Complaint Review: Aaron Parkinson - Liberty League - Carbon Copy Pro - Wealth Masters - Internet
- Aaron Parkinson - Liberty League - Carbon Copy Pro - Wealth Masters Internet U.S.A.
- Phone:
- Web:
- Category: Sales People
Aaron Parkinson - Liberty League - Carbon Copy Pro - Wealth Masters selling their souls for a quick buck Aaron Is From Canada Internet
*General Comment: If you can't answer simple questions
*Consumer Suggestion: Red Flags
*UPDATE Employee: Don't blame a whole company for one persons faults.
*UPDATE Employee: Don't blame a whole company for one persons faults.
*UPDATE Employee: Don't blame a whole company for one persons faults.
*UPDATE Employee: Don't blame a whole company for one persons faults.
*UPDATE Employee: This is all a moot point.
*Consumer Comment: Knowledge seekers
*Consumer Comment: Further Comments
*Consumer Comment: Carbon Copy and MLM
*Consumer Comment: Carbon Copy and MLM
*Consumer Comment: Carbon Copy and MLM
*Consumer Comment: Carbon Copy and MLM
*Consumer Comment: Can I throw my cat in the ring??
*Consumer Comment: The Real Truth
*Author of original report: i guess ill respond...
*Consumer Comment: Once a Skeptic, Always a Skeptic - In response to Aaron Parkinson - Liberty League Report
*Consumer Suggestion: LLI is past it's prime.
*Consumer Comment: thank you
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After receiving the standard automated email message, the following transpired. Enjoy the email chain
ME - So, what's the system and what do you sell? Lots of hype but not much substance. thanks.
Aaron - The substance comes after your application is approved. It is a great way to screen out the tire kickers. To submit your application please go to
ME - Why would someone apply for anything with no information, background, or credibility in which to base one's decision? Seems more like trolling for desperation.
Aaron - Why would self made millionaires mentor every deadbeat on earth? Their time is too valauable.
ME - That's quite the defensive response to a very simple question. How come you answered my question with a question, and not with an answer? Don't back yourself into a corner already, I'm not a fan of posturing. I do agree with and understand your response though. Should I assume you are one of these self made millionairres? Let me clarify, I do not want your mentorship because I do not know you. You are nothing more than a name. You need to gain a certain level of trust and respect before one will engage you in business. I guess if whatever you do was really on the level, you would have no problem giving a little explaination on what it is you do. What's the company's name? Who are you affiliated with? How long have you been around? What are the upfront costs? How does the money and profits flow. Are you recognized by the BBB? How long has your mentorship team been in place? How much do you make? How long has it taken you to accomplish that? Only a deadbeat would get into business with you, without getting answers to those type of questions. Answer a few of these and I'll entertain your pitch.
Aaron - Don't do it. Our personality types do not mesh.
ME - Don't do what? You still havent told me what "it" is? Oh well. I could have been the biggest thing in your industry but you didn't have the guts or confidence in yourself to answer the simple questions. I'm sorry your personality doesn't mesh with one of a successful businessman. My inquiries are consistant with what us successful people do, we keep our options open for ways to diversify income. How many people do you know, that have become wealthy by investing and getting into something they have no information about? Unfortunately, your opportunity is nothing but red flags.
Keep headhunting though. I've gathered that's all your business is? I'm sure there are plenty suckers out there who will support you $30 at a time. I doubt you have suckered 33,000+ people into paying a $50 application fee for your get rich quick information and personalized website of every successful person you don't know but pawn it off as your own doing. But if you can still sleep good at night, more power to you. Good luck coveting others wealth, while headhunting and filling your newbies heads with false promises and misinformation.
No need to reply. I think we both know whats going on here.
Two weeks later, I receive another one of his automated emails. I dont think I was out of line with my questions. Pretty standard in my opinion when fact finding and researching business opportunities.
The truth
springfield, Virginia
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 02/20/2008 08:35 AM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#19 General Comment
If you can't answer simple questions
AUTHOR: William - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, March 15, 2010
If you can't answer a simple question like what am I goi9ng to be selling, then it's obviously not a good deal or product. You see too many times these jerkoffs telling you how great something is but you have to sign up for it before they tell you what it is, kinda like the obamacare bill they're going to pass this week. I can't believe Nancy Pelosi had the balls to say we have to pass it to see what's in it. same kinda people it looks like.

