Complaint Review: Purple Reign Campaign - Internet
- Purple Reign Campaign Internet United States of America
- Phone:
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- Category: Nonprofit Organizations
Purple Reign Campaign PurpleReign Domestic Violence Fundraising Internet
*Consumer Comment: Back on Topic
*Consumer Comment: Yes, Josie.
*Consumer Comment: Well, this is news to me.
*Consumer Comment: I know Justine to be a good person
*Consumer Comment: How non-profits are run
*Consumer Comment: Wow, Purple, really? Who's the liar now?
*General Comment: A question I asked awhile ago?
*Author of original report: Get it straight, and get it back on track.
*Consumer Comment: Why File a False Report?
*Consumer Comment: Justine AKA 'Darkness'
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Justine S is a Liar and a Convicted Felon. Stop posting false reports!
*Author of original report: Thank you
*Consumer Comment: Really now.
*Author of original report: Oh I'm sorry!
*Consumer Comment: Hilarious.
*Author of original report: Very interesting -
*Consumer Comment: Retaliatory and Immature
*Consumer Comment: The Facts
*Consumer Comment: PRC DONOR
*UPDATE Employee: I am the Bookkeeper
*General Comment: I'm not so sure.
*General Comment: Purple Reign Campaign Is NOT a ripoff!!
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: This is entirely false
Fundraising campaign to benefit a non-profit agency for victims of domestic violence. The campaign was to end with a concert event in May 2012 with all proceeds to be donated. "Purple Reign" has been asked directly in person, and via her website about a final accounting and handover of the funds to the NP agency with no response, report, announcement, or blog post.
It has been rumored that she and her superhero husband, Phoenix Jones, have some financial problems and have used the funds raised for their own personal finances.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 06/23/2012 12:52 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
If you would like to see more Rip-off Reports on this company/individual, search here:

#23 Consumer Comment
Back on Topic
AUTHOR: C King - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, August 18, 2012
My name is Caylon King. Some of you know me from Facebook, and know that I try to keep a level head and open mind, even when I disagree on a certain topic. I've seen a lot of schoolyard fights going on here, but very little actual discussion of the original report, or the questions it raises.
I don't know Justine personally, but I talked to her, performed a cursory background search, and researched what news articles I could find. Her criminal record shows dismissal after dismissal for charges that are largely lumped together, and are from almost twenty years ago. More recent charges stem from emotional manipulation of a highly charismatic individual who preyed on many others as well, swindling $300,000.00 from one woman and marrying another to further his agenda. Justine isn't a bad person, and I don't believe anyone else here is bad.
This report doesn't seem the least bit libelous. It states that questions regarding the disbursement of donated funds have gone unanswered. It also states that there are rumors that funds were misused to benefit the Fodors, rather than go to the charity. These are relevant questions that any legitimate NPO should be ready and willing to answer, regardless of the purported character of the person from whom they are asked.
So how about it folks, can we stop fighting long enough to answer these seemingly simple questions, and discuss the implications? Does anyone here feel the questions are not relevant to any institution which accepts donations?
Let's get back on track.

#22 Consumer Comment
Yes, Josie.
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 17, 2012
Just continue to play the perpetual victim like always. U use "Anon404" in other sites to attack other people and u are one of only TWO people that I told of my pregnancy. U posted my name & pic, or at least one of ur personalities did. Once again, u are "playing victim" and I am not fooled. U were notified by the email notifications from ur previous posts and because of ur vindictive nature u came here and posted about me after I blocked u on FB.

#21 Consumer Comment
Well, this is news to me.
AUTHOR: JosephineVenture - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 17, 2012
I was alerted to my safety and reputation being severely damaged in this thread this afternoon. Due to my own personal safety being jeopardized, I refuse to involve myself in this textual spewing and ask that my name be kept out of these theatrics, as in not even so much a mention, and that what little respect you are able to give, you do so. NONE of this incident has a damned thing to do with me and I certainly hope the actual parties involved are able to come to a peaceful resolution. Thank you.
-Josephine S. Venture

