Complaint Review: Uplifting kids charity - Avondale Arizona
- Uplifting kids charity 12725 w. Indian school rd Avondale, Arizona USA
- Phone: 6022379160
- Web:
- Category: Family Services
Uplifting kids charity AKA Taylorsdiscountstores Charity Scam Avondale Arizona
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: I didn't get paid
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: All do respect to Uplifting Kids & Staff & Family OF Hers
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: She got us too Roy me and my son
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: likewise
*UPDATE Employee: Lies
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: WONDERFUL LIAR
*Consumer Comment: 7/04/2014
*General Comment: How I heard of Uplifting Kids
*Consumer Comment: Oh Melissa Stop The Lies Your Making Yourself Look Bad
*Consumer Comment: Emails from this charity
*Consumer Comment: Beware, she will file false reports about you
*General Comment: Grammar
*Consumer Suggestion: Shame On You For Filing False Reports On This Charity & There Employees So Sad
*Author of original report: Knew it!
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: This report seems to accurate
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Wrong
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I recently decided to become a volunteer and find a charity that needs my help. I have a passion for autism and found an AD on craigslist needing volunteers for an Autism charity. I signed up and went to meet the CEO. There was a medium sized group of volunteers there as well. The CEO (Felicia Gregory) arrived late. She was present with her "staff" which consisted of her children and family members (her family members all has a last name of Taylor). She was recruiting people to work for her selling phantom fireworks for 4th of July. She stated she recently relocated the charity here from Las Vegas about 3 years ago because there was a "greater need in AZ". It sounded off to me... The firework sales is supposed to go to a charity for autism and breast cancer. This fundraiser would last about 7 days and she was hoping to raise 60k. (Last year she raised 50k) she seemed very ghetto and her family was as well. She even mentioned how she carries a pistol at all times. Although she provided proof of all the right legal documents for this charity, I still saw too many red flags and googled her. She has a record in AZ for disorderly conduct and this popped up on google for Las Vegas as well. Needless to say I will not be helping this charity out. It must be nice for her to make 60k in 7 days and not work the rest of the year and call it "charity". I'm sure that money goes to support her income throughout the year and not to help any kids with autism or breast cancer. Her website for the charity is and mentions nothing about autism or breast cancer... I did research on charities since then and found that an honest charity will post on their webpage an annual report of how contributions are spent... There is no annual report on the uplifting kids website. Since its a new charity I'm sure she has a few years before the IRS catches up to this charity scam.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 06/28/2013 04:49 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#16 UPDATE EX-employee responds
I didn't get paid
AUTHOR: Jylan - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 13, 2018
I take it this is Felicia , you didn't pay anyone stop the lies,the DFS fireworks company didn't receive any money from you because you left as soon as the pastor did and never came back.roy isn't lying about anything ,you stole the money from the charity and went on vacation I can't wait until you get have been doing this for years

