Complaint Review: Oranum - Internet Internet
- Oranum Internet United States of America
- Phone: Skype
- Web:
- Category: Psychic Fortune Tellers
Oranum, Employer practices are illegal and horrific in the U.S. Internet, Internet
*Consumer Comment: Tricksters
*General Comment: Trolls, go home and attend to your grandmothers
*General Comment: So if Psychics and Mediums DON'T Exist....
*UPDATE Employee: Isaiah, Psychic Oranum Expert (Psychic for Hire)
*Consumer Comment: I'll gladly give a free readings
*UPDATE Employee: Versus Asknow Oranum Was Best For Me Because I Could Be Honest With Clients
*UPDATE Employee: Official reply from Oranum.
*Consumer Comment: just another web/pyramid scam
*UPDATE Employee: Wow! Who shaved your head bald?
*General Comment: get a life son
*Consumer Comment: Psychics Are Idiots
*Consumer Comment: Three Reasons Why Psychics Do Not Deserve Any Money: Important Information
*General Comment: why shouldent psychics charge.
*Consumer Comment: Information On Psychics As Scammers like A Warning
*Author of original report: Thank you for finally contacting me
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Your lucky you got to work there for 6 days
*General Comment: your funny
*Consumer Comment: SECRET SERVICE SONG 2.....
*Consumer Comment: Don't be ridiculous
*Consumer Comment: Official Reply To Oranum: We Don't Want Your Testimonials
*UPDATE Employee: Official Reply from Oranum
*Consumer Comment: Psychic Are Plain Filth: Example AUTHOR: Luna - Providence (United States of America)
*Consumer Comment: It's true
*General Comment: This is a joke right?
*Author of original report: As you wish.......
*Consumer Comment: "Psychic"
*Consumer Comment: You crack me up!
*Consumer Comment: You should be ashamed!
*Author of original report: In some cases, you are right.
*Author of original report: I pray you find more peace and joy..
*Consumer Comment: Charlatan
*Consumer Comment: You're a REAL psychic?
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This company is one of the most foul one can encounter. I have been working as a REAL psychic and spiritual counselor my entire life, and these people are just out for....I don't even know what. I have never worked for a company that used solely Skype, webcams and microphones to do readings for people. I was supposed to be well-trained before I ever began, but my training was rushed and incomplete. The trainer then treated me rudely whenever I contacted him on Skype to ask a question. I was given conflicting information about scheduling, but darn near memorized their long packet of training materials (which still was highly incomplete) so that I could do a good job. I love working with people, and evidently that showed, because by just day two my 'room' was overflowing with people who kept telling me how much they loved speaking to me! So, I thought I was getting it figured out, even though management never once answered any of my emailed questions (the only way we're permitted to reach management). I busted my butt like crazy to get my room camera ready. We had to 'fish' for clients, meaning that anyone could come into our free chat rooms (where the psychics don't make a cent) and if someone wanted a private session, they would click a button and I would be taken into a private chat room to do a reading for them. I never had a single complaint - again, everyone kept telling me they loved me.
One thing I kept trying to correct them on regarding their own policies is that for two weeks, a new employee worked for a tiny rate per minute. After that, they were called 'experts', and could charge up to $20 per minute!!!! (Outrageous). But from day two, they called me an 'expert', though I was never told I could start charging what I liked. (I like to be in the middle, though 35 years experience gives me the right to charge anything I could imagine. But I want to help people, not take them for everything they have! I just want to be able to make a simple living doing it).
So, though I asked questions that were never answered by management and I kept to everything except my schedule for a couple of days (the latter due to being very sick, which I informed them of), I received an email saying I had been terminated "based on the recent member's feedbacks and due to the fact of repeated violations of our rules we need to terminate your work at , We are very disappointed with your practices thus we close your
Psychic account permenantly."
That is all I've been told. I have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER of what I could have said or did wrong even once, I was so careful; let alone repeatedly. And I only was with them for 6 days -- what terrible crime could I have committed? I am not new to doing this work, and care deeply for my clients. I always tell anyone who is unhappy that they should try another psychic, and tell them sincerely that I would not be at all offended. So, they just let go someone who was going great gangbusters on their line without ever responding to my concerns about how to improve my work and without telling me what infractions had occurred. This saddens me immensely, because when any business treats its employees this way, they treat their customers just as poorly. So please, for your own benefit, stay away from this company. There are real, true companies with real, true psychics ( is one) who will really care for and help you. But this subcompany (Oranum) of the parent company (Lalib, who operates many, many companies) should be avoided. We all have to make a buck, but we don't have to use people for our own greed. And Oranum/Lalib is committing this crime in full.
So, protect yourself and stay away from such money hogs! You deserve so much better!
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 04/18/2012 03:07 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#32 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Thomas - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, March 23, 2017
After 25 years of readings, about the last 5 with Oranum, i had to conclude that the issue is not whether the psychics involved are for real, but rather their integridity.
As far as predictions go, some minor ones have happened. The major ones never.
And even information about the present at times turned out to be false.
These people only use their abilities to make money off you.
As for Oranum, remember, they instruct their workers to make money.
its a business. Simple as that.
The issue is not the abilities, its the moral one.
They simple are out to make money, and thats that.
The company and the readers can say what they want, but 25 years of trying, and it only destroyed my life.

