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Report: #963954

Complaint Review: Garage Floor Coating of Mn - Plymouth Minnesota

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  • Reported By: Exposing the truth — St Paul Minnesota United States of America
  • Author Confirmed What's this?
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  • Garage Floor Coating of Mn 2064 East Center Circle Plymouth, Minnesota United States of America

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A friend of mine is currently employed by this company.  I hope that by posting the illegal practices of Jason Ripley, the owner of Garage Floor Coating of Mn, that people will choose to take their business elsewhere.

Jason Ripley filed bankruptcy two years ago on about 1.2 million dollars.  He also has numerous active, unpaid judgements totaling many hundreds of thousands of dollars.  But Jason Ripley still lives like a very successful business owner.  He does so at the expense of his employees and by being the con-artist that he is as evidenced by his lengthy civil suits, judgements and bankruptcy. 

As an employee of Garage Floor Coating of Mn, my friend grinds concrete floors and then applies a chemical sealant.  In the first days of August, 2011, my friend was working in an underground garage of an apartment building along with two other employees.  They were using a gas generator to power a pressure washer.  The ventilation was inadequate and my friend and his two fellow employees were overcome by carbon monoxide fumes.  All three were transported to North Memorial Hospital.  One of the guys was placed in a hyperbaric chamber.  They were quite ill. 

It's now been 15 months and the hospital is still billing my friend.  Jason Ripley told the hospital that this was not a work-related injury.  The truth is Jason Ripley and Garage Floor Coating of Mn did not have any workers compensation insurance.  He was also not self-insured according to the State of Minnesota.  He did purchase insurance right after this incident according to the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry.  But the employees are left to deal with the hospital bill because Jason Ripley will not report the matter to the state compensation fund because he would then be liable for the bill along with the penalties for not carrying insurance.  But this is nothing compared to what Jason Ripley did this August. 

In August, my friend was working with his two fellow workers.  They stopped to fuel the company truck.  The employee who pumped the gas accidentally put about 5 gallons of unleaded gas in a diesel truck.  Realizing his mistake he changed the pump and continued fueling with diesel fuel.  But the unleaded gas eventually damaged the fuel injectors.  Jason Ripley was furious!  The repair was $3000 and he had no intention of paying.  Jason Ripley decided that he would deduct $375 from my friends paycheck (he gets paid twice a month) and so Garage Floor Coating of Mn and Jason Ripley have been illegally garnishing my friends paychecks for two months now.  The kicker is that my friend is not the one who pumped the gas.  But, he was the only employee with a valid license to drive the truck so Jason held him accountable. 

I have talked with the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry and the United States Department of Labor.  It is illegal to withhold anything from an employees paycheck that is not tax related or court ordered without written consent of the employee.  This is blatantly illegal and Jason Ripley knows it.  He told my friend that it is his company and no one is going to tell him what he can and can't do.   I have also contacted OSHA regarding the lack of proper equipment that resulted in carbon monoxide poisoning. 

The state and federal government agencies that oversee these violations won't take action until an employee of the company files a complaint.  Jason knows that that is unlikely to happen.  My friend is so afraid of losing his job that he is allowing his employer to illegally seize nearly 40% of his pay.  Jason also violates federal employment laws by failing to pay overtime after 40 hours.  Jason has his company registered with the state as a small business employing 1-2 people with annual sales under $500,000.  The truth is he has more than a dozen employees and his sales this year are over $2,000,000.  Because the company does work in other states and sales exceed $500,000, Jason Ripley is required to pay overtime for work exceeding 40 hours per week.  But he doesn't.  But Jason does drive a Cadillac Escalade and this summer he moved into a beautiful large brick home on Lake Minnetonka which is some of the most prime real estate in Minnesota. 

My friend is a hard working, honest guy.  He lost a good job in this recession and now he's being abused by Jason Ripley and Garage Floor Coating of Mn.  What really gets me is that Garage Floor Coating of Mn received some kind of award from the governor of Mn.  He is also featured on KARE 11 news during the state fair. 

Please don't support this fraudulent business owner.  There are other companies that do this same concrete process.  It is a franchised business.  Thank you for reading!