#15 UPDATE EX-employee responds
All do respect to Uplifting Kids & Staff & Family OF Hers
AUTHOR: Tammy - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, July 11, 2018
I just want to say each and every time I have come out to work with this wonderful charity I never had a problem with getting paid, the companies she worked for failed to pay this lady money after working in the sun day and night and protecting what was not hers on a professional level she is wonderful and she has a kind heart I'm sorry you all have had some bad views about her and her family what is this going to resolve, I know for a fact that Felicia paid money out of her own money to pay people that worked for her this last firework stand was out of control she did nothing wrong although they accused her of everything they ripped her and her staff off, so come on what was this lady to do? She have received all kinds of nasty texts messages from Roy Moody which is a drunk he was drinking and Felicia told him it was not okay and then he went after the fireworks company she shared alot of information to the people she paid to come out and help out for a great cause. You can't pay someone who is lazy such as Roy Moody I remember this guy he i a liar and he have walked off the job site do many times and was drunk and she told him he was done,why would anyone pay someone that comes and goes as they pleases Felicia have alot of people on her side she is a good person of heart and I have heard some good things and bad things about her but from my personal experience and her dealing with people from the streets have been horrible and Felicia next time pick your employees or volunteers wisely because all they wanted to do is use this lady for money they didn't work hard they sat around and complained about how hot it is and not wanting to do the things she asked therm to do by locking her up what do you think you would accomplish and I'm going to be honest Felicia is not the kind to run away from anything I only deal with her on a business level but I couldn't walk away without saying something when i read things online no one cares at this point I'm happy I got a chance to work with her and meet her she is awesome and very strict however over the last several years she have gotton burned from fireworks saying they gave her over 20k in fireworks and how she took this and that I don't believe it one bit I have worked with her at all of theses stands my family and me both have, Felicia keep doing what you do and have your attorney on deck don't let anyone discourage you pray about it make sure you know what kind of companies you are dealing with becauser it seems to me that they just want to use you to make money and then don't pay you and want to turn around and sue you I have never seen her steal anything from anybody this woman have two businesses she runs and they are doing well I don't think she would have to take from anybody Felicia have always paid us off of what she made off the fireworks companies thats if anything after they used her so how do you think she feels she got burned once again this year with not getting paid. This guy Roy Moody Ex Veteran needs to be ashamed of himself you harrassed this woman to the point to were she had to get the local police involved when all you had to do is call them yourself and putting her name all over the internet is not going to stop her from being sucessful you all put nasty and ugly things about this woman up and about her going to jail over protecting her child anyone would protect there child her kid was not in a wrong someone hits a little girl she was suppose to fight back so I'm not going to judge her and all the years we have been working with Felicia I have never ever seen her sell her body and she never owned any store so all of theses lies just needs to stop get down to the facts is she a felon? How did she violate the law? How is Uplifting Kids a fake charity they have a federal 501c3 with an Ein# I just checked myself just to make sure she was still in good standing guess what she is. You can go to the media and set up all the pages about her and she will still live her life she is a pretty strong woman none of theses things even bothered her because she said she knows there not true. If the firework company would have paid this woman for all the hard work that she have done maybe you wouldn't feel the way you do. Its really sad how you can work so hard for nothing. Felicia we are on your team all the way you have an amazing staff and you are such an amazing person be blessed and keep your head up and if it comes down to court we are all there to support you one million percent because I was working with you the whole time supeona us and we will be there with no problem what you need to do is sue this bad companies you worked so hard for and you got nothing in return other then people slandering your name don't worry about what people say and for everyone else thats reading this get to know her as a person and on a business level for the employees that she did hire she paid for because I was one of them along with about three others, whoever was not on her payroll did not get paid its just that simple everybody had high demands on this woman and what she needs to do or else harrassing her and destroying her name is not going to bring you money or justice its a big waste of time go and find a real job this opportunity was for volunteers and a few workers and I never seen Roy Moody along with this other guy with his kid get hired or fill out paperwork like we did however she did put up postings for jobs just in case she needed help and back up but all thoses people were paid in full Felicia sleep tight and everything is going to be alright don't worry about the threats and all theses negative remarks I want to add in one more thing do you think the IRS would allow someone that have a felony to run a charity stupid do you think if she is really a hooker as beautiful as she is would she have a charity don't you think the IRS do there own investigation stupid people its common sense and they do get audit, so whatever she have been doing for the last over 7 years the IRS is pleased so do you homework stop attacking her and her family the family have nothing to do with this period maybe if you all would take the time out and be respectful to her you would get somewere and as for this bumb Roy Moody he was one lazy sorry you know what of an indivival he did nothing at alll but complain and no one liked him he had a very bad attitude and gave Felicia nothing but problems with 4 more people to add on the list and now he is harrassing this woman day and night until the police of phoenix got involved, I really think you need to back off of this lady before you end of jail while your trying to put her there shes got a pretty good attorney I don't think you can just tear her down like that so easily her passion have always been about kids and helping nothing she does was ever to hurt anyone or take from anyone your problem should be with the company that she was working for and not Felicia to be honest and next time dont sit down and get drunk on a job and expect to get paid and leave and go as you please thats not how anyone runs there business Roy your a very very disrespectful person and I didn't like you from the time i seen you i knew you were problems like a few others this lady asked everybody to get up and work and you failed her she was working so hard to protect theses fireworks and people etc. How dare you sit back and talk about her like that she have helped sooooo many people over the years and she do have alot of people that respects her and loves her and love working for her she even paid for the homeless lady to have a place to live now what kind of person would do that take money out of there own bank account and put someone she never met that came inside the tent in a place and this woman have a disablity facts so no I don't believe any of theses lies and that seem to be the problem with peoplel were are your facts not lies but facts proof come on I'm waiting and you keep on attacking her charity and your going to end up owing her time on several different legal levels,from my understanding she have already been in contact with her attorney he is a on call attorney and one of the best in the state of Arizona Felicia never went to jail over all of theses lies because they have been fake. No evidence the other thing I want to mention someone said she walked away from the firework stand this woman was there every single day protecting theses fireworks she did an awesome job the area we were in was not safe and how she was being treated was not fair and it was not okay. There were nothing but crackheads and meth heads in the area and shootings and she still went on and sold fireworks couldn't be me I would of been of gave up but no what did she do she kept working until she couldn't take it no more this woman fell out from the hot heat we had to get her cold water and sat her down she even stayed the night when we alll left in her truck to protect that companies fireworks now who is loyal? And she made that company alot of money and didn't get anything shame shame shame you all need to rott get the facts before you start talking about someone you just met. Volunteers don't get paid period point blank lazy people don't get paid drinking on the job don't get paid its just a fact this guy Roy thought he was a boss man when he was nobody he says he is a veteran hes in his 60's but looks like he is in his 90's and he is the nasty and rudest person I have ever met and she was still nice to this guy I wouldn't pay you 10 pennies you loser keep posting and creating pages no one cares but you people that have lives don't have time for nonsense like this like its going to change anything when it won't complain complain complain is not going to get you paid or anything she will not loose business or her charity it would be gone by now she is still in good standing and following the rules this Ceo is a boss lady and I'm glad to be apart of your organization Thank You Felicia for all that you do for the community and kids and if this ever get out to the news its okay we willl be right there hand and foot to protect you along with your attorney and your big fans and supporters you are a awesome person thank you once again.............................

