Complaint Review: California Psychics - Hollywood California
- California Psychics 1304 N.Highland Ave#303 Hollywood, California U.S.A.
- Phone: 800-573-4830
- Web:
- Category: Astrologers & Psychics
California Psychics Hired me as one of their psychics.I quit because they rip off clients! Hollywood California
*Consumer Suggestion: Interview with them tomorrow
*Consumer Comment: Why are you so mad?
*General Comment: Psychic Lady Pennsylvania
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: I worked there too
*Consumer Comment: Califonia Psychics
*Consumer Comment: Gina Rose and Red are inaccurate and California Psychics filter out negative feedbacks
*Consumer Comment: Pick up that your psyhic? Give me a break
*General Comment: @Psychic Lady Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
*Consumer Comment: Leaving Feedback at Califonia Psychics
*Consumer Comment: There are true psychics
*Consumer Comment: There are true psychics
*Consumer Comment: There are true psychics
*Consumer Comment: There are true psychics
*Consumer Comment: Stacey is right, your letter is hard to read.
*Consumer Comment: Psychic lady or Jim !!
*Consumer Comment: YOU DID THE RIGHT THING.
*Consumer Comment: I have used California Psychics in the past....
*Consumer Suggestion: California Psychics Ripped me off and Swindled me
*Consumer Suggestion: California Psychics Ripped me off and Swindled me
*Consumer Suggestion: California Psychics Ripped me off and Swindled me
*Consumer Suggestion: California Psychics Ripped me off and Swindled me
*Consumer Comment: You're just as bad or worse
*Consumer Comment: Psychic Lady reply for Stacy
*Consumer Comment: get real
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I'm a honest psychic with my own spiritual reading business.I believe in being honest,caring and operating with integrity.Not ripping people off,saying you're gifted when you know that you're not and you're running scams and misleading people and hurting people.It's absolutely wrong!Dead wrong!Everything comes back on you,good or bad!Anyway, a while ago I had applied for a job with California psychics because I wanted to use my gifts to help empower people and provide readings over the phone.I thought that this line had legit,gifted psychics.A recruiter contacted me and did a test reading over the phone.Another recruiter called me again and did another test reading.Both readings went well and I was offered employment to be one their psychics, give readings over the phones for their lines.I was excited because it was my first professional job as a psychic until the recruiter who hired me started telling me to focus on just keeping the callers on the phone as long as possible for a higher call average and more bonus money.That didn't sit right with me!I didn't like that!A real psychic reading usually takes anywhere from 10-30 minutes,sometimes longer if the client likes to talk a lot.Also it depends on if you're a healer and you want to perform a healing on your client.Anyway,some readings are short,if the client just have a quick question,which doesn't take that long to answer.California Psychics advertise that they have the best and the most accurate,gifted psychics which isn't true.I called California Psychics, disguised my voice and acted like I was a client looking for a spiritual reading about my life.The psychic(I think Gina Rose??) should've picked up on my psychic gifts immediately while talking to me.I always know right away if I'm speaking with someone who is psychically developed or using their gifts.She started telling me that I was married and she sensed a powerful,nice man in my life.Actually,I'm a l*****n and my partner is a female.Which is a honest mistake,sometimes a relationship reading for gays and lesbians can be quite tricky because one partner can be more feminine and take care of the house and the other more masculine.Which was a very honest mistake that I made when reading gay and l*****n couples.Then she said that I'm into selling properties or work in a bank.I'm a psychic just like you're suppose to be!A bank,that's so off!I've never worked in a bank!I don't own any properties!Nor does my partner.That reading was very off,inaccurate and I didn't know what the heck she was talking about!I'm not trying to question her abilities or talk bad about another psychic.I don't believe in speaking negative about anyone.I believe in speaking the truth and being honest.That's why I'm putting this complaint on this site to educate and make people aware of the "scams and tricks" "fake psychics","charlatans" will pull to get your money and trust. Honestly that psychic,(Gina Rose??) didn't know what she was talking about!Maybe,she couldn't tune into my energy,that's what you're suppose to do as a psychic.To make a long story short,I ended up quitting the job as a psychic reader for California Psychics.It didn't sit well on my conscious,knowing that they promote just focusing on keeping the clients on the phone as long as possible so the psychics's average can go up!It's not right so I told them I was resigning and I resigned.Then the clients were constantly complaining about being over charged,disatisfied with the psychic who gave them their reading and also the clients can't leave any feedback for any of the psychics.I wanted feedback personally because I'm confident in my abilities as a gifted psychic.Anyway,if you're truly a gifted psychic,don't work for California Psychics,the psychics only mission is to keep clients on the phone as long as possible to get a higher average and more bonus money!Also, California Psychics has a lot of complaints from clients.If you're a customer,I wouldn't recommend you to get a reading from California Psychics.If you do,I hope you get a honest,legit,accurate psychic who wants to help you versus keeping you on the phone for a higher average and more bonus money!Good Luck!God Bless,always!
Psychic Lady
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 11/15/2008 08:12 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#25 Consumer Suggestion
Interview with them tomorrow
AUTHOR: phillypsychic2 - ()
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, August 26, 2014
I have an interview with these guys tomorrow, and would like to keep everyone posted. I'm aware that a lot of these reports are old, but I'm sure this may help someone.
Here are a few things to consider when working with a psychic:
- Although some of us were born with gifts, if you so desire, you can do the work to enhance your psychic "powers". No one was born without intuition, creativity, empathy (well, some people lack this), and sensitivity. You should turn to a psychic when you need advice, not to predict your future, because only you control your course of action--and if a psychic doesn't explain this to you--then they are probably fake...
- Yes, sometimes we have precognative dreams and visions, but even those aren't TRUE until they come true, and again--you can always change and do something different.
- Psychics are there to help you to look deeper into a situation---they are not the same as a fortune teller with a neon light in the window--so asking questions to make sense of sensations, symbols, initials, thoughts and phrases is something that they should do. If you called me and I just told you what I picked up when I connected to your energy I could be right, but it would not be worth your 6.50 p/m.
- There are many articles online that gives advice on what questions to ask. Look them up. If you want someone with all the answers, you should probably pray about it and seek your own answers, because only God has all the answers.
- Oh, and trust yourself. If you don't "fakes" will sniff you out.

