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Complaint Review: dr. louis turi - Phoenix Arizona

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  • dr. louis turi 4411 N. 23Rd ST Phoenix, Arizona United States of America

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I bought several of his books on his website after we had talked about spiritual stuff and was told that my books would be delivered after a few days. i never got the book to this day and its been over 2 months and he charged my credit card the same amount three times. i have disputed the charges the first time but after the third charge i had to cancel my credit card. 

And now his no longer returning my calls or responding to my emails and I am still in limbo with my credit card company to get my money back. This man is a total scam! 

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 04/26/2012 11:22 AM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content

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#8 REBUTTAL Owner of company

Success means also jealousy and LIES!

AUTHOR: Dr. Turi - (USA)

POSTED: Monday, December 07, 2015

What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi?  Read what my clients, students, patients and clients said about me!

Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show (I had to give solid proofs of my predictions before being promoted by Mr. Shatner on national television.  Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions 

George Noory is not only a good friend of mine but endorse my work on national radio and his public appearences. Prophecy & the Cosmic Code with Dr. Louis Turi –   Read the Feedback of those who knows me well and not jealous people lies The purpose is in the stars!

Those young envious souls could never reach the level of success of some of my famous friends and even attack his character. My good friend Gary  Busey giving me top of the world endorsement… 

Some people have assumed and said I was a liar and never attended the Royal School of Music. Even with the facts they still attack my work, my gift and my talent 

Even the FBI visited me because of my unarguable predictions -  Pete Santilli  Dr. Louis Turi – Terror Prediction Prompted FBI Visit - Charlie Hebdo Terrorist attack in Paris Prediction January 7th, 2015 (English) - La prediction de l’attaque terrorist  de  Charlie Hebdo a Paris le 7 Janvier 2015. (Francais)


Who are my Internet enemies making up lies to hurt my work and my integrity? Those who need me and my work the most! God's Evil Children | Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.  Google, Satan’s Minions and Dr. Turi

If you doubt my talent and ready to order a reading,  simply call me at 602-265-7667 before ordering a reading from me, do the listening and let me do a free "mini reading" to prove to you I am a very gifted modern Prophet.


Dr. Turi 

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#7 Consumer Comment

Turi Denies Accepting Credit Card Payment

AUTHOR: Patricia - ()

POSTED: Wednesday, August 06, 2014

I paid for a $100.00 Dragon Forecast from Dr. Turi with a credit card back in January 2011.

In the 9 page Forecast; there are 4 1/2 pages trying to sell more services.  These pages have credit card information fields to fill out, such as number, expiration date, etc. in order to purchase readings and seminars.  In addition, there are these statements:  "To ORDER with a CREDIT CARD, go to "  and "Please visit under "order" if you want to use your credit card."

So I don't understand why this man is denying that he accepts credit cards as payment.  Unless he is trying to evade the IRS somehow.

FYI:  I also filed a Ripoff Report today titled Astronomical Charlatan.

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#6 REBUTTAL Owner of company

Dr. Turi is REAL and has integrity

AUTHOR: Dr. Turi - ()

POSTED: Friday, July 25, 2014

Hello readers;

Indeed checking on a business before investing time and money is very important, but do not fall for all you read about anyone. While Ripoff is doing a phenomenal service to society by exposing a multitude of con men, success means also jealousy. There are also religious fears involved because of the nature of my cosmic work is sought as the work of evil by some pious, God fearing people.  Those young souls will go to great extend and make up all sorts of lies believing they are "cleansing" the world of people like me. The reasons for anyone to attack my integrity are all invented and some simply ridiculous the smart reader will notice immediately mostly due to the never ending rambling.  

I have better things to do than to lie or fight those who are dedicated to hurt my work and my integrity and in no way would I write endorsements for myself. In fact, I am in business since 1991 and the collection of extremely favorable feedback from my students, clients, students and patients is endless. I collected a few for you to investigate and judge for yourself the values, respect and service I am still offering the world.

What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi?

‘Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.’- Albert Einstein

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.”

Matthew 13.13


Dr. Turi

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#5 REBUTTAL Owner of company

Amazing lies

AUTHOR: Dr. Turi - ()

POSTED: Thursday, July 24, 2014

Hello readers:

I had to update this file becase some of the links were not working!

The possibility to please everyone is simply impossible mostly due to the person education, intelligence, financial situation, previous experiences and most of his her natal UCI.  Sad enough, success brings also jealousy and people will go to great extend to make up of  sorts of lies to hurt their intended victim's name. To those who never heard of me or my work all you have to do is to visit a few links that will clear my name, my services and be the sole judge of my integrity. Many accused me of never have suffered cancer, to never use credit cards on my website (ridiculous) to make up that I graduated from the Royal School of music in the UK and do not play piano (when I do), to be a sex offender and the list of made up lies is quite long. 

Investigate those links and never ever assume anything against anyone until you check him carefully.

1 - Dr. Turi Internet Enemies

2 - Dr. Turi endless Endorsements (note I do not own this website but it is now closed) You may contact the owner anytime she will confirm all endorsements are original.  Kerrie Claire Wilson <>

3 - You Tube Endorsements

4 - Internet Feedback on my predictions

and the list of a fraction of the thousands of clients, patients and students who do not lie about my work and I. 

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

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#4 Consumer Comment

Turi - even More of a Joke!// a Correction

AUTHOR: anonymous* - ()

POSTED: Sunday, May 25, 2014

If it's even possible, he has shown his-self to be even More of a Joke than Ever!! by using the above (so-called) endorsements (I say "so-called" because he has been outed for fabricating information and using the"DR."title for false credibility as well as using others' names-- also Falsely.  I can also attest to this personally as he has done so with me, falsely using my name in ways that he's easily caught out.) I can't believe he's stll not wisened to the un-wise use of his "tricks" which only serve to obviate his own silly and desperate measures.

These people (above)never wrote in to this forum, which is how it's supposed to be used (he only abuses such forums) nor intended their words(if 'theirs') for it. They were copied and pasted (or made up)  This shows that even if there are compliments _we don't doubt that there are those who like you.  (Everyone has some good qualities in them, or abilities and skills.  This doesn't make you a 'hero' nor does it Prove That You Don't Abuse other people to gain control for your benefit over anothers' detriment, esp. when Your Behaviour shows You DO!) -but there are always people who are incapaple of seeing the entire picture and capable of being fooled.  But They Have Nothing Whatsoever to Do With this forum or for what's written here...  The Ones Who either Have CAUGHT YOU OUT, been RIPPED OFF or have other-wise SEEN through you for what you truly Are!  Even a con needs enough "regulars" to legitimize his-self -- but this is Completely SEPARATE from these very serious - or any other - complaints, against you, that you try to cheese your way out of.  Even a Fool could see that if he weren't without integrity or absolutely self-deluded.

