Complaint Review: By Stefan Muth - Laupahoehoe Hawaii
- By Stefan Muth Laupahoehoe, Hawaii, And Angeles City, Philippines Laupahoehoe, Hawaii U.S.A.
- Phone: 877-396-3266
- Web:
- Category: On-Line Business By Stefan Muth Treated me and all his workers badly, abused us, ripped us off, bullied us, etc. Laupahoehoe Hawaii
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: Winston Wu's cyber terrorism linked to being born with a small p***s" SOURCE: Asian Science Magazine
*Consumer Comment: Super Dolt!
*Consumer Suggestion: To Robert, the poster above
*Consumer Suggestion: To Robert, the poster above
*Consumer Comment: Not too smart, are you?
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Remove this post
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Retraction by poster
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Warning: Stefan Muth does NOT keep his promises!
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Here is what happens to you if you work for Stefan Muth and
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Class action lawsuit against Stefan Muth of
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: 2 confirmatory updates about Stefan Muth and
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: ATTENTION: The above retraction was NOT posted by Winston Wu, but faked by Stefan Muth!
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Stefan Muth of now says he plans to sue my parents and wishes them financial harm too!!!
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: WARNING: The above retraction was NOT posted by me! Stefan hacked into my account and faked that report from me!
*Author of original report: Winston Wu, owner of
*Author of original report: What you should know before you decide to work for or with Stefan Muth or his site at
*Author of original report: What you should know before you decide to work for or with Stefan Muth or his site at
*Author of original report: What you should know before you decide to work for or with Stefan Muth or his site at
*Author of original report: What you should know before you decide to work for or with Stefan Muth or his site at
*Author of original report: Update and four new testimonials
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This is a warning to anyone considering working for a man named Stefan Muth for his health company at
Me and four other people can honestly testify that this man is verbally abusive, treats people badly, does not deliver on his promises, and is mentally unstable and probably clinically insane as well.
He had me flown to Hawaii to work for him back in 2006. When I arrived he failed to give me the work he promised, which was doing medical research by plaigiarizing medical info from other websites onto thousands of webpages under his domain name to make money from them with google adsense. He offered no valid reason for refusing to give me the work he promised, other than that he just didn't feel it was worth it.
He did not offer to fly me back home either. Over the next few months, he verbally abused me and called me his punching bag. His rantings were clearly insane and that of a madman. He could not be reasoned with. All he did was pound me and as soon as I retaliated and stood up for myself, he became my enemy. In short, I did EVERYTHING he asked of me and NEVER did anything wrong to him, so therefore he had no valid reason to make me into an enemy or start a feud with me. Yet that's exactly what he did. Certainly that is an act of a madman with issues.
He had me do other menial tasks for him instead, such as forging fake business reports while he was in the Philippines, so that he could use them to support writing off his expenses on his taxes as business expenses, in effect committing tax fraud to the IRS. (I have the emails from him saved up which prove this to be true, if interested, contact me at my email below)
Eventually, he lost all his other workers as well, after fights with them which he mostly started, due to his abuse and mistreatment of them as well as broken promises.
Then after we parted, he hacked into my yahoo email account and stole naked pictures of me and my girlfriend Mary Ann in bed that I never made public. And he posted them on a hate site about me at (I later found out from his former friend that he obtained my yahoo email password through the use of keylogging software on his laptop which recorded every keystroke, so that when I used it to log into my email when we were living together, it recorded my password. In addition, he posted demonstratable lies about me on that site that were disproven yet still remained on there.)
All this has been documented and described on my site in detail, backed by specific examples, at (((ROR redacted)))
All these claims about his abusive insane personality is supported from testimonials from four other people: Dan, Joe Fisher, Prashant Triveldi, and Charles DiBella. Together our five testimonials constitute conclusive proof of his abusive personality, bad behavior, and insane unstable personality, as they all describe him in the same way.
Their testimonials and comments are available upon request from me. Contact me at the email you can find on my home page at (((ROR redacted)))
(Note: Due to this site's rules, I could not put my direct email in this report, so I told you how to find it instead, or you can google "Winston Wu", my name, to find my email, if my site link above ends up getting removed.)
Any other questions about Stefan Muth or his web business at, can be sent to me at the email above too.
Everything I have claimed I swear is true and can be backed up by evidence, and therefore does not constitute libel against him.
Thanks for listening.
PS - His hate site about me at has recently been taken down by his hosting company after I filed complaints of 3 illegal acts on it, including use of stolen pictures hacked from my email account. But I have a copy of it saved before it was taken down.
CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.
Bellingham, Washington
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 01/11/2009 04:27 AM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
If you would like to see more Rip-off Reports on this company/individual, search here:

#20 REBUTTAL Individual responds
Winston Wu's cyber terrorism linked to being born with a small p***s" SOURCE: Asian Science Magazine
AUTHOR: victim of and winston - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 08, 2013
Nancy Le wrote a wonderful article on Winston Wu (link to article). My favorite part of the article was discussing Winston's p***s size and how once that became common knowledge, he wrote an article about '10 Uncommon and Outstanding Things about Winston Wu' and elequently wrote that is Winston was so special, why does he need to write about this and publish it...LMAO. We had a horrible experience with Winston, on our couch, we tried which promotes this d****e. That is another story,
In closing Nancy Le's article shared more of the mind of Winston Wu: "I need to take 5 hours out of my day to write "10 Uncommon and Outstanding Things about Winston Wu". Because now the women are really going to want me now! hardy har har!"

#19 Consumer Comment
Super Dolt!
AUTHOR: Robert - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, January 11, 2012
I don't work or have any affiliation with RipOff Report. I'm a self-employed (property management and computer services) casual reader who sometimes posts things to help folks with credit issues and to occasionally highlight the antics of dolts who should be removed from the human gene pool. You fall into the latter category.
You posted defaming information about this guy for almost 2 YEARS, post a retraction, and then ONE YEAR after that you demand the post be deleted OR ELSE? LMAO!
Yes indeed, you're a super dolt.
If this person is threatening to sue you for your internet antics, you're just gonna have to suck it up. Maybe you should read the terms of use of websites before you let your fingers right checks that your wallet can't cash. As I stated earlier, it wouldn't be hard for RoR to sue you or to have your ISP shut your website down because of your threats to commit criminal acts! I doubt they will and that's a good thing for you. It seems you already have enough legal issues! LOL!

