Complaint Review: International Creative Artists (Helene Goldnadel & Magdalena Zielinska) A/k/a ZaZou Model Management - Irvine California
- International Creative Artists (Helene Goldnadel & Magdalena Zielinska) A/k/a ZaZou Model Management Jamboree Promenade - 2646 Dupont Circle, Suite C270 Irvine, California U.S.A.
- Phone: 949-250-9888
- Web:
- Category: Modeling Agencies
International Creative Artists (Helene Goldnadel & Magdalena Zielinska) a/k/a ZaZou Inc a/k/a Zazou Model Management ripoff scam steals more than your hard-earned cash, also your dreams. No morals, pimps under-age models, bribes city and state officials, hides her institutionalization for mental breakdown and cocaine addiction
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Update
*Consumer Comment: White Fights: The Certificate Of Stupidity For Helene Goldnadel And Magdalena Zielinska
*Consumer Comment: Very sad
*Consumer Comment: Had a run in with Helene as well.....
*Consumer Comment: Had a run in with Helene as well.....
*Consumer Comment: Had a run in with Helene as well.....
*Consumer Comment: Had a run in with Helene as well.....
*Consumer Suggestion: Actually... I "grew up" with Magdalena Zielinska...
*Consumer Suggestion: Goldnadel is trying to Franchise her SCAM. Read a letter I got from someone
*Consumer Comment: ICA Response
*Consumer Comment: ICA Response
*Consumer Comment: ICA Response
*Consumer Suggestion: Advice from Professional Children's Photographer
*Consumer Suggestion: Advice from Professional Children's Photographer
*Consumer Suggestion: Advice from Professional Children's Photographer
*Consumer Suggestion: Advice from Professional Children's Photographer
*Consumer Suggestion: ica does is not endorsed by coast to coast talent group in la!!!! they're lying to NOT pay them!....
*Consumer Suggestion: To Theresa aka: Helene Goldnadel...nice try you scam artist... nothing more than a photo mill.
*Consumer Suggestion: Filling lawsuit against Helene Goldnadel: need victims to support us!
*Consumer Comment: Here is some advice on choosing a school that's not a scam like this ICA company in Irvine, CA...
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Kudos for exposing John Robert Powers! This name has worked hard to earn its reputation as a sham business.
*Consumer Suggestion: Scam Modeling Agency. Legitimate modeling agencies NEVER charge upfront fees of any sort.
*UPDATE Employee: Helene was formerly Harold Goldnadel, Magda was formerly Igor Zielinska: ICA is a GREAT company and specializes in transexual models - *UPDATE ..It was discovered by Rip-off Report that this comment was posted by Alec Defrawy to instigate lawsuits
*Consumer Suggestion: I heard that Helene Goldnadel made "sexual advances" against a 10 year old FEMALE...
*Consumer Comment: Comments.. courage to expose such people.
*Consumer Suggestion: Modeling Scams-ICA-Helene Goldnadel-Magdelena-Irvine, CA...
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: WOW, THIS IS TRUE
*Consumer Suggestion: WHAT IS A PHOTO MILL... READ ABOUT THE BIGGEST SCAM IN ORANGE COUNTY... ICA- International Creative Artists-Ms. Helene Goldnadel
*Consumer Suggestion: It's about time that Helene Goldnadel and ICA made the front page of this site!!!... She's an EVIL person!!! Thank You, Rip-off Report!
*Consumer Suggestion: Call Helene at 310-346-9119 to obtain a refund...
*Consumer Comment: "Movie" Related Rip-off problems in Texas with fraudulent casting companies
*Consumer Comment: "Movie" Related Rip-off problems in Texas with fraudulent casting companies
*Consumer Comment: "Movie" Related Rip-off problems in Texas with fraudulent casting companies
*Consumer Comment: "Movie" Related Rip-off problems in Texas with fraudulent casting companies
*Consumer Comment: Question
*Consumer Suggestion: NEWS UPDATE: This company is now allegedly advertising via the Net under "model agencies". Can we say... fraudulent advertising Helene or Harold...
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Sarah, good comment - she refunds the money
*Consumer Suggestion: New Laws In California WILL close ICA!! Yes!! She is a transexual! how did that get out? Sorry Helene (Harold)...
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The only reason Helene and Magda are not in prison is because they know the right people to bribe or screw. I am providing all this from the inside and under an assumed identity because it is unbelievable what she is capable of doing, especially for revenge. (I will get back to that later.)
touting Magda as her only real success story
Helene Goldnadel's "scam central"
Her biggest downfall is the fact that she destroys every personal relationship she encounters. That is what led to her mental breakdown and her long-term chemical dependency. She has tried to manage her own problems by self-medication also, cocaine is her drug of choice - it is also a great diet aid. (She gets her dose from a protected source-no danger of an investigation that way.)
Since she can't keep a relationship, her only lover is the almighty dollar. There is nothing sacred that she will not do for a greenback... which includes trying to selling the sexual favors of minors to aquaintances. She tries to convince them (mostly pretty young girls) that this is the accepted way to a modeling career.
Helene is very tricky. One parent wrote a complaint to the BBB in which she said her daughter attended an ICA open call and was asked for money very quickly. After quickly giving ICA $400, the parent was then asked to give them an additional $6,000.
The complainant also said her daughter was interested in modeling, not acting, and was under the impression she signed up for modeling classes, but she ended up in an acting class, and, because she was not interested in acting, left the class.
Helene Goldnadel, the president of International Creative Artists (ICA), was contacted about the complaint and she said the focus of ICA is acting, not modeling: "We are more acting than modeling oriented."
Consumers are therefore advised to make sure they understand ICA is for actors, not models. They may want to sit in as guests at one class before they commit to tens, hundreds, or thousands of dollars, to make sure it is exactly what they want, as they could at a college class, because once payment is made, apparently there are no refunds after a deadline.
The parent said ICA offered a refund within 10 days, but the first class started after the 10-day right to recission expired. How convenient for Helene and her butt buddy protege, Magda.
At one point the DA has begun an investigation, but that seemed to evaporate into thin air, like the monsoon vapors into the summer night. I wonder how that came about?
Now that Helene is a big-time producer of a TV pilot she expects everyone to suck up to her... and many do. She is so Hollywood!
But, that's not all. She also had an east-coast operation, which she doen't want anyone to know was once part of her current business because of major improprieties and possible future investigations:
Zazou Inc aka Zazou Model Management
560 Sylvan Ave
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07079
310-346 9119
Yep, that was Helene!
She always bragged how easy it was to get away with this scam in NJ because their law enforcement is a sham. "They are all pawns of the mob," she would often remark. Her excuse was the aftermath of 9/11. That gave her the ease to slip out of town.
Here is the real issue that set Helene off...
You know, the funny part is when complaints started cropping up on this site, and other websites, she thought that the person posting was Linda Ann Williams. It drove her absolutely crazy - literally! She would yell and scream, she would be so mad.
She was going to sue and destroy the life of Linda Ann William and it was never her who made all those complaints. Helene could never get it through her head that more than one person could be filing complaints either. Helene just expected people to go along with her scam and not give her any problems. The real posters were never caught, and I know who they really are. Linda M., and others, your identity will remain secret as far as I am concerned.
Finally, this is such a lame site that ICA is not even a selection yet, despite all the complaints that ICA has on this site. Now that I got that off my breasts, this report will probably be taken off.
Tampa, Florida
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 06/23/2004 07:25 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
If you would like to see more Rip-off Reports on this company/individual, search here:

#45 REBUTTAL Owner of company
AUTHOR: Deb - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Friday, March 01, 2024
Company is now under its 6th name Screen Actor CA. Formerly Screen Actor LA, formerly Child Actor LA (filed for bankruptcy) Kids Actor LA, Kids Act LA, etc. Helene Goldnadel under her new alias HG Smith, formerly Helen Nadel, formerly Nadel Paris, formerly Paris Nadel, formerly Helen Goldnadel. Court room law suits: Many. Court room losses: All. Bankruptcy: 1. Summary: Not a credited school. No proof of education or credentials to be teaching. Recommendations: Ask to see proof of claims. Real proof. Not verbal claims or outdated videos, home made movies in a converted industrial work space. Ask to speak with parents of HOW MUCH they made. Most commercials pay $150-$3000. Chances of landing a commercial in industry standards: 1 in 8,908. That is with proper years of training. Not weeks or months. These are facts. Not glorified numbers. Ask questions. Make logical choices. Be in a recognized school with a stage, lighting and people directly working IN Los Angeles. Good luck!

