- Phone: 817-255-5200
- Web:
- Category: Insurance Companies
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Loyal employee kicked to the curb
*Consumer Comment: Its not a rip off if you know what you are doing
*Consumer Comment: Shop and Compare
* : Health Markets
*UPDATE Employee: Scratch below the surface!!!
*UPDATE Employee: Scratch below the surface!!!
*Consumer Comment: Prospective Employee who Wanted Answers
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: To Ray and YourDumb: Mega is Scam to its Customers AND Agents
*Consumer Suggestion: Nothing new
*Consumer Comment: HealthMarkets: More recent and relavent information
*Consumer Comment: FYI
*UPDATE Employee: Hey Now we are not that Bad
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Mega being sued.... again!
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Blake if you've been around that long you know the truth!!!
*Consumer Comment: You People Should be Ashamed of yourselves
*Consumer Suggestion: Thank You For The Kick In The Head
*Consumer Suggestion: Thank You For The Kick In The Head
*Consumer Suggestion: Thank You For The Kick In The Head
*Consumer Suggestion: Thank You For The Kick In The Head
*Consumer Comment: UICI is partners with the awful Genesis Financial Solutions
*UPDATE Employee: Experience fine here in Florida
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: MEGA & Mid-West fined $150000 by State of Colorado
*UPDATE Employee: Mid-West and a fair representation
*Consumer Comment: I'm with you 100% Leo
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#27 UPDATE EX-employee responds
Loyal employee kicked to the curb
AUTHOR: jilted - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, July 15, 2012
I started working for the company in 1997 when it was UICI under Ron Jensen. I was loyal to the company for many years and I think it was a good company when Mr Jensen was alive. When he died, the Blackstone corporation took over and eventually the name was changed to Healthmarkets. It was all about turning a profit after that. The people in charge changed numerous times and it because a very toxic environment to work in.
My mother passed away from break cancer in 2009 and I took care of her while on hospice till the day she passed. I had a very hard time dealing with this and had a difficult time adjusting coming back to work.
Healthmarkets kicked me to the curb with the rest of the employees that they didn't want to deal with.. The elderly, the sick, the poor workers (which is justified), the workers who made to much money etc.......
I really really needed help. I always did my work, but it was obviously that I was still grieving. The never once asked me if I was OKAY, or I needed any assistance during my time of grief. The didn't even bother to contact me or send me flowers when my mother passed away.
I'll remind you at this point. I was a very dedicated employee that dumped blood, sweat and tears into making this company successful for 13 years of my life. 13 years!
I got a 6 month severance and was told that they had to cut costs and didn't need me anymore.
I suffered for 9 months after that looking for work and finally (LUCKiLY!) landed a job making more money than Healthmarkets paid me. In fact, I doubled my income.
I look back on it know and feel like such a fool for being loyal to a company like this. I don't regret being loyal during the days of Ron Jensen because he actually took care of his company.
I hope the the current folks in charge burn in hell for the way they have have treated people.
Karma is a b*tch, and I think they will get what they deserve in the end....

#26 Consumer Comment
Shop and Compare
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Some are attacking and others are defending HealthMarkets/MegaLife/UGA. The answer is really simple. SHOP! I did.
The deficiencies in the Mega Life policy were obvious. I told the agent I wanted a major medical policy. I was presented with a policy with limited benefits and no minimum out of pocket that was more expensive than other policies from well known companies. After reading the policy terms I pointed out these deficiencies and how this was garbage and should be ashamed of herself for representing this as a major medical policy and representing this company.
Agents for this company do not know the insurance marketplace and what else is out there. If they do then they are counting on your ignorance to make the sale. It is this group that deserves to be sued out of existence because they know they are taking advantage of you.
The key is to be educated and know what you are looking at. In doing this you cannot avoid coming to the conclusion that Mega Life polices are a rip off.

