Complaint Review: US Data Corporation - Omaha Nebraska
- US Data Corporation Omaha, Nebraska U.S.A.
- Phone:
- Web:
- Category: Bait-and-Switch
US Data Corporation - BBB RELIABILITY PROGRAM BOTH TELL LIES Omaha And Woodland Hills Nebraska and California
*UPDATE Employee: More false accusations
*UPDATE Employee: RE: What a scam
*UPDATE Employee: RE: we also got ripped off by US Data corp
*General Comment: BEWARE OF U.S. Data Corporation
*General Comment: BBB SCAM
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: What a scam
* : we also got ripped off by US Data corp
* : we also got ripped off by US Data corp
*Consumer Comment: TO THE OP - I Suggest you Read the ROR REPORT ON THE BBB RACKET
*UPDATE Employee: Another bogus complaint
*Consumer Comment: I have been ripped off by US DATA CORPORATION in almost the same way
*UPDATE Employee: To clear things up.
*UPDATE Employee: To clear things up.
*UPDATE Employee: To clear things up.
*UPDATE Employee: To clear things up.
*Author of original report: Interesting Notes
*UPDATE Employee: False Accusations, Continued 3
*Author of original report: The bottom line
*UPDATE Employee: False Accusations, Continued 2
*Author of original report: In Response to Your False Accusations Claim
*UPDATE Employee: False Accusations, Continued
*Author of original report: In Response to the Rebuttal and a Suggestion
*UPDATE Employee: False Accusations
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US Data Coporation and the BBB both tell lies about a transaction which scamed money.
US Data Corporation didn't provide all the leads that were promised in black and white as described in their own contract!
US Data Corporation provided hundreds of leads that were on the "Do Not Call List" which can be seen as a violation of FTC rules. Just one phone call to a phone number on the "Do Not Call List" can cost the caller and company thousands of dollars plus punitive damages.
Despite numerous issues with leads purchased and promised actions to be taken, US Data Corporation refused to issue a refund.
After describing what had happened with the order with US Data Corporation leads to the BBB, it responded that US Data Coproration did what was necessary and administratively closed the issue!
How did the BBB justify their response? After the decision was made, the BBB avoided answering questions with regards to the decision.
A major factor to my decision in buying these leads is that US Data Corporation is apart of the BBB's Reiability Program. From what I have heard, it costs additional money to be apart of this reliability program.
Could the BBB Reliability Program just be a way to pay off to the BBB to help companies in trouble with consumer complaints?
I wouldn't be surprised if it is.
Shame on the BBB and US Data Corporation for lying to consumers!
Corporate responsability
Minneapolis, Minnesota
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 12/26/2007 07:47 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#23 UPDATE Employee
More false accusations
AUTHOR: Us Data Corporation-Representative - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Friday, December 18, 2009
The client who has placed this complaint "BEWARE..." had not given us the time needed to resolve thie issue with him. We are currently waiting for him to provide tracking that we can use for verification of his claims. Futhermore, we are working with him to resolve the issue, and has only notified us of his concerns in the beginning of this week.

#22 UPDATE Employee
RE: What a scam
AUTHOR: Us Data Corporation-Representative - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Friday, December 18, 2009
This previous employee seems clearly disgruntled or possibly could be a competitor. We have multiple offices and we are not conceited enough to think our data alone is the best, so we use multiple sources to verify our data and supplement any gaps that need to be filled.
It is all too easy for someone to anonymously damage the good name of an upstanding company without proof, substance, or even a reason. This person is not a customer, does not claim to have been ripped off by US Data, and even acknowledges that he was the shady character who took a paycheck with no intention of performing his work.
We're sorry the nameless person who claims to have worked for us did not and was not able to see the oppertunity in front of them and we wish he and his family the best in all their future endeavors.
#21 UPDATE Employee
RE: we also got ripped off by US Data corp
AUTHOR: Us Data Corporation-Representative - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Friday, December 18, 2009
US Data Corporation replaced the list for this client. Upon receiving another complaint from them we reviewed the replacement list and found all of their cliams regarding the "faulty" replacement list to be inaccurate. However, in order to attempt to resolve the matter we DID offer a 50% refund to them. They refused the refund and placed complaints elsewhere.