#44 Consumer Comment
White Fights: The Certificate Of Stupidity For Helene Goldnadel And Magdalena Zielinska
AUTHOR: This Is The Truth - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 14, 2011
The Successful Singer:
By Helene Goldnadel of International Creative Artists
"Helene Goldnadel, the owner of the Institution of the Arts International Creative Artists licensed in the State Of California puts it this way:
"Singing and music is more a business than an art!"
She continues: "Just like acting, the recording industry is a business of referral. It is quite difficult to get any type of deal if you don't know someone. When I was in New York I partnered up with a music producer from France. We did quite a few productions.
At the time you had to mix in a 48 track SSL studio.
We would record in a 24 track studio and mix in a bigger room. You needed all the keyboards, all the outboards.
We sold the tracks to record companies in France, London, Japan and the US.
Fortunately technology allows you to do all of this from your computer these days! Good for the kids that become savvy in music production. They can do their own demo. The key to success in the music industry is really based upon the looks, the age range, as well as the talent. Take Hillary Duff for instance, she was discovered by one of the top agencies out of which three agents come in at different times, every month and a half, to scout our graduates at International Creative Artists, as per our placement program.
Well my point is, that if you are all American, with a nice sound, like a decent voice and range you may be able to get something going in terms of a deal. You have to have it all these days:
The voice, the looks, the intent towards the business, parents that believe in you and will pay for the singing and acting lessons. These days they want multi-talented artists!
Rappers showed the way such as Missy Elliott. She writes as well as she raps and is one of the most outstanding performers. She broke the standards by creating her own image, but eventually lost the weight and is now among the beautiful performers!
The industry has exploded with crossed-over acts also, where rappers speak in a softer voice, appealing to any and all listeners. They have made their acts accessible to a much larger audience.
Not knowing anyone if you have incredible talent does not have to slow you down. At International Creative Artists,
we have the right trainings in any and all acting curriculums; we have recording artists and singing classes, (all our teachers are licensed in the State of California, and have worked in the film/TV/recording industry for many years.)
Modeling is the only thing you don't have to be trained to do, as long as you look gorgeous and "fashiony" with the right age range and weight, as well as height. At International Creative Artists we have Petra who is from Milan and teaches our graduates still camera work, runway, hair nails make-up. If you are going to do some of the aspects of modeling, it is of course better to be trained for it. High fashion and being a top model is only possible if all the criteria are there. Anyway back to singing, that you need to have skills for, just like in acting: proper breathing skills along with voice placement, the ability to reach certain notes that may be within your range, but are yet difficult to reach if you are not trained. You have to "vocalize", do scales, do breathing exercises etc. etc.
And knowing how to breathe works also for actors! How many times do you have to do a scene! One of our graduates, Magdalena Zielinska says that without proper breathing techniques she would not be as effective when it comes to an action packed movie.
The purpose of this site is not to advertise International Creative Artists classes. It is to inform the public, and especially aspiring
singers, actors and models, about the way the industry works. You are however welcome to call us at our Institution and come in for a free evaluation."
...Ah the colorless contenders are always full of conflicts and confusion because with stories from a site such as this....
...The Certificate Of Stupidity is Sure To BE Seen

#43 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Joe - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, October 01, 2010
It's been a long time since I have read any updates on Helene and Magda.
So far, neither one of them have made it big in Hollywood so I guess they are on the porno film circuit if they are even still in the entertainment business?
Maybe things got so hot for them with all of the Rip Off Report exposure ( no pun intended) that they retired from SHOW ( ok, so maybe there is a pun meant here) business. LOL
Magda always looked smoking hot to me.
I might have asked her out for a date if it had not been for the expose' that ROR ran about this hot, sexy, beautiful, incredible woman being a Man! d**n!
Many thanks to the Rip Off Report because I might have caught AIDS from such an encounter and maybe that is what happened to Helene and Magda or whatever his/her/its real name is/was?
Is that what happened to them?
Or are they cooling off in some federal or state slam somewhere?
Where would they put Magda anyway --males OR females section?
What a pathetic pair of losers!

#42 Consumer Comment
Very sad
AUTHOR: Jocko - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, May 22, 2009
I went to the BBB site and this agency is rated at A-, the original story reads as a scorned lover rather than a former customer. I just hope those at this agency actually go to their lawyers and track this individual down and get every penny they can for writing this crap on the internet.

#41 Consumer Comment
Had a run in with Helene as well.....
AUTHOR: Anne - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, July 02, 2008
I also was suckered into going to Zazou about 8 years ago when i still livedin NJ. She had said I looked like Meg Ryan with hazel eyes and how unusual that was for someone to be brunette with hazel eyes. I cannot remember what I paid at the time but would LOVE to see this person crash and burn and spend some time in prison! I did the whole photo shoot with some fatty guy who was french, make up was done by some girl that worked at the mall or maybe even a friend. And the infamous acting classes! oy vey! I knew someone that has a talent agency in NYC that said any reputable person would not ask for money upfront. Well, viewing my photos i was not happy at all, they were very amateur looking and i refused to pay them. She did want her money and said she wont give me the photos. I told her that was fine and that annoyed her even more! I have no idea who the acting guy was, i thnk his name was Glenn and he was creepy and hit on me over a cup of coffee and said not to worry about paying the money! I couldn't believe it!!! I never showed back up after that...was tooo creepy. BUT she did send me on a bogus audition. I remember her sending another girl on about 20+ auditions and she said she was getting annoyed because nothing ever came about of it. I thnk that girl's parents paid for everything! I am still shocked she is still running this joke of a business and still shocked that the BBB hasn't investigated>?

#40 Consumer Comment
Had a run in with Helene as well.....
AUTHOR: Anne - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, July 02, 2008
I also was suckered into going to Zazou about 8 years ago when i still livedin NJ. She had said I looked like Meg Ryan with hazel eyes and how unusual that was for someone to be brunette with hazel eyes. I cannot remember what I paid at the time but would LOVE to see this person crash and burn and spend some time in prison! I did the whole photo shoot with some fatty guy who was french, make up was done by some girl that worked at the mall or maybe even a friend. And the infamous acting classes! oy vey! I knew someone that has a talent agency in NYC that said any reputable person would not ask for money upfront. Well, viewing my photos i was not happy at all, they were very amateur looking and i refused to pay them. She did want her money and said she wont give me the photos. I told her that was fine and that annoyed her even more! I have no idea who the acting guy was, i thnk his name was Glenn and he was creepy and hit on me over a cup of coffee and said not to worry about paying the money! I couldn't believe it!!! I never showed back up after that...was tooo creepy. BUT she did send me on a bogus audition. I remember her sending another girl on about 20+ auditions and she said she was getting annoyed because nothing ever came about of it. I thnk that girl's parents paid for everything! I am still shocked she is still running this joke of a business and still shocked that the BBB hasn't investigated>?

#39 Consumer Comment
Had a run in with Helene as well.....
AUTHOR: Anne - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, July 02, 2008
I also was suckered into going to Zazou about 8 years ago when i still livedin NJ. She had said I looked like Meg Ryan with hazel eyes and how unusual that was for someone to be brunette with hazel eyes. I cannot remember what I paid at the time but would LOVE to see this person crash and burn and spend some time in prison! I did the whole photo shoot with some fatty guy who was french, make up was done by some girl that worked at the mall or maybe even a friend. And the infamous acting classes! oy vey! I knew someone that has a talent agency in NYC that said any reputable person would not ask for money upfront. Well, viewing my photos i was not happy at all, they were very amateur looking and i refused to pay them. She did want her money and said she wont give me the photos. I told her that was fine and that annoyed her even more! I have no idea who the acting guy was, i thnk his name was Glenn and he was creepy and hit on me over a cup of coffee and said not to worry about paying the money! I couldn't believe it!!! I never showed back up after that...was tooo creepy. BUT she did send me on a bogus audition. I remember her sending another girl on about 20+ auditions and she said she was getting annoyed because nothing ever came about of it. I thnk that girl's parents paid for everything! I am still shocked she is still running this joke of a business and still shocked that the BBB hasn't investigated>?

#38 Consumer Comment
Had a run in with Helene as well.....
AUTHOR: Anne - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, July 02, 2008
I also was suckered into going to Zazou about 8 years ago when i still livedin NJ. She had said I looked like Meg Ryan with hazel eyes and how unusual that was for someone to be brunette with hazel eyes. I cannot remember what I paid at the time but would LOVE to see this person crash and burn and spend some time in prison! I did the whole photo shoot with some fatty guy who was french, make up was done by some girl that worked at the mall or maybe even a friend. And the infamous acting classes! oy vey! I knew someone that has a talent agency in NYC that said any reputable person would not ask for money upfront. Well, viewing my photos i was not happy at all, they were very amateur looking and i refused to pay them. She did want her money and said she wont give me the photos. I told her that was fine and that annoyed her even more! I have no idea who the acting guy was, i thnk his name was Glenn and he was creepy and hit on me over a cup of coffee and said not to worry about paying the money! I couldn't believe it!!! I never showed back up after that...was tooo creepy. BUT she did send me on a bogus audition. I remember her sending another girl on about 20+ auditions and she said she was getting annoyed because nothing ever came about of it. I thnk that girl's parents paid for everything! I am still shocked she is still running this joke of a business and still shocked that the BBB hasn't investigated>?

