Complaint Review: Goodwill Industries - Oklahoma City Oklahoma
- Goodwill Industries 2109 SW Penn Ave. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma United States of America
- Phone: 405-681-7225
- Web:
- Category: Disability Services
Goodwill Industries Goodwill Industries- the Monster that Unscrupulously and Incidiously Devours Human Compassion- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
*General Comment: Goodwill pays as little as .22 cents per hour for disabled the goverment pays the rest
*Consumer Comment: Workers at Goodwill - Salvation Army-Local Thrift do Steal
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: help is on the way
*UPDATE Employee: Goodwill's HR
*General Comment: In solidarity In The northwest
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Standing behind you here in lumberton texas
*UPDATE Employee: I am an employee with the Goodwill Industries of the Chesapeake and I could not agree more.
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: YOU ARE RIGHT
*UPDATE Employee: Employee Grievances at OK Goodwill
*General Comment: Goodwill is one of the agencies I will always contribute to.
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Urgently requested, with the sincerest request for immediacy of caution and action: DO NOT DONATE, WORK FOR, OR IN ANY WAY- CONTRIBUTE TO ANY GOODWILL FACILITY. Let me expound... this "Goodwill Industries," has proven itself to be a corrupt, greedy, non-compassionate, ruthless and carless brood of vipers as is related to any and ALL human and/or public relations.
My room-mate is an intelligent woman of a mature age who just happens to live with "Prior Willy"- a mild learning disability. While her thought processes are not always easy to express, she is quite clear and concise, once these said thoughts are collected. Due to her stress-level at this juncture, I have personally chosen to lodge this complaint against Goodwill Industries.
First, my room-mate has worked for Goodwill Industries for 17+ years. Though more than capable, she has NEVER been given an opportunity for advancement into the "higher" echelons of Goodwill Industries. In an attempt to transfer from out-of-state, she was told that she would just have to start all over again (I reitterate here that she has worked for this company for 17+ years) and would only make minimum wage. This is absolutely outlandish!
I personally travel quite frequently and throughout many of the Goodwill Industries facilities located throughout the midwest and southeast; I have personally witnessed the repulsively demeaning character, the bad attitudes and the lack of concern that management and various non-challenged staff members hold toward customers and employees alike. Goodwill steals from the public in order to errect facilities that are essentially designed to fatten the pockets of management and give them a FALSE sense of pride and accomplishment- all this while my room-mate's (amongst other employees in similar situations) sick leave and vaction time was ELIMINATED in order to fund these exhorbatant and useless ventures.
To put the icing on the proverbial cake- my room-mate was left outside the "Goodwill Industries" facility (tonight)- in freezing wind and temperatures, while management remained inside the building where it was warm... she was informed that she was not allowed to wait inside (for her ride) and that she could wait across the street at McDonald's if she wanted to get warm.
Within the first three days of her transfer to this particular facility, she has been bullied, threatend with employment termination and kept at work in a NON-HEATED loading dock.. Certain management personnel have also been through her personal belongings-(a notebook she uses to record vital information such as contact names, numbers and addresses) one manager's word over another manager (and the lying, on behalf of management ensues)...
One can only summize that "GoodWill [and I use that term very loosely] Industries" is making a mockery of the generosity of American Citizens and abusing presumably "easy" targets by hiring those who face disablities and challenges on a daily and often life-long basis. The majority of Goodwill Industries employees are handicapped, in some way challenged or have serious health problems They hire these "targets" (under the guise of care and consideration) in order to reinforce their own feelings of inferiority, inadequacy, false-pride, and false-accomplishment.
If you or someone you truly love and care about is in any way associated with Goodwill Industries... get out now- you are worth a lot more than they would have you believe.
If you are Goodwill Industries Management and wish to rebutt- I DARE YOU. Likewise, If you in anyway know who this complaint is in reference to, and she by some "strange" circumstance is fired... GET YOUR CHECKBOOK READY because I WILL OWN YOU. Our lawyers are standing by...
Thank you for your time and consideration in regard to these matters. Give (without reccompence/ receiving) to your local homeless with a pure and non-jugemental heart. Have a nice day.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 01/05/2010 09:10 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#11 General Comment
Goodwill pays as little as .22 cents per hour for disabled the goverment pays the rest
AUTHOR: Patty - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Monday, January 14, 2013
January 14, 2013
I understand Jim Gibbons 2011 Salary was over $742,000. Other CEO's of Goodwill (I saw at least 7) made over 300,000. And up. I also saw that our Government paid Goodwill $54 million for compensation for hiring disabled people (they make minimum wage right?). Goodwill is also tax exempt for all those stores property tax right? I have a big problem with Goodwill paying top dollar for key CEO's, get free inventory, get the government to help with the cost of payroll, use the word non for profit by training people to do the job they were hired to do (what company doesn't train new employees?). Screen the free inventory pull the valuable items, we thought would go to the needy only to see it at auction on line. Price the undesirable free inventory too high for most needy and place it in their stores. What I am having a hard time finding is how is this a charity? I see how much the CEO's are making but nothing on the monetary charity to the intended needy people. Can you please show me how Goodwill spends the over 4 billion Goodwill has made to help US families in need???? As I write this Goodwill commercial came on begging for hatch backs so they can continue to help make a difference. Make a difference for who? The CEO's lifestyle???????????? I am sure the CEO's are very nice people but when I donated to Goodwill I did not know or want it to go to the CEO's I wanted to help the needy. Its time to be transparent for real.

