Complaint Review: Empower Network LLC - Internet
- Empower Network LLC 146 2nd St N Ste 201 Saint Petersburg, FL 33701 Internet United States of America
- Phone: n/a
- Web:
- Category: Internet Marketing Companies
Empower Network LLC David Wood & David Sharpe (Owners) Misrepresented their product Internet
*Consumer Comment: The $100 dollar product is Bogus
*Consumer Comment: I have a Good Idea On This Topic
*General Comment: Empower Network Has Changed My Life
*Consumer Comment: What's Really Wrong with Empower
*Consumer Comment: Do the math
*UPDATE Employee ..inside information: Empower Network is the REAL DEAL here's why.
*Consumer Comment: EMPOWER IS NOT A SCAM
*General Comment: Empower Network - Scam / Pyramid / Ponzi Scheme
*General Comment: Black Coat
*Consumer Comment: Illegal Multi Level Marketing Pyramid Scheme
*Consumer Suggestion: Re: #12 'Exactly as I thought'
*Consumer Comment: Exactly as I thought
*Consumer Comment: LMAO
*Consumer Suggestion: Constructive Critics or Whinners?
*UPDATE Employee: Hold up, Joseph. I am confused. :D
*General Comment: Umm No..
*UPDATE Employee: Mostly agreed
*Consumer Comment: Setting the Records Straight
*UPDATE Employee: 50K?
*Consumer Comment: Attorney General
*General Comment: Thanks
*UPDATE Employee: Find the Work Around...Adapt & Overcome
*General Comment: Not Really 100% Commissions or $25 to Join
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Complaint against Empower Network LLC
146 2nd St N Ste 201
Saint Petersburg, FL 33701
My complaint is that this company are misleading in their sales information and are using hypnotic marketing methods to recruit people.
I am Zane ONeill approx 6 weeks ago I was sent an email by a friend inviting me to join a business opportunity.
I am based in Rotorua, New Zealand.
This was the video I was sent:
In the video David Wood (presenter/owner) shows me his bank account earnings of approx $200K in one account and $300K in another from what he made from using his own system.
approx 10-15 video testimonials are shown of new members who have joined and they made between $20K- and $50K in their first 30 days of joining.
Clearly there is a disclaimer stating that my income may not be the same as that but it is possible for me to make that same money in 30days.
I think it is misleading because on further research after I joined, it is apparent that these people who made between $20K and $50K in their first 30 days are established professional internet and mlm marketers who David Wood recruited to launch his business and these testimonial people bought on their databases of people to buy into it, so yes they all made that money and David Wood made his $200K and $300K. I think that is misleading, as a newbie to internet marketing, I felt deceived, thinking it was possible to earn that, I think if he states these are top interenet marketers in his video everything would be fine. He does not promote what the average Empower network marketer is currently making.
Secondly he promotes if I buy his blogging system for $25 it will be Viral, that is misleading because I bough a blog and it did not go viral, his domain is viral yes, as he has 40,000 people using the blogging system on the Empower Network domain. But I tried doing a google search for my blogs and I could not find one blog of my own, therefore it is not viral and I have been mislead.
I know it is not illegal to not have a refund policy, but there is a strict no refund policy, alarm bells in my books, yes I should of realised this before I bought in, but I was sold by how much money I could make with his system.
The company structure looks dodgy, David wood lives in Costa Rica, the Empower Network payout bank account is in london and he has his company registered as a foreign entity from Delaware in Florida, Im not sure if any of that information applies or not, just seems very avoiding tax or something like that, probrably legal I do not know enough about it.
In some of his training videos when I purchase the $25 blogging system, he uses hypnotic marketing methods and at the end he calls me a WUSSIE if I do not get ALL IN and buy the whole suite of training products, a further $1600 investment. People
are falling for this and just handing him the money.
That is unethical and damaging to me.
In the commission loophole video he states I get 100% commissions on all of my sales (of selling the same $25 blogging system to others), but on my 2nd, 4th, 6th and every 5th sale there after I must forfeit my commission which goes to my sponsor, so I am actually receiving 50% commission, not 100% , yes he says they pass up to my sponsor, but it is deceiving as he says I get 100% commissions on ALL of my sales.
I invested $1000 on his advice in the training videos on PPC advertising on Facebook and other places and told to point my internet advertising to the commission loophole video with my id on it so Im compensated and if I get people signing up from
that link and advertising- they are my recruits, I did not get one sale from the advice to do PPC advertising and I would like a full refund back for that.
I think Empower Network would be fine, if the were upfront and honest in the sales videos and marketing material.
New Zealand
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#24 Consumer Comment
The $100 dollar product is Bogus
AUTHOR: rich - ()
SUBMITTED: Monday, November 18, 2013
One of the defenders of EN above claims a number of "breakthroughs" as a result of the $100 per month. I call bullshit and would ask her to name some. Or rather, let ME name them for you. "Be strong" "be brave" "be true" "don't give up" "Set Goals", "develop a why" and of course--"go all in."
Are these "breakthroughs" false? Maybe not but such sage advice is available elsewhere and usually for free or at any rate not $100 per month. There is a smattering of real information sprinkled throught the inspirational speeches but due to the nature of the internet most of it will be obsolete within 90 days and there are recordings on their MUCH older than that. Nobody but nobody would buy this product if they weren't planning on getting money from selling it to someone else. Remove the eligibility for that commision and purchasers of it would drop to zero. I came THIS CLOSE to pulling the trigger (going all in) because make no mistake, David Wood is good at what he does. What stopped (saved?) me was the shoddinesss of this product which is little more than a baby sitting service designed to keep people happy and paying ("cooling the mark" is the actual expression) while they are waiting for results--meanwhile the upline is earning some lunch money.
To anyone thinking about "going all in" I would say--buy the $100 product first if you think it's worth it then chances are you may think the other products are worth it as well but if you DON'T like the $100 product I think it would be a fair conclusion you won't think the others are worth it either.
I'm still looking--I haven't given up yet but the price point for serious help with online marketing seems to be a bit lower (around $300). I think I would rather give one person $300 for one strategy--see how THAT works out and move on from there. The internet is constantly evolving and I'm not sure it's smart to put all of one's eggs (or at least $5000.00 worth of them) into one basket learning how to do what got them kicked off of facebook.

#23 General Comment
AUTHOR: Simeon - ()
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 23, 2013
1. Why has facebook banned and deemed & related links as dangerous?
2. EN is not selling actual product that teaches me SEO or Traffic Lead attaintment, why should I pay $100 for the inner circle? Why not teach me what I have to know to make money selling anything I want? Show me how to choose a product that I could sell, ie: clickbank. Why isn't there that sacrifice? Why charge me so much for my "education". The monthly fee alone should suffice. Oh wait, you have to pay employees with the monthly fee of over 100k affiliates. That makes every employee a millionaire.
3. Dont say 100% comission. Say the comission plan is unheard of, but not because it's 100% because it is not. It's just nice to attract people to EN because you will earn money for bringing in people to learn the tools that will teach them how to sell anything online. Oh wait that's not what EN does.

#22 Consumer Comment
I have a Good Idea On This Topic
AUTHOR: Scammed2Much - ()
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, July 03, 2013
I have been reading all about whether Empower is a scam or is it not a scam? Well, I have a good idea for everyone. There's obviously an upfront fee to join this program. From the looks of it, a quite substantial one. Anything that costs something, is just that. It's going to take money from you, before you make any money, if you ever do. There's plenty of no cost work at home jobs out there, that have the potential to make yourself a good living. You don't need to spend big bucks to work something that may or may never earn you a dime! Empower and other programs like it, seem to do that. I would never spend any money to earn big bucks. I've tried several of those in my younger days, before the internet was out there to help me make a decision if they were legit or not. I've learned from that, that unless you have a good expendable bank account, you should not dive into things like this. If you're flat broke, or on the verge of it, and unemployed, desperately seeking something to save you, this is not it! Go on Craigslist, or other free classified ad sites. There's lots of free work at home jobs that you can legitimately work for, and earn a pay check doing.