#20 General Comment
BEWARE OF U.S. Data Corporation
AUTHOR: theresearchnetwork - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, December 16, 2009
US Data Corporation strikes again. Normally we are pretty keen about investigating a company before doing business with them however time constraints and project deadlines forced us to make a rushed decision. We purchased a little over $1600 worth of leads from them and less than 5% were accurate! The cusomer service is great before you order but after they receive your money everyone is "at lunch, or on a call". They refused to provide a resolution and gave us the cold shoulder. We will be following up with our attorney, BBB, and Nebraska's attorney general. compainies should not be allowed to operate like this. Deal with them at your own risk!

#19 General Comment
AUTHOR: Frank - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, December 02, 2009
A quick background on my company; I own a General Construction company in Southern California since 1975. For over 35 years we have given exemplary service to our clients with little to no complaints. Any concerns or complaints by our clients we would resolve it immediately and fully until our client was satisfied. Not once in 35 years has it ever came down to where our clients had to file a complaint with an outside source in order to get the problem resolved. Our clients satisfaction has always been in our best interest, sometimes even when we knew they were wrong.
With this said; We have been a member with the Better Business Bureau for many years and every year we paid our dues. I, like many others, thought that the Better Business Bureau was a government agency that consumers relied on and trusted to assure they are making a right decision when selecting a company to do work for them. Therefore, I felt that it would be in our best interest as a company to be a member of the Better Business Bureau to show our clients that we are a company they can trust based on our outstanding rating (A+), no complaints in 35 years and the ethical guidelines the BBB sets forth on its members.
Just recently I have a whole new outlook on the Better Business Bureau. It is a SCAM.
About a month ago I was contacted by the office of the BBB letting me know that our membership is about to expire and they wanted me to pay our dues. I explained to them our business has taken a real hit during these economical times and we would not be able to renew our membership at this time. She proceeded to tell me that it would be in my best interest to renew our membership because they have received over 25 calls inquiring about our business and they can not give them any information about our company if we are not a member. The first thought to my head was why didnt the 25 people call me, we need the work, but I apologized to her and told her we were not going to be renewing our membership at this time.
About two weeks ago I received another phone call from a different lady at the BBB office whos approach was a little more high pressure. She told me that if I didnt renew our membership all the years we have been an outstanding member would no longer be shown to people that are inquiring and we would have to start over as a new member. I have to admit this did get me to think twice about renewing. We have been a member of good standings for so many years this must be important to whomever looks at the report, but knowing our financial position at this time I had to stick to what is best for my company and decline the membership. She didnt stop there she then offered me to make payment to them. I declined. She then let me know that she will be canceling our membership as of today.
I thought this was the last of it until today, December 2, 2009. I got unto the BBBs web site, as many of us do, to check on a business to see if they were a reputable company and just out of curiosity I looked up my company. I am appalled F rating!! How can you go from a A rating to an F rating in less than a week, especially when you really havent had a project in the last year and no complaints listed?
This is when I started to do my research on the BBB and found this web site ( ) in hopes to find some answers:
1) What can I do as the company who knows people our going to go to the BBB web site to check on a companys rating even if it is false?
- Everyone, including myself, believes and trusts this site.
2) Who can I file a complaint with? (you cant file it with the BBB department)
3) How can we get them off the web and let people know what they really are?
It wasnt until this happened to my company I discovered that the BBB is a SCAM. Many years I have trusted and relied on the information they have put out. Thousands of dollars I paid to be a member thinking that the reports they give are reliable and accurate (good or bad towards my company). People deserve to know the honest standings of a company.
I would appreciate any input or suggestion on how we can put a stop to this dishonest non-profit company that is scamming all of us, consumers and companies alike.

#18 UPDATE EX-employee responds
What a scam
AUTHOR: Ex Employee - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I worked for us data back in 2007 for about 5 weeks. What a scam. They try to appear to be a large company even though its just a few maybe 10 people in an office.
Jeff is the Presidents name. Might be good to ask for him. Angie handles complaints but doesn't want anyone to know her name.
They tried to teach me to lie about what type of data we would actually have. we would sell data with very specific parameters for and the order would be filled with generic data. They claim to be one of a handful of compilers. All they do is resell lists from sources such as info usa for 5 times the amount.
Don't believe me? Look up the tax record on douglas county auditor for there multi story offcie with thousands of employees to find out its only 4000 square feet. what a joke. beware. I new after the first week it was a joke. Just hung on long enough to find a respectable job to i could feed my three children.