#10 Consumer Comment
Workers at Goodwill - Salvation Army-Local Thrift do Steal
AUTHOR: Laura - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, January 05, 2013
Then I talked to a guy at the Salvation store and he told me the employees are always unloading items right into their cars and reselling them on e-bay. My items were superior to what I have seen in the local stores. I will never donate nice things to Goodwill again. I would rather burn them. Shame on them for misusing genorosity.
The worst is when you see a Goodwill employee in a outfit you donated for them to Sell...

#9 REBUTTAL Owner of company
help is on the way
AUTHOR: chero - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 17, 2012
hi to all posters that think good will is a ripoff is completely correct. i have had some of the same problems as most of you.less one poster on here that saying they gave ,presents and candy .what a hoot that is.good will puts junk on shelves and dig through the good stuff and keep it for them selves. they put it on e bay or take it to other places to be sold.i have watched them for some time now. i am not a pi or anything like that. but after my last visit,seeing all sorts of violations in the way they conduct them selves its time to help you folks out.i don,t want to say what i,m going to do cause i think good will spy,s are on here as well.i think i know some body that will get the ball rolling.i read another article on another site where the president at the time was busted with a large amount of good will's money.what started me to help out was when the wife and i bought some electrical stuff that was broken,and the prices they are charging for some of the stuff.we were told signs were posted all over the store and that you have seven days to bring them back for store credit o,k.before i forget the president was trying to leave the country,when he was arrested.that,s been some time back to what happened.we were told they could not check every thing electrical that came in.that i can check it you,r self is the answer an i correct? got to looking around,only one plugin to do was worn out,had not been changed in so long,even after the flood we had here. the plug was located beside two big swinging doors that if you was bending down doing this by the doors you will be crushed when they my idea is to take pictures of all the store,plugin,s sines and just things that were after that i go back and stand at the counter waiting on wife to check out.the girl at check out or manager what ever she was said,sir,want to tell me why you are taking pictures in my store.i did not answer.again she ask the same,i said,i heard you.she told me i could not do that.i have pictures of many city,state,codes being broken.they were going to eject me from the store but i left too soon.i am going to see what i can do to help shut these crooks down.this store is located .just out side new orleans.i will not stop until this bunch of crooks are all in jail.this store is for the poor.its a ripoff not give to them or buy from them.all you are is lining the pockets of the worst people god ever gave breath i will be working on this until i get it done.if good will spy,es are on here getting info i,m coming fore you

#8 UPDATE Employee
Goodwill's HR
AUTHOR: noonankate - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Human resources is for manager's etc. They don't help the lower people on the pole. If you get injured, sick or anything else get out of their way because they want you gone, that's a fact and I have 6 months of day to day documentation against them. Their day is coming

#7 General Comment
In solidarity In The northwest
AUTHOR: dobson67 - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 23, 2012
Goodwill's here are no better in the pacific northwest.