#18 Consumer Suggestion
To Robert, the poster above
AUTHOR: Truth seeker - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, January 07, 2012
I don't know who you are, but I assume you must work for this site, either as a partner or moderator, otherwise why would you give a sh** about the posts being constantly posted here?
You and Ed Magedson are the ones who are not smart. If you were smart, you'd let the poster of the complaints here remove their OWN posts. Ed's excuse why he can't are total BS and you know it. He can easily put in functions that allow posters to remove their own posts. All other NORMAL LEGITIMATE websites let their posters delete their own posts, or will do it for them. So why won't Ed? You know why.
Furthermore, I can easily verify my identity. So Ed has no excuse, other than greed.
You are BSing when you say that Ed can sue me for harassment. LOL. What a joke. Ed is in HIDING dude, because there is a $10,000 price tag on his head, a reward for information leading to his whereabouts, so he can be served a lawsuit. Haven't you heard? If he came out and tried to sue me, I could try to collect on that reward. LOL Duh.
Besides, you can't sue me anyway since I live in Asia. Dummy!
Ed is the one that's not smart here. He has pissed off so many people and made so many enemies, that eventually his wrongdoings will catch up to him one day. That's not smart at all. He refuses to choose any peaceful solutions. That's not smart either.
Look, the fact of the matter is, I've hired contractors from different countries to constantly post that letter that you keep deleting from the moderation queue three times a day. And they will CONTINUE doing it and annoying the hell out of you.
Let's make this easy. Just take this page down and we can all live in peace ok? Or here, let me propose a compromise then. You take down this page and the other one about, both of them, and I promise I'll never tell anyone about how I managed to get them taken down, so that others will not try the same thing ok? Or how about this: Edit the meta tags on this page to "no index" so that this page will not be indexed by Google, and then we will stop the harassing posts.
Do we have a deal? I hope so. Otherwise, my contractors will continue bothering you until you comply and do the right thing! Your call.
Peace out.

#17 Consumer Suggestion
To Robert, the poster above
AUTHOR: Truth seeker - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, January 07, 2012
I don't know who you are, but I assume you must work for this site, either as a partner or moderator, otherwise why would you give a sh** about the posts being constantly posted here?
You and Ed Magedson are the ones who are not smart. If you were smart, you'd let the poster of the complaints here remove their OWN posts. Ed's excuse why he can't are total BS and you know it. He can easily put in functions that allow posters to remove their own posts. All other NORMAL LEGITIMATE websites let their posters delete their own posts, or will do it for them. So why won't Ed? You know why.
Furthermore, I can easily verify my identity. So Ed has no excuse, other than greed.
You are BSing when you say that Ed can sue me for harassment. LOL. What a joke. Ed is in HIDING dude, because there is a $10,000 price tag on his head, a reward for information leading to his whereabouts, so he can be served a lawsuit. If he came out and tried to sue me, I could try to collect on that reward. LOL Duh.
Besides, you can't sue me anyway since I live in Asia. Dummy!
Look, the fact of the matter is, I've hired contractors from different countries to constantly post that letter that you keep deleting from the moderation queue three times a day. And they will CONTINUE doing it and annoying the hell out of you.
Let's make this easy. Just take this page down and we can all live in peace ok? Or here, let me propose a compromise then. You take down this page and the other one about, both of them, and I promise I'll never tell anyone about how I managed to get them taken down, so that others will not try the same thing ok? Or how about this: Edit the meta tags on this page to "no index" so that this page will not be indexed by Google, and then we will stop the harassing posts.
Do we have a deal? I hope so. Otherwise, my contractors will continue bothering you until you comply and do the right thing! Your call.
Peace out.

#16 Consumer Comment
Not too smart, are you?
AUTHOR: Robert - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Not too smart reason 1: If you read the policies posted on RipOff Report, you will know that they do not take down or delete postings-PERIOD. In fact, when sued they vigorously DEFEND any such lawsuits and have been successful in the U.S. Courts.
Not too smart reason 2: Proclaiming you're going to harass someone (cyber-bullying/extortion) is not a smart thing to proclaim to the public. Following-up with promised harassment would be less smart as they have all the packet records to PROVE where the harassment is coming from. In other words Einstein, it would be a simple matter for them to sue you, have you prosecuted criminally, or both. It appears to me you might already have enough legal troubles thanks to your postings.
Not too smart reason 3: Engaging in internet warfare is never a good idea. Especially on a website that will not delete any postings. If someone is threatening to sue you for defamation because of what you posted on RoR, you'll just have to suck it up Einstein.

#15 UPDATE EX-employee responds
Remove this post
AUTHOR: RipOffRippedMeOff - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Monday, January 02, 2012
To the owner/moderator of RipoffReport:
I have written to you repeatedly to remove these posts of mine at the link below. There is NO logical reason why you can't.
Therefore, until you remove them, I will continue posting this on your site multiple times EVERYDAY until you comply! I will NOT STOP harassing you about this! I will be bothering you EVERYDAY about it until you comply with the simple request! I NEED THEM TAKEN DOWN IMMEDIATELY! Do us both a favor please, so we can give this a rest!

#14 UPDATE EX-employee responds
Retraction by poster
AUTHOR: Truth seeker - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, April 17, 2011
I, Winston Wu, would like to officially retract my complaints and
statements about Stefan Muth above. They were posted here as part of a
feud, the intent being purely to damage his reputation and that of his
business. This feud has been settled, and you can see through a Google
search that no one else is making these claims.
Therefore, I
would like to ask that the admin of this site kindly remove this report.
False reports such as mine do nothing for the reputation of your site,
so by removing it you are not only helping our reputations, but yours
You may verify that this retraction really came from me,
Winston Wu, by contacting me through my business website at . Note: If you don't see the
URL because it was removed per this site's policy, simply go to Google
and type in "Happier Abroad" and then click the Contact button from the
navigation menu. When you contact me, I will verify that I really did
indeed post this retraction you are reading now.
Thank you for your understanding.
Winston Wu
Founder of Happier Abroad

#13 UPDATE EX-employee responds
Warning: Stefan Muth does NOT keep his promises!
AUTHOR: Truth seeker - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, December 10, 2010
Stefan Muth of has a record and pattern of breaking his
promises, simply because he "feels like it" with no valid reason. For
example, before I came to him in Hawaii, he promised to give me
Marketing Research for his website, which he never did. He also promised
a 500 dollar reward for anyone who could find him a wife. I referred
him to the Asian Cam site where he met his wife Rosa, but never got a
single cent in reward money for that. He also promised to reimburse me
for expenses I incurred in doing a few errands for him, which he never
did. And he bet me 2000 dollars on a feature related to Yahoo Groups
that he didn't believe, yet when he lost, which he admitted, he never
paid any of it. Etc.
His former website manager, Joe Fisher, also
reported being jipped by Muth, of $10,000! In his email to me, he
wrote regarding Muth:
essentially stole 10,000 from me, in the form of wages promised but
never paid (this is heavily documented) needless to say I am no longer
working for him, and a new worker Mikey and him are possibly embroiled
in a legal battle over trivial circumstances. My honest opinion is
that he is unstable and possibly not even safe to be around, let alone
do business with, I curse my poor judgement in ever trusting him."
Obviously, Muth is not a man of integrity. His word doesn't mean much and he is not to be trusted.