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 11/02/2012 04:46 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content

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#5 Author of original report

Regarding the defamation suit

AUTHOR: Exposing the truth - (United States of America)

POSTED: Friday, March 01, 2013

My little brother hanged himself recently.  My older brother and I discovered his body hanging in our mother's back yard.  It was very sad to see him frozen, lifeless, in the dark, on a cold winter night.  He told us he was going to do this.  He told us so many times that we stopped taking him seriously.  The hardest part was walking in to my mom's house and waking her to tell her that her son was gone.

In going through his computer, I found occult YouTube videos.  Yes, I did view these videos numerous times in an effort to better understand why my little brother did what he did.  I think I was looking for something or someone to blame.  I guess it doesn't matter who or what or why anymore.  I want to believe that my little brother is not damned for eternity.  I never would have guessed that his death and his memory would become part of lawsuit.

I'm not going to use this forum to respond to this attorney.  It seems futile to argue a case on an internet site.  But, I was talking to my friend today.  He was fired because of the post on this website.  He said something interesting this morning.  He said "I think the work they do (Garage Floor Coating) is awesome, I'd recommend it to anyone."  To call my friend a disgruntled employee is so far from reality.  He's been fired for something he had nothing to do with, this post, and yet he's still not disgruntled.  He's being sued for something he didn't write.  He wasn't even aware that this post existed until he showed up for work November 6, 2012 and was terminated.  Then he's denied unemployment for this post.  A week later, he receives a summons that he's being sued for this post.  So he's lost his job, his unemployment is denied, and he's being sued for more than $50,000 for something he had nothing to do with.  He's still not "disgruntled."  He's not even mad.  He doesn't understand why this is happening.  He's still my friend.  If he was going to be upset with someone, I think it would be me.  But he's not, it's not in his nature.

I grew up in a large Catholic family.  My dad had his own business.  He worked hard to put his kids through private schools.  I never witnessed my father do anything unethical.  He never took advantage of anyone.  He never broke any laws.  He was an honest, hard working, God fearing man.  I think maybe I expect everyone to be like he was.  So, when my friend was subjected to wage garnishment by his employer that was not legal, I wrote about it.  When my friend was receiving collection calls from North Memorial for a hospital bill that was work-related, I wrote about it.  After contacting government agencies that were supposed to enforce the law and didn't, I wrote about it.  After my friend was fired, the government finally reacted.  I guess I don't understand it either.   


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#4 UPDATE Employee

Defamation Action Commenced

AUTHOR: Greg - (United States of America)

POSTED: Thursday, February 28, 2013

As the legal counsel to Garage Floor Coating and Jason Ripley it is important for the readers to be aware that this complaint is the subject of a Defamation action in Ramsey County District Court, Court File No. 62-CV-13-489.  The lawsuit is against the source of the false allegations for the Ripoff Report, Steve N**** and the poster of the report, Joseph F****, aka Joseph C****, with the additional alias Cantstopjerkin.  Steve N**** is a disgruntled employee who was terminated as a result of misconduct and whose termination was upheld by the State of Minnesota in denying him unemployment benefits as a result of his misconduct.  Mr. F****/C**** is a personal friend of Mr. N**** who posted the fabricated report as apparent retaliation against GFC.  At Mr. N****s hearing, Mr. C**** admitted on the record to having lied.  Moreover, Mr. F****/C**** maintains a Youtube channel under his alias Cantstopjerkin for the apparent purpose of satanic worship and evoking demons - among other things.   GFC enjoys excellent customer satisfaction, significant repeat business and a top rating by the Better Business Bureau. 

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#3 General Comment

Some clarifications and comments to "friend"

AUTHOR: Jasper2 - (United States of America)

POSTED: Saturday, December 22, 2012

I do appreciate the time you took to reply to my questions.  But both your original post and your reply to mine suggest to me that regardless of the facts or assertions you present (1) You appear to be an attorney and (2) You appear to have an axe to grind.  You are not (nor did you present yourself as such) a former customer.

I happened across another recent post of yours on another site:

Your friendship with the gentleman who was formerly employed with GFC of MN, and your easily traceable post, apparently cost him his job.  Are you still friends?  

Only one of the links you provided to (an old article from the Strib actually yielded any useful information, and that article was focused on another individual.  The other links proved useless.  I would check links first before posting them.

I did review the BBB of MN listing and I stand corrected.  The complaint was dismissed as BBB found that the company had made a good faith effort to resolve the issue, but it was not to the satisfaction of the customer.  The company has an "A" rating, downgraded from what would have been A+ only because of the length of time in business (it so states on the web page).

Angie's list has 100% "A" ratings on this business.  Not one negative.