#24 Consumer Comment
Why are you so mad?
AUTHOR: anonymous - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, February 07, 2012
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but why must you be so dreadful about it? No psychic worth their weight will tell you they know everything all of the time, that would be superhuman, which we don't claim to be. We are simply people who have a method for gaining accurate information on issues that are considered "unseen" way, way more often than someone who is just guessing. Psychicism is not an exact science, nor do any of us claim it is, we're simply here to help.
Yes, there are those who simply want to rip you off, but that could be said of any profession. When was the last time you paid an over-priced, well-educated doctor who either didn't help, made matters worse, or infuriated you with a holier-than-thou attitude? The point is that common decency dictates that blasting an entire profession that you clearly don't understand makes you look foolish, not us. If you wanna be a hater talk to your friends, this forum is for decent people only.
PS this post is NOT for the original post, its for the nasty person who felt the need to slam all psychics.

#23 General Comment
Psychic Lady Pennsylvania
AUTHOR: LadyLibra - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, February 07, 2012
I would like to get to know more about you and your abilities. do you have a website?

#22 UPDATE EX-employee responds
I worked there too
AUTHOR: anonymous - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, November 15, 2011
I also am an ex contractor for California Psychics who isn't terribly thrilled with the way the place is being run these days. I do have to say, in all fairness, that in the 2 years I was with them I was never told to scam anyone, tell people what they want to hear, or keep them on the phone longer. I am known for being particularly fast at accessing information so no one ever cared how long my calls were as long as the customers were happy. I take issue with a lot of CP's policies, which is why I left, but if a psychic is doing good, in-depth readings their minutes would automatically work out to the 15 minute average the psychics are asked to maintain. If a reader can't hit it somewhere in the ball park of 15 minutes as a weekly not per call average then maybe that psychic isn't saying anything compelling enough to keep callers on the line for more than a couple of minutes.

