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Report: #197088

Complaint Review: Sean Hannity - New York New York

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  • Reported By: Phenix city Alabama
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  • Sean Hannity New York, New York U.S.A.

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Sean hannity the biggest hypocrite ever on fox news, who always attacks the other side & complain about the other side always attacking him!, he interupts people when they are talking who has the guts to come on his show! he is not polite @ all to anyone or respectul. Just, because you'er agaisnt bush he don't care what we have to say about the issues!, & yet he still whines & bickers about clinton breaking the law & says nothing about tom delay!, sean hannity needs to think before he speaks & judges people!. Tom delay, needs to quit talking about god & jesus because he is far from being a christian after what he has done! in congress he needs to start believing that nobody is buying what he says why do you think he is not the leader in congress anymore! he hates democrats also & blames them for everything just like hannity!. Why, do you think republicans are so unpopular & why do you think businesses are cheating off people so badly these days!. Oh yeah, this is to bush fans when you start to spew your hatred & call me names just treat others the way you would like to be treated!, & if this is what your party has sunk to!, this is to the bush fans spew your hatred @ others expect to the the same type treatment back!.

Phenix city, Alabama

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#12 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)

POSTED: Monday, February 27, 2012

is the title to a song that is available at this website.

Just type in 529757 at this site and it appears in 'Consumer Comment #79' at Ripoff Report #529757.

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#11 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)

POSTED: Sunday, February 26, 2012

according to information that is available on the web, we can logically conclude that both networks will do all they can to promote the candidates that they would like to see win the 2012 election, right?

Many of us already know that Mr. Obama is for Wall Street and for the big banks. And many of us know that Mr. Romney is also for the big banks and Wall Street.

Feel free to 'Google' the following in order to see who the top contributors are-


Anyone can 'Google' the following five videos and watch them on the web for proof that the banking cartel (Federal Reserve) controls the U.S. Government & Wall Street-






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#10 Consumer Comment

liberal policies?

AUTHOR: mr.chin - (United States of America)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I guess you haven't done your homework.  republicans are the ones who has set policies that destroyed our economy.  reagan is the one who  caused this recession by helping to deregulate the banking industry.  sherman anti-trust act that protected small businesses well, i guess reagan felt it is time for the big corporations to crush small business owners.  sean hannity talks about liberals yet, he cannot talk about his own faults.  hung out with a racist individual who talked negative about isreal yet want to talk about rev. wright.  He is a fake and thank god obama is in the white house.  things are turning and at least we don't have to worry about our president trying to keep all of his money and pay little in taxes like sean hannity would like.  obama/biden 2012

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#9 Author of original report

More childish hateful remarks from the fox news lovers why don't y'all try thinking for yourself besides watching such a hateful news network yeah its so childish to blame obama for everything

AUTHOR: Charles - (USA)

POSTED: Sunday, December 25, 2011

Its so childish to blame everything on obama for the mess that bush created,   the republicans are the cause for why a lot of people are unemployed.  But a**holes wing nuts just don't get it & they never will.

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#8 REBUTTAL Owner of company

Hannity is right!!

AUTHOR: Earl - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, December 24, 2011

What's wrong with Sean criticizing liberals/democraps?? He's right!! The policies of the left are dismal failures, which they childishly try to blame on Bush and the GOP. The biggest problem with Sean Hannity, IMHO, is that  he's too polite to drones and liberal morons like you. If I were Sean, I'd be more frequently like the great one Mark Levin, and say to liberals: "Get off the phone you big dope!!"

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#7 Consumer Comment

Still trying to figure out.....

AUTHOR: John - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, October 27, 2006

how this is a ripoff as stated. You are paying nothing to him and do not have to listen to or watch him. Your conservative hating ramblings are probably best reserved for a political messageboard.

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#6 Consumer Comment

Actually, gas prices have doubled

AUTHOR: Joe - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, October 27, 2006

Not sure where you are buying gas, but I'm paying $2.21 a gallon. Before the war, I was paying $1.05 - $1.15 a gallon. Multiplying those figures by a factor of 2 gives you a range of $2.10 - $2.30 a gallon. The $2.21 a gallon I am paying now falls right in between those figures. And gas in GA was over $3 a gallon just a couple of months ago.

That being said, I fail to see the correlation between gas companies and the war in Iraq. Not sure if this is the case in the nation you are in, but here in the U.S. gas companies don't have armies and aren't in the business of waging war. They are in the business of producing oil. Waging war is the business of the government, who does have an army.

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#5 Consumer Suggestion

Charles check your facts

AUTHOR: John - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The price of gas has not tripled from the start of the war. Actually, as of today the prioce hasn't even doubled. The price at the start of the war was 1.60 and it is still under 3.00. That is significantly short of double??

Again I am asking you where in the bible it says you should show the kind of HATRED you show towards Republicans. You are afraid to answer because it isn't there. You claim in your posts that you are a chrisrian and yet you don't act like one.