#14 UPDATE EX-employee responds
She got us too Roy me and my son
AUTHOR: Jylan - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Monday, July 09, 2018
She scammed everyone who worked ,the police are now involved she stole over 20'000 and didn't return a cent to DFS fireworks doubt we will get paid but next time when they come back I will protest every stand until I get what is owed also report dfs fireworks to the Arizona labor board and Felicia Gregory fake a*s charity.she will end up in jail , also contacted vss security who her man works for Lee Taylor or lavauntay Taylor

#13 UPDATE EX-employee responds
AUTHOR: Roy - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 07, 2018
It's funny how Craig is being labeled a drug user because he dimed on the Crooked Felicia Gregory. This moring I was Labeled a Drunk because like Craig I dimed on Felicia as well. this lady is a crook and with the help of the Phoenix news media we're gonna take her down

#12 UPDATE Employee
AUTHOR: goodperson - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Monday, July 24, 2017
Craig please stop all of the harrassments you are really digging yourself into a deeper hole, she is quite aware of everyone that put theses horrible posts up about her. are you happy now your not affecting this ladies life at all by what you all are doing. so best of luck to you. your the real scam and liar to be honest so just stop the nonsense on here. you are really jealous of this woman. i dont see how you can live with yourself either and all the drugs you do and the lying you do, you were a horrible employee if thats what you want to call youself. i wouldnt of gave you a dime of my money you are a mess and a crack head. so i wouldnt be so quick to keep talking about this lady and slandering her name all over the place good luck with that. i don't have anything against Felicia she is an awesome person. im glad to have worked with her further more i dont believe in anything anyone have to say about her, her heart goes alot of ways and maybe if you never disrespected this lady to begin with you wouldnt be in this situation. you started talking about this lady since day one. lets be clear for no reason and now you are making up all lies on her. the only thing that is true is that she did ask for people to bring kids to help out what was wrong in that no matter what the heat was. who cares you had that choice to say yes or no. so get over yourself and stalking this lady. i would watch out if i were you, and your broke with no money and a tore up car. please careful what you say on here you piece of work you are a awful person you dont even know the full story. this lady was used and never got paid a dime and all you can do is sit back and talk about her. i seen Felicias work and im very proud of her and what she do for people kids and much more. congrats on your fake post im even more gladder that she dont feed into people like you bomb now go to your cheap job you have at walmart

