Complaint Review: ramin delavari immigration service - Internet California
- ramin delavari immigration service Internet, California United States of America
- Phone: 3103620240
- Web:
- Category: Consumer Services
ramin delavari immigration service is a fraud company Internet, California
*General Comment: Very rude!
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Ramin Delavari Immigration services is a Fraud
*Consumer Comment: Ramin Delavari IS A THIEF and Criminal
*Consumer Comment: Help you
*Consumer Comment: So you ARE a felon ! A HA!
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: False Alligation_ I am ready for debate anytime
*Consumer Comment: Answer The Question Ramin!
*Consumer Comment: Most Trusted Name ??? I Don't Think So
*Author of original report: RAMIN DELAVARI ia a convicted felon la ca.2007
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Ramin Delavari trusted name in Iranian Community
*Consumer Comment: This Company Is ILLEGAL
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Ramin Delavari is not effected by false allegations.
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ramin delavary is not a lawyer and what he he is doing is illigal to provid immigration service for iranian people he riped off my fiend in iran for 2000$ promissed him to get a visa to america but his application was denied and he keeped all the money and do not snswer calls any more he screen calls that he wants to answer or the new victims which is unfair for pooor iranian that need help to com to america i read he riped off another iranian for 15000$ for just to tel her how to apply for student visa even the real lawyers donot charge anythige close to this price for one hour work i read he originaly asked for 30.000$ . is this how the system of justice work in america alowing him to continew cheeting the peopple
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 04/06/2010 03:48 AM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#12 General Comment
Very rude!
AUTHOR: Kevin - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Friday, June 02, 2017
Today Friday June second I've called 8185274972 intending to speak with Mr.Ramin Dlavari! The person answered the call introduced himself as Ramin Delavari! I politely asked him about his services and fees he said for a visa to US will cost 12000000 tooman in Iranian currency then I told him I thought was around $2000 and all the sudden he said a bad word in persian to me and then hung up on me! I was really shocked! called him back but no answer this time. I was just trying to get some information for my relative in Iran and I was treated like this! now I have the reason to believe that this individual really has something to hide! yours to discover!

#11 UPDATE EX-employee responds
Ramin Delavari Immigration services is a Fraud
AUTHOR: Delavari Pedarsag - ()
SUBMITTED: Monday, May 13, 2013
I am writing to confirm that Delavari Immigration Services is a BIG rip off.
Mr. Delavari makes claims that are false. I have personal knowledge of his work and dealings with clients and have seen how he makes promises that he does not keep.
For example, he signs contracts for various types of Visas such as student visa or investment visa; both of which are difficult to get unless you are an attorney which Delavari is not. After getting the money, he changes the contract to a "tourist visa" only. The client paid the money (more than $8,000/person), is in Iran, and can't do anything but to agree to the tourist Visa which they could have done on their own for a fraction of the cost. Anyone can request a tourist visa without signing any contracts and wasting their hard-earned money.
The client pays an additional 60 Euros to the Italian Embassy and $160.00 to the U.S. Embassy, in addition to what they have already paid Delavari. Most clients are not given a tourist visa to the U.S.!!! In short, Delavari gets $8000/person and the client may or may not be given a Visa to the U.S. If they don't get a Visa, too bad. Delavari does not return any portion of the money (even though it is clearly stated in the contract) and he blocks all future phone calls from this client.
He also threatens these clients with physical harm if they complain about him.
If the client obtains a Visa, Delavari asks for the remainder of the money ($5000/person) and the client is responsible for all travel costs to the U.S. In short, the client pays more than $13,000/person to Delavari while also paying for all travel costs.
He also promises his clients that once they get to the U.S. on their tourist's visa, he will ask for a green card for them by requesting assylum status. This is completely illegal. And because it is illegal, he can't make good on this promise. Clients must then pay for a real attorney to do their case.
He has many complaints filed against him for his fraudulent work practices and repeatedly changes his phone number and employees in order to keep himself in business.
He says he has a license to do this type work, but good luck getting a copy of his license. His license number on contracts keeps changing. He says he has been in this line of work for 15 years, but this is a lie.
In short, he eats people's money and doesn't have the right credentials to help people with their immigration problems.

#10 Consumer Comment
Ramin Delavari IS A THIEF and Criminal
AUTHOR: Afgthugirl - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Mr. Delavari is a liar and a thief. Now he has moved on to the Afghan comunity, He scams people and takes thier money and then tells them he does not know them. He has done that to me, he took $2500 from me and now refuses to know who I am. His employees and phone number keeps changing.

#9 Consumer Comment
Help you
AUTHOR: helpyou - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, May 25, 2012
Call this attorney
Gabor Szabo
9107 Wilshire Blvd 8th Floor
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
He is the attorney of his exwife too.
He knows many things about him.
Good Luck!