You can not re-produce peoples' words! and use them out of context!!BY DOING SO YOU ESTABLISH YOURSELF TO BE UNTRUSTWORTHY and UNETHICAL.  The fact that you can't see this while it is So Transparent to others who read it shows the level of unconsciousness & of your own self-deceit while manoeuvering to deceive so many others.  Hitler thought he was a pretty good guy but everyone has their 'blind-sides.

Now for a Correction:  Turi has not only taken my name and used it on his site, claiming I wrote this against him with only his own Paranoia for proof! -- but attaching it to a "rip-off report" that was made against him long before I ever heard of him or engaged his services - before I knew he existed !! He throws my name out with the old report and a more recent one appearing that I had something to do with his Sex-scandal ??  but curiously he leaves my very legitimate TRUTH-ful and Damning one alone.  Instead of using this forum as an oppurtunity to credit himself with the integrity to standup to mistakes or accusations -false or other wise - he has instead 'dis'-credited his-self, further, with his ownFALSE ATTACKS and ACCUSATIONS that any inteligent being can trace and sees through, even boasting on-lin that he can bury these with mass amounts of b-ll-s-it

case in point: he put up my name attaching it to Two reports I didn't write -- slyly(or not) avoided my actual and Real One that is damning but with the error of refusing to respond to its Truth with any of his own.

He even solicited others to write me and add to his abuse by providing some of the confidential information I'd paid him hundred$ for to provide the service he never gave me.  He doesn't get that my e-mail address is mine to provide and not his property like the other private information, location and address you give a paid "professional" in trust.  Backfire!  I can't tell how many have thanked me for pointing this out -with his own proof in the newsletter- before they entrusted their money and personal information to someone so unprofessional and ruthless.  

I even had some of his followers say they turned off of him after seeing what he was capable of doing to me, them or anyone else; even gave me their user name and password if I wanted to use his site on the thanks -this guy's the ultimate waste of time -look at the effort and time he wastes attacking people... his ego's smaller than his "common" 'sense'

Instead --Not ONE person wrote me to say anything bad they were sympathetic, apologetic and embarrassed by his attacks and efforts against me on-line.  I haven't had to think a thought over him over a year until a lovely message came today in reassurance that he is slowly and surely being revealed by His Own Acts and Words.


He also claims that I repeatedly requested more of his work when, instead, not only was this NEVER the case but there's a long trail in many of the forums where I have begged him to stop bothering me with his unsollicited information that I have absolutely "0" interest in.  Anybody else has the option to cancel (A Subscription I Never Wanted Or Asked For) due to it not being O.K. or legal to solicit or harass people! I even had to start a file with the authorities and change my e-mail accounts as he wouldn't stop harassing me.  Meanwhile I haven't given the jerk a thought for about a year until someone informed me his behaviour hasn't altered much.  Do we have to consider taking action again?? I didn't think I would have to go the next step but maybe that's the only way can learn that what he's doing is criminal at the very least -- FRAUD

The more he reproduces and re-edits out of TRUTH-ful context shows him as a desperate Fool who has absolutely no sense of respect for the people he claims to serve!!!!!!!

Once again, I have had more e-mails and shows of support and Thanks from those who were either considering the use of his services or followers sold on him in the past but now fled him in Disgust, showing sympathy for the obvious and unfounded lies and multiple abuses.... but not one insult or abuse as his private newsletter reveals he attempted to get.

This leads one to believe the "people" he uses or suggests are speaking out for him... aren't so "real"


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#3 REBUTTAL Owner of company

From Dr. Turi

AUTHOR: Dr. Turi - ()

POSTED: Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Hello readers:

The possibility to please everyone is simply impossible mostly due to the person education, intelligence, financial situation, previous experiences and most of his her natal UCI.  Sad enough, success brings also jealousy and people will go to great extend to make up of  sorts of lies to hurt their intended victim's name. To those who never heard of me or my work all you have to do is to visit a few links that will clear my name, my services and be the sole judge of my integrity. Many accused me of never have suffered cancer, to never have graduated from the Royal School of music in the UK, to be a sex offender and the list of made up lies is quite long. 

Check those links and never ever assume anything against anyone until you check him carefully.

1 - Dr. Turi Internet Enemies

2 - Dr. Turi endless Endorsements (note I do not own this website)

3 - You Tube Endorsements

4 - Internet Feedback on my predictions

and the list of a fraction of the thousands of clients, patients and students who do not lie about my work and I.

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Dear Dr. Turi,

I am glad to belong to the 1% of this world’s doctors, which possess Cosmic Consciousness and THANK YOU very much for educating me through your newsletters, readings and all the material you are sharing with all of us who are open and willing to listen. What about organizing medical astrology course for doctors and other medical practitioners? I could organize something like that for you in Australia or in Japan. We all know that today’s medicine is in big crisis, the big pharma are winning and those of us who are not willing to prescribe drugs and poisons have to stay literally hidden behind the veil. With great success I am treating all of my patients free of charge with non-invasive alternative approaches (yes, I jumped the fence when I saw that the orthodox medicine has no answers for terminal diseases except for financial gains) but the sad thing is that they come to see me only when everything else has failed and after they were written off by their doctors and sent home to die. What are the infinite possibilities to revolutionize today’s medicine? Dr. Turi, you as a great Frenchman have the revolution in your blood, please continue waking us up!!! What else can we do? What else can I do? What else can you do?


Jana Marko, MD, PHD

Dr.Turi’s course in Hawaii was an amazing learning experience. Having done the correspondence course the info was a great review. Dr.Turi presents the material in a fun way which makes learning the material much easier. I am able to look at a chart now and give a pretty good analysis of the individual. I have an understanding of the houses, the planets’ characteristics, the Dragon’s Head and Tail and how it all fits together.

I also enjoyed the approach of the Cabalistic Healing and astrology using the Tarot.  The accommodations were exceptional and the vegetarian cuisine could not be found in a 6 star restaurant…it was out of this world. Perhaps the best part of the entire experience was meeting with a special group of like-minded people who I now call friends.

Dr. Monika Faulhaber D.C.