#31 General Comment
Trolls, go home and attend to your grandmothers
AUTHOR: troll terminators - ()
SUBMITTED: Thursday, March 06, 2014
trolls, so much time devoted to this, you may as well go home and attend to your grandmothers. All the female members of your household is not receiving as much energy as your you input into these comments....
Go home and pass all the discrimination, hatred, heat, your anger and frustration of this world into all of your family members, especially your sons and daughters, your grandmother, grandfather, your mother, your father and everything that carries your genes. Contain all within your family ONLY, do not pollute this word with your disgust!

#30 General Comment
So if Psychics and Mediums DON'T Exist....
AUTHOR: Marie1985 - ()
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, June 05, 2013
What about this then?! A reading I did myself. (Yes, I AM a Psychic Medium, I am 27 and have been doing readings since I was 18) If I WASN'T a Psychic or a Medium who could talk to Spirit, then HOW ON EARTH DID I KNOW OR GET THIS INFO WITHOUT KNOWING ANYTHING ABOUT THE CUSTOMER! I didn't have a clue the name, sex, age of the customer, circumstances, and this is why I think YOU are VERY RUDE and closed minded about Psychics!
Please see my write up of my reading below:
I had visions of a young lady, no older than late 20's in age, surrounded by people. I could see her happy face as she was surrounded by lots of friends. Her hair was long and blonde. She was sat in an open grassed space on a bench, and I could see a building that looked like Harvard University behind her. But all of a sudden, this changed. I saw her passing, and it looked like somewhere in South America. It was a horrific accident, and I could see she suffered from head injuries, but it wasn't a sudden death, I got the feeling it was some time after. My first intinct was the accident happened while she was travelling in a coach or Bus, but that didnt feel right, she was travelling in something much bigger than a Bus or Coach. My receiver fell silent, in shock, and they confirmed all the details I had said were correct. Their Sister, had gone to a school with lots of grassland, trees and benches at the front, which did look very much like Harvard University, but it wasn't, just somewhere that looked identical. She worked for charities, so she had the opportunity to work and enhance the lives of many people, some of which she became good friends with. She did infact have long blonde hair. Her passing was in a plane accident in South America, in Peru. She was the only one of the passengers that survived. There was a search for her for several days. When they found her she was still alive but had suffered a head injury, which she later died from in hospital
Now please tell me this, If Psychics/Mediums DO NOT EXIST...then how would a Medium, like myself come up with information like this that is so ACCURATE....These kind of readings cannot be just mere GUESSES? preying on the vulnerable, as I COULDN'T EVEN SEE THE CUSTOMER! it was via chat box, no webcam or anyhting involved! Pffft!

