Complaint Review: sister angelrose - Orlando Florida
- sister angelrose PO. Box 678322 Orlando, Florida United States of America
- Phone: (407) 283-5456
- Web:
- Category: Psychic
sister angelrose sister angelrose is a scam artist, a liar and a thief! Orlando, Florida
*Consumer Comment: Second Reading
*Consumer Comment: Never updated: She eventually gave the reading
*General Comment: Scam
*General Comment: Daredevil..
*Consumer Comment: I thanks God for Ms Rose
*Consumer Comment: And people like you get to vote
*Consumer Comment: Another blathering idiot.
*Consumer Comment: Yes, Another Satisfied Client!
*Consumer Comment: This is becoming boring now.
*Consumer Comment: You people crack me up
*Consumer Comment: Are you kidding me? Who would do this to a wonderful woman......
*Consumer Comment: I have had the best results with Sister Angel Rose
*Consumer Comment: Sister Angel Rose gives amazing readings
*Consumer Comment: She a REAL Woman of God!
*Consumer Comment: Sister Angelrose is truly the best out there
*Consumer Comment: She helped with my family problems
*Consumer Comment: ms angel rose is a life saver
*Consumer Comment: Angelrose helped me when I was destitute
*Consumer Comment: Ms Angel is the best rootworker to me
*Consumer Comment: Positive Words for Sister Angel Rose
*Consumer Comment: You are right.
*Consumer Comment: Testimonial for Ms Angel Rose
*Consumer Comment: Always have had good experiences
*Consumer Comment: Disturbing Lies about Ms Rose
*Consumer Comment: Very good reader and root doc
*Consumer Comment: OK
*Consumer Comment: A great reader and spiritual woman she is
*Consumer Comment: Yet more drivel
*Consumer Comment: I had a wonderful reading with her things morning
*Consumer Comment: Dont listen to crap. Sister AngelRose is a wonderful person
*Consumer Comment: Vodun/Vodue/Vodoo
*Consumer Comment: Angel Rose is gifted and a blessing to know
*Consumer Comment: My view of Angel as a long term customer
*Consumer Comment: Another good word about Angel
*Consumer Comment: You are pathetic
*Consumer Comment: Vodun
*Consumer Comment: My opinion is that she is real
*Consumer Comment: If you don't know her then why say bad things?
*Consumer Comment: Usual tired old excuses.
*Consumer Comment: Okay..
*Consumer Comment: RAMJET and SKEPTIC are OBVIOUSLY IDIOTS! Sister Angel Rose is the truth.
*Consumer Comment: Past client with something to say
*Consumer Comment: She is truthful and honest
*Consumer Comment: Give $1,000,000 to charity.
*Consumer Comment: OK all you suckers
*Consumer Comment: Real Client and Consumer
*General Comment: Sister Angel Rose is the BEST!!
*Consumer Comment: I Know her and she is one of the best
*Consumer Comment: I Know her and she is one of the best
*Consumer Comment: Interesting
*Consumer Comment: Prizewinner.
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Sister Angel Rose "The Real Thing"
*Consumer Comment: AngelRose is a true Miracle Worker
*Consumer Comment: It is a fact.
*Consumer Comment: Sister Angelrose is real and a woman of her word!
*Consumer Comment: Scam artist
*Consumer Comment: Scam artist
*Consumer Comment: Decide for each their own!
*Consumer Comment: ??? Sister Angel Rose or ANgelrose is the only HONEST root worker and spiritual advisor that I've ever come into contact with
*Consumer Comment: ??? Sister Angel Rose or ANgelrose is the only HONEST root worker and spiritual advisor that I've ever come into contact with
*Consumer Comment: Sister Angel Rose
*Consumer Comment: We need more of this
*Consumer Comment: The psychic scam industry
*Consumer Comment: fyi
sister angelrose is a scam artist, she took my money and never delivered on the services she promised. Everytime I try to call her, she claims she is too busy and I should write an email, or when I ask her about the work, its a different answer each time as to why things aren't working. She claims she is a woman of God, she is the devils' worker.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 01/30/2011 05:47 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#64 Consumer Comment
Second Reading
AUTHOR: Tea - ()
SUBMITTED: Thursday, January 26, 2017
I was the poster that wrote scam about how she hung up for me being involved with another spellcaster and the followup under this name I just wrote recently. I had a second reading with her today.
Last year I did alot ALOT of my own spellwork on a hopeless cause. It resulted in some terrible things because I attracted and called on some very negative spirits. She picked up on this right away. (I forgot to add that last time years ago when I had the reading she could tell I had some issues up in the air then too and was willing to do a clearing for me but I didnt have the money or a recent picture etc)
This time its so bad, and what motivated me to call her is that everything is going WRONG, the man of my dreams didnt even want to meet up perhaps because he has some intuition of his own..and I started to hear ringing, that the air is so thick with tension the silence audibly rings. She said " I don't think you know how serious this is" indeed, I've noticed people even in my vicinity being controlled by negative entities that surround me, constantly jinxing me and putting me in danger. I'm afraid to even leave the house. She told me thay want to get me alone so they can feed off me more. She told me its so serious I need a ceremony and I intend to do that as soon as I can.
Will get back after I see the results but I know it will be alot better after than it is today and has been for a long time. I really trust that she has a gift and sorry to be off on such a rocky start. I hope this rebuttal makes up for the stupid mistake of overeacting and writing a report, and such.
She really can read whats up there in the spiritual realm.

#63 Consumer Comment
Never updated: She eventually gave the reading
SUBMITTED: Friday, January 13, 2017
Many years have passed since that and some months down the line, I worked up the courage to demand that I get the reading I paid for and she did give it. She does seem to have a sense... she mentioned some personal things the spirits saw, which were physical related (serious insomnia), and true. She felt the spellwork I had done hanging over me and suggested I do I cleasing and clearing type spell. It required alot of personal things and I didn't have the money which is all well and good since the person I was really focused on the time was a d****e, (so when she had hung up on my intially it really hit hard because I was in such a bad place in my life). She never said much in terms of that a*****e, I dont think I would have listened, but she did not offer to do love spell- rather to clear up negative, which is definitely good in hindsight. Over these tumultuous years, I have developed a little psychic sense myself, but still very lost as time since it is not possible to know if your feeings are accurate with no feedback I would definitely try her again for a reading and some guidance. Sucks about the rough start.

#62 General Comment
AUTHOR: Tmoe - ()
SUBMITTED: Saturday, August 31, 2013
Ms Angel rose is a thief, she took my money without giving a reading. I paid 70 dollars, for her to hang up on me. I had bought a spell fom another site, Before finding her, I read some good reports so I bought a consultation/ reading. When ms Angel rose found out I was having a spell done by someone else, she hung up the phone without giving me a reading. I think its my right to get the service I paid for. I really needed some guidance but instead she just took my money and gave nothing, if she doesnt intend to do the work shes paid to do, she should at least give a refund. She was complely cold and rude.

