Complaint Review: Haithem Masri M.D. F.A.C.S - Masri Clinic - Dearborn Ann Arbor Michigan
- Haithem Masri M.D. F.A.C.S - Masri Clinic 13530 Michigan Ave Dearborn, MI 48126 Dearborn Ann Arbor, Michigan U.S.A.
- Phone: 248-851-6528
- Web:
- Category: Bait-and-Switch
Haithem Masri M.D. FACS - Masri Clinic His name should be Dr. Money, he lies, inflicts pain then says too bad. Dearborn Ann Arbor Michigan
*General Comment: To Wolf and his staunch Israeli supporter , Debbie
*Consumer Comment: It's amazing how many people can be so jealous from a plastic surgeon! He is a1 and extremely talented in his profession.
*Author of original report: I withdraw my cowardly apology to Dr.Haitham Masri and stand by my original story thanks to attorney Debbie Schlussel.
*Author of original report: wolfman west Bloomfield Michigan My additional past comments stating filing regret and apology are missing?
*Author of original report: wolfman west Bloomfield Michigan My additional past comments stating filing regret and apology are missing?
*Author of original report: wolfman west Bloomfield Michigan My additional past comments stating filing regret and apology are missing?
* : I recant all apologies made under duress and swear that my original complaint is the truth
*Author of original report: Haitham Masri M.D. Dearborn Michigan
*Author of original report: Haitham Masri M.D. Dearborn Michigan
*Author of original report: Haitham Masri M.D. Dearborn Michigan
*Author of original report: Haitham Masri M.D. Dearborn Michigan
*Author of original report: Haithem Masri M.D. F.A.C.S-Masri Clinic, Dearborn, Michigan
*Author of original report: Haithem Masri M.D. F.A.C.S-Masri Clinic, Dearborn, Michigan
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This happened to my close friend Sue 50+ and I witnessed it. The gold standard of the plastic surgery business is that if you are not satisfied as we found out too late, the doctor offers to redo the job, or refunds your money.
Needless to say we were ripped off by this Dr. Haithem Masri a so called doctor promising to do rhinoplasty for a set fee that included internal revision, pushing back the tip of her nose and narrowing the nose for a fee of 3750 and this was to take place in his office operating room.
Both he and his assistants described what they were going to do. Then a later visit came the bait and switch, or medical three card monte.He wanted to narrow her nostrils which would only cost and additional 600 and she agreed, I helped with the deposit.
The rest was to be taken care of by a so called interest free credit card called GE Money (that has been calling every day from India though we asked for this to be put in dispute.) He said she may have some trouble breathing with her more narrow nostrils, so we went back to the original plan.
As a witness I asked if there could be a computer approximation of what her nose would look like, he said it would cost extra (almost a hundred dollars). I withdrew my deposit and she was assigned a second half credit card with interest. She wanted to proceed for the original quote of thirty seven hundred and fifty dollars.
I witnessed his promises, he actually placed his finger on the tip of her nose telling her what she wanted to hear. Then we signed the medical waiver forms in that would not hold him libel for surgical errors, he assured us he never had a complaint (a big lie).
Later we also found that in the small print he is free from any outcome, even aesthetic outcome.
We found we had to wait for him to get back from his prayers at the mosque, this man is not a good moslem in my opinion, he just goes to the mosque to get more customers and for appearances.
An arabic lawyer I called confirmed my opinion that he takes advantage of recent imigrants, said that she had a lot of complaints, but the costs of court did not justify any lawyer taking the case.
A lady was screaming about a face peel. He dicussed her in violation of ethics saying that when he corrects one problem another may be more noticible.
Be careful what you sign is all I can say, we even agreed that in case of a dispute we would bring in another surgeon to testify and that we would pay his attorney costs if we lose! We were idiots in this respect, we were fooled by the diplomas, and his numerous licenses.
On the day of surgery she pointed to the tip of her nose, her ingored her.Before surgery she was promised a bed to recover. Her surgery was delayed for hours, nothing to eat or drink for 17 hours.
After surgery she was placed in a chair, handed her shoes and coat and was told to ask for her ride (another lady she knew) to come around and take her without any after care insstructions in writing. Just a few pills for sleep.
She was told she could drink, and on the way home she threw up all over herself, I cleamed her coat which was ruined. Her rides car stank.
Aftrer the bandages were removed she immediately noticed that the tip of her nose was not fixed, in fact it was pushed down and seemed more bulbous. He said wait a year, then he admitted he did not touch the tip of her nose, claiming she did not pay for it.
He said if she wanted that done she would have to pay to have the entire procedure again. He actually insulted her. Said he would write down that she is one of the very few that is unhappy.
That she should be happy that her nose does not look like it had an operation.That we should leave and not come back.
Legally he protected up the kazoo with billing to two different limited liability corporations. The fact that his old credit company that charged no interest was dropped for one that does also speaks volumes.
We are hoping to convince a small claims judge (3000 max) that he admitted he did not attempt to fix what he promised to (breach of oral contract).
This liar would not even reply to a letter asking for a substantial reduction in fee and now we are being dunned with penalties by GE Money..
West Bloomfield, Michigan
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 05/28/2008 05:51 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#13 General Comment
To Wolf and his staunch Israeli supporter , Debbie
AUTHOR: Monak2 - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, June 07, 2017
It amazes me how both you and your attorney work hard to refrain others from exercising their 1st amendment rights. I left multiple comments on Debbie's page which have all been removed by her. So much for free speech!!!! I guess it's clowns like you both who lobby hard in DC to pass pathetic anti Semitic bills to your advantage. The reality is, both Wolf and Schussel are Ashkenazis. You are nothing but European Jews who were forced into conversion to Judaism . Check your DNA! Unlike my family , our lineage traces to the Mezrahi Jews. We , along with the Ethiopian Jews, (who you Jews segregate against and bury in separate cemeteries in Israel than your own, due to blatant discrimination and racism) are the original , pure Jews. Nobody is more racist than you two. Reading your comments maliciously attacking a professional simply based on his religious identity only speaks volumes of what you two stand for.