Mississauga, Canada

Hi Dr. Turi:

I have attended a lot of classes regarding the human body in my life as a pathologist and have conducted research, but this class in Sedona was so informative about the energies that cause humans to develop into different actions within their life. I was so impressed how you are able to explain how these energies affect our reaction and behaviors in society. This is why this information is so important to share with the rest of the world. I feel so privileged and appreciate the information and highly energetic people who were in attendance. I feel like I have added new family members in my life. I was so energized that I still have not touched the ground and am waiting for the next advanced class. This is why I feel so compelled to get this information to children of the world so they can make the necessary adjustments to benefit themselves and the world. I fully understand why you are so compelled to get the information out to the people. I will work as hard as I can with Kathryn’s help and everyone else we can to get the job started and completed.

Thanks Dr. Turi for a wonderful experience in Sedona.

William, MD

Dear Dr. Turi

This morning, I had a dream I was in another one of your classes, so I must touch base with you again. My 10 year old daughter and I had an amazing time in Sedona. I have never been with a more enlightened and caring group of people. There was an incredible amount of information to learn and understand, and I will need practice to be good at Astropsychology. But the beauty of your system is that it is not overly complex and is not overburdening with lots of books or mathematics, or more importantly it doesn’t take you away from the real world. In my experience, truth is usually simple. YOU ARE ONTO SOMETHING MY FRIEND. There are no sacred cows in my company research program. My efforts will continue to test and structure your teachings of cosmic awareness into everyday life, business and work. Unlike truth, hopefully success will sell itself. As for my daughter, she’s aware of the language of God, and at least knows she does not have to turn negativity against herself as she grows. I look forward to connecting with you and my star family in the future. Best Regards

Dave C.W. Mah, Ph.D.

Projects Director

Canada West Biosciences Inc.

Aloha Kakou (Love to us),

I have had my astrology charts done by many but never have I experienced such pin point accuracy as a chart prepared by Dr. Turi using Divine Astrology. It is incredible and that is Par for the course study that I received in Hawaii. Dr. Turi’s intricate layering of his “Hidden Dragon” theory super imposed over his Divine Astrology chart was somewhat perplexing and complexed at first but well worth the divine discovery!!!! The layering and discovery of his “Hidden Dragon” technique added another dimension, a deeper truth and greater understanding on how to enhance and read a chart. This mystical tool would better equip all astrologists in their work to help others. I strongly encourage astrologists to learn this amazing mystical technique. As for the neophyte and astrology enthusiasts out there TAKE THIS COURSE. You will have a better understanding of the human condition and personality but most important a better understanding of yourself.

Mahalo Nui Dr. Turi!!!

Kahu Elithe Manuha’aipo Kahn Ph.D.


To all prospective Star students; Do this course and stop wasting your time, energy and money! Dr Turi has created a great, accurate, affordable new experience for any student of astrology whether you are a proficient or novice student of the ancient cosmology school. The course is audio, very clear and reverent. You are placed in the first day of a class where you are learning with those of similar interests, while being in the comfort of your own home, office or other environment.

This is discussion of grit teaching, where ASTROLOGY is freely spoken. Dr. Turi a native of France discusses the divine astrology used by ancient seers to counsel the aristocracy and nobility of those times. Nostradamus the great prophet used a particular system of which Dr. Turi is the expert for our times, (he is also a son of Provence, France the birth place of Nostradamus.)

Learning by hearing, remembering, speaking the spiritual science of Divine Astrology, Astro Psychology, and the balance of the mystical path of the major and minor arcane known as tarot, Dr. Turi’s students are being equipped with all the tools they will need to understand mysteries transformed into useful powers and practice.Sign by sign, house by house, relationship by relationship until the process of life, death and rebirth are well communicated, received and understood. You will find Dr. Turi ripping past the norm and opening your eyes to the reality that once looked only like a possibility.

Reincarnation is discussed and Dr. Louis Turi discusses what progress is all about how the soul journeys and how karmic debt is collected or repaid. Fascinating lectures, additionally speak of the beastly powers of organized crime, government, media, religion, military, education and medicine and what you and I can do to bring enlightenemt, balance and harmony in spite of the chaos so many are living through to our lives.There is follow up by email, newsletters, forum that help support your studies. Dr. As you can tell I am a fan of this man and his work. The convince for me came years ago as his observations and predictions came true as he spoke them for me at a program he did in Arizona back in 1991.

C’est magnifique!

Dr. Cheryl Golden.

 Dr. Turi,

  Yesterday I did a 2 hour lecture on Astropsychology at a center here in town. After that I did 30 minute mini readings on clients, 1st house and their dragon. Everyone of them then booked a full reading with me this week! Having the Dragon head in Aquarius and taking your Astropsychology course and certification from you, has been the most wonderful blessing in my life!  I cannot thank you enough for the incredible work you have done to bring this Cosmic Code to us! I know that at times it can feel like you are alone and trying so hard to reach people to wake up to God’s messages to us, so I want you to know that there are students like me who really get it!! Thank you is again for all the hard work you do to bring enlightenment to wake us all up to the Divine beings that we are!



Dear Dr. Turi,

For years I watched Sylvia Brown on the Montel program and was “astonished” by the things of which she spoke.  Then I realized there were no follow up programs to show the results of her “predictions”.  There is no denying the accuracy of your words, predictions and advice.  I am amazed every time something happens in the world or in my own life, I can open my Star Guide and sure enough there it is in black and white. Thank you, Dr. Turi for all you do for us.  Also, congratulations to you and Terania.  I pray you two have many happy, healthy years together.

Vanessa Barranco

Dr Turi, I just thought you might like an exact quote about the bailout with practically your own words over 1 yr ago. Quite impressive work—-

Banks dictate conditions of US financial bailout – The result of this bailout-a major consolidation and restructuring of the US banking industry-will be quite harmful to the interests of the population.


 Hello Dr. Turi

I wanted to THANK YOU for all your hard work and the incredible week we had taking your Astropsychology Class in Sedona! Alyssa and I had a wonderful and enlightening experience! I pray more parents come to realize how IMPORTANT your teachings are and invest, learn and share the power of the stars; it would really make this world a better place! Love you.

Your New Star Graduate.