Health Markets
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Health Markets is NOTHING but a collection of "agencies" under the Health Markets umbrella name. I am a licensed life/accident/health/variables agent in Southern California who has been looking for a position with a new company. I put my resume on Monster and careerBuilder and got contacted by FOUR of the agencies in the greater Los Angels area. I scheduled an interview in the Burbank office (right next to Warner Bros. Studios). Nice office building. They have a TINY office on a floor they share with MANY other businesses with a common receptionist, whuch SHOULD have been the first clue that these were CHEAP bastards. Their office had two desks and a small round table and was filled with cardboard boxes. I looked TACKY to say the least. I was told to go out front and fill out an application.
I filled out the application and on page three, near the bottom, there is a place to circle YES or NO to the following statement (paraphrased here): I hereby acknowledge that I undertand that the installtion and appointment fees are NON-REFUNABLE (my caps). When I was escorted to a conference room on the other side of the floor, I asked, point blank, before the interview started, "What are the installation and appointment fees"? This "manager" hemmed and hawwed and shuffled his feet, lloked at the application as if he dodn't know what was on it, and then finally said "$175". I said "FOR WHAT"? He said that they (the company) charges to have a backfound check done by the CA DOJ and the FBI and that they charge a fee to be appointed. At this point I stared him down and said "In my career as a licensed life/health/accident/variables agent I have been appointed to over 40 companies and had NEVER been charged ANY fees whatsoever." His rebuttal was that in his 5 years with this company, they have always charged these fees. I asked him if he had ever been with any other insurance company and he said "No". He said that health insurance companies always charge appoint ment fees. I said "BULLSHIT; I have been appointed with Mutual of Omaha selling MediCare Part D, Aetna, selling MediCare supplements, Blue Cross, HealthNet, and many other insurance companies." I then said that that these fees were a deal breaker and that I would NEVER pay a fee to go to work for ANY company, especially in this economic climate.
He had now lost control of the interview to me (which ANY experiennced manager woukd NEVER let happen) and I reiterated that under no circunstances would I ever pay any fee to go to work for any one, that the costs associated with the backgound check(s) were a cost of doing business and that appointment fees were nothing but a BULLSHIT means of making an up front profit from a would-be new agent. He said he would talk it over with the "district Manager" who would be there in about an hour and see if he could get the fees waived. The second he said that, I knew that this organization was BULLSHIT; if they require a fee, then this should be NON-NEGOTIABLE. I said my goodbye and left. At NO time was I mean, foul-mouthed, or rude and I NEVER raised my voice eben though I had drove 32 miles each way to go to this SCAM OPERATION. What a waste of $10 worth of gas, almost three hours of my time (counting the commute). And, I'll also say that there is NO street parking other than 30 minute parking across the street and that parking in the building costs between $8 and $10. Lickily for me, I am legally handicapped, so my placard allowed me to park just across the street for free.
As an added note, do you think I ever heard from him since yesterday. If anyone said yes, then you are a MORON.

AUTHOR: Mike - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, August 18, 2009
i've heard of AIG...that didnt work out so well....

#23 Consumer Comment
Its not a rip off if you know what you are doing
AUTHOR: Vicmr69 - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I keep reading how many sources will prove or disprove how this company, or any company for that matter, is a ripoff or a trustful company. The truth is, in regards to MEGA and others mentioned, that the facts are stated in clear precise statements that most people will not take the time to read. The responsibility falls on the insured and not on anyone else. Do not blame a lying agent and do not do something just on the merit of a referal.
Read what you are signing. Read what the fine print. Its fine print for a reason just like EVERY company has on agreements.
As an insurance broker, which many here have commented that I am one that you should get in touch with for questions and answers, I can tell you that the problem, 99% of the time, is due to ignorance. People complain and call companies ripoffs because the insured themselves do not understand what co-insurance is or exactly how deductibles work. When they get billed for the co-insurance amount, they wonder why it is owed if the deductible is met.
If one is looking for low-cost insurance, which is unheard of nowadays, one needs to expect more exposure to out of pocket expenses. If you want lower rates, raise the deductible or co-insurance. If you want to lower the premium, cut or remove some benefits. But if you do, remember that when the times comes, God willing it never will, your exposure to out of pocket cost is greater.
As a broker, I can say that there is NO bad comany that is in business for many many years. As a broker, I can say that there is NO company that is free of complains. As a broker, I can say that If you understand what you are getting, you will never complain.
I know that many articles can be found regarding how this company is a ripoff. The truth is that you can find statements like this about ANY company in ANY industry. By the same token, you can find articles that state how great of a company any company is including ,MEGA, MIDWEST, HEALTHMARKETS or any other compnay that one complains about.
Bottom line is that if you want low-cost insurance, you will pay more out of pocket when the worst times happen. As a consumer, you have to balance out your options and decide what risk and exposure you are willing to accept. Will you pay more premium for less exposure or will you pay less premium for more exposure? In some cases, either way results in the exact same financial result in the long run, but those are the unfortunate times that we wish would not happen such as a major medical illness or accident.
The companies mentioned in this article are all companies that offer benefits to people and they all truly offer something of value. READ and UNDERSTAND what you are getting and paying for. This is the only way to know that you are being treated fairly and not taken advantage of. In fairness, these comapnies did not rip anyone off, no more than a used car dealership rips off a person just because their car broke down, which happens to be the only sure thing every cay will do.
I hate to see that people are unhappy with their medical coverage, but I see it everyday, people take the risk so that they can pay less but when the coverage is needed, they are unhappy because they did not truly understand what they are doing.
As a broker, I do my best to make sure my clients understand but I can make someone understand. Thay have to wnat to understand.
Please do the research and do not rely solely on a ripoff complaint website. Do the research needed to understand what you are doing. This is really the only way to get the best from anyone.
FYI AM BEST rating for MEGA, et al, is triple B+. But then again, AM BEST ratings are for the purpose, sole purpose, of seeing what companies are good to INVEST in for financial growth, not customer satisfaction.