#12 UPDATE EX-employee responds
Here is what happens to you if you work for Stefan Muth and
AUTHOR: Truth seeker - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 31, 2010

#11 UPDATE EX-employee responds
Class action lawsuit against Stefan Muth of
AUTHOR: Truth seeker - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, May 29, 2010
Check out this announcement by Dan, another one of Stefan Muth's victims:
Stefan Andreas Muth
Criminal and Civil charges are being brought
in the People's Court.
Subscribe to this thread for mini-updates
IF you have been wronged by Stefan Muth,
either in connection with his "Garden O'Vegan",
Diagnose-Me.Com or in any other connection,
please contact us here via the Contact Us link
or write:
(read more about Stefan Muth below)
A real-world "Phate", a cyber criminal named Stefan Muth
(Stefan Andreas Muth) :
apparently decided to vent his frustrations in life by going on a rampage of attacking those intending to 'start intentional communities', such as myself; he attacked the Hopi Community website, stole and deleted their entire mailing list and then pretended to be them, emailing things to everyone on their mailing list in their names
(Prashant Trivedi and Charles DiBella)
to make it look like Prashant and Charles had sent those emails
themselves, in a futile yet damaging attempt to publicly
slander and defame their character.
Stefan Muth then had the additional nerve to put up a slanderous website about them and make sure it was listed in the search engines.
Then Stefan Muth went after me, "Paradisian" (also known as Computerman here on this website). He contacted me by email on 'January 2, 1999' in order to 'enquire' about the
Paradise Gardens / Paradise Restoration Project.
He told me over time that he wanted
to invest something like $200,000 plus his own energy working
(somehow) on the Project.
Fairly soon he was in Hawaii (July 9, 1999) and I arranged for him to
rent the room across the hall with his then-wife Anna and their son
He bought a computer "for the Foundation" and put it in my room ...
with a program installed on it known as a 'key logger' (SkIN98)
which was able to record every keystroke including of course passwords.
At the time I used the same password for everything like most
people so soon Stefan had access to my Angelfire Web Shell where
the free web pages from Angelfire are edited.
Stefan threatened strictly for his own sick entertainment's
sake to delete my entire website, "Your site will qualify for a free site maintenance" is his thinly-veiled code language for "your website will be deleted", which is what he typed to me in an email I still have a copy of.
Stefan Muth deleted my entire e-mail list, having made already made a copy for himself, and like he did to Prashant Trivedi and Charles DiBella, proceeded to e-mail not only slanderous lies about me sent to them under my name and from my email account he had taken over but he also blocked senders of emails to my account from the period between approximately October 1998 when he first guessed my password and there was unauthorised activity detected on my account up until I learned enough after and due to his attacks how to
defend myself from him and similar cyber-bullies, which I achieved
to an acceptable degree by about January of 2001, which is
corroborated by copies of full original web pages of emails, web sites
and other things I have saved and sent to mirror storage sites for safekeeping just for this occasion.
I wish not to curse but to bless
but the only way left to bless Stefan Muth and those he has harmed
is to bring him to justice;
During the period during (circa 'October 1998', to 'January 2001') which he had been clicking "Block Sender" on any sincere people's e-mail addresses that attempted to contact me at , a woman and her daughter, named respectively Ute Maria Leinmueller ("Sunami"), and Stephanie Joerke, were searching for a new and natural place to live
instead of their native Germany; they, like "Paradisian" left their ancestral homelands of Germany and California, for the Big Island of Hawai'i the same year, 1998; it was pre-destined for Paradisian and Sunami to meet; in fact the day we met on
'November 1, 2000', Toden Santagun,
during our short approximately 30-minute meeting, Ute's mother
arrived during our meeting all the way from Germany for the
first time, partly to celebrate Toden Santagun, the ancient
German holiday celebrated by the ancestral tribes of
the German small people, mostly Old Believers from southern
Germany; this just stands as more proof tat God is real (Is-rael).
Due to Stefan blocking those senders, the email messages desperately sent by Sunami (Ute Leinmueller) never reached me in Hawaii and resulted directly inme not being able to save her physical life by that day, 'December 29, 2000';
therefore Stefan Andreas Muth is guilty of
being an accessory to the murder of Ute Maria Leinmueller.
(Stefan Muth later admitted to me in a private conversation whispered into my ear approximately two days before he moved out of the Rossmond Hotel where we were both staying that for months and months he had been blocking my emails;
while he said this he laughed very hard like he had told the funniest joke in his life as he went away from my room
and back to his across the hall,
I remember it well; I also have several emails and other empirical evidence which all taken together form an extremely solid foundation for my claims [and the claims of others he has harmed who intend to be members of the class which is bringing these criminal complaints and civil charges for damages and restitution against Stefan Muth.

#10 UPDATE EX-employee responds
2 confirmatory updates about Stefan Muth and
AUTHOR: Truth seeker - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, May 09, 2010
Update # 1
As of March 2010, two sources inform me that Stefan Muths new Filipina wife, Rosa, has left him and returned to the Philippines. I have no more details as of yet. But if I do, I will post them here.
This is just as I predicted though. No girl, no matter how tolerant or lackadaisical, can possibly tolerate him, and even if she could, he makes sure that she wont. What do you expect from a guy whom everyone has a horror story to tell about? Poor girl. She must have endured hell with him. I speak from firsthand experience too.
Again this is not about my opinion vs. anyone elses. All the independent testimonials and evidence clearly and unequivocably point to the fact thatStefan Muth is a nasty insane hater who is highly imbalanced and so unpleasant and hateful that he ends up making enemies out of everyone who spends time with him. His recent break up is yet further confirmation of this, one more testimonial stacked on a mountain of evidence already.
Btw, Stefan Muth hacked into my Yahoo email again. He read the email exchanges between me and Dan (another guy he had a falling out with back in the late 90's) and then sent us both a message to ridicule us.
I just changed my Yahoo password a few months ago, so I am surprised that he was able to get into again. Dan said that Muth might have known the answers to my security questions, and gained access that way. However, if he did it that way, then the password would have been changed and I would have been locked out of my own Yahoo account. But it's not and I can still access it with my password. So I do not know how else Muth could have hacked into it after I changed the password.
Update # 2
I talked to one of Stefan Muth's Filipino workers when I was in Angeles. He told me that my websites about Muth were very accurate and true, and that when he lived and worked with Muth, he experienced extreme stress like he never had before. He said that Muth would constantly attack and verbally abuse him and everyone to no end over very trivial things, sometimes over things that aren't even real except in Muth's head. Even when he apologized and bowed his head toStefan, it did not quell his anger. He also said that it was very uncomfortable being around Stefan because you could not even talk to him or reason with him. There was just no way to deal with him period, which is what I've been saying all along.
And this guy who used to work for Stefan is a VERY VERY easygoing sweet mellow guy, the type that EVERYONE gets along with!
Muth has a pattern of attacking everyone he knows or spends time with, often with false or exaggerated claims that he fervently believes. It's like he just makes up s**t about you out of nowhere and believes it as Gospel Truth to him, and once he does, there's nothing you can do about it. EVERYONE has experienced this from him. NO ONE is exempt. This is just another example.
The thing is, he told me not to mention his name online, because he is a God fearing person who hates conflict and does not want to be part of any online battle or risk incurring any repercussions from Muth. He tries to stay out of conflict as much as he can. It's not in his nature to argue or fight. And I can believe that cause of the personality I saw in him. He is one of the gentlest sweetest Filipino guys I have ever met.
So per his request, I will not name him here. But I just wanted to share this experience and testimony regarding Muth that is just another rock on the mountain of evidence about the kind of person he is that already exists.
To paraphrase what he told me:
"Living and working with him was sooooooooo stressful. It was the most stressful experience I ever had. He was always angry about everything. Even when I bowed my head and apologized, it didn't help. I am a God fearing man of peace and cannot handle such constant conflict and stress. It was too much. What you (Winston) wrote about him on your webpages is true."
What I don't get though, is why some people are like this. I mean, do people like Muth know that they are crazy and saying things that are wrong and not true? Or are they unaware of their own insanity? What drives such folks?