#29 UPDATE Employee
Isaiah, Psychic Oranum Expert (Psychic for Hire)
AUTHOR: Isaiah, PA-Onyx - ()
SUBMITTED: Friday, May 17, 2013
I think that it is incredible how many people will visit me per day asking questions have that far from humanitarian or communitarian efforts. I have even given opportunity for some members to play a leadership role within the spiritual community, which is called Oranum! I will like to point out the even though members are for who they are that being perfect strangers, I am a professional and expert for the industry and work alongside Oranum, the esoteric spiritual community online. And though not all my clients are humanitarian activists, rather instead are regular people who want me, a professional psychic to use personal psychic skills for both their entertainment (amusement) as well as for their most pressing and desirable questions to be answered and on a their whim if possible.
Also, many members have gone as far as requesting to meet me in person to asking for personal contact information as an alternative method because by working with me at Oranum means that I am allowed to charge for time, strangers, whom I have never met and most likely will not ever meet in this life. Oranum has established a wonderful community called the “Spiritual Community” where people from all over the world may interact with one another and even discuss cultural differences for learning and experience purposes and even befriend members and psychic experts alike. What I am enjoying most about the site now as opposed to a few months ago is that members and the psychic experts alike are getting to interact with one another, yet members are still struggling with the fact that the psychic experts they love are in fact lovable, yes, but are not even permitted to be contacting members outside the security for the site for Oranum as a safety measure for both the psychic experts themselves and the members visiting Oranum.
It is odd, that the true argument here today is not whether psychics are real, but rather that psychics are very real and truly have the capacity to help people as to whenever they wanted to be helping others, like Oranum’s members and guest visiting the site, the Spiritual Community. As a paid psychic or better yet, even if I were running a lemonade stand in the State of California, I would still expect to be compensated and to imagine that any members or whoever else would expect anything less from me, I will say that I do not believe them to be doing much in the communitarian-humanitarian fields for human fairness and equality.
To even in a playful way, regardless for how destructive the gesture from certain members and psychics, even our peers from the psychic industry, to want to decide how we as fellow citizens in America or those residing in other countries as well as there are psychics from all over the world working with Oranum which make up the Oranum community, to use their life force and strengths for the sole purpose for being a tool for members who have no concern for how they are getting what they want, not from the world as a peoples or from people they are being spiritually (psychically) supported , such as psychics. I, like the other psychics, have lives with our own loved ones, which will make up with a partner, children, and a home to task after with the inclusion for personal circle for close relatives and friends. Psychics are human as well and members should simply ask psychics by what nature are the compensated for their work rather if psychics, who are just human beings obviously with a keen skill for seeing an feeling what the rest of the world of human beings are not as keen, this is a fact.
Oranum, is most fair and meeting all the expectations for all of the top services I have in fact worked for as members seek me out from 6 to 7 years back and when they do find me, the members I mean, they are pleased to have worked with me in the past and congratulating on my accuracy, yet they are very quick to want to take advantage for the situation for my time that they, though not realizing are taking (stealing) away from person life. So, Oranum is a place where I can perform and do the level of readings I love while helping members who have known me for some time now and new clients as well.
I rather use my abilities in a more useful way, like help people find a greater quality for living life themselves. If everyone is up and arms about psychics making money instead of being a slave to its system, then why ask psychics about person promotions and better jobs with the top salaries, after all, in this not asked on behalf for the family and quality of living, as I am asked even about new summer homes while most psychics don’t own or will ever get a summer home.
I think that the dissatisfied members and disgruntled psychics alike just need to speak about this matter with those they are actually hurting though attacking the integrity for the spiritual community. Both sides, I mean members and psychics, should ask the working psychic experts what they think and for their expert ideas on the subject. If nothing more, to get a response form the talent themselves.
Why not ask the medical and the charitable organizations to the great work they are doing for the world without compensation, even law enforcement and those who own the food chains. It will seem if this is an argument based on sheer importance for which industry is more of worthy for compensation, then why not any field that is about saving lives and not just transforming life as the psychics have the ability to be doing and do each day, perform each of their services for free. Why not end world hunger and cease with violence through the lack of resources and poor human conditions? Psychics empower people all the time and all industries that are put against and including those that are inquiries from my members have far greater salaries than a psychic does, including Christian ministries.
Why is it so important for humanity even today, to want to still oppress another human being along with their potential talents as this suggests fear and rejection that the human being is not only not being equal to certain groups and neither being that is their ability to function or live in their society, sounds like human oppression all over again.
No Thank you,
Isaiah, Psychic Expert
In terms of who bought me a gift as a person buying me a gift, then which person gave me my gifts as a psychic, so who on earth do I owe? If in terms that any gift given to any members family or children even like a loved one, perhaps a spouse, when that gift is taken by law the gift is actually stolen because by law, strangers are not entitled to anyone else’s gift that were purchased for them by another person. The gift belongs to them and that is the premise. Then God gave gifts including the gift to tithe and make offerings as one person blesses and that blessing is returned through karma, so what comes around does go back around as is the nature for the Laws of Karma.