#22 UPDATE Employee
Scratch below the surface!!!
AUTHOR: Mike Morris - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, June 24, 2009
My name is Mike Morris and I am an agent for Health Markets. I have worked as an agent since jan. of 2009. I have sold several policies which include new clients and clients who left the company and have come back, because they now understand that we are the best company out there. First of all every insurance company will be sued from time to time, because people claim not to understand what they are buuying or my agent did me wrong. We were sued 20 million over 36 states. companies like united health care a.k.a. golden rule was just sued 50 million in the state of new york alone. In 2007 blue shield of california was sued 450,000 by one man alleging bad faith. He was in a car acciedent and had misstated his weight by a few pounds and they recended coverage and refused to pay his claim. Just last year assurant health was sued by a man who was told he had a permenant policy and only had a temporary policy. He went into renal failure. He was on a 3 month policy term, meaning every 90 days they reissue him a new policy and re underwrite him. well two months ago he had renal failure and now he is un insurable. so they denied the claim. It was in Time Mag, look it up. Health markets companies are the only company that if you have an issue after your policy is in effect they won't consider is pre existing if you truly did not have issues before or showed no simptoms. whether you had the issue or not. Every other insurance company states that any illness that manifests itself with in the first 12 months will be cosidered pre existing. I have been with other insurance companies and so has my wife. In fact we had assurant health, and were told that we had child birth on our policy. When we had our son we got a bill fom the hospital for 7500 hundred dollars, opps I am sorry mr. morris but i guess we where wrong you didn't have the rider on you policy. well good luck with the baby. With mid-west and our new son we would have come out of pocket nothing. A piece of advice for those of you who where agents with us and just couldn't make it. Let it go man. I am sorry it didn't work out but, some times things don't work out. We truly are a great company. But if you look at this stuff and don't scratch benith the surface then you will be doing yourselves a big injustice.

#21 UPDATE Employee
Scratch below the surface!!!
AUTHOR: Mike Morris - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, June 24, 2009
My name is Mike Morris and I am an agent for Health Markets. I have worked as an agent since jan. of 2009. I have sold several policies which include new clients and clients who left the company and have come back, because they now understand that we are the best company out there. First of all every insurance company will be sued from time to time, because people claim not to understand what they are buuying or my agent did me wrong. We were sued 20 million over 36 states. companies like united health care a.k.a. golden rule was just sued 50 million in the state of new york alone. In 2007 blue shield of california was sued 450,000 by one man alleging bad faith. He was in a car acciedent and had misstated his weight by a few pounds and they recended coverage and refused to pay his claim. Just last year assurant health was sued by a man who was told he had a permenant policy and only had a temporary policy. He went into renal failure. He was on a 3 month policy term, meaning every 90 days they reissue him a new policy and re underwrite him. well two months ago he had renal failure and now he is un insurable. so they denied the claim. Health markets companies are the only company that if you have an issue after your policy is in effect they won't consider is pre existing if you truly did not have issues before or showed no simptoms. whether you had the issue or not. Every other insurance company states that any illness that manifests itself with in the first 12 months will be cosidered pre existing. I have been with other insurance companies and so has my wife. In fact we had assurant health, and were told that we had child birth on our policy. When we had our son we got a bill fom the hospital for 7500 hundred dollars, opps I am sorry mr. morris but i guess we where wrong you didn't have the rider on you policy. well good luck with the baby. With mid-west and our new son we would have come out of pocket nothing. A piece of advice for those of you who where agents with us and just couldn't make it. Let it go man. I am sorry it didn't work out but, some times things don't work out. We truly are a great company. But if you look at this stuff and don't scratch benith the surface then you will be doing yourselves a big injustice.

