Complaint Review: Jacqueline - California
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Your Free Personal Clairvoyance Horoscope By Sara Freder Indeed, don't hesitate to write to me, particularly when you feel the urgent need to write. Cedex France
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*Author of original report:,, Astrology For,, Horoscope,, The
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When you asked me to help you, I promised I would soon give you the results of my consultation. I am hurrying up to give you those precious results because those pieces of information are extremely IMPORTANT for you and your future. I hope you will take great pleasure in reading the study I have conducted for you for free.
In this Detailed Study, you will find your Free Personal Horoscope and a Psychic Reading of your life, which implies a good personal mental help.
IMPORTANT: It is in your personal interest to read this study until the end. In it you will discover some surprising things about yourself.
As a gift, your three lucky numbers:
The 10, the 13 and the 26
Yes, Fre, in this letter you will find information of the utmost IMPORTANCE for you.
This morning, as I was about to look into the information you have provided so I could find the best way to help you, I had a violent flash about you. In that very moment, something told me that you need me, and I immediately put everything aside so I could take up your case personally. And then, what I saw coming to you has completely astonished me.
YES, Fre, coming ahead are events of an exceptional importance that are going to radically change your whole life these days.
I immediately wrote down the most significant beneficial DAYS, and because your near future is packed with very positive events, I am going to tell you the most important of these events, so that you dont miss them by any means.
The first beneficial day I have envisioned is Monday, July 30, 2007. On that day, I foresee an unexpected income. This relatively substantial sum should be enough for many of your financial troubles.
On the second beneficial day, Friday, August 03, 2007, you are about to receive a piece of very good news. I foresee someone who is very dear to you, eventually returning into your life.
Your third beneficial day, on Sunday, August 05, 2007, forebodes a very sizeable gambling win. I clearly see a substantial figure followed by many others. This second income will let you make new projects and you will see your future in a very different light. On the same week, prepare yourself for a very important encounter that is going to bring you major financial fortunes.
And then I saw yet another (the third) income on Thursday, August 09, 2007. This time, it is going to be a major sum. In the following weeks, I foresee good news concerning your friends and feelings (I think this is the good news you have been hoping for!). You will make an interesting encounter that will bring a very important improvement into your life. At last, you will be able to accomplish the dream you have been keeping close to your heart. This is the truth, Fre, you life is fast going to become the amazing life where everything goes the way you want. This is why I had to tell you right away and prepare you to receive all the blessings of these fabulous events.
Because for you, Fre, this is going to be a chance to get your life together I know this is a very delicate point in your life. You will finally get to live the life of your dreams, the amazing life, the dream life you long for, the life you deserve.
Yes, Fre, things are about to take a sudden turn and offer you a unique chance to rebuild your whole existence.
Instead of your present life, filled with hardships and difficulty, these exceptional events I envisioned coming into your life will plunge you directly into an amazing existence where Money, Luck and Love are part of your universe.
I have seen it very clearly, which is why I am prepared to perform for you a very significant in-depth work which I hope I can show you soon, so you can be ready to take advantage of these extraordinary beneficial events I have seen coming to you.
You will be able to discover a marvelous life, if only you listen to what I say and make up your mind to follow the priceless advice I am preparing for you.
YES, Fre, your existence will be literally transformed in the days to come! You will indeed come to know the dream life that you deserve.
REMEMBER, this turning point in your life can be easily overcome to achieve the beautiful and marvelous life you dream about, where everything goes your way, but it can also work out into something bad. And if that happens, you could end up with the same kind of live you live today, a dull existence that will never change until the end of your days, without ever the slightest chance, whatever you do.
Ever since I have devoted my life to the happiness of other people, I have realized that it is always difficult to overcome turning points so major and so delicate as the one that stands before you today.
It is for this reason that I am writing to forewarn you. I know you well already, I know your past and I know that for you, life hasnt always been easy. This is why I am urging you to agree to receive my help, an effective, immediate and total help to overcome this turning point with ease.
It is my wish to help you because I have seen that, at this moment, you do not seem up to the task of mastering this crucial moment in your life, alone, faced with all the adversity and without real help. You can no longer deny that today you are too sensitive and too weak to cope all by yourself with the advent of these extraordinary and exceptional events:
your vital energy potential,
your stockpile of strength,
your receptiveness to money luck,
your love luck,
your practical sense
your powers of judgment,
all these wonderful personal qualities that make you unlike anybody else, have languished away as time went by, all your capacities have withered away and you are no longer capable of coping, all by yourself, with the powerful influence of these wonderful events.