#61 General Comment
AUTHOR: dewberry0618 - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Monday, April 16, 2012
Ok so Im new to this and I must say Im a daredevil. I see a lot of positive results on Angel Rose so Im willing to try this myself and see what all the fuss is about. Ive heard alot of good talk about her being that im from Florida and when i seen this it caught my attention. So with that being said I will be keeping you updated..

#60 Consumer Comment
I thanks God for Ms Rose
AUTHOR: KO - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, March 02, 2011
She gave me the best reading I ever had. I thanks God for her and the help she gave me when I needed it. I dont think I'd be here today if it wasn't for her help.

#59 Consumer Comment
And people like you get to vote
AUTHOR: Ramjet - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, February 20, 2011
It doesn't take very much intelligence to realize that psychics and spell casters are absolute 100% frauds. Believe me, sister angelrose knows it. You can be sure he/she (who knows) is sitting at home laughing his/her a*s off at you for posting these ignorant reports.
You're right though, I do have anger toward people who make these absurd claims. They steal money from poor ignorant desperate people and as skeptic points out they can cause far more serious damage.
This reprehensible person is completely aware of the JREF $1,000,000.00 challenge (not contest) but unlike all you dolts, he/she is completely aware that he/she has no hope of succeeding.
You are making fools of yourselves.
Why in the world would you think it's unusual that more than one person can post rebuttals against any paranormal claptrap. I don't have a clue who or where skeptic is but that's completely irrelevant and has nothing to do with this obvious fraud.
I know I can't convince ignorant people to see reality but I think it's worth trying.
You may continue to get ripped off, it's your choice. Go for it.

#58 Consumer Comment
Another blathering idiot.
AUTHOR: skeptic - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, February 20, 2011
It's not a "contest" you blathering idiot. It's a scientific quest to find out if there is indeed any evidence of paranormal activity. Sister AngelRose claims to have psychic abilities. I've visited her website.
Further, to link Ramjet and myself as being the same person is absolutely inane. Surely the "psychic" AngelRose would have sensed that?
Now, let me tell you something about myself. I know Africa well and have deep connections there. I've been to just about every African country south of the equator. I speak two African languages. My quest for the truth has brought me face to face with the most powerful of witchdoctors. All without exception have proven to be charlatans.
I have family in Africa who are medical doctors. They treat the advanced diseases that were "cured" by traditional healers. These are diseases that could have been completely cured by modern medicine had the patients first sought proper medical treatment.
Instead, the traditional healers have bled their victims dry of few possessions they have. They have no mercy for their own people. Hence my utter contempt for them.

#57 Consumer Comment
Yes, Another Satisfied Client!
AUTHOR: SYT - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, February 19, 2011
Skeptic and Ramjet, you guys are hilarious! LMAO! To be quite honest, it looks as though one person is writing the posts under two different names…simply because the writing styles are so remarkably similar. So why don’t I go ahead and address you as ONE person. Hmmm…I think I will.
Skepticalramjet, what amazes me about you is that you are focusing anger on one person that YOU believe has no power…legal, business, personal, spiritual or otherwise. Why is that, Skepticalramject? Ah-ha, I see. This quest of yours is either personal or about personal business. And if this is about “building your own business” by trying to defame Sister Angel’s practice, then you need to create a better business plan! Anytime you try to create a rally around someone else’s product or service, without having something 10 times better to offer as an alternative, you give the other person more credibility. So essentially, you end up creating a “Buzz” around someone else’s brand. It makes people curious and naturally want to see what you’re talking about. And if they like what they see and experience, then Sister Angel builds a stronger repeat customer base. Bad business move, Skepticalramject!
But since you don’t mind helping her business succeed (for free) with her testimonials all over your page, then why don’t add my two cents! (I’m starting to believe you are the site owners of this page and trying to rank top on the search engines with effective keywords strategically place on the page for crawlers to find.)
Ladies and Gentlemen, Sister Angel has successfully proven to her REAL clients that she’s a woman of her word by providing superior personalized service. Her readings are very detailed and extremely accurate without asking “getting to know you” questions. You simply sit down in nice quiet room, in the comfort of your own space, and let her do the talking. Whether you have serious concerns in your life that you’d like to discuss, or just curiously fascinated, go to her site and see for yourself. I’ve been a very satisfied client of hers for over a year and was simply blown away by the DETAILS she knew about my life upon meeting me for the first time. And I never said a word! The first reading was phenomenal! It was spine tingling! It was nothing like I had ever experienced in my life. She gave me some incredible consultation and results that have changed my life forever. But don’t take my word for it. Try for yourself.
Before you start talking about that contest you are obviously promoting again, Skepticalramject, stop being a coward and approach HER about the contest. Her site containing all of her contact information is still the same.

#56 Consumer Comment
This is becoming boring now.
AUTHOR: skeptic - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, February 19, 2011
Ok......Now we know that SisterAngelrose is God fearing, good, and kind. It's becoming boring to read anymore about that. These "testimonials" are only a smokescreen to hide the fact that she cannot prove her "psychic" abilities under controlled conditions.
I've visited her website and seen the claims and the prices she charges for "spells." She could get $1,000,000 for proving a spell works under controlled measured conditions. Is that so difficult for a person with those remarkable gifts?
We all know by now that the only reply to the challenge will be a flood of personal anecdotes which prove absolutely nothing. If a scientist announced to the world that they had found a cure for AIDS it would be expected of them to prove it under scientific observation. What's so difficult for you people to understand that concept?

#55 Consumer Comment
You people crack me up
AUTHOR: Ramjet - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 18, 2011
You dolts are hilarious.
What a bunch of deluded fools. Unless of course these are all written by the same person ( a distinct possibility)in which case it's either one deluded fool or the 'sainted angelrose' ROTFLMAO.

#54 Consumer Comment
Are you kidding me? Who would do this to a wonderful woman......
AUTHOR: Georgiapeach - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 18, 2011
Hello there,
I have to say that Sister Angel Rose has done nothing but work wonders for me. Yes, I consulted her for some spiritual help and she was very honest with me to the point of telling me not to spend any additional monies cause it would help the case! Now, what scam artist would tell you to hold tight to your money??!! Exactly none. Matter of fact since I got her help in a very dear situation of "love" for was a very trying time for me and my hopes were all but shattered. But, with her honesty and truth she let me know that even though it felt like a swift kick in the you know where....there will be many to follow and just panting over that one would come to past. Well, you know you love who you love but she was dead on it. Matter of fact I read with her again just recently and she told me to be patient and hold on as there is someone next to me that is very conscious of me and what my intentions are and they are responding just as she said they would. So, for the nay sayers.....please gather your facts accordingly. I just can't believe this woman has any of the accusations connected to is one thing to read testimonials........but when you are one yourself.....there is a big difference. I will always consult Sister Angel Rose cause she has never steered me I can tell you the many I lost boat loads of money to with lies and deception.....across the board. But, you won't find that here with Sister Angel Rose. Keep up the good work cause many need you and your services.
From Great People....come great works and with that.....surely is great responsibility. She handles it all so well. Never had a missed appointment or failed communication!