#21 General Comment
Empower Network Has Changed My Life
AUTHOR: Latanya - ()
SUBMITTED: Sunday, June 16, 2013
Here's my results on Empower Network. Let me just say this. I am a mother of 2. I was laid off from my job, last year in May of 2012. I searched for other ways to make money online, because people told me that I could work from home as tech-support and etc. I came across EN. I didn't know anything, I repeat, anything about marketing nor blogging.
I started learning the materials and then I upgraded to get my mind right, to the inner circle, after that, I upgraded to the other products. A year later being with EN, I now have a team of 40+ people and don't have to worry about going back to a 9-5 job if I don't choose too. This is what I am saying to you guys from my experience. Yes, I grinded in the beginning trying to learn as much as possible. However, I didn't stay in learning mode. I learned then implemented the strategies and taught those strategies I learned.
I watch, rinse, and repeated. Instead of me focusing on the money, GOD knew I needed it, I focused on adding value and the money surely came. See I didn't have 5 years of experience like some marketers. I started from the bottom with no list, no nothing. I also understood the process by me staying into this and not giving up, it will be well worth it in the long run. See people always expect something to fall into their laps instantly, but don't want to do the work to do what it takes to make it happen. As we speak about other marketers who already had experience before joining EN, remember, there was a time when they too were brand new to marketing.
They weren't born knowing how to market. The difference between them is that they didn't give up. Back then it was twice as hard, where you had to do everything to be successful. Now, the 2 Daves have paved the way for mothers like me, who didn't have a clue, to make a decent amount of income in a year tops. So what is that worth my friend? You mean to tell me, you can go to college, get in debt with student loans, graduate after 4 years, and go work for someone else for maybe $20-$25 bucks an hour. Or you can grind this thing for a year, help people along the way by providing value, instead of worrying about a quick buck, and you make the same amount of money or more in one year , not putting in any extra hours to make that, than you would going to school for 4 yrs. HELLO..
That's a no brainer. Also, I have a college degree in Computer Information Systems so I did both. I can tell you one thing, I am my own boss and would choose to change someone life so they can live their dreams before going and slaving my self away to a job where, if I am lucky, I may get a raise and not get laid off again, like I did from my previous job. If you want to open a burger stand, expect burger stand pay. If you want to open a Mcdonald's, then expect Mcdonald's Franchise pay. So you choose and decide. I tell my people up front the cost of the entire opportunity and we work out a plan from there. If a person don't have the money at first to get all the products, then that's fine.
It's a growing process. However, don't expect to make a substantial amount of money without having to work your a*s off at the $25 level. Why work harder, when you can work smarter. Besides, the products are worth 10 times than what they are selling them. I can't even begin to say how many breakthroughs I had from just the inner circle alone. You are learning how to market to whatever company you want and not just EN. EN is teaching you to be successful online period. So if anyone has any questions about EN, you can personally contact me at or you can personally check out my blog on how it has changed my life Havea bless day and Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers out there. Your family deserves more.

#20 Consumer Comment
What's Really Wrong with Empower
AUTHOR: realvalue - ()
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, June 04, 2013
I am in Empower, but quickly discovered what most of the negative commenters are reporting, and more. I understand 100% how it works (for a relative few), and why it simply CAN'T work for the large majority. I also want to clarify how I believe the issue of whether it is a "scam" or a pyramid should be understood.
First of all, the issue of pyramids ALWAYS comes down to whether at the entry level, there are products that people would purchase EVEN IF they had no intention of using the program to recruit anyone else. Standard MLMs always have products that some people purchase for their intrinsic value, while others put in the time to recruit downlines. If there is no product (and that product can certainly be an information product, except that other than memberships or subscriptions of some sort, information products do not get used up and require new shipments every month the way consumable products do, so they don't work well for the MLM structure) at all, the jury shouldn't be out for a nanosecond--it is a pyramid, and probably an illegal one, like various so-called"gifting" schemes.
So, Empower DOES have products, albeit information products. So it is not an illegal pyramid per se. But here is where what I consider the first deception that I was subjected to occurred--and I assume for everyone else, even if gung-h*o members don't admit it. I was told that for $25 (which is really $65--the second deception, since one also needs to spend $19.99 for the blog and website maintenance, and another $19.99 for an aWeber account), I would receive information products that would help me build ANY online business, so that even if I decided I wasn't interested in promoting or making money from recruiting to Empower, I would still find exceptional value for any other business I might be pursuing on line.
THAT, in my humble opinion, is total bunk. The "products" available at the $25 level are 8 "Fast Start" lessons that are narrowly tailored to what they recommend doing to juice yourself up and start promoting Empower, that is, to start getting recruits. Nobody would pay jack for them for any other purpose. So I upped myself to the next "Inner Circle" layer, which is an additional $100 a month, on the asusmption that surely the dynamite marketing materials would be found here. Wrong again! Lots and lots of audio files (nothing written, as if we are all audio learners--NOT), but with at best a handful of partial exceptions, every one was focused on how to psych onself up to commit all in to promote Empower, and have confidence doing so. Again, nothing that anyone would spend $100 for, much less $100 a month for, to help with any online business other than Empower.
Someone I know went for the $500 level, and STILL it had little or no value in helping market. The "word" that one hears is that all the truly "good stuff" is at the $1,000 level. But someone else on Ripoff made the comment that he wasn't impressed even with those materials, but I don't know for sure what they contain.
In any case, information products need to be awfully, really, super special to be worth $500, much less $1,000. And $3,500?? For what? What marketing secrets would sell for these prices in any market?
I believe the piont is obvious. The existence of lots and lots of "products"--the videos and audios--probably makes this legal in the eyes of the FTC. But it doesn't make it any less a pyramid scheme, a Ponzi. As several others have commented, do the math. If Dave1 is making $30,000+ a month, that is composed of $100 a month from however many total people he has recruited, plus $100 a month from the 2nd, 4th, 6th, and every 5th thereafter from those they have recruited, plus however many $500, $1000 and $3000 upgrades their direct recruits made (and the pass throughs on these levels). The point is, an awful lot of people have to have been recruited below him to do this. If 30 people in the company are making $30K a month or more, that's $11 million, close to HALF the entire supposed profits, as of the last figure I've seen. That leaves only half the total for the remaining 99,970 members. How much can they be making, on average?
Worst, as is necessarily true in all pyramids, the last to join are supporting everyone above. For everyone who is making more than he is putting in a month ($125 not counting extras) plus his one-time upgrades, one or more people HAVE to be making less than they are putting in. It's simple math. The more some people are making, the less large number of other members must be making. It is a zero-sum game. Supply equals demand. If Dave 1 makes $30,000 a month (it's probably much more), other members are paying him $29,875 out of their pocket, in net expenses above what they are earning.
To cover up this reality, there are multiple live sessions every week featuring the top earners, and other webinars and audios, all designed to pump people up to throw away their inhibitions and go "all in" at the $3500 level (which is really $3500 + $1000 + $500, or $5000 total, not counting the $125 monthly residual). The "rationale" is that you can only earn these amounts of commission from people you recruit if you are also at that level, so if a newbie recruited someone who went "all in," he would reap $25 from it, and his upline would reap the remaining $5,100. So, the entire game is about psyching people to go a higher level than they are, until they reach the $3500 level. And to recruit others to do the same.
A feature that no one has commented on is that many groups have been formed, typically using Facebook groups, of a few leaders and their downlines. Here, in many cases, real information on how to market on Facebook or other places is provided by the group leaders, that could have some value in other programs. But this information is NOT what you are paying for to be in Empower--it's simply driven by the need of the upline members to help the newbies recruit even newer newbies.
As to whether there is deception, I grant that no one is hiding, this is not a scam in the usual meaning of that word, where you buy some worthless item and then can't return it, often can't even reach customer support. Or where you think you are investing your money, and a Bernie Madoff runs off with it. How it works is made clear, though typically not fully until one has joined at least at the $25 level. But hey, $25 is a small price to pay. I believe the deceptions lie here:
1. As others have noted, the initial come-on of $25 is deceptive, as once you're in at that level, you are immediately pressured to upsell yourself, and it quickly becomes obvious that you can't make any real money at that level.
2. As I mentioned above, the information "products" are sold as useful in helping to build any oneline business. They are not even helpful in building an Empower business. I was deceptively told they were products of intrinsic value to any oneline business.
3. Everyone is told that the first and most important means of recruiting for Empower is by blogging daily. Well, blogging is a tried and true means of getting traffic for ones business. And I'm sure it's true that some members of Empower, including those reporting on RipOff, have found a few keywords putting a post of theirs on page 1 of Google. But if there are 100,000 members of Empower (the general figure I've heard), and 75% are blogging, 75,000 blogs all on Empower has to mean that most members will never see any of their blog posts get anywhere close to page 1. And even getting on page 1 for a single blog post hardly guarantees an interested potential recruit. So the notion that blogging is an efficient and effective way to make a lot of money in Empower is surely deceptive--not an outright lie, as it can, and surely has, worked for a minority of people--but mathematically, it could not work for the large majority of them. But it gives people the illusion of doing something, while they are mentally bludgeoned to up their commitment level.
4. My upline told our group that for $300, one can purchase a recruit. I believe it likely that many of those that go in at $1000 or higher also purchase one or more recruits, who, if they can be convinced to go "in" at the same level, would recoup their sponsors expenses over time. It would be nice to be told what percentage of the big earners recruits were purchased in this way, rather recruited the hard way.
5. The constant hyping of the importance of "going all in," and the repetition of the taunt that anyone who refuses is a "wussie" isn't deceptive, I guess, so much as disgusting. It is an attempt to manipulate people into spending money that goes straight to their sponsors, for no real product, people that perhaps cannot really afford it, but who are lured by the siren song of riches to come, even though upping their commitment level does NOT help in their ability to recruit, and may in many cases represent a bad sacrifice of money they don't really have.
6. And of course, the math is never explained in a way that makes clear that the net profit of everyone who has net profit comes at the expense of net losses for everyone else, and that given the huge payoffs at the top, the numbers of those not breaking even must at any given time be vastly greater than the number of people making more than they put in. So the only way to make money is to recruit enough others who will lose money. It is this feature that is why I have been unwilling to recruit, and will shortly move on. Empower is ultimately a glorified "gifting" program where you only make money by bringing in enough people below you who give it to you--the "100% commissions" Empower talks about, are really gifts from the newer members to the older members.
Fortunately, there are programs out there that offer real information products, and that bypass all of the objections that I have listed for Empower, and still make it possible to earn significant additional income. Since it has to be the case that the majority of Empower members are not breaking even at this time, I'd love to hear your experiences, and share mine. Feel free to contact me, (((ROR redacted))).
I have tried to be as objective as possible, and as factual, and hope this helps people. Needless to say, the long messages defending Empower are largely irrelevant, since none of them addresses the points I have raised here. Yes, they may technically be correct that it is not an illegal pyramid (just a legal one), or that it is not "deceptive" because they make claer their marketing structure and are quite accessible and transparent, but they are deceptive in other ways. The ultimate argument in all of the defenders on this Ripoff Report is that Empower is simply a way to make a lot of money, and even that is true, IF one is able to recruit enough others to pay you to make it happen--but your gain is their loss, unless they turn around and do the same to an even larger number of newer newbies, but at the end of the day, any money made is made at the expense of losses to well more than 50% of the membership. As the saying goes, it comes down to math.

