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Complaint Review: Tara Sutphen Cause And Affect, Dick Sutphen - Malibu California

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  • Reported By: st. paul Minnesota
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  • Tara Sutphen Cause And Affect, Dick Sutphen Malibu, California U.S.A.

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I had a cause and affect reading by Tara Sutphen at Soaring Spirit. I was told I didnt have money because I was afraid someone would kill me for it. I was told that I didnt have love because I felt I didnt deserve it.

This was all because of supposed karma from a past life and therefore choose to be unhappy and so here I was trapped in a dead end situation. This was all supposedly told by Abenda, Taras supposed spirit guide.

Which is hard to believe when Tara didnt even get my name right. So perhaps I was mixed up with someone else.

Also in the reading Abenda said not to think life would treat me badly, but in one article they are talking about a man who died in his 80s and that his was a life well lived and got to spend his life in his beloved beach house. How lucky and nice for him. Life didnt treat him too badly it seems.

When my grandma got in trouble for using credit cards and lost her job and couldnt pay them so we had to sell our house, was it because she was scared someone would kill her for her money and that was why she didnt have any to pay them? If she had told them that, or this was all due to a past life karma, would they not have sued her?

Tara and d**k Sutphen live as husband and wife in a malibu mansion, make tons of money from their books/tapes, ect, telling people why their lives are so bad, hard, and so negative. When from the sound of it, they themselves never knew what negativity was.

It sounds like they dont know what its like to struggle, or suffer, to be poor, go hungry, be without food, or a job, be homeless (more than once in your life), evicted from you home (more than once, even when its not your fault), be scared all the time, not knowing where you are going to go, whats going to happen to you, possibly going blind and needing a cornea transplant and not being able to afford it, or be alone, lonely, broken hearted, and unloved, or have any kind of problems or struggles or unhappiness at all.

It is funny to me how someone who never knew what any of that is like can talk about bad karma, or negativity, when it seems they never had to experience any of that or any kind of hardships in their lives themselves, but can still tell other people why their lives stink or are so negative or are the way they are. Seems like they make their money off other peoples problems.

And none of their subliminal tapes ever work. Ive used a few for over a year and nothing changed/happened.

Am I supposed to believe I dont have love because of some bad past life/karma/punishment, or because I feel I dont deserve it as I was told by them, while other people around me who do have love or money don't have bad past life/karma and feel like they do deserve love and arent afraid someone will kill them for their money? d**k and Taras supposed spirit guides decided they should be together. I guess my spirit guide doesnt want me to have anybody or be with anybody or cant find someone whos spirit guide wants to be with me, going can she be with the person you are guiding, and they go no.

It seems that they dont think of how people feel when they tell them these things. I guess they never had any bad karma or past lives to be suffering now like some do or ever.

They live in their malibu mansion that theyll never have to worry about loosing, or getting evicted from, or have taken away from them, or worry about being homeless again, not having a job, no money coming in, a place to live, being alone, lonely, never know what its like never to have love or be loved by the opposite sex. How lucky for them they have had no negativity ever in their life it seems so they could have a normal life, be successful, always have a home, money, unlike my family and I.

People feel bad enough about their lives being the way they are without them telling them its because of reasons like that, when that probably isnt true. Thats terrible they can say those things, making people believe that is why their life is like that and wont get better. While their lives are so nice and have never suffered or went through what the person did.

You find someone you think you are finally going to be with. Then something happens where you loose them, and you start believing it is because of what they told you. And you think nothing in your life will get better or change because of that.

It seems that they just say the things they do just so youll use their products. If you use our stuff, your life will get better, type of thing. But it still doesnt.

st. paul, Minnesota

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#8 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: WiccanMale27 - (United States of America)

POSTED: Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Just a note about "karma", if this is what is causing your problems in this life time. then there is sweet all you can do about it apart from deal with it and try to stay out of causing more problems for your future or your future lives. Karma is a balance, so if you do bad, you get back bad, you can't stop it, you can't make it go away.

also I do love the saying "You make your bed, you sleep in it".

And cool for them for now, if they are scamming people and conning ect, then Karma will get them in a life time, might be this one, might be next.

