Complaint Review: Robin Bird ebay hansel_and_gretal Cathy Kohavah Jean Mockwitz - Buda Texas
- Robin Bird ebay hansel_and_gretal Cathy Kohavah Jean Mockwitz PO Box 1551 Buda, TX 78610 USA Buda, Texas United States of America
- Phone:
- Web:
- Category: Psychic
Robin Bird ebay hansel_and_gretal Cathy Kohavah Jean Mockwitz Cathy Kohavah Jean Mockwitz, Audra English SCAM from Buda Texas, Fake Coven, Scam, Fake Caster Robin Bird, Cathy Kohavah Jean Mockwitz brainwashes and manipulates customers, she is not a witch, she is not wiccan Buda, Texas
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: Hmmm
*Consumer Comment: Robin Bird IS AUTHENTIC to set the record straight
*Consumer Suggestion: The whole Audra English / Robin Bird / Myles Knoll / scam & how I got my money back!
*Consumer Comment: most things on this site are untrue period
*Consumer Comment: save your money
*General Comment: Your story does not add up
*Consumer Comment: Sooo Right
*Consumer Comment: Come clean Audra English ,Robin Bird
*Consumer Comment: Busted...Try Again...
*Consumer Comment: Sometimes crazy people file ripoff reports :)
*Consumer Comment: You May Be Right
*Consumer Comment: No Audra English is Robin Bird!!
*Consumer Comment: Interesting
*Consumer Comment: Thank you to the person who filed this report.
*Consumer Comment: OMG
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I am an old customer of Robin, I used to believe and trust her, paid hundreds for her fake spells.
Never got results and after a while she did not answer my emails any longer.
There were fake psychics in her forum cheating customers and telling us that spells were working, of course, they were working for her.
Robin Bird, AKA Cathy Kohavah Jean Mockwitz brainwashes and manipulates customers, with the positive talk and the Law of Attraction, there is no coven, this is a facade to take your money. She is not a witch, she is not wicca, she does not practice witchcraft because she does not even believe it.
When I first met Robin in ebay back in March 2011 she told me that she had been working as a local witch and had a coven called The Life Spirit Coven in Austin, Texas.
I asked her, why she was selling books and purses earlier on ebay, her answer was that she was new on ebay and was using her niece's (Audra English) ebay account since she wasn't using it
When she opened her website, in June 2011, it was registered under the name of Audra English
Registrant Contact: Audra English ()
349 Quarter Ave.
78610, TX 78610 US
Creation date: 30 May 2011 02:17:00
Expiration date: 30 May 2013 01:17:17
I did some digging and found Audra English on Facebook, but the account is not active any longer.
Audra English is a young woman (about 27), there was a photo of Holly Mockwitz on Audras Facebook page very similar to the photo that Robin has in her website. There were some photos of Audra when she was a child and on one of them there was an older woman called Holly Mockwitz.
So I believed her and had no problems with my paypal payments going to Holly Mockwitz.
But as time went by I started to see some signs of a scam and decided to look her up a little more, not as Audra English but as Holly Mockwitz, why to register everything under her niece's name? Now she is saying that Audra is her daughter, lies do not add up and I found what is Robin Bird is hiding.
Who is Robin Bird?
I found a listing with this address and Audra English phone number from the Texas White Pages
ENGLISH, AUDRA 349 QUARTER AVE, BUDA, TX 78610 Audra English 512-523-0249
Cathy Jean Mockwitz, from Buda TX ...512-523-0165
Jean Cathy Mockwitz (in BUDA, TX) 512-523-0166
I found this page
Cathy kohavah Jean Mockwitz
and the picture is the same picture posted on Robin's eBay profile, I made captures in case they change the pictures.
Robin Bird real name is Cathy Kohavah Jean Mockwitz
Robin Bird AKA Cathy Kohavah Jean Mockwitz is a racist, homophobic, fundamentalist, with multiple personalities, weird, crazy, delusional, bordering scam artist. Read her posts, they are all over the net, search her in Google and you will see!
She uses the name of Mary, but she is exposed by Enlightenment on his reply.
Permalink Reply by Enlightened on June 15, 2012 at 9:56am
"No "Mary"...that was definitely you because all your postings you have done on this site can be easily traced just by going to your page. Come on...'fess up! I think I now "get it", especially when you sign yourself
"Cathy Kohavah Jean Mockwitz and "friends".....the friends part especially. As I said in previous discussions where you were involved......"I'm done". Admittedly you have got some peoples' feathers ruffled.."
Permalink Reply by MikeUtah on June 17, 2012 at 11:13am
Closing discussion due to violation of house rules by the OP. Mary this is your warning for suspension should you continue similar disrespectful and preachy discussions.
Here is a list of Mary's discussions on the Life After Mormonism Forum :
Posts found signed by Cathy Jean Mockwitz, 349 Quarter Ave.78610, Buda TX
Help!. Help! Help! 27-May-06 12:09 am "These men, and these people, here in this area are deeply hazing, abusing and persecuting me. Please, I need Help."
Stake Presidante' Mark Palmer, is giving the orders, to haze, humiliate, degrade, neglect, and ignore my desperate pleas for help.
Bishop of the Plum Creek Ward: Bufford follow the "Guide" Book, with the guidance of Mark Palmer. Bishop Bufford Scott: 1-830-875-0227
1st Counselour of the Plum Creek Ward: Tim following the orders handed down from Bishop Scott, and Presidante Palmer. Elder Tim Elmer: 1-512-751-3805
I am constantly being stopped, molested, pulically and privately interrogated by all manner of police, lawyers, physicians, judges, etc. I have been kept at various times in solitary confinement. After having my body touched, and searched, I was taken to a cold room cell, where they keep the dogs, and told to urinate in a hole in the floor, where the guards watched me. There is no where that I can go, where I am not forced to show papers, identify myself, and/or pay money, which I do not have. Please help me!"
I am in desperate need of protection from these people, and from this occultic religious establishment.
