Complaint Review: Market America - Greensboro North Carolina
- Market America 1302 Pleasant Ridge Road, Greensboro, NC Greensboro, North Carolina United States of America
- Phone:
- Web:
- Category: Sales People
Market America MA FAKE BUSINESS! STAY AWAY for your own good! Greensboro, North Carolina
*General Comment: Rebuttal #1 - well stated, consider taking action
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: Market America LIES SCAM!
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: TO the ex wife!
*Consumer Comment: From JR's First Wife
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I was a former distributor of Market America, and I want to tell everyone out there the truth.
If you're reading this and you are considering "getting in"- I recommend you put your money into something more reliable - like a trash can. It will be much faster and you'll get the same result.
In a way, I'm glad I was in Market America, because now I can recognize a SCAM when i see one.
I was heavily involved with Market America, and I was in the "inner circle". I was involved with their entertainment sector, called "Conquer Entertainment." This was supposed to be a really great idea to market music, and I was at first really excited. However, this excitement turned sour when I realized what was going on behind closed doors.
Amanda Ridinger was their CEO of the entertainment sector, and also the daughter of their CEO, JR Ridinger. The way she ran this part of the company was terrible- she had no idea how to run a company. What was most telling about this whole business was the way that JR treated his daughter Amanda; she was treated like a red-headed stepchild. And if JR treats his own daughter poorly, just imagine what he will do with total strangers in his business.
He had another wife with another daughter whom Market America portrayed as the "royal family." They were always on stage in front of thousands of people, always dressing in gowns and expensive clothing, and putting on the ritz. However, Amanda was treated as the outcast of the family. Even though her millionaire-father had a penthouse suite at the Ritz Carlton, she was driving a beat up car and had to pay her way through school.
Now the Market America inside scoop-
When you see the presentation, it looks nice, but the reality is that Market America IS a LEGAL PYRAMID SCHEME. The amazing thing is that no one really catches on. They say that they're the anti-pyramid, but their compensation plan is still the same as the 9-5 job; they have a few people at the top making all of the money, and everyone else at the bottom of the pyramid paying those people.
My sponsor, who was making $7-10,000 every four weeks, had been in the business for four years. She had an entire group drop out on her, and I didn't understand why. After I dropped out I understood. After a year in the business, I made at most $450. I went to ALL the seminars, listened to ALL the audios, and spoke to ALL my friends about it. I recently had to go through my whole contact book and apologize to all the damage that I created with this business. I had to really get out of the hole I dug for myself with this business.
One positive result of my time in market america was the experience. Now, I know what brainwashing is. I was totally brainwashed into thinking this business would work. Now I see the brainwashing in major religions and all over the place.
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#4 General Comment
Rebuttal #1 - well stated, consider taking action
AUTHOR: Anonymous - ()
SUBMITTED: Friday, May 23, 2014
I wanted to compliment the author of Rebuttal #1 as I felt their argument was well-stated and presented. I have read the Bloomberg Newsweek article referred to in this rebuttal and information on JR Ridinger's website - BeingJR - for a while now and have been concerned about the questionable legitimacy of Market America (and its affiliates in other countries and Conquer Entertainment, etc). While it seems that JR and Loren Ridinger definitely put much knowledge, time and energy into achieving their lavish lifestyle through their company, the many statements from former distributors (UNFranchise owners) and other company associates who feel they were lied to or ripped off, etc (that can be found on-line about Market America being a "scam", MLM (with a twist), etc) is a serious concern. The Ridingers lavish lifestyle should be only be allowed to be achieved through totally legal business practices.
I recommend to the author of Rebuttal #1 and other dissatisfied former Market America/Conquer Entertainment distributors/employees, that they take action and contact the Fed Trade Commission and/or Dept of Justice to report what they know about this business's practices if they have not done so already. Having been "insiders" with the company, their testimony would be very valuable. These agencies are currently investigating HerbaLife, another large alleged MLM. When enough people submit official complaints, hopefully action will be taken by these agencies. If no action is taken, then people like the Ridingers will continue to live in mansions and on yachts and be part of the jetset while the majority of participants in their company reap little reward for their time/efforts and out of pocket expenses.

