Complaint Review: Barack Obama Is Scamming - Chicago Illinois
- Barack Obama Is Scamming Barack Obama P.O. Box 802798 Chicago, Illinois U.S.A.
- Phone:
- Web:
- Category: Politicians
Barack Obama Is Scamming Nuclear Leak Supporter, Genetic Defect Supporter, Corporate Scam Supporter, Wife received Corporate Kickbacks, Denies Heritage, Playing the Colorless Race Card, Lying about being Poor, Kickbacks from Rezco, Affirmative Action Recipient, Professional Hustler, Hates his Black Side, Hates Middle Class and Working Class, Elitist, Black Elitist, Pro-War Voting Record Cover-up, Skips important Votes Chicago Illinois
*Consumer Comment: Charles,
*Consumer Comment: Charles,
*Consumer Comment: 'BOMB-A CARE SONG...
*Consumer Comment: Someone is An Angry Gay Herp
*Consumer Comment: ***WEB ALERT: It was just reported that if you 'Google' this- OBAMA RIP OFF, it will...
*Consumer Comment: ***WEB ALERT: It was just reported that "WEB SONG 3" was submitted at this site! Just type in 563072 to see......
*Consumer Comment: ****BUBBLE ALERT: It was just reported that "BUBBLE SONG 4" was submitted at this site! Just type in- BANK OF AMERICA, and......
*Consumer Comment: "BUBBLE SONG 3".......
*Consumer Comment: GLOBAL ALERT: It was just reported that "HAMPy-TARPy SONG" will be available soon at the BANK OF AMERICA page of Ripoff Report....
*Consumer Comment: I do not want a government that's controlled by the Federal Reserve anymore because....
*Consumer Comment: I do not want a ontrolled congress and senate or a republican president they don't care about us they only wish to destroy us palin just needs to shut up
*Consumer Comment: 2ND PRESIDENTIAL ALERT: My fellow Americans, it seems as though "BANK SONG 3" is available at the BANK OF AMERICA page of Ripoff Report...
*Consumer Comment: PRESIDENTIAL ALERT: It was just reported that "WALL STREET SONG 2" was released moments ago and might be available at the BANK OF AMERICA page of Ripoff Report....
*Consumer Comment: Dear President Obama, Exactly three years ago today at the FUEL FREEDOM INTERNATIONAL page of Ripoff Report, the Update entitled- "Blame it on a Lawyer" was posted....
*Consumer Comment: *URGENT ALERT FOR PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Please go to the GM CREDIT CARD SERVICES page of this site and read 'Consumer Comment #1' posted under Betty's Ripoff Report.....
*Consumer Comment: Anyone can 'Google' this- FRONTLINE: OBAMA'S WAR, and watch it on the web....
*Consumer Comment: Worldwide Alert!!! "BOUNTIFUL BREAST POEM" is available at the BOUNTIFUL BREAST page of this site. Simply go to the....
*Consumer Comment: ***Worldwide Web Alert!!!!! BROCK O'BOMB-A POEM can be 'Googled'. Anyone can 'Google' this- BROCK O'BOMB-A POEM, and read it....
*Consumer Comment: BROCK O'BOMB-A POEM is available at the BANK OF AMERICA page of this site. It appears where "SQUIDRACULA POEM" is currently posted.
*Consumer Comment: BROCK O'BOMB-A POEM....
*Consumer Comment: "MASSACHUSETTS ERECTION POEM" can be found at the.....
*Consumer Comment: *********URGENT WORLDWIDE ALERT!!!! *********URGENT WORLDWIDE ALERT!!!!! *ANYONE IN THE WORLD CAN.........
*Consumer Comment: BEEN BEER-NANKY POEM.....
*Consumer Comment: The priest In calfornia needs to get over It
*Consumer Comment: Cat loves to start arguements
*Consumer Suggestion: charles, you don't need a break
*Consumer Comment: Not relevant to anything I said. Try again.
*Consumer Comment: Anonymous, just chill...
*Consumer Comment: Screw you Andromeda
*Consumer Comment: Knock it off! It is all over!
*Consumer Comment: Why must people bring politics into this site?
*Consumer Comment: Obama won get over it
*Consumer Suggestion: Taxes will no doubt go up
*Author of original report: I take back what I said!
*Author of original report: I take back what I said!
*Author of original report: I take back what I said!
*Author of original report: I take back what I said!
*Consumer Suggestion: Hillary will take the office no doubt!
*Consumer Comment: Wow
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Barack Obama has herpes, is gay and does not support anyone but Corporate interests and the White and Black elite.
He does not care about anyone but his own ego. He lies, cheats and steals and support nuclear energy leaks which cause birth defects.
He also hates immigrants and refers to them "going to the back of the line." Why doesn't he just say, "go to the back of the bus."
His wife received kickbacks at her job after he became senator. He used to support slumlords in Chicago.
He voted to give billions of dollars to support the Iraq War and now claims he was against it.
He cannot make up his mind and he is a liar.
He used affirmative action to get into Harvard but never admits it.
He got kickbacks from Rezco to buy a house and he uses words to deceive the American public.
He does not like Blacks, unless they have a lot of money.
Beware of this liar! He just wants your vote so he can turn on you once he is elected. He is a suspected Muslim terrorist who will sink America.
Vote for Ralph Nader! He is a truth teller. There is an obama truth website that is a must-see. Stay away from Barack Obama, he is a hustler.
Ben Carson
Baltimore, Maryland
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 02/24/2008 10:03 AM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
If you would like to see more Rip-off Reports on this company/individual, search here:

#41 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Karl - ()
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 13, 2014
If the mainstream media is able to successfully manipulate the majority of voters in this country into electing Hillary Clinton as president in 2016, if she chooses to run, do you think that she would allow Wall Street to gamble away the trillions of dollars that Americans have invested in the stock market just like they did after President Clinton signed legislation repealing the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999? Feel free to share your thoughts.

#40 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Karl - ()
SUBMITTED: Thursday, March 13, 2014
Do you think that the mainstream media will be able to successfully manipulate the American people again leading up to the next presidential election in 2016? My guess is that Wall Street would like to see Hillary Clinton as president. You can 'Google' this- FRONTLINE: THE WARNING, and watch that documentary on the web. President Bill Clinton can be seen in that documentary signing legislation that repealed the Glass-Steagall Act.
The Glass-Steagall Act separated Investment Banking and Commercial Banking. It protected the American people from having their money gambled away by Wall Street. President Clinton was obviously manipulated into repealing the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999, in my opinion. It's one of the main reasons that the banking system melted down and the American people were forced to bail-out all of the publicly held banks and other Wall Street corporations like AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, General Motors, and even Chrysler Corporation. You can 'Google' this- FRONTLINE: INSIDE THE MELTDOWN, and watch that documentary on the web for proof.
Have a nice day, and feel free to give us an update.
"Knowledge is power."

#39 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Karl - ()
SUBMITTED: Thursday, November 21, 2013
is only available at this website. Just type in 1088808 and it appears in the consumer comments section at Ripoff Report #1088808.

#38 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Shitt Rumpney - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Monday, October 01, 2012
You arguing, dusgruntled repugs never cease until you go as far as sell your own mother if she vote for PRESIDENT OBAMA OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (...that is spelled "AMERCIA" in repuglicanese..)
"if" by some unholy and evil repug-deal with the devil thay Schitt wins, we all may as wrll kiss the country goodbye! We would be sitting in an outhouse fullbof holes , floating DEEEEP up in Schitt Rumpney's Crick without a paddle.

#37 Consumer Comment
Someone is An Angry Gay Herp
AUTHOR: Shitt Rumpney - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Monday, October 01, 2012
Lol, reads like YOU are the little one thats herpatically gay. Reads that its YOU who lies, cheat and steal. "I F" any of your spew was remotely true, then what will that make Schitt Rumpney? Yup, Satan himself! I can say with the FULLEST of confidence that "if" "it" win, and I am certain "it" will not, but if "it" does, we all will be sitting in an outhouse with holes, floating up SCHITT RUMPNEY CRICK without a paddle.

#36 Consumer Comment
***WEB ALERT: It was just reported that if you 'Google' this- OBAMA RIP OFF, it will...
AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, September 15, 2012
take you to this Ripoff Report. Thank You

#35 Consumer Comment
***WEB ALERT: It was just reported that "WEB SONG 3" was submitted at this site! Just type in 563072 to see......
AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 10, 2011
if it is available in the consumer comments section at Ripoff Report #563072.
Thank You

#34 Consumer Comment
****BUBBLE ALERT: It was just reported that "BUBBLE SONG 4" was submitted at this site! Just type in- BANK OF AMERICA, and......
AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, May 08, 2011
it might be available soon in the consumer comments section at one of the Bank of America Ripoff Reports.
Thank You
Have a great week!