#9 UPDATE EX-employee responds
ATTENTION: The above retraction was NOT posted by Winston Wu, but faked by Stefan Muth!
AUTHOR: Truth Seeker - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 12, 2009
Just to let everyone know, I, Winston Wu, did NOT post that fake retraction above. You can even tell by the writing style and the satirical tone of it that it was not even serious, but designed to mock me. It's obvious.
Stefan Muth of posted it. And by doing so, it damages himself further and reinforces the charges by me and others of his cyber hacking and impersonation activities, since he hacked into my account on this site,, which is self evident above.
He pretty much did himself in. He obviously has no tact or decency since all he can do is do these childish things that anyone can see through.
I have no idea how he hacked into my account, but I've reported it to the staff of ripoffreport.
For now, just google his name (since they do not allow links posted on this site) Stefan Muth and you will see my web pages exposing the truth about him from five sources, including Hotmail Administration.
It's a clear cut case. All he can do is take cheap shots at me by hacking into my account here and trying to impersonate me by posting fake retractions. So low and childish. He is a sore loser. No one has any respect for him anymore.

#8 UPDATE EX-employee responds
Stefan Muth of now says he plans to sue my parents and wishes them financial harm too!!!
AUTHOR: Truth Seeker - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 12, 2009
Look here. Can he get any lower or more insane?! Clearly he's not even a decent human being. My God. Stefan Muth now says on his site attacking me that he plans to sue my parents, who have no knowledge about my campaign against him, and even says that he hopes that my father will suffer financial harm! That's sinking lower than I would ever have expected! Look!
Stefan Muth, evil owner of, writes on his attack site of me:
"Why don't I simply sue this twit? Applying libel laws to a penniless individual hiding in a Third World country is not easy. But yes, steps in this direction are being taken since even one counterfactual statement constitutes libel. Wu's activities are supported by his father who, if implicated, will be included in the lawsuit.
According less biased sources -- including those who have employed him, dated him, or spent time with him in general -- he is a bizarre sex-addict 'loser' living with Narcissistic Personality Disorder in his own fantasy world funded mainly by is father. One can only hope that recent stock market declines have stunted his father's future funding ability."
W: Christ Stefan, I didn't even think that you would go that low as to wish financial harm to my father, who is one of the nicest people in the world! My God. You've just totally destroyed all credibility and character for yourself there. And to think you're dumb enough to write that publicly on your site?! God help you, you are a really really sick man, lower than a loser even. Even my bashers will gasp and be ashamed to have you on their side now.
Nevertheless, I'm putting up what you said into my web pages about you. Now the best you can hope for is that people give pity. You are truly the lowest person I've ever met, period.
FYI, my dad has stable income from several residual sources that have nothing to do with the stock market. But thanks for the kind wishes.
Furthermore, your big lie above that my former employers and those I've dated think I'm a loser with NPD is laughable given that I've posted actual words from so many people who know me vs. those that know you, here: (((Redacted)))
Clearly, all you have are lies from your own mouth, while I have facts, proof, examples, and testimonials. The site above is one example of that, and a mountain of examples at that.
And even if I am a sex addict who is poor and lazy, so what? Even then, I'm not even one millionth as bad as you. I don't harm others or do illegal things like you do. So many people have nasty words about you, your malicious insane behaviors, cyber hacking crimes, fraudulent impersonation attempts, etc. On the other hand, you've got nothing on me, so you resort to lies and cheap shots which make yourself look bad, not me, yet you have the gall to delude yourself into thinking that the whole world is going to agree with you, when in reality it doesn't. And that was one annoying thing about being with you, that you'd say the most insane thing and act like the whole world and law of reality agreed with you, when in fact you were showing that you were a nutcase in plain view.
Anyhow, thank you for revealing your true colors. Now we all know the real you. Your image is clearly done for. Your sick plans are going up on all my web pages about you, including the ripoffreport page.
CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

