Alexandra Mayers aka Monica Foster commentary:
Today I simply can’t believe the load of complete CRAP Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group SOMEHOW had enough influence to have published on CNN.
Basically what Marc Randazza (the hypocritical, wannabe elitist, PORNOGRAPHIC INDUSTRY attorney who DEFENDS child pornography, is affiliated with an internationally known convicted pedophile, and is a self proclaimed “First Amendment” activist) stated…is that a “gold digger” (in other words, a young woman who an old Jewish man took a liking to and purchased nice things for in exchange for companionship), should just sit down, shut up and take PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE (in the case of Donald Sterling, racially based intimidation).
Well, that is VERY TELLING in regards to EXACTLY who Marc Randazza is. I actually witnessed such mentality (the condoning of psychological abuse against women) more often than not while working in the Los Angeles porn industry.
Now I believe I COMPLETELY understand why Randazza brought the element of RACE into the equation when I shared my thoughts about my belief of his being attached to ORGANIZED CRIME (when I initially communicated with him a couple years ago) in regards to one of my blog posts! TODAY, I think it was all BECAUSE MARC RANDAZZA IS MOST LIKELY A CLOSET RACIST in addition to being a MALE CHAUVINIST PIG!
I never thought Marc Randazza was attached to organized crime due to his ethnic background – I thought what I did BECAUSE OF HIS HISTORY AND ACTIVITY!
Let me tell you a little something about Marc Randazza – as you my readers are aware, his lawfirm Randazza Legal Group is currently SUING ME for in excess of $50,000 for 4 tweets and a piece of PARODY ARTISTIC EXPRESSION in effort to drive me into either the Nevada legal brothels, the dangerous Las Vegas strip clubs or back into the porn industry. That’s right – Randazza Legal Group is attempting to SEX TRAFFIC me!
I have not posted my Civil Suit court response online just yet, but there are quite a few people in positions of power who have read it and who have viewed my evidence in regards to Marc Randazza’s apparent attachment to pornographic industry sextraficking and organized crime.
Marc Randazza seems to have the MENTALITY that women who find themselves involved with older men for companionship whether it be as a girlfriend, wife, mistress or prostitute should just SIT DOWN, SHUT UP and TAKE WHATEVER ABUSE is dished out to them. Marc Randazza’s DEFENSE of Donald Sterling today essentially states JUST THAT – because Donald didn’t just psychologically abuse V. Staviano (his mistress) – Donald Sterling psychologically ABUSED HIS OWN WIFE FOR YEARS (as anyone with half a brain can CLEARLY assess)!
I believe God works through Jesus Christ in due time (and in mysterious ways), so I’m trying my best to remain calm. HOWEVER, I ask you – my readers – WHY IS MARC RANDAZZA EVEN GIVEN A PLATFORM on CNN?
As of April 29, 2014 – Michael Weinstein (a man I ADORE who I feel is an ANGEL OF LIGHT SENT DIRECTLY FROM HEAVEN TO PROTECT COUNTLESS OF INDIVIDUALS IN OUR SOCIETY THROUGH HIS SELFLESS WORK WITH THE AIDS HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION – along with California Assemblymen Isadore Hall III), triumphed over Marc Randazza and the political face of the Los Angeles pornographic industry by pushing through a ballot measure (AB 1576) which is set to insure the health and safety of countless people within the adult entertainment industry.
I find it VERY TELLING that though the Free Speech Coalition (which is the political face for the porn industry) had Marc Randazza SPEAK FOR THEM, he FAILED to present himself as an ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ATTORNEY on his CNN piece today.
Since Marc Randazza feels compelled to defend Donald Sterling – LIKE DONALD STERLING, I feel Marc Randazza should be BANNED from the NBA, all attached social circles and all of SOCIETY of which CONDONES such a DISGUSTING PRE CIVIL WAR ERA MENTALITY!
Neither African-American’s, WOMEN or ANYONE for that matter (who may have less MONEY than ANYONE ELSE) are any LESS VALUABLE than ANYONE ELSE ON THIS PLANET! It’s ABOUT THE SPIRITUAL VALUE OF THE SOUL!
Source, First Amendment Talk, Monica Foster