Complaint Review: Martina Van Deun - Arusha Select State/Province
- Martina Van Deun Njiro District, Arusha, Tanzania Arusha, Select State/Province United States of America
- Phone: (+255) 683-511-556
- Web:
- Category: Liars
Martina Van Deun is a Liar, Thief, Extremely Rude and Unprofessional, Arusha, Other
*General Comment: Confirment of her brother: Martina is a lierer
*Author of original report: Martina Van Deun Continues To Lie Through Her Teeth
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: Freedom of speech or Freedom of expression for mentally disturbed persons?
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The manager of Zawadi House, Martina Van Deun (from Helmond, Holland), steals from her guests, lies, and sticks her nose in everybodys business. It is quite obvious to see that the only reason she is working at Zawadi House is so that she can get a free car, free fuel, free food, and free accommodation because she is unsuccessful in life and cannot afford to buy these things on her own.
During my stay there I always filled up the guest car with fuel when I needed to use it and then when Martina would take the car, she would use up the fuel and never pay me back in full. Once she returned the car completely on empty and when I asked her to give me money for the fuel I paid for she flatly refused. She also stole the car phone recharger that I left in the car and I had to buy a new one at the owners expense. When I contacted the owner and sent him the receipt and told him that I wanted to be reimbursed for the charger, my original car charger miraculously appeared in the car again. Martina returned it and expected me to believe it was there all along even though the employees told me that they had seen it in her office.
I returned to Zawadi House one night after going out for dinner and she was lying in the lounge area with her legs up on the couch. Her boyfriend was smoking cigarettes in there and there were bottles all over the table. I then went to the room and called for room service, twice. The phone kept on ringing and she was too lazy to pick it up, probably because she was too drunk. When I brought this up to her the next day in her office she started screaming and demanded that I stop insulting her and told me to get out of the office or shell lock me in. Five stars for professionalism.
Martina Van Deun is a gold digger and is using her boyfriend Gilbert Robert (Bobby), who is young enough to be her son, for his business African Dream Adventures. I know this because he admitted it to me when I spoke to him and I have video footage to prove it.
Martina Van Deun is rude and unprofessional and I am astounded that she even has a job. She states that she works "very hard" on her Facebook page but from what Ive seen, she does nothing but sit in the office all day and turns up to work late, and sometimes not at all. She treats the employees like animals and barks orders at them like a dog. After I leave I wouldnt be surprised if she fires most of the employees just because they spoke to me during my stay. She already pulled one of them to the side and demanded that he no longer speak to me. When I asked him why he told me because she is jealous of me. The employees also know that she steals money from the hotel so she will most likely replace them because all the new employees wont have access to the hotels old financial records so the owner will never know.
I feel sorry for the employees of Zawadi House and she has no right to fire them. They work hard and are very polite. During my stay they went out of their way to make me feel welcome and I am very happy with their professionalism. The problems didnt start until Martina Van Deun arrived on the scene and was appointed manager. Martina is an overly aggressive control freak and goes crazy when confronted with the truth. I should know because I am probably the first person thats actually stood up to her. Maybe this is why she feels the need to act like a child and seek revenge on me for whatever reason. The owner seriously needs to get rid of her before she drags his business into the ground and ruins the hotel's reputation.
All of the above statements are true and I can prove all of it as I have witnesses, video footage and voice recordings. If you would like more info, please contact me by filing a rebuttal and I will be happy to answer anybody's questions.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 03/27/2013 08:02 AM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#3 General Comment
Confirment of her brother: Martina is a lierer
AUTHOR: Bart - ()
SUBMITTED: Monday, May 20, 2013
Ik ben de broer van Martina (jammer genoeg). Alles wat geschreven is herken ik. Martina lijdt aan hoogmoeds waanzin en geeft altijd anderen de schuld van haar onmacht/falen. Trap asjeblief niet in haar mooie woorden, haar uiterlijk (dit voor 50 plussers) en al het andere uiterlijk en verbaal vertoon. Ze is een wolf in schaaapskleren.
In Spanje is ze uitgekakt en daarna heeft ze haar toevlucht gezocht in Arusha/ Tanzania. Ook daar heeft ze haar erwten uit gepoept en ze heeft ons gevraagd haar reis naar Nederland terug te betalen. Als broer voel je je daar wel toe verplicht, maar stel je ook voorwaaren. Zoals, geen snoepreisje naar Nederland, maar een definitief verblijf. Het zoeken naar een toekomst en werl in Holland. Woonruimte heb iki ook aangeboden. Maar mevrouw wil liever doorgaan met oplichten in Tanzania, En nu verwijt ze ons dat we geen euro willen afschieten !
So be it. Maar alle lezers gewaarschuwd !
I am the brother of Martina (unfortunately). Everything is written I recognize. Martina suffers from pride: madness and always blame others of its impotence / failure. Trap please wear not in its rhetoric, its appearance (this for 50 +) and everything else looks and verbal presentation. She is a wolf in schaaapskleren.
In Spain they poop out and then she sought refuge in Arusha / Tanzania. There, too, she pooped out her peas and they asked us her journey to the Netherlands to repay. If you feel you there brother obliged, but imagine also voorwaaren. Like, no junket to the Netherlands, but a permanent residence. The search for a future and werl in Holland. Living iki have also offered. But Mrs. would rather continue to light up in Tanzania, and now they blame us that we want to shoot! Not euro
So be it. But all readers warned!