#19 Consumer Comment
Do the math
AUTHOR: Kwtrucks - ()
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, May 22, 2013
I think most people that fall for this have very little experience in the business world or were very bad and unsuccessful.
If you do a little research and pay attention you might be able to see the scam right in front of your eyes and how they lie to you right up front.
Look on their website at the people holding up the HUGE EMPOWER CHECKS and how they were saved and bankrupty and 30 days later they had $50k.. then ZOOM in on the names on the checks of those people, then google them. They are on facebook and others on different sites, but you will see the stories they are telling you are just cold lies.
Now get you calcultors out and do an easy math problem that directly appies to this company. If Dave1 and Dave 2 sell their product to 2 people and each one of them sell / recruits 2 new people and so many down line are there before you exceed the number of people on the planet... the answer is 16.. think about that . If you passed the 4th grade you will see what is going on with basic multiplication !

#18 UPDATE Employee ..inside information
Empower Network is the REAL DEAL here's why.
AUTHOR: Kristina - ()
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Hi Zane,
I read your submission and I wanted to address many of your complaints directly as many are highly inaccurate and grossly misrepresent Empower Network.
I do understand your frustration. I too saw the video but in no way did I think I would make that kind of money in the first 30 days. I understood it was possible if I put in the studying and implemented the knowledge. I think as a newbie you would have to be doing it full time in order for that to happen in 30 days.
Being a complete newbie myself I decided I was going to learn the system and integrate it at a speed I could handle, no matter how long it took. Knowing that I had no technical background going in, I knew there was work to be done.
- You said your blogs did not go viral... It is never said the blogs would go viral. What is said that if you follow the system and blog on purpose meaning you use the on page SEO training that is taught to us your blog posts would hit first page search engine rankings, organically ranking with Google, Yahoo and Bing. It is very clearly said you must blog consistently to show the bots or spiders that relevent content is coming from your blog everyday. It is also said that somewhere between 90-100 blog posts this would start to happen for you, especially when you have properly done your keyword research which you are also taught and not every single blog is that going to happen for but many of them will. Once, I stayed consistent with my blogging this has started happening for me. I did a blog for a longtail keyword which I never thought I would rank for and to date I am still at number one.
Goole: How to choose an Empower Network Leader
This is the blog post it goes to.
I am in the number one spot and have held it since and with as many people in Empower Network jockeying for it, it is amazing to me that I have held the position. I have others as well. However this is just one strategy taught and it is taught that as a longterm strategy, your blogs are out there working for you 24/7. It is clearl taught that a minimum of consistent days of bogging correctly before this strategy would kick in. Surely you could not expext to use this strategy to make money in 30 days.
- You say the company structure looks dodgy. The Empower Network headquarters are located at 146 2nd St N Ste 201 Saint Petersburg, FL 33701 St. Peterburg FL The company is in exellent standing with the FCC and has top attornies in the industry working for them. Read this comprehensive review I wrote where I included a video of the attorney addressing Empower Network affiliates at an event. He is a former Amway attorney and we all know the longterm success of that company.
Dave Wood does have a home in Costa Rica, wouldn't you if you were financially free? Or where would you have your dream home? To imply that this has to do with tax invasion is extremely misleading. The company Empower Network is using to accept credit cards is E-wallet, an international merchant account company considered the best in the industry, pay pal is very limited to what it can do. This allows you to accept credit cards from all over the world without issue. The comapnay is based out of London, it is simply a service we use at quite competive rates.
- Dave and Dave are a little rough around the edges. My question is, would you rather have a polished front man wearing a suit selling you shiney objects or two previously homless millioniares spitting the truth. DaveWood used the word wussy in the sales video and you still bought so how damaging was it to you really? I am a woman and I can say I don't love the word but it did not deter me from the very real opportunity being offered here.
- Regarding your Facebook PPC camaign. We are very clearly taught to test, test and test. You are to start with a small amount, as little as $20 and tweak it until it converts then scale it up and when its converting at the right percentages then you go for the big guns. It sounds to me that you threw speghetti at the wall and was hoping it would stick. Did you test your campain and tweak it before going for it?
- You said you sent people to the comission loophole video. You are taught to send them to a lead capture page that is provided for you that then lands them on the commission loophole sales funnel video. This is vitally important, this is how you build your list. Otherwise you have no way of knowing who went to your video and no way of tracking it. This was very clear in the training. This is very basic stuff here.
- You said people are just handing money over to him. Dave Wood and Dave Sharpe the co-founders and work as affiliates and make their money the same as we do. The company money that is made from the affiliate fees goes to pay the employess there are 50-75 now. Not to mention $60,000 in monthly attorney fees. This money also pays for the quarterly events which are amazing.
- You also don't have a clear understanding of the compensation plan. Which is brilliant, now this took me some time to understand myself. Once the lightbulb went on I got very excited. It is a simple two tier system. There is no binary payout plan or qualifications to be met in order to get paid. There are pass ups on each product level. And products are passed up to sponsors not people. Product sales profit 2, 4, 6 and every 11 (not 5) are passed up on each product level. This is for the good of all and you get them to. Bottom line there is no other compensation plan out there like it.
- Internet Marketers are flocking to the program like crazy, why because it works and it's the highest paying program out there. These people had to train and learn just like we did or are doing, just because they did it 5 yrs ago and now can use their knowledge in any business and come into Empower Network and make crazy money in the first 30 days doesn't make anything about it wrong or misleading. Had you committed to learning the system and takiing it serious you could currently be in the same position. This is a business and must be treated like one. I now know newbies who are hitting those numbers and they did it in 6 months. Where can a newbie in anything do that? I will be the next one, if takes me a year I don't care. I am not stopping and to date I am at a few hundred a month now in passive income. The momentum is getting going. Soon I will be at those numbers because I refuse to quit no matter what.
For anyone reading this who can see and understqand that this is a very real business opportunity that must be treated like one, you have a strong work ethic and a strong desrire to change your financial situation than this is the right place for you. Empower Network was and is designed for anybody to get finacially free. There is no such thing as a get rich quick scheme however with that being said Empower Network is a vehicle that can and will make you money faster than anything else out there. Your other alternative to buckling down and learning a new skill set with this company is to stay in your J.O.B. retire in 40 years and maybe you'll have some savings if your lucky. In the meantime your kids have grown up and are gone, how much time did you get to spend with them? Did ever take that vacation? How about that swimmingpool you always wanted? What's that you just retired and barely have enough to make ends meet. We ave Grandmas and Granpas doing this. I met a 75 year old woman in Chicago who drove herself to the event and it took her 4 hrs. I also met a 81 year old man doing this. They didn't have computers when they grew up. We have deaf people and last month our first blind man came in. I know three peole who are disabled, one totally bed ridden she made $80,000 from her bed. Last month, I saw a 12 year old make $3000 per month for months and his numbers will only grow, he does it with his Dad. The father has said the boy does it he wants him to learn now.
WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE? What's your drive? What is the pain that you are in that will push you into action and truly change your life? Your the only one who can do it.
For the record, I have the first 4 products up to the 15K formula which is a product that trains you how to make $15,000 monthly with your Empower Network business but the principles could be applied to explode your existing MLM business like Amway, Shaklee, Mary Kay and Avon. You can use the methods to recruit more people into your businss and grow your downlines, many are doing it. Just yesterday I had an Amway guy join my team.
In gratitude,
Kristina Aston
Go to my landing page, enter your best email address, watch the video and join me to reclaim your financial freedom! Already seen the video then just join me right here right now.