#7 UPDATE EX-employee responds
WARNING: The above retraction was NOT posted by me! Stefan hacked into my account and faked that report from me!
AUTHOR: Hacked By Stefan Muth - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, January 20, 2009
WARNING! The above retraction statement was NOT posted by me, Winston Wu. Somehow, Stefan Muth, the man mentioned in this ripoffreport, hacked into my ripoffreport account and posted that fake update from me! I don't know how he did it. But at this point, I can't log into my account anymore. He must have changed my email and password in my profile to something I don't know. I can't retrieve my password either, when I try to, the page times out. So I had to create a new account.
I've reported all this to the support staff of Hopefully they will resolve this and fix my former account soon. (hope they are reading this right now)
Anyhow, this just goes to prove yet again, that this man is a known cyber hacker, the fact that he hacked into my account here!
In fact, see these quotes and testimonials from others who know Stefan Muth in real life and have had their email accounts hacked by him. This is taken from a comparison table comprised of quotes from people that know him in real life vs people that know me in real life. So in case you don't know who to believe, me or Stefan, just read these reports from people who know us in real life, and I promise you, there will be no doubt left in your mind.
What people who know or been involved with Stefan Muth say about him
* He essentially stole 10,000 from me, in the form of wages promised but never paid (this is heavily documented) needless to say I am no longer working for him, and a new worker Mikey and him are possibly embroiled in a legal battle over trivial circumstances. My honest opinion is that he is unstable and possibly not even safe to be around, let alone do business with, I curse my poor judgement in ever trusting him." - Joe Fisher, worked for Stefan and managed his website at, Mensa member
* He is the most vile and disgusting person i have ever met. - Joe Fisher
* I have never harmed another human being in my life, and I had to remove myself from him (Stefan) to prevent myself from doing so. - Joe Fisher
* Wow, no wonder you're so upset at him. I can scarcely imagine someone being around that guy for that long without hating being around him. - Dan in Hawaii, partnered with Stefan in ecological community project
* Anyone who has known Stephan Muth for even a short period of time, will attest to the validity of the following information........ if you intend to have any dealings with Stephan Muth, we encourage you to be cautious and investigate deeply. He is a very immature, malicious, and deceptive person - Prashant Trivedi, spiritual leader in India, from an announcement in his newsletter
* "We have read the writings of Stefan Muth, and decided earlier that we will not involve ourselves in useless argumentation with this deceptive and vindictive fellow. - Prashant Trivedi
* If I didn't already know, I would peg him at about 16 or 17 years of age. - Charles Dibella, friend and associate of Prashant
* "It was obvious to us at this point the sort of mentaility we were dealing with, so we broke all communication with Stefan." - Charles Dibella
* "He told me, "What's the matter, now, Dan, do you think I'm gonna steal your passwords or something?" Then he mumbled under his breath, "I've got them already, anyway"......... He then told me that he had gotten some software off the Web called SKIn98 (Stealth Keyboard Interceptor 98) that records every single keystroke and mouse-click, and can even send the detailed report to a remote e-mail address...He said, "I saw everything, you typed, passwords, everything" - Dan in Hawaii
* Stefan Muth attempted to ruin any chance I had at finding members for the community I am still trying to form, Paradise Gardens. He blocked my emails, tricked me into giving him my login information, spied on all my emails, deleted my address book and then published a slander site about myself, Prashant Trivedi and Charles DiBella." - Dan in Hawaii
* "I'm not even aware of the level of damages that might have been caused by him; he blocked my emails during a very critical development stage of the Project when I was possibly being (attempted to be) contacted by my wife-to-be, Ute Leinmuller, by email. If she tried to contact me and couldn't because Stefan blocked my emails then he is guilty of being an accessory to murder or manslaughter by having prevented our meeting early enough to warn Ute about the cult she got involved in, which I believe she threatened to expose and got murdered as a result in 2000. " - Dan in Hawaii
* "We had made an effort early on to reach consensus through discussing this matter openly, with all parties involved. Stefan rejected that offer." - Prashant Trivedi
* "He tried to impersonate me, and when that did not work, he broke into my hotmail account and stole all the email addresses." - Prashant Trivedi
* "Stefan's next step was to break into Prashant's Hotmail account, which he did successfully. From there, he read Prashant's private mail and stole our Himalayan Community newsletter list. He then began bulk mailing unsolicited messages of unfounded allegations to our subscribers." - Charles Dibella
* "From the return address that was posted, we later verified through a Hotmail administrator that these sick and perverted posts were linked to earlier hacking activities of Stefan Muth." - Charles Dibella
* "We have been in contact with a Hotmail administrator since this time and have verified that this was indeed Stefan, who is a persistant hacker, and who has over time used one hundred and ten other Hotmail aliases." - Charles Dibella
* "Aside from Mr. Muth, we were able to isolate two accomplices. We do not expect too much trouble from them in future." - Andrew Morton - Hotmail Accounts Analyst
* "Stupid!...He's so stupid!" - Anna his ex-wife, according to Dan's account
Analysis of Stefan by an advisor who read his rantings
* He is a control freak.
* I told ya I had a bad feeling about him the first time you described him (long ago).
* Yeah I saw his photos that you sent out. From his face, I could see that there was something not right about him.
* His ego has been damaged and he has low emotional intelligence.
* He uses people for his own benefit. When he is done with them he throws them away.
* Yeah I read it, he is just a control bully trying to manipulate you through passive-aggressive tactics.
* He hates you and is a bully. Both. He has serious character flaw issues, that's why he is a hermit and anti-social.
Analysis of Stefan from an expert and exposer of internet cyberpaths
* Muth is NOT unique in his methodology or mindset. He's a sociopath, like most of them.
To read testimonial accounts from those who were involved with Stefan Muth, from which the above quotes were taken, click here
What people who know or been involved with Winston Wu say about him
* "The truth is, I would trust Winston with my life." - Michael Goodspeed, long time friend of Winston, veteran writer, radio show co-host, and media critic
* "Winston - an Engaging personality! Met Winston at a social event, and was won over by his open, friendly nature, and ability to converse on a deeper plane than most. He is a really fun guy to be around - there is never a dull moment with Winston! He is a prolific and articulate writer, and his homepage is a site for sore eyes :) He is equally comfy talking to someone 1-1 as well as regaling groups of people with his world-wide adventures. Winston is definitely someone I'd love to be friends with, and hope to run into again." - The late Kumar, Microsoft employee from India
* "Winston Wu was a guest in our home in Phoenix this summer. He met my husband and I at the pool and after spending some time with Winston we were sure he would be a fine houseguest. He was generous, kind and helpful as I was 8 months pregnant during his stay! I have children and felt comfortable with him in our home. I wish him the very best and hope to see him again soon." - Erin Razinn from Phoenix, AZ
* "Winston was our guest for one night, and we hope we have a chance to meet him again. He seemed very level-headed, open-minded, and was a perfect guest in every way. It was wonderful and very easy to have a conversation with him, and provided valuable insights through his travels & experiences." - Raju, Naturopathic doctor, Morgan Hill, CA
* "Winston is a good fellow. He is a talented writer and knows how to express himself well. I trust him." - Nathan from Washington
* "Winston has a lot to share.He is a interesting person to have a conversation with.More you get to know him more he has to offer.Thank you for all your help.It's been my pleasure to spend time with you.I have only a humble bow to give you but it comes straight from heart." - Mikuu, backpacker from Finland
* "he's a nice and cheerfull guy. you can trust him, it was good to meet him :)" - Dominik, Krakow, Poland
* "We met here, in Lithuania, and he was very friendly, understenging,intelligent...oh i can say just good words about him, not strict..... This person is very reliable." - Samantha from Klaipeda, Lithuania
* "Winston seemed a person having inner intrigue which makes the time spent with him very interesting." - Vita, Kaunas, Lithuania
* "This is a cool cat who likes to travel and is personable. Not a dull moment here." - Dan Kizziah, Yuma, AZ
* "We ate chinese and I drank a lot of beer. Very nice guy with many intelligent things to say. Would have him over again anytime." - Sarah Haley, Colorado
* "Winston strikes me as the type of guy who would enjoy living in a desert teepee made out of recycled veggiemeat sandwich wrappers. A bit of a hippie, in other words. But very polite, perfectly pleasant and a good guest." - Nicole, Manila, Philippines
* The stuff you recommend, winston, has always managed to utterly CHANGE MY LIFE. thank you for being an inspiration. you will never know how much it means to me!!! - Elizabeth, close female friend in Southern California, model and actress
Note: To view screen shots of some of the quotes above on my Hospitality Club and Couchsurfing profiles, see here: Hospitality Club Profile , CouchSurfing Profile
To see quotes and comments from Winston's readers, fans and advisors, click here!