we also got ripped off by US Data corp
AUTHOR: New Jersey - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, September 12, 2009
We recently made the mistake of buying a list from US DATA - it was a $1000 mistake.
They have not delivered the contracted for list and refuse to do so. they also refuse to refund our money.
Forget about asking for a sample that is representative of what your list will be. We did this. The list sample they showed us was complete and appeared to be accurate. what they delivered was garbage. This is just another bait and switch scam!
We were to get the email address, name, phone number, company name and address for executives in distribution companies with revenues under $100 million.
We were charged a fee for each contact in the list. They sent a list that cost $944.23 - the majortiy of the contacts had missing data. 80% of the email addresses were usless - because they were not specific to the contact. they were info or there were also many companies at that had 30 or more contacts listed most of which were sales reps at the company. how many small businesses have 30 executives? Over 90% of the contacts that we got charged for did not meet the contract specifications!
We tried working with US Data's Quality Assurance manager to get a list according to what was specified in the contract. We dealt with Angie, who not really a Quality Assurance manager, she is US Data's designated thief!
Here are some of the reasons that she gave for why US DATA felt they should not need to correct the problems with the list or refund our money.
1) " i know many CEO's whose email address is or
2) your contract did not state that we had to provide complete information for each contact -
3) it doesn;t matter that we did not deliver the contracted for list, we have a no refund policy. we will not give you your money back!
Oh - the Quality Assurance manager is this theif by the name of Angie -and if someone from US DATA decides to post a rebuttal that says that 1) i am lying 2) you can't make everyone happy 3) US Data is a reputable company -
I will post copies of the emails that your authorized theif sent me that includes these statements -- i will also post subsets of the list you delivered that prove what was delivered was nothing more than garbage.
If US data was a reputable company they would admit it when they could not deliver and provide a full refund - even if their contract says no refunds!!!! this is what reputable companies do!!!!!
Do NOT do business with these people - they are nothing more than theives!!
and angie - you know exactly who i am -- how do you sleep at night?

we also got ripped off by US Data corp
AUTHOR: New Jersey - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, September 12, 2009
We recently made the mistake of buying a list from US DATA - it was a $1000 mistake.
they have not delivered the contracted for list and refuse to do so. they also refuse to refund our money.
Forget about asking for a sample that is representative of what your list will be. We did this. the list sample they showed us was complete and appeared to be accurate. what they delivered was garbage. this is just another bait and switch scam!
We were to get the email address, name, phone number, company name and address for executives in distribution companies with revenues under $100 million.
they sent a list that cost of $944.23 - the majortiy of the contacts has missing data. 80% of the email addresses were usless - because they were not specific to the contact. they were info or (((Redacted))). there were also many companies at that had 30 or more contacts listed. how many small businesses have 30 executives?
We tried working with US Data's Quality Assurance manager to get a list according to what was specified in the contract. We dealt with Angie, who not really a Quality Assurance manager, she is US Data's designated thief!
Here are some of the reasons that she gave for why US DATA felt they should not need to correct the problems with the list or refund our money.
1) " i know many CEO's whose email address is (((Redacted))) or (((Redacted)))
2) your contract did not state that we had to provide complete information for each contact -
3) it doesn;t matter that we did not deliver the contracted for list, we have a no refund policy. we will not give you your money back!
Oh - the Quality Assurance manager is this theif by the name of Angie -and if someone from US DATA decides to post a rebuttal that says that 1) i am lying 2) you can't make everyone happy 3) US Data is a reputable company -
I will post copies of the emails that your authorized theif sent me that includes these statements -- i will also post subsets of the list you delivered that prove what was delivered was nothing more than garbage.
If US data was a reputable company they would admit it when they could not deliver and provide a full refund - even if their contract says no refunds!!!! this is what reputable companies do!!!!!
Do NOT do business with these people - they are nothing more than theives!!
and angie - you know exactly who i am -- how do you sleep at night?
CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

#15 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Laurie - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, January 16, 2009
Its right on the home page - you do have to scroll down to it. Probably why no one ever sees it - scrolling to locate things is too hard
It outlines exactly why you CANT COUNT ON THE BBB

#14 UPDATE Employee
Another bogus complaint
AUTHOR: Us Data Corporation-admin - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, January 16, 2009
This is another client we had that was clearly not happy with our service. Every company, no matter how hard they try, will have clients that will not be happy with the service or product.
The "proof" that this client states they have, had no real relevence to their claim. There was no news story regarding this matter either. We do not like to see any of our clients walk away with a bad experience. The Better Business Bureau closed this case in the favor of US Data Corporation, that we had made good faith efforts to resolve the issue with the client.