#6 Consumer Comment
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 10, 2010
as they get the most donations. pretty much instantly they turn into a " pack" of thieves who openly take anything they want to sell on ebay and split the profits. the lower ranking workers dont dare say anything. goodwill managers are extremely pushy and will fire them in the blink of an eye. one time at goodwill oldsmar i found something that was worth money on ebay.they know i:m an ebay seller and after being followed by just about all the "higher ups" there one of the managers came right up to me and asked me what i had . i repeat people, "nobody, but nobody is walking out of that store with anything that can be resold" except them !! then of course they always have one or 2 cashiers who are also part of their team . their the last line of defense. if they know you are a reseller they will closely inspect what you are buying so they can find your seller name on ebay and begin stealing all your research and knowlege about whats sellable on ebay. and let me assure you the goodwill corparate managers could care less so long as they get their big fat checks every week. did you know that the ceo of goodwill makes over 600 thousand dollars a year himself, and the next person below him makes over 300 grand a year? thats two guys people making almost a million dollars a year nevermind all their corparate cronies. i just saw them at goodwill gandy boulevard last month probably trying to figure out why that store isnt "panning out " enough. unfortunately theirs no law against what they are doing and will probably never be. the only people who can do anything about this disgraceful exploitation of the poor and needy is us regular people. do not donate anything to goodwill and tell all your friends not to donate their and why. theirs plenty of other charities out there in desparate need of donations / donations that will actually reach the needy instead of going into some fat cats pocket. i"m actually having a couple of anti goodwill t shirts made for me right now.

#5 UPDATE EX-employee responds
Standing behind you here in lumberton texas
AUTHOR: cherylann64 - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, June 29, 2010
read your report and only the geographics are different.EVERY thing you say is true!!
The store i worked in is so out of control and there is noobdy to report to that seems interested.There is one employee left out of the core group of people I worked with.He is in a wheelchair.Management decided to put him in charge of "Wares" and told him he would have to use a cane to perform his work.Well he did it and it was very unpleasant to watch believe me...after that didnt suit them they moved him to textile and put him back in his chair...The bins the clothes are in are huge and heavy..when he tried to move the bin from his chair he couldnt do it so when an employee did wahat any human being would do and helped him...she was reprimanded and told to get back to work..The manager of this store is nothing but corruption.The people above her who are supposed to look out for the employees do just the opposite and cover up and lie.I myself was fired for being what goodwill considers a troublemaker all because i wouldnt allow this manager to continue to bully and harass the employees.there is more than enough laws being broken here everyday.the few employees left there have been told if they speak to employees who are no onger there they will lose their jobs.they are deprived of their breaks,allowed to go to the bathroom during and ONLY during the allotted time of 11:00-11:10 and 11:10-11:20 and the same at 3.Do not think you will go at any other will be written up if you do.basically the manager terrorizes the employees everyday...the corporate operation manager and the human resourse person know this allow it and cover it up...even the CEO is without any backbone.It all comes down to money with these people.Walking in to the store you get a feeling of what it may be like in a third world company sweat shop.I would gladly go to vourt to see that these pathetic management and cotporate people are put out of their jobs....goodwill is a joke here.

#4 UPDATE Employee
I am an employee with the Goodwill Industries of the Chesapeake and I could not agree more.
AUTHOR: John Doe - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, April 02, 2010
I agree with what you have said and I must say that your description: "Let me expound... this "Goodwill Industries," has proven itself to be a corrupt, greedy, non-compassionate, ruthless and carless brood of vipers as is related to any and ALL human and/or public relations." could not be much more accurate. My main opinion is that this company will do anything for more money. I am not going to go into all the juicy details but let's just say, it seems like almost every Goodwill is the same.