#53 Consumer Comment
I have had the best results with Sister Angel Rose
AUTHOR: Shannon - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, February 15, 2011
I have had the best results with Sister Angel Rose. She did a love ritual for me and helped to return my boyfriend. He started being back interested in the first week of her working with me. It was great because not only was he interested but many many many other guys started coming my way too! It was like she opened a flood gate or something lol Men were pouring in from everywhere.
By the time we finished I wasn't even sure I wanted my exboyfriend back because of all the new guys. We did end up getting back together but then I broke up with him 6 months later because of one of the other guys I met while I was working with MS Angel. I married him on Christmas Day last year. She told me that my ex wasn't my soulmate but if I wanted him I could have another chance with him, but that I didn't need to miss out on the love blessings that were coming my way. She was absolutely correct about him! He wasn't my soulmate but I was too dumb to see it. I think sometimes we have to get what we think we want so we can see that it might not be the best thing for us. Working with her I got love not just once but twice.
I am so happy that I met MS Angel. Through her I found not only love but a better spiritual understanding and more faith in God. She always talks about God and faith so I always feel comfortable wtih her and I know that she tells it just like she sees it.
I meant to tell everybody that MS Angel is a Christian just like most people who practice Vodoun and most hoodoo people too. That is why she uses the Bible in her work and has us do prayers.
I think some of that is written on her website.

#52 Consumer Comment
Sister Angel Rose gives amazing readings
AUTHOR: Freedom fighter - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Monday, February 14, 2011
I've gotten a few readings from her. They all have been quite amazing. Each time I call I can't wait to talk to her. She's quick to respond during business hours and is very nice. Whenever she tells me something I know I can count on it. She has always been 100% accurate with her pridictions.

#51 Consumer Comment
She a REAL Woman of God!
AUTHOR: Parker - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, February 13, 2011
All I gotta say is that she help me when NOBODY else would! She is the truth! The whole time I was worry it won't work cuz I ben scammed before. Evrrything turn out so good after her help. I thanks God for her help. If it wasnt for her I wudnt even has no job to go to. Yall needs to stop playin with the Lord's servant! Ms rose is a REAL woman of god and people needs to stop this foolishnes!

#50 Consumer Comment
Sister Angelrose is truly the best out there
AUTHOR: Lyn - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, February 13, 2011
I have read through all of these postings as well as the initial one and I was so happy to see that Sister Angel's clients have taken a stand here for her. I have to imagine that the original postee wasn't even really one of her customers. I know she is "human," as she always says and that makes her fallible but I find it hard to beleive that she would just take someone's money and not do as promised. She is always so prompt, helpful and caring with me and many of my friends and family members.
I had spiritual work (I say that because she says she really doesn't prefer the word spell but says thats what people understand so she sometimes uses it) completed by her over a year and a half ago and I am still reaping the benefits of the spiritual cleansing and balancing services. I have learned so much from her since my first consultation that I feel her services are priceless.
Anyone reading this should really think and read the posts from her clients all over the USA. I have really enjoyed reading others life experiences with Sister Angel. It's been so wonderful to read the beautiful words!
I know the person who wrote this meant it to hurt her and I wish them no harm, but it seems that this has turned into a client testimonial page for her instead! I'm glad to add mine to those speaking on her behalf.
To God be the Glory!

#49 Consumer Comment
She helped with my family problems
AUTHOR: heavenbound - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, February 12, 2011
Angel is such a sweetheart. She helped me with healing my life and putting things back together with my husband. He was very cold hearted towards me. I was looking for black magic when I went to her but she said she didn't do that. I really liked her so I asked her were there other options. She talked to me about other options that were more in God's light. I will never forget for the rest of my life that she told me that you get more flies with honey, She said one of the reasons he left had to do with my behavior. I was so embarrased to admit that she was right. I had been so awful to him and he was plain tired and allowed others to influence him. She didn't try to make me feel bad but she wanted me to start from a realistic place and then work to fix the problem. She is a great counselor and spiritual practitioner. My husband and I have reconciled and I feel better than I ever have. I only have Angel to thank.

#48 Consumer Comment
ms angel rose is a life saver
AUTHOR: george - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, February 12, 2011
Man it bout brings me to tears when i think bout ms rose. I got help from her cause my moms maid me call her. My mama always beleive in psycics but I didnt want to have no reading. I was mixed up in some illegal stuff and was bout to get involve in some new business. My mama and sisters and them kept telling me I needed to stop doing what I was doing. I didnt listen most time. but one day my moms was really trippin and sorta freak me out cause she had a bad dream bout me so i agree to talk to ms rose. to make a long story short ms rose told me that if i moved forwrd with what i was doin that jail wasnt all i had to worry about. she knew my business partners too a tee. she even knew the main ones name! that scared me cuz my moms didnt kno that so i knew she didnt tell her that. Anyway basically she saw death on me by my own doin but told me it whasnt my time yet but i was throwin away my life. i knowd god had been protectin me all those years since i hadnt been locked up or killed. so i decided to turn my life around with her help. some of the stuff she taugt me is bout givn back. i have taken a whole lot from my world by doin wrong but for the last 7 years i been given back. i have a real job and im married now. i also work doin differnt community servic projects. this is my life mission. if it wasnt for ms rose i think id be dead already. so yeah she is real and thats all it is to it

#47 Consumer Comment
Angelrose helped me when I was destitute
AUTHOR: Keylonie - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, February 12, 2011
Hello all,
I'm another client of Angelrose's. I started talking to her in the summer of last year. My feelings about life were terrible. I have a very disturbing story which I won't share here for irreverent people to make fun or light of. It is very personal to me. Angelrose knew instantly what was wrong and I was so relieved to have someone to share my burdens with. She is intuitive but there is something about her that makes you feel very comfortable to. Whenever I talk to her I feel better.
She gives sound advice, but let me be sure to say she never tells me what to do. She tells me what her spirits say but they to belive in free will so it is always up to me what I decide. Talking things out with her gives me peace and hope.
When I first went to her I wanted to talk to her everyday because I just adored her. You know she wouldn't let me do that. She could have taken advantage of me and my situation but she didn't. She said I didn't need a reading every day or every week and sometimes more than that! That upset me at first but then I realized she didn't want me to become dependent upon her. She taught me methods to begin the spiritual and mental healing process and to learn to be a stronger more empowered person.
I really do love her as a sister and as a spiritual person. We are in trying times in this world and many people have a difficult time in dealing with some of the stresses in life. She has taught me to change the way I view the world which opened me up to a better life.
For those who are wondering if she charged me an arm and a leg, no she didn't! I have never paid for ritual services from her. The information- lessons she has given me have all been free of charge. I am 100% sure it is not just about the money for her or she would be doing other work that I understand pays more (dark magic). Yes she does charge for her time and if she has to do spiritual works but she also does do a great deal for people for free and she also empowers us to learn to do things for ourselves so we don't have to pay anyone for it.
Overall what I have always gotten from her is that her mission is more to teach others how to change their own lives through spiritual awareness and God's power.
I stand up for Angelrose's work, readings, and her character.