#20 Consumer Comment
Prospective Employee who Wanted Answers
AUTHOR: Laurence E - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, June 01, 2009
After receiving an invitation to interview for "Confidential Company" looking for sales people, I decided to do my research based on the only information I had, "Carl Grimshaw", the name of the prospective General Manager I was to meet with. Well, to much of my surprise, Google had very little as far as positive results available to show any real credibility to someone I was thinking about interviewing with. Thanks to THIS site; Rippoff Report, I have avoided a waste of my time and years of experience. I also found this link:$.startup?Z_RQSTR_ID=390454&Z_ENT_TYPE=IL - from the insurance department of California and found that very little or valid information of Carl Grimshaw or Health Markets...even more reason to not waste my time or efforts with interviewing with this person/company.
Thanks to all who provided the information needed to do the proper research and helping me avoid a possible employment mistake.

#19 UPDATE EX-employee responds
To Ray and YourDumb: Mega is Scam to its Customers AND Agents
AUTHOR: Rob - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, March 15, 2009
Mega is being investigated in 36 states!
When you go to one of their interviews, it is a GROUP interview. How many GROUP interviews have you been to before when looking for a job? I'll bet none. When I went to mine, we were given the song and dance as to how great NASE was, never mind MEGA, and when the manager's sales pitch was done, we were called individually into his office and asked when can we start. He didn't even look at my resume or ask about my prior work experience! I should have ran out the door right there and then.
Find the local UGA office in your area and go to CareerBuilder and Monster and see how often they post job's usually weekly--because once the 'green around the gills' agents realize they're selling junk policies, they run for the hills. The managers must keep replenishing the sales force because they live off the salesperson's overrides.
No matter how anyone on here embellishes what UGA/NASE/MEGA/UICI/AFS does; if you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig. OINK!

#18 Consumer Suggestion
Nothing new
AUTHOR: Yourdumb - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, March 10, 2009
This re-branding is nothing new in the business world let alone the world of health insurance. Ever heard of blue cross? How about Anthem? Blue shield? ALL OWNED BY WELLPOINT. Now the point is yes, healthmarkets is yet another corporation out to make money any way they can. How is this different then any other health insurance company? They all suck, all health insurance companies are businesses out to make money, not spread love and change the world. They care about money and money alone. What people need is to hear the bad with the good about any plan within any company. Agents are as much to blame as the companies. Look at the $1.7 billion law suit agiants the Blues in 2008, yet still they are the biggest health care provider in CA. Amazing isnt it. So you job as a consumer is to find a balance between the crap companies wont pay for, and what they are required to. Heres a tip, get a job that offers group health care and stay away from any and all Individual plans including association groups....dummies

#17 Consumer Comment
HealthMarkets: More recent and relavent information
AUTHOR: Ray - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Regardless of one's opinion on the subject, the 'ripoff' blogger doesn't present an objective overview of what transpired. I'm likely to establish a relationship with HealthMarkets, and discovered this information through my own due diligence -- ahead of my meetings with them. They are forthright about the issue, and quite frankly, this activity was the result of flawed practices that transpired 4+ years ago, which resulted in a class action suit -- now resolved. California was the epicenter of many of the issues brought about by poor training/representation of services/products by the regional offices in that area. This put the company under a microscope at the time, surfacing similar flaws in other regional areas as well. Like any good company, it identified and corrected its flaws, and is now operating under the leadership of people who at the end of the day, 'did/do the right thing'.
Regardless of ones feelings towards the company, the blogger didn't present other information like the company re-marketing itself to move beyond this blemish. personnel/leadership changes, including bringing in new leadership to address the regionalize training/orientation void that existed. Any good company is going to do the same thing. It's called 'marketing'.

#16 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: P - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, April 04, 2008
Mega has never in my experiences been a good insurance for any reason. I can't count how many people I've spoken to who've been confused because they didn't understand their policy as it was paying compared to what the sales person told them. It really is sad when an Insurance company milks the lack of understanding a majority of this world has about insurance and how it works coverage wise. Mega, for the most part, does not pay really well and it blows my mind that a lot of their policies (along with other insurance carriers) don't pay for preventative care or any office visits but DO cover catastrophic care. You would think that the insurance companies would prefer to pay preventative care (Ie: physicals, immunizations, office visits) so that patients are HEALTHY and not constantly in and out of the hospital.
Mega life was just hit with a multi-million dollar fine in the state of maine for over charging their clients on their premiums for 4 years, too. This astounds me since they don't pay sh*t anyway...nice one Mega.