#18 Consumer Suggestion
Red Flags
AUTHOR: Tw73 - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, June 04, 2009
As a general rule, any company that offers an alleged business opportunity but requires some kind of upfront payment before revealing what the opportunity involves is a company to be avoided. Legitimate opportunities don't need to be cloaked in secrecy. As for the claim that the fee is intended to separate tire kickers from those genuinely interested in running a business, the costs of participation in the actual business would do that.

#17 UPDATE Employee
Don't blame a whole company for one persons faults.
AUTHOR: Ginawalker - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, June 02, 2009
I am sorry to hear that you had a displeasing experience with Aaron Parkinson, but please realize he is one person not the company. Would you stop shopping at Wal Mart if you didn't see eye to eye with the cashier? No, you would still continue buying all your groceries and everyday needs but just avoiding that one person. It is not fair to call this a scam because it is not. It is a proven system and really does work. Its not a pyramid scheme or MLM. I know this because unlike you I went ahead with my application found out all i needed to know and still had the option of getting a refund for the application fee if it didn't fit me or if it something I wasn't interested in.
It amazes me how people like you get away with filing rip-off reports for a product or service you never even purchased and know nothing about.
To anyone considering joining, remember you can get a refund of your application fee. Just like you would if you bought a TV at Wal Mart and returned it because you didn't like it. Give everyone a fair shot, but don't be so quick to shoot.

#16 UPDATE Employee
Don't blame a whole company for one persons faults.
AUTHOR: Ginawalker - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, June 02, 2009
I am sorry to hear that you had a displeasing experience with Aaron Parkinson, but please realize he is one person not the company. Would you stop shopping at Wal Mart if you didn't see eye to eye with the cashier? No, you would still continue buying all your groceries and everyday needs but just avoiding that one person. It is not fair to call this a scam because it is not. It is a proven system and really does work. Its not a pyramid scheme or MLM. I know this because unlike you I went ahead with my application found out all i needed to know and still had the option of getting a refund for the application fee if it didn't fit me or if it something I wasn't interested in.
It amazes me how people like you get away with filing rip-off reports for a product or service you never even purchased and know nothing about.
To anyone considering joining, remember you can get a refund of your application fee. Just like you would if you bought a TV at Wal Mart and returned it because you didn't like it. Give everyone a fair shot, but don't be so quick to shoot.

#15 UPDATE Employee
Don't blame a whole company for one persons faults.
AUTHOR: Ginawalker - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, June 02, 2009
I am sorry to hear that you had a displeasing experience with Aaron Parkinson, but please realize he is one person not the company. Would you stop shopping at Wal Mart if you didn't see eye to eye with the cashier? No, you would still continue buying all your groceries and everyday needs but just avoiding that one person. It is not fair to call this a scam because it is not. It is a proven system and really does work. Its not a pyramid scheme or MLM. I know this because unlike you I went ahead with my application found out all i needed to know and still had the option of getting a refund for the application fee if it didn't fit me or if it something I wasn't interested in.
It amazes me how people like you get away with filing rip-off reports for a product or service you never even purchased and know nothing about.
To anyone considering joining, remember you can get a refund of your application fee. Just like you would if you bought a TV at Wal Mart and returned it because you didn't like it. Give everyone a fair shot, but don't be so quick to shoot.

#14 UPDATE Employee
Don't blame a whole company for one persons faults.
AUTHOR: Ginawalker - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, June 02, 2009
I am sorry to hear that you had a displeasing experience with Aaron Parkinson, but please realize he is one person not the company. Would you stop shopping at Wal Mart if you didn't see eye to eye with the cashier? No, you would still continue buying all your groceries and everyday needs but just avoiding that one person. It is not fair to call this a scam because it is not. It is a proven system and really does work. Its not a pyramid scheme or MLM. I know this because unlike you I went ahead with my application found out all i needed to know and still had the option of getting a refund for the application fee if it didn't fit me or if it something I wasn't interested in.
It amazes me how people like you get away with filing rip-off reports for a product or service you never even purchased and know nothing about.
To anyone considering joining, remember you can get a refund of your application fee. Just like you would if you bought a TV at Wal Mart and returned it because you didn't like it. Give everyone a fair shot, but don't be so quick to shoot.