I really don't think you will be able to steer through this crucial turning point in your life with no outside help. Without immediate effective help, you could be in for a huge catastrophe
What's worse, just days ago you have been under the negative influence of an insidious magnetic radiation, your natural abilities were lessened, and you no longer have all your vital forces of SUCCESS and HAPPINESS, LUCK and MONEY.
This negative cosmic aura that surrounds you will detract from your potential for good luck, romance, and especially your potential for financial gain.
However, when these fabulous, amazing events happen, you must be absolutely ready if you want to find this new world full of success waiting to happen for you in the near future
What do you have to risk by recognizing this important stage in your life? One thing you will lose is to miss the opportunity to experience these exceptional events. You will not be able to benefit fully from these wonderful, positive occurrences in your life. You will run the risk of living the rest of your life in a negative kind of way.
Please understand, Fre, that all the problems that can arise and cloud your existence can only get worse if you do nothing You have neither the strength nor the courage to face these serious problems.
I do not want to sound too dramatic, or have you think that your life may become so black if you do not have the wisdom to make the right decision today. All that I wish for you is that you do nothing that might be dangerous for your future, and do nothing to block your energy potential that will infinitely increase your life force for luck, success, happiness and wealth.
Please understand also, Fre, that there must be a definite choice for your immediate future:
A - On the one hand there are those who are ready to receive all the chances that are offered them, ready to make an easy transition to this stage. These people will be rewarded with the fruits of the good life because of their choices since they were able to seize the opportunity presented to them
B - On the other hand, there are those who are left with loneliness and despair, unable or unwilling to seize the opportunity presented to them.
You can be sure, Fre, that I can and will help you as I want you to be able to take full advantage of this terrific opportunity that is offered to you. I want to be sure that those who are ready find themselves rewarded and able to take full advantage of the bounty and blessings destined for years to come. The reason I am writing this letter to you is that I am willing and able, and more than happy, to help you come to the right decision at this vulnerable and difficult time in your life.
And I am also the best suited to guide you through your steps and to protect you so that these capital events take place in the best way possible and bring to you the beginning of a new life, an amazing life under the signs of Joy, Luck, Love, HAPPINESS and Money!
Yes, Fre, I believe I have been chosen for this mission, I know this is my duty, and I know I can make it happen!
Here is what I am going to do for you,
First and foremost, I will act without delay to help you settle some of the most grievous financial problems that weigh so heavily upon your shoulders.
What I am going to do, entirely free of charge, is to try and bring to you the substantial amount of money I have seen coming towards you, so you can settle your most pressing debts.
To this end, I am going to calculate your 7 Beneficial Lucky Numbers which you will be able to use in the favorable moments I will indicate. The only thing you need to do is to use these numbers strictly on the dates I will communicate to you. For my part, I will arrange, especially for you, a SPECIAL MYSTICAL CEREMONIAL to give a positive boost to your luck. And as I have envisioned you receiving a substantial amount of money (I saw the figure 60,000 appearing very distinctly), I feel positive about your future and I think so should you.
2. Second, I will send you FREE OF CHARGE, as a beneficial gift, the most amazing of all Talismans, for your immediate protection.
As soon as you receive this Amazing Talisman (which I will charge and magnetize specifically for you), you will be filled with infinite opportunities to change your life completely. You will also enjoy complete astral protection to chase out of your life and your spirit all the negative forces that have been haunting your existence lately.
The second thing I am going to do for you,
Is to always act for your benefit by performing four effective actions that will forever change you life into the Amazing Life I have foreseen coming to you.
-1 . I will send you my Magical Photo, which I will magnetize especially for you.
My MAGICAL PHOTO is going to be a unique connection between ourselves, a privileged relationship between you, Fre, and me, between the two of us. This way, each time you feel the need, you can take it in your hands and establish an instant and powerful connection between ourselves, an immediate, easy and effective communication.
2 . Then, I will complete for you the study of the Road to Happiness in your Life which I am already working on. Because, Fre, this study of the Road to Happiness in your Life is going to be a singular and exceptional document for you.