Dr. Turi,

Again, I had faith and trust and allowed my intuition to bring me to the right place at the right time, and thus I ended up in Sedona and ultimately being one of your Astropsychology graduates. OMG, what an experience. It has changed my life forever. I am honored to have met you and Chief “laughing horse”, and my new family of like-minded friends from all corners of the world will be treasured forever. Your course was intense but enjoyable and Sedona was the ideal location. Believe me Dr. Turi, you do make a huge difference in this world! We, your new graduates, now have the tools necessary to convey your message to all that are ready for the truth, especially the children of the world. You are very special and unique. Thank you for teaching me Divine Astrology.



Hello Dr. Turi,

I want to thank you for such an incredible experience at the 2008 Sedona class last week. The Divine information and knowledge you have given me still seems to be streaming into my consciousness by the truckload as I continue to process it and realize it. I’m almost overwhelmed by the joy I feel of having such powerful truth and wisdom to use as tools to help give people the Divine guidance they need so desperately. This is the direction I have sought my whole life; and to think, it’s only the beginning of my journey to help bring Light and Love to the world is a blessing. The other star students in the Sedona class have become an extended family for me and so have you. The relationships we all developed there were deep and meaningful. Your humor had us all laughing together, your wisdom and insight had us in “awe”, and your love for us was very humbling, abundant, and so graciously given. As I move forward and bring the Truth and Wisdom of Astropsychology to my friends and clients I look forward to the advanced classes you’ll offer in the future and I look forward to being of service to and your mission when you need help. Thank you, Dr. Turi, for giving me the Air beneath my wings so I can fly. Peace and Love,


Hello Dr. Turi Sir,

I’m so glad to have made it out to Sedona, what a wonderful healing experience to have so many old and young souls come together was an experience to never forget. The class was wonderful and intense in so many ways, and no one walked away empty all things will line up for all. Yes the air is under the wings and the spirits are present for I knew what I had to do again thank you for that. I was also so touched by Chief Sonne, talk about a wonder person all was good. Your message is getting out! Oh you all most beat me back to town!

Thank you and many blessings,


Dear Dr. Turi;

I want to thank you for raising my awareness about Astropsychology at the 2008 Sedona course last week. I’m very lucky to find you through the website and I will never forget about you. yes, you are my first teacher to sharing your wisdom about Starguide based on new moon and cosmic consciousness. I want to thank you for your empower on me. I feel of having such powerful truth and translate to use the stars as tools to help give deaf children. The other star students in the Sedona class really support me and shared my passion about give deaf children the Starguide. I understand your natural Dragon’s head in Aries and speak out your mind and natural leader. You are really guru of stars. I really enjoy your humor, your wisdom, your love for teaching cosmic consciousness to stars students. I look forward to see your new Astropsychology of dragon school in the future. Again, I want to say thank you for empower your wisdom and teaching me. Light and Love.

Britt & Emily

Hello Dr. Turi;I just wanted to say that being in your Sedona class this past week was most uplifting and enlightening.. I wouldn’t trade it for anything!!! I am honored to be one of your graduating star students and hope to be in touch with you still and I am determined to get you on Oprah!!! I’m going to be writing her this weekend. I hope to see and hear from you soon.Many blessings,


Dr. Turi is a gifted Astropsychologist and excellent teacher. He knows how to effectively deliver a large amount of information in a short time and keep it understandable too! All my questions about astrology were broken down into a simple, mathless way of interpretation that anyone can do within a few minutes. The tools this man has given me have helped me within the first week of returning home. My friends are amazed at how easily I can look into their personal matters and offer a bit of reassurance and guidance. Going to the live course in Hawaii was 100% worth the investment and I look forward to attending future classes and furthering my knowledge of the secrets of the stars!

– Christie

Dr. Turi,

I wanted to thank your this noteworthy experience in your class. It was such a profound realization about life and the stars. Your teachings are unsurpassing to anything I have experienced before. It was worth every penny and then some. I will highly recommend You to everyone I meet. All your knowledge in one week. Amazing! To top it all of, i made some new high quality friendships. Sometimes people just don’t know what they are missing, till they see the light!!

Extremely Satisfied Student,


Thanks again!

Dr. Turi you were right again!

He said we were going to have an earthquake!!!! I live in Los Angeles and today at 11:42 am we had a 5.4 earthquake! Wake up people and invest in his teachings!!!! I DID!!!!

Thank you again Dr. Turi for all your hard work! I don’t know what my daughter and I would do without you! Taking my daughter to your Sedona Class was the best investment I ever made, other parents should invest and enlighten their children, because they are our “FUTURE”.

Love and Light,


Note you also gave this EXACT date on  your last two-radio show with James Whales and Alex Baker!

Dr. Turi truly has some thing different than the run of the mill “star chart course”. Any one that wants to learn how to predict the best time to do major deals and or his/her love life, should study with this man.

Eugene Ellis Esq.

Dear Dr. Turi,

Words can hardly explain how different I feel after taking your AstroPsychology course in Hawaii. Being there in person with you made all the difference because I could feel you channeling the information we needed to learn individually at each moment in time. I now understand the “essence” of each constellation and planet, and it’s influences upon our unique celestial identity. I have learned why I have gone through so many marriages, and how to change my course of action. I am living my life more consciously because of your liberating and enlightening AstroPsychology course. I look forward to the advanced course. Bless you for sharing your wisdom with me.

Linda, San Diego

UK Student

- I found Dr. Turi’s course very well presented and easy to understand. Even though I am an astrologer myself, I found the course useful for talking to people from an astrological point of view by just knowing their month of birth.



What I liked best about this course is Dr. Turi’s eagerness to share his knowledge. He has a generosity of spirit to get this information out into the world. To do that, he has had to develop a method using metaphor and symbolism that would enable ordinary folks to grasp the message quickly so as to be able to apply it accurately in a way to improve life.

I suspect this has cost him more than people realize in terms of time, commitment, energy and perhaps even ridicule and danger. For that, I thank him. It’s a great course…fun, exciting and very informative. For the rest of my life, I will see things in a new light.

Thank you again,

Carol Bucklew

Dr. Turi has several books out…that I have found to be very beneficial in understanding His Material & explains…very simply & in depth…how He arrives at His predictions. He is a “straight forward” type of Individual who has…through experience & hardship…been able to bring to light….a form of exact Astrology (from the Stars) termed… Astropsychology. Dr. Turi has been able to calibrate….an understanding of celestial bodies…their energies & effects…closely affiliated with a “Nostradamus” Style of accuracy!