#12 Consumer Comment
It's amazing how many people can be so jealous from a plastic surgeon! He is a1 and extremely talented in his profession.
AUTHOR: Monak2 - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Friday, May 12, 2017
It's amazing how many people are envious about Dr. Masri. All these complaints are all from the same gentlman and his attorney. You guys should've been plastic surgeons instead of wasting so much time and energy trying to deliberately tarnish someone's image. He is a true talent, artist, and is amazing with his work. That's why he draws so many patients. Honestly, nobody cares about you and your experience with him. Your Jewish and tried to blatantly attack him on a website and in return were being sued by the doctor. You got what you deserved. Nothing more, and personally, nobody CARES! This surgeon is talented and does wonders on my face! Truly god sent gift.

#11 Author of original report
I withdraw my cowardly apology to Dr.Haitham Masri and stand by my original story thanks to attorney Debbie Schlussel.
AUTHOR: Wolfman - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 23, 2010
First I would like to thank Debbie Schlussel my attorney who stood by me while this so called doctor tried to sue me for libel.
Before I met attorney Schlussel I cowardly tried to worm my way out by requesting a cancellation of my original report about Haithem Masri a who lied to my moslem friend and myself about what he would do with her nose.
His record is not pure, other complaints, and a conviction for falsfying records for which his license was suspended.
He tried to obtain extra money ($600.00) for an extra procedure (narrowing the nostrils) the very last minute and when she changed her mind he switched to an apparently less complicated procedure that neglected the tip of her nose(see original report).
In my world there is no worse criminal than one that takes advantage of his or her own people's trust.
My Moslem friend supports her five beautiful daughters in college by taking menial factory work as a low paid temperary. I helped her because of my gratitude for all the help she gave to my dying mother. I am on disability myself.
Her nose now looks like a ski jump, and this "doctor" said he did not do what she requested because she didn't pay for it and she would have to pay again to redo it and accused her of being a difficult patient which makes you wonder why he continued with her.
As I said she left his office operating "theater" after he already left with no written instructions on after care
She threw up on herself on the way home, and today regrets dealing with a liar.
All because he initially promised an external rhinoplasty and then switched to a simpler internal rhinoplasy without informing her of his change in plans. In my opinion motivated when she switched to his G-d awful (offered by his office) credit card company (GE Money) and her withdrawal of my "cash" deposit while also refusing to do the extra costly last minute unrelated nostril procedure.
Warning- read what you sign and do not trust any plastic surgeon who does not tell you what he plans to do in writing. Especially in any Dearborn based nose mill that bears investigation for possible fraud. You should see the lake estate he lives in with his "divorced" wife who claims to own the clinic, he drives a porche 911 of course.
For more information see Debbie Schlussel's opinion. Whether you are Christian, Moslem, or Jew If you have a similar legal problem I highly recommend Debbie Schlussel who is thorough and unrelenting in her pursuit of justice.
As far as Dr. Haitham Masri or any other surgeon who makes fantastic verbal promises not enforcable in court because it involves a medical procedure. "caveat emptor"