#11 UPDATE EX-employee responds
SUBMITTED: Monday, July 17, 2017
Ripping off employers, employees, customers, & donations to charity is hardly wonderful...Everything she does is a scam. I recently was hired to work her fireworks stand in Gilbert. I was supposed to work six or seven days, but after three days too many red flags went up & I felt I would not get paid. Guess what, neither I or any others have been paid. The firework company sais she owes them 5G. Cash that was given by customers for her charity went straight into her pocket. No records were written down. A person who cares about kids does not keep asking employees to bring their kids to work to help sales when it is 115-118 degrees out. The few that came didn't last 30 minutes before begining to suffer from heat exhaustion. When I called her and asked to be paid she threatened me with she would call & get me fired from my regular job. Good luck with that. My employers are not stupid enough to believe her. Fraud, scam, thief, take your pick. They all apply to Felicia. BEWARE.

#10 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: upliftingkids2240 - ()
SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 24, 2014
You know its really sad that Rip reports let people write bad things about a good charity like Uplifting Kids, who give back so much and do quite a bit for the community, and the people that are writing theses reports we know who you are, you were looking for a free ride out I mean the least you can do is be honest you wanted the chairty to write off on some hours you had for violating the law, something to do with fireworks and etc.
When you were told that there was nothing we could do to help you, you turned to this, theses people are not low lives that we help with community service they are people just like us and thats looking to fulfill there community service, there is a million differents ways that they can do so I don't believe every forum I read and I also don't believe everything I read on the internet either.
There are a million sharks out here thats harrass charities, businesses, people in general just because they have time on there hands as long as Uplifting Kids is not doing anything illegal I don't see what the problem is.
We have numerous of emails to back up our story and what about you.
The celbrity that was looking for a free ride was not happy because Uplifting Kids could not help, you know its really sad and if you felt like Uplifting Kids have done something outside of the law then guess what report it to the law til then I really don't have nothing much to say but Keep up the good work Uplifting Kids.
And I have one more question to ask how is Uplifting Kids RIPPING OFF ANYONE IF THEY ARE HELPING THEM HOW ARE THEY RIPPING THEM OFF IT MAKES NO SENSE AND IF YOU HAVE BEEN RIPPED OFF WERE IS YOUR PROOF. WHAT WAS THE POINT IN THIS REPORT? You basicly put yourself out there you were not looking of ways to do community service you decided to find a charity that you heard about on a blog of some sort and go after them because of this blog shame on you and at the same time you needed help and because you were turned down you decided to go this route wow is all I can say

#9 General Comment
How I heard of Uplifting Kids
AUTHOR: Angry Old Lady - ()
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 04, 2014
Hearing about a cushy "Community Service" gig that a Hollywood celeb pulled...serving his time speaking to college students about fashion...I became interested in just what qualifies as community service in today's justice system. I wound up at a site where people were posting questions asking how they could fulfill their court ordered hours "in a hurry."
One answer caught my eye. The respondant said that her brother and his friends had been "saved from jail time" by this wonderful charity. You just call them and pay them so much per hour that you need credit for and they will send you a "professional letterhead and everything" document. They are a 501 and for $50 they can overnight it. It's called Uplifting Kids. I couldn't believe it! So I went to their website. You can tell in two minutes they are bogus. Try as they might the ghetto creeps through. It's disgusting! I wanted to get them looked at by the authorities and a little more looking around led me to this site. Seems this phony charity is quite diversified! LOL but how low can you get? Letting small time criminals slide on their community service by...ripping THEM off! Haha