#3 REBUTTAL Individual responds
Market America LIES SCAM!
SUBMITTED: Monday, May 12, 2014
I will start off with the fact that I believed it all. I saw and joined this thing way back in 1996 and did somewhat well. "Life gets in the way" is true but I kept going for quite some time, even though the money coming in did NOT. I hit their Executive Coordinator level which means I made $1500 with the company total but really means nothing more than a status point and that my monthly requirement went from 50 BV ($80) per month to 150 BV ($225) per month and NEVER decreases. Also, there is a monthly service fee of $20 and an annual renewal of $99. Also, back then we paid extra for tapes, videos, etc. There was no end to it but the BRAIN WASHING dream of "Rich and Free" was well instilled.
Check out Bloomberg BusinessWeek about Market America:
In addition, there were meetings to pay for, trainings to attend (and pay for), Local's every month, a Regional in the fall, and 2 conventions each year. I did it all. I believed it 100%. I paid thousands of dollars a year, about $6000 on average, and made a few thousand every year, about $3000. This was WAY better than most. So I was losing twice as much as I was gaining but they kept saying "Fake it til you make it!". I thought I just didn't have time for it and that it was "me" who was doing things wrong because that's what they told me. So really more than the money lost was all the TIME I spent on it. Hours and hours every week, weekend, holidays, driving all around, meeting people (half would blow me off), showing the plan one way then another then another because that is what they told us to do, etc. I could have made more money working at McDonald's in the end, to be honest. Thus, I put it on the back burner for years and finally dropped out.
A few years later I decided to give it another try as things seemed to have improved with the company due to the Internet, updated programs, etc. I started doing everything all over again, meetings, trainings, seminars, Locals, Regionals, and the big expensive Conventions. I hit Executive Coordinator again but the time and money put in were even worse than before. The company had very much expanded in product divisions/lines but all this meant was there was more confusion than ever and it showed whenever you talked to other distributors. They really had no idea how to "DO" the business, what ever that means, as they kept telling us to "Just do it!" I worked so hard at trying to perfect a system as Market America's “Proven Business Plan” was not working/complete enough. If you are doubting any of this then ask the person who is trying to "get you in" who they are under and what they are doing. They will tell you but ask around and you'll see that it really is different depending on to whom you speak. Truth is it is so gigantic that distributors are afraid to say they don't know. Besides, if they do then they are told to just go to another training. Ridiculous! Just more Lies to keep you going.
Again, Check out Bloomberg BusinessWeek about Market America:
Also, I must say, that I got to know all the "Big Ones" as I live in Boston. I went to the houses, parties, etc. Thus, how could it not be true. But, like all things imaginary, the truth comes out. I got to see with my own eyes that they may have hit high levels at one point but they are no way near there now. Most, if not all, are making half to a fraction of that now. Others have dropped out altogether. Don't believe me? Check the Market America's "" and contact the people on there. Again, most may still be in but they are making next to nothing. You will be told that they are "Rich and Free!" but the total opposite is true. A woman told me that she and her husband even sold their business thinking they had made it only to have to buy it back 6 months later and are now totally out of MA. There are plenty of others who had quit their jobs and went “Full Time” with the business only to be left disappointed and wind up back at their old jobs or seeking one. Any that I either knew of from way back are now long gone or may still be around but are driving and living very average lives, cars, and places. Also, as I said, many are working their old jobs but looking into other MLM's while still in Market America. Still more Lies about “Rich and Free!”
Yet one more thing that you will see that is very suspicious is the fact that they do not have anyone new making big money. Its always the same people again and again. If there are new people then check them out 3-6 months from now or at least within a year. Get them to SHOW YOU there direct deposit check from Market America to PROVE that they are still making the same (or more) money. It's simple. They are simply NOT making the money anymore. No one who has been in for a while has hit any higher level. Matter of fact, I think only one or two last year did. You can tell because they put big money earners on the cover of their PowerLine monthly magazine and all they have on it these days are Bells and Whistles about how great they are / going to be.