#46 Consumer Comment
Ms Angel is the best rootworker to me
AUTHOR: Que - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, February 12, 2011
ms angel has took on 3 cases 4 me that wnt good. ms angel hlp me wth problms at my job n hlp me wth my bsness 2. she vry trthfl. the last thng she hlp wth was my luv life. me n my husbnd happier than in years sinc her hlp. she da best at wht she do.

#45 Consumer Comment
Positive Words for Sister Angel Rose
AUTHOR: Barry - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, February 12, 2011
I think of many things when I think of Sister Angel but the main one is HONEST. I have never met anyone so to the point. I count on her for this. She really is who she claims to be and that is a spiritual advisor.
I only have good things to say about her. She has helped me in so many ways. One of the best things I can say about her is that she also teaches. She always says she beleives in teaching people how to fish and not just giving a fish. Through her I learned the process of manifestation for myself and have seen an increase in my sales at work.

#44 Consumer Comment
You are right.
AUTHOR: skeptic - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, February 12, 2011
I think you are right Ramjet. It's most probably members of her cult writing here. My reference to Wikipedia ties in with all other information available so I don't understand the derision there.
As for me picking on anybodies religion - I have no truck for organized religion of any sort so my criticism of Vodun or whatever it's called is not aimed at them only.
Believe what you want to believe in - it's your right. It's just that extraordinary claims need to be proved. Nobody is spreading lies. We only ask for proof. It's also your right to be ripped off. By all means go for it. After all, the Jim Jones massacre in 1978 where hundreds of the followers of his cult committed mass suicide by drinking cyanide laced cool aid proved that he was right not so? It only proves how dumb and stupid people are. So if enough people write in extolling the virtues of Sister Angelrose it will prove to science that her psychic powers exist. So please continue.

#43 Consumer Comment
Testimonial for Ms Angel Rose
AUTHOR: fuel4life - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 11, 2011
When my wife took me to her I didnt want to go. After going I was somewhat conviced because of the stuff she knew but I figured my wife had blabbed her mouth as usual. I did the work she suggested and before I knew it my problem got better. I had a serious case against me. They knocked it down to probation after her work. So I do believe now. The only thing I hate is that she don't do gambling help or I'd be getting that for sure. May all of you be blessed in the peace and love of God.

#42 Consumer Comment
Always have had good experiences
AUTHOR: harri95 - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 11, 2011
Wow, after reading all of this I almost hate to get invovled in this mess which has apparently drawn out bored lunatics who have nothing better to do but berate a sweet lady they have never met.
S.A.R. through out the years has always been dependable, prompt, professional, and availabe. She gives it straight and doesn't get into the bull. I appreciate her candor and intuitive abilities. The readings are always enjoyable. Never had any work done by her but I have only heard good things from others that have.

#41 Consumer Comment
Disturbing Lies about Ms Rose
AUTHOR: thedevilisaliar - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 11, 2011
My experiences with Angel began when I was going through a divorce. She helped me put some of the pieces back together. A friend of mine referred her to me and I was really doubtful that she could help. She saw my troubles quite clearly and helped me to go through the process of releasing alot of the fear that was holding me back. My money was very tight but that never stopped her from helping me. She actually told me some things to do to financially help myself and they really worked! I will say it was strange that my friend did the same thing - prayers etc.- and it didn't work for her but Angel said the spirits give each person something different and that was specifically for me. Let me just say I was shocked when it worked! I'm still a bit tickled about he whole thing!
I say all of this to say that Angel was a God send during a time when I needed her. It was her caring and open heart that actually helped me. Her advice is the best. I haven't gone to any other psychics before so I guess I'm blessed that I only have good experiences due to her.
At any rate, I too wanted to give a good word for a great woman who helped me bring love and balance back into my shattered world.

#40 Consumer Comment
Very good reader and root doc
AUTHOR: jeweldiamond - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 11, 2011
sis rose is a very good psycic reader. she always tells the truth and give me good direction in my life. she help me and my son get a new job and she help my auntie with a court case. everything always has good results. my daughter told me bout this postin an i wanted to be sho to tell the world that she is good not a scam.

#39 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Ramjet - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 11, 2011
I expect these are either all from the same person or are solicited by "Sister Angelrose".
No honest questions have ever been answered. How much does she charge? How much have you wasted? How much has she donated (because she doesn't need money LOL)? Why won't she take the opportunity to prove us all wrong?
As far as her religion, it is obviously just as bad or is worse than any cult.
She is just exactly like every other disgusting fraud and you are deluded fools. You're correct, you are free to be ripped of as much as you like and you deserve everything you get.
Get back to us once you've been ripped off for everything.
What a bunch of fools!

#38 Consumer Comment
A great reader and spiritual woman she is
AUTHOR: SANDYLEMONS - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 11, 2011
I just want to say that the same people posting all this crap about Angel that don't know her are the same people who try to run up the posts on other people through out this site. What a waste of time!
I KNOW HER and she is helpful. I'm done with this mess as Angel really told me to not bother myself with it. However, I just want to say look around this site and you'll see the same exact people. THEY want to run up the posts to get more attention. If they only knew all it will do is gain even more business for her. I agree with the other client who posted. People who see Psychics don't care what you say. They will continue to go to them. I happen to be one of them and am grateful for the real ones that are out there. She happens to be one of them.
So keep talking because all you are doing is sending business her way. Also, attacking anyone's religion based on Wikipedia or anything else is really tacky. I mean really that shows who you truly are. That alone says that you aren't credible.

#37 Consumer Comment
Yet more drivel
AUTHOR: skeptic - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 11, 2011
Personal anecdotes prove absolutely nothing whatsoever. Until a test of these claimed remarkable powers can be made under measured conditions, they simply do not exist. They only exist in the minds of deluded people.
So please, spare us from this endless drivel. All you succeed in doing is push this thread to the top of the pile again. Back in the face of everybody where anyone with half a brain can see that Sister Angelrose is running away from the challenge to prove her claims.