#13 Consumer Comment
I have been ripped off by US DATA CORPORATION in almost the same way
AUTHOR: Mystique Shopper Llc - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, October 02, 2008
I have been scammed by US DATA CORPORATION in that they did not deliver for our Company as well. We ordered 100,000 Emails to multi chain businesses and this did not happen. We have proof.
We have contacted Angie from their customer service and while she is pleasant, she is clueless and follows their lies. I do not want to fill out a report here myself because it's already been too much time wasted.
I mean - they flat out lie. I am sure they will blame something and say they did everything right. Trust me - this company is a big scam and I have a news channel doing a story for us this week. Stay tuned.

#12 UPDATE Employee
To clear things up.
AUTHOR: Us Data Corporation-admin - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, April 07, 2008
This person has stated that they were not informed of US Data Corporation's no returns, no refunds no exceptions policy. However this policy is stated in our Terms and Conditions under "Indemnification". When they placed the order, and signed, right under the line for the signature states that by signing they are agreeing to the terms of the order as well as the Terms and Conditions. Also, if they paid by credit card, it is also stated on this form that they would have signed, right above the line for their signatures, that they understand the data and payment are non returnable and non refundable.
IF this particular person did receive a short ship of the data, US Data Corporation would have refunded them. This person also states that they have been turned down their refund with no reason. When a refund request is denied, they would have an email sent to them or a phone call explaining the reasons for the refund.
I would also like to make note that this person is writing in complaining about the BBB and US Data Corporation, however, has NOT ONCE ATTEMPTED TO CALL the quality assurance department to RESOLVE this matter since starting this chain of complaint(s).
For all the consumers/potential clients/businesses out there reading this complaint/report please read all of the complaints/rebuttals/updates. It is clear to see that in the responses from US Data Corporation, they had attempted to give this person a resolution, to call in and contact the appropriate parties to review his situation (if there truly is one). Instead, this person has simply continued to complain on this website.

#11 UPDATE Employee
To clear things up.
AUTHOR: Us Data Corporation-admin - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, April 07, 2008
This person has stated that they were not informed of US Data Corporation's no returns, no refunds no exceptions policy. However this policy is stated in our Terms and Conditions under "Indemnification". When they placed the order, and signed, right under the line for the signature states that by signing they are agreeing to the terms of the order as well as the Terms and Conditions. Also, if they paid by credit card, it is also stated on this form that they would have signed, right above the line for their signatures, that they understand the data and payment are non returnable and non refundable.
IF this particular person did receive a short ship of the data, US Data Corporation would have refunded them. This person also states that they have been turned down their refund with no reason. When a refund request is denied, they would have an email sent to them or a phone call explaining the reasons for the refund.
I would also like to make note that this person is writing in complaining about the BBB and US Data Corporation, however, has NOT ONCE ATTEMPTED TO CALL the quality assurance department to RESOLVE this matter since starting this chain of complaint(s).
For all the consumers/potential clients/businesses out there reading this complaint/report please read all of the complaints/rebuttals/updates. It is clear to see that in the responses from US Data Corporation, they had attempted to give this person a resolution, to call in and contact the appropriate parties to review his situation (if there truly is one). Instead, this person has simply continued to complain on this website.

#10 UPDATE Employee
To clear things up.
AUTHOR: Us Data Corporation-admin - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, April 07, 2008
This person has stated that they were not informed of US Data Corporation's no returns, no refunds no exceptions policy. However this policy is stated in our Terms and Conditions under "Indemnification". When they placed the order, and signed, right under the line for the signature states that by signing they are agreeing to the terms of the order as well as the Terms and Conditions. Also, if they paid by credit card, it is also stated on this form that they would have signed, right above the line for their signatures, that they understand the data and payment are non returnable and non refundable.
IF this particular person did receive a short ship of the data, US Data Corporation would have refunded them. This person also states that they have been turned down their refund with no reason. When a refund request is denied, they would have an email sent to them or a phone call explaining the reasons for the refund.
I would also like to make note that this person is writing in complaining about the BBB and US Data Corporation, however, has NOT ONCE ATTEMPTED TO CALL the quality assurance department to RESOLVE this matter since starting this chain of complaint(s).
For all the consumers/potential clients/businesses out there reading this complaint/report please read all of the complaints/rebuttals/updates. It is clear to see that in the responses from US Data Corporation, they had attempted to give this person a resolution, to call in and contact the appropriate parties to review his situation (if there truly is one). Instead, this person has simply continued to complain on this website.

