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Report: #195148

Complaint Review: Glorb Internet Services - Blacklick Ohio

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  • Reported By: North York Ontario
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  • Glorb Internet Services PO Box 481 Blacklick, Ohio U.S.A.

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This is a privacy issue with Glorb Internet Services the owner of Glorb Internet services is stalking me. It is the owner of Glorb Internet Services who is responsible for this an individual by the name of Geoff Brozny.

Glorb Internet Services
PO Box 481
Blacklick, Ohio
USA, 43004-0481
Phone #1: 614-448-1305
Phone #2: 1-866-815-5637
email #1:
email #2:

Mr. Brozny has two hate sites setup about me listing my name, address and phone number, including a cell phone number which is a private number and not listed anywhere.

The individual also has a picture of me on the website which was stolen from my PC when it was infected with a trojan. Mr. Brozny has no permission what so ever to use this picture on this website and Iown the picture in question and was taken by me using a webcam I have here.

This individual has no permission what so ever to use
this image on the website. As I said I own this picture on this website and the individual is violating copyright laws.

Glorb Internet services has been repeatly contacted and asked to remove these two websites at

Geoff Brozny is an extermely abusive individual and violates peoples privacy and rights and sets up hate sites against other individuals.

The information this individual has on this website is false and it is extremely defamitory towards me. Geoff Brozny is clearly stalking and harassing me.

Geoff Brozny uses the fact that he runs Glorb Internet Servicesto abuse others and invade thier privacy.

There is already a complaint with the Better Business Bureau in columbus ohio about Glorb Internet Services. Case #: 70015408

I would never give any private information to Glorb Internet Services he is an extremely abusive individual who thinks he is above the law. It is best that everyone avoid Glorb Internet Services at all costs they are an extremely abusive ISP in Ohio and can not be trusted.

I have also received several spams which are clogging up my mailboxthe sites which Mr. Brozny runs.

Glorb Internet Services also hides on Level3 Communications who is known to provide aid to spammers. The IP blocks pretty well all around Glorb's IPs are all owned by spammers. They know that Level3 Communications is a pretty safe bet and won't boot them for any kind of abuse and lets them get away with what ever they want as long as they pay their bill each month.

Everyone needs to be warned about Glorb Internet Services and how abusive they are. They have a long history of abuse and seem to think that they are above the law. Well that needs to stop.

North York, Ontario

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#9 Consumer Comment

Tara is a Fraud

AUTHOR: Jamie - (Canada)

POSTED: Thursday, June 15, 2006

Tara is not real person just one of Brozny's friends posting the responses trying to bury this report against this ISP. Tara needs to be banned from posting any further responses in this matter. Please see that this stops immeiately.

The person claims they are from Texas. Why would anyone in Texas have anything to do with Glorb Internet Services based in Ohio

Tara is not a real person just a sock puppet whos strings are being pulled either by Geoff Brozny or one of his friends.

Tara is a fake and a fraud the only responses that should be allowed would be an actual response from Geoff Brozny. Who probly won't respond because he knows what I am saying here is correct.

Again for the people at Rip off Reports please stop Tara from posting any further responses in this matter.

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#8 Consumer Comment

Tara is a Fraud

AUTHOR: Jamie - (Canada)

POSTED: Thursday, June 15, 2006

Tara is not real person just one of Brozny's friends posting the responses trying to bury this report against this ISP. Tara needs to be banned from posting any further responses in this matter. Please see that this stops immeiately.

The person claims they are from Texas. Why would anyone in Texas have anything to do with Glorb Internet Services based in Ohio

Tara is not a real person just a sock puppet whos strings are being pulled either by Geoff Brozny or one of his friends.

Tara is a fake and a fraud the only responses that should be allowed would be an actual response from Geoff Brozny. Who probly won't respond because he knows what I am saying here is correct.

Again for the people at Rip off Reports please stop Tara from posting any further responses in this matter.

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#7 Consumer Comment

Tara is a Fraud

AUTHOR: Jamie - (Canada)

POSTED: Thursday, June 15, 2006

Tara is not real person just one of Brozny's friends posting the responses trying to bury this report against this ISP. Tara needs to be banned from posting any further responses in this matter. Please see that this stops immeiately.

The person claims they are from Texas. Why would anyone in Texas have anything to do with Glorb Internet Services based in Ohio

Tara is not a real person just a sock puppet whos strings are being pulled either by Geoff Brozny or one of his friends.

Tara is a fake and a fraud the only responses that should be allowed would be an actual response from Geoff Brozny. Who probly won't respond because he knows what I am saying here is correct.