#21 Consumer Comment
Califonia Psychics
AUTHOR: anonymous - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 11, 2011
I just want to give a little be of my experience with this hotline.
I've spoken to three readers on California Psychics and only one was accurate... for the most part. I did all of my readings October of last year.
Summer: Nothing she said was accurate, as I recall. I actually asked for my money back after getting off the phone with her.
Jayzie: She provided accurate details on the relationship in question, was able to describe my ex lovers personality and pinpointed the reasons that she left. This was all fine and dandy, but it was all information I already knew. When it came down to the prediction aspect of the reading, she failed miserably. I asked her when and if my ex was going to come back into my life. She said yes, but did not give me a time line. Since the reading, I've spoken to the ex... Needless to say, it did not go well. After the conversation I blocked her from all communication with me. Jayzie didn't see that horrible conversation coming, nor did she see that I was going to meet someone else two weeks after our phone conversation. Seems like she's more of a "in the moment" psychic than a prediction psychic. I've come across that a lot when calling these hotlines. Predictions are almost never accurate... However, there are some psychics who can actually pick up on the person and how they are at that very moment or how they were in the past. For me, that's useless information. I do understand, however, that no psychic is 100% accurate - Nevertheless, when it came to future predictions, Jayzie has a percentage of 0 in my book.
Miss Krystal: She blew me away. Still does. She told me that the ex and I would not be getting back together. She was able to describe my personality, as well as my ex's to a T. She then told me that I would be meeting someone who would blow my ex out of the water. She described the new person's personality and told me that we would be going out and having a lot of fun over the next couple of months (this was in October). Low and behold.... A week, maybe two later I met my current partner, who is exactly how Miss Krystal described her to be. She was not 100% accurate on everything, however. She told me that a couple of other people would be interested in me during this time, as well. That was not the case. But hey, I'm not complaining.
I hope these reviews helped someone in their decision to call California Psychics. I do believe that the majority of the pyshics on these lines are not genuine, and I've stopped calling after putting a pretty huge dent in my wallet for inaccurate information. My advice, allow fate to happen. No one can tell you what your own destiny is, only you can make it.

#20 Consumer Comment
Gina Rose and Red are inaccurate and California Psychics filter out negative feedbacks
AUTHOR: Autumn - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, January 21, 2011
Okay, I haven't been to this site in a while but I just wanted everyone to learn from my experience. I have also called California Psychics on many occasions in the past. Often times the Psychics fed me false hope.
First of all, California psychics filters out negative feedbacks and only post those who have positive feedback. I know this from experience.
Secondly, Gina Rose has no psychic ability in my opinion so please do not call her and save your money, especially with exaggerated rate of $6.50/minute. Several years ago she told me the guy I was interested would stay in country and we would start dating. She also told me I would be promoted and become a nurse. That couldn't be more inaccurate about my profession. Also, the guy I mentioned did in fact leave back to his home country SWEDEN, not USA and he is currently dating a swedish girl. Obviously she was WAY off on her predictions. She seemed like a nice lady.
Also Please do not call RED, who also charges $6.50/min. She seemed quite ditsy and giggled a lot. But she offered no predictions or anything in my reading that was of value. I left that reading with absolutely nothing except empty pockets.
Jayzie was interesting lady. Told me the guy that I broke up w/ was hiring a lawyer because he accidentally got someone pregnant. She kept repeating that same line over and over and over and over again and provided no further info. I kept saying that you are repeating yourself and give me other predictions. Anyways, her prediction was entertaining and far from truth.
Nigel is sweet old man but he told me guy would say he "loved me". A month later, that same guy told me that he would probably never be in love with me so we ended our relationship.
Rianne I liked a lot, but not because of her amazing psychic ability. She can be very uplifting and give you positive messages.
In my 2 years of using California Psychics I have never been blown away by any psychics. Most need more info that just my name and date of birth. Most give vague answers or just wrong answers, likely guesses. My quest to find a legitimate person w/ psychic abilities will never happen.
Hope this helps other, Good day!!