#20 Consumer Comment
I know Justine to be a good person
AUTHOR: SkyMan - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 17, 2012
Hello, my name is SkyMan and I am a member of the Real-life Superhero community and operate out of the greater Seattle Area. In defense of a friend I will say this... using real names and outing people is petty and low by real-life standards... using slanderous language is illegal. Some people dont deserve to have any secret identities...
Tara Jo St. Clair is one of the most aggregeous examples of this. I had first hand dealings with you yesterday Tara and you showed your true colors. Instead of opening the door and accepting the legal document I was to deliver you decided to make a spectacle of it. I have stayed away from you and Josh, you made no uncertain terms that I could go eff myself and I left it at that. Josh reached out to me months ago looking for some advice on how to deal with your mental illnesses due to the fact that I am battling my own and have reached some stability in them. I advised him that he needed to stand by you and help you in any way he could.
Needless to say your relationship is over and both parties are extremely emotional. Tara, you know me from when I did try to be your friend before you made those slanderous statements against me. I would never harm you nor would have said anything aggregous against you. All that changed by your actions yesterday and whats done cannot be undone... for you to call the Kent PD and make a spectacle of it is what hurt me. Quivering in fear and saying over and over again to the police officer, "dont let him near me, dont let him near me" Tara, I was there to do a favor for an old friend that reached out to me in his time of need. I am one of the most kindest, sincerest, and gentle capes out there on the mean streets... for you to act like I wanted to hurt you is laughable... shamefully laughable.
I beleive the Purple Reign Campaign to be of utmost reproach... from what I understand the 501c status is pending upon final government approval... Im not too knowledgeable of such things. Ive worked and collberated with the Rain City Superhero Movement and will continue to do so. Am I member? No Do I speak my mind about Phoenix Jones and let my opinion out at every chance I get? No. I want to stand for higher ideals and I strive to "walk the talk" as they say. All of this controversy over Purple's raising money for domestic violence is sad. She should be applauded for her efforts to battle back from something that a lot of people dont ever recover from. I can speak from experience, I am a survivor of dv myself.
We all live our own lives and make choice, decisions, and opinions that lead us down the road of life. I implore you to make yours mean something, and stand for something more noble than yourself. Have your actions speak louder than your words... just, let those actions be of high caliber and not to make a spectacle.

#19 Consumer Comment
How non-profits are run
AUTHOR: Legal Aide - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 17, 2012
Perhaps Ms. S can, and should, take a look at how an NPO in Washington state is required to report its earnings from a fundraising event. Or, since she is so willing to throw Ms. DiMotta under the legality bus, her paralegal friend.
As a NPO employee, and a former public entity employee, I know the many requirements of report filing, member services and fiscal accountability can be taxing. There is a lot of work for what amounts tonl a paperweight at the end of the day. However... Purple Reign/Ms. S. and her paralegal, Ms. DiMotta, have entered in to a non-profit world, complete with all its laws, and with the added pressure and public scrutiny of being a local celebrity. Congratulations, you got what you wanted, Ms. S. - publicity. Too bad it's for the wrong reasons.
If the Purple Reign Campaign, and NW Life, would just release reports on the amount of monies raised and donated, it would answer all these questions once and for all. The fact that they haven't been released? Beyond suspicious, to downright fiscally irresponsible and lending itself to fraud.
I have no concern with filing a report with the Secretary of State's office on Monday morning since it is just three blocks from my office, and am watching this thread, along with others, to see if the PRC can/will the respond in a logical, mature manner.

