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- Category: Liars
*Consumer Comment: New owner of an Amazing senior dog from Scotts k9
*Author of original report: Scotts Police K9's Made it right
*Consumer Comment: Reply to complaint about Scott's Police K9's
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I have always wanted a police dog. I knew nothing about how to handle them so I went to Steve Scott of Scotts Police K9’s for help. I bought A Protection dog for my family as I work alot and I wanted a dog that will be there to lay its life down if need be and protect them at all costs. When I paid almost 10,000.00 for this dog I was guaranteed in writing and verbally that this dog will obey every command and respond when told to do something. That this was a family oriented dog and will get along with other dogs however will attack people on command or let you know when something is out of normal. This dog was guaranteed for perfect health and if you look up her name on the internet Tiamat Von Der Osterweise she is even a schutzand BH. I was told with her family intelligence that she is one of the most reliable protection dogs trained. At first I was very excited I went back and forth with the owner trying to get tips on how to handle her and even thought I could sell smart dogs like this myself because they were a great asset to a family. But then I found the dog was a complete scam. This dog was not supposed to fight my other dogs but they were never friendly to each other. Instead I lost a lab when the two dogs got into a fight (of which was not supposed to be possible) and this shepherd would not let her go. I got bit myself when my other lab on another occasion and her got into a fight and to try to save him I got between them. I found this dog is friendly to everyone. will not attack on command for any reason. Does not warn you if someone is at your property and I even had someone come up behind me and ask for money while the dog was in the bed of the truck and she just laid there without any alarm. I even found out from my vet this perfect health dog has a hereditary disease in her legs. when I asked the owner for a refund or to help me sell her, he fell back on his paperwork that said he will only replace the dog. Then after pushing the issue his other offer was to retest the dog. I live in Charlotte NC. I could not go up to Ohio to stay their while he retrains her and he sold me an unhealthy dog, which his contract promises good hips and elbows. I wanted him to buy her back, I even offered to take a loss of a couple thousand dollars to help him out, but all he was willing to do was replace her. Since he lied about the first dog being dog friendly I could not chance getting a new dog and having that one kill our other lab. we raised those two labs from pups and my wife was already upset. I just wanted my money back and after dozens of emails back and forth he woud not help me.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 06/19/2013 10:46 AM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#3 Consumer Comment
New owner of an Amazing senior dog from Scotts k9
AUTHOR: K9Bax owner - (Canada)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, September 20, 2016
I am blown away at how awesome and well trained my new friend is... He was originally purchased for $20,500 from the mentioned company .... I received him for free to a good home ...from the original generous owners ... This dog is a pedigree dobi and is full of love and obiedince... It's as if he has a remote control .... He has a list of 16 or so commands in English and French and is a executive level 3 protection dog.. I would personally pay that purchase price in the future from Scotts k9 .... Although I have never personally delt with Scotts k9 . I can tell you that the dogs that leave that place are worth every penny! I can only imagine what my new family member was like in his prime ... He's the best thing that has ever happened to me, and my son! He is super smart and obiedince is his pleasure.... He will follow his commands from a dead sleep . I hope everyone looking at this response see how amazing Scotts k9 is at what they do!

#2 Author of original report
Scotts Police K9's Made it right
AUTHOR: JamesR - ()
SUBMITTED: Friday, September 20, 2013
I have been dilgently trying to get ripoff reports to remove my previous post as right after I wrote it the company Scotts Police K's went above and beyond to try to help me sell this dog. From what I understand this company even had a complete work up done on the dog and my Vet apparently seems to have been incorrect about her hereditary issues and the dog has been given her a clean bill of health.
Obviously there are always two sides to a coin I am not sure if any of my actions contributed to the problems I had with my dog or how I handled the dog since I was an untrained protection dog owner and probably should have done more research how to be a good owner and help the dog adjust better. I would encourage anyone who reads this to disgregard my previous statements and if you want a dog by all means work with Steve. Just because I had an issue does not mean the company was in any way at fault. they did offer me a new dog however my wife would not accept it. they did offer to retrain the dog and my wife just wanted her gone. I wish her well in her next home.

#1 Consumer Comment
Reply to complaint about Scott's Police K9's
AUTHOR: Donna - ()
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, July 24, 2013
I am sorry but I need to reply to this accusation. I have 4 dogs from this company and they are the best dogs I have ever owned. Friendly, steady and stable- but highly protective of home, car and my family. They WILL attack on command- but that training is reinforced with sessions with a local protection dog trainer. You cannot buy a dog like this- stick in your house or yard and hope he or she remembers. They need to be worked- the more often , the better. And you want them to be easy, friendly dogs in your normal life. You do not want a crazed Cujo. That's not what this is about.
Secondly, you say that your dogs fought and this " wasn't supposed to happen." They are dogs. No matter how highly trained- they are still living brings. There is no guarantee that a living being will never react in a certain way. My 4 get along beautifully. I have other dogs- but they do not mix with my protection dogs. Not because of the protection dogs- but because my house dogs will challenge them. And a protection dog will not back down from a challenge. Isn't that why you hot one in the first place? I am sorry for your loss- but this was not Scott's K9's fault. It sounds like poor handling and judgement at home that was responsible. It cannot be like The Walton's all the time. These dogs training sets them apart- bug it is also what makes them so special.
Scott's Police K9 was a joy to work with. Very responsive, responsible and stood completely behind their dogs. And it does say in the contract you signed that their policy is to replace the dog. I should know- I signed more than one.

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