I came across Dr. Turi’s Astropsychology…while searching for more information on…Astrology & the planets effects on daily life. In My Life quest…to understand…more of what makes up individuality…I have studied many Sciences… including Graphology (the study of handwriting, doodles& scribbles, etc.) also Psychology & Social Sciences & Behavior modifications….along with Medical effects of medications verses herbal applications & genetics. My study of the “Advance Astropsychology by Dr. Turi” has enhanced My understanding of what makes up individual make up & some good reasons as to why We often do “what We do” in certain situations…due to certain aspects of planetary involvement & the energies that effect…at any given moment in time. His “Gift” of knowledge…transferred to the written word…. has simplified… (.a complicated format given in Main Stream Astrology)…with a more precise definition of “cause & effect.”

I have always questioned everything that I have come in contact with…in My Life & Dr. Turi’s Work no exception! I have pulled apart…bits of information…& have searched on My own. Given My understanding of His work…through His advanced course…I have found His format to be “impeccable” in “accuracy!” The greatest advantage…to becoming a Student…is that this knowledge can be applied…on a day to day basis…not only for Your own personal use…but in every day interaction with the people around You!

I have always had a belief that knowledge forms a protection…which helps in assessing the World around Me. The more informed You are of the dynamics of the people around You…the better the options…of making informed choices in Your Life.

I wish You well in Your search for knowledge.

Marianne K

Thank you, Dr. Turi.

I was very fortunate in finding your book “The Power of the Dragon”! You have taught me so much, and I just wanted to write to say I am so grateful to you. I have been studying astrology for 18 years and have been toying with the idea of using the solar chart as well as the Placidus system and you confirmed my thoughts that it is correct but to use the zero point instead of the sun degree. I have seen it work with many charts correctly.

I also am thankful for your teachings of the nodes as most astrologers do not really understand them well and some do not even focus on them much going so far as not even putting the south node in the chart which I have never understood. You have given me so much and I am eternally thankful to you.

Mary Kanz

Cedar Rapids, IA

Hello Dr. Turi,

i, this is Veronica (aka January) your class was one of the most intense and exiting experiences I ever had!!! Also, something amazing happened. after graduating, Laurent and I went to a restaurant to have lunch, and to celebrate our accomplishment. And you won’t believe what happened. There was a lady talking on the phone (she seemed to know the people who work there, or maybe she was one of the owner’s, because she was on the business phone). She was yelling like a crazy woman, and crying. Curiously, Laurent and I were the only two clients there at the time, and couldn’t help but to get a bit irritated by that screaming crazy lady. I kept on looking back at her to see what the hell was going on. And suddenly, she was in front of us, calling us names for even doing eye contact. She asked if she could sit and I moved over offering her a seat right next to me. She sat, I could see without a doubt that she was in such pain, it hurt, I could feel it too!!! I was just about to talk to her, when Laurent, who was afraid of her and what she could do, told her to get up and leave us alone. She did. Then Laurent and I guessed she must be a Pisces, and have some strong planets such as Mars and Mercury in her sun sign and first house. After a couple of minutes, she came back, and apologized for being rude. She explained that her husband was filing for divorce, and that he is getting the kids. she loves her kids and that she needed them in her life. I moved over once again and looked at Laurent. He offered her a seat, and we both decided to do her chart to help her out with her situation. Well, I just happened to have my ephemeral with me (we just picked it up after class- before going to the restaurant).

So we pulled out her planets, and guess what??? She was a Pisces with Venus and Mercury in her 1st house, in addition to that she had Saturn!!! WOW!! I asked her if her ex-husband was a foreigner (because the tail of her dragon was in Sagittarius) and she said yes. We tried to explain to her that she shouldn’t drink ( she was soooooooooooooo drunk ) because she had Neptune (deception) in her 9th house of foreigneers in Scorpio!!! She also had Libra in her 8th house of life and death!!! She also had Pluto (danger), Mars(aggressiveness), and Uranus (unusual way of expressing oneself) in her 7th house of marriage in Virgo.

But unfortunately she being drunk, and having Taurus in her 3rd house of the mind didn’t help us much because she would interrupt us constantly, and was soooo stuborn about letting go of her relationship, keeping sober, and fighting for her kids. Interesting enough the moon was in Libra (contracts and relationships), the moon will be in Scorpio today, which means her Neptune planet will keep her drinking her problems away, and Sunday the full moon will be in Sagittarius (her tail of the dragon).

Laurent and I are completely sure she won’t make it past this Sunday. She will probably kill herself. What a shame, she was a pretty girl, and looked pretty smart too (when sober). The amazing part is : 1-the universe asked us to get the ephemeral because this was going to happen, 2-we saw her problems as clear as water, 3-this was such a test of our abilities and our passion for helping people and bringing the light. Dr Turi, I am ready to start fulfilling my mission. and it is all thanks to you, Crissy, and Madeline!!!! we are so exited, we can’t wait to see what’s in store for us!!!



Hi Veronica,

Dr. Turi sent me your email. I want to add that this is the beauty of his work. It opens the intuitional domain. I have done that many times–guessed some planet in a sign, by the way a person behaved. When you think about how remarkable that is, to know what planet was in which constellation in the sky at the moment of a person’s birth, is truely a signal that Astropsychology is absolutely real, and works. When Dr. Turi says this class will “open your third eye” and give you “cosmic consciousness”, he is NOT KIDDING!!! What a great story–


Dear Dr. Turi,

I cannot express in enough words how I enjoyed your class. I did not want it to end. I could have gone on another week. I was not ready to leave. I had to leave right after the test to catch my plane at the airport. I looked for you to say good bye, but you had gone. The only thing I regret is that I missed the Jordan Maxwell lecture Friday, because I got lost and could not find the conference hall. I learned more about astrology from your class, than I have learned over the last 35 years. I will never go back to conventional astrology. You are an excellent teacher. You made the class very interesting, with your very witty, and funny personality, and sense of humor. I feel very comfortable around you. Your warm personality made me feel right at home. I feel like I could tell you all my troubles, and you would listen, and give sympathy.Also, Madeline and the other members of your staff were really great. They were warm, friendly and very helpful. I could listen to your talk all day. Your French accent is very soothing, and a joy to listen too. You’d also make a great hypnotist with your soothing voice. You showed up in my astrocard reading. It was my first reading, therefore, I don’t know what it means, but I am happy to know that we will connect sometime again in the future, for whatever reason.

Have a blessed day… Love,


Dear Dr. Turi,

I liked the mix of students on the tapes, especially Chief Sonne and Claudine!