#28 Consumer Comment
I'll gladly give a free readings
AUTHOR: Spirittarot - ()
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 07, 2013
I'm a professional psychic tarot card reader. I believe I can call myself professional because I am paid for my services. Your rant about how psychics should advise for free has some real flaws to it. I have, as I bet most other psychics have given free readings and support to people in need. If anyone asks me if they could have a free reading about what they can do to improve the lives of others, or some other humanitsrian question, I will give them one. Except, you see, 99% of the questions people ask us are of such- "is he going to call me this weekend?", "why hasn't he called me?", "will he leave his wife and children for me?", "am I going to win big at the casino?", etc.
Now why on earth would a psychic spend their time answering the questions of self-centered, narcissistic people for free?

#27 UPDATE Employee
Versus Asknow Oranum Was Best For Me Because I Could Be Honest With Clients
AUTHOR: Tori - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, December 29, 2012
HOW is it possible that you were "trained" by Oranum? I have signed up to independeitly work for them and THEY DO NOT TRAIN PSYCHICS OR READERS. HOW would one go about "training" a psychic anyway--they are supposedly NATURALLY GIFTED, WHICH NEGATES THE NEED FOR ANY TRAINING IN THE FIRST PLACE. That said, the FIRST 2 weeks, the rate is .99 per minute. Thereafter, you can charge whatever you like, NO ONE CHARGES ANYWHERE $20 PER MINUTE. I HAVE SEEN $20 PER EMAIL, NOT $20 PER MINUTE. Emai;s consist of birth charts, natal charts, readings, etc., or a combination thereof. I worked for AskNow for a long time, talk about crazy! They gave me things to say to people. They never paid on the minutes I did and had really crazy requirements no one can possibly reach to make any of the "bonuses" on their bonus tiers. They changed the bonuses all the time too so no one ever knew what or when they'd get paid. They indimidated me (or tried to) by holding my job over my head. There were maybe 5 "real" psychics working there, I was one of them. Karen Star was fired and I heard she was very real. They pushed the good ones of us to death til we collapsed from exhaustion. Oranum doesn't do that. If you lie to a client, it's on YOU. (I'm straight up legit but there are a few on there who are flaky.) Unlike Asknow I am not being forced to lie to callers to keep them on the phone at like $9.99 a minute. At Oranum I can honestly TRUTHFULLY READ FOR PEOPLE WITHOUT PRESSURE OF KEEPING THEM ON THE LINE FOR A LONG TIME. I want to know who sent you training manuals because I never got any. It is a Skype "FACE TO FACE INTERFACE SO CLIENTS GET TO SEE ME UP CLOSE AND REAL TIME." Tell me more about what happened, did they rip you off like asknow does?

#26 UPDATE Employee
Official reply from Oranum.
AUTHOR: Oranum Team - (Portugal)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, November 04, 2012
Dear Sasha!
As a reply to your post we would kindly re-confirm information provided in our respond to the Luna:
Oranum does not have 20 USD per minute price. The highest price level we have is at 9.99 credits, but majority of the Experts are using the 1.99 credits level.
We believe that this issue is based on lack of information. We would be glad to resolve this issue with you and provide you with all details about our rules and conditions which were not clearly understandable for you.
Feel free to contact us with your concerns via e-mail and we assure you that all your questions will be answered accordingly.
Oranum team.

#25 Consumer Comment
just another web/pyramid scam
AUTHOR: sasha - (Canada)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, November 04, 2012
Ive been a professional astrologer for over 20 years, and I found this site because I was checking up on Oranum. Im so glad I found this thread
Thank you Luna for sharing your experience with Oranum. Many of these huge media corporations treat employees like cattle. It's like a pyramid sceme where only those at the top make money.
To Oranum Team - Funchal (Portugal):
Unfortunately, your claims dont pass muster. A recruiter from your organization tried to lure me to your site two days ago (Nov 1st 2012) and I quote: After 2 weeks of work ( a certain amount of private readings ) you can change your per minute price to up to 20.00$ a minute.
This confirms what Luna asserted in her post several months ago. In addition, I could not get anyone to answer specific questions and concerns, things any employee might ask an employer. I couldn't get anyone agree to a phone interview.
When an employer refuses to be transparent about all conditions of employment it should raise a red flag.
Luna's testimonial confirms my misgivings about Oranum. I will not be joining your team or exposing my large client base to your dishonesty and lack of ethics. I hope other professionals read this review and avoid colluding with a virtual scam.
PS: to find out more about how some of these fraudulent web businesses operate, read Trust Me, Im Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator by Ryan Holiday.