#36 Consumer Comment
I had a wonderful reading with her things morning
AUTHOR: happyclient - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 11, 2011
I had a reading with sister angel rose this morning and it was once again awesome! I had to post again because I see the same people WHO DONT KNOW HER who post for no reason.
Listen guys, you can't change our minds and we don't want to change yours. You are wasting your breath. Nothing you say will make us not talk to psychics. Common sense tells you that those of us who have personal positive experience won't be pushed away by your ranting. As long as she does honest readings for me then I'll forever be a client. I'm kinda wondering what you are trying to prove here. Anyone who sees this will wonder why you keep posting. I mean who are you trying to convince? Anyone who beleives in psychics is going to go to one. Really you are wasting your time and energy but its yours to waste.
I'm sure I'll be called dumb and pathatic by these same people. I really don't care what you think and I'm sure the others don't either. I am above the ignorance so I won't stoop to calling anyone names. Since this is America I think we have the right to choose as we want. We choose to see psychics and you choose not to. That is fine. I'm not trying to convince you either way, so why are you trying to convince me? Give it up already.

#35 Consumer Comment
Dont listen to crap. Sister AngelRose is a wonderful person
AUTHOR: doubleq - (Canada)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 11, 2011
The truth is that the Sister Angel Rose is a great psychic and root doctor. I'm a current client of hers and have so far got good results. The reading I got was very truthful and had lots of details. I'm convinced she is real. I don't care what she practice or if she ever take a test. I just care that she is honest and what she does do really work. And it do.

#34 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: skeptic - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 11, 2011
This is what we are dealing with here.
From Wikipedia.
Today Vodou is practiced not only by Haitians but by Americans and people of many other nations who have been exposed to Haitian culture. However (as may occur within other religions), because of the loyalty and demand many have imposed on Vodou, some high priests and priestesses have taken the opportunity to exploit their followers, asking large sums of money for work that brings no result. It has been asserted[by whom?] that Vodou as a religion is dying because of the greed of many who practice it. Many Haitians involved in the practice of Vodou have been initiated as Houngans or Mambos. In Haiti, a houngan or mambo is considered a person of possible high power and status who acquire much money; it now is a growing occupation in Haiti, attracting many an impoverished citizen to its practice, not only to gain power but to gain money as well. Some Vodou practitioners with a hunger to live a life of wealth and power became practitioners so they could exploit foreigners and Haitians who are uneducated about Vodou, bringing them into a web of deceptions to collect large incomes in exchange for poor quality work.

#33 Consumer Comment
Angel Rose is gifted and a blessing to know
AUTHOR: Ladywithahugeheart - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 11, 2011
Had about 16 readings with Angel Rose through out the years and each one is amazing. Everything she told me was true and came about as she said it would. Angel always reminds me that no matter what happens I am in control of my destiny and that nothing is set except birth. Her words are always empowering and positive. She reminds me that anything is possible and helps me discover what the best plan of action is for me.
I feel so lucky to have found her.

#32 Consumer Comment
My view of Angel as a long term customer
AUTHOR: jstone - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 11, 2011
Sister Angel Rose is one of the sweetest and most honest persons that I've ever had the opportunity to meet. Back in 2008 I had the experience of meeting her face to face as many of her clients through out the years have done. She was holding a conference in Atlanta along with another well know spiritual advisor. Prior to that. starting in 2004, I'd only done work and readings with her via phone and her readings were so amazing that I was convinced that she was truly who she claimed to be. She knew things about me that someone who was scamming couldn't possibly know. I'm not saying that she knew everything about my life but she was specific enough for me to realize that she wasn't some "cold reader."
I've experienced her by phone and in person and she maintains the same. She is definitely what I would call a spiritual woman of God or whatever creator you might believe in. Her words aren't always what I want to hear but I can always count on her to tell me the truth. That is why I as a professional and business owner continue to communicate with her.
As for her spiritual work, I've only ever had one things done, but I did get great results and was very pleased with her work. I'm not one to look for spiritual help such as that on a regular basis. However, when I was in a tough spot she was able to assist me through it. I want to be clear that I am not saying this woman is God, because she's not and she never says she is. She's quite human. What she is includes being a wonderful woman with a great sense of humor and a wonderful intuitive spirit that permeates each interaction with her.
When I think about her and the words I would use to describe her "Gifted Angel" does come to mind. It is my personal decision based on my knowledge and experience with this blessed lady.
To all her other customers posting your experiences: Don't bother responding to those nay-sayers. It is a personal decision to contact any psychic, spiritual advisor or any religious intuitive. I understand your passion. Just tell the truth of your experiences with her and that will be more than sufficent.

#31 Consumer Comment
Another good word about Angel
AUTHOR: jklee - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 11, 2011
I am a fairly new client with Sister Rose but she gave me the best reading of my life. She was very honest and open with me. I like the fact that she never tries to push her opinion, but is all about self empowerment. She also said that anything in her reading should be something familiar and sit right within your own spirit. I beleive that if you come with an open heart really looking for answers that God does have people who can assist you. She is a spiritual advisor and she is really a good reader. I could feel the energy when speaking to her. I've always been sensitive to such things and its hard to fool me. She is the real deal.

#30 Consumer Comment
You are pathetic
AUTHOR: Ramjet - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 10, 2011
You may actually be completely suckered in to this disgusting fraud. She doesn't need money - yeah right, and she is charging you nothing right? Or as Robert suggests, she is donating ALL of it.
The ridiculous excuse for not submitting to testing is one of a list of sorry lame reasons that she will NEVER agree to a controlled study.
She may not need money but wouldn't it be a nice gesture to win a million dollars and donate to a worthy charity as Skeptic suggests?
Besides, if she proved to be genuine, she could demand huge sums of money and have it donated to all kinds of charities. That would be a wonderful thing for this 'caring' person to do.
Instead she will stay on the internet ripping poor deluded fools off for their life savings. Sounds like a caring person to me. Be assured she is sitting home laughing her a*s off at your gullibility.
However, it appears you are hopeless, unfortunately.

#29 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: skeptic - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 10, 2011
Well well well......just looky here.
So according to southerndiva1 sister angelrose practices Vodun. See what I found out about it.
One belief unique to Vodun is that a dead person can be revived after having been buried. After resurrection, the zombie has no will of their own, but remains under the control of others. In reality, a zombie is a living person who has never died, but is under the influence of powerful drugs administered by an evil sorcerer. Although most Haitians believe in zombies, few have ever seen one. There are a few recorded instances of persons who have claimed to be zombies.
Nuff said.