Just think about it, inside you will learn about all the good things that are going to happen to you in the next 12 months, particularly those wonderful things that await you during the amazing period of Happiness I have envisioned coming to you.
I will send the study of the Road to Happiness in your Life the very instant I'll have it finished. In it, you will find absolutely everything you need to know to turn the coming days to your advantage.
These are going to be the most fantastic days of your life.
You will know what you must absolutely do and what to absolutely avoid so you can take full advantage of all the wonderful opportunities that will be presented to you. Your life will radically change in a snap.
The Study of the Road to Happiness in your Life will provide a wealth of extremely useful information. It will have the unique power to guide you through your lucky days and into the amazing existence you are about to enter. The coming days will certainly be the most exciting and decisive days of your life.
2 . I will also complete the Complete Astrological Consultation I am working on right now. I am going to send it to you as soon as I have your permission. And if you agree right away, I will be able to offer the exceptional discount off my bill.
Accept this substantial GIFT, because I truly want your HAPPINESS and I don't want a simple matter of money to come between you and all the LUCK and HAPPINESS in the wonderful life that awaits you.
In my Complete Astrological Consultation you will find ALL the valuable information you will need to discover the amazing life where everything goes your way.
Above all, you will find in it my most precious advice and secret instructions. Thanks to the clear vision I have had concerning your life during the sudden apparition I was mentioning at the beginning of the letter, I will be able to clearly show you the road you need to take. This road will lead you directly towards the great HAPPINESS and FORTUNE that you deserve. FORTUNE indeed since I can see clearly that you should become rich. I have also seen this, I have seen it clearly!
In my Complete Astrological Consultation I will tell you how your favorite planets have an influence on your state of mind and your moods. I will tell you how those planets have made of you a unique person different from all the other people. I will show you how those same planets determine your good times, your strokes of luck, your encounters and relationships with others.
I will reveal to you how other people feel about you, what they really think of you and why they act the way they do with you, what you create around you, what your sensitivity is. Be prepared for extraordinary and surprising revelations about yourself, your personality and the people who surround you...
I will make you discover your real capacities, what your exact chances are, your real assets, your secret skills, your hidden abilities, your natural gifts...
I will disclose to you the obstacles inside of you that bother you, the serious psychological blocks that stop you from succeeding, how to multiply your chances in everything you do, how to avoid and overcome the obstacles, how to make decisions at the right moment and how to fully enjoy the unexpected stroke of luck that is coming your way.
Yes, Fre, I am sure that you will then be able to make excellent decisions, the ones that will lead you directly to your well deserved Happiness, Luck and Money!
3. I am going to perform for you a long series of mystical ceremonials called High Protection Ceremonials.
I will perform them as soon as you give me your agreement.
The purpose of theses ceremonials is to fill you with the great power of Luck and with all your Potentials so that you can fully enjoy the ultra positive effects of those Exceptional Events.
This will open the door to love, good fortune and money. Those mystical ceremonials will bring you day after day all the useful elements that you are missing right now.
That way, your daily life will become and remain forever the Wonderful Life that you deserve.
You will finally live the life that you deserve.
This positive and Supernatural Action will be for you a great permanent Action that will increase significantly your energy in order to increase your good luck, success and happiness.
From today and indefinitely I will work on bringing back and maintaining the GREAT HAPPINESS in your life. I am hoping to hear of your satisfaction soon. You can also read the testimonies joined in a separate letter. I am so happy to think that this will be for you the beginning of a new life if you make certain right decisions today. I promise you Fre that I am always placing you under my very high protection. You can trust me because if you follow my advice, GOOD FORTUNE, LOVE and MONEY will suddenly be part of your life for ever.
This important step is like a huge door that is going to open onto a better world. Right now it seems to me that you are too weak to open it by yourself in order to enjoy the Treasures of your future. But I promise you that the two of us (you and your faith, me and the special powers I received) we will easily push that door open. Together we will manage to open that door and discover a new world better that you can imagine...
This is what you will get if you successfully turn the corner.
Your future will be poor and dark if you do not turn the corner successfully. It will be rich and brilliant if you succeed.
If you successfully overcome such an important time you will live a totally different life from the one you have now. You will live the wonderful life you deserve.