#13 UPDATE Employee
This is all a moot point.
AUTHOR: Verdad - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, April 14, 2009
This whole diatribe is all a moot point as the application fee "is refundable" within 30days.
Simply put: "Refundable Within 30days"

#12 Consumer Comment
Knowledge seekers
AUTHOR: Knowledge101 - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 27, 2009
I came here to see what information or report there is on Wealth Masters International as the concept reminded me so much of an old Ponzi scheme called IGP (Global Prosperty) and I have found plenty... I began to see that WMI is similar in nature to Liberty League International as well...and for those who has been around a decade similar to Global Prosperity or IGP in late 1990's. I can say I was suckered into IGP and lost more money in Investments and under the assumption that you have to "pay' to learn Information of wealthy". I have not bought anything in WMI but for LLI and IGP I bought the first product level item which cost over $1500 each...and they are a perfect waste of money...a bunch of CD's, with some words of motivation...LLI give you a nice pen, note pad and Journal but surely is not comparable to the cost of $1595....
All three companies are different but they all have the one thread of selling tiered-system products on the deception of becoming wealthy by virtue of knowledge...but that is a deception of the truth, because you have to seek after people to sell this deceptive concept to...

#11 Consumer Comment
Further Comments
AUTHOR: Success Advocate - (Canada)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Hi Bill,
I don't think my point is to quote word for word what BF said, or really anyone, that can be looked up (right or wrong) from the internet. People are often misquoted, myself included. But the message remains the same. My point is that at the end of the day we do not have the right to criticize what we do not understand, or have sought the proper understanding before voicing our opinion. My "quote" is nearly irrelevant when looking at the scope of the message.
I think that MLM schemes are not win/win, as evidenced by the 90% plus drop out rate, (I heard 96% but I guess you will slap some internet based stat on me so I will play conservative). That means that 9 out of every 10 people lose. That is not a win/win scenario no matter how you slice it. I disagree with Michael that it is because of funding, I suggest that is due to lack of training. With the training however, very few would pursue the opportunity realizing they lack the knowledge, skill and attitude to do what it takes. Love is blind, but there are limits to what most people would do for money.
I suggest we are born into bad systems, that is why we look at alternatives. Being an employee or self-employed for the vast majority of us will leave us to die flat broke. And heaven help those that run out of money during our retirement years. What choice do they have? Dust off the resume? And they better have good feet, it is hard standing all day greeting folks at the Wal-Mart.
That begs the question, "What is the answer?" If we took the time to look around, we would see that it is all around us. Even in elementary school. Why don't we see it?
My answer to that is "Fish discover water last".
Its easy to be successful and have a good quality of life. But it requires a foundation that most of us do not have, nor will ever have. The vast majority of our society die flat broke. To break free of this trend, we must first discover the weaknesses of the systems we are born into, and proceed from there.

#10 Consumer Comment
Carbon Copy and MLM
AUTHOR: Michael - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, December 08, 2008
Just reading the Carbon Copy cult member's indoctrinated response.
Your quotes and nonsense that u regurgitate makes it blatantly obvious that you are nothing but a pawn in a game that you have no concept or idea of what it is you are actually involved with.
If you had the slightest idea what you are actually doing, you would be able to answer the
prospective investor with a logical normal response.
So let me explain this scam for you...
The sooner you join the better off you are,
Here's a secret-- network marketing (also know as MLM) is not a short term get rich quick business! Unfortunately many desperate distributors advertise and recruit for their company on that basis, just like Carbon Copy Pro.
The network marketing business is a long term financial prospect, like an IRA or a CD. It is based on residual income-- an important part of wealth building in the long term.
And as a long term financial vehicle, network marketing needs to be funded just as you would fund an investment in the beginning.
So, where does that put the majority of people who need money now and are looking for a home based business to supplement their immediate income, especially in today's tough economy?
Well, most people end up dropping out of their network marketing company because they run out of the money they need to continue funding their business to get it to the point of solid residual income.
So, the million dollar question is how can the average person fund their network marketing (MLM) business now so they can stay in long enough to develop that long term residual income?
The answer is never!!!!!!..
ALL MLM's are doomed to failure, because they are ALL basic forms of a Ponzi Scheme
and eventually there will not be enough Peters to pay all the Pauls!!!!!!
The money you might make, if you are lucky enough will be short lived, so save, save save
and if you make it, view it as a lottery ticket!!!!
Just search :Law suits and MLM