#28 Consumer Comment
My opinion is that she is real
AUTHOR: candycake - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 10, 2011
I've had 5 spiritual readings from her and all of them were truthful. My coworker did spiritual work with her and had a good outcome. In my opinion based on these actual contacts with her I know she is real.

#27 Consumer Comment
If you don't know her then why say bad things?
AUTHOR: SANDYLEMONS - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 10, 2011
She is a great woman of God and she gives the best readings. Like the person said above she isn't God, but I feel she does have a gift. If you don't know her then why are you so worried about those of us that do? We believe because of our personal experiences. ms Angel actually helped me when I had nothing. She did work for free to help me and her free prayers are also helpful. All psychics charge. If you dont like it then dont use the services but why speak negative things about someone you dont even know? What is it you are trying to achieve? thousands do beleive in her work. If you dont then dont work with her! Who cares?

#26 Consumer Comment
Usual tired old excuses.
AUTHOR: skeptic - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 10, 2011
Furthermore, It's not a "contest" you idiot. It's a search for the truth. It's not "rigged" either. All tired used before excuses
You accuse me of judging without trying and yet that is exactly what you go and do. Seeing as both parties agree to the methods of testing where is the rigging?
Why don't you just go to the website. Click on the tab called "What we do" and read the ChallengeFAQ.
You can also read about the hundreds of failed "psychics" and what they had claimed to be able to do.

#25 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Robert - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 10, 2011
So lets leave reality for a few minutes and say that Sister Angelrose is real and a legitimate psychic.
Since she apparently does this in the name of a religion she must also have a benevolent side to her. So since southerndiva1 "knows" her, perhaps she could persuade the "spirts" to have Sister Angelrose post what charitable work she actually does, and where she donates all of the fees she gets for her services. After all if she really does this just to help people I am sure that she has no need for any fees that she takes from clients.
Also, if she practices this religion called Vodun there must be others who practice it as well. So can anyone please provide us with a location where they practice this? There are probably a lot of religous scholars who would love to do research on it.
As for the "rigged" challenge, I guess the "spirits" misguided southerndiva1. Because the test is given under objective and controlled conditions. With the parameters agreed to and with the consultation of the person taking the challenge. So Sister Angelrose could specify what conditions she needs to prove it.

#24 Consumer Comment
RAMJET and SKEPTIC are OBVIOUSLY IDIOTS! Sister Angel Rose is the truth.
AUTHOR: southerndiva1 - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 10, 2011
There are so many miracles that happen in so many people's lives on a daily basis. Sometimes these miracles involve people who have psychic and advanced God given spiritual ability. Be clear there is a difference in a gypsy scam artist psychic and Sister Angel Rose who practices a religion called Vodun. She is very gifted as I have seen her work first hand. There is no need to get into a war of words or an idiotic contest that is rigged anyway. To a true psychic spiritual worker $1M is nothing compared to what God and the Spirits can do. I know Sister Angel Rose to be true to her word and she does NOT deserve the unfair treatment she has been given here. The good thing about it is that she doesn't have to provide a rebuttal to you because her spirits protect her and will see to it she prospers. I hope that all of you get a real life and stop trying to attack someone you've never met. As for the person who began this witch hunt, God bless you honey. You need it.

#23 Consumer Comment
Past client with something to say
AUTHOR: happyclient - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 10, 2011
I am a past client of Angels and I wanted to say that she has always been of great help and has brought a great deal of persoanl peace into my life. I do trust her to tell me the truth. I can only speak of my experiences with her but everyone has to decide for themselves. She always responds quickly to my emails.
At one point I was wanting some work that she didn't think I needed but that I wanted. It was something dealing with black magic. She told me that if I did it I would have some regrets. She actually referred me to someone who does that kind of magic but told me that she didn't advise it but it was my personal decision. I actually did do spells with the other person and things worked out but Angel was right that it wasn't what I needed and later it wasn't what I wanted. She was right but I didn't listen. Everytime I've ever spoken to her she has been truthful. For that reason I will always go to her when I need help. We each have to decide what is best for us and for me she has never led me wrong.

#22 Consumer Comment
She is truthful and honest
AUTHOR: prettygirl76 - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 10, 2011
I like so many others had to post when I saw this claim and the things written by those who don't know her. I am a professional woman who was basically lost before meeting Sister Rose. She doesn't ever claim to be God or anything she isn't. She will tell you what she sees and nothing more. That is what initially drew me to her. Her truthfulness and honesty are uncanny even when its not what you want to hear. She has done several readings for me over the years but the best work was the love drawing help she did for me a couple of years back. She doesn't really work the same way other workers do and she does require the person to get involved. A lot of what she does is advising and teaching. I thank her for everything she has done for me and I just want others to know the truth. I hope all of her real clients come here and post. Angel has great integrity and has shown this through out the years. I also wan to say that no real psychic would ever take that test these people keep talking about. A reading is one on one as far as I can see. Many people have written articles about that challenge being unfair. I wouldn't take it if I was a psychic and not taking it is not enough proof to me that anyone is not real. Their work on an individual basis is proof and I as an individual would gladly speak up for her because she is who she claims to be.
Other real clients please do post here and tell your stories. Skeptics are fine, I actually think we need them because there are so many scam artists. I can tell that no matter what we write here they will have something to say. It makes you wonder why they have a personal issue with her when they have never been clients. To each their own and they have a right to say as they feel. But listening to her clients I think is the best way to know someone.
Anyone can contact me too, just as others have said, if they want a real testimonial to who this woman is.

#21 Consumer Comment
Give $1,000,000 to charity.
AUTHOR: skeptic - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 10, 2011
Well....if Sister AngelRose doesn't need the $1,000,000 she could win by proving her psychic abilities she could always donate it to the charity of her choice. If I had a million dollars I didn't need I'd donate it to something like a home for abused children or maybe children who needed expensive medical care.
I'm sure that would prove what a true humanitarian she is. So.....when is she going to take up the challenge?

#20 Consumer Comment
OK all you suckers
AUTHOR: Ramjet - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Well, maybe it's just one posting all these.
Anyway, on the outside chance they are real (which I highly doubt), how much money have you sent to this fraudulent scam artist.
Please TRY to tell the truth.