Dr. Turi you had an excellent program structure, so when you went through the signs, planets and houses you were focused and exceptional in imparting your knowledge.

You are an awesome teacher!

The hidden dragon in ones’ chart was the icing on the cake – that really pulled everything together to show the true essence and accuracy of Divine Astrology. Finally, the opening Indian ceremony and closing session were especially memorable and made me feel like part of the class – being there in spirit!


Dear Dr. Turi:

As you know I have been working in the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine for almost thirty years. At the time I was trained there were just the beginnings of schools in this art in this country. Dr. Turi’s training reminds me of the roots and traditionalism of my original training. There are no recipes and no short cuts. There is also no dogma or preaching.

Dr. Turi expertly illustrates his teaching from a variety of angles until the facts become an unconscious aspect of the student’s life. He is factual and vivid and addresses a current age with traditional concepts.

This is the Astropsychology of today with roots in the past. One of the most outstanding aspects of the course is the many pragmatic uses I can envision. I can already see it’s usefulness in business planning, lifestyle decisions and health ramifications.

Dr. Turi has developed a tool for anyone with emotions and a developing lifestyle. I find the information so practical that I can not compare this course to other astrology philosophies that I am aware of. I have been seeking this information for over thirty years and during the very first tape of Dr. Turi’s course I gained more understanding than the other thirty years.

I applaud Dr. Turi for making this fine tool available to those with the vision and understanding to “see” and only hope that I will prove a worthy student.

Please feel comfortable sharing this letter with our teacher and anyone else who can benefit.

Thank you for everything.

Yours truly,

Tilottama Star, L.Ac.


Dr. Turi:

I wanted to let you know the Astropsychology class in Portland has changed my life! You are an amazing speaker and have incredible POWER. You are too generous to share 30 years of information in 5 days. I am happy you are apart of my life, to help me with my spiritual awareness and to help others learn the stars. Thank you for flying to Portland, and your time. I am forever grateful to you!

Love and Light,


Hello Dr. Turi;

have just returned from the July Astropsychology class. What a unique and enlightening experience! Besides the valuable knowledge given, Dr. Turi himself makes the class challenging and entertaining. By the end of the week, I could see the reflex action of intuition beginning to form in everyone who was there. I did not think such a thing could be possible. It is a life changing experience, and one can never view the world in quite the same way. When Dr. Turi says, “you will be given the keys to the Universal Mind”, he really means it! I encourage anyone who is thinking of attending, to go, as I guarantee they will be raised in spirit. My blessings to all who attend this course in the future.


Dear Dr.Turi,

We are thankful for the profound blessing of enlightenment shared with our July Astropsychology class. With your guidance, we – reunited old souls in the Arizona desert – rededicated ourselves to the vision of sharing Astropsychology with the children of the world, who will carry it forward as the only practical spiritual philosophy of the emerging Aquarian cycle. The highest of spiritual world is now in our hands. Together we are changing the human world into a world of light and awareness.

With much love Chief,

Sonne and Claudine

Dear Dr. Turi;

Definitely Divine Astrology for me, I have never been exposed to any Astrology before hearing Dr. Turi on Jeff Rense’s national program, but if modern Astrology is littered with mathematical jargon then it is more of a hand down Win for Divine Astrology. The favorite part for me was Dr. Turi’s great humor through out the tapes, I of course need to practice the reflex and know it will get more interesting when I receive my computer program and plug in people I know birth dates to practice with the housing system.

Thank you,



To Dr. Turi;

I have just returned from the July Astropsychology class, and it was the greatest class I ever attended. Dr. Turi is the one of the best teacher I have ever known. I have learnt so much from this man. This class is a must for every one. If you want to soar with the eagles and be number one in your field as an astrologer and to help every one that will be in your life take the class. For it is truly enlightenment. Thank you once again Dr. Turi for all that you have taught me.

Love & light,

Alice Brooks

To all prospective Astropsychology students;

It has now been one week since I have completed Dr. Turi’s advanced astrology course in Phoenix AZ. It has been about five months since I passed his basic astrology class by mail. I am here to state that I absorbed so much more information and reflex in five days of hands on schooling, than I could ever imagine getting in months of home study. Don’t get me wrong, the home course I hold very dearly, and It was an excellent prerequisite, and I highly recommend it, but it only put me on the runway, where as traveling to AZ. to get hands on schooling, placed me in the air. I guess it depends on what you want to do with the knowledge, and how fast you want to do it. Myself I planned to make a career out of it, and I knew that the home course would eventually produce those results. Now having completed the advanced course, I now face that reality. My new career has now sprouted, and I owe it all to one incredible man, Dr. Louis Turi. There are not enough kind words to describe this incredibly gifted, spiritual pioneer. To be taught by him is a great honor, and pure enlightenment. There is no doubt that you will notice that he has a little something different to offer, something you won’t find anywhere else. With that I leave it up to you, the prospective student to find that answer.

Thank You,


Hi Dr. Turi,

There is a driving force of energy that moves and propels us in our quest for the truth, and the truth does not lie in any one area. This truth that the seeker seeks, lays scattered through out our planet. So we as we seek must be patient and discerning when we come across the path of others speaking the truth. And from my discernment and the trust of my heart, I feel very fortunate and blessed to have crossed paths with Dr. Turi in this time of life. Dr. Turi’s wisdom and understanding is a vast as the stars he speaks of. I am thankful that we taped the seminar! Thank You again for sharing your wisdom of the stars! Many Blessings,


Thanks Dr. Turi you are the greatest. Learning to do astrology the way you do it has made such a difference in my life. I use it all day long every day. My birthday is ///, I have the stars to teach astrology and that is what I want to do, I do it all day long for everyone around me I can’t help myself, I see it in the news, the weather, everything everywhere, my cats and dogs, it’s wonderful. It is nice to know who you are dealing with, where is Nept? What will you lie about. Where is Pl. what part of your life do you rearrange all of the time. Where is Jupt. What do you want to learn and teach, where will you expand and be lucky. I have Jupt in the 1st house I want to teach. It is all so wonderful. One of these days I am going to call Jeff Rense when you are on the air and ask some general questions, so people can see how powerful it is. Wind heat and fires for the next two years. With the DT in Sag. and Pl. in Sag the list is long for what this will bring. Thank you so much Dr. Turi.


