Complaint Review: Ed Watson, Edward Watson, Pastor Ed Watson - Semora North Carolina
- Ed Watson, Edward Watson, Pastor Ed Watson 251 Spinnaker Lane Semora, North Carolina United States of America
- Phone:
- Web:
- Category: Websites
Ed Watson, Edward Watson, Pastor Ed Watson Ed Watson, Edward Watson, Pastor Ed Watson, Pastor Ed malicious Lying and Twisting Semora, North Carolina
*General Comment: Ed Waston is causing Divisions
*Consumer Comment: Like I said all about conspiracy
*General Comment: Dr. Scott Johnson
*Consumer Comment: Scott Johnson is all about conspiracy not Bible
*Consumer Comment: Ed Watson
*General Comment: "Pastor" Ed Watson, the Story Teller,
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Where do we start. Ed Watson has viciously attacked my pastor and Dr. Johnson. These are both sincere men of God who have helped my family very much. "Pastor" Edward Watson likes to attack other people and make up things about them without knowing the facts. ed has caused lots of division. We visited his church a while back and were not impressed. We are told that Ed's church is now just his wife and kids. we have friends that have seen some really hateful things out of Ed Watson who counseled them and then used information from that counseling against them.
Also, they said Ed doesn't work and makes his wife work and has been arrested like 11 times for not paying child support. one pastor said Ed tried to seduce his young daughter when he stayed at the pastor's house on a ministry trip. yet, Ed Watson makes up things about other people and he himself is doing the same thing he is saying others are doing. this guy is crazy. this is a very dangerous man and we have watched him and seen what he is still doing for years now and felt like we needed to say something to warn other people or victims of Ed Watson. We are praying Ed will truly turn to God and make things right with the people he's attacked and did wrongly to
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 07/09/2011 07:50 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#7 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: K A - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, November 27, 2012
accuse people and slander and tear them apart? Wouldn't a true pastor be bringing healing to people instead of slandering them? This makes no sense and this is what a whole bunch of people are seeing and saying Ed Watson is doing, including Dr. Scott Johnson who is right there in the same state as Watson (NC).
Would Jesus do what Ed Watson is doing? Of course not. What true pastor would dredge up someones sins that they already confessed and repented of? Ed watson has sin in his own life, a lot of it too. No God fearing pastor would do what Ed is doing, that's for sure. Only a wolf would do that and only God knows if any of the things Ed Watson says are true anyway. Ed is known for trying to make what he says true, but that doesn't make any of it true at all. Ed is the one who needs to repent and be forgiven. He is a dark, sinister soul and anyone who is in Christ's loving light sees that. I had a talk pastor Sam Adams and he says that Ed Watson is simply projecting onto others exactly what is in his own heart. He has done this for years to many. It's good to see all the people now exposing this guy. If I have ever seen a person who is in darkness, it's Ed Watson. But he's always trying to point out the darkness in other people instead of tending to his own spiritual needs. Be not deceived, he only self appoints himself to be a "pastor" to hide behind that title. Throwing up a website where you just put other people's materials doesn't make you a pastor. What a joke. Ed has no church and the one he had for a few months way back he
destroyed as he has done for many years with every person he pretends to befriend. Pastor Sam Adams hit the nail on the head for sure. Ed Watson's many victims can be sure that they are in good company because Satan himself owns and controls Ed Watson and only leads him to attack those who are God's righteous children. That's exactly why Ed attacked pastor Adams and Doctor Johnson. Here is the testimony of Pastor Sam Adams about this pastor Ed Watson:
My main purpose in this letter is to sound a warning to any that may trust
Ed Watson as a respectable preacher of the gospel, that I personally
know Ed Watson to be an absolute fraud, a doctrinal heretic, a
slandering talebearer and a treacherous backstabber who maliciously and
consistently betrays those whom he pretends to befriend, who also
maliciously betrays those who confide in him for his so-called "counsel"
as he extracts intimate details of their personal lives under the cloak
of "pastoring" them, only to later publicize
such information against them when they do not perform according to his
controlling desires or when it appears he will be exposed. Ed Watson is
a rabid, ravening wolf in sheep's clothing, one whom I would strongly
encourage you to publicly withdraw from for the sake of your ministry.
Ed Watson is a doctrinal heretic, a pathological liar without conscience, a
malicious talebearer, a sower of intentional discord among brethren, a
devilish "accuser of the brethren," an adulterous borderline sexual
predator, a ravening wolf in sheep's clothing and a true menace to the
body of Christ in general. He ruthlessly attacked me, my family, and our
church, as he has several others. Ed truly fits Peter's description in 2
Pet. 2:1-22 of false brethren and false teachers to a tee: Ed is
a malicious, rabid monster who apparently turns on every person he
pretends to befriend. He will have much to answer for at the judgment
seat of Christ, if he is saved, which I truly doubt. Pastor Sam Adams