#9 Consumer Comment
Carbon Copy and MLM
AUTHOR: Michael - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, December 08, 2008
Just reading the Carbon Copy cult member's indoctrinated response.
Your quotes and nonsense that u regurgitate makes it blatantly obvious that you are nothing but a pawn in a game that you have no concept or idea of what it is you are actually involved with.
If you had the slightest idea what you are actually doing, you would be able to answer the
prospective investor with a logical normal response.
So let me explain this scam for you...
The sooner you join the better off you are,
Here's a secret-- network marketing (also know as MLM) is not a short term get rich quick business! Unfortunately many desperate distributors advertise and recruit for their company on that basis, just like Carbon Copy Pro.
The network marketing business is a long term financial prospect, like an IRA or a CD. It is based on residual income-- an important part of wealth building in the long term.
And as a long term financial vehicle, network marketing needs to be funded just as you would fund an investment in the beginning.
So, where does that put the majority of people who need money now and are looking for a home based business to supplement their immediate income, especially in today's tough economy?
Well, most people end up dropping out of their network marketing company because they run out of the money they need to continue funding their business to get it to the point of solid residual income.
So, the million dollar question is how can the average person fund their network marketing (MLM) business now so they can stay in long enough to develop that long term residual income?
The answer is never!!!!!!..
ALL MLM's are doomed to failure, because they are ALL basic forms of a Ponzi Scheme
and eventually there will not be enough Peters to pay all the Pauls!!!!!!
The money you might make, if you are lucky enough will be short lived, so save, save save
and if you make it, view it as a lottery ticket!!!!
Just search :Law suits and MLM

#8 Consumer Comment
Carbon Copy and MLM
AUTHOR: Michael - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, December 08, 2008
Just reading the Carbon Copy cult member's indoctrinated response.
Your quotes and nonsense that u regurgitate makes it blatantly obvious that you are nothing but a pawn in a game that you have no concept or idea of what it is you are actually involved with.
If you had the slightest idea what you are actually doing, you would be able to answer the
prospective investor with a logical normal response.
So let me explain this scam for you...
The sooner you join the better off you are,
Here's a secret-- network marketing (also know as MLM) is not a short term get rich quick business! Unfortunately many desperate distributors advertise and recruit for their company on that basis, just like Carbon Copy Pro.
The network marketing business is a long term financial prospect, like an IRA or a CD. It is based on residual income-- an important part of wealth building in the long term.
And as a long term financial vehicle, network marketing needs to be funded just as you would fund an investment in the beginning.
So, where does that put the majority of people who need money now and are looking for a home based business to supplement their immediate income, especially in today's tough economy?
Well, most people end up dropping out of their network marketing company because they run out of the money they need to continue funding their business to get it to the point of solid residual income.
So, the million dollar question is how can the average person fund their network marketing (MLM) business now so they can stay in long enough to develop that long term residual income?
The answer is never!!!!!!..
ALL MLM's are doomed to failure, because they are ALL basic forms of a Ponzi Scheme
and eventually there will not be enough Peters to pay all the Pauls!!!!!!
The money you might make, if you are lucky enough will be short lived, so save, save save
and if you make it, view it as a lottery ticket!!!!
Just search :Law suits and MLM