#17 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: danta - ()
SUBMITTED: Saturday, May 11, 2013
Empower network is an online opportunity that empowers members to make money with out experiencing the common problems, challenges, and pitfalls most go through when attempting to start a home based business.
It is our highest intention and chief aim to explain how and why the Empower Network Products are beautifully designed and carefully crafted to immediately make you extra income online.
The purpose is clear, the foundation is laid, and now it is time to get paid doing the things you love to do and share with the world.
In addition to world-class information products, elite internet marketing trainings, and superior digital services; Empower Network’s affiliate program pays 100% commissions that allow members the chance to leverage and create a lifestyle-altering, life-changing income from the comforts of their own home.
When Did Empower Network Start?
Empower Network got started on Oct. 31, 2011 and has so far eclipsed over $24 million in paid member commissions as the company continues to enjoy unprecedented growth and unparalleled expectations. In the first week of November 2012, Empower Network did the unthinkable in paying out over $1 million in commissions generated in just a week’s time.
The fact alone puts Empower Network into a category and classification of its own, as it continues to pioneer one of the biggest movements and active communities on the internet.
What Is The Higher Commission Team?
The Higher Commissions Team is an emerging group of savvy like-minded entrepreneurs who are leading the way towards a more successful tomorrow and prosperous you.
We are considered one of the most actively-engaged and sought-after teams inside the Empower Network community because we provide a 100% customized, up to date, practical and pragmatic approach towards delivering real results to all valued-members.
Along with weekly webinars, conference calls, trainings, hangouts, expert guidance and much more – we are confident in our ability to take you from where you are at to where you want to go by helping you push through the Grind phase and into a Free-Flowing state.
Some of the VIP internet marketing training we provide includes what other leaders are doing to help grow their teams in Empower. We focus on helping you dial-in and lock-up the 3 C’s (CREATE Traffic, CAPTURE Leads and CONVERT Sales) to becoming successful with your Empower Network Products and Business.
Thus far, in our 7 year-long internet marketing success journey, members who are willing and open to our one on one mentoring and advice have created huge success stories already and we are just getting warmed up.
When you join us in Empower Network, you will get a first-hand chance to utilize our exclusive team members only marketing tools, products, and systems that work synergistically with the business model and platform here. Not to mention the opportunity to work side by side with multiple 6 figure income earners that will all but automate and propel your potential results in making money online now.
How Much Money Can You Make?
The amount of money you can make is completely up to you. Without even knowing who you are, what you look like, and where you came from, we do know that Mindset and Attitude are the two most important contributing factors that influence and impact your ability to achieve greatness and success on the internet.
There are people who join with the intention of making an extra $300 to $3,000 a month or more and then there are others who consistently earn upwards of $1,000 per day!
It really boils down to your personal goals, aspirations, and dreams, along with how much willingness and work, energy and time, effort and resources you desire to put into the business to obtain your money making visions.
How Fast Can I Start Earning Commissions?
Making money online fast, easy, and now is the most asked question we get pertaining to Empower Network. Most are attracted to the 100% business model and compensation plan because it allows for anyone, anywhere in the world to start earning money almost instantaneously.
Because of the nature, culture, and complete product-system marketing cycle and funnel, Empower Network’s money making platform is done for you, acting as a Point-N-Click, Plug-N-Play business in a box that is suitable for anyone looking to have a breakthrough online.
The key is to focus your attention and time on money-making activities, utilizing the system, products, and blogging site to exposure your opportunity and attract leads.
Once you see how easy Empower Network makes the work from home business model become, you will quickly realize it comes down to a numbers game, in that Traffic, Leads, Sales is all you have to be concerned about.
This is the real beauty of the Empower products is that all of the internet marketing training, tips, and tools are either given to you or taught to you in order for you to proper construct a successful business venture with Empower!
How Much To Get Started?
To join at the basic membership is $25 dollars (monthly) + $19.95 (in-house commission pay out structure) to become an affiliate and receive commissions instantly.
To reap the real benefits of the system, it is in your best interest to at least upgrade to the Inner circle membership which grants access to some of the most vital and pivotal aspects and highlights of the program.
For example, if you plan to become an affiliate and join the Basic Blogging Membership + Inner Circle, which is one of the most popular product sold here due to the extremely high value offered for such a respectable and affordable price.
The breakdown would be the following:
A basic membership to the Empower Network gets you access to the viral blogging platform and it will cost you $25 a month (blogging site) + a $19.95 (affiliate fee) + $100 inner circle membership (up to date, relevant make money marketing membership).
Remember you will get your investment back with only one person you sign up since EN pays 100% commissions.
Are There Any Monthly Expenses?
Is recommended to use a 3rd partyautoresponder service to manage your emails and the communication with your leads. We recommend using Aweber or GVO.
However much you choose to spend on marketing is entirely up to you. As a team we will show you a variety of cutting-edge marketing methods that you can choose what’s best to fit your budget and time commitment.
How Will Empower Network Make You money?
Empower network uses a powerful affiliate marketing model that works like this:
When you advertise your affiliate links and attract future prospects, those leads will watch a presentation that will go over the opportunity and products offer by Empower Network and begin to start receiving follow up email messages informing them of what is going on.
As soon as they get started Empower Network will pay you 100% commissions of their product purchase. It is that simple.
Let’s say for example, you scored 10 new member basic signups on your team… You can potentially earn a $250 residual income just from those sales alone.
That’s pretty cool isn’t it? It gets better.
To top it off, data has shown approximately 50% of all customers who participate in the Empower Network basic membership, will upgrade to the $100 a month inner circle subscription.
Using the same prior example, if you had 10 customers and 5 of them upgraded to the inner circle, you could earn a staggering $750 with only 10 people on the team without any passups!
All of that without counting the fact that you can potentially earn every month from those same people as long as they are customers… and even better you can earn more when they upgrade their membership and buy other products.
In other words… You really don’t need a large amount of individuals on your team to make a lot of stone cold cash with the Empower Network!
The realm of possibilities are endless when you can literally earn upwards of $5,000 per customer! (make sure to check out income’s disclosure)
Can I build A Residual Income With Empower Network?
The basic membership and the inner circle are sold with a monthly subscription that members pay for every month.
When you sell a $25 basic membership and a $100 inner circle for example you will continue to get pay from those members every month as long as they are active.
Other “one-time only” purchases such as:
- The Costa Rica Intensive – $500 – One time
- 15K Formula – $1500 – One time
- Costa Rica Masters Retreat – $3500 One time
Earned you a one-time commission.
Customers who buy access to these products will have a lifetime access and will be qualified to earn commissions for life.
The only way to earn commissions from “One-time Only” products is by purchasing them.
Sounds like a great opportunity!
Is It Guaranteed That Empower Network Will Work For Me?
You might make a lot with Empower Network or you might not make anything.
You may no take action. You may lose interest. You may be lazy. You may be one of those people who says is willing to do it but when you are shown what needs to be done, you simply don’t do it or do something completely different.
So the results are ultimately up to you: What we can tell you, is if you are coach-able and are willing to take action there are no reasons why the program can’t work for you.
How Can Empower Network Afford To Pay 100% Commissions?
Amazing, isn’t it?
Empower network is truly a unique opportunity.
One of a kind.
This company doesn’t even take a percentage of the sales!!
Instead of taking a chunk of your efforts,Empower network has a flat one-time fee of$19.95.
This small fee takes care of programmers, graphic designers, support team and customer service agents.
Utilizing this method allows for the company to pay 100% commissions with every membership and product sold.
Can I Earn Commissions In Empower Network Without A “List”?
As a matter of fact some of the company top earners, started the program without a list. Today he earns $70.000 to $100,00 and builded his list from scratch with the material taught inside the Empower Network.
If you already have a list, that’s awesome news! but you don’t need one to start with.
Where Is The Empower Network Corporate Office Located?
The head corporate office is located in St, Petersburg, Florida.
Does Empower Network Provide Any support?
Yes. The company has a support team of over 20 people who can help you with any concern or questions about the business.
As a member of the Higher commissions team, you will also receive access to the team chat, private training, already-written email follow ups, marketing tools, marketing materials and follow up.
Do I Need a Merchant Account To Join Empower Network?
Not at all! Empower Network has an in house payment system included in the $19.95 you pay when starting out.
You have the option to use your personal merchant account through
What To Do NEXT:
There is only one ideal action to take now that you have invested the time into reading this. It is time to put your foot down, stand up, and get behind something you believe in, can get passionate about, and align yourself with leaders who are willing to walk the walk and talk the talk with you.
Make a commitment, decide to join Empower Network today, and take massive action in building out your dreams using Empower Network Products as the vehicle to get you where you want to go today.

