Featured Ripoff Reports
Featured Ripoff Reports
- Help stop junk lawsuits
from killing freedom of
speech on the InternetAnti Slapp laws and why we need them. NOTICE to all consumers! Junk lawsuits targeting free speech are a major threat to the First Amendment and have a chilling effect on consumers first amendment right to speak out.
FACEBOOK warns Privacy Invasion. WARNING.. EMPLOYERS SNOOPING YOUR FACEBOOK? Change your Facebook and Twitter privacy settings to only allow friends access to them. Have you been violated by your employer or potential employer by demanding your Facebook or other social media password? If you think you are a victim, file a Ripoff Report, contact Ripoff Report now. Nationwide, Internet
Past Featured Ripoff Reports
L.A. Comedy Awards Los Angeles Comedy Awards, New York Comedy Awards, NY Comedy Awards, Max Worthington LA Comedy Awards scams hard working comedians Los Angeles, California
AND I AM A DEAD MAN - "Googlecide"
Campaign to scare parents of children defamed online - White-Collar Crime
Blueprint for Deception
Stallings Homes Helen Stallings They took our money and then "walked away", leaving us with an unfinished, leaking, molding modular home. Kannapolis, North Carolina
Darren Chaker 101 Darren deNiro COMPLETE FRAUD ON EVERY LEVEL Las Vegas Nevada Internet.
A.S. Radin & Associates Scott Radin Scott Radin ripped me off and 7 other trainees for $4,650. Total scan artist. Hasn't returned my calls since Oct 09 West Seneca, New York.
Marcelene B DuBois, Young Minds Learning Academy Ormond Beach Marcelene Reed stalking, slander, liable, domestic violence Ormond Beach
Nick Miccarelli Self Serving Career Politician, Piece of Garbage, RINO Republican, Wants to kill 44,000 jobs created in a bad economy Ridley Park, Pennsylvania.
RISK MANAGEMENT - PERMANENTE MEDICAL GROUP - OAKLAND, CA Kaiser Plaza Headquarters Patient Abandonment, Violation of Federal and State Elder Abuse Laws, Fraud (Charging $5,000 for Zero Services) OAKLAND, California.
Diagnose-Me.com By Stefan Muth Stefan Muth, Stefan Andreas Muth The owner victimized me, abused me, threatened me, broke his promises to me, failed to pay debts owed to me, turned me into his enemy, and backstabbed me, even though I was nothing but kind and obedient. Hawaii Internet.
Best Buy Christian Reich GM Forcing me to lie to customers about their extended insurance then firing me for calling them out. South Surrey, British Columbia.
PetSmart Whitby Donald Lee Assaulted by manager at PetSmart store in Whitby, Ontario Canada.
California Riverside county cps corruption, child abuse, agenda, job security, attorneys, judges, 730 evaluations, social workers riverside, California *Help!.
B.U.D.D.I.E.S Rescue Inc. Keith Lee Wandell (owner) Fake Trainer, 63 Animal Control Violations, Takes money for homeless dogs to "Rehabilitate"and stuffs them in kennels to starve. Con Artist Myakka City, Florida.
Edgefield Veterinary Hospital, Dover Veterinary Hospital Scammed owner, tortured & inhumanely euthanized dying dog for sake of "education" Hampstead, Dover New Hampshire.
Bridget Koornneef Deadbeat Mom - Lake Placid; Florida Bridget Koorneef; Bridget D'Amico; Bridget D'Amico Jason Koornneef Bridget Koornneef - deadbeat mom quit $70; 000.00 a year job; and moved two hours away seven weeks after she lost custody. She is remarried and has another child with new husband. Lake Placid; Florida.
Bryan David Dye Bryan Dye DEADBEAT DAD Dallas; Texas - currently owes over $5; 400 in back child support to his 3 year old child he fathered while living in Honolulu; HI. Bryan Dye drives a BMW and a Corvette and claims to earn in excess of $100; 000 a year- yet only reports $20; 000 a year in earnings to the child support enforcement agency.
W. Allan Jones "Check Into Cash" The Slimiest Cesspool of Corruption Ever Known Cleveland, Tennessee - "I will tell you their secret weapon: The greedy, immoral corrupt Senator Bob Corker. Were y'all aware that laws and amendments can be bought and paid for? They can! Senator Bob Corker eagerly pants after donations from W. Allan Jones, Check Into Cash, and Jones Management.
Michael Bateman Mike Bateman Deadbeat father, failed to pay child support for past three years, broken promises Sebring, Florida.
Acura Cockapoos Dee Van Laan, Debra, Debbie, Deb Breeder sold me sick pup with damaged knees and other issues Irmo, South Carolina.
Tony Davis owes thousands in child support !!!! Watch out ladies this one is a real winner!!! Internet -Stay away Ladies!!.
Veterinary Clinics of America They Just Don't Care Internet.
Bicycle World of Jupiter Inc. Don't let them fix your bike, they give you used parts Jupiter, Florida .
TigerDirect Will Not Honor Sale Price Miami, Internet *Problem resolved.
ECMC: Educational Credit Management Corporation; St.Paul,MN Richard Boyle, Deb Rude, Aaron ? ECMC treated me with disrespect, stole my federal income tax without my notice worth $2,149.00 and never help me to get out of debt but did everything to trick me into staying in debt. St. Paul, Minnesota.
Boyer Retirement Group Darren Boyer RipOff Scam Buyer Beware, Ogden, Utah.
