who was killed in the Shoa had known that we have indefinite money and we run everything.
They make a false conversion to Judaism so they can find out the money making secrets and then they go back to their Xtian friends and run the con with them.
This is otherwise known as Messianic Judaism. Read about it and laugh like I did. It is Xtians who want to be Jews and imitate us but they still want to be Xtians too and the only reason they do this shtick is because the only thing they worship is money!
Do your research. I don't intend to send this shiksa broad one hard -earned dime of my money because a REAL JEW SHE'S NOT and I am wondering about her husband, the "rabbi" with the $3,000 ordination he got from the luftmensch yeshiva.

#1 Consumer Comment
Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg Gail Ginsburg What they dont tell you about his sex abuse case and her credentials 4500 Dempster In Skokie Illinois
AUTHOR: Jerry Wing - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, January 08, 2009
All the info here is from media not from Miss Polin,Trying to discredit someone is just lashon hara,
Report: Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg Rabbi Gail Ginsburg
Category: Religious Groups
Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg Gail Ginsburg What they dont tell you about his sex abuse case and her credentials 4500 Dempster In Skokie Illinois
*Consumer Comment ..they just keep lying and defaming
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Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg Rabbi Gail Ginsburg
Submitted: 12/20/2008 6:35:46 AM
Modified: 1/4/2009 8:05:29 AM
Jerry wing
Carroll, Iowa
Ripoff Report Verified Safe
Gail Ginsburg a Presbyterian minister, was ordained in a long distance scheme as a 'rabbi' and NO movement of Judaism recognizes her as a rabbi. Now she pretends to be a Kabbalist and to run this conversion program. Her understanding of judaism and hebrew is less than any Bar mitzvah boy.
Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg does not disclose his past. This can be very harmful to his students. There have been several complaints to The Rabbinic Assembly that could lead to him being kicked out of the Rabbinic Assembly. Here are some of the articles that describe Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg's sexual abuse case:
Woman sues St. Paul rabbi, temple alleging sexual exploitation
By Paul Gustafson
Star Tribune (St. Paul, MN) - January 22, 2004
A former female member of the Temple of Aaron in St. Paul charged Wednesday in a lawsuit that Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg sexually exploited her while counseling her for more than two years.
The Maplewood woman alleges that Ginsburg knew that she was an emotionally vulnerable person because he learned while counseling her that she was recently divorced, and had been sexually and emotionally abused in the past.
Philip Villaume, her attorney, said she has been 'extremely traumatized' by Ginsburg's conduct, and feels that temple officials 'did virtually nothing' when she complained to them.
Betty Sue Lipschultz, the temple's board president, said an investigation of Ginsburg was done after the woman complained about him that 'did reveal an error in judgment' by the rabbi.
'We have not stood idly by. . . . We investigated the charges fully, and we took and are continuing to take appropriate remedial steps. The Temple of Aaron is a wonderful, caring congregation, and it cares deeply both about its congregants and its staff,' she said.
Ginsburg, who is the temple's senior rabbi, could not be reached for comment.
The suit, filed in Ramsey County District Court, seeks damages in excess of $50,000 for sexual battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligence and sexual exploitation by a member of the clergy.
Temple of Aaron is also named as a defendant in the suit, which alleges that it failed to supervise Ginsburg properly or take appropriate actions against him.
The woman said she complained to temple officials in May 2002. In June 2002 the congregation received letters from Ginsburg and the temple's board informing it that he had had an inappropriate relationship with a female former congregant. Ginsburg apologized for what he called 'an admittedly regrettable incident,' according to the suit.
The woman alleged, however, that the letters did not disclose the full scope of Ginsburg's sexual misconduct toward her.
Rabbi, woman settle lawsuit
By Stephen Scott, Religion Editor
Pioneer Press (St. Paul) - June 08, 2004
Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg appears set to resign as senior rabbi at Temple of Aaron, shortly after reaching an out-of-court settlement with a former congregation member who accused him of sexual misconduct. A criminal investigation into the case also is being closed, with no charges forthcoming.
Ginsburg's attorney, Robert Weinstein, said Monday the rabbi has decided to resign after 17 years at the Conservative synagogue in St. Paul's Highland Park.
'Over the past several months he's given a lot of thought of what to do with his future,'' Weinstein said. 'I think he was looking for all of this to be concluded.''
Congregation president Phillip Kibort said Monday synagogue officers had not received a notice of resignation, though discussions had taken place with Ginsburg 'about the future leadership of Temple of Aaron.''
In a civil suit filed in January in Ramsey County, a Maplewood woman accused Ginsburg of sexual exploitation, intentionally inflicting emotional distress, sexual battery and 12 other charges. The suit claimed sexual contact between the two occurred between December 1999 and April 2002, during which time the woman said she was seeing Ginsburg for counseling.
The suit also named the synagogue, on Mississippi River Boulevard, as a defendant.
Weinstein and Philip G. Villaume, the attorney for the accuser, Linda A. Cohen, each confirmed Monday that a settlement with all parties had been reached. Citing confidentiality agreements, they released no details.
It is still not clear whther or not Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg was having inappropriate sexual relations with Gail Ginsburg at the time when he converted her.
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