#16 General Comment
Empower Network - Scam / Pyramid / Ponzi Scheme
AUTHOR: workwithjoeycom - ()
SUBMITTED: Friday, April 12, 2013
Empower Network is a Viral Blogging System. They offer world class marketing, business and life training from people who walk their talk and get results with what they teach.
The products they offer are an education in online marketing from some of the top internet marketers in the world. To make it simple...The "Products" are the "Training" and the "Training" are the "Products".
Empower Network is not a scam, pyramid or ponzi scheme.
It's a registered corporation, with a head office @146 Second Street North, St. Petersburg, Florida.
If over 100,000 have already signed up to Empower Network...don't you think the FTC would've shut them down already if this was a scam.
Check out the empower network company website (, call customer support if you have any questions or concerns, check out all the video testimonials, then make a decision if this business opportunity is a fit for you.
To Your Success,
p.s yes i'm an affiliate of empower network

#15 General Comment
Black Coat
AUTHOR: Simeon - ()
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, April 10, 2013
I love it how after the last comment no other comments where made. Priceless. Ponzi Scheme. Liars at large. I think I just came up with a new business. Prosecuting and capturing these scam artists. Like an online bounty hunter who can actually catch your asses. Hmmm. I see money. HONEST MONEY GETTING YOUR LYING BEHINDS. I will actually look. When they get caught, Remember this post.

#14 Consumer Comment
Illegal Multi Level Marketing Pyramid Scheme
AUTHOR: whatsupdoc - ()
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, April 03, 2013
I received an email from Empower Network and went over their marketing program but quickly came to the conclusion this is obviously just another illegal pyramid marketing scheme. They have no real legitimate product or service they are's just all about RECRUITING others to pay the $25 initial fee followed by other higher fees later on in order to try to get back your money.
It's a Ponzi scheme and even if you manage to find some other suckers to pay the fees, how are you going to explain to the IRS that your "earnings" came from a recruiting scheme? It's not gonna fly.
Consumer beware.

#13 Consumer Suggestion
Re: #12 'Exactly as I thought'
AUTHOR: Kevin Aquilina - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 22, 2013
No offense Joseph, but I fail to understand your logical way of thinking. If you truly understand English (and I'm sure you do because you write quite well) and READ in full my "Consumer Comment #6: Setting the Records Straight," I literally break down and explain every step of the process and the share the costs too.
If you don't want to bother reading the whole article start reading from: FACT #2 onwards.
So is there a hidden agenda in E.N. according to you?
I am only quoting you: (below in italics)
"One thing is for sure in the case of EN and various other Pyramid Schemes such as this, a person would have to be really financially desperate to BLINDLY (as you described my comments) pay any kind of money and not know exactly what you are receiving for that besides a couple training DVDs. The video says nothing in detail about the what their product offers except "the formula" and recklessly thrown guarantees (with fine print of course) that you will be successful. Misleading is an understatement."
Joseph what DVDs?
You ONLY went as far as seeing some product pictures which are a necessity for any marketing value for customers. Yes, I know it sounds stupid but that is the way we function as humans.
Even Amazon uses the exact same principle for their DIGITAL Products!
I ask for your sincere intelligent output here:
"Are the Digital Products at Amazon a Scam?"
That is exactly WHY E.N. is able to offer us 100% commissions on all products, except the last one as I explained in #6.
Quoting you again: "...... recklessly thrown guarantees (with fine print of course) that you will be successful. Misleading is an understatement."
Give me JUST ONE true example in a Real Life Business (Offline and/or Online -- you choose) where they will guarantee your Income or your Success level - say a hypothetical example:- like making exactly $1000/,day, month or whatever.
IT SIMPLY DOES NOT EXIST and It Cannot Legally exist.
Simple. You and only YOU are responsible for your own success and nobody else. Granted you have to have a good system in place, but that is only part of the equation.
In fact I can go as far as telling you that as long as the system works somehow it doesn't need to be 100% perfect for you to make any money! The system is only a tool.
It depends on how you use it. You are the driver of your own vehicle.
The "fine print" as you call it is there as it is a legal requirement for any type of e-commerce business. Again even Amazon have such policies, and they only pay measly commissions of max 15% even on $5000 products or more (physical). And this is before tax deductions! The digital product percentages are even lower which do not make it even worth your time.
To me, it is like working in a "penny business," -- as I call it in the brick and mortar world -- like selling newspapers, chewies and sweets and practically nearly every item being sold costs less than a dollar!
Can you make any money. Yes, of course but you better be in a good location with a continuous flow of buying customers for every minute the shop is open!
Dude no insult -- I'm JUST quoting you again: "I would go on but you are so far from worth it."
Honestly you are plain rude and arrogant there I say. Unbelievable.
Believe it or not, I'm far from angry. Actually I am laughing out loud like a maniac with your blatant in-your-face arrogant approach of free-speech.
I'm sure you spend 90%, or more of your time groaning about the current doom and gloom economy and blame others for this mess.
That is a typical employee mindset. That is why you pretend that the "fine print" should not exist and instead you find a written Guarantee tthat says you will make exactly $XYZ amount of dollars per day, week or month. No such thing exists in Entrepreneurial Businesses.
That is why the risks are higher, but more rewarding in the end. Entrepreneurship is not everybody's game -- but that is just fine.
That is why employers (entrepreneurs) employ employees with specific tasks and outcomes, which in turn are reciprocated (negotiated) by your wage or salary.
And you know what?
Your employer usually works less than most employees and might be less stressed out on a daily basis! He reaps the big rewards of the business profits while he is duty-bound to pay you a fixed salary.
Dude this is the last time I'm quoting you as I'm becoming tired of trying to open your eyes in an unbribed way (and I don't care if you join E.N or any other online biz or not).
Your own words:
"You know how your mom always told you never to talk to strangers? Don't blindly give money to them either."
If that is your mentality that is FINE with me. Go tell you mom that any online biz, especially Empower Network is a total pyramid scheme and scam and they sell you nothing -- they just steal your money.
Oh boy, I do pity you.
Actually I do NOT want people like you joining me in any of my online ventures as I am not ready to baby-sit nay sayers who expect miracles without doing a d**n thing. Does people should find a JOB with an employer and try and skive every possible minute from their working duty, only because they think they deserve to get paid while doing nothing. Go figure out!
Empower Network community as a satisfied affiliate and E.N. consumer. Read Comment #6 above.
Oh, before I forget Joseph -- Regarding your statement that the video says nothing in detail about the products, I greatly differ with you and can easily prove it to you too.
Empower Network Products Link is on each and every page of the site at the top navigation.
The only exception is in the Sales Video page where you can still access this by clicking on Income Disclaimer which is on EVERY page including the Sales Video page!
Oops... (Notice I did not insert my own affiliate link - this is the main E.N. site)
I'm done with this thread too, as I rather spend my precious time (approximately 3 hours per day) working on my business and having the rest of the day to chill out and do whatever I want, including spending my own money. How cool is that for a living?
My Personal Advice:
It's only up to you however you decide to live. Do not blame others or circumstances for your failures as that will get you nowhere.
I should charge you at least $50 for this sage advice alone but I am not that needy or greedy.