#33 Consumer Comment
"BUBBLE SONG 3".......
AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, May 05, 2011
was submitted at this website on May 5th, 2011.
*Just type in 529757 to see if it has been posted in the consumer comments section at Ripoff Report #529757.
Thank You

#32 Consumer Comment
GLOBAL ALERT: It was just reported that "HAMPy-TARPy SONG" will be available soon at the BANK OF AMERICA page of Ripoff Report....
AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, October 26, 2010
in the consumer comments section at Ripoff Report #646259.

#31 Consumer Comment
I do not want a government that's controlled by the Federal Reserve anymore because....
AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, October 20, 2010
the Federal Reserve isn't 'for' the people of the United States of America.

#30 Consumer Comment
I do not want a ontrolled congress and senate or a republican president they don't care about us they only wish to destroy us palin just needs to shut up
AUTHOR: Charles - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, October 19, 2010
These republicans only care about themselves, these people who voted republicans out In 2008 know how bad & "CRUEL" they are to people. The republicans have never fixed these issues we are In today.
If the republicans win It will be the same old mess like today. But you can't tell stupid people anything, that Is the same stupid people who voted George w bush for a second term.
I don't want a republican congress & senate & a republican president. I am also a American Citizen who was legally born here.

#29 Consumer Comment
2ND PRESIDENTIAL ALERT: My fellow Americans, it seems as though "BANK SONG 3" is available at the BANK OF AMERICA page of Ripoff Report...
AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, October 19, 2010
in the consumer comments section at Report #411913.

#28 Consumer Comment
PRESIDENTIAL ALERT: It was just reported that "WALL STREET SONG 2" was released moments ago and might be available at the BANK OF AMERICA page of Ripoff Report....
AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Friday, October 15, 2010
very soon.

#27 Consumer Comment
Dear President Obama, Exactly three years ago today at the FUEL FREEDOM INTERNATIONAL page of Ripoff Report, the Update entitled- "Blame it on a Lawyer" was posted....
AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, August 21, 2010
and it has become clear that the last thing stated in 'Consumer Comment #3' came true.

#26 Consumer Comment
*URGENT ALERT FOR PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Please go to the GM CREDIT CARD SERVICES page of this site and read 'Consumer Comment #1' posted under Betty's Ripoff Report.....
AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, August 18, 2010
and make sure to read her Ripoff Report and all of the other 'Consumer Comments' as soon as possible.

#25 Consumer Comment
Anyone can 'Google' this- FRONTLINE: OBAMA'S WAR, and watch it on the web....
AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, August 11, 2010
isn't that correct?

#24 Consumer Comment
Worldwide Alert!!! "BOUNTIFUL BREAST POEM" is available at the BOUNTIFUL BREAST page of this site. Simply go to the....
AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 06, 2010
BOUNTIFUL BREAST page of Ripoff Report and you can read "BOUNTIFUL BREAST POEM".

#23 Consumer Comment
***Worldwide Web Alert!!!!! BROCK O'BOMB-A POEM can be 'Googled'. Anyone can 'Google' this- BROCK O'BOMB-A POEM, and read it....
AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, June 02, 2010
on the web.

#22 Consumer Comment
BROCK O'BOMB-A POEM is available at the BANK OF AMERICA page of this site. It appears where "SQUIDRACULA POEM" is currently posted.
AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, May 30, 2010

#21 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, May 26, 2010
who controls the U.S. economy, right?

#20 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 24, 2010
can be 'Googled'.

#19 Consumer Comment
"MASSACHUSETTS ERECTION POEM" can be found at the.....
AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Bank of America page of this site.

#18 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Karl - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, January 31, 2010
'Google' this- MASSACHUSETTS ERECTION POEM, and read it!

#17 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Karl - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, January 19, 2010
is available at the BANK OF AMERICA page of this site.

#16 Consumer Comment
The priest In calfornia needs to get over It
AUTHOR: Charles - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, November 29, 2008
The priest In calfornia needs to get over It obama won, he Is saying all people who voted for obama should confess. I didn't commit any sin I vote for who I want to not what some dumb priest says.
If anyone should have to confess It should be the bush supporters they commited an imoral sin by voting for bush & look @ what he has done to this country.
The bush voters are responsible for 09/11/2001 for killing almost 4,000 & almost 5,000 soldiers deaths & disabled many. Know this Is an immoral sin bush has committed killing people.
Its the bush people who needs to confess for there sin for voting In bush who has abused his powers then any other president. Of course bush isn't held accountable for any of his mess.