#37 Consumer Suggestion
Actually... I "grew up" with Magdalena Zielinska...
AUTHOR: Dylan - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 14, 2008
.. well, in the sense that we dated during her senior year in high school in Grosse Pointe, MI. Magda was a lot of things, but one thing she was not is the person described viciously in this blog.
She is not a transvestite nor a scam artist. She's a regular Polish/American girl that I remember quite fondly. Whether it was dancing at City Club & the Shelter (no, my last name is not "Woodward") or simply driving up and down Jefferson looking for a sub shop, well.. anyway.. ;-P Not sure where all of this hostility has come from!

#36 Consumer Suggestion
Goldnadel is trying to Franchise her SCAM. Read a letter I got from someone
AUTHOR: Gabby - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, October 30, 2005
Dear Ms. Goldnadel:
I was responding to your website concerning franchise opportunities. However, after completing some research and investigating, I have found that you have quite a "shady" reputation. I have reviewed numerous letters from disgruntled customers, employees and others in the industry regarding your personal reputation. Your company obviously needs to correct it's many flaws. I (nor anyone else) would ever think about franchising a company like yours with such a spotty record. Yes, of course I understand that any company receives complaints. I own 7 different companies. However, the complaints regarding your company's business practices seem to show a pattern of, quite frankly, nothing short of fraud on your part.
Why on earth are you attempting to franchise a company that shows little to no chance of continuing in the near future?
If I've missing something, please enlighten me.
Thank you for listening.

#35 Consumer Comment
ICA Response
AUTHOR: T - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, October 30, 2005
I actually stumbled accross this today during my break and decided that i might as well say something. One of my good friends is Magdalena's sibling. I have met Magdalena several times and have known her family many years. Although the majority of the information here attacks Helen and not Magdalena, her name is at least mentioned. I will tell you that Magdalena no longer lends her name, association, likeness, or anything of the sort to Helen for a variety of reasons. Although there are other reasons as well, I'm sure many of you can actually understand why Magdalena has cut ties with ICA and all of their activities.

#34 Consumer Comment
ICA Response
AUTHOR: T - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, October 30, 2005
I actually stumbled accross this today during my break and decided that i might as well say something. One of my good friends is Magdalena's sibling. I have met Magdalena several times and have known her family many years. Although the majority of the information here attacks Helen and not Magdalena, her name is at least mentioned. I will tell you that Magdalena no longer lends her name, association, likeness, or anything of the sort to Helen for a variety of reasons. Although there are other reasons as well, I'm sure many of you can actually understand why Magdalena has cut ties with ICA and all of their activities.

#33 Consumer Comment
ICA Response
AUTHOR: T - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, October 30, 2005
I actually stumbled accross this today during my break and decided that i might as well say something. One of my good friends is Magdalena's sibling. I have met Magdalena several times and have known her family many years. Although the majority of the information here attacks Helen and not Magdalena, her name is at least mentioned. I will tell you that Magdalena no longer lends her name, association, likeness, or anything of the sort to Helen for a variety of reasons. Although there are other reasons as well, I'm sure many of you can actually understand why Magdalena has cut ties with ICA and all of their activities.

#32 Consumer Suggestion
AUTHOR: Gabby - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, October 29, 2005
This company is very good at what they do...getting your money!!!!!
Helene Goldnadel, a foreigner, has come to Los Angeles to scam new parents out of money! She's even creating her own press releases to try to circumvent all of the negative pr on her company. All this company does is take your money for classes or useless headshots, especially for young children. You can simply go out get your own pictures and mail them to various agents yourself. Forget ICA!!!!!! There licensed as a "post secondary school". So what! Again, because of all the BAD pr on this company, and I'm sure after Ms. Goldnadel consulted with her lawyer's, she's now added all of these disclaimer's on her website...gee...somebody's running scared...Helene! They obviously received a lot of complaints about their phony advertising.
One good compliment I will give Helene is this:
Stay away from this company! Helene will make you convinced she's a legit operation, DON'T FALL FOR IT!!!!
SHE'S A CON! CHECK HER OUT ON THE BBB AT and also at They're trying to shut her down...for good!
Are all of these people lying Helene????????

#31 Consumer Suggestion
Advice from Professional Children's Photographer
AUTHOR: Landry - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, October 06, 2005
I hate hearing these stories from parents, so here is some advice. I photograph children for a living. The professional agencies give parents a list of photographers to choose from. They never directly set up the shoot. A shoot for your child should run between $250-350. Your child should not be one of twenty kids being photographed in one day. For the price you get two rolls of film which is plenty for a zed card for any agency. The agency picks the photos, and you print what they request. Usually they are 4x6's which run about $1.50 at good labs. You do not need modeling schools to get your child an agent. If you child is right for the market they will take them. If your child isn't right for the market it doesn't mean they aren't cute. I hope that helps.

#30 Consumer Suggestion
Advice from Professional Children's Photographer
AUTHOR: Landry - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, October 06, 2005
I hate hearing these stories from parents, so here is some advice. I photograph children for a living. The professional agencies give parents a list of photographers to choose from. They never directly set up the shoot. A shoot for your child should run between $250-350. Your child should not be one of twenty kids being photographed in one day. For the price you get two rolls of film which is plenty for a zed card for any agency. The agency picks the photos, and you print what they request. Usually they are 4x6's which run about $1.50 at good labs. You do not need modeling schools to get your child an agent. If you child is right for the market they will take them. If your child isn't right for the market it doesn't mean they aren't cute. I hope that helps.

#29 Consumer Suggestion
Advice from Professional Children's Photographer
AUTHOR: Landry - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, October 06, 2005
I hate hearing these stories from parents, so here is some advice. I photograph children for a living. The professional agencies give parents a list of photographers to choose from. They never directly set up the shoot. A shoot for your child should run between $250-350. Your child should not be one of twenty kids being photographed in one day. For the price you get two rolls of film which is plenty for a zed card for any agency. The agency picks the photos, and you print what they request. Usually they are 4x6's which run about $1.50 at good labs. You do not need modeling schools to get your child an agent. If you child is right for the market they will take them. If your child isn't right for the market it doesn't mean they aren't cute. I hope that helps.

#28 Consumer Suggestion
Advice from Professional Children's Photographer
AUTHOR: Landry - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, October 06, 2005
I hate hearing these stories from parents, so here is some advice. I photograph children for a living. The professional agencies give parents a list of photographers to choose from. They never directly set up the shoot. A shoot for your child should run between $250-350. Your child should not be one of twenty kids being photographed in one day. For the price you get two rolls of film which is plenty for a zed card for any agency. The agency picks the photos, and you print what they request. Usually they are 4x6's which run about $1.50 at good labs. You do not need modeling schools to get your child an agent. If you child is right for the market they will take them. If your child isn't right for the market it doesn't mean they aren't cute. I hope that helps.

#27 Consumer Suggestion
ica does is not endorsed by coast to coast talent group in la!!!! they're lying to NOT pay them!....
AUTHOR: Britni - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, August 17, 2005
i went to ica in irvine, ca, and they told me that coast to coast talent group, a talent agency inla, endorses their company because they get all of their kids form ica. then the catch, they hit me up for $2600 for pictures and classes! what a scam. i'm glad i found this site to post this. stay way from this company. helene is a really great salesperson. she knows what to say to get your money. those auditions they have are nothing more than a used car dealer sales pitch. i'm surprised this company has not been shut down.
let these la agencies know what ica is doing and they're using their name to support this scam. here's the info. on the coast to coast company.
contact them and let them know what helene is doing:
Coast To Coast Talent Group
3350 Barham Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90068-1404
(323) 845-9200
attn: Meredith Fine, agent
if may be that these agencies are not even aware of what's really going on at ica. i heard that the agencies are sending their assistants to ica and maybe the owners or main agents don't even know what's going on. ica pays these companies to come. i think it's complete b.s.
get the word out there everyone! thank you also to the owners of this website for exposing this con artist!

#26 Consumer Suggestion
To Theresa aka: Helene Goldnadel...nice try you scam artist... nothing more than a photo mill.
AUTHOR: Linda - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 15, 2005
Don't pay this ica company a penny!
They are a complete rip off!
Helene is going on this site under all of these alias's trying to defend her scam and her money! She's losing a lot of $$$$ from the site. People are finally getting smart to her evil ways.
Her company completely misleads their customers. They make it "sound" like their an actual agency, when they're nothing more than a photo mill.
They charge little babies $1500 (or whatever they can get) just for headshots! Babies don't need headshots to get jobs or an agent!
Don't be fooled. Most talent agencies do even want babies.
Why is ICA in Irvine, CA. HHHHUUUUMMMM....
We're on to you Helene!
How do you sleep at night?