#9 UPDATE Employee
To clear things up.
AUTHOR: Us Data Corporation-admin - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, April 07, 2008
This person has stated that they were not informed of US Data Corporation's no returns, no refunds no exceptions policy. However this policy is stated in our Terms and Conditions under "Indemnification". When they placed the order, and signed, right under the line for the signature states that by signing they are agreeing to the terms of the order as well as the Terms and Conditions. Also, if they paid by credit card, it is also stated on this form that they would have signed, right above the line for their signatures, that they understand the data and payment are non returnable and non refundable.
IF this particular person did receive a short ship of the data, US Data Corporation would have refunded them. This person also states that they have been turned down their refund with no reason. When a refund request is denied, they would have an email sent to them or a phone call explaining the reasons for the refund.
I would also like to make note that this person is writing in complaining about the BBB and US Data Corporation, however, has NOT ONCE ATTEMPTED TO CALL the quality assurance department to RESOLVE this matter since starting this chain of complaint(s).
For all the consumers/potential clients/businesses out there reading this complaint/report please read all of the complaints/rebuttals/updates. It is clear to see that in the responses from US Data Corporation, they had attempted to give this person a resolution, to call in and contact the appropriate parties to review his situation (if there truly is one). Instead, this person has simply continued to complain on this website.

#8 Author of original report
Interesting Notes
AUTHOR: Corporate Responsability - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 29, 2008
No refunds, no exceptions?
No one told us that nor do we recall seeing that written anywhere in the agreement.
Perhaps you should tell your sales and corporate headquarters staff not to verbally lie about your refund policy. Perhaps when written contract changes are made outside of the norm of your typical contract, you should follow the changes made to the contract.
We were promised a refund if we were not satisfied or if the contract wasn't followed by US Data Corporation, we still didn't receive a refund.
You keep saying you're sure there's a good reason. US Data Corporation, we call your good reason, a selfish, unreasonable reason.
Despite writing and calling US Data Corporation on many occasions, representatives still have not given a direct description of what is a "good reason" as to why it refuses to issue a refund.
It's too bad that your company didn't deliver the full number of goods that were under contract. It's too bad that such a "respectable company" refuses to issue a refund when it has previously acknowledged the problems with the product. It's especially too bad when this situation is what we would interpret as an "extenuating circumstances where a refund is due" based on your example "if the quantity you purchased was short shipped to you." is a refundable circumstance.
The quantity is short, we did not receive the refund due.
There's enough information on this website based on your responses to let people know you company's character.
Our summary interpretation of your responses is you feel you have "respectable company" that doesn't give refunds with no exceptions.
We believe that anyone who is considering buying of leads from US Data Corporation should beware.
Our further assumptive interpretation of the US Data Corporation's policy of "no returns or reimbursements, no exceptions." we were just informed of here is:
Even if the leads are found as not accurate, not delivered in full, prohibited numbers to call and sell on the Do Not Call List, finding the same lead multiple times in the batch of leads purchased, disconnected leads, leads that were supposed to be qualified, but are not and never were despite supposed data mining, or not the leads you expect there's still no refund that will be made. Now there may be "some extenuating circumstances where a refund is due. For example, if the quantity you purchased was short shipped to you." However from our experience, despite receiving a short quantity, as we interpret as one of their "extenuating circumstances" we still have not been issued a refund.
Everyone has heard enough. Be careful when you buy leads and when you do buy leads, buy a small amount or receive sample leads to put the company to the test to see if the company sells what it actually claims it sells.

#7 UPDATE Employee
False Accusations, Continued 3
AUTHOR: Us Data Corporation-admin - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 28, 2008
First of all, you do not NEED to disclose who you are on this website; you can call or write US Data Corporation directly.
IF you are one of the few cases that we have requested that you no longer contact us except by writing, there is a reason. Also, if you had requested your refund so many times and it was refused so many times, there has to be a reason for that as well.
If you look over your signed contract, possibly your credit card form, and our Terms and Conditions, our policy is no returns or reimbursements, no exceptions.
However, there are some extenuating circumstances where a refund is due. For example, if the quantity you purchased was short shipped to you.
There may not be anything we can do further for you to resolve this matter if you have indeed been denied a refund so many times (as I stated before, there is probably a reason your request was not granted). It is your choice, contact US Data Corporation directly, in writing as we have requested, or you can choose not to.