#7 Consumer Comment
Carbon Copy and MLM
AUTHOR: Michael - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, December 08, 2008
Just reading the Carbon Copy cult member's indoctrinated response.
Your quotes and nonsense that u regurgitate makes it blatantly obvious that you are nothing but a pawn in a game that you have no concept or idea of what it is you are actually involved with.
If you had the slightest idea what you are actually doing, you would be able to answer the
prospective investor with a logical normal response.
So let me explain this scam for you...
The sooner you join the better off you are,
Here's a secret-- network marketing (also know as MLM) is not a short term get rich quick business! Unfortunately many desperate distributors advertise and recruit for their company on that basis, just like Carbon Copy Pro.
The network marketing business is a long term financial prospect, like an IRA or a CD. It is based on residual income-- an important part of wealth building in the long term.
And as a long term financial vehicle, network marketing needs to be funded just as you would fund an investment in the beginning.
So, where does that put the majority of people who need money now and are looking for a home based business to supplement their immediate income, especially in today's tough economy?
Well, most people end up dropping out of their network marketing company because they run out of the money they need to continue funding their business to get it to the point of solid residual income.
So, the million dollar question is how can the average person fund their network marketing (MLM) business now so they can stay in long enough to develop that long term residual income?
The answer is never!!!!!!..
ALL MLM's are doomed to failure, because they are ALL basic forms of a Ponzi Scheme
and eventually there will not be enough Peters to pay all the Pauls!!!!!!
The money you might make, if you are lucky enough will be short lived, so save, save save
and if you make it, view it as a lottery ticket!!!!
Just search :Law suits and MLM

#6 Consumer Comment
Can I throw my cat in the ring??
AUTHOR: Bill - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, December 07, 2008
There's a lot of fur flying here. There's some substance but mostly what I hear is a lot of yowling and hissing.
In particular..."Success Advocate" you lost a LOT of credibility with your Benjamin Franklin quote.
'Those who seek safety and security deserve neither.' is inane and is NOT what he said.
What he did say is not only important given our current President-elect and Congressional make-up, it also shows a flaw in your thinking/research which weakens your position.
In 1755 (Pennsylvania Assembly: Reply to the Governor, Tue, Nov 11, 1755) what Benjamin Franklin DID say is:
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
North Brookfield, MA