I have to say that I am sorry for problems that you might have in your life. and it is wrong of people to scam and con you out of money and all.  but at the end of the day bad things happen to some people and not others. to be honest it is best to get over it and focus on just you and your problems. if you want spiritual/magical help then research it yourself and go find spells ect to cast. trust me, it is not a "unique" skill that only a special few have.
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#7 Consumer Comment

Tara Supthen Scam

AUTHOR: everyman - (United States of America)

POSTED: Sunday, April 04, 2010

I'm glad this is finally coming to light.

I'm an actress in Hollywood and was actually fooled into thinking that myself and 3 other actresses were shooting a music video for Guns N Roses in March 2009.

We actually shot the music video, put it on our resumes, and shared the good news with many professional contacts.

Turns out it was all a lie, and Tara Sutphen was behind this.

She's been claiming for over 3 years now, that she was dating the singer for GNR, and convinced a well-respected music video director that this project was for Axl.

As the truth has come out, Mrs. Sutphen is quickly losing friends and credibility.

In fact, the director of the music video, and a long-time friend of Mrs. Sutphen's cut off all contact with her, when he discovered that she had duped him into this project. I'm also told that his attorney has sent a letter of resolution for $2500 to Mrs. Sutphen which to this day goes unanswered.

The truth is, there was a young lady in Finland, pretending to be Axl Rose online, she has since come forth and confessed, however Mrs. Sutphen has known the truth since about 2008 maybe earlier, that she was speaking to a young girl in Finland.. and continued the deception.

Even on a few occasions prompting the girl in Finland to CONTINUE with the deception, particularly that involving the filming of the music video. The young lady in Finland never meant for it to be more then a fanpage, yet Mrs. Sutphen convinced her to carry on the deception, and to proceed with the music video!

I can only speculate as to what must have been going on in Tara Sutphen's head to continue this deception, and what material gains or popularity points she hoped to win by claiming to be dating a rock n roll icon. She even introduced her friends and her children into this online deceit.. and had them befriend this "fake axl" on facebook, knowing full-well that it was not him.

She seems to be a well-respected person amongst her community and her peers, and it really saddens me and sickens me, to find out that she in fact, was behind this massive scam, that has involved and hurt many people.

Many fans of GNR were fooled into thinking they were speaking with their idol, (some as long as four years now, have been fooled),  fans  have shown up at concerts wanting to meet their "online friend", fans have sent gifts to his house, and a music video was shot all in the name of Guns N Roses.

Personally, I received a phone-call from Mrs. Sutphen's daughter-in-law in January 2010, claiming that Tara had uncovered the truth in Sept 2009, and reported it to the real Axl Rose.

Turns out, Mrs. Sutphen continues to lie to her children, and has known about this for years, yet continued the deception.  I've been in touch with Mr. Rose's management team, personal assistants, and legal representation. 

Up until my contact with them, no one had heard of Tara Sutphen.

I have reported all of this, and more to the proper authorities. Who knows if anything will come of it, but the consumers should definitely know that Tara Sutphen is capable of lies, deceit, and deception on a major scale.. that alone is enough for me to question her psychic abilities and/or her business as a whole.


Leah Cevoli



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#6 Consumer Comment

Tara Sutphen - Axl Rose Impersonation

AUTHOR: everyman - (United States of America)

POSTED: Sunday, March 14, 2010

I've heard about this too.

Tara Sutphen's website along with her husband both make mention of Axl Rose being a client of her's. Tara has been known to publicly state she is dating the lead singer of Guns N' Roses, yet even her children will tell you that she's not, and has never met him.

Doesn't sound like someone I'd trust with a professional psychic healing or reading.

I believe in metaphysics and the more I hear about this case, my stomach churns when I think about how many clients the Sutphen's have been scamming and for how many years?

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#5 General Comment

Axl Rose Imposter

AUTHOR: not important - (United States of America)

POSTED: Sunday, March 14, 2010

I noticed Axl Rose filed a Rebuttal. However, I know Axl Rose did not write that. Tara Sutphen has never met Axl Rose but had been pretending to have a relationship with him for a few years now. She has never dated him nor does he know who she is. He also never posted the above rebuttal. It is also said that she impersonates him on many social networking sites. I believe the Axl Rose Rebuttal on this site to be her as well.

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#4 REBUTTAL Individual responds

Hoax letters

AUTHOR: Tara Sutphen - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, May 23, 2009

This letter was written before your restraining order was issued by a celebrity. I'm sorry you felt the need to write anything about me considering you have never met or spoken to me or anyone I'm in association with.