I recant all apologies made under duress and swear that my original complaint is the truth
AUTHOR: Wolfman - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, September 21, 2009
I was fortunate to obtain a tigress for a first amendment attorney named Debby Schlussel who took the libel case filed against me by Haitham Masri pro bono. This doctor in my opinion should be investigated by the IRS and the FBI for suspected fraud of his predominantly Moslem patients, the insurance companies, and the credit card industry that in this case was GE Money Bank- a crooked, lying gauging company whose tactics make Bernie Madoff look like an angel.(I have no doubt that is why these two birds fly together.)
Operating from a Dearborn nose mill and protected not only by the medical malpractice laws designed by the medical lobby to protect the worst in their profession, Haitham is also protected by having his company Masri Clinic in his divorced wife's name.
Masri advertises weekly in the slanted Arab news where an add from a prominent Arabic lawyer who asked me not to mention his/her name affirmed my worst fears for a favorable legal outcome for my dear friend Souad who has helped me with my Alzheimer's mother for three years- may god bless her. I admire Souad, a proud mother of five educated daughters, and I was happy to assist her.
Beware, Haitham is slick, his staff goes out of their way to say he is at mosque which falsely gives you the opinion that he is a rightious man and not the con shark he really is in my opinion.
He lives large on a huge estate complete with tennis court, his black dual exhaust convertable porche is a 911 purchased no doubt to show his pride in his former country of Syria having no small part in the bombing not only of the twin towers, which I believe they had a heavy hand in, but also lebanon assassinations and the roadside and suicide bombings of innocent moslems at mosque or in souks including women and children as well as our united states soldiers throughout the mideast.
When will Michigan politicians wake up and stop mollycoddling Masri Clinic known by the FBI to be located in the heart of what some refer to as "Dearbornistan" (off the record of course). Previously sued and sanctioned by his own profession successfully for falsifying a patients records, Masri HAD HIS LICENSE SUSPENDED and was fined.
He no doubt noticed my grandmother's jewish star when I accompanied Souad who only wanted to have her life long dream of what to me was a beautiful prominent Roman Nose corrected.
She confided to me in her youth she was teased by her fellow Kurdish children who called her "Jew". In retrospect I feel that there is no doubt he disaproved for a Jew to accompany a Moslem woman even for business, and to have me advocate for her as if we were brother and sister.
I have prominent close Moslem, Chaldean, and Lebanese friends(some I have known since they were kids), three of my doctors are moslem, and have been referred by some their "friends" jokingly as a "Yehudi",the arabic term for Jew that is frequently used pejoritively. I was under a lot of pressure, Masri's legal harassment depleted what little money I had saved on my disability income.
I "apologized" as I was afraid this would affect my ability to take care of my mother, afflicted in the last stages of Alzheimers. This is why I cowered under a legal system that respects no one without an attorney, and as Dr, Masri knows malpractice attorneys, and defamation attorneys are very very expensive, he gets away with what he gets away with. I caution you not to take lightly what you sign at Masri Clinic, legally he is protected by his ex wife who really owns the company.
Thankyou! Debbie. Baruch a shem, Inshallah for justice delivered for my efforts. Souad unfortunately still suffers today from the pain and humiliation perpetrated on her in my opinion by this duplicitous self described genius who refuses not only to admit fault and settle but who does not even reside in Dearborn, but on a lake in the West Bloomfield, Orchard Lake area, including a large treed estate, porche, tennis court and more.
The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small. - Milton

#9 Author of original report
wolfman west Bloomfield Michigan My additional past comments stating filing regret and apology are missing?
AUTHOR: Wolfman - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, September 08, 2008
As stated I regreted filing my report against Dr.Masri as it has put me and the patient a dear friend, in a bad situation. I especially want to re-iterate my apology to Dr. Masri for referring to his religion in this letter.
At the time it seemed relevant as we were told he was at his place of worship, however it was below the belt.
My letter of apology is no longer posted why?
To this date there has been no resolution due to the refusal of to make an exception in thier fine printed policy that I overlooked in my haste to leave the library computer before closing.
I am very upset at the time and costs spent on trying to nullify my foolish attempt to get attention from Dr. Masri I say foolish as I hoped he would reply with some sort of offer to remediate the situation.
I repeat that I also regret my remarks damaging his reputation and I condemn Ed Magedson for not having the decency to respect my wishes in this matter and have my e-mail removed. R. Wolf