#19 Consumer Comment
Real Client and Consumer
AUTHOR: Tee - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 09, 2011
I am God-fearing, spiritual person who has been blessed in many ways in my life. I definitely consider meeting and becoming associated with Sister Rose as one of those fortunate blessings. I am a college educated professional and Air Force Veteran.
Starting in 2009, I began suffering from the most painful period of my life. I guess it started with straying away from my faith in heart and allowing negatiivity to consume me to the point where my blessings were blocked; as was my relationship with God...I began to suffer dramatic setbacks in many aspects of my life. This included health, job, finanes and relationships.
I actually started to become depressed and experiencing feelings of despair. I began praying, but seemed unable to make a connection on my own. I also began drinking more and focusing less. I even sought help in the wrong places. I tried numerous people, psychics and other avenues. Things actually got worse. Then I came across Sister Rose and was drawn to her advertisement because of the spirituality. I actually felt in my heart she would be able to help me before I contacted her. Having grown up in the church and being spritual all my life, I knew divine intervention was pointing me in her direction.
During our first conversation, she was able to tell me things I had not shared with anyone. But most importantly, she was completely honest with me in diagnosing my situation. She stood by her every word. We worked together for several months rebuilding my spiritual connection and my self-esteem. I began to feel better about myself and my situation. I requested she specifically help with my relationship and she did. After a few month, me and my loved one were back together. But it was much more than that for me, and more than she may even know. My blessing were abundant through our work. My home was saved and my job situation improved. The obstacles impeding my progress at work were removed.
I have the utmost confidence in her gifts and abilities to truly help people. Anyone that has every truly worked with her will tell you the same. As a matter of fact I called her recently and informed her that I needed her help again with another sitution. Things are still good for me and improving, but trust her spiiritual guidance and advice... I look forward to working with her again.
As you have noticed, I kept things positive and in the affirmative tone staying away from the original post as should we all; something I learned from my association and work with her..
I am also open for a personal references should anyone wish to contact me!
Thanks and God Bless!

#18 General Comment
Sister Angel Rose is the BEST!!
AUTHOR: believe - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 09, 2011
First of all, anyone that knows Sister Angel Rose or worked with her would never say that about her!! I am a long term client and will continue to be a client because Sister Angel Rose is the Real deal. I have been scammed out of my money many times by scam artists. Angel was the only person that was ever able to help me and she is a very honest and sweet person. Readings with Sister Angel Rose are incredible. Everything that she has ever told me turned out be true, predictions were right on the spot, and her spiritual work is amazing. I can not even put into words the kind of miracles I’ve experienced from her work. All you have to do is schedule a reading and see for yourself.

#17 Consumer Comment
I Know her and she is one of the best
AUTHOR: mm - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Been working with sister angelrose for about 6 years on and off for different things. she have never let me down. She always tell the truth. I am a man of few words but I have to say that this woman dont deserve this type of talk. She helped me with a love issue I had many years ago an her work is still holding strong. anytime I have questions or need direction she has been there and that is what really matters. she is a real spiritual advisor. Never let one ignorant person block yo blessings.

#16 Consumer Comment
I Know her and she is one of the best
AUTHOR: mm - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Been working with sister angelrose for about 6 years on and off for different things. she have never let me down. She always tell the truth. I am a man of few words but I have to say that this woman dont deserve this type of talk. She helped me with a love issue I had many years ago an her work is still holding strong. anytime I have questions or need direction she has been there and that is what really matters. she is a real spiritual advisor. Never let one ignorant person block yo blessings.

#15 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Ramjet - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 09, 2011
It's interesting that the rebuttal from Angela shows up as the owner of the company.
So, it's pretty obvious that "Sister Angelrose" is posting all these ridiculous messages.
Ok, Sister Angelrose, please let us know when you have contacted JREF so can await your amazing victory with great anticipation.
NOT! You are just as fraudulent as all the others and you belong in jail. You will never submit to an honest test because you know as well I do that you are nothing but a disgusting fraud 0 nothing more, the lowest of the low.
Please get a real job and leave poor ignorant naive people alone.

#14 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: skeptic - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 09, 2011
So we can expect Sister Angelrose to apply to enter the $1,000,000 challenge and prove once and for all that these miracles do exist?
Anecdotal evidence is absolutely no proof at all.
Google the James Randi Educational Foundation and click on the $1,000,000 challenge tab. Download the application form. See the bank statement that proves the money exists and is available.
She can let us all know when she has won the prize.

#13 REBUTTAL Owner of company
Sister Angel Rose "The Real Thing"
AUTHOR: angela - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 09, 2011
I have been buying products and readings from Siter Angel Rose for over 3 years now. I know what scam artist are and believe this, she is definitly NOT a SCAM ARTIST, I have in the past had dealings with these so called scammers and Iam too ashamed to say how many, but enought to say that every reading I had with Sister Angel Rose has come to fruition, I was shocked to the many times she was right on target, her gifts or her spirit has served her well!because I have investigated, due to the many scammers and thiefs out there! iam sure enough, never to question her powers.
She was always on time with phone and email readings, and her products work so well that my friends buy products from her, and never had one complaint!
Who ever this person is that is sending these wrong messages against Sister Angel Rose must be jealous of her amazing reputation or is in fear of the unknown, Whatever the accusations against this sweet and kind lady I will continue to seek her help in my areas of financial and relationships, she has so far and has prove to be an incredible asset in my life situations! She has truely earned the name "Spititual Advisor"

#12 Consumer Comment
AngelRose is a true Miracle Worker
AUTHOR: MD - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 09, 2011
All I have to say is Thank God for Sister Angelrose!!! Before meeting angel i was imbalanced restless depressed and broke. I was amazed at the accuracy of her reading. Everything she said was true it was like i had been knowing her all my life. I began spiritual work for balance and money and within weeks i began training on my job and was given a raise. I then did spiritual work to bring about long term stable love life and its only been few weeks i am now engaged!!! Angel thank you so much and can't wait to do future work with you. Anyone that wants change or needs a miracle should contact her. Angel will always be there when you have questions and will help guide you where you need to be. She will always tell you the truth and that's priceless. I wanted to tell my story because I was shocked that anyone would write such horrible things. I can tell that the negative comments are from people who have never used her services. If you don't know her then you can't write things about her. That is really wrong. I understand if you have been scammed, but if it wasn't by her then you shouldn't put her name in it. She has been doing this work most of her life and the person who wrote this is the only person who has ever complained. THINK people! This woman is a God send, and i had to say something to let everyone know. I think the person behind this posting is a scam artist.

#11 Consumer Comment
It is a fact.
AUTHOR: skeptic - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 09, 2011
It is a fact that in the over 10 years that the JRF has challenged any psychic to produce ANY evidence of ANY psychic phenomena not ONE psychic has proved anything. This despite a $1,000,000 prize being offered. At last count something like over 1000 psychics worldwide had tried and failed.
It is also a fact that all participants agreed to the methods of testing and all the test protocols. All participants agreed to accept the outcome.
And those are the facts.