#15 UPDATE Employee
Hey Now we are not that Bad
AUTHOR: Unsure - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, January 27, 2008
We are not that Bad. Every year I go to Homecoming and the products keep getting bettter. This year we have an annual deductible and 90% coinsurance. That is not bad.
We have a 4k Max and they are 5 million $ policies. Not bad; however, in the years past (I am an employee) I can say I would never go back to selling the stuff that I though was good coverage. Unfortunatly, many states are not approved to sell the good plans from HealthMarkets.
Im still debating on leaving the company because the plans I used to sell - really did suck after comparing it to the new plans.
This gives me a red flag with the company I work with, but then again on our plans once your approved you can move to any state and keep your coverage by not freaking out by trying to get re-approved

#14 UPDATE EX-employee responds
Mega being sued.... again!
AUTHOR: John - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Go search Google - the Mass. Attorney General is now suing Mega Life for deceptive marketing and sales practices, denying mandated benefits, violating consumer privacy, and forcing people to join the NASE which is an illegal requirement for Mass. Go read that article and anyone tell me why you'd still continue to support this company.

#13 UPDATE EX-employee responds
Blake if you've been around that long you know the truth!!!
AUTHOR: Dallas - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Blake your post is scary!! There are numerous third party sources to find the truth if you want to find it. Several of the above posts mention these sources. It is you who simply writes his own biased opinion on the internet and expects readers to beleive it. the fact that you have worked several years for MEGA makes you some sort of authority on the truth about Mega. Whoa thats rich I'll say!
Look, All the ex-agents who come to these forums do so to try to help keep others from making the same mistakes they once made. I worked for Mega for 2 1/2 years before I figured out what I was selling (I am thoroughly disgusted at myself for not seeing the light sooner. both for myself and my clients) I was very successful.
I made senior presidents council each year, I finished in the top ten in The Chairmans Award for Quality, and I was showered with money and recognition (probably part of why I was in denial). The truth is it took 2 1/2 years before I had my first really serious claim. (my field underwriting was excellent).
I told my clients all the things other successful Mega agents tell people. rate increases are minimized by the numbers in the association. We won't cancel you if you get sick. We're the only one who will cover you on the job. We don't have reasonable and customary clauses. what a load of crap. You could only beleive that garbage if you never did your due dilligence. Search the available third party resources and Please, Please don't wait until one of the clients who beleived you were serious about HOPE (all Mega people know what this is) gets sick and is financially devastated because of you.
No amount of success in sales is worth the guilt you will feel. Oh and what happens when you go to the division manager or the company with your sick client and ask why this great policy paid less than half of a 500k cancer claim (no this wasn't Health Choice it was "Premiere PPO" for you Mega agents who are wondering). cold shoulder treatment my friend. they point the finger at you, and start hiring a bunch of new suckers to tell their lies to.
I applaud all the ex-agents and customers who take the time to come to forums like this and share their experiences. I want anyone who doubts what I have said above to please use third party sources to confirm what I am saying.
rip off report is one such source, you will not find numerous rip-off complaints for health carriers like Assurant, United Health Care, American Medical Security, Coventry ect. why? because they are legit, The NAIC (Nation Association of Insurance Commissioners) posts national complaint ratios for insurance carriers. go to their web site and check it out. Mega is the very worst! BY FAR! Go to google and type in "mega wall street journal". read that article by the Wall Street Journal its unbeleivable.
For all you agents. pay special attention to what the president of the company said when he was asked about the allegations. He basically says that Mega policies ARE NOT meant to compete with major medical policies, that they are a lower level alternative for those who can't afford major medical "something is better than nothing". WHAT!
I'm pretty sure that is not what they teach you in your division offices is it? and yet there it is right from the horses mouth, Oh and by way, lets not mention that a Mega Plan with any semblance of useful coverage riders added is MORE EXPENSIVE than like deductible Major Medical plans from other carriers.
Hey Mr Customer, I want you to buy this insurance policy that is less coverage (our president says so) and costs more than this better one. whattya say! C'MON Blake where are the third party souces touting this great company you are defending. Or should we all just take it from you because you wrote it on the net!
Agents Beware. do your home work, your sole depends upon on it.
Customers don't believe anything an agent for ANY company tells you. Read and research before you buy any insurance policy (Mega agents will not give you written policy provisions unless they have your check first. they know if you read and compare you'll never buy) They are trained to "one call close" Please don't let any agent do that to you.
Insurance brokers are not beholding to any company. ask a broker for his top three or four options and read them for yourself, captive Mega agents must convince you the product they sell is best. if you read the president's own words (Wall Street Journal) its not, so please don't let an agent who's next meal is dependent him convincing you it is pull the wool over your eyes.
I hope my experiences and advice helps, that is the only reason I am in here. The more Mega policies that are sold the more I can replace its a no brainer!