#8 Author of original report
wolfman west Bloomfield Michigan My additional past comments stating filing regret and apology are missing?
AUTHOR: Wolfman - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, September 08, 2008
As stated I regreted filing my report against Dr.Masri as it has put me and the patient a dear friend, in a bad situation. I especially want to re-iterate my apology to Dr. Masri for referring to his religion in this letter.
At the time it seemed relevant as we were told he was at his place of worship, however it was below the belt.
My letter of apology is no longer posted why?
To this date there has been no resolution due to the refusal of to make an exception in thier fine printed policy that I overlooked in my haste to leave the library computer before closing.
I am very upset at the time and costs spent on trying to nullify my foolish attempt to get attention from Dr. Masri I say foolish as I hoped he would reply with some sort of offer to remediate the situation.
I repeat that I also regret my remarks damaging his reputation and I condemn Ed Magedson for not having the decency to respect my wishes in this matter and have my e-mail removed. R. Wolf

#7 Author of original report
wolfman west Bloomfield Michigan My additional past comments stating filing regret and apology are missing?
AUTHOR: Wolfman - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, September 08, 2008
As stated I regreted filing my report against Dr.Masri as it has put me and the patient a dear friend, in a bad situation. I especially want to re-iterate my apology to Dr. Masri for referring to his religion in this letter.
At the time it seemed relevant as we were told he was at his place of worship, however it was below the belt.
My letter of apology is no longer posted why?
To this date there has been no resolution due to the refusal of to make an exception in thier fine printed policy that I overlooked in my haste to leave the library computer before closing.
I am very upset at the time and costs spent on trying to nullify my foolish attempt to get attention from Dr. Masri I say foolish as I hoped he would reply with some sort of offer to remediate the situation.
I repeat that I also regret my remarks damaging his reputation and I condemn Ed Magedson for not having the decency to respect my wishes in this matter and have my e-mail removed. R. Wolf

#6 Author of original report
Haitham Masri M.D. Dearborn Michigan
AUTHOR: Wolfman - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, June 23, 2008
Haithem Masri M.D. Dearborn Michigan Apology by "wolfman" Ronald
K. Wolf regarding the posting on this website. I am not only sorry for the posting I made which will persist despite my repeated demands for deletion by, they are steadfast and in my opinion cruel in this respect.
I do not recall checking the box for agreement, perhaps it was done automatically. I have been told by Mr. Malizia that an amicable agreement could be reached over what hopefully will turn out to be a misunderstanding.
I truly regret by bringing up your going to mosque, that is your private business and none of mine. I have many middle-eastern, Indian and Pakistani friends including Syrian, Lebanese, Chaldean, Iraqi, both Moslem, and Christian and would never want to jeopardize their friendship.
In no way have I ever disparaged the Moslem religion in whole, or in part. Souad (Sue), whom you operated on is Moslem and without her help my mother would not be alive today. I regret now that this posting caused you any emotional distress.
I wish to retract the entire contents of this posting and wish I had the power to remove it. Please forgive me for acting so rashly in my efforts to support her after all she has done for my mother.
I pray now that you and Souad can come to an amicable settlement and though I am not Moslem may I close with the Moslem affirmation of hope for a positive outcome; InshaAllah. Sincerely,

#5 Author of original report
Haitham Masri M.D. Dearborn Michigan
AUTHOR: Wolfman - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, June 23, 2008
Haithem Masri M.D. Dearborn Michigan Apology by "wolfman" Ronald
K. Wolf regarding the posting on this website. I am not only sorry for the posting I made which will persist despite my repeated demands for deletion by, they are steadfast and in my opinion cruel in this respect.
I do not recall checking the box for agreement, perhaps it was done automatically. I have been told by Mr. Malizia that an amicable agreement could be reached over what hopefully will turn out to be a misunderstanding.
I truly regret by bringing up your going to mosque, that is your private business and none of mine. I have many middle-eastern, Indian and Pakistani friends including Syrian, Lebanese, Chaldean, Iraqi, both Moslem, and Christian and would never want to jeopardize their friendship.
In no way have I ever disparaged the Moslem religion in whole, or in part. Souad (Sue), whom you operated on is Moslem and without her help my mother would not be alive today. I regret now that this posting caused you any emotional distress.
I wish to retract the entire contents of this posting and wish I had the power to remove it. Please forgive me for acting so rashly in my efforts to support her after all she has done for my mother.
I pray now that you and Souad can come to an amicable settlement and though I am not Moslem may I close with the Moslem affirmation of hope for a positive outcome; InshaAllah. Sincerely,