Moste Sincerely,
Cathy Jean Mockwitz
349 Quarter Ave.
Buda, Texas 78610
Re: Dear Yahoo Abuse 9-Jun-06 02:47 pm "I am witness and victim, to being excommunicated from The Da Vinci web site. In fact, my entire IP has been sent to lawless, illegal, and immoral individuals, who have made it necessary for me to change my original postings under the heading of, to whollypolterchrist Another criminal action, which has been taken place, by these specific individuals, has been to link serious illegal pornography with my identity, along with out right lies and deep seated slander, as to my genuine nature, and my true and actual charaacter and identity. Perhaps, those individuals who are committing these deviant felonous acts, are working for, or are the very individuals, whom you are contacting for help, in this moste serious matter. I hope you may receive true justice in this criminal situation."
Moste Sincerely,
Cathy Jean Mockwitz
349 Quarter Ave.
Buda, Texas 78610
"I am Cathy Jean Mockwitz, the 44 year old daughter of the late Albert(Bob)Linde Mockwitz. If I can be of help to you in our Mockwitz geneology and in any other information that you may be seeking, please feel free to contact me. My e-mail is"
Moste sincerely,
Cathy Jean Mockwitz
349 Quarter Ave.
Austin, Texas 78610
Basic Information
About Cathy Jean Mockwitz
Location:Buda, Texas
Occupation:True Seer and Revelator:Messenger.
04-06-2008, 03:08 PM #5 Cathy Jean Mockwitz
Join Date:Apr 2008
Location:Buda, Texas
"Are you a moderator...who can explain to me how I should submit my messages?
I am a true seer and revelator, and I have messages to deliver to you. Please advise if you have the status to give me this advise.
Another post:
I am a True Seer, Revelator, and a Messenger. I am not trained to be an Enforcer of Our Sacred and Divine Law. The two missions...although intertwined...are not actually of each other. This would
cause a conflict of interest.
Here you can see all her posts:
This one is very interesting
"What would happen if all power and energy supplies through out the world were suddenly stopped? As people drove into the various fuel, money and credit stations, there were signs that read, "Sorry, we are out of all type of fuel, money and credit."
(Power halted, energy halted, strength halted, forces halted)
All movements are frozen and stopped. "Would precious metals go up or down? Will the arc be found?
As the worlds stock and bond markets are frozen with a permanent frown?Would real estate and commodities dive, burn, sizzle, and crumble?Will beauty contests end? Will the love of sport...permanently fumble?""Perhaps all the restaurants would finally come to a rest...As unjust religions are suddenly put to the test.
Will the milk start to rot? What about fish, chicken and meat?Would politicians die off, as they meet their permanent defeat?""How could the fire fighters fight all the blazes in towns,Or the police write out one is driving around?
Would false evangelists, preachers, and leaders start to stutter?As all immoral actors, singers, and writers lose their way to utter?""How will presses work, without paper or electronic ink?Who can make deliveries, how fast will burning pirate ships sink?Now no one can learn and spread gossip, and slanted political news,What will become of ignorant journalists, vicious news people...
And their immoral, unlawful, stalking, harassing camera crews?""Could rockets launch their missiles? Can guns fire without lead?How will bills, payments, mail, tabloids, and catalogs be delivered?
Why would any maritime meters be read?Will we recognize the ancient warnings we have read...
Now that the televisions, and radios have no juice...And all phone and Internet lines...have been fried and are dead."
"How will planes, trains, trucks, boats, and cars bring the goods?Will drugs, tobacco and soda be delivered? Will the alcohol bubble?Perhaps, as addicts, we will quickly try to repent, for we now know
We are deeply addicted to filth...and we know we're in trouble.""Will the patriots still hang out their idolatrous flags?
What about water for gardens and beautiful flowers?How will laundry get washed, or men take their showers?
Will we be sweaty, dirty, and stink, and in embarrassment cower?""What lawns will get mowed? How will cars get towed? Who will deliver what has been looted? Will boats only get rowed?Perhaps some will pray... perhaps some will sigh...
Could this be a "SIGN" that this corrupt world, is now going to die?""As that which is dead piles up, from this shocking Black Death...The Black Plagues that vexed our worlds we shall never forget.
Now all can see, this is the hour...when men must burn deadly ideals,
Conquer all unrighteous dominion and mafioso laws...
For patience has run out, the raging Children are in power."
Cathy Kohavah Jean Mockwitz of TX 10:38PM October 17, 2010
The Wh*re to the Gods
"But then, every working girl, finally receives a bed and a garden of her own. This is where she sleeps. Laid out to rest, far away from the worms, and the maggots, who without reserve or restraint, once feasted upon her genuine goodness, purity and innocense."Still, still, still, came the witches lullaby." "Rest in peace" crooned the wiccum priests and priestesses, of the Priory, as each of them one by one, and in unison shoveled more manure over the little grave, so as to hide the truth about their morbid acts and deeds. And for now, she does, rest in peace."
Cathy Jean Mockwitz: Born:Died: December 24,1961
The still born childe of Magdalena: Everyman's w***e.
"The w***e to the Gods."
AKA CATHY ENGLISH original for Boise, Idaho and living in Buda Texas, a racist, homophobic, fundamentalist, with multiple personalities, weird, crazy, delusional, scam artist who is taking your money with the excuse of being an spellcaster.
Be smart and do not send her your money, she is laughing with your money all the way to the bank!
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 07/16/2012 08:27 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
If you would like to see more Rip-off Reports on this company/individual, search here:

#16 REBUTTAL Individual responds
AUTHOR: caught_on_to_something_huh - ()
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 06, 2014
All of you are quite interesting! Would anyone be interested in knowing who Audra English/Robin Bird really is?
Contact me at (((EMAIL REDACTED)) tell me your story and I will reply back with information relevant to you.
If you do not explain your connection to Audra English/Robin Bird in your message I will not reply.

#15 Consumer Comment
Robin Bird IS AUTHENTIC to set the record straight
AUTHOR: prudentandwise - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 06, 2013
I am sorry you had a bad experience with Robin, and I read your report. I am a very loyal client and a Celebrity, and I am not pleased about reading the experience about Robin, whom I not only consider a treasured friend, but she is one of the most authentic casters you will ever find. She is a very compassionate and amazing Angel of a Friend who DOES the work you pay for and she does ask that you pay attention to the Laws of Attraction. What saddens me most about reading this report is that you are possibly putting a black mark in Robin's authentic work, and I guarantee that Robin is the real deal. She is honest and she does do the work. If you had such a problem with her, why didn't you try to work things out privately instead of posting here? It makes me wonder about your character if you didn't give her the benefit of the doubt. Robin is authentic, amazing, and she does do the work you pay her to do! I trust Robin and have Trusted Robin for a very long time. If I ever question anything regarding the work taking time, etc., I go directly to her and tell her my fears and she recommends that I saturate myself with POSITIVE Energy and The Laws of Attraction, which do make sense. I am a LONG-TERM CLIENT and I find this report highly inaccurate.