#15 Consumer Comment
Cat loves to start arguements
AUTHOR: Charles - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, November 28, 2008
Cat loves to start arugements have I said anything to her no I have not. She doesn't know a thing about me or my situations of course cat & others don't think I deserve anything.
Who are they to judge me they do not know me or my situation they want everything for themselves only & they hell with everyone else, these people try there best to ruin my day.
They surely have alot of nerve to say the things they do to me, & again they know nothing about me or my situation. You just don't say those things to people.
But people like cat think they have the right to judge people & post nasty comments about me, they just really hate It because Its the truth & they try to shut me up.

#14 Consumer Suggestion
charles, you don't need a break
AUTHOR: Cat - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, November 28, 2008
You don't need a break. Instead get up and get a job like the rest of us do. Sure Obama won and I hope he does a good job. Lets hope we do not get hit by more terroists because if we do I am not sure he can handle it. However, life is not about getting "breaks". It is about us being responsible adults and getting off our behinds and making something about ourselves. I am all about helping those truly in need, however, most people want a hand out forever and that is just wrong. Almost everyone can find something to do to make money and help themselves instead of waiting for one man to come along, no matter what political party it is, to "give him a break". Oh please! God gave us a brain to figure out how to help ourselves, it is time most of those who scream they want a break, to figure out how to help themselves and secondly and most importantly, how to help others!Put your brain to work Charles and figure out how to do it yourself. You just might feel better about life! There are two words to live by.......Stop Whining!
Enough said!

#13 Consumer Comment
Not relevant to anything I said. Try again.
AUTHOR: Andromeda - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, November 27, 2008
Anonymous, Alabama
'This Is a site for everybody they allow you to post complaints about our government or president.'
Who are 'they'? Not relevant to anything I said. Space filler.
You must think this site is run by the United States Government. It is not. It is a PRIVATE website 'Vacuum head'. They can restrict anyone they choose to restrict. In fact you have broken an important rule of RipOffReport.
Lets see if you have enough brain power to figure out what the rule is. Tell us what it is on your NEXT post. If you are too mentally challenged to figure it out, I will help you.
'It seems you mccain supporters are sore losers this site Is where you can express your feelings about anything from rude service to politics but you assholes don't want the rest of us to have any freedoms or rights!'
Not relevant to anything I said. Space filler.
Do you see the connection between saying and being a liberal or just being YOU? Answer; they ALL complement each other.
We are waiting for you to tell us which rule you broke, and what makes you think you are 'special' enough to ignore the rule. I know you can't do that, because you don't really want to. It would make you look you didn't read the ROR rules before you pressed the 'submit' button.

#12 Consumer Comment
Anonymous, just chill...
AUTHOR: Edgeman - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Anonymous- "This Is a site for everybody they allow you to post complaints about our government or president."
I merely asked why people would post political discussions in a website aimed at protecting consumers. I don't go into belly dancing forums and post about homemade peanut butter recipes.
Anonymous- "It seems you mccain supporters are sore losers this site"
I don't believe that there are winners or losers when it comes to discussing politics on a consumer forum.
And for the record, I am not a McCain supporter. I voted third party.
Anonymous- "Is where you can express your feelings about anything from rude service to politics but you a-holes don't want the rest of us to have any freedoms or rights!."
I'd call that a drastic misinterpretation of my post. The right to freedom of speech does not apply to this website. Your freedoms and rights do not come from this site and questioning why you would post political topics here in no way diminishes your rights.

#11 Consumer Comment
Screw you Andromeda
AUTHOR: Anonymous - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, November 11, 2008
This Is a site for everybody they allow you to post complaints about our government or president.
It seems you mccain supporters are sore losers this site Is where you can express your feelings about anything from rude service to politics but you assholes don't want the rest of us to have any freedoms or rights!.

#10 Consumer Comment
Knock it off! It is all over!
AUTHOR: Andromeda - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I fully agree with 'Edgeman'. Knock it off! It is all over!
I like your posts 'Edgeman'. You are always right on.

#9 Consumer Comment
Why must people bring politics into this site?
AUTHOR: Edgeman - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Political discussions are not what this site is about. There are plenty of political forums to participate in.