These "Big Ones" are not making the money they once did whatsoever.. None of them are. People may rise up to a certain level but that is it. It's like a balloon in that it goes up then comes back down and it is just about impossible to get back up again. How do I know? Not only have I been there myself but I have seen reports, talked to many who are still in who have told and shown me, and talked to many more like myself who have finally dropped out.
JR, Loren, and Marty Wiseman, as well as his son now, use everyone for every penny they can get. Try to return something, get something back, or even get a break and you are facing a very steep up hill battle. Try calling customer service and they can be pretty good but many times they have been wrong and the fault always lies on you. "Read your Career Manual" is said way more often than not. JR and the inner circle keep making you think that its all up to you and that they laid everything out for you but the truth is its all laid out for themselves. Just Google “Amber Ridinger’s Royal Wedding” to see where your money is going. Who wouldn’t want thousands of people working countless hours spending all kinds of hard earned money so some selfish pigs can spend it all on themselves (houseES, yachtS, tripS, weddings, movie star friends, etc. Note the “S” in all of those. Sickening LIES!!!)
One last time, check out Bloomberg BusinessWeek about Market America:
If you doubt me then ask yourself why would I spend the time to write all this. Well, its because I believed it all, thought it was going to be my future, was ready to quit my job in 2-3 years, and live happily ever after. I was totally devastated to find out what I did and all the LIES being told to keep people in and going just so the ones at the top can act like Mosquitos and suck cash our of you.
Final words: Do NOT believe Market America or any of these MLMs are true unless you do a LOT of research and get to see for yourself IN PRINT the $$$ people are claiming they make. Do NOT believe the BRAIN WASHING of listening to audios every day, reading all the time, attending something once/twice a week unless they can show you that MONEY.
Best wishes and stay clear of this SCAM!

#2 REBUTTAL Individual responds
TO the ex wife!
AUTHOR: JamesC749 - ()
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, April 01, 2014
LOL Are you serious? You made an account just to defend your ex husband? Have you nothing better to do? What kind of person does that anyway. People just think about it. After the divorce you still defend him. I wonder what type of brainwashing is going on.

#1 Consumer Comment
From JR's First Wife
AUTHOR: thefirstwife - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 14, 2013
I am not a distributor with Market America. I do like and purchase at retail price many of the Market America products through my daughter, Amanda Ridinger, who is a distributor as well as Conquer Entertainment founder. Some of what you said is true, some is not. I personally do not have a relationship of any kind with JR, his wife or his other daughter.
In my humble opinion JR does not treat Amanda "like a red-headed stepchild" as you say. JR willingly paid for Amanda's entire college education while she earned an Associates and then a Bachelors Degree in Music Management.
Amanda began Conquer Entertainment while she attended college and she graduated with honors. I agree that Amanda did not have the necessary experience when she began Conquer Entertainment. I was very concerned about her lack of experience in the beginning. However, over the years she has grown. Again let me say that in my humble opinion JR does not treat Amanda "like a red-headed stepchild" as you say. It has appeared to me that JR has worked with Amanda and guided her, while making her stand on her own two feet, although I am an outsider and don't see it all. I agree that Amanda is not in the position financially that JR's other daughter is, but to say he treats her like a stranger is absolutely untrue.
As far as the business opportunity goes, I can agree with some of what you say and agree to disagree with other things. Can you tell me what business I can get involved with where I will not have to do any marketing, spend any money, or do any work to be successful? I'll join. I have friends and family who are employees at NON-MLM corporations that market products and services. These employees are used to solicit customers by their employers as a requirement of their employment agreement. I've been solicited. Personally though, I am more concerned with the absolute brain washing that mass media is doing to peoples' buying habits, but that is another topic.
What isn't a pyramid? Who makes more money then the executives at the top of any corporation? The higher the executive, the higher the pay. The lower the employee, the lower the pay. Seems like a pyramid to me.
I'm very sorry for your experience. Nothing is perfect.

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