#3 UPDATE EX-employee responds
SUBMITTED: Sunday, January 10, 2010
You are 100% right! Goodwill does not care about its employees at all. Case in point with stores here in Washington State. Having worked at a store, I saw and wittnessed first hand the favoritism by the store manager. Luckily, our supervisors were compassionate caring people. But soon after I left, the other supervisors life or were fired as well.
They did so because this particular store, is in a small town, and Goodwill charges outlandish prices! They are hell-bent on getting their money. $15.00 for a pair of boots because they came from Land's End?
The clothes are another joke. They are not even sized right! Plus, clothes are always in the wrong area: Men's shirts in the Women's department, and vice-versa.
Crappy furniture priced way beyond what it is actually worth! Add to the fact, that even though they have their half price sales, if a particular item does not sell, it is thrown away! Yes! Thrown out into the garbage! It has to be broken of course, because some person without money may want to go and get it. Speaking of garbage, this store manager, uses the Goodwill dumpster for her own personal use!
Can't say enough about this manager. Belittles employees in front of others and supervisors. You never know if she is going to be in a happy or foul mood-one that conquers the Mommie Dearest and takes it up 5 notches. Many people have spoken to the toll free 800 number, they have spoken to the head honcho's, and you know what? Nothing was ever done,surprise there.
We used tobe able to have radio's to listen to. GONE! Used to be able to have coffee/water bottle at our production station. GONE! Used to be able to have one or two personal pics at the work station. GONE!
Forget about trying to do anything for your community! Goodwill takes vouches from other agencies and they claim that is how they help the community. Wouldn't it be far better, to actually help a family that had a fire, to GIVE them dishes, clothes, furniture? No, that might be too noble.
No wonder why Goodwill has so many turnovers. In our town, it is one of the biggest employers, and the whole town has worked there at one time or another, if that gives you any clue. No because they were disabled, but because they needed a job.
Form a group, get support. Get legal advice and pursue legal action and take it to the media. You are not alone! Especially to larger newspapers!

#2 UPDATE Employee
Employee Grievances at OK Goodwill
AUTHOR: OK Goodwill - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, January 07, 2010
Oklahoma Goodwill Industries has received your email expressing concern over the treatment of employees. We have every desire to address your concerns; however additional information is needed for a successful investigation.
Please be assured, Oklahoma Goodwill Industries encourages a safe, hazard free work environment. We prohibit harassment of and discrimination against employees on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability and veteran status or any other status protected under local, state or federal law. This includes harassment by supervisors, managers and employees. Our policy is that all employees conduct themselves in ways that ensure others are able to work in an atmosphere free from harassment of any kind.
To help Goodwill succeed and fulfill our mission, we encourage all employees to communicate problems to either their supervisor, the Human Resource department or to the HOTLINE. The company takes this matter seriously and provides a HOTLINE if the employee feels uncomfortable reporting to either the supervisor or Human Resource Department. The HOTLINE is available 24 hours/7 days a week. An employee report can be anonymous. Harassment in the workplace is not tolerated by Oklahoma Goodwill Industries.
If you would like to contact us regarding the incident, I encourage you or our employee contact us. OKLAHOMA GOODWILL INDUSTRIES HOTLINE (405) 278-7158. Thank you for taking the time to express your concern.

#1 General Comment
Goodwill is one of the agencies I will always contribute to.
AUTHOR: Inspector - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, January 06, 2010
You mentioned "this particular facility", maybe this is a local problem, after all you also said "she worked for this company for 17+ years". Apparently there was no problem until the transfer.
Every company is cutting back on certain benefits due to the economy but, your criticism of Goodwill Industries seems excessive.
When I was eight years old I was abandoned by my parents and lived from foster home to institution. The state would put me with anyone to get rid of me. For three years I had not had a real Christmas with presents and one year I received a package from Goodwill, the package contained clean underwear, some candy, and a small toy. I have never forgotten this to this day and will always give to them. I don't care how many are trying to ruin the reputation of Goodwill. If one child is helped then, it's all worth it.
I am not now nor have I ever been employed by Goodwill Industries, just a recipient of their generosity. GOD BLESS THE GOODWILL!

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