Complaint Review: Nob Hill Notary (Cheryl Merrill) - San Francisco California
- Nob Hill Notary (Cheryl Merrill) 1245 California Street #303 San Francisco, California United States of America
- Phone: 415 346-3091
- Web:
- Category: Bigots
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Cheryl Meril Issued Order by courts
*General Comment: I Edmond Wollmann did NOT write this report!
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Edmond Wollmann Served with Restraining Order Motion on January 3, 2010
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Cheryl Merrill has a fraudulent website: Nob Hill Notary Services.
If you're in the Bay Area, seeking Notary services, are you going to patronize a woman who runs a "dummy" Notary business"? A woman who, if you slight her, will cyberstalk you and dig up anything she can on you and publish foul, vicious creepy articles about you on her blog? Do you want her finding out personal information about you? Your finances? Your mortgage? Your business contracts? Coming to your place of business? Your home?
Cheryl Merrill claims she is a Licensed Notary, Registered Process Server, County and City of San Francisco #2008-0001091. As of this date (Jan 2, 2010) she has two websites up and live, promoting her Notary Services. One of them, however, is fraudulent:
Why do I say it is fraudulent? Because Merrill says it is fraudulent!
From her blog entry of August 2, 2009 (and still live as of 1/2/2010):
"I was able to easily deduce from my Nob Hill Notary Dummy Business Site's visitor log the individual who posted another threatening message...I set up a dummy business for cheap (it only costs around $100 to get a business license and fictitous name, then you just put up the dummy site)"
So Merrill admits that the site is a "dummy business". That means it's a fraud. She set up the site to "trap" people who visited it. What a lame idea, in the first place. If you set up a website on the Internet, yeah, people are going to visit it. If you have no idea how IP numbers work, it does you no good to collect them, and applying some bizarre voodoo to come out with results that jump to all sorts of ridiculous conclusions...well, that's just nuts. And stupid.
But here's the deal: She continues to promote that site as a legitimate business! When did it stop being a "dummy site" and become a real business? Even though it competes with another Notary website she runs ( ) she still has the Nob Hill Notary web site live, and promotes it on her LinkedIn page at :
"Cheryl Meril
Legal Document Assistant (LDA) & Notary Public
San Francisco Bay Area
* Contact Cheryl Meril
* Add Cheryl Meril to your network
* Founder, Legal Document Assistant (LDA) at At Your Service Legal Document Prep
* Founder, Notary Public & Signing Agent at Nob Hill Notary Services"
"Founder, Notary Public & Signing Agent
Nob Hill Notary Services
(Legal Services industry)
October 2009 Present (4 months)
Notary Public, Mobile Notary and Loan Signing Agent services. Certified and background screened by the National Notary Association."
So, there are a number of very disturbing questions raised here:
1. Why does Cheryl Merrill promote her alter ego as "Cheryl Meril"? Was that a legal name change? If not, would you trust a Notary who goes by two identities?
2. Why is Cheryl Merrill lying on her LinkedIn page about Nob Hill Notary? She says she founded it in October 2009. But the fraudulent website for it was up for it as early as August 2, by Merrill's own admission. In fact, it was created on April 10, 2008. (verified via whois lookup and archived). And she's already admitted it was a dummy business.
3. Isn't it ironic that Merrill states: "Being a Notary Public for the State of California makes me especially sensitive to issues of false identities and frauds" when in fact, she's got a false identity (Which name is real and legal? Merrill or Meril?) and is running and promoting a fraudulent, dummy business and a Notary!?
4. Why would you need two websites to run a Notary business? Wouldn't you wonder why in the hell a Notary would do that? Especially if that Notary admits that one of the sites is bogus?
5. Is it ethical, or even legal, what Meril/Merrill is doing here? Purporting to be a Notary who is going to verify or vouch for your identity, yet you cannot be sure who *she* says she is? If you seek out her services at Nob Hill, you are (again, by her own admission) patronizing a "dummy business" at a "Dummy site".
6. Did CALDA (California Association for Legal Document Assistants ), NNA (National Notary Association) really do a thorough background check on Merrill/Meril? Did they only run it on "Meril" and not catch the fact that "Merrill" has a current Restraining Order against her? Or the fact that she was jailed for communicated threats? Were they not made aware of her history of Restraining Orders against her, her cyberstalking, her Death Threats, her vicious campaigns of defamation, hate mail, and hate blogs? Her vehement and shocking statements against gays? Against lesbians?
7. Does the County and City of San Francisco know of Merrill's virulent anti-gay and anti-l*****n diatribes? Of her criminal background (jailed for threatening Sheila Rogers)? Her history of Restraining Orders (one to keep away from Chris Bridge, one to keep away from Joyce Cassells, one to keep away from Joel Utman/Gray). Once they know about the truth behind Merrill, will they continue to allow her to act as a Notary?
If CALDA, NNA, the Women's Network of Entrepeneurs, and Lawyers & Legal Professionals using JD Supra, etc. didn't know about her history, criminal records, and overall paranoid, obsessive, unethical and sickening behavior, they will now. Merrill seeks "dirt' on attorneys who respond to her frivolous complaints. She would be a hypocrite if she didn't welcome all these organizations being made aware of all the "dirt" on her.
And if you're in the Bay Area, seeking Notary services, are you going to patronize a woman who runs a "dummy" Notary business"?
A woman who, if you slight her, will cyberstalk you and dig up anything she can on you and publish foul, vicious creepy articles about you on her blog? Do you want her finding out personal information about you? Your finances? Your mortgage? Your business contracts? Coming to your place of business? Your home?
Aside from all that, I find that this is a woman who currently has a Restraining Order against her. She has had two previous R.O.s agains her, and she was even sent to jail for 2 weeks for making a violent threat against Sheila Rogers. She is not allowed to own a gun, and is notorious for making death threats against people and intimidating them with legal threats.
Is that the way an ethical Notary acts? Is that the way a SANE person acts? SFPD please take this maniac off the streets! SHEESH!
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 01/02/2010 02:42 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#3 REBUTTAL Owner of company
Cheryl Meril Issued Order by courts
AUTHOR: Edmond Wollmann - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 01, 2011
Cheryl Meril was defeated and declared a vexatious litigant, issued a 3 year restraining order, and ordered to pay damages for her libel and defamation by the Superior courts of California.