#18 Consumer Comment
Wow, Purple, really? Who's the liar now?
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 17, 2012
Since everyone wants to talk about me - here I am. U claim to know me, but I know comment #13 is from Purple herself (Owner of Company - forget which account ur using Summer?) - and that is a FLAT OUT LIE to claim you know me from when I was in Oregon!!! I met you last year after I had been living here in Seattle for a few years!!! Since u are so intent on the truth, then how about this: Why don't u admit that many of my past charges were from the same incident and they were dropped and dismissed? If you really knew me then u would know it wasn't my drugs, but my bf at the time. If u really knew me u would know I DO NOT DO DRUGS nor do I even drink alcohol!!!
So I see that SUMMER DAWN is on here lying about her friendship with me, and then having her friends get on here and make more lying comments. All the while she refuses to address the original question about the campaign funds and accountability! Why would u choose to deflect attention and attack me? Maybe because that is what PJ always does, and u do whatever he does?
Now, I also see that Erica Skutelsky is on the bandwagon with false claims. When have u or Eric Woods EVER supported myself and my boyfriend?? EVER?! I can only recall the ONE time when u invited us to "Ride the Duck" and paid for the tickets, which was repaid with his next check. Does that count as money problems and bailing out?? If so, then I see another person who highly exaggerates and is attempting to make personal attacks rather than address the real issue... And I am refraining from calling out your "fiance's" name, unlike your uncouth decision, Erica. And BTW, there is no stirring up family drama (if he wants to see his kid why would u stop him?) and he is NOT being controlled. HOW DARE YOU make such accusations that I am abusive to him - YOU DO NOT KNOW ME like that and I WILL BE looking into defamation charges. YOU DO NOT KNOW about my previous relationship and WHO was the instigator! Defend ur best friend with FACTS and not assumptions and lies!! And while ur at it, since u know about my assault charge maybe u should mention how it was dropped and how my ex submitted papers to the court admitting that he had lied when I was charged - how about that, ERICA???!!!
The real question I have is why doesn't Purple, Pj, or any of their friends answer the inquiry about the PRC fundraising rather than make personal attacks? Yes, I've made mistakes in the past... but NO I DO NOT do drugs (if u really must know it was my ex, who I took the fall for since I didn't want him to go to prison. I was a first-time offender who got off with probation only). I am not on drugs, I do not drink, and I have straightened my life out. That does not mean I cannot question things that I see that are wrong or do not add up. That does not mean I am a controlling abuser or any of these other outlandish accusations that have been made by Purple and her friends.
This thread was created in regards to the PRC campaign and has now been turned into a personal attack by it's founder and supporters. If this is the type of people who run the PRC NPO then I definitely DO NOT want to EVER contribute any funds anymore in the future!! If a NPO cannot publicly announce how much was raised, and how much was actually contributed to the cause, then it is DEFINITELY NOT A CAMPAIGN THAT I, OR ANYONE I KNOW, WOULD WANT TO SUPPORT.

#17 General Comment
A question I asked awhile ago?
AUTHOR: circusjaxxs - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 17, 2012
Purple Reign, I had asked this question awhile ago and I'm asking it not holding any regard toward these obvious personal issues you all seem to be having. I asked you what percentage of donated funds went toward the NPO no matter what.
Laws in my State regarding an NPO are that upon request of potential contributers, the flatline percentage of funds donated must be provided. I have emailed Northwest family life several times & have not gotten a response. Now assuming your laws are the same as mine basically, can you provide this information?
Maybe I want to donate to your NPO, but I need to know what that percentage is because some of them only give as little as 13% of donated funds to the cause, justifying it by saying people need to be paid. It's a simple question that's yet to be answered ,and to be honest it makes me question the validity of the organization.

#16 Author of original report
Get it straight, and get it back on track.
AUTHOR: Concerned Consumer - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 17, 2012
First of all, anyone who claims to be friends with Justine would know:
a. she is not a druggie, she DID hang out with the wrong crowd in the past - but that is the past
b. she made one comment on this thread and is not the original author
c. she did not choose the nickname "Darkness", it was from a joke where Pitch Black referred to slipping into the darkness
d. she NEVER flirted with other team members while on patrol - in fact she was usually quiet and in the background.
Secondly, since Erica Slutulsky and her "fiance" Eric Woods claim to have helped and "bailed out" this couple as she claims, I would like to know when, exactly, did this financial assistance occur? Maybe Erica likes to exaggerate as much as her best friend's (Purple) boyfriend does?
Thirdly, this thread was only questioning the fundraising and distribution of funds. It does not state that the PRC is NOT doing good, or has good intentions. It is merely asking for transparency and documentation of donations, as any NPO has the responsibility of reporting.
Also, since some of you kids have a hard time with reading comprehension: the previous statement about Purple was a direct quote of Tara St. Clair and not the personal opinion of this author. In fact, when it was said Tara was told she was wrong of her opinions. No one has accused Purple of those things except for Tara/Josie Venture. Please re-read that paragraph.
Finally, this thread was left well alone until Tara decided to come in here and kick up dust, and stir things up. If other friends of Purple and PJ want to join the bandwagon of distraction and blame, please by all means, feel free. But I will always refer back to the original point of this report which is simply asking about the donations raised by this NPO and the allocation of the funds. Plain and simple.
Now if you feel the need to continue with personal attacks then it only shows how juvenile and childish you are. If you feel that people cannot make mistakes in their past and become a better person then you are truly ignorant. I know Justine personally as well, and I can tell you she only posted on here once and never again. Continue with the bad-mouthing if that is what makes you feel better, but to re-direct the thread (once again) - we are only looking for accountability and answers to questions of the fundraising that are still yet unanswered.