The above complaints or circumstances in these letters are not true. And I'm sorry that the writer(s) feel the need to confuse, you the reader, themselves and/or anyone. My teachings are to create solutions to problems, good health, clear goals, and peace in our personal lives and the planet.

Tara Sutphen

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#3 Consumer Comment

Tara and d**k are still married. They just don't live together.

AUTHOR: Karma-mama - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, April 26, 2009

I think Tara may be having some financial problems. She and d**k still do stuff together but Tara has been trying to get her own psychic/meditation/life coach thing happening for years. She's sold off property and contemplated selling and refinancing hers. She needs cash. That right there should have people cautious about handing theirs over.

She's never been a good psychic to me or to anyone I've seen her work with. She honestly believes she's good at it but I've had no proof through the years, and I would never, ever give her money for a reading. I would never take a class from her. She likes to name drop and is more interested in what YOU can do for HER, which is backwards since she's supposed to be in the "helping you" profession. Look no farther than the photos she posts of herself on myspace and places like that. It's all tireless self promotion.

We're all our own best psychic anyway. Maybe you should hold onto your cash and spend some time meditating about your problem and let possible solutions filter in. How about donating that money to a favorite charity? Better yet, donate that money and volunteer! I bet your problems won't feel quite so big that you need someone like Tara to fix them for you.

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#2 Consumer Comment

Malibu Calling

AUTHOR: Leigh Fortier - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, February 27, 2009

I have been a customer of the Sutphen's for many years.

And, have met d**k on more than one occasion - as well as received a private hypnosis session. I do not have a personal relationship with either d**k or Tara.

I was drawn to their products specifically because I was aware of hypnosis as a legitimate treatment choice. In my case, I wanted it to help manage stress and remain focused on my goals.

I found the products so productive that I booked a private session so that I could have a recording specifically targeted to my personal needs.

All anyone who wonders about the Sutphen's products needs to do is listen to even one of their recordings. They are full of positive communication reminding you that you can and will be all that you wish to be.

And, in my private session - not one single negative comment was made.
I fully received positive reinforcement from an empathic individual.

I am sorry this individual perceived a reading to imply only negative things. And, I also feel certain that had that person spoken directly to Tara about these feelings, she would have had the opportunity to give them more clarity.

One last thing for those considering the Sutphen recordings or hypnosis products.
Many people receive excellent guidance from a therapist that may be of a different faith.
For example a Christian going to a Jewish therapist.

But, for Religious / Spiritual practice, If I am a Christian I am going to select a church not a temple to go and worship. For sure I would not go to Temple if I were a Christian and protest if they did not speak of Jesus Christ as their savior.

It sounds like this individual writing about Tara does not share the same faith/beliefs. And, has written disrespectful comments about Tara's physic abilities.

Physic readings is a belief of many, but to receive the benefits from hypnosis, meditation or subliminal recordings is not contingent upon one also sharing the same faith.


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#1 Consumer Comment

Malibu Calling

AUTHOR: Cheese - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, January 24, 2009

I was going to just ignore this, as I usually do with situations that clearly do not deserve my time, but your post was so full of misinformed and misguided hatered that I couldn't leave it alone.

First of all, you seem to have a miserable life, and no one is blaming you for it. But rather than spouting out at people who are there to help, maybe take some steps to help yourself? Filing a ripoff report isn't helping yourself, it's just making you more anxious.

If you expected the Sutphens to make your life, or your grandmas, all better, you've missunderstood the whole concept. The point is to give you ideas and tools so YOU can make your life easier. I agree it hasn't worked, but not because they failed, but you failed to listen, at least correctly.

Also you keep referring to a Malibu mansion. There is no mansion, it's a normal home with it's normal difficulties as any other home (fires, neighbours etc). Also d**k and Tara have not been married for years now, which goes to show how good your concentration is.

Maybe instead of going off on a website, you could look into yourself, rather than blaming everyone else for your issues, I have a feeling you do that alot.

I promise you Tara and d**k have had and have difficulties in life, in a scale you cannot possibly phatom. It's easy to point fingers at others when you haven't taken one step in their shoes.

Have a good day.

Axl Rose.

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