#6 Author of original report
Winston Wu, owner of
AUTHOR: Truth Seeker - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, January 19, 2009
Following legal advice, I have been made aware that my statements and additional comments against Stefan Muth and this company are libelous in nature.
Unfortunately, this web site does not allow comments to be retracted or deleted.
Stefan Muth has agreed not to file libel charges against me in this instance if I make the following statement:
I, Winston Wu, owner of, hereby admit that I posted fictitious information on this site about Stefan Muth and his company in an attempt to exact revenge for having been fired in March of 2007.
I, Winston Wu, owner of, hereby admit that I have a history of mental illness, variously diagnosed as Schizophrenia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and (most accurately) Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). As such, I am prone to lapses in judgement that cause incidents such as this.
I, Winston Wu, owner of, sincerely apologize for my unjustified assault on Stefan Muth's good name, and the name of his business.
I request that the Web Master of this web site kindly delete this entire entry against Stefan Muth and his company as soon as is possible.
Winston Wu
Angeles City, Philippines
January 19th, 2009

#5 Author of original report
What you should know before you decide to work for or with Stefan Muth or his site at
AUTHOR: Truth Seeker - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, January 13, 2009
If you are considering working for or with Stefan Muth or his site at, here are some things you should know and consider first:
- EVERYONE who has worked for him in the past has parted with him on BAD TERMS. No one has been exempt. That is obviously a major RED FLAG. And this includes very nice people as well.
- Deep down, he HATES people in general, and is a major pessimist and cynic. Thus, he tries to validate this disposition of his by actively seeking out the worst in you, focusing on it, and attempting to bring it out, in order to confirm his worldview and justify his hatred of people. You don't even have to do anything wrong or be guilty of anything for him to hate you. All you have to do is stand up to him when he belittles or abuses you, and he brands you as dead meat. At that point, he will do anything to ruin your life, in addition to lying, cheating, and stealing. Even if there's nothing about you to dislike, he will find something. It's guaranteed. Or he will make something up. And once he does, there's no arguing against him, cause he won't listen.
- He sees something wrong in EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. Even with the most flawless thing or person, he will ALWAYS find something wrong with it. It's just in his nature to do so. You can tell him the most wonderful news and he will put a negative spin on it. He is incapable of being positive, optimistic, or happy about anything. Instead, he lives and thrives on bringing down other people and things. In short, the s**t in his head he projects out onto the external world.
- He derives pleasure out of belittling, verbally abusing, and bullying others. But of course, he will not accept any of the same in return. And in fact, he proudly admitted to others that I was his verbal punching bag and even enjoyed throwing rocks and pebbles at me when I lived with him in Hawaii.
- He DELIGHTS in seeing other people SUFFERING and has even ADMITTED to this! Click here to see an example in his own words. Very sick and twisted, to say the least.
- When he asks you to do something for him, he often does not give clear or articulate directions. Instead, he expects you to read his mind, and if you guess wrong, he chews you out for it with an intolerant hot temper, never being able to see himself at fault for his vagueness and lack of communication. Needless to say, he has terrible communication skills. Of course, this behavior is illogical, but then again, he is not a rational, sensible or balanced person anyway.
- Though he is brilliant at computers and highly meticulous, he has no people skills whatsoever, obviously, yet he blames that all on others rather than on himself.
- Though he says false things about others and makes many mistakes, he will never listen to any corrections on it. And he will never apologize or admit his errors either. In his mind, he is always right and he has a God complex. That's another thing that makes him so hard to get along with. When he is wrong, you can't tell him about it, so you either have to lie and agree with him, or tell the truth and incur his wrath. That's like being stuck between a rock and a hard place.
- He is a major control freak and anal retentive, even about miniscule and unimportant things that don't matter one way or the other.
- If he thinks you are useful to him or on good terms with him, he will be generous and giving to you. But once he's had enough of you, he sees fit to knowingly lie about you, break his promises to you, not pay what he owes you, etc. That says a lot right there, cause a principled man would even treat his enemies fairly and justly. But he doesn't.
- He has wacky beliefs that undermine his credibility, sanity and sense of reality. Some examples: He believes that all pharmaceutical medicine is bad for you, and thus never takes medicine nor allows his children to take them, including pain killers such as Tylenol. He believes that a woman can only get pregnant from having sex, only ten days per month. He believes that a man can't win the heart of a woman without buying her through cash and expensive gifts. But of course, you can't show him that he's wrong about all these warped beliefs, not even through compassion, cause in his mind, he can't be wrong and he has some sort of a God complex. Furthermore, he is not a logical, sensible or rational man anyway.
I personally testify that all these things are true and an accurate description of him. With the above heeded, it's your choice whether you want to work for or with such a man. In case you think it's a case of my word against his, you can verify my credibility here: (((ROR redacted)))
CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

#4 Author of original report
What you should know before you decide to work for or with Stefan Muth or his site at
AUTHOR: Truth Seeker - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, January 13, 2009
If you are considering working for or with Stefan Muth or his site at, here are some things you should know and consider first:
- EVERYONE who has worked for him in the past has parted with him on BAD TERMS. No one has been exempt. That is obviously a major RED FLAG. And this includes very nice people as well.
- Deep down, he HATES people in general, and is a major pessimist and cynic. Thus, he tries to validate this disposition of his by actively seeking out the worst in you, focusing on it, and attempting to bring it out, in order to confirm his worldview and justify his hatred of people. You don't even have to do anything wrong or be guilty of anything for him to hate you. All you have to do is stand up to him when he belittles or abuses you, and he brands you as dead meat. At that point, he will do anything to ruin your life, in addition to lying, cheating, and stealing. Even if there's nothing about you to dislike, he will find something. It's guaranteed. Or he will make something up. And once he does, there's no arguing against him, cause he won't listen.
- He sees something wrong in EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. Even with the most flawless thing or person, he will ALWAYS find something wrong with it. It's just in his nature to do so. You can tell him the most wonderful news and he will put a negative spin on it. He is incapable of being positive, optimistic, or happy about anything. Instead, he lives and thrives on bringing down other people and things. In short, the s**t in his head he projects out onto the external world.
- He derives pleasure out of belittling, verbally abusing, and bullying others. But of course, he will not accept any of the same in return. And in fact, he proudly admitted to others that I was his verbal punching bag and even enjoyed throwing rocks and pebbles at me when I lived with him in Hawaii.
- He DELIGHTS in seeing other people SUFFERING and has even ADMITTED to this! Click here to see an example in his own words. Very sick and twisted, to say the least.
- When he asks you to do something for him, he often does not give clear or articulate directions. Instead, he expects you to read his mind, and if you guess wrong, he chews you out for it with an intolerant hot temper, never being able to see himself at fault for his vagueness and lack of communication. Needless to say, he has terrible communication skills. Of course, this behavior is illogical, but then again, he is not a rational, sensible or balanced person anyway.
- Though he is brilliant at computers and highly meticulous, he has no people skills whatsoever, obviously, yet he blames that all on others rather than on himself.
- Though he says false things about others and makes many mistakes, he will never listen to any corrections on it. And he will never apologize or admit his errors either. In his mind, he is always right and he has a God complex. That's another thing that makes him so hard to get along with. When he is wrong, you can't tell him about it, so you either have to lie and agree with him, or tell the truth and incur his wrath. That's like being stuck between a rock and a hard place.
- He is a major control freak and anal retentive, even about miniscule and unimportant things that don't matter one way or the other.
- If he thinks you are useful to him or on good terms with him, he will be generous and giving to you. But once he's had enough of you, he sees fit to knowingly lie about you, break his promises to you, not pay what he owes you, etc. That says a lot right there, cause a principled man would even treat his enemies fairly and justly. But he doesn't.
- He has wacky beliefs that undermine his credibility, sanity and sense of reality. Some examples: He believes that all pharmaceutical medicine is bad for you, and thus never takes medicine nor allows his children to take them, including pain killers such as Tylenol. He believes that a woman can only get pregnant from having sex, only ten days per month. He believes that a man can't win the heart of a woman without buying her through cash and expensive gifts. But of course, you can't show him that he's wrong about all these warped beliefs, not even through compassion, cause in his mind, he can't be wrong and he has some sort of a God complex. Furthermore, he is not a logical, sensible or rational man anyway.
I personally testify that all these things are true and an accurate description of him. With the above heeded, it's your choice whether you want to work for or with such a man. In case you think it's a case of my word against his, you can verify my credibility here: (((ROR redacted)))
CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

