Complaint Review: Sean Hakes - Denver Colorado
- Sean Hakes 4045 Wadsworth Blvd Denver, Colorado U.S.A.
- Phone: 720-468-8008
- Web:
- Category: Computer Marketing Companies
Sean Hakes Does not pay his employees and is a horrible business man Denver Colorado
*UPDATE Employee: Sean Hakes does pay his employees
*Consumer Comment: 100% positive experience
*Consumer Comment: and the winner is Jacob
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: incredible!
*UPDATE Employee: when it rains it pours
*UPDATE Employee: Let's see, I have known Sean for Years...
*UPDATE Employee: Let's see, I have known Sean for Years...
*UPDATE Employee: Let's see, I have known Sean for Years...
*UPDATE Employee: Let's see, I have known Sean for Years...
*UPDATE Employee: very unprofessional
*UPDATE Employee: A good laugh from one of Sean's clients
*UPDATE Employee: A good laugh from one of Sean's clients
*UPDATE Employee: A good laugh from one of Sean's clients
*UPDATE Employee: A good laugh from one of Sean's clients
Sean Hakes is a horrible business man and has taken advantage of clients and employees. His business tactics are unethical and they hurt his employees and his clients the same. Do not work or do business with this person. He is dishonest and does not pay his employees and does not properly follow through with his clients.
boulder, Colorado
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#14 UPDATE Employee
Sean Hakes does pay his employees
AUTHOR: KatherineSEO - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, June 22, 2011
I have worked for and with Sean for seven months. He has always paid me well and on time. I feel that I am compensated generously for my work for Sean, and he has always paid me on time. It is so rare for a start-up to be organized enough to pay employees on time, and I know that Sean makes a concerted effort to be the exception to the rule in this capacity; he retains his good employees by doing so.
In terms of client relations, I spend a significant amount of time with Sean and our clients and I feel confident in saying that Sean's business ethics are strong, as are his client relations.
This ripoff report was clearly written by someone who was angry about being dismissed as Sean's employee, and should not be taken seriously.

#13 Consumer Comment
100% positive experience
AUTHOR: Robertm - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, June 07, 2009
This report is pretty obviously from a disgruntled, and not very bright, ex-employee. I have done contract programming work for Sean Hakes or on projects that he manages now for several months. Sean pays promptly and fairly on everything I've worked on where he controls the payments. As far as his ethics, he's as straight as an arrow. I say all this as a man who is over twice Sean's age. I've seen enough in my career to know a fraud or fake or bad businessman when I see one, and Sean is not any of those things. The original poster needs to grow a brain.. and get some ethics of his own.

#12 Consumer Comment
and the winner is Jacob
AUTHOR: Ghallca - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, December 18, 2008
First, the person who submitted this fictitious rip off report is an ex worker of Sean's by the name of Jacob M (I am going to extend the courtesy to this young man to keep his last name anonymous to help him avoid public embarrassment.)
Jacob was hired to build develop websites but spent the majority of his time in the office gossiping and complaining (the walls talk.)
Over the past few weeks I have had the chance to sit down with a few of Sean's old employees and found out that the person who wrote this was most likely sticking up for a contract designer that from what I understand created web templates that were anything but professional and were shot down by the clients. I also understand that this girl who Jacob is so kindly defending potentially made up hours to get over compensated for additional work that was anything from satisfactory.
Both of you (and you know who you are) need to grow up.

#11 UPDATE EX-employee responds
AUTHOR: Napsterz - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, November 17, 2008
I love Sean. When I met him, I hated him. 5 Years later, I am in love with the guy. Your post if anything gave me a good laugh and brighten up my day. Find something better to do with your time. -hater

#10 UPDATE Employee
when it rains it pours
AUTHOR: Ghallca - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, November 16, 2008
wow this has become quite the popular subject... I was told about this post and deemed it necessary to put in my two cents.
Sean is an extremely hard worker. I have worked with him and for him over the past 5 years. One thing I know for sure, is his first priority is ensuring he takes care of his employees... That is, he takes care of his employees that inject that same level of courtesy back into the company.
I didn't have the opportunity to meet any of the staff members in Wheat Ridge, but from the sounds of it they were sucking the company dry for cash... which leaves us to this next bit.
I spoke with Sean a week or so ago about his plans to shut down operations. The company Sean started took a major financial hit along with all of the other economic troubles lingering around this great nation.
Now in Sean's defense the company was broke. From my understanding much of the company was built on commission only and Sean made it a point to make sure his employees were able to put a meal in front of them before himself. That to me in worth a standing ovation. Many times employees such as yourself don't see the working grunt work behind starting a company. I did. Sean without a doubt put his employees first in financial hardships.
Unlike the other posts above I understand where you are coming from. You are uneducated on how the system works, you are Nieve with your claim which makes it obvious that you are not familiar with small business.
Before you go on a rant of rave, check your facts. I would be willing to bet Sean would without a doubt put you before himself. That my friend is integrity.
I am old enough to be Sean's Dad and have more years in business then Sean has been alive, and I wish I was doing what Sean has done at his ripe age.
There you go, my two cents.

