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Complaint Review: Psychology of Vision, Spezzano and Associates Ltd - KANEOHE Hawaii

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  • Psychology of Vision, Spezzano and Associates Ltd 47-416 WAIHEE PL KANEOHE, Hawaii USA

Psychology of Vision, Spezzano and Associates Ltd Chuck and Lency Spezzano scam psychology & healing seminars KANEOHE Hawaii

*Consumer Comment: Buyer Beware

*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Attack Rebuttal

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Chuck and Lency Spezzano run an international scam. They hold large group trainings around the world, claiming that they are healing. They coerce people into paying lots of money to take these trainings, to climb their hierarchy ladder to become trainers themselves.

These trainings are like the classic Est type seminars of decades past.

They practice affinity fraud by preying on specific communities, draining their money, and training their leaders to continue the scam.

The large group trainings are very high pressure. People are pressured to not go to the bathroom, people are not supposed to leave early or arrive late. Audience members are encouraged to freak out, all in the supposed name of healing. People end up screaming, sobbing, vomiting, laughing hysterically.

Videos of Lency Spezzano doing one on one sessions before an audience are available online.

Classic tools of manipulation and persuasion are used, including hypnosis, coarse language, touch, and aggression.

This isn't psychological therapy, this is not spiritual healing, this is a scam.

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 09/24/2013 02:28 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content

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#2 Consumer Comment

Buyer Beware

AUTHOR: Pinon - ()

POSTED: Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Psychology of Vision offers several types of events, including large group awarness trainings (LGAT). Est and Lifespring are two of the most commonly known types of this LGAT genre. POV is another.

LGATs are not at all proven to produce actual positive results. Not enough research has been done to find out if only the placebo response is in play. There are also ethical questions to ask concerning how recruitment and marketing is done.

Lency Spezzano's response here does not match what many many former followers report. None of us need to be analyzed by Lency as she has attempted to do so here. What is most important is that some participants have reported feeling suicidal during and after events. They report that families have broken up over POV involvement. A professional hypnotherapist tells us that Lency's "joining" is actually an unethical form of stage hypnosis.

POV encourages people to churn up and divulge past trauma. But they are not licensed therapists, their actions are not in a controlled, safe, ethical environment. Partipants do not recieve after care or follow up unless they do more of the POV practices, which can include paying for more events.

No matter what Lency, or I, or anyone says, please be wise before giving this group your hard earned money and time. Read up on the warning signs of potentially unsafe group leaders. Survivor stories can now be found online, please take them seriously.

POV may claim that we are attacking, that we are unprofessional, that we are saying it all wrong, that we have some sort of mysterious agenda. In reality, we want to help educate our fellow consumers. Some of us have had our lives seriously damaged by POV. We now need exit counseling.

If you are a POV follower and you find yourself now drinking and gambling a lot, consider the possibility that POV is not helping you any, and that actual professional help would be vastly better.

Also, if you have a serious illness, please find and listen to a good physician. Chuck Spezzano's claims that illnesses all have metaphors, that if understood and treated by POV practices, could be healed, is a bogus, damaging claim. Cancer is cancer, not "the embodiment of self-directed anger".





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#1 REBUTTAL Owner of company

Attack Rebuttal

AUTHOR: Lency Spezzano - ()

POSTED: Monday, October 28, 2013

Nothing that is alleged in this report is true. The Psychology of Vision is an organization that is owned by the Trainers themselves (I believe there are presently 52 of us.) All organizational decisions are reached by unanimous decision, either by the Trainers as a whole body, or by the Steering Committee, which consists of the Trainers who have achieved Master Trainer status (there are currently 7) and our program director. Chuck and I, as founders, do not get more of a voice than any other Trainer or Steering Committee member. The organization operates from a completely horizontal relationship between Trainers, not a hierarchy with a cult figure at the top.


The Psychology of Vision is a path of the heart that focuses on the healing of relationships, leadership (or helping others) and non-denominational spirituality.