#2 Author of original report
Martina Van Deun Continues To Lie Through Her Teeth
AUTHOR: ZawadiHouse - ()
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Martina Van Deun hates the truth so chooses to respond by lying. As previously stated, "All of the above statements are true and I can prove all of it as I have witnesses, video footage and voice recordings" so her claim that my report is not truthful is in fact, just another lie. Feel free to ask Martina what proof she has to back up her claims and don't be surprised when she tells you that she doesn't have any. She claims that I am "mentally disturbed" but cannot prove it. The truth is that she is the one who is mentally disturbed and I have at least 5 other people who can attest to that fact, including her own boyfriend.
Her ridiculous claim that I am an Australian citizen who has been arrested multiple times and is involved in illegal activities is just another lie. Can you prove that Martina or is your blatant jealousy of me forcing you to spew lies because you are incapable of being successful in your own life and try to shoot down anybody that is better than you? Losers always throw rocks at people who are more successful than them and that's obviously because they are green with envy.
According to insider info, Martina Van Deun has now moved into one of the rooms at Zawadi House because she cannot afford to pay rent elsewhere and prefers to leech off the owner instead. I thought managers were supposed to be skilled at running a business and managing their money. Every manager I know either pays rent in an expensive area or owns their own house and drives an expensive car. Martina doesn't pay rent, doesn't own her own house and doesn't even have a car. She lives in a hotel where she gets fed for free, gets free accommodation, a free car, free fuel, free internet, free electricity, free water, free room service, and most likely even has her clothes cleaned for free by the hotel cleaning staff.
I was also right about Martina firing the employees after I left. She has since fired two employees and lied to them and stated that it was because of "low season", but then went ahead and employed two others to take their place.
When I think of Martina Van Deun and her management skills the following words come to mind: unethical, unfair, unprofessional, rude, dishonest, soulless, uncaring, unsympathetic, inconsiderate, greedy, ruthless, vengeful, gold digger, cradle snatcher, leech, manipulative, thief, moocher, incompetent, psychotic.

#1 REBUTTAL Individual responds
Freedom of speech or Freedom of expression for mentally disturbed persons?
AUTHOR: Martina - ()
SUBMITTED: Thursday, April 04, 2013
First of all I, the person mentioned in this article, state that all comments in this article are not thruthful. This report hasn't been reported by the company, but by a mentally disturbed client who was not happy that after a "management-free stay" of about 1 1/2 month, finally the company decided to contract a manager to control the business. Obviously the client lost control over her actions inside the hotel and her influence over the staff. I am not going to defend myself in detail, as I know the report contains all lies and besides, I don't want to act in the same way as the reporter of the article. I only can say that this person, who even hasn't the courage to mention her own name, is an Australian citizen, has been arrested various times and is involved in illegal business, especially in the US. And most of all, she is mentally disturbed.
This website, states in its conditions that the following is not allowed in rebuttal reports:
Profanity, obscenity, threats of violence, racist remarks, false statements, personal information (i.e., social security numbers, credit card numbers, home address(es) or phone numbers), or any other information which violates Ripoff Report's Terms of Service;Rumors, speculation, or innuendo unless you have personal knowledge that your statements are true;Trivial comments (i.e., Nice report!) which do not add anything useful to the discussion.
Several of above details are used in the Ripoff report against me. So that is allowed for the reporter but not for the reported? In my opinion, this webiste is one of the "sensational" kinds, which doesn't respect citizen's rights and feelings. Obviously it is not a website of broad use (and it better is not) and probably only created to obtain extra income by offering legal advise. Therefore in the rebuttal report, I would like to denounce the person who is writing against me, as well as the owner of If at any moment, this case is going to be elaborated on in more details, I will denounce both entities (the individual person and the company) to the international aauthorities.

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