#2 General Comment
I Edmond Wollmann did NOT write this report!
AUTHOR: Edmond H. Wollmann - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, January 07, 2010
I did not post this post and never have posted anything about Ms Merrill on this forum. You can read about her fraud here:
I have a restraining order against Ms Merrill for her death threats and cyberstalking.
Edmond H. Wollmann
PO Box 221000
San Diego, CA. 92192-1000

#1 REBUTTAL Owner of company
Edmond Wollmann Served with Restraining Order Motion on January 3, 2010
AUTHOR: Cheryl - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, January 04, 2010
Edmond Wollmann is a complete stranger who was served with a restraining order on the day he filed this rip-off report. The restraining order was filed December 31, 2009 and is located at
Mr. Wollmann has been involved in serious dafamation activities against me. A lawsuit was filed against in in June 17, 2009. He has written such lies as my forging my Notary Public Commission. This mentally ill deranged man has been well documented as having "hit lists" of anyone to destroy people's careers over any slight disagreements with him. He obviously now seeks to destroy my new business ventures something that will be added to my lawsuit.
I have been fully background checked by the Department of Justice and FBI in order to become a Notary Public and Registered Legal Document Assistant. Mr. Wollmann is a convicted admitted criminal of Public Nuisance and a Trespasser. He's a high school drop out who has deep insecurity issues he takes out on victims and strangers such as myself.
For more information on the lawsuit (unlimited jurisdiction) in San Diego Superior Court:

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