Seminar participants develop their own connection to grace and healing, and do not need to go through any PoV Trainer at any time to access it. Focus is always made on empowering the participants in their lives, not developing dependency on PoV Trainers. Participants do heal the pain of old emotional injuries and release it, but there is no emotional "freaking out" in the seminars. Although there is a lot of laughter, none of it is "hysterical." The seminar is not like EST, except for similar guidelines about how to operate in a group setting (i.e. be on time, try not to leave the room during a session unless necessary, please do not side-talk to your neighbor - throw all jokes out to the center, etc.). 


There is no cult-like "us vs. them" mentality in PoV that cuts ties with participants' family and friends. PoV is about recovering failed relationships with our family members, forgiving our parents for our childhood injuries and being accountable for what takes place in our lives. For example, we have received the feedback that First Nations communities in which the Psychology of Vision has been taught experience a cultural Renaissance; as emotional healing takes place in the families, there are not as many crises taking place in the community, and as the level of crisis in the community reduces, members have the luxury of time to learn their languages and ancient skills from the elders before they are lost.


Does the Psychology of Vision use mind-altering practices? By definition, all emotional healing practices, such as forgiveness, would alter the mind in a positive way. Healing removes psychological patterns and obstacles that limit our ability to enjoy our life and have constructive relationships. The result is relief, expansion, happiness and a greater ability to give and receive love. Do we use any form of drug in the seminars? No. Do we use hypnosis? No. Do we use violence and manipulation? No.


PoV's joining method utilizes love as a healing tool. This love comes from the Source of love (the Creator, Allah, God, the Higher Self - however the seminar participant has chosen to define it) and is effective regardless of the cultural background or religion of the participant. The Psychology of Vision has a non-denominational spiritual framework that leverages its students on their own spiritual path. For example, Muslim students of the Psychology of Vision in Bangladesh appreciate an enhanced direct experience of Allah's love in their prayer time. Seiks in Canada use it to bring more intimacy into their relationship with Guru. Buddhist monks and nuns in Taiwan use it when they advise members of their temple.


The PoV polices itself professionally, and any complaint about a Trainer's behavior is subjected to a review process of accountability and consequences. If any of us PoV Trainers were damaging people we would have heard about it from those victims, or from witnesses of that abuse. If we were swindling people we would have heard it from them or from their families. We have never received feedback that seminars are over-priced or are not worth what people paid for them. Also, seminar participants are not pressed to bring new members to seminars, or to raise funds that benefit Trainers in any way. 


For the Psychology of Vision to have drawn such attack, it is likely that two elements are involved regarding the attacker. The first is that the person has a fear of feeling their suppressed or repressed emotions - they are not on a healing path themselves, and feel threatened that other people might expect them to face their emotional issues. Therefore, the Psychology of Vision becomes a frightening thing. The second element is that the Psychology of Vision has become ammunition for a fight the person is already in. Perhaps someone recommended the seminars to a family member and it was interpreted as a correction or a judgement, for example. When that fear is the filter of perception of us, there is little that could be said that would allow us to be seen as well intentioned and beneficial. At the same time, it is clear that the writer of the report has a different agenda - a personal reason for attacking us and attempting to destroy our reputation. He is not someone who is just speaking up to protect innocent consumers. He has never been to a Psychology of Vision training, and has no training in psychology.


It appears that the fellow also went to all of the Youtube videos we and others have uploaded and posted on each of them the accusation that we are cons running a scam. As if money could be the only motivation for doing what we do? All the seminars that Chuck and I have taught in First Nations communities were ones we donated - often twice a year. It is the opposite of draining communities. So far, no one is getting rich off this work. :) Perhaps the author of the attack does not have an understanding of the overhead involved in promoting events internationally. We require a full time staff of 5 at our home base, for example, and more help during our heaviest months. It is also obvious that the author of the attack has not studied psychology.


As I mentioned, we are an association of 52 Psychology of Vision Trainers around the world. Our international website is, and Chuck's and my personal site is The Youtube videos referred to in the report are examples of one exercise - a "download" - experiencing oneness with another as a way of opening our minds to receiving grace. While the videos do not show the primary form of work that I do, they are a taste of the work. Here is one example:

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