#25 UPDATE EX-employee responds
AUTHOR: Theresa - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 31, 2005
I worked for this company for a year and a half. There are two people and two people only who write this nonsense. One of them is the owner of one of the franchised schools which got actually kicked out of John Robert Powers and her name is Natalie Costa. The other one works for a John Casablaca company which just opened up in Orange County. Costa started all this. Helene owns an institution licensed in CA. If any one does not complete sixty percent of the program they sign for, the school pro-rates them and issues a refund. It's the law. I know about that because I processed a couple of these myself. Helene rarely gets a cancellation. Somebody lives too far, loves the program but cannot come in anymore, that's about it. The first woman, Costa started all this out of spite because she lost a lot of business to Helene's institution. The second person worked as a manager for Helene for two years. She wrote the stuff about the VIP program. She knows there is a program called VIP. It is her writing, not any of Helene's clients, since all they would have to do to cancel is ask for a refund or partial refund and short of 60% completed would receive such refund. I work with that aweful woman whose first name is Christine. She left abruptly one day for more money at John Casablanca and then the stuffs on this site started florishing again. I have no interest in writing this. I no longer work at ICA for personal reasons at home with my child. I enjoyed working there. Helene is a good person. She works very hard. She is fair to her employees. That woman Christine hated Helene because Helene is pretty, works out at the gym a few days a week, and takes great care of herself. That woman Christine was making very good money at ICA, and had no reason to resent Helene except for the fact that Helene likes to dress well and professionally. It used to get Christine so mad when Helene would come in with a new outfit on! That woman Christine would always speak badly of everybody but especially so of Helene, because although they must be around the same age, Helene takes much better care of herself and looks younger. It is my belief that that Christine woman, was jaleous of Helene and when she went and started working for the competition she lashed out on this site as much as Costa has all along. Helene is a person of integrity and a nice lady all around. She had no clue of what was being said and done behind her back. She is very commmitted to the students. I know, I worked there. Anyway, I hope that Mr Magedson who owns this site will be man enough to keep this on his site since it is the truth. I am making a copy of this to send to Helene in case it "disapears" from this site for her and ICA to use whichever way they'd like. I swear that what I wrote is nothing but the truth. I have a lot of respect for Helene who gives a lot of money to animal assiciations and needy children. Unlike the selfish people who have been saying the craziest things here. I did not appreciate when I read that every one at ICA is a tranvestite. (For God's Sake!) The funny thing is that Helene who used to be "Harold" according to Costa or Christine or both, is a petite woman from France! How could she ever have been a man? Not mentioning the crap written about ICA employees and students! I am printing this.

#24 Consumer Suggestion
Filling lawsuit against Helene Goldnadel: need victims to support us!
AUTHOR: Samuel - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, April 11, 2005
A few months ago, I was having dinner in Newport Beach when a "scout" from International Creative Artists approched me with "my chance for being an actor". After spending severals thousands of dollars for the "VIP Package" of acting classes, I discovered the Rip-Off Report against Helene Goldnadel and her sidekick Magda Zielinska. I asked for a refund with no result: I've been scammed by Helene Goldnadel.
With all the informations that I've found on Rip-Off Report I went to my attorney who explain me that I needed some proofs: my case alone isn't sufficient. After a month of research, I finally received help: an employee from International Creative Artist helped me by giving me the coordinates of several victims. That employee is willing to speak in court to shut that "business" for good.
The more people join our cause, the more chance she has to be forced to end her scam, go bankrupt and even go to jail. We need more victims who have been scam by her. If you've spend a single dollar with International Creative Artists, inc. during the last 5 years, please file a Rip-of Report, once we have an attorney, the lawyer will contact Rip-off Report to contact everyone to contact our lawyer. We intend to file the lawsuit during the summer, so reply fast because time is running out. Don't worry: all the information that Rip-off Report receives will be kept confidential.
Please, help us to help you and join that lawsuit. You have nothing to lose and Helene WILL lose everything. Think about all the innocent people that she's scammed and all the innocent people that she WILL scammed. Because she's not going to stop until someone stops her. That someone can be you.
CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.
Thanks for your help.

#23 Consumer Suggestion
I heard that Helene Goldnadel made "sexual advances" against a 10 year old FEMALE...
AUTHOR: Linda - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, February 07, 2005
I know a friend that new someone that went to ica in irvine, ca. she saw this sleazy woman named helene goldnadel. it was for her 10 year old daughter. apparantely, ms. goldnadel ended up hitting on this girl, telling her that she could make her a star if she would "have fun" with helene. from what i know, the accuser is a very honest girl, that would not make something up like this. everyone better watch this woman.
someone needs to report this company to the police. from what i've read here, i guess she pays everyone off. :(

#22 Consumer Suggestion
Scam Modeling Agency. Legitimate modeling agencies NEVER charge upfront fees of any sort.
AUTHOR: Reid - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, December 18, 2004
Hey Everyone,
I hope that this rebuttal finds you in good spirits and health.
This modeling agency is definitely fraudulent. Legitimate modeling agencies NEVER charge upfront fees of any sort.
Legitimate modeling and or talent agencies profit only if and when they've found a client work. That is what an "agency" does. Legitimate agents are paid on a commission basis.
NEVER pay an agency an upfront fee! Modeling agencies are not photography studios, therefore, photography is not there forte.
Modeling agencies have no business even suggesting the services of a particular photographer. Doing so may be constued as a conflict of interest.
The main objective of an "agency", is to bring both model client and business client together, thus collecting their comission for a job well done.
A simple headshot using a point and shoot camera would suffice, and expensive photography would not give someone an advantage over someone who submits a simple snapshot, regardless of price.
Casting directors are really busy professionals, who are more interested in someones look, rather than the quality of their photos.
Bottom line is, one could be the ugliest person on the face of the earth, who invested hundreds of dollars on photographs, but expensive photos won't help one bit in an audition, if he or she looks nothing like they do in the photograph.
Having expensive portfolios WILL NOT better ones chances of getting an audition, nor will it better ones chances of being casted.
Several years ago, I've been casted as a principal role in a national Visa commercial, so I happen to know a little about the business.
Agencies are agencies! Photography studios are photography studios! It's a good idea to keep the two separated, just as you would church and state, to assure your own safety from all the scam modeling agencies attempting to profit from up front fees.
An agency peddling photos is comparable to that of Mcdonalds or any other business attempting to peddle resumes.
Would you pay an employer money for the company uniform before being brought on board the company?
So why in the world are people so willing to pay for expensive photographs, which gives them absolutely no advantage and offers no guarantee? Same goes for modeling and or acting classes or workshops.
Never purchase photos from an agency, unless your agent is willing to guarantee you in writing, enough work to cover the photos and then some.
Until next time, take care Everyone cause I care, Aloha from Hawaii and God Bless.

#21 Consumer Comment
Comments.. courage to expose such people.
AUTHOR: Fatima - (United Arab Emirates)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, December 07, 2004
I was really shocked to read the report on KUNDOS For Exposing John Robert Powers By Asa Marie Standfeldt and I never thought that there are people of this nature.
I must congratulate Ms Standfeldt for her hounsty and I would like to have her e-mail address to write to her and express my thanks to her for the courage she showed to expose such people.
I just happened to see your Rip-Off report by accident while surving through the the internet.

#20 REBUTTAL Individual responds
AUTHOR: Rachel - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, November 02, 2004
I was there a few years ago, had my pictures taken and nothing, nothing, nothing. They charged some crazy amount like $700 and then produced horrible pictures which I felt embarrased of. I got the cheapest package in price. I am sure the packages went in upwards of $1000. I actually have the pictures still and always wondered about her. She seemed sneaky and only spoke of Magdelana as being her only success. Anyway, I am upset that this happened, and if there ever is a lawsuit, I would go against her and speak in court. Thank you for your website and this is very very true. I believe I was there in 2000.

#19 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Anonymous - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, October 27, 2004
I have been ripped off by Helene Goldanel and she took my $6000. She acted as if she would be my manager and promised to put me in front of agents, under the condition that I purchase $600 worth of headshots. I am a college student and I depend on my parents to support me so I refused to pay such a hefty price that she never told me about before I signed the contract. It has been over a year since this happened to me and since I dropped the class and upon reading your site I found out that Helene refunds the money. Do you think she will still refund my money after all this time?
I want to thank you because I was very devastated by what Helene did--she fed off of people's dreams, but your site shows that I am not alone in being her victim.
Thank You!

