Complaint Review: Academy Of Knowledge Pre School - Miami Florida
- Academy Of Knowledge Pre School 2240 nw 119st Miami, Florida USA
- Phone: 3056877171
- Web: http://www.academyofknowledgepresch...
- Category: Preschools
Academy Of Knowledge Pre School Aok rude disrespectful behavior, Miami Florida
*Author of original report: I see you're stupid and there is no fixing that
*Author of original report: ok
*Consumer Comment: You are an idiot lady!
*Author of original report: thank you
*Consumer Comment: Again you change your story!!! Your on a roll lady!
*Author of original report: teachers not teaching is a rip off to society
*Consumer Comment: Again how have you been ripped off?
*Author of original report: if it's a school some teaching should be going on.
*Consumer Comment: How is this a ripoff?
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I have recently been looking for preschools for my son and was told about the Academy of Knowledge by a friend of mine and decided to check it out. Upon arriving to at the school i observed a few children left on the playgroung unattended but i didnt really think anything of it maybe they were being punished. As i walk into the school i see at least three teachers at the front conversing and thought to myself "shouldnt they be in class" seeing as it was well past nine a.m and class seemed to be in session. I was greeted by the receptionist who took a break from her business on her cell phone to greet me and she called the director Ms. Lisa Brown. This woman was one of the most rude obnoxious people i have ever met in my life. She walked me around and i observed that most of the classrooms were very understaffed (about teacher for 20 something 3yr olds). She talks to her employees with no respect at all and the staff seems more concerned with gossip than teaching. I spoke with a couple of the teachers and even they didnt have anything good to say about the school or the director. Asi was leaving i saw an older woman i believe to be a teacher outside crying when i asked if she was ok she said " i cant wait to leave this job you just dont understand". That was enough for me to pack my child up and run for the hills i will not be returning to the academy of knowledge and if education is your focus i would advise you not to send your children there either.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 04/25/2014 01:12 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#9 Author of original report
I see you're stupid and there is no fixing that
AUTHOR: Close down AOK - ()
SUBMITTED: Thursday, August 21, 2014
I've said enough send your child there

#8 Author of original report
AUTHOR: Close down AOK - ()
SUBMITTED: Sunday, April 27, 2014
Again you use a bunch of words to say nothing. You've made assumptions about me without any fact. Assumptions that do nothing but show how stupid and uneducated you really are life can't be taught in a book. This ignorance was probably passed down from your parents which is why they would be so proud of their jerk of a child. Stop being so deliberately dumb it's a reflection of your parents and whatever you do with a stick all day is not my concern. No I haven't spent a penny there and never will because of my observations on my visit. Again this was for PARENTS which you'll probably never be seeing as you have to leave the computer to join the club. You can tell me about your alleged degrees and iq levels at the end of the day you sound like some lonely jerk with nothing to do and no one to do it with... Good Day

