Complaint Review: tony mead - Hollywood Florida
- tony mead 10401 Panama St Hollywood, Florida USA
- Phone: 954-295-9149 --- 954-295-
- Web:
- Category: Cult Organizations
tony mead absolute best moving Sandy Hook Hoax Stalker predator defamation harassment Hollywood Florida
*Consumer Comment: Relevancy
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: I Agree With the Author of This Article
*Consumer Comment: Tony Mead has neither honesty or integrity.
*Consumer Comment: Challenge to Both Parties? Funny, I only see a challenge to one party!
*General Comment: Sandy hook is a hoax
*Author of original report: Tony Mead and Wolfgang Halbig
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Truth
*Author of original report: Tony Mead associates with all the frauds in Florida
*Author of original report: dig up the children
*General Comment: Inappropriate Claim
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While most stalkers lurk in the shadows, a brazen few prey on their victims in broad daylight without shame or fear of reprisal.
Meet Tony Mead, owner/operator of Absolute Best Moving in Hollywood, Florida. For the past several months, this serial cyberstalker has hosted the Sandy Hook Hoax (SHH) page on Facebook, a meeting place for preadtors actively engaged in the defamation, stalking and harassment of those devastated by the Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES) massacre of December 14, 2012.
Mead and his cult-like group of conspiracy theorists, also known as Hoaxers, refuse to admit that 26 women and children were brutally murdered on that tragic autumn day in Newtown, CT. and are determined to convince others that those who lost loved ones were actually actors in a “false flag” hoax orchestrated by the U.S. government as a pretext to gun confiscation.
As one of the nation’s more obsessive Hoaxer’s, Mead has gone to great lengths to besmirch the memories of those slain and to deny grieving parents their right to heal in peace. His SHH page has become a chief source of disinformation about the SHES tragedy and a breeding ground for libelous accusations and unfounded conspiracy theories.
Although Mead and his fellow Hoaxers blame the highest levels of government for concocting this so-called “scripted event,” their relentless campaign of predation and intimidation has been cowardly waged against the surviving family members as well as the heroic emergency responders and school staff whose acts of bravery saved lives and helped mitigate the crisis.
Facebook has become a convenient mechanism for Mead to recruit likeminded paranoids to help spread his message of hate. Each Thursday night he hosts a video chat session where Hoaxers from around the globe gather to slander the living victims and witnesses and to exchange personal information about their whereabouts and activities.
Among the members of Mead’s hate group is Susan Stanton, a deranged woman who claims that murdered Sandy Hook child Daniel Barden is actually her son, stolen at birth, and still alive. Mead has promoted her ramblings on his SHH page and supports her efforts to dig up Barden’s grave.
Mead is also a close ally of Wolfgang W. Halbig, a known confidence man who collected roughly $30,000 from gullible Hoaxers and then virtually disappeared before making good on his multiple promises. Like Stanton, Halbig has openly called for exhuming dead bodies. He’s also vowed to track down 26 children who sang at the 2013 Super Bowl and expose them as actors that posed as the murdered Sandy Hook children.
More recently, Mead has targeted Gene Rosen, the elderly Newtown resident who provided shelter to children that fled the scene of Adam Lanza’s brutal attack. In a July 6 post on SHH, Mead bragged about a harassing phone call he placed to Rosen’s home and then scoffed at the warning he later received from a Newtown police officer.
These are only a few of the many vile activities that Mead has either promoted or engaged in personally. He makes no effort to conceal his identity and is not shy about taking credit for the pain and suffering he inflicts on his victims.
Hopefully, decent Americans will not be shy about expressing their outrage at this kind of egregious behavior and take steps to put a stop to Mead’s reprehensible activities once and for all.
Tony Mead
Absolute Best Moving
10401 Panama Street
Hollywood, Florida, 33026
(954) 295-9149
Tony Mead is the co-admin of Facebook's Sandy Hook Hoax page. He comes with the usual conspiracy nut features (i.e. low cognitive skill combined with superior self-assessment, a history of chemical dependency, and a distorted view of reality). He's the kind of guy who finds it amusing to name yourself Adam Lanza in a laser tag match.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 07/16/2014 09:27 AM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#11 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Clinton - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Friday, December 02, 2022
WTH, does anybody's politics have to do with a moving service. Several folks have suggested Tony and I read nothing in your diatribe to discredit him/them. While I agree with where you might be coming from, your erudite claims have (as was Hyman Roth said in Godfather 2) "nothing to do with business!"