#24 UPDATE Employee
Wow! Who shaved your head bald?
AUTHOR: SisterScorpio - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, November 01, 2012
Hello Fellow Oranumite!
Regardless of a lot of these posts being about online psychics and their personal opinion of skepticism, this is for the original poster.
Uhm.... Since when have you ever been fully prepared at a company? Anyone? I've had a few jobs where I had to actually *le gasp* look information up on my own? What? Me? Why should a company ever expect their employees to be intelligent and pro-active enough to look stuff up on their own? Oh wait... that's right, in your world (speaking to the original poster) every employer is expected to hold your hand through the entire process, my bad. GROW UP LADY! There's a reason that you weren't able to hold down a real job, and now we all know.
I've been with Oranum now for about 2 months now, and I feel the need to set the record straight about the original poster's claims:
- Granted, there's 1 admin who's a bit cold, and another who's an idiot. Since when has anyone ever worked for a company where there wasn't at least one cold distant person and an idiot in the office? C'mon now, let's be honest here. Just cause there's a bad apple or two, it doesn't make everyone at Oranum bad. You'd know this if you were legit, and not just some strongly opinionated woman who thought they were psychic because a few people agreed with her, and that didn't get their way. There are some excellent admins as long as you don't expect them to be "God"...
- The cap is 9.99 credits/min not $20/min.
- The original claim: " We had to 'fish' for clients, meaning that anyone could come into our free chat rooms (where the psychics don't make a cent) and if someone wanted a private session, they would click a button and I would be taken into a private chat room to do a reading for them." My response: If you were putting out a vibe that spoke of helping people versus desperation or deception, you wouldn't need to "fish". The general population aren't that stupid, everyone has some sort of gift of empathy or intuition. If someone feels like you're a carny just looking for a paycheck of course you'll have to fish to get it. A real psychic isn't desperate as they already know what they can do and if they'll be successful at it.
- If you expect to be "fully trained", were you expecting them to teach you how to be a professional psychic as well? I thought you already were?
- As for the "training", the admin that tests you is supposed to give you constructive criticism. It's not their fault if you can't take any criticism at all, so no, it's not "rude" just because you aren't strong enough to take it.
- Something tells me that you didn't read through the materials with an open mind, that you didn't listen to half of what the admin was telling you about the site, and that you shut down when they criticized you, and that you are too set on your own "dogmatic intuition" rather than being a true empathic, clairsentient, clairaudient or clairvoyant.

#23 General Comment
get a life son
AUTHOR: disapointed - (Australia)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, July 18, 2012
get a life one your perants will be proude off not a low life like ur now

#22 Consumer Comment
Psychics Are Idiots
AUTHOR: Nonsense & Garbage - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, July 11, 2012
@AUTHOR: disapointed - bendigo (Australia)
You are an idiot for practicing your "pyschic" trade
You are an idiot for fooling others with your "psychic" trade
You are an idiot for not being able to use the English language properly and write and spell well
You are an idiot for calling intelligent, rational and sound thinking peoples idiots when they aren't
No wonder psychics are just plain idiots

#21 Consumer Comment
Three Reasons Why Psychics Do Not Deserve Any Money: Important Information
AUTHOR: Nonsense & Garbage - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Psychics should not receive ANY $$$ monetary payment of any kind:
1. Psychics are NOT doctors or dentists. They are not licensed professionals like these two professions. They form part of what is known as an "unregulated profession." Even a psychic site proves this to be true when it says this and gives this warning:
"Additionally, the world of psychics is a very unregulated one. There is no real way to check a psychics qualifications, or experience (everybody seems to have 20+ years of experience), or ethics and morals. Consequently, anybody can get up one morning and declare themselves psychic without any problem."
Therefore since they are an "unregulated profession" they cannot make that full legitimate claim to demand monetary $$$ payment for their services since there is no adequately qualifiable regulatory body for psychic licensing the way doctors and dentists are licensed.
2. If there is such a thing as a "psychic gift" then by virtue of the definition of the word "gift" they are not supposed to receive any compensation for such. The site gives this definition:
"gift (gft)n.1. Something that is bestowed voluntarily and without compensation."
In the definition it says that a gift is an item that is without compensation and therefore if it was gotten without compensation the services or functioning of that gift should be without compensation as well.
3. All psychics are either scammers or potentially can be one: says a scam is
"a...deceptive act or operation"
To deceive people means basically to trick someone. Psychics can trick people because they can supply people with incorrect information that can get people believing in the wrong thing. Tricking someone does not only include tricking someone out of their money alone. No psychic can ever claim 100% accuracy. If a psychic says such they are absolutely lying. This is why this truthful point shows us that psychics do not deserve any $$$ monetary payment of any kind.
These are three reasons why psychics should not be paid one single dime and they are the truth as far as psychics and their deception are concerned.