#6 Author of original report
The bottom line
AUTHOR: Corporate Responsability - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The bottom line is your company has refused to issue a refund when it didn't sell what it promoted and promised.
Everyone has a reason to do anything, good or bad. If US Data Corporation was a respectable company, wouldn't it have issued a refund when it did not provide the product it promised multiple times?
Instead of receiving a refund, (while we were being a lot more respectable than your employees,) all we got were people dodging our phone calls, not calling us back after leaving messages on voicemail and with employees who claimed the message was hand delivered, and finally when we did reach someone, (we believe it was not intended to pick up the call as the person appeared off guard) all we got was a no, (despite stating the overwheming evidence that US Data Corporation didn't fulfill it's part of the contract,) and a don't call again, if you want to to contact us, contact us in writing.
We were not rude, all we did was ask for a refund and stated what was not provided on the contract. Would a respectable company not return phone calls and tell someone not to call back when the customer feels the issue is not resolved? We doubt it.
Why don't you do this. State US Data Coporation's policy for refunds and under what circumstances a refund is issued under your corporate policy.
For example:
If not all the product was delivered, a refund will be issued upon proof of the product being incomplete.
If the proper product is not delivered according to the contract multiple times, a refund will be issued for the customer's troubles.
If the product sold has had not been properly checked against the Federal Trade Commision's Do Not Call List, a refund will be issued.
If the product sold had duplicate leads, those leads will be replaced free of charge.
The product is sold as-is, no returns, no exceptions.
Upon review of your corporate policy for refunds, we will decide if we will disclose who we are on this website.

#5 UPDATE Employee
False Accusations, Continued 2
AUTHOR: Us Data Corporation-admin - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, February 25, 2008
Based on your response, US Data Corporation has addressed every issue at hand with you. Within my previous responses I have addresses each aspect mentioned. Yet, you have choosen to state I am finding problems with your complaint... I am also aware that your only form of complaint since starting this report, is through this website.
If you spoke with Ms. Bradley, you were indeed conected with our Quality Assurance Deparment, as she is the administrator. Angi Bradley and Angela Bradley are one in the same. To clarify, on the BBB site for the our Omaha office, the contact information states: 'Principal: Ms. Angela Bradley, Office Manager ', and for our California Office, the contact information states: 'Primary Contact: Angi Bradley Quality Assurance Administrator'. (Neither of which states she is the principal of the company, simply the prinicpal (contact) or primary contact)
If you had previous correspondance with Ms. Bradley, and she denied your refund request, there had to have been a reason. When a refund is due, they are issued. I highly doubt it was a matter of "keeping the money in US Data Corporation's pockets." If you have continued to address this matter with US Data Corporation, have been informed everything was correct, and still have not recieved a refund there has to be a reason.
Of course I have interest in keeping a good public image for US Data Corporation, I work for a very respectable company! I ask of you, AGAIN, how can I even attempt to offer a solution...I don't know who you are, therefore I cannot access what has happened previously with your case??

#4 Author of original report
In Response to Your False Accusations Claim
AUTHOR: Corporate Responsability - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 22, 2008
What was stated by US Data Corporation's representative has been typical of US Data Corporation's conduct with us. It's goal seems to be to find problems with a customer's complaints rather than provide a solution to the problems at hand.
The quanitity is definatly an issue as described previously. When the initital complaint was made, the salesperson in California said to call Angi at Corporate in Nebraska. (It's interesting that the salesperson nor Angi never once mentioned anything about a "quality assurance department"). This is te first time a "quality assurance department was ever mentioned. It would also be interesting to know if Angi is Angela Bradley, who the BBB describes on it's website as currently the Principal of US Data Corporation. If Angi, is indeed Angela Bradley and also Principal of US Data Corporation, wouldn't she have the ability to make the final decision for US Data Corporation on a contract complaint?
When the complaint was brought to Angi, she was more interested in keeping the money in US Data Corporation's pockets, rather than offering any solution to the problem dispite strong evidence that US Data Corporation did not provide the product described in the contract.
A refund should have been issued for not providing the product described in the contract. To this day, all US Data Corporation does is deny that there were any problems with it's product whenever it has been contacted with regards to this complaint.
The representative who wrote the most recent response, seems to have more of an interest in keeping a good public image for US Data Cororation with the responses the representative has made instead of providing a solution to a dissatisfied customer who didn't receive the product that was described within the contract.