#12 Consumer Comment
Exactly as I thought
AUTHOR: Joseph Richards - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 21, 2013
Comment #10:
Really not very far off at all from exactly what I thought you would say.
I know how affiliate programs work, I've worked many commission based jobs in the past.
One thing is for sure in the case of EN and various other Pyramid Schemes such as this, a person would have to be really financially desperate to BLINDLY (as you described my comments) pay any kind of money and not know exactly what you are receiving for that besides a couple training DVDs. The video says nothing in detail about the what their product offers except "the formula" and recklessly thrown guarantees (with fine print of course) that you will be successful. Misleading is an understatement.
And it's not just $25; it costs much more than that to make the full investment ($1600 ish, and that doesn't even count the other master class that costs $3000 amongst other courses EN additionally offers). It starts with $25 but of course if the $25 is all you spend to start then you are a "Wussy" right? I swear you guys are such clowns; you pray on innocent desperate people to sign up so you can get your money and then they realize it's crap, quit, and then you move onto the next one.
I would go on but you are so far from worth it.
My bottom line message to anybody that's trying to get the scoop on EN is read what #10, all the other employees of EN, and what I have said. Put all the money in the world aside and just use your brain and some common sense. You know how your mom always told you never to talk to strangers? Don't blindly give money to them either.
I'm out of this thread forever....Bye

#11 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Joseph Richards - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 21, 2013
I'm sorry I'll read the 10th comment at another time (even though it probably reads exactly as I would predict some EN piggybacker to say), this is solely to respond to Yvonne:
First of all, the daddy comment is really cute except I'm 26 years old.
Secondly, the CNN examples you gave at the end of your comment were for companies that have been around for a very long time and provide (are you ready?) TANGIBLE products.
You make it out to be like I'm bashing the internet as a whole; you are clearly not grasping my message. Obviously sites like eBay, Amazon (need I go on?) do extremely well, and obviously the internet has become a one-stop-shop to purchase about anything.
Let's just simplify this entire thing since EN employees or affiliates or whoever love to write 1,000,001 words to sugar-code:
-EN's only real product that they sell is training material. Forget the wordpress the hosting and all that crap, the product is the training material (and I'm being as fair to them as possible).
-The training material teaches you how to recruit more people to recruit more people to sign up or purchase the training and you get your "100%" commission which as many people have stated is not actually 100%. Regardless of the commission structure, the entire business model is built around selling the dream of having people sell information underneath you while you sit back and profit majorly off of it a.k.a. A PYRAMID SCHEME. If you don't see this business model being flawed or at the very least unethical than I can't even use words towards how I feel about you because there wouldn't be enough.
Of course EN isn't doing anything illegal here except probably evading taxes with the merchant accounts they have oversees but that doesn't take away from the clear FACT that this whole organization is fishier than McDonald's Fish Filet. Facebook has already banned EN from putting anything on their sites (red flag much?), and it's only a matter of time before Google does the same thing and when that happens this god awful business will finally euthanize. And all the people making their money off this are gonna be stuck trying to figure out the next MLM to come up from. Sad, sad individuals.
My statement stands, there is no such thing as easy money (Boom, couldn't have said it any clearer than that, there is now no way that what I just said can be taken out of context). You can run along now Yvonne, go claim your next 100 victims. I'm going back to work.....

#10 Consumer Suggestion
Constructive Critics or Whinners?
AUTHOR: Kevin Aquilina - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 21, 2013
This is mainly a quick educational reply to Joseph Richards of Consumer Comment #8.
I am asking you to do yourself a favor and answer YOURSELF -- not me or anyone else this question.
The way you have criticized blindly clearly indicates you are not even a basic member at the monthly Blogging Platform level of $25. Right?"What is my Agenda with Empower Network?"
How do I know?....
.... You don't even know what you are talking about Joseph. I do not condemn you for being skeptic.
In fact, to certain extent it might save you from entering a "scam/pyramid scheme" (note: these are your exact words used) as you call it.
If that is you, fine -- just move on with your life. But it is STUPID AND UNETHICAL to speak publicly in this way without at least being a consumer yourself at the basic level. Don't you think so?
Let me just tell you one thing.
Empower Network is NOT the only place online to make that kind of money. Yes, it might be even more difficult (and from previous experience I can tell you so) but rest assured that these online biz are real. Granted some are unethical and some are also being shut down from the likes of FTC due to illegal business activities, but that does not mean that everything online is a scam.
Is Amazon a scam? And I'm not referring to their physical products and shipment services which is just like an ordinary huge shopping mall online.
I am referring to the digital products like e-Books downloads for their Kindle Readers, Instant Video, MP3 and so on. They also have what is known an "Affiliate Program" which basically means you refer people to their products and earn a commission on that sale. They pay anywhere from 5%-15% commissions, which is a very measly compensation for the effort required in my opinion -- but the option is there too.
Check out this report if you don't believe me. It is not me saying this!
So honestly I recommend that you either educate yourself on the subject before speaking publicly, or even better at least invest $25 in Empower Network and see what it is all about. Than take it from there.
There are two kinds of SPAM online. There are those who try and make false claims and send out unsolisitated emails for a quick buck or two, and there are the other types who only speak skepticism and negativity on everything that has to do with making money.
If you experienced being ripped off/scammed is one thing, and you have the right to air your concerns and try and make justice; but false testimony and criticism is equally bad!
One last final question and recommendation for you Joseph.
Did you read my "Consumer Comment #6: Setting the Records Straight"?
If not, I highly recommend you go through my extensive comment, or should I say article as this gives you a real insight of Empower Network from a Consumer and Affiliate standpoint.
Whether you join us or not is up to you; no one is/should be begging you.
Empower Network will continue to grow as a strong community of like-minded online entrepreneurs with or without you.
Whatever you decide, I sincerely wish you the best of luck and fulfillment you deserve in life.
I hope I was of any help and inspiration to you. Not everything in life is doom and gloom!

#9 UPDATE Employee
Hold up, Joseph. I am confused. :D
AUTHOR: Yvonne - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 21, 2013
So, Joseph, you mean all those people like Tony Rush and Lawrence Tam and Tracey Walker, are just paid to do some advertising about their money? d**n! They are good. Especially when you consider that they were sitting right near me in Austin, Tx for the Webinar party. Wow!
:D Joseph, you are as wrong as anyone could be. People are and do make money (but a LOT of money) everyday on the net. The internet is no longer the "wave of the future". The internet is here and now. In fact, CNN just reported that a lot of brick and mortar businesses like Lowes, etc.. will be doing all their business online in the next 15-20 years.
Get with the program, daddy.

#8 General Comment
Umm No..
AUTHOR: Joseph Richards - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 21, 2013
You really would have to be some kind of special to not realize that this is a scam/pyramid scheme the second you hear this man speak in this introductory 45 minute video.
It is completely misleading, no new person to this industry would ever make that kind of money in 30 days, all the testimonials are fake obviously (you know how easy it is to fake a testimonial? LOL), and the fine print does say that your income won't match the testimonials which should already be a dead giveaway.
This man in costa rica is laughing all the way to his multiple offshore bank accounts while you poor, desperate individuals dump not only monthly fees but also this starter kit money into this guy's pocket. Is it really EN's fault that they have such a lack of ethics and compassion for desperate human beings, or, is it your fault for being THAT stupid? Honestly it's a toss-up.
At the end of the day, remember this. There is no such thing, and there will NEVER be such a thing as making exorbitant amounts of money from a few mouse-clicks on your living room couch. It will never happen, get it out of your head. Go out there and find a real job, or, start your OWN business.

#7 UPDATE Employee
Mostly agreed
AUTHOR: Yvonne - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 20, 2013
I agree with almost every bit of what you said as a "brick and mortar" business owner myself. I also enjoy Empower Network, however, many "gurus" are making disclaimers on their pages and their sites to cover their asses. It doesn't always work. I have sued two companies for just such forgery - and that's what it is. In my hair salon I have products. In your shop you have tangible products also. This is not always the case with digital products and the owners take a great deal of advantage of that sometimes and use it all to appear legal, when in fact, they are not.
Dave and Dave are always around, they are not hiding themselves or any part of their business, it can be worked and you can earn, thus it is real - thus I joined.
However, I have been marketing online for 10 years and some people just simply need the eyes of the S.E.C. placed firmly on what they're doing. Especially if their address is vague or unlisted, or if they're difficult to be found. These types are much, much easier to find and sue than the EN team who is all upfront AND has the disclaimer. My point is only this: a disclaimer does NOT a good, ethical nor legal company make. See Profit Clicking for an example. They have the disclaimer and lawyers in place...but they are a clear cut Ponzi scheme. They've set themselves just so, so that no one can find them. (at least not the affiliates). But they are playing a very dangerous game as the SEC doesn't care WHAT country you place your server on. If you are handling money in the U.S. - the SEC wants to know about it.
For anyone who believes that they "can't sue and get their money back" from some online digital product lying shyster - find them and SUE THEM....if you can. :) But I am sorry to the OP to say that Dave and Dave do not fit this category.
Digital vs tangible - very different things