#7 Consumer Comment
You are an idiot lady!
AUTHOR: Jheckman - ()
SUBMITTED: Sunday, April 27, 2014
Its obvious to me that you haven't read a word i have typed, i have actually told you very helpful and informative points but your stupidity prevents you from understanding it. Everything i have said was valid and helpful, i'm only a jerk to people who are deliberately ignorant like you are, or stupid!
But i suspect that your dangerously low IQ won't allow you to grasp what i have said so i will say it again but with a twist... for the love of god get sterlizied. Our society dosen't need any more of your infected gene pool mixed in with it.
I wish to god that it was a crime to have children grow up amongst mentally deficient parents but i suppose i have to accept things as they are.
I suggest you learn to read and stop responding with nonsense!
Reread my post again, specifically the points i laid out.
Stop being deliberately obtuse lady, it looks poorly on your kids. secondly my parents are unbelievably proud of me considering i already have a bachelors degree and am going for my masters. i suspect you have barely any high school under that "BIG" Miami "Belt" of yours, then again i suppose you wouldn't need much if you are expecting to spend most of your time arguing with someone who is clearly smarter than you are, not to mention that special career of twirling around a stick all day.
Another point is that i may be a jerk but i "was" also trying to help you. But i guess some ""OLD DOGS" CAN"T BE TAUGHT NEW TRICKS"
The issue we have is that you feel so darned entitled to having everything your way that you feel the need to slander a preschool/daycare facility just because you didn't get your way. You apparently haven't spent a single penny at this place, unless you change your story a third time of course. What gives you the right to do that? Right; that good old american self entitlement issue that is slowly poisoning our society.
Lady; the customer is not always right. H*ll most of the time the customer is an idiot, PEBKAC comes to mind and in your case it is unbelievably relevant. Good luck sweetie... âº
First of all my reading comprehension is perfect, about twice my age... when i was twelve they told me my reading ability was equivalent to me having a third year college degree.
Secondly the refrence to hundreds a week has no qualifying explanation, in other words it is not clear as to what it is describing. It could be your kid or someone elses, maybe you should reread it a few times with a clear head.
Third of all i probably have fifteen times the amount of friends you have considering i am a part of seven professional organizations and am a moderator at two different blogs, a youtube account is also in the works. SO I CAN ASSURE YOU that many people do infact care about what i think.
Fourthly, I would love to tell you how much of a lyer you are to your face, just name a time and place. I'm not hiding at all lady, i just don't know precisely where you live. I'm assuming you live in Miami, Florida USA but i can't say for sure.
Fifthly i did a google search and for any parent to send or even think about sending a kid near that school is severely unfit. Sources
You must not care about your kids safety if you would consider sending him/her to a school that looks like it is being run by a sex offender.
Last point, i am a full time college student taking between 5-6 classes a semester and i can assure you that time is not on my side nor do i have an abundance of it. I just enjoy calling people out on their BS and this is also a great stress reliever.
More importantly i am trying to help you, albeit in a rude way.
I suspect that if you are sending your kid off to a preschool its really just to avoid teaching him/her yourself...
I have made numerous "GOOD POINTS" but i suspect that you are either too ignorant and/or stoopid to comprehend that or you are really just that dense. I feel so sorry for your son/daughter to have a mom like you, soo close minded to not take criticism. Albeit the negative kind but hey you can still learn from it.
I am not around kids usually because i can't tolerate the screaming and misbehaving that parents allow nowadays, but kids that i have met around 3-4 usually arent that smart. Again its due to poor parenting, but i have met very few that can use a cell phone. I guess the issue i have with your statement
"Maybe children you come in contact with aren't that bright but I've seen 4yr olds operate their parents cell phones ease."
is that you seem to think thats a good thing!
One last thing... please break up your post sentences, it looks so sloppy.

#6 Author of original report
thank you
AUTHOR: Close down AOK - ()
SUBMITTED: Sunday, April 27, 2014
Thanks again for telling me a bunch of nothing it has been very informative. You're a college student and being a jerk on the internet is your stress reliever? I think you have bigger problems than this post. So continue to make sense less "good points" that mean nothing to anyone. I don't blame you I blame your parents you probably don't know any better. You probably can't grasp being smart at 4yrs old because you aren't that smart now but yes it does happen fyi. Once again... PARENTS beware of AOK preschool and the ignorant college kid who has so much to say about nothing

#5 Consumer Comment
Again you change your story!!! Your on a roll lady!
AUTHOR: Jheckman - ()
SUBMITTED: Sunday, April 27, 2014
First of all my reading comprehension is perfect, about twice my age... when i was twelve they told me my reading ability was equivalent to me having a third year college degree.
Secondly the refrence to hundreds a week has no qualifying explanation, in other words it is not clear as to what it is describing. It could be your kid or someone elses, maybe you should reread it a few times with a clear head.
Third of all i probably have fifteen times the amount of friends you have considering i am a part of seven professional organizations and am a moderator at two different blogs, a youtube account is also in the works. SO I CAN ASSURE YOU that many people do infact care about what i think.
Fourthly, I would love to tell you how much of a lyer you are to your face, just name a time and place. I'm not hiding at all lady, i just don't know precisely where you live. I'm assuming you live in Miami, Florida USA but i can't say for sure.
Fifthly i did a google search and for any parent to send or even think about sending a kid near that school is severely unfit. Sources
You must not care about your kids safety if you would consider sending him/her to a school that looks like it is being run by a sex offender.
Last point, i am a full time college student taking between 5-6 classes a semester and i can assure you that time is not on my side nor do i have an abundance of it. I just enjoy calling people out on their BS and this is also a great stress reliever.
More importantly i am trying to help you, albeit in a rude way.
I suspect that if you are sending your kid off to a preschool its really just to avoid teaching him/her yourself...
I have made numerous "GOOD POINTS" but i suspect that you are either too ignorant and/or stoopid to comprehend that or you are really just that dense. I feel so sorry for your son/daughter to have a mom like you, soo close minded to not take criticism. Albeit the negative kind but hey you can still learn from it.
I am not around kids usually because i can't tolerate the screaming and misbehaving that parents allow nowadays, but kids that i have met around 3-4 usually arent that smart. Again its due to poor parenting, but i have met very few that can use a cell phone. I guess the issue i have with your statement
"Maybe children you come in contact with aren't that bright but I've seen 4yr olds operate their parents cell phones ease."
is that you seem to think thats a good thing!
One last thing... please break up your post sentences, it looks so sloppy.