#12 Consumer Comment
You People Should be Ashamed of yourselves
AUTHOR: Blake - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, August 15, 2007
It's amazing how gullible people are..
Some guy on here types in what he or she wants with complete anonymity
and its treated like gospel.
Did you hear the latest news..
Cream Cheese cures Cancer!
Well its online so it must be true.
I am sick of Brokers making up stories on here so they can defame a competitor.
Why do you sell on the merits of what you offer rather than spend time on here slamming another insurance company, which is of course illegal.
you never see any hard proof of these statements, just rhetoric.
What happened to professionalism.
I have been with Mega/Health Markets for 16 years and I have never had a client pay more than $8,000 out of their pocket with our catastrophic plans. At the same time I have seen people pay over $50,000 numerous times by other companies due to network and reasonable charges issues.
The health choice plan is just a low cost plan for those that cannot afford more. We have several plans that cover over $1 million per claim.
So let's stop the bashing and take care of our own businesses
You should just be ashamed for these postings.
What happened to seeing things in black and white and telling the truth
Bobby Bonds
San Francisco CA.
Just kidding... and proving again anyone can use any name they want on here

#11 Consumer Suggestion
Thank You For The Kick In The Head
AUTHOR: Rick - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, November 28, 2006
I almost started representing this company/these companies. After 23 years in corporate america, believe it or not I developed some ethics, morals and values. I also have an MBA from a top 20 business school, so I am not easily duped.
I responded to an email from a company named UGA. I did a search on the internet and did not find anything. I decided to go to the "interview" anyhow. WOW ... what a great opportunity I thought after the sales pitch the district manager gave.
I did my insurance training, passed the state exam and then went through the MEGA/NASE/AFS training.
The MEGA Health insurance didn't seem that good after studying it. Then a friend with a differnt company told me to do some additional research, like checking with the NAIC.
What I found was that Mega LIfe and Health had the highest complaint ratio of any of the companies selling health insurance in my state (TN). Actually it was twice the ratio of their nearest competitor. The National norm being 1.0, and Mega being 6.54 (for 2005). The next highest was Continental at 3.27.
I remember the district manager telling me that the company viewed the agents as their customers. That's great for the agents, but it sucks for the policyholder.
There is a shell game going on here and I can't understand why it is allowed to continue. NASE = AFS = MEGA. Separately, I still think the benefits of NASE and AFS are great as long as you ignore the insurance aspect. The fact is these organizations were created specifically to sell insurance. Everything else is an illusion.
The policies are crap. I decided that I couldn't sleep at night selling this crappy health insurance to stupid or lazy prospects. I backed out before receiving any leads or talking to any prospects.
Here's the bottom line; You can make a lot of money doing a lot of different things. The only good thing I have to say about this opportunity to sell is that if I had the choice of selling illegal drugs, being a pimp or selling Mega Life and Health Insurance, I "MIGHT" pick Mega.
Buyer beware. Those with a concious beware. run run run.

#10 Consumer Suggestion
Thank You For The Kick In The Head
AUTHOR: Rick - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, November 28, 2006
I almost started representing this company/these companies. After 23 years in corporate america, believe it or not I developed some ethics, morals and values. I also have an MBA from a top 20 business school, so I am not easily duped.
I responded to an email from a company named UGA. I did a search on the internet and did not find anything. I decided to go to the "interview" anyhow. WOW ... what a great opportunity I thought after the sales pitch the district manager gave.
I did my insurance training, passed the state exam and then went through the MEGA/NASE/AFS training.
The MEGA Health insurance didn't seem that good after studying it. Then a friend with a differnt company told me to do some additional research, like checking with the NAIC.
What I found was that Mega LIfe and Health had the highest complaint ratio of any of the companies selling health insurance in my state (TN). Actually it was twice the ratio of their nearest competitor. The National norm being 1.0, and Mega being 6.54 (for 2005). The next highest was Continental at 3.27.
I remember the district manager telling me that the company viewed the agents as their customers. That's great for the agents, but it sucks for the policyholder.
There is a shell game going on here and I can't understand why it is allowed to continue. NASE = AFS = MEGA. Separately, I still think the benefits of NASE and AFS are great as long as you ignore the insurance aspect. The fact is these organizations were created specifically to sell insurance. Everything else is an illusion.
The policies are crap. I decided that I couldn't sleep at night selling this crappy health insurance to stupid or lazy prospects. I backed out before receiving any leads or talking to any prospects.
Here's the bottom line; You can make a lot of money doing a lot of different things. The only good thing I have to say about this opportunity to sell is that if I had the choice of selling illegal drugs, being a pimp or selling Mega Life and Health Insurance, I "MIGHT" pick Mega.
Buyer beware. Those with a concious beware. run run run.