#9 UPDATE Employee
Let's see, I have known Sean for Years...
AUTHOR: Powder Hound - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, November 15, 2008
I have been Sean Hakes client AND have done contract work for him.
Sean is a creative and driven entrepreneur. His is ethical, honest, hard working and committed. I watched him launch his latest company (to which I am sure the shallow "informant" is referring). He took an idea, brought it to market and earned revenues in less than 3 months.
Sean's only downfall (from my perspective) is his youth - it causes him to be too trusting at times. Sean wants to believe everyone is as motivated as he is to succeed.
From what I saw with this latest venture, he had a brilliant idea and the skills to launch it, but needed help because he grew so quickly - unfortunately, the majority of staff he chose were under-qualified for the project and harmed his vision.
The company would not have been able to produce for the clients if Sean had not repeatedly stepped in and taken care of issues that should have been handled by people like the reporter of this malicious attack.
So, nice try disgruntled EX-employee - but as a professional of 24 years, who has worked with Sean long enough to know his work ethic - YOU were easy to spot as someone just trying to make trouble for a decent businessman.
We will see at the end of the day who wins. My guess, it will be the one who takes the high road... Sean Hakes. And I look forward to doing business with him for many years to come.
I wonder how many people could stand up and say that about you? (Your parents do not count, dear.)

#8 UPDATE Employee
Let's see, I have known Sean for Years...
AUTHOR: Powder Hound - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, November 15, 2008
I have been Sean Hakes client AND have done contract work for him.
Sean is a creative and driven entrepreneur. His is ethical, honest, hard working and committed. I watched him launch his latest company (to which I am sure the shallow "informant" is referring). He took an idea, brought it to market and earned revenues in less than 3 months.
Sean's only downfall (from my perspective) is his youth - it causes him to be too trusting at times. Sean wants to believe everyone is as motivated as he is to succeed.
From what I saw with this latest venture, he had a brilliant idea and the skills to launch it, but needed help because he grew so quickly - unfortunately, the majority of staff he chose were under-qualified for the project and harmed his vision.
The company would not have been able to produce for the clients if Sean had not repeatedly stepped in and taken care of issues that should have been handled by people like the reporter of this malicious attack.
So, nice try disgruntled EX-employee - but as a professional of 24 years, who has worked with Sean long enough to know his work ethic - YOU were easy to spot as someone just trying to make trouble for a decent businessman.
We will see at the end of the day who wins. My guess, it will be the one who takes the high road... Sean Hakes. And I look forward to doing business with him for many years to come.
I wonder how many people could stand up and say that about you? (Your parents do not count, dear.)

#7 UPDATE Employee
Let's see, I have known Sean for Years...
AUTHOR: Powder Hound - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, November 15, 2008
I have been Sean Hakes client AND have done contract work for him.
Sean is a creative and driven entrepreneur. His is ethical, honest, hard working and committed. I watched him launch his latest company (to which I am sure the shallow "informant" is referring). He took an idea, brought it to market and earned revenues in less than 3 months.
Sean's only downfall (from my perspective) is his youth - it causes him to be too trusting at times. Sean wants to believe everyone is as motivated as he is to succeed.
From what I saw with this latest venture, he had a brilliant idea and the skills to launch it, but needed help because he grew so quickly - unfortunately, the majority of staff he chose were under-qualified for the project and harmed his vision.
The company would not have been able to produce for the clients if Sean had not repeatedly stepped in and taken care of issues that should have been handled by people like the reporter of this malicious attack.
So, nice try disgruntled EX-employee - but as a professional of 24 years, who has worked with Sean long enough to know his work ethic - YOU were easy to spot as someone just trying to make trouble for a decent businessman.
We will see at the end of the day who wins. My guess, it will be the one who takes the high road... Sean Hakes. And I look forward to doing business with him for many years to come.
I wonder how many people could stand up and say that about you? (Your parents do not count, dear.)