#19 Consumer Comment
Pick up that your psyhic? Give me a break
AUTHOR: Mondez Durden - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, May 20, 2010
Okay, I'm a professional claivoyant also, and I'm not going to debate anyone on this, I could care less if you believe or don't believe, blah blah blah, but I was okay with the rant until the writer made the comment: she should have picked up on the fact i'm a psychic? that is the most "special" thing I've ever read and that's the nicest way I could say it.
You may be psychic, I don't know that. But you are definantely not cool for assuming one of her gifts is figuring out who else is psychic. I can't do that with everyone. Why would that destroy her credibility? Not ALL psychics can sense other psychics so I think it's rather small minded of you to assume she would pick up your gifts. We're humans not Xmen for god sakes. As soon as you started assuming her gifts are like yours, you ceased to have a valid point.

#18 General Comment
@Psychic Lady Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
AUTHOR: sglshannon - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, February 14, 2010
You know, I was about to call California psychics when I decided to check
more reviews and came across your complaint and now I am happy I didn't.
I believe there are those with psychic abilities and am really wanting to find
a good one... I would love to find someone who could help me and my little
girl steer in the right direction

#17 Consumer Comment
Leaving Feedback at Califonia Psychics
AUTHOR: Sasha - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, December 19, 2009
Well, whatever all of your comments, one direct lie you said is that customers CANNOT leave feedback--dead WRONG! Get it straight!!! You're like the others we cannot ever TRUST!!!

#16 Consumer Comment
There are true psychics
AUTHOR: Melinda - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I never believed in true psychic ability. What I am about to tell you I have not shared with many people out of fear of being scrutinized. When I was 19 I had a baby boy. Even when I was pregnant, I had an overwhelming feeling that someone was trying to tell me something. It actually scared me. When my son was born I had what you would consider "visions" or premonitions. I saw pictures of ambulances in my mind. I would snuggle with my baby and then all of a sudden a horrible thought would hit me: "What am I going to do when Lucas dies?" I felt like a terrible mother for even thinking that. Who does that? One day a picture of his funeral came to my mind. Now it was not completely accurate, the way I saw it was not exactly as it happened, but nevertheless I saw his casket and I was crying. This wasn't the type of vision you see on TV where it takes over a person. It was simply a scenario in my mind that felt more like a horrible daydream. I did however have this feeling of complete dread surrounding me. I could not tell that these visions would actually happen. I didn't ask for them and I didn't want them. I still blame myself for his death because I did not listen to what was being laid right out for me. The day he died I had an overwhelming feeling I should not leave the house and I should stay home with him. I chalked it up to deep paranoia I had been experiencing. That is the day he died. The sitter fell asleep while he was napping and my baby never woke up. He died of SIDS.
I had a baby some time later. He was in a terrible accident with my parents and almost died. Before this happened I saw a picture in my mind of him in the hospital hooked up to a bunch of machines. It was a very quick picture but enough to scare the heck out of me.
I have never had any psychic experiences before or after these two instances. I am not a psychic nor do I claim to be. How or why I saw these things I will never know. I think that real psychics have a true gift to help people. For my situation I wish I never experienced them. I will forever be racked with guilt because I feel that I was given a gift to prevent these things from happening.
Why am I sharing this? Because as I said, I never believed. Now I don't have much of a choice, do I? While I only experienced a very small amount of what others are capable of, it certainly opened my eyes and mind up to the possibilites that are out there.