#3 UPDATE Employee
False Accusations, Continued
AUTHOR: Us Data Corporation-admin - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 21, 2008
Please allow me to explain further. US Data Corporation is more than willing to help. IF a client, however, is not due a refund, they will not be issued one. More often than not, our clients are very happy with our customer service and most issues are resolved with our company and our clients also typically come back to us because our company is respectable.
I will address each detail mentioned by this unsatisfied client below:
In response to US Data Corporation's representative's rebuttal, it's necessary to point out a few key facts:
1. The title of US Data Corporation's representative's rebuttal states, 'False Accusations'.
How does this representative know these accusations are false when the representative states, '*S/he'?
~As there is no name or company associated with your complaint, how am I to determine if you are a male or female? Therefore, in order to be politically correct, I use 'S/he'.
2. US Data Corporation's representative's states, 'First and foremost, to those out there reading this poor review of my company, do you seriously believe the Better Business Bureau, who is out there to help consumers for years are liars?'
If you look up Better Business Bureau here on the Ripoff Report's search engine, you will see that the Better Business Bureau has a number of valid complaints about not handling customer disputes fairly.
~This may be true, however I highly doubt that they would still be in business, resolving complaints and working out resolutions, if they were not fair. If there is a company out there that has NEVER received a complaint against them, I would be very surprised.
3. In US Data Corporation's representative's response to the complaint, it misquoted one of the complaints as 'didn't provide the leads that were promised in black and white as described in there own contract!' and didn't properly address the accurate complaint that 'US Data Corporation didn't provide all the leads that were promised in black and white as described in their own contract!'
If US Data Corporation is still confused, the complaint is simple. US Data Corporation didn't provide all the leads it promised to deliver.
~Okay, I understood that the first time. However, what was wrong? You do not explain what the problem was, why the leads were incorrect. If you were not delivered the quantity you paid for, why have you not contacted US Data Corporation's quality assurance department directly? Or have you? Again, without knowing which client you are, I cannot even look up your order.
4. The US Data Corporation representative stated, 'New people sign up for the DNC every day, so it does not surprise me that a few may indeed end up on a list that we have scrubbed recently.' Wasn't it stated that, 'US Data Corporation provided hundreds of leads that were on the 'Do Not Call List''
Hundreds of leads are far different than 'a few', especially when a caller and company calling can be charged up to $11,000 for every Do Not Call List call violation plus punitive damages for every violation.
Any lead, and the FTC means any lead, on the Do Not Call List can not be called. The salesperson who sold the leads said the leads will have no leads on the Do Not Call List. The salesperson did not say that a high percentage or a large number of the leads will be on the Do Not Call List.
~Do you have documentation backing this up? Also, how large was your list? (Did you receive hundreds out of a list of 100,000?) Did you follow through and scrub the data for yourself against the DNC, as that is a due diligence on your end as well? All of these factors would have been addressed if you have spoken to our quality assurance department.
4. The US Data Corporation representative stated,'*In the cases where the BBB administratively closes the issue, it is usually due to a client/consumer being unreasonable.' 'This is only reiterated by the fact that the BBB (supposedly) did not respond to the questions this person asked after the case was closed.'
How would the US Data Corporation representative know this as a fact? Does this representative work for the BBB too?
If you review the numerous complaints against the Better Business Bureau, you will see many times it is unresponsive and makes interesting statements dispite many strong facts in favor of consumers.
~No I do not work for the BBB. However, it has been on more than one occasion I have been involved with complaints that have been administratively closed by the BBB. In those cases, at least with our company, it has been because the person filing the complaint has been unreasonable and not willing to resolve the matter, even if we offer a resolution.
5. The US Data Corporation representative stated, 'Whoever wrote this clearly is an unhappy client; however I think it is unjust to go besmirching to respectable companies of lying because they did not receive a refund.'
Is US Data Corporation a company that is 'respectable' after all of these issues shave gone unresolved? Wouldn't a 'respectable' company try to resolve these issues?
If you bought a new car from a 'respectable' company and found out it only worked part of the time and furthermore, it was not legal to drive, wouldn't you expect a refund for the lemon?
If that company sells a lemon, it should provide a refund. If a company goes on selling more lemons, eventually the regulators will get enough complaints to conduct an investigation. If the company continues to sell lemons during the investigation, the regulators will eventually shut down the production of those lemons.
Here's a suggestion for US Data Corporation: Work out a solution with the customer. That is what this site is for.
~I would like to ask, have you contacted the Quality Assurance team at US Data Corporation? If so, your issues would have been resolved, unless you were being unreasonable. Have you attempted to contact them since my first rebuttal to your complaint? Again, how can we possibly resolve an issue for one of our clients if we do not even know who you are?