You should re-read what I wrote about CO poisoning.  Do you see any medical advice provided?  I was a medic in the US Air Force many years ago, and know more than a typical lay person about CO poisoning.  But I have never considered myself an expert and didn't do so in my post.  That was your inference.  How fortunate that you have not one, but two brothers who are MD's.  Do you provide legal advice to them in exchange for their services?

Mayo Clinic's web site states that the majority of people who are severely affected by CO are asleep or inebriated.  Hard to believe that 3 workers in an underground garage at an apartment building all had to be hospitalized and put into a hyperbaric chamber.  Not impossible.  Just unlikely.

You also state that this business is not focused on professionalism, but rather on profits.  Are these two goals inconsistent?  A business not focused on profits is very quickly a former business.  A business not focused on professionalism will not earn an A rating from BBB nor Angie's list.  One needn't choose between the two.

You have attacked my motives in writing my earlier post suggesting that I am being untruthful in my statement that I have never met the owner based on the fact that an employee of a business I once owned (over 30 years ago) tried to sully my reputation.  Additional info:  This employee stole materials worth over $20,000 from my inventory.

I was an electrical contractor and a unionized employer of 50+ IBEW members.  The union steward in my shop testified against the employee in court.  I won, and the employee was kicked out of the union shortly after I fired him.  I never recovered a nickel.  No, he didn't go to jail, but that's another story.  He had a very good lawyer.

There are unscrupulous employers, but there are also unscrupulous employees.

Lastly, the reason I sought out Garage Floor Coatings of MN originally was that a nearby neighbor employed them to coat his garage floor.  I saw the process at various stages, and I was impressed with the quality of the work.  That was over a year ago, and the floor looks brand new.  

I still did my usual due diligence and checked out the company on the BBB web site, as well as Angie's list ratings.  I have hired 5 contractors to do work on my home, all primarily chosen based on Angie's list consumer.  I rated every one of them with the highest rating possible in all categories.  I got competitive bids from 2 other contractors with high ratings, but GFC had the best price.  On a whim, I also checked out Ripoff Report.  I found not one unhappy customer of GFC here...only one report, not complaining about the work done, but the supposed bad character of one of the owners.  It was yours!

If this man is such a bad guy, stealing millions of dollars from investors, and failing to provide workers comp insurance, and failing to pay overtime as you state, why is he not incarcerated?  The wheels of justice may turn slowly, but these supposed misdeeds go back at least 7 or 8 years!  Denny Hecker only escaped prison for a little less than 2 years!  

I intend to do more independent research. However, I do have to take much of what you wrote with a grain of salt because you appear to have an agenda that is not to save consumers pain and suffering, but to punish this business, not because they misserved a consumer, but because of some other agenda.

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#2 Author of original report

Let me respond to your queries, "Jasper2."

AUTHOR: Exposing the truth - (United States of America)

POSTED: Saturday, December 22, 2012
You start your commentary with this:

"I am surprised by the negative report. Assume it is true, but question
why a "friend" is submitting the report rather than the individual who was damaged."

When employees are dependent on their employer for their financial  livelihood, many employees will tolerate unfair employers, some even to the point, as in this case, of having their wages illegally garnished by the employer. 

With unemployment as high as it is, the fear of losing everything you have and possibly being homeless, or having your vehicle repossessed is a powerful deterrent that keeps many employees silent when their employers are violating state and federal labor laws even to the detriment of the employee. 

Your next paragraph states:

"I have never heard of anyone who inhaled CO while conscious (not
sleeping) who needed a hyperbaric chamber as treatment. The early
symptoms are headache, nausea, and dizziness. There will also often be a
palor and rapid pulse. The emergency treatment is to leave the
affected area immediately and breathe fresh air. Normally, one doesn't
need further treatment."

Two of my brothers are doctors.  I consulted one of them for you.  He suggested that "merely because you never heard of this, does not make it untrue!"  He suggested that you Google CO poisoning, the symptoms and treatment protocol before posting such an uneducated opinion.  He also commented on the dangers of people getting medical advice online from posts such as yours. 

Let's move on to your next comment:

"The financial information is interesting, but with no background, it is
difficult to make a judgement. I will check out the credit rating
information on the company."