Dear Dr. Turi,

After finishing your Advanced Astropsychology class, my dream state has been enhanced. I’ve always journeyed my dreams, and I can see a change of consciousness in myself. The Universal Mind has certainly come to new life. It’s exciting to meet new people and see the qualities that the stars have influenced in their lives. It helps one to have a more open mind to personality traits that would normally be unpleasant, to understanding what makes people tick. For me, it has made me a more compassionate, understanding person. With the help of your teachings, I’ve learned the future is the reincarnation of thoughts today. I’m thinking and planning my future with light and love for a beautiful new life. It is just the beginning of great things to come. Thank you for all you’ve done for me. Thank you for being such a beautiful channel of light in this world.

Your student,


Please help me promote the cosmic consciousness of everyone you care about by contacting meDr. Turi to set up a class in your city and benefit from our deal. You will get the full advanced Astropsychology course for free or you will save $100 per person you bring with you. I need both your spiritual and financial help to build many Astropsychology schools for the children of tomorrow. Understand the importance of my mission and be a part of it in the unfolding world karma. Please help me and invest in the future in promoting the true knowledge of the stars. Your contributions will help me so that I can spend more time on the air, writing, educating and publishing my work to those in need. For centuries many resources have been wasted in discrediting the stars, and for dangerous religious dogmas. Times have changed and the stars above do impose a new consciousness for mankind. Be a promoter of light and invest in the true light. The children of tomorrow need to gain cosmic consciousness and use the stars to live a more productive and safe life. Please communicate my work and help those in need to find guidance, comfort, direction and assistance in the celestial order. You will find the pathway to the stars and the realization of God’s ultimate will throughout the Universe.

Thank you for everything and I love you Dr. Turi for being my teacher and good friend. You have changed my life around ever since the day I met you. Without the knowledge you have tought me, I dont know where I would be. I have something to confess; I had no idea about astrology before I met Dr. Turi and no intrest in it either until I met him and he put everything in prospective for me. I did pray to god to help me find the truth about my life and to be able to understand the people around me for many years and god answered my prayer and brought him into my life and now it has been almost 6 years since we have known each other. Again, Thank you.

Love, Charlotte Voss; AKA Corina

Passion and Love are the two words I use to describe Dr.Turi. He loves Astropsychology and has a deep passion for teaching us precious souls everything we need to live a more conscious and powerful life by following Universal Laws and respecting the Stars. Let Dr.Turi give you a prescription to heal your soul!!!!

Love & Light,

Joi L Williams~

To my class:

I had no idea that the Wizard of Oz was such an archetypal modern classic, no idea until DT’s Hawai’i astropsychology class.  DT was the Wizard and everyone was there, each and every character, in one form or other worldly. The good, the bad and the ugly all acting out their roles.  I am very glad to have been there and gotten so much out of the whirlwind, truly empowering. An extraordinary opportunity to connect with so very many fantastically fine forms; human and otherwise. I learned a lot!

Mahalo Hilo…

Joan Detlefsen

Merci beaucoup for a super class in the sonoran desert – the yaqui homeland. natures celestial truth is liberating the human race.

Love you bro, CSR Chief Sone Reyna

Dear Dr. Turi;

Just wanted to say how grateful I am for being able to attend your Astropsychology course in Sedona. Got to meet exquisite people, have the time of my life, and learn advanced star knowledge. I’ll be attending the course in February whether its in Sedona or Hawaii, not sure which I prefer. I’ll be writing Oprah and others on a regular basis to help spread your message to the world. I would also like to extend a Personal Thank You for the attendance of Chief Sonne Reyna as he had invaluable wisdom to share. Truly the ways of the ancestors are still alive and well in his teachings and yours. Thank You and Blessings. Yehete (with love from my heart)


Hi Dr. Turi;

Thank you DT for a fabulous course. We are both really delighted to have met you and had such a great opportunity to learn from you about Astro-psychology. We look forward to finding new and innovative ways of bringing this to the attention of the public. It’s a very exciting time. Also appreciate you encouraging us develop the ‘reflex’ – we understand why this is so important. So hugest of thanks.

Sue & Pete from the UK.

Hello Dr. Turi

I wanted to THANK YOU for all your hard work and the incredible week we had taking your Astropsychology Class in Sedona! Alyssa and I had a wonderful and enlightening experience! I pray more parents come to realize how IMPORTANT your teachings are and invest, learn and share the power of the stars, it would really make this world a better place! Love you.

Your New Star Graduate.


Dear Dr. Turi,

Again, I had faith and trust and allowed my intuition to bring me to the right place at the right time, and thus I ended up in Sedona and ultimately being one of your Astropsychology graduates. OMG, what an experience. It has changed my life forever. I am honored to have met you and Chief “laughing horse”, and my new family of like-minded friends from all corners of the world will be treasured forever. Your course was intense but enjoyable and Sedona was the ideal location. Believe me Dr. Turi, you do make a huge difference in this world! We, your new graduates, now have the tools necessary to convey your message to all that are ready for the truth, especially the children of the world. You are very special and unique. Thank you for teaching me Divine Astrology. Namaste’.


Hello Dr. Turi,

I want to thank you for such an incredible experience at the 2008 Sedona class last week. The Divine information and knowledge you have given me still seems to be streaming into my consciousness by the truckload as I continue to process it and realize it. I’m almost overwhelmed by the joy I feel of having such powerful truth and wisdom to use as tools to help give people the Divine guidance they need so desperately. This is the direction I have sought my whole life; and to think, it’s only the beginning of my journey to help bring Light and Love to the world is a blessing.

The other star students in the Sedona class have become an extended family for me and so have you. The relationships we all developed there were deep and meaningful. Your humor had us all laughing together, your wisdom and insight had us in “awe”, and your love for us was very humbling, abundant, and so graciously given. As I move forward and bring the Truth and Wisdom of Astropsychology to my friends and clients I look forward to the advanced classes you’ll offer in the future and I look forward to being of service to and your mission when you need help. Thank you, Dr. Turi, for giving me the Air beneath my wings so I can fly. Peace and Love,


Hello Dr. Turi Sir,

I’m so glad to have made it out to Sedona, what a wonderful healing experience to have so many old and young souls come together was an experience to never forget. The class was wonderful and intense in so many ways, and no one walked away empty all things will line up for all. Yes the air is under the wings and the spirits are present for I knew what I had to do again thank you for that. I was also so touched by Chief Sonne, talk about a wonder person all was good. Your message is getting out! Oh you all most beat me back to town!