#10 REBUTTAL Owner of company
I Agree With the Author of This Article
AUTHOR: Michael G - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, March 12, 2017
Notice how Tony Mead says "I'm a big fan of Side Thorn." Then he goes on to showcase the comments where Side Thorn calls for the murder of C.W. Wade, myself, and countless others? I think it's plain to see and it is very clear, in case anyone had any doubts, that Tony Mead is on board with and supports the murders of innocent people.
When Tony Mead is locked up once and for all, and I am confident that he will be one day, maybe then Facebook will take down his FAKE news page, remove his secret groups and people will finally see the putrid sickness that plagues our world due to hoaxers like Tony, Wolfgang, and his herd.
Tony Mead and his followers are just like Adam/Animal Lanza, they just haven't committed their promised acts...yet. He's a big fan of murder and supports people who threaten to murder innocent people, America!

#9 Consumer Comment
Tony Mead has neither honesty or integrity.
AUTHOR: Kathy - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Tony Mead has neither honesty or integrity. He leads an ever growing group of creepy stalkers of families of murdered children killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School, claiming that nobody died and the parents, first responders and the entire town are crisis actors hired by the government to perpetrate a hoax against the American public to evoke public cooperation for gun control. He and his rabid band of witch hunters spread disinformation all over the internet, then ignore when they've been debunked like the dishonest sociopaths they are . Any video made on the subject of a hoax is absolutely wrong and/or purposely misleading. The most comprehensive video which accurately explains the horrible events of that day is found on YouTube, called "The Deadliest Minute", for anyone interested in actual FACTS! Any video recommended by Tony Mead is debunked conspiracy theory garbage.

#8 Consumer Comment
Challenge to Both Parties? Funny, I only see a challenge to one party!
AUTHOR: KathyK - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Monday, January 09, 2017
The person who wrote "A Challenge to Both Parties" is clearly a member of Tony Mead's Sandy Hook Hoax group, whose "challenge to both parties" is disingenuous in that it attempts to lead people to believe it has been written by an unbiased individual, when it most certainly was not. It coukd very likely have been written by Tony Mead himself, throwing in a few transparent concessions of "no actual proof of a hoax" to mislead people into believing the post is written from a position of unbiased sincerity. I only see a challenge to one party in that post; Mr. Pozner! The crass individual challenges Mr. Pozner, the father of a murdered child, to somehow "prove" publicly that his 6 year old son was slaughtered by a gunman with an AR-15. This father had already released his son's coroner's report and death certificate to try to appease his tormentors, to which they simply claimed the documents were fake and continued to post slander and defamation all over the Internet about him and his deaceased child, his family members, and the families of other victims that died with his son that day. So what could this individual issuing this challenge possibly want to see? What would prove to this individual that Mr. Pozner's son really died in this tragedy. Death pictures of his child? That's exactly what these sociopaths want. They will not get them! Ever! The parents fought for and won the right to keep such photos private. No parent would want their child's gruesome death photos circulating the internet. They have a right to preserve the memory and dignity of their dead children. Even if such photos were released, these lunatics would call them fake and staged! There's no reason to release them.

#7 General Comment
SUBMITTED: Sunday, January 08, 2017
Perhaps the bitter hostility between Mr Pozner and Mr Mead could begin to come to an end if both parties agreed to understand and respect their different positions regarding the events that took place at the Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHS) on December 14th, 2012.
Through his Facebook page, "Sandy Hook Hoax" or "SHH," Mr Mead and his followers have posed and provided hundreds of intriguing (and also not-so-intriguing) questions, comments, thoughts, videos, and photographs that to the open-minded individual (and yes, to the deranged, crazy, or idiotic as well since they do exist) may very well constitute, at the very least, elements of REASONABLE DOUBT as to the authenticity of the above-mentioned event.
I have closely studied the SHH page and countless other articles and videos on the SHS subject and come to the conclusion that a significant portion of their claims and questions can't and shouldn't be simply ignored. I also understand, however, that these claims and questions -- even the most apparently-valid of them, do not constitute definitive and unquestionable proof of a major hoax having taken place. They do cast, again, REASONABLE DOUBT. There is also irrefutable proof of our government and mainstream media having massively lied on important issues in the past in order to advance sinister socio-political agendas, so those who dare doubt and question our most sacred institutions should not become pariahs just for exercising their Freedom of Speech rights.
To make their point, Mr Pozner et al. make extensive use of images of cute white kids, and claims of "hoaxers hurting and damaging the affected families." Naturally, the most sensible and sensitive fibers of our minds and spirits are invariably biased to protect these tender, beautiful, creatures and decry without hesitation the slightest hint of an aggression towards them. Even questioning the demise of these children constitutes an unforgivable transgression for Mr Pozner, et al.
As I said above, I don't believe Mr Mead possesses undeniable, rock-solid, evidence that proves his position... or does he?
Can, or would, Mr Pozner et al. provide the beyond-reasonable-doubt proof that would bring this argument to a close, erasing from the public's collective mind, once and for all, the REASONABLE DOUBT that indeed exists over the Sandy Hook shooting?