#18 Consumer Suggestion
WHAT IS A PHOTO MILL... READ ABOUT THE BIGGEST SCAM IN ORANGE COUNTY... ICA- International Creative Artists-Ms. Helene Goldnadel
AUTHOR: Sandy - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, October 17, 2004
What is a photo mill?
A modeling scam in which an individual, group, photographer, agent, agency, modeling school, model manager, etc., financially exploits aspiring models or working models by engaging in continuous sales of photography and/or comp cards and/or portfolios which are overpriced, unnecessary, or by which a profit is derived at the expense of the models under the pretext getting the photography, comp cards, or portfolio will land them modeling jobs worth more than the photography-related expenses.
Red flags:
payment is made to the agency, not the photographer
high sales pressure
extreme pricing
agency recommends only one photographer
similar to ICA- International Creative Artists-Ms. Helene Goldnadel

#17 Consumer Comment
"Movie" Related Rip-off problems in Texas with fraudulent casting companies
AUTHOR: Anonymous - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, October 12, 2004
We are having similiar problems in Texas with fraudulent casting companies -- only with a slight difference.
The casting companies are taking ALL the money and convincing us,the supposedly starstruck rubes" to work for FREE while they take the money that the studios sent them to pay us.They get it all and we get the SHAFT and empty bellies!
And gays, transsexuals, straight people, kids,grandmothers and EVERYBODY is being ripped off in this little scam. "People" like Helene and Magda are equal opportunity ripoffs, they rip off Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, White people, mixed race people...Hell, if you were purple they would rip you off too!
So don't play the gender/gay card in an attempt to defend criminals. EVERYBODY gets ripped off EQUALLY!
A week's worth of extra work helped me to pay my property tax bills and gave me an extra year on the property my father left me.
I hadn't been able to find a job for two years and I consider myself glad that I even got minimum wage for a week's worth of work on a real movie.It was the only pay I had for the ENTIRE year. That's how bad it is in Austin, TX!
Then comes TEXTRAS, a company owned by two male partners and they want extras to work for FREE. My regular casting agency was paying at least minimum wage and I was glad to get it but these greedy SOBs want to take away even the little money that we could earn. My regular agency and almost all others in Austin,TX have since decided ( after talking to the "big-shot movie guy from LA" in charge of "Textras") that being around THE STARS and the GLAMOUR of the MOVIES was ENOUGH COMPENSATION for us unsophisticated nobodies and we were too stupid and rural and Jerry Springer -like here in TEXAS to know the difference.
On the set of a certain movie here in Austin,TX, The Textras people and my regular casting agency showed up at the same time and there was a bit of unpleasantness when the extras from both agencies compared notes and found that the TEXTRAS people were expected to work for free and the others were getting PAID! It was minimum wage but you have NO idea of how desparate we are to work here!
I don't know how the hell they think we are all hillbilly, cowboy wah-hoos completely in the dark about how the movie industry works. My grandfather's cousin was a very famous movie star in Germany before the Nazis came into power and my CPA father was the bean-counter on several film locations that worked in Texas. I read "Variety" and have a d**n good idea of where the moviemaker budget goes...
I know how to report these crooks to IRS and I suggest that if you have been ripped off, you report them to IRS too.No statute of limitations with IRS and you have just given the Crooks the gift of an audit that lasts...forever.
I could care less about being around "the stars." I just want to make my money and go home. Besides, small people who hobnob with the rich, wealthy and influential folks can have their lives destroyed. Trust me when I tell you.To me, it's just a job.
WE EXTRAS have a right to a living too.
It's the Third World Exploiters Mentality:film somewhere where the ignorant, awestruck natives will be happy with some beads and trinkets while the rich and powerful profit from our misery and horrible job market!
And these are the same voices who bray for "Justice!" "Helping the poor people!" and all of those feel-good Hollywood causes while they treat Extras and crew personnel like disposable garbage.
In Austin, these hypocritical SOBs are expecting us to work for Cast tee shirts, food and snacks. A "snack" consists of a bag of state chips that somebody gets at a wholesale store and tears it open-- and the water fountain beside it.
The food runs out long before the film production.
I think there will always be some desparate enough to keep on dreaming the dream, especially when the job market is HELL like it is in Texas right now, especially the Austin area and desparate people are not always thinking logically or sanely.
Thanks for the warning about two more rip off artists. I guess they, like the other carpetbagger scum from LA think they are going to come to Texas and rip off the "hicks" and functional illiterate white trash they THINK are living here. And have they got a surprise coming!
Again, thanks for the warning!
(See "TEXTRAS" under the Talent Agencies listing in Ripoff Report!)

#16 Consumer Comment
"Movie" Related Rip-off problems in Texas with fraudulent casting companies
AUTHOR: Anonymous - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, October 12, 2004
We are having similiar problems in Texas with fraudulent casting companies -- only with a slight difference.
The casting companies are taking ALL the money and convincing us,the supposedly starstruck rubes" to work for FREE while they take the money that the studios sent them to pay us.They get it all and we get the SHAFT and empty bellies!
And gays, transsexuals, straight people, kids,grandmothers and EVERYBODY is being ripped off in this little scam. "People" like Helene and Magda are equal opportunity ripoffs, they rip off Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, White people, mixed race people...Hell, if you were purple they would rip you off too!
So don't play the gender/gay card in an attempt to defend criminals. EVERYBODY gets ripped off EQUALLY!
A week's worth of extra work helped me to pay my property tax bills and gave me an extra year on the property my father left me.
I hadn't been able to find a job for two years and I consider myself glad that I even got minimum wage for a week's worth of work on a real movie.It was the only pay I had for the ENTIRE year. That's how bad it is in Austin, TX!
Then comes TEXTRAS, a company owned by two male partners and they want extras to work for FREE. My regular casting agency was paying at least minimum wage and I was glad to get it but these greedy SOBs want to take away even the little money that we could earn. My regular agency and almost all others in Austin,TX have since decided ( after talking to the "big-shot movie guy from LA" in charge of "Textras") that being around THE STARS and the GLAMOUR of the MOVIES was ENOUGH COMPENSATION for us unsophisticated nobodies and we were too stupid and rural and Jerry Springer -like here in TEXAS to know the difference.
On the set of a certain movie here in Austin,TX, The Textras people and my regular casting agency showed up at the same time and there was a bit of unpleasantness when the extras from both agencies compared notes and found that the TEXTRAS people were expected to work for free and the others were getting PAID! It was minimum wage but you have NO idea of how desparate we are to work here!
I don't know how the hell they think we are all hillbilly, cowboy wah-hoos completely in the dark about how the movie industry works. My grandfather's cousin was a very famous movie star in Germany before the Nazis came into power and my CPA father was the bean-counter on several film locations that worked in Texas. I read "Variety" and have a d**n good idea of where the moviemaker budget goes...
I know how to report these crooks to IRS and I suggest that if you have been ripped off, you report them to IRS too.No statute of limitations with IRS and you have just given the Crooks the gift of an audit that lasts...forever.
I could care less about being around "the stars." I just want to make my money and go home. Besides, small people who hobnob with the rich, wealthy and influential folks can have their lives destroyed. Trust me when I tell you.To me, it's just a job.
WE EXTRAS have a right to a living too.
It's the Third World Exploiters Mentality:film somewhere where the ignorant, awestruck natives will be happy with some beads and trinkets while the rich and powerful profit from our misery and horrible job market!
And these are the same voices who bray for "Justice!" "Helping the poor people!" and all of those feel-good Hollywood causes while they treat Extras and crew personnel like disposable garbage.
In Austin, these hypocritical SOBs are expecting us to work for Cast tee shirts, food and snacks. A "snack" consists of a bag of state chips that somebody gets at a wholesale store and tears it open-- and the water fountain beside it.
The food runs out long before the film production.
I think there will always be some desparate enough to keep on dreaming the dream, especially when the job market is HELL like it is in Texas right now, especially the Austin area and desparate people are not always thinking logically or sanely.
Thanks for the warning about two more rip off artists. I guess they, like the other carpetbagger scum from LA think they are going to come to Texas and rip off the "hicks" and functional illiterate white trash they THINK are living here. And have they got a surprise coming!
Again, thanks for the warning!
(See "TEXTRAS" under the Talent Agencies listing in Ripoff Report!)