#9 Consumer Suggestion
Thank You For The Kick In The Head
AUTHOR: Rick - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, November 28, 2006
I almost started representing this company/these companies. After 23 years in corporate america, believe it or not I developed some ethics, morals and values. I also have an MBA from a top 20 business school, so I am not easily duped.
I responded to an email from a company named UGA. I did a search on the internet and did not find anything. I decided to go to the "interview" anyhow. WOW ... what a great opportunity I thought after the sales pitch the district manager gave.
I did my insurance training, passed the state exam and then went through the MEGA/NASE/AFS training.
The MEGA Health insurance didn't seem that good after studying it. Then a friend with a differnt company told me to do some additional research, like checking with the NAIC.
What I found was that Mega LIfe and Health had the highest complaint ratio of any of the companies selling health insurance in my state (TN). Actually it was twice the ratio of their nearest competitor. The National norm being 1.0, and Mega being 6.54 (for 2005). The next highest was Continental at 3.27.
I remember the district manager telling me that the company viewed the agents as their customers. That's great for the agents, but it sucks for the policyholder.
There is a shell game going on here and I can't understand why it is allowed to continue. NASE = AFS = MEGA. Separately, I still think the benefits of NASE and AFS are great as long as you ignore the insurance aspect. The fact is these organizations were created specifically to sell insurance. Everything else is an illusion.
The policies are crap. I decided that I couldn't sleep at night selling this crappy health insurance to stupid or lazy prospects. I backed out before receiving any leads or talking to any prospects.
Here's the bottom line; You can make a lot of money doing a lot of different things. The only good thing I have to say about this opportunity to sell is that if I had the choice of selling illegal drugs, being a pimp or selling Mega Life and Health Insurance, I "MIGHT" pick Mega.
Buyer beware. Those with a concious beware. run run run.

#8 Consumer Suggestion
Thank You For The Kick In The Head
AUTHOR: Rick - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, November 28, 2006
I almost started representing this company/these companies. After 23 years in corporate america, believe it or not I developed some ethics, morals and values. I also have an MBA from a top 20 business school, so I am not easily duped.
I responded to an email from a company named UGA. I did a search on the internet and did not find anything. I decided to go to the "interview" anyhow. WOW ... what a great opportunity I thought after the sales pitch the district manager gave.
I did my insurance training, passed the state exam and then went through the MEGA/NASE/AFS training.
The MEGA Health insurance didn't seem that good after studying it. Then a friend with a differnt company told me to do some additional research, like checking with the NAIC.
What I found was that Mega LIfe and Health had the highest complaint ratio of any of the companies selling health insurance in my state (TN). Actually it was twice the ratio of their nearest competitor. The National norm being 1.0, and Mega being 6.54 (for 2005). The next highest was Continental at 3.27.
I remember the district manager telling me that the company viewed the agents as their customers. That's great for the agents, but it sucks for the policyholder.
There is a shell game going on here and I can't understand why it is allowed to continue. NASE = AFS = MEGA. Separately, I still think the benefits of NASE and AFS are great as long as you ignore the insurance aspect. The fact is these organizations were created specifically to sell insurance. Everything else is an illusion.
The policies are crap. I decided that I couldn't sleep at night selling this crappy health insurance to stupid or lazy prospects. I backed out before receiving any leads or talking to any prospects.
Here's the bottom line; You can make a lot of money doing a lot of different things. The only good thing I have to say about this opportunity to sell is that if I had the choice of selling illegal drugs, being a pimp or selling Mega Life and Health Insurance, I "MIGHT" pick Mega.
Buyer beware. Those with a concious beware. run run run.