#6 Consumer Comment
Setting the Records Straight
AUTHOR: Kevin Aquilina - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 20, 2013
This is mainly to answer correctly some slight misinterpretations from Zane of New Zealand.
Opinions are one thing, uneducated decisions are another and thirdly if you re-watch the link given out there is nothing fishy there or hidden information there.
Important Message or Disclaimer in General:
Just to let anyone know that ANY business is not a guarantee to make you money both in the online and, or offline world. This applies to every business venture, not just internet/network marketing etc.
It does not mean that you or anyone else can and will either make that amount of money, exceed it or even make a tiny profit whatsoever.
If you are seeking to get an exact daily $ figure , $ weekly paycheck, or $ monthly income, these type of entrepreneurial businesses are not for you - you MUST find and get a stable job with a predetermined payout. And I'm not just limiting myself to the make money from home (Internet Lifestyle) or, whatever you decide to call it business.
I am even speaking from first-hand experience as a previous shop owner. I could NEVER find the exact formula (science) to earn exactly the same daily amount (rounded up to the dollar) like an employee. Why? Because it is not remotely possible to control what is not in my control!
To sum it up in your own words, quoting exactly what you wrote:
" Clearly there is a disclaimer stating that my income may not be the same as that but it is possible for me to make that same money in 30days. I think it is misleading because on further research after I joined, it is apparent that these people who made between $20K and $50K in their first 30 days are established professional internet and mlm marketers who David Wood recruited to launch his business and these testimonial people bought on their databases of people to buy into it..... "
FACT #1:
The disclaimer just says that CLEARLY and you even mentioned it! The disclaimer link can be found on every page of the website, including capture pages, the blog and any other page found on the Empower Network domain.
Do you know that the chart in the Income Disclaimer is actual live data of Average Incomes made/generated by the affiliates? If you don't believe me, take a screen shot on a particular day and check back within a few days or weeks.
Please remember that these are averages NOT guaranteeing you will make any money whatsoever. That is why I mentioned my previous experience as a shop owner because it is the same story here too.
For the second part of what you said regarding David Wood recruiting pro marketers - YES leaders do follow other successful leaders! In the human race this is defined as a "tribe." What you fail to understand is that this is only part of the equation.
Let me elaborate.... without trying to defend David Wood, David Sharpe or any other successful and well known Internet Marketing Guru.
Imagine Mr. X (say an I.M. guru) was recruited by David Wood hypothetically.
Now Mr. X advertises in his/her own way/method (free/paid or both) and attracts a newbie, through his/her marketing methods... and let's say it's me, Kevin for instance. I have been given the same blogging platform like anyone else at Empower Network, including the founder and co-founder themselves. Now let me expand on this...
Granted, if I only enter at the basic level as an affiliate (which is required to promote E.N products) of say $25 for the blog + $19.95 for affiliate activation fee (which totals at $44.95/month) I have full access to that level of educational training which are the basic core commitments in any marketing industry, be it MLM, networking, online biz, top-tier educational products etc.
Somehow you have to get your message (advert) out in any ethical way, shape or form, otherwise known as media.
It can be free, paid, or a combination of both, including word of mouth too. So nothing wrong there, and certainly nothing deceiving. You get exactly what you paid for.
Assuming you want to further your marketing education -- like any education you need to invest in your education (study more), and practice what you have learned until you master that particular skill. These are the additional products (which by the way are cheap compared to any top-tier online marketing education) which will help you get there if you:
- Buy them
- Go through them seriously
- Implement what you have just learned
- Fine-tuning your newly learned skill (marketing strategy or tactic)
ANY business requires personal responsibility and might not be ideal for everyone.
Friendly tip: You have to start by getting your mindset right -- first and foremost.
Again, quoting you:
Secondly he promotes if I buy his blogging system for $25 it will be Viral, that is misleading because I bough a blog and it did not go viral, his domain is viral yes, as he has 40,000 people using the blogging system on the Empower Network domain. But I tried doing a google search for my blogs and I could not find one blog of my own, therefore it is not viral and I have been mislead. I know it is not illegal to not have a refund policy, but there is a strict no refund policy, alarm bells in my books, yes I should of realised this before I bought in, but I was sold by how much money I could make with his system.
FACT #2:
Read what I have just mentioned earlier in Fact #1 regarding advanced education. You need to learn the skills and this is not simply feasible without prior education in online marketing like basic SEO etc. And yes even the pros are constantly learning new stuff because the way the internet is designed by nature. If you do not understand this simple sentence from prior experience -- you have a long way to go and need to invest more time and energy in educating yourself before proclaiming yourself as a marketer.
Nothing wrong with that, as we all start from Level Zero. You just need to take it seriously and I can promise you that the sky is the limit. I'm not saying it is plain easy, for some that may be a lie, for others it may be easier and for others it might be a breeze.
The key ingredient to ANY Success in life is to keep consistent and Never give up. I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you but: Success is not for the faint-hearted.
So to correct your wording; I don't think you have been mislead BUT you need to further your education on this subject.
Just remember that we all started as newbies one time or another -- so this is no excuse.
Regarding the No Refunds Policy: You are partially right; but I'm sure you did not get the full picture, so let me try and elaborate.
Yes you are right here that it is not illegal to have a no refunds policy, as long as it is clearly stated up front and with no hidden agendas. I have seen this (admittedly, not to often) in the Internet Marketing Profession -- but I'm sure you are not getting the WHY part right, so let me explain.
The commissions earned as an affiliate are not only 100%, which means you earn the full $25 on each blogging platform you sell and keep earning the Full 100% residual income ($25/month) for each good-standing (paying) customer BUT you are also being paid directly from the customer.
This is the real WHY there is a no refunds policy as it would make it impossible to work fluently.
Please note that there are only two levels of monthly residual which I'll explain in a second, but you can stop your payments immediately for the next occurring month, should you decidde to stop using the E.N. services without any further hustling or hassles, as far as I'm aware.
Compensation Plan Explanation:
- $25/month tech-free blogging platform -- You earn 100% commissions per month for every good standing customer. You the affiliate NOT the company!
- $100/month - Inner Circle Audio training -- You earn 100% commissions per month for every good standing customer. You the affiliate NOT the company!
You also need this if you want to Fast-Track and hone your marketing skills. Every open-minded entrepreneur understands that we cannot stop learning to continue moving against the competition. That is the way of life; even if you have a decent job as an employee nowadays! Think of how many refreshment courses and extended advanced courses are added to one's career. Most are even compulsory or you may end up loosing the job! I've seen it happen to some of my friends.
The rest of the products are a ONE-TIME Only fee and the products are all a successive level of in-depth marketing and self-development education. The products can only be bought once you become a member and are graded like Grade1, Grade2, Grade3, Grade4 and Grade5; if this makes it easier to understand clearly. Like any education in life, you cannot skip between levels.
You earn 100% commissions, except the last product which works out at around 85% approximately (ONLY once because it is a lifetime & constantly updated education) on each and every product you sell -- as long as you have bought it yourself first to qualify.
This is not only good marketing practice (ethical) but avoids any hyped up claims and outright lies from unscrupulous marketers, as they are their own testimony of these products, always assuming that they went through the training once they bought them. This way you can feel comfortable promoting something ethical (which unfortunately is not an FTC requirement right now). In my humble opinion that is the only way to do ethical business, but than it is only my personal opinion!
Unless you decide to use all the products just for personal use (starting from the blogging platform, all the way up to the highest grade) you have to pay the required affiliate fee of $19.95 for your own merchant account. This should be considered as a business expense like the monthly rent payment for a warehouse/shop in the offline world.
So if you decide to start promoting Empower Network, you can start with as little as $44.95/month, but you will only be eligible to earn on the $25 level (Grade1), unless the customer who joins under you decides to use it for Personal Use Only.
But that is another whole story of defining the Full Compensation Plan; which you can just watch on the appropriate Empower Network page.
Now if you are newbie I can give you some sincere advice:
- Success Leaves Clues -- Follow right-minded entrepreneurs. They exist everywhere, not just in Empower Network (I do not want to be biased).
- Success Likes Speed -- Technology is not a barrier. Just check out sites like Fiverr[.]com (as an example) and see what people are capable of doing for just $5!
Unlike the offline brick & mortar world -- like I was in before (my own shop), the investment is laughably stupid. My daily rent was more than $20/day and that is very cheap!
With E.N. you can start making money for as little as $45/month and you will earn your first 100% commission on the first sale of you make of the $25 product! In my shop the highest % was 30% when I got very lucky and I had to invest in the current stock too before even making a sale! What if you do not sell that particular product. Well you have just lost that small stock capital. This is non existent in the digital world, and certainly is at Empower Network! - Success and Excuses Do Not Mix -- You can either invest in your self education and learn how to make money, or you can waste your precious loaned time finding excuses -- but you cannot do BOTH!
- Positive Attitude is a Requirement --- Whatever you desire to achieve in life; if you just focus and work hard enough you will get there. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals to support you and lift you up in those difficult moments.
It is a fact that entrepreneurship (this includes both offline and online) is not for everybody, but depends mainly on your mindset and ideals. And again there is nothing wrong with that.
Imagine if everyone would end up in the same profession.... we will definitely not survive as a united population for long!

