Complaint Review: Altig International, AIL, Torchmark - Edmonton Nationwide
- Altig International, AIL, Torchmark 15440-Bel-Red Road Redmond Washington Nationwide Canada
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- Category: Insurance Agencies
Altig International, AIL, Torchmark ripoff misleading information confabulation Edmonton Alberta Canada
*UPDATE - Rip-off Report Investigation: Altig International has joined the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program and a Rip-off Report independent investigation - After speaking with executives from Altig International, it is clear that they are dedicated to helping their associates achieve their dreams, and will not allow a legitimate complaint to go unresolved.
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Here is my story, I bought Into the great lie that AIL and Altig perpetrated on me so I take responsabilty for allowing myself to be duped by both my MGA Mr Rick Choptiuk and his RGA Melinda-Ray-Lyse.
I spent three plus with Altig International,AIL.
My Career was up and down however in that time I saw aprox some 1000 plus people come and go so they most certianly do not have a good track record with agent retention.
In the time I was with them I promised one on one coaching and personal devleopment by both the MGA and RGA Mr Choptiuk and Mrs Lyse all I got was given a the books told to study for the exams and I'll soon be making $100,000.00 plus per year,with several streams of income the initial sale, bonus's, and renewals.
To which someone like me who had lots of debts sounded good so I went for it and endured the most tumultous career I ever had so
After I passed my exams I was given the script and told I had to memorzie it as it was a proven sales tool over the last 40 years I belived them so I then put my notice in at my Job in Hind sight I should have taken their offer at the time because I would most certianly be better off than I am now.
I was also promised leads every week well they most certinay changed everything as time went on and on seemed like every month there was new rules being made up to make life more and more challenging.
The majority of the time when I went out of town which was required for 6 out of 8 weeks,I got recyled leads that had already been worked by either Mrs Lyse's crew from Calgary or 4-7 year old leads that were no good with only a few new leads thrown in for good measure, when I got leads that were POS's existing policy holders making calls on those I was told would be a sure 80% of closing Yr well Mr Al-Karim Walji only works POS's and in most cases he had already been there even when I took short trips out of town,he had and still has unlimited access to those leads even today and use's high pressure selling tactics and mind games to get the deal done.
In the three years I was with them Jaquline( Pr Rep) only brought in one new union group and to my knowledge that is still the same today as I have a friend that still works for them and I am kept up to date on things that person has not had new leads for over 1 year despite bringing in all the referals that you have to do now if I am correct is 10 referals for 1 hard card lead, when i was there it was 1-1 wow how 6 years can change things.
After 6 months of ups and downs and this hell of Psychological mind games by my manager, I was so depressed I almost committed sucide my doctor urged me to take a step back my family did the same thing,however I relented on my manager's constant harrisng me to get out and still stay working so even though I was on medication to control my depression I still stayed stupid me.
I had some good runs but never seemed to get the help I needed until it was too little to late,most every month I produced sales except when I was off in sept9/11/02 for personal reasons.
It was always enough to keep my job as I was always threatend with getting fired if I didn't do beter.
We were also told we had to do videos of our
presentation before we went into the field or our sales were down, and you couldn't go bakc to work until you manager gave you the go ahead I always did my video and always got his approval,Plus we were always required to do a video of it when the RGA Mrs Lyse when she came to town, in the three years I was there I she came to Edmonton Sevaral times and when she did she never did anyone on one with me and my video untill my third year and last summer and I was well on my way to taking a medical leave of abcence due to depression and getting diagnosed with Fygbromyalgia,eventually I had to take a medical leave of abence and eventually had my contract cancelled by AIL.
Too little to late of note she always spent time with agents there that lasted less than a month, which kinda makes you wonder what would have happened if she paid attention to those who had it in them to stick out to the bitter end maybe things might have turned out different now for me.
Now she is in charge of personal development for leadership,now looking back this is a woman who made it this company by manipulation of facts and people on the backs of the many agents who she burned through and raping the lead system that they have I think she learned early on how to pretentiously get ahead in AIL and be sneaky about it be aware this person had absoluty no integrety at all what so-ever of which I can personally say you can put a spin on things with a website and corporate hoopla but crooked corporate power and manipulation is still just that nothing but confabulation and Lies.
Now to the last three years I have not been with them they have givne me T4A's for income that I don't receive this is supposedly for the so called renewals that you are supposed to get which is really just the balance of payment that they owe you, but they hold back 35% of your commissions for cancellations this is they then also give you a t4a for the up front commissions including the 35% they hold back and you have to pay tax on this not only once but twice that is just criminal in my mind I hope they get caught cooking the books soon.
Also when I tookmy leave of abcence i went on the shrot term disablity it took Melinda Ray 9 weeks to get me the forms for my claim, I was also told I had to pay for my health plan so I agreeed to that so I could get my std claim disablity through, in the mean time I was getting my renewal checks however I had to give them up to pay for my benefits.
Now during all this my presonal life went to hell in a handbag and I lost everything again my relationship I was in ect, even then I was determined to get better and come back,but the final straw was in 2004 when I went to renew my licence as an agent so I could keep my benefits and apply for the Long term disablity,in that year you had to get a letter of attestation I never got it that made keeping my licences out of reach for me as you had to take the LLQP exam which was too costly $295.00 and the LTD forms didn't come until two months after that fact and three months after my short term disablity ended.
then in may my contract was cancelled.
I was warned that they would never let the longterm disablity go through well they found a way of accidentally in purpose dragging things out to make sure that that happened.
I thought I was done with them for good but nope I get reports evermonth from ALTIG and A T4A every year from them for renewals but however the line I am being fed is that is being put towards the debt that i incured with the company for commission paid out earlier.
Now I am on a state disablity and because of this T4A comming in for income that I dont get or probably willnever see I wil probably loose my only income that I can get so once again I have my life put in jeopardy.
I was told by Mrs Judy Hinz, Mr Altigs EA I the accounts would clear in april or may and then you'll start seeing your renewals.
I think they are all LIES LIES LIES.
I challenge Mr Altig, Mr choptiuk,Mrs Lyse,Mrs Hinz and all the executive of AIL and Altig to refute these facts!
Come on I dare ya I have nothing to loose now.
Alan Waters
Edmonton, Alberta
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