Rexhall Industries Rexhall R V Service Buyer Beware - Class A Motorhomes with No quality control, major safety issues and will cost you more than you pay for it. Internet.
Edward de Valle AMGW; AMERICAS MEDIA GROUP; AMG Worldwide WHO IS EDWARD DE VALLE ? Miami; Florida - Edward de Valle; the chief executive of AMGW Agency is being sued by five female former employees in a lurid lawsuit alleging abusive behavior and financial misconduct.
Antivenom /Antivenin: Snake bite Antivenom for venomous snakes, spiders and Scorpions website: Antivenom /Antivenin Mark Moody Tried to buy antivenom, sent money, tried to contact by phone and email, never heard from them again Internet. *UPDATE.. Emails to ripoffreport.com posing as FDA that we must remove this report, “ You can enjoy million laws of The US for now I'm fda” Mexico company. NEW LIFE FOUNDATION, corales, cancun, Quintana Roo 79500 Mexico.
August 9th, 2011 | Ripoff Report disappears from Google index! De-listing causes SEO & Reputation industry to quake with fear. True colors are revealed! Ripoff Report returns, not hacked and back with its status of "Leading Consumer Advocacy Website on the Internet!"
Sergeants Towing Entrapment Scam Portland Oregon, Stalking Denny's. This is where Denny’s takes advantage of THOUSANDS of people by towing their cars.
Trent Claud Futrell: This man met me on the internet, stole $1509 from me, and skipped town without a forwarding address or even a goodbye!
Oversees bandits running wal-mart money card scam. They first send you to someone in the Philippines then if you keep complaining it goes to someone in Monrovia California. walmartmoneycard.com
EMS Pasay, Manila Central Post Office, USPS Philippines: Custom fee duties and taxes scam.
John Paynes, Wayne Meyers, Archie Brown: Cons women and others out of their hard earned money, beware of him!
Jared Lee Gosselin - J Lee - Currently has a warrant regarding refusal to support his 5 year old daughter harmony! Fun promoting save the animal world but forgot about his own child/fraud.
Coach's Corner Sports Auctions Scott Malack and Lee Trythall This place has become a source for fraudulent material 2nd to none. Recently EBAY added three more to their banned list and sellers can no longer list certifications from Christopher Morales, TTA and STAT on celebrity signed autographs. Souderton, Pennsylvania
SKS Associates Ach Debit Of Bank Account By this Unknown Company. Over 140 complaints listed here. Consumers report unauthorized EFT debit from business checking account, connections to Northern Leasing with over 400 complaints. New York, New York, Portland Oregon">Coach's Corner Sports Auctions Scott Malack and Lee Trythall This place has become a source for fraudulent material 2nd to none. Recently EBAY added three more to their banned list and sellers can no longer list certifications from Christopher Morales, TTA and STAT on celebrity signed autographs. Souderton, Pennsylvania Northern Leasing Complaints
Bailey Thompson; Great Danes; Florida Bailey54 on www.Hoobly.com Took my $100 deposit and sold puppy to someone else. THIS is why so many animals are destroyed every day in the United States. Careless; thoughtless; and irresponsible breeding. contact Sgt Gause at the DeSoto County Sheriff's Office. Sarasota; Orlando; Florida
JORGE LUIS RIVERA (JORGIE) DEADBEAT DAD; SPERM DONOR; LOOSER LAZY CRAZY BUM; SELFISH; DISRESPECTFUL IRRESPONSIBLE. He has 4 children with different women; owes approx. $75; 000 child support; says that he's not going to pay. Jersey City; Elizabeth; Plainfield; Dunellen; New Jersey
Thomas Liddle and Sgt John Ogrady 2007 Ford Focus for sale listed on Craigslist. Sgt Ogrady (imposter) is selling car before deployment to Afghanistan. Thomas Liddle (eBay "transaction manager") will gladly pick up cash wired to him London E1 7NF, Internet **CONSUMER ALERT! .. this is a common scam to unsuspecting consumers.
P M Garza Charismatic Sociopath. He searches for women on various dating sites pretending to be widowed and available. He relishes snaring the unsuspecting and vulnerable woman. Atlanta; Georgia
Fairbanks Capital Corporation LEADER OF THE PACK IN PREDATORY LENDING owned and operated by The PMI Group, publicly-traded corporation NYSE lawsuits nationwide under investigation
Larry Bagwell Kids.com AKA JustOurKids.com exploits child modeling ripoff scam FTC injunction ignored
Helene Goldnadel ripoff ZaZou Model Management lies touts Magda only real talent success
Carolina Furniture Henry Lee Privette fraud N Carolina Att. General 200 complaonts agains Privette's furniture company
Ramada Plaza Resort Rip-off: Consumers nationwide: No Slack in Change of Date due to Military Deployment
Lou Pearlman $300 Million Pnzi Scheme Employee Savings Plan ripoff Trans Continental Airline Investment dupes elderly
Bill Heard Chevrolet ripoff to consumers nationwide no MSRP stickers
Ugly Duckling now Drive Time, same scam different name, employee inside information
Don Lapre Rip-off: The only one making money in this get-rich-quick scheme is Don Lapre
OCWEN CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT FILED Ocwen Bank Ripoff racketeering, breach of contract, unfair dept collection practices, overcharging borrowers bogus service, late and escrow fees, harassment, mail fraud
Pizza Hut employee abuses, criminal activity, health code violations
Mesa Arizona Police civil rights violations, discrimination & corruption agains their own officers
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