#14 Consumer Suggestion
The whole Audra English / Robin Bird / Myles Knoll / scam & how I got my money back!
AUTHOR: Jenni - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, August 30, 2012
I purchased some "spells" on eBay from user ID hansel_and_gretal (search eBay for 260757741519 to view one). The auction promised complete satisfaction or the "coven" would re-cast/refund. PayPal payment went to "Audra English" at Emails came from "Robin Bird" at Long story short, my situation did not improve (it actually got much worse). It'd take numerous emails before I'd get a response. She claimed to re-cast, but still no improvement. Then I was ignored some more. Finally she claimed she had an email issue & her new email was Again the email responses eventually disappeared. She finally offered a refund. Weeks passed with nothing, so I emailed to inquire. She claimed she needed the "amulets" back (two glass fishtank stones) she sent me back, which I thew out (they were worthless). She claimed that she couldn't refund without approval from someone else in her "coven" named "Myles Knoll" & she'd get back to me. Surprise surprise, no response! I found her web site which had yet a fourth different email No response there. WhoIs says the web site is registered to Audra English, 349 Quarter Ave., Buda, TX 78610-4957 (512) 523-0249 & White Pages confirms this. I emailed her one last time & gave her a deadline - a refund in the next two weeks or I would go to Texas & file in small claims court. I got an email response almost immediately in which more excuses followed. She claimed that "Myles Knoll" still had to approve the refund. Excuses excuses.
UPDATE: I did get a full refund less than 24 hours later from her original supposedly non-working email ( with the name "Myles Knoll" on the PayPal account. BUYER BEWARE!!! Check out Ripoff Report - Audra/Robin/Myles/etc. have a long list of complaints. If you too have been scammed, do the following: file a police report; file a report with the Attorney General in Texas; if you paid by credit/debit card, contact your bank/creditor to see if you can reverse charges; contact eBay/PayPal if you won an eBay auction, even if it was a long time ago; post updates on sites like Ripoff Report so others know about the scam and how you resolved it - if you resolved it.

#13 Consumer Comment
most things on this site are untrue period
AUTHOR: anonymous - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, August 30, 2012
Actually a good majority of the things written about people or " dug up" about people are false on this site. Anyone can make up or dig up fake documents on someone if you're computer savvy enough.

#12 Consumer Comment
save your money
AUTHOR: Desiree - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, August 28, 2012
I was fooled by this Robin Bird. I spent my money when I was losing my home and never heard from her again. Pluzeee read again. Don't be fooled. Robin Bird is Audra English. Her mum's picture was on her web page so clients thot they were buying spells from an older witch. She had been a seller on ebay and buyers paid under her auntie's name. Now she has up a web page life spirit society of magick. Once you pay you don't hear from her again and don't get your money back. Save your money and pray to God. Spells don't work. Spells are hocus pocus. Spells are scam.

#11 General Comment
Your story does not add up
AUTHOR: anonymous - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, August 25, 2012
Really? Your story does not add up or make any sense as you keep changing characters and names and going back and forth to the point where one needs a flow chart to follow you. Seriously get a life and leave other people's lives alone! Obviously if anyone reads this report with any sense, will not make any sense out of any of it as it' s all bull s*&*t!

#10 Consumer Comment
Sooo Right
AUTHOR: Maya75 - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 21, 2012
I'm totally okay with you. If you go see my post, I explain all what she did to me, and now she reply that she guaranteed anything...
She told her custumers that she refund me, and now she said that she won't and that I'm crazy to have bought so much spells..!
Yes she is sick, and she is trying to make me pass for the monster...

#9 Consumer Comment
Come clean Audra English ,Robin Bird
AUTHOR: truthhurts - (United Kingdom)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 19, 2012
Why wait so long to post Audra English A.K.A Robin Bird?
Infact you haven't even bothered to explain why all the continue to manipulate your customers into thinking they will get results, "Guaranteeing Results" even..
Your sick and evil, who tries to impersonate another person?
The truth has come out, YOU are ROBIN BIRD, there is NO COVEN, FAKE STORIES on your success stories page.
The people on your message board are not getting results so they are going elsewhere!!! FACT

#8 Consumer Comment
Busted...Try Again...
AUTHOR: Martin - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 19, 2012
This story is getting old..
I baited you two (3 if you count the other guy on here who decided to put Karyn's/Kayla's posts
down in a more legible manner.) when I mentioned that it could be Audra.
d**n, sure as anything you ran with that too.Everything I put down about Audra was B.S. and I
knew that once I pointed out the flawed logic on Cathy and threw out a new name that you would run with that too and you've now exposed that for you it isn't about the truth but the vendetta you have against Robin. Thank you for helping prove my point to expose you as liars and that you would spew out more hate and false accusations regardless of whom you victimized. I am tired of the fake a$$ other names you two put up on this board (calling you out Stephanie of 'Haifax' Canada, Nora/Maya if your going to do that you got to spell better and speak like you know English....Ask Kayla she knows how to do it).You two truly don't care of what you say and who you hurt along the way, is this what your crusade is about and the collateral damage and carnage you create. Nora/Maya or Kayla/Karyn, have you ever just tried asking her what her real name directly? But again you don't really care if you actually hurt Cathy and her family, much less Audra or Robin and their families.
BTW...Its no coincidence that on the rip off report all occurred just within the last 10 days....
starting with you two(and your other names that have filled all of the posts).
The truth is that yes, I am gay man that Robin has helped over the last year or so through some of the roughest parts of my life. Your d**n right I owe here, I love her, and I wouldn't be on this Earth without her. She has talked me down from a ledge and even though not her spells have manifested for me, several have which is enough proof that her spells work. I'm a real person who bought from ebay and left her positive feedback like
thousands of others.
I've been the subject of hate just like this before because people don't like me because of my own
sexuality and so to see you to use such hateful and hurtful tactics against someone who has done nothing but care for people, makes me sick. She has dealt with over 2000 ebayers alone, many of which cite their spell or spells worked. So obviously she does do them and they do work for several people. She also has a very good reputation, well,
until you all did this. There was nothing against Robin before now and she has been in business for years. So it makes it hard for any rational person to believe anything you've said, especially when you've changed your stories several times.
You and your little group are doing everything you can to ruin her. So now your lies are exposed and it is just too obvious you are out to ruin her for your own personal satisfaction.