#20 General Comment
why shouldent psychics charge.
AUTHOR: disapointed - (Australia)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, July 11, 2012
do you expect your dr to give you a consault for free no you dont do you expect your grocery store to give you your food for free no you dont do you expect your dentist to pull your teeth for free no you dont so why should you expect a psychic to read you for free you shouldent its outr job helping others and i can tell you this the majority of it is helping ppl stay alive after marige brake downs and so on cousaling ppl and the like its just a job no diffrent to the one you have doing what ever it is you do except i get 60 dollers an hour to cousel ppl and so i should you dont think the things we hear dont waight out lives down make us hert to your an idiot mate plane and simple sorry.

#19 Consumer Comment
Information On Psychics As Scammers like A Warning
AUTHOR: Nonsense & Garbage - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Here is an odd thing about psychics. They always like to talk about how they have a "gift" But how come if they have a supposed "gift" That they are charging $$$ money for it? Aren't gifts supposed to be for free? Herein always lies their perversion as perverse people Here is what has to say and this goes for ALL psychics (note I said the word A-L-L which means ALL)
"Psychic scams prey on peoples emotional vulnerabilities. Self-proclaimed psychics claim to have had visions or have foreseen your lucky numbers. These scamsters advise that you could come into a fortune if only you send funds to mail boxes for talismans, golden eggs or fortune telling guides to personal wealth. Or that the psychic will give you a reading or session. And of course, it usually starts with a free reading, "just for you".
For a fee, they will send your lucky numbers, wish amplifiers, talisman or other paraphernalia, which will bring you great personal wealth, often through playing lotteries or other games of chance. The talisman are often plastic junk items such as beads or even cards."
Here is more from
"Psychic & clairvoyant scams
What is a psychic or clairvoyant scam?
Psychic and clairvoyant scammers approach you by post, email, telephone or even face-to-face to foreshadow a positive upcoming event or claiming that you are in some sort of trouble and offering a solution. This solution could be winning lottery numbers, a lucky charm, the removal of a curse or jinx, or ongoing protection. The scammer will tell you that they will help you in return for a fee/s."
Notice in the two excerpts they both speak about giving $$$ money for "psychic" services. This is where psychics have the greatest potential in scamming you.
Giving your money foolishly away like this to these perverse people only shows how foolish you really are as an individual.
Don't be a Fool.
Anybody claiming to have a "gift" and using it just for $$$ gain whether it be part-time or full time is simply a greedy piece of garbage that we can also call The Scum of The Earth as well

#18 Author of original report
Thank you for finally contacting me
AUTHOR: Luna - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 10, 2012
I still hope you will establish better communication with your employees, but I give you a better rating now that you finally contacted me. Please understand that not everyone you hire is from Bulgaria, and so there might be difficulty in understanding your instructions. And I was NOT trained properly the first time, not at all. I was 'flying solo', without any guidance. So please, in the future, consider making your trainings better. I have worked many lines, and I've never had the problems I had with you. Still, I am grateful for the time when you DID get back in touch with me, and thus, wish you well.

#17 General Comment
your funny
AUTHOR: disapointed - (Australia)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 10, 2012
im an online psychic and for the first 12 years i was online i read on yahoo for free.
the past couple of years ive charged 50 cents per min you get a better quolity of client if they pay you yes there are ppl out there that rip others off but i insure you im not one of them

#16 UPDATE EX-employee responds
Your lucky you got to work there for 6 days
AUTHOR: disapointed - (Australia)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 10, 2012
to the lady that made this complaint im also a gifted psychic use no tools been in the game for yearas im looking for a new job fancey tradeing sites or maybe we should make our own what do you say?

#15 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, April 24, 2012
was submitted at this website on April 24, 2012.
Just stay at this site and type in- BANK OF AMERICA, and see if it is available in the consumer comments section at one of the Bank of America Ripoff Reports.
Thank You
***NATIONWIDE MORTGAGE ALERT: Make sure to stay at this site and type in 481508 and read St. Clair's Ripoff Report for valuable information if you have a mortgage in the USA.