#6 UPDATE Employee
Let's see, I have known Sean for Years...
AUTHOR: Powder Hound - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, November 15, 2008
I have been Sean Hakes client AND have done contract work for him.
Sean is a creative and driven entrepreneur. His is ethical, honest, hard working and committed. I watched him launch his latest company (to which I am sure the shallow "informant" is referring). He took an idea, brought it to market and earned revenues in less than 3 months.
Sean's only downfall (from my perspective) is his youth - it causes him to be too trusting at times. Sean wants to believe everyone is as motivated as he is to succeed.
From what I saw with this latest venture, he had a brilliant idea and the skills to launch it, but needed help because he grew so quickly - unfortunately, the majority of staff he chose were under-qualified for the project and harmed his vision.
The company would not have been able to produce for the clients if Sean had not repeatedly stepped in and taken care of issues that should have been handled by people like the reporter of this malicious attack.
So, nice try disgruntled EX-employee - but as a professional of 24 years, who has worked with Sean long enough to know his work ethic - YOU were easy to spot as someone just trying to make trouble for a decent businessman.
We will see at the end of the day who wins. My guess, it will be the one who takes the high road... Sean Hakes. And I look forward to doing business with him for many years to come.
I wonder how many people could stand up and say that about you? (Your parents do not count, dear.)

#5 UPDATE Employee
very unprofessional
AUTHOR: Evergreenco82 - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, November 15, 2008
i know who posted this and it was a very unprofessional move on your behalf. if i was you i would be concerned with legal ramifications for posting false information regarding a persons and business.
as a client of seans i must admit his staff was a complete joke. i am sure everyone there had good intentions but they had zero work ethic. if you worked for me i wouldn't have paid you either.

#4 UPDATE Employee
A good laugh from one of Sean's clients
AUTHOR: Trishamtn303 - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, November 15, 2008
Dear Anonymous Poster - I am one of Sean's first clients and it's important to I bring to light the truth behind your foolishness claim. I have been in Sean's office on numerous occasions and see employees sitting there doing nothing. His Sales team was a joke, and by joke I mean a group of people that sat on their butts and expected it to rain cash, not to mention the development side of things...
If I was Sean I would have fired each and everyone of you for wasting my time. Granted, there were probably one or two of his employees I saw working, but for the most part and was a group of childish immature kids who did nothing but sit around.
Now in your defense - Sean should have never of hired you. In fact, I saw so many of his employees taking advantage of him I offered to help from a clients standpoint.
You should consider submitting your resume to Mc Donald's instead of wasting professionals time and posting behind a fake name. Grow up.

#3 UPDATE Employee
A good laugh from one of Sean's clients
AUTHOR: Trishamtn303 - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, November 15, 2008
Dear Anonymous Poster - I am one of Sean's first clients and it's important to I bring to light the truth behind your foolishness claim. I have been in Sean's office on numerous occasions and see employees sitting there doing nothing. His Sales team was a joke, and by joke I mean a group of people that sat on their butts and expected it to rain cash, not to mention the development side of things...
If I was Sean I would have fired each and everyone of you for wasting my time. Granted, there were probably one or two of his employees I saw working, but for the most part and was a group of childish immature kids who did nothing but sit around.
Now in your defense - Sean should have never of hired you. In fact, I saw so many of his employees taking advantage of him I offered to help from a clients standpoint.
You should consider submitting your resume to Mc Donald's instead of wasting professionals time and posting behind a fake name. Grow up.

#2 UPDATE Employee
A good laugh from one of Sean's clients
AUTHOR: Trishamtn303 - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, November 15, 2008
Dear Anonymous Poster - I am one of Sean's first clients and it's important to I bring to light the truth behind your foolishness claim. I have been in Sean's office on numerous occasions and see employees sitting there doing nothing. His Sales team was a joke, and by joke I mean a group of people that sat on their butts and expected it to rain cash, not to mention the development side of things...
If I was Sean I would have fired each and everyone of you for wasting my time. Granted, there were probably one or two of his employees I saw working, but for the most part and was a group of childish immature kids who did nothing but sit around.
Now in your defense - Sean should have never of hired you. In fact, I saw so many of his employees taking advantage of him I offered to help from a clients standpoint.
You should consider submitting your resume to Mc Donald's instead of wasting professionals time and posting behind a fake name. Grow up.

#1 UPDATE Employee
A good laugh from one of Sean's clients
AUTHOR: Trishamtn303 - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, November 15, 2008
Dear Anonymous Poster - I am one of Sean's first clients and it's important to I bring to light the truth behind your foolishness claim. I have been in Sean's office on numerous occasions and see employees sitting there doing nothing. His Sales team was a joke, and by joke I mean a group of people that sat on their butts and expected it to rain cash, not to mention the development side of things...
If I was Sean I would have fired each and everyone of you for wasting my time. Granted, there were probably one or two of his employees I saw working, but for the most part and was a group of childish immature kids who did nothing but sit around.
Now in your defense - Sean should have never of hired you. In fact, I saw so many of his employees taking advantage of him I offered to help from a clients standpoint.
You should consider submitting your resume to Mc Donald's instead of wasting professionals time and posting behind a fake name. Grow up.

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