Again for the people at Rip off Reports please stop Tara from posting any further responses in this matter.

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#6 Consumer Comment

Tara is a Fraud

AUTHOR: Jamie - (Canada)

POSTED: Thursday, June 15, 2006

Tara is not real person just one of Brozny's friends posting the responses trying to bury this report against this ISP. Tara needs to be banned from posting any further responses in this matter. Please see that this stops immeiately.

The person claims they are from Texas. Why would anyone in Texas have anything to do with Glorb Internet Services based in Ohio

Tara is not a real person just a sock puppet whos strings are being pulled either by Geoff Brozny or one of his friends.

Tara is a fake and a fraud the only responses that should be allowed would be an actual response from Geoff Brozny. Who probly won't respond because he knows what I am saying here is correct.

Again for the people at Rip off Reports please stop Tara from posting any further responses in this matter.

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#5 Consumer Comment

please stop Tara from posting any more she is obviously just a fraud and really is Geoff Brozny or one of his friends

AUTHOR: Tara - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I am confused Jamie...... one minute you are saying that I am Geoff Bronzy:
"This is obviously Geoff or one of his friends that are writting this as Tara."
"This is just one of many stunts that Geoff Brozny tries to pull."

"Editor please stop Tara from posting any more of these posts she is obviously just a fraud and really is Geoff Brozny or one of his friends and is flooding this report in order to try and make it go away. "

and then the next minute you are saying that I obviously don't know him:

"Geoff Brozny is located in The State of Ohio why would anyone from Texas have anything to do with Mr. Brozny. She has no dealings with him and is not even posting about the topic at hand. She is just spamming the report hoping that this rip off report will go away."

Which is it Jamie? Or have the voices in your head started disagreeing with each other again? I know that can be rough but I am sure if you take your meds and put on your little white self-hugging sleeper shirt you will feel much better when you wake up.

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#4 Consumer Comment

Sock Puppets

AUTHOR: Jamie - (Canada)

POSTED: Tuesday, June 13, 2006

What you are reading is what is commonly refered to as a sock puppet. I doubt this individual is a real person. It is more then likely Geoff Brozny or one of his friends. If it isn't Geoff then he has had one of his friends from the usenet newsgroups come here and start this. They do the same kind of thing in the Usenet newsgroups trying to defame people. Geoff Brozny is good at this and does it all the time. Some one else is pulling Tara's strings right now.

You can tell by what the person is saying. First off I never severed any time for any kind of cyber crime and never did any kind of psycho-therapy like they claim. This is all laughable and nothing more then a bunch of lies.

I was not caught spamming nor am I a spammer in any way. This is just yet another one of his lies.

Geoff Bronzy spammed several of my mailboxes too it is laughable again to think that I spammed myself. Geoff Brozny who runs Glorb Internet Services was caught red handed spamming.

This is obviously Geoff or one of his friends that are writting this as Tara.

This is just one of many stunts that Geoff Brozny tries to pull. And my complaint is very vaild against Geoff Brozny and Glorb Internet services and it stands.

Do not use Glorb Internet Services as an ISP. They are extremely abusive and will invade your privacy too.

Editor please stop Tara from posting any more of these posts she is obviously just a fraud and really is Geoff Brozny or one of his friends and is flooding this report in order to try and make it go away.

The response by this individual is laughable telling me about the death penalty and how they have an express lane. The response from Tara is just a lot of garbage.

Geoff Brozny is located in The State of Ohio why would anyone from Texas have anything to do with Mr. Brozny. She has no dealings with him and is not even posting about the topic at hand. She is just spamming the report hoping that this rip off report will go away. well thats not going to happen the report stands and Do not under any circumstance use Glorb Internet Services they are extremely abusive. They should be avoided at all costs.

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#3 Consumer Comment

You want to know what it is Jamie??

AUTHOR: Tara - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, June 12, 2006

I am not Geoff... I am daughter can atest to that well unless you know something I don't about men giving birth. I have never even met the guy or so much as talked to him. Do you know why I keep tracking down your posts??
It is really quite simple actually. I think it is vile the way you abuse the internet and on top of that I am insulted that you think for a moment either I or these good people would look at these sites and the postings and believe you. Ohhhh gosh........the whole world is after Jamie. Poor poor Jamie....hurry quick lets shut down the big bad internet man because he made Jamie cry. Oh please give me a break. If that is what you think then you are really really missing some vital parts to your brain.
Dude anyone can go in and pull the public records that state as a matter of law what you have done. You pleaded guilty to cyber crimes and had to do psycho-therapy as a condition of your parole. HELLO!!!!! IT IS A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD YOU IDJIT!!
My gosh think about what scam you are trying to pull before you start flapping your fingers. And on a side note do you even realize how much trouble you can get into posting messages like this that are a blatant lie?!?!?! You are not safe just because you are in canada dear, there are international laws governing the use of the internet to spread slander and commit crimes against individuals. Why don't you stop while you are ahead before you pull this chit with someone who is not as tolerant as Geoff and Evil and the others have been. You are really just asking to go to jail and I really hate to see the simple people hurt themselves with their own ignorance.