#8 Consumer Comment
Oh Melissa Stop The Lies Your Making Yourself Look Bad
AUTHOR: Consumer Truth - ()
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Nothing about this report is fake what was fake is when she put out a honest charity believing what she first of all put in the report along with some nasty things her and her colleagues had to say , no one should be aware of Felicia or her organization its alot of jealous people that wishes they could be in her shoes, how would you know how this lady conduct her business or run her business or about her criminal record you go off of here and say which is really sad, get your facts straight before judging a charity and people that do honest work for the community its sad that you would waste your time and post fake things like this to get people attention when the fact of the matter is you can't shut the charity down you can't do anything in this world to harm it you can sit here and write all the fake and crazy reports you want and your still getting no were when the fact of the matter is you have been harrassing this lady over and over again with over 15 emails bothering her about donating we have proof this is crazy and childish what you are doing is stirring up some mess and you need to grow up and leave that charity alone and move on , I happened to like this charity and Felicia and the work that she does for the community , so before you go on judging a charity you have no clue about look and dig a little deeper ok, if you choose to donate with another charity then thats fine and if you choose to work and volunteer with another charity thats your choice but the emails you have sent to this charity were very childish and unnessary point blank leave them alone go away , you are a problem and worry about your job and who trust you , did you look into her criminal history do she have felony , what kind of charges can you verify you have nothing so stop talking about theses people and move on with your life , if you have a job great keep it , if you have been doing things and getting people information and stealing it then they will catch up to you and they will arrest you , i know what you are talking about when you made a comment about the fireworks they worked for a fraud company that did them wrong completly and lied and had them sitting out in a hot sun for a little bit of nothing the proceeds were suppose to go to children with autism but how are they going to go to kids with autism if you cant even make any money so its not there fault , before reading other fake post investigate theses matters on your own dont go by what you hear word to the wise , Felicia with uplifting kids tried very hard to make money doing a fundraise that turned out to be a disaster she and her volunteers was very hurt by the turn out but thats life I'm quite sure there are other ways to help out i trust her completly and she would do anything for anyone , i happened to love the charity they have done alot of great work and i love there commercial as well as for you , you seem to be digging up some false statements that was made to her and her organization and went head over heels with it why i dont know you have to ask yourself that question, you simply believed what you seen in a report against her and feed off of it which is really sad i get to know the charity first and then i make the final say so but if i dont like what they are doing i simply dont bother with them because maybe someone else likes there charity , and to be honest what charity dont someone talk about ?????? so just stop this nosense and move on find something to do with your time far as your job they will investigate you and see if anything is true and please stop this nosenset with theses fake emails the ones that came from her came from you and dont go and create a fake emails and then say they she said some nasty things when in fact she didnt thats even more crazy dont make yourself look anymore worser then you already do and then you start to bring down your company ok just let it go its not worth it

#7 Consumer Comment
Emails from this charity
AUTHOR: GoldenRule - ()
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 19, 2013
This charity wrote a false report about me, after I inquired about donating, researched here, then decided not to donate once she got back to me. She thought i was someone she had met before, etc. Attaching just a few of her unprofessional emails...BEWARE! She will call anyone she knows and write about careful in posting.

#6 Consumer Comment
Beware, she will file false reports about you
AUTHOR: GoldenRule - ()
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 19, 2013
I just had to file a rebuttal to a fake report this person made about me. Word of warning, I would not write any details because if she knows who you are, she will file a fake report. Such a shame to waste time on that sort of thing if there is really a charity to run.

#5 General Comment
AUTHOR: English Teacher - ()
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 12, 2013
The difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap. Sounds like a lot of ranting to get people to look elsewhere.