#15 Consumer Comment
"Movie" Related Rip-off problems in Texas with fraudulent casting companies
AUTHOR: Anonymous - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, October 12, 2004
We are having similiar problems in Texas with fraudulent casting companies -- only with a slight difference.
The casting companies are taking ALL the money and convincing us,the supposedly starstruck rubes" to work for FREE while they take the money that the studios sent them to pay us.They get it all and we get the SHAFT and empty bellies!
And gays, transsexuals, straight people, kids,grandmothers and EVERYBODY is being ripped off in this little scam. "People" like Helene and Magda are equal opportunity ripoffs, they rip off Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, White people, mixed race people...Hell, if you were purple they would rip you off too!
So don't play the gender/gay card in an attempt to defend criminals. EVERYBODY gets ripped off EQUALLY!
A week's worth of extra work helped me to pay my property tax bills and gave me an extra year on the property my father left me.
I hadn't been able to find a job for two years and I consider myself glad that I even got minimum wage for a week's worth of work on a real movie.It was the only pay I had for the ENTIRE year. That's how bad it is in Austin, TX!
Then comes TEXTRAS, a company owned by two male partners and they want extras to work for FREE. My regular casting agency was paying at least minimum wage and I was glad to get it but these greedy SOBs want to take away even the little money that we could earn. My regular agency and almost all others in Austin,TX have since decided ( after talking to the "big-shot movie guy from LA" in charge of "Textras") that being around THE STARS and the GLAMOUR of the MOVIES was ENOUGH COMPENSATION for us unsophisticated nobodies and we were too stupid and rural and Jerry Springer -like here in TEXAS to know the difference.
On the set of a certain movie here in Austin,TX, The Textras people and my regular casting agency showed up at the same time and there was a bit of unpleasantness when the extras from both agencies compared notes and found that the TEXTRAS people were expected to work for free and the others were getting PAID! It was minimum wage but you have NO idea of how desparate we are to work here!
I don't know how the hell they think we are all hillbilly, cowboy wah-hoos completely in the dark about how the movie industry works. My grandfather's cousin was a very famous movie star in Germany before the Nazis came into power and my CPA father was the bean-counter on several film locations that worked in Texas. I read "Variety" and have a d**n good idea of where the moviemaker budget goes...
I know how to report these crooks to IRS and I suggest that if you have been ripped off, you report them to IRS too.No statute of limitations with IRS and you have just given the Crooks the gift of an audit that lasts...forever.
I could care less about being around "the stars." I just want to make my money and go home. Besides, small people who hobnob with the rich, wealthy and influential folks can have their lives destroyed. Trust me when I tell you.To me, it's just a job.
WE EXTRAS have a right to a living too.
It's the Third World Exploiters Mentality:film somewhere where the ignorant, awestruck natives will be happy with some beads and trinkets while the rich and powerful profit from our misery and horrible job market!
And these are the same voices who bray for "Justice!" "Helping the poor people!" and all of those feel-good Hollywood causes while they treat Extras and crew personnel like disposable garbage.
In Austin, these hypocritical SOBs are expecting us to work for Cast tee shirts, food and snacks. A "snack" consists of a bag of state chips that somebody gets at a wholesale store and tears it open-- and the water fountain beside it.
The food runs out long before the film production.
I think there will always be some desparate enough to keep on dreaming the dream, especially when the job market is HELL like it is in Texas right now, especially the Austin area and desparate people are not always thinking logically or sanely.
Thanks for the warning about two more rip off artists. I guess they, like the other carpetbagger scum from LA think they are going to come to Texas and rip off the "hicks" and functional illiterate white trash they THINK are living here. And have they got a surprise coming!
Again, thanks for the warning!
(See "TEXTRAS" under the Talent Agencies listing in Ripoff Report!)

#14 Consumer Comment
"Movie" Related Rip-off problems in Texas with fraudulent casting companies
AUTHOR: Anonymous - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, October 12, 2004
We are having similiar problems in Texas with fraudulent casting companies -- only with a slight difference.
The casting companies are taking ALL the money and convincing us,the supposedly starstruck rubes" to work for FREE while they take the money that the studios sent them to pay us.They get it all and we get the SHAFT and empty bellies!
And gays, transsexuals, straight people, kids,grandmothers and EVERYBODY is being ripped off in this little scam. "People" like Helene and Magda are equal opportunity ripoffs, they rip off Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, White people, mixed race people...Hell, if you were purple they would rip you off too!
So don't play the gender/gay card in an attempt to defend criminals. EVERYBODY gets ripped off EQUALLY!
A week's worth of extra work helped me to pay my property tax bills and gave me an extra year on the property my father left me.
I hadn't been able to find a job for two years and I consider myself glad that I even got minimum wage for a week's worth of work on a real movie.It was the only pay I had for the ENTIRE year. That's how bad it is in Austin, TX!
Then comes TEXTRAS, a company owned by two male partners and they want extras to work for FREE. My regular casting agency was paying at least minimum wage and I was glad to get it but these greedy SOBs want to take away even the little money that we could earn. My regular agency and almost all others in Austin,TX have since decided ( after talking to the "big-shot movie guy from LA" in charge of "Textras") that being around THE STARS and the GLAMOUR of the MOVIES was ENOUGH COMPENSATION for us unsophisticated nobodies and we were too stupid and rural and Jerry Springer -like here in TEXAS to know the difference.
On the set of a certain movie here in Austin,TX, The Textras people and my regular casting agency showed up at the same time and there was a bit of unpleasantness when the extras from both agencies compared notes and found that the TEXTRAS people were expected to work for free and the others were getting PAID! It was minimum wage but you have NO idea of how desparate we are to work here!
I don't know how the hell they think we are all hillbilly, cowboy wah-hoos completely in the dark about how the movie industry works. My grandfather's cousin was a very famous movie star in Germany before the Nazis came into power and my CPA father was the bean-counter on several film locations that worked in Texas. I read "Variety" and have a d**n good idea of where the moviemaker budget goes...
I know how to report these crooks to IRS and I suggest that if you have been ripped off, you report them to IRS too.No statute of limitations with IRS and you have just given the Crooks the gift of an audit that lasts...forever.
I could care less about being around "the stars." I just want to make my money and go home. Besides, small people who hobnob with the rich, wealthy and influential folks can have their lives destroyed. Trust me when I tell you.To me, it's just a job.
WE EXTRAS have a right to a living too.
It's the Third World Exploiters Mentality:film somewhere where the ignorant, awestruck natives will be happy with some beads and trinkets while the rich and powerful profit from our misery and horrible job market!
And these are the same voices who bray for "Justice!" "Helping the poor people!" and all of those feel-good Hollywood causes while they treat Extras and crew personnel like disposable garbage.
In Austin, these hypocritical SOBs are expecting us to work for Cast tee shirts, food and snacks. A "snack" consists of a bag of state chips that somebody gets at a wholesale store and tears it open-- and the water fountain beside it.
The food runs out long before the film production.
I think there will always be some desparate enough to keep on dreaming the dream, especially when the job market is HELL like it is in Texas right now, especially the Austin area and desparate people are not always thinking logically or sanely.
Thanks for the warning about two more rip off artists. I guess they, like the other carpetbagger scum from LA think they are going to come to Texas and rip off the "hicks" and functional illiterate white trash they THINK are living here. And have they got a surprise coming!
Again, thanks for the warning!
(See "TEXTRAS" under the Talent Agencies listing in Ripoff Report!)

#13 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Jimmy - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, October 07, 2004
I just live down th street from ICA and I went in there with my girlfriend because she's in that talent tv stuff.
Some of the staff working there were men dressed up as women or it looked like it anyways, not very proffesional.
To his/hers their own and if your transgender, gay or l*****n, that's your right, your business, by all means your American FREE Right.
I just felt very uncomfortable these people should not be so obvious to the general public. The person there said they were making imidiate changes to the staff becuase of recent exposure.
I feel they could at least put up an "Over 21" sign.
They were all talking about a drag queen convention in Irvine and a parade down thrugh the center of Irvine. Not sure how well that will go over with the locals.

#12 Consumer Suggestion
NEWS UPDATE: This company is now allegedly advertising via the Net under "model agencies". Can we say... fraudulent advertising Helene or Harold...
AUTHOR: Larry - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Take a look at this...See for yourself...
this is from Google...
Get in Film/TV/Commercial International Creative Artists ICA actors/models for film/TV/Print Sponsored Link ...
Helene...Why don't you mention:
That you are NOT an agency!
You are a modeling "school"
You charge extremely high rates for outdated coaching
You simply make money from selling pricey headshots to parents
WHY HELENE?????????????????????????????????

#11 Consumer Suggestion
New Laws In California WILL close ICA!! Yes!! She is a transexual! how did that get out? Sorry Helene (Harold)...
AUTHOR: Natalie - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, September 27, 2004
New laws in CA will close this company for good! the advanced fee law was just updated to include these scam companies that charge fees for classes and pictures...i.e.: ICA!!!!!
And YES...Helene IS a transexual, so is Magdelena. That, though, does not make her a bad person. Her character is what people hate about her/him! She is scamming soooooooo many people in Orange County. The authorities are going to be able to nail to the new law update.

#10 UPDATE Employee
Helene was formerly Harold Goldnadel, Magda was formerly Igor Zielinska: ICA is a GREAT company and specializes in transexual models - *UPDATE ..It was discovered by Rip-off Report that this comment was posted by Alec Defrawy to instigate lawsuits
AUTHOR: Zach (formerly Stephanie) - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 15, 2004
You all could not be more wrong about Helene. She is a brave brave woman and really cares about her cause. These evil people who have posted these negative lies about her are just jealous and angry about the REAL work that she does for the transexual community.
Not only is Helene formerly Harold, but Magdalena was formerly Igor Zielinska. They are such close friends not only because of the business but also because of the common background that they share.
The transexual community needs role models like these and postings on this website are nothing more than the perpetration of HATE against a community you know so little about.
So you did not get work and you feel cheated? Imagine being trapped in the body of a different gender. Now think of the great work she is doing for all those who DO get work after releasing the butterfly within them.
Stop being so selfish! You all should be ashamed because that is the real rip-off.
Educate yourself and stop the hating!