#4 Author of original report
Haitham Masri M.D. Dearborn Michigan
AUTHOR: Wolfman - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, June 23, 2008
Haithem Masri M.D. Dearborn Michigan Apology by "wolfman" Ronald
K. Wolf regarding the posting on this website. I am not only sorry for the posting I made which will persist despite my repeated demands for deletion by, they are steadfast and in my opinion cruel in this respect.
I do not recall checking the box for agreement, perhaps it was done automatically. I have been told by Mr. Malizia that an amicable agreement could be reached over what hopefully will turn out to be a misunderstanding.
I truly regret by bringing up your going to mosque, that is your private business and none of mine. I have many middle-eastern, Indian and Pakistani friends including Syrian, Lebanese, Chaldean, Iraqi, both Moslem, and Christian and would never want to jeopardize their friendship.
In no way have I ever disparaged the Moslem religion in whole, or in part. Souad (Sue), whom you operated on is Moslem and without her help my mother would not be alive today. I regret now that this posting caused you any emotional distress.
I wish to retract the entire contents of this posting and wish I had the power to remove it. Please forgive me for acting so rashly in my efforts to support her after all she has done for my mother.
I pray now that you and Souad can come to an amicable settlement and though I am not Moslem may I close with the Moslem affirmation of hope for a positive outcome; InshaAllah. Sincerely,

#3 Author of original report
Haitham Masri M.D. Dearborn Michigan
AUTHOR: Wolfman - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, June 23, 2008
Haithem Masri M.D. Dearborn Michigan Apology by "wolfman" Ronald
K. Wolf regarding the posting on this website. I am not only sorry for the posting I made which will persist despite my repeated demands for deletion by, they are steadfast and in my opinion cruel in this respect.
I do not recall checking the box for agreement, perhaps it was done automatically. I have been told by Mr. Malizia that an amicable agreement could be reached over what hopefully will turn out to be a misunderstanding.
I truly regret by bringing up your going to mosque, that is your private business and none of mine. I have many middle-eastern, Indian and Pakistani friends including Syrian, Lebanese, Chaldean, Iraqi, both Moslem, and Christian and would never want to jeopardize their friendship.
In no way have I ever disparaged the Moslem religion in whole, or in part. Souad (Sue), whom you operated on is Moslem and without her help my mother would not be alive today. I regret now that this posting caused you any emotional distress.
I wish to retract the entire contents of this posting and wish I had the power to remove it. Please forgive me for acting so rashly in my efforts to support her after all she has done for my mother.
I pray now that you and Souad can come to an amicable settlement and though I am not Moslem may I close with the Moslem affirmation of hope for a positive outcome; InshaAllah. Sincerely,