#3 Author of original report
What you should know before you decide to work for or with Stefan Muth or his site at
AUTHOR: Truth Seeker - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, January 13, 2009
If you are considering working for or with Stefan Muth or his site at, here are some things you should know and consider first:
- EVERYONE who has worked for him in the past has parted with him on BAD TERMS. No one has been exempt. That is obviously a major RED FLAG. And this includes very nice people as well.
- Deep down, he HATES people in general, and is a major pessimist and cynic. Thus, he tries to validate this disposition of his by actively seeking out the worst in you, focusing on it, and attempting to bring it out, in order to confirm his worldview and justify his hatred of people. You don't even have to do anything wrong or be guilty of anything for him to hate you. All you have to do is stand up to him when he belittles or abuses you, and he brands you as dead meat. At that point, he will do anything to ruin your life, in addition to lying, cheating, and stealing. Even if there's nothing about you to dislike, he will find something. It's guaranteed. Or he will make something up. And once he does, there's no arguing against him, cause he won't listen.
- He sees something wrong in EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. Even with the most flawless thing or person, he will ALWAYS find something wrong with it. It's just in his nature to do so. You can tell him the most wonderful news and he will put a negative spin on it. He is incapable of being positive, optimistic, or happy about anything. Instead, he lives and thrives on bringing down other people and things. In short, the s**t in his head he projects out onto the external world.
- He derives pleasure out of belittling, verbally abusing, and bullying others. But of course, he will not accept any of the same in return. And in fact, he proudly admitted to others that I was his verbal punching bag and even enjoyed throwing rocks and pebbles at me when I lived with him in Hawaii.
- He DELIGHTS in seeing other people SUFFERING and has even ADMITTED to this! Click here to see an example in his own words. Very sick and twisted, to say the least.
- When he asks you to do something for him, he often does not give clear or articulate directions. Instead, he expects you to read his mind, and if you guess wrong, he chews you out for it with an intolerant hot temper, never being able to see himself at fault for his vagueness and lack of communication. Needless to say, he has terrible communication skills. Of course, this behavior is illogical, but then again, he is not a rational, sensible or balanced person anyway.
- Though he is brilliant at computers and highly meticulous, he has no people skills whatsoever, obviously, yet he blames that all on others rather than on himself.
- Though he says false things about others and makes many mistakes, he will never listen to any corrections on it. And he will never apologize or admit his errors either. In his mind, he is always right and he has a God complex. That's another thing that makes him so hard to get along with. When he is wrong, you can't tell him about it, so you either have to lie and agree with him, or tell the truth and incur his wrath. That's like being stuck between a rock and a hard place.
- He is a major control freak and anal retentive, even about miniscule and unimportant things that don't matter one way or the other.
- If he thinks you are useful to him or on good terms with him, he will be generous and giving to you. But once he's had enough of you, he sees fit to knowingly lie about you, break his promises to you, not pay what he owes you, etc. That says a lot right there, cause a principled man would even treat his enemies fairly and justly. But he doesn't.
- He has wacky beliefs that undermine his credibility, sanity and sense of reality. Some examples: He believes that all pharmaceutical medicine is bad for you, and thus never takes medicine nor allows his children to take them, including pain killers such as Tylenol. He believes that a woman can only get pregnant from having sex, only ten days per month. He believes that a man can't win the heart of a woman without buying her through cash and expensive gifts. But of course, you can't show him that he's wrong about all these warped beliefs, not even through compassion, cause in his mind, he can't be wrong and he has some sort of a God complex. Furthermore, he is not a logical, sensible or rational man anyway.
I personally testify that all these things are true and an accurate description of him. With the above heeded, it's your choice whether you want to work for or with such a man. In case you think it's a case of my word against his, you can verify my credibility here: (((ROR redacted)))
CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

#2 Author of original report
What you should know before you decide to work for or with Stefan Muth or his site at
AUTHOR: Truth Seeker - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, January 13, 2009
If you are considering working for or with Stefan Muth or his site at, here are some things you should know and consider first:
- EVERYONE who has worked for him in the past has parted with him on BAD TERMS. No one has been exempt. That is obviously a major RED FLAG. And this includes very nice people as well.
- Deep down, he HATES people in general, and is a major pessimist and cynic. Thus, he tries to validate this disposition of his by actively seeking out the worst in you, focusing on it, and attempting to bring it out, in order to confirm his worldview and justify his hatred of people. You don't even have to do anything wrong or be guilty of anything for him to hate you. All you have to do is stand up to him when he belittles or abuses you, and he brands you as dead meat. At that point, he will do anything to ruin your life, in addition to lying, cheating, and stealing. Even if there's nothing about you to dislike, he will find something. It's guaranteed. Or he will make something up. And once he does, there's no arguing against him, cause he won't listen.
- He sees something wrong in EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. Even with the most flawless thing or person, he will ALWAYS find something wrong with it. It's just in his nature to do so. You can tell him the most wonderful news and he will put a negative spin on it. He is incapable of being positive, optimistic, or happy about anything. Instead, he lives and thrives on bringing down other people and things. In short, the s**t in his head he projects out onto the external world.
- He derives pleasure out of belittling, verbally abusing, and bullying others. But of course, he will not accept any of the same in return. And in fact, he proudly admitted to others that I was his verbal punching bag and even enjoyed throwing rocks and pebbles at me when I lived with him in Hawaii.
- He DELIGHTS in seeing other people SUFFERING and has even ADMITTED to this! Click here to see an example in his own words. Very sick and twisted, to say the least.
- When he asks you to do something for him, he often does not give clear or articulate directions. Instead, he expects you to read his mind, and if you guess wrong, he chews you out for it with an intolerant hot temper, never being able to see himself at fault for his vagueness and lack of communication. Needless to say, he has terrible communication skills. Of course, this behavior is illogical, but then again, he is not a rational, sensible or balanced person anyway.
- Though he is brilliant at computers and highly meticulous, he has no people skills whatsoever, obviously, yet he blames that all on others rather than on himself.
- Though he says false things about others and makes many mistakes, he will never listen to any corrections on it. And he will never apologize or admit his errors either. In his mind, he is always right and he has a God complex. That's another thing that makes him so hard to get along with. When he is wrong, you can't tell him about it, so you either have to lie and agree with him, or tell the truth and incur his wrath. That's like being stuck between a rock and a hard place.
- He is a major control freak and anal retentive, even about miniscule and unimportant things that don't matter one way or the other.
- If he thinks you are useful to him or on good terms with him, he will be generous and giving to you. But once he's had enough of you, he sees fit to knowingly lie about you, break his promises to you, not pay what he owes you, etc. That says a lot right there, cause a principled man would even treat his enemies fairly and justly. But he doesn't.
- He has wacky beliefs that undermine his credibility, sanity and sense of reality. Some examples: He believes that all pharmaceutical medicine is bad for you, and thus never takes medicine nor allows his children to take them, including pain killers such as Tylenol. He believes that a woman can only get pregnant from having sex, only ten days per month. He believes that a man can't win the heart of a woman without buying her through cash and expensive gifts. But of course, you can't show him that he's wrong about all these warped beliefs, not even through compassion, cause in his mind, he can't be wrong and he has some sort of a God complex. Furthermore, he is not a logical, sensible or rational man anyway.
I personally testify that all these things are true and an accurate description of him. With the above heeded, it's your choice whether you want to work for or with such a man. In case you think it's a case of my word against his, you can verify my credibility here: (((ROR redacted)))
CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