#6 General Comment
Ed Waston is causing Divisions
AUTHOR: Concerned for Ed Watson''s Victims - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 16, 2012
Anyone can post stuff about the Lord. Cut and paste, copycat, etc. But how does any of that justify Ed Watson's creating of unnecessary divisions among the Lord's people. You mentioned doctrine and that's important but did you notice the word divisions in that same verse? Ro. 16:17-18

#5 Consumer Comment
Like I said all about conspiracy
AUTHOR: Robert Walker - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Just go the website that the above comment shows and it is all about conspiracy.ut
I agree that America is in sad shape, but...
Nothing much about Jesus - Jesus is not even mentioned
Look at this screen shot copied from the the contending site as of 02-15-2012
See if you read anything about Jesus...
Then go to Lighthouse Baptist and read about Jesus
Ask your self who is glorifying God?
So who is telling the truth and who is sowing lies and discord?
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#4 General Comment
Dr. Scott Johnson
AUTHOR: Concerned for Ed Watson''s Victims - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Dr. Johnson is a man of God. His reputation is very good because he is a man of integrity. people know that. Dr. Johnson is not out to hurt anyone but Ed Watson is and has and has not yet brought healing to the people he has attacked. In fact he hasn't even admitted he did anything wrong and that's just wrong.
Doctrine is important and so is a man's fruit which Christ says must be measured or discern people by. Even the evil one knows God's word. In other words it's not just what people say but who they are that is important. Didn't Christ warn us about judgment day and how many are going to say Lord, Lord but the Lord is going to cast them out?
Ed Watson is an apostate soul and needs to repent. Ed has ransacked many and never admitted it or confessed or repented or made formal apologies. until Ed does this, he is going to be turned over to the devil (1 Cor. 5).
Doctor Scott Johnson can be found at

#3 Consumer Comment
Scott Johnson is all about conspiracy not Bible
AUTHOR: Robert Walker - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Scott Johnson is all about teaching conspiracy not the Bible, from his contenting website. The Bible teaches about conspiracy, but that is not the main important doctrines. If this is your "proof" about Lighthouse Baptist and Ed - you are sorely lacking.

#2 Consumer Comment Ed Watson
AUTHOR: N - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, October 04, 2011
Dude this guy Ed Watson is a joke. Now that he is getting exposed by the people he has hurt, Pastor Ed Watson is fleecing the flock in another way by trying to get people into his latest MLM scheme to make money off them. This guy just doesnt know where to quit man. Ed Watson has attacked many people and families and is already doing this to some people in his MLM. He tried to recruit me through an email and called me too . someone else I know told me he got mad at them when they didnt join. Skinny body care or sbc is the name of the co he is in now. ed Watson has been in a lot of these type scam cos. this is the name of the MLM scheme he is in now The website address he sent is I looked at it and its his distributor site for the mlm This is a damaging man for sure and is going to rip more people off in this mlm scheme without a doubt