#2 Author of original report
In Response to the Rebuttal and a Suggestion
AUTHOR: Corporate Responsability - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 14, 2008
In response to US Data Coporation's representative's rebuttal, It's necessary to point out a few key facts:
1. The title of US Data Corporation's representative's rebuttal states, "False Accusations".
How does this representative know these accusations are false when the representative states, "*S/he"?
2. US Data Corporation's representative's states, "First and foremost, to those out there reading this poor review of my company, do you seriously believe the Better Business Bureau, who is out there to help consumers for years are liars?"
If you look up Better Business Bureau here on the Ripoff Report's search engine, you will see that the Better Business Bureau has a number of valid complaints about not handling customer disputes fairly.
3. In US Data Corporation's representative's response to the complaint, it misquoted one of the complaints as 'didn't provide the leads that were promised in black and white as described in there own contract!' and didn't properly address the accurate complaint that "US Data Corporation didn't provide all the leads that were promised in black and white as described in their own contract!"
If US Data Corporation is still confused, the complaint is simple. US Data Corporation didn't provide all the leads it promised to deliver.
4. The US Data Corporation represetative stated, "New people sign up for the DNC every day, so it does not surprise me that a few may indeed end up on a list that we have scrubbed recently." Wasn't it stated that, "US Data Corporation provided hundreds of leads that were on the 'Do Not Call List'"
Hundreds of leads are far different than "a few", especially when a caller and company calling can be charged up to $11,000 for every Do Not Call List call violation plus punitive damages for every violation.
Any lead, and the FTC means any lead, on the Do Not Call List can not be called. The salesperson who sold the leads said the leads will have no leads on the Do Not Call Lis. The salesperson did not say that a high percentage or a large number of the leads will be on the Do Not Call List.
4. The US Data Corporation representative stated,"*In the cases where the BBB administratively closes the issue, it is usually due to a client/consumer being unreasonable." "This is only reiterated by the fact that the BBB (supposedly) did not respond to the questions this person asked after the case was closed."
How would the US Data Corporation representative know this as a fact? Does this representative work for the BBB too?
If you review the numerous complaints against the Better Business Bureau, you will see many times it is unresponsive and makes interesting statements dispite many strong facts in favor of consumers.
5. The US Data Corporation representative stated, "Whoever wrote this clearly is an unhappy client, however I think it is unjust to go besmirching to respectable companies of lying because they did not receive a refund."
Is US Data Corporation a company that is "respectable" after all of these issues shave gone unresolved? Wouldn't a "respectable" company try to resolve these issues?
If you bought a new car from a "respectable" company and found out it only worked part of the time and furthermore, it was not legal to drive, wouldn't you expect a refund for the lemon?
If that company sells a lemon, it should provide a refund. If a company goes on selling more lemons, eventuallty the regulators will get enough complaints to conduct an investigation. If the company continues to sell lemons during the investigation, the regulators will eventually shut down the production of those lemons.
Here's a suggestion for US Data Corporation: Work out a solution with the customer. That is what this site is for.

#1 UPDATE Employee
False Accusations
AUTHOR: Us Data Corporation-admin - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 13, 2008
First and foremost, to those out there reading this poor review of my company, do you seriously believe the Better Business Bureau, who is out there to help consumers for years are liars?
If we did not provide this person falsely accusing US Data Corporation of a bait and switch a refund, there is a reason. Each rebuttal below addresses each of this person's complaints:
*S/he states that we "didn't provide the leads that were promised in black and white as described in there own contract!" That doesn't explain much. What was the contract, what wasn't correct? Anyone can claim something to be inaccurate.
*S/he further states there were numbers on the DNC. US Data Corporation scrubs our data against the DNC in the timeframe advised by federal regulation. However, each of our clients is also to scrub them in order for them to be compliant as well. New people sign up for the DNC every day, so it does not surprise me that a few may indeed end up on a list that we have scrubbed recently.
*In the cases where the BBB administratively closes the issue, it is usually due to a client/consumer being unreasonable. This is only reiterated by the fact that the BBB (supposedly) did not respond to the questions this person asked after the case was closed.
*Yes, it does cost additional money to be part of the BBB's reliability program. However, this does not mean businesses are "paying off" the BBB. In order for US Data Corporation to become part of this program, not only did we have to pay an additional fee as a current member, but we also had to undergo an extensive research period. In which the BBB studied our website(s), our contracts, and other documentation and information we provided to our clients as well as the general public.
Whoever wrote this clearly is an unhappy client, however I think it is unjust to go besmirching to respectable companies of lying because they did not receive a refund.

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