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#4 Author of original report

John you are a hypocrite

AUTHOR: Charles - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, July 10, 2006

The, oil companies are making us pay the price for this iraq war bush started! gas has doubled sense the iraq war started! or even trippled!, the oil companies are making us pay the price for each solder is killed or if something happens in the middle east us americans have to pay more for gas their is no gas shortage then bush accuses of of being obessed with oil!. No, we have to go to work everyday or travel & we get accused of being obessed with oil! for complaining about it! oil companies are punishing us for this war we are agaisnt! & bush don't seem to even care!, I love america I was born here an american citizen & no bush fan is going to tell me to leave they have no right to tell us to leave our country! just because we dislike bush & his policys. Bush, fans are pretty ignorant to say those things!.

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#3 Author of original report

John you are a hypocrite

AUTHOR: Charles - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, July 10, 2006

The, oil companies are making us pay the price for this iraq war bush started! gas has doubled sense the iraq war started! or even trippled!, the oil companies are making us pay the price for each solder is killed or if something happens in the middle east us americans have to pay more for gas their is no gas shortage then bush accuses of of being obessed with oil!. No, we have to go to work everyday or travel & we get accused of being obessed with oil! for complaining about it! oil companies are punishing us for this war we are agaisnt! & bush don't seem to even care!, I love america I was born here an american citizen & no bush fan is going to tell me to leave they have no right to tell us to leave our country! just because we dislike bush & his policys. Bush, fans are pretty ignorant to say those things!.

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#2 Consumer Comment

Democrats and Republicans are pagans worshiping in the house of mammon

AUTHOR: Robert - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, June 22, 2006

Charles you seem to pin great hopes on the Democrats, but I fear you may be misguided.

As the scandals continue to unfold in Washington, D.C., it becomes increasingly apparent that a too-high percentage of our elected officials in both parties have abandoned the people in favor of personal gains.

Many Senators and Representatives of both parties have sold their souls to lobbyists long before they are sworn into office. Let's see, if I as a citizen contributed $100.00 to that official's campaign, and the oil and banking industries contributed $10,000,000 (technically illegal, but it gets done by filtering funds through various PACs), where do you think that elected official's loyalties lie? Not with me as a $100.00 citizen, I can tell you that. This means that huge corporations are effectively running the government, and we never voted for them! Ever seen "G.E" or "Roche" on your ballot? Of course not, but they are in there pulling the strings in our government every day.

An inordinate number of elected officials seem to become increasingly obsessed with their own personal wealth and power after taking office. There seems to be a corrupting influence in our nation's capital. Whether it is something in the air or something in the water or both I just cannot say.

The system itself is broken and needs to be revamped. Simply replacing the broken parts with other broken parts isn't going to help; it is still broken. Government needs to be reined in and returned to its original involvement in our lives, which means "very little involvement". Instead the intrusions by the government grow daily and the sheeple of this country never let out a squeak. The Department of Education has been very effective in its brainwashing of young citizens to believe that anything the government does is OK because it is, after all, all done for our own good.

Charles, you may get your Democrats elected beginning this fall and continuing into 2008. If so, I just don't want you to be too disappointed if nothing really changes. Broken is broken. Real change does not involve donkeys or elephants, but something completely new.

And I am with you. Sean Hannity is a major PITA, along with the rest of FOX "News" (aka Rupert Murdoch News). Why doesn't the network just rename itself "Republican Cheerleading Squad" and be done? Because they are "FOX", an animal historically associated with slyness, sneakiness and destruction. I don't think the name choice was an accident. Republicans and FOX News deserve each other. Both of them are bent on cleaning out the henhouse of this country. Doing a darn nice job of it, too!

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#1 Consumer Suggestion

Charles you are a hypocrite

AUTHOR: John - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, June 22, 2006

According to you the Democrats are telling the truth?

Lets see they say there are no weapons of mass destruction------
Documents are released showing that there are stockpiles that were found. Instead of doing the right thing and admitting they were wrong, the democrats instead are downplaying it claiming the weapons were not usable. Never mind the fact that Sadaam Hussein told the UN that all these weapons had been destroyed. Why can't they just fess up that they were wrong. Maybe a little honesty on their part will win them some votes.

They also are claiming our soldiers are guilty of cold blooded murder..... I thought in theis country you were Not Guilty until proven innocent. Since when is a SEnator the EXPERT and knows this for a fact when he has n o facts, does not know what the investigation will show but in order to make the administration look bad will make these claims. Will they apologize if they are proven wrong? I doubt it.

The democrats are not christians either so quit playing that card. Where in the bible does it say that you should just flat out hate people. Please let me know I would like to read it myself. These democrats are for abortion. These democrats cut off the speech by a graduationg senior because she mentioned Jesus? You really believe the Democrats are Christians?

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