#15 Consumer Comment
There are true psychics
AUTHOR: Melinda - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I never believed in true psychic ability. What I am about to tell you I have not shared with many people out of fear of being scrutinized. When I was 19 I had a baby boy. Even when I was pregnant, I had an overwhelming feeling that someone was trying to tell me something. It actually scared me. When my son was born I had what you would consider "visions" or premonitions. I saw pictures of ambulances in my mind. I would snuggle with my baby and then all of a sudden a horrible thought would hit me: "What am I going to do when Lucas dies?" I felt like a terrible mother for even thinking that. Who does that? One day a picture of his funeral came to my mind. Now it was not completely accurate, the way I saw it was not exactly as it happened, but nevertheless I saw his casket and I was crying. This wasn't the type of vision you see on TV where it takes over a person. It was simply a scenario in my mind that felt more like a horrible daydream. I did however have this feeling of complete dread surrounding me. I could not tell that these visions would actually happen. I didn't ask for them and I didn't want them. I still blame myself for his death because I did not listen to what was being laid right out for me. The day he died I had an overwhelming feeling I should not leave the house and I should stay home with him. I chalked it up to deep paranoia I had been experiencing. That is the day he died. The sitter fell asleep while he was napping and my baby never woke up. He died of SIDS.
I had a baby some time later. He was in a terrible accident with my parents and almost died. Before this happened I saw a picture in my mind of him in the hospital hooked up to a bunch of machines. It was a very quick picture but enough to scare the heck out of me.
I have never had any psychic experiences before or after these two instances. I am not a psychic nor do I claim to be. How or why I saw these things I will never know. I think that real psychics have a true gift to help people. For my situation I wish I never experienced them. I will forever be racked with guilt because I feel that I was given a gift to prevent these things from happening.
Why am I sharing this? Because as I said, I never believed. Now I don't have much of a choice, do I? While I only experienced a very small amount of what others are capable of, it certainly opened my eyes and mind up to the possibilites that are out there.

#14 Consumer Comment
There are true psychics
AUTHOR: Melinda - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I never believed in true psychic ability. What I am about to tell you I have not shared with many people out of fear of being scrutinized. When I was 19 I had a baby boy. Even when I was pregnant, I had an overwhelming feeling that someone was trying to tell me something. It actually scared me. When my son was born I had what you would consider "visions" or premonitions. I saw pictures of ambulances in my mind. I would snuggle with my baby and then all of a sudden a horrible thought would hit me: "What am I going to do when Lucas dies?" I felt like a terrible mother for even thinking that. Who does that? One day a picture of his funeral came to my mind. Now it was not completely accurate, the way I saw it was not exactly as it happened, but nevertheless I saw his casket and I was crying. This wasn't the type of vision you see on TV where it takes over a person. It was simply a scenario in my mind that felt more like a horrible daydream. I did however have this feeling of complete dread surrounding me. I could not tell that these visions would actually happen. I didn't ask for them and I didn't want them. I still blame myself for his death because I did not listen to what was being laid right out for me. The day he died I had an overwhelming feeling I should not leave the house and I should stay home with him. I chalked it up to deep paranoia I had been experiencing. That is the day he died. The sitter fell asleep while he was napping and my baby never woke up. He died of SIDS.
I had a baby some time later. He was in a terrible accident with my parents and almost died. Before this happened I saw a picture in my mind of him in the hospital hooked up to a bunch of machines. It was a very quick picture but enough to scare the heck out of me.
I have never had any psychic experiences before or after these two instances. I am not a psychic nor do I claim to be. How or why I saw these things I will never know. I think that real psychics have a true gift to help people. For my situation I wish I never experienced them. I will forever be racked with guilt because I feel that I was given a gift to prevent these things from happening.
Why am I sharing this? Because as I said, I never believed. Now I don't have much of a choice, do I? While I only experienced a very small amount of what others are capable of, it certainly opened my eyes and mind up to the possibilites that are out there.