#5 Consumer Comment
The Real Truth
AUTHOR: Success Advocate - (Canada)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Hi. I have made a choice to respond to this diatribe because I think it is important for most readers. First, I don't know Aaron or Jay or anyone related to this Company or its offerings. So really, this is none of my business. I do however like to see people succeed, and I think a third party objective view can be valuable.
The truth is that whatever this offer is, the entities that are offering it have quite obviously spent some time and work getting it ready. Where does the $30 go? It has already went. Anyone who knows a lick about business knows that the research and development that goes into starting a company is well beyond $30. The more applications, the more that the business is allowed to do for its customers, that just makes sense. MicroSoft offers many products because it sold many of its first product.
The late John Paul Getty, the richest man in the world said, "To be rich in this world you have to take risks, both with your money and borrowed money." It would seem rather than investing the money to go through a process that was designed to work in a particular way, the "truth" considers that too much of a gamble. If it is your bread and milk money, it is too big a risk for you, don't do it. But if you can afford it, then spreading your opinions here are useless. The wealthy of the world analyze, then they criticize - the poor and the middle class do not. You are criticizing what you don't even know. That puts you in a class you chose.
I have invested over $750,000 in my personal education on companies like this one. Each one of these has given me a solid gold nugget of information that has driven me and my companies to success. You would argue that most people don't have that kind of money to spend, neither did I. But I kept analyzing and some of them made me money. If the $30 risk is too much for you and you have to pull out comments like the ones your are posting here, you are destined to be one of the vast majority who die flat broke. Sorry, but you opened the can of worms.
What's worse in what you do, is you can strip away someone's drive and hopes by your completely ignorant viewpoint. What do you know about the Company's expenses? You never even asked. If the owners of the Company put a million dollars up front to create this offer, is the $30 fee reasonable. Of course it is. And if they don't make a fair and reasonable profit, they won't succeed in their business. Neither will others involved. No sense killing the goose that lays the golden eggs by listening to "The Truth"s completely ignorant comments.
My attorneys tell me that 10% of people are unreasonable. Your "borderline curiousity" paragraph just proves you know nothing about the Company and you are just regurgitating someone else's garbage. Your stocks are probably down, why take it out on a Company that is trying to make a life for themselves and others?
The "Truth" is, I like to hire people who have tried things like these. It shows guts and determination. Most people operate too safely, they are interested in safety and security. It was Benjamin Franklin who said, "Those who seek safety and security deserve neither".
I will close by sharing an inspiration to the owners, that inevitably get beat up because they are leaders:
He that is first must perpetually live in the white light of publicity. Whether the leadership be vested in a man or a manufactured product, emulation and envy are at every work.
In art, in literature, in music, in industry, the reward and the punishment are always the same.
The reward is widespread recognition; the punishment, fierce denial and detraction.
When a man's work becomes the standard for the whole world, it also becomes the target for the shafts of the envious few.
If his work is merely mediocre, he will be left severally alone - if he achieve a masterpiece, it will set a million tongues a-wagging.
Jealousy does not protrude it's forked tongue at the artist who produces a commonplace painting.
Whatsoever you write, or paint, or play, or sing, or build, no one will strive to surpass, or to slander you, unless your work be stamped with the seal of genius.
Long, long after a great work or a good work be done,
those who are disappointed or envious continue to cry out that it can not be done.
Spiteful little voices in the domain of art were raised against our own Whistler as a mountebank, long after the big world had acclaimed him its greatest artistic genius.
Multitudes flocked to Bayrueth to worship the shrine of Wagner, while the little group of those whom he had dethroned and displaced argued angrily that he was no musician at all.
The little world continued to protest that Fulton could never build a steamboat, while the big world flocked to the river banks to see his boat steam by.
The leader is assailed because he is a leader, and the effort to equal him is merely added proof of that leadership.
Failing to equal or excel, the follower seeks to depreciate and destroy - but only confirms once more the superiority of that which he strives to supplant.
There is nothing new in this.
It is as old as the world and as old as the human passions - envy, fear, greed, ambition and the desire to surpass.
And it all avails nothing.
If the leader truly leads, he remains - the leader.
Master-poet, master-painter, master-workman, each in his turn is assailed, and each holds his laurels through the ages.
That which is good or great makes itself known, no matter how loud the clamour of denial.
That which deserves to live - lives.

#4 Author of original report
i guess ill respond...
AUTHOR: The Truth - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, October 03, 2008
If your business is up front right as you claim, Where's that $30 go? Please answer that. It cost $30 for an application to see if you qualify for a team? Get out of here, that's ridiculous. The reason you guys dont explain anything is because you desperately need that $30 up front before your applicants bail. Please, give me the smallest inclination of what you do or what your business is about. Sure, dumb people who are grasping at riches will drop $30 for your nonsense, but I on the other hand won't give you the pleasure.
I was almost borderline curious at one point but eventually had to make a fool of your beloved "business partner," who much like you, can't give a straight answer. This parkinson guy you speak so highly of, have you even met him in person or just covet from afar because he is part of your sponsorship or team or whatever youre calling it
Keep spewing out the same drivel you like all the other blind sheep, throwing crap on the wall and hoping something sticks. If you were in business for the right reasons, you would put the potential member first... if you really cared.
Get back at me with FACTS, not opinions, and don't charge me for it.