#4 Consumer Suggestion
Shame On You For Filing False Reports On This Charity & There Employees So Sad
AUTHOR: scottdavis - ()
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 12, 2013
I have a few things to say for one I know this charity and they have done great work for alot of people and many diffrent types of awareness, its really sad that you have people that will attack other people and local charity off of hear say. Get the facts first, to bring down a charity with false accusations willl take alot. I have someone in my family that personally volunteered as well as myself with this charity and had nothing but great things to say about the Ceo Felicia and her board members. I decided to do my own investigation the company that replied back , an employee of phantom says that they called the police and seeking there attorneys advice but the fact of the matter when I called the charity they told me they had to file charges on you for threatening them police report number is 20131206365 now how can you explain that. People don't feed into everything you here because its not always true get the facts as far as to the previous report indiacating that Felicia carrys a gun in fact she do from time to time i know a few people that knows her very well and she is a very nice and professional young lady from my understanding and to other people and the reason being is because some of the events are hosted in some ruff neighborhoods and some bad areas due to the high demands of people needing help. so she wanted to be safe there is nothing wrong with that at all
Its only to protect herself and her members and staff and children , i dug a bit further when in the previous report it sad that she was locked up for prostition all wrong people get your facts straight she do not have a felony she was not locked up over such crime this is really really sad, to the person that is writing all of theses fake reports and making up stories how can you live with yourself , you made up all of theses fake reports to prove what ,you didnt prove anything other then you are a liar, my family member that came to the meeting remember everything that was said , she was not at one time unprofessional however she did apoligize for being late from picking up a staff member getting there to the orientation but its her meeting , and then you went even further to say that she got all of theses criminal history when she do not i know that also for a fact please tell me what exactly are you trying to prove to anyone and the store that you are speaking up taylorsdiscountstore is a known real store nothing fake and false about it , far as the peterdiscountstore I dont know anything about who he is and were he come , thats to bad you didnt volunteer and help out because of false information you were told thats really to bad, the next time you want to take time out of your life and make a report about a charity or a person that runs the charity get the facts were is your police report , were is proof of her background check, come forward , say who you are this is all wrong and im upset because i take pride in wonderful charities and this charity i like alot and i dont care what anyone have to say about it, there was not just one family member that volunteer with this charity or felicia there were several.
She is very professional , very kind, understanding, she is very passionate about kids how dare you talk about her or the charity and then put fake reports on her like this you aught to be ashamed of yourselfs for doing this and theses said rebuttals, you need to call the charity yourselfs and get some clarity or contact her attorney this is all wrong and fake and it needs to be stopped.
I advise you all to look and investigate before jumping the guns its wrong and you know its wrong you have not proven anything at all , and the person with phantom i head the full story on what you did to this charity and Felciia and Lavontay she was able to provide me with proof and emails to back up her story whats your excuse???
The fact is phantom got there fireworks back more than 94% and credit card machines and pod keys to get into the pod with there items boxed up , this charity don't owe you anything at all they sweated bullets outside in the heat for money to go to local charities and that couldnt happen because they didnt make anything for seven days the only busy day was on the fourth of July and you got paid for that , yeah she sent us records , how is it you dont have your own records but you are a business or employee get your facts right about your company and leave this charity alone, far as the irs i called to see if they were in good standing and they are and in the state of arizona i dont know were you all are getting your stories but this needs to be stopped.
You can't stop her from running her charity the way she wants to run it , you can't stop her and by putthing this up on ripoff reports is nothing going to help or solve anything its just like the bbb let it go, I'm quite sure she has plenty of volunteers and people that is passionate like myself when it comes to community work and kids , can anyone step up and say what she did wrong to your kids ??? Anybody and show proof , can anyone prove that she has done something illegal??? can anyone stand up and say i have a copy of her criminal history and she is a scammer???? or she has been to jail over prosititing i have meet this lady face to face and she is a very nice looking young lady and she dont come off as being a prostute running a charity im sorry thats my opionon, stop judging people and this charity and get the known facts first stop going off of what you here.
I need to clarify one more thing this lady or rather charity didn't make over 50k last year off of a fundraise you totally misunderstood what she said doing the orientation and if you had such a probelm why didnt you get up and leave or if you felt like she was ghetto she was not ghetto or unproffesional at no times she was, very nice to everyone and spoke very professional , enough of this mess. Someone must be paying you to say theses crazy things about Felicia and the charity and as to thoses people talking about some furniture you lied to , were is your report number, I looked a little bit further into the store taylorsdiscount store was shut down years ago and no longer exist but it was a legit store as for the other store with petersdiscount store i dont know anything about that and i highly doubt that she would commit such crime when she had a store that was doing well until the economy changed years back but the store was up and running and legal and she have paperwork to prove it none of you have came forth with proof of anything you are just talking and saying terrible things but this lady was able to supply with me with facts and details and paperwork how can you explain what you said when you dont have any proof thats soooo sad and low. Stop it you are making your ownself look bad she can back up her side can you ??? And if so prove it and not just by typing it on the internet i mean facts.
I think i know who you are to and you are one of thoses people she didnt hire to help out with the charity so you took it upon yourself to make up false reports on her and this charity uplifting kids , your bitterness got in the way so sad grow up and get a life and stop making false reports and no one with her organization went to jail or have a warrent out for there arrest and the charity is still standing and always will try and have a good day and say something nice to somone for once.
This charity is awesome and I will forever be a volunteer whenever you need my help and my family will forever help out we have alot of fun with this charity and there good work for the community this only makes them stronger however the Ceo had something to say but decided not to rebuttal she said its really distrubing to know that people can take the time out and put such a wonderful charity down over false accusations, instead of learning the truth and the facts , she said she was disappointed because of the things that were said but she said there is nothing she can do about it but move forward she said she is way to busy of a person then to let something that is not even true to begin with effect her role and her job and duty as a ceo of uplifting kids, she said she is very passionate about what she do for the community and children , and she wants you all to know that she thank you for standing up for what is right and not going off of what other people or businesses is saying because there is always two sides to a story, and she said for everyone to get there facts straight before ever moving forward in any situation and respect others and if you have a probelm with any business or person to deall with it with them one on one, she denied all of theses accusations and she decided to move on and keep doing what she do best and that doing a good deed for the public , i just want to say it dont make you a bad person because you carry a gun that is the state of arizona law get mad at them she carrys when necessary not everyday , i was bothered by theses fake reports more then she was and she is the ceo ,she handled herself well, she say maybe there will be more fake and false reports coming out what more can she do about it people have a right to say what they want to say and for thoses who believe in previous statements well good luck to you , i just want to say to Felicia the ceo good job and thanks for setting a great example for your charity and people and staff as well as volunteers we thank you and appreciate everything that you do i know you have had some obstacles but you have over came alot and keep up the good work may God bless you and your charity have a great day.

