July 20, 2010 Verified Criminals - SCAMS Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows - DO NOT USE - Ph: 208-714-4348 of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com passionspells@aol.com When is SCAM jan Windglows telling a LIE? Everytime she opens her mouth orpost s blog onto the Internet. Hey - SCAM Jan Windglows - where is your REAL ADDRESS - everyone knows only a SCAM post a PO BOX. SCAM Jan Windglows is a VERIFIED CONVICTED CRIMINAL- I know because I used to work for her in Bushnell Florida.
DO NOT USE - SCAM Jan Windglows Verified Criminal of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com
I live in Seattle, Washington now but I used to work for SCAM Jan Windglows when she lived in Florida. I learned the trade of SCAMMING innocent people for SPELLS and Psychic eadings. Jan Windglows taught me well. I have since reprted Jan Windglows to the Florida Police ANd absolutley will be a PAID informant against tis SCAM site called www.bloodloveandlustspells.com - 208-714-4348 passionspells@aol.com PO Box 712 Driggs, Idaho and PO Box #118 Boners ferry, Idaho. BEWARE SCAM Jan Windglows is a verified Criminal with a Criminal Record.
Cyber Stalker and Verified Criminal with Criminal Convictions that span YEARS !!! Jan Windglows skipped her PROBATION in Bushnell Florida an has been on the RUN ever since.
DO NOT USE - SCAM Jan Windglows or her employee, Jim Morgan - PO Box #118, Bonners Ferry, Idaho - is the most recent PO BOX. P: 208-714-4348.
SCAMMERS Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan do not provide a REAL Address on their SCAM site www.bloodloveandlustspells.com - Because they are VERIFIED CRIMINALS.
X- employee of an Windglows - I used to work for SCAM Jan Windglows - now i am a PAID informant Jan Windglows you can RUN but you cannot hide.
http://twitter.com/JanWindglowSCAM - The Global Internet is onto the VERIFIED COVEN of CRIMINALS at www.bloodloveandlustspells.com