I did check with Dun & Bradstreet regarding the company's credit rating.  That is an expensive proposition that does not merit the investment.  However, bankruptcies are a matter of public record.  Civil judgements, both satisfied and outstanding are also accessible by any individualFollowing is a link that you can use to verify the financial history of the owner of the LLC, Garage Floor Coating of Mn.

This next link will address other matters involving the owner of this company: 

Although the criminal investigation involving a PONZI scheme was not mentioned in the initial post, I think this article speaks to the character of the employer aka owner of this company.  I did speak with one of the IRS special agents that conducted a search warrant at the home of Mr. Ripley, owner of "Garage Floor Coating of Mn." 

The search warrant was part of an investigation alleging Mr. Ripley's involvement in a PONZI scheme that swindled investors out of more than
$150,000,000 (one hundred fifty million dollars.) I have worked with this special agent in the past and I trust his judgement.  I feel confident that he will never be a customer of "Garage Floor Coating of Mn" in light of his insight into the character of this owner/employer. 

Isn't this fun?

Let's move along to your next comment:

"Other questions:

There are severe penalties for operating a company with employees and not providing workers comp insurance. Were
there any penalties, and if so, what were they?

Now that is a valid point that perhaps you could pass on to the company that's going to finish your garage floor.  Yes, there are penalties.  Unfortunately, the wheels of justice move slowly.  This is still an ongoing investigation to my knowledge. 

The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry did order "Garage Floor Coating of Mn" to pay the employee all wages that were illegally withheld from his paycheck and that has been resolved.  I consulted with the office of the Minnesota Secretary of State to clarify the size and scope of this business.  I was provided a copy of the workers compensation insurance policy which appears to be purchased after the CO poisoning.  The person I spoke with stated that "Garage Floor Coating of MN" did not have insurance when the accident occurred and further stated that the company was not self-insured. 

But, the employee has now filed a claim for the outstanding hospital bill with the insurance company that "Garage Floor Coating of Mn" claims issued the workers compensation insurance policy.  The insurance company's claims department must be scratching their heads wondering why this claim is coming in 15 months after the incident.  The employee filed the claim per instructions from the investigator with the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry. 

Let's keep moving here, it's almost dinner time.  Your next statement is:

"Is it possible that the fueling of a diesel truck was a malicious act?
It is hard to believe this could have been an accident. Diesel fuel
pumps are clearly identified as such, and usually on their own island at
fueling stations. The employee obviously realized he pumped gas into
the truck, yet did not call the owner to ask what he should do? The
usual remedy is to siphon the gasoline out and then refuel with diesel

and you added:
"Is it possible that the employee was offered an option to pay for the damage or be prosecuted for malicious damage to property?"

Point taken!  I can assure you there was nothing malicious about this accident.  The employee that was financial penalized here with illegal garnishment did call a friend of his who is a GM mechanic.  The mechanic told him that the truck would be fine.  This employee was not the one who pumped the gas.

As for the employee that pumped the gas, I don't know him.   However, some employers hire employees with less than stellar cognitive skills because the employer is focused on profit, not professionalism. 

Boy, that roast smells good.  Let's move on!  Next you write:

"Lastly, as a consumer, I am concerned about the reputation of a business
I employ to work for me. Angie's list has a 100% "A" rating on this
company going back more than 3 years."

"BBB of Minnesota has only one negative on its website...a warranty issue that was resolved to the
satisfaction of the consumer involved. For a company this size, this is a very good record.

A company this size?  How big is this company?  You sound more and more like someone who does know this company and it's owner.  You state that you are neither.  Hmmm! 

The complaint with the BBB was NOT RESOLVED to the satisfaction of the consumer.  Read it again!

According to the Minnesota Secretary of State AND other federal agencies whom I won't mention right now, this company has been listed as consisting of 1-2 employees with annual sales under $500,000.00 (five hundred thousand dollars.)

Check your facts!

Just for giggles, check out this court website.  It details the lawsuit Mr. Ripley filed against federal agents investigating him for his alleged role in the PONZI scheme.

It also appears that Mr. Ripley sued the very banks that now hold judgments against him.  He sued them for "TRUTH IN LENDING" after he defaulted. 

And this website shows the Complaint filed by the "Securities and Exchange Commission" in federal court.  There's that name again:  Jason Ripley!