#1 General Comment
"Pastor" Ed Watson, the Story Teller,
AUTHOR: Zee - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, September 23, 2011
I don't know where to start here, but i think this guy Edward Watson of lighthousebaptistchapel . com should be a fiction writer. He attacked a man I highly respect (Sam A.) in a cruel manner, making up lies about him and his family so he could cover his own tracks for the many things he has done. I used to live on the east coast and have been with pastor Adams in some seminars and visited his church. I loved it. Pastor Adams is a blessing to my family and I have learned much from him. Ed has attacked pastor Adams and others and made up stories about them that are totally fictitious. One thing is for sure, Ed Watson has a very good imagination and uses it maliciously to hurt other people. This guy is not a pastor at all but a wolf who is posing as a minister. I have been on his site and Ed just bashes people. That's all he do.
my observation from over three years of watching this man and what he is doing, is that Ed Watson is a raging madman, a maniac who lashes out at others in order to gain attention and get people on his site. Maybe this is why he comes against people who are popular and really doing something for God. he thinks this helps his rankings on google.
Self-proclaimed Pastor Ed Watson is far lesser a person to many in leadership in character and the knowledge of the bible. So instead of being inspired to walk with Christ and learn to serve people the truth, Ed chooses to assassinate others, including those he, in his deranged mind, sees as a threat to his own craving to be popular. Ed is out for self and self only. He has no concern to help others, but only himself. His whole ministry" is built on bashing others and making up things about them as he has done to many in person and on the internet. These people are telling their stories about ed watson and how he traumatized them and their families relentlessly.
Ed Watson does not want to teach the bible so he lashes out at others and builds his whole "ministry" of death on maliciously slandering others. Its called character assassination and it comes
out of envy and jealousy. As a psych major, i know this type personality well.
Dr. Scott Johnson is an honest man who has been contacted by a whole lot of people whom Ed Watson has terrorized and hurt. Scott has a site set up with a pdf and audios exposing this guy Ed Watson. Just google this and it will come up "scott johnson contend ed watson". Read the comments too. Listen to the audios by Dr. Johnson and make sure you download that pdf
here's some things pastor Sam who has seen and been a victim of the things Ed Watson has done to himself and his family:
My main purpose in this letter is to sound a warning to any that may trust Ed Watson as a respectable preacher of the gospel, that I personally know Ed Watson to be an absolute fraud, a doctrinal heretic, a slandering talebearer and a treacherous backstabber who maliciously and consistently betrays those whom he pretends to befriend, who also maliciously betrays those who confide in him for his so-called "counsel" as he extracts intimate details of their personal
lives under the cloak of "pastoring" them, only to later publicize such information against them when they do not perform according to his controlling desires or when it appears he will be exposed. Ed Watson is a rabid, ravening wolf in sheep's clothing, one whom I would strongly encourage you to publicly withdraw from for the sake of your ministry.
Ed Watson is a doctrinal heretic, a pathological liar without conscience, a malicious talebearer, a sower of intentional discord among brethren, a devilish "accuser of the brethren," an adulterous borderline sexual predator, a ravening wolf in sheep's clothing and a true menace to the body of Christ in general. He ruthlessly attacked me, my family, and our church, as he has several others. Ed truly fits Peter's description in 2 Pet. 2:1-22 of false brethren and false teachers to a tee: Ed is a malicious, rabid monster who apparently turns on every person he pretends to befriend. He will have much to answer for at the judgment seat of Christ, if he is saved, which I truly doubt. Pastor Sam A.
Pastor Adams formerly requested that Ed Watson appear before a group of pastors to discuss these matters of his malicious slandering of Pastor Adams. Ed refused because he is totally unaccountable, a renegade sower of discord among God's people.
In the pdf on that contend site, you will read that Ed Watson tried to seduce a pastor's daughter and even told her he was going to kill his own current wife so he and the young girl could be married. Yet, Watson is out making up stories about other people to cover up for the things he is doing. I agree with pastor Sam that Ed should get saved.
google this and it will come up "scott johnson contend ed watson".

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