#3 Consumer Comment
Once a Skeptic, Always a Skeptic - In response to Aaron Parkinson - Liberty League Report
AUTHOR: Dawn_chez - (Canada)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, August 21, 2008
I am writing in response to a "rip off" report I saw on someone whom I have a direct business relationship with, Aaron Parkinson. The report I saw when I was doing some research on the Internet offended me and I felt compelled to set the author straight.
While I believe that everyone is entitled to their opinions, and despite the email conversation that went back and forth between the author and Aaron Parkinson - I have to stand up for the truth here. As a reader, what I gleaned from that report is simply a clashing of personalities. Aaron, a successful and busy self made millionaire chose to not waste his time on answering questions from someone who may not have been serious about the business opportunity and financial education products available. The inquisative emailer, feeling a little offended by Aaron's short responses determined that this business is not legitimate and labeled it a "scam".
I am living proof, both as a customer and a member of Wealth Masters International that the business opportunity is real and that the products are of high value and high quality. I have talked with many of the top producers in the company who have paved the way for inexperienced and new members to succeed if they put their mind to it and are determined to work for it.
While the emailer did not receive the information he had hoped for to be able to make an "educated and informed" decision he could have made a decision with the limited information he had and taken a $30 risk to see if it was worth it. The fact that he was hesitant to spend a measly $30 - proves that he is not cut out for this industry and for entrepreneurship. If you live your life in fear and don't take risks then you certainly have no chance to reap the rewards. If he had taken the $30 risk and decided he didn't like what he learned or wasn't interested in pursuing the business then what did he lose? Thirty bucks. Big deal. A night out at the movies.
However, since he did not take a chance what he gave up in return was far more than the $30 he saved. He lost the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others, to help them achieve their dreams and to help himself reach his own goals and dreams.
Carbon Copy Pro and Wealth Masters International do not market themselves as get rich quick schemes and in fact it is quite the opposite. Both companies are very upfront that this opportunity is a real business and that it requires the member to put in the work and time to make it succeed. While many people may be looking for ways to "get rich quick" - this certainly is not one of them and does not claim to be.
I hope this clears up some confusion for anyone doing their research and that is seriously interested in taking control of their lives and finances.

#2 Consumer Suggestion
LLI is past it's prime.
AUTHOR: Steve - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, March 20, 2008
LLI has been around for over 5 years now with the same products and comp plan, while it's reputation only declines further. The vast majority of their associates and top earners have now come and gone. Most of them are now in other newer, hotter companies with different products, better compensation plans and most importantly a fresh clean reputation.
Typically a home opportunity company is hottest for it's first two years. Then it reaches it's prime and starts to fizzle out while other fresh and newer opportunities begin to pop up. By this time the company has had it's share of low lives damaging the company's reputation. Then you start seeing lawsuits filed against the founders by angry associates and so on. Now the company's reputation is shot and it's found all over the internet.
By this time any of your prospects doing research can find this. Just like you did after speaking with Aaron Parkinson via email. And no matter how good you may have come across to prospects, the are not going to join you in LLI when they see things like this after they go to Google or Yahoo to find out more on their own:
So today, if you simply type LLI's name in any of the major search engines, you come up with endless complaints, angry former associates on message boards, and links to lawsuits and legal actions taken against the company. Where as a few years ago a search would come up clean.
You also begin to see former LLI members with paid Google ads saying things like " 'See Where Me and My Team Went and Why You Should Avoid Their 2 up" and "'Find out why most top earners have recently left and where they went" when you do a search for LLI. Intentionally trying to steer you away from LLI and towards their new company instead by targeting specific Google keywords withing their Adwords campaign that have anything to do with LLI.
Just like you did after contacting Aaron Parkinson. He lost you as a sale forever due to a bad reputation you found online about him and the company. Now you'll never join this guy in any business opportunity again. So by this time the company has run it's course and passed it's prime. And even though you may be fresh and new, the company's bad reputation you are promoting is going to follow you and take a toll on your business eventually as long as you involved with them.
Next thing you know, you're looking to jump ship to a hotter and newer company with a fresh and clean reputation just like all these former LLI top earners have done. They promoted LLI, and when they saw LLI had ran it's course, they join one of the newer, better, hotter companies with clean and fresh reputation. Then they blast out an sales email to their current LLI team members to get them to follow. They basically wiped their slate clean and rid themselves of a bad LLI reputation.
LLI is past it's prime I don't care what anyone tells you. It's reputation is shot. And there are newer, better companies emerging at the same time. Ask yourself, if LLI was still the best, why have so many top earners joined other newer companies instead? I just told you why. Here are just a few of them. And I do mean few. The number is growing all the time.
Just a few of the top eaners no longer in LLI:
John Jackson
Jay Kubassek
Mike Dillard
Lehman Hailey
Aaron Parkinson
Ashton Howell
Alan Nettles
Kristy Davis
Harold Roscoe
Greg Six
Mike Leroux

#1 Consumer Comment
thank you
AUTHOR: Samantha - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, March 07, 2008
This report kept me from pursuing more information needlessly on this scam.

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