#7 Consumer Comment
Sometimes crazy people file ripoff reports :)
AUTHOR: Sometimes crazy people file ripoff - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 19, 2012
Robin, whoever she is, has been nothing but kind and supportive to
many many people. She even told me not to buy spells I could not afford
because I have to take care of myself first. I have never, ever had any
psychic, witch, or self help guru tell me not to purchase additional
products/services from them out of concern for my financial state.
Whoever is posting this garbage is damaged and negative and it's
obvious, since spirit work depends on what you put into it, when
considering what you got out of it, I'd say you get what you deserve :)
Peace and love and positivity to all!

#6 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Kayla - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 17, 2012
(((ROR redacted)))
To the post that thought Audra may be Robin--as to her "ilovehanselandgretal', you very well may be right. Mental Illness does run in familes; some statistics say as high as 70 percent. The way she lies seems pathological as well as her as mentioned before her inflated view of self and over the top condescending remarks. She does seem to share these traits with her mother. A crazy scammer still equates to a scammer. I find her horrific if this Audra was fine with us outting her mother, yet is so egotistical she bowed out when her name was mentioned. If Audra English is really is Robin then nothing like "throwing your mother under the bus." SMH
CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

#5 Consumer Comment
You May Be Right
AUTHOR: Kayla - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 17, 2012
However if that's the case this Audra English also sounds like she has some mental issues. She scammed a client then went on an extreme fashion to set out to destroy her even hunting her down on other forums. This Audra is a condescending B. Whomever it is be it this Cathy Mockwitiz Or Audra English (Seller) as her last name of FB has a much inflated view of themself and a n**i way of not allowing anyone to post their truth. SCAM for sure!

#4 Consumer Comment
No Audra English is Robin Bird!!
AUTHOR: Martin - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 17, 2012
I always felt Robin Bird is Audra English.
A couple years ago I bought spells from her on ebay and Audra used to have her picture up, this is when she only had her ebay store. Maybe a month later, from when I first purchased my first spell from her, she added a bunch of new spells and a new picture with the name Robin Bird. I asked about the picture change and name change, and she said at the time, that she( Audra) was Robin's niece and that she was helping Robin out with all the computer stuff and its Robin that actually does all the spells. Well I was a little confused by that and so I looked it up. Holly Mockwitz is Audra's aunt and Cathy's Sister, and they were both born in Boise Idaho. So maybe the picture is of Holly Mockwitz but to me it sounded like Robin Bird was Audra English.
When Robin and I spoke. She told me that she uses magick and has gay friends, as I am gay too. It sounded nothing like the posted rantings that Cathy Mockwitz published, which I find it schizophrenic, anit-semitic(ironic since Mockwitz is Yiddish name), anti-gay, anti-magick...its both hard to read and to the follow.
The website is still listed under Audra's name. I couldn't even imagine what this Cathy Mockwitz chick would be like to talk to much less have an ebay store and make money.
I am not a conspiracy theorist but I do think its Audra.

#3 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Steven - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 17, 2012
I look at issues like this as entertainment purposes only. I've heard of people going in to those palm reader places and once they are given a reading they are charged a fee and then they are offerd another spell option to help undo or prevent bad things from happening. This of course costs even more money. So allways be ready to be disappointed and its sad that people put so much faith into it that we find reports like this. These people do not have the power of God nor can they make anything happen out of the ordinary. You can spend your money in so much much better ways.

#2 Consumer Comment
Thank you to the person who filed this report.
AUTHOR: Kayla - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 17, 2012
This crazy woman and her fake coven have been scamming a bunch of people & getting away with it for much too long.

#1 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Maya75 - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Oh my god, this is shocking... She's so crazy and such a liar.... How can we make to have our money refund now ?

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