#10 Consumer Comment
Sister Angelrose is real and a woman of her word!
AUTHOR: MrMunns - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 09, 2011
I was mad as hell when i saw this posted and i was shocked too. Sister Angelrose is the only person who ever was able to help me fix my situation. I had 3 legal cases that she helped me with back in 2001 - 03. It was a big mess and I'd been lied on and she helped me clear my name when it seem impossible. This is why I can't beleive the nerve of some people to write things like this. I will testify under anyone's oath that this is not true! There are a whole lota scam artists out there. Sister AngelRose is not one of them! She always tell the truth and she always is available to her customers needs. She even did some extra work that she didn't charge me for last year since I am a long term customer! Ive sent about 16 people to her over the years and everyone is blown away by her honesty and truthfulness and her rootwork.
I know a lot of peole have been scammed out there and I feel bad for them, but the TRUTH is that Sister Angelrose is not one of those folks. I beleive someone else is behind this posting. When I told her about it she just said the truth would come out and that her real clients would post for her. She is a woman of God if I ever seen one and who ever wrote this is not one of her clients but apparently somebody mad that she has such a good name. Over the years she has dealt with people using her name like she wrote on her website. I don't even think the person who wrote this was ever her client. I hope they get what they got coming to them.
If you are nonbeliever that is fine, but I know what Sister Angelrose did for me and it was a miracle. So no matter what is said i'm a beleiver.

#9 Consumer Comment
Scam artist
AUTHOR: Ramjet - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, February 08, 2011
No, it is not an opinion that psychics are scam artists, it is an absolute fact. Look, you already said you lost $15,000 to a psychic. You are now being setup to lose more.
Who was it who said "There is a sucker born every minute"? I truly feel sorry for anyone this dumb.
Good luck, you deserve whatever you get.

#8 Consumer Comment
Scam artist
AUTHOR: Ramjet - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, February 08, 2011
No, it is not an opinion that psychics are scam artists, it is an absolute fact. Look, you already said you lost $15,000 to a psychic. You are now being setup to lose more. Who was it who said "There is a sucker born every minute"?
I truly feel sorry for anyone this dumb. Good luck, you deserve whatever you get.

#7 Consumer Comment
Decide for each their own!
AUTHOR: Holly - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, February 08, 2011
First, let me say....To each their own.....This also includes opinion! It amaze me how some will state their opinion as if it is fact.
So, here is what I have to say...Sister Angel Rose help me with so much...not to put my business out but what help I requested she help with that and MORE ...She has gone above and beyond and the words "scam artist" are the last words I would use to describe her.
For those of you who are searching for Spiritual help.. judge for yourself...for those who do not believe in Spiritual workers have that right not to...(its called freedom of religion), but you do not have the right to defame a persons character or work ethic.

#6 Consumer Comment
??? Sister Angel Rose or ANgelrose is the only HONEST root worker and spiritual advisor that I've ever come into contact with
AUTHOR: southerndiva1 - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, February 08, 2011
It breaks my heart to read all of yalls comments. I came across after being scammed myself and she was the only one to give me the honest truth. That's right. She told be the truth which is a lot more than I can say for those scam artists out there that stole more than $15 thousand dollars from me while I tried to get my man back. SIster Angel Rose told me that her spirits said he was not the one for me and that he was not coming back. I'm in tears now because she is the ONLY one that gave it to me straight and then helped me get my life in order. She always says its her spirits doing the work not her but I called her and SHE helped ME. It was only GOD that sent me to her. So for you to refer to her as the devils worker means that you are the devil trying to bring the real and true root workers, God's people, down. I would tread carefully dealing with God's children. Like I said, for all the rest of you, there are definitely scam artists out there but Sister Angel Rose is not one of them. She is the closest to a real angel I've ever seen.

#5 Consumer Comment
??? Sister Angel Rose or ANgelrose is the only HONEST root worker and spiritual advisor that I've ever come into contact with
AUTHOR: southerndiva1 - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, February 08, 2011
It breaks my heart to read all of yalls comments. I came across after being scammed myself and she was the only one to give me the honest truth. That's right. She told be the truth which is a lot more than I can say for those scam artists out there that stole more than $15 thousand dollars from me while I tried to get my man back. SIster Angel Rose told me that her spirits said he was not the one for me and that he was not coming back. I'm in tears now because she is the ONLY one that gave it to me straight and then helped me get my life in order. She always says its her spirits doing the work not her but I called her and SHE helped ME. It was only GOD that sent me to her. So for you to refer to her as the devils worker means that you are the devil trying to bring the real and true root workers, God's people, down. I would tread carefully dealing with God's children. Like I said, for all the rest of you, there are definitely scam artists out there but Sister Angel Rose is not one of them. She is the closest to a real angel I've ever seen.

#4 Consumer Comment
Sister Angel Rose
AUTHOR: Carolyn - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, February 08, 2011
I find it very hard to believe that Sister Angel Rose would simply take someone's money and not deliver on her services. I have been a client of Sister Angel's since 2009, and each time I've requested services, she was very prompt with her scheduling via email and always answered the phone when the appointment time came! I've never had any issues out of Sister Angel and will continue to utilize her services, as she is a woman of God that really does "good legitimate business".
I have no reason to write this positive response on Sister Angel's behalf, as I do not know of her personally, but professionally and having to never met her, she truly does stand by her work!

#3 Consumer Comment
We need more of this
AUTHOR: Ramjet - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, January 31, 2011
I love it. I wonder what the bat s*** was supposed to do. That 'Entertainment Only' disclaimer is completely worthless. I wonder how many people are entertained by getting ripped off for their life savings.
We need more of these investigations, I think paranormal ripoffs are reaching epidemic proportions. How anyone can fall for it is inconceivable to me.

#2 Consumer Comment
The psychic scam industry
AUTHOR: skeptic - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Monday, January 31, 2011
Last night I happened to catch an expose by our local news channelconcerning 2 "psychics" operating out of offices.Posing as "clients" and having hidden cameras, they fed the witless fools with false information. The "dead" mother of one investigators assured them through the "psychic" that they were always at their side and protecting them.
Of course the mother was never dead and in good health. The investigators had "evil" auras which had to be cleared up by the purchase of expensive crystals, oils, candles and bat s**t. This was to be placed on various parts of the body including the belly button to chase away the evil spirits.All this crap could be had at a special price of a few thousand dollars. For today only.They promised the treatment would work as long as they told NOBODY about it.
When confronted by the investigators about their useless promises, they denied ever having made a promise. That was until the hidden camera footage was shown. Then they started to whine something about "this is for entertainment only." Nowhere on the signs on their office front did itindicate that.
Jeez, for that amount of money I could hiremyself 2 party whores and geta lot of booze and have some real entertainment.
By the way, when the investigators spoke to law enforcement about this, they were not amused by the obvious scam.

#1 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Stacey - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, January 30, 2011
There is no such thing as a "psychic, spellcaster, love guru" etc ect - There is such thing as a CON ARTIST and that is all these losers are. Stop wasting your money and just live your life.

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