#4 Author of original report
teachers not teaching is a rip off to society
AUTHOR: Close down AOK - ()
SUBMITTED: Sunday, April 27, 2014
First of all it isn't about my standards the state requires 1 teacher to every 11 students not to every 20. Did I say that I was paying them hundreds of dollars? or did i say hundreds are being paid to them for not doing their jobs after seeing what I saw why on earth would I pay them anything. It seems that you're the one with the comprehension problems if you can't understand how people are being ripped off by this place. Maybe children you come in contact with aren't that bright but I've seen 4yr olds operate their parents cell phones ease.Bottomline who cares what you believe and I could care less if you work for the school or not I've called dcf already and was posting here to inform other parents not people who hide behind computer screens and talk foolishness to feel important. Has anything you said helped or hurt the situation in any way? No a bunch of words with no point. The only things that are clear here are 1 AOK is a horrible preschool and 2you have too much time on your hands.

#3 Consumer Comment
Again how have you been ripped off?
AUTHOR: Jheckman - ()
SUBMITTED: Saturday, April 26, 2014
You can't just add facts arbitrarily as you go along, it makes you look like a troll and a liar. First your report made it seem like you were complaining that the school wasn't up to your standards while taking a tour, now you add a few facts that contradict your original post by making them claim that you have been "paying hundreds of dollars a week to a school that the child isn't being taught anything but facebooking instagraming and gossiping isn't a rip off I’m not sure what is."
I find it incredible that a preschooler knows how to use Facebook and instagram let alone know what they are. Bottom line I don't believe you, I don't think anyone else will either! I suspect you are either making all of this up for attention or you really do believe in the delusion that you have been ripped off, because I don't believe your new retelling of events. I'm sure your about to suggest that I must work for this preschool or something, most delusions shift toward that direction; I’m just calling it as I see it.
People who change their stories are usually lying!
“Yes I do think things should go my way when I'm paying for it and a real waste of time would be writing a rebuttal to say a bunch of nothing thank you and good day” This line makes you sound extremely childish and practically destroys any credibility you may have had left. My original comment was very clear and in fact had no nonsense in it, nor did it say a “Bunch of nothing”. I suspect your issue is reading comprehension.

#2 Author of original report
if it's a school some teaching should be going on.
AUTHOR: Cose down AOK - ()
SUBMITTED: Saturday, April 26, 2014
If paying hundreds of dollars a week to a school that the child isn't being taught anything but facebooking instagraming and gossiping isn't a rip off Im not sure what is. Yes I do think things should go my way when I'm paying for it and a real waste of time would be writing a rebuttal to say a bunch of nothing thank you and good day

#1 Consumer Comment
How is this a ripoff?
AUTHOR: Jheckman - ()
SUBMITTED: Saturday, April 26, 2014
So you wasted an hour touring a preschool and you feel you have been ripped off? Where is the justification in what you are saying, how was this a ripoff when you paid no money?
The first mistake you made was trusting another human beings reccomendation without doing any real research yourself. Secondly you complain about the teachers when i doubt you understand how stressful it really is. They get paid paltry sums of money and have to babysit up to 20-30 kids at a time, it sucks even if they enjoy it.
I guess you feel entitled to have things go your way instead of dealing with the fact that "You Can't Always Get What You Want".
Good Luck!!!

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