#3 Author of original report
Knew it!
AUTHOR: Kellykelly - ()
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 09, 2013
I could tell her story didn't add up. I'm glad I didnt participate in her illegal activity. I'm sorry your company lost money, if you need more info on her and her previous scams here a link to her Las Vegas scam:

#2 UPDATE EX-employee responds
This report seems to accurate
AUTHOR: Phantom - ()
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 09, 2013
I work for the fireworks company mentioned and can confirm that Uplifting Kids along with the CEO Felicia Gregory and Treasurer Lavontay Taylor contracted to run two fireworks tents in the Phoenix area for the July 2013 season.
They did not return the credit card machines or any unsold product. A Volunteer took a bus and met us at one of the locations and gave us the keys to the containers. The credit card machine without any of the cords, case or paperwork was inside one container and the complete credit card machine with case and cords was inside the other. The containers also container about 40% of the total product delivered, which we have in our possession.
This missing 60% of fireworks equates to about $20,000 in CASH that is missing as of July 9th. No one is returning our phone calls and the matter is being turned over to our corporate attorneys and Law Enforcement.

#1 REBUTTAL Owner of company
AUTHOR: Chris - ()
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 06, 2013
I have no idea who theses people are talking about Felicia or a wonderful orgnization that helps kids and people this is all wrong and false information you should be ashamed of yourself

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