#15 Consumer Comment
Why File a False Report?
AUTHOR: Friend of Justine''s - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 17, 2012
Wow, I can not believe all of this drama and nonsense! It is totally clear that the report is false and that Justine is a felon on a mission to destroy other people's lives. The PRC and PJ are people who are only trying to help others!
I also know Justine and Purple in person. My fiance and Justine's boyfriend Matt Waldron AKA Pitch Black are good friends since high school. Purple never has been a stripper and done anything remotely of the sort. She is morally good, compassionate, and a wicked smart accountant. She loves to help people!
Justine and Matt are the ones with money problem and we are always having to bail them out and help them. She is so controlling over him and has made him a victim of domestic abuse. No wonder she doesn't like the Purple Reign Campaign, she is an abuser! It makes perfect sense why she would say bad things about a nonprofit that helps victims of abuse when you are the one who gets off on hurting other people. She should never be allowed to have kids!
I also know that she has an assault charge against her but she claims she was the victim of domestic violence in a past relationship. Thats all BS, she was the instigator! I've spent a lot of time with her because of our boyfriends close friendship. I've rarely heard her say a positive word about anyone and she has started stirring up drama with Matt's family. I agree with the others who have posted here, Justine Stephens is evil.
Trust me, she is up to no good. Justine doesn't like any of the heroes outside of her own boyfriend Pitch Black.

#14 Consumer Comment
Justine AKA 'Darkness'
AUTHOR: Hero - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 17, 2012
I know who Justine is. I used to patrol with Phoenix Jones and his team on guest patrolls. She would come out and go by the name 'Darkness'. Which was a clue to me at just how demented and messed up she is. Hearing her talk on patrols I got a little inside information on her character and her personal dislike for Purple which leads me to believe this report has nothing to do with the actual nonprofit. This is just some 40 year old woman who is filled with hate and jealousy.
First off I never understood why that cow was out on patrol, she is over weight and does not have any athletic ability or street skill (aside from dealing drugs from what I read in the above report) that would even contribute to the team or helping people on the streets.
She constantly talked about everyone (including people on and off the team) behind their backs. She held herself in high regards like she does no evil....coming from the woman who calls herself Darkness. She flirted with all of the guys on the team and wanted to be the center of attention. I honestly just think she is jealous of Purple and all of that she has accomplished.

#13 REBUTTAL Owner of company
Justine S is a Liar and a Convicted Felon. Stop posting false reports!
AUTHOR: Concerned with the Truth - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 17, 2012
First of all, Justine Amanda S has no basis for having posted this report in the first place.
I know her in person from her Oregon days (outside of all of this weird superhero drama she has gotten herself wrapped up in). Its just like Justine to be causing trouble, she always has been a liar and a thief and a druggie.
Justine should not be making these claims as she is a convicted felon with a history of making false reports, lies, and breaking the law. For someone who is pushing 40, she really should grow up and focus on her health because she is obviously not doing well. She has numerous drug charges (and convictions) which resulted in her felony, probably the reason why she is having problems with her pregnancy and keeps losing babies.
She needs to clean up her act, stop the drugs, and stop the lying. Its obvious she is jealous of all of these other people who are doing something positive in their lives (and who have healthy families).
Here is a simple list of her charges (which is not complete by any means) I only post this as a warning to never believe or trust her as she is a convicted felon:
Manu/Del C
Del Mariju\
Del Marijuana For Payment
Improper use emerg. rep system
Vio Max Sp
Vio Max Speed/Urban Area
Conspire A/Fel
Conspire A/Fel
Manu/Del Cntrld sub-SC 1
Most of these are from her Oregon days...but I'd think twice before trusting anything that Justine Amanda Stephens, convicted felon for drug trafficking, has to say about someone else. Honey, you need to start worry about your own life and not about what other people are doing when it has been clearly proven over and over again that the Purple Reign Campaign helps people. You are the only person around here with a personal vendetta for hurting others. Leave the supers alone, I'm sure your parole officer will want to hear about all the libel and slander you have been smearing. You dont want to end up in jail again do you?