I mean Jamie really, anyone can look at that site and then once their interest is peaked they start to really look into what you have been up to and what can actually be found on you. For starters you think that just because you send those emails to yourself through an open proxy that you can't get busted?? I have seen our fine FBI agents track down traces through multiple open proxies and hundreds of hops all over the world. Don't you know what our motto is? We always get our man. Just because Geoff ticked you off that is not, I repeat NOT an excuse or justification to be pulling this chit. You have issues and anyone can see that. It was your own rant on rawconfessions that got me looking into you in the first place, YOU DID IT TO YOURSELF!! I don't know just how stupid you think we Americans are but trust me dear, even our mentally oozed citizens can see right through this smoke you are blowing up everyone's ........oops...sorry editors :) Just got a little carried away. My bad.
The point is this were busted as a spammer, you got mad at evil for pulling your site down because you were posting personal information about spam fighters knowing dang well that if someone got mad enough they just might hunt that person down and kill them and yes you can ask any lawyer US or would be help liable for that and just remember we don't have to press all of our charges against you at once....we can have you extradited to the US on the cyber charges and then let one of the local..county...state...or federal agencies level first degree murder charges against you. We have the death penalty here and guess what, my state just put in an express lane. Crimes of hate, which is what your actions would fall under, qualify for the death penalty in a large number of states here in the US. Something you should really consider before you start typing all these stupid, ill planned, horribly transparent lies about people. You know if you cut all that BS out then Geoff would more then likely become bored with it all and take the site down, the only reason any of them give you chit is because you keep pucking with them and frankly I pretty sure that all of them are sick of you spewing your fictitous lies across the web. Your not going to hurt their reputation, anyone with one or more functioning brain cells can see right through your BS. Heck I don't even know you or any of these other people and I am disgusted with it. All you are doing is hurting yourself. Don't you get that?!?!?! Are you to simple to even grasp that understanding?
I tell you what, since you have all this time on your hands and pinned up energy why don't you focus it on someone who actually deserves being harassed and annoyed by you. Why don't you do a little checking into CI Host and its owner Christopher Faulkner. I think that would be a great project for you. They are unethical, deceptive, sue happy, frauds, and much more deserving of your never ending efforts to annoy the chit out of them. You know what I'll even help you out, if you think this is a cause you want to take on then just let me know through a post on here and I will post my email on one of the forums and you can write me, I will be more then happy to email you copies of all then court documents and records of their scamming and you can open fire on them. It will be beneficial for everyone including you, all those people who have been a victim of CI Host will be happy to see that they are getting what is coming to them and you will be focused on something, this will take your attention away from trying (yet failing horribly) to ruin a decent person thus quashing the exact behavior that causes all those guys to make your life a nightmare. What do you say Jamie? Deal?

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#2 Consumer Comment

Fake Responses

AUTHOR: Jamie - (Canada)

POSTED: Monday, June 12, 2006

Ok you see Tara will be one of the friends of Geoff Brozny. Or Geoff Brozny himself posting under another name. He does that a lot. He has spammed my mailbox from various sources all of which has been archived in Google Groups.

Exactly go to and see the website that is the website I am complaining about. The Individual is clearly stalking me and attempting to harase me.

This is a common thing for Geoff Brozny and his band of abusive friends to do to post fake responses like this. It is important that this website be immediately shut down.

Geoff Brozny is a stalker and attempts to harase people. He thinks that he is above the law and that no one can touch him.

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#1 Consumer Comment

DO NOT believe Jamie!!! He is a liar!!

AUTHOR: Tara - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, June 12, 2006

Jamie Baillie is not to be believed for any reason!! He is a habitual liar and posts these types of things about anyone who makes him made. Do a google search on him or go to or you can do a search in and see how insane he is. I would advise the editors to take a look at the same information I am suggesting the consumers look at and then pull this posting as it is fictitious and full of slander.

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