#8 Consumer Comment
Obama won get over it
AUTHOR: Charles - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Obama won get over it. You bush supporters have been screaming for us to support bush for the last 8 years calling us every name In the book. You can complain all you feel likt It want work.
You mccain supporters are sure sore losers like you called us In the 2000 & 2004 election well get over It.
Well @ least mccain was mature and didn't act like bush did In 2000 but his supporters In the crowds where sore losers I was enjoying every minute of It I am laughing know.
Taxes will not go up this Is a lie from the republican sore losers, the reason why ya'll lost Is because ya'll are greedy, selfish, abusive name calling. This Is how ya'll treated clinton when he won In 1992.
We have freedom know obama Is for the middle class people he Is going to give us a break.
So like how you bush fans told us for the past 8 years get over It ya'll have ya'lls job security Its time for us to get jobs besides ya'll trying to take everything away from us.
Its ya'lls own fault ya'll lost at least mccain Is being more mature about losing then his supporters.
I believe nothing ya'll say.

#7 Consumer Suggestion
Taxes will no doubt go up
AUTHOR: Cat - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, November 10, 2008
Well taxes no doubt will be going up. The U.S. hopefully will not be going to He** in a handbasket. Honestly I do not who would have been worse. Hillary or him. Well, we will never know now. All I know is I am sick of 40% of Americans carrying the Tax burden. Everyone, including people on Welfare should Pay something, even if $100 a month. Heck, drive by any public housing and see HOW many are on cell phones and have cable tv hooked up? Why should they have cable when they are recieving aid? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!! I am all for helping those who actually need help. I am disabled, yet I WORK.Should I be at home? Yes. Why am I not. Because I have BILLS to pay! My daddy taught me this: There is a great place to go when you need money...............WORK!
Enough said!

#6 Author of original report
I take back what I said!
AUTHOR: Ben Carson - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, November 10, 2008
There is no truth to the comments I made above. I was wrong and take back what I said. Obama is a great person and will be the best president this world has ever known. I was full of anger and cynicism the day I wrote this blurb. I was also opposed to Obama's stance on abortion. After being disappointed by politicians all of my life, I responded out of the pain I had in my heart and attempted to hurt a wonderful person. I apologize and hope that he can find forgiveness in his heart. I have learned a lot about myself through this experience and I ask God for forgiveness. God Bless you all!

#5 Author of original report
I take back what I said!
AUTHOR: Ben Carson - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, November 10, 2008
There is no truth to the comments I made above. I was wrong and take back what I said. Obama is a great person and will be the best president this world has ever known. I was full of anger and cynicism the day I wrote this blurb. I was also opposed to Obama's stance on abortion. After being disappointed by politicians all of my life, I responded out of the pain I had in my heart and attempted to hurt a wonderful person. I apologize and hope that he can find forgiveness in his heart. I have learned a lot about myself through this experience and I ask God for forgiveness. God Bless you all!

#4 Author of original report
I take back what I said!
AUTHOR: Ben Carson - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, November 10, 2008
There is no truth to the comments I made above. I was wrong and take back what I said. Obama is a great person and will be the best president this world has ever known. I was full of anger and cynicism the day I wrote this blurb. I was also opposed to Obama's stance on abortion. After being disappointed by politicians all of my life, I responded out of the pain I had in my heart and attempted to hurt a wonderful person. I apologize and hope that he can find forgiveness in his heart. I have learned a lot about myself through this experience and I ask God for forgiveness. God Bless you all!

#3 Author of original report
I take back what I said!
AUTHOR: Ben Carson - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, November 10, 2008
There is no truth to the comments I made above. I was wrong and take back what I said. Obama is a great person and will be the best president this world has ever known. I was full of anger and cynicism the day I wrote this blurb. I was also opposed to Obama's stance on abortion. After being disappointed by politicians all of my life, I responded out of the pain I had in my heart and attempted to hurt a wonderful person. I apologize and hope that he can find forgiveness in his heart. I have learned a lot about myself through this experience and I ask God for forgiveness. God Bless you all!

#2 Consumer Suggestion
Hillary will take the office no doubt!
AUTHOR: Randy - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, April 07, 2008
All I know is that Nostradamus predicted allot of things. (9/11 twin sisters will fall) (Hitler with hister the killer) etc.. When I heard that he predicted that a muslim man taking office will cause one of the greatest nations in the world to crumble from within, it sent a few chills down my spine. All I have to say is I hope Nostradamus is wrong if he gets in office. I would rather see Hilary in so she won my vote.
May the best "Person" win!

#1 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Xxdizzygoogirlxx - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Did you bother to do any research on Obama before you posted this? I actually snorted with laughter when I read it.

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