#12 Author of original report
Thank you
AUTHOR: Concerned Consumer - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, August 16, 2012
Thank you - Josephine Venture aka Tara Jo St. Clair. (I can get more personal than that if you like, since you like to go there. I won't get into your documented mental illnesses, so I'll just leave it at that.) I strongly suggest you research the term "harassment" and take a good hard look in the mirror.
But I am keeping on point. This report is questioning the transparency, legitimacy & reporting of funds from this campaign. It has nothing to do with "friendships" or any other motive than to get an answer about how much was received and when it was handed over. You, as well as many others, have also had these questions and have yet to see real concrete answers. All NPO fundraisers have a running total or grand total of funds received and the percentage donated to the recipient, except for this one.
I'm sorry for your situation, and even more sorry to see the shape that you are in right now, and I hope that one day you will find peace in your soul that you obviously so desperately need.
Until then I have every right to ask questions and practice my First Amendment Right. Just like it is your choice to do a 180 from your previous stance, where for the last year you swore that Purple was a stripper, she's a "club w***e", her son is not hers, etc (your exact quotes BTW). Now, just like other aspects in your life, all of a sudden you have a change of heart and are on the other side of the fence. You are fully entitled to that and I applaud you for always standing your ground, no matter which one of your personalities it may be.
If you want to contribute to the legitimacy of this campaign then please, by all means, let everyone know how much money was raised (so far or in total) and how much of it was actually sent to Northwest Family Life and when? Otherwise your personal attacks are very childish and if that reflects the attitude of PJ & Purple, then it can be very detrimental to their efforts as well.

#11 Consumer Comment
Really now.
AUTHOR: Anon404 - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, August 16, 2012
Your fake emails and claims have already been blown out of the water as being false. Frankly, all you're doing at this point is making an arse of yourself and proving the belief of many that you're bitter and out for revenge over friendships that no longer exist.
I strongly suggest you drop this issue altogether, evaluate your own issues, and concentrate on the fetus growing in you instead of further jeopardizing your criminal record by continuing to harass and make false claims.
In short, chill out. It's over and done in everyone's mind but your twisted own.

#10 Author of original report
Oh I'm sorry!
AUTHOR: Concerned Consumer - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Monday, August 13, 2012
I mis-spelled Summer Dawn's last name, it should be Summer Dawn Stevens, shall I post your home address as well to prove her identity?
So nice to see you still concentrate on drawing attention elsewhere and making attacks by any means possible. But you still have yet to answer any of the questions posed here or elsewhere. Shows just how you two are unable to follow your own advice and "stay classy". But thanks, once again, for proving my point!

#9 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Anon404 - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, August 12, 2012
Settle down, convicted felon, and at least learn to spell properly.

#8 Author of original report
Very interesting -
AUTHOR: Concerned Consumer - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 10, 2012
So you think you know the person who posted this report, and you feel the need to "out" their name?
First of all, nice try. But you are wrong. Maybe this is Summer Dawn Stephens aka Purple Reign's way of smearing the name of someone who is outspoken against her BOYFRIEND Phoenix Jones Ben Foder, or even one of his loyal fans defending his honor, who knows? Who cares?
The point is: the $2,000 handed over was the amount raised from the silent auction alone. Where are the funds from all the other proceeds? Where is the announcement of a grand total or running total of money raised? What about Phoenix Jones' selfish fundraising for his "supersuit" to protect himself alone and not his team? Why don't you answer those questions rather than keep trying to deflect attention away from you and blaming others for your problems? How about some answers to these and other questions if you want to show how honest this campaign is?

#7 Consumer Comment
Retaliatory and Immature
AUTHOR: Anon404 - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 10, 2012
This Ripoff Report was submitted by Justine Stephens, who is the girlfriend of Pitch Black. She falsified conversations with Purple Reign, the bookkeeper, and others as yet another one of her hysterical retaliations against a perceived enemy.