#2 Author of original report
Haithem Masri M.D. F.A.C.S-Masri Clinic, Dearborn, Michigan
AUTHOR: Wolfman - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, June 19, 2008
This is not just a letter of "demand" to use the legal term, but is more of a desperate request for you to delete this report on Haithem Masri M.D.-Masri Clinic to satisfy a court order to do so known as a TRO.
This would also help the case of my friend's ladyfriend victim.
I the sender did not read thoroughly the terms and cannot recall checking the box agreeing to allow your company to retain this site permanently.
By retaining this site you are not only damaging Doctor Masri above and beyond what is necessary, but myself and my friends case against him.
As I the "sender" agreed to abide to the court issued TRO today to request you to remove this site. I only read now that this cannot be withdrawn as part of your stated policy.
I certainly would not have "sent" if knew this, Us older folks do have a vision problem with small print which probably is at the original source of this debacle.
This is presently a case of overkill as I believe an amicable settlement is in reach and the continued publication of this site will not further the alleged injured party's interests in any way, and in fact will definitely damage with costs my "friend" cannot afford.
I am begging that you make an exception in this case and delete this report immediately. No site, No problem. I would agree never to use this Website again if you could do us this favor.
I know that this is a sorry excuse but I was constrained with time on the closing of the facility where I used their computer. I do not own a computer. If you ignore this request you will be as guilty as the accused in inflicting mental pain, anguish and financial hardship.
There is also a 92 year old bed bound Alheimers mother that needs the care of the alleged victim "Sue" who may suffer if the only caregiver besides her son, whom she has ever known, (the Moslem equivilant of Mother Theresa) is forced to return to her country because of this. This will kill her!!!!
In any case as "Sue's" case was moved to a higher court it is now too late to ask anyone including you for legal assistance.
Unfortunately the malpractice laws in Michigan I was told favor the doctors and "Sue" had always planned not to sue Masri for malpractice, just in small claims court for failing not to live up to an oral contract that was witnessed.
Under Michigan statutes oral agreements are not admissable in medical, or surgical situations I was told. I cannot believe this!
Please advise if you have any advice to offer, it is apparently too late for legal assistance as papers were served, and as predicted it is too expensive sue under the agreement to hire an expert witness and pay for opposing attorney expenses in case of loss that was foolishly signed.
The new victim "the witness" is being sued for defamation in excess of $28,000 dollars, a small disability income is all he has, and his medical expenses are high.
I know that there are those who are concerned with computers outside the United States who are following this. I now wish this not to escalate into permanent damage to all parties involved.
I have been informed that anything less than the sites removal will not be acceptable and in this contest my friends lose.
The ball is in your court. Again, please do the right thing by removing this site before we are in court!
Thankyou "Wolfman" now "Chickenman" Your *immediate* compliance is necessary, or all is legally kaput. Kapish! Kapito! vushstase! Comprenez!

#1 Author of original report
Haithem Masri M.D. F.A.C.S-Masri Clinic, Dearborn, Michigan
AUTHOR: Wolfman - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, June 19, 2008
This is not just a letter of "demand" to use the legal term, but is more of a desperate request for you to delete this report on Haithem Masri M.D.-Masri Clinic to satisfy a court order to do so known as a TRO.
This would also help the case of my friend's ladyfriend victim.
I the sender did not read thoroughly the terms and cannot recall checking the box agreeing to allow your company to retain this site permanently.
By retaining this site you are not only damaging Doctor Masri above and beyond what is necessary, but myself and my friends case against him.
As I the "sender" agreed to abide to the court issued TRO today to request you to remove this site. I only read now that this cannot be withdrawn as part of your stated policy.
I certainly would not have "sent" if knew this, Us older folks do have a vision problem with small print which probably is at the original source of this debacle.
This is presently a case of overkill as I believe an amicable settlement is in reach and the continued publication of this site will not further the alleged injured party's interests in any way, and in fact will definitely damage with costs my "friend" cannot afford.
I am begging that you make an exception in this case and delete this report immediately. No site, No problem. I would agree never to use this Website again if you could do us this favor.
I know that this is a sorry excuse but I was constrained with time on the closing of the facility where I used their computer. I do not own a computer. If you ignore this request you will be as guilty as the accused in inflicting mental pain, anguish and financial hardship.
There is also a 92 year old bed bound Alheimers mother that needs the care of the alleged victim "Sue" who may suffer if the only caregiver besides her son, whom she has ever known, (the Moslem equivilant of Mother Theresa) is forced to return to her country because of this. This will kill her!!!!
In any case as "Sue's" case was moved to a higher court it is now too late to ask anyone including you for legal assistance.
Unfortunately the malpractice laws in Michigan I was told favor the doctors and "Sue" had always planned not to sue Masri for malpractice, just in small claims court for failing not to live up to an oral contract that was witnessed.
Under Michigan statutes oral agreements are not admissable in medical, or surgical situations I was told. I cannot believe this!
Please advise if you have any advice to offer, it is apparently too late for legal assistance as papers were served, and as predicted it is too expensive sue under the agreement to hire an expert witness and pay for opposing attorney expenses in case of loss that was foolishly signed.
The new victim "the witness" is being sued for defamation in excess of $28,000 dollars, a small disability income is all he has, and his medical expenses are high.
I know that there are those who are concerned with computers outside the United States who are following this. I now wish this not to escalate into permanent damage to all parties involved.
I have been informed that anything less than the sites removal will not be acceptable and in this pissing contest my friends lose.
The ball is in your court. Again, please do the right thing by removing this site before we are in court!
Thankyou "Wolfman" now "Chickenman" Your *immediate* compliance is necessary, or all is legally kaput. Kapish! Kapito! vushstase! Comprenez!

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