#7 UPDATE Employee
AUTHOR: Alan Macquinn - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, November 15, 2006
I have been a senior agent with this company for nine years.
The bottom line is this: If Healthmarkets was such a horrible company, a company that steals your money and never pays claims, a company that will hit their grandmothers over the head for a buck... why are their products rated so highly by the largest insurance rating company on the planet, A.M. Best? Ditto Duff & Phelps? Why were they endorsed by Forbes and Money magazines? Why, if they are sooooo dangerous and illegitimate, did the BlackStone Investment Group (one of the largest investment corporations in the world)tender their largest buyout offer ever for Helathmarkets?
The answer is that they are not a horrible company. Lawsuits? Find me another major player in the health insurance market that doesn't have them. Actually, find me ANY major company involved in ANYTHING that doesn't have any litigation pending against it. Take, ohhhh, the rest of your life to search, you'll need it. Moreover, find me another major insurance player that has AS FEW OF THEM as Healthmarkets, and has as few of them for unpaid claims. $75,000 is a PITTANCE compared to the $1.29 million judgement against the largest insurer in my state.
There are many people who don't make it as agents for this company, for many reasons. No work ethic, laziness, bad business practices. As a commission-only subcontractor, you must be a self-starter, be willing to work hard, and be willing to sacrifice a lot of time and effort. If you do, you'll have a solid company backing you up. If you can't or won't, you'll be a failure.
The generic quality of the above-listed complaints show only that dirt sells. There is no specificity, only that Healthmarkets is a big scary monster out to get old ladies. Grow up, and take a look around at the rest of the insurance industry if you want to complain about something that matters.

#6 UPDATE EX-employee responds
AUTHOR: John - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, August 05, 2006
Daniel. I hope you are not a "Health Choice" policy owner.
Of course you are happy with your policy. You are totally brainwashed now. Have a claim as small as 15000 dollars and good luck. It is IMPOSSIBLE for any honest agent, to fully investigate those plans and still feel comfident about what they are selling.
If you are really smart, you will follow your insticts and use examples and real numbers,not the farfetch ones they use at the office. There are good compnies out there,just as there are bad ones. wether you realize it today or next year, MEGA,UICI,NASE,AFS,UGA,CORNERSTONE,MIDWEST,HEALTH MARKETS,or whatever they are calling themselves this week is NOT a reputable company.

#5 Consumer Comment
UICI is partners with the awful Genesis Financial Solutions
AUTHOR: Sherry - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, July 03, 2006
As all reponses state the truth
these crooks are partners with
the Beaverton Oregon debt collector
These corporations who are dirty DO change names
Genesis Financial Solutions USE to be called
Renaissance Holding INC. Genesis' CEO
Irving Levin sold it in 2000 to guess who ?
Household International...
Levin is the half owner of Genesis the other
half is owned by UICI....I am suing Genesis
in US District court fora number of reasons...
Genesis and Discover and Plaza Associates
are some of the main number one corrupt corps
on this planet...It is going to be a joy making
them answer for the stupid mistakes THEY made
by attacking me...and ruining my name...

#4 UPDATE Employee
Experience fine here in Florida
AUTHOR: Daniel - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, May 04, 2006
Hi Joe,
My experience with the company both as an agent and a policy holder has been fine here in Florida

#3 UPDATE EX-employee responds
MEGA & Mid-West fined $150000 by State of Colorado
AUTHOR: Joe - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, May 03, 2006
If Mid-West and MEGA are such wonderful companies, why did the State Of Colorado's Division of Insurance fine EACH company the unprecedented amount of $75,000 in the Summer of 2003?
If you research, you will find all insurance companies get fined $250 here or $500 there for not filing paperwork on time, claims problems, consumer issues, etc.
$75,000 is a huge fine.
Always check with your State Reg Agency before signing a new policy or cancelling a current one.

#2 UPDATE Employee
Mid-West and a fair representation
AUTHOR: Daniel - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Reading this compliant quite frankly I believe this is simply an unfair attack by a competitor.
I have been with the company for 3 years, and been treated well. I have had management who not only helped me to grow my business, but required me to be in constant learning and training not only to generate new clientele but to serve them honorably and in the best manner of customer service.
No company that exists will ever make everybody happy. However I have seen my customers is very well taken care of.
In closing I would ask that anyone who posts a report about another firm be it positive or negative stands behind their real name. I wouldn't listen to someone who goes on the attack and gives only partial identification, would you?
Best regards,
Daniel Shaw
CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

#1 Consumer Comment
I'm with you 100% Leo
AUTHOR: Tom - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Look at my ripoff report for "Cornerstone" where a guy named "MIKE", aka "TODD KLEIN" at "CORNERSTONE" makes a feeble and cowardly defense of these companies. There's a lot of good info in there.
The scam is this: They recruit you off of, you go in and listen to their pitch. Then they his you up for $247.00 to become a licensed agent. Sorry, guys, it takes a little more education than a 3-day training program!
Let's say you actually acquire a license. You work for "Cornerstone" on a 1099-basis. This means when a customer takes legal action, the agent becomes the defendant. If any of you have met "TODD KLEIN", post a response here and I'll show you where you can find this con artist!

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