#9 UPDATE EX-employee responds
Kudos for exposing John Robert Powers! This name has worked hard to earn its reputation as a sham business.
AUTHOR: -Asa Marie Standfeldt - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, September 02, 2004
I first came into contact with John Robert Powers "talent agents" when my friend and I auditioned at Entertainment Casting (formerly Universal Entertainment Casting) a few years ago in Camarillo, CA. We were first given a long (well-rehearsed I'm sure) speech by "former model" Tiffany something-or-other. We then read some lines while they videotaped us. The next day I received a call from Tiffany or her partner Alana (can't recall which one) telling me that I was one of three people they had chosen for commercials, TV, etc.
She immediately told me I would need to make some sort of a down payment/deposit to hold my place and that I would need headshots and classes.
I told her from the start that I could not afford all of these, which caused her to change her tone to one of impatience. She then arranged to meet me at the Camarillo offices of Entertainment casting for an interview.
I showed up with my boyfriend and brother (who was also interested in the business); however, neither Tiffany nor Alana ever showed up that evening.
Soon after, I met with Robert Lewis, the president of Entertainment Casting, who offered me a job with the company, which I declined at the time, but accepted a few weeks later.
My title was ridiculously important sounding for what the job entailed, which was simply to call people who had registered with this "extras casting agency" and ask them to renew their registration. This, of course, required them to pay another $50 or $60 in order for their files to remain current.
Most of the individuals I sopke with had never received any work through Entertainment Casting, and some became quite irate when they found that I was calling not to offer them work but to ask them for more money.
Anyway, on to the John Robert Powers connection: I continued this sort of work for the company for about two or three months, after which time Robert Lewis informed me that the John Robert Powers offices in nearby Oxnard, Ca were interested in my joining their staff. It was slightly more money and closer to home, so I decided to try it out.
My first day there was spent with Tiffany and Alana, who explained to me how their business operated. I sat there in Alana's office as they went through a thick stack of "talent application forms", telling each person they reached that they had been selected as one of three (or two or five - whatever they deemed most appropriate) individuals John Robert Powers was interested in representing.
They then immediately began the spiel about classes and headshots, expertly shooting down applicants' questions and objections. I grew more and more disgusted as the time wore on, and the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back was when I learned of their $30,000 per-day quota.
All this, coupled with the was the women talked about individuals entering the reception area (there were video monitors in Alana's office with live video from the lobby). They made comments like "hope you brought your wallet" and "better hit up your husband for the money".
A little later I had had enough. I spoke with the office manager and informed her that I could not and would not be involved in such a racket. A few moments later I was back out in the sunshine, still reeling from shock at what I had witness.
Indeed, I still wonder whether either of the women remembered - as they ran their telephone scam in my presence - that they, only a short time before, had run the same scam on me.
I am so glad that people are talking about this operation, exposing it for the racket it is.
Hopefully, my story and others will prove cautionary tales to individuals lured in by these frauds by promises of fame and fortune.

#8 UPDATE EX-employee responds
Sarah, good comment - she refunds the money
AUTHOR: Justin - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, August 10, 2004
I agree with Sarah. My research says she usually pays back the money because she has to avoid trouble with the DA.
Plus, she can't afford to be sued.
Call Helene Goldnadel at (310) 346-9119 to demand a refund. I will post her home address soon. Criminal charges will be filed against her. I used to work for her and still keep in contact with her employees.
Sorry Helene!..
Good luck,

#7 Consumer Suggestion
Call Helene at 310-346-9119 to obtain a refund...
AUTHOR: Sarah - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Call her and demand a refund for being scammed by her!

#6 Consumer Suggestion
AUTHOR: Staci - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, August 10, 2004
You may call Helene Goldnadel at (310) 346-9119 to demand a refund. We will have her home address soon. Criminal charges will be filed against her. One of her own employess are helping us! Sorry Helene!...

#5 Consumer Suggestion
AUTHOR: Sheila - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 30, 2004
John Robert Powers in the News
Is Your Baby The Next Super Model?
Consumer Bob
KFMB TV CBS Local 8 San Diego
Consumer Bob says, "How do you argue with someone who says your kids are darling. Who says they are exceptional, who says they should be models or tv stars? And the only thing between your child and stardom is a small investment in their future. That's how the vanity racket works and how lots of San Diegans are loosing thousands of dollars."
Gabriella Joven plays in her Escondido back yard. Sierra Blaze has playtime in here Oceanside apartment. While they don't know each other the 2 girls have a common bond. Their parents feel ripped off by a La Jolla modeling agency.
Gabriella's mother, Roxanne Joven says, "They gave us a pamphlet saying you need to invest money into your career. People spend that on college. You should spend that on pictures."
Consumer Bob says, "Roxanne Joven is talking about the high pressure tactics she faced when she took her child to John Robert Powers."
A Penny Saver Ad said the company was looking for kids. They told Roxanne that Gabriella was one of 600 they were looking at.
Roxanne says, "Just bring some snapshots in there and the baby and they looked at her and called the next day and said she was the one."
Sierra's mother Gina says, "She said she'd been auditioning 300 kids and it was a hectic week."
Consumer Bob says, "Gina Rutz got the same line when she took Sierra to John Robert Powers. And like Roxanne the modeling agency said the 10 month old needed professional photographs."
Gina Rutz says, "They said she had to have a portfolio before she could do anything in the entertainment business she had to have it."
Consumer Bob says, "But the photos didn't come cheap. John Robert Powers turned the mothers over to Pascucci Productions, a talent agency owned and operated in the same office. And their charge for photos? A whopping $1475.00."
Talent Agent Carol Shamon Freitas says, "Definitely do not get professional photos for infants. They change too fast to spend money."
Consumer Bob says, "Not only do they change, but Talent Agent Carol Shamon Freitas says legitimate agencies shouldn't be making money from selling photo packages."
Carol says, "You should pay no money at all to an agency. No fee, no photos, no school."
Consumer Bob says, "Not only is it unprofessional but it's downright illegal. The California Labor Law specifically states that, 'no talent agency may refer an artist to any person, firm or corporation which the talent agency has direct or indirect financial interest including photography.' Yet both women paid the agency for their photos."
Gina says, "They gave us a sheet of their photographers to go to." Roxanne says, "They set it up. We did not even choose. They said their 2 photographers are the ones to go to."
Consumer Bob says, "Now naturally I wanted to get both sides to this story. So I came here to John Robert Powers and Pascucci Productions, but they weren't talking.
In fact, when they saw us coming, they locked their doors. And while all we could see was an empty office, we did hear from Patricia Pascucci, President of the La Jolla John Robert Powers."
Patricia Pascucci says, "We're not gonna allow you in our building because we know how you media people are."
Consumer Bob says, "Yeah, media people who listen to the complaints of ordinary consumers. Mothers whose children are promised success in modeling."
Roxanne says, "They guaranteed me that in 4 months that she would make that money back and then some."
Gina says, "They said within 6 months she'd be guaranteed work."
Consumer Bob says, "But the deadlines have passed and neither child has earned a dime."
Gina says, "I think we got scammed."
Consumer Bob says, "How many jobs have you gotten so far?" Roxanne says, "Not one."
Consumer Bob says, "Now I've just told you about 2 vanity racket victims, but we've heard from others. In fact I've learned that the San Diego District Attorney's office has opened an investigation into John Robert Powers and Pascucci Productions. If you're a victim, write me here at NEWS 8 and we'll pass your complaints onto the DA's office.
Beware, If You Want Your Child To Be A Model or Star
KFMB TV CBS Local 8 San Diego
Bob Hansen says, "It's called a vanity racket because as parents we're not always objective when it comes to our children. That's why an unscrupulous business or school can milk us out of thousands of dollars, telling us the whole time our kids are on the brink of stardom. That's how it works at John Robert Powers. I know, I've talked to the victims and that's not all, we went undercover."
Woman says, "It's very glamorous and very exciting, but it's not for everybody."
Bob Hansen says, "It's a Tuesday night and the La Jolla office of John Robert Powers is crammed with kids and parents. Each lured by the promises of wealth and stardom."
Woman says, "You want to make some money for college? I love that."
Bob Hansen says, "Money these kids are told they can make through acting and modeling. Heather Davalos and her 6 year old daughter Amber heard those same promises."
Heather Davalos signed with John Robert Powers says, "We were called up for an interview, they interviewed my daughter, and the lady said we want to screen her for a commercial."
Bob Hansen says, "A commercial. Heather and Amber were ecstatic."
Woman says, "They said she is a shoe-in, no problem for modeling. She can model for Mervyns, Macy's, Target ads."
Bob Hansen says, "All Heather had to do was sign up her daughter for classes at a price tag of nearly $2,000.00."
Roxanne Joven who paid for pictures says, "They gave us a pamphlet saying you need to invest money into your career. People spend that on college. You should spend that on pictures."
Bob Hansen says, "Three months ago I showed you how John Robert Powers was charging parents thousands of dollars for unnecesary photo packages in clear violation of state laws. Our undercover investigation showed they've switched from selling pictures to selling classes."
Woman says, "Are you excited about all of this? You are."
Bob Hansen says, "Our undercover mom took her 9 year old daughter to John Robert Powers. After the group meeting she was somehow "selected" to bring in her daughter a second time. This time to meet with Staci."
Woman says, "We represent people who do commercials, films, sitcoms, soap operas, runway shows, target print ads, everything."
Bob Hansen says, "Staci told us she wanted to represent our 9 year old. And said the money would be rolling in."
Woman says, "If she books a job, a national Mcdonald's commercial, and she gets paid $30,000.00, we take 10 percent of television commercial, film, sitcom, and soap opera."
Bob Hansen says, "But of course there is a catch." Woman says, "Hands down she's going to need coaching. I can just tell. Tell right now."
Bob Hansen says, "Staci tells us that coaching will run $3,000.00."
Casting agent Barbara Shannon says, "If you have to pay money upfront to anybody that calls themselves an agent or manager, then run the other way."
Bob Hansen says, "Casting agent Barbara Shannon says John Robert Powers has a bad reputation in the business. As for finding people work, Barbara is in the industry.
Movies of the week, commercials, industrials, tv series. Have you ever cast anyone who came in being represented by John Robert Powers?"
Woman says, "No."
Bob Hansen says, "And yet John Robert Powers makes the promises."
Woman says, "78 to 80 percent of the kids that I represent right now today are booking jobs."
The Better Business Bureau's Gerry Wilson says, "Check and find out if this person is a talent agent. Now if they are they are properly licensed and bonded by the state of California."
Bob Hansen says, "But neither Staci nor John Robert Powers are licensed talent agents or members of Screen Actors Guild."
Woman says, "I don't want you to feel pressured. This is not what I'm about."
Bob Hansen says, "Toward the end of our meeting Staci tried to close the deal. Pressuring us to hand over a $500.00 deposit."
Woman says, "Do I have to do that now?
Woman says, "Well this is the thing, we're making all the decision tonight. Do you want to call your husband?"
Bob Hansen says, "We've talked to dozens of victims all saying they went through the same thing. All hearing John Robert Powers claims that their kids were going to make it big. Right up until they handed over the money."
Heather Davalos says, "It's all about money. All about money. Once they get your money, you'll never see them again.
They slam the door in your face."
Bob Hansen says, "So do people get work using John Robert Powers? We wanted to find out. They're own literature boasts big named success stories from alumni like Jane Fonda, Angie Dickinson, Ann Margaret, Farrah Fawcett, and Faith Ford. But we checked it out. Calling their agents and publicists and not one of them said they had anything to do with John Robert Powers.
The La Jolla office of John Robert Powers gave us the name of 8 different satisfied San Diego clients. We called them and again not one is working in the business as a result of John Robert Powers. Though some say they've since signed with Hollywood agents.
We asked Powers officials to talk to us on camera about all this, but they declined. By-the-way the San Diego DA's office is investigating John Robert Powers. We're still waiting for action and the Better Business Bureau has revoked their membership."
See also John Robert Powers in the News