#5 UPDATE Employee
AUTHOR: Yvonne - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Monday, February 18, 2013
To Leb:
"And nobody ever made 50k in a month! Where did you get that from?"
The videos. See: Tracey Walker and Lawrence Tam, both are said to be making 50k and above per month.

#4 Consumer Comment
Attorney General
AUTHOR: jeremythekidd - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, January 05, 2013
If you really want to file a complaint to keep this from happening to other people, you need to file with the Attorney General.

#3 General Comment
AUTHOR: leb32 - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Sounds good chelli1977. I get so frustrated when I hear people saying, "I signed up and didn't make any money" as if just signing up is going to make money magically appear in your bank account. Sorry folks. It doesn't work that way. And there is NOTHING in their materials that should get people thinking that. They stress everywhere that there is NO income guarantees! And nobody ever made 50k in a month! Where did you get that from? All income disclosures are to show people what is possible. No one says YOU are going to make that much. And new people with no internet marketing experience DO make it in Empower Network. There is a guy Robert Mercado who is going to be onstage in Austin telling his story who was a delivery boy for a restaurant in Bronx NY. who had no internet experience at all. So, it is possible.
Also, you can setup your own merchant account and payments will go directly into your bank account. But you will pay a much higher fee with your own Merchant Account. So, for newbies you are actually getting a better deal with E-Wallet. There are processing fees for everything online. That is the nature of the beast. All of this is clearly disclosed in the training videos. That is where I learned of all this stuff. So, is people are saying they have been lied to or misled its not true. You are supposed to watch the videos and pay attention. If you missed information that IS presented that is not Empower Network's fault.

#2 UPDATE Employee
Find the Work Around...Adapt & Overcome
AUTHOR: chelli1977 - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, November 16, 2012
I DO believe in what the Empower Network is doingtheyve created something amazing with incredible opportunity. That having been saidyou both bring up valid points which Ive been considering for some timeunlike you, however, I see incredible opportunity in those problems.
Let me explain
I remember when I received the phone call telling me about the Empower Network. It was launched in a meeting at an MLSP conference and when my friend (mentor) got home I was one
of the first people he called. I got into the blogging system right away & watched the whole thing unfold. It was incredible. Remember...this whole company is a very new idea!
Back thenthere was NO affiliate program or Ewallet. You paid your $25 for the blog and you could go anywhere you chose and get a merchant account for processing your paymentsFirst Data,, paypalthey worked really hard procuring places for US to choose from. There was some conflict with how to process international orders but those of us in the states were hooked up tight. That was during pre-launch. Then we launchedand grew so fast that we were crashing servers. They had to call in people to specially design custom servers capable of handling the exponential growth of the companyand the merchants started dropping us. They couldnt handle our volume. The guys worked day & night for a long
time trying to come up with solution after solutionpeople still trying to get in even though we had no way to process them. It was exciting but it was frustrating.
Sometime after that there was a major catastrophe in my familyI fell out of the loop.
I came back & everything was differentI was like Wtf is an e-wallet, what do you mean I have to be an affiliate now & whats wrong with my paypal? UghI was kind of ticked offbut I was there
when things started & let me tell you somethingthe fee might be transferred to paying the company for these services now but they did you a HUGE favor at no small cost to themselves. Signing up for your own merchant account requires a setup fee of about $100, a monthly fee anywhere from $20-$60 and a % fee for every transaction. Even paypal required a business account and took a fee out to process orders. Nobody will touch processing these, thoughnot
even paypal. So it DID used to get deposited directly into our accountswhen we had to do it all ourselves & figure it out on our ownand pay for the services to do so on our own. We are independent entrepreneursthis is our cost for doing business. Designate it as overhead for tax purposes & dont forget your tax credit for working out of your homeadapt & overcome. ;)
Unlike youI knew what I was up against. I knew that the people making the big money were seasoned professionalsthey put in the time, effort, struggle & frustration for years learning their chosen field. I knew they did so well because they already had lists & credibilityit was hard for me at first because I desperately needed it to work. Heres the thing, thoughno matter how long it takes, no matter how frustrating it is, no matter how much I wanted to chuck my laptop out the window sometimesif they can do it then so can I. If you want to be the bestfigure out what the best are doing, learn it, copy itthen figure out how to do it even better. Youre NOT going
to compete against them right away. Use them to learn the industry & then figure out what YOU have that they dont. It took me a very long time to come up with my niche & Im still building it. What works for one person is NOT going to be the best fit for everybodybut there is SO much possibility in it that its ridiculous.
The blog IS viralit has all the tools you need right in front of you to do just as well as the next personyou just have to figure out how to use themand teach others to do so as well. I have some interesting things to say on that line of thinking, actually. As for getting rankedyou HAVE to understand how ranking works. Its not going to happen overnight & there are other things that you can do to speed up the process but its going to take learning the tricks of the industry to make it work.
I believe in the no refund policy. Theyre selling informationotherwise ppl would be paying for it, getting what they wanted & asking for their money back. If you can figure out how to use itthe information is VERY much worth itthough there are other things you can do so that you dont break the bank.
Zane, I am SO sorry that you got all in right away! I would NEVER recommend to a newbie buying
all of the products, though I was tempted to do so at first, as well. Its just WAY too much for a newbie. I always recommend taking it in steps and building up to it when youre ready for that next step.
How Can A Newbie Just Joining the Empower Network Achieve Any Type of Decent Success?
THAT sounds like a GREAT e-book we could develop together if you're both up to it. :)
That's the answer, too...By being a part of a team thats supportive & working together to make it happen. Sounds like one heck of a niche to me, personally. Focus on that, figure THAT outand youll be very very successful. Its not going to happen overnight, though. Its going to take time &
effort & creative thinking. Its going to take overcoming disappointment & figuring out what DOES work for you.
Im really sorry that youve had a negative experiencetruly, I am. I am very interested in seeing if
we can turn that around, however, if you would like to work with me. I have some new ideas and with the upcoming layoffs theres going to be SO many people looking for a way to supplement
income and make this work that figuring this out now will pay off huge. Theres nothing more in it for me than having help with my ideas and learning new ways to make it work for newbies, too. Youre already a part of someone elses team so obviously Im not trying to sell you anything.
I started a communityby invitation onlyof people that want to work together to succeed. There is no cost associated with it. I share my knowledge, learn from others & collaborate on projects. If you would be interested in joininglet me know.
(((ROR redacted)))
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#1 General Comment
Not Really 100% Commissions or $25 to Join
AUTHOR: redeem - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 19, 2012
I am a member of empower network and joined around June first 2012. Since then I have only sponsored one person. I to was under the impression that it was only $25 to join and 100% commission and all I had to do was to blog daily and advertise for one hour.
It is now almost 4 months later and all I have is just 2 people one I sponsored and their 2nd person. The 100% commission is not really true because you have to pay fees on that $25 and it totals out to about $19 and a few cents so really it only about $19 a month you will be getting on all basic members that you sponsor if you can sponsor enough people.
They do not inform you of the other fees involved such as affiliate fees and eWallet fees which $19.95 each and the total out of pocket for that part is $64.90. You would have to sponsor at least 4 people to broke even because you only get back about $19 for each one on basic level.
The money does not go directly to your bank account, that is another myth, it is process from your empower network account to eWallet merchant account and that takes about 3 weeks (not sure) if you are a new member and then it takes about I do not how long to process that to be transfered into your bank account.
I file for a transfer on around wednesday of September 12th, 2012 and I am still waiting...if I was hungry, I would be probably out begging for a meal by now. Oh yes, there are fees to have your money transfered to your account and etc.
As one person stated earlier, it would be a good business if they were more upfront in letting people know what they were getting involved with.
One more thing, those that are doing so well, I believe already had a downline of loyal prospects before they joined Empower Network so all they had to do was to persuade them to join and it created instant profits for them but what about the newbie who just came aboard and knows nothing about marketing and does not have the money to pay for the upgrade to the $100, $500 & the $1000 levels? they are just waisting their hard earned money and going no where.
All they can do is resort to free marketing which you will find everybody and his brother marketing to each other and how can a newbie just joining Empower Network achieve any type of decent success?
Finally, I blogged every day and I did not see any of my titles at the top of google.

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