Thank you and many blessing,


Dear Dr. Turi;

I want to thank you for raising my awareness about Astropsychology at the 2008 Sedona course last week. I’m very lucky to find you through the website and I will never forget about you. yes, you are my first teacher to sharing your wisdom about Starguide based on new moon and cosmic consciousness. I want to thank you for your empower on me. I feel of having such powerful truth and translate to use the stars as tools to help give deaf children. The other star students in the Sedona class really support me and shared my passion about give deaf children the Starguide. I understand your natural Dragon’s head in Aries and speak out your mind and natural leader. You are really guru of stars. I really enjoy your humor, your wisdom, your love for teaching cosmic consciousness to stars students. I look forward to see your new Astropsychology of dragon school in the future. Again, I want to say thank you for empower your wisdom and teaching me. Light and Love.

Britt & Emily

Hello Dr. Turi;

I just wanted to say that being in your Sedona class this past week was most uplifting and enlightening… I would’nt trade it for anything!!! I am honored to be one of your graduating star students and hope to be in touch with you still and I am determined to get you on Oprah!!! im going to be writing her this weekend. I hope to see and hear from you soon.

Many blessings,


Hello Dr. Turi,

Thank you so much for everything you have given to all of us that attended the course in Sedona. I learned more in those days than I ever have from any other school, it is something that you certainly will not find anywhere else. It has been a blessing to finally meet you and learn the wisdom and understanding of the stars from you. As I move forward in my learning the books will be read till the pages fall out or I memorized each one of them. I look forward to attending the next course – for the fun of it – and to help you – as hopefully I will know everything by then – either Sedona or Hawaii would be great – as it is a blessing just to be with you and those that attend your courses. Thank you to Chief Sonne Reyna for teaching me something that I have been missing in my day-to-day life which is getting out in nature – listening to it and blessing the earth for all that we have. My blessings to all who attended this course and I look forward to keeping in touch. Also thank you for the Cabalistic Healing you gave to me and I am so glad that it was done before the course.

Love & Light to you all.

Dear Dr. Turi;

Your course in Sedona was fun and uplifting. You gave us of your incredible knowledge and the simple tools for truth to use in our lives. It was indeed a great experience. Thank you so very much!



Hi Dr. Turi;

Dr. Turi,

I want to thank you for the awsome class in Sedona! I feel that I have expanded my knowledge and cosmic consciousness by your teachings again! I took the course by mail last year and still found that I picked up so much more information. I feel blessed to have shared this experience with you and all the wonderful people who attended. The ceremony with Chief Sonne was very powerful along with the healing session and hypnosis you shared with us. I came home a very peaceful and happy being. I espically enjoyed our hike to Catheral Rock! You are a blesssing to all of us on the planet right now, even the ones who haven’t realized the importance of your work just yet. I look forward to teaching in your school. Love and Light


Well I have to admit, being your friend for 20 years and finally taking the Astropsychology course in Sedona, was a blessing and a cathartic experience for me. It was everything and more. You are an excellent teacher, so knowledgeable and your sense of humor makes the class so enjoyable. You really care about your students and you never get tired of answering a question. Chief Reyna was such an inspiring presence @ Sedona; I’ve learned a lot about life and mother earth that it has really changed my way of thinking as well as my life. I am so glad you are my friend and now colleague. I hope I can inspire and direct my future clients as you have done for me over the years. May God’s special blessings come to you always.

Cheryl RN

Hello Dr. Turi,

Thank you so much for everything you have given to all of us that attended the course in Sedona. I learned more in those days than I ever have from any other school, it is something that you certainly will not find anywhere else. It has been a blessing to finally meet you and learn the wisdom and understanding of the stars from you. As I move forward in my learning the books will be read till the pages fall out or I memorized each one of them. I look forward to attending the next course – for the fun of it – and to help you – as hopefully I will know everything by then – either Sedona or Hawaii would be great – as it is a blessing just to be with you and those that attend your courses. Thank you to Chief Sonne Reyna for teaching me something that I have been missing in my day-to-day life which is getting out in nature – listening to it and blessing the earth for all that we have. My blessings to all who attended this course and I look forward to keeping in touch. Also thank you for the Cabalistic Healing you gave to me and I am so glad that it was done before the course.

Love & Light to you.


Dr. Turi is a gifted Astropsychologist and excellent teacher. He knows how to effectively deliver a large amount of information in a short time and keep it understandable too! All my questions about astrology were broken down into a simple, mathless way of interpretation that anyone can do within a few minutes. The tools this man has given me have helped me within the first week of returning home. My friends are amazed at how easily I can look into their personal matters and offer a bit of reassurance and guidance. Going to the live course in Hawaii was 100% worth the investment and I look forward to attending future classes and furthering my knowledge of the secrets of the stars!

– Christie

Dr. Turi,

I wanted to thank your this noteworthy experience in your class. It was such a profound realization about life and the stars. Your teachings are unsurpassing to anything I have experienced before. It was worth every penny and then some. I will highly recommend You to everyone I meet. All your knowledge in one week. Amazing! To top it all of, i made some new high quality friendships. Sometimes people just dont know what they are missing, till they see the light!!

Extremely Satisfied Student,

Fred Jacobsen

Thanks again !!

Dear Dr Turi,

The classes in Hawaii were a truly wonderful experience! Your amazing students come from all walks of life and bring their own talents and perspectives.

It really was a boost. Thank you for providing us, with some wind for under our wings!

Love Always,

Laurie Shafer


About Louis Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America." Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. Clinical Hypnotherapist - Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.


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#2 REBUTTAL Owner of company

Dr. Turi's slanderous remarks

AUTHOR: anonymous* - ()

POSTED: Friday, March 22, 2013

Dr turi will not legitimately rebut any of these reports against him but uses other venues to discredit the victims who've spoken out against him, instead - calling this person a liar, claiming that he never used credit cards.
see also:
where there is an e-mailed verification from them for his services, to see Who Is The LIAR. One more example of turi's lies and slander and pitiful attempts at defending his work, which is becoming increasingly indefensible.

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#1 REBUTTAL Owner of company

Dr. Turi's slanderous remarks

AUTHOR: anonymous* - ()

POSTED: Friday, March 22, 2013

Dr turi will not legitimately rebut any of these reports against him but uses other venues to discredit the victims who've spoken out against him, instead - calling this person a liar, claiming that he never used credit cards.
see also:
where there is an e-mailed verification from them for his services, to see Who Is The LIAR. One more example of turi's lies and slander and pitiful attempts at defending his work, which is becoming increasingly indefensible.

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