#8 Consumer Comment
So you ARE a felon ! A HA!
AUTHOR: Sergeant Preston - (Canada)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, April 20, 2010
By your response it is very interesting how you DON'T DENY you lack the required surity bond and you DON'T DENY that you are a CONVICTED FELON. All you talk about is how "sucessful" you are. Well, Al Capone was sucessful - until he went to federal prison.
I think you have scammed and ripped off one too many of "your people" as you put it. I also see that you are in the "Credit Repair" business (SCAM) as well.
You will do anything to steal, scam, rip-off and cheat unsuspecting and desperate people so you can have the "appearance" of sucess and legitimacy. The house of cards is falling down around you pal, and you have only yourself to blame for your GREED and lack of Honor.
I have started an investigation into your background and I will locate other victims of your crimes and take them personally to the L A County D A Office of Investigations. I will also take whatever damaging information I can dig up on you to ICE and get your residency revoked since I KNOW you are NOT a citizen of the USA. Time to go home to Iran you 3rd rate criminal. You are no longer welcome in America.

#7 REBUTTAL Owner of company
False Alligation_ I am ready for debate anytime
AUTHOR: Delavari Immigration Services - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Dear Reader,
As for the writer of these articles, I must mention that for the nice jokes that you are writing about me, I am very grateful since you make us laugh, convicted felon?? As a matter of fact, we are laughing as I am writing this.
Because I value my time and instead of investing time responding to these false allegations against me by an anonymous individual(s) who obviously have one thing in mind and that is hatred and jealousy, I shall not participate in responding to these silly allegations any longer since there is no point in debating individuals who do not exist or who do not want to reveal themselves to defend their allegations.
As stated above, the allegations against me are completely false. Before they said mentioned I am not bonded now they say I am a convicted felon what is next? Under penalty of perjury, I have never been convicted of any felony.
In contrast to you negative publicity against me; I am becoming more and more successful in my personal and business life.
Whenever are ready and to proof your side with evidence I am ready to debate you. Choose location, choose time, choose medium, I am ready to prove you false. And because I am ready to prove you false and because you will never be able to prove that you are right,

#6 Consumer Comment
Answer The Question Ramin!
AUTHOR: Rabbi Pedro Goldstein - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, April 19, 2010
Ed said you do not possess an Immigration Consultant Surity Bond. This bond is required by state law. So if you do IN FACT possess the above mentioned bond - please state what the number is or under what name it was issued under. This information is PUBLIC RECORD so don't claim it is some invasion of privacy to not give it. If you are a LEGITIMATE BUSINESS PERSON than why do you resort to idle threats and insults and not respond to the charges like an adult?
Anyone with a credit card can buy time on some internet cable television station. That doesnt make you the least bit legitimate.
I really have my doubts that you are doing business legally.

#5 Consumer Comment
Most Trusted Name ??? I Don't Think So
SUBMITTED: Monday, April 19, 2010
Just because your fellow immigrants "trust you" doesn't mean you aren't a CROOK. You should pack your bags and head back to Iran where you came from. If you love America so much then you should OBEY American laws. If you won't or can't, then take the next plane outta here.
I am SO tired of immigrants cheating and scamming their own people who come here afterwards. It makes America look bad. Just look at the Armenians.
If you ARE a convicted felon - SOMEONE should contact Immigration And Customes Enforcement, they will boot his a*s out of here PRONTO !

#4 Author of original report
RAMIN DELAVARI ia a convicted felon la ca.2007
AUTHOR: pkamali - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Monday, April 19, 2010
Mr Delavari you wanted Iranian like your brother @ sister to know who you realy are franklly i do,t know about other people complain you have been arrested by los angeles police for felony in los angeles california on jun. 24. 2007 @ convicted as a felon case #AG1374501309 can you still call the iranian as your brother @ sister while you are ripping them .how can you deffend your self. I dont know about your competion or any other victim, peopple that they put there trust in you are not aware of who you really are. here is the proof what do you have to say now.are you going to find me and beat me as you said in your rebuttal.

#3 REBUTTAL Owner of company
Ramin Delavari trusted name in Iranian Community
AUTHOR: Delavari Immigration Services - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, April 18, 2010
Dear Reader,
Please note that, if this individual had any validity to his argument, he would mention his true and real name rather than post anonymous but instead, he is writing anonymously and under fake names.
First of all, I would like to thank the public especially the Iranian community within the United States and Iran for putting their trust in me and as always I make it my priority and personal goal to do my absolute best to provide the best service that I can possibility give to my fellow country man. The writer of these anonymous articles who is making these false allegations against me is deceiving the public by stating that I do not maintain an immigration Consultant Surety bond. This individual is obviously ignorant and has nothing to offer the public but his vile and hatred. As for you the writer of this anonymous defamatory articles, you know that your statements are baseless and it is because of this reason that you hide yourself anonymous. You do not identify yourself since you know that your allegations against me are false. You know that my Television program is one of the most watch television programs on air broadcasted 5 days a week on Tasvir-E-Iran. Therefore, I invite you to come to my show this week and prove your allegations against me in front of public and I shall prove to the public your false accusation and allegations against me with solid evidence.
As for you dear writer of this articles, in contract to jealous and ill-hearted individuals like you, because of my belief and trust in the all mighty god and in conjunction with my associate attorneys to whom I am also grateful, more and more individuals are putting their trust in me and my company and more and more of them are mainlining their relationship with me and in a way they have become like my brothers and sisters and it is this bond that keeps me going every day and it is this that makes you and people like you fall behind.