#4 Consumer Comment
Here is some advice on choosing a school that's not a scam like this ICA company in Irvine, CA...
AUTHOR: John - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 29, 2004
What is the difference between a legitimate talent school and one whose purpose is to separate you from your money?
ANSWER: Just as there are many helpful, reputable talent agents, there are also a great number of fine schools. But there are some whose only purpose is to take your hard-earned money. When considering a school or teacher, watch for the same warning signals that apply to talent agents and photographers. Like the phony agent, a school or teacher may ask for an exorbitant registration fee and demand that you have photos taken by their own photographer. Be suspicious of teachers who cannot verify legitimate credentials, or who "claim" to produce TV shows, movies, or theatrical productions without identifying them. None of the unions representing performers will recommend any schools. You may want to contact one of the Community Colleges in your area for classes in theatre, radio or television.

#3 Consumer Suggestion
Modeling Scams-ICA-Helene Goldnadel-Magdelena-Irvine, CA...
AUTHOR: Linda - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 24, 2004
Modeling Scams
"Modeling scams are nearly as numerous as "wannabe" modeling and acting hopefuls who are suckered daily into spending money on classes and photos they don't need to break into the business. But how can one tell the legitimate agents from those who are only interested in exchanging one's bank account for a stack of photos and an education from a local charm school teacher--whose experience is likely slight on the acting and modeling side and much heavier in teaching what they themselves failed to be able to do for a living?"1
"Anyone who claims to be a modeling agency but also sells photos or classes has an ulterior motive to get you to sign with them."2
"Modeling agents said it is preferable for them to train raw talent themselves. Some said no training is generally better than the wrong training, because they don't have to retrain poor habits into desirable ones."
1. RuthAnn Hogue, "Modeling Scams," College Times, Nov. 6, 2002.
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
(Modeling scams)

#2 UPDATE Employee
AUTHOR: Natalie - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 23, 2004
International Creative Artists
This Report was developed from various sources, including the business, governmental agencies, and the experience of the company's customers.
For further information contact the Better Business Bureau of the Southland
315 N. La Cadena, Colton, CA, 92324
(909) 825-7280
International Creative Artists
2646 Dupont Drive, Suite C-270
Irvine CA 92612
Business Started: 01/01/92
File Open Date: 04/10/02
Last Report Date: 03/08/04
Principal Contact: Helene Goldnadel
Phone: (949) 515-2111
Fax: (949) 250-3222
Email: Not Available
Web Address:
Bureau ID: 13170948
Nature of Business
This company's business is providing modeling and acting training services.
Bureau File Experience
We rate this company as having an unsatisfactory business performance record.
One complainant contends that after paying $600.00 for a photo shoot, the company failed to deliver the photos. Another complainant paid a $300 deposit for photos; however, no photographs were ever taken, no refund was issued, and the customer experienced difficulty contacting the owner about these issues. A third complainant alleges that the ad in the newspaper led him to believe the company was an agency. However, when the customer arrived for the appointment, he discovered that the company was offering a seminar for classes which require a starting fee of $1,000.
The company responded to one complaint by stating the customer entered into a legal contract and after the photos were taken, decided they wanted a refund. The customer eventually came in to pick up the photos. The company responded to another complaint by issuing a partial refund less the $100 administrative fee as indicated in the contract. The company responded to the third complaint by stating the customer was not accepted into any of their programs and they are not responsible for reimbursing someone to whom no services were offered or rendered. The company further states the seminar is free and employees explain to potential clients that they are not an agency and do not accept everybody.
We routinely suggest you read and understand all contract provisions, including cancellation and refund policies before making a buying decision. As of January 1, 2000, new California laws relating to " advance fee talent services " allow 10 days to cancel contracts without penalty or obligation. In some cases, refunds must be provided within 48 hours, or the company is required to pay the artist an additional summ equal to the original amount of the fee. Cancellation procedures should be outlined in your contract. Keep in mind there are probably no guarantees of employment. Your success in the industry will depend on your own talent, perseverance, and ability to utilize your resources.
Companies that procure employment are required by law to be licensed with the Department of Industrial Relations and cannot collect fees prior to offering services. Licensing information may be obtained by contacting the Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Standards Enforcement at P.O. Box 420603, San Francisco, CA 94142 or calling (415) 703-4846.
The Better Business Bureau does not endorse, recommend or disapprove of any company, product or service.
Additional Phone Numbers
(949) 250 - 9888 (310) 346 - 9119
We suggest NOT doing business with the above company, under any circumstances.

#1 Consumer Suggestion
It's about time that Helene Goldnadel and ICA made the front page of this site!!!... She's an EVIL person!!! Thank You, Rip-off Report!
AUTHOR: Heather - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, July 19, 2004
I'm soooooo thankful that rip-off finally put this scam on their front page! Helene, Christine, Magdelena and Josh have been scamming people all over L.A. and Orange County!!!! Their finally being "exposed" as the FRAUD they are! They ripped off a very close friend of mine!
They make newcomers think they are an agency...NOT a school! Why do they use the term "AUDITION" on their own website and on the telephone! I'll tell you why...THEY WANT TO MISLEAD PEOPLE!!!
IMPORTANT: I recently found out that that State of California is amending the Advance-Fee Talent Service Act, SB1687, Senator Murray is working on it! It's being sponsored by the Los Angeles City Attorney and the Screen Actors Guild. They will be adding in any company that requires people to pay money for pictures OR classes! Helene, can we say... "BYE BYE"... IT WILL BE A CRIMINAL OFFENSE FOR ICA TO CONTINUE OPERATING WITHOUT FOLLOWING THE PROCEDURES SETFOURTH IN THE NEW LAW!!!!!
I think Helene would do well in Jail for a while!!!! Maybe it will straighten her up! Magdelena, and all of the ICA employees are going down criminally also!!!!!!! I think everyone should start boycotting this company, and it's employees, on the Internet!!!

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