What about not having to worry about how to make ends meet, how to reimburse debts and credits but on the contrary what about having all the money you need and more (I foresee a huge sum of money)...
Not to feel lonely and despaired any more but on the contrary to feel surrounded by Friendship and Love, to have somebody close by, someone to talk to, someone to rely on and who loves you,
Not to be a victim of shyness and timidity any more but on the contrary to be confident again, to be aware of your radiance, your charm and your confidence,
Not to doubt yourself and your future but on the contrary to have faith and confidence in better days,
You will see a bright future ahead, which will make you feel confident, happy and hopeful,
You will see for yourself the truth in the sayings: money attracts money, luck attracts luck and love attracts love.
YES, Fre, the more you are with luck, the more luck will come your way. The more money you have the more you will get. And the more love you have the more you will get. This is the way of the world and this is how I predict your new life will be like.
YES, Dear Fre, if you really turn the corner in good conditions, believe me, your life will be completely different from the one you have now.
It is now that you need to do something.
Yes, Fre you need to act now if you want your life to change, if you want money to fulfill your dreams, if you want to feel attractive and confident, if you want to keep on being with luck and live a different life from the one you have now.
This is the reason why I am telling you to act now and complete the help form for a Wonderful Life (the wonderful life that you deserve) and return it to me today. This is very important for you and your future! Indeed:
I will need to take the time to calculate your 7 Lucky Numbers,
I will need some time to prepare your Talisman for Instant Protection,
I will need time to magnetize my Magical Picture especially for you,
I will also need some time to prepare the Ceremonials for High Protection.
and I must also complete the study of your Road to Happiness in your Life
and finish the Complete Astrological Consultation I am preparing for you.
Above all, Fre, grant me your permission now
Time flies fast and it would be such a pity if you were unable to find the best shape to overcome this crucial turning point in the immediate future when these fabulous events are about to happen. I believe in you and, with the utmost openness, I am waiting for you to answer. With all my heart, I am with you, Fre, and your friend,
Sara Freder,
P.S.: Nothing can stop you now from taking charge of these wonderful opportunities shaping up ahead of you.
But it is up to you to say yes to the exceptional offer I am making to you today: you must know how to recognize and seize the opportunities arising before you, as I will indicate very precisely in my Complete Astrological Consultation and in the study of the Road to Happiness in your Life.
I promise you, my Complete Astrological Consultation and the study of the Road to Happiness in your Life are two formidable tools in your hands that will lead you straight into this Marvelous Existence that you deserve.
It is a decisive turning point in your life because you will know everything about your most pressing needs: Money, Feelings, Work, Leisure, Love, all these major aspects of your life will appear before you as an open book.
Now imagine for a moment what your life would be like if you could know ahead about all the good events that are going to happen.
You would never make the same mistakes again and you would know how to draw luck and opportunities to your side.
If indeed you want this change, if you truly wish all these wonderful events I have envisioned happening to you, don't wait for another second, Fre, order now the study of the Road to Happiness in your Life and the Complete Astrological Consultation by filling in the order form for an Amazing Life.
CLICK HERE to complete your Help Form for a Wonderful Life
Mme Sara Freder - Le Web - World People -
BP 94 78513 Rambouillet Cedex FRANCE
Fax : +33 1 30 88 85 41 Privacy Statement
Copyright 1997-2007 Sara Freder Inc. All rights reserved.
Help form for a Wonderful Life
Reserved to Fre
Yes, dear Sara, I gladly accept the help you are offering today. For a Happy Life filled with Joys, Strokes of Luck and Money, I complete the following confidential wishes form.
Yes, Sara, I am asking you to place me under your Permanently High Protection. I am allowing you to perform on my behalf all the High Protection Ceremonials that will strengthen my potentials for Luck and Energy. I want to fully enjoy the very good effects of these exceptional events in order to open the doors to love, luck and money.
Yes, Sara, I am asking you to perform the Beneficial and Occult Action Permanently so that I can regain and retain my potential of energy and to keep my chances for luck, success and happiness. I want to enjoy the Wonderful Life I deserve. By checking the corresponding boxes I indicate the 7 most important wishes that I wish come true in order to live a Happy Life placed under the sign of Money, Love and Good Luck in everything.