#14 Consumer Comment
Don't be ridiculous
AUTHOR: Ramjet - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, April 21, 2012
I know and you know that testimonials mean absolutely nothing. Who knows who wrote them and under what conditions. Don't bother posting them.
Whether psychics exist is not a matter of opinion. Psychics, in fact, do not exist and you know it. I probably cannot change any of the poor, deluded, desperate, ignorant people who you ripoff everyday but I always feel the need to try. Certainly a waste of time but I can't seem to help myself.
Nevertheless, I and many other people are completely aware of how sleazy and dishonest you are and so do you.
I wish you nothing but bad luck, you are the scum of the earth

#13 Consumer Comment
Official Reply To Oranum: We Don't Want Your Testimonials
SUBMITTED: Saturday, April 21, 2012
We Do Not Need the "so-called stories or testimonials" from those who have fallen prey or have been deceived.
Why should we listen to stories that come from the very SCUM of the earth whose Error-Filled ways only corrupt the minds of those who are gullible and wish to be Fooled and very Easily Misled?
The Answer is that we don't want to see them, hear about them or even know about them.
It only shows STUPIDITY at its very best and people who are Full of ERROR at their WORST.

#12 UPDATE Employee
Official Reply from Oranum
AUTHOR: Oranum Team - (Portugal)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, April 21, 2012
Dear Luna.
First of all, let us apologise you for any invonveniences you had. Please allow us to address the issues you have mentioned:
- Trainings: According to our logs, you have been trained twice, the first time on March 31, 2012 and the second time on April 10, 2012. The trainings were conducted as for the other successfully working Experts. Apart from this, our management will contact you to discuss this in details.
- Complaints: Unfortunately after the second training we have received a complaint from one of the paying Clients. Our management will share the details with you in an e-mail message sent to your registered address.
- Account termination: The decision of terminating your account came after the things written above. We have certain expectations in order to give the best quality to our Members. We believe that after two trainings we should not reveieve such complaints.
- Misinformations: Oranum does not have 20 USD per minute price. The highest price level we have is at 9.99 credits, but majority of the Experts are using the 1.99 credits level.
We call the people working on Oranum "Experts", what is different from the "Expert Level" you have mentioned.
We apologise you for not explaining the situation better. We believe that this issue is based on lack of information, and as mentioned above we would resolve this issue with you.
In response to the other comments, please let us share with you testimonials our Clients left on the Oranum Experts:
Believing in Psychics or not is a choise of the person, and should be respected by others in our opinion.
Yours sincerely.
Oranum Team

#11 Consumer Comment
Psychic Are Plain Filth: Example AUTHOR: Luna - Providence (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, April 20, 2012
Psychic are plain filth. The Refuse of the Human Society.
The outcasts of a civilized world who want to play with insanity.
A despicable and debased people not known for common sense, reason or sound judgment.
That's why they are so FILTHY
Because psychics ALWAYS are.

#10 Consumer Comment
It's true
AUTHOR: Ramjet - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, April 20, 2012
It's true that you probably can't be hurt much. We all know that there is an ample supply of gullible ignorant people for you steal from.
People like you who have no conscience can easily ripoff the people who can afford it the least and go home and feel good about it.
My life is just fine, I just find it sad that people like you exist and I want to let you know you cannot fool everyone. Many of us are aware of your kind and challenge them when possible.
I would ask you to prove your ability under controlled conditions but I know for an absolute fact that you would never submit to it because you know you would fail.
You are pathetic.

#9 General Comment
This is a joke right?
AUTHOR: MartyMarsh - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, April 20, 2012
As a psychic,I would think that you would see all of this coming.

#8 Author of original report
As you wish.......
AUTHOR: Luna - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, April 20, 2012
I have responded to you people with love and forgiveness, regardless of how you try to tear me to shreds. That's fine. Do what you like. It's obvious not a one of you has a life of your own, so you must troll the internet to do nothing but try to destroy others. You've made your bed and must lie in it every day. I have said all I need to say and I am done. You cannot harm me; but it's sad to see how horribly you are harming yourselves and others.

#7 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Diogenes - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, April 19, 2012
" science itself shows that real psychics must exist. "
Do you not know how stupid and foolish that statement makes you appear ??? I am a professor at SUNY ( the State University of New York ) as all of the regular posters on here know. Not only am I a scientist, I TEACH other scientists. Here is the fact proven by empirical scientific evidence - If science itself shows us anything, it's that "real psychics" cannot possibly exist. Your misinformation only goes to show what a true liar and charlatan you actually are.

