Complaint Review: Arbonne International - Elk Grove California
- Arbonne International Elk Grove, California U.S.A.
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- Category: Home Based Business
Arbonne International Down Line Scam Elk Grove California
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: I am not an Arbonne consultant anymore but there are GOOD consultants out there
*UPDATE Employee: To Melanie - Sacramento - Sorry for your bad Experience
*Consumer Suggestion: There is a bad in every company
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I got suckered into paying to become an Arbonne consultant by a very high pressure lady who told me how all natural the products were and also how much money she had made as a consultant. She worked near me me and kept selling us all the products at lunch time at the coffee place where we all meet for sandwiches. The products were really expensive and on my $30,000 annual income I told her over and over that I could not afford them. SHe said I should be one of her 'down lines' then and I would get free samples if I signed up and could get great discounts or only buy product out of my own profits.
Four different times I told her now. Then she invited us all to a party her daughter was hosting and at that party she said we didn't have to buy anything but it would show us how easy it was to sell product. Well, at the party it turned out she'd pressured each of us separately to 'just buy one thing' so her daughter would meet her minimum.
I found out later from my friends that between us we spent $685 that night! And we were told it was at this lady's house, but we found out later by trying to get her local phone number from information that it was NOT at her house.
Of course I only found this out after giving in and signing up to be her 'down line'. She said it would only cost $29, but it was really $139, and they send you these tax forms and order forms and YOU HAVE TO BUY the products before you sell them. My office email was filled to the point my boss complained to me about al the junk emails I was getting from Arbonne and it was inappropriate to conduct a second business at work. That had never been my intention. I thought I'd just get one email and then I could give them my home information after I set up an email account there.
I kept trying to get back in touch with the original person, but the phone number she gave me was for southern California, not Elk Grove. Also, she said she would host parties to get me started, but that I would have to make sure people at work came to them and 'ordered product' - which I have to buy in advance because it takes Arbonne to long to ship stuff. I went to that party of her daughter's in June of 2007. It is now October 2007 and I still haven't received the two items I ordered that cost me $87. Not a problem, I bought better foundation for only $26 at Macy's and it's too late for a fake tan in a can in October so I don't need the other product.
I feel doubly cheated. I was really conned by this relentless consultant, and now I am stuck trying to get out of being a consultant to Arbonne myself. I can't spare 30 hours a week to go find new people to sell the product or $500 to buy the products I may never sell. This is a big rip off. I am out more than $250 just for signing up and buying something that I have not received and now I am constantly pressured to sign up new people to 'meet my minimums". I want out for good. Melanie
Sacramento, California
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 10/16/2007 12:10 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#3 UPDATE EX-employee responds
I am not an Arbonne consultant anymore but there are GOOD consultants out there
AUTHOR: Notgonnatakeit - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, August 02, 2009
I am outside the Sacramento area and used to sell Arbonne. This woman is a disgrace to Arbonne and obviously totally unethical. No one should EVER feel pressured into buying anything OR becoming a wholesaler. That's ridiculous!
I don't sell Arbonne anymore but I still use the products and stand behind the products. I highly suggest you report this woman to Arbonne International. This woman is not abiding by Arbonne's ethics and the way they do business.
Unfortunately, it takes one unprofessional person to spoil Arbonne's reputation. I stopped selling Arbonne for completely different reasons and the woman who sponsored me was highly ethical and a strong leader in Arbonne. There are a LOT of good people selling Arbonne out there, but unfortunately this woman ruined it for you and for other people out there.
I hope someone in a higher position from Arbonne reads this because this is very damaging to Arbonne's credibility and reputation and word of mouth travels fast.
Please know that Arbonne doesn't operate like this. I initially joined Arbonne because the manager who initially sold me the products was low-pressure and very low key. Arbonne stands by its ethics and if they knew this woman was representing Arbonne in this unprofessional way, she'd be seriously reprimanded.
I'm really sorry for your bad experience. This woman obviously has no idea what she's doing or how to ethically/professionally act as an Arbonne consultant.

#2 UPDATE Employee
To Melanie - Sacramento - Sorry for your bad Experience
AUTHOR: Lilian - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, June 02, 2008
Hello Melanie,
I am an Independent Consultant with Arbonne International. I joined because I want to make extra money and before I joined a researched a lot of other companies.
As a member of Arbonne International I would like to apologize to you, nobody should be treated that way. However, Melanie, Arbonne is not the only company that might have or has its bad apples.
You should report that Independent Consultant to customer service, or the compliance department. No Multilevel Company encourages their reps to lie, but people do take liberties, and some of us have paid for them. I am guilty of it, I didn't make any money with Amway, some people did, I didn't. Amway wasn't for me, and Arbonne is not for everybody.
I believe in the products and in the company. I have seen results in the products that I've tried and I want to share them with the people that I care for, and some of those people have recommended other people to me.
Some of my friends sell Mary Kay, 4Life, Avon, etc. and they are doing very well, others not. They offered me cosmetics, and I have tried them, hey, who has not tried Avon? I love their jewelry. Yes they are not real, but they last forever if you take care of them. Who can forget those nice Sweet Honesty fragrances and lip glosses when we were teens? I was a sucker for Avon. As much as I like Avon, when friends that sold Avon asked me to join, I never saw the business part of it. Some of my friends do not see Arbonne as their thing. The good thing is that they are still my friends, I send people to them, and they send people to me.
The problem is that people try to sell this idea that by signing up you will magically become rich and will be able to leave your jobs. Well, yes you could, but not by magic, like everything in life, you'll have to work, you'll have to be consistent, you'll have to spend time, you have to have a plan, you need support, knowledge of your company/products/market and you have to take care of your customers. Statistically, Arbonne Consultants make it to the top (National Vice President) in two years, average; in the other hand, there are people that have been able to make it in a very short time. They might have more marketing skills, more resources, less kids to take care of; they are more focus, who knows. I am ambitious, and I want to make it to the top, I see myself there in two years max, and I hope to bring many people with me.
I wish you all the best, Melanie.

#1 Consumer Suggestion
There is a bad in every company
AUTHOR: Craigc4720 - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, April 17, 2008
That is horrible what happened. I am a Arbonne Independent Consultant and I feel really bad for you. No one should ever be pressured like that. Unfortunately some people are willing to do what ever it takes to get to the top even if that means cheating people. Personally me and my upline never pressure anyone to join. When someone says no we just move on. Too bad you met one of our bad consultants. If you contact Arbonne and let them know what happened they will take action against the consultant who signed you up. They have awesome customer service. We have a code of ethics we all have to abide by. I hope that helps you!

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