Yes, he sounds like an honest, hard-working business man.  When you hire him to do your garage floor, you'll be supporting a business owner recognized by former Governor Rudy Perpich.  There is a certificate on the "Garage Floor Coating of MN" website.  It is rather blurry, look hard, you can make it out.  But, Mr. Ripley was only 21 years old when Governor Perpich left office.  And "Garage Floor Coating of Mn" didn't exist.  How did he get acknowledged by a governor for a business that didn't exist when he was a mere 21 year old man?  Please surmize!


I'm back.  Next you state:

"Ripoff Reports normally have to do with consumer issues...this appears
to be strictly an employee grievance issue. I do have some very big
issues about accepting without any proof that the owner has done
anything illegal. If he had, then there is a big question as to why he
has not been prosecuted. The office of the Attorney General does not
charge to look into such illegal behavior. Has a complaint been filed
in that office? Might that be because it is illegal to file a false
report with the AG's office?"

The office of the Attorney General referred me to the United States Department of Labor and the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry.  When these departments failed to act because I was not the employee being illegally garnished, the investigator for the office of the Attorney General advised me to file a formal complaint with them and they would investigate the matter. 

But all of this is moot now, because the EMPLOYEE WAS FIRED after the initial Ripoff Report was published.  Mr. Ripley alleges that the employee was responsible for this posting.  In fact, the employee knew nothing about this posting until he was presented with it by his employer, Mr. Ripley, and given 48 hours to have it removed.  The employee did not have the ability to remove the post and was subsequently fired. 

Side note:  It has been 6 weeks since the employee was fired.  The employer, Mr. Ripley, has contested the employees application for unemployment.  The hearing with the unemployment judge was to be last week, but Mr. Ripley asked for and received a continuance leaving this abused former-employee with no income for two months over Christmas. 

I can see why you feel compelled to hire "Garage Floor Coating of MN" to finish your garage floor. 

You ended your post with the following:

"I have never had any dealings with GFC of MN. I do not know the fact this is the first time I have seen his name in print."

"I am a former business owner who has been victimized by hostile acts by a
disgruntled employee who tried unsuccessfully to sully my reputation."

"At this point, I expect I will do business with the company. I see no reason (yet) not to."

Yes indeed!  Birds of a feather...I find it difficult to believe that you are not a friend of Mr. Ripley, if not Mr. Ripley himself. 

But then, what do I know?

I do know more than I can say right now! 
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#1 General Comment

Considering GFC of MN for a job

AUTHOR: Jasper2 - (United States of America)

POSTED: Saturday, December 22, 2012

I am surprised by the negative report. Assume it is true, but question why a "friend" is submitting the report rather than the individual who was damaged.

I have never heard of anyone who inhaled CO while conscious (not sleeping) who needed a hyperbaric chamber as treatment. The early symptoms are headache, nausea, and dizziness. There will also often be a palor and rapid pulse. The emergency treatment is to leave the affected area immediately and breathe fresh air. Normally, one doesn't need further treatment.

The financial information is interesting, but with no background, it is difficult to make a judgement. I will check out the credit rating information on the company.

Other questions:

There are severe penalties for operating a company with employees and not providing workers comp insurance. Were there any penalties, and if so, what were they?

Is it possible that the fueling of a diesel truck was a malicious act? It is hard to believe this could have been an accident. Diesel fuel pumps are clearly identified as such, and usually on their own island at fueling stations. The employee obviously realized he pumped gas into the truck, yet did not call the owner to ask what he should do? The usual remedy is to siphon the gasoline out and then refuel with diesel fuel.

Is it possible that the employee was offered an option to pay for the damage or be prosecuted for malicious damage to property?

Lastly, as a consumer, I am concerned about the reputation of a business I employ to work for me. Angie's list has a 100% "A" rating on this company going back more than 3 years.

BBB of Minnesota has only one negative on its website...a warranty issue that was resolved to the satisfaction of the consumer involved. For a company this size, this is a very good record.

Ripoff Reports normally have to do with consumer issues...this appears to be strictly an employee grievance issue. I do have some very big issues about accepting without any proof that the owner has done anything illegal. If he had, then there is a big question as to why he has not been prosecuted. The office of the Attorney General does not charge to look into such illegal behavior. Has a complaint been filed in that office? Might that be because it is illegal to file a false report with the AG's office?

I have never had any dealings with GFC of MN. I do not know the fact this is the first time I have seen his name in print.

I am a former business owner who has been victimized by hostile acts by a disgruntled employee who tried unsuccessfully to sully my reputation.

At this point, I expect I will do business with the company. I see no reason (yet) not to.

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