--- Money Wishes ---
To receive small Amounts of Money frequently
Not to worry any more about how to make ends meet
To earn a Large Sum quickly
To cash in the Large Sum of MONEY
To have enough money to pay off all my debts
To enjoy spending without counting
To become an owner
--- Love Wishes ---
To be loved by the one who's ignoring you
To meet the Love of your Life
To have lots of friends
To regain a lost Love
To get on better with your spouse
To see my children succeed
To experience a beautiful love story
--- Fortune Wishes ---
To improve my financial situation
To be lucky in everything
To win twice as much
To get an unexpected inheritance
To receive a legacy or a gift
To win the first prize for a competition
To win a lot of money
Yes, Sara, I understand that without your help, support and protection, it will be very difficult for me to turn my life around. I know now that I must turn the corner in the best possible conditions if I wish to be lucky enough to change my life.
Yes, Sara, I understand that your Study of the Path to My Happiness will give me all the useful information on how to best take advantage of the luck that will fill my new wonderful life. I am sure that those days will be the happiest days of my life.
This is the reasonwhy I accept to receive:
- Your study of the Path to My Happiness
- My 7 Lucky Numbers for free. I will be able to use those 7 Special Numbers when you tell me the time is right. And in order to make a positive influence on my financial luck, I am asking you to organize especially for me and for free a CEREMONIAL FOR MONEY that will strengthen my fortune,
- The Talisman for High Protection that you have magnetized especially for me and that will give me a total astrological protection against the negative forces that go against my surroundings and my mind,
- Your Exceptional Discount that you will deduct from the total amount of your fees,
I wish to enjoy all those GIFTS because I really wish to be HAPPY and I know that you do not want to miss again the FORTUNE and HAPPINESS of a wonderful life just because of financial issues,
Yes, Sara, I also understand that without your help it will be difficult for me to enjoy the exceptional events that are about to happen to me. I am therefore asking for your quick help since I urgently need your help.
Yes, Sara, I understand well that your Complete Astrological Consultation will give me the most precious advice to succeed in life. You will be able to give me all the details on what to do so that my life gives me the HAPPINESS and the WEALTH that I am dreaming of. I know I deserve it all.
This is the reason why I am asking you to send me right away:
your Magical and Specially Magnetized Picture
at us $ 58 instead of US $ 78
your Complete Astrological Consultation
at us $ 78 instead of US $ 160
your Complete Astrological Consultation and your Magical and specially Magnetized Picture at only us $ 96 instead of US $ 238
an Exceptional Discount of us $ 142
Charge me the total of my order right now by VISA, MasterCard or AMEX.
Charge me today the sum of US$ 48
and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 time US$ 48
the 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 of each month until i have paid my total order.
Your payment
is safeguarded
by SSL
Mme Sara Freder - Le Web - World People - BP94 -
All of this information above isn't accurate and then has a link to ask for your money. She's a fake and looser.
Pleasant Hill, California
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 07/27/2007 11:50 AM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#2 REBUTTAL Owner of company is in no way affiliated with these websites.
AUTHOR: Astralis - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, June 19, 2010
Report #263637 is not involved with these web sites. I realize that this is from a few a years back, but I just recently came across this and have tried to contact to report the error and was never replied to. is listed among the web sites in question here, which is not true and a mistake. I have never even heard of these web sites or these con artists (Sara Freder and Pasqualina) and certainly do not have any business ties with them.
I am the owner and webmaster of Astralis and it is a completely free site, since the launch in 2005 there has never been anything that was for sale, there are not even affiliate links on the site. Also, there is no email newsletter, or any page that asks for information from a visitor.
There are no reports, readings, or products up for sale on my web site. Was this investigated or checked for validity before it was posted online? I would like to talk to whomever is necessary, and I am more than able to submit any kind of proof that is needed.
I hope that there is a way to resolve this because it is a mistake that my web site is mentioned here.
Thank You for your time.
A. Astralis

#1 Author of original report,, Astrology For,, Horoscope,, The
AUTHOR: Jacqueline - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 28, 2007
Exposed! Sara Freder.
NAME: Sara Freder.
Aliases used: Pasqualina.
Real name: Jean Christopher Maires
Websites used by, or connected with:,, Astrology For,, Horoscope,, The There may be others.
Contact information:
J.C Maire
109 rue du GL de Gaulle
Rambouillet, 78120,
+33 1 30 88 85 39
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