#13 Consumer Comment
There are true psychics
AUTHOR: Melinda - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I never believed in true psychic ability. What I am about to tell you I have not shared with many people out of fear of being scrutinized. When I was 19 I had a baby boy. Even when I was pregnant, I had an overwhelming feeling that someone was trying to tell me something. It actually scared me. When my son was born I had what you would consider "visions" or premonitions. I saw pictures of ambulances in my mind. I would snuggle with my baby and then all of a sudden a horrible thought would hit me: "What am I going to do when Lucas dies?" I felt like a terrible mother for even thinking that. Who does that? One day a picture of his funeral came to my mind. Now it was not completely accurate, the way I saw it was not exactly as it happened, but nevertheless I saw his casket and I was crying. This wasn't the type of vision you see on TV where it takes over a person. It was simply a scenario in my mind that felt more like a horrible daydream. I did however have this feeling of complete dread surrounding me. I could not tell that these visions would actually happen. I didn't ask for them and I didn't want them. I still blame myself for his death because I did not listen to what was being laid right out for me. The day he died I had an overwhelming feeling I should not leave the house and I should stay home with him. I chalked it up to deep paranoia I had been experiencing. That is the day he died. The sitter fell asleep while he was napping and my baby never woke up. He died of SIDS.
I had a baby some time later. He was in a terrible accident with my parents and almost died. Before this happened I saw a picture in my mind of him in the hospital hooked up to a bunch of machines. It was a very quick picture but enough to scare the heck out of me.
I have never had any psychic experiences before or after these two instances. I am not a psychic nor do I claim to be. How or why I saw these things I will never know. I think that real psychics have a true gift to help people. For my situation I wish I never experienced them. I will forever be racked with guilt because I feel that I was given a gift to prevent these things from happening.
Why am I sharing this? Because as I said, I never believed. Now I don't have much of a choice, do I? While I only experienced a very small amount of what others are capable of, it certainly opened my eyes and mind up to the possibilites that are out there.

#12 Consumer Comment
Stacey is right, your letter is hard to read.
AUTHOR: Inspector - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, March 26, 2009
You say you don't have to prove your intelligence but, you are doing it every time you write a letter. When you don't use paragraphs or punctuation it makes it very hard to read and understand. But, the message is there, you are trying to convince everyone that reads this and also yourself, that you are not dishonest.
Fear not, there are people out there that have defied Darwin's laws, and will give you the affirmation that you require, as witnessed by "Jackedonvitamins" who is apparently jacked on something.

#11 Consumer Comment
Psychic lady or Jim !!
AUTHOR: Jackedonvitamins - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, March 26, 2009
Psychic lady or Jim (prefferably psychic lady) please drop me an email so i can contact you by phone I am looking for a psychic but not sure if a real reading can be made via telephone. email is

#10 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Joe - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, March 25, 2009

#9 Consumer Comment
I have used California Psychics in the past....
AUTHOR: Callma - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Most of the psychics on CP have no real "gift" in my opinion. However, there are a handful that do. I would never imply that there is NO talent on that line but as with most of the lines out there, the majority of the readers are just guessing and making things up even if they claim they arent.
I had a few faves on CP that I used to like to talk to but the actual reason I stopped calling altogether was because of their customer service. It was the absolute worst customer service dept I have ever dealt with...rude, not helpful, ungrateful (I had spent a lot of money there and it's like they could have cared less!) So, fine, if they dont care to lose my business then I will be happy not to give it to them any more!
I have found that there are some services out there where the psychics are more gifted than others...Psychic Source, California Psychics, AstroCenter seem to have some talent but, it's just like anything else, for the handful of good ones on the line, there are more bad ones so you just have to find the ones who work for you and stick with them., Asknow, and sites like those are a complete joke in my opinion.