#6 Consumer Comment
You crack me up!
AUTHOR: Flynrider - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, April 19, 2012
" That is all I've been told. I have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER of what I could have said or did wrong even once "
" what terrible crime could I have committed? "
What? You don't know? Perhaps you should consult a real psychic :-)))))
" science itself shows that real psychics must exist. "
Science requires demonstrated, repeatable results under controlled conditions. That does not extend to the ability to repeatedly separate the gullible from their money.

#5 Consumer Comment
You should be ashamed!
AUTHOR: Ramjet - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, April 19, 2012
So, you have been ripping people off for your whole life and you are 'saying' you have done no one harm? Give me a break. 'Psychics' are the lowest of the low. You take advantage of poor ignorant desperate people and rip them off. We have had reports here of people being ripped off for tens of thousands of dollars or their entire life savings. They are then 'kicked to the curb' because they have no more money.
And you ask why all the animosity and vitriol? ROTFLMAO
There are no psychics, spell casters, witch doctors or any of the other ridiculous paranormal frauds. I know it and you definitely know it.
Even a used car salesman will only take you for the price of a car or high interest rates.
I don't know you personally and I am glad of that but you are just one of the lowest frauds around.
You know as well as I do that 'psychics' merely have an arsenal of sleazy tricks that any amateur magician can do - cold reading, warm reading, fishing, Internet searches, database sharing, guessing etc., there are more.
You should be ashamed of yourself and get an honest job. However, I'm certain you don't have enough integrity to do that.
I wish you bad luck and am glad you were ripped off.

#4 Author of original report
In some cases, you are right.
AUTHOR: Luna - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, April 19, 2012
Dear One:
I pray you read my response to the other person who attacked me as though I had done him or her harm. Most companies jumped on the psychic bandwagon and began using just anyone to give general answers and to strip people of their hard-earned cash. Also, since time immemorial there have been those 'gypsy fortunetellers' who also work hard to swindle people. You are right to steer clear of these types of people; and perhaps, all psychics.
But why the vitriolic rant against someone who has devoted her life to helping people? You and I have never had dealings with one another, therefore, I have never done you harm (nor would I). My rates have always been minimal; just what I need to make ends meet in a simple style of life. It makes me think that you desperately wish there to be real psychics, and you are sadly missing out on the fact that there are those who are the real thing. Elsewise, where would the charlatans come up with such ideas?
I bless you and wish you peace. Please cease attacking me - I only posted the report to let you know Oranum IS a company that indulges in the purse-robbing practices you fear. If you need to attack anyone, please direct your attacks to those who are doing what you falsely accuse me of. And if the topic is so upsetting to you, perhaps you would be wise to avoid it altogether.
Bless you, Dear One. Again, may you find peace and understanding.

#3 Author of original report
I pray you find more peace and joy..
AUTHOR: Luna - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, April 19, 2012
Dear Friend:
You have every right to believe or disbelieve whatever you wish. I cannot change that, and my report was not for the likes of you. I am curious, however, why you would attack me so viciously when I've never done you wrong? We've never had dealings with one another, and I do not judge you, your work or your life. I was merely trying to guide people away from the false companies that DO engage in the practices you describe. However, everything in life has an opposite side. So, as much as you vehemently attack me and demonstrate your hatred of psychics, science itself shows that real psychics must exist.
I do not wish to use this as a forum to argue with you or anyone. I need only wish you well; for whatever you send out to or do to others returns to you multiplied. I pray your life and heart return to Truth and Love.
Bless you.

#2 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: coast - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, April 18, 2012
"There are real, true companies with real, true psychics"
Correction. There are real, true companies with real, true con artists and swindlers. There is no such thing as a real psychic.

#1 Consumer Comment
You're a REAL psychic?
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, April 18, 2012
You and I BOTH know you are NOT, as there are NO REAL psychics, just frauds claiming to be so.
How's if feel to be ripped off yourself?
I wish you nothing but bad luck, but then you SHOULD HAVE SEEN THIS COMING!!
Fake, fraud, thief, jerk, liar, cheat, scammer, moron and those are just the one's that immediately came to mind...shaman.
IF you Truly were a psychic, your "abilities" would have allowed you to avoid all these problems, right Sherlock?

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