#6 Consumer Comment
The Facts
AUTHOR: Concerned with the Truth - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, June 29, 2012
For anyone paying attention and actually doing their homework, the directors at NWFL have come forward and squashed all these rumors stating:
"Just to confirm there is no truth to the allegations that NWFL has not recd funds from the Purple Reign campaign. The auction proceeds weve recd total just under $2000 and there is more pledged from the Nectar Lounge door charge and from T-shirt sales." Dr. Nancy Murphy, Executive Director of Northwest Family Life.
She also had this to say: "As for the Ripoff Report post, here's what Murphy had to say: 'There's no truth to that. I don't know who would make a statement like that or why, but there's no truth to that.' " (from SW article referenced below)
There was a follow up article and investigation done by Kegan Hamilton of Seattle weekly (I'm not sure if this link will be removed or not):
But you can easily search it, the title is: What a Ripoff: Phoenix Jones and Purple Reign Accused of Stealing Charity Money
The article begins with "A post on the website Ripoff Report accuses Phoenix Jones and his wife Purple Reign of supplementing their personal finances with money raised to benefit a non-profit organization that supports victims of domestic violence. It seems the real ripoff, however, is that the allegation is apparently totally bogus." and he follows up with evidence as the initial report here is clearly lacking.

#5 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: PRC Donor - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, June 28, 2012
My name is Reggie and I purchased a Phoenix Jones T-shirt towards the Purple Reign Campaign fundraiser for Domestic Violence .
I truly believe this report is a prank , rumor and a false report , as well this is Libel as their is information coming out that the donations raised was recieved.
As well one of the head members of said organization that the PRC event was raising money for was their to assist in the fundraiser .
I think that this is ground for an investigation by this website to look into actual evidence by contacting the Northwest family life themselves .
As well to the author of this sham of a report , how dare you and shame on you for writing a report based on rumors and false accusations .
This is dangerous terroritory now friend , this is slander and I also believe malicious intent to harm the reputation of solid good caring people .

#4 UPDATE Employee
I am the Bookkeeper
AUTHOR: The Bookkeeper - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, June 28, 2012
I am the Bookkeeper of the PRC and no one has contacted us for any records as stated in these reports.
I have records showing that a check from the auction proceeds was mailed to NWFL. I have copies of these checks.
I have an email document showing that our attorney's office received the check on 06/27/12 from Nectar (from their portion of donations).
The t-shirt company Bad c**k has still not mailed their portion of the donations and you can follow up with Seth there to confirm that.
Again, no one has contacted us inquiring about any of these donations. Everything posted here is libel and has no grounds. Caitlin, our attorney at Impact Law can be reached for further investigations on these matters.

#3 General Comment
I'm not so sure.
AUTHOR: OK - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, June 28, 2012
Out of curiosity, I contacted NW Family Life yesterday and asked about donations from the PR Campaign. The bookkeeper there told me that no donations have been handed over, and that you told them you are waiting on money from the t-shirt sales. I'm sure this can be confirmed by contacting the t-shirt manufacturer/distributer? Are you saying that the bookkeeper is wrong? Or is your statement about already submitting funds incorrect?

#2 General Comment
Purple Reign Campaign Is NOT a ripoff!!
AUTHOR: SL - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, June 28, 2012
This is a non-profit campaign dedicated to helping end domestic violence. All proceeds that come through Purple Reign's site are donated to Northwest Family Life Learning and Counseling center in Seattle, WA. All of these things are clearly stated on the campaign website and links to the non-profit center are on the site as well. This report is based on rumors, and it even states this within the report. It seems utterly unprofessional that any one person would defame an organization devoted to helping others based on rumors, speculation, and without solid evidence.

#1 REBUTTAL Owner of company
This is entirely false
AUTHOR: Purple Reign Campaign - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, June 27, 2012
This is Purple Reign, director of the Purple Reign Campaign and the report here is entirely false and it even says in the report that its based off of someone's rumors.
All funds collected have been and will continue to be sent to North West Family Life, no funds have been used for personal use or expenses.
No one has contacted me directly or indirectly about these claims as stated in this report.
The Purple Reign Campaign is legally represented by Impact Law Group, Caitlin DiMotta is following up on this report for damages and slander. Caitlin can be reached at (((ROR redacted)))
CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

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