#8 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Joe - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 13, 2009

#7 Consumer Suggestion
California Psychics Ripped me off and Swindled me
AUTHOR: Jim - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 11, 2009
They swindled me for a FREE Reading. then because the person didnt like what i told them they decided not to hire me. I am a professional psychic and I work on another network at the moment doing Tarot Readings and intuitive readings for people. I dont have to keep callers on the line for lengthy time periods. sometimes a reading will last 2 or 3 or 5 minutes or sometimes go for 20 or more. it all depends on the person being read and what is being focused on. I would Not reccomend California to anyone! I may even post a video about it on

#6 Consumer Suggestion
California Psychics Ripped me off and Swindled me
AUTHOR: Jim - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 11, 2009
They swindled me for a FREE Reading. then because the person didnt like what i told them they decided not to hire me. I am a professional psychic and I work on another network at the moment doing Tarot Readings and intuitive readings for people. I dont have to keep callers on the line for lengthy time periods. sometimes a reading will last 2 or 3 or 5 minutes or sometimes go for 20 or more. it all depends on the person being read and what is being focused on. I would Not reccomend California to anyone! I may even post a video about it on

#5 Consumer Suggestion
California Psychics Ripped me off and Swindled me
AUTHOR: Jim - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 11, 2009
They swindled me for a FREE Reading. then because the person didnt like what i told them they decided not to hire me. I am a professional psychic and I work on another network at the moment doing Tarot Readings and intuitive readings for people. I dont have to keep callers on the line for lengthy time periods. sometimes a reading will last 2 or 3 or 5 minutes or sometimes go for 20 or more. it all depends on the person being read and what is being focused on. I would Not reccomend California to anyone! I may even post a video about it on

#4 Consumer Suggestion
California Psychics Ripped me off and Swindled me
AUTHOR: Jim - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 11, 2009
They swindled me for a FREE Reading. then because the person didnt like what i told them they decided not to hire me. I am a professional psychic and I work on another network at the moment doing Tarot Readings and intuitive readings for people. I dont have to keep callers on the line for lengthy time periods. sometimes a reading will last 2 or 3 or 5 minutes or sometimes go for 20 or more. it all depends on the person being read and what is being focused on. I would Not reccomend California to anyone! I may even post a video about it on

#3 Consumer Comment
You're just as bad or worse
AUTHOR: Clifford - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 11, 2009
If you are actually claiming to be a psychic you're just as bad or worse than this company.
You know as well as I do that there is no such thing as a psychic and you are all disgusting rip off artists. You should be ashamed but I'm certain you are too immoral to be.
You, like all "psychics" have a long tired litany of canned excuses for not responding to anyone requiring you to prove your 'ability'.

#2 Consumer Comment
Psychic Lady reply for Stacy
AUTHOR: Pissed Off Customer - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I'm just getting around to responding to your sarcastic comment.First of all,I wasn't trying to win an editing contest,for spelling and paragraphs.I was trying to give a very important message about that company.It's a shame that you were so busy focusing on paragraphs and spelling that you missed the message that I was trying to get across.I recieved plenty of positive feedback from those who were intelligent enough to understand the message that I was trying to get across.As far as my psychic abilities.I have my own business and clients who come to me and refer others to me.My business is going well and as far as my abilities and professionalism.I have over a hundred clients and I had my business for only about 2 yrs.I have a very good reputation for accuracy and professionalism.My business is always growing.I don't need to prove myself to you.I don't even know you and as far as I'm concerned you're a "nobody" to me.
It's obvious to me that I'm very important to you that you decided to make a comment about my page that wasn't even addressed to you or about you.Sounds like to me that you are not very content with your life or yourself.My words are very short!Get a life!Stop worrying about others and focus on yourself!

#1 Consumer Comment
get real
AUTHOR: Stacey - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, November 15, 2008
If you are a "psychic" then maybe your "psychic" abilities would have alerted to you about spelling and paragraphs
There a no thing - if you are what you say you are then answer this
Where is Bin Laden hiding!!! You could save the US Government alot of money and get a big reward for yourself

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