#6 General Comment
Sandy hook is a hoax
AUTHOR: Ricky r. - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, January 14, 2016
I've read several web sites and youtubes for 2 years on this. Any first grader can see the truth. Hands down SANDY HOOK IS A HOAX. All supporters of sandy hook event are paid to lie. God have mercy on you all on judgement day. Ricky r. In mn.

#5 Author of original report
Tony Mead and Wolfgang Halbig
AUTHOR: - ()
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, April 22, 2015

#4 REBUTTAL Owner of company
AUTHOR: Tony - ()
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Honesty and integrity have been an integral part of my business and my personality. In over 22 years of business, I have never had a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. Not one.
Truth and Honesty go hand in hand as most people know. The Truth has not been told about Sandy Hook and it takes just a few minutes of investigation to discover the lies.
My hope is that someday this will stand as a testimony to the fact that I have done everything in my power to espose this fraud.
If you are reading this and have no familiarity with the Sandy Hook Hoax, take a minute and Google it. Watch one 5 minute video. See why so many people are outraged at what has been presented as fact is actually a big lie.
If I have opened just one pair of eyes to the corruption surrounding this event, I have accomplished something.
If you need an honest mover who will treat you with respect, do as 10,000 other families have done over the past 22 years and call me. You will not be disappointed !!

#3 Author of original report
Tony Mead associates with all the frauds in Florida
AUTHOR: Jonathan Batla - ()
SUBMITTED: Thursday, August 21, 2014
Is Jonathan Batla Paranoid Conspiracy Theorist ReviewManify?
First, he goes by several names including ReviewManify, TeamWakeEmUp, Jon Locke, and some others. It now appears his real name has been exposed as Jonathan Batla. Even more frightening, Jonathan Batla may be dispensing medicine to Florida families as a Pharmacy Technician!

#2 Author of original report
dig up the children
AUTHOR: newtown1 - ()
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 01, 2014
Unfortunately, there still exists a small but obsessive faction of hoaxers who are either unable or unwilling to objectively discern the hard facts from among the fleeting hunches and groundless accusations. Others are well aware of the truth but exploit the tragedy for their own aggrandizement. Regardless of their motivation, all have one thing in common: They persist in stalking and harassing the Sandy Hook parents and others intimately connected to the tragedy.
Among their most active leaders is Tony Mead, apparently a resident of Florida. For several months, this serial cyber stalker has hosted a Facebook page where he has amassed a cult following of like-minded hoaxers who ravenously feed off each other's paranoia and hatred for anyone who was affected by the Sandy Hook tragedy.
This is not a place where meaningful discussions are held or investigative inquiries are made. This is a place where strategies are plotted against grieving relatives and children's identities are stolen and exploited to fulfill a twisted fantasy.
Mead's contempt for the slain children is evidenced by the image that graces his Facebook page: A pale-white little girl with dark rings around her eyes. She is dirty, as if she has just crawled from the grave. A filthy forefinger is pressed against her pursed lips. Her devious grin implying that she is an undead or zombie child who is keeping a deadly secret from the gullible masses.
The conversations held on this page are a morbid reflection of that image. Anyone stumbling upon this page by accident could easily mistake it as a meeting place for necrophiliacs and child predators. Photographs of the slain children are posted along with derogatory comments, often accusing them of being actors themselves or part of a satanic cult. Parents of these murdered children are regarded with the utmost contempt. Some posters make threats, while others fantasize about putting parents and others they consider conspirators away behind bars.
Mead, like his ally and fellow hoaxer Wolfgang Halbig, has expressed his desire to dig up the dead children.

#1 General Comment
Inappropriate Claim
AUTHOR: Autumn - ()
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, July 16, 2014
I came across this report accidentally, and I do not see it as valid or appropriate, given that it has nothing to do with anyone being ripped off by a company, but only has to do with the political views, investigative efforts, and free speech of an American citizen. I think it's libel to accuse Tony Mead of harrassment, as he has not been charged with harassment and has not harrassed anyone to my or anyone else's knowledge. I also think that it's libel to describe Wolfgang Halbig as confidence man, as I know something of this man's record and personal integrity. He raised money through GoFundMe to pay lawyer fees for an investigation, and all the funds have been publicly accounted for. Plus, he has not disappeared. His phone number and address are posted publicly, and he answers phone calls. His efforts to raise money are in fact public and ongoing, and he continues to account for how fees are spent.
This is not the appropriate place to try to solve political disputes, or to libel someone because they have a Facebook page whose views one does not support. All in all, it's shameful that this irrelevant and slanderous report has been allowed to be filed, with no other aim than to ruin the reputation of a person who is trying to investigate an event which has never been satisfactorily explained to the public. Did Tony Mead rip anyone off, or is his investigation into possible criminal behavior in Connecticut threatening to the poster?

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