#1 Author of original report
Update and four new testimonials
AUTHOR: Truth Seeker - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, January 13, 2009
A few updates.
First, Stefan Muth has threatened me with a lawsuit and ultimatum, after I had his webhost take down his site about me for three illegalities on it: 1) use of stolen pictures of me in bed with a girlfriend that he stole by hacking into my yahoo account, 2) using my full name as the domain name, 3) factual lies about me and events surrounding me.
Nevertheless, I will not be bullied or intimidated into suppressing the truth by this man. I have always been brave and heroic, and always stood up for my principles. Truth is on my side, even if money is on his. Thus I have faith that God will make sure I win regardless of what he does. And of course, the report about him on this site will never be removed regardless of any court order, according to this site's policy.
But in my defense I have put together testimonials from four other people who can attest to everything I claim about Stefan's character and behavior. I have linked them all to a "horror stories about Stefan Muth" page. However, this site will not let me post links and will remove them if I try, so I will tell you how to find it.
Go to google and do a search for "Stefan Muth". Near the top of the search results, you will find my report titled "The Truth About Stefan Muth".
Here are some excerpts from it.
Prashant Trivedi, a spiritual leader in India, wrote in a long letter about Stefan after a fiasco where Stefan hacked into his email account and impersonated him in order to attempt to destroy the intentional community movement. Here is his intro:
Anyone who has known Stephan Muth for even a short period of time, will attest to the validity of the following information. On the surface, he appears to be above board.
Since we originally published this information, another with whom we never had contact has written to tell us of a similar ugly incident that have occured between them and Stephan Muth.
If you have a concern about this matter, or if you intend to have any dealings with Stephan Muth, we encourage you to be cautious and investigate deeply. He is a very immature, malicious, and deceptive person that is actively preying upon others in the 'Intentional Community' movement.
And Dan from Hawaii, who partnered up with Stefan back in 1999 to start an eco-community, related this to Prashant Trivedi regarding Stefan after reading his account:
After about two days of this, Stefan was in my room using the computer, and I wanted to go out to the store. I told him I didn't want anybody in the room when I was gone (I was starting to get suspicious of him, due to the realtor incident and also what he told me about stealing your Communities list).
He told me, "What's the matter, now, Dan, do you think I'm gonna steal your passwords or something?" Then he mumbled under his breath, "I've got them already, anyway".... I didn't take him seriously right then about my passwords. After thinking about what he had said, the next day I asked him what he meant by "I've already got them anyway", he denied that he ever said anything like that.....
I didn't know what he meant until about four days ago, when I decided to look up his number and see if we couldn't resolve this whole one point he laughed and said, "Do you remember seeing a message on the screen that said, 'You are working under a monitoring program'?"... I told him I did remember that, now that he mentioned it.. He then told me that he had gotten some software off the Web called SKIn98 (Stealth Keyboard Interceptor 98) that records every single keystroke and mouse-click, and can even send the detailed report to a remote e-mail address...He said, "I saw everything, you typed, passwords, everything".... (I guess he'd either forgotten that he vehemently denied having my passwords, or else just didn't care anymore), and when I asked him why he did it, He said he "was just f**king with me, because you're so paranoid". [I guess 'paranoids' really do have people that are out to get them, after all!...] He said he'd have loved to see the expression on my face when I saw the message about being monitored, that's how he was going to 'get to me' my seeing the message. Then he slipped and said, that the bad thing about it was that it gave me that message about it monitoring me. It occured to me a little later that he really didn't want me to see the message and be "paranoid", he wanted to monitor my keystrokes, read my messages, and possibly even change or down my he did to yours.
I just wanted to relay this message to you and express my concern and support for you in this matter. I wish there were something to do about this, but I must let karma run its course and stay out of it. I just wish he'd move out from across the hall. It's really starting to annoy me having him around at all...
One of Stefan's ex-workers sent me this letter after he quit that supports and confirms all that I've said here, especially about him being an unstable psychopath.
Hey Winston, this is Joe, remember me from up at Gov before you and Stefan left for the Philippines? We have not talked since you left, but you would likely be very interested to know some of the things that have happened between me and Stefan and some other workers. If anything so that you know just how off-the-rocker he is. He essentially stole 10,000 from me, in the form of wages promised but never paid (this is heavily documented) needless to say I am no longer working for him, and a new worker Mikey and him are possibly embroiled in a legal battle over trivial circumstances. My honest opinion is that he is unstable and possibly not even safe to be around, let alone do business with, I curse my poor judgement in ever trusting him.
Hope all is well with you!
He later told me in Yahoo Chat: He is the most vile and disgusting human i have ever met and that I have never harmed another human being in my life, and I had to remove myself from him (Stefan) to prevent myself from doing so.
Now normally I do not hold grudges, and am willing to apologize, forgive and forget petty disputes I have with others. However, this is nothing of the sort. You see, once you incur the wrath of this man's insatiable hatred on a magnitude off the charts, it sort of possesses you and fills you with the same insatiable hatred back at him. It leaves such an ugly mark and taste on your soul and psyche that you don't forget it. This is hard to describe in words, it's one of those things you have to experience to know what I am talking about. Dan, Prashant and Joe know what I am talking about, and that is apparent from their accounts of him. Once you experience the wretched ugliness of his true nature, the demon possessed girl in the movie The Exorcist seem like campy Disney characters in comparison. Seriously. Nothing seems scary or nasty in comparison to it. Even sewer filth is not as dirty as what he is. That's the best way I can put it in words.

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