#2 Consumer Comment
This Company Is ILLEGAL
SUBMITTED: Sunday, April 18, 2010
Mr. Delavari.
In California you are required to maintain an Immigration Consulant Surity Bond pursuant to Section 22443.1(e) of the Business and Professions Code. You DO NOT possess that bond, therefore you are operating ILLEGALLY in the State.
I recommend to the victim of your scam to contact the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office Bureau of Investigation at 210 West Temple Street, Rm. 17-1102
Los Angeles, CA. 90012. Phone: (213) 974-3612. They have a special unit of investigators who work ONLY on cases such as this one and would like nothing more than to put Mr Delavari in JAIL.
You may also file a lawsuit in Small Claims court to recover your money. Refer to the above B&P section when presenting your case. You have a cause of action for fraud and I also recommend you sue for TRIPLE DAMAGES based on that fraud against the company and Mr Delavari PERSONALLY.
So much for your mail-order law degree loser

#1 REBUTTAL Owner of company
Ramin Delavari is not effected by false allegations.
AUTHOR: Delavari Immigration Services - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, April 18, 2010
Dear reader, I hereby would like to clear this individuals allegations against me. Obviously, this person who according to sources is a competitor of us is and is trying to distort our image based on false allegations. This individual is hurt financially due to the fact that he is not getting any business from the Iranian community because of his fraudulent business practices. If you are in touch with the person than be aware that this person has a history of scamming clients with no refund policy. If you are a victim of this individual contact us immediately. With exception that I am not an attorney (I have successfully finished the 1st year of Law School and need to take the baby bar in order to proceed) I have never taken anyone's money for which i have not performed any work for. Work is performed on contract bases only and each contract is unique to the needs of the particular client. Client's for Student visa are charged different than those for tourist visa and so forth. If a client is charged $2,000 client is informed in precise details of what the contract is supposed to provide for the client. Our contracts (unlike most competitors in this business) are equipped with a Refund policy which is why we are successful in this business. In regards to phone calls not being answered, that is totally false as my office is open 7 days a week. Anyone who wants to talk to me can do so easily by calling the office and asking for me so. Anyone who has done business with me knows that I am available for any phone calls. In regards to screening incoming phone calls, this person is refereeing to the daily T.V show programs that I have broadcasted on Tasvir-E-Iran Monday thru Thursday between 10:00-11:00 A.M Los Angeles time (I encourage you to watch them). If you do watch my show, you shall see that In my show, I do not screen any phones calls as I take the incoming phone calls as come in. Anyone is welcomed to call and ask questions. As a matter of fact, I am known for the only talk show which does not screen incoming calls. In regards client being charged $30,000, as stated above, each client contract is unique to the needs of the client. This individual is referring to the case about a lady by the name of Ms. Hale Bozorggreaeli. She contacted us in November of 2009 asking me if I could help her come to the United States because she was refused visa to the United States. She had been refused visa number of times as a matter which usually makes it extremely difficult to obtain visa the next time. She has a twin sister and that all her family members including her parents live in the United States except her. She and her parents told me that if I could bring her over to the United States to be reunited with her family members, then that is all that she ever wanted in her life. On November 11, 2009 she signed our contract for: (1) Obtain admission to KAPLAN Courses (Los Angeles) for preparation of the USMLE Exams (since she is a Medical Doctor) (2) Assistance to obtain residency upon ECFMG Certification. (This is the contract she signed and I am willing to share it with anyone). The contract specifically states ADMISSION ONLY. The contract does provide for TUITION. Ms. Bozorggreaeli and her parents knew that very well. Upon reaching the United States, she started demanding $14,800 from us. She does not take into consideration the fees that we had to pay to KAPLAN and to have her prepared for consular Interview in Turkey, forms, time and effort associated with preparing her case. My understanding here is the following, because she is now in the United States, she feels that she no longer is obligated to pay the 2nd half of the contract fee which is $15,000. The original contract was $30,000. The contract specifically stated that, the fee is binding and no refund will be made should she change her mind for any reason. The contract stated that should the client not obtain visa for any reason $13,000 will be refund within 3 days. Because we believe in helping people, I did not even mention anything to her about having her pay the 2nd half of the contract. I was simply not going to provide the 2nd half of the contract since she obviously did not and does not want to pay for it. But this tactic that she is using, that is saying we are fraud company to bypass paying the 2nd half of the contract in my opinion is unethical and unfair knowing that she knew exactly what the contract was about and what she each party obligation was toward each other.

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